Al Bedooings - Al Bedoo Shrine


Al Bedooings - Al Bedoo Shrine
Dec. 2015
Volume 53
Issue 10
Al Bedooings
Stay Up to Date
For the most up to date
information on what’s going on at
the shrine, be sure to check out
our website or
visit us on facebook at:
In This Issue
Page 1
December Calendar
& Birthdays
Page 2
Notes from the Office
Page 3
Blue Ribbon Downs
Contact Us
Page 4
Memorials & Donations
Our office is now open
Monday through Thursday from
9:00AM – 4:00PM
And Friday 9:00AM – 3:00PM
1125 Broadwater Ave
Billings MT 59102
Page 5 & 6
Shriner’s Board
3 Festival of
4 Festival of
5 Festival of
UU Meeting
10 -Shrine
11 Craft Show
12 Craft Show 13 - Craft
Ladies Holiday
15 Divan
17 Turn in
19 -DJ Dance
-John Denver
your Articles
(This is early
due to the
24 Christmas
25 Christmas
Eve – Office
– Office Closed
-Shall We
20 -Lets
Dance for Fun
Donald N Hackwith
Patrick N Branger
Derald J Thiessen
Gayle R Florence
Gene N Ernst
Teddy E Swift
Robert O Hanson
Donald F Jenni
Morris W Gullickson
Randall G Becker
Allen W McMillen
Dell P Aman
Christian M Sorensen
Richard L Urquhart
Richard M Swartz
Mike Hughson
Marc M Larson
Meredith L Reiter
Charles W Rubich
Ronald Boyd
William Neese
Jerry V Thuesen
Jason M Smith
Bruce E Miller
Ted Hash
John W Batts
James N Sweaney
Lowell L Butler
Stanley G Logan
Arthur L Lane
Leroy D Scott
Allan Olson
Peter Yegen III
James W Salsbury III
William R Davis
Jack L Gohn
James E Linderman
Chester L Duffy
Lucas J Seibert
Darren A Dehass P.P.
Trent Turnbull
Jack W McKee Jr
Miklos Skrapits
Paul Dahlstrom
Richard C Locke
Warren D Ostwalt
George Fulop
John G Beagle
Luke J Walker
Christopher D Wientjes
Kenneth E Graham
Page 1
Notes from the Office
From The Recorder’s Desk:
Just a few comments this month from the Recorder:
Don’t forget to pay your dues and if you wish to be a life
member at Al Bedoo, do it before December 31st to save you a bunch
of money. See me for details.
Support the incoming Potentate and Divan Officers as well as
your unit and club presidents.
Mark your calendars to attend as many functions at
Al Bedoo as possible in the year to come.
The book of 2016 is about to open. There are 365 blank pages
in it, what you write in it is your Novel for the year. Make it one others
would want to read.
Always be a good Shriner, Be a good Shriner always.
Thank you for supporting me in my role as Recorder these past two
years and I hope that you will support me again in 2016, my 33rd year
as a Shriner.
From the Potentate:
Nobles, Noble Wives and Friends of the Shrine;
another year is rapidly coming to an end, but
the work of the Shriners never stops. Thanks to
you, that’s the way it will always be, and at the
same time, we continue to have fun while doing
December will be a busy place around the
temple with many bookings. I just want to
remind you of Election of Officers on December
10th and the Kids Christmas Party on December
19th. Please make these if you can.
As my year as Potentate comes to an end, I want
to thank all the clubs and units for a great year.
Also thank you to the Divan and aids! And a
very special thank you to my wife Norma!
Keep my moto in mind.
Giddy Up Bro!
Jerry Granning
Installation of 2016
January 2, 2016 at 2:00 PM
Potentate’s Ball to follow
January 2, 2016 at 5:00 PM
Larry Tipton PP
Notice of Annual Election
Notice is hereby given that the meeting for the election of Officers for Al Bedoo Shrine Temple will be held on the 10 th of
December, 2015. This election shall be held at the Al Bedoo Shrine Temple, 1125 Broadwater, Billings, Montana
commencing at 7:30pm. This meeting as all meetings will be tiled and a 2015
Al Bedoo Shrine membership will be required for attendance.
325.11 Election Regulations.(a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish
and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his
vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication,
circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group
of Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is
prohibited. (b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a
candidate for elected office is prohibited. (c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend
any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election. (d) Notice. At least one
week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof
containing this section.
Jerry Granning
Larry Tipton PP
December Shrine Dinner Menu
December 10, 2015
Election night – Nobles Only
Tossed Salad with Ranch
Hamburger Steaks
Baked Potatoes
Buttered Corn
Rolls & Butter
Chocolate Cake
Page 2
Blue Ribbon Downs
Chief Rabban Fundraiser:
We are so truly humbled and grateful for all the support we received at the Chief Rabban Fundraiser, "Al Bedoo's Blue Ribbon
Downs a Night at the Races with Dinner and a Mystery," which was a great success. We would like to thank the Divan members and their
Ladies for all the help with planning the event, setting up the great decorations, helping run the evening, and cleanup.
A very special thank you is needed for Pam Roberts who was Stage Manager for "Murder at Berryam Stable" you are so
awesome. The Actors in the play were wonderful; a BIG thank you for the great jobs you all did;. Lucky Seibert PP as Bob Beachway
(Bookie), Sue Ravell as Minnie Ryder (Jockey), Bill Murphy as Mike Waffler (Announcer), Sue Paul as Marrianne Berryam (Stable owner), PC
Moran as Screaming Lord Hutch (Business owner in a ranch for retired horses), Norma Granning as Karma Phillie (Horse Whisperer), Mike
Kirschenmann as Walker Pony (Stable hand), Rhea Andrews as Xena Zumwhere (Model/actress Hollywood want-to-be living off Daddy's
money) and the MC for the play was Patty Branstetter as Patty Prattle (Reporter). In the end the murderer was....Screaming Lord
Hutch. But they all had motive and could have been guilty.
Other thank you's for those who helped Frank Glasgow and Debbie Ettleman, Neva and Wally Hall, Judy and Larry Tipton PP,
Timmie-Lynn Poglajen, Norma and Paul Lechner PP, David and Sara Schantz, Lisa Walker, Steve and Tracy Russell, Randy Becker, Louie
Kuhar, and Casey Thompson. And a special thank you to Bob Snow for making up a southern style themed meal to go along with the horse
derby theme, and the DeMolay Boy's and their Adults who helped clear the tables; that was such a great help.
There was 8 Virtual Horse race tracks sold and the "horses and their owners" were listed on boards in the stable area. Thank you
to all who purchased horses for the Virtual Horse race and the Blue Ribbon Downs on site races, the races are such fun.
And to all of the Business, Units, and Nobles and their Ladies who donated auction and raffle items and then bid on them, Thank YOU
without these items the fund raiser would not be as successful. And for all those who came to the event we hope you enjoyed yourself,
thank you for coming and supporting the Chief Rabban Fundraiser.
Fred Thompson Chief Rabban and Lady Fern
Page 3
Memorials & Donations
Don Cozzens
Weston Mehling
Earl "Buck" Keenan Jr.
Dick Haworth
Rhonda & Rick Brown
Angie Ettleman
Don & Marjorie Seader
Clara Chandler
Walter & Lila Taylor
Debbie Ettleman
C.M. Coffee
Robert & Enid Krauth
Thank you From the Al Bedoo Shrine
Red Fez Catering
“In the Shrine Auditorium”
Full Service Food and Beverage
Weddings, Trade Shows and
Seminars Groups of 50-500
Bob Snow, Chef
Shrine Ladies
Holiday Dinner
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Scottish Rite Center – Basement
514 14th Street West
5:30 PM Social
6:00 PM Dinner
$15.00 for Dinner
Beer & Wine available for individual purchase
Hosted by Lady Fern Thompson
406-690-8526 Cell –
Al Bedoo Shrine Office 406-259-4384
Meal includes
Soup & Salad
Artisan Breads
Various Desserts
Meal will be catered by members of
Laure’s Zidonian Chapter NO. 50
Order of the Eastern Star
Page 4
Shriner’s Board
Oriental Band:
Sons of the desert,
The Oriental Band has begun the caravan to winter quarters, which
means practice every Friday night to be prepared for summer events
and especially PNSA.
First on our agenda was election of officers for 2016. This honor
always goes to the blind, crippled and crazy as we try to model
ourselves as close as possible to the federal government. With these
low qualifications for office the field is wide, but after a long hard
fought battle Dale Moritz was re-elected on the 5th ballot. As past
punishment for treacherous deeds Doug Irion was elected
secretary/treasurer and our fearless Chief P.C. Moran was appointed
to the prestigious position of Musical Director. The most important
position went to Bob Snider, he’s in charge of the bar.
We will soon be preparing for the kids Christmas Party. We’re either
going to do some Manheim Steamroller or a rousing rendition of
Jingle Bells whichever one we can learn.
Enough for now, I’ve already said more than I know.
Al Bedoo Shrine Chanter’s Voices Of Christmas
It was Christmas Eve in at the meat counter and a
woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining
turkeys in the hope of finding a large one.
In desperation she called over a shop assistant and said,
'Excuse me. Do these turkeys get any bigger?'
'No, madam, 'he replied, 'they're all dead.'
Relax from your busy shopping and share your
Christmas season with the Shrine Chanter’s Musical
Program, Voices Of Christmas, at the Alberta Bair Theater
on Sunday, December 13th at 3 PM
Tickets are still $15.00 for adults and $7.00 for students
which can be bought at the ABT box-office.
On the program this year is the Chanters, AKZENTS, the
Billings Pops Orchestra and the Good Shepherd Lutheran
Church Bell choir.
Page 5
Shriner’s Board Continue
Al Bedoo’s “Top Gunners” – Top Sales men and the 2015
Gun Raffle Thank You Dinner
Hospital Corps:
By Scott Mullen
We waited for the first brush of snow until the 20th on November. It
was nice to take advantage of the good weather to finalize the yard work,
prepare the house for the cold to come, and fill the calendar with the visits
from friends and family. The Hospital Corps is no different, as we begin to
plan for the Thanksgiving Holiday Parade November 27th and the Children’s
Christmas Party on December 19th.
It’s really a magical time of the year for us to help move the name of
the Shrine and the Shriners Hospitals into the public view through our
actions and words as we share in these programs and outings. And really,
what could be more fun than having an entry in the Holiday Parade with
patients from our Hospitals participating? The wealth of our success is
measured in the faces of those Children we have been able to help. And with
their smiles comes the warmth in our hearts of a job well done!
It seems like the last month we have had a flurry of new patient
inquiries and referrals. They range in age from 1 day old to almost 19 years.
We have visited with families locally and spoken to others situated in the
eastern part of the state. A family was reached as far away as Wahpeton,
North Dakota by Kirby Norman, a Zuhrah Shriner, we called in Fergus Falls,
MN, to offer the Shrine Hospital services to this patient whose story
appeared in the Billings Gazette. It is easy to see that the Hospital Corps is
constantly seeking these Children, whenever/wherever we are, to assist in
their future and quality of Life.
This year we are mailing out 300 invitations to the Al Bedoo Shrine
Children’s Christmas Party. We will cover a 5 county area and ask if you
know a Shriner or a patient in an area further away, please extend this
invitation to them. While some of the locations are a great distance from
Billings, it may fall into a families plan to visit Billings and be here for the
Party. This is just a fun time for all Patients and Families, Shriners and
families alike and a way to visit and be a part of our efforts, the Al Bedoo
Meet with us Tuesday mornings at 9AM, The Hospital Corps welcomes you.
Happy Thanksgiving
Turkey Bingo at the
November 19, 2015
Stated Dinner:
Jack Fawcett, Ron Swenson
and Bill Orrell – Thank you,
Scott Mullen for the picture
Page 6
Al Bedoo Shrine
1125 Broadwater Ave
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 259-4384
FAX (406) 258-0788
Non Profit
US Postage Paid
Billings, MT
Permit No. 88
It’s all fun and
games ‘til
Santa checks
the naughty list
Devoted to the interest of Al Bedoo Shrine, its Nobility and their families, Shrine
International and the Masonic Fraternity. The opinions and statements expressed
herein do not necessarily reflect the policies of Al Bedoo Temple or of Shriners