bldae - Scimitar Shrine
bldae - Scimitar Shrine
SCIMITAR SHRINERS SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL THE BLA DE Vol 43 No 7 July, 2011 137th Imperial Council Session Denver, CO 3-7 July 2011 Scenes from the Denver Rockies Page 1 Potentate’s Message The Blade is published monthly by: Scimitar Shiners #1 Scimitar Circle Little Rock, Arkansas 72209 Office Hours: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Tel: 501-565-5992 Fax: 501-565-5342 Email: Web Potentate Floyd R. Buffington Chief Rabban Robert Cash Assistant Rabban Gardner Burton High Priest & Prophet Joe P. Diederich Oriental Guide Richard Graff Treasurer Charles Thomas Recorder Glenn Grimes First Ceremonial Master Lyle V. Shelor Second Ceremonial Master Kenneth W. Hepp Director Wayne Launius Marshal Randall Dixon Captain of the Guard Jody L. Urquhart Outer Guard James Patrick Wyerick Greetings All; I hope that everyone has a safe and joyous 4th of July with Family and Friends. It’s that time of the year for fun, swimming, picnics and good times. By now Wiederkehr’s and the Clarksville Peach Parade are history. We had a good time and hope you did too. At the June meeting we presented 50 year pins in recognition of 50 years of Shrine service. I want to Thank Gardner Burton, for handling the stated meeting as I was attending a High School Reunion. The Imperial Session will be in Denver, Colorado, and there are many issues to discuss this year, will have more on this later. Don’t forget Temple will be DARK in July! See you all in August. Be ready for an active Fall season, we have several events planned for the upcoming months. We will be appointing a Building and Grounds Committee headed by Lyle Shelor, First Ceremonial Master. We were at South Central States Asso. in Muskogee, OK., We were pleased that Johnny Robinson won 1st place in the Senior Clown Division. “WAY TO GO JOHNNY” WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! Yours in the faith and Unity, Floyd Buffington, Potentate Blade Articles Deadline The deadline for getting articles in the BLADE is the 10th day of each month Blade articles can be sent to this Email Address or If you find “MISTAKES” in the BLADE please consider they are there for a purpose. We print something for everyone and some people are always looking for mistakes!!! “NOTICE” THERE WILL BE NO ACTIVITIES OR STATED MEETING IN JULY FOR SCIMITAR SHRINERS REMEMBER THE TEMPLE IS DARK Page 2 2011 SUNDAY June MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2011 THURSDAY 7 8 9 13 15 14 20 16 South Ark Shrine Club 21 Ozark SC 27 22 23 Cossatot Fairfield Bay White River Blade Deadline 17 18 Wiederkehr’s Dinner & Peach Festival Parade 24 Faulkner Co. & Southwest Ar Shrine Club 29 28 11 10 Spring River Shrine Club Saline County Shrine Club 26 4 IN JULY 16 THE TEMPLE DON IS DARK 6 Jacksonville Shrine Club 19 SATURDAY Stated Meeting Nomad & Whitewood Shrine Club Tri-County Shrine Club 12 3 2 Northwest Ark Shrine Club 5 FRIDAY 30 MEETS 25 DOWN STAIRS Ft Smith Shrine Club 2011 1 August 2 7 8 Northwest Ark Shrine Club 9 10 15 16 Ozark SC 21 22 17 23 24 29 25 Faulkner Co SC Southwest Ar SC 30 31 Page 3 White River Parade 12 13 19 DON 20 DOWN South Ark Shrine Club Ft Smith Shrine Club 28 6 Stated Meeting Spring River Shrine Club 18 Cossatot Fairfield Bay White River Saline County Shrine Club 5 Nomad & Whitewood Shrine Club 11 Blade Deadline Jacksonville Shrine Club 14 4 3 Tri-County Shrine Club 2011 STAIRS FAMILY NITE 26 27 Contributions to Memorial Fund “In Memory of” Charlotte Epps Doyle Davidson (Wife of Rodney Epps) Director’s Staff Unit Wayne & Joan Launius Clay & Vickie Blackwell Ray & Bettie Pearce Jimmy & Dee Younts Harry & Frances Stringfellow Ken & Mazelle Chrouch Wilbur D. & Frances Johnson R. O. J. Court 12 A. W. & Pat Hepp D’Arthur & Wanda Ridens Buddy & Jo Phillips Barbara Ross Donnie & Laura Ross Harold & Bettye Balios Tommy Henderson (Diners Unit) Bill Holder Jimmy & Dee Younts Harry & Frances Stringfellow Ray & Bettie Pearce Ken & Mazelle Chrouch Barbara Ross Red Mullens & Frances Roller Buddy & Jo Phillips Ron & Sylviah Kupers Ben & Glenda Clay Mildred Taylor Bill & Mary Ann Mullins Harold & Bettye Balios Marion Ahart Harold & Bettye Balios In Honor of Tom Brown, For His Service To The Shrine Mildred Taylor South Central Shrine Assn. Muskogee, OK At the South Central Shrine Assn. awards presentation Imperial Sir Deputy Imperial Potentate (on the left) Michael G. Severe and Illustrious Sir Floyd Buffington ( on the right) presents Johhny Robinson (center) with his first place trophy in the senior clown division Congratulations Johnny !!! Page 4 Diners South Arkansas Shrine Club A total of Fourteen Diners and Ladies enjoyed the Golden Corral buffet for the May 17th get-together, in North Little Rock, AR. Following the meal, Unit President Ray Ramsey, welcomed everyone and then talked about upcoming dates involving the Unit, urging members to participate if possible. Onion sales were reported to be going well! Billie Norman was winner of “the ole dollar game”. June get to-gether was at Franke’s Cafeteria, on Rodney Parham, in Little Rock on June 21st. South Arkansas Shrine Club met May 19, at Larry & Linda (Sis) Hamburg’s home, for Bar B Que Chicken cooked by Sis’s father, Vice President Art Goodson. We had 19 present, everyone enjoyed the outing. Our Liaison Officer and his wife were in attendance. Some Vidalia onions were sold, they are nice this year. Secretary, Jim Wilson, gave a report on the Shrine Hospital in Shreveport, LA, Clown’s Corner Congratulations to Tony Francis (ENOB) & Miss Angela on their approaching Marriage JULY 1st. Their reception will be July 8, 6:30 - 9:00, at Scimitar Temple. Johnny Robinson (Double Back), took First Place in Senior Clown Division, at SCSCA in Muskogee, OK. during Memorial Day weekend. Congrats !! to Double Back Sincere Thanks I want to Thank our Ill. Potentate, Floyd Buffington, and Scimitar Shriners for allowing Arkansas DeMolay to use the Temple for our DeMolay Mini-Conclave on Saturday, June 4, 2011. I especially want to Thank the Diners Unit for preparing our food for our Luncheon ( Ray Ramsey, John Cooper, and Bill Mullins). Noble Mullins is in his 69th year as a Senior DeMolay. It was good to hear about his experiences as a DeMolay that he shared with our active members. I also want to thank Charles Langston and Jeff Tindall for their active participation in making our Conclave a success. The young men of DeMolay truly benefited from this Conclave, and our Shrine Center was the perfect location to host this event. Our Conclave was an essential building block in the future growth and development of Arkansas DeMolay. If you know of a young man between the ages of 12-20 who you think would make a good DeMolay. please let me know. This prospect could be your son, grandson, member of your church, Boy Scout, or simply one of your neighbors. Fraternally, Mike S.Rushin, Jr. P. P., Executive Officer, DeMolay Leaders of AR. TEMPLE OF TERROR KICK OFF !!! May we have your attention please!! Set your calenders now for the 2011 Temple of Terror !! It has been voted on and announced that the Temple of Terror will be a Temple Fund Raiser this year. We need all hands on deck for this event. We will be meeting at the Shrine Center at 6 p. m. the second and fourth tuesday from now until the Temple of Terror in October. We need people to work a mulitude of positions, even if you think there isn,t anything you can do show up and we will show you how much fun the fun raisers have putting this event together and how you can be an important part of this event !! We need new ideas and excited people who want to have fun !! We will have 13 days of Terror this year. The dates for theTemple of Terror will be October 13,14 & 15-October 20,21 & 22 -- October 24,25,26,27,28,29, & 31. We had over 1600 people visit our Haunted House in 2010 which is double 2009. Lets make this a year to remember !! For more info: Contact Richard Smith at or Scott Stephens at LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU ALL !!! Page 5 ARKANSAS RAINBOW GIRLS BIRTHDAY BASH Dinner & Auction SATURDAY JUNE 25th 6:00 P.M. SCIMITAR TEMPLE $5.00 per person All the proceeds from the meal and the auction will be going to the Shrine Hospitals. This is the service Project of the Grand Worthy Advisor for this year. Please come and support the Rainbow Girls and the Shrine Hospitals while you enjoy a great Meal ! Door prizes will be given as well as the opportunity to bid on items in the auction.Come on out for a great evening of food, fellowship and fun !! Arkansas Rainbow Girls and Shriners Hospitals will appreciate your support !! Notice to all Units and Clubs !! All orders for Onions need to be Paid to the Temple By July 1, 2011 so we can settle our account for transportation and the onion supplier !! Joe Diederich Onion Chairman Page 6 Scimitar Business & Professional Directory 12/10 ARKANSAS’ BEST TOPSOIL “If You have Growing Concerns” SUPER SOIL * COMPOST MULCH TOPSOIL * SAND GRAVEL PICK UP & DELIVERY SPREADING AVAILABLE 804-0888 10/11 Insurance Claims “ A Leggett Family Owned Funeral Home” We honor all prearrangements made by other funeral homes. Free Estimates Towing/Recovery Call 24/7 Brad Leggett 501-513-9200 224-2200 8801 Knoedl Court. Little Rock, Ar 72205 NW corner of I 630 and Barrow Rd. 12/10 PLEASE NOTE; THE DATE ON YOUR AD IS THE FINAL PRINT DATE FOR THE AD. PLEASE RENEW YOUR AD BEFORE THAT DATE This Blade is made possible, by the financial support of the businesses you see listed. PLEASE, use their services each time you have any available opportunity to do so. AIR CONDITIONING Huff Service Company 501-455-3100 12/11 ATTORNEYS Charles A. Brown, 501-825-8687 12/11 LAWN SERVICE 05/12 Cantu’s Lawn Service, Inc. Little Rock, AR. Phone 501-565-4348 Mobile 501-944-4847 Pager 501-688-3695 Retired Robert J. Price 4/12 DWI,Traffic,Criminal,General (501) 664-0878 CARS & TRUCKS Dennis Simmons, Landers Benton Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler Jeep, Dodge, Mitsubishi 501-315-4700 12/11 Tom Brown Parade Marshal Home Phone-- 501-753-4975 Cell # 501-680-6220 Work #501-753-3760 or 501-753-6220 TOWING 10/11 Pro Auto Collision and Towing 501-513-9200 NOBLES BUSINESS ONLY BUSINESS AD PRICES $55.00 per year 2 line listing $25.00 for each additional line 1/12 page ad (2.5” x 2.5”) $35.00 month (min 3) month) 10% discount for 1 year contract that is paid in advance Call Temple for rates on other various size Ads Nobles Please use these services when you have a need for them !! Scimitar Patients Hospital Report Scimitar Temple Nomad Shrine Club 49 Northwest Arkansas S.C. Page 7 3 44 Scimitar - Blade Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid #1 Scimitar Circle Little Rock, AR 72209 Permit 639 Little Rock, AR. July 2011 Scimitar Shriners Membership Future Imperial Sessions As of January 01, 2011----1237 Denver Charlotte Indianapolis Minneapolis -----------2011 -----------2012 -----------2013 -----------2014 Created Affiliated Restored Associated Total Added 7 2 3 1 13 Demitted Suspended Expired Asso. Dropped Total Deducted 9 3 29 0 41 As of June 1, 2011--------1209 “2011” Committees & Representatives Representatives to Imperial Council Director of Clubs Representatives To South Floyd Buffington Potentate Central Shrine Assn.. Robert Cash Chief Rabban Major of Units Floyd Buffington Potentate Gardner Burton Asst. Rabban Richard Smith Robert Cash Chief Rabban Charles R. Thomas Past Potentate Gardner Burton Asst. Rabban Parade Marshal Gary Dunwoody Ad Vitam & Emeritus ***** Joe P. Diederich High Pri & Pro Tom Brown Financial Advisory Committee Richard A. Graff Oriental Guide Richard Smith Jimmy Younts P. P. Charles Thomas Treasurer Harry Stringfellow P. P. Glen Grimes Recorder Hospital Board Carroll Elder P. P. Jimmy Younts P.P. Ad Vitam Representatives Tommy Epperson Ray Pearce, Jr. P.P. Ad Vitam Mike Rushin Jr. Board Member Representatives To Central Board of Directors Shreveport Hospital States Shrine Assn. Floyd Buffington Potentate Stan Jagow, PGM, Board Member Floyd Buffington Potentate Robert Cash Chief Rabban St Louis Hospital Robert Cash Chief Rabban Gardner Burton Asst. Rabban Gardner Burton Asst. Rabban Joe P. Diederich High Pri & Pro Joe P. Diederich High Priest & Prophet Richard A. Graff Oriental Guide Charles R. Thomas Treasurer Charles Thomas PP Treasurer Gary Dunwoody Ad Vitam & Emeritus ***** Glen Grimes Recorder Living Past Potentates of Scimitar Temple Frank A. Smith 1972 Wames Qualls 1974 Jess B. Woods 1975 A. J. “Smokey” Stover 1980 Paul H. Dixon, Jr 1981 Charles A. Brown. 1985 Dwayne F. Treat 1988 Gary W. Dunwoody James L. Younts Dennis E. Ingram Harold D. Stringfellow Sam B. Archer A.W. “Wayne” Hepp Dennis T. Stevens 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Paul Lawson Charles R. Thomas Ray Pearce, Jr. Kenneth Chrouch Charles P. Prewitt W.T. “Buddy” Phillips Everett Rowland Page 8 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Carroll Elder Arlan Harris Ronald “Ron” Kupers James H. “Herb” Williams Michael S. Rushin Jr. Floyd R. Buffington 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
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