May 2015 - Morocco Shrine Center Home


May 2015 - Morocco Shrine Center Home
Volume 62, Number 5
“How Sweet It Is”
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MAY 2015
What An Amazing Weekend, Fish Fry, Presentation Reception & Ball ...
Pre-Ball Jitters.
17th’s Pre Ball Fish
Fry with a very
welcome visitor. Elvis
was in the house! Elvis
arrived accompanied
entourage. He was
brought in the building
on the back of a
Harley Davidson by
Motorcycle Escort to
cheers. He charmed
First Lady Terri as well
as the Sweethearts
and a wee little one
charming as well.
Saturday, April 18
Pre-Ball Presentations: First Lady Terri and Potentate Donnie hosted a reception in Morocco’s
Dining for visiting Divan members, family and Morocco members and ladies.
With a theme of Denim & Diamonds Morocco’s Mosque was transformed into a wonderland
of diamonds, lace, archways and crystal chandeliers. It was quite evident by the huge smiles on
their faces the Potentate and First Lady were enjoying the evening.
Guests were encouraged to wear denim jeans and sparkle jackets, dresses etc. And dress they
did. there was even a contest for best dressed. The winners were Lady Joanne Westhoff of
Morocco and Chief Rabban Joel Ribler from Mahi Shrine PP Gary Thigpen, Morocco’s Recorder
came in a camouflage tux jacket, (very nice). PP Russell Lea jacket was all a glow with a huge
sparkling diamond on the back of his jacket. Way to go Russell!
Introductions were made then dinner of steak and all the trimmings was served then the
dancing began and everyone got into it.
Denim & Diamonds Gala
Saturday April 18, 2015
Morocco Shriners Auditorium
Dinner & Dancing
Social 6:00 pm - Dinner 7:00 pm
Formal wear combined with denim that creates the
perfect balance of glitz and comfort.
Men ~ business suit or tux top with your denims.
Women ~ sequins, diamonds and rhinestones with
your most flashy jewels with your denim.
Prizes for Best Dressed Male and Female
1st place: $100
2nd place: $50
Open to FrieRSVP
nds and Family!
RSVP by March 23, 2015
642-5200 x13
More Photos on pages 6 and 7
Oasis of Jacksonville
3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620
Tel.: 904-642-5200
May 2015
“How Sweet It Is”
Potentate’s Message
Illustrious Potentate . . . . . . Donnie Boree
Chief Rabban . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Cruce
Assistant Rabban . . . . . . Comadore Perry
High Priest and Prophet . . . . . . . Hal Mix
Oriental Guide . . . . . . . . .Hansford Joiner
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy Westhoff
Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Thigpen, PP
Bruce Ford . . . . . . . 1st Ceremonial Master
Kurt Murauer . . . . . 2nd Ceremonial Master
James Hodges . . . . . . Captain of the Guard
Donnie Boree, Potentate
Frank Cruce, Chief Rabban
John Wood (2015)
John Keane (2013)
Paul Cummins (2014)
Wilford Lyon, P.P.
Wilford C. Lyon, Jr., P.P., Emeritus
George Ferber, P.P., Emeritus
Donnie Boree, Potentate
Jimmy Holderfield, P.P.
Jerry Smith, P.P.
Frank Cruce, Jr.
Russell P. Lea, P.P., Past President SESA
Donnie Boree, Potentate
Frank Cruce, Jr.
Gary Thigpen, P.P.
Norman Blackwell, P.P., Past President
Donnie Boree, Potentate
Frank Cruce, Chief Rabban
Comadore Perry, Assistant Rabban
Hal Mix, High Priest and Prophet
Hansford Joiner, Oriental Guide
Andy Westhoff, Treasurer
Gary Thigpen, P.P., Recorder
Board Members:
Robert L. Curry, Sr. – Member
Cecil G. Kimberly – Member
Director . . . . . . . . . . . .Brian Painter, P.P.
Parade Marshal . . .Jim Suber Coordinator
Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Gartman
Outer Guard . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Moore
Emeritus Members
Chaplain, Emeritus . . . . . Billy Collier
Chief Photographer . . . . . . . Joe Tull
Colonel of the . . . . . . Horace Leprell
Motor Corps
Director . . . William E. ‘Ed’ Anderson
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Hodges
Assistant Director . . . . . . Jim Peebles
Executive Director . . . . . . . Vic Papa
Shrine Bowl
Imperial Representatives:
George Ferber, P.P.
Wilford Lyon Jr., P.P.
Treasurer . . . . . . . . George Baccash
How Sweet It Is ....
HOW SWEET IT IS…. When a plan comes together, it showed the Potentate’s Ball Weekend
was no exception. It was a huge success with record crowds, over 200 for the fish fry and over 250
for the Denim and Diamonds Gala.
Friday nights fish fry with Rick Marino aka Elvis in the house. Elvis was working the crowd,
handing out teddy bears and scarves as he sang some of Elvis’ greatest hits. Horace Leprell and
Scottie Green brought Elvis in on their motorcycles…what a grand entrance! As Friday night went
on, we had the Tarzan skit played out by Tim Osteen as Tarzan, Morocco first lady Terri as Jane
and the monkey was Horace Leprell. There is no way to describe this hilarious event. They were
all in costume especially Horace doing the monkey dance…what a Hoot, in fact the whole night
was! George and Julie, George, Sally and Rebecca Blossey, Scott and Carrie Lowe served up some
awesome catfish dinner with all of the trimmings – thanks so much for this great meal. Cindy
Cummins added her special touch with the decorations, thank you Cindy.
Saturday morning was the Potentate and First Lady’s reception, where we enjoyed some
fellowship with our visiting Potentates and their Divan along with Morocco’s Divan. We all exchanged
some really nice gifts. Thanks to all for the gifts and being a part of the reception. Debby Boree
and her crew cooked an outstanding brunch for us to enjoy. Thanks Debby, the food was awesome!
The Denim and Diamonds Gala Potentate’s Ball was totally awesome…what a night! If I have been told once, I have been told 20
times, the auditorium was decorated the best they have ever seen and I would have to agree. Bonnie Raye, your vision of the Denim and
Diamonds Gala was spot on. You nailed it, Girl!
I know you spent days/weeks working and planning this event. Terri and I are very grateful to you for doing this for us. The DJ was
spinning some great tunes all night and the dance floor stayed packed. Can you believe that steak dinner?? It was delicious. Big George
said they cooked 10 buckets of mushrooms! The entire meal, down to the butter and sour cream was outstanding. Thanks to George
and Julie, George, Sally and Rebecca Blossey, Scott and Carrie Lowe, Troy and Jennifer Horsley. It was good to see everyone enjoying
themselves and all of the camaraderie at these events. When you get down to it, it was YOU that made this the success that it was and
for that Terri and I are grateful for showing your support to Morocco Shrine and all of the work that was done.
Speaking of hard work, it would be impossible to name everyone that had a hand in making this a special weekend for Terri and me.
However, I do need to mention a few names and groups – The “A” team, Chief Aide Ralph Rawles, Bonnie Raye, George and Julie and
Morocco’s cooking family, Debby Boree, Cindy Cummins, Bob Curry, Danielle Horsley, Horace Leprell, Tim Cook, Lindsey Birnbaum,
Scottie Green and Kevin Saunders. Please accept my apology if I did not mention your name ... far too many to wright down. Nonetheless
please know that I do know who you are and what you did for us. The words “thank you, thanks, appreciate it” all have great meaning,
however, these words come from my heart and soul letting every one of you know that this could not have happened like it did without
Congratulations to the 1st place winner Joel Ribler of Mahi Shrine and 2nd place winner Morocco’s Lady Joanne Westhoff for the
Best Dressed at the Denim and Diamonds Gala.
Where would a man be without his family? I am truly blessed to have the greatest family in the world. To all my children and
grandchildren, brothers and sisters, aunts, nieces and nephews, cousins and friends, there are no words that can express the love that I
have for all of you. Thanks for showing your love and support to Terri and I. Thanks to my grandson, Parker Lee, for showing off his
dance moves. That boy has got some moves!
HOW SWEET IT IS…. On April 9th we attended the Official Visit at the Branford Shrine Club, who hosted the Live Oak and Lake
City Shrine Club. What a pleasure it is to see other clubs working together. That is what we are supposed to do. It makes us feel good
when we help others. The fellowship with the Nobles and Ladies was very enjoyable. President Buddy Isaac and his lady Susan put on a
great evening. The home cooked meals and the dessert were delicious. Thanks for your gifts but more importantly thank you for being
a part of Morocco Shrine and showing your dedication and support.
HOW SWEET IT IS…. April 11th Keystone Height Shrine Club invited us down for their Official Visit. Thanks to President Russell
Raulerson for making me a life time member. Your shrine club is always looking good. I like the way you painted the fez out front. The
food was outstanding especially that one dessert that had the sign with the ingredients’ on it. You know the one that had nuts, some other
stuff and alcohol…just kidding. We enjoyed being with all of you and look forward to seeing you all next time. Thank you for all your gifts.
HOW SWEET IT IS…. We had a great work day at the temple April 11th. These Nobles and Ladies worked their fingers to the
bone, and the Temple grounds as well as the inside of the facility received the benefits. Thanks to all that helped.
HOW SWEET IT IS… DeJoy Pace along with her family made a $10,000 contribution to the brick garden in memory of Noble
Ken Pace. I paraded many times with Noble Ken as part of the Hot Sparks unit. Noble Ken you are truly missed or as Tony Rogers
would call you, Rag Head…lol! Thank you DeJoy and family for your generous contribution.
HOW SWEET IT IS…. This article is over. My brain is fried and my finger has a blister.
Donnie Boree
DONNIE BOREE – Illustrious Potentate, 2015
Dear Ladies of Morocco Shrine
Well, another fun
filled month has come and
gone and boy was it busy!
A big “thank you” to the
Nobles and Ladies of the
Keystone Heights Shrine
Clubs for their outstanding
hospitality and dinners for the
Divan and ladies at the official
The ladies had fun learning some line
dances at the April Stated Session just in
time for the Potentate’s Denim and
Diamonds Gala. The Potentate’s Ball was
a huge success thanks to the many
dedicated Nobles and Ladies that worked
so hard to ensure so. Thank you to all
that honored us by attending and for
supporting Morocco. Morocco really
showed our visiting out of town guests a
big time.
I would especially like to recognize the
following individuals who made the Ball
weekend the success that it was. Chief
Aide Ralph Rawls and Lady Dee for the
coordination and special touches that you
did. Administrative Aide Bob Curry and
Executive Aide Jack Woodley, for all that
you do to ensure things run smoothly. The
best “A” Team there is …… as I have said
before and will continue to say..”You guys
ROCK”…. you don’t leave a stone
unturned! Cindy Cummins for the table
decorations for the Fish Fry and the
Saturday Brunch. George and Julie
Alexander and the entire Morocco
Cooking Family for the delicious
dinners that were prepared for the
weekend. We heard so many
compliments on how good the
food was. Debby Boree for
the wonderful food for the
brunch on Saturday. Dorfus
‘Flash’ Fain, Morocco’s photographer,
who must have taken at least 500 or more
pictures during the weekend festivities.
Morocco’s staff - Lindsey, Tim, Danny
and Mark, for going above and beyond
with your help in preparing for the Ball
weekend festivities. Last but certainly not
least, Bonnie Raye, who was the
mastermind of the beautiful decorations
for the Ball and to Danielle Horsley for her
assistance, a special thank you for all the
hours and love that was dedicated to
ensure the place looked spectacular and
that it did!
We are getting closer to the start of
replacing the current light fixtures with the
new energy efficient LED light fixtures.
Thank you to the following people who
recently contributed to the project, Divan
Lady Arlene Mix, Nobles and Ladies of
Keystone Heights Shrine Club and the
Ladies of the Branford Shrine Club. We
are still looking for contributions, so if you
have some extra dollars, please consider
contributing to the light project.
We are starting to pack for and
looking forward to, the Potentate’s cruise
this month! This is your last chance to
come and join us, you will want to be part
of the fun not just to hear about it, so call
the travel agent and get onboard with us.
Our next Steak Night in May is going
to be a Derby Party theme to include Mint
Juleps! So, Ladies AND Gentlemen(yes
guys too) start thinking about designing
your ‘Derby Hat’, as we are going to have
a Hat Parade with prizes to be awarded.
Bring the family for a fun night.
Upcoming Ladies Programs at Stated
May – Demolay to present their
Tribute to Motherhood. Honoring all
June – Purse Auction. Start gathering
your new or gently used purses to start
bringing in for a silent auction. The
money raised will help fund the First
Ladies LED lighting project.
Come out and support your Nobles
and the Morocco Shrine so that we can all
continue to support our Shriners
Children’s Hospitals.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Love, Terri
May 2015 the
Published monthly in the interest of Shrinedom
by Morocco Shriners, 3800 St. Johns Bluff
Rd., S., Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620.
Issued monthly. Postage paid at
Jacksonville, Florida.
Ruth Saunders, Editor
and Advertising Manager
(cell) 904-401-3291
Dorfus Fain . . . . . . . . . . . Photographer
Frank Elkins . . . . . . . . . . . . .Staff Writer
(Deadline: Friday following
Stated Session)
Chaplain’s Corner
What is the Gospel?
So what is the Gospel? Again my
two-minute explanation. The Gospel is
the God-inspired or God-given essence
of how we live together, serve the world,
heal things that are broken or burned,
and engage eternity. It is the core, the
summary, the kernel of the Morocco
Shriners. It is not the words but the way.
Love God, love your neighbor, love
yourself. You serve God whenever you
serve the hungry, the thirsty, the naked,
the stranger, the sick, the imprisoned.
You reflect God whenever you reach out
to the exile, the cultural outcast, the
hopeless. And God is with you in all of
October 16 for November issue
November 13 for December issue
December 11 for January 2016 issue
Deadlines are firm!
if you must be late a phone call to Editor, Ruth Saunders
904-262-8305 or 904-401-3291 Is Required!
Publically Speaking
By Frank Elkins
Silent Auction
On February 20, Morocco Public
Relations was invited to speak
at the University Club along
Alicia Argiz-Lyons,
Director of Development &
Marketing at Shriners Hospitals
for Children - Tampa. The
Jaguar Car Club of North
Florida held a reception and
silent auction fund raiser for
You may remember the JCCNF from
the recent past. In 2004 the JCCNF
began the British Concours Car show
and choose the SHC as their charity of
Over the last decade, JCCNF has
contributed nearly $50,000 to our
philanthropy and many of you have
worked and enjoyed the car shows. We
appreciate all of the associations, clubs,
units, and individual nobles that have
devoted their time to work these events
for this organization that supports what
we stand for.
I was told that the British Concours
Car show will continue with the date and
location to be announced. We
sincerely hope to visit with your
smiling faces again and look
forward to seeing some new
fezzes at this event.
This was a most rewarding
mission and we had an
opportunity to promote our
philanthropy and advance the
interest in our fraternal activities
as well.
It was a pleasurable occasion to share
valuable information and to explain our
mission. Promoting our program is
essential in keeping it alive, both within
our organization as well as other groups
where people are assembled in waiting
for information about Shriners and the
Shriners Hospitals for Children.
If you have knowledge of an
organization that wants to hear our
story, pick up to phone and contact your
Public Relations Association.
Quarterly Reports
The Quarterly Financial Reports for all Associations, Clubs and Units were
due April 10, 2015 for the First Quarter. Please contact our Recorder,
Illustrious Gary Thigpen to ensure your group is in compliance.
In Memoriam
These We Do Not Forget
this. God gives us words and ways and
energy and even freedom from death
and its fears. God loves peace: put away
your sword toward one another. God
loves prayer and community and people
who give. That’s the Gospel.
There is more to it, but there is not
anything else like it. No other assembly
of ethics is its equal for its enormous
demands and its shocking essence of
forgiveness. No other compilation has
one foot in divine shoes and the other in
the swamps East of Eden. No other so
upholds joyful life while facing the
suffering of reality. We have the Gospel.
And we do not hoard it, but it immerses
us in blessing and challenge, opportunity
and mystery.
Finally I bring you an image for
membership taken from a film I saw in
1976: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s
Nest. I haven’t seen it since then but the
image has stayed with me. Jack
Nicholson, the lead asylum resident,
hates his confinement. And he is not a
compliant boarder. He wants out. And
he tries everything to get out, even to
liberate others. Now all through the film
the characters are walking around this
big piece of marble: I can’t remember if
it is a fountain or a table or a statue. But
it is consistently obvious that if it could
would be free.
Well, Jack tries
everything to get
away and in a near climactic moment,
after a speech about dangers within and
beauty beyond, he goes to this marble
thing and tries to lift it. He struggles,
strains, fights to lift this object of
opportunity, and it doesn’t move an
inch. Everyone looks at him like he is
crazy. And after his failed attempt he
says, “At least I tried.” This Temple is
the place where we try. On behalf of our
children, on behalf of our neighbors, on
behalf of our God. There are a lot of
apparently immovable objects in our
society and in our world, even in our
Temple. But they may be tools for our
liberation. They may be opportunities to
serve. And I don’t cite that movie to
remember that Jack couldn’t lift the
marble and just to revere his attempts,
but also to remember that someone else
came along just after him and picked up
the rock and went forth to new life.
That’s why we’re here.
There are others who can carry the
torch, but we have to hand it to them, or
at least point the way.
April dinner meeting was attended by
nearly 100 nobles, ladies, family and
friends of which eight were Past
Potentates. We also had the pleasure of
visiting with M:.W:. Richard Lynn,
P.G.M and M:.W:. Danny Griffin, P.G.M.
We were proud to enjoy the company
of Noble Gary Reynolds, our newest
member from last month, at his first
Noble Vince Gomez reported
contributions from the paper drive
included Beaches Shrine Club at
$1,775, Ballyhoo Buggies at $2,000,
and Motorcycle Escort at $952. Thanks
to all who participated.
The Jacksonville Suns game is June
11 and tickets are only $6.75. The game
starts at 7:05 pm and the line-up for
parade units is at 5:30 pm.
Hill with the honor of a being made a
new member. Ralph Scharle from Yaarab
Temple, also a member of Morocco from
past years, visited with us to see his
family member installed as a Shriner.
Noble Horace Leprell was recognized
as the Shriner of the Month for his
commitment to the philanthropy and
Potentate Donnie thanked Queen
Renee for the curtains in the mosque.
And corrected the Potentate’s
calendar for Steak Night to May 16.
Dinner Meeting
Marie Jones purchased four red
bricks in our Brick Garden for family
David Valentine bought a brick for
our Brick Garden.
Paul Kiernan gave $100 to the
Patient Transportation Fund
St. Augustine SC gave $100 to the
Patient Transportation Fund
Ballyhoos presented $2,000 from the
paper sale.
Jack Love with FBSC presented
$1,910.49 from the paper drive and
$89.75 from the Streetwalkers for the
After the presentations Illustrious Sir
Donnie Boree made Noble Marvin
Freeman an honorary member.
Illustrious Sir also presented Bruce
Sick & Distressed
Noble Robert D Jones with PCSC
and a 69 year Morocco member, passed.
Brother, Companion and Sir Knight
Zeb Turner passed with FBSC, passed.
Brother Art Barfield admitted to
Beaches Baptist.
Thomas James Gay, the two year old
son of Brother John Gay, Zone 3
Chairman of the Committee on Work,
went to be with God on April 7.
Drawings Past First Lady Faith
Painter won the dinner ticket drawing.
Noble Larry Giggey won the 50/50 for
Stated Session
47 nobles attended the Stated
Session of which eight were Past
Potentates as well as two PGM.
Six petitions were voted upon,
The associations, clubs, and units
were recognized.
Noble Bill Sistare, PP, encouraged all
members to be active with the
memorialized Brick Garden.
Donations - April 2015
We do not lose the ones we love They only go before,
Where there is everlasting life
Where sorrow is no more.
And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere.
We do not lose the ones we love
God takes them in his care.
Robert D. Jones
Clifford E. Bird
Bobby L. Jones
By Samuel Bennett
Moroccan Deadlines
May 15 for June issue
June 12 for July/August issue
August 14 for September issue
September 11 for October issue
Archie C. Beach
Zeb Turner, III
Keep the families of these Nobles in your prayers.
Patient Transportation Fund
Lake City Shrine Club
Mrs. Starling
IIn Memory of the Daughter
of CJ & Harriet Kicklighter
Bill Hudson and Family
In Memory of Caleb Keith
Bill Hudson and Family
In Memory of Phil Pott’s Father
Bill Hudson and Family
In Memory of David Valentine
Bill and Dave’s Bail Bonds
In Memory of Doug Clapham
Artie and Nancy Hardie
Kay and Sam Light
In Memory of the Daughter
of CJ and Harriet Kicklighter
Bill Hudson and Family
May 2015
Shrine Membership
Our next Ceremonial is scheduled
for September 18th - 19th, 2015
Membership is Shrinedom’s most
important business. New members mean
much more than a gain in numbers, or a
percentage increase in growth. New
nobles bring to your temple: NEW
Someone is waiting for you to ask
him to join; do you have that petition in
your pocket? That person could be your
brother, uncle, son or just a good friend.
Membership is the key to our survival
and without new members our survival
rate looks deem. Membership is one of
the key factors in our continuing efforts.
When we increase the number of
members we will also boost our efforts
and consequentially achieve and create
more avenues for activities.
Being a team player will dramatically
increase the odds of our success. More
involvement will make us stronger and
more enthusiasm will be a favorable
initiative for our growth. With
progressive leadership in our clubs, units,
and associations we can increase
membership. Reinforcement of new
members and retention of others can be
accomplished by all members, but some
individuals may need to make some small
sacrifices for the good of the order and
we will surprisingly provide the
consistency and value that many of us
have grown to expect.
As you and I know times and
priorities have changed, but the Shrine
is still one of the most prestigious and
influential groups to belong to. Tell the
people you meet about the good we for
KIDS, you might be surprised and get
that petition. If we all turned in a petition
once a month we would not have to
work so hard during the year.
together we can accomplish anything.
Think membership and tell others of the
great work we do for KIDS.
It’s Hahira Time
October 1, 2, 3, 2015
Last year’s attendee’s..... AFTER CONTACTING ME (KEN SOWERS)... you
can make credit card arrangements directly with the motel. They will not run your
credit card until you check in with the motel in October. Contact me at 904-7770009 and leave a message with you name, phone number and number of nights you
will be staying or e-mail me at The motel information is as
follows: The Days Inn in Adel, Ga. at Exit 39 on I-75,1204 West Fourth Street,
Adel, 229-896-4574.
If you don’t plan on attending this year...please let me know as soon as possible
... because we have a waiting list started of people wanting to attend.
– Ken Sowers
Morocco Capital Campaign Fund Form
To make a Donation, please see a committee member,
or visit our Business Office.
Name ____________________________________________________
Date ______________________ Donation Amount: $______________
Address __________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Credit Card Number: ________________________________________
Expiration Date: ___________________ 3-Digit Code ______________
Business Office Phone 904-642-5200
We are grateful for your continued support!
“The Lose One-Gain One” fund is a scholarship that will
pay the initiation fee for a new Shriner specifically chosen for
his dedication and commitment to carry on for the Kids.”
If you have lost a Shriner and would like to contribute to the
Lose One-Gain One call or email Ruth Saunders 904-262-8305
or or contact the Morocco Shrine Office
at 904-642-5200 ext. 10.
VISA and MasterCard Accepted ....
Did you knolw you can pay for Dues, Meals, Tickets, etc.
with your VISA or MasterCard?
A great Convenience,
Record Keeping and
a Time Saver!
Upcoming Events
May 6-9
May 12
May 13
May 15
May 16
May 21
May 23-29
May 25-28
June 4-7
June 6-7
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 25
June 27
FSA- Sarasota
Board of Director’s & Pilgrimage Meeting
Stated Session
Gainesville SC OV
Morocco Potentate’s Cruise
Florida Grand Lodge
55th Annual Morocco Shrine Circus
Board of Directors & Pilgrimage Meeting
Stated Session
Suns game 5:30 lineup - 7:05 game
Beaches SC OV
Motorcycle Drawing
127th Birthday of Morocco Shrine
Steak Night
May 2015
Pay it Forward
Ladies ...
June 10th will be a very special day
of SHOPPING (at Morocco)
Bring your slightly used purses -- we will have a
shopping spree just for the ladies after dinner.
This will be a fun way to get rid of your unwanted
purses as well as buying that purse that you must
have to support Lady Terri’s lighting project. Please
contact Marie Jones (904-379-8449) or Pam Brickle
(904-384-9954) to donate your purses
Convention in Nashville, TN
AUGUST 5-9, 2015
Welcome to the Sheraton Music City
Southeast Shrine Association
Housing and registration information at
Call central reservations:
866-627-7060 ask for SE Shrine Association group room block
or the on-line reservation link for attendees is
Reservation deadline or Cut-offdate:
JUNE 29TH 2015 while availability last
Credit card guarantee required and changes or cancellation
required 48 hours prior to arrival.
Buy a brick for the Memorial Walk Way around the
Silent Messenger and Sphinx in front of the Temple.
Bricks will be engraved with your information
“Sweetheart’s are Shrine Widows”
New Tampa Kid “Pays it
Forward” at Higher Level. One of
12-year-old N’Jhari Jackson’s
favorite quotes is by Dr. Benjamin
S. Carson, renowned pediatric
neurosurgeon, philanthropist and
author. “Happiness comes not by
what we get, but what we give.”
N’Jhari has been donating to
Shriners Hospitals for Children Tampa for years giving toys “pajama buddys” to our patients in the hopes of bringing
comfort to them during their hospital stay.
Type of Brick:
Red Clay
Number of Bricks _____ $ _______
Number of Bricks _____ $ _______
Inscription on face of brick PLEASE PRINT up to 34 letters
We are a group of ladies that are
widows of Shriners.
There are lots of ladies that feel, after
the death of our husbands, we are left
out and lost. We are all in the same boat.
We were so active as a couple and it isn’t
the same.
Lots of us are still active. We meet
once a month on the third Thursday at
10:30 am for fellowship, play a game,
then have a wonderful lunch hosted by
the Potentate and Chief Aide at no cost
to the Sweethearts.
If any widow, or if someone knows of
someone whom I am not aware of,
please contact me with their names and
phone number.
Several have said “I have never been
invited” you don’t have to have a special
invitation to any function with the
Morocco Shriners. A Sweetheart table or
tables are reserved for us, so you’ll never
be alone.
Remember, we meet on the third
Thursday of every month in the dining
room. Call me if you have any questions
- would love to hear from you. Jessie
Booth, Chairman 904-928-9772.
Pilgrimage Committee Meeting
April 7, 2015
Units represented: Transportation, Provost Guard, Motor Cycle Escort, Ballyhoos,
Patrol, Funsters, and Thunder
Imperial Houston
Houston trip was discussed. As of April 7, 2015 there are thirty-one (31) Nobles
signed up. We have met our minimum for room nights. The cutoff date is April 24,
2015. Parking is being looked into at this time for parade vehicles, trailers, and
personal vehicles. Bill Hudson will have a table set up in Houston with welcome
packets to help you to know where the hospitality room will be and your rooms. The
Potentates reception will be Monday evening July 6, 2015 at five pm.
Imperial Tampa:
Hotels close to the convention center are already booked. We are looking into
getting rooms as close as possible. We will send two members of the BOD to Tampa
to see what we can do.
We plan to send a couple people to Tampa to get some logistics of how they
operate. This is the same circus we will be having, so it will help us set up. June is
right around the corner so we are shifting into high gear in order to make our first
“tent” circus a success. We need you Noble to send in your money for the Nobility
circus coupons as soon as possible. We still need lots of ads to be sold. Remember,
this is one of the qualifications needed to qualify for the Tampa Imperial. The cutoff
date for ads will be the same as the rooms cutoff April 24, 2015. We have signed a
contract with the “Gator Country” radio program for advertising. Tune in occasionally
and listen for them. They should start advertising for us about two week prior to the
Gun Show:
The gun show will be May 16,17, 2015. Raffle tickets are available at this time.
See Larry Giggey, Tracy Baily. or Art Allison to get some to sell.
Larry Giggey
Sec Pilgrimage Committee 2015
Gathers Donations During the
Starke Strawberry Festival to help the
Shrine Childrens® Hospitals of North America
For those that provide their time,
talents and love to help the many
children here in Florida and throughout
North America receive help from the
Shriner’s Children Hospitals, the
collections are extremely rewarding.
Most Nobles (Shriners) are refreshed
each time they pound the hot streets
collecting donations. The experience of
having people freely and enthusiastically
giving to help the many children treated
in the Shrine Hospitals of North
America is wonderful. This year on
Saturday, April 11, 2015, we had eight
nobles from the Starke Shrine Club that
were able to participate. These nobles
included Club President Brian Sutton,
James “Swede” Larsen, Freddie
Magyari, Ted Barber, Don Petry, Scott
Roberts, Mark Griffith, and Daren
Williams. Linda Magyari, Lila Barber and
Ted Barber’s daughter, Jennifer Bowler,
from Atlanta accounted for the
donations. As the oldest active Shrine
Club under the Morocco Shrine Center,
the members of the Starke Shrine Club
cherish the support of Starke and the
surrounding communities.
Name ______________________________________________
Contact Phone Number ________________________________
MasterCard ______ VISA ______ Check ______
Credit Card Number ___________________________________
3 Digit Code on Back ____________
Return to Morocco Shrine Center, 3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S.,
Jacksonville, FL 32224 • Phone 904-642-5200
Pictured from left to right are Nobles Ted Barber, Brian Sutton, Daren
Williams, Freddie Magyari, and James “Swede” Larsen.
May 2015
Everyone Had a Good Time!
“Dancing at the Ball”\
Official Visit
May 2015
F ish Fry
Ballyhoo Easter Party
Best dressed Noble
Joel Ribler of Mahi
Special tha nks to those who made the Easter
Party for the Kids enjoya ble!
Best Dresses
Joanne Westhoff
Pre-Ba ll
May 2015
Gun Show May 16 AND 17
We have gun raffle tickets to sell. We need help pre-selling tickets.
Remember this money goes to the Morocco General Fund and is
used for our pilgrimages and helps to keep our shrine center
Riley’s Fa mily and Friends Fundraiser
Through the loving care at Shriners
Hospitals for Children® – Tampa, Riley
Clements and her family have seen many
lives changed for the better. Riley
became a patient in Tampa five years
ago and since then she has experienced,
first-hand, how we send Love to the
rescue® everyday.
Riley and her family are always willing
to help Shriners Hospital for Children®
and they are planning a fundraiser for
our hospital on May 2, 2015 at 6:30
PM. Come join Riley and the rest of the
Clements family poolside at the Hula
Bay Club located at 5210 West Tyson
Avenue in South Tampa. There will be
food, drinks, a band, raffle items and a
silent/live auction.
To RSVP or sponsor a table, contact
Christine Clements at 813-455-1855.
We hope to see you there!
More about Riley...
Riley was diagnosed with X-linked
Hypophosphatemia, a metabolic bone
disorder that causes bone deformity
including short stature and bow
leggedness. X-linked Hypophosphatemia
is an X-linked dominant form of rickets
that differs from most cases of rickets in
that digestion of vitamin D is relatively
We need assistance with large project related activities, such as
supporting the Circus, Arts and Crafts shows, filing, database
updating, and mass mailing efforts that we have at various times of
the year. Should you wish to share your talents with us on a Volunteer
basis, we would appreciate you, please contact Bob Curry, 904-2721279, or email with your information.
Shop for LOVE
Now you can also send Love to the rescue while you shop online. When you Shop
for LOVE™, you are helping us provide excellent care to children in need. Every time
you visit the Shop for LOVE site and purchase from one of the participating online
stores, Provide Commerce will contribute $10 to Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Please visit for details, and be sure to pass the
information along to all your families and friends.
ineffective. The metabolic bone
condition affects more than just the
skeletal system, which is why Riley sees
an endocrinologist at Shriners Hospitals
for Children® and participates in a
research study.
She and her older brother Chase
have also collected millions of tabs in the
community and were recently awarded
the “Kids are Heroes” award with
Tampa Bay Lightning player, Steven
Stamkos, because of their outstanding
community service.
Enjoy a New York City Broadway Vacation including theater
tickets, accommodations at a midtown New York City hotel,
and much more!
New Y ork City
“Volunteer Team”
Roundtrip Air from Jacksonville to JFK
3 nights at the Sheraton New York Times Square
Round Airport to Hotel transportation
Admission to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular
Admission to two (2) Broadway shows of your choice (*Price may vary based
on show selection)
✓ $1508.00 Per Person Double Occupancy
✓ $1321.00 Per Person Triple Occupancy
✓ $1227.00 Per Person Quad Occupancy
✓ $2151.00 Per Person Single Occupancy
NYCVP Bonus Inclusions:
• Admission per person to choice of the American Museum of Natural
History, the Museum of the City of New York or the NY Water Taxi
Statue of Liberty Flex Pass
• Admission per person to choice of the Empire State Building
Observatory, the Metropolitan Museum of Art or Top of the Rock
Observation Deck.
• Shopping discounts at Macy’s, Bloomingdales & South Street Seaport
• NYC Manhattan and Midtown Concierge Map
• Tax on included features
Deposit and Cancellation Information (*Subject to
Change Until Agreement Signed by Group Leader):
• Initial deposit: $150.00 per person deposit
* $100.00 for Hotel
* $50.00 for Airfare (NON-REFUNDABLE)
• Theater ticket(s) deposit (NON-REFUNDABLE) due in order to
confirm theater tickets
• Final Payment due September 20th, 2015
• 60 days prior to departure up to and including departure date – NO refunds
Contact: Pam Brickle (904) 384-9954
(If no answer leave message)
Custom Wheel Chairs for the
Wee Little Ones
Five days a
week, the sick and
disabled stop by
workshop on the
bottom floor of
Shriners Hospitals
for Children.
spindly legs. Children
wrenched by diseases
like spina bifida,
muscular dystrophy.
Anywhere from five to 20 show up
every day. They travel from southern
Georgia, Key West, Miami, Pensacola,
New Port Richey, Clearwater and
Tampa to marvel at the rows of brightly
painted, customized wheelchairs in
Kraft’s workshop.
Often the last stop after months of
rigorous operations and physical
therapy, children unable to move on
their own come to the workshop in the
hope of becoming mobile.
When children first arrive at Shriners
Hospital, they’re met by therapists and
orthopedic doctors who review their
medical history, take X-rays and test
their range of motion atop cushioned
examination tables.
Then measurements are taken and
then Kraft gets to work. Delivery usually
occurs within 60 days. The chairs can
run in value from $1,500 to $30,000.
The experience of picking up a chair
can be an emotional one for parents.
“You see a lot of tears here, tears of joy.
But they’re not always happy tears,” said
Kraft, who has headed the department
since April 1990. “There are also tears
that come from seeing their child in a
wheelchair and realizing that they’ll
always be in a wheelchair.”
In an age where hospitals face everincreasing pressure to cut expenses,
Shriners’ seating department is a rarity.
Most hospitals farm their wheelchair
work to outside contractors. And
Shriners doesn’t charge for its custom
work. The chairs are for families who
can’t afford to buy them and who have
been turned down by insurers because of
limits on specialized care and equipment.
The hospital refers those who can
pay to a select group of manufacturers.
Kraft and his assistant, Richie
Besett, spend their days in a 1,200square-foot workshop outfitted with
three band saws, a drill press, a hydraulic
lift, a paint booth and scores of other
The shop is well-equipped to tackle
whatever need arises, and there are
scores of them.
For children unable to keep their
head upright, or to relieve pressure on
the tailbone, it can fashion a chair that
tilts back. It can add canopies to protect
against the sun. Velcro strapping to
prevent falls. Custom-molded seat
The shop is crowded with about a
dozen demo models and loaners.
They sit wheel to wheel in a small
room near the entrance: Manual and
motorized. Bright red, purple and green.
Some with metallic paint. Chairs
precisely contoured to fit the most frail
2- or 3-year-old. Or equipped with gel
cushions to prevent pressure sores.
If, after six months, the child has
grown, Kraft can adapt the chair to make
the fit just right again.
The department has two storerooms
filled floor to ceiling with dozens of used
wheelchairs, electric motors and other
parts — donations from hospitals and
Shriners’ temples across Florida.
Retrofitting the chairs — blending
new and used parts — allows Kraft to
control costs. The department’s
$220,000 budget is driven entirely by
donations. Kraft says he can build a
$30,000 motorized chair for a third of
that cost.
Plus, he can add snazzy custom
The best moment, Kraft says, is
when a child takes delivery. For some
parents, it can be like watching their son
or daughter walk for the first time.
“We’ve had mothers videotaping on their
cellphones. They’re so excited to see
their child, they’ll take videos and send
them to friends,” he said.
“I love working with families. That’s
the best part, to see their excitement,
knowing your work can bring them some
May 2015
Units, Clubs and Association News
Donations goes
By Jay Graves
It has come to the attention of the
Street Walkers of West Jax Shrine Club
(WJSC) that the last donation we made
to the Shrine Children’s Hospital has not
been publicly acknowledged! We would
like to let it be known that we (The Street
Walkers) presented a check to the
Potentate of Morocco Shrine for the sum
of $8,000.00 to be presented to the
hospital during the Hospital Days visit in
We walk every parade that the Shrine
attends to collect for and make one
donation yearly after a year of collecting.
incapacitated (John Short for knee
replacement surgery) we have had
difficulty collecting and could use some
help from anyone who would like to walk
and collect with us for the hospital.
We meet at the head of the head of
the parade and start walking as the step
off begins. You can contact me before
the parade begins and I will provide you
with a bucket, apron, and decals to give
out during the parade.
Khem Temple #85
Ladies of the Household and Friends:
By Rochelle Alford, PQ
Publicity Chairman
Our parents were right (about
everything). The older we get the faster
time flies. For a year, Queen Mable
Colson served with dignity reflecting
qualities Nile members are obligated to
achieve. No one has done it better.
Princess Royal Renee’ Algrim was
elected to serve as Queen during 20152016. Congratulations to Princess
Debby Boree serving as Princess Royal.
(We all know Past Queen Thelma is
smiling). Princess joanne Westhoff will
serve as Princess Tirzah; Princess cindy
Cummings enters the line as Princess
Badoura. Queen Renee’ and her officers
were installed in a traditional ceremony
March 21. A beach theme reception
Sewing Results 2014-2015 –– Khem
Temple increased in every area of giving.
The value of items delivered to Tampa
and chicago hospitals topped $19,083.
A complete report was available at
Stated Session April 1. These fine results
were celebrated with a fish fry at March
9ths Sewing Luncheon. Thank you
Noble Keith Dryden (Pr. Judy) for
delicious fish, hotdogs and brats. A
hearty thank you to all the ladies who
supplied the sides.
Florida Days 2017: The Committee
is working to find a suitable venue with
affordable prices. Daytona Beach is
currently on the radar. Princess Joanne
Westhoff is the official Chair of this huge
undertaking to host all the Florida Nile
in the Moroccan?
For rates and ad sizes
Call: 904-262-8305
How Sweet It Is At West Jax
Hello! Things are really moving at
West Jax. We are parading all over North
Florida. Yours truly had a “Large” time
at Fernandina, first time I watched a
parade from the sidelines. Watching
from the sidelines presented a new
perspective and appreciation of the
quality of parade vehicles in West Jax.
The Bally Hoo’s always put on a great
show. The Hot Sparks were in style too!
The Roadrunners were doing their part.
Our very own Street Walkers are a hit
every parade. A “Big” Thank You to Jay
Graves and all of the Street Walkers. Thy
do a super job! Any member looking for
a way to participate in West Jax is
welcome to “Walk with Jay.” He has
extra buckets and aprons, one with your
name on it. Just ask Jay Graves, and you
can walk the same day. Watching
instead of riding was different and it is
possible to eat ice cream too. After the
parade, one of the best parts about being
a WJSC Shriner occurred. TwentyTwenty-five members and their families
(including kids) stopped at a local B-B-Q
Eatery, enjoyed good food, lots of fun,
Fellowship”! To my family, “fellowship”
is the best part about being a member of
WJSC. I have two granddaughters, ages
13 - 15. They enjoy both the West Jax
and Roadrunner meetings because they
have friends their age, and are welcome
at all our activities. Just wanted to share
a little WJSC Sweetness” West Jax had
a good turnout at Crescent City for the
“Catfish” Festival. Next stop will be
Callahan for the Railroad Days parade.
Do make plans to attend the 4th of July
parade in Keystone Heights. Every year
this parade is a huge happening!
Scavenger Hunt on Wheels, May 30th at
Morocco Temple. It is open to all
Shriners, Lady Shriners, Master Masons,
family members, and invited guests from
the general public. Please RSVP to West
Jax VP Eddie Edwards by May 23rd.
History note: During the month of
April, The Roadrunners celebrated their
20th Birthday. The Unit reformed under
an old WJSC Unit Charter for the West
Club News
By Philip Harris
Maybe winter is gone now, and we
can become Florida again. This past
winter was anything but what the
Chamber of Commerce promotes and
A very successful paper drive was
held on March 14 which produced a
nice check for presentation to the
Potentate at the April Stated Session.
Fourteen members participated in the
Fernandina Beach Parade and they and
their ladies provided a lunch for all
participating Shriners afterwards at the
All members are looking foward to
the Shrimp Festival the first weekend in
May as we will be serving refreshing
beverages at this annual event.
The club highlights long-time
member, Joe Graves, this month. Joe,
married to Cornelia for 55 years, is a
retired conductor from Amtrack Railroad
and has been a Mason since 1966 and
a Shriners since 1979. The Shrine and
the local cub are especially important to
Joe as he has served as club president
for two terms. He also has three sons
who are Shriners. “Wonder where the
influence came from?”
motorcycle unit.
West Jax Awards: This month we
review the “JIM WHITE” Award. Known
across Shrinedom as “White Boy”! Jim
White was a Shriner’s Shriner. He was
extremely proud member of the Bally Ho
unit! Jim was a dedicated Shriner who
never quit working for the Children and
West Jax! His energy and drive were
endless! Selected as Morocco’s Shriner
of the Year. His main call to fame: He
was the overall coordinator for Hahira
Honey Bee Festival. He planned
everything and everyone would pitch in
and help! We washed 10,000 dishes in
the bathtubs in Hahira.
It was the
Shrine at its very best. I can see clearly;
Jim’s Pickup with Sideboards, loaded
with cooking stuff headed to Hahira-his
Ballyhoo Buggy (full to the top) behind
his truck. He had 5,000 lbs. of junk on
his truck pots, pans, grills, deep fryers,
an ice cold keg of Coors’s Light and at
least one 40 pounder of his favorite
liquor, Wild Turkey! Jim was the official
West Jax Cheerleader. He would come
up with something and we were off to
the races. One time all the Bally Hoo’s
ordered metallic stick on signs for our
buggy’s, and one for our tables place
setters, We were on the FASMC,
SASMC, and Imperial MC, Drill Team
Competition Circuit big time and trying
to look fancy like the Hot Sparks always
did. The signs were very professional, a
cool color drawing of a Buggy with the
members names i...e. Donna and Jerry.
White Boy changed girl friends like – So
his Signs said Jim and TBA! There was
only one “White Boy.” He was what
every Shriner should strive to become!!
In closing, remember to support your
unit, WJSC and Morocco. Until next
month enjoy your family and the Shrine.
Cecil, Bill and
Tom - Thanks!
By Don Miller
I am not going to bore you again with
the details of the Spitfire feast at our
April meeting. I will, however, let you
know that Chef Cecil Kimberly is my
friend. YUM! YUM! Only one Spitfire
was absent and he will be severely
punished by President Joe Poag.
THANKS! Cecil.
The Fernandina Beach parade was
great. Good weather and a great crowd.
The Fernandina Beach Shrine obviously
did a tremendous job advertising the
parade. Parking was not allowed on the
side of the road at Poncho’s Casa by the
Sea so we gathered at the East end of the
park after the parade. Good ole Bill
Sistare really did a job for his good time
buddies. All you could eat roasted
oysters and boiled shrimp. Add ice cold
goats milk and it was enough to bring
legendary Spitfire Henry Cook out for
the afternoon. Why was Past Potentate
Bill Sistare was seen shaking his left arm
all day at Fernandina Beach? ANSWERthe auto-wind on his Rolex quit working.
Bill is really OK (physically)! A great day
for the Spitfires — THANKS Bill!
New Director Tom McAnally led the
Spitfires down the hard road like a
veteran. Split the middle and ring
around the old guard was only part of his
tricks. It was the first time in history that
anyone has run circles around the old
guard -THANKS Tom!
I hope that Brain Poag can be NICE
this year. If nice he will receive an air
pump for Christmas from the Scribe.
The odds are against Brain!
Next month’s article will feature an
amazing Public Notice Disclosure. Do
NOT miss it!
Hospital Visitation Program
What is the Program?
The name is somewhat misleading.
The Masonic Hospital Visitation
Program is, without a doubt, the finest
public relations program ever undertaken
by the masonic fraternity. The masonic
Service Association of North America
deems this program their major relief
It is much more than merely
“visitations” to the disabled and lonely
patients in V.A. Hospitals,State Veterans
Homes and Extended Care Facilities. It
is the rendering of personal services to
all our sons and brothers, Masons and
Non-Masons alike, who now need
someone to turn to for encouragement
and to make life a little more pleasant.
Little things mean a lot. A
friendly smile, a warm handclasp, an
embrace and a kind word can do
wonders for those who are lonely and
depressed in a hospital or a nursing
home. The Hospital Visitation Program
is a vital part of the Fraternity that
deserves your attention and needs your
immediate help.
New video highlights MSA
Hospital Visitation Program. A new
video, “Are Ye Able?” has been
contemporary view of MSA’s Hospital
Visitation Program.
The goal of the video is to inform the
Masonic world, as well as non-Masonic
audiences, about the tremendous work
of Masonic volunteers as they provide
assistance for our Military Veterans at
more than 150 VA Medical Centers and
other Veterans’ homes around the
country. It is also intended to serve as a
method to recruit new volunteers.
Copies of the video on a DVD are
available at no charge by contacting the
MSA office for use in Masonic districts
or regions, where it can be shown
multiple times to a variety of groups. The
actual filming of the video was done at
the VA Medical Center in Augusta,
spokespersons are Georgia Masons. But
the content is generic and appropriate
for any state or Grand Lodge.
Shrine Media Group
The Shrine Media group is booked up for, May, we have reserved dates in
June. The group will be available Tuesday June 9th, by appointment, and will be at
Stated Meeting June 10th, from 5pm on for anyone that wants photos done for the
year book. They will be available again the Friday, June 12th and Saturday June 13th
by appointment. Photos will be done at the Temple in the Activity building on the
second floor.
May 2015
Thursday, June 11th, 7:05 PM
Note: We have a Stated Meeting June 10 (the day before the
game) but please do not wait till then to purchase your
tickets. Don’t miss out on the fun!
Contact Bruce Ford at
for tickets and additional information.
Tickets will be available in the office.
April 11th was a Work Day
at Morocco
April 11th, what a great day it turned out to be. We had about twenty Nobles and
Ladies that came out and donated their time and cleaning materials. It started out as
an overcast day, then the sun showed itself and we got all the outside jobs completed.
Some of the tasks were painting the curbs blue and yellow, painting the handrails and
the metal shed, pressure washing the outside of the building, and blowing off the dining
room parking lot, so the parking lane lines could be repainted.
The ladies worked inside washing the globes in the chandeliers, as well as replacing
burnt out bulbs and putting in new candle sticks. They look so bright -- Illustrious Sir,
Gary, had to wear his sunglasses to look at them. A Big Thank you Illustrious Sir Gary
for getting the new candle sticks, so they could be replaced, what a big difference in
the brightness.
The Ladies then went into the foyer hall and cleaned the big mirror and all the
pictures of the Past Potentates along the wall. The glass doors were cleaned entering
the dining room and bar area, as well as polishing and shining up the bar area. Great
job ladies!! Thank you so much for all your help.
It was a great Day!! A very big thank you goes to all the Nobles and Ladies for your
hard work. Our Shrine Center is now shining. Bright thanks to each of you!!
Frank Cruce, Chief Rabban
Morocco Shrine 2015
Saturday, June 20th at Morocco
$100 for Two People (includes dinner)
Tickets are available from any Motorcycle Escort
member of call the Office!
WIN: $10,00 in Cash
May 2015
For Rent
Keystone Shrine Club
Available for Birthday Parties,
Weddings, Family Reunions, Dances, etc.
Located at: 5593 SE 3rd Ave.
Keystone Heights 32656
Call: Richard Geraci 352-284-2337
10% Moroccan Discount
Illustrious Sir
James H. “Jim” Raines
and Lady Ann
• Family-Owned and Operated
• Cremations • Prearranged Plans
• Monuments and Headstones
• National Cemetery Service
Beach Boulevard Greenlawn Cemetery
Restricted for Shriners
Crypt, Joint Tenants
Make an Offer • 904-277-4710
May 2015
June 2015
Circus – Circus – Circus
Game at
Bahia Ball
FSA - Sarasota - FSA Sarasota - FSA Sarasota
Board of
Directors &
Potentate’s Cruise - Potentate’s Cruise - Potentate’s Cruise
Hadji Ball
Mahi Ball
Board of
Directors &
3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, FL 32224-2620
Celebrating Mother’s Day
with Special DeMolay F lower Talk
May 13th with Dinner and
Stated Meeting
Taco Bar
Chicken Burritos
Rice / Beans
Dessert / Tea
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 236
Social 5:30
Dinner 6:30
Dinner Menu
Ladies Program after dinner
Please Note:
has been changed to May 16th.
• Social 5:30
Serving begins at 6:30
May 16th - 17th
Morocco Auditorium
Raffle tickets $5.00
You do not have to be present to win.
Proceeds to benefit the
Pilgrimage Committee
Space available for vendors!
For information email:
or call 904-962-1870
Please make your dinner reservations
by Friday, May 8th at 642-5200, ext. 13
DATE MAILED: 4-30-15
Kentucky Derby Theme
Steak Night May 16th
Social 5:30
Dinner begins 6:30
Steaks Cooked to order
• Baked Potato with all the trimmings
• Salad Bar
• Assorted Desserts
Wear your most creative
Kentucky Derby Style Hat
Prizes will be awarded
Music by D.J. Franklin
Bring your kids, family and friends!
All this
for only
Per Person
Make your reservations
at 642-5200 ext. 13 by May 8th
The Circus is coming,
the circus is coming!!
A new era for Morocco Shrine Circus “A Tent”
Air conditioned, and all the things that make a
Shrine Circus Special!
THURSDAY, JUNE 4th - 7:00 pm
FRIDAY, JUNE 5th - 7:30 pm
SATURDAY, JUNE 6th - 11 am, 2:30 pm
and 7:30 pm
SUNDAY, JUNE 7th - 1:00 pm & 5:00 pm