File - Ben Ali Shrine
File - Ben Ali Shrine
Shriners Monthly Ben Ali Shrine Volume 92, Issue 10, January, 2015 Ben Ali Shrine 2015 “Great Activities Drawing” This is how it works. At each Stated Meeting dinner you print your name on the back of your dinner ticket before the Purveyors pick up your ticket. At the end of the night it will be placed into a drawing that will take place at the November Ceremonial. You can also enter by printing your name on your “BASCO Seminar” ticket, your “BASCO Banquet” ticket, your “BACSO Fizz Breakfast” ticket, your “Youth Shrine Bowl” ticket, your “Ceremonial attendance” ticket, your “Parade ticket”, your “Picnic ticket”, your “PV ticket”, etc. Mainly at every Ben Ali Shrine function thru out 2015 you will have the opportunity to enter. What do I win? You ask. At the November Ceremonial three tickets will be drawn from the drum. The 1st ticket drawn will win a $100.00 gift certificate to a fine restaurant in the Sacramento area; the 2nd ticket drawn will win (2) banquet dinners at the Ceremonial in November, an $80.00 value; the 3rd ticket drawn will win (2) dinners at Election Night in December, a $30.00 value. The more times you enter the more chances you have to win. The drawing drum will be at all functions and plainly marked. If for some reason you can’t find the drum then give your entry to the Ben Ali front office and they will make sure it is entered. “Good Luck” and see you at the next function. Sid Leutholtz 2015 Potentate Elect, Ben Ali Shrine 1 Shriners Monthly Ben Ali Shrine Shriners Monthly (USPS#374-150) is published monthly except July and Sept. by Ben Ali Shrine, A.A.O.N.M.S., P. O. Box 214477, Sacramento CA 958214477. Subscription paid yearly thru membership dues. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Shriners Monthly, P. O. Box 214477, Sacramento, CA 95821-4477. The First (1) day of the preceding month of issue is the deadline for all news items and photographs. All materials should be addressed to Editor, Ben Ali Shrine,P.O. Box 214477, Sacramento, CA 95821-4477 Attn. Tamye. Ben Ali Shrine Elective Divan Jeff Davidson — Potentate Sid Leutholtz— Chief Rabban Tom Nickens — Assistant Rabban David Kubel— High Priest & Prophet David Barnekoff— Oriental Guide Treasurer-Ron Eggleston Recorder-Lew Wentworth Robert L. Barta — Recorder Emeritus Charles E. Davis — Recorder Emeritus Appointive Divan 1st Ceremonial Master-Chris Chediak 2nd Ceremonial Master --Daniel Dailey Director General --Stan Solid Chaplain -- Vince Lake Master of Ceremonies -- Don BloomP.P. Public Relations -- James Watt Photographer -- Eldon Vipond Volume 92 Issue 10, January, 2015 Units & Clubs ............................................ 6-7 Stated Meeting............................................... 3 Stockton Thunder Hockey .......................... 5 Hospital Corner ........................................ 8-9 BASCO Schedule ......................................... 10 Donations ..................................................... 11 Calendar ......................................................... 9 BASCO .......................................................... 13 Giants Baseball Adventure ....................... 14 Alaska Cruise .............................................. 15 COLUMNS Potentate’s Message.......................................3 Potentate’s Aides Mike Barta, P.P., Pote’s Executive Aide Don Fredell, Pote’s Personal Aide Steve Johnson- Chief Aide Aides -Bill Beckman Aides -Enrique Gutierrez Aides-Tom Lawrie Aides-RobertNield Aides-AmadeoRomero Ladies Aide -Billie Roggenbusch LadiesLiaison-DebbieClark Ben Ali Shrine P. O. Box 21-4477 Sacramento, CA 95821-4477 phone: (916) 920-4107 Fax: (916) 920-0690 e-mail: Office: Magazine: OFFICE HOURS M-TH 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE JEFF DAVIDSON, 2014 POTENTATE Nobles & Ladies: This is my final bulletin article to you as your Potentate. It has truly been an honor and privilege to serve Ben Ali. Both Joanie and I have relished in the friendships that we have made, and we appreciate all that the Clubs and Units do to support Shriner’s Hospitals for Children and the kids. This has been a wonderful and humbling experience for First Lady Joanie and I, to have experienced something that we had never dreamed of. We have connected with people far and wide over Ben Ali’s jurisdiction and it’s only through your generosity, love, and commitment of caring for our children that we have been able to succeed. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this privilege to serve you, and we wish you a very prosperous and successful new year. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new nobles and again encourage them to become active in a Unit or Club and join in the fun and fellowship of the Shrine. I would also like to extend my congratulations to newly elected Potentate Sid Leutholtz and his entire Divan; I know that they will do their best to serve the nobility of Ben Ali. Thank-you for all you do, and remember to “Celebrate Caring for Kids!” Fraternally, Jeff Davidson, 2014 Potentate BEN ALI SHRINE JANUARY INSTALLATION NIGHT TUESDAY JANUARY 13, 2015 DOORS OPEN- 5:00 PM DINNER - 6:30 PM MENU: ROAST BEEF, MASHED POTATO’S & GRAVY, SALAD, ROLLS, VEGETABLES, KAHLUA CAKE TICKETS $15.00 with reservations CALL 916-920-4107 FOR RESERVATIONS DRESS: DIVAN: TUX LADIES: FORMAL DRESS ALL OTHERS SUIT & TIE, LADIES: COCKTAIL DRESS 3 2015 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE TOGETHER MAKING A DIFFERENCE Happy New Year Nobles and Ladies, Your Divan is still ROCKIN after the New Year and are ready to ROLL! So don’t be late! Ben Ali Shrine Clubs & Units Officers (BASCO) is just around the corner, February 6 - 8. Starting with the Travelers reception Friday night, doors open at 5pm. The buffet will start at 6pm. Come visit, hang out, socialize, renew old and make new acquaintances. Saturday, the seminar begins at 9 am. Learn about Our Hospital, what’s in store for the year - Fun, Fundraising events and Trips. Workshops on getting involved in Membership, Community, Western Shrine Assoc. And FUN!! Our Saturday evening Presentation of Divan and Clubs & Unit Officers is going to be an evening of fun. Then on Sunday, our traditional Fizz Breakfast will conclude the events with a special Shrine Patient Story from a wonderful young lady. My theme this year means to me how We Unite to take care of our Kids, each other and building a bigger, stronger, Fraternity! We need to demonstrate to our neighbors, friends and family what this fraternity means to us and how we are making a better world. Some upcoming events you may want to mark your calendar for are: January 13 - Election Night January 18 - Alaska Cruise Preview, February 6 - 8 BASCO, February 14 - Sweethearts Luncheon, and March 13 - Stockton Thunder. We have lots of activities planned for 2015. Come join the fun, Together Making a Difference! Sid Leutholtz, Potentate Elect 2014 SHRINE LADIES HOLIDAY BAZAAR Lynn Peters Fellow Shriners and Ladies, I would like to thank all of you for your usual amazing job. We made $19,188 for the Transportation Fund. We had lovely weather in the end, and a really nice turnout from the community. Everyone that worked on the Bazaar and all of our supporters are to be congratulated. We make a difference. The Legion of Honor Ladies won the Tannenbaum Trophy, and the Divan Ladies took the Best of Show for their lovely wreath. It was the usual awesome display of wreaths and trees and lights and magic. This will be my last contribution to the Bulletin. I am retiring and Carol Balbiani is taking over the Chair of the committee. I know that you all will give her all the enormous support that you have bestowed on me over the years. I will be at next year’s Bazaar in the trenches. It has been an honor to have worked with you all. Thanks again, LynnPeters, Pictures of the winners on back page 4 LIFE’S SHORT…EAT DESSERT FIRST Ann Ward Happy New Year from Debbie Clark and Me, we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. The hustle and bustle of December is past and we are beginning a brand spanking New Year of 2015, with a blank canvas, so make it the best possible year you can. Ann Ward, Sally Parell, Debbie Clark enjoying lunch This month found Debbie, Sally Parell and Me having lunch at Seasons 52, 1689 Arden Way, Sacramento. Telephone: 916-922-5252 (Arden Fair Shopping Center). They open for lunch at 11:00 A.M. and their web site says they are a casually sophisticated fresh grill and wine bar that invites you to discover the sensational flavors of the seasonal menu. They use only fresh in season ingredients, thus the menu changes. Also, at the top of the menu, it states that none of the items listed is over 475 calorie count. You would never know that if you hadn’t read it, because the food certainly does not taste low calorie. Now for our food, we started our lunch by sharing the Trio of Roasted Mushrooms flatbread. It was a delicious combination of garlic confit, spinach, green onions, and goat cheese and truffle oil. It was a delight to the taste buds and just the right size for sharing. Debbie ordered the Cedar-Plank Roasted Pacific Salmon of roasted vegetables and crushed potatoes, dill-mustard sauce and grilled lemon. Naturally we all had a bite and agreed it was very good, done, but not over cooked. Sally and I decided to try the Caramelized Grilled Sea Scallops. They were served of a bed of butternut squash and leek risotto broccoli and lemon butter. The scallops were melting in your mouth good. We thought the dish was died and gone to heaven good! I can’t remember the names of the mini desserts we chose, but I can tell you we all but licked the dish clean. It was just the right size to top of an excellent lunch. I plan to add this to my list of favorite restaurants to frequent. Until next time take care and God Bless and remember LIFE’S SHORT…..EAT DESSERT FIRST!! 5 CIBARA MOTOR CORPS. Eldon Vipond, Captain Happy New Year! Cibara is looking forward to an exciting 2015 representing Ben Ali, our new Potentate, Sid Leutholtz, and his First Lady, Margaret. We ushered in the New Year with our Officer’s Installation appointing Eldon Vipond Captain; Joe Lapilusa 1 st Lt; Art Hawkins 2 nd Lt and Treasurer; and, Brian Tatro, Secretary. Thanks to the generous donations from individuals and other Ben Ali clubs/units, we recovered the costs of repairing our carts and expect to have a full contingent of drivers for our parades this year. Special thanks to our 2014 Captain, Greg Dwyer, for his leadership and Scott Barbu for his years as unit Secretary. If you are thinking about joining one of the many Shrine clubs/units and you’re not sure driving a kart is right for you, call Eldon at 916.759.3382 and he’ll make arrangements for you to test drive one. We hold our meetings the first Tuesday of the month at the hospital at 7:00 pm and are always looking for new members. In closing, Cibara was saddened to lose one of their own. Harry Scott passed away on December 3. One of the finest gentlemen we all had the pleasure of knowing and working with, we know that his passing will be felt by many at the Shrine and at the Shriner’s Hospital where he volunteered for many years in the Transportation Office. He was a long-time active and veteran member of Cibara and he will be missed by all who knew him. KEYSTONE COP PATROL John Timblin, Secretary Well here we are starting a new year and the Keystone Cops are starting with a new set of officers. Bill Wells moved up from 1 st Lieutenant to Captain while Bill Pinkerton moved up from 2 nd Lieutenant to 1 st Lieutenant. Past Captain Mike Boyce made the mistake of going on vacation to Viet Nam on election night and unbeknownst to him he was nominated and overwhelmingly elected to fill the vacancy of 2 nd Lieutenant. That’ll teach ya for not being at the meeting. Having served for the last several years the Secretary John Timblin and Treasurer John Clover were also elected to serve another term. Hey….I just realized. Our Executive Board has 2 Bills and 2 Johns separated by a Mike. Our outgoing Captain Tony Russell did a great job and had a very successful year. He stayed out of trouble (at least he didn’t get caught), didn’t receive a letter from the Potentate and the Cops had a lot of fun. However he lost possession of the treasured Captain Bell several times during his year and it’s still missing. I am hoping he recovers the Bell to pass onto the incoming Captain. Since I am writing this in November I will just assume he found the Bell and got it to the Installation Dinner in December. Speaking of December 2014. The Cops were very busy closing out the year. A little bit of rain at the Elk Grove Light Parade did not deter a couple of our more hardy Keystone Cops. With the rain keeping the Paddy Wagon 6 out of the parade, Captain Tony called out the “foot patrol” and made the parade anyway. Several “Santa Photo Shoots” and a couple more parade (weather permitting) kept the Cops pretty busy. Past Captain Mike Boyce was caught “out of uniform” at a couple of the events but since he showed up in a red suit with long white whiskers his fine was waved. With his wife Carol strumming the guitar and leading the kids in Christmas Carols he helped make lasting memories for many children. Thank you Santa Mike. Ed Rose arresting a Channel 13 reporter Join us at our monthly meeting to learn a little more about our Unit. We meet the last Tuesday of the month. We meet at the Hart House with dinner around 6 P.M. followed with a meeting at 7 P.M. Contact me for details at (916) 300-0699 or . Hope you can make it. MOTORCYCLE CLUB Mike O’Mara Happy New Year Everyone! The Ladies Christmas Bazaar and the Ceremonial were both successful for the club. The tree submitted by our First Lady, Mona Brooks and committee was very successful. We are also pleased to announce that Noble Tony York was welcomed at the ceremonial and he and his Lady will become a great addition to our club. Congratulations Tony. It’s going to be a great year for the Ben Ali Motorcycle Club. New officers, new ideas and lots of fun rides, parades and surprises coming this year. You don’t want to miss out. We meet at 9am at the Richmaid Restaurant, 100 South Cherokee Lane, Lodi. For more information on how to become a part of all the fun contact President, Shane Brooks at (916) 708-5437 or Secretary, Bob Monroe at (209) 356-1036. Better yet, come on out and join us for breakfast, check us out and we’re sure you’ll want to get involved. We wish everyone the most wonderful New Year and great things for the Shriner’s future year. WRECKING CREW SJD Welcome to a new year! What a great opportunity to take a look back and be thankful for all the good things in our lives. At the same time giving some thought to what adjustments we might make to improve those things that were not so good (hence New Years resolutions). Enough philosophy. In the previous two months the crew had its election and installation meetings. Efrain Vallejo wound up one heck of a good year for the crew. Our incoming president is Bill Dees. The crew is already gearing up to give Bill some extra support because he is also in the line of the Shrine Directors Association (the international association of wrecking crews). Good luck Bill we are with you. Coming in as vice president is the handsome and debonair Chris Chediak. The new guy in the line is Robert Nield. Coming from his position last year as head bartender, he is indeed well qualified and much beloved in the crew. Earlier this year the crew voted to change it’s executive structure. The position of second vice president was eliminated and the secretary’s job moves out of the line and becomes a permanent position. In addition the president and vice president will serve two year terms (thus it is still a four year line). These changes have to be phased in, which means that Robert Nield will have the distinction of being the last second vice president and the first two year president. Congratulations and good luck Robert. The December ceremonial was a great way to cap off the year. Helping to support the shrine and the hospital and in the process creating new shriners. I often wonder what a ceremonial looks like through new eyes. In one weekend the candidates are introduced to a lot of new and strangely dressed people. The structure of the shrine is explained to them. The first section illustrates ritual and history. The second section shows them that at any age you can have child-like fun and fellowship. There ain’t too many places you can get all that in one weekend. officers of Ben Ali Temple. May you have a fantastic year full of many new members and fun activities all benefitting the Shriners Hospitals for Children! Happy New Year One and All! Princess Becky Dunn (408)515-0822 LADIES ORIENTAL SHRINE OF NORTH AMERICA Ila Neb Court # 51 Lady Georgia Parker, PHP, Publicity Looking back – The tour of the “Christmas Lights” on December 2 nd was great! It was raining but we stayed nice and warm in the bus. We were treated to hot apple cider or coffee and homemade cookies while we toured. Hope we do it again next year. With all of the holidays behind us it is time to get the New Year on its way. We will start with our Stated M eeti ng and Ceremoni al on January 6th. It will be so nice to “welcome” the new ladies. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm by the PHP Club. The Sewing Ladies will be sewing at the Hospital from 9:00 am – 12 noon on January 13 th. Call Lady Jane Butler, PHP at 916-961-6789 or Lady Janet Johnston, PHP, at 916-383-5815 and they will tell you all the fun you can have while sewing with them. On January 27 th they will be at San Juan Masonic Center working on a very Special Project. They will be making placemats for the kids. It does not involve sewing but will be great fun! Please join them if you can. They will be there from 10:00am – 2:00pm. Bring a sack lunch. Lady Helen Zinn will be bringing a sweet treat for dessert. Looking forward – on February 3 rd prior to and after our Stated meeting, we will be having a Cookie Lee Jewelry sales event, and on February 21st we will hold our annual Fashion Show. This year we will be treated to a showing of a special collection of “Vintage Fashions” It will be at the Hospital. More information to follow in February but please save the date. MENZALEH TEMPLE 16 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Princess Becky Dunn Our next stated session is Saturday, January 3 at the George Primrose Masonic Temple. We will honor our Supreme Appointees with a complementary luncheon at 11:30 am. RSVP to PQ Pat Hunt to make sure no one goes hungry. Session starts at 1:00 pm. February will be a special time for our temple. Supreme Queen Marsha Sowers will visit the Northern California Shriners Hospital for Children on Friday, February 6. Tour opportunities will be available for those interested. Saturday, February 7 is our ceremonial at 1:00 pm where we will welcome several new princesses to Daughters of the Nile. We will honor our Supreme Queen and new princesses at a banquet following the ceremonial. The ceremonial and banquet will be at the George Primrose Masonic Temple. Please RSVP to PQ Fran Kilday (Roy) for all of the Supreme Queen Visit activities. Menzaleh Temple extends our well wishes to the 2015 7 HOSPITAL CORNER 7.3 MILLION GIFT SUPPORTS OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Our Occupational Therapy program has been named to honor a longtime benefactor who made a $7.3 million bequest to the hospital. The extraordinary gift was celebrated on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at a naming ceremony for the R. Martha Ludwig Center for Pediatric Occupational Therapy. OT/ PT Manager Cheryl Hanley introduced guests to the occupational therapy program. Alan Anderson, Director of Development, and CEO Margaret (Maggie) Bryan spoke to the meaning of the gift at a ceremony in the boardroom. “It is both inspiring and astonishing to think that the work and generosity of one woman can make such a positive impact on the lives of so many. Ms. Ludwig’s gift is an investment in the potential of all children, and it supports the hospital in its mission to give children comprehensive care that allows them to develop skills and abilities they need to become productive adults,” Maggie says. A longtime resident of the Sacramento area and a selfmade professional woman, R. Martha Ludwig worked as an architect, pharmacist and entrepreneur. She was the first woman architect to open a private practice in Sacramento. Although she did not have children of her own, she was inspired by the potential of children everywhere. She died at age 88 in 2012. In her will she asked that the money be used for “occupational therapy so that every child able to use his hands be able to do something useful with them.” During her lifetime, Ms. Ludwig donated more than $169,000 to the Northern California Shriners Hospital. Her contributions included underwriting for the 2012 documentary film Where Dreams Come True. Ms. Ludwig had a family connection to Shriners through her father who was a member of the Masons. Both Ms. Ludwig and her mother were members of The Order of the Eastern Star, a charitable woman’s organization associated with the Masons. With the exception of her Model T Ford that she restored with her own hands, Ms. Ludwig bequeathed her entire estate to Shriners Hospitals for Children. that weeks!) engineering and EVS crews worked to repair the damage caused when a water pipe burst. “At one time we had 100 fans going to dry the carpets and walls dampened by flood,” says Star Deppe, Director of Logistical Services. “There was nothing we could do to prevent the pipe from bursting, but I am proud to say our staff immediately leaped into action to minimize damage.” Simi Rossi, Engineering Manager, provided this report. Around 9 p.m. on Monday, October 6, the engineering department responded to a leaking pipe in the 5th floor west women’s restroom. Upon investigation, the engineer found a flush valve that needed replacement. An attempt was made to repair the leak, but the wall piping dislodged, which resulted in flooding on 5th floor west, 4th floor west, and certain areas of the 2nd floor, 1st floor radiology and basement laundry area.Responding to the situation and repairing the damage took a village. Jim Barry, Igor Goncharuk, Larry Stegner, Demetrius Borris, Alan McCornack, and Simi Rossi were on the scene almost immediately. Javier Valencia immediately headed to the hospital when he heard the news as did Liz Gomes, EVS and Nutritional Services Manager, and Star Deppe, who surveyed the situation all night. The electric train outside the Shriners Lounge had to be dismantled and will not return. Plans are underway to repurpose the space. The good news is that clinics continued, surgeries took place as scheduled and all activities related to patient care continued as usual. We can all be thankful to our talented staff for their rapid response! STAFF PAYS TRIBUTE TO VOLUNTEER EXTRAORDINAIRE! Hospital staff and volunteers recently paid tribute to Ed Damir — a real volunteer extraordinaire, who retired from volunteer service in November. Ed began volunteering when the hospital opened in 1997 and contributed more than 22,000 hours of service, logging the highest volunteer total. He has brightened the hospital with his smile, his fez and tireless contributions. We wish him the very best and know that we will still see him visiting from time to time. Thank you, Ed, for all your contributions! PIPE BURSTS & HOSPITAL LEAPS INTO ACTION Talk about fanning the flood. If you stepped off the elevator on the 5th floor on Tuesday, October 7, you would have noticed the carpet was pulled back, ceiling tiles were removed and fans were working overtime. For days (make 8 Noble Ed Damir getting honored John McCabe, Executive Vice President Shriners Hospital for Children As you are aware, we have been working very hard at getting our spending under control without adversely affecting the patient care we provide at our hospitals worldwide. We are doing just that. We are continuing to spend smart.As a result, our current spend rate on the endowment is less than 4.9%.This is down from a high of almost 9%. We are continuing to strive for new revenues. Our fundraising efforts continue to pay off. This year is shaping up to be the highest donation level yet. We continue our efforts with third party pay and look forward to another good year. Finally, we are working hard to continue to increase the yield on the endowment fund. You may recall that in 2008 our endowment fund ranked in the 77 percentile among other like sized endowments. In 2013, we got that ranking up to the 13th percentile. This year SHC’s endowment fund was selected by CIO Magazine as a finalist in the healthcare organization category for industry innovation. We also rank 7th in fundraising among all healthcare organizations by Chronicles of Philanthropy. But the work is not over yet. There still continues to be volatility in the markets. We need to be able to adjust as needed — being defensive or opportunistic as the circumstances dictate. I am confident that our team can do just that and continue the success. It’s important that we stay the course during this volatility and these short term market shifts. We need to stay the course under our Strategic Plan to balance the budget by 2018 and secure the long term financial security of SHC. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates low, the 10 year bond is approximately 2%. Historically the 10 year bond yields were approximately 5%. Once the markets are allowed to recover to historic levels, the additional 3% yield will go a long way to achieving our goal of having a balanced budget by 2018.In the mean time we need to continue to spend smart, and seek out other sources of revenue. We need to focus on fundraising and increasing our donor base. These are things we can all do to help.Thank you for all you do for Shriners Hospitals for Children. 9 BEN ALI SHRINE BASCO DAYS WEEKEND February 6 - February 8, 2015 Sacramento Inn & Suites 1401 Arden Way Sacramento (North end of Arden Fair Shopping Center) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 5:00 – 10:00 PM: WELCOME PARTY AND HORS D’ OEUVRES IN SIERRA ROOMS. ($10.00 PER PERSON) 6:30 PM: BBQ SERVED BY THE AIDES AND ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 TRAINING SEMINAR: SIERRA ROOMS TRAINING SESSIONS – REQUIRED ATTENDANCE FOR ALL NOBLES AND ALL DIVAN MEMBERS 8:00 AM:FELLOWSHIP - COFFEE PROVIDED IN SIERRA ROOMS. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST @ HOTEL. ($5.00 FOR NON-GUESTS) 8:00 – 8:45 AM: “BASCO REGISTRATION”UNITS, CLUBS, AMBASSADORS PICK-UP BASCO ENVELOPES 2016 CLUB/UNIT PRESIDENT’S PICTURES A TABLE WILL BE SETUP IN THE HALL FOR ORDERING CUPS 9:00 – 10:45 AM: INTRODUCTIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 11:00 – 12:00 PM: MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSION, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 12:15 PM: DIVAN INTRODUCTIONS AT LADIES LUNCHEON 12:30 – 1:30 PM: MENS LUNCH ($5.00 PER PERSON) 1:30 PM: CONTINUATION OF GENERAL INFORMATION SESSION LADIES ACTIVITIES: 9:30 AM: ALL SHRINE LADIES - MEETING WILL BE HELD AT YOSEMITE ROOM (DRESS, SKIRT OR PANT SUIT) COFFEE AND TEA PROVIDED 11:30 AM: LADIES LUNCHEON & FASHION SHOW, COMSTOCK ROOMS – ( $25.00 PER PERSON) BASCO BANQUET: THE BANQUET WILL BE HELD AT THE MARTINIQUE BALL ROOM. TICKETS REQUIRED - $40.00 - TABLES ASSIGNED. DRESS: NOBLES-TUX LADIES: FORMAL GUESTS: SUIT & TIE LADIES: COCKTAIL DRESS MENU CHOICES: PRIME RIB, SALMON OR VEGETABLE. (SELECT ONE) 5:30 PM: DOORS OPEN. 5:30- 10:00 PM: NO HOST BAR AVAILABLE 7:00 PM: DINNER SERVED 8:00 PM: PRESENTATION SUNDAY, FEBUARY 2, 2014 8:00 AM: BEN ALI’S FAMOUS FIZZES WILL BE SERVED AT THE SIERRA ROOMS. 9:00 AM: BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED AT THE MARTINIQUE BALLROOM. TICKETS REQUIRED - $18.00 BREAKFAST CHOICES: SELECT HAM & CHEESE QUICHE OR SPINICH & JACK QUICHE Please complete BASCO reservation form on page 13 and return to Shrine office with your payment. Tickets will be mailed to you. Housing reservations made through Shrine office. DONATIONS POTENTATE’S PROJECT Placer Shrine Club Legion of Honor Jairo Gomez San Joaquin SC Michael Barta In Memoriam FIRST LADIES PROJECT Placer Shrine Club Legion of Honor Ila Neb Escalon SC Michael Barta Robert Tamblyn BUILDING FUND Ben Ali Lions Head in memory of Bob Gill Montezuma SC Pipes and Drums John Simmons GENERAL FUND Tom Nickens ES SELAMU ALEIKUM THESE WE DO NOT FORGET MEMORIAL FUND Ellis Katz in honor of 61 years as a Shiner TRANSPORTATION FUND Intermountain Modoc Shrine Club Placer Gold Shrine Club “Santa Paul” McDaniel Tehama Shrine Ladies Ben Ali Patrol Wrecking Crew Past Masters Bedouin Ladies Montezuma Ladies Bill Beckman Michael Barta Mike Rizo Ronald Bashford James Blanchard Allen Butler Kenneth Campbell James Elkins Bob Ferry Glenn Harris Harry Scott Dwaine Sommer CATHY’S PROJECT Mike Rizo SUNSHINE NEEDED Jim Bailey Lee Collier Charles & Jackie Davis Dick Dunn Gene Kreb Jerry Kroeger Foster Maxwell Byron Scoggan 11 MAGAZINE SUPPORTERS In addition to advertising, a new program was created in 2003, called Ben Ali Shriners Monthly Supporters This program was created to assist the Shriners Monthly Magazine with the cost of returned mail, which is .86cents per item. If you move please let us know as returned mail gets expensive. Donations are on an annual basis, year to year. Supporters will have their name printed for $10.00 per line. COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW AND MAIL IT ALONG WITH YOUR DONATION TO: BEN ALI SHRINE - P.O. BOX 21-4477 - SACRAMENTO, CA. 95821 ATTN. TAMYE Anthony, Jack Barta, Bob Barta, Dee Barta, Michael Bearse, William Beckman, Bill Beckman, Donna Bell, William Bennett, Frank Benton, Kenwood Blount, Pat Briner, Kathy Briner, Rich Brown, Hollis Brown, Rena Buchan, Carl Carlson, Larry & Betty Carroll, Keith Clark, James Curnow, Bill Danik, William Danik, Pat Hanes, Kathleen Hall, William Hunter, Darrell Hunter, Mary Louise Johnston, Ronald Kiddie, Gary Kiddie, Rae Kutscher, Barbara Lawrie, Tom Lobe, Frank Maxwell, Chilie McCuistion, Don McCuistion, Margaret Meigs, Don Meigs, Judith Morrow, George Mosteller, Ray Olson, Eugene Parker, Bob & Molly Peterson, Robert Phillips, Beverly Poulson, Wilma Rizo, Mike Romero, Amadeo Royat, Ellis Sanborn, Norma Scammell, Ann Schook, Geraldine Schierenberg, Barbara Schuh, Rudy Schultz, John Scoggan, Bobby Scoggan, Byron Shugart, Janet Skelton, Jerry Smith, Carole Solid, Carol Solid, Stan Staples, Audi Swanson, Martin Thompson, Ron Thompson, JoAnn Thompson, John Thompson, Dottie Tidwell, Ed Tidwell, Sue Twist, Jeanette Walker, Jean Walrath, George Ward, Jim & Geri Ware, Dick & Mary Jane Wentworth, Lew Wise, Allen Names in bold have paid support for 2015 YES, I WANT TO BE A SHRINERS MONTHLY SUPPORTER Cut out and mail to Ben Ali Shrine Center, P.O. Box 21-4477, Sacramento, CA. 95821 Enclosed please find my check of $ ____________ 12 BASCO DAYS February 6, 7, 8, 2015 Sacramento Inn & Suites, 1401 Arden Way, Sacramento (just north of Arden Fair Shopping Center) Individual Tickets/Housing for those not taking package ____ ____ $98 per night housing @ Sacramento Inn & Suites (includes continental breakfast) Fri Sat ____ $10 per person Friday night Welcome Dinner ____ $ 5 pp Saturday continental breakfast at Sacramento Inn & Suites for non guests ____ $ 5 pp Men’s lunch ____ $25 Ladies Lunch @ Sacramento Inn & Suites ____ $40 pp Saturday Banquet Menu Choice: Prime Rib ___ Salmon ___ Vegetarian ___ ____ $18 pp Sunday Fizz Breakfast (plated breakfast) Menu Choice: Quiche: Ham & Cheese _____ or Spinach & Jack _____ $_____________ Total Mail this section along with your check $342 Couples Package: 2 night hotel, 2 Welcome Dinners, 1 Men’s Lunch, 1 Ladies’ Lunch, 2 Saturday Banquet, 2 Sunday Fizz Breakfast $259 Single Occupancy Men’s Package: 2 night hotel, 1 Welcome Dinner, 1 Men’s Lunch, 1 Saturday Banquet, 1 Sunday Fizz Breakfast $322 Double Occupancy Men’s Package: 2 night hotel, 2 Welcome Dinner, 2 Men’s Lunch, 2 Saturday Banquet, 2 Sunday Fizz Breakfast. $279 Single Occupancy Ladies’ Package: 2 night hotel, 1 Welcome Dinner, 1 Ladies Lunch, 1 Saturday Banquet, 1 Sunday Fizz Breakfast $362 Double Occupancy Ladies’ Package: 2 night hotel, 2 Welcome Dinner, 2 Ladies Lunch, 2 Saturday Banquet, 2 Sunday Fizz Breakfast DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS JANUARY 30, 2015 Select Package cut out and mail to Ben Ali Shrine, P.O. Box 21-4477, Sacramento, CA. 95821 NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________________________________ ZIP: ___________ GROUP: ______________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ ______________ 13 14 15 Welcome to the Gethsemane Lutheran Church. We are a small, progressive faith community, within the Lutheran tradition, dedicated to ministry for and with older adults. The transition from the world of work and career into the world of retirement is much more than the “shutting down” of a vocation. These years are not about ending as much as they are about beginnings: new experiences, new challenges, and new opportunities. Together, through worship, music, education, fellowship, and service we explore this wonderland of possibilities. “We hope you will join us. We would love to welcome you to Gethsemane Lutheran Church. Legion of Honor won the 2014 Tannanbaum Trophy SERVICE TIME 10:00 am Enjoy fellowship after the service in the new Annigoni-Barta Hall COME JOIN US 4706 Arden Way at Mission, Carmichael 916-483-5047 Office website Large print programs - PowerPoint presentations Paid Advertisement The Keystone Cops at the Roseville Holiday Parade 2014 Divan Ladies won thre Best of Show award 16
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