Vol. 63 • No. 10 October, 2014 Za-Ga-Zig Shrine
Vol. 63 • No. 10 October, 2014 Za-Ga-Zig Shrine
Vol. 63 • No. 10 October, 2014 A Publication for the Members of Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Za-Ga-Zig Feetprints Vol. 63 Altoona, Iowa October, 2014 No. 10 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate .............................................. James E. Hunt Chief Rabban .................................. Steven R. Green Assistant Rabban ................................ Stephen J. Hall High Priest & Prophet ..................... Richard B. Corbin Oriental Guide .......................................... E. Jay Coon Treasurer ................................................. Jim L. Boyd Recorder ..................................... John Miller, Jr., P.P. APPOINTED DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ........................ Terry Augustus 2nd Ceremonial Master .................................. JR Legg Adjutant ...................................................... Craig Long Captain of the Guard ....................... Lonnie Greenfield Outer Guard .............................................. Mike Fulton Inner Guard ......................................... Marv Ver Meer Chaplain ................................................ Dean Vaughn Director .................................................... Mike Wright Marshal ............................................ Craig Vander Zyl Deputy Marshal ............................................ John May Samsar ....................................................... Tim Kelley Asst. Samsar .......................................... Tom Malicoat Co Director of Units & Clubs - N ............. Donald Lynk Co Director of Units & Clubs - S ................ Les Beaver Raffle/Auction Chairman .......................... Shane Buck Personal Aide ............................................ Mike Sharp Director of Golf Cart Operation ...... Bob Williams, P.P. Public Relations Director ........................... Jim Jensen Donor Relations Chairman .............. Todd Mendenhall Chief Aide .......................................... Johnny Audette Asst. Chief Aide ...................................... Craig Luchtel Asst. Chief Aide ......................................... Doug Miller Asst. Chief Aide .......................................... Bob Stone Asst. Chief Aide ................................. Wayne Whitfield Asst. Chief Aide ........................................... Sam Wise Circus Chairman ......................... John Miller, Jr., P.P. Co-Asst. Circus Chairman ........................ Hollie Smith Co-Asst. Circus Chairman ...................... Roger Wilson Musical Coordinator ................................. Dave Beard Insurance Audit Chairman .......................... Phil Myers Webmaster ............................................ Les Hartshorn Photo Director .............................................. Mike Bird Feetprints Editor ........................................ Steve Klein Area Coordinator ................................. Roy Boyd, P.P. Area Coordinator ................... Mike Des Planque, P.P. Area Coordinator ............................... Bill Jensen, P.P. Area Coordinator ................................ Jack Lane, P.P. Area Coordinator ............................ Jerry Sellers, P.P. Area Coordinator ........................ Garry Wahman, P.P. Area Coordinator .......................... Larry Lewellin, P.P. Shrine Bowl Liaison ............................ Jared Whitfield Shrine Bowl Board Rep. ........................... Garry Baker Shrine Bowl Board Rep. ..................... Jack Lane, P.P. Shrine Bowl Board Rep. ..................... Pat Myers, P.P. Shrine Hospital Board Rep. ............................ Jim May Legal Counsel ........................................... Paul Carey LADIES AUXILIARY Chairperson ................................. Cathy Des Planque TEMPLE STAFF Office Manager ............................... Carolyn Shannon Office Receptionist .............................. Cheryl Leonard IOWA SHRINE BOWL General Manager .................................. Jerry Hoffman Published monthly by Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Center 1100 Shriners Parkway Altoona, Iowa 5009-2117 Members please send change of address to the Shrine Temple as soon as you know your new domicile. Potentate’s Comments It’s October and fall is in the air. We are gearing up for the Fall Ceremonial next month and I sure hope you have a candidate in mind. We need to keep our membership growing at all times, we need new fresh ideas brought to the temple whenever possible, and we always need more great men spreading the good word of the Shrine. It’s set for Saturday, November the 15th and the doors open at 11am. We are going to honor Past Potentate Bob Parker, and it should be a great day for all. The Ladies have a special day planned as well. Don’t miss out! Let me drop back and cover just a few things about September before I go into the current month. Let’s just say it was busy around here. We had parades, a fishing trip, a football game and plenty of golf. Craig Vander Zyl, thanks for all you did this year lining up the parades and the Units attending. Norm, great job with another successful “Break on the Lake” fishing trip, a fun time had by all. And I can’t think about the game without a smile on my face. As an ISU fan, I was only hoping to not have a blowout. Well we all know how it ended up. I think the players gave it their all and we should just leave it at that. Next year might be a different story. Thanks to everyone that helped out with the tail gate party. I hope you all had a good time, I did. The Hole in One Club has been putting their tails off this year and I sure hope many of you had a chance to play in the events. I only made a couple but fun was had by many. Great Job Nobles... Ok, October we have a full line up as well. CIRCUS KICK OFF to start off with on the 7th, fun for all so bring your lady and come out to the Temple at 6pm for a fun filled night. It’s crazy to think John Miller is already talking, thinking and dreaming about the Circus... But he is. Don’t miss this night, it should be a blast! Just a few are heading south with Candy and I for a week of sun and fun. Details about that trip will follow. Although, what goes on in Punta Cana might stay in Punta Cana... if you know what I mean. We’ve got a full KC Football trip on the 25/26th details on that deal might stay south of the Iowa border as well. Sunday the 26th, we will host the Birthday Dinner at 6pm for everyone, free to birthday Nobles of September and October. Folks we wrap up the month with the best of the best. We hope to have the best party of the year, its Halloween time at Za-Ga-Zig. The 31st the DIVAN will host its Adult Halloween Party on the last night of the month. Don’t miss this great event. I hear it’s FREE for anyone in costume, there will be a cover charge for anyone NOT. So dig out your favorite, hat, dress, or mask and make your way there. Munchies, music and drink specials will be flowing all night. (FYI, the Hospital Dads will have the kids Halloween party on that Sunday the 2nd of November). A heads up for November plan to attend these next special events. Black Camel & Widows Luncheon on the 9th at 12:30pm, this is special day in Za-Ga-Zig land and dedicated to the Nobles that served their Temple well, and have passed on to higher ground. Take the time to help celebrate their lives during our ceremony. Then mark your calendar and don’t miss Ladies Night on the 21st at 6:00pm. This is going to be the best sit down dinner we’ve had all year. Lady’s it’s your night. Plan to be pampered and treated like a queen. We are working to make this night a special one for all the Za-Ga-Zig Ladies. Be sure and watch for details in the November issue. Take care of one another my brothers. Do what you can, for who you can, whenever you can! Fraternally yours, Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to: 1100 Shriners Parkway Altoona, Iowa 50009-2117 Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of the Editor, office staff and/or Publisher. Jim Hunt, Potentate Ladies Presentation for New Candidates Friday Nov. 7th 2014 Doors open @ 6:00 presentation @ 7:00 The Ladies will be giving a short presentation on what the Shrine is all about. Although this is for the Ladies the men are more than welcome to sit in or the bar will be open. This is NOT just for new candidates EVERYONE is welcome!! If you have new candidates coming in or potential candidates thinking about it this is a great way for them learn a little more about what we do. Ambassador Unit News By Steve Fedler, P.P., Secretary What a great time to be a Shriner. Have heard that lots of times over the years in our travels and we should never forget what we represent. The BEST fraternal organization in the World. And we have the BEST hospital system for kids, bar NONE. Last month was CSSA and we traveled to the warm state of Oklahoma and visited the fun city of Tulsa for a few days. Took in some golf and sight seeing. But mostly went to show our pride and represented ZaGa-Zig in the parade. That big limo gets a lot of looks and comments and it always makes you proud to hear the fans tell us “thank you.” Got a lot of looks and horn honking on the way there too. Back to home and the parade we all love, Madrid. Not only is this an easy parade to join in, the hospitality is second to none. Thanks to the Palmitier family for being such great hosts. We loaded up for the parade and brought one of our longest members along. Picked up at his door step and returned safely Bob Conklin. And Bob still enjoys the ride and sights of a parade. This is one great Shriner who can fill your day with stories and memories of what a Shriner does best. As the year takes a turn and we begin to see the end coming, it is time to remember elections are up next. So look around and see who your nest Unit/Club leaders will be. And while reflecting on ON THE COVER . . . . . . . The Clown Unit making balloon sculputers at the Arabian Horse event over Labor Day Weekend. Story and more pictures on pages 23. pictures by the Public Relations Unit. Election, Stated meeting on December 2nd will bring you out to vote for the leaders of YOUR temple. At our latest meeting on the 18th of September, I was really amazed by the enthusiasm of our members to step up and take a leadership role. When you have a fun unit with fun people, you have a great feeling when you accomplish your goals. Chief Rabban Steve Green attended our meeting and gave some hints of upcoming events for his upcoming year. We discussed some issues and ideas which we have been thinking of doing, and together, we can make it work. We really like the idea of bringing back the Unit or Club to serve the Birthday dinners. In return, you get a FULL page to advertise your event for the year. We have already signed up our dater and look forward to being a part of that tradition. Still lots of events coming up for the year, so look for the Ambassador guys to be there. Be proud to be a SHRINER, share FUN. Keep our kids in your heart. Until next month, keep a petition in your pocket, someone, somewhere, at any time, may ask HOW CAN I BE A SHRINER? Cruising with the Klassy Chassis Shrine Club By: Randy Andrews Parade season is slowly winding down on us. Nevada was another good one. Now we are looking forward to Granger. Myself, well I’ve been enjoying everyone’s reaction to my new friend riding shotgun with me, he even waves. His name is “Robert”. Wow how time flies October will be our last meeting for 2014. Of course we’ll be electing new officers and laying out our plans for 2015, I know I want to set a few new goals for myself. As always we are looking for new members if interested please come and join us, you do not need to own an old vehicle to join. Isn’t it great being a Shriner Upcoming Events Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 12 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 18-26 Oct. 26-27 Oct. 26 Oct. 31 Provost Guard Steak Fry Ambassadors Spaghetti Dinner Hillbilly Hayrack Ride NOBLES ALL MEETING - CIRCUS KICK OFF Zig Zaggers Breakfast Pote’s Anniversary Ladies Auxiliary Chicken Noodle Dinner Bowling Tournament Potentate’s Trip KC Football Trip Sept./Oct. Birthday Dinner Adult Halloween Party Nov. 2 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Kids Halloween Party, 1-3 pm, Shrine Temple Ladies Auxiliary Bazaar, Shrine Temple Black Camel & Widow’s Service, 12:30 Shrine Temple VETERANS DAY - OFFICE CLOSED Nobles Meeting - AWARDS NIGHT FALL CEREMONIAL Ladies Appreciation Night, 6 pm, Shrine Temple Hillbilly Ball Pote’s Birthday Thanksgiving Day - OFFICE CLOSED Thanksgiving Holiday - OFFICE CLOSED Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 1 Iowa Arabian Horse Gold Star Futurity Meets the Shrine We were given the opportunity to participate at this years Iowa Arabian Horse Association’s Gold Star Futurity & Fall Classic Horse Show held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds August 29 – September 1, 2014. The committee which took care of the event consisted of: Steve Klein and Don Burkhart, co-chairs and Rick Corbin, High Priest & Prophet. Friday afternoon Jim May gave a short speech about our Shriners Hosiptals for Children and present some checks to the Champion and Reserve Champion winners. Friday night was the Barn Party where we were given an opportunity to show what the Shrine is about. The weather wasn’t very cooperative since it decided to rain in the early evening, so the Calliope stayed covered up and Randy Weldon wasn’t able to get the train out and set up to give rides to all the kids. But the clowns came in force and created an array of balloon animals and wowed the crowd with their expertise. All one could see, was a crowd around the clowns and balloon animals throughout the Horse Barn. The hospitality at the barn party was over the top. The Arabian Horse Association really knows how to put on a party. Saturday night the Arabian Horse Association held their cocktail party and Stallion Auction, in which the Greeters and Tux Unit manned the doors to welcome all who attended. Sunday night the Legion of Honor presented the colors and the Chanters sang the National Anthem. The Clowns were suppose to help with a trainer event, sadly none of the trainers wanted to participate, so they, being the every so flexible group that they are, jumped right in and started making balloon animals for anyone that wanted them. What a group. The Oriental Band, and some other Shriners all showed up to support the Shrine. Its amazing to see how Shriners step up and make things happen. Rick Corbin, High Priest & Prophet stayed home from C.S.S.A. to be at this event the entire weekend to make sure everything went as planned. Chief Rabban, Steve Green, showed up Sunday to check things out. Nice to see him there after just making it back from Central States, his support is greatly appreciated. Our peanut sales were more than we anticipated, thanks to Ron Hicks, Guy Freeman, Mike Des Planque, Les Beaver and Larry Heggen, P.P., hats off to you guys. Gorilla Graffiti from Waukee, Iowa, one of the vendors at the event, made a Gold Star Futurity T-shirt for the event and donated $5 for each t-shirt sold to the Shriners Hospitals for Children Twin Cities. WOW, what a super company to help out our cause. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE SHRINERS THAT HELPED MAKE THIS EVENT HAPPEN. Special thanks go to Larry Irwin with the Fort Dodge Shrine Club, Ron Hicks, Steve Fedler, P.P., they went above and beyond to help out. This being the first year we were able 2 to participate with the Arabian Horse Association, it was as much a learning experience as it was a fun one. Next year we will be able to make changes to help them put on a better event, while exposing them to what the Shrine and The Shriners Hospitals for Children is all about. Pictures by the Public Relations Unit A BIG THANK YOU From all the Divan members to everyone that worked and help plan out the Arabian Horse Show Event. Great Job Nobles!!! 3 News From The Nobelles Nishna Valley Shrine News By Beverly Beck The Nobelles met at Za-Ga-Zag Shrine Tempel on September 4th. There were 27 ladies preset. We invited Shrine Widows of the past year to our September meeting to meet the other widows. We visited, had good food and a day of getting acquainted. We signed up one new member and have four more interested. The food was catered by Jethros of Altoona. We want to say thank you to the staff and the members, whoever you are, who set the room up for us. Our next meeting will be October 2nd at 12:30 at Firecreek Grill, 800 S 50th Street, West Des Moines. As always, any Shrine widow is welcome. By Gary Newton DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER ISSUE IS OCTOBER 10TH Steve Klein, Editor There are 4 options for getting material to us: Mail it directly to Feetprints 210 S. 1st Street Carlisle, IA 50047 E-mail it to: Feetprints@photo-print.com Fax it to (515) 989-0743 The Nishna Valley Shrine met September 3rd, at Weitzel’s restaurant, with 9 Nobel’s and 8 Ladies present. It was nice to be back together with all the Shriner’s. I can’t believe how fast the summer passed. We just finished one of our fund raisers, which was manning the rest areas on I29, at the Underwood rest areas. We had a very successful weekend, and met a lot of interesting people, with interesting stories to tell. Some had stories about being a Shrine Child, having a child that was a Shrine Child, a relative, or just knew someone that had been a recipient of the Shrine family. What amazing stories you hear from these folks. Our next fund raiser will be October 30th, which will be our Chicken Noodle Dinner. We have already been busy making noodles for this event. It sure takes a lot of noodles to be prepared for this dinner. We hope to see you at our Chicken Noodle Dinner. The Chicken Noodle Dinner is held at the Catholic Parish Center. ATTENTION! Regarding Za-Ga-Zig Mass emails We have changed our email address system and are experiencing problems with sending out mass emails. ALSO – some of the email addresses we have in the mass emails are coming back as not valid emails. We have to start again with our email list – so please either email Carolyn Shannon (cshannon@zgzia.org) or call Cheryl Leonard at the Shrine Temple Office (515-967-3000) and let us know your email address if you want to be included in the Za-Ga-Zig Mass Emails. COMPLIMENTARY SCREENING CLINIC FOR CHILDREN WITH ORTHOPAEDIC CONDITIONS Does your child have a bone, muscle, or joint problem or need a second opinion? You are invited to a complimentary screening where your child will be evaluated by a McFarland Clinic pediatrician. If a child requires follow-up care, they will receive a referral to Shriners Hospitals for Children – Twin Cities. Shriners Hospitals for Children provides comprehensive medical, surgical, and rehabilitative care for children with orthopaedic conditions regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay. WHAT: Complimentary Pediatric Orthopaedic Screening WHEN: The Third Tuesday of Every Month: Oct. 21st, Nov. 18th, and Dec. 16th 1:30 – 3:30PM Or you may drop it off at the Shrine Office If you have any questions you can call us at (515) 989-3251, we are at this number in the afternoons WHERE: McFarland Clinic 1215 Duff Avenue Ames, IA 50010 APPOINTMENTS: 515.239.4729 or 515.239.4749 4 Trike Patrol News By Joe Vincent Where do I begin, what a summer! Between Parades, Imperial Session, more parades, and CSSA the Trikes have been active. I’ll start with the 140th Imperial Session which was also the 60 th year of the International Association of Shrine Motor Corps. Imperial started for the Trike Patrol on Sunday morning July 6th with a caravan to Minneapolis, MN. Trikes were locked down, tuned-up, and ready to roll. Excitement was in the air, and everyone was ready for whatever laid ahead. We attended the membership meeting upon arrival, and then along with our Ladies went out for a nice dinner. Monday arrived; time to put on our game face. Imperial’s obstacle course is a lot different from Central States. The course layout is different, you only get one attempt to run the course, and helmets are required at all times. The team won first place, and Kenny Harrier, and Craig Vander Zyl had the fastest time in their age group. Trophies were awarded at the Banquet brunch on Tuesday, and then we high-tailed it back to Des Moines. Next up is the parades. If you haven’t made it out to a parade yet, you are really missing out on the fun. But no worries, there is still a few parades left this year, so stop by and see what you’re missing, and help us spread the word about the Shrine. So you don’t know where the next parade is? Simply ask, and we’d be happy to give you the details. Last but not least is Central States. Once again we loaded up the trikes and hit the road, this time going to Tulsa, OK. We only had three trikes attending CSSA this year, and you need two to complete the obstacle in order to qualify. The weather was miserable hot, but then Friday morning the day of the competition it was raining. With the slight delay, the weather cleared, and continued on page 6 5 continued from page 5 NOBLES Don’t forget your Blue Lodge. Attend as often as you can. Remember, it’s where the journey began. Find a Good Mason, we can make a Great Shriner. Thanks, Jim here came the sun and heat. Our trikes were second up, and during our drill my trike decided to freeze up. We discovered that the keyway fell out. One great thing about the Trike Patrol, is the team work and on the spot repairs. We hiked the trike up, and between Craig Vander Zyl, Steve Green, and Doug Miller they were able to rig it up, and off we went to the obstacle course. Once again we were victorious! Our Trike Patrol won first place, and Craig had the fastest time. Check out the trophy case at the Shrine Temple, and see the collection of new trophies from both competitions this year. If you are interested in learning more about our fun, competitive group, bring your Lady out and join us at the Shrine Temple the 4th Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. We’d love to tell you more! Lifetime Shrine Membership Have you considered the benefit and of never having to pay your membership dues again. There is no age basis for you to qualify for a lifetime membership to the Shrine. You can also pay for any Noble such as a son, relative or friend. A lifetime Shrine Membership Costs Only $1,700. Please call the John Miller, P.P., Recorder at 515/967-3000 with any questions. Mark Your Calendars NOW!!! OASIS WILL BE OPEN DAILY starting Feb. 1st HOURS Mon. – Thurs. 5 pm – 10 pm Friday 5 pm – Midnight Saturday Noon – 5 pm Sunday 1 pm– 5 pm HAPPY HOUR Monday – Friday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Reduced Drink Prices FREE POPCORN & MUNCHIES Pizza for sale $8.00 Za-Ga-Zig CIRCUS KICK OFF at the Shrine Temple Tuesday, October 7th at 6:00 pm Ladies Are Invited 6 Hole In One - October News By Steve Fedler, P.P. Let’s start off with the list of winners from our latest outing at Rolling Hills on Sept. 14. The co-ed day was filled with a lot of fun people. The course had a few problems with the 20 plus inches of rain, so we used a little more caution with where we landed the ball. Winners were: Closest to the Pin - John Miller, P.P. Longest Drive men - Bill Walton Longest Drive ladies - Lori Wahlman Longest Putt - Sonnie Palmitier First Place winner was team Wahlman/ Vermeer Second Place winner was Green team. With 10 teams there, the day was a lot of fun and a few jokes were placed and everyone had a smile and laughter was abound. We do have some great teams as there were 3 teams all tied for 3rd place with an eraser score of 82!! Prizes were given out and most everyone received something. Chief Rabban Steve Green received a driver for the longest drive. Problem was, it was his partners club!! Our last outing is the last of the season, before you get your clubs winterized and ready to store away. Get your buddy out and join us for 2 man on October 12, at 1 p.m. tee time at Terrace Hill east of Altoona. BUT, wait, first stop out to the Shrine and fill up on Zig Zagger Omelet breakfast, relax with your friends and head out to Terrace for a nice day of golf. Call Jim Osterquist 249-1812 or Randy Stoner 971-2757 to sign up for your next day of golf. Sportsman‘s Club News By Paul Freeman On August 26th, a group of Nobles voted on and approved by-laws forming Za-GaZig‘s first Club focused on Nobles who enjoy outdoor sports and activities - The Za-Ga-Zig Sportsman‘s Club. Our Potentate has approved the by-laws and a copy is on file with the Temple Recorder. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this Club possible. Hunting? Shooting? Trapping? Fishing? Kayaking? Canoeing? Hiking? You name it - if it interests you, bring it to the Club. Let’s promote an event and make it happen. It really is that simple. Several members attended the YOSHI opening day dove hunt near Polk City. Oriental Guide Jay Coon led the trip. If you have never hunted doves, it is a humbling experience-especially if you hunters consider yourselves to be a “good shot.” By the end of the day, we all ended up with almost a dozen dove breasts each and finished the day with pizza and sandwiches at a local eatery. Come join us. The Club is just getting started and we are eager to get going on more activities. Ice fishing, deer and waterfowl hunting is here or fast approaching. Dues are only $12.00 a year and there are, at this time, no uniform shirts to buy. We will be voting for our officers this month. Our meetings are the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm, so come on out to the Temple on Wednesday September 24th. You can contact me @ burtonsbuddy@yahoo.com any questions or interests. We are looking forward to seeing all of you on the water or in the woods. NOBLES Support Unit and Club Events! Stop out to the Shrine Center, when you can. It’s always great to see you! Thanks, Jim ZA-GA-ZIG SHRINE TEMPLE OFFICE NEW PHONE SYSTEM We have a new phone system in the Temple Office. New Extensions are: 1 - Cheryl Leonard, Receptionist 2 - John Miller, Recorder 3 - Carolyn Shannon, Office Manager 4 - Jim Boyd, Treasurer 5 - Jim Hunt, Potentate 6 - Steve Green, Chief Rabban 7 - Steve Hall, Assistant Rabban 8 - Rick Corbin, High Priest & Prophet 9 - Jay Coon, Oriental Guide Greeters Unit Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it. 7 Legion of Honor Update By Joe Lamb, P.C., Adjutant Have you missed us? We are still around, just haven’t been getting our articles into the Feetprints. Here is a little review on our year since the first of the summer. We had a record turnout for the Memorial Day service. Thank you to all who attended. Of course we are always present at the Stateds and Ceremonials. We had the honor to lead the parade at the Shrine Bowl. Thanks to all of the Legion Of Honor members for their efforts at the State Fair golf cart operation. We only do two parades a year, the Shrine Bowl and the Dexter parade. I think we set some kind of record this year at Dexter. The parade was on Labor Day weekend and there were other parades and football games to compete with, but the Legion of Honor was the biggest Za-GaZig Unit in the parade. We had five members and the Klassy Chassis had two. Needless to say, the parade wasn’t the greatest, but the people of Dexter are great supporters of our onion sales and we enjoy parading for them. We also had the honor to present flags at the Arabian Horse Show. That was a new experience and we hope we can participate again in this event. September and October are quiet months for us. We gladly welcome a new member to our Unit, Billy Wilson. We hope to attract two or three more new members before the end of the year. Finally, we are saddened by the loss of a long time member. Dr. Gordon Elliott passed away on September 7. He will be greatly missed. Adult Halloween Party October 31, 2014 at the Shrine Temple st nte o C gs a B Doors open at 7 • Music will start at 8 e tum s o C Kar aok eC onte st test Con PRIZES FOR ALL $5 per person no charge if you show up in costume TheLadiesAuxiliaryisselling REDWHEELPIES. $12.00ea GREATFORHOLIDAYS ON SALE UNTIL OCTOBER 29TH PICKUP:ATTHETEMPLEONSATURDAY,NOVEMBER8THFROM10:00AM–3:00PM SUNSHINE FUND Help those Nobles who are unable to pay for Their Za-Ga-Zig Membership Dues! If you would like to help – please contact John Miller, Recorder at the Temple Office Or his cell# 515-9756804 “OUR10”DEEPDISHPIESAREUPTO50%LARGERTHAMMOSTSTOREͲBOUGHTPIES.” OurPECAN&CREAMpiesarereadytoserve.Justthaw. PoptheFRUITpiesinyourovenforbaking. ORDER FORM NAME____________________________ APPLE _______ PEACH __________ ADDRESS_________________________ PUMPKIN_____ STRAWBERRY/ PHONE___________________________ CHERRY_______ RHUBARB_________ PECAN________ FRENCH SILK______ PLEASE SEND YOUR PAYMENT AND ORDER TO: LADIES AUXILIARY, ZA-GA-ZIG TEMPLE, 1100 SHRINERS PKWY, ALTOONA, IA 50009 ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE SHRINERS HOSPITAL IN MINN. 8 Trike & Clown Units Congratulations on your CSSA Trophies you did us all proud!!! 2014 Recipient of the T.S. Parvin Award Super Job, Brother & Noble: Ron Hicks! We are all proud of you. “Very well Deserved” R. Bradley Skinner - Geri Skinner Huser Ed Skinner Ed Skinner PC & Skinner Law Office PC Mitchellville, IA • 515-967-4264 • Altoona, IA P.O. Box 367 - Altoona, IA 50009 HAMMER PHARMACY/MEDICAL SUPPLY 5XVV-RKQVRQ53K5LFN-RKQVRQ3UHVLGHQW&(2 PHARMACY 515-243-4177 DES MOINES 515-243-2886 MARSHALLTOWN 641-754-0000 NEWTON 641-792-9339 CHARITON 641-774-4600 CRESTON 641-782-7995 OSKALOOSA 641-672-2501 CORALVILLE 319-358-8000 OTTUMWA 641-684-6800 URBANDALE 515-225-0838 ZZZ+DPPHU0HGLFDOFRP BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR September & October 2014 Will Be Held On Sunday, October 26th Social 5:00 pm • Dinner 6:00 pm The T.S. Parvin Award, named for the first Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, was established in 1982 by the Iowa Conference for Masonic Cooperation. It is presented annually to an Iowa Mason who has not been previously honored by having been elected to a Grand Office in any Masonic Body, and who best exemplifies the spirit of Masonry which was lived by our distinguished brother who said, “I want to be remembered among Masons as one who gave the Fraternity the very best there was in him, not thinking of reward in dollars and cents.” A committee composed of the Grand Master of Masons, Grand High Priest, Grand Master of the Council, Grand Commander, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33rd Degree, and Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Iowa Conference chooses the recipient from nominations submitted from all parts of the state. Nobles with September & October Birthdays eat FREE Guests are $10 each Call the Shrine Of fice at 967-3000 With Your Reser vation By NOON, Wednesday, October 22nd (NO Reservations will be taken after noon on October 22nd) Choice of Baked Chicken or Baked Pork Loin Stuffing, Corn, Cake & Ice Cream 9 Fez-B Club News By Dan Baker Food for thought for all Nobles: Get out and support the Shrine in as many ways as possible! Attend you Unit/ Club meetings as well as others. The effort each of us makes – however small – may be exactly what was needed for our continued success. The new acquaintances you casually meet at various events may become your best friends in life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Past Potentate Bob Williams and his Lady Sue. We had a good turnout once again for the September Ladies Nite Iowa Chop Dinner. If you missed out, you will just have to wait until next September. The October 15 Ladies Nite Dinner will be a fish fry hosted by Noble Larry “Rabbit” Wilkening and family. As it stands now, the Ladies Nite Dinner on November 19 will be Pork Loin with all the trimmings. This meal to be hosted by Noble Collin Buckingham with the assistance of Noble Roger Wilson and his Lady Dorena. Our December 17 Ladies Nite Dinner will be hosted by Noble Dan Baker and Lady Deb. Rumor has it that Jolly Old Saint Nick may even drop in with surprises or, at the very least, a little humor. If you have missed out, mark your calendar for the 3rd Wednesday of every month in 2014 and 2015 for Fez-B Ladies Nite! You will not go away hungry or dissatisfied. Our cooks go all out, the meals and fellowship are always great! If you don’t attend, you’ll never know what you missed! Please remember that the regular FezB Club meetings are always held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. following the Mirza Lodge meeting. Zig Zaggers “Out of the Park” Omelet Breakfast For Only $6.00 You Get: Made to Order Omelets, Biscuits and Gravy, Hash Browns, Muffins, Fruit and Much Much More! October 12, 2014 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE ZIG ZAGGERS CLUB Diplomats News We lost one our founding members, Clarence A. Duke, on May 1, 2014. In 1964 Duke helped form the Diplomats, a 21 convertible car Unit of the Shrine with each car owner having its own “Fez” license plate. He served as president of the Unit in 1964 and 1965. He joined Za-Ga-Zig Shrine in 1949, which made him a 65 year member. It was reported in the Black Camels incorrectly that he joined Za-Ga-Zig in 1987. THURSDAY OCTOBER 30th, 2014 4:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Catholic Parish Center 105 W. 5th St. – Atlantic, IA Chicken & Noodles, Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Vegetables, Rolls, Pie, & Drink Adults - $10.00 – ages 4 to 10 - $5.00 – under age 4 – free Carry outs available – Dial 249-6961 or 249-3248 AVAILABLE: Home-Made Dry Noodles, Cooked Chicken and Noodles AND Mincemeat in Pints and Quarts Proceeds to Shrine Hospitals for Children 10 ZA-GA-ZIG SHRINERS HOSPITAL PATIENTS SCHEDULING TRANSPORTATION NEEDS FALL CEREMONIAL LADIES TRIP WINE & CANVAS Painting (Blonde Angel) Please note that all patient’s scheduling and transportation needs need to go through the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine office. Nobles should refer all inquiries to Carolyn Shannon, Office Manager at the Shrine Office, 1-515967-3000 or 1-800-9747463, extension 12. Saturday, November 15 $40.00 PER PERSON DRINKS & FOOD INCLUDED Ladies Fall Trip NEW VENUE AT JESTER PARK Chicaqua Long House Thank you for your help! RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Fraternally, Jim Hunt , 2014 Potentate PRE-HOLIDAY SHOPPING BAZAAR Sponsored By Za-Ga-Zig Ladies Auxiliary November 8, 2014 • 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple Come Out And Have A Fun Day Of One Stop Shopping Bring Your Friends Monies Collected Will Benefit The Shriners Hospitals for Children Twin Cities Unit 11 October 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Arab Patrol, Mini Bikes, Nishna Valley, YOSHI Provost Steak Fry THURSDAY Directors Staff, Hole In One, Legion of Honor, Nobelles,Tin Lizzies 1 Zag Trax Bowlers, Cyclones, Story Co., Gourment Club, Polk Co., Klassy Chassis Hillbilles, Public Relations, Royal Order of Beavers FRIDAY SATURDAY Ambassadors Spaghetti Dinner Hillbilly Hayrack Ride 2 3 Adams Co., Karousel K-ups 4 Mobile Nobles SR - Grand Master Reception NOBLES ALL MEETING Circus Kick-Off 5 Bartenders Zig Zaggers Breakfast 6 7 Antique Tractors, Fez-B, Flying Fez, Mahaska Co. Diplomats, Sandrunners, Zig Zaggers 8 Fez-B Ladies Night Membership Mtg. 6:30 pm 9 Ambassadors, Fort Dodge, Hospital Dads, Road Runners, Hot Rods 10 SR - Fall Reunion Ladies Auxiliary Chicken Noodle Dinner Pote’s Anniversary 12 13 N. Valley Pacers 11 Bowling Tournament Pote’s Trip 14 15 Isettas, 5X80, Lucas Co., Marion Co., PR Ladies Night 16 17 Clowns, Oriental Band, Trike Patrol, Krome Nobles 18 Bowling Tournament KC Football Trip Pote’s Trip 19 Sept/Oct Birthday Dinner 20 21 22 23 Q Meeting Warren Co. 24 25 SR - Fall Reunion Adult Halloween Party at Temple KC Football Trip Pote’s Trip 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SR - Fall Reunion 1 Zag Trax Bowlers, Cyclones, Story Co., Gourment Club, Polk Co. 2 Bartenders Black Camel & Widow’s Service 12:30 pm Directors Staff, Hole In One, Provost Guard, Legion of Honor, Nobelles,Tin Lizzies NOBLES ALL MEETING AWARDS NIGHT 3 4 Diplomats, Sandrunners, Zig Zaggers Veterans Day OFFICE CLOSED Adams Co., Karousel K-ups Isettas, 5X80, Lucas Co., Marion Co., PR Ladies Night Fez-B Ladies Night 10 N. Valley Pacers 16 17 5 11 12 Membership Mtg. 6:30 pm 18 19 Q Meeting Pote’s Birthday Bar Specials Warren Co. 23 Arab Patrol, Mini Bikes, Nishna Valley, YOSHI U of Freemasonry (World Series) Antique Tractors, Fez-B, Flying Fez, Mahaska Co. Circus Mtg. 6 PM 9 Hillbilly Breakfast Hillbilles, Public Relations ELECTION DAY 24 25 26 30 12 Mobile Nobles Ladies Auxiliary Bazaar 6 13 Ambassadors, Fort Dodge, Hospital Dads, Road Runners, Hot Rods 20 Clowns, Oriental Band, Trike Patrol, Krome Nobles THANKSGIVING DAY - OFFICE CLOSED 27 7 8 FALL CEREMONIAL 14 LADIES APPRECIATION NIGHT 6:00 PM 21 15 Hillbilly Ball 22 Thanksgiving Holiday OFFICE CLOSED 28 29 Za-Ga-Zig Business and Professional Directory AUTO SALES REAL ESTATE Shane Buck. • Karl Chevrolet • Ankeny, Iowa 515 / 771-5271 .................... shane.buck@karlchevrolet.com Tom Malicoat - Iowa Realty ................................ 515/975-4449 Doing Business in the Entire Metropolitan Area 165 S. Jordan Creek Pkwy #155, WDM, IA 50266 AUTO BODY SERVICE Howard R. Martin Auto Body Service • 3700 SW 61st St, DM Howard E. (Buss) Martin ................................. 515/243-2451 Fred Vasey, Brad Vasey TMC AUTO BODY • 410 SE Garfield, Carlisle, IA 50047 Craig Peters .................................................... 515/989-2798 BAR & GRILL Johnny Macs Bar & Grill ...................................... 515/263-1186 2279 Hubbell Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Timmins, Kroll & Jacobsen, LLP 10550 New York Avenue, Suite 200 Des Moines, Iowa 50322-3775 Don Timmins ................................................... 515/270-8080 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT & SERVICE Information Tools, Inc.. 1063 14th Place • Des Moines, IA • 50314 LANCE COOPER ........................................... 515/235-5240 lance@infotoolsinc.com Rankin Communication Systems • 5444 N.W. 96th St. Johnston, IA • 50131-2230 Bob Rankin ..................................................... 515/986-5654 bobrankin@rankincom.com TIRES AND SERVICE McATEE TIRE & SERVICE 1-800-262-3848 Jefferson • Atlantic • Rockwell City • Marshalltown TWO-WAY RADIOS Electronic Engineering Co. • 1100 Keo Way, DM • 50309 Mark Clark, Bill Cronin .................................... 515/283-1100 ELECTRIC Henrichsen Electric • 36670 Meadow Lane Cumming, IA Jon Henrichsen 515/201-2651 or jon@henrichsenelectric.com FINANCIAL SERVICES SIDING, ROOFING & REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Aluminum Distributors Inc. • 706 E. 2nd Street, DM • 50309 Nicholas Van Patten ........ 515/283-2383 or 1-800-383-2318 Community Bank • www.bankcommunitybank.com • Keith Welling 1401 N Jefferson, Indianola, IA 50125 ........... 515/961-5880 EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS Luke Sibley ..................................................... 515/967-5356 Karl Ritland ..................................................... 515/266-8188 Adam Kline ...................................................... 515/967-7644 OCHANPAUGH FINANCIAL GROUP Professional Financial Advising/Servicing Solutions@OchanpaughFinancialGroup.com Jay Ochanpaugh ............................................. 515/822-1723 IMPRINTED SPORTSWEAR T’Shirts, Sweatshirts, Jackets, Hats - Fast Service/Competitive Jim Natzke ................................. 515/276-5115 or 210-3388 PHOTOGRAPHY Christian Photo • 6721 Douglas Ave. • Des Moines • 50322 Home Movies to DVD Dick Christian .................................................. 515/270-8030 PLUMBING & REMODEL Beyond Bath • 2311 E. 24th St. • Des Moines • 50317 Total Home Remodeling Steve Fedler, Dana Bucklin ............................ 515/208-9508 PRINTING Photo Printing, Inc. • 210 S 1st St • Carlisle, IA 50047 Bob & Steve Klein ........................................... 515/989-3251 WEBSITE DESIGN & TELECOM SERVICES Black Fox Technology, Inc. Stevin Dahl ...................................... Toll-Free 877/537-9998 Stevin@BlackFoxTechnology.com NOBLES This classified section is reserved for businessmen who are members of the Mystic Shrine. It is a very excellent place to list their goods and services. Many of the Nobility refer to it faithfully when considering the purchase of products. Why not list your firm along with the many other buinesses alread shown? PLEASE NOTE The following charges are made for the Business and Professional Directory: 1. $55.00 per year for a two-line listing. 2. More than 2 lines - $25.00 for each addtional line per year. 3. Listing in Color only $25.00 per year. WE HAVE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR AD. To place an Ad, contact the Shrine Center Office (515) 967-3000 Please Support Our Advertisers Thanks! Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Web Site - zagazigshrine.org Za-Ga-Zig E-Mail Addresses Carolyn Shannon - Office Manager cshannon@zgzia.org Cheryl Leonard - Receptionist cleonard@zgzia.org John Miller, Jr., P.P. - Recorder jp.miller@mchsi.com Jim Boyd - Treasurer jboyd@zgzia.org ZA-GA-ZIG TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. Non-Profit Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE 1100 Shriners Parkway ALTOONA, IOWA 50009-2117 PHONE: 515-967-3000 PAID Carlisle, IA Permit No. 34 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Za-Ga-Zig Ladies Hospital Auxiliary CHICKEN NOODLE DINNER Friday, October 17, 2014 • 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the ZA-GA-ZIG SHRINE TEMPLE Adults: $8 • Children 10 & under: $5 KIDS HALLOWEEN PARTY November 2, 2014 1 - 3 pm at Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple Open to All Hospital Kids and Shriner’s Children any yM s B es lub Gam its & C Un Cos tum 5 ag e Co e gr ntes t oup s Possible Haunted House Come Out And Enjoy A Great Time No RSVP Required - Just show up