See page 3 for details
See page 3 for details
Marys Peak Trek - August 21 & 22 Philomath Rodeo Fairgrounds See page 3 for details Al Kader OASIS Published Monthly Al Kader Shriners A.A.O.N.M.S. 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9600 Phone 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080 email Subscription Price $5.00/Year ELECTED DIVAN Potentate...Cecil Hammer Chief Rabban...Greg Jenkins Asst. Rabban...Warren Gray High Priest & Prophet...Bill Newhouse Oriental Guide...Dave Johnson Treasurer...Robert Keller Recorder...Hap Baldwin Asst Recorder...JB Dick APPOINTED DIVAN 1st Cer. Master...Tom Bland 2nd Cer. Master...Donald Stapleton Director...John Nerski Marshal...Bernie Stanfill Capt. of the Guard...Ray Glass Temple Outer Guard...George Hueth Chaplain... Noel Keister Asst. Chaplain…Carson Bailey Outer Guard...Richard Crist Outer Guard...Bryan Braun Outer Guard...Fred Wendt Outer Guard...Bill Quier Outer Guard...Vic Morton Outer Guard...Carey Huckaba Outer Guard...Gary Dentinger POTENTATE'S AIDES Executive Aide - IS Dan Moyer, PP Chief Aide - Pete Ohlman Aides - Bob Brown, David Cramblett, Tom Chappelle, Jim Conner, Steve Dunn, Wayne Felder, Fred Hardin, Ed Jud, Mearl Kroker, Keith Leamon, Bill Spencer, Dick Unruh, Claude Weldin, Chris Woolcock A/V Coordinator…David Cramblett TEMPLE UNIT STAFF Director of Units...Gib Thonstad Assisitant…BobTimm TEMPLE STAFF Temple Attorney...Richard Lee Temple Auditor...Brad Henry Facility Manager...Jelmer Blum Hosp. Transportation...JB Dick EMERITUS Ken Jubb - Temple Photographer Roy Armentrout...Recorder OASIS Publisher...Cecil Hammer, Potentate Editor...Dave Johnson Photographer...Art Thompson Items must be received by the 10th of the month preceding date of issue. Advertising Rates On Request l l y u s i ca M S pea k i n g Nobles and Ladies, The Tillamook (Dairy Days) parade was outstanding this year. We had 90 plus Nobles in the parade and more Nobles on the sides. I was looking back when we turned the corner downtown. I could see four blocks back and all I saw were Al Kader Units. What a showing, and thanks to all that participated! The weather was impressive too, clear blue skies and cool. As you know, the Calliope Corp was invited to Waterfront Village this year. This was an Al Kader event, not a Calliope Corps event. The Calliope Corps was invited when a Rose Festival organizer saw them outside at the Portland Circus, and Cecil Hammer wanted the Shriners there. This was a great opportunity to show Potentate 2010 off the Shriners, promote the Rodeo and sell Mustang tickets. We were in need of volunteers to man the booth and some responded, but we were short of volunteers. The Calliope Corps made no money off this event. Tony Mortensen had to make two trips after the event, plus the Al Kader van, to get our property picked up. Many thanks to Tony. We would like to form a Transportation Unit. We need truck drivers--working or retired--or someone with experience pulling trailers to get the Units’ trailers and vehicles to the parades. Call me at 503-329-4352 for more details. We also need them to drive the Units’ trailers and vehicles IN the parades. I have never spoken with anyone who did not love a parade. We worked to get the Portland Metro Shrine Clubs on the East West Football Committee. The Portland Metro Shrine Clubs have players from the local area. For years the North Clackamas Shrine Club has had a dinner meeting, and it is a good time for everyone, including the players and their families. Yamhill Shrine Club had a player dinner this year, and Gresham Shrine Club is planning a player dinner next year. The problem is the sale of ads for the program. We ALL must support the game, and program ad sales are important to the revenue of the game. The Shrine Picnic at Oaks Park is coming up (August 29th). Dues cards are required at entry, or be vouched for by a Shriner. Family members are always invited but if they are not coming the same time as the member, the sponsoring Shriner must come to the gate for their admittance. The kids’ bracelets for the rides will be $5.00. It’s free and it entertaining. Mary’s Peak in Philomath Frolic Rodeo Grounds at 502 South 13th street in Philomath on August 21st and 22nd is the most fun you can have (for free). The kids are from the Northwest Youth Rodeo Association and it is their finals. The kids range in age from 3 to 18. These kids give it their heart. The Mary’s Peak Association Shrine Clubs also have a Salmon or Roast Beef feed on Saturday night. Come and mingle with the contestants and their families. People with RV’s are welcome and the cost is $7.00 per night. Big Opportunity! I met Mike Conn and Duane Caseday at the Furniture Connection Car Show they had in May. I told them the Shriners have a Classic Car Club, and that we are interested in joining the Multnomah Hot Rod Council. These guys do the Portland Roadster Show. They told me we could join the Multnomah Hot Rod Council. We would need a copy of our bylaws; also we would need at least 5 members to join at $20.00 per couple or $15.00 each person. They would have to come to one of our meetings. This gives us a lot of exposure that we don’t continued on page 5 Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 2 64th Annual Marys Peak Shrine Trek & Northwest Youth Rodeo Association Finals Philomath Rodeo Fairgrounds Saturday & Sunday August 21 - 22, 2010 10:00 AM Food Saturday and Sunday: Cowboy breakfast Pancakes, egg with little smokies or ham, coffee and juice - 7:00 - 10:30 AM Burgers/hot dogs, corn-onthe-cob and Sno-cones 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday Only BBQ Chicken - 11:00 AM Raffle Tickets - $1.00 from Trek Shriners Net proceeds from raffle benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. Not tax-deductible. Northwest Youth Rodeo Association opening ceremonies each day will be at 10:00. Participants will be ages 3-18. The NYRA is made up of four age divisions in which the kids compete in traditional events from barrel racing to bull riding. Directions In Philomath, turn South on 13th and West on Cedar. RV parking and electrical hook-up is available for a nominal fee. The Trek Social There will be an oasis for Shriners on Saturday, August 21st in the “Grove” at the Divan parking area - 5:00 PM, with dinner to follow at the “Pavillion”. A full dinner is offered with the choice of either Salmon or Roast Beef. No “pot-luck” dish. The cost is $15.00 per person, and the rodeo folks will be invited. There will be a choice of either Hot Dog or Hamburger for the kids, with chips and a soft drink for $5.00 Come and join us! NYRA Dance Following dinner on Saturday, Shriners are invited to a“live band” dance. The dance is sponsored by, and benefits, the Northwest Youth Rodeo Association. The cost is $7.50. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 3 Director’s Corner by Noble Gib Thonstad, Unit Director Nobles, GOOD THINGS HAPPEN when good people band together and work for good causes. This was my closing comment for July. What I should have said was “GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN LOTS OF GOOD PEOPLE BAND TOGETHER AND WORK FOR GOOD CAUSES. I want to emphasize this statement again, GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN LOTS OF PEOPLE BAND TOGETHER. So which is it for the Shrine, good people or LOTS of good people? Is it good results or GREAT results? I am writing this after having completed our late June and early July Parade Schedule. The results have been less then GREAT. At this point I am not prepared to say that they have even been good. But opportunities still exist for us to rebound. For those of you who do not go to Joseph, get out and support our Shrine Rodeo. LOTS of good people working together will get GREAT results and the Rodeo will be successful. The East West Shrine Game and Parade in Baker City is upon us. If you are a Shriner then you can participate. I encourage everyone to come out to the game and make it an even GREATER event. Remember that our next Unit Head Meeting will be August 26th and will be a BBQ with the wives invited at the Shrine Center. We have a few parades left to talk about and of course some up coming socials. We will be critiquing the spring Ceremonial. What can we do to improve our next Ceremonial? What would each unit like to change? How do we want to participate? Bring your ideas and your thoughts so we are able to do some positive planning. Transportation has become an issue for most of the units and we are looking for help. It has been suggested we start a “Truckers” unit. Those Nobles who are willing to drive and or pull equipment for the units would make up this group and they would volunteer to assist in these duties. If anyone is interested in helping, or has a vehicle that can pull heavy loads to Parades please contact the Shrine Center. Remember …….. Together we are better. Membership Committee by Warren Gray, Assistant Rabban I have been asked several times in the past month or so how to become a Virtual Mentor. Nobles first you have to follow the steps below to sign into Shriners Village The steps are as follows: 1.Go to this web site:; select your Temple name from the drop down list of Temples. 2. Enter your member number and last name. 3. Click “Verify your Identity”. 4. Enter the information requested. 5.Click Create your Account”. To become a Virtual Mentor follow these steps: 1. Login to Shrine’s Village. 2. Select Membership from the top menu bar. 3. Select Virtual Mentor Program from the left navigation bar. 4. Read the information then click “Sign up Now”. 5. Verify and fill out the screens and press Submit. 6. Receive email welcome message from the Imperial Potentate. Several members of the Divan and Past Potentates who were at the Imperial Session registered on line at the Membership table to become Virtual Mentors. Please join us in becoming Virtual Mentors so we have enough Virtual Mentors to go around for our new membership requests. The next question I’ve been asked are what are the duties of a Virtual Mentor. The duties are basically the same as coaching a new candidate through the Masonic degrees. Once a Candidate is assigned to you please contact him within 24 hours of the assignment. He will have questions about what is involved in joining a Masonic Lodge and then becoming a Shiner. Please maintain contact with him throughout the degree process. You will want to provide him information as he goes through each of the degrees and attend each of the degrees. You may or may not be asked to be his coach. Once he has completed his Masonic Proficiency he will petition the Shrine for membership. You will most likely be his top line signer on his petition to join the world’s greatest philanthropy. After he joins us you may want to recommend a unit or club for him to join. Please maintain contact with him to insure he becomes involved and has someone he knows at social events. If your new Candidate is a Master Mason already you will be his continued on page 16 What’s Inside This Month Pote’s Message Marys Peak Trek Director’s Corner Membership Committee Mustang Raffle Update Recorter’s Report Tillamook Parade Unit News Summer Santa/Imperial Session Imperial Potentate/Editor’s Desk Club News Poet Laureate’s Corner Black Camel History Display Hospital Happenings Ladies News Wine Tasting Social Motor Escort Poker Run Proofreaders Contest Al Kader Picnic Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 4 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 22 Page 23 Mustang Raffle Update by Noble Greg Jenkins, Chief Rabban To all Nobles and Ladies; thank you for the great job you are doing. As of July 15, we have banked over $13,500.00 in Mustang raffle sales. The Motor Escorts had the Mustang at Sheridan and even though it was a small car show, the sales were good. At the Tigard Festival of Balloons, there were over 200 cars in the show; the day was very hot and so were the sales. We had planned on having the Mustang at the Molalla Buckaroo, but since it was a Dodge sponsored event we couldn’t show it or sell tickets. I would like to thank all of you who volunteered to help at the Molalla Buckaroo. The presence of the Shriners and their Ladies was well received and greatly appreciated by everyone. The Mustang will be at the Shrine Rodeo on July 23rd and 24th. Thanks to all the volunteers who have offered to step up and help at this event. The Mustang will be at Dallas on the 31st. On August 6th and 7th we will be at Molalla for the Ross Coleman Bull Riding event and on the 8th we will be at Bob Browns for the 2nd Annual Classic Car Show. The Calliope Corps will have the Mustang at the Beaverton Big Truck Show, and then we plan on having the car at the Marys Peak Trek in Philomath. We have been giving Masonic and Shrine information out at most of the shows, and people are asking how to become part of this great origination. Make sure you have some Grand Lodge and Shrine information flyers to hand out if anyone asks. Try and get their name and phone number so you can personally check back with them to follow up and see if they are really interested in joining. Blue lodge and Shrine applications are a good thing to have with you at all times. I would like to hear from any Noble, Unit or Club who has an event where they would like to have the car, or if they want to help sell tickets. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Greg Armstrong’s Lady Sharon for her ticket sales for Lincoln County Shrine Club and thanks to Bob Brown for his sales also. The year is going by so fast and the time is getting shorter to sell the tickets and have them turned in before November 6th. Thanks to all of you who are working hard to make this a successful fund raiser for Al Kader this year. Call me at 503 474 7449 or e-mail Pote’s Message - continued from page 2 presently have, and I am sure more Shriners will be interested. Let’s get behind the Classic Car unit and support them at Al Kader Classic Car Cruise-in. Imperial Session is complete, and as a result we have two new Shrine Centers. We have a Shrine Center in Puerto Rico and in the Philippines. There are 193 Shrine Temples!!!!! The first “one plus” hour--one hour--of the Imperial Parade was made up of Rameses Shrine Temple. One of the items on the “call” that passed was that “Aahmes Shriners and Hillah Shriners will have concurrent jurisdiction in the county of Del Norte in the State of California. Also passed was a motion to change our name to Shriners International. Noble Bob Timm II and the Convention Center Auto Body finished the repair the Al Kader Van. Take a look at the van, it looks great. Again, many thanks to Noble Bob Timm. Git-R-done!! The Recorder's Report by Noble Hap Baldwin, Recorder I hope the August issue of the Oasis greets you in good health, on a sunny but not too hot a day, and with a few shekels in your pocket. My job as Recorder is to gently nudge Al Kader’s membership into paying their dues. A lot of members are able to pay the full amount when their dues notice comes in October and some are not able to. We want to make it easy and not embarrassing for any of our members to be current with their membership dues. So, if you find yourself in a situation where the only way you can get your dues paid is to break it up, don’t feel bad, sad, or not worthy of your Shrine membership. Listen up, here what the Recorder says: Could you be a Shriner for $7.50 a month, or $22.50 every three months, or even $44.50 in October and the other $44.50 in March? That is all it would cost if you paid using the payment plan. Our membership dues are still $89.00, we haven’t had to raise them for several years, however, everything else continues to go up in cost and our cost to operate is escalating and we may need to do something in the future. You can pay on-line by credit card at your leisure, or, if you come by the Shrine Center you can pay by check or cash money - - we take that as well. We are still in precarious times but if we stick together we’ll all make it with our organization no worse for these times, perhaps, even stronger. This is the time people depend on their friends and maybe even encourage their friends to join such a great organization just to enrich their circles of acquaintances and have fun along the way. Let us know if you need help with your membership dues. We will sure try and do our best to help our members. I hope to see you at the picnic. Al Kader OASIS - July 2010 - Page 5 Tillamook It was a beautiful day in Tillamook, and there were Shrine Nobles and Ladies everywhere. From the Director of Units’ official count, there were, in the parade: Motor Escort, 4; Al Kader Patrol - Flag, 4; Shurtah, 1; Divan, 3; Classic Cars, 1; Oriental Band, 16; Cyclowns, 4; Flag Patrol, 8; Kader Klowns, 2; Concert Band, 19; Desert Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 6 Patrol, 9; Renegades, 3; Al Kader Patrol - Jeep, 3; Shrine Club, 4. There were several Nobles selling Marys Peak raffle tickets on the sidelines, and our Ladies were there to cheer us on. The Caravaners took 8 RV’s (by my count) and set up camp at the Tillamook Fairgrounds, where we enjoyed an oasis and pot-luck dinner on Saturday. Altogether, a great time! Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 7 AL KADER PATROL by Noble Bill Harris Summer arrived just in time for the Sandy Parade on July 8th. With this parade being an early evening event, and the temperature reaching triple digits, the Patrol had to cancel the Color Guard due to concern over the potential health issues in walking the parade route. Hopefully, the weather will be cooler next year. The Patrol will be selling the 2011 Entertainment Books again this year. The books will be delivered to the Patrol the week of August 16th. Contact Noble Jim Nielson, (503) 775-0991 or Noble Bill Harris (503) 625-5143 to reserve your copy. Patrol Nobles and our Ladies were busy July 23rd and 24th selling Mustang raffle tickets and assisting at the Shrine Rodeo in Molalla. We still had time to be the Color Guard at the Newberg Parade on July 24th. The Patrol, with our People Hauler, will be in Baker City for the East-West Shrine Football Game and Parade. After our July 5th meeting, our Patrol Ladies prepared a picnic theme dinner with several types of hot dogs with all the trimmings. The food and the fellowship which followed were great. Looking for a Shrine Unit to join? You and your Lady are invited to our August 2nd meeting at the Shrine Center. Attitude adjustment 5:30 PM, meeting 6:00 PM. Ladies Project 6:00 PM. Potluck dinner and fellowship after the meeting. CONCERT BAND by Noble Clem Norton On Saturday, June 12th, the Wilsonville Shrine Center was filled with expatriates from the state of Oklahoma for the Okie Social. The Band, under the direction of Noble Gorden Mallory, played the title song from the 1943 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "Oklahoma!" as well as the Merle Haggard classic, "Okie From Muskogee," and other selections during a forty-minute concert before dinner. We traveled to Tillamook on June 26th for the annual Dairy Days parade. This is always a very well-attended event, with the bystanders three and four deep along both curbs cheering us on as our Bandwagon rolled along the two-mile route. We thank Noble Fred Hardin for being our driver, and we also thank the sun for shining on us. The Shrine Family Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, August 29th at Oaks Park in Portland. As in the past, the Band invites all those who play a standard band instrument to sit in with us. This includes spouses, kids, grand-kids and family relations who are instrumentally inclined. The music is not hard, and the musical camaraderie is first rate. Gates open at noon, and we begin playing very shortly thereafter, so come early. Bring a music stand if you have one; if not, you can share with a fellow player. The annual trip to Baker City for the parade and football game is coming up, and these and other activities will be reported upon in next month's OASIS. Fine for now. DESERT PATROL by Noble Bob Timm & Lady Nora The Desert Patrol has participated in parades nearly every weekend recently. Tillamook had 9 participants, Molalla had 7. In the Molalla parade the guys had fun making circles around the carful of Ladies Oriental Shriners. The Sandy evening parade 8 managed to make it through the heat and went to a BBQ afterward provided by the Master of Sandy's Lodge. Thank you Dave and Kristina Williams for your hospitality! 3 participated in the Philomath Frolic. Troutdale parade was well attended and 6 rode in Joseph again this year. Noble Phil Strother's son, Andy (Andy's Auto & Truck Repair in Sherwood), has tuned up several of the bikes so they run like new again. If you read (new) Noble Steve Heller's article last month, you will see how much he is enjoying his membership in Al Kader and having lots of fun in the Desert Patrol. There are still a few available ATV's for sale. We are always looking forward to meeting someone who would like to have an excuse to have way too much fun riding with our group. Give Director of Units Gib Thonstad a call for more information 503-786-9961 or 503816-1919. He joined our group a couple years ago and loves being a part of the Desert Patrol. If you can't reach him, call IS Dan Moyer ‘08 at 503-661-5627. Al Kader’s Desert Patrol Announces CELL PHONES ONLY TO BE RECYCLED.! No More Computers, Printers, Scanners, Etc. Please!! Thanks for your support! The Desert Patrol. Items may be left in Recorder’s Office at Al Kader Shrine Center or call: 503-684-4420 to arrange for pickup. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 8 KADER KLOWNS by Freddieee Where is Gleneden Beach? Ask a Kader Klown and they will tell you this is a town that loves a parade and clowns. This was the 5th year we were invited to attend their parade. It is a doozy--not long, but well attended starting with a pancake breakfast all you can eat ending with the biggest block BBQ with all the trimmings after the parade. Is all you need to bring if you are a clown is yourself as the community provides everything else. To top it off they have donated over $300.00 each year to the Kader Klowns. Now this is cool, making money for the hospital, travel expenses and get treated like kings. This was a special year with two clowns going (Never been before) to see what it was all about. Punkin and Ronee, were not treated any less. Friday night we started at the local Shack (Tavern) and did what clowns do best, bring a smile or two including a belly laugh over a beer. We cannot forget the great host, Ronee’s daughter. She just happens to have a little cottage and wanted all of us to come to her house for a BBQ with all the trimmings Saturday. Friday night bless her heart she took her dad and all the clowns out to dinner at one of her favorite places to eat and would not accept to money. Bless her heart again. Ronee you have a wonderful daughter, not because of her generosity but her love for life. For another story a new clown the day before a gig. He said yes I want to have some fun. Mikke and I put a nose, outfit and face on Chewy. Both live here in the Dalles. We were asked by a local church (First Christian Church) to come down town The Dalles (They closed off main Street for 8 blocks to have a party.) All three of us are Christian clowns and of course representing the Shrine as well played with the crowd. We did a couple of Christian performances (About 10 minutes) and mixed with the crowd. Chewy liked it a lot, I thing we snagged him. You will be seeing more of him in the near future. If you want to bring a smile to someone contact me below, we will show you how. Motto: “Your Love is Where Your Heart Is” See you down the road. Take care,“Freddieee” 541-298-4163 MOTOR ESCORT UNIT by Noble John L. Nerski, Captain The weather finally arrived!! No rain in Tillamook, Molalla, Independence or Sandy!! Tillamook, as always, was a great parade. We had four bikes there and a good time was had by all. I forgot my hat so Tom Bland loaned me his so I wouldn’t burn the top of my pointy little head and blind every one with the glare from the sun bouncing off it. We attended the Molalla parade for the first time in recent history and had a great time. The parade was very long and warm and the bikes got hot. But, there was a huge crowd that attended the parade and cheered as the Shriners passed by. We also had one lone bike attend the Independence parade, another long and arduous one, but fun none-the-less. Dick Norcross traveled from far distances over hill and dale (well, he might have hit one hill but no dale) to get to the Independence parade. By all reports he was well received and represented us in the fine fashion we have become accustomed to in Noble Norcross. Tom Bland and Lady Kathy helped with the Molalla Buckaroo rodeo on Saturday July 3rd in the evening taking tickets and so forth. Richard Eiden, Tom Bland, Lady Kathy, my wife Lady Patricia and I all helped out after the parade on the 4th of July at the rodeo, again taking tickets and selling drink tokens for their event. We hope that this is a preview of the attendance to the Shriner’s rodeo on July 23rd and 24th and we got some much needed experience in helping the Buckaroo Rodeo Association. One last reminder to everyone that we are having our 2010 Poker Run fund-raiser on August 14th starting at Latus Motors in Gladstone. We will have a great ride developed by then, prizes and a BBQ at the end location, which is the Tigard/Orenomah Masonic Lodge. Look for the flyer in the Oasis. The Oasis is now on-line! Go to: Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 9 ORIENTAL BAND The Al Kader Patrol Presents: All The Fun at Half The Price by Noble John P. Smith Traveling Nobles: Our caravan spent the night at an oasis. When we awoke, one camel was missing. On the horizon and atop a dune, was a lonely black camel – that of John Sinden. We will miss Johns outgoing enthusiasm and person. He was one of the most friendly, helpful and welcoming leaders in our Oriental Band caravan.. WASOB and the MANDARIN DEGREE can be seen atop a distant “dune”. However, we can honor Al Kader and Scot Duncil best through early preparation. Our plodding beasts will get us there sooner than we wish. All Al Kader Nobles are challenged by Master Egg Fu Yung to support our Hospital by joining Tong #2 and taking the famed MANDARIN DEGREE. MANDARIN DEGREE - TONG #2 Noble Mandarins and commoners: His Greatness, Emperor Mandarin, Egg Fu Yung, demands your presence at the ceremony of the Mandarin Degree, Tong #2. Emperor Yung has commanded that The Western Assoc. of Shrine Oriental Bands (WASOB) will host the ritual of the Tong, with the help of Asiya Mandarins. It is to be held Friday (24th) night at the Al Kader Shrine Center in Wilsonville, Oregon. All initiates and Mandarins are welcome. Humble initiates will get to record their names in the official “Mandarin Book” as evidence of their transformation. Mandarins, bring your caps but don‛t bring your Fez; candidates, come Fezless but bring your money ($20 donation to the Ladder of Smiles). Emperor Yung seeks non-Mandarin money to assist this noble charitable cause. Your generous donations will allow more of those in our Hospitals to lead more “normal” lives and, one-day, maybe, be Mandarins too. More than 1000 Shriners are Mandarins, raise funds for our Hospitals and utter the secret Mandarin words. Become a Mandarin. Only $25.00 2011 The Entertainment Book is now on sale, and it is filled with hundreds of half-off and two-for-one coupons. The Entertainment Book is the best way to save money on travel, dining, shopping, attractions and much more! Contact: Jim Nielson 503-775-0991 or Bill Harris 503-625-5143 Net proceeds benefit Al Kader Shrine Patrol, not tax deductible See you in Baker City! An All-Shriner Master Mason Degree Team Most Blue Lodges have a difficult, if not impossible, task of conferring the Master Mason Degree. Al Kader has formed an All-Shrine Degree Team; one that performs both sections of the Master Mason Degree when called upon. Any Lodge needing the assistance of the Shrine Degree Team should call Ken Jubb. Any Shriner who is interested in being a part of this Master Mason Degree Team, please contact Ken. Ken Jubb Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 10 503-253-1410 Tee Times for Charity! Do you like to golf? Do you use an online site to book your golf tee times? Would you like to help your favorite charity, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland? Tee Times for Charity, along with their partner Golf Channel Solutions has a special place where golfers can receive discounted tee times AND donate towards Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland. Golfers can reserve tee times, at over 2,300 golf courses nationwide, at highly discounted green fee rates AND make donations to Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland AND invite their friends to donate too. Those using the site will receive a discounted greens fee with a portion of the discount being donated to the hospital. All booking and payment is done at a secure online site. To review which courses throughout the United States are available, go to: charity_id=299 (no space between ? and c) Live at the Shrine Crab Louis Dinner Presented by the TUALATIN VALLEY SHRINE CLUB Raffles, Wheels of Chance and Entertainment Sunday, September 19, 2010 at Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9612 Doors Open: 4:00 PM Cost: $20.00 per person Cash Bar Contact any officer of the Tualatin Valley Shrine Club for tickets or you may call Herb Richardson at 503-691-6711 or email at Net Proceeds for this Dinner are for the benefit of the Tualatin Valley Shrine Club and are NOT deductible as a charitable contribution. Live at the Shrine Spice Up Your Summer! Enjoy "Live Dance" Music with the John Bennett Swing Band “Gentleman” Jim Buchmann Joins John on Sunday, August 22nd from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM: The band features Wayne Travillion, Cornet/Trombone/Music Coordinator and the “Worlds Most Dangerous Rhythm Section” -- Jack Dawes, Drums; Dave Duthie, Bass;and Dave Johnson, Guitar Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave., Wilsonville I-5 to #286 Exit (North of Elligsen Road and Super 8 Motel) No Host Bar & Light Dining Menu - Door: $10 per person Net proceeds will go to support the Shrine Oriental Band. Come Support the People Who Help the Kids and Join the Fun and DANCE* to Live Music! *To Dance: To Move One's Feet and Body Rhythmically! (OK, you can just hold on to each other and Sway.) Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 11 Santa? Imperial Andersen Construction crew members, currently on the remodel to the Shriners Hospitals for Children were treated to a cool snack by Nick Martell. “I feel a little like Santa,” Nick said when one of the workers asked about his handing out the cool snack. The Group waiting for transportation from Toronto Airport. President Ralph Jubb of the ASOB with Lady Janelle and Megan. Dinner with MWB Ed and Lady Judy. Imperial Sir Jack Jones dubbed a Knight of the Order of the Garter by the “Queen?” Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 12 George A. Mitchell Imperial Potentate Rameses Temple During the 2010 Imperial Council Session, held in Toronto July 4-8, George A. Mitchell of Jordan Station, Ontario, Canada, was elected the Imperial Potentate of Shriners International, making him the highest-ranking Shriner in the world. In this role, he serves as President of the Board of Directors for Shriners International and Chairman of the Board of Directors for Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Mitchell is the president and owner of Mitchell’s Bunsmaster Bakery and Deli and Maple Leaf Investments, and was involved in the motel business and real estate development for several years. He attended St. Catharine’s Collegiate and Vocational School and majored in business at Niagara College. He is a member of St. Catharine’s Business Club and a Kentucky Colonel of Niagara. Mitchell served as the Potentate of Rameses Shriners in 1997 and is a life-member to several Shrine clubs. He is an emeritus member of the board of governors of Shriners Hospitals for Children® — Erie and is a former Chairman of the Membership, Budget, Investment, Protocol, Insurance and Ritual committees. He has also served on the Special Purpose Funds/Fundraising Evaluation Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. His Masonic affiliations include Adanac Lodge #614, the Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies, Knights Templar, the Cabiri and the National Sojourners, Milwaukee Chapter #27. He is a Past Master of the Lodge of Perfection #616 and a member of Seymour York Rite College #185. Mitchell is also an honorary member of the Order of International Supreme Council of DeMolay International. Mitchell and his wife, Deanna, have two sons, a daughter and four grandchildren. Portrait of a Leader by Noble Warren Gray, Assistant Rabban On July 7, 2010 the Al Kader elected Divan and their Ladies along with Past Potentates Rene Johnson and Lady Doris, Bob Walliker, Mel Hervey and Lady Kathy, and Dan Moyer and Lady Jennifer witnessed the installation of Noble Ralph Jubb as President of the Association of Shrine Oriental Bands (ASOB). Noble Ralph was installed by Imperial Sir John Cinotto and was fezzed by Megan Johnson. He has set a lofty goal for fundraising this year. Noble Ralph served as Master Counselor of his DeMolay chapter and has received the honor of Chevalier. He joined Eastgate Lodge No. 155 at age 22 where his father Ken is also a member as are his two sons Ken and Spenser. Noble Ralph joined the Oriental Band in 1992 and has been a member continuously since that date. He has also been a Past President and President of the Western Association of Shrine Oriental Bands (WASOB). Ralph is a past president of the Order of Quetzalcoatl Multnomah Teocali and a past president of the Pacific Northwest Quetzalcoatl Association (PNQA) covering the states of Oregon, Washington, and the Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. It was at the PNQA Association annual meeting in Lincoln City that Ralph demonstrated his fund raising prowess. Ralph conceived the idea of having his head shaved if the members present would pledge $2,000 to be raised over a three day period. He also convinced Warren Gray to join him and a member from Nile Temple. Over the three day period, in excess of $5,000 was raised and four of us had our heads publicly shaved. I think Ralphs grew back in about a month. Warren's took more like six months. Noble Ralph served two Potentates as Personal Aide and Chief of Staff for IS Bud James ‘03 and IS Mel Hervey ’07. Since 2000 Noble Ralph has volunteered as a driver at the Portland Shrine Hospital with Noble Herb Richardson. In 2008 Noble Ralph was elected to the Board of Governors of the Portland Shrine Hospital for Children. Noble Ralph's father Ken is also a member of the Oriental Band and one of the leaders of the Shrine Degree Team. Noble Ken is a past Associate Grand Guardian of Jobs Daughters. Lady Virginia is a member of Eastern Star. Noble Ralph has been married to Lady Janelle for over 30 years. Next time you see Noble Ralph please congratulate him and ask if you can help with the Ladder of Smiles Charity. From the Editor’s Desk by Noble Dave Johnson, Oasis Editor The Al Kader Oasis is greatly enriched by the contributions of articles and photos. While the authors are usually identified along with their writings, we are not so diligent at acknowledging our photo contributors. First among them is our Temple Photographer, Art Thompson. Others whose photos we have used recently include Noble Don Stapleton, Noble Carson Bailey, IS Bob Walliker ‘06, Lady Jennifer Moyer, Noble Melvin and Lady Loretta Frye, and Freddieee. If there are others that I have missed, I apologize. Thanks to you all, and remember that, at the end of the year, we will have the Photographer of the Year Award. Keep them coming! Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 13 COLUMBIA COUNTY SHRINE CLUB SALEM SHRINE CLUB The CCSC did not meet in July but our officers have been networking to develop a plan for the annual turkey donation to the SHC in November and the St. Helens Children's Fair in October. The annual projects for the Club change in their requirements yearly. We welcomed back Past President, Noble Lu Novotny, & his Lady Margaret. Sadly, they had been in California, for the funeral of her daughter. by Noble Ron Ellenson Club Treasurer, IS Rennie Johnson ‘99, key founder and Club charter member, attended the 136th Imperial Session at Toronto, Canada in July and completed his fifteenth year as an active Imperial SHC Board Member on the Board of Directors of the Colorado Corporation. He plans to attend the Imperial Session at Denver in 2010 to receive the formal presentation of Emiteritus recognition. IS Rennie received the Emeritus reorganization from the SHC Portland Unit, for his nine years of service as a Board Member last spring. Thank you IS Rennie and Lady Doris for your unselfish dedcation to our Shriners philanthropy. Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 13th at the Club building in St. Helens. GRESHAM SHRINE CLUB by Noble Don Slezak It is time to start thinking about the festive fall season of socials and other exciting activities. Our first social will be September 15, 2010. It is to soon to know what we will have for dinner or who the speaker will be. You will have to read all about it in the September Oasis. There are still many parades to go to and of course you don’t want to miss the 65th Annual Al Kader Golf Tournament on the 27th or the Al Kader Picnic on the 29th. The Golf Tournament is not just for Shiners but is open to all. Ask your wife to come and play with you or get your golfing friends and make up a team. You will be surprised how much fun you will have. Be on the lookout for new Shiners and Masons. There are lots of Masons that are not Shiners and don’t know what they are missing. Get them to join. If they are not Masons yet get them to join and then become Shriners. We need new members. by Noble Ron Orlebeke The Club is looking into various moneymaking activities. One of the more intriguing ideas is a series of "mud drags." Past President, Noble Don Denton is investigating and will report his findings next month.. MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our annual club hosted steak fry picnic. The date is Thursday August 26th at 12 noon. It will be held at "Hee Hee Illahee" a relatively new RV Park, which is located at 4751 Astoria St. NE, Salem, Or. The park has 48 seats undercover, with 2 BBQ's & inside restrooms. Directions--going north on I5, take exit 258, north on Portland Road, left at 2nd light onto Astoria St. The park is on your left just past the Rodeway Inn. Coming south on I5, take exit 258, left over the freeway & then right on Portland Road, to Astoria St. Reservations are required; call Club President Earle Beesley @ 503-580-8289, or 503-391-2897 Poet Laureate’s Corner by W. Dale Burkett August It's August and we know the season We try to beat the heat Lemonade and iced tea and ice cream can't be beat. Open up the windows and let the cool air in Don't try to fight the summer heat Just face it with a grin So relax and face the music There's nothing it is true Ole man summer rules the roost No matter what we do. Reservations for the September social can be made by calling Donna Dennis at 503 665-3955 or Betty Stowell at 971 645-1967. You can make your reservations anytime between now and September 13th but you DO need to make them. Remember to wear your fez whenever possible as it pays to advertise. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 14 SNAKE RIVER SHRINE CLUB by By Noble Bill Blankinship Snake River Shrine Club had a busy spring with dinner meetings including both Idaho and Oregon Club members and Ladies in attendance. The April meeting was held at the Holiday Inn in Ontario to honor our Shrine football players and coaches. About 60 Shriners, their Ladies, players and families, coaches and families met for dinner and entertainment. The guest speaker for the evening was Bob Beiler, “The voice of the Broncos”, who entertained us with his experiences broadcasting Boise State Football. Shrine players were able to participate in replays of BSU football games with “color” comments along with play-by-play from Beiler. The six area players and alternates were presented with polo shirts with Shrine logo and their names embossed. Our June meeting was held at the “Double Diamond Bar and Grill” in New Plymouth, where we enjoyed Western entertainment and food. Guests at the dinner included IS Gary Adams, Potentate of El Korah Shrine and his Lady Joyce. Asst. Rabban Stan Garrett and High Priest and Prophet Ron Lester, and their Ladies, represented the El Korah Divan. Roger Hood, Snake River Club football representative gave an update on the Baker City festivities. Due to the heavy activities in July, including many parades where our clowns participate, the Club voted to hold the July gathering at Baker City RV park. Our next summer dinner meeting will be August 23rd at the Farmers Mutual club room in Fruitland, ID. This will be our annual steak fry under the direction of Jay Garrett, the club secretary. The meeting will be for both Nobles and Ladies. TILLAMOOK COUNTY SHRINE CLUB by Noble Carey Huckaba ROCKAWAY BEACH GETS FEZED The 2010 annual fourth of July parade in Rockaway Beach was proclaimed the biggest and best parade they ever had. Seven of Shrinedon’s finest fez wearers from Tillamook County Shrine Club just may have been the reason this years parade was the best. Well, it was the first time Tillamook County Shrine Club has ever participated in the parade, so if it was the best ever, it must have been because of our entry in parade. The Shrine Parade Float was an artfully decorated dory towed by a pickup truck with a 4’x 6’ “Tillamook County Shriners” sign on the front, “Shriners Having Fun Helping Kids” on both sides and seven handsome Shriners proudly wearing their Fez, filled the dory. Since no parade is complete without music, Noble Jonathan Dyk touched the hearts of the sideliners with his accordion rendition of “it’s a small world” and other old favorites.. One thing was evident, during the entire two mile parade route, the group that got the most applause, the loudest cheers, and the broadest smiles were the Shriners. It’s great to be a Shriner having fun and helping kids. TUALATIN VALLEY SHRINE CLUB by Noble Herb Richardson Well gosh and gee whiz, here we are in mid-summer already. This is the month for our annual Tualatin Valley Shrine Club picnic. We are all set to convene at Cook Park in Tigard on Wednesday, August 18th at 5:00 PM. As has been mentioned on numerous occasions, the Club will be providing all of the hamburgers, hotdogs and fixens for your eating pleasure. I am hopeful that our wonderful Ladies will be able to provide a few side dishes. Anyone willing to bring some potato salad, baked beans, or coleslaw? Let me or President Bob Strong know what you can help with. Oh, and the Club will be providing the liquid refreshments. As you may recall we voted to not have a meeting in September as we will be hosting our annual Crab Louis Dinner at the Al Kader Shrine Center on Sunday, September 19, 2010. Just a friendly reminder for everyone to mark that date on your calendars. We still have an agreement with the Oriental Band to host the food preparations and serving and they will also be operating a cash bar. We'll need help in all areas so be prepared to get involved. There will be raffles and games of chance so if you have any of those unopened bottles of liquor just sitting around the house that you never plan on using, consider offering them as raffle items on the wheels of chance. Other new, unopened items worthy of being raffle prizes would also be much appreciated. If you want tickets for the Crab Louis dinner for yourself, family, neighbors, friends, associates, etc., let me know and I'll get them in the mail to you right away. They are $20.00 each. The tickets are also available through the Al Kader Office and can be charged to a major credit card. Although we are now dark there are still lots of things to do throughout the summer and, as always, I will attempt to keep you posted here in this column as best I can. Our next business meeting will be at the Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Road, (Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman Road), Aloha at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, October 20, 2010. If anything changes between now and then I’ll let you know by mail, email or phone call. Hope to see all of you there. See you at the picnic. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 15 Membership - continued from page 4 top line signer on his petition to join the Shrine, help him become involved in a Club and a Unit as well as social events. You will have gained a friend for life and helped make our fraternity stronger. Please remember to talk with one new man a month about becoming a Mason and one Master Mason a month about becoming a Shriner. The Temple needs your assistance in talking to your lodge members who are not already Shriners about the positive benefits of becoming a Shriner, taking part in both blue lodge degrees, helping with the Rites degrees and membership. These locations along your Blue Lodge and Shriners Village represent the locations we will find our new members. Each Al Kader Shrine Club and Unit should have a membership chairman assigned to become a Virtual Mentor and work to increase your club roster by 5%. Let us also not forget our members who may not visit the club or unit very often as they are part of our membership. We need to check up on them and make sure they are okay. Membership in our Temple is everyone’s responsibility. Our two new Temples added over 400 members each last year. We at Al Kader can do the same. We are looking to start a new unit helping with Transportation. If you have a larger truck or would be interested in driving one of the floats please contact our potentate at 503-682-4420. The Ritualists need help with setting up the stage for our ceremonial. I’m looking for people who can help with marketing our Temple’s fund raisers. Do you have social media skills? Would you be interested in forming a dog owners club, a golf club or some other group? If you are a musician we have three groups who would like to talk with you. Please contact me at 971-235-4366 or at my email address: Al Kader History Display by Noble John Smith, Historian WHERE DID THEY GO? Did it sink? Did it run into a Columbia River iceberg? Why did the Al Kader Yacht Club sail off into the sunset? A monogrammed drink-chip is the only artifact we have representing that Unit. We know little about that Unit. Send/deliver your Yacht Club donations or information to Al Kader Shrine Center c/o “Al Kader History”. There was a Bowlers Unit. It was official in 1959. But where did it roll off to? Help us “pin” down its story. Send your donations/ information to the address above. Our Shriners Hospitals for Children® -Portland has touched the lives of thousands of children in its nearly 90 years. Looking forward to providing quality care for the next 90 years, Shriners Hospitals for Children®- Portland has proudly added 66,000 additional square feet of patient care space. The phase two remodel project has begun which makes excellent re-use of the existing space. Coupled with the building project, the acceptance of health insurance to offset rising healthcare costs has created a bright picture for the future. Friends and family of a Noble, not Shriners themselves, continue to be the most prolific donors/supporters of Al Kader History. It is them we have to thank for many of our history items. Thank you friends and families. Until we talk again next month remember the fun of being a Shriner and helping to make childrens’ lives better though support for our hospital system. Merle E. Greenstein 7/1/2010 Tualatin William M. Larson 7/2/2010 Portland Elbert "Fuzz" H. Ragsdale 7/3/2010 Monmouth William A. Bourne 6/27/2010 Vancouver, WA John J. Sinden 7/2/2010 Washougal, WA Eric A. Wiskoff 7/12/2010 Portland Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 16 HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS-PORTLAND by Lady Pat Grennan, Director of Community Affairs As the 2010 summer moves forward, a number of activities are scheduled that will keep the Shriners Hospitals for Children® Portland patients, staff and volunteers busy. On July 10th, the Freedom Bowl Classic in Vancouver was held to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Only July 31st, the East West Shriners All Star game will be held in Baker City, OR to showcase the talents of the football players from throughout the state of Oregon. Smooth jazz musician Kenny G, with special guests Patti Austin & Stephanie Mills, will play a benefit concert for the hospital on Saturday, August 21st at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland, Oregon. Tickets for this special event are available at BUILDING UPDATE Hospital departments have moved into their new areas in the new areas of the building. This includes our inpatient unit, surgical services, motion analysis lab, care coordination, and the orthotics & prosthetics lab. Renovation of the existing building has begun in earnest; the first three floors of the building will see a significant change by the completion date of late spring 2011. At that time, we will have new reception lobby, an outpatient clinic, larger dining area and more family guest rooms along with added amenities for the families such as a laundry facility. With the renovation and newly opened expansion project, there have been some challenges in finding your way about the hospital building. A great number of volunteers have stepped up to the daily role of escorting families through the building; making sure they find their way to their destination within the building. We thank these dedicated volunteers for their commitment and assistance! IN OTHER NEWS At the time of this writing, we have implemented the program to begin billing the patients’ insurance companies for services performed at the hospital. For those patients without insurance, the care provided at any Shriners Hospitals for Children will remain at no financial obligation to the family. For those families with insurance, effective July 1st, the hospital has begun billing the insurance companies for services rendered by the hospital. Any co-payments or deductibles will be covered by the hospital, thus continuing to provide that outstanding medical care for children in your communities at no financial obligation. Important note: There is a new patient application form that should be used. The new application has in the lower right hand corner this information: “Form 1036 Rev 05/11/10”. Please use this new application form for any referrals you may make from your community or with any screening clinics you may hold. The new form may be found online at wing of the hospital but they are also replacing the building’s siding and windows which keeps the workers hoisted along side the building in this hot weather. One such day in the Pacific Northwest where the weather finally moved from cool, cloudy days to one filled with summer heat, these workers were treated to a cool snack by Nick Martell. “I feel a little like Santa,” Nick said when one of the workers asked about his handing out the cool snack. “This hits the spot, it’s not only hot but a little dusty up there,” commented one of the workers. We hope your summer has been a happy time; the autumn months will be upon us before we know. Safe summer travels to everyone! Al Zahrah Court #58 Ladies Oriental Shrine by Lady Marjorie Burgher, PHP Greetings from Al Zahrah Court #58 All the Ladies of Al Zahrah Court #58 are very excited about the Official visit of our Grand High Priestess, Lady Jennie Crawford. She’ll be in Portland on August 4th, for a tour of the Portland Shrine Hospital for Children. On Thursday, August 5th Al Zahrah Court #58 will host a dinner for Lady Jennie at 5:00 PM, followed by a regular Court meeting at 7:00 PM. The meeting and the dinner will be at the Scottish Rite building in downtown Portland. Every LOS member is encouraged to attend our August meeting. Al Zahrah Court’s Tri-Mountain Busy Bee’s will be hosting an Applebee’s Breakfast on Saturday September 11th, between 8:00 and 10:00 AM at 12717 SE 2nd Circle, (right off Mill Plain) in Vancouver. Tickets are available from any Busy Bee member, or you can call me at 360-609-1511, and I’ll make sure you get a ticket. The ticket price is $5.00 per person. (Please note the reduction in price!!). Everyone is invited, so please join us for good food and fun in September. This year we will be kicking off the Christmas season with a Potluck lunch at “Sleighbells” in Sherwood, Oregon on Sunday November 7th at 2:00 PM. This is always a wonderful way to start the season, great food, good company and you can do some shopping as well. Please join us. Tickets will be available at the door. If you have any questions regarding any event or just want information about the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, please feel free to call me at 360-609-1511. Crew members of Andersen Construction Company are working on the phase two portion of the hospital’s remodel project. The workers are not only working to remodel the inside of the south Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 17 Wine Tasting Social We tasted wines from Apolloni, Adea, Plum Hill and Purple Cow. We had Chicken, Pork and Steak entrees prepared by Noble Joe Moore (shone here with Chief Aide Pete Ohlman) and his Lady Kathie and Salmon prepared by the Amaranth. The event was very well organized by Noble Gib Thonstad, Director of Units, who also arranged the band--which also included his son. You missed an excellent Social! Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 18 Al Kader Shriners Motor Escort Unit’s 2nd Annual Poker Run Saturday August 14, 2010 Rider Fee $20 Passenger Fee $10 Registration Begins at 9am Latus Motors Gladstone 1st bike out 10am BBQ at Rides end Tigard Masonic Lodge Ride, Have Fun, Win Prizes Contact Person: Tom Bland (503) 876-6220 Web site: Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 19 20th Anniversary B.U.L.L. Session by Lady Pat Grennan, Director of Community Affairs Raffle tickets are available for this year’s 20th Anniversary B.U.L.L. (Business, Union and Labor Leaders) Session Dinner and Golf Tournament. The dates are September 13th and 14th and Shriners Hospitals for Children - Portland is one of the 9 charities that benefit from this event. In support of this year’s event, which has raised a significant amount of money specifically for Shriners Hospitals for Children Portland, the Community Affairs department is selling B.U.L.L. Session raffle tickets for $20 each. Contact Mandy Kruger at 503-221-3466, Kay Weber 503-2213463 or Pat Grennan at 503-221-3458 to purchase the tickets. Four Raffle Prizes: 1. Azumano Travel Voucher $1,000 2. Thriftway Gift Card $500 3. Nordstrom Gift Card $500 4. A set of Five $100 Gift cards to Target, Trader Joe’s, Macy’s Starbucks and Shell Gas Card The drawing will be held at 6:15 PM on September 14th at the Reserve Vineyards and Golf Club. You do not need to be present to win…just need to have the raffle ticket stub in hand to redeem your prize. Now for the fine print: The benefitting Charities receive 100% of the Net Proceeds from this Raffle. No more than 1,200 ticket will be sold. Cash or check accepted for raffle tickets. Salem Shrine Club Screening Clinic Here it comes again, the call to arms. The annual Salem Shrine Club screening clinic for the Shriners Hospital for Children-Portland will be October 23rd, 2010 at the Salem Hospital. Bob Barrowcliff is asking again for all the help he can get--all the regular Shrine Clubs, our regular Klowns, our escorts, our interpreters-and our loyal Ladies that keep of us in line. I will take any suggestions as how to get our people from the parking to the screening area in the hospital. This is a once a year event and we would like to make it great.If I do not make a personal call please forgive me and call me. I will have the posters and fliers available on time. Again please feel free to call me. Costumes not mandatory! 65th ANNUAL AL KADER GOLF TOURNAMENT AUGUST 27, 2010 HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! You have only a few more days to get your entry in! The price is only $65.00 per person in honor of the 65th annual tournament and for this price you get greens fees, cart, lunch from Buster‛s BBQ, 2 drink tickets, logo balls, tees, and a door prize ticket. There are team prizes for low gross for both Shrine and guest teams. Two (2) or more Shriners in a foursome make up a Shrine team. The long drive competition is by age and there is something to win on each of the par threes. Golf balls are awarded for team birdies and eagles with a limit of 12 balls per team. It is a Scramble format with a shotgun start. The tournament is open to all Shiners, Masons, Ladies and anybody else who likes golf. Where else can you have so much fun for the price. Oh, did I mention that the weather is always perfect? The tournament is held at the Oregon City Golf Course located at 20124 S. Beavercreek Road in Oregon City. Just take the Molalla exit off I-205 and turn left on Beavercreek Road at the top of the hill. The course is located just east of the Oregon City High School on the North side of the road. The shotgun start is at 7:30 AM with check in at 7:00 AM. Coffee and doughnuts are provided in the clubhouse. The prizes will be awarded after the catered lunch from Buster‛s BBQ. Remember we are limited to 144. Entries are processed on a first come first served basis. You must send money with your entry form. YOU DON‛T WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS FUN TOURNAMENT! Entry forms are in the Oasis or you can get one from the Shrine Center by calling 503-682-4420. Any questions you have will be answered at this number also. The Greeters have a raffle for additional prizes. All net proceeds are for the benefit of Al Kader Shrine. Not tax deductible. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 20 Al Kader’s 65th Annual Golf Tournament August 27, 2010 Oregon City Golf Course 20124 S. Beavercreek Road, Oregon City Scramble Format – Shotgun Start - 7:30 AM Limited to first 144 players – 36 Teams $65.00 per person - $260.00 per team Entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, cart, 2 drink tickets, lunch and raffle tickets. Everybody is welcome. Prizes and trophies awarded for Low Gross, KP’s and Long Drives. 2010 Al Kader Shrine Golf Entry Form Put the Captain’s name first. 1. Name ______________________________ Shriner Yes No Phone #__________ Address_____________________________ City_____________ State____ Zip_______ 2. Name ______________________________ Shriner Yes No Phone #__________ Address_____________________________ City_____________ State____ Zip_______ 3. Name ______________________________ Shriner Yes No Phone #__________ Address_____________________________ City_____________ State____ Zip_______ 4. Name ______________________________ Shriner Yes No Phone #__________ Address_____________________________ City_____________ State____ Zip_______ Full amount due with your entry form. Deadline for entries is August 20, 2010 Please make checks payable to: Al Kader Golf or Visa or Master Card Visa/MC Number Number _______________________ Expiration Date: Month: ______ Year ______ Take or mail your entry to: Al Kader Shrine Center, 25100 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 All net proceeds are for the benefit of Al Kader Shrine. The entry fee is not deductible as a charitable contribution. For additional forms call 503-682-4420. LATE ENTRIES ARE $80.00 per person. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 21 Proofreaders’ Contest Nobles Clem Norton and John Bennett and Lady Rita Nielson were the only proofreaders having their names entered this month for the finals of the drawing. July is now closed, but there are a few new errors in this issue, just for your pleasure. Remember, the chances of winning depend on whether you choose to play, or not! Jennings McCall Center l Adult Living You Design v RetirementLiving v AssistedLiving v ProgressiveCare v RespiteCare E xperiencecreatesconfidence. The Jennings McCall management has more than 80 years of experience in caring for the needs of aging adults. We offer a comprehensive range of care services. Assisted Living at Jennings McCall includes amenities, choices and services to suit individual tastes and needs. We support your choices, enhance your dignity, and ensure your privacy and individuality. Independent Living at Jennings McCall provides a pleasant life with independence, confidence and freedom. • Now accepting Medicaid Waiver residents. 2221 Oak Street Forest Grove, Oregon Call 503-357-4133 for a free lunch & tour Call for information on valuable move-in incentives. Some restrictions may apply. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 22 Al Kader Family Picnic Sunday, August 29, 2010 Oaks Park, Portland Games - Rides - Prizes - Music and Lots of Good Food & Fun Directions Schedule 11:00 AM- Gates Open Children’s Games Start and Bingo for the adults Introduction of the Potentate and Divan Welcoming remarks followed by music from Al Kader’s Award-winning Oriental Band and the Concert Band (who invite you, your family member or friend to bring your standard band instruments and join them) 12:00 Noon - Picnic Served Menu - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs Salads, and all the fixings Park Closes around 4:00 PM Thanks for Coming, and have a safe trip home! Oaks Park is near the East end of Sellwood Bridge. Travel West on S.E. Tacoma to S.E. 6th Ave. Turn Right onto S.E. 6th. Turn Left onto S.E. Spokane St. Look on their website ( for the best way to get there from your location. -----Free to the Nobility -----Ride bracelets for kids 12 and under will be $5.00 -----Suds and Soft Drinks will be served all day long - along with Ice Cream bars -----Fun with the Kader Klowns ------ Raffle tickets are free. Raffles and prizes throughout the afternoon for kids and some adult prizes. ------ Note if bringing adult guests please arrange for them to arrive with you for ease of admission. Also, please call the Center (503-682-4420) with the count of kids 12 and under. Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 23 CHANGE of ADDRESS Al Kader Shrine AAONMS City ______________State ___ Zip ______ NEW Address ______________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ 25100 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Name _____________________________ Old Address ________________________ NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 497 PORTLAND, OR Dated Material Please Rush Please add Telephone # ( ) __________ SEND THIS COUPON TO: Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 7*$"-'0/40 /&UI"WF 1PSUMBOE03 $54 7JTJUVTPOMJOF XXXWJDBMGPOTPDPN $"%: 439 (BSZ4DPUU -FBTJOHBOE4BMFT "VUPNPUJWF4QFDJBMJTU CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice August 2010 Sunday, August 1 E-W Post Game Meeting - Baker City Saturday, August 7 Parades - Astoria & Silverton Sunday, August 8 Classic Car Show Saturday, August 14 Eugene/Springfield Picnic Motor Escort Poker Run Tillamook SC Steer Auction Saturday - Sunday, August 21-22 Marys Peak Trek - Philomath Thursday, August 26 Unit Head Meeting - 6:00 PM Friday, August 27 Al Kader Golf Tournament Saturday, August 28 Parade - Aumsville Sunday, August 29 Shrine Picnic - Oaks Park September 2010 Friday-Saturday, September 10-11 Burns Weekend Saturday, September 11 Pendleton Roundup and Parade Parade - Sublimity Tuesday-Wednesday, September 14-15 Canby Circus - 4:15 & 7:30 PM Friday, September 17 The Dalles Circus - 4:15 & 7:30 PM Saturday - Sunday, September 18-19 Redmond Circus Monday, September 20 Stated Meeting - 5:30 PM Thursday, September 23 Unit Head Meeting - 6:00 PM Thursday-Sunday, September 23-26 WASOB - Wilsonville Holiday Inn and Conference Center Pass the word to your Blue Lodge Brothers! It’s fun and rewarding to be a Shriner! Al Kader OASIS - August 2010 - Page 24 October 2010 Saturday, October 2 Potentate’s Ball Saturday, October 16 Wild Game Dinner Saturday, October 23 Eastern and Central Oregon Food Caravan Sunday, October 24 East-West Football Committee Meetibg Thursday, October 28 Unit Head Meeting - 6:00 PM