May 2007


May 2007
Volume 65, Number 5
May, 2007
Spring Ceremonial
Jimmy C. Fischer
June 1 & 2, 2007
The Official Publication of Egypt Shrine, Tampa, Florida
Sands • May 2007
Mothers Day
7:30 PM Dunedin
Lodge Visit
6:30 PM Divan
6:00 PM Dinner
11:30 AM Men’s
Creek BBQ - Elim
Temple #76
4 Kentucky Colonels5
Ky. Derby Day
LOLSC Golf Tournament
Scottish Rite Reunion
Ladies’ Luncheon
hosted by
LOH Legionettes
Grand York Rite at Lake Mary, FL
Gentlemen of the20
FSA at Sarasota, FL
11:30 AM Men’s
7:30 PM Stated
Mike Andrews
11:30 AM Men’s
Scottish Rite Reunion
Oasis Open
11:30 AM Men’s
Seafood Buffet
6:00 PM
Bahia Pote’s Ball
MAy 2007
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
SHC fund raiser by
Tampa Bay
11:30 AM Men’s
Memorial Day
Florida Grand Lodge at Orlando, FL
Spring Ceremonial
at Tampa Shrine
Amara Pote’s Ball
Shaddai Pote’s Ball
Spring Ceremonial
Jimmy C. Fischer
Noon Luncheon
Spring Ceremonial
5:30 PM Dinner
hosted by Aides
6:00 PM
Leadership Search
7:30 PM
Council Meeting
Directors Staff
Corn Boil
6:30 PM Divan
6:00 PM Dinner
11:30 AM Men’s
11:30 AM Men’s
6:00 PM Dinner
Hosted by Aides
6:00 PM Leadership
7:30 PM Councl
11:30 AM Men’s
7:30 PM
Brandon Lodge Visit
May 2007 • Sands
7:30 PM Stated MeetFLAG DAY
ing - TSH Adminis-Please come & wave
trator Alice Lanford,
flags with the Divan
& Scottish Rite
11:30 AM Men’s
Anaheim Party
- Oasis
Motor Corps
Spring Fling
- Activities Building
Thieves of
San Lorenzo
- Activities Building
JUNE 2007
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Dear Nobles and Ladies,
Potentate’s Message
We kick off this month headed to Sarasota for FSA with lots of good times with “Shriners”. I then want to give my best to the Grand York Rite session May 13-16., and I’d like
to ask you to greet our new Scottish Rite Masons on May 19 at 4 PM in the Oasis. Also, the
Grand Lodge of Florida meets May 27-30 in Orlando; your Potentate will be in attendance.
“How many masons does it take to change a light bulb? The answer is: CHANGE?”
Well, we aren’t changing our principles but we are changing our actions. I commissioned a
membership coin, and asked everyone who received one to ask one person to be a Shriner.
Have you done so? Have you asked someone to be a Shriner this year? We have worked
together with our Grand Master and our blue lodges because we are all brothers. I ask you
now to help me make the Jimmy C. Fischer Ceremonial on June 1 and 2 a success. You
know brothers, sons, fathers and uncles, people you work with and friends who will decide
on membership, because of YOU. Let them know that this is the World’s
Greatest Fraternity. Call the office for luncheon reservations ($15
If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don’t
I wish to leave you with a reminder of two very important April events:
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain you won’t.
Noble Mike Andrews, Exec. VP of Shriners of North America will speak at our
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost
May 9 monthly meeting and our Seafood Dinner on May 25 with entertainment
For out in the world we find
by Debby Bacon.
Success begins with a fellow’s will
My Brothers, hop on the ride, it’s up to you.
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are
Peace be with you (Es Selamu Aleikum),
R. James Rocha, Potentate
World's Greatest Fraternity...
You’ve got to think high to rise
You’ve got to be sure of yourself
Before You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later the man who wins
Clubs & Units Monthly Meeting Dates
Active Patrol..................................... 2nd Monday
Highlands Shrine Club................ 4th Wednesday
Pharaohs ..........................................2nd Tuesday
Ambassadors Shrine Club........ 2nd Wednesday
Holiday Isles Shrine Club....... 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Provost Guard ................................ 3rd Thursday
Brandon Shrine Club........................Last Monday
Honor Patrol....................................... 3rd Monday
Railroaders . ................................ 3rd Wednesday
Camel Patrol......................................4th Tuesday
Kentucky Colonels SC............... 2nd Wednesday
Ritual Team ......................................1st Thursday
Citrus Shrine Club........................1st Wednesday
Keystone Kops.................................1st Thursday
Showmen’s Shrine Club .....1st Saturday of Feb.
Classic Car Club...........................1st Wednesday
Lakeland Shrine Club . ............... 3rd Wednesday
Sun City Center Shrine Club .... 2nd Wednesday
Clearwater Shrine Club.....................4th Tuesday
Land O’ Lutz Shrine Club . ..............3rd Saturday
Tampa Cabiri Chapter ............... 2nd Wednesday
Cracker Jacks....................................... 4th Friday
Legion of Honor . ........................ 4th Wednesday
Technical Staff .................................1st Thursday
Director’s Staff.................................Last Tuesday
Midget Motors ................................ 2nd Thursday
Tin Lizzies ................................... 3rd Wednesday
Divot Diggers Golf SC............ 1st & 3rd Mondays
Motor Corps ................................... 2nd Thursday
Trike Patrol ...................................1st Wednesday
Fun N’ Frolic................................. 3rd Wednesday
Motor Patrol ................................ 3rd Wednesday
Wheels Association . ....................... 2nd Monday
Greeters........................................ 3rd Wednesday
New Port Richey Shrine Club ....... 2nd Thursday
Winter Haven Shrine Club ...... 1st & 3rd Monday
Hernando County Shrine Club.........1st Tuesday
Oriental Band ...............................1st Wednesday
Yacht Club ....................................... 3rd Thursday
Highlanders....................................... 3rd Tuesday
Past Masters ......................................1st Monday
Zephyr Shrine Club.......................... 3rd Tuesday
Sands • May 2007
monthly (12 times a year) by
4050 Dana Shores Drive
Tampa, Florida 33634-7499
Egypt Shrine Office (813) 884-8381
Fax (813) 884-7412
Pinellas County (727) 443-7597
Office Hours – Monday-Friday 9-5
SANDS Editor: Edmond L. Bidoul, Jr., P.P.
Assistant Editor: Press Corps
Reggie Guier.............................................221
Steve Henderson.......................................224
Rosa Fernandez........................................225
Treasurer/Tom Colestock.........................226
Recorder/Dick Fisher...............................228
Potentate/R. James Rocha........................230
Divan/Chief Rabban.................................231
Divan/A.R.; H.P.&P.; O.G.........................232
Patricia Chillura.......................................234
Hospital Chairman...................................235
Maria Rios................................................238
Oasis Lounge........................................... 240
Sands/Press Corp.....................................253
Reggie: Correspondence, Office Admin.
Steve: Accountant
Rosa: Dues, Crown of Honor, Temple
Function Reservations, Membership
Patricia, Richard Johnson, or Don
Marshall: Hospital Committee
Maria: Rental Agent
EGYPT SANDS is devoted to promoting the interests of Egypt Shrine and its Shrine Clubs and
Units in particular and Shrinedom in general.
Send all information, pictures, and contributions to SANDS Magazine, Egypt Shrine, to be
received no later than the first of each month for
publication the following month.
2007 DIVAN
POTENTATE.......................R. James Rocha
Chief Rabban......................... Frank M. Dyer
Assistant Rabban............... Robert E. Hewell
High Priest & Prophet......Robert W. Goodin
Oriental Guide............ Joseph T. Osborne Sr.
Treasurer......................D.T. (Tom) Colestock
Recorder.............................Richard D. Fisher
Treasurer Emeritus...............Roger Langston
Annual Corn Boil
Bar B Que Chicken ** Corn on the Cob ** Cole Slaw ** Baked Beans
Camel’s Milk
Ice Tea
Sunday, June 10, 2007
12 Noon Till 4 P.M.
Carry-outs available at 11:30 a.m.
Egypt Shrine Center Activities Building
4050 Dana Shores Drive
Tampa, Florida
See Your Directors Staff Members
For Tickets
Live Music For you Dining And Dancing Pleasure
Donation $10.00 Per Person
1st Ceremonial Master....Andy J Foster, III
2nd Ceremonial Master.......Mark D. Miles
Director.....................Dr. Robert Densmore
Marshal...........................Dwight E. Brown
Assistant Marshal........... John Lee Cornett
Captain of the Guard.............Larry Wright
Outer Guard..........................Harry J. Klaus
Chaplain.................. Robert M. Zegarac, PP
Assistant Chaplain.......................Earl Good
May 2007 • Sands
Think About It!
Get YOur Tickets
Proceeds are for the benefit of Egypt Shrine Director’s Staff
Unit. Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions
By Robert Zegarac, PP
Take to the Streets
For many the return to the warmer
seasons of spring and summer mean
mowing the lawn, painting, trimming
bushes, etc. It means all of this and
more to a Shriner. With the disappearence of foul weather from the
roads means we will soon be walking
along in view of friends and neighbors. We should remind ourselves
that not everyone in our society has
the privilege of having the daily traffic stopped so they can occupy the
streets with their varied vehicles and
on foot. To participate in parades is
a privilege that come to us through
our community concern. It is an opportunity to cause others to ask about
a group of men that have found a fraternity of meaning together.
Even with a limited amount of hair
on my head I have not been one to
wear a hat to cover my cranial nakedness. We all own a fez, but wearing it
is a special occasion. Mostly, it is worn
among those who already recognize
us as Shrine Masons. The events that
will be calling us together are public occasions when every Shriner on
the street or on the curb should take
pride in his Fez. It is important to be
reminded of the significance of the
Shrine Pin and Fez as we appear in
public together. We are not attending
these festivities to parade ourselves,
but to be signs of a caring fraternity.
Come and be counted among those
who would allow their presence to
witness the uplifting and comforting of those children in our hospitals.
Not for the boasting, not for our
fun, but as a witness to the presence
in our world, of a genuine, generous
expression of caring. “A tree is known
by the kind of fruit it bears” Matthew
12:33. In like manner as we take to the
streets together lets us witness with
pride the great work of our Shrine.
PLEASE NOTE We Need Your Help…
When you are ill or facing hospitalization, we want to
know. If one of your fellow Nobles dies, we need to
know. Call the Shrine office 813-884-8381 (Hillsborough) or 727-443-7597 (pinellas) and talk to Reggie
at ext. 221 or Rosa at ext. 225. They will make sure
that the Chaplain is notified of the situation.
In Memoriam
Passed within the Unseen Temple
Life is a story in volumes three, The past the present, the yet to be,
The first we’ve written and laid away. The second we’re reading day by day
The third and last of the volumes three. Is locked from sight - God keepeth the key.
March, 2007
Allison, Charles E.................03/16/07
Baker, Billy F.........................03/24/07
Chadwick, Clarence L..........03/05/07
Coleman, Herman T..............01/10/07
Green, George F...................02/18/07
Hunter, Gary V......................07/23/06
Johnson Jr., Glenn...............08/13/06
Kane, James R.....................03/17/07
Nelson, Roland A..................02/15/07
Peckett, Irvin N..................... No Date
O’Quinn, Leland...................02/10/07
Smith, Odie B.......................12/29/06
Vaughn, Julius G..................01/17/07
Weisgerber, Howard E..........11/05/06
Zimmer III, Benjamin F.........03/26/07
“Ladies Without Nobles”
Our membership is restricted to the Widows of Shriners (regardless of
where the Shrine was located), that were in good standing at the time of
their demise. However, our luncheons and our activities are open to our
house guests, family members, and friends. Do invite them. Encourage
eligible Ladies to come visit us and see what we are doing. There is no
reason for a Shriner’s Widow to feel left out, or to miss the Shrine’s activities. Shriners always provide a special table at their functions for the
“Ladies Without Nobles”. Please invite all Shriner’s Widows with whom
you are in contact to join us. Tell them all: “Try Us, You’ll Like Us!”
For further information, call
Betty Cox at 813-884-5417
In This Issue...
Calender...............................................................................Inside Cover
Potentate’s Message............................................................................... 3
Shrine Club News............................................................................ 10-12
Shrine Unit News............................................................................. 12-15
O.G.’s Corner....................................................................................... 15
Circus News......................................................................................... 18
Book Of Gold....................................................................................... 27
Tree Of Life.......................................................................................... 28
Color Photos...................................................................... 16, 17, 20, 21
Sands • May 2007
Observation from a past Potentate
“The only guide to a man is his
conscience; the only shield to his
memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions.” WINSTON
Ethics, defined as the study of
standards of conducts and moral
judgement. The word “ethics” is
derived from two Greek words that
mean “moral” and “character”. Ethical behavior is often unconscious
and based in the person’s familial,
social, and religious up brings. However, ethical behavior also should be
conscious and based on well thought
out principles.
Personal ethics is the most difficult concept to outline. People
develop their code of personal eth-
May 2007 • Sands
ics throughout their lives and the
ethical code is often undertaken
subconsciously. However, a SHRINER’s personal code of ethics is the
most important part of the ethical
foundation that encompasses legal,
professional, fraternal and personal
ethics. As SHRINERS we must make
decisions consciously so we do not
forget any part of our Shriners Creed
and why we work so hard for the
children in our program.
It should be obvious that legal,
professional, fraternal and personal
ethics are closely moored together to
form the foundation that all SHRINERS should stand on.
Ethical behavior should not be
something learned for academics
credit, it should be something practiced each and every day. The best
way to consistently behave ethically
is to make it a lifestyle through inner
determination and outer checks and
balances. Using sound ethical behavior will enhance and protect our
Fraternity. When we as Shriners use
poor judgement and are unethical,
we hurt our fraternity, our Nobles,
our Units and ourselves.
“If a person would not like to be
treated dishonestly, he will not treat
others that way.” CONFUCIUS
David G. David
Potentate 2004
Republished with permission of India
Shriners . . .
Having Fun
& Helping
Shriners Hospitals combines expert
orthopaedic, burn and spinal cord injury
medical care with outstanding teaching
and research programs. Shriners
Hospitals are among the very best
children's hospitals in the world and all
services and treatment are provided at
no cost to children under 18 years old.
Some of the conditions treated include:
Call toll-free
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern Time
Orthopaedic problems of cerebral palsy
Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
Spina bifida
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
(brittle bone disease)
Juvenile arthritis
Club foot
Missing limbs
(congenital or acquired)
For more information about Shriners Hospitals, write to:
Public Relations Department • Shriners International Headquarters • P.O. Box 31356 • Tampa, FL 33631-3356
Spring Ceremonial
Council Meeting
Stated Meeting Speaker
Alice Lanford TSH Admin
Sands • May 2007
Noble Joe Speaks and his plaque for the Best of Show 1980 and newer
A BIG Thank You
For a number of years at Christmas time, Shriners Hospital always receives toys from
John & Lenore Amato. We at Egypt Shrine would like to send a special “Thank You” for
their continued support for all they do for our Shriners Hospital Patients
Many, Many thanks,
James Keister
May 2007 • Sands
Burn Clinic
Sands • May 2007
Brandon SC
David Jones
Nobles, the Brandon Shrine Club has
begun our membership drive with twin
expectations, of being more involved in
our Blue Lodges and encouraging our
brother masons in joining Egypt Temple/BSC. Club membership chairman
Bob Stalker and membership committeemen Richard Boettger, Darrel Sowers
and David Jones have begun planning a
series of Lodge membership programs
to promote the before mentioned goals.
This delegation has already visited
the Brandon Lodge #114, one of our
four local lodges, with plans to visit
the remaining three lodges during the
next few months. BSC has three hospital tour guides: Sam Capitano, Frank
Goldston, and Bob Stalker and they
are planning tours for our Blue Lodge
brothers and their ladies. This will give
them a good look at our philplanorphy.
. It is our belief that when our brothers and their ladies see the great work
our hospitals do for the children, they
will want to join Egypt Temple/BSC.
BSC and the Brandon Lodge are also
co-sponsoring, The Seventh Annual
Brandon Masonic Lodge Charity Golf
Classic, with the profits being divided
between the Lodges’s Iris & Hubert
Allen Scholarship Fund, Inc. and the
Egypt Shrine Hospital Transportation
Fund. This event is scheduled for Sunday, April 29 at Cypress Creek and is
open to all Nobles and their friends.
For registration and hole sponsorship
information call 813-689-4221 or Herb
Whisenant 813-689-6273. The Classic
was a great success last year and is expected to be again this year.
Nobles, you are invited to visit our
club, located at 125 Skywood Drive,
10 May 2007 • Sands
N of hwy 60, in Valrico. We meet the
last Monday of each month, with the
exception of May and Dec.. We invite
our Ladies to the meetings in the evennumbered months.
by Noble Reed Rue
We took advantage of the invitation
from the Florida Masonic Home in St.
Petersburg to paticipate in their annual
homecoming event. All the Grand
Line Officers of Masons of Florida
F&AM were present. Most worshipful Trump, Grand Masters presented to
2 trophies to our group. The recipents
are Nobles Wayne Davis and Chuck
Our club members were Nobles Bill
Waters, Bud Couche, Joe Speaks, Ron
Duncan, Reed Rue, Chuck Schlosser
and Wayne Davis.
We had a great time visiting with
all the folks and enjoyed an excellent
lunch offered by the Masonic Home
for a donation. Beautiful day, good
fellowship and great fun.
A triple tip of the Fez to the following Nobles Chuck Schlosser, Joe
Speakes, Bud Couche, Ron Duncan
and Reed Rue for displaying their
cars the very next day for the cruisers
of Tampa Bay event in Pinellas Park.
They are donating the funds to our
Egypt Shrine Transportation Fund!!
There were over 150 vehicles in participation and guess what, Noble Joe
Speaks won a plaque as the best of
show for 1980 and newer cars. see the
picture - Yeah he has grown a Beard,
but really that’s him.
Clearwater Shrine Club
by Noble Reed Rue
Our first meeting at our new location on March 20th was a success. We
are now holding our monthly luncheon
meetings at Applebee’s Restaurant located at 5110 East Bay Ddive in Clearwater. This location is just west of US
19 on East Bay between the AmSouth
Bank and The Publix Shopping Cen-
ter. We have a private room located
in the back northwest corner. We offer a variety of foods via our menu
and a cash bar. Meetings commence
with a board meeting at 10:30, guests
are welcomed from 11-11:30; lunch
served at noon and out by 1pm.
If you need further directions the
restaurant phone number is 727 539
Past President Bruce Davis conducted the meeting in the absence of
our present President, Jack Stabler.
Jack was called to North Carolina
due to Sharon’s mother passing away.
Sharon we offer our sincere sympathy
in your loss.
Other news for you to keep in your
prayers: Gordon Goodman is reported
to been admitted into the hospital and
Yvonne Rockhold also. Please ask our
good Lord to restore their health and
have them join us soon.
Our next meeting is April 17th. We
are now scheduling the meeting on the
3rd Tuesday of each month unless otherwise informed.
Hope to see you all at the meeting;
Hey, how about bringing a friend with
By Noble John K Ross
Wow, what a St Patrick’s Social
the club had on the evening of March
20, 2007! Everything and everyone
was “Green”, including the bartenders. Entertainment was by that laddie,
Eddie Shannon and his Irish musical
group. 120 Nobles, their ladies and
guests were treated to a fabulous buffet dinner, with copious amounts of
corn beef and cabbage. We were also
entertained by a real Leprechaun lass
visiting from ole’ Ireland, by the name
of “Margie O’Halloran”
The club’s 2007 Paper days Campaign for the Shiners Hospital has ended and early rumors are that we’ve established still another record amount,
surpassing the grand total collected
by club Nobles and their ladies for
the year 2006. The club’s annual auc-
tion , which also enhances the club’s
total proceeds to the Shiners Hospital
for Children Campaign, was held at
Umsted’s Family Auction House on
Saturday, April 7, 2007.
One of our newest club members,
Noble Mike Peranio recently visited
the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital in
Tampa as part of his inauguration to
Shrine membership. Mike was so overwhelmed by the facility’s care and treatment for suffering children, he and his
wife Lisa immediately organized and
promoted a benefit “ZUMBA-THON”
exercise/dance at the club’s facility on
Saturday afternoon, March 10, 2007.
With only a two week promotion, the
musical event was attended by over
100 area ladies, who thoroughly enjoyed the “High Spirited” afternoon
festivities. The project netted our 2007
Shrine Children’s Hospital campaign
another $990. In addition Mike who is
also a Hernando County realtor, contacted area realtors who forwarded an
additional $500 contribution to our
Hospital Benefit Campaign. Many,
many thanks to Noble Mike, his lovely lady Lisa and their friend Lisa Arrington for their worthwhile effort. Total proceeds for the club’s 2007
Hospital Benefit’s Campaign are currently being tabulated and will be
formally announced in the upcoming
June Sands publication.
Inside chairman Noble Jack Marine
and his committee have finalized plans
for the purchase and installation of a
commercial dishwater for our Kitchen
Improvement Project. They are also
investigating the possible purchase of
approved canopy type hood for our
kitchen range. Funding for these two
projects were made available by the
recent Ladies Auxiliary Yard Sale and
a Yasmin contribution.
It is with deep regret that
Noble Wilbur “Bill” Clarke has, due
to health reasons, recently announced
his resignation as H.C. Shrine Club’s
Treasurer. Noble Clarke has, over the
years, been one of the most dedicated
individuals in the successful financial
condition of our fraternal organization. His expertise in the accounting
field repeatedly demonstrated his ability in maintaining accurate records and
in the technical accounting rules where
required. While we will miss him as
our Treasurer, he has assured us that
he will continue to be a club member
and be available in assisting the newly
elected Noble to that position. To one
of our great Club Nobles, slow down,
get well and keep smiling.
National Sojourners
By Noble Robert A. Davis
It was a dark and stormy April night.
Members of the camp bivouac were
huddled around the cook fire trying to
escape the evening chill. Suddenly an
alarm was sounded by the perimeter
outpost as a suspicious looking intruder, who claimed to be a Sojourner
and Master Mason, tried to enter the
camp. After an intense interrogation by
Camp Commander Brother Ed Bidoul,
with several trips through the “Big D”,
Brother Howard Stout was admitted
into the camp and initiated into the Heroes of 76 brotherhood. Let it be known
that “humility” now has become a significant tenet to our most recent Heroe.
We have all been there and done that.
The following members were elected
to the indicated Chapter and Heroes
Camp offices for the year 2007-08. Installation for these new officers will be
held during this months regular meeting (17). Brother Don Clifford, National Sojourner Regional Representative,
will be the installing official.
D. Goodson - President/Chief of staff
R. Agster - 1st Vice Pre./Asst. Ch. of
T. Betley - 2nd Vice Pres.
R. St. John - Secy/ Treasurer
R. St. John - Camp Commander
G. Handschy - Camp Adj.
T. Betley - Officer of the Day
The Heroes of 76 “Build The Flag”
team has been invited to present a program for Egypt Shrine ladies lunch
Wednesday (16). A “History of the
flag” program for Amaranth Century
Court # 58 at Fellowship Lodge #265
F&AM is scheduled for June 20, 7:30
pm. National Sojourners will hold the
2007 convention at the Crown Plaza
Hotel, Williamsburg, Va. 12-16 June.
Several Chapter members have made
tentative plans to attend this annual affair. The National Sojourners is an organization of Master Masons who are,
or have been, commissioned, warrant
or senior non-commissioned officers
of the uniformed\ forces of the United
States. Honorary membership is extended to very noteworthy Master Masons who are veterans of the uniform
forces. Sojourners are organized into
local chapters for the promotion of all
patriotic aims and activities in Masonry; for developing true patriotism and
Americanism throughout the nation;
and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the national
security. Within this organization is an
auxiliary degree known as the “Heroes of ‘76”, whose uniform is that of
a Colonial military officer. Our Ladies,
known as” Camp Followers”, are an integral part of the chapter. Their attire is
appropriate to and compliments that of
their “Hero”. There is within our Heroes’ camp a “Flag” team which presents two versions of the evolution of
our National Emblem. These programs
have been presented in
classrooms, civic and church groups,
Masonic Lodges, Shrine Clubs, Veteran Posts and Senior Citizen associations. HAVE FLAGS, WILL TRAVEL.
The local chapter, Tampa #252, currently has 59 members who meet, along
with their ladies, on the third Thursday of the month for an evening meal.
The chapter is dark for the months of
June, July and August. The chapter has
among it’s members the Imperial Recorder, several Past Potentates, three
Past Florida Grand Masters, several
F&AM Worshipful or Past Masters,
five 33rd Degree Masons, a member
of Egypt Divan, several past and current line officers in local Appendant
bodies and a National Sojourner Past
President/ Past National Commander
Sands • May 2007
for Heroes of 76, who is a Legion of
Honor recipient. The Chapter is especially honored to have as a member,
the personal representative, for the Valley of Tampa, of the Grand Inspector of
Florida. Information regarding details
of membership in this unique Masonic
organization, of national stature, may
be obtained from Brother Rob St. John,
Chapter Secretary, (813) 685-4638.
New Port Richey SC
by Noble Walter Pollak
Ah so, A nuestra Hermano Nobeles
Sud de la Borde, an Felizdia de fiesta
cinco de Mayo.
At our meeting in March we were
treated to a sumptuous meal of stuffed
pork chops and fish. Our guest speaker
was or own past potentate and club
member Ill. Sir Roger Michels. He
is one of the original organizers of
the modern Chasco Fiesta. He spoke
about the Fiesta and presented some
very interesting and amusing facts. He
mentioned that the parade is actually
larger than the Gasparilla in terms of
units participating, in fact our Chasco
parade is one of the top 10 parades in
our nation. One of his amusing tidbits
was the fireworks that no one paid to
see,” because they stood outside the
stadium and watched them in the air.
Another fun tale was the pile of elephant dung remaining after the circus
left town. The residents of the trailer
park across from what is now Davis
Plaza caused the Fiesta to pay to have
it removed resulting in a loss of half
the profit.
And so; hope this gives the start of
the day a little boost.”…there are moments in life when you miss someone
so much that you want to pick them
from your dreams and hug them.
Dream what you want to dream, go
where you want to go, be what you
want to be, because you have only
one life and one chance to do all the
things you want to do. May you have
enough happiness to make you congenial, enough trials to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human and
12 May 2007 • Sands
enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in other’s shoes, if
it feels that it hurts you it probably it
hurts them too. The happiest people
don’t necessarily have the best of
everything. They just make the most
of everything that comes along their
way. Happiness lives for those who
cry those that hurt, those who have
searched and those who tried. Only
they can appreciate the importance of
people who have touched their lives.
Love begins with a smile, rows with a
kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a
forgiven past. You can’t go well in life
until you let go of your past failures
and heartaches. When you were born
you were crying and everyone around
you was smiling. Live your life so that
when you die, you’re the only one
who is smiling and everyone around
you is crying.
And so; one for the road with a
trooper for a chaser.
to continue to have an evening social
with our Ladies and friends on the 3rd
Thursday evening of the month. For
the location (as it changes) please call
(863) 292 8176, the new club number
and if no one answers, leave us a message and we will return your call. We
will also meet on the 3rd Monday of
the month at 11:00 am. This is an open
meeting, which we hope to work in the
office and clean it up. Come on out,
have a cup of coffee and spend alittle
time going through history as there is a
lot of history in this office.
Until next month, remember: If it’s
not fun, don’t do it..
Sun City center
by Noble Tom Robinson
director’s staff
By Noble Steve Jones
Our luncheon this month occurs on
the 9th of May and we will be conducting the second annual Memorial Program for Nobles of our club who have
passed to the “Celestial Lodge Above”
over the last year. The Officers and
Directors will conduct this program in
their honor and their widows will be
our guest. Please join us for this meaningful tribute to our brother Nobles.
On the 28th of May, Sun City Center
Shriners will continue their support for
the community by participating in the
Kings Point Memorial program.
May could be a slow month compared to how busy April was. We would
have had our annual SDA Convention
in Charleston, SC 4/25-29/07, the
Easter Egg hunt, a fishing tourny for
the hospital kids at Hooper’s Hollow,
Lady’s Play day. Not to mention our
Shrine Circus at Ray-Jay. Also in April
we had the Pancake Brunch given by
the SunCity Shrine Club 4/29 with our
own Noble Tom Robinson leading the
way as the SC Shrine Club president
and an appreciation day for our Police,
Military and Firemen 4/28.
In May coming up is Kentucky Derby Day hosted by the Kentucky Colonels at the Oasis Club Saturday 5/5,
Florida Shrine Association in Sarasota
5/3-5/5/07. The Scottish Rite Reunion
5/12 and 5/19. Also the Grand York
Rite at Lake Mary, FL 5/13-16/07.
We were glad to hear that Noble
Dave Schulte is progressing well following hip surgery. We will be glad to
see him when he is able to come back
Winter Haven SC
by Noble J. Lee Cornett
Hello from Central Florida! We are
heating up, yes the mild spring weather is gone and our northern visitors
have returned home. The club will be
dark June, July and August. That just
means we will not be conducting business for a little while. WHSC is going
and visit us and be as active as he can.
Let us give a special mention to our VP
Noble John Buchan. he was recently
commissioned a Kentucky Colonel.
He was presented by our own PP John
Cannon during the March meeting.
Congratulations Noble VP.
In closing, keep in mind the children in our hospitals, our main focus
for the World’s Greatest FraternityThe Shrine, and our troops over seas.
These people who put their lives in
danger every single day so we can
enjoy our lives here in the USA. God
Bless you all.
By Noble J. Lee Cornett
What a Circus! Wow! It just started
and the fun your Clowns had performing at the 2007 Egypt Shrine Circus is
over! Well, till the next circus comes
to town. Did you have as much fun
as we did? If you did, you witnessed
the smiles and laughter by the young
and old. If you did not, well come to
the next event where your Clowns are
performing and witness the fun and
laughter yourself. We have a blast!
Hey did you see any new clowns? We
have a couple and these new Joey’s are
doing a great job and are going to be a
wonderful asset to the unit.
April has truly been a great month
for your Clowns, The Easter Egg Hunt,
Circus, and many other events have
kept us on the run and full of laughter.
There is a very special group that supports your Clowns more than any other and I can think of no better time to
acknowledge this group. The Clowns
can not say THANK YOU enough to
truly repay the support we receive.
This thank you goes out to none other
than the Ladies of F & F. THANK YO-U!! Nobles, understand with out the
support of our Wives, Girl friends and
Daughters, your Clowns would not be
as susessful as we are.
Remember: If it’s not fun, don’t do
By Noble Walter Pollak
Ah so, there was a very good turn
out for the Memorial Services at our
Shrines activity building. One of
our New Port Richey Shrine Club
members,Ill. Sir “Bronco” Bob Zegarac, the Chaplain of Egypt Shrine Center officiated at the Memorial He gave
his talk in a very eulogistic manner.
We appreciate and want to thank all of
the ladies that worked so hard in baking all those delicious cookies for this
occasion. Again, thanks a million. The
Greeters now have 9 active members
in our group. All of our group really
work!Al Doherty, Emanuel Pepe,Bill
Bloodgood, Horace Longston, Ed Irwin, Larry Sizeler,Harry Turner,our
secretary Mile Penlandand the hand
shaker,Walter Pollak. Of course we
have a few more members. The question is “What is a Mason and who is
he? “ A Mason is a man and a brother
whose trust is in God. He meets you
on the level and acts upon the square.
Ruth is his compass and he is ever
plumb. He has a true grip on everything and all that is rite. He is loyal to
his order and whatever his degree he is
Master of himself. In the Lodge of life
he wears unstained the white lambskin of innocence. From his initiation
as Entered Apprentice he travels East
toward the light of wisdom until he
receives the final, the divine password
that admits him into the ineffable presence of the eternal Supreme Grandmaster of the Universe. GOD
And so, with the second for the road
with an ambulance to cart you away.
By Noble Dave Douglas
TThe Highlanders continue to rock
n’ roll thru the spring with practices,
parades, & parties. By the Spring Ceremonial, the Unit will have made 10
“play” dates since January, highlighted by Gasparilla parade appearances,
piping in the Imperial Pote, and representing Egypt Shrine in the FL State
(Shrine) Association parade.
Our social calendar has been minimized to allow for this busy marching
band schedule … but going forward,
features a Spring Cinco de Mayo Party; Summer/Fall monthly Krewe exchanges in the Oasis Lounge; Tartan
Ball fund-raiser in the Fall … and a
Fall Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan Worship Service, open to the Shrine membership,
at Egypt Shrine, in November.
Since amending the By-Laws to permit it, we’ve gained our first “social”
member who is already in uniform,
refining his talents on the snare, and
starting his piping lessons with Rob St
John . . . Welcome, John Miller: we
look forward to your qualifying into
the band.
In March, while sorting thru the
“wheat & chaff” of the Unit’s outside
storage, a number of McQueen tartan
articles were uncovered: kilts, plaids,
belts, socks, etc, etc, etc. With the cooperation of Egypt Shrine, we’ve storage space within the air-conditioned
Activities Building for these items
& our unused drums . . . the woolens
have been cleaned, the drums put in
good repair, & are ready for loan/sale
. . . Thanks, to J Miller for leading this
Finally, the Egypt Highlanders are
pleased to welcome Illustrious Sir Jim
Roche as an “Honorary Highlander”.
Jim, as busy as your schedule is, you’re
always welcome (PS: when you’re
ready to try on the bass drum, we’ve
got room for you in the drum line).
Jamais Arriere “always ahead”,
by Noble Joe Pheebeetz
The month of April proved to be very
busy and active for the Keystone Kops
with our participation in the Kids Easter Egg Hunt, the Kids Fishing Tournament at Hoopers Hollow and the
Parade of Units in appreciation of the
members of our Safety Forces.
As always our family dinner and
get together. the third Sunday of the
month was well attended and everyone
Sands • May 2007
enjoyed the good fellowship and great
foods prepared by our ladies. All Nobles, their ladies and guests are always
welcome and encouraged to join the
Kops in this traditional get together.
We should all make a concerted effort to attend the Unit and Club meetings held the first Wednesday of the
month, as well as the Temple stated
meetings held the second Wednesday
of the month. It’s the best way to keep
on top of the many activities going on,
and to be better informed.
Any Noble looking for an active fun
loving group to be involved with, come
to our meeting the first Thursday of the
month at 8:00P.M. AND CHECK US
By Noble Robert A. Davis
It was another “three-peat” for the
Unit when Illustrious J. Rocha presented Commander Kempster with the
“Traveling Scimitar Award” for the
month of February during the stated
March meeting. If memory serves this
Scribe (it frequently doesn’t) no other
Egypt organization has received this
award for excellence three times. It’s
certainly raises the moral within the
Unit to have our efforts recognized and
appreciated by the Potentate and Divan. The entire Unit thanks you all and
we guarantee to continue to do our very
best. The Scimitar Award presentation
was especially meaningful as it was
made during Imperial Sir Nick Thomas
visit to Egypt Shrine in March. The Imperial Sir had several enlightening and
appropriate comments about shrinedom. He was especially concerned, but
enthusiastic, about the status of Shrine
At the opening of the March stated
meeting our Unit was selected to escort Imperial Recorder Jack Jones to
his seat of honor. Noble Jack is a 1973
Past Commander of Egypt LOH Unit
and we are very proud of our heritage
with him.
This month the major event is FSA
14 May 2007 • Sands
with competition at Sarasota, FL. How
sweet it would be to continue the clean
sweep of first place with both in-line
and parade competition. It’s a known
fact that sister competing Units will
try to prevent Egypt winning four in a
row. However, with attention to detail,
perseverance and team work we can
do it again. Egypt LOH is that “AWESOME” Unit.
If you missed the Unit cook-out in
April it was your great loss. The Unit
officers are to be commended for reinstituting this great social event. Our
‘Legionettes” really outdid themselves
(again) with providing those delicious
carry-ins. Would that this great opportunity for military comradeship and
Masonic brotherhood be on a quarterly
Two meaningful events for this
month are Mothers day (13) and Memorial Day(28). Many of us cannot
personally honor our Mothers, however, we can certainly honor the memories of their nurturing. Since all LOH
Unit members are survivors of military
service, Memorial Day has a very special significance. It will be an opportunity to display “OLD GLORY”, attend
a Memorial service or perhaps just reflect upon the Grace of God who let us
survive the strife, tribulations and sacrifices (with an occasional chuckle) of
military service. Any Noble of Egypt
Shrine, who served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America or
the Armed forces of the Allies is eligible for membership in The Legion
of Honor. As a member of the International Association of Legion of honor,
Egypt’s Unit is one of over 150 other’s
scattered throughout Shrinedom.
Our Unit has been granted a status
of “special Unit” within Egypt Shrine.
This designation provides that military veterans in other Units may also
be members of this Unit. We currently
have 55 members that represents all
branch’s of the Department of Defense
and ranks or ratings from E-2 to O-6.
Commander Noble Jack Kempster extends an invitation to all Egypt
Shrine veterans to check us out. We
meet in our Unit room on the fourth
Wednesday and will be happy to make
you welcome. Our Adjutant, Past
Commander Noble Dale Goodson,
will be glad to discuss membership at
(813) 684-4488.
By Noble Robert E. Stihler
When you read this issue of the May
Sands Magazine, the Florida Shrine
Oriental Band Association will be underway, (or history), in Sarasota, Florida, hosted by Sahib Shrine from 2-6
May. Many thanks go to Noble Floyd
LaDue for an outstanding reunion.
Tong 54 offered the Mandarin Degree, and Dungeon 16 presented
their Dragg’n Lady Degree. A BIG
THANKS to those Bandsmen who
transported all the degree equipment
and participated in the Degree.
None of our lovely Ladies had
birthday’s in May, so we’ll have to
say Birthday Greetings to Nobles Tom
Lankford on the 5th; Sal Macaluso on
the 15th; Joe Almaguer on the 17th,
and Bob Shannon on the 27th.
A VERY SPECIAL HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes to Honorary Member Leo
Lubinski who’ll celebrate his 99th
Birthday on May 26. WOW … a cool
99 years young !! By the way, Lady
Nancy Kuncis’ father, Noble Earl W.
Weiss, celebrated his 99th Birthday on
March 16th.
By Noble Bill DenBleyker
Greetings to my fellow Nobles. By
the time you read this the parade of
units will be history. We have been
practicing the last few weeks to prepare
for that event and Imperial in July. For
those older Pharaohs we have several
new riders who have really stepped up
to the plate and are making the unit
better. If you get a chance come out
to a practice and help teach/mentor the
“new guys” in the art of riding competition. I have been absent from the
practices because of scheduling conflicts. It’s possible I may be off the
bike for awhile since I am scheduled
to have another operation on my back.
Thanks to those who were able to
support the circus this year whether is
was selling ads or working on site during the circus. The Shrine depends on
our support to make sure these events
are successful.
Don’t forget May 3rd, 4th, and 5th
are the dates for FSA in Sarasota this
year. Good luck to all the units competing and especially to the Pharaohs.
Bring home first place this year. This
is a great opportunity to get away for
a mini vacation and yet be close to
The 13th of May is Mother’s Day
and it is important to recognize and
honor our mother and your children’s
mother. We are the men we are because of our upbringing and the love
our mom’s showed us as we were growing up. Don’t forget to send the card,
make the phone call, or take them out
and ensure they know they are special
to you. For those of us not fortunate
enough to still have our mother say a
prayer. Memorial Day is May 28th, a
holiday dedicated to remember those
men and women who have served,
those who are currently serving in the
armed forces and especially for those
who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our
Remember to visit your Blue Lodge
as we are always looking for new
members in the Shrine. It is up to all
of us to help and assist our fraternity in
increasing the active membership.
Till next month remember the children in our hospitals and keep the
rubber side down. It won’t be long
before the extreme temperatures and
the afternoon showers curtail our riding time. We hope to see you at future
Shrine events.
By Ill. Sir. Tom Edwards, PP
The Egypt Shrine Provost Guard once
again supported the Florida Shrine Association get together in Sarasota and
successfully defended their 2006 FSA
Competition Trophy and displayed
their 2006 Imperial Trophy. Congratulations to the Provost Guard and the
members who were able to carry the
First Place torch once again.
We have been very busy this year in
membership growth, renovations of our
new Unit Room, work day for cleaning
the storage building, updating the van,
and moving forward as one of the best
in Shrinedom. And what about those
Covered Dish Dinners? Thank you Ladies! Welcome to our newest member
Noble Jason Lewis and Lady Julie.
Thank you to all the Guard for their
dedication and service at this year’s
Shrine Circus for parking and security
and selling Circus Ads for the Unit. The
Circus, as always, was a special event
for all of us and the children we serve
in the Tampa Bay area.
This month we are busy again with
Derby Day, Lodge Visits, Grand Lodge,
Scottish Rite Reunion, and a special
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Ladies.
Trike Patrol
By Noble Dr. Ron Parlett
Well Spring has sprung, as we all
know, spring denotes a new beginning.
With this in mind, the Trike Patrol is
proud to announce two new members
to the unit. Davelis (DC) Goutoufas
and John Liras. The unit is excited to
welcome these new members to our
family. The Trike Patrol is throwing
out the welcome mat to any noble who
is looking to join a unit. In many cases
unit membership means big expenses,
with the need for uniforms and equipment, and in the case of any motorized unit this can be in the hundreds or
thousands. The Trike patrol has always
maintained that we have the equipment (bikes) that new members can
ride, if not owned by the unit, they can
borrow one from members not attending a function. This rare opportunity
exists for prospectus members to get
involved right away. For the price of a
pair of slacks, shirt and unit membership dues, you are on your way. Learning to ride routines comes fast through
practices. The Trike Patrol welcomes
you to drop by the unit room on any
meeting night (1st Wednesday of the
month) to learn more, or you can call
Dean DiLeo our president at 813 2818477 for additional information.
With the spring also comes competition, this year the World Champion
Trike Patrol (Imperial Champions in
our class) will take a hiatus this year in
order to re-charge the batteries and to
enjoy and participate in other Shrine
activities. This will also give some of
our newer member’s the opportunity
to gain much valued experience with
the hopes for them to be able to participate in future competitions. We wish
to thank Richard Mengling one of our
long time members and Dean DiLeo
for attending the Easter Egg Hunt and
providing rides for the kids on their
In closing, be a part of Shrinedom,
you have heard this before, don’t be
just a card carrying member, get involved.
O.G.’s Corner
by Noble Joe Osborne
Unity and Harmony were once
again on display at the Easter Egg
Hunt on April 7th. What a wonderful
day it was. A big tip of the Fez to all
the volunteers who helped to make
this a special day.
Is anyone interested in starting a
men’s Card Club on Thursday afternoon from 1:00pm to 4:00 PM? If
so, please call me a 813-886-4795 or
e-mail me at
and let’s talk.
Suggested card games are pinochle,
hearts, spades, bridge, gin, etc. Let me
know your thoughts.
Remember-United We Stand!!
Yours in Unity and Faith.
Sands • May 2007
Shrine Days in Tallahassee - 3/28-29
16 May 2007 • Sands
Easter Egg Hunt
April 7
Sands • May 2007
Egypt Shrine Circus News
The 2007
Shrine Circus
came to town and
what a great event for
Egypt Shrine. Thank
you to all the Nobles
and Ladies who made
this event so special for
over 4,000 children who
would never have been
able to attend a Circus if
it wasn’t for you - Shriners.
The shows were
thrilling, the weather
was great, and our
concessions and the
Carnival made this year’s
Circus truly spectacular.
Thank you to our High
Priest & Prophet and all the
Clubs and Units for making
the Circus fun and memorable
for so many people.
As we wind down the
Circus office for 2007, George Knauer, Al Church,
and I would like to thank you for all your help and
support in making this event a success for 2007. We
exceeded the exceptions for moneys raised and made
some business improvements to the way we run our
Please mark your calendars for the 2007 Circus
Awards Banquet on September 24th at 6:00 P.M. in
the Activities Building and the 2008 Shrine Circus
on March 13, 14, 15, and 16, 2008 at Raymond James
Stadium parking lot.
Remember, Clubs and Units Commission Deadline
and final Circus reports are June 1, 2007. Finalize
your additional moneys and get them into the office
for credit.
Thank you for all your support and help in putting
on another great Shrine Circus.
Noble assisted, but wishes to remain anonymous, and
only identified as an Egypt Shrine Angel.
It is understood by the undersigned that I upon being advised by the Recorder of Egypt Shrine that such
a needy brother has been properly identified and investigated by the Divan, the undersigned will be billed
an amount equivalent to the annual dues including
assessments of that Brother Noble. The funds so collected will be identified, and utilized by the Temple in
the promotion of membership.
It is also understood that this commitment is for the
current year only unless another authorization is obtained.
Signed in Faith,
Whereas: We are aware that an increasing number
of our members are falling to the woes of hard times
and are financially not able to keep up their membership dues, but still desire to be active members of
Egypt Shrine and benefit in the fellowship, and other
worthy Temple activities. As the burden of assisting
these brothers with normal Temple funds is becoming
more difficult due to the continual decline in overall
membership, the undersigned Noble desires to assist
his needy brother Noble, and in so doing assist the
Temple by agreeing to pay the dues of one such Noble Date_ _______________________________
who has been investigated by the Divan an found to
be definitely unable to pay his dues for this year, and Noble_ ______________________________
is desirous of still remaining active, or current in dues.
We are atively seeking additional angels.
Membership Number_____________________
In Subscribing to this obligation voluntarily, the undersigned does not wish to be identified to any such
18 May 2007 • Sands
Sands • May 2007
Illustrious Sir R. James Rocha
is pleased to announce the
Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2, 2007
In Honor Of:
Jimmy C. Fischer
Marshal Emeritus
FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2007
Novices and Ladies arrive at Tampa Shriners Hospital
Introductions and Remarks
Video on Shriners and Shriners Hospitals for Children
Tours of Tampa Shriners Hospital
Novices Check-in at A La Carte Event Pavilion
Call to Order, Orientation
First Section – Ritual Team
Class Photo
Parade of Clubs and Units
Ceremonial Luncheon in A La Carte (call for Reservations)
Second Section – Directors Staff
Shrine Arch Production in Activity Building
Fezzing Ceremony
Showcase of Clubs and Units and Hospitality in Activity Building
Ladies Check-in and Hospitality in A La Carte Terrace
Introductions and Orientation
Parade of Clubs and Units
Ceremonial Luncheon in A La Carte
Shrine Patient
Shrine Arch Production in Activity Building
Fezzing Ceremony
Showcase of Clubs and Units and Hospitality in Activity Building
CEREMONIAL LUNCHEON - reservations $15 per person. Call Ms. Rosa at (813) 884-8381 x225
20 May 2007 • Sands
Jimmy was born to Carrie & Carl Fischer in
Chicago, Ill. He was an only child. The family
moved to Miami, Fl. when he was 6 months old.
He attended schools there & graduated from
Miami Jackson High School. Upon graduation, he
joined the Navy and served on the Admiral’s Staff
in Pensacola and the Captain’s Staff on the U.S.S.
Des Moines, Heavy Cruiser. He made two Mediterranean cruises on the Des Moines before leaving the Navy to attend the University of Florida
in Gainesville. He met his bride of now 50 years,
Marie McCullough Fischer in Pensacola. They
have 3 children, Daniel, Kathryn and Michael;
and 4 grandchildren, Mallory, Justin, Gregory &
Graduating with Honors in Accounting at the
University of Florida, Jim joined a Certified Public Accounting Firm in Tampa where he practiced
until opening his own firm of Jimmy C. Fischer &
Company, CPA’s in 1968. He is currently practicing and is Chairman of the Firm. He is a member
of the American and Florida Institutes of CPA’s.
Jimmy is a founding director/stockholder and
Vice-Chairman of the First Commercial Bank of
Tampa Bay organized in 1989. He is a 45-year
member of Temple Terrace Golf & Country Club.
He is a member of the Centre Club and life member of Sertoma.
He became a MASON at Hillsborough Lodge
#25 in 1979 and a member of Egypt Shrine in that
same year. He has membership in the Scottish
Rite, York Rite, Brandon Shrine Club, Land-OLutz Shrine Club, Showman’s Shrine Club, Egypt
Honor Patrol, Kentucky Colonels, and life member
of Egypt Pharaohs Unit where he served as President, Treasurer and drill team member. (The years
they won all the 1st place trophies, including the
Grand Slam)
Jimmy has served as Lt. Colonel and Colonel
of the Units, as well as Marshal for 14 years and
is Marshal Emeritus. He is an Emeritus Board
Member of The Shriners Hospital For Children,
Tampa Unit, where he served as Treasurer and
Board Member for eleven years. He is an original
Trustee of the Tree of Life Endowment Fund and
is a member of the Annual Tree of Life Golf Tournament Committee.
Jim is always willing to help when needed and
hopes the new Nobles and their ladies and families find the great satisfaction of fun and friendships that develop when working with shriners
and their love of helping children.
Go Gators
Sands • May 2007
22 May 2007 • Sands
Scottish Rite News
The Spring Scottish Rite Reunion will be held May 12th and
19th at 5500 Memorial Highway,
Tampa. On May 12th, the 4th,
11th, 13th, 14th, 18th, and 20th
degrees will be conferred. On May
19th, the 26th, 30th, 31st, and
32nd degrees will be conferred.
The degrees not
conferred will be
Come out and
support your
Scottish Rite and the degree teams.
There is still time to get those petitions in.
Thursday’s Men’s Luncheons
Fellowship begins at 11:00 AM
Lunch at 12:00 noon
Reservations must be made by noon on Wednesday.
Call Rosa at 813-884-8381, ext 225
Come join us for fellowship, lunch,
and a short program
Have You
Paid Your
Sands • May 2007
Gentlemen of the Creeks
Chapter No. 76
Will be holding a
Chicken and Rib B-B-Q Dinner
with Cole Slaw & Baked Beans
For the benefits of Elim Temple No. 76 Daughters of the Nile
May 20 at 5210 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa
11:30 am - 3:00pm
Donation $10.00 per person
Get tickets from members of the Creek & Elim Temple or call Charlie Miller at 813.961.4337
24 May 2007 • Sands
Sands • May 2007
Hillsborough Memorial
Gardens Masonic Area
(Sold Out)
2 Lots Side by Side
2 Openings & Closings
Companin 36” x 10” Bronze
Head Stone
Seller to pay All Tranfer Fees
$ 8,600.00 Value
Price $ 5,000.00
Gary Rinhart 941-729-2312
8317 Nancy Lane
Ellenington, FL 34222
20% Off Purchases
$10 Off Rentals
There is a new and exciting means of communication from Egypt Shriners! It is called “FEZtivities” and is sent to you twice a month via e-mail
to keep you up to date on activities and events going on at the temple.
The subject line will read, “FEZtivities” and it will be from Egypt Shrine
Center. This is not junk mail or “spam” and contains no harmful viruses,
so make sure you open it and check it out! There are links to important
Shriner information that you can click on. This is an excellent supplement to the Sands magazine! If you are already receiving it, open it and
get informed. If you do not and would like to be added to the mailing
list, send your first and last name and e-mail address to: egyptsands@ and you will join the hundreds of people who are already
enjoying it!
100 Million Dollar Club
March 2007
Donationd made by:
Jeff Turner
Thomas E. Robinson
Tony Watts
William W. Bartell
Kal Hamilton
Tony Albanese
Bob Childress
James W. Brand
Ivan R. Arnold
Roger C. Dunn
William R. Fisher Thomas I. Arnold
John Dixon
William J. Gaeth
James Lebrato
James D. Hiller
Joe Young
Harold “Bud” Hunt
Ron Smith
Charles Ivory
John L. Magel Sr. Tommy “Ot” Arnold
Roger Boyd, Jr.
John C. McKane
Walter L. Murrell Grant “Doc” Denton
Robert Hewell
Augustus O’Dell
Johnny Knowles
Dale Parker
Jerry Krall, Sr.
Geoffrey K. Parker
George “Scotty”
Donald L. Prevost
John T. Ralston
Gerald Pittman
Richard Reithoffer
Joseph Osborne
Ted Simon
These donations were made
by Sun City Center SC and
Showmen’s Club
26 May 2007 • Sands
Contact Frank Dyer
Rich Leger
When:August 4th
September 1st
October 6th
November 3rd
January 26th
Where: Lakeland
I-4 exit 38, SR-33
Sands • May 2007
Countdown to One Million Dollars
The Aides Corps
Lake O’ Lutz SC
Richard Weaver
Active Patrol
Showmen’s SC
Only the income from this fund can be used,
and solely for maintaining our buildings and
facilities. As of end of Feb 2007, this endowment values about $ 925,000.00 WE ARE
ALMOST THERE! Please consider ways for you,
your Club and your Unit to support the effort
to put Egypt over the top. Return to this spot
each month for the latest status toward our
goal which was envisioned in 1995 by Ill. Sir
Don Millard.
Jim Rocha, Potentate
28 May 2007 • Sands
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30 May 2007 • Sands
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32 May 2007 • Sands