hope`s messengerFall 2012
hope`s messengerFall 2012
hope’s messenger Fall 2012 newsletter of cornerstone of hope bereavement center AMY GREEN creates forever keepsakes to honor loved ones During my second year of college at the Cleveland Institute of Art we lost my 24 year old brother Tim to suicide on July 19, 2008. He suffered from depression for more than half of his life and covered it up in many ways. Three days after his funeral we were still in shock, about to explode with emotions, and desperately needing to talk to someone who might understand. We turned to Cornerstone of Hope. My parents started attending an eight week group session for parents who have lost a child. I attended a newly created a support group for siblings with Laura Serazin, the Children’s Program Coordinator and art therapist. Throughout the weekly sessions we created art therapy projects, talked about grief, and learned positive coping skills. After group was over, I continued to meet with Laura to talk through feelings, and she became a very important mentor and friend to me. I am now active in volunteering at Cornerstone of Hope’s annual Camp Erin. I saw how important it is for children to be with other grieving children, who are able to relate with an unspoken understanding. Volunteering has really helped me in my grief journey. My family and I would not be where we are today without Cornerstone of Hope. I have learned about what a life changing experience grief is, and also about life, myself, and what is really important to me. Pictured above: Amy and Tim, and the bronze etching from the photo. Pictured below: earring from the mini pretzel line. Shortly after my brother passed away, I was taking a course called Ceremonies and Rituals. I chose to create a commemorative object in honor of my brother. After reading about the Native American peace pipes, I decided to make a peace pipe and tobacco canteen. Tim enjoyed smoking tobacco and had a vast collection of small containers. Making this particular object was quite therapeutic, healing, and created a unique connectivity with him. I made additional pieces in honor of my brother including my mini pretzel line. Tim loved eating pretzels, so I made a whole jewelry line based on pretzels made out of sterling silver and bronze. In my senior year I implemented these ideas into my Bachelor of Fine Art/Thesis Project. I made commemorative pieces for each of the families who were in our group at Cornerstone. My goal was to create objects celebrating specific memories, ones that the family would never want to forget and that would last forever. Throughout my whole process I kept the families updated on my progress, bounced ideas off of them, and confirmed the direction of the project. It was my goal to make this a positive and meaningful experience for them. It truly helped their grief journey and mine as well. I invited the families to see my thesis show and pick up their pieces. They expressed heartfelt emotions and appreciation. Seeing their reactions made all my hard work worth it. Words cannot describe what an incredible experience it was. The emotional impact it had on everyone made me realize that after graduating in 2011 with a degree in Jewelry and Metals, I needed to continue this concept and reach out to more people. I created Forever Keepsake Designs in January of 2012 to use my artistic talent to help others. Forever Keepsake Designs is dedicated to preserving the memories of the ones we love forever. Through multiple processes, I create all of the pieces by hand utilizing traditional metalsmithing and enameling techniques. The personalized keepsakes will forever preserve your loved ones in a tangible way. My work includes original signatures, handwriting, photographs, drawings, all of which, will last forever. The designs range from various types of jewelry, accessories, framed images and table top pieces. The nature of our work is to personally Pictured above: A bronze etching from a letter. connect with our clients and to understand their needs. Orders can be placed over the phone, Pictured below: Tim’s signature etched on a or online, and Forever Keepsake Designs accepts commissions upon request. silver ring. Losing a brother is truly a big part of who I have become and has made me see it is important for me to use my creative blessings to help others. He is the angel on my shoulder guiding the way. Forever Keepsake Designs was created in honor of Timothy Patrick Green. I am looking forward to meeting new clients and creating a positive experience for them and a “Forever Keepsake”. Life and family are the most precious things we have been given, we all need to treasure them. For additional information about Forever Keepsake Designs please visit www.foreverkeepsakedesigns.com or call 216.548.2229. Board of Directors Linda Neiheiser, Ph.D. Chairperson Jeff Spetrino Treasurer Judith Matsko Secretary Christi Tripodi Founder Farshid Afsarifard, Ph.D. Jay DeFinis Tony Esposito Jerry Fish Gerri Jeffrey Cynthia Haire Lori Kosakowski Bobbie Lindenbaum Carla Longano Barbara Marlowe Jim Milano Michael Neff Dave Ost Casey Rasata Susan Rennell Frank Rini Patrick Rollins Christopher Soska Bill Thompson Dan Tompkins Janine Valvoda Loree Vick James Vilcheck Dave Wheeler Matthew Wracher Founding Board Ed Butler Bobby DiGeronimo Donnie DiGeronimo Denise Dufala Dino Lucarelli Cornerstone of Hope’s Columbus office offers the same great services as Cleveland. 4217 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43214 614.824.4285 cornerstoneofhope.org cornerstone of hope | a center for grieving children, teens & adults hope: [hohp]noun, verb, hoped, hop·ing. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. to believe, desire, or trust. hope’s messenger Lessons from sebastian by SCOTT ANTHONY “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!” Psalm 139: 13-14 Last week was hard. While in the middle of conducting a retreat for our parish middle school students, my wife called to tell me that she was having a miscarriage. I was able to leave the retreat early and drove home to grieve with and support my wife and other children. It was tough. It still is. But at the same time, the grace of God has been blowing me away this past week and I have been trying to soak it all in. What I realized as the days went by was how much my son, Sebastian Luke, was able to teach the world in his short, 17 weeks of life. Lesson #1: There IS a human baby in the womb, not just a bunch of cells. I was given the privilege of preparing Sebastian’s body before we took him to the funeral home. I washed his frail, almost perfect, little body and placed him in a satin-lined box. Most of his older siblings had the sublime experience of seeing his ten perfect toes and fingers, his little ears and nose (he had an Anthony nose). There was no mistaking his miniature form as a human, not a potential human, who simply needed time and nourishment before looking exactly like you and me. I don’t know what the future holds for each of his siblings that were able to gaze upon his body, but I know they will NEVER believe the lie that what is inside the womb is not a human life. Lesson #2: Tragedy bonds us in ways that nothing else can. It was moving to see my oldest son overcome with grief for his little sibling that he would never know or play with in this life. In the safe cocoon of our home and family he did not have to be ashamed about lettings his emotions out. Sebastian taught his older brother, and all of us, that life is precious and sacred and that it is right to express sorrow when life is destroyed or lost or disrespected. Sebastian taught us that we need to be more compassionate towards one another and that we need to be more passionate about showing love to one another. He has given me THIS day, THIS moment, THIS time in salvation history to be His follower and to learn to love as He loved. Sebastian taught me that everyone is important and known by God and that I need to cherish each moment and live each day to serve Him. Lesson #5: Sebastian taught all of us that EVERY life matters, no matter how small. There is NO ONE who is insignificant in the eyes of God and EVERY life has a purpose and plan. While Sebastian’s life was very short and he never even lived to see the light of day or the faces of his family members, he sees more clearly now than we do. While the rest of the world might say that his existence was worthless or a waste, they are wrong! Sebastian taught us all this and so much more. And most importantly, we now have another intercessor in heaven cheering us home. We can never underestimate the eternal value of his prayers for us still struggling to find our way. He taught us that EVERY life is gifted with the ability to love and to help others see God and get to heaven. Sebastian Luke lived a short life, not long enough to even be measured by the standards of the world, but he lived a life of greatness when measured by God’s standards. May we all strive to live as rich and meaningful of a life as my precious little Sebastian Luke. Sebastian Luke, pray for us! Reprinted from Created for Greatness by Scott Anthony. Scott is a full-time Catholic youth minister for two parishes in Pennsylvania. Please visit his blog at www.scottmanthony.blogspot.com. Lesson #3: Life is short and we need to cherish each moment. Whether you live only 17 weeks in the womb or you live to be 117, life is going to seem short. Especially when compared to eternity. What Sebastian taught us is that we need to stop sweating the small stuff and start living each day with eternal vision, recognizing that each day could be our last and that we will be meeting the Lord sooner rather than later. Sebastian taught us to live for HEAVEN— the place where we will one day meet him. Sebastian taught us to have our priorities straight. Lesson #4: Funerals are important. It was an honor to be able to pray over his little body, carry his coffin and to help place it in the ground and cover it with flowers and dirt. As I shoveled the earth into the grave I was reminded that we came from dust and that we would return to dust. Sebastian taught me humility in that moment. Who is Scott Anthony? Nothing more than an imperfect child of God, imperfect husband and father, imperfect son and brother and imperfect youth minister and Catholic speaker; in fact, in 150 years, no one living now will even have a clue about who I was. But God knows me and cornerstone of hope | spiritual corner faith: [fāth] noun. a belief and trust in loyalty to God. a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. complete trust. October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Please join us for a memorial program on Monday, October 15, 2012 at 6:30pm. To receive more information, please contact us at 216.524.4673. fall 2012 Evening CEU Series Includes Dinner, Handouts, 2 CEU’s (RN, SW, Nurse, and Counselor, call to see if FD has been approved) and a Presentation from a professional in the community. October 16, 2012 | Healing Grief with Spirituality, Ty Morgan KeyBank is a proud partner of Cornerstone of Hope’s Professional CEU Workshops. We appreciate their commitment to supporting professional development. November 13, 2012 | Difficult Clients, Bob Pickard December 2012 | No meeting due to the holidays COST: $25 for each 2-hour CEU, includes materials and dinner SCHEDULE: 5:00 - 5:30pm Dinner 5:30 - 7:30pm Presentation PLACE: Cornerstone of Hope RSVP: To Julia at 216.524.HOPE or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org Professional Journal Group Are you looking to stay current with professional journals to keep up on the latest research and trends? Join us for our monthly journal group, facilitated by a Professional Librarian. This group offers 1 CEU for Social Workers, Counselors and Nurses (call to see if FD has been approved). Includes a continental breakfast. September 6, 2012 | The Caregiver Caring for Professional caregivers You spend a majority of your day meeting the needs of others; a wonderful but draining occupation. These meetings are about discovering new therapies (massage, aroma, etc.), creating art with different mediums and other de-stressing events. Spend an hour taking care of yourself, before heading out for a day of caring for others. Includes a continental breakfast. September 13, 2012 | Art, Marcie Phillips October 11, 2012 | Message Bracelets, Kari Taylor October 4, 2012 | Art Therapy November 1, 2012 | Anger and Grief December 2012 | No meeting due to the holidays COST: Free, includes breakfast TIME: 8:30 - 10:00am PLACE: Cornerstone of Hope RSVP: To Julia at 216.524.HOPE or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org November 8, 2012 | Tea Benefits, Lisa Lingenfield December 13, 2012 | Holiday Fun, Julia Ellifritt COST: Free, includes breakfast sponsored by Home Instead Senior Care TIME: 8:30am - 10:00am PLACE: Cornerstone of Hope RSVP: To Julia at 216.524.HOPE or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org Clinical Interventions Clinical Interventions presents new, cognitive-based therapeutic interventions to enhance a clinicians skill-set and add tools to our current methods. This group offers 1 CEU for Nurses, Social Workers, and Counselors (call to see if Funeral Directors have been approved). Includes a Continental breakfast. Due to high demand, an RSVP is required for this series. September 27, 2012 | Art Therapy, Laura Serazin October 25, 2012 | Person Centered, Julia Ellifritt monthly GRIEF GROUP The Grief Group is a network of professionals who work with the bereaved. Come share the programs that are happening at your agency, and learn about current topics. This group offers 1 CEU for Nurses, Social Workers, and Counselors (call to see if Funeral Directors have been approved). Includes a Continental breakfast sponsored by Crossroads Hospice. September 20, 2012 | Life Changes, Judi Fischer October 18, 2012 | Grief and Probate, Daniel Seink, Esq. November 15, 2012 | Diversity, Julia Ellifritt December 20, 2012 | Networking Party–no CEU will be given COST: Free, includes breakfast sponsored by Crossroads Hospice TIME: 8:30am - 10:00am PLACE: Cornerstone of Hope RSVP: To Julia at 216.524.HOPE or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org November 29, 2012 | Faith Based Interventions December 2012 | No meeting due to the Holidays COST: Free, includes breakfast TIME: 8:30am - 10:00am PLACE: Cornerstone of Hope RSVP: To Julia at 216.524.HOPE or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org cornerstone of hope | education offerings ed•u•ca•tion: [ej-oo-key-shuh n] noun. the process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge. developing the powers of reasoning and judgment. preparing oneself for mature life. hope’s messenger support our mission To make your Annual Fund gift, or for information on supporting Cornerstone of Hope, please contact Andre Calabretta, Development Director at 216.524.HOPE or andre@cornerstoneofhope.org. “Clambake Feast” September 29, 2012 list mpleteMARKET & s For a cos,MILES ic p to f dateMILES o28560 r the | SOLON, OH foROAD rs e k a e sp ase visit year, pleebsite. our w CORNERSTONE LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE On August 24th Cornerstone of Hope launched their newly updated website. New features include easier to read and navigate pages and links, a calendar of events, and gift shop page. We encourage you to please visit the site to see current information about Cornerstone. To better serve our clients, you can now register for support groups online, and download support group flyers. We look forward to you visiting the site and seeing the many new features. A night to benefit Cornerstone of Hope 50% of profits will go to Cornerstone Sunday, November 11th www.cornerstoneofhope.org Independence, Ohio Thanksgiving martin j. coyne jr golf outing On January 13, 2001, Martin J. Coyne Jr. was killed in a car accident. This Pancake Breakfast event changed the Coyne family’s life, and they wanted to be able to honor his memory and help other families who have experienced sudden and life –November 22, 2012– changing loss. The Coyne family set up The Martin J. Coyne Jr. Foundation to ensure that they could carry on his memory. This year, they held the 2nd annual Martin J. Coyne Jr. Golf Outing at Mallard Creek, and all proceeds were donated to Cornerstone of Hope. Michael and Maureen stopped by to deliver the amazing $8,000 check from the golf outing. Cornerstone of Hope Enjoy breakfast & in lieu of your bill, would like to thank the Coyne family and the generous supporters of their leave a donation for Cornerstone of Hope outing! Thank you for allowing us to join you in honoring Marty. Giving Hope to Grieving Children, Teens and Adults cornerstone of hope’s newest fundraising program On September 1st Cornerstone of Hope will launch its newest online fundraising initiative. myCornerstone is an online site where people can build personalized pages in order to create awareness and make donations to Cornerstone of Hope. These pages can be customized to share your story with friends and family. For example, if you are celebrating a birthday and anniversary, in lieu of gifts you can create a page and have guests make donations to Cornerstone of Hope. To memorialize a loved one, you can upload their photo, and have people make donations in their honor. All of the proceeds from myCornerstone will go directly to Cornerstone of Hope’s many programs, support groups, and services. With more than 350 people being served each week, it is important for us to raise funds to cover these costs, so families may attend regardless of their ability to pay. To learn more about this new program or if you’d like create your own page, please visit www.cornerstoneofhope.org or call 216.524.4673. cornerstone of hope | supporting our mission sup•port: [suh-pawrt] verb, noun, adjective. to bear or hold up. to serve as a foundation for. to sustain without giving way. to advocate. to provide for. to assist in performance. fall 2012 PRAYER WARRIORS: PRAYERS FOR HOPE Cornerstone of Hope is excited to share that a growing collection of people are beginning to pray earnestly over all the support, activities, and events that happen on a monthly basis through Cornerstone. We believe that God has clearly blessed Cornerstone of Hope and given us the opportunity to do what we do, however, we want to watch God do above and beyond our human efforts! He is the author of true and lasting hope and we want to be sure He is in the midst, the forefront, and supporting everything we do. Our hearts are full of anticipation! volunteer appreciation dinner On June 16, the staff of Cornerstone of Hope had the privilege of serving and giving back to our amazing volunteers! We enjoyed a delicious dinner, complete with hors d’oeuvres and dessert, specially prepared by Mark and Christi Tripodi. Every volunteer was individually thanked by a staff member and remembered for their generous gifts of service and time. The evening was also a wonderful opportunity to relax, sit and talk with each other and get to know one another outside of their volunteer commitments. newly isit our Please vked gift shop restoc ming holiday o this upc ! It’s a great season get your way to shopping as Christm d support a n a e don use! great ca eDGEPARK gives back Edgepark Surgical provided an afternoon of service on June 1, 2012. Their wonderful employees braved the lashing rain to help with some much needed landscaping work around the center. Thank you Edgepark Surgical!!! volunteer at cornerstone of hope Cornerstone of Hope is blessed to have the support of dedicated volunteers who participate in a variety of volunteer assignments. Reception Desk Volunteers commit to a scheduled shift each month. During their volunteer time, the reception desk volunteer greets visitors and answers phone calls. Many times, the phone calls and visitors discuss sensitive issues, and our volunteers handle these issues with both sensitivity and compassion. Kitchen Support Volunteers also commit to a scheduled shift each month. These volunteers serve dinner to support group participants, greeting each client with warmth and hospitality. We have additional opportunities including clerical volunteers, maintenance/cleaning volunteers, phone call volunteers, gala volunteers and others. Cornerstone of Hope’s Volunteers support our mission in many wonderful ways, limited only to their imaginations. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Gail Oberkircher, Volunteer Coordinator, at 216-524-4673. We would love to have you on our team! NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING SCHEDULE FOR 2012 We ask all of our volunteers to attend a training session prior to becoming a Cornerstone of Hope volunteer. The sessions are 3 hours long and are full of information. September 5th, 2012│Wednesday 6pm – 9pm November 3rd, 2012│Saturday 9am – 12pm cornerstone of hope | volunteer opportunities vol•un•teer: [vol-uhn-teer] noun, adjective, verb. a person who performs a service willingly without pay. to offer oneself for some service or undertaking. to give, bestow or perform willingly. hope’s messenger MONTHLY GROUPS & INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING All groups meet at Cornerstone of Hope, and begin at 6:00pm unless otherwise noted. Programs are subject to change without advance notice. Please call to confirm event, date and time. RSVP is appreciated to assist us with planning. SOCIAL LITES | EVENT-BASED SUPPORT GROUP The socialites group is open to anyone who has completed an 8 week support group at Cornerstone or if you have completed 8 weeks of individual counseling at Cornerstone. Brunch on the nautica queen | SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 We’ll be having brunch on Sunday, September 16, 2012 from 1:00pm 3:30pm. Brunch is $29.95, and you must pay in advance. For more information, or to reserve your spot, please call 216-524-4673. To pay for the above event, please mail or drop-off a check made payable to Cornerstone of Hope to: 5905 Brecksville Road Independence, Ohio 44131. Bereavement Bible Study Group Attendance at another 6 or 8 week support group is a prerequisite for participation in this group. Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Morning meetings include light refreshments. Evening meetings include a light supper. Tuesdays, September 25, 2012 - November 13, 2012 now offering Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm an additional Register by: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 day! -or- Fridays, September 28, 2012 - November 16, 2012 Time: 10:00 - 11:30am Register by: Friday, September 21, 2012 Monthly Support Group Attendance at another 6 or 8 week support group is a prerequisite for participation in this group. Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Evening meetings include a light supper. Monthly family workshops Family workshops are intended for grieving children ages 5-18 and their parents or caregivers. These workshops give families a chance to socialize, memorialize, find connections and support in a friendly, fun atmosphere. (Children may not attend workshops on their own.) After completing an 8 week support group, you may still find certain times of the year difficult during anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays. Please join Cornerstone for our monthly support group, where you will find strength with others that have also lost a loved one. A grief journey never ends, but it is through support that you can refresh your faith. saturday, september 29, 2012 | 11:00 - 1:00 pm Annual Family Fall Fest at Mapleside Farms│Brunswick Go on a hayride, jump on the 70 foot pillow, and wander through the corn maze. Cost is $5.00 per person, kids under 2 are free. Cornerstone will provide snacks and beverages. Registration and payment due by Friday, September 21, 2012. 2nd Tuesday of each month Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Please RSVP by the 1st Tuesday of the month if you will be attending tuesday, October 2, 2012 | 6:00 - 8:00 Pm Quilted Memories Bring in a photo of your loved one and we will reprint it on fabric so you can create a frame-able fabric collage with your loved one’s photo. You may also bring in an article of your loved one’s clothing to incorporate into your memorial art piece. No sewing necessary but various materials will be provided for those of you who enjoy sewing. *Workshop is best suited for teens and adults. Register by Friday, September 25, 2012, and mail your photo by this date if possible as well. tuesday, november 6, 2012 | 6:00 - 8:00 pM Soothing Bath Fizzy Making It is challenging to be able to relax and take time for ourselves during the grieving process. Create fizzling scented bath bombs to transform a simple bath to a calming and comforting experience. We will have fun shapes for kids as well. Register by Friday, November 2, 2012. Tuesday, december 4, 2012 | 4:00 - 8:00 pm Annual Christmas Ornament Workshop When grieving the loss of a loved one, finding ways to balance the feeling of sorrow with the hope and spirit of Christmas can be challenging. Come and decorate an ornament in memory of your loved one and enjoy some cookies and refreshments. Each participant will receive their own ornament free of charge. Santa will be present at the workshop for photos. Register by Monday, November 26, 2012 for your 1-hour time slot. running/walking grief Group Attendance at another 8 week support group is a prerequisite for participation in this group. Locations will vary. Morning meetings include light refreshments. Congratulations to the participants of the Spring Running/Walking Grief Group on their completion of the “Running with a Mission” 5k! Cornerstone of Hope is proud of the inaugural members of the Running/Walking Grief Group. They should be very proud of their dedication and commitment to honoring their loved ones by completing the 5k! Please join us as we bring back this group for the Fall. Orientation: Thursday, September 6th, 7:00PM - 8:00PM Saturdays, September 8 - October 27, 2012 from 8:00AM - 10:00AM *Details on running locations will be given at orientation. Open to anyone, 18 and older, grieving the loss of a loved one that has completed one of Cornerstone of Hope’s 8 week support groups. You do not have to be able to currently run or walk a 5k to join this group. cornerstone of hope | support services sup•port: [suh-pawrt] verb, noun, adjective. to bear or hold up. to serve as a foundation for. to sustain without giving way. to advocate. to provide for. to assist in performance. fall 2012 Cornerstone groups Groups are 8 weeks in length, and begin at 6pm with a light dinner and end promptly at 8pm at Cornerstone of Hope. Groups need a minimum of 5 people and are closed to new members after the 2nd week. To register, or for additional information, please call 216-524-HOPE or email kari@cornerstoneofhope.org. neonatal & Infant loss | FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A BABY Cornerstone is pleased to be partnering with Legacy of Love to offer an nine week group for persons who have experienced miscarriage, still birth, neonatal or other infant losses. Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Morning meetings include light refreshments. Baby sitting is provided. Saturdays, September 22, 2012 – November 17, 2012 Time: 9:00 - 11:00am Register by: Friday, September 14, 2012 Phototherapy Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Include a light supper. Phototherapy uses photography as a medium for expressing grief and finding healing after your loss. A weekly theme will be presented and the photos you take throughout the following week will be brought in and discussed how they relate. Images will represent memories and thoughts you’ve had relating to your loss. Cameras are not provided, so you must be able to bring in your own digital camera or camera phone. Cornerstone of Hope will print out class photos. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE TO MURDER Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Light supper provided. Mondays, September 24, – November 12, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Monday, September 17, 2012 FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE TO SUICIDE Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Light supper provided. Mondays, September 24 – November 12, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Monday, September 17, 2012 Mondays, September 24, 2012 - November 12, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Monday, September 17, 2012 20 something’s group A group for ages 18-32 years old, who have lost a loved one. This group brings together people of a similar age, who are interested in finding a strong support system. Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Light supper provided. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A SPOUSE Light supper provided. Wednesdays, September 26 – November 14, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 tuesdays, September 25 – November 13, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A child Light supper provided. Wednesdays, September 26 – November 14, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 TAKING F.L.I.G.H.T. | Families Living In Grief & Healing Together This group is a way for families to come together for support. Groups are broken up by age, and while each group studies the SAME topic, they do so in age appropriate ways. This allows families to discuss their feelings with one another, outside of the group, but at their own pace and in their own words. Light supper provided. Thursdays, September 27 – November 15, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Thursday, September 13, 2012 ADULT GROUPS | GENERAL LOSS Evening Groups-Dinner is provided. Daytime Groups-Light refreshments provided. Wednesdays, September 26 – November 14, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Friday, September 28 – November 16, 2012 Time: 1:00 - 3:00pm Register by: Friday, September 21, 2012 new support group│reaching out to families affected by accidental overdose Over the past year, Cornerstone of Hope has recognized a great need for a support group for families that have lost a loved one to accidental overdose. This unique loss can leave families with many unanswered questions along with a myriad of difficult emotions. This group hopes to bring people together who have experienced similar losses, offer some education about the addiction process, offer support for the numerous emotional reactions to this particular loss, and provide some helpful insight into moving forward with hope. Please call with any questions (216) 524-4673. those who have lost a loved one to accidental overdose Held at Cornerstone of Hope. Light supper provided. Group for kids, teens & parents/guardians Tuesdays, September 25, 2012 – November 13, 2012 Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm Register by: Tuesday,September 18, 2012 cornerstone of hope | support services sup•port: [suh-pawrt] verb, noun, adjective. to bear or hold up. to serve as a foundation for. to sustain without giving way. to advocate. to provide for. to assist in performance. hope’s messenger THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAMP CAMPAIGN! Through the generosity of Cornerstone of Hope donors, we were able to raise more than $13,000 to support Camp Cornerstone, Camp Heroes, Camp Odyssey, and Camp Erin. In addition to the Camp Campaign, New York Life donated $25,000 to be used for Camp Erin. Throughout the summer, more than 175 children and teens attended these four camps. Each camp combined traditional camp activities, and also included special remembrance activities and grief sessions for campers. We look forward to seeing many of the same faces again next year, and hopefully meeting new campers as well. Please visit our website in the Spring of 2013 to learn more about the camps and activities we will provide next Summer! Camp Cornerstone Cleveland cornerstone of hope | camp update event: [i-’vent] noun. a noteworthy happening. a social occasion or activity. something that happens. fall 2012 PAVER CEREMONY: HEARTS FIND THEIR WAY BACK This year, Cornerstone of Hope celebrated its largest Paver Dedication Ceremony since opening the Prayer Gardens. More than 80 attendees dedicated brick and granite pavers in memory of their loved ones. As part of the ceremony, balloons are released with notes to loved ones attached. Over the years several of these notes have found their way back to Cornerstone of Hope. We’ve received returned notes from 5 different families who have found hearts that were attached the balloons. The farthest heart came from Nova Scotia, Canada, and the closest from Canton, Ohio. Our most touching story is from New Jersey, where we received an email from Colleen with how she found a heart in her yard. I was out walking with my 3 yr old daughter, Haley, and we have a statue of Mary Magdalen in our yard. We looked down at the statue and found a pink heart attached to a purple balloon. The message on the pink heart read, “I love you and miss you so much.” I wanted to let you know how amazing it was that this paper heart made it so many miles away. I will mail you back the heart, to let whoever wrote it know that we found this symbol of hope. Hearts indicate locations where hearts have been found. scrapbooking program to remember loved ones Cornerstone is partnering with Heartland Hospice for a new scrapbooking program. No experience needed! If you have photos and mementos from your loved one, and you would like to make a scrapbook, specialized photo frame, or other art project in his/her honor, this program is for you. It will meet on the second Tuesday evening of each month, from 6-8pm. Dinner, instruction, and scrapbooking supplies will be provided. Please RSVP to Julia at 216.524.4673 or julia@cornerstoneofhope.org, so we can plan for supplies. Join us for the following dates: September 11, 2012 from 6:00-8:00pm October 9, 2012 from 6:00-8:00pm November 13, 2012 from 6:00-8:00pm December 11, 2012 from 6:00-8:00pm A SEASON OF SUCCESSFUL GOLF OUTINGS Cornerstone of Hope hosted three wonderful golf outings this year. On Friday, June 15th more than 140 golfers joined us for The Rich DiGeronimo Memorial Golf Outing at Sawmill Creek Resort for a day of great golf, food, and friendship. Our second outing, The Columbus Cornerstone of Hope Golf Scramble was held at Heritage Golf Club and all proceeds go toward expanding our programs for grieving families in Central Ohio. The final outing of the season was the Cleveland Sports Anchor Golf Scramble and Roundtable at Stonewater Golf Club. Golfers enjoyed a beer tasting from Indigo Imp Brewery, and picked up some sports tips from Chuck Galeti, Coach Sam Rutigliano, Jimmy Hanlin, Tony Rizzo and Aaron Goldhammer. Check our websites for dates next year for these great outings! cornerstone of hope | news event: [i-’vent] noun. a noteworthy happening. a social occasion or activity. something that happens. hope’s messenger│columbus SUDDEN LOSS SUPPORT GROUP THROUGH CORNERSTONE OF HOPE’S COLUMBUS OFFICE Cornerstone of Hope in Columbus will be offering an 8-week support group for adults who have experienced the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one. This group is designed to assist individuals in coping with the difficult emotions associated with sudden or traumatic loss in a safe and supportive environment. When: Thursday evenings, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm September 27 - November 15, 2012 Where: The Bryce Eck Activity Center of St. Andrew’s Parish 3880 Reed Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220 Registration: Please contact Marissa to register, 614.824.4285 or marissa@cornerstoneofhope.org take a tour of our columbus office Do you know someone that lives in the Central Ohio area that you’d like to refer to Cornerstone of Hope? You can recommend Cornerstone of Hope’s great services to friends that live near Columbus. Cornerstone of Hope saw an increased need for bereavement services, and decided to open this location in mid-2011 . We offer individual counseling from our home-like office located conveniently on North High Street, and support groups are offered at a nearby location. To learn more about counseling and support groups in Columbus, please call 614.824.4285 or visit www.cornerstoneofhope.org a week of fun at camp odyssey Forty-nine campers attended an exciting week at Camp Odyssey in the Hocking Hills of Ohio from July 29th through August 4th. Children ages 7-17 grieving the loss of a loved one attended camp, which incorporated regular summer camp activities with structured group grief counseling. The campers enjoyed days full of swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, pottery making, fishing, and tie dying, among many other activities. Campers even celebrated the Olympic Games by engaging in volleyball, flag football, steeple chase, synchronized swimming, field hockey, and capture the flag! They enjoyed other festivities such as a luau complete with pig roast, an incredible talent show, and a camp-wide newspaper. Cabin groups slept under the stars, built campfires and roasted marshmallows for s’mores. The week ended with a camp-wide lantern release, floating candle votives and a memorial tree planting with painted memory stones in honor of those we have lost. Camp Odyssey and Cornerstone of Hope would like to thank our donors, staff and volunteers for an incredibly successful week at camp and eagerly look forward to next year! cornerstone of hope | columbus sup•port: [suh-pawrt] verb, noun, adjective. to bear or hold up. to serve as a foundation for. to sustain without giving way. to advocate. to provide for. to assist in performance. 2003 We receive our tax exempt status from the IRS as an official 501C.3 nonprofit organization and start offering educational programs to local professionals. 2004 We added individual counseling and adult support groups to our program offerings and host our first Gala which raised $150,000 and was attended by more than 600 guests. 2005 Laura Serazin and Stacey Banks are added to the staff to concentrate on building our child and teen programs through art therapy. Julia Ellifritt becomes our Clinical and Program Director. We initiate our school crisis team training and begin responding to local districts in need of support. 2006 We were awarded a 10-year grant from The Moyer Foundation to facilitate Camp Erin Cleveland, a free grief camp for children ages 8 – 18 offered annually. 2009 Cornerstone hosted the 14th Annual Symposium for The National Alliance for Grieving Children. NAGC President, Paul Golding, stated, “Cornerstone is the gold standard for bereavement centers across the country.” 2010 Celebrating A decade of Hope 2007 On January 5, 2007, we break ground for the construction of our new home at 5905 Brecksville Road in Independence, Ohio. This space allowed us to expand our children and teen programs, along with add on space for large functions such as memorial programs and camps. 2008 On April 2, 2008 we move into our brand new center to better serve the community. In November, we host 160 individuals from military families from a five state region through a partnership with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors). 2011 Our main prayer garden is dedicated in loving memory of Erin and Andrew Ehrbar. Later that year our Columbus office officially opens. 10 A Center for GrievinG Children, teens & Adults tenthanniversary 2003-2013 We hosted four separate grief summer camps. A total of 175 youth attended. We added Camp Odyssey to serve Central Ohio families and Camp Heroes to serve inner city Cleveland families. We will be celebrating our 10-year history, “A Decade of Hope”, throughout the entire calendar year. Please continue to follow our progress on Facebook, Twitter and our website for future events. 2012 2013 5905 Brecksville Road Independence, Ohio P: 216.524.HOPE F: 216.524.3743 W: www.cornerstoneofhope.org MISSION STATEMENT: Cornerstone of Hope is dedicated to providing support, education, and hope for the grieving. save the date. Staff a taste of hope | september 13, 2012 A night of great food and friends presented by New York Life to celebrate and raise money for Cornerstone of Hope. nautica Queen Brunch | september 16, 2012 Join the Social Lites for their annual brunch on the Nautica Queen, tickets are $29.95, and you must pay in advance. clambake feast | september 29, 2012 Bring your friends and family for a clambake at Miles Market in Solon. Dinner at Delmonico’s | November 11, 2012 Enjoy a wonderful dinner at Delmonico’s Steakhouse in Independence, and 50% of the profits from sales that night will go to Cornerstone of Hope. thanksgiving pancake breakfast | november 22, 2012 Have breakfast Thanksgiving morning at Yours Truly in Valley View. Enjoy unlimited breakfast, and in lieu of your bill, leave a donation to Cornerstone of Hope. Yours Truly gives 100% of the donations to Cornerstone of Hope. Columbus sudden loss support group | september 27, 2012 This group is for those who have experienced the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one. Please register by calling Marissa at 614.824.4285. Guided by Christian values of compassion and service, we welcome and serve all seeking support. fall fest | September 29, 2012 Gather your family for a day of a corn maze, wagon rides, pumpkin painting and more. Cost is $5 per person and kids under 2 are free. Christmas candle lighting & remembrance ceremony december 8 & 9, 2012 Please join us for our annual Christmas Candle Lighting and Remembrance Ceremony. You can choose from two services on each day, the first at 1:00pm and the second at 3:30pm. Dates and times are based upon a first come basis, please download the registration form on our website, or call for more details. contact cornerstone of hope for more details pertaining to any of the above events at 216.524.hope (4673) christmas candle lighting & remembrance ceremony | december 2012 Join us for an afternoon to remember loved ones at our annual Christmas Candle Lighting and Remembrance Ceremony. A Reservation is required for this event. Mark Tripodi, MBA Founder/Executive Director Andre Calabretta, MA Development Director Julia Ellifritt, LISW-S Program/Education Director Laura Serazin, ATR, CTC Children’s Program Coordinator Megan Sprenger, PCC Counselor/Internship Coordinator Bob Pickard, PC Traumatic Grief Counselor Kari Taylor, PC Counselor/Group Coordinator Shannon Grubich, MSSA, LSW Counselor/Camp Coordinator Isabella Mihalik Receptionist Rachel Rego Administrative Assistant Gail Oberkircher Volunteer Coordinator Ilia Estremera Event Coordinator Counselors Erika Walick, LSW Miriam Keresman, Ph.D. Maribeth Lieberth, PC Ruth Raciniewski, PC Kristen Santel, LISW-S, ACHP-SW Clinical/Program Director Stacey Swanson Administrative Assistant Marissa Aquilino Counselor cornerstone of hope | transforming pain into purpose & grief into hope pur•pose: [pur-puh s] noun, verb. the reason for which something is done. an intended or desired result. determination. resoluteness. to resolve. to set as an aim, intention or goal for oneself.