Agenda 2012


Agenda 2012
at the University Centre
in Bertinoro
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Grafikamente srl - via E. Bertini, 96/L Forlì
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This publication was made possible thanks to the help of our suppliers who, in this moment, supported and shared the aims of the Agenda 2012 of the University Residential
Centre of Bertinoro.
Ce.U.B. is about to turn 20 years old, therefore, we want to thank very much those who
work everyday in our structure: Lucia Amatori, Stefano Ballestra, Veronica Belbusti,
Eleonora Campori, Patrizia Canali, Sabrina Gattelli, Carmen Gregori, Zorica Grkovic,
Clara Longhi, Omar Mazzotti, Monica Michelacci, Roberta Partisani, Michela Raggi,
Michela Schiavi, Giuseppe Scozzaro, Anna Sortino, Eva Teodorani, Carlo Venturi, Fabrizio Zanotti e Agostino Zingarello.
Addition to Collegamenti, the periodic magazine of the University Residential Centre of
Texts by: Andrea Bandini, Eleonora Campori, Clara Longhi, Enrico Bertoni.
Photographs by Fabio Blaco, Salvatore Mirabella, Alan Venzi, Marco Vignazia.
Edited by Ce.U.B. soc. cons. a r.l.
Graphic Project: Grafikamente
Printed by Ge.Graf. Bertinoro.
“Love of knowledge echoes in our hearts
and nourishes great thoughts”
V.le 2 Agosto, 583 • BERTINORO (FC) • Tel. 0543.448038 •
Preface “Ce.U.B. goes back to its origins”
by Andrea Bandini
Ce.U.B. - Our identity
by Andrea Bandini
Ce.U.B. - The history
by Andrea Bandini
The Events promoted by the University of Bologna
Events promoted by Italian and foreign Universities
Cutting-edge informatics in Bertinoro:
B.i.C.i. events
Events organized by Congress Agencies
Events organized by Public Institutions
Events promoted by the Interfaith Museum
by Enrico Bertoni
The professors’ Guesthouse:
the beginning of a new life
by Andrea Bandini
2011 major events
2010 major events
pag. 6
pag. 8
pag. 12
pag. 17
pag. 43
pag. 51
pag. 57
pag. 65
pag. 77
pag. 85
pag. 87
pag. 88
pag. 90
goes back to
its origins
After three years of silence the Agenda of the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro
is back to the printings. The years 2011-2012 have been an intense working period, during which Ce.U.B. thought again about its strategies and its positioning in the Vocational
Training context and in the MICE market. The Agenda 2012 testify the path which the
Centre went through and it goes back to look at an international horizon. The Course in
“Governance and Development of Small Medium Enterprises in Egypt” has represented
the continuation of Vocational Training Courses organized thanks to the funding of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - General Directorate of Cooperation to Development.
Through this program, Alma Mater University of Bologna, in collaboration with the
University Centre of Bertinoro, wanted to answer to the need expressed by the Ministry
of Foreign affairs, to carry on projects addressed to Developing Countries1, coordinating
Italian Universities for the international cooperation.
Important partnerships have been confirmed such as the one with the Bertinoro international Centre for informatics (B.i.C.i.), that continues to carry on different courses and seminars with the best researchers in informatics in the world. The Centre has renewed its
relationship with the Interuniversity Centre of Econometrics (C.I.d.E.) which in 1994 was the
first to organize a meeting at the newly born Congress Centre of Bertinoro. Besides these
long-time collaborations, we also have hosted workshops, lectures and seminars promoted
in collaboration with Italian and foreign Universities or Institutes. In a very critical mar1 While the Agenda 2012 is about to be published, in Bertinoro we are currently hosting the
second edition of the Course in “Governance and Development of Small Medium Enterprises”
addressed to eighteen officers of the Republic of Tunisia.
ket situation, these last ones have demonstrated to keep a scientific vitality, continuing to
rely on our structure. The Centre is back to its origins, back to the value of Culture, that
represents the first part of its original mission, and it is reconstructing the right balance
between two important assets of the Company: the University of Bologna and the local
territory. Ce.U.B. is once again a high profile project that finds in Alma Mater the scientific resources and excellences to realize its activities. Ce.U.B. has reconstructed a correct
dialogue with the Romagna area: the territory is interpreted through its institutional and
productive excellences. Even though the general conditions of the congress market has
contracted, the Centre has continued to receive the trust of congress partners. Its professional competences let the Centre have a main role in this sector, which is a major part in
the company balance. The Centre is loyal to its Hospitality tradition, which represents the
second part of its mission. We also made some major investments in order to develop our
residential service and we proceeded to a better rationalization of our services.
Last but not least, the activity of the new governance was made possible also thanks to
the capacity of the Centre to establish sounded professional relationships with Institutions and private agencies, which have been translated into activities, courses, seminars
and lectures that represent the tradition of the University Centre. In my opinion, on this
brand reputation, built during many years of work, it is possible to build the future of the
best institution born form the delocalization of the University of Bologna.
The mission
The University Residential Centre for Vocational Training and Research of Bertinoro
(Ce.U.B.) is a consortium with limited responsibility established by the following stakeholders:
• Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
• Ser.In.Ar. Soc. Cons. P. A.
• Comune di Bertinoro
• Unindustria Forlì-Cesena
• Fondazione Flaminia
• Romagna Acque - Società delle Fonti s.p.a.
Through this consortium, Ce.U.B. has the following aims:
1. Promote, organize and manage in collaboration with institutions, public and private organizations, vocational training events that contribute to promote, to qualify and to empower the scientific and didactic activities of Alma Mater;
2. Promote and manage activities concerning vocational training and specialization
for undergraduates and postgraduates, requested by or in collaboration with the
University of Bologna, which is the exclusive partner for the Diploma certificates
recognized by the Italian law;
3. Promote and manage activities which are not included in point 2), requested by or
in collaboration with Universities, Research Centres, Institutions, Schools, private
and public Institutions interested in the promotion and collaboration of public
4. Provide the best possible management of this monumental area, according to criteria and agreements written in the lending act of the property.
The Agenda 2012 aims to give detailed information about the Centre’s activity. This
publication represents the effort to show the activities and to let know the exact map of
the Ce.U.B. interlocutors at international, national and local level.
We wanted to provide readers with a comprehensive idea of the activities that take place at the University Centre: through this general framework it is also possible to trace
all the work done in the past 20 years. Compared to the past editions, the Agenda 2012
aims not only to show the numbers of our activities but also to underline the added
value of the Centre’s activities on an economic, cultural and social level in the local
Therefore, the target readers of this document can be:
1. the traditional Ce.U.B. shareholders, university professors and congress centres;
2. potential shareholders;
3. local institutions;
4. Ce.U.B. stakeholders.
The Agenda wants to stimulate our traditional clients to be active part of a more ample
group that surrounds Ce.U.B. and sees in our Society not a simple service centre, but
a sounded and sensitive partner, with whom discuss the best ways to reach one’s goals
in vocational training as much as in the congress centre’s market. The richness and the
diversity of the event held at Ce.U.B. let potential shareholders reflect on the potential
of this structure, which is not an hortus conlcusus reserved only for a certain kind of
activities. The more than 130 activities held in 2012 show how Ce.U.B. is not an isolated
Centre on the hilltop of Bertinoro, but on the contrary it represents a real opportunity
to catch for University professors, agencies or companies that often have perceived the
Centre as exclusive and reserved. This document shows the University Centre as an
open space, a place for debate, a place where it is possible to find answers and solutions
for the realization of one’s own course or event.
The Agenda 2012 wants to be a stimulus for local institutions in order to let them reflect
and be conscious about the important results that Ce.U.B. has obtained: in terms of
visibility for the Romagna area at international level, and in terms of cultural quality
and services offered. The Agenda, in the end, is also addressed to stakeholders that are
part of the Consortium: the positive results of the activities confirm the efforts of the
associates, who not only gave birth to this project in Bertinoro in the late 1994, but who
have even contributed to relaunch the Centre in the past two years. On the other hand,
the Agenda represents for our associates a chance to reflect on the sense and on the direction that Ce.U.B. will have to take in the next years.
1994 - 1996
1997 - 1999
Vocational Training Courses and Summer Schools take place in Bertinoro
On 6th June 1994, the first Vocational Training Course is held in Bertinoro. The InterUniversities Centre of Econometrics organizes the first Course, in which the University of Bologna and Pisa also attend. At the time the structure was managed by Ser.In.Ar..
Under the supervision of senator Leonardo Melandri, at the time CEO, and myself we
conceived the idea to create a University Centre in the ancient Fortress. Since the beginning, the Centre assumes an international dimension: in September 1995, the major
deans of European and Middle-East Universities sign the Mediterraneum Agreement.
During these years the executive structure was located in the Rivellino - where there
were 4 meeting rooms - while the Former Episcopal Seminary could offer 20 beds..
The enlargement of the activity and the beginning of the works of renovation in
the Episcopal Fortress
Vocational training courses continue together with other events organized in collaboration with congress agencies. The trend of continuous growth demands the enlargement
of didactic spaces and accommodations: in April 1997 it is signed an agreement with the
Church of Forlì-Bertinoro in order to let the University of Bologna freely use the Episcopal Fortress. The renovation works in the Episcopal Fortress, receives investments by local
institutions, private sponsors and the Great Jubilee Law.
The relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - General Directorate for Cooperation to Development becomes more tight, the Ministry relies on our structure for intensive
courses addressed to Developing Countries.
The University Residential Centre of Bertinoro is born
In 2001 the University Residential Centre for Vocational Training and Research at
Bertinoro is officially established, it acquires more juridical and executive autonomy
under the guide of senator Melandri. The didactic service and accommodation facilities
are enlarged: the renovation works in the Fortress end, and they start in the Former
Episcopal Seminary.
For the first time in the history of Ce.U.B., in 2002 there are more than 20,000 annual
participants. In 2002, Ce.U.B. receives also a gold medal assigned by the European
Community for the best renovation works and reuse of an historical monument in Italy:
the Episcopal Fortress is one of the first to have received this prize.
High Informatics Courses start and the Interfaith Museum opens its doors for the
first time
At the end of these 3 years, the number of participants stabilizes around 20,000. The
constant growth of attendees confirms the high scientific quality of the courses organized and the excellence of the Centre’s organization, which is able to exploit the new
structure at its best.
In this period, there are more activities organized by the Bertinoro international Centre
for informatics (B.i.C.i), that contribute to enlarge the international landscape of the
University Centre. At the end of 2005, the Interfaith Museum opens its doors in the
dungeons of the Fortress. The 6th June 2005, senator Leonardo Melandri passes away,
he was a great thinker and planner of the University Residential Centre.
2000 - 2002
2003 - 2005
2006 - 2008
2009 - 2011
Ce.U.B. also called “the Italian Silicon Valley”
In these three years, it is not an hyperbole to define Ce.U.B. as the “Italian silicon Valley”. Thanks to the agreement promoted by Ce.U.B. among Fondazione of Cassa dei
Risparmi of Forlì, Cesena and Bologna the “Leonardo Melandri project” takes place.
This project which is in loving memory of senator Melandri, a year after his death, meant to provide grants to young Italian and foreign informatics engineers. This projects
strengthens the B.i.C.i. activities in the area of Bertinoro. B.i.C.i. organizes two important gala events where the major scholars of the IT international scene join, from Erich
Schmidt, Vice-President of Google Research, to Paul Horne, senior Vice-President of
IBM Research, Prabhakar Raghavan, director of Yahoo! Research Lab. The Centre receives about 25,000 attendants, thanks also to the enlarged accommodation capacity
given by the Former Episcopal Seminary - project financed by the Region Emilia-Romagna. In occasion of the first anniversary of the death of senator Leonardo Melandri,
Ce.U.B. publishes the book Il valore della Cultura, la tradizione dell’Ospitalità (i.e., “The
Value of Culture, the Tradition of Hospitality”), which is about the first ten years of
activities at the Centre.
Relaunch the Ce.U.B. project
The year 2009 represents the best year for the Ce.U.B. activity in terms of attendants.
At the beginning of 2010, the St. Sylvester Church opens, which is adjacent to the former Episcopal Seminary and it is destined to become a polyvalent hall. The renovation
works in the Church complete the project of building a mini-campus on the hilltop of
Bertinoro. At the same time, the changes in the economic landscape, determined by the
contraction in the vocational training and congress markets, the new disposition concerning the financing of projects addressed to the Developing countries - and the consequent suspension of these projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – the
progressive conclusion of the “Leonardo Melandri project”, led the Society to question
again the role and the mission of its project. This period has been characterized by in-
ternal reorganization and the consciousness to go back to its original mission: mainly
based on high profile and international scientific activities.
Back to its origins
The path “back to its origins” taken by the University Centre gave its first results in
2012. Thanks to its experience, it was possible to involve the University of Bologna
in the organization of vocational training courses financed by the Ministry of Foreign
After two years of absence, the course “Governance and Development of Small Medium Enterprises” addressed to Egyptian delegates marks the new beginning of a path
that has been for years one of the excellences of this Centre.
This positive balance was possible also thanks to the new governance, which could
count on an highly qualified staff, who served the aims of the Centre, and a structure
which built its expertise and brand reputation over twenty years of activity.
I also would like to underline the fact that such results are not the work of a single person but the success of the Centre was possible thanks to a group of professionals who
worked as a team. I am honored and thankful to work with such people who, in these
years, let us obtain results that still today were not even possible to think of in terms
of attendants and quality of the services offered.
the University of Bologna
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The University Residential Centre of Bertinoro, thanks to its philosophy and its engagement into pursuing excellence in this sector, over
the years it has come to occupy a place of avant-garde and excellence
at national and international level in the field of vocational training.
In this, the first to be able to exploit the services and the capability of
our structure are the Departments and the Faculties of the Universities which represented a significant presence for the Episcopal Fortress.
Ce.U.B. is one of best places chosen by the University of Bologna to
promote, organize and carry out intensive courses, serving as catalyst
of interests and research among researchers and scholars.
The capacity to be able to combine its strategic position with experience
and qualification, has made able the University Residential Centre of
Bertinoro to become a point of reference not only for the University of
Bologna but also for the many other Italian and foreign Universities
which chose Ce.U.B. for their activities.
the University of Bologna
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Directorate General Cooperation for Development
“Governance and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt”
The University of Bologna in collaboration with the University Residential Centre of
Bertinoro wanted to answer to the needs of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
for the coordination of Italian Universities in a project which supports the education
of developing countries. The courses organized in collaboration with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs - Directorate General of Coordination and Development are possible
thanks to the international network that Ce.U.B. was also able to create over the years
among the world of research, private companies and agencies. The University Centre
aims at promoting a cultural development in different fileds, and sustaining a community which is able to generate ideas, projects and innovation.
The first aim of this bound between the world of Universities and Research is to build
a privileged international channel in the Education system. In order to reach this aim it
is important to have a long term project in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs: develop knowledge and invest in education. In this point of view, the people
attending this courses (from Andes to Egypt, in the last edition) have the chance to
create an international network, build contacts and international collaboration routes,
which are fundamental to those who intend to start their own activity in their native
country. Since 2006, the courses organized with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
are called “Leonardo Melandri Project”, in memory of the beloved senator who was the
first to believe in the potential of the University Residential Centre.
Since 1994 these courses became reality, they became a point of interest and collaboration among the Italian State, local institutions and Universities. The scientific committee of the course “Governance and Development of Small Medium Enterprises in
Egypt” was composed by professors Marco Lamandini, Giulio Ecchia, Angelo Manaresi
from the University of Bologna.
BISS 2012 - Bertinoro International Spring School
The Bertinoro International Spring School (BISS) has come to its 18th edition this year.
The School, which took place from 12 to 16 March at Ce.U.B., was organized by the
Italian Computer Science Ph.D. Granting Institutions, it was supported and sponsored
by GRIN, Horsa, Maps italianaSoftware and INdAM.
This year there were three courses (13 hours each): annual seminars open to PhD students in Computer Science and Engineering. The School introduces the current themes
of research in order to spread knowledge and promote collaboration among young
European researchers. This year subjects were Algorithms for the web and for social
networks by prof. Paolo Boldi (University of Milan); Software Verification and Interactive Theorem Proving
Andrea Asperti, University of Bologna (Italy) Regularization
methods for high dimensional learning Francesca Odone and Lorenzo Rosasco (University of Genoa & MIT, USA).
Fast Track
Under the direction of prof. Marco dalla Rosa from 28 to 30 March there was the 5 th
Meeting in “Europe’s Food and Science Technology on Fast Track”. This meeting was
promoted by Europe’s Food and Science Technology on Fast Track which aims to find
the characteristics for training and the career of future food scientists in Europe and to
establish a common European strategy for the future generation.
the University of Bologna
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3rd Edition of Nuclear Medicine in Romagna
The Course (26-27 April) was addressed at nuclear doctors and junior professionals and
was aimed to study the PET problems and treatments for bone cancer. The meeting was
organized also this year by prof. Stefano Fanti (University of Bologna).
The program involved clinicians, surgeons, radiologists and nuclear doctors who shared their experience and questions in order to give a broad insight into their approach
with patients affected by bone tumor.
The meeting is unique in the Romagna area, and it is created thanks to the in-depth
knowledge of nuclear medicine in our area. In the beautiful setting of Ce.U.B., this meeting supports the appreciation of nuclear medicine in Romagna at international level.
Fund Raising School - Courses 101 and 302
In 2012 the Fund Raising School organized two courses in “Social Marketing and Fundraising for non-profit organizations”. The aims of these events are: to let people understand the meaning of ethical and professional fundraising, and build a strategy to
invite people join and participate actively; to train the participants; to provide knowhow, methodology, techniques and the fundraising tools. Scientific director is prof. Liugi Sacco, the responsible coordinator is Paolo Venturi. The Fund Raisinig School of
Bertinoro is the best University School in this field: it is promoted by AICCON, a not
for profit organization founded in 1998 inside the Department of Economics in Forlì,
with the aim to sustain and promote the culture for not for profit organizations, cooperatives and Civil Economy.
National Meeting “Subjects and Current Problems of corporate, international,
European, domestic and comparative law”
24-26 May 2012, Ce.U.B. hosted a very important international meeting on “internal
and comparative company law”, organized by “Rivista di Diritto Societario” and the
University of Bologna. The event was divided into five main fields, and it was coordinated by prof. Marco Lamandini (University of Bologna) in partnership with ABI (Italy’s
Banks Association), Credito di Romagna, Edison, Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di
Forlì and Associazione Banche, Assicurazioni e Finanza.
The first session was “European, internal and comparative Company law and International law (private and public), theory and practice”. Prof. Massimo Benedetteli (University of Bari) opened this session, then other keynote speakers focused the debate on
responsibility actions in the international circulation of financial tools.
The second session, on 24th May, was focused on “themes and project of corporate mobility in European corporate law: merging and demerging of transnational companies,
transfer abroad and European companies”. Giuseppe Rescio (University of Cattolica
“Sacro Cuore” in Milan) opened the session, afterwards lawyers and other spokespeople
of finance and banks continued the debate.
The third session (Friday 25th May) was focused on “Accountability, sovereign wealth
funds, foreign direct investments in strategic sectors”. Prof. Marco Lamandini summed
up the discussion.
The fourth session was centred on “Groups of companies on continental law”, in which
prof. Vincenzo Cariello (University of Cattolica “Sacro Cuore” in Milan) showed many
case studies.
On Saturday 26th May, the last session was focused on “Corporate governance: international, European and national perspectives”. The scientific director of these session was
prof. Marco Lamandini (University of Bologna).
the University of Bologna
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4th International Workshop on Computational Topology on Image Context
Computational Topology on Image Context 2012 (20-30th May) is a workshop devoted
to computational methods using topology for the analysis and comparison of images.
The involved research fields such as computational topology and geometry, discrete topology and geometry, geometrical modeling, algebraic topology for image applications,
and any other field involving a geometric-topological approach to image processing.
The workshop is intended to offer both young and experienced researchers the opportunity to exchange ideas and start new collaborations and projects.
The organizing committee was composed by professors Massimo Ferri and Patrizio
Frosini (University of Bologna), Claudia Landi (University of Modena and Reggio
To sell vegetables in troubled markets
This meeting offers classes with University professors, executives working in this field
and a real practice of selling with real buyers/category managers. This course is a unique chance for training.
The course is directed by prof. Roberto della Casa and it is addressed to sellers with
professional experience who wish to broaden their knowledge. The course aims at providing the best know-how in selling fresh vegetables and fruits and guaranteeing the
best training for Key account managers, sales representatives, category managers, up to
sales directors of small enterprises.
C.I.d.E. - Inter-Universities Centre of Econometrics
The Interuniversity Centre of Econometrics (C.I.d.E.) represents part of the foundations of Ce.U.B.. C.I.d.E. was born in 1987 with the aim to promote, sustain and manage
the teaching of Econometrics through different activities such as lectures, seminars,
summer schools and courses for PhD students. CIdE regroups some Universities (Ancona, Bergamo, Bocconi, Bologna, Firenze, Milano Statale, Modena, Padova, Palermo,
Pavia, Roma La Sapienza, Roma Tor Vergata, Torino, Trieste, Venezia, Verona, Università dell’Insubria Varese) and public research centers (Bank of Italy and ISTAT) to
promote, support and coordinate research and training in Econometrics.
In 2012 different C.I.d.E. events took place in the rooms of the Fortress and the former Seminary of Bertinoro, such as Summer School (prof. Carlo Bianchi, University
of Pisa), PhD Schools (professors Giorgio Calzolari, University of Florence and Gaetano Carmeci, University of Trieste); seminars “Panel data econometrics: theory and
applications” (professors Roberto Golinelli and Maria Elena Bontempi, University of
Bologna); C.I.d.E. “Time Series” (prof. Giuseppe Cavaliere, University of Bologna) and
“Policy evaluation: from Reduced Form to Structural Form Estimation” (Prof. Erich
Battistin, Unviersitgy of Padua). All these events have represented a great chance for
young researchers to know it all about the top edge techniques in econometrics.
Econometrics is the application of mathematics, statistical methods, and, more recently,
computer science, to economic data and is described as the branch of economics that
aims to give empirical content to economic relations; alternatively, it can be defined
as a branch of economics which aims to give empirical content to economic relations.
the University of Bologna
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Econometrics adds empirical content to economic theory allowing theories to be tested
and used for forecasting and policy evaluation. Econometrics is founded on the results
of classic statistics. Among these results, the most important tool for econometrics (or
at least, the most frequently used) is the linear regression model, which uses the least
squares approach. More sophisticated approaches rely on other estimation techniques
such as maximum likelihood estimation or the generalized method of moments. Some
researchers also prefer to rely on Bayesian statistics.
This last approach, characterized by a subjective interpretation of probability seems
interesting if applied in the field of econometrics linked to finance, or financial econometrics.
Data sets to which econometric analyses are applied can be classified as time-series data,
cross-sectional data, panel data, and multidimensional panel data. Time-series data sets
contain observations over time; for example, inflation over the course of several years.
Cross-sectional data sets contain observations at a single point in time; for example,
many individuals’ incomes in a given year.
Panel data sets contain both time-series and cross-sectional observations. Even though,
historically, econometric studies derive from the study of some models in the field of
macroeconomics, recently, the need to find empirical results in the field of economics
boosted econometric studies applied to different branches of economics.
Besides the financial studies, abovementioned, there is also a considerably increasing
trend in microeconomics studies, which brought considerable results in the field of
economics and in the studies for management of markets. It is also important to apply
econometric techniques in the sectors that traditionally are part of business more than
economics. An example of this is the linear regression model of dependent variable, as
the model logit and probit, which is fairly used in marketing.
Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections
(not HIV)
Sexually transmitted infections are a subject of major interest of modern medicine: to
reach a thorough study and a possible solutions are stimulating continuous research.
These are the subjects of research of the Congress organized by ESCMID, which was
held in Bertinoro from 12 to 15 June. ESCMID, European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, is a non profit organization which aims at having a better
quality for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. In its 25 years
of activity, ESCMID has constantly had a leading role in the support of research and
teaching of the “good” medical practices.
The ESCMID network intervenes in all the aspects of the professional life of people
who deal with clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. The mission of this group
is to offer to young scientists the possibility to share and discuss in a varied context
their researches and the possibility to develop projects.
A group of professional that besides the training activities for doctors, organizes seminars and workshops, as the one held in Bertinoro: a chance to meet and study together
with other young doctors coming from all over Europe. The event was coordinated by
doctor Maria Agnese Latino, responsible for the Children Hospital of Bacteriology
“Regina Marghertita” in Turin.
Marketing and Supply Chain Management in the Produce Business
Directed by prof. Roberto della Casa, in 2012 Ce.U.B. held through the year different
courses on “Marketing and supply chain management in the produce business”
promoted by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna at Forlì.
the University of Bologna
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This year the course was particularly focused on “sellers”. The courses are addressed
to postgraduates, with some work experience in the food industry and with a particular
interest for vegetables and fruits. Being specialized in this sector is an important challenge to be contextualized in the wider context of our economy.
The course held in Bertinoro is devoted to supply chain management of fruit and vegetables, where new trends and scenarios have been analyzed through everyday life. The
participants of the previous editions work for the leading companies of this field: from
Sicily to Trentino Alto Adige, from Piedmont to Apulia, from Campania to EmiliaRomagna, from Latium to Veneto. Some spokespeople of the delivery, packaging, technologies and services supply chain also joined the course.
“SFM 12 -MDE” 12th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of
Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Model-Driven Engineering
The International School on Formal Methods for Design of Computer, Communication
and Software Systems is promoted by the University of Urbino and it took place from
17 to 23 June at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro. Formal methods are
emerging in computer science as a prominent approach to the rigorous design of computer, communication and software systems.
The aim of the SFM series is to offer a good spectrum of current research in foundations as well as applications of formal methods, which can be of interest for graduate
students and young researchers who intend to approach the field.
The applications of formal methods help to understand the semantics of languages and
protocols that support the infrastructures of web services.
It has been years now that the School in Bertinoro is successfully devoted to the study
of formal methods in the field of computer science (design of computer, communica-
tion and software systems). This formal analysis is always more and more important
in fields such as e-commerce. The aim of the SFM School is to offer a wide knowledge
in the field of research of formal methods, offer the basics of studies for students, postgraduates and young researchers involved in this field. The scientific director of the
course is professor Marco Bernardo (University of Urbino).
Innovation in social and cooperative enterprises
4th Session: The Government of Innovation
The second edition of the vocational training course in “Innovation of social an cooperative enterprises” ended this year with a positive trend.
The course is a joint collaboration between Euricse and AICCON, the two most important study centres for non-profit in Italy.
The course involved 20 participants for a total amount of 60 hours and during the
course showed up some of the most influential scholars and consultants in the field of
non-profit and social enterprises.
This year the course was divided into four work-sessions, which took place in five different cities in Italy (Trento, Milan, Turin, Padua and Bertinoro).
These sessions were a chance for participants to get to know entrepreneurial contexts
and experiences. The interest showed in this course is a sign that in this field there are
some innovative key characteristics which are developing.
Based on an approach centred on analysis of case studies and best practices, the course
is a reckoned lab where to find new strategies, allies and innovative solutions for the
development of entrepreneurial features.
the University of Bologna
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University of Bologna executives meeting
The meeting of the managers of the University of Bologna was held by professor Giuseppe Colpani, current General Director of Alma Mater. The meeting was focused on
the management of the activities of the Alma Mater for the next years: in particular,
the meeting underlined the need to improve the education curricula and to support the
strategic fields of research in University. Part of the meeting was devoted to implementation of the international relationship of the University of Bologna, which already has a major role at international level with partnerships with the major European
and American Universities.
ECHEMS 2012 “Electrochemistry in Molecular Surface Science and Catalysis”
The electrochemistry group of the University of Bologna supervised by professor
Francesco Paolucci and the ECHEMS Committee have organized in Bertinoro the 8th
editions of ECHEMS, an international congress that every year gathers the scientific
community from different fields such us supramolecular and molecular electrochemistry and functional materials.
The 2012 Edition of “Electrochemistry in Molecular Surface Science and Catalysis”
was held from 28 June to 1st July at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro.
This edition was focused on surface molecular catalysis, which is a key subject in the
report “Horizon 2020” published by the European Commission. More than 90 among
scientists, researchers and young professionals (PhD or PostDoc students) joined the
meeting. The participants were coming from all over the world: European Union, North
America, Israel, Pakistan and other Asian countries. The active atmosphere of the Congress was also joined by some major international scholars such as Vincenzo Balzani
(University of Bologna) and Jean-Michel Savéant (Unviersity of Paris).
“The protection of fundamental rights in Europe” Summer School
The Summer School (1-7 July) held in Bertinoro was organized by C.I.R.D.E. (Interfaculties Research Centre on EC Law). The Centre has been active within the University
of Bologna since 1991, its main aim is to develop and spread knowledge relating to
European Union Law.
In pursuing its mission, C.I.R.D.E. promotes research in collaboration with other Italian and foreign universities, offers graduate courses and organizes an MA programme.
Moreover, it provides professional training, refresher courses and acts as a consultant
for numerous public and private entities. The Centre comprises academics from the
University of Bologna, together with national and international professionals. In addition, it works in close contact with experts from the European Institutions and other
personalities worldwide.
The Summer School dealing with the protection of Human Rights on the European and
International level, and with the European Charter of Fundamental Rights is held in
Bertinoro every year.
The 2012 Summer School, a 5 days intensive course, was organized in partnership with
the King’s College London and Université de Strasbourg. The main topics of this year
were: domestic relationship of the common market, security, justice and law cooperation. The international speakers were coordinated by prof. Lucia Serena Rossi, Faculty
of Law (University of Bologna).
23rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress & Workshop
The 23rd European SFL Congress & Workshop, held in Bertinoro from 9 to 11 July, was
organized by the Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CeSLiC) of the Department
of Modern Languages and Literatures of the University of Bologna. The Congress
was also supported by the Department of Political and Social Sciences (University of
Bologna), the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature (University of Bologna)
and by Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna).
The Congress was directed by professor Donna Miller; this year theme was “Permeable contexts and hybrid discourses”, as keynote speakers were invited Caroline Coffin
(Open University), Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff University) and Geoff Thompson (University of Liverpool).
SIDRA Doctoral School
The mission of the Italian Society for PhD students and Researchers in Automatic
(SIDRA) is to coordinate the different fields of research related to automatic, which is
in between engineering and informatics. Every year there are a national meeting an a
School for PhD students, which is held in Bertinoro.
The SIDRA School in 2012 was focused on two main subjects: “Stochastic systems” by
professor Alessandro Chiuso (Polytechnic of Milan) and “Flight control” by professor
Marco Lovera (University of Padua).
The stochastic systems are an example to show how to blend classic features with more
recent results and researches: this is the aim of the course, which intended to provide
students with a panorama of structural property and adequate tools that can lead to the
perfect equilibrium between the different parts.
the University of Bologna
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During the second part of the School, the participants have studied stochastic models
methodology, unsolved issues and ongoing researches: the aim was to provide small sets
of data for identification. Therefore students were provided with machine-learning basic tools - also thanks to the studies carried on in Bertinoro. They analyzed problems in
identification of dynamical systems, new algorithms for identification were introduced
which offer guaranteed results with final data. The School scientific director is professor Claudio Melchiorri form the University of Bologna.
SINANO Summer School
The 5th edition of the SINANO Summer School was held at Ce.U.B. from 27 to 31 August. This school is addressed at PhD students and researchers, working at university
or in private companies, from all over the world. The aim of the Summer School is to
further enhance the knowledge of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and professionals in the advanced modeling, simulation and characterization techniques amenable
to conventional and novel nano-CMOS devices.
It will discuss the device physics and the corresponding models, numerical techniques,
programming and simulation tools, and experimental characterization techniques. This
edition ahs seen the participation of twenty professors and speakers from the U.S.A.
and Europe, and around 50 students, with a numerous delegation from China. The
School was organized by professor Marco Tartagni, Cesena Campus of Bologna University, and Luca Selmi, University of Udine.
4th International Federation for Automic Control Workshop
The 4th Workshop on “Langranian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control”
was held in Bertinoro under the supervision of professor Claudio Melchiorri (University of Bologna). The LHMNLC is a three-year-workshop which began in 2000, and it is
focused on modeling and control of complex dynamical systems exploiting Langranian
and Hamiltonian intrinsic properties.
ERMA - European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights
in Southeastern Europe Summer School
This year too, the Youth Hostel in Santa Sofia hosted the last part of the “network
project” organized by the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro. The project is
part of the international projects called “European Regional Master in Democracy and
Human Rights in South-East Europe” (ERMA).
This project is the result of a collaboration between the University of Bologna and
Sarajevo. Form 1st to 15th October, 25 students coming from the Balkans carried on
researches and worked on their dissertations, with the logistic support of Ce.U.B.. The
students have also received the welcome of the people of Santa Sofia and visited the
beautiful National Park of Foreste Casentinesi.
The master and the dissertations were oriented onto five main subjects: philosophy of
Human Rights and Globalization; democracy process and European integration; ethnicity, nationalism and religion; economic, social and cultural rights; protection of human
rights. As we can see, all these subjects are a fundamental basis for future collaborations
and exchanges between East and West.
The Summer School was supervised by professors Stefano Bianchini and Francesco
Privitera, “Roberto Ruffilli” Political Sciences Department (University of Bologna at
FOSAD - International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design
FOSAD has come to its 12th edition, attracting about 600 participants and 110 lecturers
from all over the world. Security in computer systems and networks emerged as one of
the most challenging research areas. The International School on Foundations of Security
the University of Bologna
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Analysis and Design (FOSAD) has been one of the foremost events established with the
goal of disseminating knowledge in this critical area.
The main aim of the FOSAD school is to offer a good spectrum of current research in
foundations of security - ranging from programming languages to analysis of protocols, from cryptographic algorithms to access control policies and trust management
- that can be of help for graduate students and young researchers from academia or
industry that intend to approach the field.
The school programme alternates monographic courses given by well-known experts
in the security community. Moreover, FOSAD encourages presentations given by those
participants that intend to take advantage of the audience for discussing their current
research in the area.
Many of the young speakers of the FOSAD open session are now appreciated researchers and professors. The coordinator of the course is professor Roberto Gorrieri,
Information Science Department (University of Bologna).
C.I.R.D.E. - Summer School: European Law for Chinese students
The Interdepartmental Research Centre on European Law (C.I.R.D.E.) has been active
within the University of Bologna since 1991, and professor Lucia Serena Rossi directs
it. From 9 to 15 September, the China-EU school of Law and Universitat Hamburg, cofinanced by the European Union, organized the Summer School for Chinese students in
order to promote a dialogue between the two cultures.
Professors and students dealt with different subjects: Institutional and Constitutional
issues; Freedom, Security and Justice; Privacy and Social Rights in the EU; Environment and Health, Free movement of services and Freedom establishment.
Art, Society and Industry: 7th Edition of the Italian Design Summer School
It has been years now that the Italian Design Summer School is held in Bertinoro. The
School offers a unique opportunity to understand how the Italian tradition of “Disegno” is still living in today’s industrial design project. The scientific directors of the
School are engineer Barbara Cimatti and professor Dario Croccolo (Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna); the School is held in collaboration with Osaka University Centre for study of Communication Design, and it offers the unique opportunity
to Japanese students and professionals to visit the places were the “Made in Italy” is
born. The school represents a unique opportunity for the future Japanese professionals
to spend almost month in full immersion in the cultural, architectural and industrial
reality of Bologna and the region Emilia-Romagna.
5th NETVAL Summer School
11-14 August, the 5th “Netval” Summer School was held in the Fortress of Bertinoro
organized by the University of Bologna. Patent and Inventions are tightly intertwined,
this is clear among Italian Universities and other Research Institutes.
Nowadays almost everyone has a Technology Transfer Office which aim is to select the
inventions that need a patent, manage the process, research of those interested and the
analysis of new paths.
A lot here is done, but there still a lot more to do, understand and develop: this is also
the aim of the Summer School. Nowadays, it is important for public research to understand what it is better to be done. What it is better for the future of Italy and its public
organisms. There are still many things to understand, for example, what is the role of
patents in the field of public research; the incentives that Universities need for this;
the University of Bologna
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the possible collaborations between Universities and companies; and last, but not least,
what is the impact in terms of quality and quantity of research. The NETVAL Summer School deals with people with different backgrounds and countries of origin, and
therefore it is a fertile ground to share ideas and point of views. The scientific director
is Giuseppe Conti, University of Bologna.
European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing 2012
European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the first
Meeting focused on “Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing”. During the last edition
of ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference, the Steering Committee decided to renew and broaden its scope, and to start a new conference series on the
topics of service-oriented and cloud computing. ESOCC 2012, the first edition of the
new series was held in Bertinoro, from 19 21 September, and it was directed by professor Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna). The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners and to foster
future collaborations in Europe and beyond. The ESOCC 2013 conference will include
invited speakers, presentations of contributed research papers and an industrial track
with the participation of top researchers from industry.
International School HATS-FMCO
Modern software systems are complex, and often structured as a composition of a high
number of components or objects. The School focuses on formal models and programming languages for such system, including methods and tools for specifying and designing them, and for ensuring behavioral and security guarantees. A special emphasis
will be given to methods for ensuring the adaptability and evolvability of the systems,
with which the systems can cope with changes in the environment as well as with modified and new requirements.
The School is organized by the project HATS (Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy
Software using Formal Models), a EU Integrated Project within the FET “FOREVER
YOURS” programme, in agreement with the EternalS Coordination Action (CA) that
coordinates the research among the four projects of the “Forever Yours” initiative: LivingKnowledge, HATS, Connect, and SecureChange.
The School will feature lectures by world-renowned experts within the area of formal
models for objects and components. Involved working areas are, e.g., type theory, programming languages, formal methods, concurrency and software engineering. Professor Davide Sangiorgi, Department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna
directed the HATS School from 23 to 28 September.
iTi: interdisciplinary turbulence initiative
The iTi (interdisciplinary turbulence initiative) is a series of conferences organized in
order to focus on different aspects of both fundamental and applied turbulence research. This year both engineers and physicists working in the field of turbulence joined in Bertinoro from 28 September to 3 October under the coordination of professor
Alessandro Talamelli (University of Bologna). Topics comprise themes such as: Fundamentals, Modeling, Simulation, Mathematical Methods, Coherent structure, Scaling
Laws and Intermittency, Large Re flows experiments, Convection, Polymer and Scalar,
Scalar Mixing and Particle, Turbulent Boundary Layers, Atmospheric flows, MHD to
name only a few.
the University of Bologna
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Seminar on Architecture
1-3 October, professor Alberto Bortolotti (Department of Architecture “A. Rossi”, University of Bologna at Cesena) held at Ce.U.B. the seminar on “Minor centres and touristic nets in the Adriatic-Ionic coastal areas”. The project was very interesting at nation
level, and different Universities took part in it: Polytechnic University of Marches,
Polytechnic of Bari, University of Bologna, University of Pavia. The invited speaker
were Fausto Pugnaloni (Ancona), Antonella Calderazzi (Bari), Angelo Burgatti (Pavia)
and Giorgio Pradesio (Bologna).
ESF Research Networking Programme
17-20 October, the European Science Foundation, thanks to the support of Alma Mater
(University of Bologna), CIREES (Interdisciplinary Centre for Reserch in Epistemology), History of Science “Federigo Enriques” and Springer International Publisher, held
the second plenary event of the Research Networking Programme “The Philosophy of
Science in a European Perspective (PSE)” (2008-2013). It was articulated into five main
sessions, plus parallel sessions hosting junior scholars that will explore new perspectives for future developments in the philosophy of science and in a number of scientific
disciplines, hence encouraging an interdisciplinary approach. In detail, the five main
sessions focused on the following topics: new directions for the use of formal methods
in philosophy of science; scientific pluralism; new approaches in the social concern on
science: social constructivism and realism on the cultural and social sciences; recent
developments and new directions in the philosophy of physics; contemporary relevance
of neglected approaches.
Punto Europa Meeting
Punto Europa (PE) was established in May 1999, at Forlì, following an agreement signed by the Universities of Bologna, at Forlì, the Municipality of Forlì and the Province
of Forlì-Cesena. It is an information centre, whose main task is to provide information
about the EU functioning - hence contributing to make it more visible, transparent and
ultimately democratic - and to make European citizens aware of the EU’s impact on
their everyday life. Punto Europa is part of the European information network of the
European Community. In order to accomplish its institutional tasks, PE: offers an information service on EU institutions, policies and rules; helps citizens to find information
about European programmes and opportunities; in partnership with other agencies, PE
promotes researches and organizes workshops, meetings and conferences on European
issues. PE operates with the support of researchers and students of the Department
of Political Science and International and Diplomatic Studies. To date PE is committed
to numerous projects funded by the European Union and more are presently at their
formational stage.
The “European citizenship education” project comes to its 10th edition this year and it is
a project addressed at elementary schools, colleges and high schools students. The aim
of the project is to inform the future generations about the identity and work of the
European Union, but also to spread the conscience of being a “European citizen”. Meeting with professionals, researchers, young Europeans are each year at the University
of Bologna at Forlì. Professor Giuliana Laschi, President of the Scientific Committee
and the PE staff decide and manage the project: the decide subjects and themes to discuss, manage logistics and informative papers. More than 18.000 students and 1000
professors, as well as 85 professionals, have been involved in the project over the past
the University of Bologna
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12th Edition of the Bertinoro Days for Civic Economy
Since 2011 AICCON (Italian Association fostering the Culture of not-for-profit Cooperations) organizes the “Bertinoro Day for Civic Economy”: this is an occasion for people
to share thoughts on the role of the Voluntary Sector, a chance for debate. Every year
Organizations of the civic society (associations, foundations, social cooperatives, etc.)
Universities, Institutions and companies join the meeting to share their point of view
with each other.
On the one hand the meeting presents case studies and face different approaches; on the
other hand, it adopts a proactive approach. These Bertinoro Days are an important moment where to discuss the future challenges that this sector has to face. The meeting in
Bertinoro is important all over Italy profit and not-for-profit sectors melt to contribute
to the humanization and civilization processes of the Italian economy. In 2012, from
8 to 10 November, AICCON and the University of Bologna organized meetings and
debates in Bertinoro on Civic Economy.
Franci Marzocchi, president of AICCON, opened the first session based on “New directions for development: when co-operation is a better option”. All the debates focused
on the fact that cooperation is a key concept of development. A successful company is
a company that creates and shares knowledge, focusing on the motivation of its employees and their learning organization. People agree on the fact that co-operative competition is better than positional competition where it is necessary to destroy the other in
order to be successful.
The other sessions were focused on: market-non market and new welfare tests. The general conclusion of these Bertinoro Days is that in order to face all these challenges it is
necessary to reorganize the society, a civic society, voluntary organizations, foundations
and stakeholders. All these parties will constitute a new network, and new relationship
between public and private, which final aim is to provoke a collective impact.
Humane Seminar
The development of universities varies in European history.
First, universities or colleges were established in monasteries. Later, kings and princes founded universities in their territories. All these institutions were located on a
campus or in one building. Modern universities were often founded by town, cities
and they often were scattered in buildings throughout the whole city.
Over the last 30 years - after a period of setting up a lot of institutions of Higher
Education we can see a new trend: The partition of universities and merging of different institutions to new universities. More and more universities establish departments and campuses in other countries and overseas.
These developments led to the creation of the Multi Campus University. Today, we
find them in many European countries in very different forms, which a much wider
didactic spectrum and a better university quality life.
For this reason the Campuses of Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini were established,
and now the University of Bologna recognizes their autonomy. Besides the campuses
in the Romagna Area, the University of Bologna also has a Campus abroad, in Buenos
Aires (mainly for masters and vocational training courses).
In Bertinoro, 10th November, different speakers discussed the future and the challenges of this European trend, among the speakers: Roberto Balzani, major of Forlì
and professor of contemporary History (University of Bologna, IT), Gerry Webber
the University of Bologna
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(Edinburgh Napier University, UK), Cecile Chicoye (University of Tolosa 1, FR),
Chriss Cobb (University of London, UK), An Descheemaeker (Associatie Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, BE) and Johann Peter Scaefer (Universitat Siegen, DE).
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Italian and foreign Universities
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Besides the Courses organized by the University of Bologna, in 2012
we held many Courses organized by other major Italian and foreign
Universities and Institutes.
These Courses which are often organized by Research Centres of Italian, European and American Universities are characterized by a high
scientific profile, and cutting-edge research topics which can vary from
neuroscience to applied robotics, from bioengineering to psychology and
This kind of activities were often financed by Long Life Learning programs of the European Community, they have become to represent an
interesting sector in the field of Vocational Training, in which Ce.U.B.
keeps growing.
Italian and foreign Universities
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Summer School International Astrocyte School
FENS, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, represents a large number of national European neuroscience societies and several monodisciplinary societies.
FENS was founded in 1998 at the Forum of European Neuroscience in Berlin and is the
successor organization of ENA, the European Neuroscience Association.
FENS was founded with the goals of advancing research and education in neuroscience
and representing neuroscience research in the European Commission, IBRO, and other
granting bodies. FENS is the European partner of the American Society for Neuroscience.
The International Astrocyte School is aimed at all those who are attracted by the most
intriguing hypotheses on the role of astrocytes in brain function and wish to learn how
to best approach these problems. In 2012 the school took place from 17 to 22 March,
under the supervision of professor Alfonso Araque (Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain).
The school, with its strategy of disseminating state-of-the-art knowledge, is especially
targeted at young scientists beginning their careers in this field, but is also open to
senior scientists wishing to refresh their glial background.
The Italian Institute of Technology, under the direction of prof. Giulio Sandini (Bioengineering, University of Genoa, Italy) organized the first “Melting Pot” 12-13 April.
The IIT that deals with “Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Science” researchers discussed
on different topics: iCub Vision and Motor Control for Interaction, Brain Machine Interface and Soft Materials, Action Understanding and Interaction in Humans and Ro-
bots, Motor Control for Interaction in (and between) Humans and Robots. The second
day was also dedicated to “Multimodal and Time Perception for Interaction between
Humans and Robots” and there was also a simulation of dissertation defense.
Azuleon Meeting - Association of Cellular Biology and Differentiation
20-21 April 2012, the meeting “Membrane Trafficking and Organelle Biogenesis”
(MTOB) gathered different scientists on “organelle structure, function and biogenesis,
protein trafficking, exo-endoytosis, autophagy e lipid biology”. Guests of honour were
professor Pietro De Camilli, director of the Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration
and Repair Programme and Howard Hughs Investigator at Yale (New Haven, CT, USA).
In 2012 the annual scientific meeting of the group coordinated by professor Alberto
Albinati (University of Milan) on the project “Designing metal containing molecular
fragments for advanced chemical applications” was held at the University Residential
Centre in Bertinoro, 13-15 May. Guest speakers this year were: Fausto Calderazzo (Pisa,
Italy) and David Milstein (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Hansjörg Grützmacher (ETH Zurich, Switzerland). The aim of the meeting was the presentation and
discussion of the researches carried on by the Operative Units of the project, which is
still at its beginning.
School on Chemical Senses: Neurobiology and Behaviour
The goal of the School on chemical Senses: Neurobiology and Behaviour (3-8 June) is
to introduce PhD students and postdoctoral research trainees, already well prepared
in neuroscience and related fields, to current understanding of the behavioral roles,
functional organization, and neurophysiology of chemosensory (olfactory, gustatory,
vomeronasal, and trigeminal) systems. Beginning with consideration of the chemical
nature of the natural stimuli for which these systems are adapted, as well as their
sensory ecology (the “behavior” of the stimuli in the environment), the program will
Italian and foreign Universities
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unfold through detailed examination of each system as it is studied in experimentally
favorable animals. Finally, chemosensation in humans and other mammals will be considered from the viewpoints of animal behavior and clinical science.
Anna Menini and Sid Simon were the scientific directors of the School; FENS, IBRO
and SfN financially supported the School.
International Conference CompArch
From 23 to 28 June, was held the series of international conferences directed by professors Raffaela Mirandola from the Polytechnic of Milan and Vincenzo Grassi University
of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
In 2012 the CompArch events were: 15th ACM SigSoft International Symposium on
Component Based Software Engineering directed by Magnus Larsson (ABB, SE) and
Nenad Medvidovic (University of Southern California, USA); 8th ACM SigSoft International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures directed by Barbora Bühnová (Masaryk University, CZ) and Antonio Vallecillo (University of Malaga, ES); 3 rd
ACM SigSoft International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems directed by
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, ES) and Jorge Cuellar (Siemens, DE); Workshop
on Reusing OpenSource Software Components directed by: Ivica Crnkovic (Mälardalen University, SE) and Ioannis Stamelos (Aristotle University Thessaloniki, GR); 17 th
International Doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture directed by Ralf
Reussner, Wolfgang Weck, Clemens Szyperski and Barbora Bühnová.
AIP Methodology Summer School
Organized by AIP, Italian Association of Psychology, and coordinated by professor
Roberto Cubelli (University of Trento), the AIP Summer School was held at the University Residential Centre from 1 to 7 July on Bootstrap Methods and Monte Carlo
techniques” and from 2 to 8 September on “Introduction to models of the IRT”.
Since 1992 AIP is the national reference for psychologists working with Universities
and Research Institutes. Its missions are: National and international research activity;
development and the cultural scientific debate
Collaboration with institutions and other scientific institutions for fostering research at
University and collect funds. AIP includes five sections: clinic and dynamic psychology;
psychology for the organizations; psychology of the development and education; social
psychology and experimental psychology.
4th INFN International School on “Architecture, tools and methodology for
the development of large scale scientific computing applications” – “ESC 12”
The program of the school is mostly
targeted to PhD students, post-docs and
young researchers who are actively involved with the development of scientific applications and systems. Familiarity
and experience with basic concepts of
modern OO languages are essential prerequisites and will have to be clearly documented in the application form.
The works have been coordinated by professor Mauro Morandin (INFN, Padua),
and by professor Rosella Chiaratti, administrative responsible of the School.
Italian and foreign Universities
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21st International Congress for the Research in “Immuno-Scintigraphy and
Therapy” - IRIST
From 31 October to 2 November, the 21st International Congress for the Research in
“Immuno-Scintigraphy and Therapy”, organized by professor Alberto Signore (“La Sapienza” Univeristy, Rome).
IRIST (the International Research group in Immuno-Scintigraphy and Therapy) is a
non- profit association (ONLUS) of scientists of all disciplines, in the area of diagnosis and therapy of malignancies by means of radiopharmaceuticals and related topics,
chaired by Richard P. Baum.
IRIST was founded in 1986 by different European leading groups, including the group
of Prof. Keith Britton (London), Prof. Alan Perkins (Nottingham), Prof. Jean Francois Chatal (Nantes), Prof. Angelica Bisschof-Delaloye (Lousanne), Prof. Richard Baum
(Frankfurt). Other groups, like the one from Prof. Giovanni Paganelli (Milan) and Prof.
Frans Corstens (Nijmegen) were also on the early active contributor list. Prof. Thomas
Behr (Göttingen) was also very important to IRIST, organizing in 1998 an excellent
meeting in Barcelona together with Prof. Ignasi Carrio (Barcelona).
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Informatics in Bertinoro:
B.i.C.i events
B.i.C.i. and the University Centre of Bertinoro: a partnership that carries
on its mission in research as much as in its projects. The Bertinoro International Centre for Informatics Association was established in 2001 under
the supervision of senator Leonardo Melandri and with the support of
Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi
di Cesena and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna. The mission
of B.i.C.i. is to foster cutting-edge research and advanced education (PhD
and post-doctoral level) in Computer Science: therefore B.i.C.i. organizes
international events of different types – doctoral schools, lectures, seminars
– in collaboration with some of the best Italian and foreign speakers to
discuss the hot topics of contemporary research. Thanks to its experience, its
network with internationally well-known scholars and thanks to the support of some major informatics companies such as Eurotech Group, Google, IBM Research and Microsoft Research, B.i.C.i. nowadays represents an
important infrastructural system of the Italian University and Research
system in the economic strategic domain of informatics. One of the key
points of the International Centre for Informatics of Bertinoro is based
on the idea that science can only be developed where there are human and
interpersonal contacts: during the B.i.C.i. events, scholars from all over the
world have the possibility to confront with each other on specific issues and
to try find real possibilities of applications. At the same time, the presence
of B.i.C.i. contributes to place Ce.U.B. on the same level of internationally
prestigious Universities such as Stanford, Austin and Harvard, which recognize the high qualitative level of these scientific events.
Informatics in Bertinoro:
BWGD’12: Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing
From 11 to 16 March 2012, as every year, the idea is to have an informal meeting with a
few selected people and work together on both identifying new research directions and
on studying some of the questions that may arise. There may be space for presentations
but the emphasis will be on working together “pencil-and-paper”. Possible outcomes are
a new collection of open problems as well as some original research papers. Scientific
directors were professors Walter Didimo and Giuseppe Liotta (University of Perugia).
OSC 2012: 4th International Workshop on Optical SuperComputing in Bertinoro
From 19 to 21 July, this year the event was in memory of doctor John H. Caulfield.
Standard, electrical-based, computers rapidly approach fundamental limitation. Alternative principles should be explored in order to keep computing developments at the
current pace or even faster. Optical computing has major potential in providing a solution through its use of photons to perform computations instead of electrons. This
workshop will be an opportunity to bring people together from optics and computer
science who are interested in establishing important principles and in developing optical computers. This was also an opportunity to meet with pioneering figures and to discuss the future of optical supercomputing. Scientific coordinator was professor Shlomi
Dolev (Ben Gurion University, Negev).
New Security Paradigms Workshop
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) was organized by prof. Alessandro
Mei (University of La Sapienza, Rome) from 18 to 21 September. The NSPW address
the current limitations of information security and welcomes unconventional, promising approaches to important security problems and innovative critiques of current security theory and practice. The calm atmosphere of Bertinoro accompanies the interactions among researchers who discussed their presentations, in small and bigger groups.
Researchers are encouraged to think “outside the box” and giving them an opportunity
to communicate with open-minded peers, NSPW seeks to foster paradigm shifts in the
field of information security.
SCALPERF 2012: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing
From 23 to 27 September 2012 Scalperf represents an important event for B.i.C.i.,
which celebrated 10 years of activities
by bringing to Bertinoro some of the
major world scholars both for scientific
and commercial purposes. ScalPerf aims
at taking an integrated view of opportunities and constraints on the road to
ever higher performance and productivity of computing systems. Distinguished
researchers are invited to exchange their
perspectives on different areas that can
contribute to scalable computing. The
workshop will include invited talks and
discussion sessions. The talks can cover established results as well as brain
storm on future research directions. The
discussion sessions are two, each consisting of a first part to sharpen the formulation of the issues and a second part
Informatics in Bertinoro:
to explore answers. This is what happens behind the sounded walls of the ancient
Fortress of Bertinoro, where tradition supports innovation. This year, the topic of discussion is Reflections and Perspectives on Avenues to Performance. ScalPerf Scientific
Committee was: Gianfranco Bilardi (University of Padua, Italy), Pratap Pattnaik (Senior Manager - IBM Research) e Keshav Pingali (University of Texas, Austin).
ENUMEX@BiCi: Enumeration Algorithms & Exact Methods
From September 23 to 28, the “Enumex” Summer School is the first event organized by B.i.C.i. in cooperation with FRIENDS (Algorithms and Mathematics for Investigating Communication and Interactions intra-and inter-organisms). Once again,
the world major leading professionals in computer science met at the Fortress of
Bertinoro with the aim to focus on enumeration algorithms and exact methods for
exponential problems with a particular focus on computational biology. The School
is addressed to young researchers at the PhD student or postdoc level, which have
thus had the opportunity to update their knowledge and their research, confronting
each other and engaging with some of the most prominent scholars in this sector at
European level. The event was coordinated by prof. Pierluigi Crescenzi University of
Florence, by prof. Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela University of Rome “La Sapienza”,
by Professor Marie-France Sagot University of Lyon and prof. Leen Stougie University of Amsterdam.
BCB 2012: Bertinoro Computational Biology
From 7 to 12 October 2012. The central focus of the meeting was on computational
techniques for metagenome research and how to integrate concepts from microbial ecology into the analysis of such data.
Topics discussed include:
- Links between taxonomic marker gene analysis and binning of metagenome samples;
- Functional annotation and modeling of microbial communities;
- Inferring gene-environment interactions for microbial communities;
- Assembly of NGS metagenome data sets.
The focus was computational approaches but a good understanding of the biology was a
necessary basis. In the tradition of earlier Bertinoro Computational Biology Meetings,
invited speakers presented new results in an environment that promotes informal, interdisciplinary discussion. The schedule was unhurried with lots of coffee breaks. A selected number of PhD students were also invited. Organization: Jens Lagergren, Royal
Institute of Technology in Stockolm.
SINS: Synergic Investigations in Network Algorithms
From 14 to 19 October the Synergic Investigations in Network Algorithms was held at
Ce.U.B.. Computer scientists have the data and tools, but social scientists have the questions - so goes a recent meme around twitter (itself at the nexus of computing and the
social sciences). SINS is designed to initiate a series of workshops that brings together
thinkers from these disparate disciplines, leading over time to robust theories of social
behavior built on large data analysis and mathematical tools.
“SINS 2012” is the first step, and the fact that Bertinoro has seen some of the major
scholars in this field is very important for Ce.U.B., B.i.C.i. and the whole international
computer science network.
Prof. Paolo Boldi (University of Milan), prof. Matthew Jackson (Stanford University),
prof. Alessandro Panconesi (“La Sapienza” University of Rome) and Prabhakar Raghavan (vice-President of Engineering at Google) organized the meeting.
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organized by
The fact that Congress Agencies continue to organize their meetings
and congresses at the University Residential Centre is a proof of the
quality of the services offered by our structure.
In a generally contracted congress market, the numerous and important
activities organized by these agencies, in particular in the medical and
pharmaceutical fields, confirm that the effort of Ce.U.B. to keep a high
quality level of the services offered, with stable prices, has been fully rewarded. Medical congress activities, in particular, find in our structure
the ideal place to exchange information and contribute to cutting-edge
organized by
Continuing and Integrated Training for “Qualified physician in respiratory disorders in obstructive sleep”
EUREKA, is a company that since 2001 organizes training and communications courses.
In January and September, EUREKA has organized in the Fresco room of the Centre in
“continued training for doctors in obstructive respiratory sleep disorders (ORL)” under
the scientific supervision of professor Claudio Vicini. The project is addressed at professionals interested in obstructive respiratory sleep disorders. The direct communication between doctors and students is very important for the education of the students;
therefore residential course is the best way to achieve so. Through group activities, the
participants might have an active role.
The organization was directed by professors Michele De Benedetto director of the
operative branch of the ORL of “V. Fazzi” Hospital (Lecce, Italy), by Giovanni Sorrenti
operative branch of the ORL of Policlinico “Sant’Orsola-Malpighi” (Bologna, Italy),
and Claudio Vicini operative branch of the ORL of “Morgagni-Pierantoni” Hospital
(Forlì, Italy).
For the first time the students and professors of the Italian Society of Relationships
Psycoanlysis from Rome, Milan and Parma met for a common residential training
course. For the first time, SIPRe meets to reflect on the development of the human life
cycle. The residential seminary was addressed to the students of the three schools, and
it hosted some guests speakers, professors as well as some young professionals and former students interested in this subject. The seminary was organized by dr. Fabio Vanni
from SIPRe at Parma.
This course was conceived by professor Giuseppe Martorana with a multidiscipline
mission in urology, oncology and radiotherapist addressed at under 40s young professional.
This course filled a gap in the education process since this is one of a kind: the need to
fill gaps from on filed into the other was extremely important.
The programme is conceived in two meetings (March and October) where students
analyze diagnosis, treatments, follow-up.
The prostate cancer is one of the major tumors affecting men, therefore it is very important to train young professionals who have a wide culture and knowledge on three
fields in order to conceive better treatments.
In this way it is possible to preserve the health of the patient with a high standard of
life, which is often jeopardized in young men.
10th SIDV-GIUV and SINSEC National Congress
As usual the 10th National Congress of the Italian Society of Vascular Diagnostics
SIDV-GIUV and SINSEC and focused on “Vascular ultrasound, diagnosis and treatment” was held at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro. The course was
held from 21 to 24 March, and supervised by dr. Alfio Amato and dr. Paolo Limoni. On
Saturday 24 March, the 12th National Course on Eco Doppler for nurses and neuronphysiopathology technicians was held here as well.
organized by
Pain management for General Practitioners
Under the supervision of dr. Martini, the Advanced Algology Research (AAR) organized on 14th April a meeting on “Pain Management for general practitioners (GP)”. This
is the first meeting organized by AAR addressed to GPs, which aims to underline the
importance of the culture of pain treatment in medicine and to provide some useful
guidelines. After the welcome of the major of Bertinoro, there were presentations of
the guest speakers: C. Calboli, G. Pari, G. Sindaco, A. Chiaretti, V. Paci and E. Monti.
16th AIMS Course : “Sleep disorders in adults and youngsters”
The 16th edition of the course on sleep disorders, promoted by the Italian Association
of Sleep Medicine, was held from 14 to 19 April. This subject concerns all kind of age
of people from children to adults. There are several medical specialty concerned: neurology, psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, cardiology and pulmonology. The director of this
course is professor Fabio Cirignotta, Operative branch of neurology at “Sant’OrsolaMalpighi” University Polytechnic in Bologna.
Chronic pain is a disease that affects approximately 20% of the European population.
The meeting on “Management and Treatment of Chronic Pain in Orthopedics”, held on
18 and 19 April aimed to provide a comprehensive picture of drug therapy for chronic
pain and point out the role of opioid therapy, fundamental strategy for the control of
chronic moderate -serious, focusing on recent therapeutic innovations.
With the scientific coordination of prof. Sandro Giannini (Director of Clinical Orthopedic University of Bologna, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna) and prof. Joseph
Procellini (Director of Surgery of the Shoulder Unit, Hospital of the Catholic), parti-
cipated as speakers prof. Patrizia Romualdi (University of Bologna), dr. Giancarlo Caruso (responsible Form Pain Therapy Bellaria Hospital, AUSL Bologna), dr. Alessandro
Ingardia (Anesthesia and Intensive Care and Pain Therapy Unit, AUSL Rimini) and dr.
Luciani Deianira (University of Bologna).
Scoliosis Surgery
Under the scientific direction of Stefano dr. Cervellati and Eugenio Dema the “Theoretical and practical course on diseases of the spine” was held from 21 to 25 April. During
the four days congress, professors discusses infantile idiopathic scoliosis, adolescent
and adult scoliosis, neuromuscular deformity, surgical treatment, surgical anesthesia,
to name a few topics. In addition to having introduced new elements, each day was a
continuum with the previous one, through discussion on the topics of questionnaires.
An advanced course for nurses on the surgery of scoliosis was organized instead from
6 to 8 October.
FP Eventi: Italian singer Biagio Antonacci rehearses for his 2012 tour at Ce.U.B.
Biagio Antonacci discovered Bertinoro in the 90s when he was living in Bologna and
where he joyed discovering the Romagna area. Its presence is signed on the walls of
an inn, in the stories of the people who met him on the street, on the first page of a
magazine riding his quad, muddy up to the eyes of the earth that he has chosen to love.
The singer has chosen to live on the hill of Bertinoro in 2007 and in 2012 he decided to
come out. He does from the Theatre Ermete Novelli, a jewel of acoustics with historical walls. The Director of Ce.U.B., Andrea Bandini, provided this structure, which has
enormous potential and fully equipped with cutting edge technologies.
organized by
Convention “Not only Parkinson”
The Consortium “Ferrara Ricerche” launched in 2012, the 3rd refresher meeting, divided
into three days: March 30 in Ferrara, to discuss “unusual movement disorders and psychiatric aspects in diseases of the basal ganglia”; April 13 in Mestre, for an “Update on
multisystemic atrophy” and May 4, in Bertinoro to discuss “Ataxia”.
Under the scientific coordination of prof. Valanzina Franco, Head of Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology, Department of Neuroscience (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), several Italian and foreign speakers attended the meeting to discuss the
basics of disease diagnosis and beyond.
CAAB Bologna Perpignan Istanbul
On 27 September, an important meeting was held at the Agribusiness Centre of Bologna (CAAB), where the study and logistics project axis Perpignan-Bologna-Turkey was
presented. At the press conference and the roundtable attended: Giancarlo Muzzarelli,
ass. Industry Emilia Romagna; Silvia Giannini, vice-mayor of Bologna, Andrea Segre,
president of CAAB, David Patte, director of St. Charles Perpignan; Chauvineau Fabienne Fournier, Director General MP2, president Ass Exporters of Smyrna; Claudio
Bevilacqua Green Hub; Paolo Beltrami, Onemedit.
Urology Convention
The Congress of Urology “Fingerprint of Urology” was held from 28 to 29 September
and directed by dr. Diego Cuzzocrea. The opening session saw the greeting of the vicepresident Dr. Carlo Saltutti. The main topics were: updating the treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy pharmacological approach, current
technological and economic investment and / or health gain.
FADOI - 9th Update in Internal Medicine Seminary
Edited by FADOI, Federation of the Associations of Executives Hospital Internists, is
now at its sixth edition of the refresher seminar in internal medicine. The topics were:
diabetes mellitus, open problems in cardiovascular, COPD clinical cases, chronic pain
and antibiotic therapy. Direction of the course: Dr. Dominic Panucci, Director of the
UOC of Internal Medicine, Ospedale Maggiore, Bologna.
Corporate Meetings
In 2012, many companies continue to choose Ce.U.B. as a retreat for business conferences, seminars, conferences, workshops or team building activities including ATR,
Unindustria Regionale, One Networks. Even non-profit organizations have chosen the
Congress Centre of Bertinoro for their meetings including ActionAid and COESI.
organized by
Even for the year 2012 the Events organized by local Public Institutions are to be placed in a context of collaboration with the world of
research and Universities; expanding the knowledge and the training of
local administrations which more often have to face global challenges.
In this sense, there is a wide request of updating courses in the fields of
economics and law, especially in a European context, without neglecting
the aspects concerning economics and technological innovations.
organized by
Municipality of Bertinoro
As every year, the Municipality of Bertinoro choose the University Residential Centre
for some the major events taking place in the city: St. Sylvester Church and the Theatre
Ermete Novelli.
In March, for instance, there was a Conference on safety at work: this is a very current issue, and it was also an occasion to remember the victims of Mecnavi tragedy, in
which 25 years ago 13 young workers got killed. The event was organized in collaboration with the “Federazione dei Maestri del Lavoro” and was under the high patronage
of the President of the Italian Republic.
On 1 September, as part of the celebrations for the Feast of Hospitality, which renews
the centuries-old tradition at the Column of the Rings, the Municipality of Bertinoro
and the “Accademia dei Benigni” celebrated at Ce.U.B. the 2012 edition of the Prize
“Giovanni Gatti”, which intends to perpetuate the memory of the ù fellow citizen who,
during his whole life, has always carried Bertinoro in his heart, presented the natural
beauty of the city, the daily living of its people and its traditions. The Award aims to
annually celebrate a personality from the Romagna area who has achieved distinction in
their field and who has contributed to spread the Romagna feeling in the world. The year
2012 doctor Dino Amadori receive the prize, he is a worldwide renowned oncologist.
October 19 - 21 the National Assembly City of Wine was held in Bertinoro to celebrate the 25 years of association.
25 November at St. Sylvester Church, was signed the “Charter for a network of local authorities supporting 0-waste”. Several municipalities in the province of ForlìCesena have joined by signing the official Charter which was promoted by professor
Andrea Segrè, president of the “Last Minute Market Spin Off ” of the University of
Bologna, which is part of the European Campaign “A year against waste 2012”. After
the ceremony, at the canteen of the University Center was set up a lunch with some of
the “no waste” recipes by Andrea Segrè.
In December, the Theatre held the usual program supported by the Municipality of
Bertinoro called “Pomeriggi nel bicchiere”, where authors are invited to present their
books along with a good glass of wine.
3rd edition “Montiamoci la testa” - Meeting to discuss contemporary politics
From 20 to 22 January, Ce.U.B. hosted the third edition of “Montiamoci la testa”
(MLT). MLT proposes a method of work that will hopefully be of interest to a new
season policy: the meetings are an opportunity for dialogue between workgroups composed of young professionals, academics, business leaders, government officials and
international organizations which after a “technical” pursue their “political” mission
by meeting ministers, deputies, representatives of local institutions of all political
MLT starts from the ideas already discussed in the first two editions (Bertinoro and
Caserta): local economic development, training incentives, tax and pensions, involve an
increasing number of citizens in the political life.
This work of defining a common strategy is a great exercise of democracy and involvement of all those who can and want to make a contribution of ideas.
Benigni Academy: general assembly
The annual meeting of the academic members of the Academy of Benigni was held in
St. Sylvester Church. Giampaolo Amadori opened the meeting by presenting the annual
program of the Academy: the inauguration of the Church of S. Donato in Polenta was
the first important event. Over the years, the Academy has played an important role to
keep alive the memory of the old church and use and create the necessary conditions
for the implementation and completion of its restoration.
The academic program has also confirmed the traditional dates of the Conference of
Capaccio - dedicated to the development of issues with a glocal point of view - the 47th
organized by
Carducci Meeting and Dante’s Day, the cycle of conferences “Thursdays on Monte
A particular attention has been devoted to the cycle of autumn conversations entitled
“The future of the days”, which reached topical issues such as the management of
energy resources, the economic policy of the European Union and the weather mutations. After the presentation of the annual program, 2011 financial statement has been
approved and, last but not least the ceremony for the new academic members was held.
The Italian Society of Surgical Oncology (SICO) has proposed a busy schedule of
training events for 2012 beginning March 12 with neoplasms anus. The 2012 program was: in March, “Treatment of Ovarian Cancer advanced. Where are we?” with
Dr. David Knight as scientific advisor; in May, “The treatment of colorectal cancer in
the presence of peritoneal carcinomatosis synchronous or risk factors of carcinomatosis” with Massimo Framarini as scientific advisor; in November, “The cancers of the
anus” with prof. D’Acapito as scientific advisor.
The Scientific Director of Sico Events is prof. Giorgio Maria Verdecchia, director of
the Surgery Unit at the Hospital of Forlì. He explained that this kind of events has the
objective of “jointly address issues related to the management of cancer of the anus,
rare but more frequently observed in recent years.”
This disease requires a multidisciplinary approach, it is therefore essential to confront
and dialogue in order to plan since the beginning the correct diagnostic, which is essential to achieving the best results.
AUSL “Advanced Trauma Life Support Refresher”
The event took place March 29 to 31 at the University Centre of Bertinoro, organized
by the AUSL of Cesena, with the coordination of Dr. Nadia Valdinoci and Dr. Laura
Brown. This particular type of course was created in the United States by the ACS
(American College of Surgeons) and it is intended for emergency physicians, in order
to be updated on the latest changes to the guidelines and “refreshed” in the foreground.
The “refresher” course should be performed every 4 years to maintain active the ATLS
certification and provides a very intensive theoretical and practical training. It also
part of the national and regional Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the field of
emergencies. Each participant must be able to receive all the theoretical and practical
knowledge, as well as updates regarding the epidemiology and prevention of trauma
assessment and treatment to be able to provide relief in the first hour of trauma and
cranial thoracic, abdominal, spinal extremities, burns, trauma of the woman and trauma caused by elderly age.
Scuola edile
In 2012 numerous events organized by the Scuola Edile (“Construction School”) took
place at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro: in April “First Aid Refresher
Course”; in June, “Dpi Life Lines Course”; in July, “Analysis Tools and Interventions for
the protection of enterprises in the field of D.Lgs.231/01 and security of corporate
data D.Lgs.196/08” and in October “Refresher Course for coordination of design and
for the execution of the work”.
organized by
11th European Festival of Music Schools
From 25 European countries, 6,000 young musicians aged between 12 and 25 years have
arrived to Emilia Romagna to participate in one of the most significant events addressed
to the talent youth, the “Allegromosso” European festival of music schools that reached
its 11th edition. There were 220 bands for more than 400 concerts in two days, in 25 cities
on the coast and inland areas of Emilia-Romagna.
Great orchestras of symphonic music, chamber orchestras, small ensembles, jazz bands,
pop rock, traditional, folk, dance, bands, choirs.
All genres of music have been featured in Allegromosso concerts. Theaters, churches,
museums, castles and palaces, squares and most characteristic towns and historic villages
and seaside turned into beautiful stages and welcomed the young musicians of different
nationalities, contributing to the creation of a Europe united in music and to the international promotion of the territory.
Opportunities in India
The University Centre of Bertinoro has once again placed the emphasis on future in a
concrete and constructive way. In a particularly delicate moment for the entire world
economy, the commercial exchange between countries becomes vital. Friday June 8 th,
the University Centre of Bertinoro promoted a meeting to present “Opportunities in
India”: a way to encourage the creation of business connections and networking with
one of the most significant global economic landscapes. India has in fact “opened its
eyes” to the world, showing incredible skills and potential, both on human and productive levels: a world to discover, and in which to invest, alongside its political, cultural
and religious issues.
In the scenic setting of the St. Sylvester Church and with the presence of the General
Consul of India Sanjay Kumar Verna, the round table was introduced the most challenging sectors in this market, which is not is so far away as it might seem. Thanks to the
contribution of the IBF Association (Indian Business Forum of Italy) whose mission
is precisely to “exchange ideas and create real business opportunities” issues such as
import-export and taxes have been brought up.
Chihiro Yamanaka Jazz Trio
Under the patronage of Ce.U.B. and the Municipality of Bertinoro and thanks to the
organization of Michele Minisci, the Theatre hosted an important meeting on international music: a piano concert of Chihiro Yamanaka, Mauro Gargano (bass) and Mikey
Salgarello (drums).
Chihiro Yamanaka is one of the most important pianists of the contemporary jazz
scene. Tokyo native, but living in New York, in recent years she has made solo piano
concerts, in trio with orchestra and in the most important jazz festivals and venues all
over the world. In spring 2012, she returned to Europe for a tour of 18 dates between
Italy, France, Austria and Germany.
The tour began at the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome to continue at the Blue
Note in Milan, and then Bologna, Fano, Italy jazz winter, Sunset in Paris. She has an
enviable piano technique and impeccable style, for a tribute to the Japan on the first
anniversary of the earthquake disaster.
“Dante Alighieri” Music School of Bertinoro
As every summer, the Summer School for Advanced Musical Studies organized by the
“Dante Alighieri” Music School of Bertinoro is held at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro.
Summer courses, reserved for members of the school, schedule e for over a month singing, chamber music, guitar, piano and other instruments, jazz and modern music les-
organized by
sons. Of particular importance and interest is the “JCE” - 15th Summer Music Festival
with great jazz, ethnic and classical music concerts, which were held in Bertinoro, Polenta and Fratta Terme. The Ce.U.B. hosted them in the Theatre, St. Sylvester Church
and in scenic courtyard of the Fortress. The School is coordinated by prof. Luigi Pretolani and prof. Ivan Bratti.
20 years walk “Exodus places. Places to live in”
The Emmanuel Association in Bertinoro in order to celebrate its 20 years of activity
invited citizens to join its event: Friday 14 September with the play “The child that will
come” and Saturday 15 September with a conference on the theme “Places in exodus,
places to live”.
At the Ermete Novelli Theatre was set up the photo exhibition “The sign commemorates”: a collection of images and graphic designs in which the protagonists are weavers
and actors.
The Association is a family-run hospitality community with 20 years of activity; Alda
and Dorothy, who live in the house and welcome the children, regularly run it.
The General States of Innovation
The General States of Innovation, whose president is Flavia Marzano, were conceived
by a group of associations, movements, companies and citizens who are convinced that
the best growth opportunities for our Country are offered by the creativity of young
people, recognition of merit, the abolishment of digital divide, by renewing our State
through an Open Government.
The Open Assembly of the General States of Innovation, which was held September 21
to 23 at the Centre, has been a three days meeting where to discuss the themes of the
Digital Agenda, but especially to discuss which “digital” Italy we do want.
Autumn convention of the National Association of the Cities of Wine
The National Association of Wine Cities has experienced a very important moment
during the Fall Convention, which took place 20-21 October 2012, which has seen mayors and their deputies gathered in the Ordinary Assembly which has elected the new
executives and president.
The spaces of the Theatre have hosted the conference to celebrate the “twenty-five
years of the National Association of Wine Cities” and to call the Ordinary General
Meeting of the National Association of Wine Cities. The Meeting at Bertinoro follows
the spring meeting held in Siena, where the new Statute, the new Regulation and the
Quality Charter, which is part of the Regulation, were approved.
These innovations were introduced after a debate that led to reflect on the status of the
association, on the changes of the public administration and local authorities, on the
crisis that forces local authorities to redefine its roles and boundaries.
The Association is going through an important moment because there might be the risk
that the cuts and limits might reduce the participation to the Association and mortify
the initiatives of the Association. It has been discussed not only the identity issues and
the role of the Wine Cities, but also the reduction of democracy that occurred at the
time when the majors continued to lose tools and powers to govern their territories.
Yet, during these first twenty-five years, the National Association of Wine Cities was
focused on many issues: the development of rural areas, the defense of ancient Italian
vineyards, the enhancement of the natural environment, the promotion of typical products and the relationship between wine and territory, the landscape, the promotion of
beauty and goodness that are part of our common heritage and which are the base to
relaunch these territories.
Therein lies the value of being a Wine City and to be part of the network. That is why
the Assembly of Bertinoro is important: not only because it has been called to renew its
governing bodies, but also because it outlined a direction to follow for the future where
the role and prerogatives of local authorities and municipalities come first.
HERA - Assessment Courses
This year the group HERA, a leader in environmental, water and energy services organized at the University Centre of Bertinoro two sets of staff training: a series of
theoretical and practical activities that have seen executives of the various sectors to
better manage their segmentation.
All the activities were set in the idyllic and welcoming setting of the Fortress. Irene
Bruni Prato coordinated the event.
AUSL - EPI INFO 1st level Courses
Epi-Info Courses, for years now taking place at the University Centre in Bertinoro, constitute a useful tool for public health professionals, allowing them to plan epidemiological investigations, management of databases, health surveillance and other statistical
organized by
With the Epi-Info program and a personal computer, physicians, epidemiologists and
other public health professionals can rapidly develop a questionnaire, customize the
process of recording data, program development and data analysis. Epi-Info is a public
domain software developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta (USA) and the World Health Organization for epidemiologists or public health.
Includes programs for word processing, data enter, file conversion, analysis and data
management, epidemiological statistics, maps, charts, and a complete programming.
Epi-Info for Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP is formed by a new set of programs written
in Visual Basic and built around the standard format of Microsoft Access. This course
has been developed and focused on programs and applications for Epi Info statistical
analysis and epidemiology.
At the end of the course, participants will developed a statistical based on information
provided during the event. Director and course teachers Bertinoro: Pasquale Falasca Coordinator of the development project of Italian Epi Info on behalf of the Institute
of Health and the CDC in Atlanta (USA); Francesca Di Tommaso - Epidemiology
Service Local Health Trust of Ravenna. Course Objective Epi Info: firstly to provide
operators with the necessary knowledge for the use and dissemination of the software
Epi Info, as a simple and practical tool of measurement and interpretation of epidemiological data of the daily activities of health care. The ultimate goal of the course
is to encourage the adoption of Epi Info, together with a set of statistic epidemiologic
“tools” as key devices for practicing epidemiological analysis and assessment of the
amount of data in the health units, to conduct studies clinical audit, risk management
and investigations on the liking of services, such as working methods essential for the
exercise of clinical governance and improvement projects in healthcare. At the end of
the course participants will be able to know and use the material for the dissemination
of Epi Info; operationally define a variable and distinguish the various types of measurement scales.
10th Edition Course for “International Peace Mediators”
The 10th Edition of the “International Peace Mediators” course has become a flagship
project of the Municipality of Bertinoro which supports the project together with various organizations, including the Province of Forlì-Cesena (Human Rights and Welfare
Department), the Scientific Department of the University at Forlì and the Ce.U.B.. The
goal of the 3 days (22-25 November) is to provide the basic tools to those interested in
studying and test ways non-violent solutions for conflicts (also at international level).
Through the tools of the Civil Peace Corps, which aim to empower men and women
of all ages to take action in the event of crisis or violent conflict with planned actions
(prevention, monitoring, mediation, interposition and reconciliation). The course sought
to provide the adequate theoretical and practical knowledge in order to act peacefully in
conflict areas and to operate in conflict management. The course held in Bertinoro has
proven to be a preferential characteristic, but not exclusive, in order to join real conflict
zones activities promoted by the national associations adhering to the Civil Peace Corps
grid, such as the “White Berets” of Lucca, the Association “Pope John XXIII” in Rimini
o “Gavci-Cephas” in Bologna. The course was coordinated by Alessandra Antonelli and
Raffaele Barbiero of ALON-GAN Forlì-Cesena.
AUSL Convention on Gastric Cancer
The early recognition of Early Gastric Cancer (EGC) is essential to ensure the fast
recovery of patients. In eastern countries the EGC represents more than 50-60% of
gastric cancers diagnosed. In our area, last year up to 30% of patients were diagnosed
with EGC.
The EGC congress, which is the prelude to the World Congress, is a occasion for the
Italian Research Group on Gastric Cancer to discuss the topic, which deals with early
lesions. The two-day conference on November 30 and December 1, entitled “Bertinoro,
a meeting point for High Grade Dysplasia and Early Gastric Cancer between East and
West toward the 10th IGCC. Diagnosis and Treatment” was attended by T. Shimoda of
NCC in Tokyo, F. Carneiro from Porto, H.K. Yang from Seoul, H. Grabsh from Leeds
and K. October from Heidelberg. The Congress was chaired by Dr. Paolo Morgagni of
the Hospital in Forlì.
Forlì Luce s.a.s
di Lucio
Impianti elettrici industriali e civili
Illuminazione pubblica e per lo sport
Gruppi elettrogeni
Impianti fotovoltaici
Via A. Panagulis, 5 - Martino in Strada, Forlì (FC) - Tel. 0543. 85995 - Cell. 335.7211992
E-mail: - -
promoted by
the Interfaith Museum
The Interfaith Museum of Bertinoro is devoted to Hebraism, Christianity
and Islam: located in the Medieval dungeons of the Episcopal Fortress in
Bertinoro, it is the one and only Italian and European museum focused on
the dialogue among the three monotheistic religions of Abrahamic origin.
The year 2012 represents for the Interfaith Museum a period of stabilization of the activities. As far as it is concerned the institutional activity,
this year took place the 2nd Edition of the “Leonardo Melandri” Prize,
which appoints those who are remarkably promoted and valued the dialogue between religious communities. In this perspective, the “Melandri”
Prize aims to reward the “dialogue of the works”, which represents the
fundamental part of the interreligious dialogue and allows to discover the
common points of different cultures and religions. Through this dialogue
of the works, it is possible to discover how men have constantly expressed
their religious sense through beauty and richness in diversity. The Ceremony
in honour of Serigne Mbacké, spiritual guide of the Muride Community
in Senegal, the collateral events such as the temporary exhibition “Nel puro
vero” (Into the pure truth) of Daniela Alfarano and the concert “Mettere
a fuoco Dio”, have fully succeeded to meet the target of the “Leonardo
Melandri” Prize.
As much as didactic activities are concerned, the project “Km 0 Museum”,
financed by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, has allowed the Interfaith Museum to surpass the 5000 annual visitors, mainly students from
the Romagna area. Overall, this project promotes interfaith dialogue as the
protection of creation, welcoming the stranger, the relationship between religion and rights, the construction of the common good.
promoted by
the Interfaith Museum
Ceremony for delivery of “Leonardo Melandri Prize 2012” to marabout Serigne
Mame Mor Mbacké - 30 September 2012
The second edition of the “Melandri” has been assigned to Serigne Mame Mor Mbacké,
international head and spiritual leader of the brotherhood Muride, the most important
religious community in Senegal. Founded in 1883 by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba (1853 1927), the Mouridism combines the teachings of the Sufi tradition with elements of
the traditional culture of the Wolof, Senegal’s main ethnic group. Marabouts, and Sufi
brotherhoods are characteristic elements of Islam in West Africa, popular and tolerant,
alien to the transformation of religion in political program mold totalitarian. In fact,
the Mouridism and other Sufi brotherhoods are a barrier to the advance of political
Islam in Africa, whether in the form of Islamism of the Muslim Brotherhood or in the
form of terrorism and armed struggle groups such as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
(Algeria and Mali), Boko Haram (Nigeria), Al Shabaab (Somalia).
By virtue of his principles of sanctification through work and dependence by a sheikh
or marabout freely chosen by the faithful, the doctrine muride significantly contributes
to the promotion of economic development and the strengthening cohesion and community solidarity.
In this way prevents the phenomena of social disintegration and loss of cultural identity that favor the rise of the forms more ideologized of Islam. Serigne Mame Mor
Mbacké studied the Quran at the University of Touba in Senegal and aat the Higher
Institute of Islamic and Interfaith Studies of Boutlymit in Mauritania, specializing in
philosophy and sociology at the Royal University of London, Arabic section and since
1997 he is a member of the Superior Board of Islamic Affairs in Egypt.
Roberto Melandri, President of the Interfaith Museum, has stressed the commitment
of Serigne Mbacké for the construction of lasting relationships of friendship between
the different religious traditions: a commitment founded on values such as freedom of
conscience, respect and knowledge that testify the common descent from the patriarch
Abraham. In particular, the awarding of the Prize has intended to emphasize the continued commitment of the Mr. Mbacké in favor of education and training of young
people. Under his direction, the University of Touba, traditionally linked only to theological studies, has opened the faculties of Economics, Engineering and Physics.
During his speech Serigne Mbacké pointed out that the assertion of Mouridism, also in
the context of French colonialism in Senegal, took place through the peaceful claim of
religious freedom, the right to education
and on a strict work ethic. In 1913 France recognized the freedom of teaching
the muride brotherhood and Ahmadou
Bamba was awarded with the Legion of
The ceremony on 30 September was
joined by numerous Senegalese delegations from all over Italy who came to
Bertinoro to pay homage to their spiritual guide. The ceremony ended with a
concert “Focusing on God”, by the choir
“Mulino Mistico” and muride choir “Kurel”. The execution of the songs, has
alternated a series of readings poetic
songs of Christians and Muslims chosen by David Swifts and recited by Barbara Sirotti.
promoted by
the Interfaith Museum
A journey into the works of Daniela Alfarano - “Into the pure truth”
The special exhibition “In the pure truth” with works by the artist Daniela Alfarano
has enriched the Second Edition of “Leonardo Melandri - Interreligious Museum of
Bertinoro” Prize.
The works of he artist, who is from Modena, move towards the universal, in a dimension of “pure truth”, rediscovering the original size interfaith dialogue which is prayer.
Staged in the picturesque rooms of the Fortress, the first work that has opened the path
exhibition seemed to warn about the risk of reducing the dialogue between different
religions to simple cultural argument or debate caught. The consequence, that this risk
brings with it, is the reduction of human spirituality to something inert that is lost in
the smoke of words.
The size of the dialogue precedes any theoretical dimension and first of all is life experience, and therefore of God, which later becomes holy scripture: the prayer there is a
meeting between man and God, and is the fundamental experience which can lead to the
construction of a meeting and to the open and honest dialogue between the belonging
to the Abrahamic religions.
The faces of Alfarano show that prayer is direct experience with the light of divinity:
every single fold illuminated by the light brings with it an identity, an experience of
life that becomes memory and is presented, without mediation, directly to God. Behind
those folds and those closed eyes can hide all the experiences of human life, which are
illuminated by light and known by the wisdom of God who knows the abyss of every
heart. In using the word “abyss” to describe the depth of the human consciousness,
the Psalmist recalls one of the first words of the book of Genesis as at the beginning
of creation hovers over the abyss of the human heart the spirit of God the dialogue
between religions, recalled John Paul II, is born of calculation or interest, but from the
desire to follow what the Spirit has wrought in man.
The looks of the faces culminate at the center of the exhibition
space in the gesture of clasped
hands in prayer: a sign of repentance or a conversion, the hands clasped, as well as the faces to which
they belong, do not yet enjoy the joy
of the souls of the Dante’s Paradise,
but they still captured the essence
of being docile fiber of the universe.
The prayer ends in the word “amen”,
willing that human life will be called
to a new existence.
The works that accompanied at the
end of the exhibition are drops of
water, lights lit that welcomed visitors.
Ungaretti wrote that prayer is an
awakening from the “glimmer of
promiscuity”, a shipwreck in an
“astonished light” sphere, where to
get lost “at the first cry”.
promoted by
the Interfaith Museum
The project “0 Km Museum”: outcome 2012
This year the project “Zero Km Museum” reaches its 6 th editions, and it continues to
be a fundamental part of the Interfaith Museum activity. In 2012, thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, which confirmed its important
support to this initiative, the project “Zero Km Museum” has enabled 5,274 students
from the Romagna area to visit the Interfaith Museum.
2012 was the best year for the Museum which received more than 7000 visitors among
students and tourists.
Over the years, the Museum renewed its cultural offer: in addition to the guided tour
customized for different age groups of students, the Museum also offers workshops
aimed at facing different issues.
The workshops dedicated to hospitality, comparison of freedom of faith and religious
dialogue, the construction of the common good and the protection of creation allow
to throw a fresh look at current common points of the Abraham religions born from
It was very important the appreciation shown by the teachers who have asked the
acquisition of scientific equipment laboratories, as a tool for in-depth learning, and in
some cases to update the content of textbooks used at school.
Over the years, the project “Km Zero Museum” has become an opportunity for students to meet important representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
If we take a look at the schools presences in 2012 (Chart. 1), divided into city of origin, it is clear that the district of Forlì accounts for 38% of the visitors. Compared
Local schools presences (Chart. 1)
to the past years, it should be noted the significant increase occurred by the district
Ravenna up to 34% and that of Cesena up to 28%.
Institutions of the main cities continue to play a key role, particularly for those institutions that basin considerable percentage of users collect students from Muslim
families or Orthodox Christian.
At the same time, the number of institutions with more homogeneity n class is increasing, feeling the need to deepen the themes of interreligious and intercultural
Other important areas for the Interreligious Museum are represented by the valleys
of Forlì, the valley of Savio and the end
of the western towns of Romagna. In
these areas, the presence of non-EU
students is up to 13%, compared to 7.5%
at regional level, confirming as one of
the highest rates at level national.
For these students it is very important
to visit the Interfaith Museum: the representation of religious diversity, presented as an opportunity for mutual
enrichment, is a passage from a substantial distrust towards the other towards
a construction of different relationship
between students of the same class.
Teachers confirm a net improvement
in interpersonal relationships of their
students in the period following the visit to the Interfaith Museum.
il mus
un pas
6° anno del progetto
“Museo a km Zero”
con il contributo di
presenze registrate
gennaio-dicembre 2012
Comprensorio forlivese
Rocca San Casciano
Santa Sofia
Totale presenze 1.987
Totale presenze
per l’anno 2012
S. Casciano
Totale presenze
dalla Prov. di Forlì-Cesena 3.481
Totale presenze
dalla Prov. di Ravenna
Comprensorio cesenate
San Mauro Pascoli
Totale presenze 1.494
Comprensorio ravennate
Casola Valsenio
Massa Lombarda
Riolo Terme
sul S.
Cotignola Russi
CESENA Gambettola
San Giuliano
presenze registrate
gennaio-dicembre 2012
Visitatori occasionali 524
Gruppi organizzati 1.326
Santa Sofia
San Mauro
The professors
the beginning of a new life
The Professors Guesthouse of via Carlo Pisacane 11 in Forli was one of the first
spaces to be set up in the city for this service at the end of the nineties, at the time
of the beginning of decentralization of the Alma Mater in the Romagna area.
The Professors Guesthouse is located inside the elegant Ghisilieri palace, built in
the early 19 th century and extensively remodeled in the mid 20 th century. The Professors Guesthouse was conceived to offer hospitality to the professors having class
in the faculties of Forlì.
Ce.U.B. took over the management of the Guesthouse in October 2010, marking a
radical change in terms of management and quality of services provided, the Guesthouse is a strategic space for the Campus of Forlì, since it represents the first
contact between the University of Bologna and the city.
Firstly, the interior spaces and rooms were renovated after fifteen years of occasional maintenance. The hospitality was raised to the standards of Bertinoro, kitchen
and breakfast services were opened again, two internet stations are now available in
the common room, and the entire Guesthouse has been covered by wi-fi.
The improvement in the service offered in the short-term has radically changed the
perception of the University Guesthouse: it became a constantly sought and requested place for its cozy atmosphere and reception, for its flexibility, for comfort and
for the qualified staff.
From simple transit point, the Guesthouse became an important reference for the
Campus of Forlì and meeting place, where the informal atmosphere encourages the
meeting of the teaching staff and the establishment of professional relationships
that contribute to the growth of the scientific Faculties of Forlì. Over the past two
years, the Guesthouse has tightened the connection between the city of Forlì and
the University teaching staff: an important factor for the revival of the structure is
that the opening hours of the Guesthouse have been adapted to those of the University.
A new management also meant a varied market, trying to intercept various opportunities. Ce.U.B. has signed an agreement with the Municipality of Forlì: when the
University is closed the Guesthouse is also available for private guests, and it can be
used when major events take place at Forlì.
The results of the new management (see below, charts 1-2) deserve a brief analysis.
Compared to 2010, the last year of the previous management, the results of 2011
- first year of Ce.U.B. management - did mark a significant increase in number of
guests, continuing to grow further in 2012 by another 30% over the previous year.
It is also interesting to analyze the origin of attendance and to attempt to understand what are the sources that have generated an increasing number of guests and
how the guests have heard of the structure.
Certainly the majority of the guests are working at the University, but guests are
not equally divided among faculties: guests working at the Advanced School for
Interpreters and Translators, the Faculty of Political Science “R. Ruffilli” and the
Faculty of Economics are the most frequent. The data generated by private organizations are important too: these guests stay in Forlì only for a short-time and come
in occasion of big events taking place in the city, data shows that these guests find
the Guesthouse an ideal place to spend a few days in the city.
The professors
the beginning of a new life
For the Guesthouse it was very important the promotion through the University
channels, as well as the insertion of the structure within the incoming channels that
the city of Forlì offers.
Finally, the presence of the Ce.U.B. staff during the times of increased workload
has led to a greater rationalization of services, which determined a great improvement in the quality: this is a further confirmation that the “model of Bertinoro” is
a positive example.
2010 - Beginning of new management in October
2011 - 1st year of the new management
2012 - 2nd year of new management
(chart. 1)
Total amount of presences during the years 2010-2012
(chart. 2)
2010 and 2011
major events
This appendix shows the major events, which took place in 2010 and
2011 at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro.
This is not a full report of the activities organized during these two
years; therefore they can only provide a partial overlook of the general
activity of the Centre.
We have decided to report here the events that have contributed to create
the history of Ce.U.B., the events which have been with us also in the
previous years.
In the Appendix, Ce.U.B. fully reflect its aim: keep memory of the events
which are part of the complex framework of Ce.U.B.
The statement “sparsa fragmenta recolligam” was not only said by educated and elegant literary men, but on the contrary to “collect the fragments” is often the one and only way to go back to build the future.
major events
School of Astrophysics “Francesco Lucchin”
Under the scientific direction of Professor. Curled Lauro (University of Bologna), the
3rd course of the eleventh cycle of the School of Astrophysics “Francesco Lucchin” was
held at Ce.U.B. from 8 to 11 May on the following themes “Dark Energy probes” and
“Dynamical evolution of globular clusters”.
The School is intended for PhD students in Astronomy and Physics, but also for young
researchers with a strong interest in these fields. The School has a duration of two years for a total of 4 meetings (a week long each) and aims to give support in the training
and knowledge of the most interesting topics in the world of research.
For the students it was an opportunity to discuss and hear the speeches of leading international experts from different universities.
Technogym, GSN Leadership Programme
For the third year in a row, Technogym renews his appointment at Ce.U.B.. Every year
Technogym organizes a meeting to involve senior and middle management for teambuilding and coaching activities. The location surrounded by nature, the hospitality of
the rooms of the Fortress combined with traditional food accompanied the philosophy
of wellness of Technogym meetings.
Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CIMC)
Under the scientific direction and organization of prof. Andrea Asperti (University
of Bologna) the 2011 edition of CICM was held at Ce.U.B.. With the development
of computer technology and communications, new opportunities arise in the field of
computational mathematics. These meetings, also supported by the Department of the
University of Bologna aims to be a meeting point for researchers and practitioners to
share the latest results and to identify new challenges in science. The Conference was
held from 18 to 23 July 2011.
Minister Franco Frattini receives the “Leonardo Melandri Prize”
The award “Leonardo Melandri” was created by the Interfaith Museum and it is delivered to the personalities who have promoted, enhanced and released on dialogue between
cultures and monotheistic religions. A recognition that draws inspiration from the same
activities of senator Melandri who, since the beginning of the 90s, was able to build
relationships between institutions and various people, backgrounds and training policy,
allowing the major cities of Romagna to become a fully-fledged campuses, reaching the
creation of Ce.U.B. and the Interfaith Museum. Hence the decision to create this award,
that is in beloved memory of senator Melandri, who founded the Museum, the one and
only Museum devoted to dialogue between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The day began with a visit to the Interfaith Museum where the director Enrico Bertoni welcomed Minister Frattini and explained him the history of the most significant
pieces. The delegation later moved to St. Sylvester Church for the awards ceremony
where the vice-mayor of Bertinoro, Giorgio Bernaroli, opened the meeting. It was then
the turn of President Melandri who recalled the birth of the Interfaith Museum and
announced the awarding of the prize to Minister Frattini, an award that was offered
by Mrs. Elvira Rossi. Minister Frattini did not limit his speech to accept the award but
offered a real keynote address in which he discussed the value of religious freedom. The
award ceremony was also an opportunity to thank the many institutions that have accompanied the activities of the Interfaith Museum since its opening: Fondazione Cassa
dei Risparmi of Forlì, the Diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro, the Ce.U.B. and the Municipality
of Bertinoro.
Synapsis - Krísis
Each year the Academic Committee of the European School of Comparative Studies,
founded by Roberto Bigazzi University of Siena, Laura Caretti University of Siena
and Remo Ceserani University of Bologna, choose the topic of the course and invites some of the specialists the most renowned in the field for a weeklong residential
During the course, aimed at graduate students or graduate students, students can attend seminars, tutorials, screenings of films and theater workshops; at the end of the
course, participants receive a certificate of participation and recognition of 6 ECTS.
The school accepts a maximum of 70 students, interested in comparative literature,
which will be selected by the Scientific Committee on the basis of work already published or scope of their research.
In 2011 the meeting was focused on the theme of the crisis, a key word of our present,
and a word that can be analyzed in different fields: historiography, art and literature
history, philosophy, artistic codes and systems of representation, it can be seen as a
compositional element of the artistic or literary work and as a feature of the postmodern era.
major events
Opening Ceremony of St. Sylvester Church and celebration of the 15 Anniversary
of the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro
January 16, 2010 was a special day for Ce.U.B.: the inauguration of St. Sylvester Church
and the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of the University Residential Centre
of Bertinoro. The centre is “young” if compared to the ancient University of Bologna, which is about nine centuries old. In these years the Centre was successful in the
difficult context of decentralization for the University of Bologna, which is worth
The first part of the day saw the inauguration the St. Sylvester Church. Ce.U.B., in less
than a year restorations, has renewed the late Baroque beauty and gave the Church back
to Bertinoro and its visitors. The day opened with greetings from the mayor of Bertinoro, Nevio Zaccarelli who confirmed the pride of the municipality that has accepted
this challenge and helped to translate it into reality. The University Center is now part
of the territory and this integration today is reflected in the direct participation of the
Municipality to the future of Ce.U.B.. Afterwards it was the turn of the greetings of
the vice-president of the province of Forlì-Cesena, William Russo, who stresses the
importance of decentralization of the University in Romagna and what this choice is
for the province.
They followed the interventions of professor Paolo Pupillo, President of Ce.U.B.; professor Roberto Balzani, mayor of Forlì; John Sedioli, Councilor for Education, Training,
Universities, Labor for Emilia-Romagna, while prof. Ivano Dionigi, Rector of the University of Bologna, closed the meeting. After his intervention now is the time of delivery of the medals commemorating the 15 years of Ce.U.B.. The silver medal, created by
sculptor Mario Di Cicco, was delivered to the people or representatives
of institutions who have particularly
deserved it this year, like: Roberto
Melandri, son of the beloved senator
Melandri, for the contribution of the
family and in memory of his father;
Bishop Lino Pizzi of the Diocese of
Forlì-Bertinoro for being so welcoming; Dino Zattini, rector of the
seminary Bertinoro for his availability and his collaboration during the
work of restoration of the Church;
and prof. Ivano Dionigi, Rector of
the University of Bologna, for his
continuous and decisive action.
In occasion of the 15 years celebration of Ce.U.B., prof. Romano
Prodi gave a lecture in St. Sylvester
Church on “Ethics and Economics in
this long crisis”.
mODa 9 – Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis
Under the direction of Prof. Alessandra Giovagnoli, the 9th International Meeting of
Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Optimal Design was held in Bertinoro.
The “Design of Experiments” (DOE) is that part of the statistics which deals provide
the tools to collect data from the trial so as to reach effectively to conclusions.
This type of research was applied especially in agriculture, but nowadays several different areas, both in science and in industry, and one of the major fields of interest
includes drug discovery.
Also given the increasing competition, DOE is of fundamental importance in drug development and clinical trials. The leading industry experts have joined giving fashion
for life to promote research in new areas, to bring together the results given by studies
and also to combine the financial resources to carry out the necessary research.
The 2010 edition saw continuity in support of GlaxoSmithKline, but also saw the entry
of new figures such as JMP, UK, the University of Bologna, the Department UniBo
of Statistics and the same Ce.U.B.. There have been numerous contributions and International appearances, they emphasize in particular those of Alessandra Giovagnoli,
Anthony C. Atkinson, Ben Torsney and Catherine May for the care with which they
handled the project.
Technogym, GSN Leadership Programme
This year Technogym renews his appointment at Ce.U.B. confirming a relationship of
quality and satisfaction. The Technogym workshop has seen the involvement of senior
executives and middle managers who were able to use the cozy spaces of the Frescoed
hall to carry out team-building and coaching activities.
major events
Churches and Migrants
“Churches and Migrants” was the first study devoted to the mapping of the different
Christian denominations present in the territory of the Diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro.
The author Maria Stella Golinelli is a researcher at the Faculty of Political Science “R.
Ruffilli” University of Bologna at Forlì.
The presentation of the research, sponsored by the Diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro, ACLIZone Forlì and “Migrants”, was held at the Interfaith Museum.
The purposes of this study, the one and only example at national level, met with the
support of the Foundation Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, and Assiprov. Roberto Ravaioli
opened the meeting “Meetings” and afterwards professor Sergio Belardinelli spoke of
the religious sense today, prof. Giuseppe Luca Trombetta, dealt with the issue of religions of migrants.
Maria Golinelli analyzed the survey results on the value of religious affiliations of migrants in the Diocese of Forlì-Bertinoro. The President of the foundation “Migrants”,
Giancarlo Perego, concluded the meeting with the greetings of the moderator Enrico
Bertoni, director of the Interfaith Museum.
Visit of the Deputy Gianfranco Fini
The Speaker of the House of Commons Gianfranco Fini climbed up the hill for the
first time to present his new book Il futuro della libertà. Consigli non richiesti ai nati nel
1989 (The Future of Freedom. Not required tips for those born in 1989). In the frame of
St. Sylvester Church, the M. Fini was the invited guest of the last meeting of the “An
afternoon with the author” organized by the Municipality of Bertinoro and chaired by
Wilma Malucelli.
M. Fini, after visiting the Interfaith Museum together with the director Enrico Bertoni, received the medal commemorating the 15 years of Ce.U.B. from President Paul
Pupillo. M. Fini also talked about issues such as integration of social work, “GDP dictatorship” and concluded his speech with a thought addressed at the younger generation:
“beware of politicians who say they want to make more space for young people: they
are just trying to cheat you.”
ROTARY - First Rypen in Emilia-Romagna
RYPEN stands for Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment: the program included three
days in which 30 youngsters aged 15 to 17 years have been able to develop their own
sense of ethical responsibility and civic education. Andrea Bandini, director of Ce.U.B.
and Enrico Bertoni, director of the Interfaith Museum greeted the participants. The boys
have also had the opportunity to learn the experience of the life of the Venerable Master
Tulku Gyatso, in Italy since 2000 on the advice of the SS Dalai Lama, who spoke of “secular ethics, an attitude of respect for ourselves and for others, which is the basis of social
coexistence and harmony in social relations”. The three day event ended with a meeting
with “Doctor Smile”, Dario Cirrone, and his good humor therapy called “Star-Therapy”,
with a meeting dedicated to dialogue between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which
was also attended by Rabbi Luciano Caro, Chief Rabbi of Ferrara, Don Erio Castellucci,
Professor of Systematic Theology at the FTER, and prof. Davide Tacchini, a professor
of Arabic Language and Literature at the “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University of Milan.
Sustainable Fishing and Acquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea
From March 14 to April 18, Ce.U.B. organized the Vocational Training Course in “Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean”, with the financial support of the
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the scientific coordination of prof. Pier Paolo Gatta
and prof. Alessio Bonaldo and the hospitality of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of
Cesenatico (University of Bologna), a course which involved 25 professionals from Albania,
Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Syria and Tunisia.
The 5 weeks course, divided into 4 phases, was aimed at the following objectives: to know
the main biological, technical, economic, legal and health for fishing factors for sustainable
aquaculture in the Mediterranean; to develop skills related to the fishing that preserve the
marine fishery resources; to develop technical skills for the management of farmed aquatic
animals, with particular reference to fish, mollusks and shellfish; to know the quality of fish
products and their maintenance during the entire production chain, to develop appropriate
skills of food safety of fish products fresh or preserved, and, finally, to know the basic laws
related to fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean, as well as the rules for the import
/ export of fish products to and from the European Union.
15th Edition of the Doctorate School of Inorganic Chemistry
The Doctorate School of Inorganic Chemistry was born thanks to the initiative of the
Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the SCI, and it reached its fifteenth edition dedicated to Organometallic Chemistry. The members of the organizing committee are: Luigi Busetto Organizing Committee (chairman), Valerius Zanotti (Secretary), Giuliano
Longoni, Silvia Bordoni, Cristina Cassani, Carmela Iapalucci, Ponds Stefano, Stefano
Zacchini, Cristina Femoni, Rita Mazzoni.
Indam - New Frontiers in CAGD
From 17 to 21 May, the Indam meeting was held under the responsibility of Prof. Carla
Manni (University of “Tor Vergata”, Rome). The meeting gathered researchers in the
field of Computer Aided Geometric Design who have had the opportunity to deal with
international experts discussing the future prospects in a constructive atmosphere. The
invited speakers were Nira Dyn (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Rida T. Farouki (University of California, Davis, USA), Ulrich Reif (Technische Universitat Darmstadt,
Germany) and Giancarlo Sangalli (University of Pavia). The organizing committee was
composed by Mira Bozzini (University of Milano Bicocca), Constance Conti (University of Florence), Carla Manni (University of “Tor Vergata”, Rome), Francesca Pelosi
(University of “Tor Vergata”, Rome), Francesca Pitolli (University of “La Sapienza”,
Rome), Lucia Romani (University of Bicocca, Milan) and Milvia Rossini (University of
Bicocca, Milan).
23rd SPIGC Congress
From June 20 to 23 was held in Forlì the 23rd National Congress of SPIGC, Polispecialist Italian Society of Young Surgeons, which gathered together specialists and
trainees under 40s along with many professionals representing the major surgical
Italian schools. Eventually the Congress hosted over 400 participants.
The opening session was entrusted to the Honorary President prof. Giorgio Maria
major events
Verdecchia, director of the Unit of Surgery and Advanced Oncology Therapies at the
Hospital of Forlì. The event, which was part of the program of Ce.U.B., was presented by the President of the Congress Davide Cavaliere, who illustrated the guidelines
of this edition of the SPIGC. “Let’s get to Forli - said dr. Davide Cavaliere, Medical
Unit of Surgery and Advanced Oncology Therapies at the Hospital of Forlì - the
points of excellence of International Surgical Technology, with the presentation of
advanced studies in the field of tissue engineering, medicine and the use of regenerative stem cells. Refined scientific studies - he continues - to which is accompanied also
a particular attention to these key issues in ethics.”
Then two inaugural readings by some major personalities of the international medical
scene. Silvie Mènard, of the National Cancer Institute of Milan, has brought her experience as a doctor turned patient, stressing the need for humanization of the delicate
doctor-patient relationship.
To take the word was then Joseph P. Vacanti, creator of the tissue engineering center
at the Massachusetts Medical Center in Boston, who presented the present and future
scene of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
The delivery of three awards representing the President of the Republic Giorgio
Napolitano and President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini, went to the best Italian
surgeon under 40 and to the career of great Italian surgeons. The works are began on
Monday 21 for three days on three different locations in the town of Forlì (Auditorium
Cassa dei Risparmi, palace of the Province, Chamber of Commerce) during which the
doctors discussed surgical oncology, inflammatory diseases, functional and emergency
trauma surgery, infections in surgery. Particular attention was also paid to the new
technologies, the results of the testing of biotechnologies and nanotechnologies, to
training, legal-medical aspects in surgery and ethics. A laboratory of advanced surgery with the Da Vinci robotic platform, was available to all students for the entire
duration of the conference.
Colloqui Borghesi
“The workshop Roman epigraphic” is the title of the “Colloqui Borghesi” that began in
1981 thanks to Giancarlo Susini. Under the direction of Professor Angela Donati this
year’s edition was also in memory of its founder, ten years after his death. Since 2000,
“Colloqui Borghesi” is organized by the Universities of Bologna and Genoa, under the
auspices of the “Association Internationale de l’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine” and the
Institute for art, culture and nature of the Emilia Romagna region, and it hosts every
year the participation of distinguished international speakers
The errant world: Dante Alighieri between literature, history and heresy
“The errant world. Dante between literature, history and heresy” is the title of the
international conference on Dante studies organized as part of the celebrations for the
150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The event promoted by prof. Mark Vigil
also had the patronage of Associazione Casse e Monti dell’Emilia-Romagna, the Società
Dante Alighieri, IBC, the a Fondazione Rocca dei Bentivoglio of the Municipality of
Bazzano and the departments of Italian and Paleography and Medieval of the Alma
Andean Community
From October to December Ce.U.B. hosted the course in “Creation and management
of wine, fruit, vegetables and livestock small and medium enterprises” addressed at 30
technical experts or young graduates willing to work in different areas such as production, storage and marketing of fruit, vegetables, wine production and livestock.
Since the sectors of the wine and fruit have some common problems (for example:
preservation of the product, irrigation techniques, soil preparation, etc.) there were
common lessons for the two groups as well as specific lessons for each group. For the
livestock breeding sector, after the first common lessons, there were specific lessons
devoted to the problems of meat production.
The training residential course lasted nine weeks, Ce.U.B. welcomed the delegations of
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The participants attended the lessons in Italian,
and were provided with interpretation service in Spanish; besides the classes, the participants also had the opportunity t visit local manufacturing companies.
Multicultural Societies, Intercultural Dialogue and European Museums
The three-day meeting organized by The European Museum Academy (the Netherlands) and the Institute of Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage (Italy) aims to promote
a dialogue on the challenges faced by multicultural societies. The traditional mission
of museums is challenged by the profound changes in the social fabric. The evolution
of information technology has changed the way people interact and the process of
knowledge acquisition. Nowadays museums have to deal with different points of view
to reflect the complex contemporary society.
In contemporary society, museums must be able to question the objectivity of the dominant culture and be able to open up to new ways of interpreting the collections. The
project “MAP for ID” (2007-2009) aims to develop the potential of museums in a European perspective, that is, as places for intercultural dialogue and promotion for greater
engagement with the communities that surround it. To achieve this aim 30 projects
were activated in partner countries: Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Hungary.
The follow-up showed that many projects aimed at helping immigrant communities to
integrate and learn more about the history and culture of their new “home”, and others
projects, however, have shown that immigrants using the same means and methods promoted the knowledge of their culture of origin. The main speakers at the meeting in
Bertinoro were: Massimo Negri (Director of EMA, Italy), Wim van der Weiden (EMA
Chairman, The Netherlands), Margherita Sani (IBC), and Antonella Salvi (IBC).
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