The Maspex WadoWice Group


The Maspex WadoWice Group
T he M aspex W adowice G roup
w w w . m a s p e x . c o m
The Maspex Wadowice Group
The Maspex Wadowice Group is one
Brands like Tymbark, Kubuś, Lubella,
of the biggest companies in Central and Eastern
Puchatek, Ekland, DecoMorreno, Cremona,
Europe in the segment of food products.
La Festa and Plusssz are undisputed leaders
in their categories, they enjoy trust of consumers
The company is the definite market
leader in the production of juices, nectars and
not only in Poland, but also in other countries
of Central and Eastern Europe.
soft drinks in Poland, Czech Republic and
Slovakia and the main producer in Hungary,
Products of the Maspex Wadowice Group
Romania, Bulgaria and Lithuania. It is also
are sold to almost 50 countries worldwide.
the leading producer of instant products
The company cooperates with consignees in the
(cappuccino, cocoa, coffee milk power, instant
European Union and other European countries,
tea). Moreover, it is the leader on the pasta
in the US, Canada, in the Middle and Far East.
market in Poland and the main manufacturer
In the majority of these countries the products may
in Romania.
be found on the shelves in the biggest commercial
For years, the company’s unchanged strategy
chains. Foreign sales accounts now for 34%
has been to build brands that are deeply rooted
of the company’s turnover.
in consumer consciousness and to accomplish
projects of acquisition that may expand
and develop its range of brand products.
At the Economic Forum held in Krynica
the Maspex Wadowice Group was awarded
the title of Central and Eastern European
For over 20 years on the market,
Company for all its operations. The award was
the Maspex Wadowice Group has completed
given in recognition of the fact that success
15 such acquisitions, including 8 of them
can be achieved even in the difficult conditions
of economic transformation.
The Structure of The Maspex Wadowice Group
Mission of the Maspex Wadowice Group
is to offer brand food products
that are most highly rated
by consumers.
The Company aims to be the leader
in the food industry in the Central
and Eastern Europe in respect
to the value of market shares
and power of its brands.
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Company’s Structure
At the moment the Maspex Wadowice Group consists of 11 Polish and 11 foreign companies that employ
almost 5 000 people.
Structure of The Maspex Wadowice Group
WET Business Unit
DRY Business Unit
• juices
• pasta and other cereal products
• nectars
(including breakfast cereals)
• fruit drinks
• sauces and dishes
• energy drinks
• instant products (e.g. cacao, coffee milk powder,
cappuccino and hot chocolate, instant tea)
• sweeteners
• vitamins and dietary supplements
Production Plants
Juices, nectars and soft drinks
maspex olympos
tymbark maspex
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Production Plants
Instant products, grain products,
sauces and dishes, sweets, sweeteners,
vitamins and dietary supplements
tymbark maspex
Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plants
Cereal Milling Plants
maspex olympos
tymbark maspex
Maspex Wadowice Group buys more than
100 000 tons of fruit and vegetables every
year and mills over 100 000 tons of wheat.
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The History
Maspex is established.
Packing and distribution of Coffeeta coffee milk powder and DecoMorreno cocoa.
Launch of the first production (Ekland instant tea, Puchatek cocoa drink,
La Festa cappuccino and chocolate and Filutki candies).
Entering the carrot juice market - the purchase of Polska Żywność in Olsztynek
and Kubuś brand.
Investments in foreign markets. Establishment of the first foreign branches in Hungary,
in the Czech Republic and then in Romania and Slovakia.
Expanding the range of instant products – the acquisition of Anin company
(Cremona brand).
Entering the juice, nectar and fruit drink segment – the purchase of Tymbark
along with the Tymbark brand.
Launch of modern juice, nectar and soft drink plant in Tychy (Ekoland).
Establishing companies at the Russian market.
Entering the pasta and cereal products markets – The purchase of Lubella company
(Lubella and Mlekołaki brands).
Entering the market of dietary supplements – the acquisition of Polski Lek company –
producer and distributer of vitamins and effervescent tablets.
Opening the company’s commercial representative office in Ukraine – Maspex Ukraina.
Expanding the range of juice, nectars and soft drinks abroad.
The purchase of a juice producing part of Walmark company, the leading Czech
and Slovakian juice, nectar and soft drink producer (e.g. Relax brand).
The acquisition of Olympos company – a leading producer of juices, nectars
and soft drinks (Olympos brand).
The purchase of Queen’s, a leading juice producer in Bulgaria.
The acquisition of shares in the Hungarian Plusssz Vitamin company – the owner
of the Plusssz brand, the Hungarian market leader in effervescent vitamins.
The purchase of the Apenta brand, one of the oldest mineral water brands
in Hungary.
Entering the pasta market in Romania – the acquisition of the shares in Arnos company –
the leading pasta producer in Romania.
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The History
Mark IV company joins Maspex Wadowice Group. Mark IV is a local soft
drinks producer in Russia.
The launch of the Logistics Centre in Tychy – the most modern
distribution centre in this part of Europe.
The opening of a modern production and warehousing complex
in Romania.
Entering the energy drinks market in Poland. Beginning
of the cooperation with the Foundation for Equal Opportunities
(„Równe Szanse”) and Dariusz Tiger Michalczewski. Obtaining
the exclusive license to use the name Tiger and the image
of Dariusz Tiger Michalczewski to promote food products.
Opening of a new fruit and vegetable processing plant in Romania.
Increasing the production capacity in the juice, nectar and soft drink
production plant in Tychy.
Entering the category of pretzels and crackers in Romania –
the purchase of Salatini and Capollini brands that are undisputed
market leaders.
Revenues From Sales
The Maspex Wadowice Group is one of the biggest companies in Central
and Eastern Europe in the segment of food products. The Company was ranked
6th on the Raking List of 500 biggest food companies in Poland and it has
overcome numerous food concerns operating at the Polish market (source: Editors
of Rynek Spożywczy, web service and economic information agency Bisnode
Polska, December 2012).
In 2012 the consolidated revenues from sales of the Maspex Wadowice Group
amounted to 901 Mio. USD.
901 Mio.
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Professional Team
of Employees
Properly selected and competent team is
the ground and determinant of success of every
company. That is why the dynamic development
and the current market position of the Maspex
The first one entitled “Development of the Maspex
Wadowice Group would not be possible without
Wadowice Group’s Employees – new quality of management
many persons involved in the operations and
and knowledge” is a continuation of the earlier project
their work. The Company employs the best highly
and it is dedicated to the managers and specialists of the
qualified specialists in every field. Their knowledge,
Group’s companies located in Małopolskie voivodeship. Its
experience, ideas and skills are the Company’s
completion is planned for mid 2014. The other one is entitled
biggest capital. The objective of the Maspex
”Product Quality – Professional Sales – Training Projects
Wadowice Group is to establish optimum conditions
for the Maspex Wadowice Group”. It is the biggest training
of work, in which the potential of every employee
project accomplished so far in the Maspex Wadowice Group
is used to the furthest possible extent. The Maspex
and it is addressed to 350 employees of the production plants
Wadowice Group employs ca. 5 000 persons.
and the sales force, who will strengthen their managerial
and selling competences during a 2-years’ training cycle.
The Company puts a lot of pressure on
development of competence of its employees,
The above mentioned projects mean more than 600 training
e.g. through participation in specialist trainings and
days invested in the development of the Company’s employees.
courses and development of knowledge of foreign
At the same time the Company implements and develops
language. Moreover, the Company gives an opportunity
tools that support management. They include, for instance,
to be promoted and to obtain new skills in different
competency model and periodical assessment system.
fields of its operation, as well as to develop
Furthermore, the Company maintains summer
experience in its foreign companies, so employees
internship programme for 4th and 5th year
can be successful and raise their professional skills
students of universities called “The Closest Zone
in foreign environment.
of Development”. Trainees have a chance to get
familiar with the Company, participate in every day
In years 2010-2011 the Company accomplished
work of individual departments and accomplish
project entitled “Maspex Academy of Development
individual projects. The best trainees may also find
– Creation of Uniform Management System”
their jobs in the Company in the future.
that was cofinanced with EU funds. The project was
aimed at raising and strengthening competences
of managers and specialists employed in the
companies belonging to the Maspex Wadowice Group.
In 2012 the Company launched two more
The Maspex Wadowice Group
emphasized the development
of competences of its employees.
project cofinanced with EU funds.
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Programmes and Actions
for the Employees
“Our Apple Tree” Campaign is an exceptional initiative
addressed to employees who get married.
It is a tradition that in Tymbark every newly married
couple plants a fruit tree since it is a symbol of strength
and abundance and when it is planted by a young couple
The programme entitled “Pomysłomania”
on occasion of their wedding it symbolizes a strong
(Idea-mania) is executed in all companies
emotional relationship and a beginning of future life
of the Maspex Wadowice Group. Its aim is
together. Therefore, using special wishes the Company
to make use of the huge potential and creativity
encourages newly married couples to plant their apple
of employees. Everybody may report their ideas
trees that will bring them happiness and will be
in all fields of the company, for instance related
a symbol of their relationship.
to possible work improvements, reduction of costs,
new products or promotions. The most interesting
ideas are selected, implemented and awarded.
“Apple from Tymbark” is a great common voluntarily
campaign of employees executed in 2011 on the 75th
Tymbark’s anniversary. In 35 towns and 60 locations
The employees of all Polish and foreign companies
almost 1 400 employees with their families and friends
may also feel unique football emotions
handed out 750 000 apples with Tymbark logo.
and participate in the Football Championship
Employees from almost all departments of the Company
of the Maspex Wadowice Group every year.
participated in this campaign.
Within the scope of “Stork” Campaign employees
Moreover, the Company also prepares for its employees:
who have babies receive congratulations and
special internal bulletin entitled Kurier MW,
special baby-linen.
newsletter with most recent information and internal
website at
For a few years now in late August during special
meeting entitled “First- Grader Campaign”
children of the Company’s employees who
start their primary school in September receive
specially prepared school starter kits and
a special set of materials about security on
the way to school, at home and at school.
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The Maspex Wadowice Group prepares
and runs numerous programmes
and campaigns addressed to its
employees and their families.
The Most Modern
Distribution Centre
in Central
and Eastern Europe
The M-Logistic Centre in Tychy is one
of the largest investments in the history
of the Maspex Wadowice Group.
send over 8 000 pallets, while accepting deliveries
of 6 000 pallets a day. The centre has 27 ramps,
Thanks to this investment, our company is able
including 5 unloading ramps, and may accept
to offer the highest level of services due to fully
almost 220 pallets per hour from the production
automated processes and consequently, the possibility
to assemble customised deliveries, excellent services
and a high standard and quality of services, and we have
an excellent location.
M-Logistic uses state of the art computer
systems such as Warehouse Management
System (WMS), Transportation Management
The M-Logistic centre has state of the art warehouses
System (TMS), Yard Management System (YMS)
with current capacity for almost 54 000 pallets and
and the entire process is managed by Enterprise
a planned capacity of over 80 000. The company can
Resource Planning (ERP).
The M-Logistic Distribution Centre
was granted the prestigious “Construction
of the Year” award in the contest organised
by the Polish Association of Construction
Engineers and Technicians, the Ministry
of Infrastructure and the National Building
Supervision Office.
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Highest Quality
The highest quality of products has been always
the priority for the Maspex Wadowice Group.
The trust of consumers is a great responsibility.
This is why the Company modernises constantly
its plants and has state of the art production lines,
Quality systems in the Maspex Wadowice Group
facilities meet the following quality standards:
PN-EN ISO 9001:2001 – enabling the Company
multi-stage production control process and it invests
to maintain the highest product quality and
in obtaining and implementation of most modern
to improve all the production processes in the
technologies all the time.
PN-EN ISO 22 000:2006 system covers HACCP
For every-day manufacturing of its products,
food management, thanks to which the quality
the Maspex Wadowice Group uses the highest quality raw
control of our products is carried out at every stage
materials coming from qualified and checked suppliers.
of production and makes it possible to eliminate
risks for quality and safety of our products.
Moreover, the company pays a lot of attention
to cooperation with institutions of science, research
Moreover, companies belonging to the Maspex
laboratories, suppliers of raw materials, machines
Wadowice Group facilities have special GOST certificates
and packagings.
that are demanded at the Russian market and
Every one of the following companies: Tymbark-MWS,
UKRSEPRO for the Ukrainian market.
Maspex-GMW, Lubella and Ekoland has implemented
and certified a quality assurance system that meets
IFS requirements (International Food Standard).
It is an international food supplier and producer
Furthermore, Tymbark and Ekoland belong to the
Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS).
It is an organisation that associates producers
auditing system. Its aim is to unify controls of food
of juice, nectars and soft drinks. Within the scope of its
activities they undertake numerous initiatives in order
to duly represent and develop food industry.
Tymbark has belonged to DSK (Voluntary
The Maspex Wadowice Group
has very strict quality requirements,
so for the purpose of production
it uses the highest quality
raw materials and packagings
that are delivered by best and
checked suppliers. System Control) since 2003. In accordance with this
system, the company voluntarily submits its products
to inspections and declares that the production
is in accordance with the current Polish laws as well
as the EU directives and standards. The company also
undertakes to improve constantly the standards
of its juices, nectars and soft drinks.
Maspex-GMW and Tymbark-MWS have AEO
certification – Certificate of Authorized Economic
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Care for Natural
and Company’s
Ecological Activities
Since the very beginning of its operation, the Maspex
Wadowice Group has been consequently trying every
day to minimize the negative impact on the natural
Moreover, there are modern boiler rooms in the plants
environment in every area of its operations. The Company
constantly searches for the most environmental friendly
of the Maspex Wadowice Group. Thank to them
solutions. All production processes are operated
the Company has reduced atmospheric emission of sulphur
in the way that ensures possibly smallest interference
oxide, nitric oxide, carbon oxide and carbon dioxide
with the nature.
due to the use of biogas generated by the waste water
plant. The Company has also launched an cogeneration
installation that is the technology ensuring simultaneous
High internal ecological standards comply
generation of electricity and heat.
with strictest norms and provisions, and often
they are stricter than respective international
Additionally, the production plant in Olsztynek
has the integrated permit that imposes the obligation
Thanks to constant improvement of production
on the company to apply Best Available Techniques (BAT)
processes, use of modern, energy-saving and effective
for the food industry. Its aim is to generally limit emissions
technological lines, care for proper condition of machines
and environmental impacts.
Modern waste water treatment plants in Tymbark and Tychy
Carrot fields near Olsztynek
As part of the social responsibility program, the Company
and devices, production planning ensuring use
of maximum production capabilities and raising staff
organizes a social program entitled „Kubusiowi Przyjaciele
awareness through frequent trainings, the Maspex
Natury“ (“Kubuś’ Friends of Nature”), which it is addressed
Wadowice Group aims to reduce consumption of water,
to kindergartens in Poland. Its aim is to educate the youngest ones
energy, gas and to reduce volumes of generated
on environmental protection and encourage children to protect
waste water and solid waste. Waste generated during
natural environment every day. Until now, more than 1 million
production processes is segregated and recycled.
children have already participated in the programme.
In its production plants the Company invests
in construction and creation of modern waste
The Company also participates in the REKARTON program
water treatment plants which apply most modern
– a voluntary contract for the development of the system
technological and technical solutions that limit
for collecting and recycling cartons from liquid food products.
possibilities of negative environmental impact
This is the first program of its kind in Poland and it is
of the waste water plant.
supported by the Ministry of the Environment.
For many years now, a pair of storks have arrived
in Tymbark in the spring and built their nest on the
chimney there. Storks spend a great deal of time looking
for peace and quiet in ecologically clean surrounding
where they can raise their young. They have found such
conditions in our Tymbark production facility.
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Areas of Business
The offer of the Maspex Wadowice Group comprises
a few hundred of products. The Company produces juice,
nectars, fruit drinks and energy drinks, instant products,
cereal products, including pasta and breakfast cereals,
vitamins and dietary supplements.
Brands belonging to the Company’s portfolio belong
and Lubella Whole Grain, Superbrands award for Tymbark
to most often chosen brands by consumers in the Central
and Kubuś, Superprodukt granted by “Świat Kobiety”
and Eastern Europe. Among the strongest ones there
Magazine to Lubella Inspiracje and Lubella sauces, award
are: Tymbark, Kubuś, Lubella, DecoMorreno, Ekland,
of FMCG Market Pearl to DecoMorreno Fruit in Chocolate,
Cremona, Puchatek, La Festa, Mlekołaki, Plusssz.
Lubella Inspiracje Conchiglioni and Mlekołaki Figuraki,
The Company produces high quality products that
enjoy trust of consumers and sales force, which is proven
as well as the Best Product 2012 Silver Medal
for DecoMorreno Fruit in Chocolate.
by numerous awards that are granted every year. Only in
Moreover, Tymbark, Kubuś, Tiger and Lubella brands
2012 the Company received such prestigious awards like:
hold very high positions in the Ranking of most valuable and
Golden Bill 2012 for Tymbark Apple and Mint, Kubuś, Tiger
precious Polish brands prepared by “Rzeczpospolita” daily.
Juice, Nectars and Soft Drinks
Kubuś is the leader in the category of puree juice in Poland
to quench thirst of children who love paying and being
Latvia and it is second in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Kubuś is known in Bulgaria, Romania and Russia as Tedi, in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia as Kubik and in Hungary as Kubu.
The brand has enjoyed confidence of parents and children for
several years already. According to conducted research, 90 out
of 100 Poles know Kubuś brand (source: TNS, September 2012).
Kubuś is juice made of Mazurian carrots and fruit, and
it is most often bought in Poland. It is often drunk
by children, but also by adults.
Kubuś Waterrr - refreshing water with addition
of fruit juice, in a comfortable no-spill bottle and Kubuś
Waterrr Sport – functional flavoured water that supports
young athletes with minerals and vitamins.
Kubuś Mus – it is the first Kubuś fruit dish. Perfect
product for children’s lunch outside, available in
a comfortable, light and safe packing like a bag.
Kubuś is offered in different original compositions
Kubuś offer includes:
Kubuś is puree juice that has been known and loved
of tastes that do not contain artificial colours and
for years children and adults. It is offered in a small glass bottle
preservatives. All Kubuś products are available in handy,
and a larger light plastic bottle. The offer includes also Kubuś GO!
comfortable and safe packagings.
– puree juice in a handy safe plastic bottle with a nozzle that
is loved by children. It is a portion of fruit and vegetables
to take away. Due to available bottle formats,
the product is perfect for every occasion.
Kubuś Play – exceptional and tasty fruit drinks
and also in Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania and
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Tymbark brand is an undisputable leader
A wide range of Tymbark products includes 100%
on the market of juice, nectars and soft drinks
fruit and vegetable juice with no sugar added,
in Poland. It is one of most valuable and best
100% juice for children, exotic line of the Fruit
perceived brands by consumers. 9 out of 10 Poles
of the world, as well as nectars and soft drinks
know Tymbark well (source: Millword brown SMG/KRC,
of refined taste compositions. The portfolio includes
tracking research, February 2012). Tymbark has been
also Next drinks – it is a mixture of juicy fruit and
also successful on Facebook, where it has the
green tea in a modern and stylish bottle.
biggest number of fans in FMCG category.
Tymbark juice and nectars are now available also in
Tymbark builds its position by means
of innovations and flexibility in responding
handy plastic 300 ml bottles. No products in Tymbark’s
offer contain artificial colours and preservatives.
to new market challenges, it shows trends
and new directions of development. Here the first
On packagings of Tymbark juice there is
evaporation station to thicken juice was installed,
information on Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA)
here the first blackcurrant juice formula in Poland
defined on the basis of feeding recommendations
was worked out in 1967 and a modern technology
concerning energetic value and main nutritive
of aseptic filling of juice and drinks into plastic
bottles was introduced (in 2004).
Tymbark’s products are known in almost
The exceptional taste of Tymbark products
30 countries worldwide, for instance in Romania,
comes from selected and ripe fruit supplied by
Lithuania, Latvia, Great Britain, Canada, Ireland,
best and checked suppliers who have to meet
the US, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Malta
high quality requirements.
and Cyprus.
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Life a few tastes of fruit drinks in glass handy
bottles. Drinks have become popular among a young
colourful appearance and numerous activities
undertaken on Facebook.
target group because of their interesting taste,
Caprio - fruit drinks that are very popular and
countries. In Romania and Bulgaria they are known
appreciated by consumers who look for high quality
under Ciao name. In Poland and Slovakia Caprio
products at a moderate price. Caprio drinks are well
is the market leader and in the Check Republic
known not only in Poland, but also in other European
it is second in the category of economical drinks.
Tiger Energy Drink is an energy drink named
refreshing, but it gives power to all people who want
combination of taurine and caffeine it is particularly
to live at 100%. It is available in a few flavours.
recommended for increased physical or mental efforts.
Original taste of the energy drink is not only
after Dariusz Tiger Michalczewski. Due to a unique
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Pasta, Cereal Products, Sauces and Dishes
Lubella is an undisputed leader on the Polish
The Company selects best ingredients for production
pasta market and a known producer of cereal products,
of its products and takes care for every detail. Lubella
e.g. breakfast cereal, flour, groats and sticks, as well
develops all the time, bases on the best elements from
as sauces and dishes. High quality of Lubella products
the Polish tradition and extends its offer with innovative
has always meant exceptional taste and good results
products that are an inspiration for experiments with cooking
of cooking for more than 130 years. The brand is highly
and tastes. Lubella is also known in such European countries
appreciated among both sellers and consumers.
like Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Great Britain or Ireland.
Lubella Pasta
Lubella Classic high quality pasta that goes well with
Lubella Whole Grain – it is a line of whole grain pasta.
second courses and salads. Due to durum wheat contents
It is made of whole grains since grain shells contain the
and special grain milling process Lubella pasta made
biggest volumes of minerals. Special grain milling process
of such flour is perfectly al dente and elastic.
allows to preserve all nutritive values of grain. Such pasta
Refined pasta shapes may be found in Lubella Inspiration
is perfectly al dente and elastic. Thanks to the proper
line that allows for real cooking experiments.
drying process, Lubella Whole Grain Pasta does not stick
to each other and maintains its natural colour.
Lubella’s portfolio includes also Lubella Home Made
Pasta that is pasta made with eggs that is eaten with
There is information on Guideline Daily Amounts
soups. Its home-like taste is a result of traditional recipe
(GDA) on all Lubella packagings that informs consumers
and the best quality ingredients.
on energetic values and main nutritive elements in
the product.
Lubella Sauces
Lubella offers also sauces to prepare delicious pasta
They are made of specially selected, high quality
dishes. Lubella sauces are made real chopped and pureed
ingredients mixed according to original recipes. Lubella
tomatoes, dried herbs, large pieces of vegetables and
sauces contain no preservatives. Add sauce to Lubella
pasta and your exquisite dish is ready to serve.
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Lubella Dishes
Dish with an idea – inspirations for tasty
New item added recently to Lubella’s offer are
exceptional dishes together with a recipe and
dishes called Quickly on a pan – tasty pasta dishes
a list of things to buy. Lubella’s offer was made
to be prepared on one pan only in 15 minutes.
on the basis of natural ingredients and they contain
In a special bag there is Lubella pasta
no preservatives, artificial colours or monosodium
and seasonings to prepare flavorous sauce.
Lubella Cereals, Sticks, Flour and Groats
The brand’s portfolio includes also Mlekołaki
The offer includes also Lubella Nature Sticks.
breakfast cereal that is a perfect offer for delicious,
Their original curved shape will be surely liked
nutritive breakfast and a portion of energy for a child.
by those who do not like boring snacks. These
It is available in original shape and specially selected tastes.
exceptional sticks are sold in a comfortable standing
bag that may be easily opened. Lubella Nature Sticks
Lubella cornflakes is an ideal breakfast for the whole
family. Thanks to highest quality ingredients and careful
are so light due to natural ingredients and carefully
selected seasonings.
baking they have an exceptional tasty, golden colour
and they are deliciously crunchy.
Lubella’s offer includes also high quality flours
and groats that are available in modern and functional
Lubella means also sticks. They are produced
of highest quality flour and according to a carefully
prepared recipe, so their taste is exceptional.
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Instant Products
Cremona is the leader in its category and well
It is excellently soluble in coffee and it gives
experienced expert in coffee milk powder – now it has
it characteristic velvet consistency. Cremona’s offer
76% of the volume of the market share (source: A Nielsen,
includes also natural UHT cream.
Poland without discount chains, volumetric data, MATON 2012).
It is most known and most often selected coffee
milk powder that has been present on the market since
1993. Thanks to Cremona coffee gets a delicate and
creamy taste.
Cremona is known as Coffeeta in other countries.
It is an unquestionable leader in Romania, Slovakia,
the Czech Republic, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia and
it is ranked second in Hungary, Ukraine and Russia.
Puchatek is excellent quality instant cocoa drink
Puchatek is rich in calcium and ten vitamins,
made for children. It is undisputed leader in the
which is essential for correct development of children.
segment of instant cacao drinks in Poland, it is
It is perfect for breakfast and is perfectly soluble
second in Romania, Hungary and Ukraine. In other
in warm and cold milk.
European countries Puchatek is well known under
a name of Brumi, for instance in Romania, Bulgaria,
Hungary, Russia and Ukraine.
Puchatek chocolate dragees are another item
in the portfolio. These are chocolate dragees with
printed faces. They are made of real chocolate on the
The brand has enjoyed confidence of parents and
children for several years already.
basis of best cocoa, with added magnesium. Puchatek
chocolate dragees with nuts are also available.
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DecoMorreno is a high quality brand that is well-
DecoMorreno La Festa Chocolatta offers original taste
known among Poles. Its portfolio includes dark cocoa,
of instant chocolate in modern, handy packaging. Products
chocolate drinks and fruit in chocolate.
of DecoMoreno La Festa brand have been present
DecoMorreno cocoa is unquestionable leader
on the cocoa market in Poland. The product has 68%
of market share (source: A Nielsen, Poland without discount
chains, volumetric data, MATON 2012). DecoMorreno
on the Polish market since 1993. La Festa is the market
leader for instance in Romania, Hungary, Lithuania,
Latvia. It is ranked second in Russia and Ukraine.
The company’s offer includes also Cappuccino
is traditional bulk cocoa that is used mainly for baking
La Festa: the leader in Ukraine, Romania, Lithuania,
and making cakes. It characterises with bitter cocoa
Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Russia,
taste, strong flavour and dark brown colour.
and the second one in Latvia.
Decomorreno La Festa Chocolatta is the highest
Fruit in Chocolate is new product in DecoMorreno’s
quality product that is a leader in its category and most
offer. It is a sweet snack made of candied fruit covered
popular instant chocolate drink on the Polish market.
with highest quality chocolate. Another product is Nut
in Chocolate.
Ekland are the most popular granulated
Ekland Junior teas were prepared for children under 3.
tea drinks in Poland. They may be served cold
They contain only natural fruit extracts and natural colorants.
and hot. For many years the brand has been
They do not contain preservatives or gluten, but
the undisputable leader in the segment of instant
a formula of 10 vitamins has been added to them.
tea drinks. All Ekland products contain fruit juice,
cane sugar, additional vitamin C and they do not
Ekland is well known in other countries, such as: Ukraine,
Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania,
contain preservatives.
Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Albania and even Uruguay.
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Ekland Sweeteners
Ekland Stevia Extracts are natural plant
Ekland Sweetener is an offer of 4 products that
sweeteners basing on extract of extremely sweet
are based on sodium saccharin, which is a substance
stevia leaves. It is a plant from the South America
that does not provide any calories to the body,
that has neither calories nor carbohydrates.
but is 400 times sweeter than sugar. Sweeteners
This sweetener of natural origin is almost 300 times
may be also exposed to high temperatures without
sweeter than sugar. The entire sweetness of stevia
any impact on their taste. Consumers may choose
concentrates in its leaves. Stevia is a modern
among a few formats of Ekland Sweeteners.
sweetening substance for people who are active,
All sweeteners under Ekland brand may be safely
aware, fashionable and take care for their wellbeing.
used by people suffering from diabetes.
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
Polski Lek’s preparations are vitamins and dietary
A wide offer of Plusssz products includes lines
supplements produced by means of most modern
dedicated to children (Plusssz Zizzzz), youth (Plusssz Cool),
technology of highest quality raw materials. Carefully
Students (Plusssz Active), adults and seniors (Plusssz Gold).
worked out from the perspective of safety and individual
The brand has also a specialised series of products aimed
needs of contemporary consumers, they supplement
at taking care of beauty: Plusssz Lady.
every day diet with elements that are necessary for proper
functioning of the body.
The portfolio of Polski Lek contains also products
of the following brands; Duo Stawy Maxi lek, Femimag
Plusssz is the most often bought vitamin product
and Prenalen, as well as magnesium and calcium products.
in Poland (source: IMS January – December 2012).
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Overseas Sales
The Maspex Wadowice Group products
reach almost 50 countries the world over. Thanks
to establishment of lasting trade relationships based
on partnership and understanding of mutual needs,
and regardless of geographical barriers, the Company
cooperates with consignees in the European Union and
other European countries, in the USA, Canada, in the
Middle and Far East. In most of those areas, our products
In 2010 Tiger energy drink licensed by Dariusz
can be found on the shelves of the commercial
Tiger Michalczewski was also added to the export
chains. Overseas sales account now for 34% of the
company’s turnover.
Almost all of the products are exported, but the
In many countries such as Romania, Bulgaria,
most important ones are Kubuś fruit and carrot juices,
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Baltic
Tymbark juice, nectars and soft drinks, Caprio drinks,
States, the Balkans, Russia and Ukraine, the Maspex
and instant products such as La Festa cappuccino
Wadowice Group products are amongst the leading
and Chocolatta, Coffeeta coffee creamer, Ekland
instant teas and Brumi cocoa drink. The Company
The Maspex Wadowice Group export products win
also exports Lubella pasta, the quality of which can be
also awards abroad and they are recommended
compared to the best Italian products.
by consumers.
The Maspex Wadowice Group products reach
the furthest corners of the world, including such
exotic locations as Uruguay, Mongolia and Liberia.
Main directions
of overseas sales
• Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania,
Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine;
• Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Great Britain,
Ireland, the USA, Canada;
• Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania,
Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan,
• Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands,
Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Arab countries,
Australia, Uruguay.
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Sales Channels
Being the leader in the market of instant products in
Central and Eastern Europe, the Company has noticed the
potential of growing sales through alternative sales channels.
The Maspex Wadowice Group products are to
increasingly larger extent distributed through alternative
sales channels by the Alternative Channel Department
(DKA) that consist of sales in the following segments:
• HoReCa, • Alternative Networks, • Vending, • B2B.
Besides supplying the highest quality products, the
Company is also a consultant in the business of its Customers,
Under partnership cooperation with Kraft company,
the Maspex Wadowice Group is the exclusive Authorised
Distributor of Jacobs and Maxwell House coffee in the
vending sector. Kubuś and Tymbark juice, nectars and soft
drinks and Tiger energy drinks in special bottles and cans
are an integral part of the offer. Moreover, the Company
supplies also snacks and sweets, such as Lubella sticks
and many others.
Recipients of vending services are provided
guaranteeing professional services and generating growth
with highest quality services thanks to cooperation
of sales.
with carefully selected Authorised Vending Operators.
HoReCa – products of the Maspex Wadowice Group
Services of the operators are available almost in entire
are delivered to: hotels, restaurants, catering, boarding
Poland. Vending machines marked with e.g. Jacobs,
houses, pubs, clubs, universities, schools, kindergartens,
DecoMorreno and Tymbark brands are the guarantee
playgrounds for children, hospitals, online shops and
of origin and the highest quality of products.
many other points of sales. The Company consistently
B2B – B2B sales department cooperates with
builds its team selling to HoReCa sector. Besides a wide
Institutional Customers in Poland and abroad.
range of Tymbark, Kubuś juices, nectars and soft drinks, Tiger
The group of its recipients includes international food
drinks and jams, sauces and Lubella brand products, it offers
concerns, leading yoghurt producers and companies from
products dedicated to the HoReCa segment, like special
confectionery and convenience sectors. The main task faced
products for restaurants, for instance pasta and flour.
by the B2B channel is to adjust the existing offer or work out
Alternative Networks – here the customers
products to suit special needs of Customers. The company
of the Maspex Wadowice Group include leading chains
uses most modern production technologies to prepare
of drugstores, office, convenience chains and fuel
product offers professionally. While combining knowledge
stations. The Company sells to all significant chains of fuel
and experience of sales experts and technologists from
stations in Poland, for instance: Orlen, Lotos, BP, Statoil,
B2B department, the Maspex Wadowice Group offers
Shell, Arge, Lukoil and individual fuel stations that are not
the products of highest quality standards.
associated in chains. It delivers them its main brands,
such as Tymbark, Kubuś, Caprio and Tiger.
Vending – modern form of sales through selling
machines. The Company’s offer is directed both to Vending
Operators and individual customers of vending services.
Operators are offered the highest quality specialist products
for selling machines that sell drinks based on such brands
like DecoMorreno chocolate drinks, Coffeeta, Ekland tea,
Pastella soups.
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Social Activities
For the twenty years of its history the Maspex Wadowice
Group has always been present in the life of local communities,
it has actively supported initiatives and activities for children
and youth in field of charity, development of culture, education
and sports. Moreover, the Company runs countrywide social
programmes for children to promote healthy lifestyle,
every day environmental protection and security of the youngest
ones on their way to school, at home and at school.
Almost 2.5 million of children have participated
in the programmes altogether.
Educational programme
“5 servings of vegetables, fruit or juice” and
Since 2007 Tymbark company actively educates people
The main aim of Tymbark’s activities is to
on healthy diet based on eating 5 servings of vegetables,
encourage consumers to add vegetables, fruit
fruit or juice every day. Together with the National Union
and juices to their diets. It promotes eating
of Juice Producers the Company arranges wide-scope
5 servings of vegetable, fruit and juice every day
activities for consumers and an educational programme
and informs what is one such serving and that juice
for children, which aim is to create proper eating habits
may be one such serving during a day.
within the scope of a global initiative that promotes
eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day.
Another pillar of the promotion of this
A few hundred thousand pupils from all over Poland
idea is a social campaign entitled “5 servings
participated in a few editions of the programme addressed
of vegetables, fruit or juice” accomplished
to schools. The scope of the programme covers pupils,
in Poland and Romania. The campaign is organised
their parents and teachers and school headmasters.
by the National Union of Juice Producers,
Each time the programme obtains content-
but financed not only from the Fruit and Vegetable
related patronage of expert institutions,
Promotional Fund, but also with EU funds and
for instance the Food and Nutrition Institute
Tymbark company. Such types of activities promote no
(IZZ), a national independent scientific institution,
brands. The programme is executed in both countries
the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of
in 2012-2014 and it will include a number of activities,
Agriculture and Rural Development, Local Education
for instance a TV, press and Internet campaign, PR and
Authorities and the Chief Sanitary Inspector.
BTL activities.
Tymbark encourages people to add vegetables, fruit and juice to one’s diet.
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Educational programme
“Kubuś’s Friends of Nature”
Kindergartens that enrol to the programme are
provided with unique educational materials and gifts:
The Kubuś’ Friends of Nature programme
books for teachers, books and gifts for children,
is one of the biggest countrywide educational
CD-ROMS with stories, songs and additional materials
programmes for kindergartens organised
and a Certificate confirming the title of “A Kubuś
by Kubuś brand. The aim of the program is to
Friend of Nature”.
encourage preschool pupils all over Poland to become
involved in environmental protection. The main task
The programme is very popular among
for the young participants is to prepare a variety
kindergartens every year. Until now 1 000 000
of ecological projects, including planting a garden,
children have taken part in the program.
organizing environmental and ecological expeditions
and activities on the Carrot Day, the First Day of Spring,
TVN station is the partner of the action, while
art competitions and presentations for parents,
media patronage is provided by 3rd State Radio
as well as many other ecological activities.
Station, and
Kubuś encourages preschool pupils to take care for natural environment.
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Football Tournament
“From the backyard to the
Stadium for the Tymbark CUP”
- The Polish Football Championship
For Under 10s
The Tournament is sponsored by Tymbark
and organised by the Polish Football Association,
the Ministry of National Education and the
Ministry of Sport and Tourism.
Matches during the Tournament are organised
all over Poland at many stages and they end with
the Final Match which winner is the Champion
of Poland – the best boys’ and girls’ teams in Poland.
The tournament “From the Backyard to the Stadium
The Tournament is characterised by great
for the Tymbark Cup” is the largest Polish football
emotions and exceptional main prize: the Tymbark
tournament for girls and boys under 10. It is the official
Cup, title of the Champions of Poland and a trip
Polish Championship U-10.
to one of the biggest stadiums of Europe and of the
world, such as the Camp Nou, Wembley, Santiago
The main idea of the tournament is to activate
Bernabeu, San Siro or the Amsterdam Arena. The
and educate children through sport, as well as discover
winners of Tymbark Cup 2013 will watch England-
the biggest football talents and personalities.
Poland match at the legendary Wembley stadium.
Several thousands of children participate in the
together with the Tournament, the winners
all over Poland participated in the Tournament and more
of voivodeship finals could fulfil their dreams
than 330,000 young football players from almost 28 000
and meet with members of national teams playing
teams have already participated in all the competitions.
at 2012 UEFA Championship.
Tymbark fulfils children’s dreams
– in the Tymbark Cup Tournament
every child may experience real football
emotions and feel like a world
football star.
Thanks to exceptional „Flag Action” organised
tournament every year. In 2012 over 140 000 children from
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Young players had a chance to give their national
flags with signatures of participants of voivodeship
finals to such football stars like: Ronaldo, Iniesta,
Casillas, Balotelli or Lewandowski.
Educational Programme
Puchatek Bear Safety Club
“Puchatek Bear Safety Club” is the largest in Poland
600 000 children have already participated
educational program that targets first grade primary-
in the programme. Its aim is to teach children about
school children all over Poland. The program is organised
safety and improve safety of children who start
by Puchatek brand in cooperation with the Department
school education. The programme points out to
of Juveniles, Pathology and Crime Prevention in the Crime
potential threats, makes children and their parents
Prevention Office of the National Police Headquarters and
aware of consequences of dangerous situations at
the Accident Prevention Department in the Road Traffic Office
home, at school and on the way to and from school.
of the National Police Headquarters.
The honorary patron is the Polish Police Chief
Every participating school received specially
Commander and Local Education Authorities while the
prepared safety-related educational materials and films
media patronage is ensured by TVN station, 3rd State
prepared by methodologists, on the basis of which
radio Station, and
classes on safety are conducted, and a certificate
confirming their membership of the Puchatek Bear
Safety Club.
The programme included also Countrywide Test
of Knowledge about Safety. It was the first initiative
of such type in Poland, during which it was possible
to check knowledge about security of several
thousands of children.
Puchatek educates the youngest ones how
to get safely to school, how to avoid
dangerous situation and where
to go for help, if they feel unsure.
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Social and promotional programme
“Grain on the plate of health”
The main principle of correctly composed
diet is variability, since every group of products
plays different function and all groups
In the social campaign entitled “Grain on
supplement each other.
the Plate of Health” conducted together with
Among the most important products listed on
the Polish Federation of Food Producers,
the Plate of Health one may find grain products –
Lubella educates about the function of grain
pasta, flour, groats and cereals. Pertaining
products in every day diet.
to the recommendations of the Food and
Nutrition Institute they should serve as the
“Grain on the Plate of Health” is a social
action initiated to care for correct eating habits
main source of energy for people and should be
included in every meal of a day.
of Poles.
The leading Polish experts on food and
nutrition worked out the “Plate of Health”
that presents correct proportions of various
nutritive products.
Lubella educates about the role
of grain products in every day diet
and proper eating habits that
are essential to ensure proper
functioning of a body.
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“Partnership for Health” Milky Start
“Partnership for Health” is a platform
for cooperation of four partners: the Mother
and Child Institute and companies:
high quality at a moderate price, so it may be
Danone, Biedronka and Lubella. It is an
available for every family. “Milky Start” is the
exceptional initiative on the Polish market.
first product of its kind available in Europe.
Three commercial companies and the Institute
have launched the initiative to counteract
In 2011 a Grain Sandwich for second
the problem of inappropriate nutrition in Poland
breakfast at school appeared in the market.
and its dramatic health and social consequences.
It is another step to solve to problem
The aim of the Partnership for Health is to
of malnourishment of Polish children.
raise awareness about importance of the right
Since 2011 “The Partnership for Health”
nutrition that is necessary for correct physical
has been organising a programme entitled
and intellectual development of children, as well
“Breakfast Gives Power” that is addressed
as counteracting the effects of malnourishment
to 1-3 grade primary school pupils. It is aimed
of Polish children.
at raising awareness - not only pupils, but also
teachers and parents – about healthy nutrition
The result of the partnership is “Milky
and the role of breakfast in a child’s diet.
Start”, a porridge and milk instant breakfast
created with the aim of giving children
a breakfast that contains a necessary portion
of nutritional ingredients. All Partners
contributed their knowledge and technological
resources to create a product that combines
Lubella help children together
with Danone and Biedronka and
the Mother and Child Institute.
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C o n ta ct
The Maspex Wadowice Group
Legionów 37 Street
34-100 Wadowice
phone: +48 33/ 873 10 80
fax: +48 33/ 873 19 26