PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK - Anaheim Union High School


PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK - Anaheim Union High School
3715 W. Orange Avenue Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 220-4205
Registration dates are based on the first letter of the student’s last name. Students MUST return all registration
documents which will begin in the school cafeteria (you will receive these by mail from the district.) The hours of
registration will be 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. MAKE-UP DAY for registration will be Tuesday,
8/19/14 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 8/13/14
Thursday, 8/14/14 Friday, 8/15/14 Monday, 8/18/14
8 Grade Only
8th Grade Only
7th Grade Only
7th Grade Only
8:00 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
CLOSED 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
CLOSED 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
1:15 – 2: 15 p.m.
get their class Sschedules
on the first
p.m. – will
2:30 p.m.
S - Zday of school, Monday, August 25, 2014.
*If you have any questions about registration, contact Mrs. Mendoza at or call (714) 220-4205.
Vaccines Needed In Order to Register
California law requires a minimum of the following
 Tdap Booster (Pertussis/Whooping Cough)
 4 Polio doses
 5 doses of Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxiod (the
dose must have been given after the age of 2)
 2 Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines (MMR)
both given after the first birthday)
 3 Hepatitis B doses
 1-2 varicella (or physician verification of having
Chicken Pox)
Please be sure that the emergency card is signed by
parents or guardians. List phone; work and cell phone
numbers. Include anyone over the age of 18 that you
trust to assist in the event parents cannot be reached.
Back to School Night
September 17, 2014
5:30 p.m.
School Supplies Available During Registration
Uniform Shirts:
Short sleeve $12 /Sweatshirt $20 and $22
PE uniform: Shirt $10/ Shorts $10/ Lock $5
Student Planner:
$3 donation
PTSA – Parent Teacher Student Association is our parent group
that directly supports activities and provides support for our
programs. Please become a member for only $5. The money
will go directly to serving our Orangeview students.
ASB sticker: $10 (benefits include free admission to all dances
and parties)
Panther Pride Shirts $10 (can be worn every Friday)
Yearbook $35 at registration or $40 after registration
This publication is available in Spanish and Korean
Esta publicación está disponible en español
Open House
March 25, 2015
5:30 p.m.
M, W, TH, F
7:50 a.m.
2:20 p.m.
Tuesdays / LATE START
8:50 a.m.
2:20 p.m.
Teacher Collaboration: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Minimum Day Schedule
7:50 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Please be sure to have all of the required
items below when you go through registration.
Please put them in the order listed below. Each
item with a cost requires a separate check.
Double check address & phone #
❏ Turn in Ticket to Registration
❏ AUHSD Parent-Student Handbook
Signature Page
❏ Turn in Attendance Card
Parent Involvement
❏ PTSA Membership (optional but highly
recommended $5)
❏ Volunteer Form
Free lunch program
❏ Application for Free/Reduced Lunch
Anaheim Achieves – an after school
Book fines will be checked in the library.
All fines must be paid in full
Health Office Information
Students must have Tdap immunization.
❏ Student Health Inventory
School uniform shirts $12 each (cash, checks
and credit cards accepted)
Sweatshirts are available for $20 and $22
P.E. Uniforms and locks
Shirts $10
Shorts $10/ Locks $5
ASB Sticker/Yearbook/Planners
ASB Sticker - $10; Yearbook-$35
Agenda Planners-$3.00 donation
Pictures – Aug. 28th and Aug. 29th
Schedules-1st day of school
Policies and Procedures
We ask that a parent calls the attendance
office before 10:30 a.m. at 220-4206 on the
first day of a student’s absence and every day
thereafter until the student returns to school. If
we do not receive a phone call, our automatic
home calling machine will call your home
stating that your child has missed one or more
classes during the day. If the absence is not
verified by a phone call, please send a note on
the day the student returns to school that
includes: reason for absence, phone number
where parent may be reached, signature of
parent/guardian, and date of the absence. The
student must take the note to the attendance
office before school.
If these absences are not cleared up by the
morning your student returns from their
absence, your student will be marked truant
and will be issued a detention.
Valid Absences include genuine illness, family
funeral, medical or dental appointments,
religious holidays and court appearances.
Students will be allowed to complete
assignments and tests administered during their
absence if their absence is valid.
After a total of 3 consecutive absences,
students will be required to bring a doctor’s
note for the 3 days missed and each
successive absence.
Attending school is one of the most important
factors for academic success. Please schedule
all doctor and dental appointments before or
after school. If this is not possible, please
make sure that your student attends as much of
the school day as possible.
Address/Phone Number Changes
In the event of an emergency, we want to
be able to contact parents. You must let the
registrar (in the main office) know if your
address or any of your phone numbers
change, or if you have additional emergency
contact individuals.
Illness/Release From School
In the event that a student becomes ill at
school, parents will be notified and requested
to pick up their child. Students who have to
leave campus during the school day or must
miss a day due to a doctor or dental
appointment must bring a note signed by the
doctor or dentist to the office when they return
to school. Students who become ill during the
day must request to go to the health office to
call home. Students may not call home on their
cell phones from school to report an illness.
We will only release a student to people listed
on your student’s attendance card with photo
identification. When a student is picked up from
school, the parent must come in to the
attendance office with a photo ID to sign their
student out. Please keep your attendance card
phone numbers and address updated so we
can reach you or someone you trust if needed.
ID Cards
Students must have their student ID card with
them at all times. If a student loses their ID card,
they may get a replacement in the main office.
Replacement cost: $5
The ID card will be used for lunch, library,
computer lab, dances, and identity. Students
MUST have their ID card to go through the
lunch line.
Bicycle and skateboard safety and security are
a problem at and near the school. Students
who ride their bicycle or skateboards to school
should have them licensed by the city, place them
in the designated area, use a heavy duty lock to
secure them and be sure to wear a helmet. It is a
law for minors to wear a helmet while riding a
bicycle or skateboard. For safety reasons,
students are not to ride their bicycle or
skateboards on campus. We do our best to
monitor bicycles in the bike rack, but keep
in mind that the school cannot guarantee
the security of the bicycles and skateboards.
Cell Phones/Electronics
Students may bring cell phones to school, but
they are to be kept in their backpack out of
sight and turned off throughout the school
day (including before school & lunchtime).
Students may use their cell phones after
school. If a parent needs to contact a student
in the case of an emergency during school
hours, they must call the main office at
(714) 220-4205 and the student will be
contacted. Students must make after school
arrangements with their family before school.
We also have an office phone that students may
If a student has a phone or an electronic device
visible at school, it will be confiscated and
returned only to the parent/guardian and a
detention will be issued.
Electronic devices are
the most lost, stolen
and broken items belonging to students.
players, ipods are not permitted.
Orangeview Junior High School is NOT
responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.
We will NOT INVESTIGATE the theft
these items for students who bring these
items to school. The district will not
reimburse for lost or stolen ipods or other
electronic devices even if they are
Lost and Found
Lost and found items are taken to the office.
Periodically, we donate the lost and found to
local shelters. If you lose something, please be
sure to check with the office immediately.
Student Pick-Up
Students MUST be picked up from
school/leave campus no later than 2:40 p.m.
unless they are participating in a school
sponsored activity. Due to Homework Club,
tutoring, and after school classes, we will not
be able to page students to the office after
school. Please make arrangements regarding
when and where pick-up after school will take
place. Be sure to let your parent know if you
are staying after school for any reason.
Students may use the office phone to contact
their parents. Students may not return to
campus after leaving at the end of the school
day (unless they are returning for a school
sponsored evening event). Anaheim
Achieves- sign up for an
After school program
Closed Campus
Orangeview is a closed campus. This means that visitors must check in at
the main office for permission to be on school grounds and wear a visitor’s
pass. We encourage spectators for sporting competitions and school
performances. Spectators are not allowed on campus to watch practices.
ARC Academic Recovery Center Students who do not complete
homework can be assigned ARC after school. They will be released when
they are finished or up until 3:30 p.m. Students that need more help with
learning or those that score low on tests will also be re-taught during ARC.
Eligibility - Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA during the prior
grading period to be on the tournament teams.
Season #1 Season #2 Season #3 Season #4 -
Flag Football, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball, Girls Tennis, Girls Soccer
Boys & Girls Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls Track, Boys Volleyball, Girls Softball
Getting Involved On Campus
In addition to athletics and elective classes, students may participate in
many others activities. Orangeview offers a number of clubs and
organizations for students to be involved with. Some of the clubs include:
Academic Pentathlon, Art Club, Backpack Rescue, Counselor Career
Club, Drama Club, Ecology Club, Flashback Videos, Manga, Newspaper,
OV Cares and Writer’s club. (Club offerings change each year.) We
encourage you to join a club or start your own with a teacher advisor.
Recommended School Materials
Students are required to have the school provided student planner
and their ID card with them at all times. The school recommends that each
student comes to school with paper, a pencil, pens and a 2inch 3-ring
binder with 8 labeled dividers with them daily in a backpack. Students
may not draw on their student planner, backpack or 3-ring binder.
Students may not have any graffiti monikers in their possession.
Students are required to follow the Orangeview Junior High School PE
Dress Code during PE classes. This consists of two options:
Option #1 - For your convenience, Orangeview Logo Gear may be
purchased during registration.
• Shirt - $10 – Orangeview Junior High light gray t-shirt
• Shorts - $10 – Blue Orangeview athletic shorts
• Lock - $5 - A school issued lock which can be opened by the teacher
in the event the combination is forgotten.
Option #2 - Purchased by parent at store of choice.
• Shirt - A light gray t-shirt with no logos (the teacher will
write the students name).
• Shorts - Solid Blue athletic shorts with no pockets. Shorts must be
NO SHORTER than a 7”inseam and NO LONGER than a 9” inseam.
• Lock - A lock is required in order to secure valuables during PE.
School personnel are unable to assist with personal locks.
Students must bring tennis shoes and socks from home to wear
during PE. Shoes must be securely tied during PE. Untied or loosely tied
shoes are not allowed due to the risk of injury. All clothing must be
appropriately marked with the student’s name.
Students are responsible for all textbooks issued to them by the school
district. Textbooks must be returned in good condition when the course is
completed or the student moves. Lost, stolen, or misplaced textbooks
must be paid for by the student. If they are later found, the replacement
cost is refunded. The average textbook costs $75.
The Anaheim Union High School District has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy
regarding drugs, alcohol and weapons.
A pupil may be suspended from school, transferred or recommended for
expulsion if it is determined that the pupil has brought one of the following to
school: drugs or alcohol, weapons of any kind (even toys), or explosives
(fireworks). Additionally, students may be suspended from school or
recommended for expulsion if students commit sexual harassment,
harassment, assault, bullying, vandalism and/or any other Class 1
infraction listed in the AUHSD handbook.
We believe all of our students can behave appropriately at school. We will
not tolerate student behavior that interferes with teaching or learning.
Students who behave will:
Experience the satisfaction of learning
Earn teacher and administrator recognition
Qualify for opportunities for special awards
In order to guarantee you and all the students in our classrooms the
excellent learning climate they deserve, we are utilizing the following plan:
1. Be seated in assigned area with classroom materials when the tardy
bell rings.
2. Avoid any behavior that is disruptive to classroom procedures.
3. Follow directions and cooperate.
4. Respect self and other persons and property.
If a student chooses to disrupt class by breaking a rule during the class
period they will be subject to the discipline plan process as follows:
Behavioral Incidents/Infractions:
Level 1: Breaking of classroom/school rules (i.e. gum, not
following directions) Teacher consequence parent contact.
Level 2: Behavioral Issues (i.e. disruptions, defiance, rudeness)
Level 3: Referrals (i.e. continuous unacceptable behavior OR a
grievous act)
Orangeview Junior High follows a Progressive Discipline Policy.
Consequences that may be utilized for discipline include:
Teacher phone contact and teacher assigned consequences
• Administrative contact and/or parent meeting
• Detentions
• Opportunity (time out from a class period)
• Period suspensions
• On Campus Suspensions
• Behavior contract
• Off campus suspensions
• Community service
• Possible transfer or recommendation for expulsion (if warranted)
Tardy Policy
A part of being successful at Orangeveiw Junior High is arriving at
school early. Students are expected to be in their seats by 7:50 a.m.,
but we encourage students to arrive early. Students who arrive at 7:30 a.m.
have the opportunity to prepare more effectively for school by:
• Having breakfast in the quad
• Asking teachers for help on schoolwork
• Checking out books or studying in the library
• Coming to class early and preparing for their day
• Using a computer in their favorite teacher’s classroom, if available
• Seeing their friends and socializing
• Helping or being helped by friends with school work
• Asking the Counselor questions about school and their future
• Building a successful pattern of success for high school, college and
their future career
Morning Tardies on the other hand take away from a student’s
opportunity of starting the day off on the right foot and disrupts the
learning process for other students who are in their classrooms.
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to ensure your student arrives
at Orangeview Junior High School Early. 7:30 a.m. is a good time to start
the day at Orangeview Junior High School. Together, we can achieve more!
Students must be in their seat when the bell rings or they are
considered tardy.
# of tardies for 1st period
A phone call home and a detention
Administrative conference with parent/
guardian and referral for defiance. Student
and parent can also be referred to the
District Attorney’s office for continued
Any tardy over 30 minutes will be considered a period truancy.
Retain this handbook. You will receive additional registration information by mail from the school relating to topics discussed in this publication.
The Anaheim Union High School District is pleased to provide a service that will enhance school-to-home communication. The district is currently using
a student information system called Aeries. Aeries will provide you with secure access to your child's school information via the Internet. Through the
Aeries portal, you will be able to view your child's:
• Attendance and disciplinary records
• Teachers' email addresses
• Course schedules
• Grades
• Transcripts
• State test results
• Assignments
• Immunization record
Student data is updated in real time. No one can alter permanent records through this application, because the information posted is merely a copy of
the actual information. It is our sincere hope that you will find this information valuable in promoting your child's education. Please see the Aeries Parent Portal
on our school’s website to access your child’s information. Instructions on how to use Aeries Parent Portal can also be found on the district website. Orangeview
Junior High school will also have workshops to providing training on the Parent Portal for all individuals interested.
Orangeview Junior High School
2014 - 2015 Academic Attire Policy Guide
Students are expected to make responsible choices in grooming and dress so that the education process will not be disrupted. While on campus, or at
any school-sponsored event, students and guests shall be dressed and groomed in a manner which reflects good taste and decency, and will not
interfere with the educational environment, instructional program, general morale, or image of the school. All dress must be modest, neat, clean and
consistent with legal provisions.
Orangeview is a uniform school in order to promote school safety, school pride and academic success.
1. Uniform shirts - Students must wear ana blue, white, black unaltered polo shirt. All shirts must be size appropriate (not too short where the stomach might
show when arms are raised and not longer than 4” below the hip bone) . For your convenience, the school sells polo shirts meeting the dress code
requirement for $12 each at registration. Shirts may be purchased at registration (with a credit card, cash or check), in the main office (cash), or online
at (credit card). You may but are not required to purchase the shirt from the school.
2. Pants/Shorts/Skirts - Are to be in solid colors, plaid or floral (no camouflage and no logos or designs larger than the Orangeview uniform shirt logo or small
logos all over). Jeans are acceptable. They must be of an appropriate size and length, and they must fit at the waist and cro tch (within one size of
student’s actual waist and inseam measurement). They must be worn at the waistline. Pants, shorts and skirts must be hemmed (not frayed, slit at
the seams, stapled, taped, tied or rubberbanded) and may not have any holes or tears. Athletic/sweat shorts/pants are not to be worn (except during PE).
Skirts and shorts must be at least 6 inches above the kneecap in length. Pants, shorts or skirts which are too tight, revealing, or which allow
underclothing to show are not allowed.
3. Outerwear - An Orangeview sweatshirt with a OV logo is available for purchase. Non-uniform outerwear (long-sleeved sweater, sweatshirt or jacket) will be
allowed if it is appropriately sized and has no logos or designs (larger than the logo on the polo shirts and no small logos/pattern all over). A uniform
shirt must be worn underneath any outerwear including Orangeview sweatshirts. Students may not wear their hoods up on their heads. No Pendleton style shirts.
**Exception - Thursday is College Day. Students may wear a college shirt or sweatshirt or a shirt and a tie on Thursdays. Friday is “Spirit Shirt Day”.
Students may wear a Orangeview spirit shirt.
4. Shoes/Socks - Students will wear athletic shoes or low cut leather shoes. No steel toed or heavy boots, open toed or open heeled sandals, no flip-flops
or slippers are allowed. Socks may not be worn higher than the bottom of the calf.
5. Accessories - Items that are considered dangerous or a distraction may not be worn. No wallet chains may be worn. Hairstyles that are distracting to
the learning process are not allowed (style, color). Facial piercings are not allowed (other than ear piercings or piercings for religious reasons). Earrings
must be the size of a nickel or smaller and may not resemble a spike or nail. Belt buckles must be plain with no initials on them and may not be oversized.
Belts must be the appropriate length for student waist size and the belt must be kept in the belt loops. Metal belts or belts with metallic studs are not
acceptable. Students may not wear gloves. Students may not write on themselves or their clothing. Students may not wear stickers.
6. Hats, Beanies, and bandanas – are not to be worn on campus. No head coverings unless for religious or verified medical reasons.
Academic Attire Infraction Policy
Orangeview is a uniform school. Students must adhere to the academic attire policy. Students who violate the Academic Attire Policy will be required to
comply with the policy by changing into appropriate attire or removing inappropriate attire.
# of academic attire infractions
Warning/ Detention
A phone call home to parent/guardian
Administrative conference with student and parent
Students that do not follow dress code/academic
attire policy are subject to discipline for defiance.
Please sign and return
Students must follow Orangeview’s policies from the moment they step onto campus until they arrive home after being released from
school. *Please check the AUHSD Handbook for additional policies. You will find detailed school policies on our website.
_______________________________________________________ ______________
(PRINT) Student’s Last Name
Student’s First Name
I have read and discussed Orangeview’s policies with my son/daughter. I understand that no student may register until this verification is signed and
returned to Orangeview Junior High School. I understand that all policies are subject to change as deemed necessary by administration.
Parent Signature
_______________________________________________________ ______________
Student Signature