Principal`s Report - Greenvale Primary School
Principal`s Report - Greenvale Primary School
Thursday, 20 December 2012 IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR School Website: DECEMBER Thursday 20th Friday 21st Grade 6 Graduation Night from 6:30pm Last day of school for 2012 Whole School Assembly 1:15pm Dismissal for all students 1:30pm OSHClub After School Care will be open from 1:30pm JANUARY 2013 Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Pupil Free Day – Teachers return First day for all students FEBRUARY Friday 1st Book Pack Collection 9:00am – 1:00pm MARCH Tuesday 12th Pupil Free Day – Students do not attend school on this day Greenvale Primary School - Follow us @Greenvale_PS Principal’s Report Glenn Payne End of Year Dismissal Time: All students will be dismissed at 1:30pm this Friday and therefore do not require lunch on this day. Students not collected by 1:45pm will be sent to the Aftercare Program and parents will be charged a fee for service. Please contact the school if you are not able to collect your child on time. Please note that if the weather is suitable we will hold a whole school assembly at 1:15pm in order to recognise the Grade 6 Graduation Award winners and a farewell to all for the holidays. Parents are encouraged to come along and participate in this event. Staffing 2013: Mrs Trevaskis and Mrs Mirenda will continue to be on leave during next year. We also thank Ms Marcucci, Mrs Mandikos, Mrs Schembri and Mrs Tsourdalakis for their work in supporting our various programs as replacement teachers throughout the year. Re-appointed for next year are Mr Symons, Miss Law, Miss Young, Miss Nelson, Mr McGinniskin and Mr Kerby. Mrs Stevenson has been appointed to an on-going position from 2013; congratulations are extended to her. We welcome back from extended leave Mrs Rachel Cauchi and Mrs Michelle Dodd. Rachel will be working one day per week supporting the release of our leaders, while Michelle will teach in the grade 3 team. During February Mrs Symons will replace Mrs Dodd on Fridays to allow her to be part of her child’s first year of schooling at Gisborne Primary School. As you may be aware, Mrs Symons will be taking Family Leave at the end of term one. Mrs Handke will reduce her time fraction to 0.4 working three mornings per week to manage our Reading Intervention program. Grade Placements 2013: By now you will all be aware of your children’s grade for 2013. All students were very excited to meet their new teacher and classmates on Tuesday with everyone reporting very settled and happy students. At this stage we have 106 Preps enrolled which provides for five classes. New to grade Prep in 2013 are Mrs Kalolo, Ms Ranieri and Mrs Kroger. Mrs White and Miss Lang have moved to grade 3, Miss Young and Miss Law to grade 4, Mrs Johnson to grade 6, Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Bottomley to Grade 1 and Miss Nelson to grade 2. Holiday Time: A big thank-you is extended to all staff for their great work throughout the year. They all deserve a well-earned break and an opportunity to re-charge their batteries in readiness for 2013. The teaching profession is certainly an extremely difficult and demanding career and requires a commitment far beyond the four walls of the classroom. The task of guiding students through the learning process and encouraging them to reach to higher levels is the reward that gives us the passion to continue to devote enormous hours to support the students. The work of our Administration Staff, Integration Aides, Library and Computer Technicians, and Uniform Shop co-ordinator is greatly appreciated. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding work of Assistant Principal, Mrs Greig-Hancock, who has lead our school through many improvements to how we plan and teach and how students learn. Her expertise is second to none and has made a significant impact on the professional development of all staff and the on-going progress of the students. A special mention to the many parent helpers who have devoted numerous hours and energy providing input in to the various facets of school life. We have parents involved in our School Council lead by Craig Geddes, classroom helpers, excursions and camps, Graduation, working bees, fundraising activities, uniform shop etc. Without this assistance our school would not enjoy the great reputation it holds both within and beyond the community. We look forward to continuing and strengthening the partnership with our parent community during next year and beyond. A special mention to Mary, our Canteen Manager, who has supported our school in many ways throughout the year. It certainly has been another very busy year full of fantastic school activities. A number of highlights for 2012 include, Family Fun Night, Art Show, Christmas End of Year Concert and raffle, development of the grounds including new canteen seating and garden beds, outdoor games painted on the asphalt, external lighting near the canteen and air conditioning for the new building. Many activities were held including Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, Preps blokes’ breakfast, Grade 5 Bake Off, school camps for grades 3-6 and heaps of excursions including the Grade 5 and 6 Swimming Carnival. The introduction of a 1:1 netbook program for grade 4 students was very successful and will continue to expand into grades 5 and 6 over the next two years. We held our first whole school Bully Busters program which unpacked the misunderstandings surrounding bullying and defining what bullying is and how to deal with it. All staff and students were involved in this as well as many parents who chose to undertake the training. The students at Greenvale Primary School deserve recognition for the way in which they manage themselves in what is a relatively large school. They all deserve a chance to relax over the holidays, catch up with friends and spend some time with their families over the summer break. We wish our Grade 6 students all the very best as they move on to new challenges at secondary school. I’m sure they are all both excited and a little anxious about the change in their lives. We know our school has provided them with a great foundation on which to build in order to pursue their dreams and goals. Most importantly they should aim to become model citizens as encompassed in our school values of Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Resilience and Learning. End of Year Christmas Concert: What a great way to end the year with our Christmas Concert. Congratulations to Performing Arts teacher, Heather Foletta and staff for organising and assisting with this event. We estimated that nearly 300 students and their families were in attendance enjoying the great weather and entertainment. A big thank-you is extended to the many families who contributed to the Major Raffle. Again our wonderful Parents Events committee lead by Nikki Mezo who assisted with organising this end of year activity giving up many hours of their own time to prepare the tickets and organise the prizes and barbeque. We acknowledge the generous donations for the raffle of the following members of our community: st 1 Prize Stainless Steel Microwave with combination Grill by Technika Donated by: The Herath Family 2nd Prize 21.5 TEAC LCD Television Donated by: Chris Howitt-Mortgage Choice 3rd Prize Dorf Arona Sink Mixer-GWA Bathrooms & Kitchens Donated by: The Ball Family 4th Prize Tupperware Hamper Donated by: School Community Tupperware Party 5th Prize Tennis Hot Shot Pack plus Tennis Lessons Donated by: Tim Connelly-Complete Tennis 6th Prize Coffee Machine Donated by: The Marshall Family-Country Pet Resort 7th Prize $100 Coles Voucher Donated by: Mary Spiteri-School Canteen Manager 8th Prize One month membership at Contours Greenvale Donated by: Contours-Greenvale Shopping Centre 9th Prize 5 free sessions at our Before & After School Care Donated by: OSHClub-Greenvale Primary School Sponsors Support: This year we had many sponsors support our school in many of our fundraising events. You will find most of them on the back of our school newsletter. Local businesses Harrison Parker Real Estate and Coles are acknowledged for their own going support throughout the year. Graduation Grade 6: Our Grade 6 students and their families are looking forward to their Graduation tonight; it promises to be a great night of awards and entertainment. As our Grade 6 students near the end of their primary school years I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the very best for their future. We believe our school has provided them with a high quality education which has prepared these students to face the many challenges they will encounter. Their parents are also to be congratulated on assisting us to develop the learning potential of all students. School Captains 2013: A special part of this week’s Monday assembly was the ‘handing over’ of the reigns to our 2013 school captains. The new School Captains and Vice Captains for 2013 are Angelique Mendes, Raveen Herath Mudiyanselage, Melanie Mifsud and Callum Geddes. Both Mrs Hancock and myself look forward to working closely with the new captains including all of their advice on how to run the school! This year’s captains have done a magnificent job with regular meetings and discussions about improving our school and organising and taking the Monday assemblies. A big thank-you to current School Captains and Vice Captains Kathryn Sayers, Christian Pikos, Julia Cartwright and Jarren Andraos as they make the exciting move to Secondary College. I’m sure they will seek to be involved in further leadership opportunities at their new schools. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to meeting again in 2013. Assistant Principal Jane Greig-Hancock Well what a year we have had, there has been some tremendous learning opportunities for both student s and staff across the year with our focus on the NMR Powerful Learning and Curiosity Strategy. The teachers have worked collaboratively in teams to deliver consistent and engaging programs that relate directly to the needs of the students. One of the most significant changes we made as a staff this year was the way that we work in teams to create our planning documentation across the school. We developed a planning narrative that outlines the how and what of teaching, this has had a huge impact on what we teach and how we teach it. Preparations and planning for 2013 has been happening over the last 2 weeks with new teams meeting last week to formulate their term and weekly planners in the key areas of Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry. As a school we have decided to use the Aus VELS and this has meant that some of our History and Science units have required a fair bit of tweaking and for next year there may be an overlap of topics for some year levels. In 2013 we are required to report against AusVELS in the areas of English, Mathematics, History and Science. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers for their work across the year in developing programs that really target student learning. I would also like to wish all families a safe and relaxing holiday season and look forward to another great year of learning in 2013 at Greenvale Primary School. The Great Bake Off! Robyn Johnson – Grade 5 Team Leader After a weekend of baking, the grade 5 students gathered in their classrooms setting up tables and displays advertising their freshly baked produce. As their anticipation began to bubble over, they opened the doors to the little expectant faces of our prep students who cautiously entered the market place totally in awe of the sugar infused goodies. The Bake Off started quietly but quickly escalated into what resembled the Victoria Market on a Saturday morning. Students began spruiking their products, offering discounts, free try before you buy offers. The marketing ploys were amazing, a buzz was in the air; money was exchanging hands quicker than a cup cake being devoured. By lunch time stalls had ‘sold out’ and were packing up for the day. The afternoon was spent cleaning up and counting money. It is with great pleasure we announce grade 5KD & 5BM raised a total of $450.00. This money is being donated to the Cancer Council. Grade 5DS & 5RJ raised a total of $465.55 which is being donated to The Orang-utan Project. The Grade 5 Cohort thanks all parents who assisted our students in the kitchen. We also thank everyone who visited our rooms and purchased something from the Big Bake Off. Without a doubt, the Grade 5 Students have developed an understanding of and investigated the links between production, distribution and consumption and how money management and work choices impacts life. COMMUNITY NEWS Community Advertising Section Matt Cusack Franchisee & Personal Trainer Step into Life ® Craigieburn T (03) 8339 7746| M 0417 722 113 E | W Highgate Recreation Reserve, Grand Boulevard, Craigieburn Extensive range of children’s clothing, footwear & accessories (Newborn – Size 14) Labels incl: Lonsdale, Fred Bare, Mossimo, Lost Girls, Guess, Levis, MTK, Chino, Rock Your Baby, Pure Baby, Eco boo, Bardot Jnr (coming soon)… Shop 40 Shop G096a Gladstone Park Shopping Centre Broadmeadows Shopping Centre Gladstone Park VIC 3043 Broadmeadows VIC 3042 Ph: 03 9330 3866 Ph: 03 9302 4144 b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s + a r t & c r a f t w o r ks h o p s + holiday programs B i r t h d a y p a r t i e s f r o m $ 1 0 p e r c h i l d . S u i t a b l e f o r c h i l d r en a g e d 3 - 1 2 ye a r s . H e l d a t o u r s t u d i o i n G r e en v a l e o r K r a f t y Ka t s c a n c o m e t o yo u . A r t & C r a f t Wo r ks h o p s h e l d w e e k l y o n M o n d a y s a n d m o n t h l y o n a Fr i d a y. C l a s s e s $ 1 2 p e r c h i l d , h e l d a t o u r s t u d i o i n Gr ee n v a l e . S u i t a b l e f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 5 - 1 2 ye a r s . Fo r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s o r t o r e c ei v e e m a i l s o n o u r w o r k s h o p s , p l ea s e c o n t a c t M i c h e l l e Wh i t e 0 4 0 9 0 5 6 5 8 9 o r v i s i t ww w . k r a f t y k a t s . c o m . a u Montessori Marvels Preschool Greenvale Located in the Original Historic Greenvale Primary School at Somerton Road and Section Road Educational Focus based on Montessori Principals and Early Education Philosophies • Early Learner Program for 2 year olds, 4 hours weekly • Preschool Mixed Class 3 & 4 Year Olds, 9 – 15 hours weekly Come for an observation and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the potential for your child to learn in this environment! For further information call 0411 339 991 The above sponsors are not endorsed by the Greenvale Primary School
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