to the file


to the file
Volume 34, Issue 1
January 2016
Crossport is a social support organization serving transgender individuals,
including partners, families, friends, and other allies, in the Greater Cincinnati area, since 1985
CINCINNATI - One year ago, 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn took her own life, bringing the fight for
transgender teens – the fight to "fix society," as she put it - to the national forefront. Kristen Swilley, WCPO
Now, other transgender persons have taken up the cause.
"We're still absolutely heartbroken," Callie Wright said Monday to open a gathering of transgender persons at the Woodward
Theater. They weren't just marking the anniversary, though. They were picking up the torch.
Emergency housing, access to medical care, drug and alcohol treatment and job training are just a few of the things the trans
community is asking for.
And they agreed they have made some progress.
"Most of all, what we are experiencing now is a willingness of the citizens of the City of Cincinnati to look at us as human beings," Lindsey Deaton said.
The trans clinic at Cincinnati Children's Hospital reports clinic numbers have almost tripled since Leelah's death. They have added services, and a monthly support group 90 people strong.
Then there's the ban on conversion therapy , which seeks to prevent other trans teens from having the same troubling experience Leelah did before she took her life. It passed city council with sponsorship from council member Chris Seelbach.
Conversion therapy is a controversial treatment for gay people. Proponents believe that it can make gay people straight. Now,
the city will fine anyone who performs the therapy $200 per day.
On Dec. 28, 2014, Leelah walked into traffic along Interstate 71 in Warren County and was struck by a truck.
A few days following the teen’s death, an alleged suicide note surfaced on the Internet in which she described experiencing isolation and depression once she identified herself as transgender two years prior.
Leelah's death has made issues surrounding transgender identities and teen suicide topics of conversation and reflection in the
Tri-State in the months since.
Nearly a year later, friends and supporters worked with the Adopt-a-Highway program to adopt the stretch of freeway near
Kings Mill where her body was found.
Wright hopes the awareness doesn't fade when the day ends.
"We grieve and mourn the loss, but this is for those still here. We need to show those still here before they end up in the news,
before they become hashtags and memes ... Trans youth need to know that their lives matter while they're still living them,"
Wright said.
January 2016
Another year behind us, and still so
many goals to accomplish. The 2016 year
for Crossport promises to be filled with
many fun ways to share information,
beauty tips, family stories and yes, even
political insights.
new venues. She plans to network with
other regional cities, inviting other
groups to visit our events, and road trips
to theirs. Plus, we’re continuing our First
Friday’s, Music Munch & dancing.
We have a thought provoking article
from our own Laura Ann Weaver on the
topic of regional and national politics and
helping the first gender representative
achieve her place in Congress! Please
consider participating!
I encourage everyone to read the
articles this month, especially. Tina has
shared with us her very personal story of
discovering her true self.
It’s an important message, that touched my deepest spirit. Thank you Tina for your willOur Holiday Party was a blazing
ingness to help others grow!
success! We had attendees from LexingWe have a full calendar of monthly ton to Cleveland. Glamour and fun! Our
activities. Girls Night Out is now being fashion show winner is: MICHAEL! Stunhosted by Jeanne. She has lots of ideas ning in tiara and sash! Proclaimed the
on growing attendance and introducing “best Crossport party, ever!”
This is a CROSSPORT Production,
all rights reserved.
© 2016
InnerView Ad Rates 12 issues
$30.00 per year for business card size ad
BRONZE LEVEL @ $50/YEAR __________
SILVER LEVEL @ $75/YEAR __________ GOLD LEVEL @ $100/YEAR ___________
Here’s the “how to” of it all:
Mail checks to: Crossport, PO BOX 19936, Cincinnati, OH
PayPal:, follow header “Dues”, or
Questions?: Contact Vicky via the hotline @ 513.344.0116
January 2016
A Dominican Village Where Boys Don't Grow Penises Till Age 12
By Wil Fulton Youtube/BBC/NewsBeatSocial
The modest village of Salinas, located in the southwestern portion of the Dominican Republic, appears like any
small Caribbean community. But in spite of it's diminutive population, the seemingly inconsequential town in the
Barahona Province has long captured the fascination of the medical world for one remarkable reason: 1 in 90 children born in Salinas, make a natural transition from female to male during puberty. In short, they suddenly grow
penises at age 12. Yes, seriously.
Referred to as Guevedoces, (literally translating to "penis at age 12"), the plight of these boys was documented in
a recent BBC series, Countdown to Life - the Extraordinary Making of You.
Michael Mosley, the filmmaker who captured the phenomenon, wrote on BBC's website about his encounters
with Johnny, a young guevedoces who recently went through the transition himself: "Like the other Guevedoces,
Johnny was brought up as a girl because he had no visible testes or penis and what appeared to be a vagina. It is
only when he approached puberty that his penis grew and testicles descended," he writes.
Johnny, who was formally known as Felicita, said he remembers being treated as a girl, but also offers that he never felt fully comfortable. Throughout the piece, Mosley meets young Guevedoces who express similar sentiments.
A previous researcher, studying the Guevedoces, determined "they don't have male genitalia when they are born
is because they are deficient in an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which normally converts testosterone into
BBC explains the science behind the phenomenon, but more importantly, the silver lining of the Guevedoces
suffering: their condition could have beneficial implications for men around the world, specifically in limiting certain prostate ailments, and even treating male pattern baldness.
Needless to say, this should be one of the more interesting things you learn about today.
****The Crossport Monthly Social Meeting****
at Mokka, on Thursday, January 21st
As always, it’s the third Thursday of each month, 7:30pm.
500 Monmouth Street, Newport, Kentucky 41017
Lots of street parking , and two adjoining pay parking lots.
For more information on the restaurant, see their website:
January 2016
Facilitator: Vicky B.
Attending: Charlene D., Jill A., Georgia D. Meade via phone (ill)
Old Business:
1. PO Box: Mail was presented by Vicky
A. Ballots collected am of the 29th.
2. Hotline Phone: Vicky has the phone.
3. Membership: Jill
4. Treasurers Report: Vicky
A. Written report dated 12/1/2015 reviewed/discussed/accepted. Bank statement copy attached.
5. Website: Aggi Sands
7. Crossport Email Correspondence: Meade
A. Email current
8. Support groups:
A. Moderator still needed for the CD peer support group. Georgia will fill in.
B. Jeanne F. has agreed to hostess for the “Girls Night Out” events.
C. We will continue with FIRST FRIDAY events, at the Syndicate/Gangsters in Newport
9. Newsletter: Meade
A. December issue was delayed to include the election results. January issue will be out
before the end of December.
Old Business:
1. Elections:
A. Ballots opened, verified eligible with list of paid members.
B. Ballots counted, there were votes for each of the 6 listed candidates. One write in,
C. Election certified as valid:
New Board Members: Vicky B., Georgia D., Jill A., Meade S., Laura Ann W., and
Raya S.
D. Bylaws approved, unanimously.
2. Annual Holiday Party: Jill, Charlene, Meade
A. December 17th, 7pm-11pm @ The Syndicate/Gangsters - reservations going well.
Having problems getting people to pay in advance, yet facility requires us to commit
B. TICKET SALES @ $35/per person, available through December 17th deadline.
3. Letter to membership-draft approved with minor changes, to be sent asap to ALL
urging them to reply with updated info if they wish to stay on our mailing list.
To be sent out on/around January 1st.
January 2016
Let Your Voice Be Heard
The Ohio Democratic Party is holding a vote in Congressional District-1 of the
registered candidates to pick four people from the district who will be delegates to
the Democratic National Convention.
This meeting is being held only in your neighborhood of
Forest Park.
If you are a registered Democrat or independent over 18 years old, I invite you to
attend. Enjoy the democratic process at its grass roots level and pick the candidate
who you want.
Winton Woods Intermediate School
825 Waycross Rd
Forest Park, OH 45240
(near the intersection of Kemper Rd)
January 5, 2016
Doors open 6:00 pm
Starts promptly at 7:00 pm
This meeting is not advertised to the Democrats of your neighborhood but it is
very important. Candidates will be trying to pack the meeting hall to swing the
vote in their direction. I urge you to attend and I need your vote. The choice of
candidate is yours.
Dr. Laura Ann Weaver
This is a paid political announcement from a member of Crossport
I am writing this to all of my siblings...
January 2016
By Tina G.
...Please take the time to read it all, it is a long story. I am sure there will still be questions.
I have had a drinking problem, pretty much since high school. I was able hide it to a
certain extent. I didn’t drink everyday so I justified to myself that it wasn’t that bad. I stopped
from time to time but always started back. Of course, I could not hid this from my wife and
the boys. It got worst as I got older. I knew to not drink much around people, or I would give
myself away, but when alone I would make up for it.
I hit my bottom at Opening Day 2014. I knew I had to quit and I did, cold turkey. Something happened to me later that freed me from my desire to drink, but that is a different story.
I fell into a deep depression. This is when I lost all of that weight. Depression is an effective
weight lost method, but I would not recommend it. I had actually already been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, for my medications, for depression a year. It just got much worst.
It wasn’t until I had been sober for 8 months that I started to be able think clearly. Maybe for the first time in 40 years. I was able to figure out what was behind my drinking. That
was, that I was trying to bury something deep inside of me. Something that has been with me
my whole life. I was finally able to recognize and accept that I am transgender.
Some of my earliest memories are of wondering why I was a boy. When I was 5, I said
something to mom that I wanted to be a girl. I learned immediately how bad it was to say this
and that I shouldn’t every say this again. I never said it out loud again for 53 years. I have carried this great shame and guilt with me since I was 5.
I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I just knew I was different. I prayed and prayed to be normal,
but nothing changed. I thought, as I got older, that if I got in shape enough, back to nature enough, it would
go away. It did not. Then I thought if I got spiritual enough, it would go away, it did not. I thought getting
married and having children would do it, did not change anything. I found that I could forget it and bury it by
So I withdrew inside of myself and kept it out of mind with drinking. Still I did not know what was
wrong with me. I could not open up and talk about my feelings because someone might find out my dark secret. This put a great stress on my marriage. Ann tried and tried to engage me but I just couldn’t. I was
suffering from depression this whole time but I didn’t ever say anything or get help.
I started to research my condition and with information more available with the internet, I was able
to understand what was going on with me. I recognized myself and learned that there are other people just
like me and with similar life stories. I was not a freak.
(Continued on page 11)
The Right to Equality
A Transsexual’s Political Goals
January 2016
By Laura Ann Weaver
To say … “we’ve come a long way, baby” is an understatement. In every aspect of our social life, there has been
progress by the transgender community. We still have our bigots with whom we must contend and those people who are
prejudiced beyond reason. We are still denied jobs based upon employers’ perceptions of our stereotype and we have
family, upon whose support we hold dear, who fail us more often than not. These people may never go away.
But, at one time in the not so distant past, we would have been arrested by the police for appearing in public. All
branches of military service automatically dishonorably discharged us if we were discovered. That is beginning to
change. Fading are the days when people would think of us as child molesters or perverts. Those of us old enough to
remember the reactionary mistreatment and cruelty we encountered in our daily lives have the scars to prove it. Openness is difficult because we’ve learned to be meek like accepting mice. And, we often envy the transgender youth of today with the advantages they have which we did not hold in hand. We like thinking of ourselves as trailblazers. The
transgender youth of today, however, have different issues which are just as tough for them as ours were for us.
I will tell you that we are now able to come into our own. Yes, it is rough because those of us who become public still receive the bumps and bruises that we would not otherwise receive. Hey, if you want to play football, you must
expect gridiron injuries. Being transgender today is no different.
Being public also means finding a world of acceptance. There are holdouts. Like African-Americans, women
and gays before us, we have to face one of the last bastions of forbidden territory and that is elected office. There is
where some of us must show our faces publicly and fight for the right just to be equal. Chris Beck, a former Navy Seal
and now transsexual, is running a campaign for office in Maryland’s Congressional 5 th district 2016. She may or may
not win but she is paving the way. My intention is to win office in Ohio’s Congressional District 1 in 2018. It is a long
road and a difficult one to travel, not because I am a transsexual, but because a political campaign can be as abusive as a
Why do it? Transgender people need representation. My ears are sensitive to the political discourse, prejudice and deliberate discrimination - all the excused ills we associate with the hate against us is there! In many
states, including Ohio and Florida, there is an effort to remove our bathroom choice. Under these laws, M-t-F
transsexual and transgender people will be swabbed for DNA and arrested as sexual perverts for using a woman’s bathroom. State conservatism, along with the rift in congressional politics, under the notion of preserving
women’s dignity, will victimize us as much as recently proposed Freedom of Religion Acts are designed to deny
business services to all of the LGBT community. Legislative efforts of this kind legalizes transgender discrimination.
I cannot imagine why some people in our community will not support a political effort. Perhaps this is
why we do not have the same anti-discrimination rights that gays, women and African-Americans have. We have
become the last group against whom it is still legal to discriminate. Why? We cannot have a nation with equality
of rights when “rights” are granted by law rather than “being self-evident that all men are created equal”.
Transgender people need the equality that is denied them. Without a political stake in the ground, we cannot depend upon others who do not even want to know us to bestow justice. Our legal rights are imperiled by inaction.
Currently, I am running to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention this 2016. Being
an openly transsexual delegate is a transgender first in the right direction. It does not happen by itself –
I need help. A current office-holder and opponent is carpooling 100 voters to the caucus on January 5th
to assure her win. I need registered Democrats and independents to show up at the caucus as well and
vote in my favor. So I need to ask, “Does the transgender community have the will to do what it takes to
show its muscle?” The answer to that question is for each individual to decide. The vote is yours. Do
you want the rights that go with it?
January 2016
~~ First Friday’s ~~
Music Munch & Social
The Syndicate, Newport, KY
(next door to Mokka)
A great night out with friends
Food - Music - Dancing
(no cover charge)
Friday, January 1st, 7:30 - ?
This newsletter contains topics related to the Transgender Community at large. The information is not advice, and should never be treated as such. We strive to provide resources,
information, news and events that may stimulate interest in doing your own research on
subjects provided. Crossport 2016
Saturday, January 26th, 2016 - 7:30 pm - ?
Address: 901 Washington, Newport 41071
~~ Always 4th Saturdays ~~
January 2016
All membership information will be held in strict confidence.
Our goal is to better serve your needs!
*PREFERRED NAME:________________________________________ (+LAST INITIAL) (used at gatherings/newsletter)
*MAILING NAME:_____________________________________________________________________ (plain wrapper)
MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________
*EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ NEWSLETTER VIA: SNAIL _____ EMAIL ______
PHONE: ___________________________________________________ OK TO TEXT? ___________________________
SPECIAL EDUCATION/CAREER/SKILLS? (TELL US ABOUT YOU!) _____________________________________________
YOUR INTERESTS: TS______ TG______ CD_____ GAY_____ FRIENDSHIP_____ EVENTS______ OTHER_____________
*YOUR DATE OF BIRTH: ____________/_________/____________
SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________________
*TODAY’S DATE: ________________ HOW DID YOU FIND CROSSPORT? _____________________________________
*MEMBERSHIP TYPE: NEW ____________ RENEWAL ___________ INFO CHANGE __________ ($30/YEAR, JAN-DEC)
*TYPE OF PAYMENT: CHECK ____________ CASH ____________
BRONZE LEVEL @ $50/YEAR __________
SILVER LEVEL @ $75/YEAR __________ GOLD LEVEL @ $100/YEAR __________
January 2016
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you
something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Scott E. Knox Attorney at Law
13 E. Court St., Ste. 300, Cincinnati, OH 45202
2011/12 “Best Lawyer”, CityBeat
InnerView Ad Rates
12 issues—$30.00 per year for business card size ad
Mail: Crossport P.O. Box 19936, Cincinnati, OH 45219
I am writing this to all of my siblings...
January 2016
(Continued from page 6)
I still thought I would go to my grave without telling a soul, so great was my shame. I finally said something to my therapist, and I
was scared to death to do this, but I actually said it out loud. Afterward I felt like a great weight had been lifted from me. It had
been 53 years since I had said it out loud.
What research has shown is that transgendered people have a brain that is wired opposite of their physical gender. Men
and women’s brains develop differently. This can be seen even on an MRI. They think there is a hormone imbalance in the womb
when the brain is developing. It is basically a birth defect that cannot be easily detected. What ends up happening is something
called gender dysphoria. I would encourage you to google this to learn more about it. Basically it is a great disconnect and dissatisfaction with one’s body. This results is sometimes debilitation depression and anxiety. I experienced both.
Of course this is little understood by most of society and there is a huge stigma attached to it. Transgendered people are
shunned even more than gay people. It would have been 100 times easier to come out as being gay, but this is different. That is
why the suicide rate in the transgender community is the highest of any group in our population. It is thought that around 50%
make some attempted at it. Almost all of us think about it.
I definitely thought about it. I used to pray that I would just die from some natural cause or accident so that no one
would have to find out about me and this would save everyone the embarrassment. I was in a very deep depression at this time
and telling my therapist is the only thing that started to bring me out of it. I was always scared to death with what people thought
of me.
I got up the nerve to tell my wife, and that again felt like a great weight had been lifted from me. I was really terrified.
There is a great fear of being rejected because this is so little understood or accepted. My wife was not totally surprised because
she knew something was going on with me our whole marriage. I told my sons and they have been supportive and are trying to
The only option, besides suicide, to relive this intense dysphoria is to transition to female. There is nothing else that
works. I cannot survive in this world without doing this. This isn’t a choice. Who would make such a choice? My dysphoria is so
great at times, I can barely function. This is the only way there is to relieve my condition.
This by far is the hardest thing I have ever or will ever do in my life. I am putting in jeopardy everything I have in the
world. I run the risk of being rejected by everyone I know, but this is the only way I can move forward with my life.
My wife has put up with a lot from me during our marriage, more than you will know. My isolation push her away, though
she tried and tried. This will be a great regret I will carry with me the rest of my life. I never meant to be mean or hurt anyone. I
didn’t know what was going on with me.
She has sympathy for my condition but of course does not want to stay married to me. It is something that is the best for
both of us. We have been able to work out the terms of our divorce, through a mediator, amicably. We never fought a lot and we
are confident we can get through this without any animosity on either part.
So, what all of this means is that over the next year I will be transitioning from male to female. I will eventually live full
time like this. I will change my name and live as a women.
I know this might be hard to digest and I know that I am running the risk of being rejected by everyone. I will respect everyone’s decision on how they react to this. If I am not accepted by someone, I will understand. I will continue to move forward
with my life regardless of people’s acceptance.
Feel free to share this with the rest of your family. My wife has asked that no one contact her to talk about this. Please
respect her privacy. This not easy for any of us. Any questions should be directed to me and I am glad to answer any reasonable
question. Know that I love all of you and I always will. For now - Tina
January 2016
Information: 513-344-0116
Crossport membership is not a requirement for you to attend any of our meetings.
Spouses and significant others are welcome. Please contact us for details.
TRANSSEXUAL PEER SUPPORT MEETINGS - Jan. 11 & 25 Held on the second and fourth Monday of every month at
7:30 pm. This group provides an environment in which transsexual identified and questioning people have the opportunity to meet and discuss concerns that affect them, and to network in a supportive, confidential forum. Mt.
Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 William Howard Taft, Cincinnati. Entrance in rear.
CROSSDRESSER PEER SUPPORT MEETING - Jan. 4 Held on the first Monday of every month at 7:30 pm. The goal of
this meeting is to address issues relating to the needs of the cross-dressing members of Crossport. Mt. Auburn
Presbyterian Church, 103 William Howard Taft, Cincinnati. Entrance in rear.
CROSSPORT BOARD MEETING - Jan. 5 Usually held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 William Howard Taft, Cincinnati. Entrance in rear. Please verify in advance that we are having
a meeting.
MONTHLY SOCIAL MEETING - Jan. 21 Held on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm, at local restaurants.
Dinner from the menu, full bar available. Great social opportunity for all. Currently, we are meeting at MOKKA,
Monmouth & 5th, in Newport, KY.
CROSSPORT GIRLS NIGHT OUT - Jan. 23rd Held on the fourth Saturday of every month at 7:30 pm, locations vary.
This month we are meeting at The Crazy Fox, 901 Washington, Newport, KY. 7:30pm—?
FIRST FRIDAY’S - MUSIC MUNCH - Jan. 1st Held on first Friday’s of every month, 7:30-?. Newport, Syndicate.
Mail: PO Box 19936, Cincinnati, OH 45219
Treasurer/Outreach: 513-344-0116
Vicky Blum,
HOTLINE and Info
Phone: 513-344-0116 Members at Large:
Our phone line is a digital mobile telephone answered by Georgia Dahlberg,
designated Crossport Members. Please be assured that
Meade Stemple,
you can safely leave a message, and your call will be reJill Ambrose,
turned in confidence, at a time of your choosing.
Crossport Website:
Laura Ann Weaver,
Raya Schweitzer,
Yahoo Group:
Meade Stemple,
Webmistress: Aggi Sands,