A day for transgender, genderqueer, gender non


A day for transgender, genderqueer, gender non
P ri
A day for
genderqueer, gender
non-binary, and
gender questioning
youth and allies
Trans Youth
ch ool • A pr
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Dear Friends,
Welcome to the second annual New Jersey Trans Youth Forum
sponsored by HiTops and GLSEN Central NJ. We are so happy
and honored that all of you are here!
Today is about taking advantage of great opportunities, gathering
information, and enjoying a wealth of workshops that are enriching and challenging. You will have the opportunity to meet special
guests, participate in activities and connect with local, state and
national resources. This is your day to come together and know
that you are not alone, but rather part of an incredible and resilient
community of talented, tough individuals.
To be transgender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, or gender-questioning can be challenging to say the least.
Though all of your stories and desires are different, they are all
valid and are the mark of a gender culture that is growing and
flourishing. Allies, we appreciate you for being part of the conversation. Today we are all here to share with each other, make
connections, and continue to challenge the status quo.
We give heartfelt thanks to Princeton Day School for their perseverance and creativity in planning and their generous hospitality in
hosting this Forum, and we are honored to share the day with
educator and trainer, Dr. Eli Green and his and Luca Maurer’s
groundbreaking contribution – The Teaching Transgender Toolkit.
Thanks to our hard working and generous planning committee,
presenters, volunteers and donors who brought this program to
life. It has been an honor to work with you to gather information
and resources, as well as create a safe and welcoming space to
celebrate the trans community.
Thank YOU for being here today. You are part of a rich and
diverse community with many truths. And remember, there are
countless ways to be you.
In a community of respect for all,
Corrine O’Hara, Daniel Fernandez HiTops
Carol Watchler
GLSEN Central NJ
Transgender Resources
Education and Advocacy
National Center for Transgender Equality
Social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment.
Offers info about rights of transgender students in schools.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so
that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination
regardless of their gender identity or expression.
FTM International
This is a worldwide female-to-male trans community support. This site
is the internet contact point for the largest, longest-running educational
organization serving FTM transgender people and transsexual men. Provides information, newsletters, publications, and support from volunteers
who are willing to help if you need someone to talk to. www.ftmi.org
Advocates for Youth Project
“I Think I Might Be Transgender… Now What Do I Do?”
ACLU’s Know Your Rights: Transgender People and the Law
Provides legal information about document changes, employer issues,
bathrooms, and more. https://www.aclu.org/translaw
PFLAG’s Transgender Network (T-NET)
Our Trans Children and Welcoming Our Trans Family and Friends, publications of the Transgender Network of PFLAG. Good resources to give
to struggling parents or family members.
The leading radio program advocating for transgender rights and dignity,
while also exploring related issues that affect us all, like gender, sex,
race, class, and more. www.gendertalk.com
Sylvia Riviera Law Project
The Sylvia Riviera Law Project works to protect the right of gender selfexpression and works to guarantee that all people are free to self-deter-
mine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and
without facing harassment, discrimination or violence. www.srlp.org
TransFaith Online
TransFaith is a national non-profit that led by transgender people and
focused on issues of faith and spirituality. They work closely with many
allied organizations, secular, spiritual, and religious, transgender-led
and otherwise. www.transfaithonline.org
Philadelphia Trans Health Conference
A program of the Mazzoni Center—the focus of this unique three day
conference is promoting transgender health and wellness in mind, body,
spirit, and community. PTHC recognizes all aspects of well-being; including health, safety, education, employment, housing, and social support.
Trans Youth Family Allies
TYFA empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities, to develop supportive environments in
which gender may be expressed and respected.www.imatyfa.org
Gender Spectrum
Gender Spectrum provides education, training and support to help create
a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for all children and teens.
Trans Youth Equality
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy and
support for transgender and gender non-conforming children and youth
and their families. Check out their Rosetta Stone, a translation guide for
adults with transgender children.www.transyouthequality.org
Family and individual support for teenagers and children with gender
identity issues.http://www.mermaidsuk.org.uk/
A queer Latin@ social justice organization founded in 1989 to respond
to the lack of support and resources for our community during the HIV
epidemic. GALAEI embodies the histories of both the queer and Latin@
communities and maintains a strong commitment to being a community
based organization dedicated to serving Latinidad through leadership
and economic development, sexual empowerment, and grassroots
149 W. Susquehanna Ave, Philadelphia PA 19122
(267) 457-3912
LGBTQ Resources
Education and Advocacy
An adolescent health and sexuality education center in Princeton, NJ.
Offers educational programs for all, and support groups for adolescents
and young adults. 609-683-5155 www.hitops.org
Appreciating Differences: Creating Safe and Respectful Schools
This class defines biological sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation
in a way that middle school students can understand. HiTOPS uses fun,
interactive and age-appropriate activities to foster understanding, reduce
harassment, and appreciate differences. Can be adapted for older students, parents, and teachers.
Contact Elizabeth Walters at 609-683-5155 x218
GLSEN - Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
National organization for students, teachers and parents fighting to make
schools safe for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Extensive resources for creating respectful, inclusive schools.
www.glsen.org/centralnj www.glsen.org
Safe Schools Coalition
Extensive, up to date resources for making schools safer for all. Includes
websites, research, classroom activities, and lots more.
Provides support and educational materials for gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, queer and questioning individuals, allies, and their families.
Encourages sexuality to be understood, respected, valued, and celebrated through education and activism. Online sexual health resource for
teens, by teens: www.sexetc.org & www.answer.rutgers.edu
Ambiente Joven
Un proyecto de advocates para jovenes y esta dedicada a la communidad gay, lesbian, bisexual, y transgender joven Latina en E.E.U.U. y
Latino America. www.ambientejoven.org
Asexual Visibility and Education Network
AVEN is a supportive community of sexual people and our allies that
seeks to create open, honest public dialogue about asexuality. www.
African-American Office of Gay Concerns
A resource for the GLBTI community, focusing on HIV prevention, particularly for young men of color, as well as transgender and questioning
youth. Located in downtown Newark. All are welcome, regardless of race
or gender.
877 Broad St. Suite 211, Newark NJ. 973-639-0700. www.aaogc.org
The American Institute of Bisexuality
Organization focused on educating the general public about bisexuality.
American Civil Liberties Union
Working to make public schools safe and bias-free for LGBT students,
defending their free speech in school, and working to help students
start gay-straight alliance clubs. Several resources on students’ rights in
schools. https://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights/lgbt-youth-schools
Advocates for Youth
Resources for youth, parents and professionals concerning policy and
advocacy for GLTBQ people.
Generation Q
Queer radio from New Brunswick with Pedro Serrano. Thursdays 1011pm on WRSU-FM 88.7 http://wrsu.rutgers.edu
Gender Spectrum
Supporting gender expansive students. Excellent resource for schools
and students. www.genderspectrum.org/studenttransitions
Many Voices: A Black Church Movement for Gay and Transgender Justice
New Jersey school district lets transgender student use the boys
American Psychological Association “Answers your questions about
transgender persons, gender identity and gender expression.”
Transgender Youth Groups in NJ
Add your group to this list at http://bit.ly/NJlgbtGroups
HiTOPS - Trans Youth Group
1st & 3rd Saturdays, 3:30-5:00pm
HiTOPS, 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, NJ
Age range 12-20, www.hitops.org
Contact: Corrine O’Hara, 609-683-5155 x217, corrine@hitops.org
Gender Spectrums Support Network
First and Third Transtime Social Group
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 7-9pm, for youth of all ages
At Project R.E.A.L.
805 4th Ave., Asbury Park, NJ
Contact: Margo Saltzman 732-531-4290
Gender Spectrums Support Network Church House of the Presbyterian Church
4th Wednesdays, 7-9pm
352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, NJ
For trans* folks and allies of all ages
Contact: Margo Saltzman 732-531-4290
Transgender Support Group
Free drop-in group for ages 18-26; meeting dates and times TBA
133 Franklin Corner Road, second floor, Lawrenceville, NJ
Contact: Tracey Post, LCSW, 609-375-8727
Garden State Equality - North Jersey Transgender, Gender NonConforming and Questioning Youth Group
2nd Thursdays, 5:30-7pm; Ages 13-20
Garden State Equality Headquarters, 40 South Fullerton Ave., Montclair, NJ
Contact: info@gardenstateequality.org; www.gardenstateequality.org
Pride Center of New Jersey - TrueSelves
3rd Sundays, 4-6pm; Recommended for trans individuals 18+
The Pride Center, 321 Raritan Ave., Highland Park, NJ
Contact: Samantha Nokes, noksammie@gmail.com, or Pride Center,
732-846-2232; www.pridecenter.org/groups
Institute for Personal Growth (IPG) – Playgroups, Youth and Parent
Support Groups
3rd Saturdays, 12:30-2pm; Age range 13-21, 10:00-12:00; Age range
5-13. Parent Groups at same time.
1119 Raritan Ave., Highland Park, NJ
Contact: 800-379-9220 or 732-246-8439; www.ipgcounseling.com
Cost: Sliding scale fee; insurance accepted, see website for details.
Pathways - Transgender Support Group
2nd Saturdays, 7-11pm in Bergen County, NJ
Contact: sunnimoss@verizon.net to join the group; www.pathwaystg.org
Hudson Pride - TransView
Every Tuesday, 6-8:30pm; Age range 13-20
32 Jones St., Jersey City, NJ
All trans allies are welcome on the last Tuesday of every month
Contact: Kimberly Adams, 201-963-4779 x116, kim@hudsonpride.org
PFLAG Princeton - T-Net Parent Support Group
2nd Mondays, 7-9pm; Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St., Princeton, NJ
Contact: Pflag.TNET.Princeton@gmail.com; HiTops, 609-683-5155,
Cheryl Ryan, cryan5325@gmail.com
PFLAG Collingswood - Transgender Support Group
4th Mondays, 6:30-9:30pm
Collingswood Community Center, 30 W. Collings Ave. Collingswood, NJ
Contact: Dr. Lee Ann Etscovitz, leeannetscovitz@me.com
PFLAG Jersey Shore - Transgender/Transfamilies Support Group
3rd Mondays, 7pm; Church House of the Presbyterian Church
352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury NJ; www.jerseyshorepflag.org
Contact: Abby Maisonave, 908-814-2155, jspflag@gmail.com
Bergen County PFLAG - Transgender Support Group
3rd Wednesdays, 7:30pm
Temple Beth Or, 56 Ridgewood Road, Washington Twp, NJ
Contact: Wendy, wschwa@optonline.net, www.bergenpflag.org
LGBTQ Youth Groups in NJ
Add your group to this list at http://bit.ly/NJlgbtGroups
HiTOPS First & Third - Now in our 18th year!
1st and 3rd Saturdays, 1:00-3:00pm
HiTOPS, 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, NJ; www.hitops.org
Contact: Daniel Fernandez, 609-683-5155 x234, dfernandez@hitops.org
Kaleidoscope - LGBT Youth Group
3rd Saturdays, 1-3pm; youth age 15-19
The Spot Teen Center (2nd floor, near Boscov’s)
2120 Voorhees Town Center, Voorhees Township, NJ
Contact: Kristen Tahaney, 1-800-255-4213, kaleidoscope@centerffs.org
QSpot, Jersey Shore LGBT Community Center - WAVE Youth
Fridays, 3-6pm, for all LGBT and questioning youth
QSpot LGBT Center, 66 South Main St., Suite 20B, Asbury Park, NJ
Contact: 732-455-3373, www.qspot.org
Newark LGBTQ Community Center - True Colors Drop-In
Every Thursday 4-8pm, for LGBTQIA and allies, youth and young adults
Newark LGBTQ Community Center, 11 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ
Students interested should email: info@gardenstateequality.org
Pride Center of New Jersey - Youth Drop In
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 1-4pm (support group session 2-3pm)
85 Raritan Ave., Suite 100, Highland Park, NJ
For LGBTQIA youth and allies 17 and under
Contact: Ellen, ellengilioesq@aol.com, 973-342-1108
Pride Center of New Jersey - Under the Rainbow
2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7-9pm, for LGBTQIA people ages 18-25
85 Raritan Ave., Suite 100, Highland Park, NJ
Contact: Group Leader Joe at jmspulick@gmail.com or Samantha at
Hudson Pride Connections Center - LGBT YouthConnect Progra
Fridays, 3-8pm; dinner and snacks provided
32 Jones Street, Jersey City NJ
Contact: Stephanie Mills, stephanie@hudsonpride.org, 201-963-4779 x118
Bergen PFLAG - Rainbow Café Teaneck
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6-8pm; Ages 12-19
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 186 Chadwick Rd, Teaneck NJ
Contact: Jean Boranian, 201-357-5655, bergenpflag@gmail.com
Toll-Free Hotlines & Chatlines
Trans Lifeline
US: (877) 565-8860
Canada: (877) 330-6366
Fenway Health
LGBT Helpline (25+)
(617) 267-9001
Toll Free (888) 340-4528
Peer Listening Line (25 and under)
(617) 267-2535
Toll Free (800) 399-PEER (7337)
Trever Project
Trevor Lifeline
(866) 488-7386
Trevor Text
text word “Trevor” to 1 (202) 304-1200
GLBT National Help Center
1 (800) 246-7743 (25 and under)
1 (888) 843-4564 (youth and adult)
Trans Teens Online Talk Group
Wednesdays from 7-9pm EST
(310) 855-4673
Toll Free (800) 852-8336 (6pm - 10pm PST)
Text TEEN to 839863 (5:30pm - 9:30 pm PST)
California Youth Crisis Line (24 hours)
(800) 843-5200
RAINN (Rape & Battery Hotline - 24 hours)
(800) 230-7526
National Eating Disorder Association
(800) 931-2237 (8:30am - 4:30pm PST)
National STD & AIDS Hotline (24 hours)
(800) 227-8922
Social Media and Online Groups
TrevorSpace - www.trevorspace.org - Social networking site for LGBTQ
youth ages 13-24, friends and allies.
BiNet USA - www.facebook.com/groups/binetusa & www.binetusa.org
SMYAL’s SafeSpace - www.symal.org/safespace.php - A discussion board
for LGBTQ youth and allies, ages 13-21, to discuss what’s on their mind.
It Gets Better Project - www.itgetsbetter.org - You are not alone, and it
will get better. Record your own “It Gets Better” video and submit it!
Transitioning Resources
FtM Essentials
Packers, stand-to-pee devices (STPs), harnesses and binders
FTM Chest Binders
Compression tanks, shirts, and swimwear.
Tool Shed Toys
Packers, stand-to-pee devices (STPs), harnesses, and more!
The Levamentum Project
A non-profit that works to build comfort for trans youth through selling products at a better price-packers, binders, and stand-to-pee devices (STPs).
The Original STP Tool
Packers, stand-to-pee devices (STPs), news updates and more!
Peecock Products
Cinderella Transgender Salon
Silicone and latex breast forms, fem pads, vee strings, girdles and more!
Early to Bed
Committed to helping people of all genders and orientations explore their
sexuality to the fullest-packers, binders, movies, books and more!
Male to female products
Products such as breast foams and forms, genital hiding gaffs and
creams that help to achieve female presentation.
Breast Forms
Dedicated to the crossdressing and transgender community.
Classic Curves International
Custom made hip, butt, and breast enhancers,
Barefoot Tess
Baltimore based company that carries larger women’s size shoe up to
size 15.
Long Tall Sally
Large and tall women’s clothing
Health Care Services
Mazzoni Health Center
(215) 563-0658
(212) 271-7200
Fenway Health
(617) 267-9001
Name Change
National Center for Transgender Equality
New Jersey Residents
Trans Starter Library
Take this list to your school or community library to encourage the
development of a diverse collection for trans youth, advisors and allies.
Curated by Megan McCafferty, New York Times bestselling author and
HiTOPS volunteer.
Favorite Trans Young Adult Fiction
“Love in a Time of Global Warming” (2014) Francesca Lia Block
Like a female Odysseus in search of home, Penelope navigates a dark
world full of strange creatures, gathers companions and loses them, finds
love and loses it, and faces her mortal enemy.
“I AM J” (2011) Cris Beam
J was certain everyone would eventually understand who he really was;
a boy mistakenly born as a girl. An inspiring story of self-discovery and of
finding your own path.
“Beautiful Music for Ugly Children” (2012) by Kristin Cronn-Mills
When you think about it, I’m like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the
song everybody knows, and Gabe is my B side--not heard as often, but
just as good. It’s time to let my B side play.
“Freakboy” (2013) Kristin Elizabeth Clark
In razor-sharp verse, Brendan tries to understand his sexual identity,
Vanessa fights to keep her relationship alive, and Angel struggles to
confront her demons.
“Being Emily” (2013) Rachel Gold
They say that whoever you are it’s okay, you were born that way. Those
words don’t comfort Emily, because she was born Christopher and her
insides know that her outsides are wrong.
“Every Day” (2012) David Levithan
Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love
with the same girl.
“The Unintentional Time Traveler” Everett Maroon
Jack/Jacqueline is caught between two lives and epochs, and must find a
way to save everyone around him as well as himself.
“Lizard Radio” (2015) Pat Schmatz
Kivali never fit in. As a girl in boys’ clothes, she’s accepted by neither
tribe, bullied by both. Is it true she was left by a mysterious race of saurians and that she’ll one day save the world?
“Parrotfish” (2007, updated 2015) Ellen Wittlinger
Angela Katz-McNair has never felt quite right as a girl. Her whole life is
leading up to the day she decides to become Grady, a guy. Why can’t
people just let Grady be himself?
“The Art of Being Normal” (2015) Lisa Williamson
David’s parents think he’s gay. The school bully thinks he’s a freak. Only
his two best friends know the real truth – David wants to be a girl.
Favorite Trans Middle Grade Fiction (upper grade school/junior high)
“George” (2015) Alex Gino
George’s class play is Charlotte’s Web. When the teacher says she can’t
try out for Charlotte because she’s a boy, George comes up with a plan
so everyone can finally know who she is.
“Gracefully Grayson” (2014) Ami Polonsky
Alone at home, twelve-year-old Grayson Sender glows. But at school,
Grayson grasps at shadows. Grayson has been holding onto a secret:
“he” is a girl on the inside.
“Lily and Dunkin” (coming May 2016) Donna Gephart
A compelling dual narrative about two remarkable young people: Lily, a
transgender girl, and Dunkin, a boy dealing with bipolar disorder.
Favorite Trans Graphic Novels/Manga
“a+e 4ever” (2011) Ilike Merey
Set in that ambiguous crossroads where love and friendship, boy and
girl, straight and gay meet. It goes where few books have ventured, into
genderqueer life, where affections aren’t black and white.
“Wandering Son, Vol. 1” Takako Shimura and Matt Thorn (Translator)
Shuichi Nitori and his new friend Yoshino Takatsuki have happy homes,
loving families, and are well-liked by their classmates. But they share a
secret: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who
wants to be a boy.
“A Boy Like Me” (2013) Jennie Wood
Born a girl, Peyton Honeycutt meets Tara Parks in the eighth grade
bathroom shortly after he gets his first period. It is the best and worst day
of his life.
Flutter: Volumes 1-2 (2011, 2015) Jennie Wood and Jeff McComsey
Fifteen year-old Lily shape-shifts into a boy to get the girl. Chaos ensues
from pretending to be someone she’s not. While coming to terms with
who she really is and what she’s done, Lily learns that life as a boy is just
as difficult.
Favorite Trans Picture Books
“Goblinheart: A Fariy Tale” (2012) Brett Axel and Terra Bidlespacher
Julep insists on growing up to be a goblin rather than a fairy. The tribe
learns to accept that Julep is a goblin at heart and support the physical
transition that must be made for Julep to live as a goblin.
“10,000 Dresses” (2008) Marcus Ewert and Rex Ray
Every night, Bailey dreams about magical dresses: dresses made of
crystals and rainbows, dresses made of flowers, dresses made of windows. . . .
“When Kayla Was Kyle” (2013) Amy Fabrikant and Jennifer Levine
Kyle doesn’t understand why the other kids at school call him names. He
looks like other boys, but doesn’t feel like them.
“Red: A Crayon’s Story” (2015) Michael Hall
Red has a bright red label, but he is, in fact, blue.
“Jacob’s New Dress” (2014) Sarah Hoffman and Ian Hoffman
Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to
be. Some kids at school say he can’t wear “girl” clothes, but can Jacob
convince his parents?
“I Am Jazz” (2014) Jazz Jennings and Jessica Herthel
The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz
Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere.
“My Princess Boy” (2010) Cheryl Kilodavis and Suzanne Disimone
Dyson loves pink, sparkly things. Sometimes he wears dresses. Sometimes he wears jeans. He likes to wear his princess tiara, even when
climbing trees. He’s a Princess Boy.
Favorite Trans Nonfiction (High School and up)
“Some Assembly Required: The Not So Secret Life of a Transgender
Teen” (2014) Arin Andrews
“Transparent: Love, Family and Living the T With Transgender Teenagers” (2008) Cris Beam
“Rethinking Normal: A Memoir in Transition” (2014) Katie Rain Hill
“Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family) (2015)
Amy Ellis Nutt
“Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource Guide for the Transgender
Community” (2015) Laura Erickson-Schroth (Editor)
“Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So
Much More” (2014) Janet Mock
“Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out” (2014) Susan Kuklin
Favorite Trans Literary Resources
Topside Press
www.gayya.org (See: Transgender Masterlist)
American Library Association Rainbow Books
We Need Diverse Books
Bringing Gender Diversity
Awareness to the world with
Amy Fabrikant
Keynote Speaker
Katie Rain Hill
Katie Rain Hill is a transgender advocate living in Oklahoma. She
transitioned during her sophomore year of high school and was the
first transgender student to graduate from a school in Oklahoma. She
has spoken at high schools and
colleges around the country about
supporting transgender students.
Ms. Hill has been interviewed by
England’s Daily Mail, has appeared
on ABC Television’s 20-20, modeled in the 2014 Barney Spring
Campaign, and has appeared regularly in both local and international
She has also been featured in
several YouTube videos. She is
the author of, “Rethinking Normal,”
published by Simon and Schuster.
Ms. Hill is a senior, majoring in
anthropology and sociology at the
University of Oklahoma in Tulsa.
9:00 - 9:50 Registration, Breakfast, Workshop Sign Up – Theatre Lobby area
Resource Tables, Activities, “Buddy” Bench - Theatre Lobby, Fox Room
9:55 - 10:30 Welcome, Opening Remarks, Large Group Activity - Fox Room
10:35 – 11:45 Workshop Session 1
11:50 - 1:05 Lunch, Resource Tables, “Buddy” Bench, Gift Basket Awarded,
Keynote, Katie Rain Hill - Fox Room
1:10 - 2:20 Workshop Session 2
2:25 - 3:35 Workshop Session 3
3:40 - 4:00 Raffle Baskets Awarded, Closing Remarks, Resource Tables - Fox Room
Workshop titles and descriptions are on the lavender pages of this
booklet. Please choose one workshop in each session and sign up at the
tables in the theatre lobby. If you need help or want to talk about what to
sign up for, ask any of the volunteers.
In order to protect the confidentiality of those who may not feel safe
outside of this space, we ask that you do not take any photos of
other people in workshops and other group gathering spaces. Be
mindful of the backgrounds in your selfies, and always ask for consent
to photograph others.
We need your feedback! What worked/didn’t work about today’s event?
Please complete and return an evaluation before leaving each workshop
and at the end of the day to the workshop monitor.
Join us at the “buddy” bench in the Fox Room to hang out, decompress,
get a hug, or just to talk. Available where marked on the agenda.
Want to host next year’s Trans Youth Forum? Want to be a part of planning the Forum? Contact Daniel Fernandez, dfernandez@hitops.org, to
learn more about how to get involved.
Session One Workshops
10:35 - 11:45
1. Love is the Message (Room 231)
Kate Okeson
It’s kind of hard to hold onto an emoji or a snapchat story. Have you ever wanted a letter just to have and hold? Well we’re going to make a postcard message
of love to ourselves (and maybe a special friend as well)! Bring your super fun
self to this crafty workshop where we will collage, paint, rubber stamp art and
write something to ourselves that reflects the creative and unique individuals
we are. Let’s make a message of love!
Workshop is limited to 20 participants.
2. PFLAG/T-NET Support Group (Room 223)
Sylvia Stengle, Ellen Schneider, Doreen Boerner-Gage, Caroline Smith,
Linda Murphy and Abby Maisonave.
Are you a parent, guardian, sibling, family member or friend of a loved one who
identifies as transgender, gender variant or questioning their gender and needs
support? Then this group is for you! Join members from New Jersey’s PFLAG/
T-Net groups to learn about what you can do to help support your loved ones
who are in the process of coming out and or have come out about their gender.
Bring your experiences, stories, questions/concerns and words of advice as
well as any useful resources to share with the group.
3. Don’t Pass it On - Preventing STI’s (LIBRARY)
HiTops Teen Council
In this peer-led workshop, age-appropriate skits, activities and discussions are
used to increase students’ knowledge of sexually transmitted infections. Participants will learn what behaviors can put them at risk, the signs and symptoms of
common STIs, and important steps to take to reduce the risk of contracting an
4. Befriending our Bodies (Room 224)
Tasha Wirth & Nikki Hatza, Mazzoni Center
Feel weird any time a parent/guardian mentions S-E-X? Turn red whenever the
doctor tries to talk to you about contraception or testing? Want to talk to your
partner about sexual intimacy but not sure what to say? Join us for a workshop
that will empower you to get comfortable talking about your body, your sexuality
and your identity in new ways. Ditch the shame and stigma and replace it with
body-positive and sex-positive perspectives in this raw, real, and radical birds
and bees 2.0 workshop!
5. Queer & People of Color Panel (Room 232)
Moderator: Daniel Fernandez, HiTops
Panelists: Z Murphy, Nathan Rodriguez, Alyssa Hargrove, Bianca Mayes
Being queer in a heteronormative cisgender world is hard to navigate. Being a
queer person of color and navigating the many intersections of race, orientation, and gender can feel very alienating at times. This panel, composed of
LGBTQ+ leaders of color, will discuss the issues of race and privilege outside
of the Queer community as well as within through sharing real life experiences
and stories as well as best ways to support and advocate for Queer POC.
Audience participation encouraged.
6. Living outside the Binary (Room 202-203)
Moderator: Tracey Post
Panelists: Mark Travis Rivera, Randall Parker, Max Nazario,
Hailey/Jack Marr, Eily Mixon
The process of coming out for many gender non-conforming, agender, genderqueer, gender fluid, non-binary, and gender questioning individuals is often
misunderstood and inaccurately represented in society and in the media or not
represented at all. Join these 6 exceptional young leaders in a conversation
about what it means to live outside the binary.
7. Case Management & Client Advocacy for Trans Youth Clients
(Room 221)
Shannon DiBlasio and Jade Wynne
This workshop serves to help educate parents, human service care providers,
adults, and social services workers on the topic of healthcare with regards to
trans-youth. This workshop will also address ways to advocate effectively and
efficiently for trans-youth in order to help them achieve emotional and health
wellness in addition to providing useful resources.
8. Changes, Plans & Staying Safe: Experiences and Information
from a New Jersey Trans Man (Room 222)
Asher Sosinsky
Interested in what it’s like to go through a medical and social transition in New
Jersey? Join Asher Sosinsky, a 21-year-old transman, to learn about how to go
through a legal name change process in New Jersey, starting hormones, booking surgeries, coming out, and most importantly, staying safe from his first-hand
experience. Come in with your questions, stories, and open minds for a fun and
educational workshop!
Indicates this workshop is led or co-led by a youth or young adult
Session Two Workshops
1:10 - 2:20
9. GSA Advisor Roundtable (Room 232)
Sue Henderson and students from Ocean Township High School
Have you been wanting to make your GSA/LGBTQ+ club more trans inclusive
but not sure how? Join one of New Jersey’s amazing GSA advisors and her
students for an interactive discussion including lots of activities and resources
that really are effective and fit the needs of all your students. Areas covered
include terminology, questions to avoid and to ask of trans youth, tips for allies,
help with policy issues, importance of getting pronouns right, boundary breaking games and more. Bring your personal experiences, problems and solutions,
best practices and ideas to the table! The HiTops Trans Resource Packet will
be available for revivew and purchase at the Forum.
10. Know Your Rights -- A Legal Toolkit for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Youth (Room 224)
Aaron Potenza
Let Garden State Equality walk you through the legal rights of transgender and
gender nonconforming students in New Jersey schools. Learn your rights under
federal and state law, discuss common scenarios around gender identity and
gender expression playing out in your own schools and around the country, and
leave prepared to advocate for yourselves and your fellow students.
11. Making a Spiritual Path and Being LGBTQIAP+ (Room 202-203)
Moderator: John Marron, Lay Zen Agnostic
Panelists: Rev. Tina Nummela (Lutheran/ RWJUH Pastoral Care),
Marsha Shapiro & Louis Walpin (Temple Emanuel), Jonathan Elliott
(Episcopal Diocese of NJ), Reshma Rajani (Edison Ismaili Mosque),
Pauline Nijander (Princeton Unitarian/Pagan), and Steven Love (Unity
Fellowship of Christ Church)
Whether you are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic,
Tribal, or None, being Queer is a blessing and a challenge to make a spiritual path
that works for you, especially in a conservative faith-based family and community.
This interactive workshop will explore your questions and provide resources to
form effective responses to challenges based on faith and being queer.
12. Trans Youth Panel (LIBRARY)
Moderator: Katie Rain Hill
Panelists: Ashlynn Harvey, Jake Pucci, Ryland Smith, & Fi Pisacreta
What would the Trans Youth Forum be without a trans youth panel?! Join these
5 exceptional, awesome and young radical leaders as they walk us through
their own journey navigating their identities and what it means to be a transgender youth in today’s world.
13. How to be an Ally and still be a Parent for Transgender Youth
(Room 231)
Russell Healy, MSW, LCSM
Parents of transgender youth have to balance good parenting with being an ally
for their child. Navigating the complex maze of medical decisions, legal decisions and family life can be overwhelming, especially since there is no model to
follow. This workshop will help parents learn how to support their transgender
youth in transitioning while also maintaining a parental stance.
14. Love is an Act of Leadership (Room 223)
Mark Travis Rivera
This workshop focuses on the importance of self-care and self-love. As leaders, we have the opportunity to inspire, uplift, and encourage others, and it’s
important to remember that we have to show ourselves empathy too! Too often
we ignore our own self-care and neglect to love ourselves in the process. This
workshop aims to explore how love is an act of leadership and how when we
dare to love ourselves—we’ll improve the way we lead.
15. Real Talk (222)
Seth Rainess
Are you worried about transitioning? You don’t know where to begin? Who to
tell? How to do it? Join Seth Rainess as he offers wisdom from his own life in
discussing the surprises, worries, joys, and rewards of transitioning for youth
today. This workshop is designed to give teens the fundamental building blocks
of gender transitioning. It will also equip them with a mental toolkit on how to
navigate other areas of life.
Indicates this workshop is led or co-led by a young adult or youth
Session Three Workshops
2:25 - 3:35
16. I-Dentity (Room 223)
Nathan Rodriguez
Putting the “I” back in “Identity” is hard for people, especially with media and
social network outlets telling us who to be. This workshop is a fun and
interactive exercise in learning to discover your own truth through pulling
away from confining social norms of gender expression. There is no “right”
or “wrong” way to be Trans* or express your gender. It is about finding what
works best for you, and supporting each other as you grow.
17. Creating a Trans Inclusive Policy (Room 232)
Norah Langweiler, Nora Aguiar and Paula Rodriguez-Rust.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to structure and write school policy.
This workshop is intended to break down the often confusing process of drafting
a new school policy, making it accessible to students, teachers, and community
members. Together, we will write our own trans-inclusive policy for youth and
adults to bring back to their schools as a template or official policy proposal.
18. Trans Lit Story Time (LIBRARY)
Megan McCafferty & Amy Fabrikant
Readers of all ages can find comfort in characters and stories that reflect or
represent their own experiences. In this low key session led by NY Times
bestselling author Megan McCafferty, book-lovers will have an opportunity
to “borrow” from our Trans Lit library and introduce themselves to the best
of children’s, middle grade, and young adult literature for and about gender
nonconforming youth. Quiet 10-minute reading periods will be interspersed
with dramatic readings from the best in the genre, including a special student
presentation of Amy Fabrikant’s, WHEN KAYLA WAS KYLE.
Workshop is limited to 30 participants.
19. Students Take Action: Creating Better School Environments for
Trans and GNC Students (Room 224)
Taty Benson
Do you spend your time thinking about how your school could create a better environment for trans and gender-nonconforming students? Sometimes
the issues feel so big that they cannot be tackled. This workshop will give you
the tools to assess whether your school provides a safe environment for trans
and gender nonconforming students. Participants will identify issues that they
personally experience at school and together we will move towards creating
projects that can address issues that prevent trans and gender non-conforming
students from feeling safe at school.
20. ABC’s of Zen - Meditation as Loving Kindness across the
Gender Spectrum (Room 222)
John Marron
Experientially, you will learn the core principles of Zen: the Four Noble truths,
the 4 Vows, taking refuge, breath counting, posture, hand mudra, loving kindness practices, soft eyes & belly, half smile, prajnaparamita (compassionate
wisdom), & tips on staying in the here & now with quality attention, nonjudgment, & love in your heart for everyone across the gender spectrum. Interactively, you will explore, document & express your own personalized health
inventory in a small group & take away a practical time-framed action plan of
self-care with the option of staying connected with our transgender network &
online resources.
21. Writing From the Heart Session (Room 231)
Pandora Scooter
Did you know that writing just 15 minutes a few times per week can alleviate feelings of
depression, isolation, and anxiety? It’s true! In this interactive creative writing worshop,
you’ll get to express yourself. No worries, no experience necessary.
Indicates this workshop is led or co-led by a young adult or youth
HiTops is a health education and advocacy organization that supports
adolescents, schools, and parents. All of our programs are designed
and updated to address current research and social changes.
Our workshops meet with the NJ Core Curriculum Standards.
HiTops educational programs can be delivered by our trained adult
health educators or by the HiTops Teen Council,
using the peer education model.
Check out some of our programs below:
www.hitops.org, 609.683.5155 x218
Youth: Health classes for students
Sexual Harassment
Pregnancy Prevention
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Appreciating Differences – LGBT education
Schools: Teacher and staff in-services
Safe Schools – Helping Schools Improve School Culture
Understanding & Addressing the Needs of Transgender Youth
The Teenage Brain
Cyberbullying and Sexting
Dating Violence
Homophobia Reduction
Sexual Harassment
Body Image and Eating Disorders
Teens and Stress
Raising Self-Esteem in Kids
Sexuality and the Young Adolescent
Talking with Your Child about Puberty
Meet Trainer, Dr. Eli Green
Eli R. Green, PhD, CSE, is an Assistant Professor of Public Health at William Paterson University and Adjunct
Assistant Professor in the Center for
Human Sexuality Studies graduate
program at Widener University.
Dr. Green is the founder of the
Transgender Training Institute, and
is a nationally recognized educator
who helps non-profits, medical providers, and educational professionals expand their transgender-related
cultural competency.
Dr. Green’s book, co-authored with
Luca Maurer, The Teaching Transgender Toolkit: A Facilitators Guide
to Increasing Knowledge, Reducing
Prejudice & Building Skills is the first
of its kind and establishes standards
of excellence in transgender trainings.
As a consultant, he develops curricula, leads train-the-trainer courses, and provides ongoing technical assistance and coaching for current educators and trainers. Dr. Green has worked with the NYC Administration for Children’s Services
LGBTQ Policy & Practice Office’s initiatives to ensure that all LGBTQ & TGNC
(transgender and gender non-conforming) youth in foster care, congregate care
and juvenile justice are safe, respected,
and affirmed.
He is a Certified Sexuality Educator
(CSE) through the American Association
of Sexuality Educators, Counselors &
Therapists (AASECT), and is a member
of the World Professional Association for
Transgender Health (WPATH).
Learn more about Dr. Green at www.
elirgreenphd.com and The Transgender
Training Institute at www.transgendertraininginstitute.com.
GLSEN Central New Jersey
P.O. Box 261, Hightstown, NJ 08520
609-448-5215, cnj@njglsen.org
GLSEN, The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network,
strives to assure that each member of every school community
is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity/expression.
You’ll find many transgender resources on the GLSEN website:
For Trans and GNC students and allies
• Where’s the “T”? Making Your Student Club Trans-Inclusive
• Know Your Rights: A Guide for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Students, by GLSEN and ACLU
• Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Heros
• Be an Ally to Trans and Gender Nonconforming Students
For Educators
• Unheard Voices: Jamison Green
• Ready Set Respect, Set 3: Gender Roles and Diversity
• Model District Policy on Transgender and Gender
Nonconforming Students
• GLSEN Webinar Series: Supporting Transgender and Gender
Nonconforming Students
The 200,000 members of the
New Jersey Education Association
congratulate GLSEN Central New Jersey
& HiTops on the
2nd Annual NJ
Trans Youth Forum
We applaud your work for safe schools for all.
NJEA… making public schools great!
Wendell Steinhauer, President
Marie Blistan, Vice President
Sean M. Spiller, Secretary-Treasurer
Edward J. Richardson, Executive Director
Steve Swetsky, Assistant Executive Director
Atlantic Health System Salutes
HiTOPS, and GLSEN Central NJ
for your presentation of
The Second Annual Trans Youth Forum
Morristown Medical Center, Overlook Medical Center, Newton
Medical Center and Goryeb Children’s Hospital, all part of
Atlantic Health System, have been recognized as “Leaders in
LGBT Healthcare Equality,” by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
Foundation. We earned this designation for our commitment
to equitable, inclusive care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender patients and their families,who can face significant
challenges in securing adequate health care.
The findings were part of HRC Foundation’s Healthcare Equality
lndex 2015, a unique annual survey that encourages equal care
for LGBT Americans, and recognizes health care institutions
doing the best work.
Throughout Atlantic Health System, we recognize that an
important part of providing the highest quality health care
is to ensure that the experience is inclusive at all levels. This
recognition reflects Atlantic Health System’s role as a leader in
promoting equality within our communities and we are honored
to have been selected among health care facilities nationwide.
The faculty, staff, students, and board of
are honored to host the second annual
Trans Youth Forum.
Opportunities of a Lifetime. Every Day.
650 Great Road, Princeton, NJ • 609-924-6700 x 1200
Let's celebrate
When people can express and
be their true selves, they
enrich all our lives.
Landmark proudly supports
the work of HiTops
and the Trans Youth Forum.
Landmark Companies
Congratulates The 2nd Annual Trans
Youth Forum for your Continuous Service
& Support to the Trans and Gender
Variant Community.
Morris Home is the nation’s first residential treatment program to offer comprehensive services
specifically for trans and gender variant individuals. Morris Home provides a safe, recoveryoriented environment for trans and gender variant individuals as they develop the knowledge,
skills and supports necessary to promote sobriety,
manage emotional and behavioral difficulties,
choose and maintain safe and healthy lifestyles,
and develop healthy relationships with peers,
family and community.
For more information about Morris Home or to
make a referral please email us at:
New Transgender Family
Support Group
First meeting is Thursday, March 24, 7 to 9 p.m.
Beginning April 21, meets every third Thursday
of the month, 7 to 9 p.m.
RWJ Somerset Family Practice Conference Room
110 Rehill Avenue, Somerville
Admission is Free
Led by facilitators from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Somerset and the Pride Center of New Jersey, this free support
group will help spouses, partners and adult children better
understand, accept and cope with their transgender family members.
Light dinner will be served.
For more information, call Nicole Brownstein at 732-740-3971,
Jackie Baras at 908-595-2376 or Kimberly LaGregor at 732-770-3394.
Confidentiality will be maintained.
Pingry sends best
wishes to HiTOPS and
GLSEN Central NJ for their
2016 Trans Youth Forum.
Russell Healy
Full Professional Member,
World Professional Association
for Transgender Health
Gender Dysphoria specialist
with a focus on transgender
youth and their families.
4 East Cliff Street
Somerville, NJ 08876
133 Franklin Corner Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
New Jersey’s statewide LGBT
Advocacy and Education Organization
Proudly Supports
Trans Youth Forum 2016
40 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042
First book for trans teens
Specialities: Sexual Health
Sexual Identity
Tracey L. Post
Purchase at
Offices in:
Princeton, NJ
Kingston, NJ
Good read for parents and anyone
involved with the trans community
2nd Annual Trans Youth Forum
PFLAG Collingswood is honored to
be part of this AMAZING event!
Marsha N. Shapiro
Meets the 4th Monday
of each month at the
Community Center
6:30 - 9:30pm
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Board Certified Diplomate
to GLSEN - Central NJ and HiTops
for their dedication and hard work
all year long!!
Individual • Couple • Family
Group • Education • Staff Training
PFLAG offers programming to educate and support
families through the coming out and transitioning
processes. We are supportive and accepting of anyone
anywhere along their journey. We offer differentiated
support groups for trans support and LGB support.
Offices in
North Brunswick and Toms River
(732) 422-9400
In Southern New Jersey, contact:
Like our Facebook page!
License# 44SC00004600
To transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary,
genderqueer, and gender-questioning young people.
These folks made today possible through their generous
donations. They believe You Are Enough and just what the
world needs.
Sarah Schwartz
Michael LaSala
Rachael Schwartz
Paula Rust
Ash Beckham
Jason Kidushim
Kaitlin Sheldon
Linda Berger
Beatrice Mwariri
Ilana Sigal
Kimberly Brennan
Laurie Suarez
Sharon Hartmann
Michael Katz
Norn Glickman & Elyse Pivnick
Amanda Heimann
Vicki Reback
Ivy Pearlstein
Charles Leiden & Barbara Wertz
Ivy Weitzman
Cheryl Ryan
Eleanor Horne
David & Vicki Huebner
Russ Healy
Teresa Simao
Sue Henderson
Maggie Filipiak
Anne Wright Wilson
Bruce Weiss
Alison Politziner
Jane Milrod
Ruth Genne
Julie Harrington
Kate Winton
Lori Simon
Kathryn Waugh
Judy Leopold
Ann Vershbow
Connie Poor
Jessica Deutch
Mary Smock
Mara Connolly Taft
Terri Gans
AliciaAnn Caesar
Cherie Campbell
Jamie DiNicola
Everett Kline & David Wald
Lylah Alphonse
Ellen Vellance
John Marron
Anita Gooding
Barbara Raffel
Lisa Schwartz
Nikita Correa
Naomi Drew
Geoffrey Gingerich
Deborah & Jeff Dorman
Yvette Lopez
Cameron Linville
Magdalene O’Hara
Shari Halpern
Tracey Post
Kevin Maxam
Barbara Coe
Kate Okeson
Claire & David Jacobus
Naisha Andrews
William Baker
Bill Schofield
Tess Kline
Laura Rothschild
Ron & Diane Shimanowitz
Carolyn McGuire Maria Myers
Mike Houston & Steve Benoit
Carol Watchler
Dawn Durain
Rodney Crownover
Elizabeth Walters
Corrine O’Hara & Joel Schwartz
Jacqueline Dorman
Alyssa Hargrove
Jackie Baras
Linda Hawkins
Many thanks to all who gave generously of their time, talents and
resources to make the 2016 Trans Youth Forum possible.
Princeton Day School LGBTQ Affinity Group, GLOW,
and their fearless advisor, Alex Lasevich
Our kick-a** planning committee
John Marron, Pandora Scooter, Megan McCafferty,
Alyssa Hargrove, Eily Mixson, Max Nazario, Norah Langweiler,
Daniel Fernandez, Corrine O’Hara, Elizabeth Casparian,
and Carol Watchler
Our wonderful “I’ll do it!” volunteers
Eric Wells, Katlyn Le Leal, Steve Pitts, Barbara Reeder,
Samantha Chang, Ian Penrose, Doreen Boerner-Gage,
Nika Omotoso, Julia Robertson, Cheryl Ryan, Alli Londres,
Caroline Smith, Claudary Jones, Lisa Brown, Diane DesPlantes,
Jill Preis, Ellen Schneider, Alicia-Ann Caesar, Christine Hamlett,
Jon Priester, Sylvia Stengle, Aiden Carcamo, Ellen Schneider,
Shelley Krause, Katlyn Le Seal, Pierce Logan, Jacob Edelman,
Alec Skwara, Thomas Louis
Richard Green III
Eli Green
Eric Wells
HiTops Trans Youth Group and First & Third LGBTQ Group
Russell Healy, MSW, LCSW
Katie Rain Hill
The HiTops Staff xox
The Albin Family Foundation
The Mazzoni Center of Philadelphia
Princeton PFLAG, Transgender Network
Trans Student Educational Resources
Our generous authors and publishers for building the Trans Lit library
Our fabulous and inspiring workshop presenters
Our generous advertisers
enderqueer Queer
mtf Man
GLSEN Central New Jersey
P.O. Box 261, Hightstown, NJ 08520
609-448-5215, cnj@njglsen.org
GLSEN, The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network,
strives to assure that each member of every school community
is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity/expression.