15th Annual - American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
15th Annual - American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
New Advances in CRANIOFACIAL PAIN MANAGEMENT FROM TWO OF THE WORLD’S FOREMOST EXPERTS AACP Neural Therapy & Pain Management in the Treatment of Craniofacial Pain 15th Annual DIETRICH KLINGHARDT, MD, PhD Mid-Winter Meeting American Academy of Neural Therapy Seattle, WA — and — Pros and Cons of Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Craniofacial Pain Patients BRIAN J. FREUND, BSc, DDS, MD, FRCDC Crown Institute Toronto, Ontario, Canada Photos courtesy Scottsdale Convention & Vistors Bureau January 26-27, 2007 Renaissance® Scottsdale Resort • Scottsdale, AZ American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Robert L. Talley, DDS Terry R. Bennett, DMD Jamison R. Spencer, DMD Academy President Program Chairman Co-Chairman – Scientific Programs 15th Friday January 26, 2007 ANNUAL AACP Mid-Winter Meeting Scottsdale, AZ Neural Therapy & Pain Management in the Treatment of Craniofacial Pain AACP GOALS To elevate and enhance the professional standards of diagnosis and treatment in the field of Craniofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD); to encourage research and further study; to recognize for the benefit of the public those professionals who have specialized knowledge and skills in diagnosis and treatment; to promote and improve professional levels of competency; and to encourage the highest standards of excellence for practitioners. MEETING OBJECTIVE Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD American Academy of Neural Therapy • Seattle, WA This session focuses on the use of neural therapy in the treatment of pain, inflammation and infection, including: toxicity of the parasympathetic ganglia; food allergies; sinusitis and jaw pain; chronic sinusitis; and more. Classical and non-injection neural therapy treatments will be presented in the context of relevant anatomy, history, and current research. Techniques – such as prolotherapy injections, oral “acupuncture” and ozone injections for NICO and other disease entities – will also be demonstrated. To provide attendees with opportunities to become familiar with the latest advances in the use of neural therapy techniques and Botulinum Toxin in the treatment of patients who suffer from head, neck and facial pain; craniofacial pain; and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Two of the world’s foremost experts will share their unique insights and experiences. Emphasis will be placed on enabling attendees to expand and/or update their knowledge and gain clinically relevant information they can put to immediate use in their respective practices. In addition to renewing their enthusiasm for diagnosing and treating Craniofacial Pain and TMD patients, attendees will also have opportunities to network with more experienced clinicians to solve complicated patient presentations that may be encountered in the future. At the end of this presentation, attendees should: CE CREDIT 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch (on your own) Approximately 12.5 CE credits are available at this meeting. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Jaw Bone Cavitations: The Medical Side of the Story (and the Dental Side of the Story with Robert L. Talley, DDS) 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Lymphatic Drainage (injections vs. microcurrent-assisted manual therapy); Manual Therapy (disc recapture with high velocity/low force manipulation), and Meaningful Dietary, Nutritional & Medical Interventions 5:00 pm Adjourn 1. Understand the history and anatomy and recognize the clinical signs that support use of neural therapy in the treatment of craniofacial pain patients. 2. Be aware of classical neural therapy techniques and non-injection alternatives. 3. Gain exposure to the latest research to guide the selection of patients for whom neural therapy treatment may be appropriate. 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Lite Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:30 am Opening Remarks/Announcements 8:30 am – 10:30 am Neural Therapy for Pain Relief: Review (Pain, Inflammation & Infection; Diagnosis; Classical Neural Therapy Techniques; Non-Injection Alternatives, Prolotherapy Injection Technique & Demonstration; Oral “Acupuncture” History, Technique & Demonstration) 10:30 am – 11:00 am Break 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Facial Rejuvenation with “Esthetic Neural Therapy” (Medications, technique, demonstration; non-invasive techniques for microcurrent face lift) AACP is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. The formal CE programs of the AACP are accepted by AGD for FAGD/MAGD credit. January 1993 - December 2009. DIETRICH KLINGHARDT, MD, PhD, is a German-trained physician who has created a widely acclaimed integrative system of health and healing based on the yogic system of the five dimensions of our reality. Dr. Klinghardt believes that many practitioners using kinesiology or muscle testing in their practices often get inaccurate information because the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is not functioning properly. In Autonomic Response Testing, this condition is called “blocked regulation.” It refers to the inability of the ANS to self-regulate and is caused by seven common factors: undiagnosed food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, petroleum chemical toxicity, chronic unresolved infections and scars, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, unresolved psychological stress, and electromagnetic stress. Dr. Klinghardt has developed specific tests for these factors plus treatments to correct them. In addition to his work with the American Academy of Neural Therapy, Dr. Klinghardt lectures throughout the world and specializes in holistic treatment of chronic illness in his medical practice in Seattle, WA. Saturday January 27, 2007 Pros & Cons of Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Craniofacial Pain Patients Brian J. Freund, BSc, DDS, MD, FRCDC The Crown Institute • Toronto, Ontario, Canada (sponsored, in part, by an educational grant from Allergan, Inc.) Botulinum toxin is unique as a treatment option for conditions such as pain, neuromuscular dysfunction or glandular dysfunction. This session will focus on the essential pharmacology and physiology of Botulinum toxins and their target tissues. Indicated off-label uses in the head and neck region as well as case selection, injection technique and common pitfalls will be discussed. At the end of this presentation, attendees should: 1. Understand the pharamacology and tissue level interactions of the different available Botulinum toxins. 2. Be aware of the literature that supports safe and effective use of Botulinum toxins in clinical situations encountered in the craniofacial pain patient. 3. Learn to select cases suitable for therapeutic treatment with Botulinum toxins. 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Lite Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am Introduction (History of Development, Mechanisms of Action, Handling, Safety & Legal Issues) 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 12:30 Clinical Applications (Dystonias, Blepharospasm, Frey’s Syndrome, Regional Hyperhidrosis, Hypersialosis, Obstructive Disease, Myofascial Pain, Trigeminovascular Pain & Neuropathic Pain) 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch (on your own) TUITION $645.00 AACP Member $795.00 Non-Member $395.00 Staff Not an AACP Member? Tuition savings is one of the many benefits of being an AACP member. If you submit a completed membership application (with required processing fee) with your completed Mid-Winter Meeting registration form, you will receive the AACP member tuition rate. To request your membership application, contact the AACP Central Office. WAYS TO REGISTER (See handy registration form on back!) Online: www.aacfp.org Fax: 817/282-8012 Phone: 800/322-8651 or 817/282-1501 Write to: AACP, 516 W. Pipeline Rd., Hurst, TX 76053 HOTEL RESERVATIONS Renaissance Scottsdale Resort 6160 North Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Phone: 800/468-3571 *AACP Rate: $199.00 available on a first-come, first-served basis until all rooms in our block are sold or January 3rd – whichever happens first! 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cosmetics for the Pain Injector (Anatomy of Facial Expression, Physiology of the Aging Face, Techniques & Dosing for Cosmetics, Combining Cosmetic & Therapeutic Injection Protocols, plus Adverse Outcomes & How to Deal with Them) 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break CANCELLATION POLICIES 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Conclusions (Assessing Therapeutic Outcome, Botulinum Toxin as Primary vs. Adjunctive Therapy, Future Directions/Indications) 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Question & Answer ■ Registration refunds (less 10%) must be requested at least 14 days prior to meeting start date. 5:00 pm Adjourn BRIAN J. FREUND, BSc, DDS, MD, FRCDC, earned an honors B.Sc. in molecular biology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and graduated from the University of Toronto with his DDS degree in 1985. He subsequently returned to McMaster University, where he completed his medical degree in 1989. Dr. Freund did his post-graduate training in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Toronto, and he became a Fellow of the college in 1993. Today, Dr. Freund manages a private oral and maxillofacial surgery practice and is co-founder and Medical Director of the Crown Institute in Toronto, which provides non-surgical approaches to facial rejuvenation as well as treatment for headache, neck pain, temporomandibular disorders and hyperhidrosis. Dr. Freund has pioneered the treatment of some of these conditions with Botulinum Toxin A (or BOTOX, the registered trademark of Allergan, Inc.) He is also a part-time clinical instructor at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, and he is actively involved in research, publishing and teaching in the area of chronic head and neck pain. ■ The Renaissance Scottsdale Resort requires notification 48 hours prior to your scheduled arrival to cancel hotel reservations without penalty. Registration Form ACT NOW. DON’T DELAY. AACP 15TH ANNUAL MID-WINTER MEETING NEW ADVANCES IN CRANIOFACIAL PAIN MANAGEMENT FROM TWO OF THE WORLD’S FOREMOST EXPERTS featuring January 26-27, 2007 Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD Brian J. Freund, BSc, DDS, MD, FRCDC Renaissance Scottsdale Resort • Scottsdale, AZ TUITION $645.00 AACP Member $795.00 Non-Member $395.00 Staff TO REGISTER: ■ BY MAIL: Complete and mail the registration form at right (with payment) to: AACP, 516 W. Pipeline Road, Hurst, TX 76053. ■ BY FAX: 817/282-8012 ■ ONLINE: www.aacfp.org AACP 15th Annual Mid-Winter Meeting Part 1: CONTACT INFORMATION Doctor’s Name Office Address City State Zip Office Phone Office Fax E-mail Emergency Contact Name & Phone (for use only when you are at this meeting) Part 2: REGISTRATION DETAIL Name (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Tuition (see left column) Sub-Total QUESTIONS? Call the AACP Central Office at 800/322-8651 or 817/282-1501, or send e-mail to central@aacfp.org. HOTEL RESERVATIONS Total AACP Mid-Winter Meeting Tuition Part 3: PAYMENT METHOD Renaissance Scottsdale Resort ❑ 800/468-3571 AACP Rate: $199.00 ❑ available on a first-come, first-served basis until all rooms in our block are sold or January 3rd – whichever happens first! $ Check (in US funds, drawn on a US bank) payable to AACP is enclosed in the amount of $ . ❑ MasterCard Charge $ to my: ❑ VISA Credit Card Number: ID Number (last 3 digits on back of card): Expiration Date: Signature: (Sorry. We cannot process your credit card order without your signature.) AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CRANIOFACIAL PAIN 516 W. Pipeline Road Hurst, TX 76053 800/322-8651 • 817/282-1501 817/282-8012 (fax) www.aacfp.org Non-Proft Org. U.S. Postage PAID Hurst, TX Permit No. 10