AACP`s 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium
AACP`s 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium
!! AACP s ’ 31 Annual st Live Music Capital of the World International Clinical Symposium | | July 29 – 30, 2016 Hilton Austin Austin, TX Detailed Registration Brochure The “Live Music Capital of the World” is ready to welcome you for AACP’s 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium July 29-30, 2016 | Hilton Austin | Austin, TX Consider this a new beginning for the AACP The Board of Directors has decreed that the Winter Symposium shall be eliminated and that no effort is to be spared in galvanizing the Annual Summer Symposium into the TMD and Dental Sleep Medicine’s premier annual event. NO MORE choosing which to attend. As the AACP’s ONLY annual clinical symposium, the Summer Symposium will be the single not-tobe-missed clinical meeting of the year! The Symposium’s main session features two power-packed days of compelling presentations featuring such internationally acclaimed experts as Dr. Mariano Rocabado, Dr. Steve Olmos, Dr. Larry Wolford and Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson, among many other notables. The ideas and suggestions you gather from just one of these sessions will be more than worth your registration fee. And don’t fail to bring your dental practice staff with you to Texas this summer to take advantage of the heralded ancillary programs for beginning practitioners, assistants and advanced assistants. While you are enjoying the blockbuster main session program put together by Dr. Ed Lipskis, your staff will be engaged in top-shelf educational programs to help them move your practice forward. The ancillary programs for your staff include Fundamentals of TMD & Treatment: Back to Basics, designed for dentists new to the field and for dentists who want to update/ review their TMJ OSA treatment protocols; the Certified TMJ Assistant Program, Part 1, designed to establish a foundation for dental assistants tasked with meeting the needs of TMD and craniofacial pain patients; and the Advanced Assistants Program, designed for experienced staff who want to better serve the needs of patients. Add in a number of engaging networking events and the opportunity to discuss your practice needs with our internationally recognized exhibitors and sponsors, and you have the recipe for a spectacularly successful and rewarding experience in Austin. Our Convocation and President’s Reception on Friday evening are not to be missed, but we have scheduled everything to end by 7:00 pm so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy an evening out on the town enjoying everything this marvelous city has to offer. Remember, if you hold an AACP Fellow credential, you must attend at least one AACP Symposium every two years. Cutting edge topics, internationally renowned speakers, dynamic networking opportunities, a chance to see the very latest TMD and sleep products up close and personal – and it all takes place in spectacular Austin, Texas. Come on – what are you waiting for? Use the convenient Registration Form at the back of this brochure to save your place. Complete separate forms for each registrant from your practice, please. We’re looking forward to seeing you this summer. Don’t be left behind! To make your hotel reservations, please go to: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/AACP2016AnnualSummerSymposium, or call the Hilton Austin at (512) 482-8000 and mention AACP. 2 AACP 31st Annual International Clinicial Symposium !! AACP – Who We Are Founded in 1985, the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain is the largest professional organization for those interested in the assessment, diagnosis and management of patients who suffer from craniofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders and sleep disorders in dentistry. The Goals of the AACP are: – To elevate and enhance the professional standards of diagnosis and treatment in the field of Craniofacial Pain and TMD – To encourage research and further study – To recognize for the benefit of the public those professionals who have specialized knowledge and skills in diagnosis and treatment – To promote and improve professional levels of competency – To encourage the highest standards of excellence for practitioners. 2016 Conference Features Internationally Acclaimed Experts on Craniofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Medicine !!!! Join AACP and Save! Tuition savings is one of the many benefits of being a member of the AACP. To qualify, simply submit a completed AACP membership application, plus processing fee, with your symposium registration. By doing so, you can register for the reduced Member Rates. You can find a membership application on our website at www. aacfp.org, or you can request an application by contacting the AACP headquarters office: AACP 12100 Sunset Hills Rd, Ste 130 Reston, VA 20190 Phone: 800.322.8651 Fax: 703.435.4390 E-mail: central@aacfp.org Distinguished Speakers: Dr. Professor Mariano Rocabado is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, University of Saint Augustine in both South America and South Africa. He is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world and has lectured to dentists and other health care providers all over the planet! Dr. Steven R. Olmos is an internationally recognized lecturer and researcher in craniofacial pain, TMD and sleep disordered breathing. He founded TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres, which now has 28 locations in five countries. Dr. Larry Wolford is a world renowned oral and maxillofacial surgeon, researcher and popular lecturer. He has more than 185 scientific publications and has developed many innovative procedures that are currently the surgical state of the art. Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson is consistently listed among Dentistry Today’s top dental educators. He lectures regularly on the integration of occlusal problems, TMD and airways for diagnosis and treatment in restorative dentistry. Dr. Kevin Boyd is a pediatric dentist from Chicago who is at the forefront of evaluating airways and nutrition/inflammation in children and treating them with dentofacial orthopedics to permanently change these issues and improve lives.in this field, and will share his knowledge of identifying and treating OSA and cranial growth problems in children. Dr. Marianna Evans is a renowned specialist in orthodontics and periodontics and has developed several orthopedic and plastic surgery techniques within those specialties. She is currently working on research and treating airways related to pediatric growth and development. Dr. Mayoor Patel is a highly credentialed and popular speaker who regularly lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of craniofacial pain issues, along with the related treatment of OSA. He will share his protocols for evaluating patients with sleep disturbed breathing/OSA. Attorney John Dedon is a widely regarded estate planning and tax expert who will share advice on estate planning (including avoiding probate and protecting inheritance), asset protection (including protecting yourself against litigation), and business succession planning. Austin, Texas | Hilton Austin | July 29 – 30, 2016 3 Main Scientific Session Agenda Friday, July 29 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:15 am Opening Remarks Jeffrey S. McCarty, DDS, AACP President 8:15am – 10:00 am Craniovertebral-Craniomandibular Disorders in Headache Patients: Facial Asymmetry Dr. Professor Mariano Rocabado For centuries headaches have troubled mankind. As early as 1934, researchers described a combination of signs and symptoms connected with the pathological temporomandibular joints. Later, studies mentioned the close relation between Craniomandibular disorders and headaches. In the 1980s, Dr. Rocabado conducted studies that showed the relationships between orthodontics, curvature of the spine and headaches in pediatric patients. You’re going to hear from a true pioneer in the field, and when you return to your practice, you’ll have a better understanding of facial asymmetry of craniovertebral origin; you’ll be better prepared to analyze coronal images of CV joints; you’ll understand the relation of progression of TMJ and CV joints; and you’ll be much better prepared to serve both pediatric and adult headache patients. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 noon Uprighting Posture from the Dental Perspective Dr. Steven R. Olmos Forward head posture origin is multifactorial. Literature relates it to teeth grinding (bruxism), moth breathing, jaw joint pathologies, balance and structured injuries throughout the body. In order to have reproducible success in positively affecting this disorder, a triage system is necessary that is directed at addressing func- tional breathing, orthopedic jaw pathologies and musculoskeletal injuries throughout the body. Dr. Olmos will explain his techniques for treating functional breathing problems and oral positioning that result in improved posture. Upon completion of the lecture, attendees can expect to be able to find literature that relates breathing disorders and craniofacial problems to postural disorders; create a triage system that screens for these problems; grasp treatment methods that will be demonstrated using simple techniques and tools easily integrated into dental therapies; identify obstructive pathologies utilizing CBCT; and understand how postural problems and primary headaches are related. 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall (Separate Diplomate Luncheon for all ABCP Diplomates – MUST be pre-registered for this luncheon) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Retrognathia in Homo sapiens: A Modern Disease with an Ancient Explanation Dr. Kevin Boyd Since the emergence in the late 20th-Century of the scientific discipline known as Evolutionary Medicine, many so-called diseases of civilization, also sometimes classified as lifestyle, Western, or non-communicable diseases (NCD's), are now largely considered to be both preventable and reversible, but also potentially life threatening. NCD's such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes are seldom suffered by non-industrialized cultures. But while malocclusion is often described as mostly a 'genetic' or 'inherited' condition, it is more accurately described as an NCD or mismatch phenomenon involving an interaction between an anciently-derived genome with a modern feeding and breathing environment. Attendees will be able to understand that the human genome can be impacted by environ- 4 AACP 31st Annual International Clinicial Symposium mental circumstances in early/very early life, even in utero, to produce desirable or undesirable behavioral, physiological, and physical changes in genetic expression; become familiar with the newly emerging health-educational paradigms of Evolutionary Medicine and Dentistry and Fetal Medicine/Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOoHAD); and observe examples of how human cranio-facial/mandibular phenotypes change in parallel with social/ cultural industrialization. 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Airway-focused Dento-facial Growth Modification with 4D Morphotropic Orthodontic Approach Dr. Marianna Evans Current evidence suggests that maxillo-mandibular deficiencies are predisposing factors for obstructive sleep apnea. Addressing these deficiencies early in life may reverse or prevent airway problems in adults and children. Dr. Marianna Evans developed 4D Morphotropic OrthodonticsTM as a comprehensive preventative orthodontic philosophy to be applied in growing patients in the primary, mixed and permanent dentition. This system is built on the biologic principles of physiological growth, combining periodontally-protective and airway-focused treatment. After this lecture, attendees will recognize the compounding impact of maxillary hypoplasia with 3D documentation; understand the rationale for oro-facial orthopedic intervention in the primary dentition; and have an introductory understanding of periodontally-protective maxillary and mandibular expanders. 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Convocation 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm President’s Reception in the Exhibit Hall Saturday, July 30 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:15 am Announcements Edmund A. Lipskis, DDS, MS, AACP Program Chair 8:15 am – 10:00 am Integrative Dental Medicine: Dentistry’s Next Generation of Care Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson Integrative Dental Medicine is the future of dentistry. Anticipating and preventing both oral and systematic disease rather than merely identifying and treating is what we need to strive for. Dr. Wilkerson’s presentation will outline the rapidly changing landscape of dental medicine and the exciting future prospects. After this dynamic session, attendees will be able to recognize the relationships between reflux sleep apnea, bruxism and craniofacial pain; identify several; utilize several tests to evaluate systemic factors of inflammation that affect oral health; and clarify the tremendous opportunities available to elevate dentistry as the gatekeeper for complete health. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 noon TMJ Conditions that Cause Pain and Occlusal Instability Dr. Larry Wolford TMJ pathology is often accompanied by pain, jaw and occlusal mal-alignment, headaches, ear symptoms, sleep apnea, etc. Diagnostic records, including MRI, provide information for diagnosis, treatment planning, and when indicated, specific surgical treatment protocols to provide high-quality outcomes including reduction of symptoms and predict- able stability. This presentation will discuss (1) Common TMJ conditions that cause pain and occlusal instability; (2) Specific surgical treatment protocols to address the TMJ pathology and associated jaw problems; and (3) Clinical studies to validate these protocols. Upon completion of this presentation, attendees will be able to understand and identify Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB); understand the risks of not treating SDB; identify the signs that suggest the likelihood of SDB; and take the next steps when SDB is detected. After attending, registrants will know the diagnostic criteria for determining etiology and diagnosis of the common TMJ pathologies that cause facial pain and occlusal instability as well as improve abilities to develop comprehensive treatment plans; identify the appropriate surgical procedures and proper treatment sequencing to provide optimal treatment outcomes; and understand the evidence based outcome studies on the surgical treatment protocols recommended to treat specific TMJ pathologies as well as correct associated dentofacial deformities and malocclusions. 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm Box Lunch and Membership Meeting for AACP Members (Lunch on your own for others) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Identifying Patients at Risk for Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) within Your Practice Dr. Mayoor Patel Have you ever wondered about lateral tongue scalloping, cervical non-carious lesions, vaulted palate among other areas while performing your patients’ dental examinations? You may not realize it yet, but there are many signs and symptoms you might be noticing while your patient is in the dental chair that may contribute to bigger problems By understanding clinical findings, you can help reduce your patients’ risks for systemic diseases such as stroke, hypertension and more. Let’s journey through and understand what you can do for your patients. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Protecting and Preserving Personal and Business Assets John Dedon, Esq. John Dedon is a tax lawyer with a talent for explaining the complexities of tax law in lay terms. Working in the estate planning, asset protection and business areas for almost 30 years, John helps clients preserve assets and plan for the future with traditional planning tools, including trusts (dynasty trusts, intentionally defective trusts, grantor retained annuity trusts), LLC and partnership entities, and cutting edge concepts such as cryonic preservation trusts. In this presentation, John will focus on (1) Estate Planning – including probate avoidance, estate tax, protecting children’s inheritance; (2) Asset Protection – protecting medical professionals’ assets from creditors and potential creditors (often nuisance litigation); and (3) Business Succession Planning. By the end of this presentation, attendees will have a basic understanding of federal estate taxes; have an understanding of how to avoid probate; have an understanding of how to protect their assets from creditors; have an understanding of how to protect children’s inheritance from divorce; and have an understanding of basic business succession planning. 5:00 pm Adjourn Austin, Texas | Hilton Austin | July 29 – 30, 2016 5 Fundementals of Craniofacial Pain & Sleep Therapy: Back to Basics Who Should Attend? Objective An ideal primer, this program is designed for dentists who are new to craniofacial pain and sleep breathing disorders, and for doctors seeking information to aid them in making appropriate referrals. This course introduces fundamental principles of diagnosis and treatment of craniofacial pain and sleep breathing disorders designed for dentists new to thefield and those that would like to refresh their knowledge base. It is also ideal preparation for dentists who wish to enroll in the AACP Institute’s Craniofacial Pain Mini-Residency program. Friday, July 29 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:30 am Opening Remarks in the Main Sessions Hall Jeffrey S. McCarty, DDS, AACP President 8:30 am – 10:00 am Recognizing TMD and Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) Patients in Your Practice Richard Goodfellow, DDS Understanding sleep disordered breathing (SDB); identifying TMD and the relationship with apnea; examining the prevalence of SDB, overlapping symptoms of SDB and TMD, and triage. Dr. Goodfellow will also help you understand how to identify TMD and sleep patients in your practice. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Muscle Anatomy & Function Melody A. Barron, DDS Dr. Melody Barron will examine muscle composition (molecular and chemically mediated). Neurotransmitters (excitatory and inhibitory), cell synapse receptors, and somatic and automatic nervous systems. 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Imaging Evaluation: CBCT and MRI Interpretation Edmund K.T. Liem, DDS 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Convocation 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm President’s Reception in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Neuroanatomy Chase Bennett, DDS, Dr. Chase Bennett will examine everything from neurons and specifics of brain function to blood supply, innervations, meninges and cerebral spinal fluid. He will also outline occlusion’s role in TMD. 6 AACP 31st Annual International Clinicial Symposium Saturday, July 30 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am Sleep Disordered Breathing Daniel Klauer, DDS Diagnosis and treatment options and the dentist’s role in obstructive sleep apnea. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Clinical Examination Catherine McGregor, DDS Patient questionnaires; medical and trauma history reviews; chief concerns; head, neck, and TMJ evaluations; muscle and joint palpation; ligament and tendon palpation; cranial nerve evaluation; ear canal examination; range of motion (cervical and mandibular); and Motor Nerve Reflex Testing evaluation. This session will include a live demonstration on a patient. 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Members: AACP Annual Membership Meeting and Lunch Non-members: Lunch on Your Own 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Bite Positioning for Oral Appliance Therapy Richard Goodfellow, DDS Literature review for collapse and predictability for Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) and efficacy. George gauge vs. Phonetic Bite Registration with a live demonstration. 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Alternate Treatments for OSA Jeanne K. Bailey, DDS 5:00 pm Adjourn Certified Craniofacial Pain & Sleep Therapy Auxiliary Program Part 1 Course Objective CTA, Part II The first part of a two-part program, the AACP’s Certified Auxiliary Program, Part I, course is designed to establish a foundation for dental staff who are tasked with meeting the needs of craniofacial pain and sleep disordered breathing patients. Attendees will gain clinically relevant knowledge and skills – all of which are essential for success in a craniofacial pain and sleep disordered breathing practice. Part II of this program will be provided online. Details will be sent to all completing Part 1. Friday, July 29 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:30 am Opening Remarks in Main Assembly Hall Jeffrey S. McCarty, DDS, AACP President 8:30 am – 10:00 am Anatomy, Neurology, Pathology Chase Bennett, DDS Chase Bennett, DDS, will discuss basic principles of anatomy, neurology and pathology that are essential in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of craniofacial pain and TMD patients. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Patient Examination & Principles of Diagnosis Jeffrey S. McCarty, DDS Jeffrey S. McCarty, DDS, will present a detailed step-by-step protocol for clinical evaluation to obtain a different diagnosis. 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall 9:30 am – 10:00 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:00 am – 11:00 am Radiology, continued Chris Thornburgh Earn Your Certification Qualifications for the CTA certificate include: – Two years’ experience in the medical/ dental field – Mandatory attendance at all classes in Part I and Part II of this course – A valid CPR certificate – A passing grade on the final exam 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Insurance Principles of a TMD Practice Rose Nierman, RDH Rose Nierman, RDH, will discuss circumstances in which patients in the TMD/craniofacial pain practice may be entitled to benefits under their medical or dental insurance plans. She’ll also share information to assist doctors and their patients in maximizing reimbursements. 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Dental Sleep Medicine Cameron Kuehne, DMD Cameron Kuehne, DMD, will examine basic principles of dental sleep medicine. 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Members: AACP Annual Membership Lunch & Meeting Non-members: Lunch on Your own 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Insurance Principles (continued) Rose Nierman, RDH 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Pharmacology Mayoor Patel, DDS Mayoor Patel, DDS, will review in detail pharmacological principles for patients with temporomandibular disorder. 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Convocation in the Main Assembly Hall 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Building and Strengthening the Dental Team and the Individual Jamison R. Spencer, DMD, MS The advanced assistants and CTA programs will combine for this lecture. Dr. Spencer will lead an exciting lecture on team building and goal setting. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm President’s Reception in the Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Building and Strengthening the Dental Team and the Individual, continued Jamison R. Spencer, DMD, MS Saturday, July 30 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:30 am Radiology Chris Thornburgh Chris Thornburgh will discuss the various types of imaging used in the diagnosis of TMD patients. 5:00 pm Adjourn Austin, Texas | Hilton Austin | July 29 – 30, 2016 7 Advanced Auxiliary Program Friday, July 29 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:30 am Opening Remarks in the Main Sessions Hall Jeffrey S. McCarty, AACP President 8:30 am – 10:00 am The Dental Staff’s Role in Handling TMJ Injury Cases Dr. Reda Abdel-Fattah Dr. Abdel-Fattah will discuss in detail TMJ injury cases. He will specifically explain how the dental team helps in handling these difficult cases. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 noon The Dental Staff’s Role in Handling TMJ Injury Cases, continued Dr. Reda Abdel-Fattah 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Temporal Tendonitis Dr. Nathan Muirhead Dr. Muirhead will explain how to properly diagnose and treat temporal tendonitis. 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Convocation 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm Lunch on Your Own 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm President’s Reception in the Exhibit Hall 1:30 pm -2:30 pm Differences Between Men and Women with TMJ and/or OSA Dr. Vicki Cohn Dr. Cohn will compare symptoms in men and women with TMJ and/or OSA and point out the differences between them. Saturday, July 30 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am Functional Anatomy as It Relates to Normal and Pathological Function of TM Structures Dr. Tanya Kushner Dr. Kushner will give an in-depth anatomy review related to the TM joint and surrounding anatomical structure. 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 12:00 noon Oral Appliances for TMJ and OSA Dr. Michelle Weddle Dr. Weddle will discuss different options of treating TMJ and OSA patients with different types of splints and guards. 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Preparing a Diagnosis Dr. Stephanie Vondrak Dr. Vondrak will cover the initial referral appointment, including record taking. She will discuss the process of determining a clinical diagnosis, the pre-clinical interview, models, bite registration, ICAT, and more. 8 AACP 31st Annual International Clinicial Symposium 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Building and Strengthening the Dental Team and the Individual Jamison R. Spencer, DMD, MS The advanced assistants and CTA programs will combine for this lecture. Dr. Spencer will lead an exciting lecture on team building and goal setting. 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Break in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Building and Strengthening the Dental Team and the Individual, continued Jamison R. Spencer, DMD, MS 5:00 pm Adjourn Austin will welcome you with open arms! !! Live Music Capital of the World It’s the capital of Texas, it’s home to the University of Texas, it’s the fastest growing of the 50 largest US cities, it’s the second-safest major city in the US according to the FBI, and CBS Money Watch lists it among the 10 best places to retire in the US. But, of course, the first thing you probably think of when you think of Austin is MUSIC! “The Live Music Capital of the World” is home to more than 250 music venues and the long-running PBS television concert series, Austin City Limits. The city also features world-class museums, a vibrant art scene and beautiful outdoor spaces. Perhaps the most famous attraction outside of the music venues is THE BATS! The Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge, about ten blocks from our hotel, houses the world’s largest urban population of Mexican Free-tailed Bats. Starting in March (the bats migrate to Mexico each winter), up to 1.5 million bats take up residence here. Every evening around sunset, the bats emerge in search of insects, an exit you simply won’t believe! It’s so large that it shows up on weather radar! Our home-away-from-home will be the newly renovated Hilton Austin, which is situated adjacent to the Convention Center downtown and just a quick walk (two blocks) to exclusive shopping, amazing restaurants, and rollicking live music venues on 6th Street and surrounding areas. The hotel is also just one mile to the University of Texas campus, one mile to the Lady Bird Lake Hike & Bike Trail, one mile to the state capital and only ten miles to the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The Hilton Austin has a dining option for any craving you may have. Java Five on Fifth has Starbucks Coffee to kick-start the morning; the Liberty Tavern has casual Texas-style meals; and the Finn & Porter is ready to serve you a fine dinner selection complete with sushi, fresh seafood and award-winning steaks. Don’t wait any longer to make your plans to be with us in Austin this summer. The city will welcome you. Did I mention that Travel & Leisure magazine ranks Austin Number 1 on its list of cities with the best people? There’s no better recommendation I can think of. Join us! Make your hotel reservations today by visiting: https://resweb.passkey.com/ go/AACP2016AnnualSummerSymposium, or call the Hilton Austin at (512) 482-8000 and metion the AACP. Austin, Texas | Hilton Austin | July 29 – 30, 2016 9 Symposium Information Conference Fees: Main Scientific Program BEFORE MAY 31 $795 for members | $975 for non-members AFTER MAY 31 $895 for members | $1125 for non-members Fundamentals of TMD BEFORE MAY 31 $795 for members | $975 for non-members AFTER MAY 31 $895 for members | $ 125 for non-members Certified TMJ Assistant BEFORE MAY 31 $420 for members | $570 for non-members AFTER MAY 31 $570 for members | $720 for non-members Advanced Assistant BEFORE MAY 31 $420 for members | $570 for non-members AFTER MAY 31 $570 for members | $720 for non-members Conference Registration: Includes admittance to the sympo- sium, electronic syllabus, admittance to the Exhibit Hall, breakfasts each day, refreshment breaks each day, Friday lunch, our Friday evening President’s Reception, plus any additional social events. Staff Discounts: Doctors who wish to register their staff to attend any of the programs may do so by paying 100% tuition for their first 6 staff members and 50% tuition for up to 4 additional staff members from a single practice. This payment structure starts over again with the 11th assistant from the same practice. Not an AACP Member? Tuition savings is one of many benefits of being an AACP member. If you are not an AACP member, and you submit a completed membership application along with your Symposium registration, you will receive the AACP member registration rate. To request your AACP membership application, please call us at: 800.322.8651 OR send e-mail to central@aacfp.org Ways to Register: ONLINE: Please visit AACP online at www.aacfp.org Under EVENTS CALENDAR, look for the link to the AACP 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium. There, you will find a Registration Form to complete. E-MAIL: Send completed form and credit card payment information to: central@aacfp.org MAIL: Send completed form with payment (check/credit card) to: AACP | 12100 Sunset Hills Road | Suite 130 | Reston, VA 20190 FAX: Fax completed form (credit card payment only) to AACP at 703.435.4390 Accepetable Forms of Payment: CHECKS are acceptable when registration is submitted by mail or completed on-site at the symposium. Checks must by payable to AACP, in US dollars and drawn on a US bank. CREDIT CARDS may be used for registrations that are completed online, mailed, faxed, sent by e-mail or completed on-site at the Symposium. AACP accepts VISA and MasterCard only. AACP reserves the right to charge the correct tuition amount if different from your calculated total. Refund Policies: Registration refunds (less 10% of the TOTAL cost of the program) must be submitted in writing by June 26. No refunds will be provided after that date. Room reservations at the Hilton Austin in Austin, Texas: Should you need to cancel this reservation, your individual deposit is refundable if notice is received at least three (3) days prior to arrival and a cancellation number is obtained. Guest Room Reservations: HOTEL: Hilton Austin PHONE: 512-482-8000 and ask for the AACP room block. ONLINE: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/AACP2016AnnualSummerSymposium AACP RATE: $199.00 single/double, including in-room internet access (plus tax) The special “AACP Rate” at the Hilton Austin is $199.00 (single or double occupancy, including internet access, plus tax). It is available on a first-come, first-served basis until all rooms in our block are sold or Wednesday, July 6, 2016 – whichever occurs first! Should the AACP room block be filled prior to July 6, the AACP Central Office will be happy to supply a list of nearby hotels. AACP Membership Business Meeting & Luncheon Saturday, July 30 | 12:00 NOON – 1:30 PM All AACP members are encouraged to attend our annual Membership Business Meeting and Luncheon. Elections for directors will take place and other important topics will be discussed. Exhibits: Educational, informational and commercial exhibits will be available during this Symposium, and representatives will be on hand to answer questions. Friday, July 29 | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday, July 30 | 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Additional Information or Assistance: The AACP Central Office staff is happy to assist you with any questions or concerns. We invite you to contact us by: PHONE 800.322.8651 | FAX 703.435.4390 | E-MAIL central@aacfp.org 10 AACP 31st Annual International Clinicial Symposium AACP’s 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium July 29 – 30, 2016 | Hilton Austin | Austin, Texas *Please submit one form only per registrant. No registration will be accepted by phone. NAME (FIRST / LAST / DESIGNATION) SPOUSE/GUEST NAME (IF ATTENDING) 4Ways to Register! NAME FOR BADGE ONLINE www.aacfp.org NAME FOR BADGE MAIL AACP Central Office 2016 Summer Symposium 12100 Sunset Hills Road Suite 130 Reston, VA 20190 EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE FAX OFFICE NAME FAX 703.435.4390 ADDRESS EMAIL central@aacfp.org Questions? Call: 800.322.8651 CITYSTATEZIP/POSTAL CODECOUNTRY Are You an AACP Member? o YES o NO o Membership Application Attached (if attached, you may register at the member rate) S ymposium Selection and Registration Fees* AACP MEMBER NON-MEMBER FEE TOTAL Before May 31st After May 31st Before May 31st After May 31st Main Scientific Session n $ 795 n $ 895 n $ 975 n $ 1,125 $ Fundamentals of TMD Diagnosis & Treatment n $ 795 n $ 895 n $ 975 n $ 1,125 $ Certified TMJ Assistant n $ 420 n $ 570 n $ 570 n $ 720 $ Advanced Assistant n $ 420 n $ 570 n $ 570 n $ 720 $ Spouse/Guest Attending Session n $ 195 Returning Member n $ 695 n $ 795 $ Affliated Team Member** n $ 495 n $ 595 $ (attach completed membership form) I WILL ALSO ATTEND: PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY: Refund requests (less 10% of total cost of program) must be sub- o ABCP Luncheon (Diplomates only) o New Members Breakfast o Womens Breakfast (members only) o Neuromuscular Dentistry Breakfast TOTAL: $ *You will be admitted to the Symposium selection you choose on this form. You may be admitted in other Symposium programs after all other attendees have been accommodated. **An Affiliated Team Member is a physician, nurse, physical therapist, or other healthcare provider affiliated with an AACP member in good standing. The Team Member may register at this reduces rate and attend any and all functions of his/her choosing. $ mitted in writing (email is acceptable) until June 26th. Due to non-refundable commitments, we cannot offer refunds after this date. PLEASE INITIAL HERE to confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to the AACP cancellation policy. Your registration will not be accepted without this acknowledgement. Payment o CHECK Payable only in US dollars to American Academy of Craniofacial Pain o CREDIT CARD o VISA o MasterCard CREDIT CARD # ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT THAN ABOVE) SIGNATURE o AmEx EXP. DATE ID# (ON BACK OF CARD) American Academy of Craniofacial Pain 12100 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130 Reston, VA 20190 The “Live Music Capital of the World” is ready to welcome you for AACP’s 31st Annual International Clinical Symposium July 29 – 30, 2016 | Hilton Austin | Austin, TX Continuing Education Recognition Program AACP is an ADA CERP-Recognized Provider, January 1993 to December 2017. !! ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. AGD Approved PACE Program Provider (#211843) FAGD/MAGD Credit June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2019 AACP s ’ 31 Annual st International Clinical Symposium