EXHIBITION DOSSIER: 1. STANDARD BOOTH / DESCRIPTION 2. EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS 3. EXHIBITION PLANNING 4. EXHIBITOR ORDER FORMS 5. PHOTOS CATALOGUE 6. GENERAL REGULATIONS 7. GENERAL RULES SET UP & BREAKDOWN 8. RIGGING 9. LAYOUTS STANDARD BOOTH / DESCRIPTION 1 CCIB SHELL SCHEME Description: •2.5m-high lacquered aluminium structure. •Beech-coloured melamine panel. •Curved white PVC fascia board.1unit on each open side •10cm-high standard black lettering. •Spotlights 100w (50w/m2 base) 0.045m 0.14m •Electrical switchboard with 1 socket 220v socket. This socket can provide 200w free power. •Fair Carpet placed directly over the floor. Same colour for all the stands. Covered with a protective plastic. •Power supply included in this rate 0.975m 0.93m 2.50m •Price VAT not included: 29 €/m2 1.02m 2.22m The colour has to be determined for the organizer CCIB STANDARD BOOTH 2012 BEECH MODULAR SHELL SCHEME Price sqm includes transport, rental, building and dismantling of: • Beech modular panels • Aluminium structure • White front board with exhibitor name in black standard letters (1 per open side) and maximum 18 signs. • Surface covered with same carpet colour to be determined for all the stands. • Spotlights rail of 100w, calculate 50w per sqm. • Electrical switchboard with 1 socket (200 w) • Including availability of electrical power Price sqm 29€/m2 Prices 2012 EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS 2 Important points for organizer FLOOR MARKING The floor marking has to be done during the time that the Organizer hires the exhibition area. The organizer is responsible to make the stand space on the floor CLEANING: Cleaning before opening common areas Price 0, 70 €/m² + VAT Expo common areas cleaning, collect set up remainders* in aisles and waste removal. Cleaning after event common areas Price 1,30 €/m² + VAT with carpet 1,10 €/m² + VAT without carpet Daily Cleaning 0.53€/m2 + VAT with/without carpet Expo common areas cleaning, collect set up remainders* in aisles, vacuuming of exhibition areas and waste removal. Aisle carpet removal included. The Exhibition Area must be delivered to the CCIB completely empty and clear of stand remains. Each exhibitor is responsible of removing the booth, and the event organizer is responsible of ensuring that it is carried out. Please consider any other cleaning requirements not included above should be extra quoted as: - Cleaning during the set up - Cleaning expo maintenance during the event *This price does not included stand building material, i.e. woods, palets… ELECTRICITY: Booth switchboards must be supplied by the CCIB. If a power extension must be done in order to supply more kilowatts than the electrical mains have, the cost will be met by the organizer. The organizer is in charge of providing the exhibitor a hall layout indicating electrical mains and booth. Cable covers must be place in the corridors when the floor-level socket outlet box is outside the booth. DEADLINE ORGANIZER AND EXHIBITORS: All order forms must enclose the payment receipt to be processed. From 20 days before assembly opening, a 20% extra charge will be applied, the payment receipt is a must and deliveries will depend on stocks availability. 5 days before assembly, new orders, cancellations or changes will be not accepted. LAYOUT: Exhibition layout must be show to the Organizer. Exhibition area must show and observe all technical and security requirements (emergency doors, fire alarms, services sources-electricity, water, IT). SECURITY: Security quotation will be done according event requirements during set up, event and dismantling period. Each access to the street opened during those periods requires a security guard. CARPET CORRIDORS: Carpet supply and installation for corridors 4€/m² + VAT Rates 2012 EXHIBITION PLANNING 3 ACTION Meeting 3 months before 12 Main Exhibition Information Organizer requirements /quotations Layouts Layout deadline approval Organizer Services Sales Assignments Exhibition approval (booth, carpet…) Security approval Cleaning approval Rigging approval Cash bar Proforma invoice Exhibitors (CCIB) Services payment deadline Exhibitors information list Initial contact with exhibitors Order form process & invoice Special requirements Invoice Order forms/cancellations deadline Late orders invoice 11 10 9 2 months before 8 7 6 5 1 month before 4 3 2 1 EVENT EXHIBITOR ORDER FORMS 4 CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES INTERNACIONAL DE BARCELONA FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 2012 EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM 2012 CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 0. Procedimientos y Condiciones CCIB - SOLICITUD DE PRESTACIONES STAND PROCEDIMIENTO A continuación se detallan los procedimientos para rellenar este formulario en su PC. Una vez cumpliementado se debe enviar vía e-mail a: stands@ccib.es adjuntando el comprobante de la transferencia realizada o la Autorización de cobro con tarjeta de crédito cumplimentada (Formulario de Pago). En caso contrario, no se realizará la reserva de su material. En cada pestaña encontrará un formulario por tipos de producto. Rellene las casillas azules con las cantidades según sus necesidades. El cálculo económico se realizará automáticamente y se totalizará en el EXTRACTO ECONOMICO adjunto. Todos los precios de alquiler de servicios se incrementarán con el 18% de IVA correspondiente (excepto el catering que aplica un 8%). Es de obligado cumplimiento rellenar el formulario 0.1 Datos Fiscales y Comerciales . Sin esta información no se tramitará ninguna solicitud. FORMULARIOS * Electricidad: Los precios de alquiler son para todo el evento. La casilla de "Acometida de consumo eléctrico" se rellena automáticamente en caso de solicitud de cuadro eléctrico, son vinculantes. * AV e Informática: Los precios de alquiler son por evento. El material audiovisual e informático se entregará el día anterior a la inauguración. * Catering: En estos formularios hay que rellenar en las columnas de los días y la cantidad de unidades que quiere recibir en dicho día. * Azafatas: Los precios son por cada día de evento, las azafatas que necesite cada día se rellenan en las columnas de los días (ej: Si el evento dura 3 días sólo se rellenan los días 1, 2 y 3). * Stand Modular: Estos complementos están disponibles para incluir en el stand modular contratado previamente en CCIB a través del organizador del evento, o bien directamente. * Plano de distribución: Aquí se dibujan los elementos solicitados en los formularios, en caso de querer una ubicación concreta. En caso de no recibir el plano, GL Events CCIB SL los dispondrá segun su mejor criterio. CONDICIONES A recepción de este formulario se facturará el 100% del mismo. No se considerará ninguna solicitud que no se haya abonado. Fecha límite de envío del pedido: GL Events CCIB SL debe recibir este formulario 20 DIAS ANTES DEL INCIO DEL MONTAJE del evento se aplicará un recargo del 20% sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. Para calcular el precio correcto debe añadir '20' en las casillas azules del formulario EXTRACTO ECONOMICO. 7 DIAS LABORABLES ANTES DEL INICIO DEL MONTAJE se cierra la recepción de solicitudes de servicios . Durante los días de montaje las nuevas peticiones se tendrán que realizar en el exhibitor desk, donde se atenderán según disponibilidad y el pago se realizará en el momento de la solicitud. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Dos semanas antes del evento cancelaciones o cambios no serán aceptados y se cobrará el 100% de los servicios. Responsabilidad del material: Todo el material está en régimen de alquiler, por lo que el Expositor es responsable del mismo desde que se le entrega hasta su recuperación por el departamento correspondiente de GL Events CCIB SL. FORMAS DE PAGO (100% a la realización del pedido) • Transferencia bancaria a favor de: GL Events CCIB S.L. La Caixa (Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona) C.C: 2100 3136 41 22 00 16 89 61 Swift Code: CAIXESBBXXX IBAN: ES62 2100 3136 41 22 00 16 89 61 • Tarjeta VISA , MASTERCARD o AMEX máximo: 6.000,00€). (Importe Tome en cuenta que las tasas de tranferencia son a cargo del expositor. Si la empresa contratante no ha satisfecho la totalidad de los importes establecidos por su participación, GL Events CCIB SL se reserva el derecho a: • Anular su participación en el evento, sin tener ninguna obligación de indemnnizarlo ni de reintegrarle las cantidades adelantadas que serán retenidas en concepto de indemnización por los gastos sufridos en consecuencia de la anulación. • No prestar el servicio solicitado. • 0. Información general ÍNDICE: • 6. Internet y Telefonía • 11. Plantas • 0.1. Datos fiscales • 7. Audiovisual y Ordenadores • 12-17 Catering 1-2-3-4-5-6 • 1. Stand Modular • 8. Azafatas • 18. Plano de distribución • 2. Electricidad • 9. Seguridad • 19. Extracto económico • 3-4-5. Mobiliario 1 / Mobiliario 2 • 10. Suelo, Agua, Aire comprimido y Limpieza • 20. Formulario de pago CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 0. Procedures and Conditions CCIB - STAND SERVICES ORDER FORM PROCEDURES Here are the procedures to fill in the Stand Services Order Form on your PC. Once completed, send it via vía e-mail to: stands@ccib.es enclosing a wire transfer copy or the Credit Card order form completed. Otherwise we can not reserve your material. Each tab displays a form for different services. Fill in the blue boxes with the quantity you require. The cost is automatically calculated and totalled in the ORDER SUMMARY document. All prices will be increase with 18% Spanish VAT (catering 8%). Forms 0.1 Financial and Sales Details must be mandatorily filled. No request will be processed without this information. ORDER FORMS * Electrical power supply: The rental charges are for the whole event. The ‘Electrical connection’ box is filled in automatically if an electrical switchboard is requested. * Audiovisuals and IT: The rental charges are per event. Audiovisual and IT material will be delivered the day before inauguration. * Catering: The quantities required for each day must be filled in the day columns. * Hostesses: The prices are for each day of the event. Fill in how many hostesses you require for each day in the day columns (e.g. if the event lasts 3 days, only days 1, 2 and 3 must be filled in). * Shell-scheme stands: The items listed here are available to be included in the shell-scheme stands supplied by the CCIB. * Layout plan: If you require a specific layout, please draw the positions of the requested items. If the plan is not received on time, GL Events CCIB SL will ditribute the stand as considered best. CONDITIONS 100% of the order form shall be invoiced at reception. Order forms will not be considered without the full payment. Deadline for sending forms: GL events CCIB must receive these forms 20 days before the set up A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. In order to calculate the correct payment, ‘20’ must be added to the blue boxes of the ORDER SUMMARY document. 7 WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE SET UP no more order forms will be accepted . During set-up days, new requests may be made at the Exhibitors' Desk, where they will be attended according to availability, and payment will be done at the same time of ordering. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on the existing stock. Two weeks before the event, cancellations or changes will no longer be accepted, a 100% of the cost will be charged. Responsibility for the material: All the material is on a rental basis. The Exhibitor is responsible for this material from its delivery to its collection by the respective department of GL events CCIB. METHODS OF PAYMENT (100% upon ordering) • Bank transfer to: GL Events CCIB S.L. La Caixa (Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona) C.C: 2100 3136 41 22 00 16 89 61 Swift Code: CAIXESBBXXX IBAN: ES62 2100 3136 41 22 00 16 89 61 • Credit Card - VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX amount: 6.000,00€). (Maximum Take note that the bank tranfer fees are in charge of the exhibitor. If the contracting company has not paid over the full amount of the amounts established for its participation, GL Events CCIB SL may opt to either: • Deem its participation cancelled, with no duty to compensate it or return to it the amounts advanced for this matter, which shall be retained by the organisation by way of compensation for the expenses borne by the organisation for the cancelled participation. • Do not serve the material ordered. INDEX • 0. Procedures and Conditions • 6. Internet and Telephone • 0.1. Fiscal Details • 7. Audiovisual and Computers • 12-17 Catering 1-2-3-4-5-6 • 1. Stand Modular • 8. Hostesses • 18. Stand Layout Drawing • 2. Electricity • 9. Security guards • 19. Order summary • 3-4-5. Furniture 1 / Furniture 2 • 10. Flooring, Water, Compressed Air and Cleaning • 20. Credit Card order form CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 • 11. Plants E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 0.1.Financial Details FINANCIAL & SALES DETAILS / DATOS FISCALES Y COMERCIALES FORM TO BE MANDATORILY FILLED ESTA HOJA ES DE OBLIGADO CUMPLIMIENTO FINANCIAL DETAILS / DATOS FISCALES Company Name / Razón Social VAT Nº / NIF Adress / Dirección Empresa City / Ciudad Postcode / CP Country / País Administration contact / Contacto administración e-mail Telephone / Teléfono Fax Event / Evento Stand Name / Nombre stand Stand nº / Número stand SALES DETAILS / DATOS COMERCIALES Company Name / Nombre Empresa Adress / Dirección Empresa Postcode / CP City / Ciudad Country / País Event contact / Contacto feria e-mail Telephone / Teléfono Fax It is absolutely mandatory completing the Finance Details. In case Sales Details are different from Finance Details, the first ones must be also completed. All the information appearing next to the green boxes must be completed. Any order not containing the requested information marked in the green boxes will not be processed. Es imperativo rellenar los Datos Fiscales. En caso de que los Datos Comerciales difieran de los Fiscales, también deberán cumplimentarse. La orden será rechazada en caso de que falte cualquier información requerida en las casillas verdes. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es LOGOTIPO ORGANIZADOR EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 1. Stand Modular Event Stand Nº CCIB SHELL SCHEME / STAND MODULAR CCIB PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2,5m-high lacquered aluminium structure Beech-coloured melamine panel Curved white PVC fascia board 10cm-high black lettering Lighting with 100w spotlights, on a 50w/m² base Electrical switchboard with 200w socket Electricity consumption will be invoiced separately Surface covered with same carpet colour to be determined for all the stands Price / Precio * M² TOTAL 29,00 € - Estructura de aluminio natural de 2,5m de altura Panel melaminado en haya Frontis de diseño mediante placa de PVC curva en color blanco Rótulo con letra de 10cm de alto en color negro Iluminación mediante focos de 100w a razón de 50w/m² Cuadro eléctrico con enchufe de 200w El consumo eléctrico se facturará aparte Superfície cubierta con moqueta mismo color a determinar para todos los stands * Excl. VAT / IVA no incluido € FASCIA BOARD / RÓTULO ( Max. 20 Let.) ed EXTRA FASCIA BOARD / RÓTULO EXTRA ( Max. 20 Let.) Units / Unidades Price / Precio * 44,00 € TOTAL € * Excl. VAT / IVA no incluido SUBTOTAL Shell Scheme / Stand Modular - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL ! - IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 1.Stand Fittings - Prest. Stand Event Stand Nº CCIB SHELL-SCHEME STAND FITTINGS / PRESTACIONES STAND MODULAR CCIB PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. Qty. / Cant. €/u. TOTAL Fittings / Varios long x high SC61 Modular panel / Panel modular SC62 Modular panel / Panel modular SC71 Modular door / Puerta modular SC31 M2 vinil printing / M2 impresión sobre vinilo SC29 M2 forex for signage / M2 forex señalética SC96 Fireproof cloth ceiling - m² / Techo de tela ignífuga - m² 100x250cm 40,80 € - € 50x250cm 20,60 € - € 100x250cm 75,00 € - € 85,00 € - € 100,00 € - € 20,00 € - € Minimum 1 m2 / Mínimo 1 m2 Storerooms / Almacén (only available for CCIB shell squeme stand / sólo disponible para stand modular CCIB) long x high FT8 FT9 Storeroom (1 panel + 1 door) Almacén modular (panel + 1 puerta) Storeroom (2 panels + 1 door) Almacén modular (2 paneles + 1 puerta) 100x250cm 128,00 € - € 100x250cm 179,00 € - € Shelving / Estantes (only available for CCIB shell squeme stand / sólo disponible para stand modular CCIB) long x wide FT1 Sloping shelf / Estante inclinado 100x30cm 21,00 € - € FT2 Horizontal shelf / Estante horizontal 100x30cm 17,50 € - € 100x50x100cm 175,00 € - € 80x45x187cm 157,00 € - € 72,70 € - € Counters and showcases / Mostradores y vitrinas long x wide x high FT4 Showcase counter / Mostrador vitrina modular FT5 Tall showcase, 5 shelves and 3 spotlights Vitrina 5 estantes y 3 focos FT6 Beech counter / Mostrador haya 100x52x110cm Lighting: All other electrical requirements can be found in the Electricity form. Electricidad: El resto de las necesidades eléctricas las encontrará en el formulario de Electricidad. F-100 26w low power rail spotlight / Foco guia 26w bajo consumo 24,50 € - € F-300 300w halogen spotlight / Foco halógeno 300W 57,90 € - € SUBTOTAL Stand Fittings / Prestaciones Stand modular - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL - € Signature / Firma ! ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 2. Electricity - Electricidad Event Stand Nº ELECTRICITY / ELECTRICIDAD ELECTRICAL SWITCHBOARD ARE COMPULSORY (E1-E11) CUADRO ELÉCTRICO OBLIGATORIO (E1-E11) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL E1 1.1kW (230V/6A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 Schuko output. 70,10 € - € E2 2.2kW (230V/10A) EElectrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 Schuko output. 87,90 € - € E3 3.3kW (230V/16A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 Schuko output. 101,20 € - € E4 6.6kW (230V/32A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida Schuko output (maximum 50cm from the switchboard) 136,00 € - € E5 10kW (400V/40A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 CEE 3P+N+T, 32A. 216,00 € - € E7 15kW (400V/25A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 CEE 3P+N+T, 32A. Size output. 339,00 € - € E9 20kW (400V/32A) Electrical switchboard . Power supply included / Cuadro eléctrico. Potencia eléctrica incluida - 1 CEE 3P+N+T, 32A. Size output. In case of connecting engines, please consult / En caso de conectar motores por favor consultar. 416,00 € - € E1- E2 - E3 - 2 E5-E6-E7-E8-E9 E4 E10 SOCKET OUTLETS (Please note an extra Electrical Switchboard in accordance with power requirements is obligatory when ordering Socket Outlets. 3,3 kw is the maximum power allowed to connect on each electrical cable apart from the shuckos ENCHUFES (En caso de contratar enchufes, hay que solicitar un cuadro eléctrico extra acorde con la potencia. 3.3kw es la máxima potencia que permite 1 alargo independientemente de los schukos) S2 Extension cable single-phase schuko 16A / 230V ( 2 shuckos) / Alargo de corriente de 2 tomas eléctricas shucko 16A / 230V 10,50 € - € S3 Extension cable single-phase schuko 16A / 230V ( 3 shuckos) / Alargo de corriente de 3 tomas eléctricas shucko 16A / 230V 13,00 € - € ZETAC EXTENSION / ALARGO ZETAC ZT16 Three-phase socket CEE Form 400V 16A / Toma Cetac 400V 16A 85,30 € - € ZT32 Three-phase socket CEE Form 400V 32A / Toma Cetac 400V 32A 162,00 € - € ZT64 Three-phase socket CEE Form 400V 63A / Toma Cetac 400V 63A 234,00 € - € Signature / Firma ! ! SUBTOTAL Electricity / Electricidad - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL - € IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 3. Furniture1-Mobiliario1 Event Stand Nº FURNITURE 1 / MOBILIARIO 1 Ref. €/u. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO CUPBOARDS / ARMARIOS Qty. / Cant. TOTAL long x wide x high AH Beech cupboard lockable / Armario haya concerradura AB White cupboard lockable / Armario Blanco con cerradura AG Grey cupboard lockable / Armario gris con cerradura TABLES / MESAS 74x39x74cm 40,50 € - € - € - € - € - € long x wide x high MA-H Beech top high table / Mesa aeropuerto superficie Haya MA-B White top high table / Mesa aeropuerto superficie Blanca MA-N Black top high table / Mesa Aeropuerto superficie Negra - € MR-H Round beech table / Mesa redonda haya - € MR-N Round black table / Mesa redonda negra - € MR-B Round whitetable / Mesa redonda blanca 60 Øx110cm 80 M-CC03 Rectangular grey table / Mesa rectangular gris M-CC04 Grey front board for table (M-CC03)/ Tapa frontal gris para mesa 34,75 € Øx74cm 25,50 € 28,50 € - € - € 120x70x70cm MT-H Rectangular beech table / Mesa rectangular haya MT-B Rectangular white table / Mesa rectangular blanca 150x80x75cm 41,00 € € € - € MT-N Rectangular black table / Mesa rectangular negra - € Square beech coffee table / Mesa centro cuadrada haya - € MB-B Square white coffee table / Mesa centro cuadrada blanca - € MB-N Square black coffee table / Mesa centro cuadrada negra - € SUBTOTAL Furniture 1 / Mobiliario 1 - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL - € 60x60x40cm 36,00 € IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! - MB-H Signature / Firma ! 19,75 € NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 4. Furniture2-Mobiliario2 Event Stand Nº FURNITURE 2 / MOBILIARIO 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL CHAIRS / SILLAS SC-N Black leather chair / Silla cuero negro SP-B White plastic chair / Silla plástico blanco S-H Beech chair / Silla haya S-CC02 Blue upholstered chair / Silla tapizada azul S- A Blue chair / Silla azul S- N Black chair/ Silla negra S-B White chair/ Silla Blanca S- R Red chair/ Silla roja 16,90 € - € 7,25 € - € 22,00 € - € 9,95 € - € - € - € - € - € 28,50 € STOOLS / TABURETES TN-1 Classic black high stool / Taburete clásico negro 19,15 € - € TN-2 Black upholstered Z high stool / Taburete Aledo tapizado negro 22,00 € - € TH-1 Beech stool / Taburete haya 33,40 € - € TA-1 Aluminium stool / Taburete aluminio 35,50 € - € EASY CHAIRS / BUTACAS BU-B White armchair / Butaca blanca 34,90 € - € BU-N Black armchair / Butaca negra 34,90 € - € - € SHELVING - 4 SHELVES / ESTANTERÍA - 4 ESTANTES ES-N long x wide x high Black PVC shelving / Estantería PVC negra ES-G Grey PVC shelving / Estantería PVC gris ES- A Aluminium shelving / Estantería Aluminio 60x38x173cm 25,50 € - € 92 x45 x180cm 38,75 € - € 23,75 € - € OTHERS / COMPLEMENTOS CP-1 CP-2 C-CC05 CF-3 Coat stand / Perchero de pie Office wastepaper bin / Papelera oficina Magazine Rack / Revistero Refrigerator / Frigorífico 10,50 € - € 22x31,5cm 26,25 € - € 56x60x83cm 60,25 € - € Signature / Firma SUBTOTAL Furniture 2 / Mobiliario 2 - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es - € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 5.Design Furniture-Mobiliario3 Event Stand Nº DESIGN FURNITURE 3 / MOBILIARIO DISEÑO 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. Qty. /Cant. TOTAL long x wide x high CUPBOARDS / ARMARIOS AN €/u. Black cupboard / Armario Negro 43x65x60 53,75 € - € long x wide x high TABLES / MESAS MAC Glass top high table / Mesa aeropuerto superficie cristal 60x110 70,50 € - € MAA Silver aluminium top high table / Mesa aeropuerto aluminio 70x113 66,00 € - € 120x74x80 71,75 € - € 80x80 73,00 € - € 60x60x60 49,50 € - € 40x70 75,50 € - € 31,50 € - € 41,50 € - € Select colour (x) / Seleccione Color (x) MOR MCM MC MCC Rectangular office table / Mesa Black-Negro rectangular oficina Beech-Haya White-Blanco Grey-Gris White-Blanco Square table / Mesa cuadrada Black-Negro Beech- Haya Sofa Table / Mesa Centro Grey-Gris White-Blanco Black-Negro Beech- Haya Glass Sofa Table / Mesa Centro Cristal Select colour (x) / Seleccione Color(x) CHAIRS / SILLAS SD-I SD-II Design Chair I / Silla Diseño I Grey-Gris Beige Black- Negro Design Chair II / Silla Diseño II White-Blanco Red- Rojo Select colour (x) / Seleccione Color (x) STOOLS / TABURETES Black- Negro TD-I Stool I / Taburete I TD-II White Stool II / Taburete Blanco II TD-III Stool III / Taburete III Beech-Haya Black- Negro Cream- Crudo Red-Rojo Blue-Azul 43,50 € - € 84,50 € - € 30,00 € - € EASY CHAIRS / BUTACAS BD-I BS White Easy Chair I / Butaca Blanca I 57,25 € - € 105,00 € - € 102,90 € - € SUBTOTAL Furniture 3 / Mobiliario 3 - € IVA 18 % - € TOTAL - € Sofa / Butaca Piel OTHERS / COMPLEMENTOS RD Rack Magazine/ Revistero Signature / Firma ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 6. Internet & Telefonía Event Stand Nº INTERNET and TELEPHONE / INTERNET y TELEFONÍA Ref. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL INTERNET ACCESS / ACCESO A INTERNET W1 24h Wi-fi code connexion (1 code for each computer) / de 24h (1 código por ordenador) W2 Wifi connection event/ Conexión wifi evento (1 code) IC4 Código Wi-fi 18,00 € - € 85,00 € - € 1Mb connection with cable / Conexión 1 Mbit con cable 235,00 € - € IC5 2Mb connection with cable / Conexión 2 Mbit con cable 470,00 € - € Pr1 Network drop (RJ45´ Ethernet Interface) / Cable (conexión física o punto de red) 21,63 € - € Sw1 Switch Ethernet 8 ports / Switch 8 puertos 67,50 € - € Wireless is compatible with the standard as described as in the IEEE 802.11b norm / Wi-fi cumple con el estándar descrito en la normativa IEEE 802.11b TECHNICAL SUPPORT NOT INCLUDED / SOPORTE TÉCNICO NO INCLUIDO Norms & Requests : It is not allowed to broadcast any wireless network without previous authorization. Normas & Regulaciones: No se permite desplegar ningún sistema wi-fi sin previa autorización. TELEPHONE AND FAX / TELÉFONO Y FAX L1 Telephone line + telephone. (5 days + test day). Telephone consumption not included* Línea de teléfono + teléfono. Consumo no incluído* (5dias + día de prueba 168,00 € - € L2 Analog line, for fax or "TPV" use. (5 days + test day). Telephone consumption not included* Línea analógica (fax no incluído). Consumo no incluido* (5dias + día de prueba 126,00 € - € All telephone lines are connected to a main switchboard and 0 is needed to get external line. Todas las líneas telefónicas están conectadas a una central telefónica principal y es necesario marcar el 0 para obtener línea externa. * The cost of telephone and fax calls will be invoiced at the end of month. * El consumo de teléfono y Fax se facturará una vez finalizado el evento. FAX L3 Inkjet fax for A4 paper / Fax inkjet para papel DIN A4 150,00 € - € L4 B/W multifunction laser fax / Fax Multifunción Laser B/N 192,00 € - € SUBTOTAL Internet and Telephone / Internet y Telefonía - € IVA 18% - € Signature / Firma TOTAL ! ! - € IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 7. Audiovisual and IT Event Stand Nº AUDIOVISUALS and COMPUTERS / SISTEMAS AUDIOVISUALES e INFORMATICA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL COMPUTERS / ORDENADORES IV Laptop computer Core Duo / Ordenador portátil Core Duo 190,00 € - € IT05 Desktop computer Core Duo+19” TFT screen / Ordenador sobremesa Core Duo+TFT 19" 200,00 € - € IT06 Apple MacBook 365,00 € - € IT07 Desktop computer Apple iMac / Ordenador sobremesa Apple iMac 365,00 € - € IT08 HP deskjet D2360 colour printer / Impresora color HP D2360 deskjet 110,00 € - € IT09 HP 1100 laserJet printer / Impresora laserJet HP 1100 (Mono puesto) 190,00 € - € IT10 Color laserJet 3600n printer /Impresora LáserJet 3600n Color 350,00 € - € IT11 Mouse and keyboard kit / Kit Teclado y ratón 21,75 € - € IT04 TV, VIDEO AND DVD / TV, VIDEO Y DVD TV05 42" Plasma screen+speakers+supports / Pantalla plasma 42" con soporte + altavoces 510,00 € - € TV06 50" Plasma screen+speakers+supports / Pantalla plasma 50" con soporte + altavoces 750,00 € - € DVD01 DVD reader (region 2) / Lector DVD (Región 2) 55,00 € - € LCD19 Screen LCD TFT 19"/ Monitor LCD TFT 19" 130,00 € - € LCD22 Screen LCD TFT 22"/ Monitor LCD TFT 22" 182,00 € - € LCD27 Screen LCD TFT 27"/ Monitor LCD TFT 27" 267,00 € - € LCD32 Screen LCD TFT 32"/ Monitor LCD TFT 32" 400,00 € - € Signature / Firma SUBTOTAL Audiovisual and IT / Audiovisuales e Informática - € IVA 18 % - € TOTAL ! - IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 8.Hostesses-Azafatas Event Stand Nº HOSTESSES / AZAFATAS 1 Please list your requirements for hostesses, indicating the number of hostesses and time required for each day : Indiquen sus necesidades para azafatas, detallando para cada día el número de azafatas y los horarios de cada una : Conditions / Condiciones: Minimum service: 4hours The meal expenses are obligatory always when is hired to work at lunch time between the 13:00h-15:00h and dinner time between 20:00h-22:00h. This includes one free hour. Contratación mínima: 4 horas La dieta es obligatoria siempre que el horario de trabajo (tanto en jornada completa como en media jornada) comprenda el horario de comida (13:00h 15:00h) o cena (20:00h - 22:00h). Disponen de 1 hora libre. A partir de 6 horas ya se considera jornada completa. Las tarifas se verán incrementadas el 20% los 14 días del calendario laboral (días festivos oficiales). After 6 hours journey it is quoted full day. . The rates will be increased a 20% on the 14 days of scheduled holidays. 2 Ref. Please fill in the boxes below according to your requirements. Por favor, rellenen las casillas según su pedido. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO €/u./day Hostesses / azafatas Days / Días Units/ uds TOTAL Hostess 1 language (Full day) HO1 121,00 € - € 89,00 € - € 14,00 € - € 19,00 € - € 22,00 € - € SUBTOTAL Hostess / Azafatas - € IVA 18% - € Azafata 1 idioma (Jornada completa) Hostess 1 language (Half day) HO2 Azafata 1 idioma (Media jornada) Meal expenses HO3 Dieta Azafata Hostess 1 language (Extra hour) HO4 Azafata 1 idioma (Hora extra) Hostess 1 language (Extra hour nihgt rate 22h - 06h) HO5 Azafata 1 idioma (Hora extra nocturna 22h - 06h) Signature / Firma TOTAL ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es - € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 9. Security-Seguridad Event Stand Nº SECURITY GUARDS / SEGURIDAD 1 Please list your requirements for security guards, indicating the number of guards and time required for each day : Indiquen sus necesidades para seguridad, detallando para cada día el número de guardias y los horarios de cada uno : Conditions / Condiciones: Día laborable : de lunes a viernes. Festivos : sábado, domingo y festivos nacionales. Durante los horarios nocturnos (22h-6h), 1 hora más de las estipuladas será cobrada en concepto de transporte. Peticiones tienen que ser para 4 horas como mínimo. Una petición no confirmada 15 días antes del evento puede ser anulada. Working days : Monday to Friday. Non-working days : Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. During night time (from 10 pm to 6 am), one more hour than the indicated time will be charged for transport. Orders must be for a minimum of 4 hours. A non-confirmed request 15 days before event could be cancelled. 2 Ref. SG1 SG2 SG3 SG4 Please fill in the boxes below, calculating the total number of hours and guards for all the event. Por favor, rellenen las casillas abajo, calculando la suma total de horas y de guardias para todo el evento. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Security guard, 1 hour on working day between 06:00h and 22:00h Vigilante seguridad, 1 hora en laborable entre 06:00h y 22:00h Security guard, 1 hour on working day between 22:00h and 06:00h Vigilante seguridad, 1 hora laborable entre 22:00h y 06:00h Security guard, 1 hour on holiday between 06:00 and 22:00h Vigilante seguridad, 1 hora en festivo entre 06:00h y 22:00h Security guard, 1 hour on holiday between 22:00 and 06:00h Vigilante seguridad, 1 hora en festivo entre 22:00h y 06:00h €/h Total number of hours/ Número total de horas Total number of guards / Número total guardias 22,00 € - € 24,50 € - € 23,50 € - € 26,00 € - € SUBTOTAL Security / Seguridad - € IVA 18% - € Signature / Firma TOTAL ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 TOTAL Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es - € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 10.Flooring...-Suelos... Event Stand Nº COMPRESSED AIR, FLOORING, WATER and CLEANING / AIRE COMPRIMIDO, SUELOS, AGUA y LIMPIEZA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Ref. €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL COMPRESSED AIR / AIRE COMPRIMIDO C1 Compressor 1 (Electric switchboard + Compressor + installation) Compresor 1 (Cuadro eléctrico + Compresor + Instalación) Upon request / Bajo presupuesto FLOORING / SUELOS Sqm / m2 Select Colour/ Seleccione Color (using a "X") Blue-Azul MQ TMO Carpet / Moqueta Grey-Gris Red-Rojo Green-Verde Chipboard platform / Tarima Aglomerado (carpet is necesary to be place, not included on the price / Se necesita poner moqueta, no incluida en el precio) 7,20 € / m² - € 28,50 € / m² - € - € - € WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATION / INSTALACIÓN ACOMETIDA DE AGUA Please check the water supply points with CCIB / Por favor confirmen puntos de agua con el CCIB WA1 Water supply with drainage pipe Acometida de agua más desagüe 250,00 € The connection to any kind of machines or items is not included. This has to be done by the stand builder. / No está incluida la conexión a máquinas de ningún tipo. WA2 Sink pack (Installation of sink, drainage pipe + water connection) / Pack fregadero (Instalación agua desagüe + fregadero) 340,00 € CLEANING / LIMPIEZA Ref. DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN €/u. Days/ Dias M² Day 2 / Día 2 LIP Pre-inauguration cleaning* Limpieza Pre-inauguración* Day 3 / Día 3 Total/ud. TOTAL Day 4 / Día 4 2,55 € - € Daily cleaning** LID Limpieza diaria** 1,65 € - - € 50,00 € - - € Maintenance cleaning LIM Limpieza Mantenimiento SERVICE DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN DEL SERVICIO *Pre-inauguration cleaning: The night prior to the inauguration day. Removal of plastics and vacuum cleaning of carpet. *Limpieza pre-inauguración: la noche anterior al día de inauguración . Retirada de plástico y aspirado de moqueta. **Daily cleaning: Every day of the event. Vacuum cleaning of carpet and emptying of wastepaper bins. **Limpieza diaria : Todos los días del evento. Aspirado de moqueta y limpieza de papeleras. ***Maintenance cleaning: 4 times a day: vacuum cleaning, emptying of trash bins and cleaning of tables and counters. ***Limpieza mantenimiento: (4 pases durante el día: aspirado, vacíados de papeleras y limpieza de mesas y mostrador) Other Cleaning services are available upon request for quote Otros servicios de limpieza se realizan bajo presupuesto. Signature / Firma SUBTOTAL Flooring, Water, Compressed Air and Cleaning / Suelos, Agua, Aire Comprimido y Limpieza - € IVA 18% - € TOTAL - € ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 11.Plants-Jardinería Event Stand Nº PLANTS / JARDINERÍA Ref. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO €/u. Qty. / Cant. TOTAL P01 Round top tree / Árbol formado copa redonda 38,00 € - € P02 Round table centrepiece / Centro de mesa 27,50 € - € P03 Round plant pot / Jardinera redonda 38,00 € - € P04 Kentia Palm standard size 150cm / Kentia Forsteriana medida standard 150cm 38,00 € - € P05 Phicus Benjamina standard size 150cm / Ficus benjamina medida standard 150cm 38,00 € - € Signature / Firma SUBTOTAL PLANTS - JARDINERÍA - € IVA 18% TOTAL ! IMPORTANT: When you fill in this page it implies that your have read 0."Procedures & Conditions" This form will not be accepted unless form 0.1 "Financial & Sales Details" is duly completed ! NOTA IMPORTANTE: Rellenar esta hoja implica haber leído 0."Procedimientos y Condiciones" Este formulario no se aceptará si no se adjunta el formulario 0.1 "Datos fiscales y comerciales" CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es - - € € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 12. Catering 1 Event Stand Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº delivery time received: Date request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Tot/u. DELIVERY TIME Day 4 Día 4 TOTAL DELIVERY TIME WINES and CAVA (price per bottle) / VINOS Y CAVAS (Precio por botella) Mediterranean White Wine 3/4 l (A.O.C Penedés) CT1 12,15 € - € 12,15 € - € 15,20 € - € 7,80 € - € 7,80 € - € 7,80 € - € 7,80 € - € 7,80 € - € 9,05 € - € 9,05 € - € 66,15 € - € - € Vino Blanco Mediterranen 3/4 l (D.O Penedés) Mediterraneam Red Wine 3/4 l (A.O.C Penedés) CT2 Vino Tinto Mediterranean 3/4 l (D.O Penedés) CT3 Cava Aria Brut Nature 3/4 l Cava Aria Brut Nature 3/4 l SOFT DRINKS, COFFEE and TEA / BEBIDAS, CAFÉS e INFUSIONES Coca Cola 33 cl (Pack 6 units) CT4 Coca Cola 33 cl (Pack 6 uds.) Diet Coke 33 cl (Pack 6 units) CT5 Coca Cola light 33 cl (Pack 6 uds.) Tonic water 33 cl (Pack 6 units) CT6 Tónica 33 cl (Pack 6 uds.) Lemonade 33 cl (Pack 6 units) CT7 Fanta de Limón 33 cl (Pack 6 uds.) Orangeade 33 cl (Pack 6 units) CT8 Fanta de Naranja 33 cl (Pack 6 uds.) Alcohol-free beer (Pack 6 units) CT9 Cerveza sin alcohol (Pack 6 uds.) Beer (Pack 6 units) CT10 Cerveza con alcohol (Pack 6 uds.) 1 barrel beer of 20 liters+ beer draft CT11 1 barril de 20 litros+ tirador de cerveza Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido Signature / Firma SUBTOTAL Catering 1 IVA 8% - TOTAL - € Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012 en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 13. Catering 2 Event Stand Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº delivery time received: Date request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Tot/u. Day 4 Día 4 DELIVERY TIME TOTAL DELIVERY TIME Still mineral water 33 cl (Pack 35 units) CT12 34,25 € - € 1,30 € - € 2,25 € - € 5,55 € - € 1,60 € - € 1,60 € - € 6,10 € - € 6,50 € - € 18,40 € - € 19,50 € - € 12,15 € - € 3,30 € - € - € Agua mineral 33 cl (Pack 35 uds.) Sparkling mineral water (¼ l)(glass bottle) CT13 Agua mineral con gas (1/4 l) Still mineral water (1,5 l)(plastic bottle) CT14 Agua mineral 1,5 l (botella de plástico) Mineral water carafe (5 l) CT15 Garrafa de agua mineral (5 l) Milk brike 1 l CT16 Leche Brike 1 l Orange or pineapple or peach juice (Brike 1 l) CT17 Zumo de naranja o piña o melocotón (Brike 1 l) Flask of milk (2 l) CT18 Termo de leche (2 l) Milk individual capsules (50 units) CT19 Monodosis de leche (50 uds.) Flask of coffee (2 l) + 20 Sugars CT20 Termo de café (2 l) + 20 Azucares Flask of hot water with 25 herbal teabags CT21 Termo de agua con 25 infusiones SNACKS / APERITIVOS CT50 Olives (1kg) Aceitunas (1kg) CT51 Crisps (¼kg.) Patatas chips (1/4 kg) Bolsa Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido SUBTOTAL Catering 2 Signature / Firma IVA 8% - € TOTAL - € Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012 en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 14. Catering 3 Event Stand Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº delivery time received: Date request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Tot/u. DELIVERY TIME Day 4 Día 4 TOTAL DELIVERY TIME FINGER FOOD / TAPAS Spanish potato omelette (20 portions aprox) CT52 12,75 € - € 12,75 € - € 28,95 € - € 18,00 € - € 18,65 € - € 18,90 € - € 25,20 € - € 12,00 € - € 18,90 € - € 29,40 € - € 10,30 € - € 12,60 € - € 23,25 € - € 9,45 € - € SUBTOTAL Catering 3 - € IVA 8% - € TOTAL - € Tortilla de patata (20 porciones aprox.) CT53 Coca Recapte (vegetable catalan pizza) with pure olive oil portions aprox) (12 Coca de Recapte (12 porciones aprox) CT54 CT55 Large assortment of cocktail canapés (salmon, anchovy, cooked ham, dry cured Serrano ham, paté) (½kg. - approx. 40 uds.) Gran surtido Cocktail Canapés (salmón, anchoas, jamón York, jamón serrano, paté) 1/2Kg (aprox. 40 uds.) Large assortment of savoury puff pastries (frankfurt, hazelnut, olive, anchovy, almond, ‘chorizo’ spicy pork sausage, cheese) (½kg - approx. 40 units) Surtido de hojaldres salados (Frankfurt, avellanas, olivas, anchoas, almendras, chorizo, queso) ½Kg (aprox. 40uds.) Tray of Serrano ham croquettes (24 units) CT56 Bandeja de croquetas jamón Serrano (24 uds.) Tray of acorn-fed cured ham (1/4Kg) CT57 Bandeja de Jamón de Bellota (1/4Kg) CT58 Tray of iberian cold cuts assortment (pork loin, red spicy sausage, hard seasoned pork sausage, ham) Bandeja de surtido de embutidos ibéricos (lomo, chorizo, longaniza y jamón) Tray of tomato bread (60 slices) CT59 Bandeja de pan con tomate (60 uds.) Tray of cheese cubes (½kg) CT60 Queso en tacos en bandeja (½kg) Salted almonds pack (1kg) CT61 Paquete de Almendras saladas (1kg) Assorted nuts pack (1kg) CT62 Paquete Surtido de frutos secos (1kg) Tray of petit fours (1/4kg) CT63 Bandeja Dulce Petit fours (1/4kg) Tray of petit fours (½kg) CT64 Bandeja Dulce Petit fours (½kg) Peaks Bag (1 kg) CT65 Bolsa de Picos (1kg) Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido Signature / Firma Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012 en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 15. Catering 4 Event Stand delivery time received: Date request Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Tot/u. Day 4 Día 4 DELIVERY TIME TOTAL DELIVERY TIME CROISSANTS & PASTRIES / PASTAS Tray of mini croissants (6 units) CT67 5,90 € - € 5,90 € - € 5,90 € - € 5,90 € - € 11,65 € - € 11,65 € - € 11,65 € - € 11,65 € - € 11,65 € - € - € Bandeja de mini croissants (6 uds.) Tray of mini ensaimadas (Mallorcan pastries) (6units) CT68 Bandeja de mini ensaimadas (6 uds.) Tray of mini chocolate croissants (6 units) CT69 Bandeja de mini croissants chocolat (6 uds.) Tray of mini brioches (6 units) CT70 Bandeja de mini brioche (6 uds.) Tray of mini croissants (12 units) CT71 Bandeja de mini croissants (12 uds.) Tray of mini ensaimadas (Mallorcan pastries) (12 units) CT72 Bandeja de mini ensaimadas (12 uds.) Tray of mini chocolate croissants (12 units) CT73 Bandeja de mini croissants chocolate (12 uds.) Tray of mini brioches (12 units) CT74 Bandeja de mini brioche (12 uds.) Tray of pastries assortment (12 units) CT75 Bandeja de bollería variada (12 uds.) Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido SUBTOTAL Catering 4 Signature / Firma IVA 8% - € TOTAL - € Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012 en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 16. Catering 5 Event Stand Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº delivery time received: Date request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Tot/u. Day 4 Día 4 DELIVERY TIME TOTAL DELIVERY TIME MINI SANDWICHES TRAYS (ON INDIVIDUAL PLASTIC CONTAINER) CT76 CT77 Small tray of asparagus, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches (6 units) Bandeja pequeña de sándwich de lechuga, espárragos y mayonesa (6 ud.) Small tray of chicken, lettuce and apple sandwiches (6 units) Bandeja pequeña de sándwich de pollo, ensalada y manzana (6 ud.) 10,10 € - € 10,10 € - € 10,10 € - € 10,10 € - € 20,15 € - € 20,15 € - € 20,15 € - € 20,15 € - € 3,70 € - € 3,70 € - € - € Small tray of salmon and gherkin sandwiches (6 units) CT78 Bandeja pequeña de sándwich de salmón y pepinillo (6 ud.) Cooked ham & cheese sandwiches (6 units) CT79 Sándwich de jamón dulce y queso (6ud.) CT80 CT81 Tray of asparagus, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches (12 units) Bandeja de sándwich de lechuga, espárragos y mayonesa (12 ud.) Tray of chicken, lettuce and apple sandwiches (12 units) Bandeja de sándwich de pollo, ensalada y manzana (12 ud.) Tray of salmon and gherkin sandwiches (12 units) CT82 Bandeja de sándwich de salmón y pepinillo (12 ud.) Cooked ham & cheese sandwiches (12 units) CT83 Sándwich de jamón dulce y queso (12 ud.) SALADS CT84 CT85 Salad nº 1 (Lettuce, tomato cherry, zanahoria, olives and maiz) on individual disposable container Ensalada nº 1 (Lechuga, tomate cherry, zanahoria, aceitunas y maiz) en barqueta individual desechable Salad nº 2 (Tomato and Mozzarella with oregano) on individual disposable container Ensalada nº 2 (Tomate y Mozzarella con orégano) en barqueta individual desechable Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido SUBTOTAL Catering 5 Signature / Firma IVA 8% TOTAL Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada - € - € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 17. Catering 6 Event Stand Booth main contact / Contacto en el stand : Ref. Nº delivery time received: Date request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPCIÓN PRODUCTO Quantity / Cantidad €/u. Quantity / Cantidad CT100 COFFEE PACK / PACK CAFÉ • 1 machine (all of the event) /1 máquina (todo el evento) • 50 monodoses / 50 Monodosis de café • 5 l. water / 5 litros de Agua • 50 plastic glasses / 50 vasos de plástico • 50 sugars / 50 azúcar • 50 sticks / 50 palos • Tot/u. 145,00 € Day 1 Día 1 DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 TOTAL DELIVERY TIME DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Day 4 Día 4 DELIVERY TIME - € - € DELIVERY TIME COFFEE REFRESHMENT / PACK REPOSICION CT101 CMF • 50 monodoses / 50 Monodosis de café • 5 l. water / 5 litros de Agua • 50 plastic glasses / 50 vasos de plástico • 50 sugars / 50 azúcar • 50 sticks / 50 palos • 2 milk bricks / 2 Bricks de Leche 95,00 € without refills / sin consumibles 150,00 € - € with refills / con consumibles 100,00 € - € 3,50 € - € 3,90 € - € 4,50 € - € 8,30 € - € 8,30 € - € - € EXTERNAL COFFEE MACHINE FEE / RECARGO MAQUINA CAFÉ EXTERNA Day 1 Día 1 COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL / MATERIAL COMPLEMENTARIO Servilleta DELIVERY TIME Day 2 Día 2 DELIVERY TIME Day 3 Día 3 Day 4 Día 4 DELIVERY TIME DELIVERY TIME CT102 Cocktail napkins (pack of 100 units) / de cocktail (100 uds.) CT103 Disposable plates (pack of 10) / desechables (10 uds.) Platos CT105 Disposable coffee and milk cup (pack of 25) / desechable de café con leche (25 uds.) Vaso CT106 Glass of transparent plastic 250 ml (pack of 50) / Vaso plástico transparente 250 ml (50 uds.) CT107 Rigid plastic champagne glass 100ml / de cava plástico rígido 100 ml (10 uds.) Copa CT108 Rigid plastic wine glass 100ml / de vino plástico rígido 100 ml (10 uds.) Copa CT112 Ice-Tray + Pincer / Cubitera + pinza CT113 Ice Pack (2 kg) / Bolsa de hielo (2 kg) 3,35 € - € CT114 Disposable cutlery / Cubiertos plástico 0,70 € - € CT115 100 sticks / 100 removedores 15,00 € - € - € - € 8,30 € 16,55 € X CT116 100 sugars / 100 azucarillos CT117 Rubbish bin (hired) with 5 bin liners / de basura (alquiler) con 5 bolsas CT118 Waiter's service (4 hours)* / Servicio camarero (4 horas) 111,00 € - € CT119 Waiter's extra hour* / Hora extra camarero 27,75 € - € 6,00 € Cubo 5,00 € X Nota: Tableware is not included. / El menaje no está incluido SUBTOTAL Catering 6 Signature / Firma - € IVA 8% TOTAL Deadline: 20 days prior to inauguration of the event. A 20% surcharge will be applied to orders received after the deadline. The CCIB reserves the right to install depending on existing stock. Prices valid for 2012 in the CCIB. Fecha límite de pedido: 20 días antes de inauguración del evento . Se aplicará un 20% extra sobre los pedidos recibidos fuera de plazo. CCIB se reserva el derecho de instalación dependiendo del stock existente. Tarifa válida para el año 2012 en CCIB. CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es On site request: Mini-Sandwich & Snacks, 4 hours before deliver Drinks 2 hous before deliver Finger food, Salads & delicatessen deadline the day before deliver at 16h Deliver time has to be specified Mini- Sandwich & Snacks, Bollería 4 horas antelación Bebidas 2 horas antelación Tapas, ensaladas & delicatessen, mat. Complementario Día anterior antes 16 h. Se tiene que indicar hora de entrega Orders must be minimum 30 € No refunds allowe Vat not included 8 % The delivery period is within 60 min after the time indicated Pedido mínimo 30 Eur No se aceptarán devoluciones Iva no incluido 8 % La entrega se realizará dentro de los 60 min a la hora indicada - € - € EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 18. Plano de distribución DESIGN YOUR STAND WITH ITS FITTINGS / DISEÑE SU STAND CON SUS COMPLEMENTOS How to draw the floor plan of your stand: Como dibujar el plano de planta de su stand: - Draw the walls using a square for each metre. Indicate the façade(s) or entrance(s) of the stand with a dotted line. - Dibuje las paredes utilizando un cuadrado por cada metro. La/s fachada/s o entrada/s del stand márquela/s con una línea discontinua. - Draw the required fittings according to the legend. Indicate the height of the shelves and which way the door opens. - Dibuje los complementos necesarios según la simbología. En los estantes marcar la altura deseada, así como la orientación de la puerta. - Draw the location of the electrical installations. - Dibuje la situación de los servicios eléctricos. - Send the plan together with the request form and payment. - Envíe el plano junto con la solicitud y el pago correspondiente. LEGEND / SIMBOLOGÍA Cuadro eléctrico monofásico 220 v. 220V Single-phase electrical switchboard 220V Single-phase switchboard, 24H. Cuadro eléctrico monofásico 220v. 24 H. 380V Single-phase electrical switchboard Cuadro eléctrico trifásico 380 V. 380V Single-phase switchboard, 24H. Cuadro eléctrico trifásico 380 V.24 H. 220V Socket Enchufe 220 V. 220V Socket, 24H. Enchufe 220 V. 24H. 380V Three-phase socket Enchufe trifásico 380 V. 380V Three-phase socket, 24H. Enchufe trifásico 380 V. 24H. Three-phase electrical cable Toma trifásica Three-phase electrical cable, 24H. Toma trifásica 24 H. Telephone line Línea telefónica Water and waste pipe Agua y desagüe Shell scheme panel Panel modular Shell scheme door Horizontal shelf: Indicate height Puerta modular Estante horizontal: Marcar altura Sloping shelf: Indicate height Estante inclinado: Marcar altura Counter Mostrador Counter with showcase Mostrador - Vitrina Tall showcase Vitrina Alta Stand façade line Línea de fachada del stand Ejemplo de plano de un stand de 5x4m. con la situación de los complementos CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es CCIB- 18. Plano de distribución EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 19. Order Summary Event Stand Nº SUBTOTALS / SUBTOTALES ORDER/ORDEN % TOTAL SUBTOTAL: SHELL SCHEME / STAND MODULAR - € 1 SUBTOTAL SHELL-SCHEME STAND FITTINGS / PRESTACIONES STAND MODULAR - € 2 SUBTOTAL: ELECTRICITY / ELECTRICIDAD - € 3 SUBTOTAL FURNITURE 1 / MOBILIARIO 1 - € 4 SUBTOTAL FURNITURE 2 / MOBILIARIO 2 - € 5 6 7 SUBTOTAL FURNITURE 3 / MOBILIARIO 3 SUBTOTAL INTERNET and TELEPHONE / INTERNET y TELEFONÍA SUBTOTAL AUDIOVISUAL and COMPUTER / AUDIOVISUAL y INFORMÁTICA - € - € - € 8 SUBTOTAL HOSTESSES / AZAFATAS - € 9 SUBTOTAL SECURITY GUARDS / SEGURIDAD - € 10 SUBTOTAL FLOORING, WATER, COMPRESSED AIR and CLEANING / SUELOS, AGUA, AIRE COMPRIMIDO Y LIMPIEZA - € 11 SUBTOTAL PLANTS / JARDINERÍA - € 12 TOTAL SUBTOTAL 1 (Add from 0 to 11) / TOTAL SUBTOTAL 1 (Suma de 0 a 11) - € 13 20% SURCHARGE (Order form after deadline) In order to calculate the correct payment, '20' must be added to the blue box. 20% RECARGO (Pedido fuera de plazo) Incluir en la casilla azul "20" para que se ejecute el cálculo. - € - € 15 SUBTOTAL CATERING 1 18% VAT / I.V.A. 18% - € 16 SUBTOTAL CATERING 2 - € 14 18% 17 SUBTOTAL CATERING 3 - € 18 SUBTOTAL CATERING 4 - € 19 SUBTOTAL CATERING 5 - € 20 SUBTOTAL CATERING 6 - € 21 TOTAL SUBTOTAL 2 (Add from 15 to 20) / TOTAL SUBTOTAL 2 (Suma de 15 a 20) - € 22 20% SURCHARGE (Order form after deadline) In order to calculate the correct payment, '20' must be added to the blue box. 20% RECARGO (Pedido fuera de plazo) Incluir en la casilla azul "20" para que se ejecute el cálculo. - € 23 8% VAT / I.V.A. 8% - € 24 SUM OF SUBTOTALS (Add 12+13+21+22) / TOTAL BASE IMPONIBLE (SUMA 12+13+21+22) - € 25 TOTAL VAT. (Sum of 14 + 23) / TOTAL IVA (SUMA 14 + 23) - € 8% Signature / Firma ORDER TOTAL AMOUNT IMPORTE TOTAL DEL PEDIDO CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es - € INFORMACIÓN RELATIVA AL IVA: "Esta transacción puede no estar sujeta a Impuesto de Valor Añadido de acuerdo con el Art. 69.1 de la Ley 37/1992. de 28 Diciembre y al Art 1,6 de la ley 2/2010 de 1 de Marzo" Si usted no tiene CIF español y cumple con los requisitos de la normativa expuesta, puede deducirse el pago del IVA. Suprima el importe correspondiente de la casilla señalada en esta hoja del Manual del Expositor (casilla color amarillo). El CCIB verificará la corrrespondiente aplicación o no del IVA, independientemente de lo que aparezca indicado en esta hoja INFORMATION CONCERNIGN VAT APPLICATION "This transaction may be not subject to the Value Added Tax according to Art. 69.1 of Law 37/1992, of Dec. 28 and to Art. 1.6 of Law 2/2010, of March 1" If your company do not have Spanish CIF and meets the requirements of the rules above, you can remove the VAT form this page (yellow cells). The CCIB will verify if the VAT has to be applied or not, regardless of the information provide in this sumary EXHIBITOR ORDER FORM / FORMULARIO DEL EXPOSITOR 20. Credit Card Order Form CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION FORM FORMULARIO DE AUTORIZACIÓN DE COBRO CON TARJETA DE CRÉDITO I / Yo , hereby authorize GL Events – CCIB to charge my credit card account with the total amount stated below, and the necessary amount for the payment of all the services ordered. por la presente autorizo a GL Events - CCIB a cargar en mi tarjeta de crédito el importe abajo detallado, así como los importes necesarios al pago integral de las prestaciones solicitadas. VISA Please indicate your credit card : Por favor indique el típo de su tarjeta de crédito: Master card American Express (AMEX) All other credit cards could not be accepted. Otro tipo de tarjeta de crédito no será aceptado. Credit card holder name: Titular tarjeta de crédito : Credit card number: Número de tarjeta de crédito : CVC (the last three numbers on back of credit card): CVC (los 3 números de la parte posterior de la tarjeta): Expiry date: Fecha de caducidad : THIS CREDIT CARD IS TO BE USED FOR THE PAYMENT OF SERVICES ORDERED BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANY: ESTA TARJETA DE CRÉDITO DEBE SER UTILIZADA PARA EL PAGO DE LOS SERVICIOS SOLICITADOS POR LA SIGUIENTE COMPAÑÍA: Company name: Nombre de la compañía: Company adress, postal code, city and country: Dirección, código postal, ciudad y país : Telephone / FAX: Teléfono / FAX: E-mail: Correo electrónico: Contact name: Persona de contacto: BOOTH NUMBER / NÚMERO STAND Event name & booth number : Nombre del evento y número de stand : Total amount to be charged (VAT included): Importe total a cargar (IVA incluido): € Please enclose a copy of both front and back sides of your credit card Adjuntar fotocopia de la parte anterior y posterior de la tarjeta de crédito Date and signature of card holder / Fecha y Firma del titular Signature Compulsory / Firma Obligatoria CCIB: Tel: (00 34) 93 230 10 00 Fax: (00 34) 93 230 10 01 E-mail: stands@ccib.es PHOTOS CATALOGUE 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS 6 GENERAL REGULATIONS OF EXPOSITION IN THE CCIB CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Set-up Breakdown Rules & Regulations Vehicle entry Staff safety during setup and breakdown Entry passes Security 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Exhibition floor plan Construction and materials Electricity Water Internet – Telephone Platforms Smoke 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 CCIB stands Requests for services Service cancellations Payment conditions Method of payment Closing dates Reception of goods Cleaning Catering (food and beverages) 4 4.1 Services on exclusive basis 1 1 1.1 SET-UP 1) The Organiser is responsible for the floor marking of stand spaces. For this reason Exhibitions require a certain set-up period that shall be foreseen by the Organiser in the Exhibition area reservation. 2) The CCIB only will marl the stand space on the floor when the CCIB is going to place carpet on the Exhibition Area or when the 50% of the booths m2 are going to be build on shell squeme material by the CCIB 3) During the stands set-up period and prior to entry of the exhibitors an exclusive assembly period for the CCIB must be established. 4) Should an exhibitor wish to bring forward the stand set-up, the respective authorisation depends on the Organiser, with a corresponding space reservation. 5) The official opening hours are from 8.00 am to 20.00 pm. Any extension of this schedule shall be agreed with the Sales Department and reflected in an addendum to the contract. 6) The Organizer is responsible for coordinating the entry of vehicles and goods into the building during set-up, by the accesses and within the hours agreed upon with the CCIB. 7) The CCIB shall not be liable for any information received about a stand handled by various companies (e.g. installer, designer and exhibitor). A sole person/company is required to control all orders to the CCIB. 8) Minors are not permitted access during the set-up period. 9) If hanging points from the ceiling are allowed by the Organizer, an extra day before the set up has to be booked for security reason to prepare all the hanging points before the stand builders arrive. (It is not allowed working at height if people is working on the floor) 1.2 BREAKDOWN 1) Exhibitions require a certain breakdown period that shall be foreseen by the Organiser in the Exhibition area reservation. 2) The Organiser is responsible for coordinating the removal of material from the building during breakdown, by the accesses and within the hours agreed upon with the CCIB. 3) The spaces used must be returned to the CCIB completely clear of all items and the Exhibition areas restored to their original state. 4) After the set dismantling period has elapsed, the CCIB shall not be responsible for the safekeeping and/or storage of any items left in the building. The CCIB is entitled to dispose, at the organiser’s expense, of any exhibitionrelated material and all other items left in the building after the breakdown period. 5) The Organiser or exhibitor is responsible for the removal of items during the breakdown period. The CCIB offers the services of the removals and storage company, RESA, for any packed material. Otherwise, the client accepts the cost of the removal and/or destruction of goods remaining on the stands after the dismantling period. 6) Minors are not permitted access during the breakdown period. 1.3 RULES & REGULATIONS 1) The Organizer has to publish the CCIB Rules & Regulations with all the information relating to the Exhibition Area. 2) Any modification from the CCIB Rules & Regulations have to be verify and confirm by CCIB before to be published 3) The organizer is responsible to set their own rules and regulations relating: • Booth and hanging items : see point 2.2 15) and point 2.2 16) from this manual • Allow or not to hang items from the ceiling (When the exhibition is held on the Polivalente area) • If it is compulsory that each booth has to build their own walls or not • How the rear walls sides have to ve finish over 2,50mts (the standard shell squeme booth high) • Information that can be printed, paint,… on the booth rear side wall, when this space goes over other booth that build a lower wall. As well as from some signage that can be hanging from the ceiling • Verify and approve all the stand designs layouts, renders, 3D ….. The CCIB is not going to approve any Exhibitor layout 2 • The Organizer will be responsible to verify that the set up is going on according their rules. In case that a stand builder is breaking any of those Rules the Organizer will have to ask for the modifications. • CCIB will be in charge to check only the rules on our Rules & Regulations. 1.4 VEHICLE ACCESS 1) The CCIB reserves the right to regulate the access of vehicles and their length of stay in the installations during set-up and breakdown, in accordance with the current regulations. 1.5 STAFF SAFETY DURING SET-UP AND BREAKDOWN 1) The stand installer companies are responsible for observing the health & safety regulations during set-up and breakdown, as well as having their staff registered with the National Health Service. 1.6 ENTRY PASSES the set-up, event and breakdown with the corresponding entry passes, and provide the CCIB with a list of this staff. 2) The Organiser or exhibitor must register all personnel, even though they have been hired by the CCIB. 1.7 SECURITY 1) All external doors that may be opened during the set-up, event and breakdown must have at least one security guard, hired by the Organiser. 2) The event organiser shall decide if more security is required than that indicated in the previous point. 3) Exhibitors requiring a security service for their stand may consult our services catalogue. 4) The exhibitor is responsible for the items on the stand, both at set-up and breakdown and during the event. 5) The CCIB is not liable for any possible theft occurring during the hired period 1) The Organiser shall issue everyone who has to enter the CCIB installations during 2 2.1 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN 1) The general floor plans for stand construction must satisfy the building’s safety regulations, observing the obligatory aisles, emergency doors, fire protection equipment and any other aspect relating to health & safety regulations. 2) Prior to mark, the exhibition floor plans must be submitted to the CCIB for safety and layout approval. The floor plans must be delimited (measurements of stands, aisles, etc.). 3) The Organiser is responsible for the location of the stands in the exhibition area, depending on the exhibitor requirements. The technical services available in the space reserved and the individual stand plans indicating the electrical points. 4) The Organiser is responsible for sending to the exhibitors the technical floor plans, indicating the services available within the assigned space (power, water points, etc.). 5) The CCIB will make the first and the last floor plans. All other changes will be made by the Organiser. 6) If the exhibitor has not required the technical floor plan to the organizer the CCIB is not responsible for the absence of information. 2.2 BUILDING AND MATERIALS 1) The stand construction, the signs and the material displayed must be sufficiently stable to ensure safety. The CCIB is entitled to request the pertinent homologation documents. 2) The textiles used in the stand construction must be fire-resistant, according to the current regulations. 3) The use of paint, liquids, gas or other inflammable substances is prohibited. 4) Access to the fire extinguishers must not be restricted, neither must their respective signs or the emergency doors be covered. 5) In the event of the installation of platforms, the electricity points must be easily accessible. 6) The CCIB is entitled to run power lines and connections serving neighbouring floor outlets across other stands, corridor or other structures. 3 7) Electrical switchboards have to be easily accessible in order to switch off the stand lights at the end of the day. 8) All the installations (electrical cables, Internet, water….) run over the floor and over the carpet. If exhibitors want to hide those cables a plastic cover has to be ordered. 9) For security reasons the CCIB will never put cables under the carpet. 10) The requisite or not of stand construction, as well as the maximum height of the rear part of the stands, depends on the Organiser. 11) If the Organizer do not specify any regulation concerning point 2.2-9 the CCIB is not responsible for any complain from other exhibitors. The organizer will have to deal with this issue. 12) The rear walls of the stands built by the CCIB may not be used by other exhibitors. The CCIB only has to deliver the walls in good state for the exhibitor who pays for, not for the neighbour exhibitors. No complain for this point will be accepted. 13) Structural elements of the building such as floors, walls, ceilings, etc. may not be damaged, soiled or in any way changed (e.g. by drilling of holes, use of nails or screws, etc.). Nor may paint or adhesives be applied to them. In the event of damage to the installations, the cost of repair or replacement shall be charged to the Organiser as responsible for the event. 14) When exhibitors use “Velcro” or other kind of material to stick poster, artwork … they have to remove this sticky material as the panels have to be delivered as they found them. In case that this material is not removed an extra cost will be charged. 15) The Organiser shall designate the maximum construction height, with the approval of the CCIB. It is not permitted to build above 10 m. in areas 1, 2 and 3, or above 4.5 m. in areas 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Exhibition Hall on the P0 area. For other spaces it will have to be confirmed. 16) The height of the elements that hang from the ceiling has to be specified by the Organizer. 17) In the case of two-floor stand construction (only in P0 areas 1, 2, or 3), the CCIB must receive a description and floor plan, duly signed by a competent technician and approved by the COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTS OF BARCELONA. Please ask us for more information if necessary. 18) In the case of stairs or areas that are more than 50 cm. above floor level in the stand (always that people have to be stand up in this structure) a technical construction document signed by an architect and stamped by the Barcelona College of Architects’ must be presented. 19) It is necessary to forewarn the CCIB of the set-up day and time of all stands with platforms, as the services requested from the CCIB must be installed previously. 20) The CCIB reserves the right to check compliance with the exhibitor’s manual, through free access to all the stands, when necessary. 2.3 ELECTRICITY 1) Only the CCIB is authorised to provide the electrical switchboards for the power points. Thus every client has to order an electrical switchboard from the CCIB. 2) On the P0 exhibition area the main electrical outlets on the floor are 32A, 380v. This power sometimes has to be split up between different exhibitors. In this case CCIB has the authority to cross other stands, corridors or structures to deliver technical service to other stand. Plastic cover to hide those electrical cables will be charged to the organizer. 3) Organizer has the authority to establish a maximum power for stands. 4) The floor electrical output of the CCIB power points is 32A., 380V, which means that the biggest electrical switchboard to be delivered is 20kw 380v, the electrical switchboard over 20kw requires a special quote. 5) The maximum power delivered in one stand is 49kw always that they have 3 electrical outlets on the stand floor space. In this case 3 electrical switchboards will be delivered one from each electrical outlet. In case that the stand builder want only 1 electrical switchboard a special quote has to be done. 6) The exhibitor is responsible for calculating the power necessary for the elements to be connected, together with the request for the necessary voltage (220V or 380V). 7) The Organiser is responsible for informing the exhibitors about the different power outputs. 8) The differential relay of the power and lighting primary circuits is 30mA and they are not super immunised. 9) If the installer/electrician brings his own switchboard it is compulsory to connect it to the CCIB electrical switchboard ordered by the exhibitor and provided by the CCIB. 4 Further technical information about the connection must be requested to the CCIB. 10) The CCIB can provide electricity only from the power points situated on the floor of the Exhibition Hall (for P0 Polivalente area). For other spaces please confirm where the main electrical switchboards are). 11) At the end of the day all the lights of the stands have to be switched off. 24 hours power supply only can be switched on for computers, machines, fridges... If stand lights are not switched off during the night a 24h power supply rate will be applied, at the end of the event. 2.4 WATER 1) Water can only be supplied to the stands that have a water trap in their space. 2) The water supply installation only includes the water pipe and drainpipe, from the main water outlet to the place shown in the floor plan sent by the stand constructor, not the connection to other elements (sinks, dishwasher …). 3) The exhibitor shall be in charge of the installation of a concealing platform in order to hide the water installation on the booth. 4) The CCIB shall be informed when the stand has a platform, as well as the scheduled set-up day and time. Without this information the CCIB is not liable for providing the requested service and the prepayment will not be refunded. 5) Further technical information about the connection must be requested to the CCIB. 6) If the Exhibitor or the stand builder does not require any technical information before designing the stand, CCIB does not have any responsibility for technical difficulties that may occur. 7) Is responsibility of the stand builder to be informed about all those requirements when they order water installation. 2.5 INTERNET AND TELEPHONES 1) CCIB must be informed in advance when the stand has a platform, as well as the scheduled set-up day and time. 2) The Organiser is responsible for requesting the specific Internet connections for exhibitors and visitors, as well as providing a free access area (cybercafé). 3) Further technical information about the connection must be requested to the CCIB. 2.6 PLATFORMS 1) The CCIB is not responsible for the passing of the requested installations (electricity, water, telephone cables, Internet, etc.) across the stand space, if the exhibitor / Organiser has not foreseen the installation of the corresponding platform. 2) Access to the service points / water tramp/ electricity tramp is obligatory whenever a platform is installed. 3) Once the platform is installed, no further installation requiring access to the service point and requiring cables to be passed under the platform will be carried out. If the services cannot be installed due to the platform being in place, payment for the requested service will not be refunded. 4) The booth constructor is responsible for confirming the requested technical installations before installing the platform. 2.7 SMOKE 1) It is not permitted to use any type of machine that emits smoke, gas or steam. 2.8 MANUAL 1) The CCIB will not be responsible for any information published whitout CCIB confirmation. 2) The CCIB has to verify all the information relating to the CCIB before to be published 3) The Organizer is responsible to inform to all the exhibitors from CCIB Exhibition Rules & Regulations, as the CCIB always is going to address to the Rules & Regulation when is necessary. 4) Organize Rules & regulations. See point 1.3 from this manual 3 3.1 CCIB STANDS 1) All the items offered are on hire and must be returned in their original state. The Organiser/exhibitor shall be charged any item not found on the stand upon collection. 2) The plants are hired material. 3) The modular stands and/or the materials hired by the CCIB may not be damaged, soiled or in any way changed (e.g. by drilling of holes, use of nails or screws, etc.). 4) The hiring of any staff service (hostesses, security guards, cleaners, porters, etc.) entails timetables, food expenses and transport. 5) The Organiser or exhibitor must calculate the positioning of the material on the stand, as well as the technical requirements (increased power supply, electrical leads, 5 sockets, telephone line, Internet access, audiovisual items, etc.). 6) The hiring of a CCIB shell scheme implies that there will be no changes in the description of the items. The refusal of any of the products does not imply a refund. 7) Once the requested items have been provided, there will not be any refunds should the exhibitor or Organiser wish to return them. 8) The exhibitor is responsible for confirming that the exhibition material is within the assigned space limits, stand measurements (height), as well as the services required for their running. 9) The CCIB declines all responsibility for the items displayed and for any personal property on the stands. 10) The CCIB is not responsible for any hired material that may be stolen, once it has been served and checked by the CCIB. 11) Shell-squeme built by the CCIB has protective plastic carpet. Exhibitor has to order pre-opening cleaning if they want the carpet plastic removed the night before the opening. 12) Cleaning services offered on the order form will be done during the night. 3.2 REQUESTS FOR SERVICES 1) Only the order forms sent by the CCIB, duly filled out, signed and stamped, shall be accepted as requests for services. The CCIB is not responsible for orders that are not made along the stipulated format. 2) Requests may be sent by fax, post or email (previously scanned). 3) The petitioner must provide all the necessary details to raise an invoice. 4) The requested services shall not be considered as definitive if the payment conditions are not fulfilled in time. 5) Any incident regarding the services ordered will have to be declared at the Exhibitor service Desk in order to be solved. Complains will not be accepted at the exhibition’s end or after the event. 3.3 SERVICE CANCELLATIONS 1) Cancellations will only be accepted in writing and within the hiring period. 2) Two weeks before the event, cancellations or changes will no longer be accepted and 100% of the cost will be charged. 3.4 PAYMENT CONDITIONS 1) 100% of the services must be paid at least 20 days before set-up. 2) All the services requested must enclose copy of the payment in order to go ahead with the corresponding request. 3) The exhibitor must fill the requests with all the details required in order to invoice the services (company, address and fiscal identification code). 4) The CCIB reserves the right to cancel all the services that have not been paid within the stipulated period. 5) 5)18% VAT is applied to all the services. 6) For Catering services 8% VAT is applied. 3.5 METHOD OF PAYMENT 1) Visa, Mastercard or American Express Credit Card, by filling out the credit card authorisation form provided by the CCIB. 2) Payment through bank transfer will be accepted. Bank details must be requested to the CCIB. 3) All furniture and services ordered on-site will have a 20% extra charge and must be paid in cash or by credit card at the moment they are ordered. 3.6 CLOSING DATES 1) The reception of orders will be closed 20 days before the beginning of set-up (Deadline specified on the Conditions & procedures from the Exhibitor order form). 2) No special quotes will be made 20 days before the beginning of set-up (Deadline specified on the Conditions & procedures from the Exhibitor order form). 3) After the closing date for receiving orders, the price of the services will increase a 20%, provided that the service can be supplied. 4) In the case of accepting new orders for services during set-up, a delivery before the event inauguration may not be confirmed. 5) Requests for technical services (water, increased power supply, Internet cable, etc.) are not accepted once the set up start. 3.7 RECEPTION OF GOODS 1) The Organiser is responsible for the reception of goods, or for indicating how his clients can receive them. 2) The CCIB does not handle goods. RESA LOGISTIC is the official supplier of this service. 3) No goods are accepted before the set-up period. RESA LOGISTIC can provide the storage service prior to set-up. 4) The Organiser or exhibitor is responsible for storing the empty boxes. RESA LOGISTIC is the official supplier for this service. 3.8 CLEANING 1) The Organiser has to hire from the CCIB the cleaning services for the areas to be used, and is responsible for the condition of these areas. 6 2) The CCIB reserves the right to clean the areas considered in bad condition and that could negatively affect the image of the CCIB. The cost of this cleaning will be charged to the Organiser. 3) The internal and the maintenance cleanings of the stands are optional and may be hired by the corresponding order form of the ‘Exhibitor dossier’. 4) The quotes for cleaning include waste removal. 3.9 CATERING (Food and Beverages) • CCIB has strict exclusivity on all kind of food and beverages provision on the venue. Thus, all the exhibitors and • clients who want to bring in their own material will have to pay for the corresponding fee. There are 2 options, in the case of bringing in an external coffee machine: 1) If the exhibitors bring in their own coffee machine, with their own refills of coffee, water, milk, etc. the applicable fee is 150€. 2) If the exhibitors bring in their own coffee machine but get the refills from our catering department, the applicable fee in this case will be 100€. For any other product, our catering department will inform you about the applicable fee in each case. 4 4.1 SERVICES ON EXCLUSIVE BASIS The CCIB provides the following services on exclusive basis: - • Catering (food and beverages, Coffee machine included). Hostesses. Rigging. (Rigging set up has to be done before the stand constructors begin to build the stands, for security reasons). Cleaning. Security. These services request has to be done at least 2 months in advance to the set-up of the event, in order to ensure their availability. 7 GENERAL RULES SET-UP & BREAKDOWN 7 GENERAL RULES FOR THE USE OF THE CCIB SETUP AND BREAKDOWN EXHIBITION HALL: • • • • • Only gas or electric forklift trucks are authorised in the Exhibition Hall. Hand pallet trucks may be used throughout the Area. It is forbidden to store material in any part of the Exhibition Hall without special permission. Lifting platforms, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. MAIN HALL: • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden in the Main Hall. Hand pallet trucks, in good condition and with rubber wheels, may be used. The use of handcarts with rubber wheels is also permitted. On special occasions when hand pallet trucks are required, the floor must be protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. Use of areas of the Hall that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Hall is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors of the Main Hall. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls of the hall to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored in the Main Hall. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. M1 FLOOR: • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden on the M1 Floor. Hand pallet trucks, in good condition and with rubber wheels, may be used. The use of handcarts with rubber wheels is also permitted. On special occasions when hand pallet trucks are required, the floor must be protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. Use of areas of the Floor that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Floor is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored on this Floor. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. P1 FLOOR: • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden on the P1 Floor. Hand pallet trucks, in good condition and with rubber wheels, may be used. The use of handcarts with rubber wheels is also permitted. On special occasions when hand pallet trucks are required, the floor must be protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. Use of areas of the Floor that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Floor is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored on this Floor. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. M2 FLOOR: • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden on the M2 Floor. Hand pallet trucks, in good condition and with rubber wheels, may be used. The use of handcarts with rubber wheels is also permitted. On special occasions when hand pallet trucks are required, the floor must be protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. Use of areas of the Floor that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Floor is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored on this Floor. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. P2 FLOOR (Carpeted meeting rooms): • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden in this area. Hand pallet trucks, in good condition and with rubber wheels, may be used. The use of handcarts with rubber wheels is also permitted. On special occasions when hand pallet trucks are required, the floor must be protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. Use of areas of the Floor that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Floor is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored on this Floor. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. P2 FLOOR (Meeting Rooms and Foyer with parquet floors): • • • • • • • • • • • • • The use of any type of forklift truck is completely forbidden. Hand pallet trucks, handcarts and such like may only be used if the floor is protected with carpeting, or some sort of rubber or protective material. ‘Corridors’ of this protective material must be laid in both the Foyer and the Meeting Rooms. Stages, platforms and similar structures may not be installed without prior authorisation from the CCIB Maintenance Department. If they receive authorisation, all floor supports must have rubber protectors and the floor must be covered with carpeting or a protective material. It is strictly forbidden to use unauthorised or unprotected platforms or stages. On the occasions when authorisation is given to use other structural elements such as trusses, etc., they must all be protected with carpeting or other protective materials that guarantee the correct distribution of weight on the floor. Use of areas of the Floor that have not been assigned to the client is forbidden. On some occasions, the Floor is shared by different clients. It is strictly forbidden to hang, hook or stick any type of material on the walls, ceilings and floors. It is also forbidden to saw, paint and carry out any activity that could damage the floors, walls or ceilings. Pallets, cages or any material that could damage floors or walls must be protected with carpeting or protective material. It is forbidden to lean pallets, wood or any other material against the walls to avoid scratches or general damage. Material may not be stored on this Floor. The main doors of the building may not be used for loading and unloading. Entrances, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of all type of goods. Instructions given by the CCIB Logistics staff must be observed at all times. TABLE SUMMARISING MAXIMUM WEIGHTS PER SQUARE METRE: ROOMS Exhibition Hall Main Hall M1 Floor - VIP Room P1 Floor - From Room 111 to Room 134 M2 Floor - From Room M211 to Room M221 P2 Floor - Rooms 211+212 and Banquet Hall Terraces MAXI MUM WEIGHT PER SQ. METRE 3,000 kg/m² 1,250 kg/m² 500 kg/m² 500 kg/m² 500 kg/m² 500 kg/m² Extra weight is not allowed on the terraces PROCEDURE FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING EXHIBITION HALL FROM THE LOADING BAY • • o o o o o o • • • THE The entry of vehicles in the CCIB Loading Bay must be previously authorised by the CCIB Logistics Department. Once the vehicle is authorised to enter the Loading Bay, the procedure to follow is: o o • IN All trucks and vans must enter one by one. The speed limit of 10 km/hour must be strictly observed inside the Loading Bay. Time limits for loading and unloading will be established. The entry of vehicles into this area may not be revoked if the established times are not respected. There are 3 large platforms and several service lifts for transporting material to the Exhibition Hall. The lifting platforms may not be used without the supervision of the Logistics Department. It is forbidden to load and unload material using the passenger lifts instead of the service lifts (the Loading Bay is duly signalled to avoid mistakes). Private cars will not be allowed into the Loading Bay except on special occasions. The event organiser will be responsible for ensuring that these regulations are always observed. The maximum number of vehicles inside the building will be defined on each occasion by the Logistics Department. It is strictly forbidden to keep a vehicle’s motor running during loading and unloading. Entry will not be allowed for vehicles that lose oil or that do not fulfil minimum safety requirements. In case of doubt over the procedure to be followed, the Logistics Department must always be consulted before putting any initiative into action. PROCEDURE FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING ON FLOORS P1, M2 AND P2 FROM THE LOADING BAY • • The entry of vehicles in the CCIB Loading Bay must be previously authorised by the CCIB Logistics Department. Once the vehicle is authorised to enter the Loading Bay, the procedure to follow is: o o o o o o o o • • • • All trucks and vans must enter one by one. The speed limit of 10 km/hour must be strictly observed inside the Loading Bay. Time limits for loading and unloading will be established. The entry of vehicles into this area may not be authorised if the established times are not respected. There are 3 large platforms and several service lifts for transporting material to the Exhibition Hall. The lifting platforms may not be used without the supervision of the Logistics Department. It is forbidden to load and unload material using the passenger lifts instead of the service lifts (the Loading Bay is duly signalled to avoid mistakes). Private cars will not be allowed into the Loading Bay except on special occasions. The event organiser will be responsible for ensuring that these regulations are always observed. The maximum number of vehicles inside the building will be defined on each occasion by the Logistics Department. It is strictly forbidden to keep a vehicle’s motor running during loading and unloading. Entry will not be allowed for vehicles that lose oil or that do not fulfil minimum safety requirements. In case of doubt over the procedure to be followed, the Logistics Department must always be consulted before putting any initiative into action. PROCEDURE FOR THE ENTRY OF TRUCKS IN THE EXHIBITION HALL FROM TAULAT STREET • • • The entry of trucks in the Exhibition Hall from Taulat Street is restricted. It must be previously authorised by the CCIB Logistics Department. Once vehicles are authorised to enter from Taulat Street, the procedure to follow is: o o o o o o o o • • • • All trucks and vans must enter one by one. The speed limit of 10 km/hour must be strictly observed inside the Exhibition Hall. Time limits for loading and unloading will be established. The entry of vehicles into this area may not be authorised if the established times are not respected. There are 3 large platforms and several service lifts for transporting material to the Exhibition Hall. The lifting platforms may not be used without the supervision of the Logistics Department. It is forbidden to load and unload material using the passenger lifts instead of the service lifts (the Loading Bay is duly signalled to avoid mistakes). Private cars will not be allowed into the Loading Bay except on special occasions. The event organiser will be responsible for ensuring that these regulations are always observed. The maximum number of vehicles inside the building will be defined on each occasion by the Logistics Department. It is strictly forbidden to keep a vehicle’s motor running during loading and unloading. Entry will not be allowed for vehicles that lose oil or that do not fulfil minimum safety requirements. In case of doubt over the procedure to be followed, the Logistics Department must always be consulted before putting any initiative into action. GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR SETUP AND BREAKDOWN IN THE CCIB: • • • • • It is strictly forbidden to smoke in all the building. It is strictly forbidden to use the passenger lifts for loading and unloading material. It is strictly forbidden to work inside the building without an accreditation badge (either a CCIB accreditation badge or a badge provided by the client). It is strictly forbidden to move around areas of the building not hired by the client. Instructions from the security staff and CCIB workers must be observed at all times. RIGGING 8 RIGGING CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES 1. ESTIMATE BUDGET PROCEDURES 1.1 Rigging Order ● The exhibitor should fill in the form “Quotation Order Form” (enclosed in the next section) in order to elaborate the suitable rigging quote. Without this specific form it will not be possible to quote the rigging structure. 1.2 Requirement Conditions ● The exhibitor must send the stand floorplan and specify the rigging needs at least 22 working days before the first set up day. ● The exhibitor must send the rigging quote signed at least 10 working days before the first day of set up. 1.3 Cancellation and Changes ● Once the exhibitor has signed and accepted the budget, CCIB will not accept any other changes or amends on the rigging structure. GL Events CCIB reserves the right to accept or not the changes when convenient. 1.4 Budget ● The budget will be sent together with the according floorplan. Once the quote is accepted it will imply that the floorplan has been approved too. 2. CONDITIONS 2.1 General Rules ● The possibility to do a truss structure depends on the organization and always on the technical conditions of the space. ● The event organizer is responsible to put in contact the rigging department with the exhibitors that needs rigging. ● Depending on the stand’s location, it could happen that two rigging structures would be coinciding with some rigging points and therefore, the two structures could be shared. 2.2 Rising Elements ● The crane or rising elements mentioned on the budget are to be used in exclusivity by CCIB staff when set up and dismantling the rigging. ● If the set up takes extra time for reasons external to the CCIB, the technical staff and rising material will have an extra cost. ● Once that the rigging structure is placed, if the exhibitor needs to accede to it, their own technical support will need be provided. ● The CCIB has available machinery for the exhibitor’s set up. Should the exhibitor requires any machinery, this would need to be requested to the CCIB with the previous time mentioned (see Set up rules in CCIB, sheet 3). If the request is out of the deadline mentioned on the “Exhibitors Manual”, the CCIB can rent the requested machine upon availability. ● If the exhibitor does not order the machinery with driver, the person in charge of driving has to be certified with the right documentation which authorises this person to use this specific machines. NOTE ● Lighting: GL Events CCIB can also provide lighting material for design stands. If there was any lighting request, please, do not hesitate to contact the Exhibition Manager. In this case, the exhibitor must provide the stand floorplan, and send all needs at least 22 working days prior to the event. The acceptation and signature of the quote is required 10 days prior to the first set up day. ● We recommend to adapt our rigging to the real needs of the exhibitor in order to avoid making the structure twice. ● Our technical department is available for the exhibitor to enable the adaptation of the exhibitor’s design with the CCIB’s rigging structures. ● Find attached some pictures from previous set ups in our building. The exhibitor will be able to see examples where the rigging is done to create rigging points. 3. RULES TO BUILD-UP 3.1. Legal Procedures - Duties ● The exhibitor and builders must follow up and dismantling work. The builders protection to do the specific job. (Real safety rules related to the individual builders). the Health and Safety Regulations during the set must have the adequate individual and specific Decret 773/1997, May 30th, about healthy and protection material that must be useby the It is understood that individual protection includes: - Set up and dismantling works: o Safe footwear o helmet - Higher works o Harness Noising works o Ears protection Work with sharp objects o Special gloves Chemical products Breath protection Gloves Electrical tension Works Extra: - - - Glasses and facial protection Gloves Work with particles or other expulsion-risk materials Eyes and facial protection 3.2. Order to Build-up ● First of all, the rigging structure will be built up before any other stand setting. ● Once the rigging is finished, this will be left at the working level to allow the exhibitor to finish the structure hanging. ● If the exhibitor does not meet the agreed time to hang the banner, the rigging structure will be risen at the agreed height requested in the accepted budget. In this case, the exhibitor needs to hang the banner on his own from the rigging height. To make this work, the exhibitor needs to bring his own material or to rent material to CCIB. GL EVENTS CCIB, S.L RESPONSIBILITY TERM FOR USE OF ELEVATION AND MANTENEMENT RIGGING MACHINES According to the law 31/1995 of 8th November, about Health and Safety regulations, the R. D. 1215/1997 about use of the working material, the R.D. 485/1997 about safety signage and healthy at work – VI Attachment: specific rules to manipulate elevation machines, the company_________________________ expresses that the person in charge of manipulating the working materials (who is part of the company staff) _____________________________________________________ with the ID/Passport _________________ , and he/she fulfils the next items: 1) The person was assigned by the company for the role. 2) The person is not under 18 years old. 3) The person has training and certification of the abilities to use these machines as well as knowledge of prevention measures and work safety. 4) The person has made a medical revision previous the assigned job. 5) The person has proven to the company the total control of these machines. 6) Has the role duties knowledge. 7) Has the responsabilites knowledge to obey and respect these duties. To make prove of what is mentioned in this document, the AUTHORISATION FOR THE MANIPULATION AOF THE RISING ELEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE is signed: Date …………………………….……………………………… Signature: ___________________ Signature: ___________________ ID: The worker. ID: Company Representative. QUOTATION ORDER FORM/ SOLICITUD DE PRESUPUESTO Information required for the quotation/ Información necesaria para el presupuesto. Stand layout with /Plano del stand indicando: 1. Situation on the exhibition area . / Situación en la zona de exposición 2. Rigging points distance from point 0 /Distancia de los puntos de rigging desde punto 0. 3. Frontal layout for heights / Plano de alzado con alturas. 4. Weight that each point has to bear/ Peso que ha de soportar cada punto. 5. What is going to be hung from the prerigging , features of the structure & the type of motor to be used/Que se va a colgar del prerigging ,características de la estructura y tipo de motor que se va ha utilizar. 6. Date builder is going set up the rigging /Fecha prevista por el montador para trabajar en el rigging. 7. Date builder is going to dismantle the rigging /Fecha prevista por el montador para trabajar en el rigging. This information has to be provided to the CCIB by the exhibitor or the Stand Builder/Contractor. All this information is essential for the quotation.. Esta información ha de ser suministrada al CCIB por el expositor o la empresa constructora del stand. Esta información es imprescindible para realizar el presupuesto. Telf: 932301000 Fax:932301001 E-mail: stands@ccib.es LAYOUTS 9
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