June 2014 - United States Bocce Federation
June 2014 - United States Bocce Federation
June 2014 The Fourth Annual West Coast Shootout Saturday, May 31, 2014 IAC, Stockton, Ca. David Canclini California Antonio Mititiero Oregon Nancy Martignago California Becky Cereghino Oregon Bob Sheffels Washington Pat Kinsel California All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 2 Page Two NORTHWEST CHALLENGE BY VERN COOPER PRESIDENT, USBF WESTERN SECTOR This month there was no question what I was going to write about. In the past, my wife and I along with David and Judy Canclini would go to play in the Rossi Tournament at the Paisano club in Gresham, Ore. The second year we went we were happy to see another team from California, Girls Rule; Ginny Nelson, Toni Nichols, Bev Wright, and Maureen Kelleher. Every year in Gresham they were having a Washington vs Oregon Tournament just before the Rossi Tournament. After talking to Larry Cereghino and Pat Henry we came up with an idea to involve California in their state competition. When we got home I talked to several people here and the interest was high to become involved. After last year’s competition we talked about having Wash. and Ore. come here for the Challenge. We realized it would be hard to get 32 people from each state, so we decided to combine the two and make it the Northwest against California, becoming The Northwest Challenge. The Italian Athletic Club was chosen as the place to play and they graciously agreed. We wanted to have something to make it a two day affair so we decided on an Ill Sacco tournament on Friday the 30th and the Northwest Challenge on Saturday the 31st of May. For those of you who don't know, the Northwest Challenge consists of 8, 4 person teams from each side. Every player plays 1 game of singles, 1 game of doubles and 1 game with their team with 1 point for each win and loss. This creates competition because you never know who you will be playing against as the lists are made up in random order. This year the Northwest brought 27 players so we filled their roster in with some Ca. players to make 32. On Friday we had 16 4 person teams. I tried to get all the "A" players spread out and get 2 Ca. and 2 Northwest players on a team plus 2 men and 2 women per team. The numbers didn't work out just right but in the end teams were pretty evenly matched. There were medals awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. There are pictures of the winning teams in this newsletter. From what I've heard, everyone had a great time on Friday and commented about the great food. My thanks to the kitchen staff at IAC for stepping up both days. On Sat. the Northwest Challenge started at 8:30 am with teams playing first then doubles and finally singles. With 56 games to be played on 4 courts we could see something had to be done to speed things up. There were several people that just don't like to play singles so they opted not to play singles which helped. Then Larry Cereghino came up with something they do in Portland which is play two singles matches on the same court at the same time. It was a great time saver and I'm sure will be used again. Having played in all the challenges so far I must say the play of the players up north is really improving especially the two ladies that were beating up on David Canclini and myself to the cheers of everyone in the building. Games we would be sure to win just aren't that easy any more which says a lot about the play up north. Larry and I were the last singles match of the day and I must say Larry is a worthy opponent that I always enjoy playing with and against. At the end of the day California came out on top and a good time was had by all. I want to send a special thanks to Jack Elder for all his hard work in keeping track of who does what and who plays who. On Sunday June 1st many of the teams from up north went to Sutter Creek to play and I hope they had a good time. All in all it was 3 days of bocce that was a lot of fun and some new friendships made and old ones renewed. It’s something I know I look forward to each year as I know the other Ca. people do. I would like to thank all the players that participated in the 2 days at IAC for coming and making this event successful and I hope to see you all again next year. USBF Western Sector Newsletter June 2014 The United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Newsletter is published by the Western Sector, a division of the United States Bocce Federation. Our mission is to promote the sport of bocce throughout the Western United States. Through our clubs and members, weekly tournaments, participation in national championships and publication of this newsletter, we accomplish this goal. Western Sector President Vern Cooper Email: vernonlcooper@att.net Western Sector Vice President Jerry South Email: jgsouth@gmail.com Western Sector Representative Larry Cereghino Email: lorenzodifavale@msn.com If you would like to receive a PDF copy of this newsletter by email, please submit your request to be added to our mailing list to our newsletter editor at: frivera1@comcast.net DISCLAIMER We welcome contributions of your articles, stories and photos about the sport of bocce. However, we reserve the right to refuse publication of any submission that does not meet our publication standards. Please submit your contributions to: Western Sector Newsletter Editor Frank Rivera Email: frivera1@comcast.net To go directly to a specific article, click on the article page number Articles Page Two by Vern Cooper……………………....…….……….…... 2 Ross on Rules by John Ross…………………….………….…...… 3 Pensieri E Riflessoni by Frank Rivera……………….……….……. 4 Western Sector Representative Report by Larry Cereghino…...... 5 From the Archives…………………………..…..……………………… 6 Extending the Playing Season..…………………………………. 7 Umpqua Valley Bocce By Larry Cereghino……………………………... 8 Tournament Photo Pages Punto Raffa Volo Tournament - PIASC San Mateo.……....... 9 SHOWDOWN SERIES: Showdown #4……….…………….…. 11 4 Person Open - East Portal Sacramento……………...…....... 12 3 Player Raffa Tournament - IAC Stockton……………...…..... 13 Local and Northwest Ill Sacco Tournament - IAC Stockton…. 16 West Coast Shootout - IAC Stockton………………………….. 17 Tournament Schedules and Applications 2014 So Cal Tournament Schedule…………………...……..... 22 Upcoming Tournaments……………………………..……….…. 23 Tournament Applications…………………...……....…. 24 thru 30 2014 USBF Western Sector Tournament Schedule….….…... 31 In the Middle Ages you were supposed to throw eggs at the bride and groom. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 3 ROSS ON RULES HAND SIGNALS By John Ross Past President, USBF The use of hand signals is common in many endeavors. We use them to greet friends, to say goodbye, and every sixteen year old learning to drive learns the right, left, and stop hand signal made by a driver to signal an intended course of action to other vehicles. Everyone is familiar with a baseball umpire’s signal for safe or out. In bocce there are many hand signals used in international play. Some of these signals are also used in open play. In international and world championship play in Punto, Raffa, Volo, there are many games played in which there is no common language between the referee and one or both teams. Can you imagine the chaos that would result if the communication was based on shrugs, questioning looks, or frustrated body language? A brief description of the signs used in international bocce competition is below. POINT There are two main signs used by referees to signify that the playing team has made a point. The referee will hold the stick in a vertical position for a few seconds when the point has been determined. The referee also may hold up one or more fingers to signify how many points the team has. Some referees also touch their thumb and fingers together up and down several times to signify the point as is done in the game of Open in the United States. NO POINT If a play fails to result in a point for the playing team the referee will hold the stick in a horizontal position and may hold up one or more fingers to signify how many points the non-playing team is holding. Some referees also may wag their index finger left to right in a vertical position several times. This is also commonly done in the game of Open in the United States. RAFFA SHOT A player declares an intended raffa shot by holding the fingers and thumb together, pointing them up, and making a chopping motion forward and back. The referee will point to the designated target so there is no confusion about the target ball. VOLO SHOT A player declares an intended volo shot by holding the hand out with the palm facing down and projecting the hand in an arc toward the referee. BERSAGLIO The word “bersaglio” means target in Italian. This word is used to describe the situation created when a ball and pallino or two or more balls have less than 13 centimeters between them after a play. When this occurs a player can hit either ball when making a raffa or volo shot. Also, when the pallino and ball are bersaglio, a player may make a raffa shot in the volo zone. The referee signals a bersaglio condition by pointing to the two or more objects with the stick and moving the stick around them in a circular motion. Some referees also will hold the stick in the vertical position with the two short legs of the stick at the top. A short cut used by some referees to show bersaglio is to show two or more fingers and make a circular motion with the index finder pointing to the balls on the court. PALLINO AND BALL A player must signal to the referee the object he or she wishes to declare when a raffa or volo shot will be attempted. The signal for the pallino is to place the thumb and index finger together and show the referee. This is the same signal we use for the okay sign. A ball is indicated by using a closed fist or by touching the fingers and thumbs together making the shape of a large round ball at the waist or chest level. The referee will then use the stick to point to the object declared by the player so there is no misunderstanding between the referee and the player about which object is to be shot. INVALID PLAY When a player makes an invalid play by moving a struck ball too far with a lag, or hits the wrong ball on a raffa or volo attempt, the referee will hold up one hand. This is a signal to the opponent that the rule of advantage will apply. The opposing player can accept the new situation or have the referee replace all the moved objects to their original positions. This signal is also used to indicate an infraction such as a raffa shot that does not clear the ninemeter or D line. LEAVE EVERYTHING IN PLACE When a player is asked by the referee to make a decision after an invalid play the player can accept the new situation if it is to the player’s advantage. The signal for this is to bring the hands together at the waist level with palms facing down and move the arms in an outward motion similar to a baseball umpire’s signal for “safe.” There is a misconception among some players that once this decision is made it can’t be changed. A player can change his mind in certain situations. The team captain is the only one that can communicate a decision to a referee and can overrule a decision made by a player on the team. Also, referees can allow a player to change their decision as long as balls have not been marked in the new position or replaced to an original mark. It is up to the referee’s discretion to allow a player to change a decision. RESTORE THE DISPLACED OBJECTS If, after an invalid play, a player wishes to have the referee restore the displaced objects to their original positions the signal is to raise the arm with the palm facing the player and move the palm toward the player’s body similar to the sign one might make in asking someone to come towards the signaler. DISTANCE Sometimes a player might want to ask the referee what the distance is between the point and pallino. The signal for this is to hold the palms together and move them outward once or twice. The referee will take a rough measurement of the distance. Some referees will hold up one or more fingers. Each finger represents a distance of 10 centimeters. A more common sign is to hold the hands on a horizontal stick indicating the actual distance, or slide the pegs to indicate the distance. CAN I COME DOWN TO HAVE A LOOK? When all else fails, a player might need to take a close up look at the situation in order to make a decision about leaving or replacing objects, or whether to shoot or lag. The signal for permission to approach is to place the index and middle finger near the eyes and then point the hand in the direction of the referee or objects to be observed. When players and the referee speak a common language these signs should also be used. They speed up the game and help communication between a referee and a player. The use of signals also eliminates the need for a player and a referee to shout back and forth during a game. It presents a more enjoyable experience for the player, referee, and the spectators! You can read this and previous articles by John Ross by going to the Ross on Rules website: http://rossonrules.com/ Snakes can get malaria All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 4 Pensieri e Riflessioni Thoughts and Reflections by Frank Rivera Great Photographs I’ve said many times in this column and in conversations with people how much I love photographs. Every photo you look at, no matter how mundane you think it may look, has a story to tell. That’s why, unless it is blurry, or the shutter was accidentally pressed while pointing the camera at my feet, or some other such undesired subject, I keep all the photos. Over the past two plus years I’ve been doing this newsletter, I’ve taken many thousands of photographs. I do have my favorites that I’m especially proud of, but there are others I like as well or better. Those are the ones I don’t take myself. They are conceived through an eye other than my own, which gives them a different perspective. Here are three that I particularly like: In April of 2013, I knew I wouldn’t be able to make the South San Francisco Italian American Citizens Club 3 Person Open. I asked Matt Nastari if he would take a few photos of the event and maybe write a short article. He came through for me big time, sending me a great article and enough photos to fill three pages, the amount I usually give to each tournament. There were a lot of photos of the players in action, but my favorite one doesn’t have any players in it. I call it the “Empty Battlefield.” The finals hadn’t yet begun, but the stage was set and the arsenal of choice was at the ready. This is by far one of my favorite bocce photographs in my collection. The Empty Battlefield Photograph by Matt Nastari Mario Conti, Ron Del Carlo, Colleen Randazzo, Vern Cooper (in front) Diane Kelley and Andrea Ross. This first photo above was taken at the May 3 Raffa Tournament by Nella Conti. Not only is Vern Cooper looking right at the camera, but the five players in the background are looking up-court (Mario and Colleen), down-court (Ron) or at each other (Diane and Andrea). If I didn’t know better, I’d say this almost looks posed. It’s a great photograph as far as I’m concerned. The photo on the left of Albert Leonardi was taken by Bob Enea at the Festa Italia in Monterey a number of years ago. I can imagine Bob pressing the shutter right at that perfect split-second moment when Albert’s arm had stopped its backward motion and had not yet started moving forward. I liked this photo so much that I isolated Albert and used it, and still do, at the top of our “Upcoming Tournaments” page. Yeah, that’s where you’ve seen this photo before! So where am I going with this? My point is simple. I’ve tried to drive this point into your heads many times over the months: Please send any photographs you think others might like to see. Your eyes see a different perspective and will give us a look at what you regard as a good bocce photograph. Not only will you have the satisfaction of having your photograph in the newsletter, but I may get another photograph to add to my “favorites” list. Dancing With The Stars? Nope. Just Nancy Martignago using a little English to guide her ball down the court. In Equatorial Guinea, it’s illegal to name your child Monica. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 5 Western Sector Representative Report Putting A Face On the USBF A few years back I was working on a new court when a guy named Vern Cooper and his wife from Sacramento arrived at Club Paesano in Gresham, Oregon to roll a few balls. They were on vacation visiting Vern’s son across the river in Vancouver and wanted to roll a few balls. I introduced myself but didn’t have too much conversation with them. I was busy and had only a short time to finish my project. Not long after that, Vern and his wife returned again along with another couple from California to play in the annual Aldo Rossi tournament. The other couple was David and Judy Canclini from Stockton. I soon found out that David was a representative of the USBF. Up until that time, I had only heard of the USBF. There were a few of the old timers who were individual members but for the most part, nobody wanted anything to do with them. For me it didn’t matter. I just wanted the tournament to go off as planned and prayed for no rain. David came to me early in the day and talked about the USBF and offered to pay the $5.00 new member fee for me. I thought that this was nice of him and several of us took him up on his offer. If he cared enough to pay for our new membership then we would give it a try. What David did that day was put a face on the USBF. Because of that visit, I somehow became more involved with the USBF. I really didn’t want to but I did. I had just spent 34 years running youth programs and coaching kids and I just wanted to relax and enjoy my new found time. Let’s fast forward to today. I am now Western Sector Representative. and I really don’t have a job description. I do wish the USBF had job descriptions for their officers. I still have hope that someday it will happen. But I do know that there are far too many Clubs that join and probably never see anyone from the USBF. The only thing I do know about my position is how I felt when a representative from the USBF visited us. It had an impact and something that I always try to do now is visit the new Clubs that join in the Northwest and explain a little about the USBF. Put a face to the organization. Since I became Western Sector Rep. I have visited several Clubs around the Northwest and most play different rules than we do. We didn’t play USBF rules at the Paesano Club until just the past few years and we made those changes real slow, over the course of a few years. It’s not our place to tell Clubs how they should play their local leagues or run their tournaments. It’s our job to put a face on the Federation and offer any kind of help we can provide. Larry Cereghino Representative, USBF Western Sector How can you tell when a porpoise is searching for a mate? It swims upside down. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 6 From the Archives June 3, 2012. Laura de la Rosa makes a beautiful double hit at the Italian Benevolent Society’s Annual Picnic and Bocce Tournament at the Italian Picnic Grounds in Sutter Creek, Ca. Click here to see Laura shoot. November 12, 2011. No Problem, with Beverly Wright, Maureen Kelleher, Captain Bill Nicholson and Toni Nichols, came in 4th Place at the 25th Annual Peppermill Bocce Classic at the Peppermill Resort and Casino in Reno, Nevada. Are these two happy? You bet they are. Jason Wisniewski from Detroit, Mi. just won the Bronze Medal in the Men’s Singles and Navina Bernardi from Pleasanton, Ca. just won both the Gold Medal in the Women’s Singles and the Silver Medal in the Under 21 category at the United States Bocce Championships held in Stockton California from June 25 to 29, 2013. February 24, 2012. Under the supervision of Benji Tosi, John Ross and Rolando Negrini, a City of San Francisco maintenance crew resurfaces the bocce courts at Justin Herman Plaza, destroyed by the Occupy San Francisco movement in the Fall of 2011. Click here to see the restoration video. If you have any old photos of bocce players or tournaments you would like to share, send them to: westernsector@yahoo.com . It’s impossible to snore in the weightlessness of space. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 7 Extending the Playing Season Scappoose, Oregon just joined the growing number cities in Oregon where bocce courts are popping up. The courts pictured were built by “Bocce e Luce,” a Sherwood, Oregon company that specializes in bocce court construction. These courts are syn-lawn courts that will provide a longer playing season in the usually wet spring and fall seasons. With natural surface courts in the Northwest, the bocce season last only 4 months at the most. With the syn-lawn courts, bocce enthusiasts will be able to play 8 to 9 months of the year. Chief, the U.S. Cavalry’s last horse, died in 1968. He was 36. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 8 Umpqua Valley Bocce By Larry Cereghino When I heard that there was a new USBF Bocce Club in Umpqua Valley, I was kind of excited to get down to Roseburg, Oregon and meet them. For those of us who live in the Northern Oregon Valleys, we think of Roseburg as a logging town and not somewhere you would find a Bocce Club. But low and behold, what I found was somewhat like Paradise. Umpqua Valley Bocce Club is located in a couple of different areas surrounding Roseburg, Oregon. My trip this day took me to one of their locations about 10 minutes outside Roseburg. To the Bed & Breakfast C.H. Bailey House. The C.H. Bailey House is nestled in one of the 100 Valleys of the Umpqua. It is a historic, country-quiet retreat surrounded by rolling hills, pastures and a 50 acre tree farm. The day I made my trip couldn’t have been a better day to visit: 80 degrees and no clouds in the sky. I met a couple of friends of mine at the Douglas County Library; Ed Cerbone and Reed Abrahamson, who play Bocce around the Northwest, and followed them out to the C.H. Bailey House. When I got out of my car, I could tell this was a very unique place. It was so quiet and picturesque. The Tuscan-like rolling hills with their green pastures and animals grazing, the manicured gardens and manicured property. All I could think was “wow”; nice. The first person greeting me as I stretched my legs following the 3 hour trip was Rick Abbott. I spoke with Rick on several occasions about bocce and my pending trip and it was good to finally put a face to the voice. As more members arrived Rick introduced me to everyone and then the fun began. I spoke with the group briefly about the USBF and I listened to Rick and others explain about the way they play. When I spoke to them about the different set of rules, I could tell that my way of shooting was different than theirs. I then demonstrated two shots, (Raffa, and Volo). I have been real lucky when I have demonstrated these shots in the past and again on that day. I hit them both. (If only I could do that when I play). They were a little reluctant to play that way and that was fine with me. I grew up playing the way they do. I was a little surprised when Rick asked me to pick the teams to play the two DCG courts but I’m no fool. My first pick for my team was Ed Cerbone who, without a doubt is one of the Northwest’s best laggers. It didn’t take long to see that this group was just like my fellow players at the Paesano Bocce Club. We got into the politics of Bocce real soon which is “beer C. H. Baily House or wine”. I chose beer first because I figured I was good for one and then I had to make the 3 hour drive home. The 2nd game I was teamed up with Jay Couron who, along with his wife own the C. H. Bailey House. A great guy who right away saw that my glass was empty (true hospitality) and brought me a glass of local wine that was totally tasty. The game didn’t last too long as Jay proved he knew the courts real well and continually put the first bocce on the pallino. I decided to sit out after two games and just soaked up the atmosphere of the Bocce Club, the views of the surrounding hills and just the beauty of the place. I was handed a brochure about the C.H. Bailey House from Jay and as I read, I knew my wife would love this place. “Come relax with a book, star gaze, bird watch or soak in the hot tub. Or maybe you’re looking for adventure. Hike to a local waterfall, visit award winning wineries, see Crater Lake, white water rafting, mountain bike the North Umpqua Trail, fly fish or visit the wild animal park. When the sun started to go down, I knew it was time to head out. I really didn’t want to but there were courts to fix at the Paesano’s place. I was offered a place to stay with Ed who has a monster house in Roseburg or stay at the Bailey House. They really know how to make a guy feel welcome. This was a fun trip and one I hope to make again real soon. It’s days like this when I really enjoy being the Western Sector Representative. I really want to thank everyone there who made my trip enjoyable. So thanks to Ed, Reed, Rick, Josh, Caleb, Michael, Alan, Randy, Tim, Chuck, Jay and Sherry. If I missed anyone; sorry, but thanks to all. I will return. Siberia means “sleeping land.” All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 9 The Peninsula Italian American Social Club of San Mateo Punto Raffa Volo Tournament Saturday, May 3, 2014 Photos by Nella Conti Sebastiao Eiras John Ross (in back) Armand Cevasco Giovanni Napoli, Denny Kinsel, Guido Freschet, Norm Freschet and Tullio Zingone Mario Conti, Ron Del Carlo, Colleen Randazzo, Vern Cooper (in front) Diane Kelley and Andrea Ross Mario Conti Tony Bulijan Angelo Cacciatore Dorothy Cevasco Fish cough. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Al Vernarecci 10 Renato Cernabori, Tony Bulijan and Dorothy Cevasco watch Pat Ross lag. Lydia Romo Bob Strupeni with Colleen Randazzo and Lydia Romo 1st Place - Team Pro L to r: Paolo Pro, Giavonni Napoli and Denny Kinsel 2nd Place - Lady Sopranos L to r: Dorothy Cevasco, Pat Ross and Sharon Cooper. 3rd Place - San Mateo Laggers L to r: Sebastiao Eiras, Armond Cevasco and Al Vernarecci 4th Place - PIASC Shooters L to r: Bob Strupeni, Mario Conti and Ron Del Carlo Average annula income at the start of World War II: $1,070. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 11 Showdown Series: Showdown #4 May 4, 2014 1st Place Vern Cooper, Bob Kennedy and Paolo Pro 2nd Place Margaret Shindelus, Lydia Romo and Laura de la Rosa 3rd Place Mike Roselli, Rolando Negrini and Marino Cosentino Short people have fewer back problems than tall people do. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 12 4 Person Open Bocce Tournament Saturday, May 10, 2014 1st Place - East Portal Four L to r: Bob Martinez, Susan Flynn, Gerard Sharp and Marv Berman 2nd Place - East Portal L to r: Jim Fellos, Chris Bond, David Zaffa and Kurtis Jahn 4th Place - Hone Dogs L to r: Adam Forni, Cante Swearington, Jefferson Henry and Joe Russell. 3rd Place - Sopranos L to r: Bob Kennedy, Vern Cooper, Paolo Pro and Giovanni Napoli The longest-surviving Civil War veteran died in 1959. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 13 Italian Athletic Club of Stockton 3 PLAYER RAFFA TOURNAMENT Saturday, May 24th, 2014 Ida Queirolo Barbara Heisler Laura de la Rosa Dario Bernardi Chris Bond John Contreras John Dine Gerald Gilligan and Navina Bernardi “Beauty is skin deep. But how rich you are can last a long time.” Christina, age 9. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Joyce Aschenbrener 14 Ursula Hansen Richard Perez and Sharon Page Bill Carey takes a snooze Lydia Romo Ron Fideldy Nancy Martignago Paolo Pro Lisa Dobeck Dick Gomez Rick Wagstaff Roy Ramacciotti Ted Nicholson Phil Roble Dennis Marciasini “If falling in love is like learning how to spell, I don’t want to do it. It takes too long.” Glenn, age 7 All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 15 Jimmy Collins Sharon Cooper Romano Lotti WINNING TEAMS OF THE ITALIAN ATHLETIC CLUB’S 3 PLAYER RAFFA TOURNAMENT 1st Place - Young Guns Gerald Gilligan, Navina Bernardi and Dario Bernardi 2nd Place - Double Shot Tony Randazzo, Albert Leonardi and Tony Romo 3rd Place - Sopranos Vern Cooper, Kurtis Jahn and Bob Kennedy 4th Place - Team Pro Paolo Pro, Jimmy Collins and Drew Page Clams can live as long as 150 years. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 16 Italian Athletic Club of Stockton Local and Northwest Mix Ill Sacco Tournament Saturday, May 30th, 2014 1st Place - Team Manny L to r: Captain Manny Romo, Lisa Dobeck, Bill Carey and Mike Neish 2nd Place - Team Clem L to r: Captain Clem Zipp, Pat Ross, Susan Flynn and Frank Blasak 3rd Place - Team Vern L to r: Armond Cevasco, Becky Cereghino, Sarah Brecher and Captain Vern Cooper 4th Place - Team Larry L to r: Reed Abrahamson, Velma Ubaldi, Ursula Hansen and Larry Cereghino Can you flare your nostrils? Only 30% of humans can. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 17 The West Coast Shootout Makes Its California Debut In Stockton, Ca. On Saturday, May 31, 2014 By Larry Cereghino The West Coast Shootout is like the Ryder Cup in golf. Players get a chance to show their skills in 4-person teams, doubles and singles. One point is awarded for each match won.………….………………………………………….. Usually, singles are played first. Captains write down the order in which they want their players to play and submit the lineup to the scorer. They do the same thing with doubles and then teams. At the end of the day who ever has the most points is declared the winner. In the past this tournament was played at the home of the Paesano Bocce Club, Club Paesano/Cedarville Park. The format was a little different.………………………………… Oregon had played Washington for a few years prior to California coming on board. That match was always played the day before the Aldo Rossi Tournament. When California entered the fray, we extended the tournament a day and started the matches on Friday making this a three day event. Oregon played California on Friday, then came back and played Washington on Saturday morning. After lunch Washington played California...……………………… This type of format was used for two years when the three Captains got together to change the format. California had won lopsided victories in three of the four different matches. Only once did Oregon get close losing by only 2 points and that was decided in the last team game played. A twelve to eleven win by Ca.. It was decide that to make things a little more competitive, the Northwest States would combine and play Ca.……………………………….. Prior to changing the format, sixteen players from each State were used to form the teams. When we went to the three day event eight more were added to the teams. This was done to accommodate all the people from California who wanted to come. When we went to the Northwest vs California, a total of 32 players from each squad played..………………………………………………... With 32 players from the Northwest playing 32 players from Ca., things did get more competitive. California Reed Abrahamson Susan Flynn did win but the last two years things were close. No blowouts. It was always my intent that this tournament rotate between the States, but because most of the Washington players play on lawn bowling grass we decided to play at Club Paesano..……………………………………… Woodland Park in Seattle is working with the city to get Bocce Courts built and should be finished by 2015 so we decided to get things moving to another site and we really wanted to get more people to play in California so away we went to the IAC in Stockton to play this year’s West Coast Shootout. The Northwest could only muster up 28 players so we borrowed a few from Stockton... It was good for the NW players to see these types of courts. It wasn't good for us to play on them. We got walloped. But a great time was had by all.………………... Next years tournament will be held in Seattle if they finish their courts. If not, then we will head back to Cedarville park, home of the Paesanos.…………..……………… Drawbacks to this size and format of tournament is when played on only 4 courts. It takes all day of sitting around just to play three games. It goes somewhat faster with 6 courts.…………………………..………………………. In the Northwest we do some crazy things when it comes to bocce. We play skills tournaments where you test your skills lagging to a spot on the court or circle. You play with your opposite hand or even throw the pallino last. To make things go quicker you play two games at the same time on the same court. We just like the fun of getting together and having fun. So we decided to put our minds and creative thinking together and think of a new format to play with the good folks of California. We enjoy playing this tournament and want it to continue but we need to be able to accommodate more players and more games. Next year we hope to see everyone in Seattle but if not, we'll see ya all in Oregon. Kurtis Jahn The Earth is 100 million years older than the moon. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Jennifer Sheffels 18 Mini Velasquez Don Filippi Sarah Brecher Frank Blasak relaxing between games. Patti Acero Lena Vasconcellos and Vera Scattina Sharon Cooper Wayne Pompei Joe Martin Greg Singleton The most popular Easter egg color is blue. Next are purple and pink. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Larry Cereghino Armond Cevasco Ursula and Chris Hansen Chuck Just 19 Roy Ramassciotti Benedetto Mititiero Carol Del Prete Brad Cotton Paul Barasch Tony Aiello JoAnn Jacobs Mike Neish Toni Nichols Vern Cooper and Larry Cereghino Colleen Randazzo, Mario Pompei and Tony Randazzo More than 70% of all U.S. currency in circulation is held in foreign countries. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Judy Johnson Ron Jacobs 20 David Canclini compiled and submitted the win/loss record below. In so doing, he stated: Congratulations to those who won all three matches! They are Paul Barasch, Clem Zipp, Marvin Berman, Dorothy Cevasco, Mike Croce, Ursula Hansen, Chris Hansen, Jo Ann Jacobs, Ron Jacobs, Denny Kinsel, Pat Kinsel, Colleen Randazzo, and Manny Romo. This was another super fun event and the Italian Athletic Club crowd very much appreciated so many players from the Northwest travelling to Stockton for this event. We are all looking forward to next year's event. We would love to visit Washington! WEST COAST SHOOTOUT CALIFORNIA PLAYER TEAM RECORD WIN—LOSS RECORD SINGLES DOUBLES NORTHWEST PLAYER SINGLES DOUBLES TEAM RECORD Berman, Marvin 1 1 1 3-0 Barasch, Paul 1 1 1 3-0 Cevasco, Dorothy 1 1 1 3-0 Zipp, Clem 1 1 1 3-0 Croce, Mike 1 1 1 3-0 Jahn, Kurtis * 1 1 0 2-1 Hansen, Chris 1 1 1 3-0 Just Chuck 0 1 1 2-1 Hansen, Ursula 1 1 1 3-0 Mititiero, Antonio 1 1 0 2-1 Jacobs, JoAnn 1 1 1 3-0 Pompei, Wayne 1 0 1 2-1 Jacobs, Ron 1 1 1 3-0 Singleton, Greg 0 1 1 2-1 Kinsel, Denny 1 1 1 3-0 Aiello, Tony 0 1 0 1-2 Kinsel, Pat 1 1 1 3-0 Blasak, Frank 0 1 0 1-2 Randazzo, Colleen 1 1 1 3-0 Brecher, Sarah 0 0 1 1-2 Romo, Manny 1 1 1 3-0 Blasak, Cathy 1 0 0 1-2 Cevasco, Armond 0 1 1 2-1 Cereghino, Becky 0 0 1 1-2 Cooper, Vern 1 1 0 2-1 Elder, Jack 1 0 0 1-2 Croce, Shirley 0 1 1 2-1 Kennedy, Bob * 1 0 0 1-2 Flynn, Susan 0 1 1 2-1 Martin, Joe 0 1 0 1-2 Randazzo, Tony 0 1 1 2-1 Mason, Butch 0 0 1 1-2 Ribeiro, Al 1 0 1 2-1 Mititiero, Benedetto 0 1 0 1-2 Romo Lydia 0 1 1 2-1 Neish, Mike 0 0 1 1-2 Deanna Contreras 1 1 2-0 Acero, Patti 1 0 0 1-2 Contreras, John 1 1 2-1 Pompei, Mario 0 0 1 1-2 Canclini, Judy 1 0 0 1-2 Sheffels, Bob 1 0 0 1-2 Cooper, Sharon 1 0 0 1-2 Sheffels, Jennifer 0 0 1 1-2 Del Prete, Carol 1 0 0 1-2 Velasquez, Mini * 1 0 0 1-2 Kelleher, Maureen 0 1 1-1 Martin, Cherie 0 1 1-1 Martignago, Nancy 1 0 0 1-2 Abrahamson, Reed 0 0 0 0-3 Nelson, Ginny 1 0 0 1-2 Singleton, Jack 0 0 0 0-3 Nichols, Toni 0 1 0 1-2 Johnson, Judy 0 0 0 0-3 Ribeiro, Deanna 0 0 1 1-2 McNutt, Tom 0 0 0 0-3 Canclini, David 0 1 1-1 Cotton, Brad 0 0 0 0-3 Ramacciotti, Roy 1 0 0 1-2 Filippi, Don 0 0 0 0-3 Ross, Pat 0 0 0 0-3 Cereghino, Larry 0 0 0 0-3 Vasconcellos, Lena 0 0 0 0-3 Ramacciotti, Roy * 0 0 0-2 Wright, Beverly 0 0 Rivera, Frank 0 0-1 Scattina, Vera 0 0-1 0-2 *California players who played for Washington or Oregon TOTAL WINS 19 22 20 61 TOTAL WINS 11 10 12 33 TOTAL LOSSES 11 10 12 33 TOTAL LOSSES 19 22 20 61 It takes about 21 pounds of milk to make 1 pound of butter All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 21 Which language has the most words? English - nearly 1 million. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 22 POLICY FOR INCLUSION OF NON-USBF MEMBER TOURNAMENT APPLICATIONS The policy of the Western Sector Newsletter is that we will gladly list non-USBF sanctioned tournaments on our Upcoming Tournaments section and display applications for those tournaments hosted by non-USBF member clubs as long as the date of those non-member tournaments do not conflict with a date on which a USBF sanctioned tournament will be held. Even if a non-USBF member club tournament is not promoted in our Upcoming Tournaments section due to this conflict, we will gladly post photos of those tournaments in the next issue of this newsletter immediately following the month in which the tournament took place. If you wish to have your tournament represented in this newsletter, please make every effort to provide us with the winners photos with the names of the winners from left to right as they appear in the photo. Please feel free to provide as many photos as you wish of your tournament during play. The newsletter editor will determine how many photos to use based on available space in the newsletter. If you wish to provide written commentary, please make that commentary no longer than 300 words, or approximately 1/2 page, using the Arial font at size 10. Frank Rivera USBF Western Sector Newsletter Editor westernsectorbocce@gmail.com Brain food: You can think 625 thoughts on the caloric energy of one Cheerio. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 23 The tournaments listed below in red font are United States Bocce Federation Member Club tournaments. USBF membership is required to play in these tournaments The tournaments listed below in green font are not USBF member tournaments. USBF membership is not required to play in these tournaments. MAR - JUNE - CAMPO DI BOCCE LIVERMORE - 2014 SUNDAY SHOWDOWN DERIES JUN 14 - CAMPO DI BOCCE LOS GATOS - WESTERN SECTOR 3 PERSON PUNTO, RAFFA,VOLO CHAMPIONSHIP JUN 21 - PITTSBURG BOCCE FEDERATION - SAM BUCCELLATO MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT JUL 13 - CLUB PAESANO - GRESHAM ORE. - 10TH ANNUAL ALDO ROSSI TOURNAMENT JUL 19 - MARIN BOCCE FEDERATION - MEN’S DOUBLES OPEN TOURNAMENT JUL 26 - EAST PORTAL - SACRAMENTO, CA. - 3 PERSON RAFFA TOURNAMENT AUG 2 - LOS GATOS BOCCE CLUB - 18TH ANNUAL OPEN TOURNAMENT AUG 9 - MARIN BOCCE FEDERATION - WOMEN’S DOUBLES OPEN TOURNAMENT . THE FOLLOWING PAGES CONTAIN THE APPLICATION FORMS FOR THE ABOVE LISTED TOURNAMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO PRINT AN APPLICATION, CLICK THE “PRINT FILE” BUTTON ON THE MENU BAR. WHEN THE “PRINT” TEXT WINDOW APPEARS, REMEMBER TO CLICK THE “CURRENT PAGE” BUTTON OR YOU WILL PRINT THIS ENTIRE NEWSLETTER The water we drink is 6 billion years old. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 24 All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 25 2014 WESTERN SECTOR 3 PERSON PUNTO, RAFFA,VOLO CHAMPIONSHIP Date: June 14, 2014 UR GET YO ! ON GAME Are you the best in the West? Sign up and prove it! 1. 2014 USBF Card required 2. women may use 106mm bocce balls, men must use 107mm 3. round robin format 4. no time limit on games 5. all eight courts will be used 6. play starts at 8am 7. registration starts at 7am 8. depending on # of entries there may or may not be a break for lunch 9. draw may take place prior to the start of the event 10. 16-20 teams will be accepted $40 per player includes: continental breakfast...buffet lunch...unlimited fun...a chance to be the Western Sector Champion Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos 565 University Ave Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Campo di Bocce of Livermore 175 E. Vineyard Ave. Livermore, CA. 94550 Cassie LeBaron: 408-395-7650 E-mail: cassie@campodibocce.com Makes checks payable to Campo di Bocce ENTRY FEE IS $40.00 PER PLAYER TEAM NAME Captain Name Phone Email USBF# Player 2 Name Phone Email USBF# Player 3 Name Phone Email USBF# Alternate Name Phone Email USBF# Method of Payment Check/ Cash MasterCard Credit Card # American Express Visa Exp. date Signature All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector TOTAL $$ 26 PITTSBURG BOCCE FEDERATION SAM BUCCELLATO MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT PLACE: Pittsburg Bocce Courts Harbor St. & Buchanan Rd. DATE: Saturday, June 21st, 2014 TIME: 8:00 am Team Draw 8:30 am Team Play PRICE: $35.00 per player LUNCH (Non-Player)/Guest: $10.00 Continental Breakfast and Lunch to be provided. Prized: Team Cash Awards for 1st thru 4th 1st Place: $400.00 2nd Place: $300.00 3rd Place: $200.00 4th Place: &100.00 (Amounts shown are based on a 20 team tournament. Final award amounts may vary) Double Elimination Tournament DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14TH, 2014 Additional Information Contact—Ginny Nelson (925) 229-3312 Mail Entry Form and Payment to: Pittsburg Bocce Federation C/O Ginny Nelson P.O. Box 486 Martinez, Ca. 94553-0048 Make checks payable to: Pittsburg Bocce Federation ENTRY FORM: Team Name:__________________________________ Phone Number________________________________ CAPO / Player #1:_____________________________ Player #2:__________________________ Player #3:__________________________ Player #4:__________________________ Player #5:__________________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 27 10th Annual Aldo Rossi Bocce Tournament When: Sunday July 13th Where: Paesano’s Cedarville Park 3800 West Powell Loop Gresham, Oregon 97030 Check In: 8:30 Am Start Time: 9:00 Am 4 Person Teams, 5 Max Cost: $25.00 per person USBF Open Rules Format: Pool Play Top Teams From Each Pool Advance To Single Elimination Bracket Coffee and Donuts (Am), Assortment Of Salads And Sandwiches (Pm) Tournament Prizes 1st Place - $400.00 2nd Place - $200.00 3rd Place - $120.00 4th Place $80.00 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Places $40.00 to Each Team Winners Names Goes On Cup Displayed In Club Paesano Please Detach Form Below and Send With Payment Payable: Paesano Bocce Club To Arrive No Later Than July 1st 2014 Larry Cereghino 10006 Se 40th Ave. Milwaukie, Or. 97222 503-201-4585 lorenzodifavale@msn.com ____________________________________________________________________________ Team Name_____________________________ E-mail________________________________________ Team Captain____________________________ Phone____________ Address_______________ Players: ______________________ Player Name_____________________________ ______________________ Player Name_____________________________ Player Name_____________________________ Player Name_____________________________ Sub____________________________________ *Note: The Max. Number of Teams for This Tournament is 20. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 28 All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 29 East Portal Bocce Club 1120 Rodeo Way Sacramento, CA 95819 3 Person Raffa Tournament Saturday, July 26, 2014 $ 400.00 First Place** $ 300.00 Second Place** $ 200.00 Third Place** $ 140.00 Fourth Place** Prize money based on 16 team minimum** Entry Fee is $35.00 per person and must accompany entry form Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided Round Robin Format Registration at 8:00am / Play begins at 8:30am USBF Cards required Western Sector Open Rules (live backboard) In order to insure your team registration the entry fee must be received by July 18, 2014 If you have questions call Laura de la Rosa @ (916) 613-6120 or E-mail lauradelarosa@yahoo.com Entry Forms can also be downloaded from our website at: www.eastportalbocceclub.com Make your check payable to: East Portal Bocce Club Mail entry and check to 9455 Denholm Ct. Elk Grove, Ca 95758 c/o Laura de la Rosa Team Name ______________________________________________ Captain _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Captains Phone #__________________________ Player 2 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Player 3 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Player 4 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Alternate _____________________________ USBF#___________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 30 LOS GATOS BOCCE CLUB 18th ANNUAL OPEN TOURNAMENT Saturday, August 2, 2014 - Campo di Bocce – 565 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 - 8:30 AM Sign-up…. 9:00 AM Start - 16 Team Limit - Four Person Teams…. Round Robin Format….USBF Open Rules - $40 per player including alternates - Continental Breakfast & Lunch Included - Cash Prizes To Be Awarded - Deadline to Apply: July 28, 2014 - Tournament Contact: John Ross (408) 354-0625 ________________________________________________________________ Make Checks Payable to: “Los Gatos Bocce Club” Send Application and Check to: John Ross 16090 Mays Avenue Monte Sereno, CA 95030 ________________________________________________________________ Team Name__________________________________________________ Captain’s Phone Number_______________________________________ Captain________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Alternate_______________________ USBF Card #_________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 31 2014 WESTERN SECTOR BOCCE SCHEDULE United States Bocce Federation membership required at these tournaments Day Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat/Sun Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Date Jan 5th Jan 11th Jan 18th Jan 25th Feb 1st Feb 8th Feb 15th Feb 22nd March 1st March 8th March 15th March 22nd March 29th April 5th April 12th April 19th April 26th May 3rd May 10th May 17 May 24th May 30 May 31st June 1st June 7th June 14th June 21-28th July 5th July 12th July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th August 16th August 23rd August 30th Sept 6th Sept 12th/13th Sept 20th Sept. 27th Oct 4th Oct 11th Oct 18th Oct 25th Nov 1st Nov 6, 7, 8th Nov 16th Nov 22nd Nov 29th Dec 6th Dec 13th Dec 20th Dec 27th Revised Jan 13th Location Campo Livermore Waterloo Stockton IAC Stockton IAC Stockton Waterloo Stockton Campo Los Gatos IAC Stockton Tournament Western Sector Meeting OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Fundraiser for Women RAFFA 3 PLAYERS at least 1 woman OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 2 MEN 2 WOMEN RAFFA 3 Players Contact Vern Cooper Albert Leonardi Vern Cooper Bob Kennedy David Canclini Ben Musolf Vern Cooper Phone No. 916-416-0678 209-951-6787 916-416-0678 209-570-7500 209-957-3314 408-395-7650 906-416-0678 IAC Stockton PIASC San Mateo IAC Stockton OPEN 2 MEN AND 2 WOMEN OPEN 4 WOMEN RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Vern Cooper Mario Conte Vern Cooper 906-416-0678 650-589-7179 916-416-0678 Campo Los Gatos IACC South City IAC Stockton PIASC San Mateo East Portal Sacramento RAFFA 3 Players Los Gatos Bocce Club OPEN 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 WOMEN PLAYERS Women’s Aux. RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS John Ross Bill Green Shirley Croce Mario Conte Laura de la Rosa 408-354-0625 650-871-5309 209-466-0541 650-589-7179 916-613-6120 IAC Stockton IAC Stockton IAC Stockton IBS Sutter Creek IAC Stockton Campo Los Gatos RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYER IL SACCO NORTHWEST CHALLENGE OPEN 4 PLAYERS at least 1 woman OPEN 4 PLAYERS RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Western Sector Champ. NATIONALS St. Louis Bob Kennedy Vern Cooper Vern Cooper Rick Wagstaff David Canclini Ben Musolf 209-570-7500 916-416-0678 916-416-0678 209-296-6151 209-957-3314 408-395-7650 Marin San Rafael East Portal Sacramento Campo Las Gatos Marin San Rafael PIASC San Mateo East Portal Sacramento IAC Stockton OPEN 2 MEN RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Las Gatos Bocce Club OPEN 2 WOMEN OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Western Sector Champ. Diane Pelligrini Laura de la Rosa John Ross Diane Pelligrini Mario Conti Laura de la Rosa David Canclini 415-485-5583 916-613-6120 408-354-0625 415-485-5583 650-589-7179 916-613-6120 209-957-3314 Penn Valley IACC South City IAC Stockton IBS Sutter Creek Marin San Rafael IAC Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS Italian Festa RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Italian American Games RAFFA 1 MAN 1 WOMAN 3 Balls Each OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 3 PLAYERS Stefano Landini Mario Conti Bob Kennedy Rick Wagstaff Diane Pelligrini Vern Cooper 530-264-7030 650-589-7179 209-570-7500 209-296-6151 415-485-5583 916-416-0678 Waterloo Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS David Canclini 209-957-3314 Campo Livermore WESTERN SECTOR MEETING & ELECTIONS Vern Cooper 916-416-0678 IAC Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS Vern Cooper 916-416-0678 Board Approved Jan 5th All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector