MBF News Letter - Martinez Bocce Federation Website
MBF News Letter - Martinez Bocce Federation Website
1 MARTINEZ BOCCE FEDERATION C April 2012 News Letter Part 2 ONTENTS Page 1..…..Club Bocce Ball Offer Extended to May 7th Page 2………………Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza …………………………….…… $1000 first place…………….. nd Page 3…………Hagin’s Registration Form for June 2 st Page 4…………………..…….Clean Up Saturday April 21 Page 5…….............................Official Club Shirts & Hats st Page 6/7..…Season Opener “Dinner & Dance” Apr 21 Page 8………..……….….Useful Contacts & Connections nd Page 9…………………… Opening Day Sunday April 22 Page 10……………………....……….Les Schwab Car Show New Bocce Balls for 2012. Since the offer closed, we have had several more inquiries, so we will make it available once again for a short period and this will be the final time that we will do it. The final cost will be $109, which includes shipping. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, 1). Place your order by emailing the club at:info@martinezboccefederation.com 2). Mail your check for $109 to:Martinez Bocce Federation - P.O. Box 642, Martinez, CA. 94553 Or hand your check to a Member of the Board. Click on the link below to go to Playaboule’s website As most of you know by now, the Club’s new Pro Perfetta Bocce Balls have arrived and we offered members the chance to purchase sets at the same price as the club paid. http://www.playaboule.com/Perfetta_Club_Pro_bocce_Set.aspx Deadline for orders is May 7th Payment must be received by this date. Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 2 Announcing 1st Annual “Hagin’s Automotive” Bocce Bonanza, Saturday June 2nd 2012. We are pleased to announce that Andy Hagin, of Hagin’s Automotive, will be sponsoring a new tournament on June 2nd. It promises to be a sellout event so be sure to register early. Registration deadline is Monday May 28th. Click on link below for Registration Form or see below. http://www.martinezboccefederation.org/download/HaginsRegistrationColor2012.pdf The event will be limited to 32 teams with an option of 4/5 players per team. $1000 Cash First Prize based on 32 teams. Open Rules with Dead Backboard. Rules are available for review on the website at the link below. http://www.martinezboccefederation.org/download/HaginAutomotiveRoundRobinTournamentRulesRev3192012.pdf Entry fee is $35 per player and this includes Continental Breakfast and a great Barbecue Lunch. Lunch is being catered by “Smokehouse10”, winner of the “King of the County Cook Off” at the Waterfront Park in 2011. Visit them at www.smokehouse10.com SHOOTING & LAGGING COMPETITION We will also be holding the “Shooting & Lagging Competition” that was so popular at last year’s Les Schwab Bocce Extravaganza and will be including a bonus for those who wish to try out their skills at this competition. The competition is restricted to 4 attempts per player but if you pay for those 4 attempts with the team registration, you will receive 2 bonus attempts. Refer to the Registration form for details. Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 3 Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 4 MBF CLEAN UP DAY SATURDAY April 21st Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 5 Martinez Bocce Federation Goodies Sponsored by BOSCOZ BURGERS Official Club Shirts In addition to the official MBF caps being offered we are now making official MBF shirts available with the Club logo above the left breast area. Shirts will be in sizes ranging from S to XXL at a cost of $25 (PAYMENT WITH ORDER). Official MBF Club Hat. Hats $20. Shirts will be made to order. please write to:vicdelpine@martinezboccefederation.com LicensePlateFrames Colors being offered are Gray, Green & Red “Martinez Bocce Federation” license plate frames are available at $5 ea Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 6 Season Opener Dinner & Dance Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 7 Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 8 Useful Contacts & Connections “SMOKEHOUSE 10” Latest sponsor of the Martinez Bocce Federation Monthly Newsletter Club Contact Email Address vicdelpine@martinezboccefederation.com NEWS LETTER ARCHIVES If you wish to refer back to a previous edition of a News Letter, as from the November 2011 edition, they are being archived. The link below will take you to the website. http://www.martinezboccefederation.org/newsletter.html “Smokehouse 10” will be catering at the “1st Hagin’s nd Automotive Bocce Bonanza” on June 2 and also the nd “2 Annual Les Schwab Bocce Extravaganza” being th held on August 4 , both events at the Martinez Bocce Club Courts in Waterfront Park Visit their website at www.smokehouse10.com Please note:Our website ends in (.org) www. .com Sponsors of the “Breakfast” at the 2nd Annual Les Schwab Bocce Extravaganza on August 4th HOTLINE Visit them at www.Patch.com 925-295-2003 Local Businesses & News that targets the “Heart” of your city www.martinezboccefederation.org Our email is (.com) info@martinezboccefederation.com HOT LINE 925-295-2003 Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 9 Sunday April 22nd Season Opener Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize 10 Hagin’s Automotive Bocce Bonanza June 2nd $1000 CASH first prize
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