usbf national championships june 21—27, 2015


usbf national championships june 21—27, 2015
Summer 2015
JUNE 21—27, 2015
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
From Midcourt by Jerry South…………………………………….3
The Boston Story by Jerry South…………………………………4
“B” Tournament……………………………………………………. 7
“A” Tournament………………………………………………….…9
Raffa Tournament…………………………………………………. 12
Methuen Sons of Italy Lodge #902 Money Tournament……. 15
The Northwest Goes Back East by Larry Cereghino……...….. 17
Snapshots and Photographs by Frank Rivera…………….….. 18
Sector Reports……………………………………………….……. 19
Directory of Officers……………………………………….…….. 21
On the cover
This months cover features seven players who participated in the USBF National Championships
from June 21st to the 27th in Methuen, Massachusetts . They are, clockwise from the upper left:
Guy Gozzi, on the Jedi Knights team, is from Cranston, Rhode Island
Joe Quartarone, on the Pallino Vino team, is from Salem, New Hampshire
Hunter Gallero, on the Pallazzo di Bocce team, is from Lake Orian, Michigan
Teresa Passaglia, on the Mazzini Verdi Club #1 team, is from Homer Glen, Illinois
Brad Thayer, on the Mount Vernon team, is from Huntington, New York
Jean Godin, on the Campo di Bocce team, is from Livermore, California
Emi Fujii, on the IAC Ladies Auxiliary team, is from Stockton, California
The United States Bocce Federation Quarterly is published four times a year. Our mission is to promote bocce throughout the United States, with an emphasis on introducing bocce to our nations youth and young adults; perpetuating the
sport in all age groups; providing clinics and other teaching methods to those who wish to improve their game and to
prepare our elite players for National and International competition.
USBF Board of Directors
Jerry South, President -
Lio Gianotti, Vice President -
Colleen Randazzo, Secretary -
Cynthia Rivera, Treasurer—
Inquires or comments concerning this quarterly should be
directed to Editor Frank Rivera at:
Written correspondence should be addressed to:
USBF Quarterly c/o Frank Rivera, P.O. Box 22005,
Carmel, CA 93922-0005
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Four Point Meeting
By Jerry South
President, United States Bocce Federation
Board of Directors held a spirited meeting at the
Nationals during the midweek of the tournament.
There were four important action items taken by the
Board that all members should know about.
First, the Board approved a proposal from
Campo di Bocce Livermore to host the 2016 National Tournament from June 26 to July 2. This will
be the women’s team year and Ben Musolf promises a week of excitement, not only for the women
but for men’s teams all over the nation. Next year
marks the return of the Nationals to Campo Livermore for the first time since 2011.
The second item is a project that Danny
Passaglia has been working on for the past two
years. Briefly, USBF and several South American
bocce federations would establish friendly competition. alternating between the United States and
South American countries such as Argentina, Chile
and Brazil. Starting in the fall of 2016, a USBF club
would act as host of the Pan American Bocce
Games.The top two women’s teams and men’s
team at the USBF 2016 Nationals would compete
against similar teams from two South American
countries. Our host club could also enter a team.
PRV matches would be played between Wednesday and Sunday. In 2018 a South American country
would act as host for the games. It is possible that
China could be included in future Pan American
Bocce competition, but at this time the focus is on
the Americas. It should be noted that these games
would replace the former North American Championships with another high level of international
competition. The Board approved a proposal embracing these points and authorized Danny and
your president to proceed with implementation. It
also committed $5000 to partially cover expenses
of the games, with the understanding that further
funds must be raised from the host club and sponsors.
The third subject addressed by the Board
are criteria for selection of coaches of our teams
that compete internationally. In summary, a coach
should be an experienced PRV player with national
and international experience. He or she should
have a good understanding of the game, have an
even temperament, be a good judge of people, be
decisive but not a control person who understands
team dynamics and team building. As a matter of
procedure, a team can recommend a coach, but
the final decision is made by the Board.
Finally, the Board discussed the situation in
which a member club denies entry of an individual
member to a sanctioned USBF tournament. It was
the consensus of the Board that a member club
has an inherent right to exclude a member from a
sanctioned tournament.
“office” is at my desk and computer in San Rafael,
California and the books of account and membership records rest on Mario Veltri’s desk in
Pleasanton. The important news is that we have a
new Treasurer who assumes full responsibilities as
soon as the transition with Mario is completed,
which should be momentarily. Cynthia Rivera,
P.O. Box 22005, Carmel, CA is presently serving
as Western Sector treasurer. She is a retired postmaster, past treasurer of the local Sons of Italy and
Kawanis Club. To complete her resume’ she is an
avid bocce player, having played in all of the events
in the recent Nationals. Her husband, Frank, is our
newsletter editor. Cynthia shares my objective of
improving communications with our members and
streamlining our membership process. If you have
reimbursable expense items, please send them to
me at 100 Thorndale Drive #307, San Rafael, Ca
USBF is indebted to Mario Veltri for bringing a level of professionalism to the Treasurer’s position that is lacking in many non-profits. His records and board reports have a set a standard for
clarity and simplicity that all of us can easily understand. And in May, when things were a mess, he
stepped in, and together with Kathi Tesarz put our
books and records in order. Now Mario can take it
easy, play bocce and plan his next trip to Italy. So
many thanks to Mario and a warm welcome to
Cynthia as our new Treasurer.
(From Midcourt continued on page 4)
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
LOOKING AHEAD: At the recent Nationals
in Methuen, after I had finished refereeing a game,
a visitor pulled me aside and asked a very profound question. He said, ”This raffia game looks
like a tough game to master. I see a lot grey and
white haired players, but only two young guys.
What kind of bench do you have around the country?” I answered, “Not much of a bench but we are
working on it.” Are We Working on it?”
That evening I mentally toured the country.
I know that Larry Cerreghino started a youth program several years ago. He has one young man
heading off to college who is already a skilled
player and has great potential. At Stockton IAC
there are two young players; Ben Campbell and
Drew Page. From all reports, Ben is an accomplished player for his age. Professors Ben Musolf
and Bob Rauh at Campo di Bocce Los Gatos
initiated a bocce program at two local community
colleges. This is a new bocce venture and it’s too
early to know whether it will produce young players. In St. Louis we have a popular youth program in several local schools. The key element is
that the young players use the world class club
courts, receive instruction, and thanks to Robert
and Greg Della Croce, Tony Sanno and Tom
Drago, the youth league they have created is almost part of the club. How many future raffa players will advance from this program is a question.
And then there are Jared Evangelista and
Hunter Gallero from Palazzo di Bocce that we
saw at the Nationals. Along with Navina Bernardi
(mentored by Dario, her Dad) and Drew, they
have a bright future ahead. But are there other
young women that we should know about and encourage to develop their skills? I only hope I
haven’t overlooked some young players and that I
will be informed and can expand this paragraph.
WHAT WE MUST DO!! Please note that the
good things noted in the above paragraph have
taken place in a few of our member clubs. But if
we are to remain competitive internationally,
USBF must take action to identify, provide training
opportunities to and support those young people
around the country that aspire to greatness.
When all of us return from summer vacations, I will ask the Board Of Directors to appoint a
small group of willing directors to form a Youth
Council that will be charged with creating training
and development opportunities for high potential
young people. The Youth Council should have an
operating budget related to the programs they establish. It may be that they will operate on two levels: one for high potential individuals; the other
directed at youth programs sponsored by clubs. I
envision a sector or sector—region becoming involved, so that over time USBF can be proud of
broad based programs that reach beyond a single
Sempre bocce,
Jerry South
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
JUNE 21—27, 2015
By Jerry South—President, United States Bocce Federation
Surprise Start: I met Mario Pagnoni, Carmella
and sons at the North End bocce courts, Boston,for a
ride to Methuen. It was an auspicious beginning for the
37th USBF National Tournament. I had not seen Mario
since the 2007 Nationals in Livermore, and our ride in
the incredible Boston traffic to the Pagnoni home gave
me an opportunity to catch up on the life of the editor of
Joy of Bocce, talk with his close family and peek at the
4th edition of the bocce bible. I treasure my 2nd and
new 4th editions, both of which are autographed by
Ralph Bagarella and Joe Quartarone, USBF
board members, began making tournament plans last
fall, and since January have been working daily to
achieve success. They lacked experience in the mechanics of setting up scoring boards, making draws and
establishing the order of play, so kudos are in order for
the experienced hand of Danny Passaglia who arrived
early to assist as needed. Ralph, Joe and the Lodge
received awards from USBF for hosting an outstanding
Flags representing the teams home states were
displayed during the Championships.
Methuen Sons of Italy Lodge #902
Methuen, Massachusetts
Our Hosts and the Setting: This was our first
National Tournament in the Eastern Sector and one
that I will always remember because of the energy and
enthusiasm of the Methuen Sons of Italy Lodge. Our
hosts are a membership group of some 400+ men and
women who are proud of their new lodge facility that
boasts 4 world class courts, a great room for dinners
and receptions, modern commercial kitchen, bar and
table area, office-computer room and spacious rest
room facilities. The courts are fenced with a transparent
material, and electronic scoreboards that enable onlookers to keep tabs on the games in progress. These
courts are Mike Grasser’s second contributions to the
shift to synthetic surface courts by the major bocce venues. They are fast, and the light sanding creates different personalities among the courts, but they are a
pleasure to play on.
The Teams: We came from all parts of the nation……from Portland, Livermore, Sacramento, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Upstate NewYork, Yonkers,
Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The
teams were well mixed: The Western Sector sent 4
teams that were majority women. There was a Methuen
-St. Louis hybrid team. There were two teams of seniors and the Palazzo team from Detroit had a twenty
something player and another under 21. Several of the
seniors had played in national tournaments 25 years
ago. Many of the PRV players learned as they played.
On a lighter note, I survived the week on my daily
Methuen rice ball. Imagine a 100 centimeter rice ball
stuffed with bits and pieces of good things, served in a
large soda cup and toped with a Bolognese sauce. It
was my staple that kept me going until 11:30pm on
Thursday evening when we finished a PRV doubles
game. As Guy De Santis noted, it’s time to bring in the
clowns to join those on the court.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
On behalf of Jerry South, Ralph Bagarella accepts a certificate
from Methuen Mayor Steve Zanni. It reads:
"Jerry South, President of US Bocce Federation. In recognition
of bringing the United States Bocce Nationals to the City of
Methuen. We are honored to host this mementos event and
appreciate your choice of Methuen as the 2015 host city."
Jerry South, left, with Frank Bagarella, president of Methuen
Sons of Italy Lodge 902, holding the Italian sculpture given to
the lodge by Team USA, which was awarded the unique trophy
in Rome at the recent World Championship. Note Ralph's two
team medals!"
Footnotes including Sore Feet: If your are a
bocce junkie like me, this was the opportunity to play
bocce until you dropped. And by the time we got to
PRV on Wednesday, there was little fuel left in the tank
for some who had played in Open B, Open A and the
Money tournament. Then there was the shortage of
referees for PRV. Some of us did double duty by refereeing our own games and that produced Sore Feet for
yours truly. Vern Cooper, who did not play this year,
never passes an opportunity to referee. He staked out
court 1 and on Thursday, after two days and 18 PRV
games in 6 matches, his pedometer recorded 7 miles.
That’s over 35000’ up and down the court or 22 court
lengths per game. WOW!
from Rhode Island learned PRV on the go and made
the quarter finals. Finally, local teams won 3 medals in
B Division Open.
Special Notes: The Palazzo Team from Detroit
swept the PRV event again. The Special Note was not
their gold medal; it was the two young team members
that Jose and Jason have been training and developing. Jarred Evangelista, early twenties, has been playing less than two years, and Hunter Gallero, still in his
teens, has his sights set on the future Under 21 singles.
In addition to the total experience of competing in the
Nationals, they gained more muscle by refereeing several games……Another Special Note was the strong
presence and performance of the Western Sector women. It will be interesting to watch them in the coming
months as they form teams and prepare for the 2016
Nationals…. Sharon Cooper became a giant killer in
PRV singles, embarrassing two experienced guys that
are still fuming from their losses. Special Note #3 was
the rising performance of the Eastern Sector teams that
had little or no experience in playing PRV. Team Vitulazio, from Upstate NY, went from losing their first Open
A game to earning the silver medal in PRV. They plan
to stay together for future tournaments.The Jedi Knights
Celebration: When it’s all over at the Nationals
we have fun. The dinner and abundant wine was the
high point of Methuen hospitality. Jose Botto, on behalf
of Team USA gave the Methuen Lodge the beautiful
sculpture that we received in Rome. Ralph, Joe and the
Lodge received their awards along with Danny Passaglia, who received a crystal trophy from the board of
directors in appreciation for his 6 years as USBF president.
USBF President Jerry South presents a crystal trophy to
Past President Danny Pasaglia for his six years service
to the USBF.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Then came the medals that we will forever cherish.
For the record:
"B" Division
Gold Medal: Ball Busters - from Methuen Sons of Italy
and Long Island, NY
 Vinny Ruggieri
 John Burley
 Ray Collins
 Brad Thayer
Punto Raffa Volo
Winner goes to the World Games
Gold Medal: Palazzo di Bocce - from Detroit area
 Jose Botto
 Jason Wisniewski
 Hunter Gallero
 Jared Evangelista
Silver Medal: IAC Ladies Auxiliary - from Stockton, CA
 Nancy Martignago
 Carol Del Prete
 Emi Fujii
 Elvira Scatena
Silver Medal: Club Vitulazio - from New York (Upstate
 Natale Scala
 Chris Shiffert
 Tommy Izzo
 Peter Russo
Bronze Medal: 3DB - from Methuen Sons of Italy
 Russ Bowser
 Lou DePrizio
 Bob DeFrancesco
 Kyle DeFrancesco
4th Place Consolation Medal: Pallino Vino - from
Methuen Sons of Italy
 Ralph Bagarella
 Joe Quartarone
 Derek Riddell
 Ted Shields
"A" Division
Gold Medal: Mazzini Verdi Club #1 - from Chicago area
 Danny Passaglia
 Teresa Passaglia
 Dr. Angelo Cordano
 Mario LaBarbera
Silver Medal: Pallino Vino - from Methuen Sons of Italy
 Ralph Bagarella
 Joe Quartarone
 Ray Collins
 Jim Tsouprakakis
Bronze Medal: Cinque, Quattro, Nove - from OR and
 Larry Cereghino
 Jerry South
 Tony Aiello
 Mike Neish
4th Place Consolation Medal: Pierino's Pasta - from
MI, IL and CA
 Rick Wagstaff
 Teresa Wagstaff
 Pierino Gugliemetti
 Jack Grandi
Bronze Medal: Campo di Bocce - from Livermore, CA
(San Fran area)
 Gerald Gilligan
 Margaret Shindelus
 Laura de la Rosa
 Jean Godin
4th Place Cosolation Medal: Double Shot - from Martinez, CA (San Francisco area)
 Tony Randazzo
 Colleen Randazzo
 Teresa Rea
Methuen Money Tournament
1st Place Team: $1,200 Total - Campo di Bocce - from
Livermore, CA
 Dario Bernardi
 Margaret Shindelus
 Laura de la Rosa
 Jean Godin
2nd Place Team: $800 Total - Sacramento East Portal from Sacramento, CA & Salem, NH
 Chris Bond
 David Zaffa
 David Camarado
 Derek Riddell
3rd and 4th Place Teams didn't play, but split $1000:
$500 to each team
Davinci Bocce: - from Detroit area
 Mike Grasser
 Steve Trochim
 Sal Lini
 Dennis Russo
Pierino's Pasta: - from MI, IL and CA
 Rick Wagstaff
 Teresa Wagstaff
 Pierino Gugliemetti
 Jack Grandi
Thanks again to everyone at Methuen for a memorable National Tournament.
I’ll see you at Campo di Bocce Livermore next year where the Nationals will be held in late June!
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2016
Kudos to the Methuen Sons of
Italy, Lodge 902 for hosting the U.S.
Bocce National Championships. As
this was my very first time participating in the Nationals, it was very exciting to compete with several of my
bocce colleagues, and especially
meeting so many friendly and cordial
members from the Sons of Italy. The
event was very well organized and
the courts were pristine! Through all
this excitement of being at the Nationals, it was rather anti-climatic and
disappointing to return home to the
West Coast after such a fantastic
time that came and went so quickly! I
will miss the camaraderie that I
shared with so many bocce players at
the Nationals and I am looking forward to renewing friendships in California at the 2016 Nationals in Livermore. By the way, while playing a
PRV game, it was announced that
the bar will be closing. Being exhausted after the match, I forgot to
thank the person that bought my shot
of “tequila” - I owe you one!!...............
………….………………...- Emi Fujii
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Gold - Ball Busters - Methuen Sons of Italy
Brad Thayer, John Burley,
Ray Collins and Vinny Ruggieri
Silver - IAC Ladies Auxiliary - Stockton, Ca.
Nancy Martignago, Vera Scatena,
Emi Fujii and Carol Del Prete
Bronze - 3DB - Methuen Sons of Italy
Russ Bowser, Lou DePrizio,
Bob DeFRancesco and Kyle DeFrancesco
4th Place Consolation - Pallino Vino - Methuen Sons of Italy
Ralph Bagarrela, Joe Quartarone,
Derek Riddell and Ted Schields
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Methuen Sons of Italy Lodge #902 President
Ralph Bagarella welcoming players to the
2015 USBF National Championships.
Methuen Mayor Steve Zanni lagging
the first ball to officially open the
2015 USBF National Championships.
MODAY, JUNE 22, 2016
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
What a week it was! There are not enough words to describe the welcome extended
to us when we arrived in Methuen at the Sons of Italy Lodge. Even though there was a buzz
of activity everywhere working on last minute tasks, we were welcomed with open arms. We
were shown around the amazing facility and the outstanding courts. Throughout the week
the hospitality continued non stop. The whole experience will remain with me for a long
time and bring a smile to my face. The awards banquet was fun and the food was fantastic. I can't say enough about all the crew there and special thanks to Joe and Ralph.
The Nationals were run very well from my vantage point and I would go back in a
heartbeat if they host again.
– Nancy Martignago
It was a great experience to
play Bocce with the country's
best players and get to know
them personally and get some
great playing tips to help improve my game. I’m looking
forward to traveling yearly to
compete and be a part of the
US Bocce Nationals wherever
they are to be played in different host cities.
– Ray Collins
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Gold - Mazzini #1 - Chicago
Mario LaBarbera, Ralph Bagarrela,
Teresa Passaglia, Danny Passaglia and
Joe Quartarone. Missing - Dr. Angelo Cordano
Bronze - Cinque, Quattro, Nove—CA and OR
Larry Cereghino, Mike Neish,
Jerry South and Tony Aiello.
Silver - Pallino Vino - Methuen Sons of Italy
Ray Collins, Ralph Bagarrela,
Jim Tsouprakakis and Joe Quartarone.
4th Place Consolation - Pierino’s Pasts - MI, IL and CA
Pierino Gugliemetti, Teresda Wagstaff, Ralph Bagarrela,
Jack Grandi, Rick Wagstaff and Joe Quartarone
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
JUNE 24, 25 & 26, 2016
The Nationals were very
well put together by the
Sons of Italy Lodge 902,
and everyone there was
truly kind and made us "outof-towners" feel welcome,
but the main part would be
reconnecting with friends
that you don't really see day
to day and being together
and supporting each other.
Being a young bocce player
and playing at an experienced level has really
shown me all of the support
and how generous every
one can be towards the
- Hunter Gallero
Renewing old friendships, making new friends is what our
sport is all about. The hospitality shown to the players
and their guests by Sons of Italy Lodge 902 was above
and beyond the pale. A great tournament.
- Jack Grandi
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
This was one of the best run Nationals I
have attended in the last 20 years.
Wonderful hosts in a great facility.
- Mike Grasser
My first Nationals and
what a terrific experience!
Hats off to all the volunteers in Methuen who ran
a great tournament. The
conduct of officials and
sportsmanship of the
players, exemply the best
role models in our sport.
Loved the punto, raffa,
volo format, made many
new friends, and some
future teammates. Looking forward to seeing you
all in Livermore.
- Brad Thayer
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Gold - Palazzo di Bocce - Detroit, MI.
Jared Evabgelista, Ralph Bagarella, Jose Botto,
Hunter Gallero, Joe Quartarone
and Jason Wisniewski
Bronze - Campo di Bocce - Livermore, Ca
Laura de la Rosa, Jean Godin, Gerald Gilligan,
Margaret Shindelus and Joe Quartarone
Silver - Club Vitulazio - New York
Tommy Izzo, Natale Scala, Peter Russo,
Chris Shiffert and Joe Quatarone
4th Place Consolation - Double Shot - Martinez, CA
Teresa Rea, Tony Randazzo,
Colleen Randazzo and Joe Quartarone
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Methuen Sons of Italy Lodge #902
TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2016
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Winning Teams In The
Methuen Sons of Italy Money Tournament
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
1st Place - $1,200
Campo di Bocce of Livermore
Dario Bernardi
Margaret Shindelus
Laura de la Rosa
Jean Godin
3rd Place - $500
Da Vinci Bocce - Sylvan Lake, MI
Mike Grasser
Steve Trochim
Sal Lini
Dennis Russo
2nd Place—$800
East Portal - Sacramento, CA
Chris Bond
David Zaffa
David Camardo
Derek Riddell
4thPlace - $500
Pierino’s Pasta - MI, IL, and Ca
Rick Wagstaff
Teresa Wagstaff
Pierino Gugliemetti
Jack Grandi
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
By Larry Cereghino
You don't always see many players out of the
Northwest compete at the National tournament, but this
year 2 teams went to Methuen and competed very well.
In the medal "A" tournament, Cinque, Quattro,
Nove started slow in their bracket losing their first game
before getting hot and winning their next 4 to get into
the final 8. Once there they proceeded to win their first
game before losing in the semi's.………………………...
In the 3rd and 4th place game they picked up
where they left off and won the bronze medal.
In the open money tournament, Cinque, Quattro, Nove
finished 2nd in their pool making it to the final 8 again
but saw their game disappear and finished in a tie for
Pac-Northwest was the other Northwest team
that played in both the Medal "A" and money tournaments. Pac-Northwest started slow in the medal tournament and never did get it going enough to reach the
finals. In the money tournament they started hot and
stayed hot through the qualifying round only to lose
their first game in the finals finishing in a tie for 5th.
………Both teams had a great time and really enjoyed
the courts at Methuen. Six of the players came out of
Oregon, Mario Pompei, Wayne Pompei, Butch Mason,
Mike Neish, Tony Aiello and Larry Cereghino. One out
of Seattle, Greg Singleton who played on the PacNorthwest squad and Jerry South out of Northern California who played on the Cinque, Quattro, Nove team.
L to r: Larry Cereghino, Mike Neish,
Jerry South and Tony Aiello
L to r: Butch Mason, Mario Pompei,
Wayne Pompei and Greg Singleton
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
An abundance of each By Frank Rivera
By definition, a snapshot is an informal photograph taken quickly, typically with a small camera
or smartphone. As opposed to snapshots, I try to take photographs when I shoot tournaments, although
some may argue my successes. I take many photographs at the various tournaments I attend; over 500
photos at the National Championships alone. But a number of players, me included, also took a lot of
snapshots during the Nationals; recorded memories of our trip to the biggest bocce event of the year.
Here are just a few of our pictures; a reminder that our trip was much more than a week of bocce.
Here I sit checking teams into
the Methuen Sons of Italy for
the Bocce Nationals Tournament! I know this event is going
to be Fabulous!!!
- Marguerite De Monaco Sciuto
Nancy Martignago and Emi Fujii dancing cheek to
cheek in Salem, MA
Sharon Cooper and Mini Velazquez
dipping their toes in the Atlantic
Ocean. The first time for both.
First night in Methuen. Players from California, Oregon
and Washington waiting to eat at the Crab Shack.
Jason Wisniewski, Jared Evangelista,
Jose Botto and Hunter Gallero at the
Sons of Italy Lodge 902, Methuen, MA.
Our son-in-law Tom and granddaughter
Carmen Dallaire came up from East
Providence, R.I. to watch us play.
Ralph Bagarella; a man of many hats. He helped
organize the Nationals, played in them, and here, puts
on his waiters hat to take lunch orders from Jared
Evangelista, Jose Botto and Hunter Gallero.
Dario Bernardi, making round robin
score boards for the “A” tournament.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Teresa Wagstaff
Red, white and gold.
Western Sector
A Shout Out to
Joe and Ralph
By Dario Bernardi
Western Sector President
From the center of the Western Sector. Summer is
moving by way too quickly. There’s not a lot to report right
now. Our sector VP, Margaret Shindelus is down in LA at
the Special Olympics. I’m hoping when she returns that
she will write an article on the experience. There are tournaments still going on all over the territory. Stockton IAC
held its annual. 1 man, 1 women raffa tournament last
Saturday. That is one of my favorite tournaments. I also
believe that it is the most "even" tournament that we can
have. I was looking at the list of 16 teams entered in that
Western Sector Northwest Region
Three Year Rotation
By Larry Cereghino
Northwest Region President
July is over and I’m glad. The
Paesano Bocce Club just hosted their three day event and
everything went great even all the sleep I was able to get
afterward. Now we look forward to August and all the tournaments around the Northwest.
Scappoose, Oregon will be hosting their annual
tournament about the time we start to edit the quarterly
newsletter. August 2nd the Paesano’s will host the Jim Calcagno Cup IL Sacco tournament at their annual picnic.
August 8th in Seattle will be the Tony Riconosciuto
Tournament. Tony was someone who promoted the sport
USBF Treasurer
Responsibilities Accepted
By Cynthia Rivera
National Treasurer
I have just been appointed Treasurer within the
past few days and haven’t had enough time to get my
feet wet yet, but suffice it to say that I accept this responsibility with all the seriousness this position demands.
The finances of any organization are the major part
of that organizations health and well being. It is no different with the USBF. I have committed myself to provide
the best possible service to the USBF that my abilities
will allow.
tournament and I can honestly say that just about every
team had a chance to not only make the playoffs, but to
win. That’s a fun day.
There is still some bickering and bantering going
on. I really wish that this would stop and we just play bocce. I've said it before and i will say it again, but we need to
respect the game and each other. Its only human nature
to not be able to get along with everyone, but we can really work on this issue to be a better sector.
And if you have not heard, the 2016 Nationals will
be in Livermore next year. It is the 10 year anniversary of
CdB, so this is going to be a great event. The event is
scheduled to end right before the 4th of July, so hopefully
people will come and play and maybe stay a couple of
extra days.
And lastly....huge shout out to Joe and Ralph in
Boston for all of there hospitality at the Nationals. It was a
wonderful event. They have some of the BEST courts in
the US.
like no other. August 23 is the annual Festa Italiano tournament hosted by the Paesanos at Cedarville Park. August 23rd is also the Sokolo tournament played at a private
residence in Seattle. This is an all day and half the night
Many of the leagues around Oregon will be winding
down at the end of August and The Paesano’s Club
Championship will be held on August 30th.
Discussions are ongoing now about where the
Northwest will play California next year. If the dates are
secured we will be headed back down to the IAC provided
that they fix up two of their outdoor courts for play. Six
courts are about the minimum number of courts we can
use for this format. This has been an annual event for
players from the Northwest and California for the past 5
years. Once Seattle gets their new courts in we will have a
three year rotation pattern.
Part of my responsibilities include processing
membership applications as they come in. This is a slow
time of the year for new members, but rest assured; as
the end of the year approaches and our member clubs
and individual members begin to renew their membership in the USBF, I will process your applications within a
timely manner.
If any of you have any questions about your membership status, I will be happy to answer all your questions. You can contact me through my email address,
which is listed in the directory on the last page of this
If you have reason to contact me through the U.S.
Postal Service, please address your correspondence to:
USBF Treasurer c/o Cynthia Rivera, P.O. Box 22005,
Carmel, Ca. 93922.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
Midwestern Sector
Gregory Della Croce
Midwestern Sector President
No report submitted
Eastern Sector
Guy De Santis
Eastern Sector President
No Sector Report submitted
Western Sector Southern Region
Robert Castagnola
Southern Region President
No Region Report submitted
Northwest Region
Central Region
Northern California
Northern Nevada
Southern Region
Southern California
New Mexico
Southern Nevada
North Dakota
South Dakota
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
District of Columbia
United States Bocce Federation - Directory of Officers
Jerry South - President
San Rafael, CA
Lio Giannotti - Vice President
Chicago, IL
Colleen Randazzo - Secretary
Martinez, CA
Cynthia Rivera - Treasurer
Carmel, Ca.
Dario Bernardi - President
Pleasenton, CA
Gregory Della Croce - President
St’ Louis, MO
Guy De Santis - President
Yonkers, NY
Margaret Shindelus - Vice President
Livermore, CA
Jason Wisniewski - Vice President
Detroit, MI
Gabriel Quattrocchi—Vice President
Baldwinsville, NY
Brian Polanz
Sector Representative
Cleveland, OH
Ralph Bagarella
Sector Representative
Salem, NH
Ursula Hansen - Secretary
Stockton, CA
Cynthia Rivera - Treasurer
Carmel, CA
Populous Directors
Populous Director
Larry Cereghino
Western Sector Representative and
President, Northern Region
Mike Grasser
Sylvan Lake, MI
Joe Quartarone
Miami FL
Dario Bernardi
President, Central Region
Jack Grandi
Highwood, IL
Robert Castagnola
President, Southern Region
Populous Directors
Vern Cooper
Sacramento, CA
Rich Robertson
Florissant, MO
Laura de la Rosa
Sacramento, CA
Nancy Martignago
Stockton, CA
Ben Musolf
Los Gatos, CA
Frank Rivera
Carmel, CA
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2015 - United States Bocce Federation