Dear USBF Members We are updating our records for all members
Dear USBF Members We are updating our records for all members
Fold Down $ Dear USBF Members We are updating our records for all members and moving to more communication by email including the newsletter. To receive your newsletter by email saving us time and money please fill out the information below. Then fold this paper into thirds with the Secretary’s mailing address on the outside, add your return address, postage and return to us. Thank you for your help. Please print Name Email Address City State Phone Fold Up # Zip seal with tape Postage Here Kathi Tesarz Membership Secretary 1271 San Moritz Dr San Jose, CA 95132 seal with tape April 2010 Bocce Has Grown World Wide! By Benji Tosi Over the last year the CMSB and Federation Internationale de Boules (FIB) showed great growth with 4 new countries joining the organization. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, and Haiti are the newest countries to play Volo and bring the total count of 56. Raffa has 35 countries in its federation the, CBI, and has also added the countries of France and Australia in the recent past. So between countries competing in Volo, Raffa, or both modalities, a total of 64 countries are playing social bocce! That’s pretty good! Volo Raffa It also appears that boules sports are taking greater steps toward organizing. The CMSB, which is the ruling body on bocce and all boule sports, will be conducting a first ever tournament in Macon, France in July 2011. It will include all four types of boules; Volo, Raffa, Petanque, and Lawn Bowling, and is hopefully the first of many such tournaments which are stepping-stones toward the Olympic games. Petanque Lawn Bowling President’s Letter Fellow USBF members! Well a lot of things have happened since my last letter. The Italia-America Club of St. Louis successfully hosted the North American Championships; the USBF sent a delegation to the World Singles Championships in Rome, Italy and Campo di Bocce of Livermore has made a bid to host the 2012 World Team Championship. Your Board recently held our annual winter meeting and has formed several committees to improve the functionality and performance of our Federation not only for the moment but also looking into the future. There are many objectives such as an entire new and modern set of by laws, rules and regulations for International Delegations, marketing issues and others too numerous to mention. 2010 was not a good year for the USA and it definitely affected the USBF as well. Membership has dropped both in the number of Clubs and also the number of members. We were able to entice several new Clubs but not a sufficient number to compensate for the non renewals. One of the major difficult decisions concerned this very newsletter. The Board has decided that we simply can no longer afford to print hard copy newsletters for every Club and member. It was simply too costly especially considering we lost membership. We will continue publishing the newsletter and placing it on the website where it can easily be downloaded. The members that do not have email will still be receiving copies by mail but they will not be the glossy hard copies everyone has been familiar with. I must admit, one of my biggest disappointments, has been the USBF Visa Card. We only had a handful of applications and I simply can not believe the lack of support this fund raising tool has received. It is a beautiful card, has all the benefits that other bank cards have and yet there has not been enough support to consider this a successful campaign. We have until the end of 2011 to prove ourselves to the card issuer but unless we get enough active card users, they will discontinue the program at the end of this year. Please ask your Sector Directors or check out the on line information for more details and the great benefit the USBF derives from card usage. The National Championships for Volo, Open and P/R/V are almost upon us and I know Campo di Bocce has a lot of surprises in store for us. Please make every attempt possible to attend this year and support this important event. We will be qualifying a Volo Team to participate in the Volo Worlds in Feltre, Italy later this year. Also, the winning P/R/V Team will be able to represent us right back in Livermore for the 2012 Worlds. I want to thank everyone for their support and let us all work hard this year to enroll new members and especially get Clubs to renew. Ciao for now! Danny Passaglia USBF President A Special thank you to Playaboule for sponsoring the USBF-USA Teams uniforms last year! 1001 SW Klickitat Way Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98134 888-225-2865 Official supplier of bocce equipment for United States Bocce Federation. The West Coast Challenge By Larry Cereghino For the past two years, the Great Northwest has been enjoying a unique Bocce Tournament. We call it, “The Oregon vs Washington Challenge”. Some of the best players from Oregon and Washington converge on the six courts at Club Paesano in a Ryder Cup style Tournament to determine the winner of the Challenge Cup. Players participate in singles, doubles and four person team events, garnering one point for each win. The past two years has seen the Washington team sneak out with one and three point wins. This tournament has always been played the day before the “Aldo Rossi Cup Tournament” held at Club Paesano. This year an extra day will be added to the event to include the State of California. Several players from California have been making the trip to participate in the Rossi Tournament the past few years and really liked watching the “Challenge” Continued on page 3 Page 2 The West Coast Challenge Meet Your Newest Director By Larry Cereghino on the day before. After last years tournament, the captains for Oregon and Washington spoke with a representative from California and decided it would be a great event to make this Tournament, “The West Coast Challenge”. Each State will bring twenty players. The State that wins both their matches will be declared the winner and be able to keep the trophy for the year. If all the teams go one and one, the State that held the trophy the year before will retain it. The rules for this event will be a combination of USBF and Northwest rules. Matches will start Friday afternoon July 8th and end Saturday evening July 9th. Following the Tournament, players will receive tickets to a Country Western Bash located at Rossi Farms, not far from Club Paesano. Players are also encouraged to play in The Aldo Rossi Tournament held the following day, July 10th and compete for $1000.00 in prize money. For more information about this Tournament or any Northwest Tournament contact: Larry Cereghino 503-201-4585 Sector Reports Guy De Santis Eastern Sector President I had the great pleasure of meeting Raymond Cher, President of the Australian Bocce Federation and his very lovely and bocce knowledgeable wife Lina. While visiting New York they contacted me and we met on an Friday night at our Mount Vernon Bocce Club. We spent a few hours discussing our mutual love for the sport. We introduced them to our open rules bocce by involving them in an amicable game with some of our members. The open rules were a new concept to them but they were open minded an willing to learn our style of play. Peter Rabito had a lengthy discussion with Raymond and Lina regarding the future of our sport in the two respective nations. I have played competitive sports my entire life. I’ve always enjoyed sports and the thrill of good clean competition. I was introduced to the sport of bocce by my brother-in-law, Guy. We both played hockey together for years. Guy and I have vacationed a lot together over the years. We married two sisters, and our families have spent one week together in upstate New York every year for the past 13 years. He would always bring his bocce set. We would play on a grass field. I really started to show more interest in the game in the past three years or so. He would bug me all the time to come down to the club and play, but I would rarely go. Needless to say I wish I had listened to him when he asked the first time. I have been playing for the last two years on a consistent basis. I wish I could play more during the week, but with work and raising a seven year old girl, my time is scarce. I do get to play at least once a week in various leagues that are set up through out the year. I was lucky enough to have the chance to go to St. Louis for the U.S. Nationals in 2010. We had a great time. I met some wonderful people and made some new friends. After competing is this tournament, I appreciate the game more than I ever did. It was amazing watching some of the best players from the U.S. play. I learned so much about the game in that one week than I did over the past year. Seeing how the game is played at such a high level, has given me the desire to improve my game and become the best I can be. Most of all it is the time we spend with good friends, and in my case family, that makes this game enjoyable. I’m looking forward to be an ambassador of the sport as I commence my first term as a USBF board member. Chris Giordano, Eastern Sector Representative I would like to start by thanking the Midwest sector for electing me to the USBF board I have served on the board a few years back and it is great to be back on to try to move the game of Bocce to new heights. My Bocce background is I learned to play at the age of 7yrs old, started playing in local tournament at 12 yrs old, and played in my 1st national tournament at the age of 16. I have also won the United States Nationals, represented the United States in 3 World Championships (1Volo and 2 Punto Raffa Volo). I have also volunteered my time for in running charity bocce events. I have been playing this wonderful game of bocce for 31 years. Lio Giannotti, Midwestern Sector Representative continued on page 4 Page 3 Meet Your Newest Director Continued from Page 3 I am 31 years old. I am a graduate of Syracuse University and I’m self-employed, owning a residential painting company with my brother. More Bocce in San Francisco By Benji Tosi In November two bocce courts were completed in San Francisco’s Justin Herman Plaza, across from the historic Ferry Building. I am a new board member representing the Eastern Sector of the United States Bocce Federation. I have been actively involved with bocce for the past 6 years in roles from founding leagues, tournaments, and court construction. I was introduced to game at an early age as my father had played in Italy and also played briefly 20 years ago here in Upstate NY. My involvement at a serious level began 6 years ago. We started on the grass and quickly progressed to stone dust surfaced courts within a year. We built 3 outdoor courts locally in the Syracuse area that year and started to travel to tournaments in Upstate NY. In the following year we created a league and I was also asked to organize a charity tournament for the developmentally disabled. This event has raised over $50,000 in 5 years through participants and local sponsors. I fostered an agreement to bring the event and a league to a vacant piece of land at my old high school where we constructed 6 permanent courts.. Seeing the way our climate affects our ability, we have purchased a 5000 square foot building that will be transformed into a private bocce club, that will be named the Lock 1 Club. The club will feature (2) 62’ x 12’ indoor courts that will have a stone dust surface. The club will also feature a bar area. It will be used to host leagues during the week for men, women, kids, and seniors. We will also host tournaments throughout the winter. The club location also has the potential for outdoor courts which will be approached in the near future. The club is slated to open in early 2011 and will be a USBF member club. My motivation with the sport goes far past just the enjoyment of playing the game. In the coming years, I would like to see the game hit the media nationally just as bowling, poker, and billiards have been able to make it to that level. After speaking to people like Guy De Santis and Peter Rabito, I understand the need to promote one set of rules and more importantly one game and governing body if this sport is to progress to this point. In order to get national corporate sponsorship and national media exposure this is the primary agenda. Gabriel Quattrocchi, Eastern Sector V.P. USBF Contruction Site The 27.5-meter by 4-meter (90 feet by 13 feet) courts are the results of a group effort spearheaded by project organizer and new USBF member Chris Gruwell. The funds were raised from a local donor, and a local Labor Union donated all the labor and equipment. After lengthy planning and public discussion for the Board of Supervisors, the City accepted the gift. The ground breaking ceremony brought out news crews, hundreds of people, and included newly elected California lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome digging first. Finished Courts San Francisco Justin Herman Plaza Prior to construction, Volo Champ Benji Tosi and former USBF President John Ross met and consulted with the Architect Peter Zepponi and the Webcor building team, to ensure that the proper dimensions and materials were used. The courts are likely the most visibly public courts in the nation and can even be spotted from the Bay Bridge. To accommodate the different forms of boules, the courts can be marked for either official type of bocce: Volo or Raffia. They are made of a six inch layer of compacted gray granite finds, and NOT California Gold granite, and have a few centimeters of sand and oyster our dressing. Continued on page 8 Page 4 Watching Your Child Compete By Dario and Natalina Bernardi Last fall, we had the tremendous privilege of going to Rome to watch our son, Joey, compete in the World Bocce Championship. Joey had qualified for this event by winning the under 21 U.S. Nationals the summer before. The event being held in Rome was unbelievable as most of our family still lives in Italy. We decided to make this a vacation and my mother was able to go as well. The only disappointment was that our daughter, Navina, was unable to come due to her school commitments. Joey with Luca Viscusa announced, you cannot help but to have a tear in your eye as you see the Americans marching proudly amongst all of the competitors. Let the games begin !! As we watched one match after the other, I must say it is absolutely gut-wrenching watching your child play. You are with him in every ball and we were all trying to will every shot to be perfect, but as we all know, it is such an easier game when you are sitting in the stands !! My mother has always been a nervous wreck for as long as I could remember, and she has not changed. She wanted her grandson to do so well ! Joey had split his first couple of matches and then came the encounter with Mr. Viscusa. We arrived at the After much anticipation, we finally made it to Rome and we all could not wait to get to the brand spanking new facility and check it out. Upon arriving, it was a very nice place and like all of the other competitors, Joey could not wait to get on a court and roll a few balls. He seemed a bit nervous, which was totally understandable, but I could see in his face that he just wanted to play. The blind draw was done and we anxiously awaited to Roman soldier carries USA Flag arena and Joey had looked up to the stands and saw they were packed with Italian folks who came to root the champion on. I spoke a lot with my son leading up to that match and I kept telling him to focus and just do the best that you can. I must say in all honesty, I don’t know if we will ever experience anything like that again. Understandably nervous, Joey fell behind early as the crowd roared with every shot that their player made. The score got to be 8-0 and our hearts went out to our son. To be honest, I really wanted him to just score 1 point at that point because no one likes to lose 15-0. “A Break in the Game” see who Joey would be competing against. The one glaring name in his group was Mr. Luca Viscusa, the Italian National Champion. All in all, like we say all of the time in any other tournament that we play in, play one game at a time, one point at a time and one ball at a time. Finally, opening ceremonies were upon us and the Italians put on quite a show. It was a really fun night. Words cannot express how you feel as a parent when your child is announced wearing the USA colors. There simply is no bigger honor. There were some 30 or 40 nations represented, all with their flags flying high Continued on page 6 and music playing, but when the good old USA was Page 5 Our USA Deligation Watching Your Child Compete By Dario and Natalina Bernardi Continued from page 5 Then Joey hit a beautiful raffa shot and made 2 points. It was like the weight of the world had been lifted off of all of us. The next frame, he made another point, then another and all of a sudden, he was within a couple of points of the Italian Champion. As our USA contingent was going crazy, the Italian based fans were growing more and more nervous with that, ‘who is this American kid anyway look’. My wife and I could at this level. We talked at length about what representing not only your family, but your bocce club and most importantly, your country means. You compete with class and dignity and you do the very best that you can. And always remember the “ USA “ on the front of the jersey is way more important than the name on the back of the jersey !! It was truly a wonderful experience for all of us. Congrats Son, you did a great job !! Opening Ceremonies not stop high fiving and my poor mother was so happy and proud. Joey fought tooth and nail to the end but ended up losing and getting to 8 points. This was one of those very rare occasions when he walked off of the court, we all felt like we had just WON that match. Our friends from California, Mr. and Mrs. Passaglia, our USBF president, our relatives, a few of the other competitors and of course mom, dad and grandma were cheering him on like the champion that he was. That one match surely ran the entire emotion Joey is still very proud of that to this day. Joey ended up talking with Luca quite a bit at the closing ceremony and we have some very nice photos of the two of them, along with many other great pictures. Joey ended up winning 3 matches and losing 3 matches but more importantly was how he competed Some of the Countries Flags I had the great pleasure of meeting Raymond Cher, President of the Australian Bocce Federationand his very lovely and bocce knowledgeable wife Lina .While visiting New York they contacted me and we met on an Friday night at our Mount Vernon Bocce Club. We spent a few hours discussing our mutual love for the sport. We introduced them to our open rules bocce by involving them in an amicable game with some of our members.The open rules were a new concept to them but they were open minded an willing to learn our style of play. Peter Rabito had a lengthy discussion with Raymond and Lina regarding the future of our sport in the two respective nations. Guy De Santis Eastern Sector President Page 6 2011 WESTERN SECTOR BOCCE SCHEDULE United States Bocce Federation membership required at these tournaments Day Date Location Tournament Contact Phone # Sat. April 2nd Aquatic Park Volo, 1 player Benji Tosi 415-238-7995 Sun. April 3rd Campo Livermore Raffa 2 players Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. April 9th Tacoma Bocce Tacoma Elks indoor Tony Riconoscuito 253-564-3310 Sat. April 9th IAC Women’s Aux Open 4 women Shirley Croce 209-466-0541 Sat. April 16th Campo Los Gatos Roffa 3 players Bill Schlaefer 408-379-9409 Sun. April 17th Campo Livermore Raffa 1 player Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. April 23rd IACC South City Open 3 players Gene Semenza 650-872-0192 Sat. April 30th East Portal Sac Open 4 players Bob Martinez 916-717-1947 Sun. May 1st Campo Livermore Raffa 2 players Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. May 7th Aquatic Park Volo Combination 1 player Benji Tosi 415-238-7995 Sun. May 15th PIASC San Mateo Open 4 women John Bernat 650-341-4505 Sun. May 15th PIASC San Mateo Raffa 3 men John Bernat 650-341-4505 Sat. May 21st Waterloo Stockton Open 2 men 2 women David Canclini 209-957-3314 Sat May 28th East Portal Sacramento Raffa 3 players Bob Martinez 916-717-1947 Sat. May 28th Auburn Bocce Puget Sound Doubles Sal Cascone 253-939-3502 Sun. May 29th Campo Livermore Raffa 2 players Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. Juneth Campo Los Gatos Raffa Men Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. June 4th IACC South City Roffa 2 Woment Ginger Hanley 650-271-6009 Sun. June 5th IBS Sutter Creek 4 players Rick Wagstaff 209-296-6151 Sat. June 11th Woodland Park Seattle Grand Greg Singleton 206-933-8178 Sat. June 11th Campo Livermore Raffa 3 players Heather Veon 925-249-9800 Sat. June 18th IACC South City 4 players Western Sector Champ David Conclini 209-957-3314 Sat. June 25th Auburn Bocce Washington State Champ Sal Cascone 253-939-3502 June 25th -July 2nd Campo Livermore & Los Gatos USBF National Championship Ben Musolf Raffa-Open-Volo 408-587-0074 Fri July 8th Paesano Club Oregon OR vs CA Larry Cereghino 503-201-4585 Sat. July 9th Paesaono Club Oregon CA vs OR & WA vs CA Vern Cooper 916-550-2526 Sun. July 10th Paesano Club Oregon Open 4 players Aldo Rossi Cup Larry Cereghino 503-201-4585 Sat. July 16th Marin San Rafel Open 2 players Diane Pelligrini 415-485-5583 Sat. July 23rd IAC Stocton Raffa 1 man, 1 women Bob Kennedy 209-570-7500 Sun. July 31st Campo Livermore Raffa 1 player Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. August 6th Marin San Rafael Open 2 women Diane Pelligrini 415-485-5583 Sat. August 6th Woodland Park Woodland Park Classic Bob Sheffels 206-547-7401 Sat. August 13th IACC South City Open 4 women Rose Viscuso 650-349-7732 Sat August 13th Tacoma Bocce Fircrest Italia Tournament Tony Riconosiuto 253-564-3310 Sat. August 20th Campo Los Gatos 4 players Bill Schlaefer 408-379-9409 Sun. August 21st Club Paesano Festa Italia Tournament Bill Marinelli 360-600-8855 Sat. August 27th East Portal Sacramento Open 4 players Bob Martinez 916-717-1947 Page 7 2011 WESTERN SECTOR BOCCE SCHEDULE United States Bocce Federation membership required at these tournaments Continued from page 6 Day Date Location Tournament Contact Phone # Sat. Aug 27th Tacoma Bocce Wright Park Invitational Frank Tomanelli 253-381-5271 Sat. Sept 17th IAC Stockton 2 players Albert Leonardi 209-951-6787 Sun. Sept 18th PIASC San Mateo 4 players John Bernat 650-341-4045 Sat. Sept 24th IACC South City Raffa 3 players Gene Semenza 650-872-0192 Sat. Sept 24th Woodland Park Seattle Italiafest Pat Henry 206-935-7857 Sun. Sept 25th Woodland Park Seattle Italiafest Pat Henry 206-935-7857 Sat. Oct. 1st IACC South City Volo 2 players Ale Bettucchi 650-697-7202 Sat. Oct 8th IBS Sutter Creek Open 2 men, 2 women Rick Wagstaff 209-296-6151 Sun. Oct 9th Campo Los Gatos Roffa 2 players Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. Oct 15th Marin San Rafael Open 4 players Diane Pelligrini 415-485-5583 Sat. Oct 29th Campo Los Gatos Roffa 2 players Ben Musolf 408-857-0074 Sat. Nov 5th Waterloo Stockton Open 4 players David Canclini 209-957-3314 Sat. Nov 19th Campo Livermore Western Sector Vern Cooper 916-550-2526 Sat. Dec. 3rd IAC Stockton Open 2 men, 2 women Ron Jacobs 209-957-1223 More Bocce in San Francisco By Benji Tosi Continued from page 4 They are open to the public and wheelchair accessible. Since nearly the moment they were finished, the courts have been bustling with activity and interest from newcomers! It just goes to show that if you can build two 90-foot courts in downtown San Francisco, you can do it just about anywhere. Peter Di Turi behind the mike with his play by play on livestream US Champ Benji Tosi speaks at groundbreaking ceremony next to CA Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome Other notable courts in San Francisco include; Aquatic ark, Joe DiMaggio Playground, Crocker Amazon Park, and Orange Park of South San Francisco. Page 8 . United States Bocce Federation Kathi Tesarz Membership Secretary 1271 San Moritz Dr San Jose, CA 95132
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