the new face of energy
the new face of energy
Summer 2014 FREE THE NEW FACE OF ENERGY The growing number of females in the oil and gas industry proves it’s no longer a man’s world Page 28 PLAYING HARDBALL Former coach turns shale gas player Page 42 /(- . )/& 0 , . / (0$&& “Your Gateway to Success”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hy Sell Your Minerals? 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Ŷ NEW & USED TRUCK & TRAILER SALES ŶEQUIPMENT FINANCING Ŷ Ŷ ŶTRUCK K LEASING & RENTTAL AL ŶTRUCK & TRAILER SERVICE Ŷ Ŷ ŶMOBILE FLEET MAINTENANCE ŶFULL SERVICE BODY SHOP Ŷ ŶALL MAKES TRUCK P Ŷ PAR ARTS WWW.HILLINTLTRUCKS.COM WWW .HILLINTLLTRUCKS.COM T 800-837-3000 800-234-4740 -4740 866-4222-8680 Rt. 170 Exit Off Rt. 11 47866 Y & O Road East Liverpool, OH 43920 Downtown Wheeling #1 - 27th Street Wheeling, WV 26003 Exit #27 Off I-70 300 Alton Hill Drive Eighty Four, Four, PA PA 15330 0 0 )*))% 0 *)-! 0 +! * (! 0 . # ''!* 0 !*!/ *!++, ))' $", 0 0 ) !& ) Volume 2, Issue 3 Summer 2014 Schloss Media, Inc. 144 South Main Street Cadiz, OH 43907 Phone (740) 942-2118 Fax (740) 942-4667 PUBLISHER David Schloss MANAGING EDITOR Mike Sieber Twitter @Mike_Sieber CONTRIBUTORS Mollie Warner Randall Ignace Amy Gareis OFFICE Russell Van Meter SALES David Schloss For information about advertising, or to request additional copies please contact David Schloss (740) 942-2118 or Pipeline Connections is published quarterly by Schloss Media, Inc., David G. Schloss-Publisher, 144 South Main Street, Cadiz, OH 43907. Pipeline Connections is distributed free throughout the local area at select retailers, shops, stores, etc. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of Schloss Media, Inc. Copyright 2014 Schloss Media, Inc. 8 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 INSIDE 36 NEW SCHOOL Growth of oil and gas jobs has spurred institutions of higher learning to expound upon their curricula and empower college students with the tools they need to work in the field. 54 ROADSIDE ATTRACTION Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at the new MarkWest Energy Partners condensate stabilization plant currently under construction. ON THE COVER 42 FIELD OF DREAMS The unlikely story of a former baseball coach turned shale gas player. 62 PLANT DIFFERENCES Fractions, cyros, and crackers! We explain with a closer look at the different processing facilities throughout the industry. 67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Photo Provided Charlotte Dolak has led roust crews on rigs from New York to Pennsylvania. Now in Ohio, Dolak is handling new business development for Stonebridge Oilfield Services. From working with Company men on upcoming jobs to inspecting job sites, Dolak is directing her crew to best serve their customers. 79 REAL ESTATE 85 MENU GUIDE ATTENTION EAST CENTRAL OHIO LANDOWNERS Thinking of selling a piece of land? Ohio land is in high demand for hunting and other recreational opportunities and your local Whitetail Properties agent is ready to help you get started. Our nationwide network of sportsmen, investors, farmers and hunting professionals offers a great opportunity for you to capitalize on the true market value of your property. In East Central Ohio, Whitetail Properties Land Specialist Clint Stout is the top real estate agent for selling recreational hunting and farmland. Call Clint for a free, no obligation market analysis of your property. (814) 952-1455 CONTACT CLINT STOUT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING LAND IN EAST CENTRAL OHIO !"#$%&'%()% !"#$%&"'()"*+,#$&- ./,0$"'$1$&-(2& !"2(&%,1()"*+%1&"34"5(6-(%71 !";(+6)(14 Website • Internet Marketing • Local Print and Radio !">%1'+()"<%7$&. !"#$%&'&(%)"*+,-'+&%'."/')'0%.%,1" !"!""Land !"891&%17":(14 !"<'=+'(&%,1()":(14 W H I T E TA I L P R O P E RT I E S . C O M Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC. DBA Whitetail Properties | In the State of Nebraska DBA Whitetail Trophy Properties Real Estate LLC. | Dan Perez, Broker - Licensed in IL, IA, KS, KY, MO, NE & OK | Jeff Evans, Broker - Licensed in AR, GA, IL, MN & TN | Wes McConnell, Broker - Licensed in AL, IL, OH, SD & WI | John Boyken, Broker - Licensed in IN | Sybil Stewart, Broker - Licensed in MI & LA | Chris Wakefield, Broker - Licensed in TN | Joey Bellington, Broker - Licensed in TX DRILLDOWN Well, well, well... With all of the news nowadays about oil and gas development in Ohio, one tends to forget that the industry has forged a long history within the Buckeye State. As a matter of fact, this year marks the bicentennial of the first oil well drilled in North America just outside of Caldwell. The discovery of crude oil by Silas Thorla and Robert McKee set off a chain of events in Ohio that led to crude oil and natural gas production playing a key role in Ohio’s industrial development and economic advancement. The year was 1814 and the men operated a salt works. One day they noticed deer licking a spot on the earth, which denotes a presence of salt brine, and the duo set out to drill a well. Thorla and McKee drilled roughly 475 feet underground on that land in Olive Township and lined the opening with a hollow sycamore log. Reports stated the men cursed when a black liquid appeared and oozed into the pit. There was salt brine, but it had been fouled with oil that was considered useless at the time. Not wanting to spend further time digging, they opted to find a use for the dirty oil. Some of the men’s neighbors tasted the liquid and believed it would be suitable as medicine. The liquid was poured into bottles and sold as “Seneca Oil,” a cure-all for rheumatism, cuts and other maladies, while the remaining brine was boiled down and the salt removed for other uses. The original Thorla-McKee Well was damaged during the formation of Ohio 78, but an historic marker stands in a park at the junction of the Ohio 78 and Ohio 564 describing that serendipitous moment in time. A second well the men dug in 1816 continues to bubble up with small amounts of oil, gas and saltwater and serves as a year-round tourist attraction. photo: Mike Sieber SALE! )#' -$(* ($%* ".(&",(*) %#%(.%+ )#' -$(* ($%* ".(&",(*) %#%(.%+ $1,599.95 $1,299.95 E +<1/ (' %9?-2 $-<//8 3=6:6+C A3>2 +-56312>381 D ' # #( #( ! 3@) !6+C,+-5 D 6?/>99>2 ?36> 38 09< +8.= 0<// !298/ +8. ?.39 #+.39 A3>2 $7+<> #/-/:>398 +8+1/7/8> D $></+7381 D (B 312 !9A/< 7: D 312 --?<+-C +@31+>398 $C=>/7 ?36> 38 D C,<3. !9=3>398381 $/8=9< $C=>/7 D '93-/ ?3.+8-/ +8. %/B> >9 $://-2 %%$ D 312 #/=96?>398 +:= A3>2 8>3 +63+=381 +8. +8.7+<5 -98= D 3>C +: D &$ 988/->398 ?=3- '3./9 !6+C,+-5 97:+>3,6/ D 7 &$ +,6/ 8-6?./. D +./ 09< 3!9. +8. 3!298/ & 3' 38-6?./. 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Prior to joining Eclipse Resources, Tolmachev served as the Senior Asset Manager, Utica Shale with Chesapeake Energy om April 2011 to February 2013, where he was responsible for leading an asset team comprised of land, geology, drilling, resource development and operations for Chesapeake Energy’s Utica Shale projects in Ohio. Prior to joining Chesapeake Energy, Tolmachev held Tolmachev the position of Group Lead Completions, Mid-Continent Business Unit at EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc., om August 2008 to 2011, where he managed well completions and intervention operations in its Barnett Shale, Deep Bossier and East Texas Haynesville Shale business units. Tolmachev received his Bachelors of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering om the University of Oklahoma. Q A Pipeline Connections: Both Shell and BP announced they are suspending drilling operations in the Utica due to poor well performance, however, many smaller companies are seeing success. Why do you think some larger companies are having difficulty? Oleg Tolmachey: Many major operators were not nimble or aggressive enough to move quickly on core acreage. Once they picked up tier 2 or 3 acreage in the Utica shale, the cost of operations (which is higher for the majors) compounded the overall marginal economics. Are there any differences in drilling in the Utica shale formation as compared to other shale formations such as Marcellus? One of the major differences is that the Utica shale has a higher degree of rock stability and can therefore be drilled more under-balanced than the Marcellus. Does the Utica shale present different challenges when drilling from county to county? e challenges arise more so in the vertical section of the wellbore, such as: hole stability issues, loss circulation zones, H2S presence, etc. ose challenges can vary significantly not only from county to county but from well pad to well pad. Many energy companies seem to employ drilling contractors to drill and complete wells. What’s the advantage over having a company operated drilling arm? Better control over equipment quality and availability. 16 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 Typically, how long does it take to drill a well, and how long to completion? Drilling typically takes 18 to 30 days from the well spud to rig release. Completion cycle takes about 4 weeks for a single well pad and more on multiwell pads What are the basic phases of a well’s life cycle? Pad construction, drilling, completions, production, plugging and abandonment. There’s been news of companies drilling longer laterals. What’s the advantage in this? Capturing cheaper reserves, mitigating complicated surface topography, and improving production. Some companies are drilling both Marcellus and Utica wells from the same pad. Do you see this as a trend that will continue in eastern Ohio? Yes, where the dual stacked plays are commercial. How many wells does Eclipse plan to drill this year? Approximately 60 through rig release. The Utica shale formation is said to be rich in natural gas liquids as opposed to ‘dry gas’. Is there an advantage to drilling for this product? e Utica shale has significant variability in natural gas content depending on hydrocarbon maturity. e “Wet Gas” portion of the Utica has better economics due to the ability to recover and sell oil and natural gas liquids in addition to dry gas. Compared to two years ago how different is the approach to drilling a Utica shale well changed? Recent advances in horizontal drilling technology have allowed companies to cut drilling time two-fold. Improvements in completion techniques are producing favorable results on initial production rates, as well. How significant will further advancements in technology, methods and even mapping of the earth below advance over the next few years and what effect could that have? We will continue to fine tune our completion techniques to more effectively recover hydrocarbons at surface. Steep decline rates seems to be a knock on shale wells, describe what you’re seeing in the field, and is that generality accurate? Most shale wells generally exhibit a steep initial decline which flattens out later in the well’s life. We take this into account when looking at well economics. What the Ohio service industry needs to know By ANDREW R. THOMAS T he oil and gas upstream service industry is still the best opportunity for near term growth for Ohio companies that are looking to get in on the Utica Shale boon. In 2012 Cleveland State projected drilling could reach 1000 wells/year by 2015. Drilling trends suggest this number may be high, but not by much. ere are two industry trends that control much of service contracting. e first is that oil and gas operations are becoming increasingly complex, requiring more specialization, and more subcontracting. e second is that industry custom is firmly entrenched, and will only begrudgingly give way to new ways of doing business, notwithstanding the unconventional business model that shale drilling presents. What does this mean for Ohio service contractors? First, industry practice for service contracting, based largely upon the offshore Gulf of Mexico model, is for parties to agree to reciprocal “no fault” indemnification. is means that service companies are responsible for injuries to their own employees and equipment regardless of who is at fault. e oil and gas industry calls this a “knock for knock” indemnity, or, more cynically, the “bury your own dead” provision. e thinking is that if parties can avoid litigation over fault, it will save time and money. But be aware of limitations to these agreements. While Ohio has no specific oil field anti-indemnity statute (yet), it does have construction laws that may frown on agreements that allow parties to escape liability for their own negligence, especially when it leads to personal injury. Further, there is a “gross negligence” exception – most jurisdictions uphold knock for knock provisions only if the cause of the injury was due to simple negligence. Finally, knock for knock agreements only cover the property and personnel of the parties and their employees – not those of third parties. And probably the biggest risk relates to pollution of property belonging to third parties. Another consideration for Ohio service companies is that industry custom usually will require first tier contractors to sign “pass through” provisions in favor of the operator that will require subcontractors to indemnify the operator for injuries to the subcontractor’s personnel or equipment caused by the operator. So if you are a subcontractor, be prepared – you may be taking on significant potential liability for a relatively small job. Ohio service companies new to the oil and gas business may have to survive some culture shock. ey are not used to dealing with the sort of indemnification provisions that are commonplace in the oil and gas business, where the risk of injury and property damage is high, and where there is long history of overwrought litigation. You will need to rely on your counsel and your insurance company to help you navigate the oil and gas contracting landscape. But you need not be discouraged by lengthy master service agreements or by difficult-tounderstand indemnification provisions. e knockfor-knock provision has one major advantage for the small contractor: it limits damages, under most circumstances, to injuries to your company’s own employees or property. at is a risk most contractors can tolerate. Andrew R. Thomas is an executive in residence with the Levin College at Cleveland State University, where he directs the Energy Policy Center. He is also Of Counsel with the Meyers, Roman, Freidberg & Lewis law firm. He can by email at:, or by phone at: (216) 687-9304. 18 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 WHO’S WHO IN UTICA SHALE Shawn barnett Greg Dinko Safety Manager ASH-CTS (888) 488-6460 Co-Owner Elite Pipeline m (318) 475-0276 Greg russell Partner VORYS (614) 464-5468 Melissa Yoho Project Manager MarkWest branden Williams Travis biscella Assistant Project Manager Kelchner (937) 901-7755 Marketing Manager Hill International Trucks robert richards (330) 386-6440 Process Engineer MarkWest Director of Government & Community Relations Hull & Associates (614) 793-8777 Nick Mavromatis Pipefitters Local #495 To be included in the Who’s Who, submit your photo and info to Mike Sieber or bruce bennett General Foreman UAL#495 McCarl’s Inc. (724) 843-5660 (740) 942-1300 kara Allison Jim Gray Steve Gates McCarls, Inc. Field Supervisor Yard Manager Nuverra (740) 942-3933 David Schloss at: FRACTURES Quotes from around the industry "There's several advantages to the stacked plays…it enhances the economics and improves the rate of return." Tim Dugan, chief operating officer at Consol Energy Inc., speaking at the DUG East Conference about areas in the Marcellus and Utica shale plays where the formations overlap allowing the ability to drill in not just one shale play but in multiple levels of shale rock from a single well pad. "As Northeast natural gas liquids production continues to grow, inbasin fractionation will be essential to support the ongoing development plans of our producers in the Utica and Marcellus." “One thing that we haven’t seen eye-to-eye on, is the word “fracking,” or more specifically, the ‘k’ in fracking. Tom Knox, reporter for Columbus Business First in his article about the recent ruling by Merriam-Webster on the proper spelling for the word ‘fracking’ not ‘fracing’. “The deal allows Hess to become a “pure-play exploration and production company.” MarkWest chairman and CEO Frank Semple on the company’s recently announced expansion at the Hopedale fractionation plant. “Pipelines make the shale revolution possible – whether it’s shale gas, tight oil or NGLs…without pipelines, Americans cannot benefit from these bountiful U.S. resources.” INGAA Foundation President Don Santa speaking on a recent report outlining midstream infrastructure investment requirement Hess CEO John B. Hess on the recent $2.8 billion dollar sale of his company’s convenience-store assets to Marathon Petroleum’s Speedway chain. “The list of companies that are financially stressed is considerable…not everyone is going to survive. We’ve seen it before.” Benjamin Dell, managing partner of Kimmeridge Energy, a New York-based alternative asset manager focused on energy regarding the mounting debt of shale patch drillers. 22 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 “Our investment in this expansion at UEO underscores our belief in the long-term viability of the Utica Shale…this growth not only significantly increases our capacity but will improve access to downstream liquids markets.” Mike Stice, CEO of Access Midstream on their major expansion of its Utica East Ohio complex in Scio. Pump Rentals Eastern Construction is now the exclusive distributor of Coastal Production Systems pumps serving Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Save time and money using industry-leading Cornell pumps with local service from Eastern Construction offering delivery, maintenance and service. * Frack Water Supply Pumps * Fluid Transfer Pumps * Self-Priming Pumps EASTERN AUTOMATED PIPING Certified Pipe Welding % % %& % % % % % Clean Well By Eastern Construction Services We are now offering mobile pressure washing. We clean all oil & gas production facilities, storage tanks, well heads, etc. Our selfcontained hot water cleaning system is 100% biodegradeable. !# '( ( ! # #!$ #$! "" $ # ! $ # # ! # ! " # #! # ! # " # ( FABRICATION BY (740) 535-8184 MINGO JCT., OHIO INC. % !!$ & $( % && )'' * $ & - )* $(") , 0 .( * * +$ (, ' $& *%& $( % / #)) )' WELL HEADS Headlines from around Ohio’s Utica shale play BELMONT COUNTY - Rice Energy announced test results of its first operated Utica well - the Bigfoot 9H. Results came in much better than anticipated and nearly out-produced the infrastructure. e well has an effective lateral length of 6,957 feet and was completed with a 40-stage frac. - e Youngstown-based law firm of Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell opens an office in St. Clairsville to serve oil and gas clients. e new office will focus on gas law matters, primarily with local landowners. - Environmental Service Laboratories Inc. has opened a satellite location in St. Clairsville. e new location will initially operate as a service center to support ESL’s existing Ohio natural gas clients and better position ESL to target natural gas and municipal clientele in southeastern Ohio. - For the second time this year, Belmont County commissioners signed an oil and gas lease with Rice Energy. e five-year agreement is for 424.6 acres in eastern Belmont County at $8,200 per acre, and the county is to receive a check from Rice Energy for nearly $3.48 million in the next four months. Under the terms of the contract, the county also will receive 20 percent of the royalties. CARROLL COUNTY - State’s report features several photographs of Carroll County roads that have been upgraded by drilling companies. Chris Kiehl, administrator for Carroll County Engineer Brian J. Wise, said the county has had 95 miles of roads improved with either new asphalt or gravel as a result of 500 RUMAs with a number of drilling and pipeline companies. COLUMBIANA COUNTY - Consol Energy Inc. is no longer a tenant at the Columbiana County Port Authority's industrial park in Leetonia. Port authority CEO Tracy Drake said that CNX Gas Co., Consol's natural gas division, advised him in writing the company was declining to renew its annual lease aer it expired on March 31. Consol/CNX agreed in March 2012 to begin leasing 10,000 square feet of office space, which was later increased by 2,610 square feet, with the annual lease payments totaling $252,199. - e Southern Local Board of Education approved a preliminary agreement with Jefferson County Educational Service Center to move forward with a charter school geared toward giving high school students an education that prepares them for the oil and gas industry. e Utica Shale Academy of Ohio is set to open in Salineville this September. GUERNSEY COUNTY - Aubrey McClendon is buffing up the management team for his oil and gas company American Energy Utica based in Cambridge, including adding a new CFO for its Utica shale subsidiary. Jeffrey Agosta, most recently the CFO at Oklahoma City-based Devon Energy Corp., to the same position at American Energy Utica LLC. HANCOCK COUNTY - e Pietro Fiorentini Group of Vicenza, Italy - a maker of valves, meters and components for the oil and gas industry - announced that it will build its first American manufacturing plant near the heart of the energy industry in Weirton, W.Va. HARRISON COUNTY - Denver-based MarkWest Energy Partners and e Energy & Minerals Group of Houston announced on June 4, a major expansion at their Hopedale complex. e company said it will double the capacity of the fractionation plant to 120,000 barrels per day. - Oklahoma-based Access Midstream Partners announced a major expansion of its Utica East Ohio midstream service complex, increasing its processing capacity to 1.1 billion cubic feet of gas per day - up from the 600 million cubic feet per day of capacity that it initially announced for its Ohio operations two years ago. - MarkWest Energy Partners held a groundbreaking ceremony on August 6 in Cadiz at the site of their future regional headquarters and administrative building. e 20,000 square-foot building planned for Industrial Park Road will cost $3.5 million and $4 million to construct, and should be completed by the second quarter of 2015. JEFFERSON COUNTY -Jefferson County Commissioners signed a lease for 1,126 square feet of office space with Texas-based Dorado Petroleum a professional land service company in the Towers office building in downtown Steubenville. -Jefferson County leaders recently announced $788,000 in funding to provide training for people to go work in the oil and gas industry. e funds will train more than 100 future industry workers. According to Barbara West, CEO of the Jefferson County Community Action Council the focus right now is on training persons to get their CDL and have the equipment-operating license. BORDER PATROL CONSTRUCTION Performance-Oriented... Bringing Efficient and Effective Construction and Design Experience to Every Project 4<50*07(3.6=,954,5;790=(;,05+<:;9@9,:0+,5;0(3 More than 160 years of experience Responsive to inspection requirements Proper operating and safety practices Prequalified and licensed accreditation in PA, OH and WV s Full Service Equipment Rental and s3URVEYING On-Site Transportation and Repairs (Repair service fee additional.) s3ITE0REPARATION s Sand Bag Sales and Distribution s5NDERGROUND5TILITIES to Job Sites s0IPE"URSTING s$IRECTIONALAND(ORIZONTAL"ORING s4RUCKING s#ASTIN0LACE#ONCRETE $RIVEWAYS3IDEWALKSAND3TAMPED#ONCRETE0ATIOS s!SPHALT0AVING s%ROSIONAND3EDIMENTATION#ONTROL s#LEARINGAND2ESTORATION s(ARDSCAPING Retaining and Garden Walls, and Stamped Concrete Borders BORDER PATROL CONSTRUCTION 740-381-6621 energy energy The New Face of As local job growth expands to meet oil and gas industry demands, women are meeting the need By AMY GAREIS The growing number of females in the oil and gas industry proves it’s no longer a man’s world. Females in the gas and oilfields these days have different tasks from roustabouts to even executive statuses, and more could be seen in the years to come. The study shows… T he American Petroleum Institute, in conjunction with IHS, a global provider of information and analysis for industry, released a study in March entitled “Minority and Female Employment in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries,” which took a comprehensive look at employment by gender and indicated that more minorities will have job opportunities as retirements and development increase. e study reviewed six segments: the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry; petrochemical industry; capital investment in oil and natural gas transportation and storage infrastructure; and capital investment in the petrochemical industry. Of the estimated 1.3 million jobs nationwide that are projected through 2030, about 408,000 will be filled by African-American and Hispanic workers while female employment in both industries could account for 185,000 positions. e share of minorities employed in the upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas and petrochemical industries is anticipated to rise from one-quarter of total jobs in 2010 to onethird in the next 20 years. Christina Polesovsky, associate director of API’s Ohio office in Columbus, said the number of women on the workforce was definitely on the rise. “Our study looked at the most recent data available, which was 2010, and women accounted for 226,000 employees, which is approximately 19 percent,” Polesovsky said. “e study went to 2030 to see the employment opportunities for women. We have an aging workforce in the oil and gas industry that will need replacements. By 2030, we will have about 185,000 jobs that are going to be available to women through that timeframe.” She said the figure reflects 90,000 new jobs with more than 94,000 replacement positions in all facets of the field, from blue collar, professional and managerial to office and support occupations. “is study is a baseline. is is to see the type of growth in the industry. e study started where we are currently in the industry, and the average age for the industry is the early 50’s. Do we have enough workers to fill the demand the industry is going to have? How many women are going to be part of it? Our takeaway is that education and training are keys to attracting more women in the industry. Our population is changing, and we are going to need a workforce to effectively populate growth in the next 20 years.” At 21 percent, Ohio and the eastern region of the U.S. are only second to the Gulf Region in terms of overall employment growth. e study further found that opportunities will exist for female petroleum engineers, managers and other professionals, with the number of job opportunities projected to grow by almost 30 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 70,000 between 2010 and 2030. Most of the job growth is expected to occur in blue-collar professions, and there is significant potential for employment if interest and training were directed toward women to increase participation in those areas. Polesovsky said skills could be honed with training and schooling, from preparation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related disciplines in primary and secondary schools to learning opportunities at the college level. “Education and training are keys to attracting greater workforce participation,” she added. “High school and post-high school training would help workers compete for well-paying jobs. e payoff for increased skilled labor would be enormous because we are an energy leader, but we have to increase and diversify our workforce in order to maintain this status.” Kidd changed course Misty Kidd has found her place as a land specialist, also known as a leasing agent, and right-of-way (ROW) agent for Rice Energy. e Wheeling, W.Va., native was a pharmaceutical sales representative when she realized the impact oil and gas was having on the area. at prompted her to change careers as jobs in her other field were slim. “I chose to gain knowledge in running title searches for mineral ownership and leasing the landowners in my community to try to play a role in the development of natural resources in the area, and to do my part to make sure that the community was protected and received fair leases. I wanted to be a part of something that was going to change the face of the local community forever and attempt to make sure that it was done in the most ethical way possible,” she said. “I came to know the Rice family early on before their presence in Belmont County, and the way in which they conducted their business was very attractive to me. ey seemed to care for the local community in the same manner that I did and saw the landowners as ‘partners.’” Kidd, a resident of St. Clairsville, did contract work for the company from 2011-2012 but joined full-time in the leasing department in November of 2012. She joined the ROW department this past May. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing from Wheeling Jesuit University and has more than a decade worth of professional sales experience with major international corporations. Kidd learned the ropes about title work from another female in the industry and began assisting with leases shortly aerwards. Presently, she is an active member of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) and is in the process of receiving her registered landman title. e latter is obtained by meeting certain criteria and completing an exam. She has been responsible for negotiating, “We have an aging workforce in the oil and gas industry that will need replacements. By 2030, we will have about 185,000 jobs that are going to be available to women through that timeframe.” - Christina Polesovsky, associate director of API’s Ohio office in Columbus. draing and executing various land contracts, including leases, but must also determine the ownership of oil and gas interests through preliminary title research; execute affidavits, ratifications and modifications to cure various title defects; and assist on special land projects from mapping and data entry to research. As a ROW agent, she reviews tax cards and recent deeds, prepares documents for landowners and attorneys and even walks properties with routers and landowners to determine a route for the pipeline. Kidd’s expertise also falls under the realm of handling right-of-way agreements and even processing and delivering checks for landowners once construction commences. She works with between four to 10 people and primarily serves in Rice Energy’s office in St. Clairsville when not attending meetings at the company’s home office in Canonsburg, Pa. “Rice Energy has been one of the few oil and gas companies that I have seen hire a significant number of female employees,” said Kidd. “I work mostly with other females who perform the same job functions that I do. As in-house employees, we frequently work with contract agents. Most of the contract agents that I have worked with in both departments are male.” Kidd found it easier to work in her new job and said landowners appear to be more receptive when dealing with female agents. “I have always been a hard worker and competitive in nature, so this position has been a perfect fit for me personally. Most of the males that I work with are very helpful, although I will admit that some who came from other companies prior to working with Rice Energy occasionally displayed their opinion about women in the industry. ere are some men who think that women have no place in oil and gas development when it comes to the land Billie Cunard operating engineer Murphy Consolidated Industries, Inc. I.U.O.E Local 132. “It’s one industry where you work hard no matter who you are.” - Sarah Tipka Co-owner, A.W. Tipka department. I have heard many times the surprise when a new employee comes to my company and makes the statement about how different it is for them to see so many female leasing specialists or ROW agents,” Kidd said. “As a woman in the industry, it is important to remain focused on the goals at hand and to not allow this viewpoint to impact your work performance. If you make the commitment to do your best every day, because it is something that you believe in, then these viewpoints have very little impact on you and make no difference in your professional or personal life. I have watched the industry adopt the practice of having women in the field doing leasing. Unfortunately, I am noticing little change when it comes to upper management in land departments and placing women in those roles. I believe and hope this will change as oil and gas development moves forward.” Kidd used to spend 10-to-14-hour days on the job for five to seven days per week and currently works 40-60 hours each week. As a divorced mother of two, she said her children are teenagers and young adults and it does help that they are older, but her family has been supportive and assisted her when necessary. She advised other females interested in the field to research possible areas of interest before they get into the industry and to be willing to settle for low pay while they are in training. When writing a resume, they should also highlight attributes within their work history that correspond with and benefit the company in that desired position. “Remember to network and market yourself at oil and gas events around the area and surrounding areas,” suggested Kidd. “Look to get any certifications that will be valuable and can be included on a resume. One field that will be sure to see a huge rise in job availability will be in the welding field. I have heard on more than one 32 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 occasion how women are great welders for pipelines, etc. e pay is really great and I believe one can obtain a welding certification in different programs ranging from two months to two years.” As with any industry, Kidd said there are always ups and downs but she has found the energy sector to be very rewarding. “I am very lucky to have a career where I enjoy getting up every day and going to work. I love sharing information with new people that we bring on board with the company. I tell people all of the time how much I love my career and how I cannot think of any other job that I would like to be doing right now.” Kidd is currently working towards an associate’s degree in computer science and found herself part of the boon at the right time. She said most of the jobs with oil and gas companies have an expiration date and workers could expect to be relocated, while much of the land in the Utica Shale has been leased. Now that she is part of the pipeline ROW department, she can continue working with local landowners she has come to know in the community. “I am gaining new training in another field in the oil and gas industry which helps to grow my resume and make me a more valuable candidate in this industry.” A helping hand For Megan Cook, opportunities are ripe in her own backyard. e St. Clairsville resident has worked for the past eight months at her husband’s business, Mustang Oilfield Services, which is also located in that town. She primarily works on the safety side for Mustang Oilfield Services but started in the oil and gas industry with MPR Supply Chain Solutions located in Bellaire by handling the company’s aggregate and water sales. “My husband (Greg) started his business a year ago and I started helping him with safety policies and quickly became integrated in the full day to day operations,” she said. “I currently handle JSA topics and perform safety checks on trucks as well as training in the field.” Mustang Oilfield Services is an energy sector company that specializes in material and equipment transport with an expanding fleet of trucks for hauling fresh water and residual waste. eir fleet also includes winch trucks, flatbeds, drop-deck oilfield trailers, lowboys and gooseneck trailers of various sizes. e company currently employs 40 people, three of whom are women in management positions with a fourth woman in the field. “We started to service the demand for oilfield trucking needs in the Ohio region and our fleet is quickly growing to better serve the needs of multiple customers. Mustang prides itself on continued learning and training processes to ensure the safety of everyone on the road and on the wellpad.” She said companies that hire Mustang know they are teaming up with a company that is led by individuals with diverse oilfield experience. Mustang currently operates in Belmont, Guernsey and Noble counties here in Ohio as well as several counties in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Cook also took an interest in the Women’s Energy Network, a female-based group that discusses happenings in the industry, and said she has seen the change on the horizon. “It’s not just a man’s world anymore. I don’t feel it’s a disadvantage to be a woman in this industry.” She spends 10-15 hours a day, six to seven days a week at Mustang. Despite the non-stop schedule, she wouldn’t want it any other way. “It is a fast-moving industry and every day is different,” Cook added. “It is great to be a part of the industry right here in our backyard and see the growth of the communities. We’re very invested in this area and want [the industry] to succeed…and do a job that is safe and respects the land in Belmont County and the surrounding counties.” In the family business Sarah Tipka knows a thing or two about the industry, but it was not always her main vocation. She is a land manager and co-operates A.W. Tipka Oil and Gas, Inc., in Dover with her husband, Alan, but spent more than two decades in the classroom. Alan was a management consultant and also worked for the Ford Motor Co. but joined the family business in 1980 that was led by his father before him. Alan went on to form A.W. Tipka two years later. “I was lucky to marry into the oil and gas industry,” she said. “I was an elementary school teacher in Indiana for 21 years and worked [for the company] during the summer. I learned a lot from my husband and father-in-law, who took me around to do leases. at was very informative and I try to learn from everybody and I share what I’ve learned with others. It’s so important to improve your education, so that’s why we try to learn about it.” Tipka is also president of Natural Energy Corp., an oil and gas investment firm; however, she spends much of her time at the family business, which also includes an all-female office staff of one part-time and three full-time employees. “We find locations to drill and subcontract the geophysical analysis, drilling and well tending,” she said. “Some days I like to go out and look at the wells. I always enjoyed the early days of going out and watching the drilling.” A.W. Tipka also invests with other oil and gas companies and operates in Tuscarawas, Harrison, Guernsey, Stark and Medina counties, with further involvement in Licking and Belmont counties as well as West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Wyoming. Tipka generally works from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. or later each day and finds every day to pose a new challenge, but it is one she “As a woman in the industry, it is important to remain focused on the goals at hand and to not allow this viewpoint to impact your work performance.” - Misty Kidd, Rice Energy “It’s not just a man’s world anymore. I don’t feel it’s a disadvantage to be a woman in this industry.” - Megan Cook, Mustang Oilfield Services enjoys. “It’s definitely a family-oriented operation. Our clients, staff and contractors are considered family and the wells we drill are like a marriage. I’m very proud to work in an industry where we could provide reliable, economical ‘Ohio-grown’ energy in an environmentally responsible way.” But she still finds herself teaching from time to time and utilizes her skills as an oil and gas energy educator by heading workshops for the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program, which she has been active in since 1998 and has also served intermittently on the board. Tipka takes pride in using her educational background in a different way. “I have a background in teaching but I’ve always had a desire to learn the industry. I guess in a sense I’m still teaching,” she said. “I’m just not teaching kindergarten and first grade.” In addition, she has been part of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association since the mid-1980s and gained the organization’s 2007 Oilfield Patriot Award for her efforts to protect, promote and advance the common interests of those engaged in the industry, and currently serves on its board of trustees. Tipka has also been past president and program committee chairman of the Tuscarawas Valley Desk and Derrick Club, which is part of an international collective and has regional members from Tuscarawas, Guernsey, Stark, Wayne and Carroll counties and such companies as Dominion East Ohio, Enervest and Atlas Energy. She summarized her advice for other prospective female oil and gas workers in one word: Learn. “It’s one industry where you work hard no matter who you are. Learn everything you can. Get involved and be curious and hardworking. You have to be eager to learn new things and be open to new opportunities.” Reda a pioneer Rhonda Reda, who helped establish and currently heads the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program, began her long journey on the oil and gas track about 27 years ago. She moved to Marietta when her husband was transferred for his job, and it was there that she realized the enormity of the industry. “I got into it by accident,” she recalled. “For me, it was a real eye-opener. I fell in love with the science and people in the industry. Twenty-seven years later, I’m so thrilled and honored to represent it in what I do today.” She once worked for a federal banking and loan institution while living in Dayton, but a relocating to Southeast Ohio, she was employed by an oil and gas company and found herself performing a variety of tasks, from administrative and accounting work to joint ventures and acquisitions and gas marketing. She counts herself among the lucky ones to have worked in so many facets of the industry through the years. But during a recent Women in Energy meeting, she told members that she’d attended her first meeting more than a quarter-century ago and it was a rude awakening. “Two gentlemen said there should be a cooking and sewing club I could oversee,” she said, adding that the karma that later followed was immensely sweet. “I was very honored and humbled to receive one of the industry’s highest honors, and I was congratulated by one of the men [who made that remark]. I do remember when it was a men’s club. To see more women today…it’s exciting!” She earned her accolades through hard work and pioneering the establishment of OOGEEP. But before that happened, Reda served with CGAS Exploration, which was the second largest oil and gas producer in Ohio at the time and later bought by Enron. ose assets and wells are now in part owned by EnerVest. In the meantime, she raised two children who are now in college and said they helped her at times. “When I talk to women about it, there is a different mom role and you have to figure out ways to balance both, and at times it’s a challenge. You don’t want to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to your kids by phone and it’s a hard thing to do.” She remembered a time when her daughter once returned home from school and discussed seeing a picture of an oil-covered duck, fearing the worst of the industry. at fueled Reda’s intent to formulate educational programs. “She thought I was going out and killing animals and polluting the environment. For me, it became personal. I went from working for a for-profit to forming a non-profit group.” She worked for the Ohio Oil and Gas Association and served on several committees, then helped organize oil and gas energy education programs. From that point, she did public speaking, teaching programs and public outreach. In 1989, she helped establish OOGEEP and her kids even got in on the act. “My daughter helped design informational material for OOGEEP and the kids helped me stuff envelopes. You might say they worked with me in the industry very early on. ey spent a lot of time in the office with me.” As OOGEEP’s executive director for the past 16 years, her tedious schedule has entailed working 60-70 hours or more per week, sometimes for seven days. She travels from her home in Pataskala and oen visits eastern Ohio, plus she said her staff has grown from a supply closet with two shelves to a group of five in much larger surroundings. “It was created through Ohio Revised Code 1510 and is not a state agency. I was here from day one,” she said. OOGEEP’s goal is to ensure everyone—including females—has an advantage. “For young females, this industry operates 365 days a year. Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean the wells stop operating. ey must be “Two gentlemen said, there should be a cooking and sewing club I could oversee.” - Rhonda Reda Executive Director, OOGEEP willing to work in all weather elements. People think oil and gas is the picture of a person on a drilling rig and there are more opportunities than that,” she commented. “Everyone always gets challenged, and as a female you probably have to do a little bit extra because of that perception that you are weak. [e female workforce] was well under 5 percent when I started, and today it is around 20 percent. I remember going to meetings for years and I was the only female. at 20 percent reflects [the amount of scholarships going to females this year] through OOGEEP, which is coincidental.” Like Tipka, Reda fervently believes that the ability to rise through the ranks relies on education. is year, OOGEEP has given away 46 scholarships and works with numerous colleges and high schools to provide programs that give students a hint at what the industry is about. “For them, it has to start in middle school and high school. ey will learn a lot about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and if they are good in any of the STEM fields there are an abundance of great opportunities for them. ey need to educate themselves on those opportunities, and if any pique their interest they should go for it. ere are many more opportunities than there used to be and they should take advantage,” Reda concluded. “ere are not many females in leadership positions but they are increasing. ere’s a respect now.” SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 35 Area colleges prepare students for an ever-growing energy field By AMY GAREIS A n anticipated further growth of oil and gas jobs has spurred institutions of higher learning to expound upon their curricula and empower college students with the tools they need to work in the field. e Ohio Department of Job and Family Services’ annual Shale Report estimated there were 189,753 core shale-related and ancillary jobs as of the third quarter of last year, while another review projected that total to rise to 200,000 by 2015. ose positions vary from blue-collar professions to scientific and managerial positions, requiring training in fields such as petroleum engineering, geoscience, management and business and finance, as well as technicians. Workforce training is critical to meeting those demands and that idea is filtering down to colleges, universities and trade schools in hopes of filling the ever-growing niche. READYING THE Energy Institute under way e Energy Institute implemented by Belmont College in St. Clairsville is a prime example of the specific developmental programs and courses taking shape in our area. e Energy Institute, which began about two years ago, works with industry professionals to develop training programs. Operations Manager Ed Mowrer said the program not only covers oil and gas but also prepares those interested in coal mining, power generation, chemical plant operation and energy conservation. A large part of that preparation comes from working with the industry and college officials have met with company representatives to brainstorm ways to help each other. “We speak with companies such as Hess Corporation, Gulfport Energy and Chesapeake Energy to find out what large companies want and what smaller supporting companies need. We’ve seen an amazing jump with oil and gas growth,” he explained. “Most of the companies have been very responsive in telling us what they need. ey want someone with so skills who can communicate well, work with a computer and do problem solving, and that’s exactly what we teach. Students have been touring well sites as part of their training and we are dealing with a lot of companies that assist with our programs. e oil and gas industry has been very supportive of us.” Companies have also provided funding for education, with thousands of dollars in scholarships given through Hess Corp. and $20,000 from Dominion Gas for new welding equipment. Additionally, the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) awarded its own scholarships to students over the past year. To ready the future workers, Belmont College has undergone some growth of its own and added two petroleum engineers and two electrical engineers to its faculty, plus it expanded its welding staff. Mowrer cited the Introduction to Oil and Gas class as the benchmark course, saying it had four students last year but has increased to 15 during the latest class. e course reviews the industry so students learn a little about drilling, leasing, hydraulic fracturing and downstream processes. Building on that, a series of other courses were created, such as Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which focuses on computer skills for mapping, Geology of coal, gas and oil deposits, and several coalmining courses. He also noted that some guest speakers had previously distributed business cards to his students and asked students for resumes because they needed to hire right away. “More people are getting interested every semester,” he said. “We have traditional degrees that are strong in engineering and added oil and gas courses to prepare students for jobs in the industry.” Mowrer said the college's educational approach was different from other schools because it is three-pronged. e first prong incorporates basic classes to earn a commercial driver's license, Safeland training to certify students in safety awareness and Occupational Safety and Health Administration training. e Safeland program was expanded in June and works with Mideast CTC, which is fully certified by the International Association of Drillers and Contractors (IADC) to provide the curriculum. ose classes are offered from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every third ursday of the month at Belmont College’s main campus in St. Clairsville and upcoming dates are scheduled for Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. e cost is $225 and includes a workbook and IADC Safeland USA Card, but discounts are available for groups of 10 or more. Class sizes are limited. e second prong provides oil and gas-related courses that can be incorporated into a civil engineering, industrial electronics technology or related degree. Mowrer said that puts graduates on track for employment in the industry. “Most of our technical graduates are finding jobs. One unique thing about Belmont College is we are one of the few schools in Southeastern Ohio to offer civil engineering courses and there’s a demand for our graduates.” Lastly, he said courses such as Oil and Gas Accounting 1 and 2, and Pipeline Welding were developed for those who already hold a degree and have work experience but want more specific skills in the industry. Continuing education units will be offered for certified public accountants completing the Oil and Gas Accounting courses. Moreover, there is a “Geology of Oil and Gas” segment taught by a petroleum engineer. e college also doubled the size of the welding lab to help fulfill the industry’s need for workers. Mowrer said welding students can earn a one-year certification or a two-year degree. "We have a variety of other courses. Last year, we added OSHA safety training and Introduction to GIS. One way that we are a little different from other schools is we are taking existing degrees and adding courses instead of developing a completely new degree," he continued. "We have dozens of students involved. As word gets out, more people are coming. We've had people drive from Akron to St. Clairsville to take some of these courses. We are also coupling the courses with several new certificates which can be taken separate to or as part of a degree." e CDL course is currently offered at the Harrison County Center in Cadiz with another one up and running at the satellite center in Woodsfield, Monroe County, and a third eyed for Belmont County. Mowrer commented that job placement prospects were very good for CDL-trained drivers and one local company is staffed with half of their workforce graduating from Belmont College. “ere are jobs available for nearly all of our graduates,” he said. EGCC offers gateway to workforce Eastern Gateway Community College in Steubenville is not only setting its sights on helping new students enter the industry, but also aiming to help displaced workers looking for a new career. Mark Ciccarelli, director of workforce and community outreach at EGCC, said a 16credit certificate program entitled “Oil and Gas Field Maintenance Technician” began this past January with five students but ended with three once the semester closed in the spring. However, he expects even more people to take the upcoming course this fall. “It’s going to be in the double digits, about 10 or more,” he said. “We’ve gotten a lot of interest. e program we offer is designed to be shortterm and give someone a viable credential to get an entry-level job in the oil and gas field.” Students must have a valid driver’s license and pass a criminal background check and drug test, which is included in the $2,800 tuition and required by employers. Classes are available for “Introduction to the Natural Gas, Oil and NGL Industry,” “Health, Safety and Environment,” “Gas and Oil Industry Mechanical Basics” and “Introduction to Industry Equipment, Utilization, Operation and Maintenance” with college credit given for four-week courses. He said the program is geared towards the unemployed and underemployed with evening classes provided from 5 or 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. from Monday to ursday. Classes start Aug. 25 and last until mid-December. “At the end of the program, they get an EGCC certificate for the program and the credentials to get an entry-level job in the oil and gas industry,” he said. “ere is no national standard but we had the curriculum vetted by the oil and gas industry.” EGCC further offers PEC Safeland training with a one-day basic course and three-day core course. e college previously received grant funding through ShaleNet to establish a partner school and trained 17 students in seven classes. ose funds are no longer available and Ciccarelli noted the grant was now offered to colleges at Stark State and in Pennsylvania and Texas. But a natural gas technology associate’s degree was being added which was created by an energy advisory board affiliated with the school and also vetted by the Workforce Investment Board. “We are looking at our programs as one of continuous improvement,” he added. “We’ve already restructured two of the courses and hope to bring in more lab equipment in the near future for it. We hope to get grants from oil and gas companies and potential in-kind donations of used equipment for the classrooms.” EGCC is also setting its sights on obtaining several grants to add a mechatronics lab, which essentially combines mechanical and electrical studies and would be useful in the field. “Some of the component has oil and gas overlay with pressure, volume and flow and we may try to include that component in class,” he continued. “Oil and gas field maintenance technicians [are another demand]. A lot of companies are going to put in a well and we designed a curriculum to do the work aer drilling is done. ere will be maintenance of the pipelines and they will need to do inspections and read meters. We toured the Columbia Gas Training Center in Claysville, Pa., with advisory board member Jack Harper, who assisted us in putting the program together. We put a great amount of thought and planning into it and these are all brand new courses.” e added courses also mean some extra help in the form of three adjunct faculty members. Ciccarelli said growth within the programs were slow but sure. “It looks like the program is going to grow, but it’s going to be a year or two before growth hits Jefferson County,” Ciccarelli said. “Even aer that comes, there will be the implementation of long-term jobs with the maintenance of equipment.” EGCC also incorporates intermediate and advanced welding classes to train for pipeline welding or other vocations. One class recently graduated in May and Ciccarelli said it may lead to high-paying jobs because of the involved skill set. e latest course began on July 21 and the Workforce Investment Board obtained a grant to provide $5,000 to $12,500 per student. Among the criteria, students must be collecting unemployment compensation and be a resident of Ohio or displaced from an Ohio job. “In 20 weeks, they can come out with a skill set for life.” He said the energy boom is gradually affecting his neck of the woods, but the goal is to make sure the college’s graduates are ready to work. “Here in Jefferson County the energy boom has not really hit, but if you go across to Carroll County you’ll see a different story,” Ciccarelli added. “I’ve also had calls from Beckley, W.Va., for displaced coalminers who get $5,000 to take courses and two of them are coming up, so it’s slowly growing.” Students om Belmont College take a tour of a local gas processing facility as part of their education to prepare them for jobs in the oil and gas industry. Marietta College sees uptick in programs Marietta College boasts a renowned petroleum engineering program that has attracted students from around the world. Dr. Bob Chase, who has headed the petroleum engineering and geology department since 1978, said enrollment has been on the rise in recent years. Dr. Chase said shale drilling in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio led to an uptick around 2010, causing many changes within the program. For one, the cap on the number of students accepted into the program was increased from 60 to 90 per class (i.e., freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) and the overall total is limited to 360. He added that the program has doubled in size since 2008 and the department also has added two faculty members to aid with instruction over the past. It currently has seven full-time engineers and five full-time geologists on staff, plus some adjunct faculty is utilized to help balance the teaching loads. “is past year we had approximately 350 students enrolled in the program. We had over 530 high school students apply to get in for the upcoming year and we accepted 92 students,” he said. “We had over 60 students attending other schools apply to transfer into the program but we were only able to accept three because we have a cap on each class at 90 students and our upperlevel classes were nearly full already.” e program offers three sections of all its courses in the major so that enrollment in each section is at 30 students. Dr. Chase said about 370 students will take part in petroleum engineering this fall, along with about 60 majors in geology and another 15 in the new energy and land management (landman) program. 40 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 Marietta College has attracted international students from as far as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and China, but entering the program is not an easy task. e department selectively admits about 90 of the 250-300 applications it receives annually. Students must have the equivalent of a 25 on their ACT math tests and an overall score of 25 plus a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher in high school to be accepted into the program. “e average overall ACT for our incoming class is 27.7,” he commented. “We accept only approximately 90 freshmen each year.” Freshmen must complete 32 credit hours and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to be admitted as sophomores into the petroleum engineering program. “Our majors prepare for the exploration side of the business and focus on the areas of drilling, production and reservoir engineering,” he continued. A high percentage of students complete internships in the summer; however, with classes ever growing in size, the challenge of obtaining internships is increasing. But the department has enjoyed a placement rate of nearly 100 percent of its graduates historically. Furthermore, the college recently announced plans to add a land and energy management degree and an engineering leadership certificate this fall. Majors in land and energy management qualify to become exploration landsmen and research land and titles and negotiate leases with property owners, while the certification will marry petroleum engineering with the college’s leadership program. “We will always be adding new material to our courses. We are seeking to raise $12 million to double the size of our current building and renovate our laboratories.” Dr. Chase said the growing industry would always have a demand that schools could supply. e latest alumni included a crop of 66 students from the program during commencement in May. “Our international students all typically have jobs when they go home. Only one of our graduating “American students is still looking for work; the rest all have jobs. We have had 100percent placement or very close to it every year going back to 1990.” Part of that process includes an Industry Advisory Committee comprised of company representatives that meets college administration and geology and petroleum engineering faculty every spring to review its program, offer advice and help make continuous improvements to the programs. “Our placement is excellent because we focus on bringing high-quality students into our program, help them find summer internships, keep our classes sizes small so students have plenty of opportunity to interact with the faculty,” he concluded. “ere will be more and more wells drilled in Ohio and there will be a need for petroleum engineers, and that’s good news for our students.” By the numbers e ODJFS Shale Report indicated a 79percent jump in core shale-related employment (pipeline construction and well drilling, etc.) between 2011 and the third quarter of 2013 with a 1.5-percent spike also occurring in ancillary jobs, such as freight trucking. In addition, about 127 core shale-related business establishments were added during that timeframe, while ancillary shale-related sites declined by 0.9 percent. ose numbers will only rise as more pipelines, plants and other projects come to the area. Unemployment rates in the six-county region encircling Harrison, Jefferson, Carroll, Belmont, Guernsey and Tuscarawas counties were hovering between 10-14 percent in recent years but have dropped by at least half. e most current tallies put Ohio’s statewide unemployment rate at 5.5 percent with the U.S. averaging 6.3 percent but declining. Incidentally, OOGEEP’s study indicated more growth was on the horizon. e potential economic impact of the Utica Shale formation would help generate and support more than 200,000 jobs over the next few years due to the leasing, royalties, exploration, drilling, production and pipeline construction. Officials said the figure should shoot up to about 204,520 in 2015, while industry wages are projected to grow to more than $12 billion in annual salaries and personal income to Ohioans by that time. CARDELLO ELECTRIC SUPPLY & LIGHTING We have the power to supply your electrical needs Cardello is a leading distributor of electrical products & lighting throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia Locally owned & operated Delivery to all oil and gas sites in the tri-state area 1UG6W6WHXEHQYLOOH M S A E R D The unlikely story of a former baseball coach turned shale gas player By DAVID SCHLOSS I t might sound out of place for a 48-year-old Florida college baseball coach to be at the forefront of the energy revolution taking place in our region, yet for Robert “Coach” Rikeman it’s surprisingly similar. Even though his locker room has been replaced by an office, and his playing field now has well heads instead of bases, for the man everyone knows as “Coach” his success “on the field” is still in the hands of a group of young men who are willing to put in the extra effort to be their best, while working as a team to reach a common goal. So, no matter if it’s on the baseball field or in the oil field it’s the same game for Coach. Rikeman’s journey began at Brandeis University where he was enrolled as a pre-med student. Yet, in his junior year he realized he wanted to be a part of baseball and switched majors. Rikeman got his shot at the big leagues when he was hired as an associate scout in New England for the Chicago White Sox. It wasn’t until 1994 when Rikeman got invited to Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla., when his future fate in the energy-game began. Brought in as a pitching coach, Rikeman was shortly moved up to head coach, a position he would have never le until he received a call in 2010 from his former All-American catcher Toby Rice. Rice, along with his two brothers were early identifiers of the Marcellus Shale in southwestern Pennsylvania and had started Rice Energy, a small independent natural gas exploration and production company based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Today, Rice Energy is a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange with a market capitalization exceeding $3 billion. On June 30, Pipeline Connections magazine got to spend a day with Coach, here’s what happened. Robert “Coach” Rikeman has served as Vice President of Logistics for Rice Energy since January 2014 after serving as Operations Coordinator and Operations Manager since April 2010. Prior to joining Rice Energy, Mr. Rikeman worked in college and professional baseball as a coach and professional scout from 1988 to 2010. Mr. Rikeman is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Valley Oil and Gas Association and has recently completed the Six Sigma Black Belt training program. He is a graduate of Brandeis University with a BA in Political Science and a graduate of The University of Massachusetts with an MS in Sports Management. 6:10 AM 9:05 AM 11:24 AM 5:00 A.M. – Robert “Coach” Rikeman is no stranger to the gym. In fact, during his early coaching days he would oen sleep in the locker room. Maybe out of necessity then, but today like many working the long hours common in the oil and gas industry, you’ve got to get it done early. Besides, the early morning workouts have proven an excellent networking opportunity with other industry folks from MarkWest and ROC who also start their day off at the Anytime Fitness in Canonsburg. Coach spends 45 minutes to an hour mostly liing weights, before heading directly to his office at Rice Energy’s corporate headquarters in Southpointe. 6:10 A.M. – While most of the 180 employees working at the Hillpointe Drive office don’t file in until later, Coach likes to view his “essential” reports before the day gets started. With water playing such an important role in shale development, Coach begins each day with his Water Source Breakdown Report. With approximately 10 -15 million gallons of water needed to frack a single well, reports showing the amounts of water drawn, water transported, water pumped, water recycled, and water disposed are critical and closely reviewed by Coach. With Rice Energy’s Utica focus centered in Belmont County, the company is building the infrastructure needed to fully develop its 50,000-acre leasehold in the county. eir intricate plan involves a two-year build out that will include 60 miles of water pipeline, and 100 million gallons of water storage comprised of eight to nine strategically positioned ponds, each with a capacity of 10-15 million gallons. 7:20 A.M. – Being the seventh employee hired by Rice back in 2010, and carrying the role as a vice president, Coach is not limited in his job functions. In fact, the youthful, flat organizational structure at Rice is what Coach boasts as a key factor in their rise to the 27th leading producer of natural gas in the United States. “Field decisions can’t be made in the boardroom,” said Rikeman. e next item in Coach’s daily morning routine is a review of the construction reports along with a host of other company-wide reports including environmental and safety. With such a vast operation spread over several counties in Pennsylvania and Ohio, surprisingly Rice Energy’s operations are virtually paperless. To track its operating functions, Rice has developed an in-house system of apps to assist its staff. e Rice Energy staff has access to over 30 apps from their electronic devices including all reporting tools and forms needed such as accident forms, pipeline forms, 11:36 AM safety forms and water truck forms. e cross-company platform allows each staff member access and knowledge of the full operation and not just information within their department or specific job function. 8:10 A.M. – Prior to the start of his scheduled morning meetings, Coach reserves time to plan for future operations especially as they relate to water and fracks. Aer a short time with Coach, it’s easy to see the genuine enthusiasm he has for his job. “When I was coaching baseball there wasn’t a day I didn’t want to go to work – this is the same,” said Rikeman. e other thing that is apparent is even though Rikeman is no longer in a stick and ball career, his “team” approach remains, and the pride he has for his co-workers shows. “ese are 20year-old kids with a high school education wanting to work 12-14 hours a day…its a very demanding job, it doesn’t stop for weather, holidays or weekends, but they are willing to put in the effort,” said Coach. 8:35 A.M. – Coach checks in with Rice Energy’s Vice President of EH&S Mike Lauderbaugh. Coach wants to make sure Lauderbaugh’s staff is aware of a landowner located near a well pad entrance that will be busy in the coming days due to a scheduled frac. e two agree to position a flagger at the landowner’s driveway so they can come and go with their daily routine without being stuck in traffic or have issues getting in and out. Safety at Rice Energy seems to be a top priority and it is infused into every aspect of their operations including the back-in “tactical” style parking employed at company headquarters. More seriously, Lauderbaugh oversees many things ranging from personal protective gear to spill procedures and the surveillance of static electricity detection cameras. One unique safety element implemented at Rice Energy is the operation of their own traffic enforcement patrol. e unit consists of nine staff members made up of mostly retired law enforcement. Using six dedicated safety patrol vehicles, the team enforces a one-strike policy on contractors and even Rice employees with use of radar on bonded routes servicing their well sites. e concept has been well received by landowners and local municipalities. 8:50 A.M. - Just prior to his big conference meeting with other company VPs, Coach has time to meet with Rice Energy’s Director of Permitting & Regulatory Compliance. is is a routine logistics meeting these two men hold each Monday morning. e two review the company’s operation calendar to make sure they are in sync for the upcoming week. It’s easy for a company like Rice to have $1 million spent on a well pad in dirt work, aggregate and environmental before any drilling occurs, so the details are important. 9:05 A.M. – Department heads and VPs begin filing into a large conference room filling up chairs along a long table. Sitting at the head of the table, Coach runs the fast-paced meeting where as many as 14 people will present an update, a review or report an issue to the group. Topics ranging from construction, production, water, midstream, flaggers and roads are all discussed and solutions to any issues in these areas are offered from the group. 9:37 A.M. – On a typical Monday morning the next item on 11:54 AM 12:00 PM the schedule would be Coach’s 10 a.m. waste meeting, but today Coach needs to head across Interstate 70 to Belmont County to take a look at a few things and visit a landowner. Over the past few months his time in the field has been overtaken by meetings and office work, so the road trip is welcomed. 9:51 A.M. – Before getting on the road, Coach has to pick up a company vehicle in an overflow parking area across the street from the new Rice Energy corporate headquarters being built just a quarter-mile from the current office. Construction on the new two-story glass building began in December 2013, and should be completed in August 2014. 10:05 A.M. – e hour drive west to Belmont County is an easy commute up Interstate 79 to Interstate 70. Prior to two months ago, Coach would have used the drive time like many busy people do today; checking phone calls, emails and text messages. Unfortunately, it took the loss of a close friend in a traffic accident at the I-70 and I-79 interchange for Coach to change his ways. Now with his cell phone put away during his drive, Coach will only take an occasional phone call over Bluetooth, yet most importantly Coach lobbied Rice Energy to implement a host of safety measures to keep travels safer. In addition to defensive driving courses and sleep deprivation training required by all employees, the Rice Energy company vehicles have been outfitted with technology through their cellular provider Verizon to disable certain internet and texting functions while the vehicle is in use. Also, each company vehicle is equipped with GPS units that report back to Lauderbaugh’s office if anyone is speeding. Rice also requires any subcontractor hauling produced water to submit GPS speedometer readings as well. 11:15 A.M. – Not far off Exit 216 on I-70, Coach arrives on the scene in Belmont County at the crown jewel of Rice Energy’s Utica acreage. A massive 500-foot drilling pad that can accommodate 18 wells appropriately named “Bigfoot.” According to Rice, the Bigfoot 9H well is the most prolific well in the Utica that tested at a max rate of 42 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, which validates Rice’s $300 million investment in mineral leases in Belmont County. On this day activity at the well site is minimal. A small crew from the Pennsylvania-based Fluid Delivery Systems (FDS) is working on a water transfer operation that will pump 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of water per minute from the 9.5 milliongallon water storage pond located at the Bigfoot site to Rice’s nearby Blue under site just a few miles away. However, that’s not what brought Coach to Bigfoot, it was to meet with Rice Energy’s SCADA Manager, and Gas Operations Supervisor, along with a representative from American Electric Power. e men need to discuss the installation of a power line to provide electricity to a large house on the property that will be converted into a Rice Energy field office, however, there are some right-of-way crossings that need looked at, along with clearance heights of lines that won’t interfere with large equipment needed to travel the access road such as drilling rigs or upright sand kings. 11:24 A.M. – With a few minutes to spare before the rep from American Electric Power is set to arrive, Coach takes time to go over the 20-plus emails he got on the drive over plus return a phone call. 11:36 A.M. – Aer a brief introduction they take to the property on foot discussing the different options for the new power line. Aer about 20 minutes a solution is reached and a location is agreed upon. 11:54 A.M. – Coach jumps back into his company vehicle and drives to the top of the rolling landscape at the Bigfoot site from the lower pond area to the actual drilling pad that sits atop the plateau. Once again a small crew is on hand; this time a roustabout team from ROC Service Company. ey are manning the GPU; otherwise know as a production unit or a separator. e Bigfoot well uses a twophase separator that heats the water and gas. e dry gas being produced is going into a Dominion pipeline. Despite its low activity at the time, the Bigfoot well is considered a high profile location and is equipped with a monitoring system that broadcasts streaming surveillance video back to Rice. 12:16 P.M. – Aer visiting the Bigfoot well, Coach is heading just a few miles west to the Blue under pad to check on preparations for the upcoming frack of the 10H and 12H wells. Once it begins, the planned “zipper” frac will be a 24-hour operation that will last 20 to 25 days. Each of these wells has a price tag near $15 million. e 10H and 12H at Blue under represent the second and third Utica wells for Rice. 12:30 P.M. – Once at Blue under, Coach looks up his water transfer team. Rice’s water team has six to eight men involved in the water operation for this frack. Preparations were underway and the crew was on schedule to start pressure testing their lines. e site was very busy with numerous crews scurrying around setting up everything 1:38 PM 1:38 PM tophole rig will be on location to begin drilling. e tophole will start at approximately 30 inches in diameter and gradually taper down to around five inches. 2:12 P.M. – With everything looking good at Krazy Train, Coach drives across the property to the back entrance of Razin Kane, since the main access road isn’t ready. e hold up is a $195,000 cement box culvert used for crossing a creek. e culvert itself takes 12 weeks to get, but luckily it will be ready soon. 2:22 P.M. – At Razin Kane Coach gets caught up with a foreman for the earthworks contractor. e foreman informs Coach and the Cains they will have another week in finishing the pad. e two discuss future pads they will be building for Rice. Additionally, the men discuss the grading and drainage with the Cains. e foreman and his crew move 10-to-11 thousand yards of dirt per day. from pumps, to lines, mixers and tanks. Aer reviewing the setup, Coach cruises around the entire site looking for any potential problems or anything unsafe. In all, he likes what he sees and said it was “a good clean site.” 1:12 P.M. – While in the area Coach wants to see the progress on “Razin Kane” and “Krazy Train,” a pair of well pads under construction in Goshen Township. While en route, Coach notices some damage to the berm along Township Road 200. He finds a place to pull off and call in an order for its repair. 1:38 P.M. – Once Coach arrives to the location, he is greeted by property owners Glen Cain and his son Larry. e Cain’s leased the mineral rights of their 288-acre farm to Rice. Despite having conceded, at least temporarily approximately 26-acres of possible farm land for their 75 head of milk cows, the Cain’s have been very pleased with Rice and its subcontractors currently working on the property. With the final topcoat of stone just about finished at Krazy Train, Coach estimates to the Cains that within 10 days the 2:22 PM 2:57 P.M. – Before heading back to the office, Coach takes a moment to look through the 18 new emails he has waiting for attention in his inbox, plus a call to let him know a crew will be at a site in the morning to pine tar the road to keep the dust down. 3:30 P.M. – With little time for a break throughout his day, Coach stops at the Marathon station off Route 149 in St. Clairsville to hit the restroom and refuel with a flavored water and some Planters nuts. In less than 30-minutes Coach will be crossing back into Pennsylvania. 4:31 P.M. – Once back at the office, Coach has several reports to file before he can call it a day. In all, he will need to do a water report, and three construction reports. Luckily what once took him two hours to complete, now with Rice’s apps Coach will be done in less than an hour giving him just enough time to make it to his son’s baseball practice where Rikeman is the assistant coach. Once a coach, always a coach, for Rikeman! “These are 20-year old kids with a high school education wanting to work 12-14 hours a’s a very demanding job, it doesn’t stop for weather, holidays or weekends, but they are willing to put in the effort.” - Robert “Coach” Rikeman CARAVAN Transient workers and land owners fuel growth in local RV market By MOLLIE WARNER M any local industries have been benefitting from the gas and oil industry boom throughout the Ohio Valley in the past few years, and RV and camper dealers are no exception. Landowners who have received royalties from selling mineral and land rights have turned out to purchase the vehicles for entertainment purposes, but transient pipeline and 50 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 construction workers have also been helpful in increasing RV and camper sales. Single workers and even those accompanied by family have purchased RVs and campers for long-term living in parks like Sally Buffalo Park in Cadiz, where campsites are nearly always full. While some transient workers came to the area in RVs and campers, many may also have turned to the option due to a lack of reasonably priced housing. Carroll County, which has the highest number of well sites in the entire state, has very few apartments available to rent, and rent costs generally have skyrocketed in the last few years. RV parks have even assembled along previously uninhabited roadsides; State Route 9 and U.S. Route 250 are particularly populated with “for-rent” RV sites. e Utica Shale RV Park in Belmont, located just off Interstate-70, was designed for the sole purpose of meeting the gas and oil industry's needs. e park is equipped with wireless internet and phone lines, designed for long-term camper living. ree local RV and camper dealerships weighed in on the increased sales. David Yonak Jr., of the Sales Department at Yonak's RV Sales & Service in Cambridge, estimates that his business began picking up within the last two or three years. "It's significant," he said. "It's not just the people working on the pipelines, it's the residual people. We're getting people who have gotten royalties and are leasing land. It's really put a lot of money into this area. It's been great." He says RVs and campers of all price ranges have picked up in sales, adding that many pipeline workers buy pricier vehicles because they need them to be full-season. ere's only one downside, according to Yonak. e dealership has been so busy that they've had to limit service work to individuals who have bought their vehicles on site. "We're having so much trouble keeping up with just the sales," he said, adding that they have been seriously considering looking for additional employees. More room for inventory had to be made, and Yonak said he is keeping a larger stock of inventory than ever before. He's had to expand and gravel more area for inventory display. Yonak said he would even like to expand further by buying surrounding property, but no one is interested in selling. “We’re getting people who have gotten royalties and are leasing land. It’s really put a lot of money into this area.” - David Yonak Jr. e sales lot at Yanok’s RV Sales is chock full of new RVs. With the influx of oil and gas workers into the area, many businesses that deal in RVs are having a tough time to meet the demand for new products as well as repair and service work. Bob Stewart, Stewart’s RV Bob Stewart, of Stewart's RV Center in St. Clairsville, reports that sales of parts and service work have increased by about 30 to 40 percent, while sales have also seen a slight increase. He attributes some of the sales to individuals receiving money from leasing and royalties. While the significant demand for service work has not yet led to more employees or service bays, it has led to more overtime hours for the employees on hand. It has also created more travel time, as Stewart's frequently travels to RV and camper sites for repairs. Brian Stoney, of Stoney's RV in Cambridge, has seen his business increase, with the uptick based on service and parts. Sales have increased as well, but not as significantly. 52 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 "Basically, its increased our sales of units some, but the main impact has been service-related issues where we have to go out and repair things," said Stoney. He added that keeping up with all the service work has been challenging, especially since they travel as far as two hours away to meet clients' needs. "Folks are away from home, they're working a lot of hours, so they can't come here. You've got to go to them," Stoney said. In addition to pipeline workers, Stoney has seen locals benefitting from leasing cash. "ere's less there, but some. Folks are now affording to buy things with their lease money and then when royalties kick in, that's even better," Stoney offered. Stoney's RV has recently begun building a new service facility to accommodate service work, which Stoney estimates has increased by 25 to 35 percent within the last two years. e business has also added three employees, and will likely add two more next summer. More expansion may be in the future for Stoney's RV. "Beyond the original scope, it has allowed us to think about what the next level would be," Stoney said. He added that, from what he has heard, he guesses the RV business will remain strong for the next five years, though he hopes it will keep up for even longer. Yonak said he tries to ask everybody who works in the gas and oil industry how long the business boom may last. "It's such a mixed bag, you've just got to pay attention," he said. "I hope it lasts for the next 20 years, because this area needs it." For comparison, Pennsylvania began to experience a drilling boom in the Marcellus shale in 2005. e number of wells grew until 2011, which is said to have been the peak, as the number of wells drilled went down by about 600 in the next year. Many economic experts, including Ohio State University economist Mark Partridge, say the industry takes five years to reach the top numbers and then begins to slack off. However, Ohio has an advantage over Pennsylvania. e Utica shale region has more oil and natural gas liquids, while Marcellus is comprised mostly of natural gas. At any rate, as long as RVs and campers remain in the area at a high volume, these dealers should be able to maintain themselves with the demand for service work. ROADSIDE ATTRACTION A close-up look at MarkWest’s condensate facility in Cadiz, Ohio By DAVID SCHLOSS C onstruction of MarkWest’s joint venture condensate stabilization facility is firmly underway along U.S. 22. e visible site along the highway is an ever-changing attraction for motorists passing by, leaving a lot of locals curious about the new facility’s sprouting structures of tanks, buildings and various networks of steel beams, valves and more. On July 16, 2014, Pipeline Connections magazine got an exclusive tour of the new facility where crews are working feverishly to hit a targeted fourth-quarter 2014 startup. How it works Light crude oil, otherwise known as raw condensate, extracted from the local Utica shale play will be trucked from area wells to the new facility. Loaded trucks will enter the plant off of State Route 9 where they pull up to unloading skids. e off loaded condensate will initially enter into test tanks. Once in these tanks, a sample will be taken and tested at an on-site lab. From there the condensate is sent to a larger process feed tank. e condensate will be pulled from the feed tank into a 23,000 barrel per day stabilizer. e stabilizer column, along with various pumps and vessels assisting in the process, separates lighter natural gas liquids from the condensate. e lighter products, which include a mixed stream of propane, butanes, and other components, will exit the facility via pipeline for further fractionation at MarkWest’s Hopedale complex. e stabilized condensate, which is generally used as a feedstock for refineries, will be piped to a truck and rail loading terminal currently under construction on a 15-acre parcel leased from Harrison County that adjoins the 24-acre MarkWest site. is terminal facility will be owned and operated by a subsidiary of Midwest Terminals of Toledo International and is planned to have two holding tanks with several loading positions. Stabilized condensate will be transported by truck and rail to local refinery markets and Canadian export markets. ROADSIDE ATTRACTION Top: Motorists driving along Route 22 near Cadiz can see the large storage tanks, which will house condensate material until it’s ready to be transported. MarkWest Energy Partners hopes to have the plant in operation by November of 2014. Above: Workers from Lane Construction installing rebar. Right: A pair of Chapman Corporation ironworkers eyeing the progress of the plant’s pipe rack system. A Chapman Corporation ironworker is seen tethered to the pipe rack structure awaiting to position a steel beam. Top: Workers from the Chapman Corporation fabricating underground piping at the truck loading skid area. Above: e on-site MCC electrical building will handle all the power coming into the facility. Le: A Chapman Corporation ironworker is seen tethered to the pipe rack structure awaiting to position a steel beam. ROADSIDE ATTRACTION Top le: Ironworkers hoisted a boom li to perform work on the condensate stabilizer tower. Le: A carpenter from Lane Construction working with a concrete form. Above: e plant’s stabilizer column will handle approximately 23,000 barrels per day once it’s fully operational. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL BOTTLED WATER BULK WATER ENERGY SERVICES Taking a closer look at the different processing facilities throughout the industry By MIKE SIEBER W ith the oil and gas industry development spreading throughout eastern Ohio, area residents have been introduced to new sights as the landscape changes. While most people understand the purpose of the rigs and pipelines, the various types of processing facilities necessary for taking the product from the wells, and delivering it to market can be complex. Harrison County alone is now home to a cryogenic plant, two fractionation plants, and the beginning stages of a condensate stabilizer plant. Starting Point e first thing to keep in mind is that virtually every natural gas and/or oil product that comes from the well contains moisture, liquids and certain hydrocarbons, which make it unsuitable for the mainline transmission pipelines that transport product to market. e liquids and certain hydrocarbons can be extracted and sold to increase the value of the rich Utica gas. Further, these constituents must be removed for the gas quality to meet interstate pipeline and consumer specifications. Before any processing facility can operate it needs product from the wells. Depending on the type of well drilled, and drilling technique, a well either produces dry gas (pure methane) or rich gas, otherwise known as natural gas, which contains natural gas liquids (NGLs). NGLs typically contain liquids such as 62 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 e cryogenic facility on Industrial Park Road in Cadiz is operated by MarkWest Energy Partners. ethane, propane, butane and pentane. While the Marcellus Shale contains both dry and rich gas, Utica shale drillers are finding a wealth of NGLs, which many companies prefer because they can split them out into a variety of purity products thus creating multiple revenue streams from the gas produced at a single well. Cryogenics Wet gas from the wells arrives via pipeline to the cryogenic plant where the temperature of the NGLs is brought down to about -120 degrees F. is process condenses the liquids and allows for pure methane to be stripped out. e methane can then be transported to market while e actionator is Scio, otherwise known as the Harrison Hub, is operated by UEO Buckeye, which is a joint venture between M3 Midstream, Access Midstream and EnerVest. e facility currently processes 45,000 barrels per day and is continuing to build up its processing and delivery capacity. Construction is expected to continue well into 2015, and once fully operational, the facility will receive and process product om multiple counties in Ohio. the remaining blended hydrocarbon product or NGLs, which include butane, ethane, propane and natural gasoline are sent on to a fractionator. On Industrial Park Road in Cadiz sits a cryogenic processing facility operated by MarkWest Energ y Partners, and a similar plant in Monroe County, owned by Blue Racer Midstream continues to build out its Berne cryogenic facility. “During the second quarter of 2014 we will begin operations of a 40,000 barrel per day de-ethanizer at the Cadiz complex,” said Kevin Hawkins, manager of investor relations at MarkWest Energ y Partners. “This unit will produce purity ethane from the NGL stream before it is sent to Hopedale for further fractionation.” Fractions Once the cryogenic facility finishes its work, the hydrocarbon NGL ‘feedstock’ is transported to a fractionator. In Harrison County there are currently two fractionation facilities; one operated by MarkWest Energy Partners near Hopedale, and the second in Scio, operated by Utica East Ohio (UEO), a joint venture between Access Midstream, Momentum Midstream and EnerVest. As stated, NGLs contain varying degrees of ethane, propane and butane. e fractionator heats the NGL stream, which causes the various components to boil off in a sequence starting with the lighter and going down to the heavier hydrocarbons. When a stream of NGL product arrives at a fractionator it first goes through a deethanizer, which strips the ethane out of the NGL stream. Aer that, the stream heads to a depropanizer, which strips out the propane. Finally, a debutanizer boils off the butane contained in the stream, leaving only natural gasoline. Some fractionation facilities also incorporate a butane splitter, which separates normal butane and isobutane. Once the fractionation process is complete, the separate purity products are stored in large tanks and sent downstream to market either via truck, rail or pipeline. Crackers Technically called an ethane cracker, a “cracker” facility takes ethane and super heats it so that the molecular bonds break apart forming ethylene. Ethylene is the most commonly produced petrochemical, and is used in a variety of plastics, resins, adhesives and synthetic SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 63 Glossary of Terms Alkane: A saturated hydrocarbon. butane: Alkane with four carbon atoms that is a result of the fractionation of natural gas liquids. Butane is highly flammable and easily liquefied. Condensate: Low mixture of hydrocarbon liquids present as a gas component of raw natural gas. De-ethanizer: Normally the first step in the fractionation process, the de-ethanizer strips out ethane from the NGL stream. De-propanizer: Second stage of the fractionation process, which strips propane out of the NGL stream. De-butanizer: Usually the last stage in the fractionation process, this strips out butane from the NGL stream. ethane: Colorless, odorless gas that results from the fractionation of natural gas liquids. Ethane is used as feedstock for the production of ethylene. Fractionation: A multi-stage process of refining in which a NGL (natural gas liquid stream) is broken into parts or fractions. Hydrocarbon: An organic compound made up entirely of hydrogen and carbon. All fossil fuels are hydrocarbons. interstate Pipeline: Long distance, wide diameter pipeline that carries natural gas throughout the nation. isobutane: Also known as methylpropane, isobutane is a chemical compound that results from the fractionation of natural gas liquids. Isobutane is commonly used in refrigeration systems as well as propellants in aerosol sprays. Mainline Transmission Pipeline: A wide diameter, long distance portion of a pipeline system between the gathering system, processing plants and customers. Natural Gasoline: A hydrocarbon mixture, which is a liquid at ambient temperatures. In this state, natural gasoline is volatile and unstable, and is commonly blended with other hydrocarbons to produce commercial gasoline. Pentane: Alkane with five carbon atoms that is commonly used as a component for fuels and solvents. Propane: A three-carbon alkane that results from the fractionation of natural gas liquids. propane is normally a gas, but can be compressed into a liquid. Purity Product: A natural gas product that results from the fractionation of natural gas liquids, such as ethane, propane, butane, isobutane and pentane. 64 Pipeline Connections | SUMMER 2014 An ethane cracker facility like this one likely won’t be coming to Harrison County, but Royal Dutch Shell is deciding on whether to build the multi-billion dollar petro-chemical facility on a 300-acre site just north of Pittsburgh, PA. Additionally, Brazilian company, Oderbrecht, is considering the construction of an ethane cracker facility in West Virgina’s Wood County. products. Virtually every plastic item you buy is made with ethylene, which is why most of these cracker facilities are located in close proximity to the factories requiring ethylene in their manufacturing. Currently, there are no cracker facilities in our region partially because dry gas is better for getting ethylene and partially because the infrastructure for effectively transporting ethylene to manufacturers isn’t in place, but that may change as the industry grows and companies invest more in rail and pipeline. Royal Dutch Shell has spent several million dollars securing property and investigating the possibility of building an ethane cracker in Beaver County, PA. e Netherlands-based energy and chemicals giant has also engaged the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in a project to relocate and widen a road near the proposed site in Potter - moves many in the community see as indications the company plans to proceed with the plant, although no announcement has been made. In addition, Oderbrecht Oil & Gas announced plans to explore the development of a petrochemical complex in Wood County, WV, and Denver-based Antero Resources recently signed an Photo depicts a 1,500 BBL/day condensate stabilizer. MarkWest Energy Partners announced that their stabilization facility in Cadiz will have an initial capacity of 23,000 BBL/day. Photo provided by Tryer Process Equipment, agreement with Oderbrecht to supply 30,000 barrels of ethane per day to the facility should the project move forward. e ASCENT (Appalachian Shale Cracker Enterprise) complex would include an ethane cracker, three polyethylene plants and the necessary infrastructure for water treatment and energy co-generation. According to West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, construction of the plant could begin by the first quarter of 2015. Condensate While there is no clear definition within the industry as to what constitutes condensates, the standard definition is that condensate is a low-density mixture of hydrocarbon liquids, which are present as gaseous components in raw natural gas. Condensate (sometimes referred to as natural gasoline or light crude oil) needs to be separated out of the raw natural gas, but since the material is extremely volatile, and not suitable for pipeline transportation, it must go through a stabilization process. is is where a condensate stabilization facility comes into play. MarkWest Energy Partners, and their joint venture partner e Energy & Minerals Group, is currently developing a condensation stabilization facility in Cadiz, and anticipates the complex will be operational later this year. Condensate stabilization facilities distill the volatile liquid by ‘cooking’ the material at high pressure and at varying temperatures. e result is a much more stable product that can be safely transported either by pipeline or by tanker. In today’s market, condensate is widely used as a diluent, which is a fluid that reduces the thickness of heavy oils, such as crude so that it can be more easily transported via pipeline. Final Destination Where natural gas goes once it leaves the well pad largely depends on the type of gas produced, and what the midstream companies’ intend to do with the product depending on market conditions. Some shale plays like the Marcellus produce more dry gas, which doesn’t require much in the way of processing. is is good because it’s quicker, easier and cheaper to get product to market. Wet gas, such as the kind drillers are finding in the Utica play requires more processing, but is oen more desirable to midstream companies because producers benefit from the greater value associated with rich gas when compared to dry gas. Utica and Marcellus shale gas drilling is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. According to the most recent figures by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources there are currently 759 horizontal wells drilled and 385 wells producing within the Utica, and that’s only the beginning. Magnum Hunter CEO, Gary Evans stated recently that, “We feel like we’re only in the first inning of a nine-inning game.” With more and more drilling permits being issued, and the fact that most wells can be fractured multiple times, these processing facilities (and maybe a few new ones) will be operating for a few decades if not more. SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 65 Business Directory AUTOMOTIVE • CONSTRUCTION • LODGING • RECREATION • RESTAURANTS • RETAIL Let’s Work! PHOTO: MIKE SIEBER LOCATION: ADVANCE AUTO PARTS, CADIZ, OHIO LOCAL BUSINESS LISTINGS STARTING ON PAGE 60 SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 67 Oil & Gas Industry Services Bowman Consulting | 124 S. Main Street, Cadiz, OH 43907 | Land development consulting services throughout the oil and gas shale industries | HQ: Chantilly, VA | CBC Pipeline | 38055 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd., Cadiz, OH 43907 | Installations of gas and liquids pipeline systems including gathering systems, compression construction, pumping stations, and metering facilities construction. | HQ: Goldonna, LA | MarkWest Energy Partners, LP | 101 E. Market Street, Cadiz, OH 43907 | (740) 942-1800 | Gathering, processing, transportation of natural gas; transportation, fractionation, storage, marketing of NGLS; gathering and transportation of crude oil | HQ: Denver, CO | McCarl’s | 300 Old Steubenville Pike Rd., Cadiz, OH 43907 | (740) 942-1300 | Industrial construction | HQ: Beaver Falls, PA | Darr Farms, LLC | 21284 Township Road 257, Newcomerstown, OH 43832 | Bagged Sand | HQ: Newcomerstown, OH | M3 Midstream, LLC | 37905 Crimm Rd., Scio, OH 43988 | (740) 945-1170 | Midstream gathering systems | HQ: Houston, TX | Eclipse Resources | 2121 Old Gatesburg Rd., State College, PA 16803 | Exploration and producer of natural gas | (866) 590-2568 | HQ: State College, PA | Rice Energy, LP | 252 W. Main St., St. Clairsville, OH 43950 | Exploration and producer of natural gas | HQ: Canonsburg, PA | Hess Ohio Developments, LLC | 4525 Sunset Blvd., Wintersville, OH 43953 | Integrated energy company; a subsidiary of Hess Energy | HQ: Houston, TX | Somerset Regional Water Resources | Industrial Park Rd., Cadiz, OH 43907 | (814) 701-2018 | Water hauling, equipment rentals and Roustaboust services | HQ: Somerset, PA | Hull & Associates, Inc. | 146 W. Main St., St. Clairsville, OH 43950 | Consulting firm specializing in alternative energy, brownfields, environmental, shale oil & gas, and waste management | HQ: Dublin, OH | Joe Knows Energy | 125 E. Market St., Cadiz, OH 43907 | Integrated solutions for oil and gas industry | HQ: Columbus, OH | J-W Power Company | 43043 Industrial Park Rd., Cadiz, OH 43097 | Leasing, sales and servicing of natural gas compression equipment | HQ: Addison, TX | Kelchner | 47443 National Rd., St. Clairsville, OH 43950 | Specializing in heavy/civil construction and energy field services | HQ: Springboro, OH | TEK Construction Services, LLC | Industrial Park Rd., Cadiz, OH 43907 | (724) 820-5100 | Full Service construction company serving the Utica shale gas midstream industry | HQ: Canonsburg, PA | Water Transport Energy Services | 100 Sammi Drive, Hopedale, OH 43976 | (740) 264-9999 | Bulk water service | HQ: Hopedale, OH | WHPacific, Inc. | 227-1/2 East Warren Street, Cadiz, OH 43907 | Energy services from environmental compliance and permitting to design and construction |HQ: Anchorage, AK | SynTech Products Cor poration Dust Control & Stabilization *Unpaved Roads* Storage Yards * *Drill Sites * Haul Roads * 800 537 0 0288 Agriculture Arba-Vue Farms 88615 Jewett Germano Rd., Jewett (740) 946-5212 Cunningham Deer Processing 41695 Rumley Rd., Jewett (740) 945-3000 D & J Sales-Service 35305 Jones Rd., Freeport (740) 942-3099 Jefferson Landmark 994 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-0153 Boss Bison Ranch 45701 Unionvale Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-8726 Clark Gable Museum 138 Charleston St., Cadiz (740) 942-4989 Faith Ranch 89500 Germano Rd., Jewett (740) 946-2255 Cadiz Muffler & Tire 335 Jarvis Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-8188 Mickey’s Mountain Ford Road, Hopedale (740) 946-5631 Cardinal Sales & Service 620 Denison Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-2392 Automotive Jones Equipment 403 Burrell Ave., Freeport (740) 658-3862 Blackie & Son Garage 614 N. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-2480 Kuester Implement Co. 1436 State Rt. 152, Bloomingdale (740) 944-1502 C & G Tire 28000 Mays School Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 447-7759 Melv’s Mower Service 75700 Smyrna Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3495 Cadiz Body Shop 139 N. Muskingum St., Cadiz (740) 942-2190 Wallace Poultry Farm 81555 Ourant Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-0111 Cadiz Drive-In Used Auto Parts 45700 Cadiz-Harrisville Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-3607 Clifford Salvage Miric’s Ridge Rd., Harrisville (740) 546-4387 Custom Colors Auto Body 45000 Cadiz-Harrisville Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-3900 Dan’s Farm Tire Repair 26900 Guthrie Rd., Freeport (740) 658-4383 Eberhart Service Center 272 Old Steubenville Pike, Cadiz (740) 942-2221 Finney Tire 700 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-8473 Gary’s Body Shop 127 W. Warren St., Cadiz (740) 942-2444 Jeff’s Auto Body 301 S. Market St., St. Clairsville (740) 695-5875 Knights Auto Repair 91495 Kilgore Rd., Scio (740) 945-0101 Maleski Auto Sales 209040 Norris Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 942-3590 Mattern Tire 349 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-8895 May Automotive & Fabrication 77801 Rankin Rd., Cadiz (740) 968-0165 Mill’s Tire 8112 Scio Rd., Scio (740) 627-4103 G Modern Auto Parts 243 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-2153 Murray Oil 157 N. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-2775 NAPA 122 W. Main St., Scio (740) 945-6272 Norm’s Service 33105 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd., Piedmont (740) 968-9788 Three Angle Golf Carts 36500 Old Piedmont Rd, Freeport (740) 359-0903 Eastern Ohio Internet, LLC 42111 Upper Clearfork Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4484 My Local PC Pro 104 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-9400 Tom’s CB Sales & Service 42475 Rumley Rd E, Jewett (740) 946-2555 Freeport Press 119-121 Main St., Freeport (740) 658-3315 Panel Display 36195 Tappan Rd., Scio (740) 945-7145 Westfall Auto Sales 938 W. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-3624 Frontier Communications 140 North Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-4208 Business Services Harrison Industries 82460 Jewett Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2988 A-Pro Tree Service 73680 Dek Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3206 Sell Body Shop 208 Penn Ave., Bowerston (740) 269-5011 Cardinal Waste Services 9015 Cologne Rs Sw, Bowerston (877) 627-2326 Sickle’s Garage 139 N. Muskingum St., Cadiz (740) 942-2190 Carson Petroleum 125 West Main St., Hopedale (740) 937-2501 Steubenville Truck Center 620 South St., Steubenville (800) 35-VOLVO Comet Printing 309 Hilltop St., Hopedale (740) 937-2538 John’s Lawns 211 W. Warren St., Cadiz (740) 942-4913 LightSpeed Networks 31705 Norris Rd., Tippecanoe (330) 340-3207 Mizer Printing 160 Cunningham Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-3343 Peterson’s Trophy 721 Country Club Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2248 Red Hill Distribution 45100 Cadiz-Harrisville Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4221 Todd’s Mowing SR 800 North, Tippecanoe (740) 922-9458 Tony’s Treasures Productions 36510 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd., Cadiz (740) 968-2020 Zechman’s Portable Cleaning 75745 Fair Rd., Piedmont (740) 968-4958 FULL-SERVICE PIPELINE INSTALLER Alpha Heating & Cooling 3188 Amsterdam Rd. SE, Scio (740) 945-5006 Any Season Construction 91451 Novington Rd., Hopedale (740) 946-0602 Construction Currington Construction 32120 Clendening Lake Rd., Freeport (740) 658-4447 Hopkins Construction 77960 Slater Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2698 D & E Tree Service 8201 Chalon Rd., Scio (330) 627-8081 Blackie & Son Excavating 83519 Sawko Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-8444 D.F.G. Excavating, Inc. 87240 Tipton Rd., Jewett (740) 946-2675 Border Patrol 86180 Waterworks Rd., Hopedale (740) 381-6621 DTE Dickerson, LLC 44995 Dickerson Church Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-9441 Central Construction 38750 Gundy Ridge Rd., Scio (740) 945-5441 Dallas Vickers Builder 41116 Patton Rd., Jewett (740) 945-0281 Cardello Electrical Supply 430 N. 3rd St., Steubenville (740) 283-3792 Dennis Kinsey Construction 48880 Cadiz-Harrisville Rd, Cadiz (740) 546-4148 Chrisman Electric 37401 Ashcraft Rd., Scio (740) 945-6115 East Central Roofing 31501 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe (740) 922-9777 Eastern Construction Services 904 Commercial Ave., Mingo Jct. (740) 535-8184 John Francis Construction 585 Grant St., Cadiz (740) 942-3744 Fiester Construction 34790 Scio-Bowerston Rd., Bowerston (740) 269-0105 Kovarik Excavating 88375 Fairview Rd., Jewett (740) 946-1165 Howes & Sons Excavating 28800 Westchester Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3621 Leonard Cox Construction 87623 Blue Ridge Rd., Hopedale (740) 942-2079 Huggins Tree Trimming 40780 Hanover Ridge Rd., Jewett (740) 945-0157 McKinney Thompson Construction 42445 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett (740) 946-6171 J & B Excavating 87451 Vale Rd., Jewett (740) 946-7505 Henderson Excavating 36780 Tappan Scio Rd, Scio (740) 945-2891 Jay’s Heating & Cooling 39160 Old Piedmont Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2654 Mr. Furnace 81601 Mallarnee Rd., Freeport (740) 942-3600 Three D Construction 41425 Deersville Ridge Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4333 Bittinger Carbide LLC 81331 Hines Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4302 Smitty’s Floors 404 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (888) 840-2423 Tom Jones Equipment 403 Burell Ave, Freeport (740) 658-3862 Statewide Electric 39510 McKibben Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2219 Triplett Heating & Cooling 415 E. Main St., Jewett (740) 946-2375 Castle Bagging Service 38504 Crimm Rd., Scio (740) 945-3131 Clearfork Trucking RR1 Old Hopedale Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4173 Strobel Construction Van Gilder Fence & Nail 40500 Irish Creek Dr., Scio (740) 945-7111 Smith Concrete 82799 Toot Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2929 Nagy’s Excavating 44 S. Bridge St., Adena (740) 546-4462 Pappy’s Construction 74061 Dry Ridge Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3833 R.R. Stewart Excavating 82360 Tippecanoe Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 922-5300 Rick’s Hardwood Products 1047 Poinsettia Rd., Scio (330) 478-9423 Rutter’s Outdoor Furnaces 100 S. Main St., New Athens (740) 968-0661 83276 Baker’s Ridge Rd., Cadiz Scio Rebuilders 142 College St., Scio (740) 945-5200 Stull Excavating 9448 Dining Fork Rd., Scio (740) 945-0331 Sidonia Glass Carving 81325 Fulton Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 685-1328 (740) 942-2800 Terry Thompson Construction 43927 Jewett-Hopedale Rd., Jewett Skipper’s J&B Excavating 87451 Vale Rd., Jewett (740) 946-7505 (740) 946-5171 SALE Smith Heating & Plumbing 228 S. Ohio St, Cadiz (740) 942-4951 Terry’s Home Remodeling 219 S. High St., Freeport (740) 658-3297 CONSTRUCTION REDUCTION new 5TH WHEELS 10,000 Save Up To $ newTRAVEL TRAILERS 12,995 FROM $ newTENT CAMPERS $ FROM 5,995 TEWART’ S R.V. Center S National Rd. East • I-70 Exit 218 at the Ohio Valley Mall, St. Clairsville, OH 740-695-0918 or Toll Free 1-800-627-7848 Allegheny Pipeline Co. 86427 Black Rd., Hopedale (740) 937-2300 Atlas Gas 515 N. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-0100 Biddlestone Trucking 77110 McElhaney Rd., Freeport (740) 968-3429 Big Rig Service Center Waterworks Rd., Hopedale (740) 937-2343 Columbus Equipment 290 Old Steubenville Pike, Cadiz (740) 942-8871 Consolidation Coal 79285 Cadiz New Athens Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-4588 Cravat Coal 40580 Cadiz Piedmont Rd., Cadiz (740) 968-1000 Dial Eastern States Aircraft 43000 County Highway 38, Cadiz (740) 942-2316 Industrial Service Hopedale Mining 86395 Mine Rd., Hopedale (740) 937-2786 DM Industrial, Inc. 37900 Cadiz-Dennison Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-9830 Jack Hamilton & Associates 342 High St., Flushing (740) 968-4947 Don Eberhart Trucking 508 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-8105 Lynn Arnold Trash Hauling 81225 Fulton Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 658-3840 Eagle Fuels 330 Oak Park, Cadiz (740) 942-8181 Fuse Tech 546 N. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-3565 George Palmer Trucking 3158 Amsterdam Rd., Scio (740) 945-3195 Haines Well Service & Supplies 91170 Carrolton Rd., Scio (740) 945-8305 Mark Lewis Trucking Waterworks Rd., Hopedale (740) 937-2343 McCol Machine 808 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-9954 Mineral Trading Co. 89000 Fleming Rd., Jewett (740) 946-1001 Mor-Cor Inc. State Route 250, Jewett (740) 946-6024 Nolan Company 300 Boyce Drive, Bowerston (740) 269-1512 Ohio CAT 1016 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-4626 Oxford Mining 69757 Morristown-Flushing Rd., Flushing (740) 968-1543 R.E. Eberhart Trucking 272 Old Steubenville Pike, Cadiz (740) 942-2221 SAL Chemical 3036 Birch Dr., Weirton (304) 748-8200 Standing Stone 42600 Deersville Ridge Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-8223 Stull Hauling 9448 Dining Fork Rd., Scio (740) 945-0331 Valley Mining 42600 Stumptown Rd., Cadiz (740) 968-2040 Lodging/Real Estate Schaney Mining 47134 Giacobbi Rd., Hopedale (740) 937-2515 Belmont Properties 280 Old Steubenville Pike, Cadiz (740) 942-8885 Scio Packaging Co. 38510 Crimm Rd., Scio (740) 945-3761 Bingham Terrace 451 N. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-2215 Cadiz Motel 45111 Harrisville Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-9974 Pride Valley Homes 29620 Cadiz-Dennison Rd., Dennison (740) 922-1550 Clendening Lake Marina 79100 Bose Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3691 Sutherland Rentals 165 W. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-4146 Diamond Lake Cabins 9129 Diamond Rd. Cot C., Scio (740) 945-5780 Tappan Woods Cabin 86103 N. Bay Rd., Scio (740) 269-1313 Hilltop Apartments 38450 Allensworth Dr., Scio (740) 945-6281 Homeland Realty 114 E. Main St., Freeport (740) 658-3960 Host Realty & Auction Service 215 Water Alley, Bowerston (740) 269-1296 Hutton Auctions 535 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-2207 K & L Rentals 423 Normal St., Hopedale (740) 381-7039 Lake Piedmont Inn 32000 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd., Piedmont (740) 968-0150 Lincoln Inn 425 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-9500 Ludwig’s Mobile Home Park 715 Country Club Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-3890 Trail’s End Vacation Rentals 220 Main St., Deeersville (740) 922-0022 Village Inn Bed & Breakfast 184 East Main St., Hopedale (740) 937-9988 JR Lanes 146 S. Main St., New Athens (740) 968-3022 Butterfield Insurance 38915 Tappan-Scio Rd., Scio (740) 945-6181 Lightning Raceway 82585 Craigo Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 922-1661 Cadiz Insurance Agency 111 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-2461 Mickey’s Bluegrass Festival Ford Rd., Hopedale (740) 942-5631 Piedmont Lake 32665 Belmont Ridge Rd., Piedmont (740) 968-4440 Eastern Ohio Mutual Insurance 23080 Cadiz Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3672 H&R Block 239 E. Warren St., Cadiz (740) 942-3400 Harrison Community Hospital 951 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-4631 Sally Buffalo Park 100 W. College St., Cadiz (740) 942-3213 Lee & Associates CPA 105 Jamison, Cadiz (740) 942-3677 Outdoors/ Recreation Scio Roller Rink 250 N. Elm St., Scio (740) 945-4091 Mary K’s Tax Service 159 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-3434 Westchester Bed & Breakfast 6364 State Route 258, Tippecanoe (740) 658-3311 Tappan Lake Park 84000 Mallarnee Rd., Deersville (740) 922-3649 Cadiz Country Club 800 Country Club Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-3618 Valie Lanes 43927 Jewett-Hopedale Rd., Jewett (740) 946-9511 Castle Shannon Golf Course 105 Castle Shannon Blvd., Cadiz (740)-937-2373 Clendening Lake 79100 Bose Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3691 JD Bowling Lanes 300 N. Buffalo St., Cadiz (740) 942-2111 Wagner 250 Speedway 83000 Chapel Hill Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-2928 Professional Services Beetham Law Office 146 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-2356 Buckeye Financial Advisors 144 South Main St., Cadiz (740) 673-0034 Midwest Land Services 2017 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville (740) 284-1234 Mike Schuetz Insurance Agency 50580 National Rd., St. Clairsville (740) 695-6761 Milleson Insurance Agency 103 Main St., Scio (740) 945-0384 Milleson Insurance Agency 111 E. Main St., Freeport (740) 658-3518 Milleson Insurance Agency 265 Union St., Mt. Pleasant (740) 769-1700 not listed? Get your company listed in pipeline Connections’ local business directory. It’s easy to do and you will be seen by thousands. Contact David Schloss at Restaurants/ Food Mosser Law Office 232 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-2127 B & F Dairy Bar Eastport Rd., Scio (740) 945-7265 Myers Insurance Agency 318 E. Main St., Jewett (740) 946-3901 Baker’s IGA 105 Walnut St., Scio (740) 945-3381 Positano Bookkeeping 108 E. Main St., Scio (740) 945-0211 Coffy’s Bi-Lo 264 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-0215 Hometown Carry Out 164 S. Main St., New Athens (740) 968-3393 Black Sheep Vineyard 1454 US 250, Adena (740) 546-3741 Country Store 85610 Miller Station, Hopedale (740) 937-2600 Hugo’s Restaurant Walnut St., Scio (740) 945-2601 Bob’s Pub 122 E. Main St., Scio Dairy Jean 1013 SR 250, Adena (740) 546-3262 Tabacchi Law Office 145 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-3130 Capraro’s Restaurant 135 East Main St., Hopedale (740) 937-2320 Deersville General Store 212 Main St., Deersville (740) 922-0831 Walrath Insurance Agency 149 W. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-2161 China King 151 W. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-8899 Yost Accounting & Insurance 1 E. Main St., Piedmont (740) 968-3850 Clay’s Drive–In 33340 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd., Piedmont (740) 968-4638 DiAngelo’s Restaurant & Sports Bar 114 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-3000 Premier Land Title Co. 120 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-8244 Rupert Beetham Law Office 110 South Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-8282 Gary’s Hot Rod BBQ Industrial Park Rd., Cadiz (740) 491-0065 Ice Cream Island 812 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 491-7486 Ja-Lin’s 106 E. Main St., Jewett (740) 946-5040 JC Wine Cellars 8306 St.Rte.43, E. Springfield (740) 543-4200 KC’s Tasty Treats Sally Buffalo Park, Cadiz (740) 491-3539 Kountry Kettle 128 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-2272 NEXT DAY DELIVERY! LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED! Diesel • Gasoline • Lubricants • Best Service • Highest Quality • Lowest Prices Guaranteed! WE ARE A CERTIFIED " SALES & REPAIR LOCATION " ! 1-800-597-7718 • 1-800-597-7718 Lou’s Famous Fish 405 Mill St., Hopedale (740) 937-2316 P & M Restaurant 107 S. Bridge St., Adena (740) 546-3572 Pangrazio’s Café 102 E. Main St., Scio (740) 945-8888 Pappy’s Restaurant 201 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-4172 Shurfast Food Mart 217 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-4900 Tappan Lake Marina 33315 Cadiz-Dennison Rd., Scio (740) 269-2031 Terry’s Bar & Lounge 117 W. Main St., Adena (740) 546-9698 Pizza Express 125 N. Buffalo St., Cadiz (740) 942-8800 Tlaquepaque 50601 Valley Plaza Dr., St. Clairsville (740) 695-2580 R P & G Pointe Drive-In 30600 Clendening Lake Rd., Freeport (740) 658-3670 The Catering Café Harrison Community Hospital 951 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-6238 Starfire Express 655 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-3575 The Restaurant 304 E. Main St., Scio (740) 945-3461 Starlight Bar & Grill 45167 Harrisville Rd., Cadiz (740) 942-9977 T J’s Gas & Go 237 E. Main St., Freeport (740) 658-3520 T & J’s Cadiz Drive Thru 420 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-3557 Valie Lanes 43927 Jewett-Hopedale Rd., Jewett (740) 946-9511 Valie Market 43795 Jewett-Hopedale Rd., Jewett (740) 946-2911 Westchester General Store 6364 State Route 258, Tippecanoe (740) 658-3311 Wood’s Food Center 165 Mill St., Hopedale (740) 937-2906 Nancy’s Flower & Gift Shop Retail (740) 942-2955 Cadiz Party Center 621 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz (740) 942-9020 Vickie’s Place 124 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-1476 Crossing Hardware 218 Muskingum St., Freeport (740) 658-3737 Vineyard 22 Winery 83800 Monzula Dr., Cadiz (740) 491-7000 Hopedale Florist Western Grill 216 Main St., Bowerston (740) 269-1508 118 East Main St., Hopedale (740) 937-2066 M&M Hardware 4148 Sunset Blvd.,Steubenville (740) 264-5574 All Brands Of Tires 156 Buffalo St., Cadiz Oil & Gas Safety Supply 47445 National Rd., St. Clairsville (855) 533-8585 Orme’s Hardware 634 Lincoln Ave., Cadiz, OH (740) 942-1223 Utica Safety Apparel 154 S. Main St., Cadiz (740) 942-0093 Valley Rentals Superstore 157 W. Market St. Cadiz (740) 942-9999 Woodland’s Outdoor Supply 79550 Freeport-Tippecanoe Rd., Tippecanoe (740) 658-3341 Radio Shack 243 E. Market St., Cadiz (740) 942-4070 Sketch Motorsports 49381 SR 250, Harrisville (740) 546-4554 * Thousands of Name Brand Tires in Stock * Lawn & Garden, ATV tires * Complete Auto Care * Farm & Road Service now available! Real Estate Guide COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • LEASE • RENTAL • LODGING • LAND • DEVELOPMENT Let’s Move In! PHOTO: MIKE SIEBER LOCATION: CADIZ, OHIO LOCAL REAL ESTATE LISTINGS STARTING ON PAGE 80 SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 79 Nothing puts a smile on your face like your new kitchen. Almost nothing, anyway. Liz Frederick and baby Sophia from Mt. Pleasant, PA, make breakfast and funny faces together. For forty years no one has worked harder to make building a new home easier. Right where you want it. Customized with everything you need to make your family comfortable, including the price. And built to last. Here’s to the next 40 years. ([SORUHGR]HQVRIFXVWRPL]DEOHÁRRUSODQVDW:D\QH+RPHVFRP or call: Belmont Model Center at 866-- Portage Model Center at 866-928- ( ! " "% # ! $ ( $" $' ( !$ ( % $ " & , ).- )! ., !!$ !&)1 1 -. $(& -- -. & - ,0$(" ( %$. # ( +/$*' (. ," * ,%$(" &). -%$(" *,$ # & ( # - ,) !,)(. 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It takes the work and worry out of weed control. • Weeds No More, Inc specializes As a professional in industrial weed control, custom application including both contract service, we have the applications and herbicide sales. products and know• We work throughout the how to do the job right! Southeastern, Mid Atlantic, and Mid Western states. • Our technical staff consists of Argonomists with many years of practical field experience in all areas of industrial weed control. ! # " % %# & % '$ &+ ' & &! %& & ! $ ! "$ %%!$ ) & $!' ' % & ! % !( $ !!$% " % &$ ) !!$% ) %' & *&$ " $ )& ) %& ! & '" &! ( % Menu Guide Let’s Eat! LOCAL DINING MENUS STARTING ON PAGE 78 LOCATION: VICKIE’S PLACE, CADIZ, OHIO SUMMER 2014 | Pipeline Connections 85 Happy Hour 4-6 D aily Daily specials Boat & Cabin Rentals NOW OPEN: Mon-Thur 11 a.m. -9 p.m. • Fri-Sat 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. TAPPAN LAKE MARINA 33315 Cadiz Dennison Rd. Scio, Ohio 43988 740-269-2031 "'("*$- !411(3. -# "'("*$- $-"'(+ # 3.//$# 6(3' +$3 34"$ 2+("$# 3., 3.$2 2'1$##$# "'$$2$ -# 2.41 "1$ , 3'(- &1(++$# 23$ * 3.//$# 6(3' &1(++$# 5$&$3 !+$2 6(3' 1$%1($# !$ -2 -# "'("*$- $-"'(+ # $15$# 6. !411(3.2 .-$ %(++$# 6(3' 1$%1($# !$ -2 -# &1.4-# !$$% -# 3'$ .3'$1 6(3' 1$%1($# !$ -2 -# 2'1$##$# "'("*$- '$8 1$ !.3' 3.//$# 6(3' +$334"$ 2+("$# 3., 3.$2 2.41 "1$ , -# 2'1$##$# "'$$2$ '1$$ /($"$2 .% &1(++$# "'("*$- 3.//$# 6(3' 2 43$$# .-(.-2 '1$$ /($"$2 .% &1(++$# "'("*$- 3.//$# 6(3' 2 43$$# .-(.-2 !$++ /$//$12 -# "'$$2$ #(/ $15$# 6 1("$ !$ -2 6 1, !411(3. %(++$# 6(3' "'.("$ .% !$$% .1 "'("*$- -# 3.//$# 6(3' !$++ /$//$12 -# "'$$2$ #(/ $15$# 6 1("$ !$ -2 6 1, 3.13(++ 2 3.22$# 2 + # ,$+3$# "'$$2$ 2$15$# 6(3' +$334"$ 2+("$# 3., 3.$2 &4 " ,.+$ 3.13(++ 2 3.22$# 2 + # -# 2.41 "1$ , $-#$1 /($"$2 .% &1(++$# 23$ * 3.//$# 6(3' '.3 2 4"$ -# '1$$ 2.%3 2'$++ 3 ".2 %(++$# 6(3' 3$-#$1 /($"$2 .% &1(++$# 2$15$# 6(3' / -(2' 1("$ -# 1$%1($# !$ -2 !411(3. %(++$# 6(3' 23$ ,(-& "'("*$- .1 !$$% % )(3 2 3.//$# 6(3' "'("*$- !1$ 23 -# 2$15$# 6(3' /(". #$ & ++. 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