billesdon self storage - The Six Saints Circa Holt
billesdon self storage - The Six Saints Circa Holt
Salsborough Kennels GREAT EASTON And Cattery POST OFFICE AND STORES A home from home for your beloved pets “Here to serve you” Tel: 01536 770309 Small and Medium dog grooming now re-instated. Oaktree Lodge, Horninghold Road, Stockerston Email: B&B accommodation available: contact details as above Tel: 01572 822270 Eyebrook Wild Bird Feeds PJH & SONS Quality mixes and straights at farm gate prices, mixed on our farm near the Eyebrook Reservoir Visit our website: Rectory Farm, right of Church, Great Easton Tel: 01536 770771 Open Friday & Saturday 9am - 5pm Sunday 9am – 12 noon You are welcome to collect at any other time, but please telephone first PHILIP J. HAMMOND & SONS SOLICITORS Commissioners for Oaths 47 FRIAR LANE, LEICESTER, LE1 5QX EM DORMAN TELEPHONE: (0116) 251 7171 FAX NO: (0116) 253 7370 FUNERAL DIRECTOR e-mail Website A family concern, giving 24-hour personal service to all areas. Golden Charter pre-paid plans available (help and advice without obligation) Contact Richard Hammond Home visits possible PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST Tel: 01572 823976 A member of Society of Allied and Independent Funeral directors CAR PARK AVAILABLE WHILST VISITING THE OFFICE BILLESDON SELF STORAGE SELF STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR BUSINESS OR HOUSEHOLD USE ************* Excellent access to A47/B6047 24/7 CCTV Park Farm Business Units Skeffington, Leicestershire. LE7 9FN 0116 259 6584 32 The Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt The Reverend Stephen Bishop The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Medbourne, LE16 8DZ Tel: 01858 565933 Mobile: 07590 829902 email Revd Richard Barribal, Associate Priest Mr Roy Cashmore Reader Secretary Ann Baile 8 Windmill Way Lyddington LE15 9LY 01572 821202 Treasurer Miles Ingram Teal Cottage, 5 Holt View Great Easton LE16 8TN 01536 772571 BRINGHURST CUM GREAT EASTON & DRAYTON Wardens GREAT EASTON Tom Theakston Mary Henniker-Major 4 Banbury Lane Linden House Great Easton LE16 8SF Great Easton LE16 8SJ 01536 770929 01536 770320 BRINGHURST Michael Mallock Manor Lodge, Main Street Bringhurst LE16 8RJ 01536 772044 Margaret Stamp 1 Banbury Lane Great Easton LE16 8SF MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT, STOCKERSTON & BLASTON Wardens MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT Margaret Tuffs Brookfield House, 41 Main Street Medbourne LE16 8DT 01858 565911 STOCKERSTON Mary Patston Apple Cottage, Medbourne Road Stockerston LE15 9JF 01572 823396 BLASTON Wilfred Coon Hallcroft, Medbourne Road Hallaton LE16 8UH 01858 555630 Treasurers Secretaries Bringhurst etc Medbourne Stockerston Blaston Bringhurst etc Medbourne etc Stockerston Blaston David Gibley Rachel Glover Mary Patston Lindsay Blaaberg Ann Baile Jenny Sandars Wendy Bromwich Della Stones Julia Bowder( Deputy) H.Snow & Son Established since 1913 For all your building requirements Stonework and listed building specialist 01536 770257 / 07876765226 / 07594935958 NOW ZERO RATED VAT ON EVERYTHING Foot Health Practitioner CONSTRUCTION: RENOVATION: MAINTENANCE: Specialist Foot Care Treatment in the comfort of your own home Graham Clark JOSEPH WARBURTON SAC(dip), CFHP (pract) DRAYTON Tim Fletcher 1 The Green Drayton LE16 8RQ 01858 565895 Carpentry & Building Services For an appointment call 01536 772118 Carpets & Lighting Centre Be inspired Our aim is to give you, our customers, service and quality at affordable prices. Catherine Nicholson Stockerston Hall Stockerston LE15 9JD 01572 823204 01536 772159 01858 565876 01572 823396 01858 555538 01858 466647 01858 565245 01572 823110 01858 555688 We are always pleased to welcome new residents to our parish so please do make yourself known to one of the above-named. Supported by Great Easton and Medbourne Parish Councils, the Bringhurst and Drayton Parish Meeting and other local groups and organisations. Printed by Chartwell Press Ltd. Tel: 0116 2460 054 2 Home Tel: 01572 717302 Mobile Tel: 0774 04 2 6889 COOPERS Mr Martin van Oppen Manor Farm Medbourne LE16 8DR 01858 565332 Robin Murray-Philipson Garden House Blaston LE16 8DE 01858 555233 Vicarage Cottage Main Street, Loddington Leicestershire LE7 9XE Large showroom over two floors. Rugs, Flooring and Karndean. Lighting/Furnishings Mirrors/Accessories Patrick Fisher Carpenter & Joiner Open 6 days a week All your woodworking needs 109 - 111 ROCKINGHAM ROAD, CORBY Tel: 01536 266364 New and renovation work For reliable and friendly service GARRY HYDE Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating Glazing TEL: 01858 565215 MOB: 07795 096109 Tel: 01858 565117 Mob: 07805 495958 31 Rector’s Letter Weekly Events Monday Tuesday Tuesday Medbourne Tiddlywinks Parent, baby and toddler group Medbourne Village Hall 10am - 12noon Line Dancing Great Easton Village Hall 1.30 - 3pm Art Club Great Easton Village Hall 10am - 12.30pm Bell Ringing Practice St Andrew’s Great Easton 7.30 - 9pm Mature Yoga Class Medbourne Village Hall Zumba 6.45-7.45pm 8-9pm Tues, Wed & Thurs Medbourne Playgroup Medbourne Village Hall Wednesday Tai Chi Great Easton Village Hall Thursday Great Easton Mum, Baby and Toddler Group Great Easton Village Hall 10am - 12noon Thursday Youth Group 11-18 years Meets every Thursday in the Village Hall Alternating weekly between Medbourne and Great Easton EVERYONE IS WELCOME For further information please contact: Cathy Moran 01536 771175 Medbourne Tennis Club Mon 9.00 - 10.30am Wed 9.00 - 11.00am Thurs 7.00pm onwards Sat 9.00am onwards Sun 8.30am onwards 9.15am - 12.15pm 9.30-10.30am Adult coaching Mix-in Club Night Junior coaching Junior coaching Parish Magazine Policy At a meeting of the magazine sub-committee on 6 November 2006, the following policy was agreed for all articles to be printed in the magazine: Articles should be no longer than one side of A5 paper (one magazine page), allowing space for any artwork. The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the preceding month. Wherever possible articles should be submitted by email to 30 Teenagers so often get a bad press and so it is wonderful to have the opportunity to promote anything which portrays them in a positive light. I am very touched by the fact that our eldest daughter Hannah is organising an event in memory of her friend Lois and in aid of Rainbows. Over to you Hannah… A Concert for Lois My dad has kindly agreed to allow me to write about an event which I am organizing in memory of my friend Lois Peacock. Lois and I were in primary school together in Hallaton and became best friends. Sadly Lois was diagnosed with a rare condition called Niemann-Pick C in which brain and other organs are affected, leading to progressive intellectual decline, loss of motor skills, seizures and dementia. Despite her illness, Lois had a full and happy life and was much loved by her family and by all those of us who knew her. The event is in aid of Rainbows Hospice (Registered Charity Number: 1014051), whose support was invaluable to Lois and her family. The event will include performances from past and present pupils from Hallaton School, including a number of children from this parish; from the Hallaton School Choir; and from Dance Groups run by Graham Fletcher (Former Principal Dancer of the Royal Ballet). There will also be a live band (including not one but two vicars!) I am grateful to Hallaton School and to my own school, Bishop Stopford at Kettering, for their support. A Concert for Lois (in aid of Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People) Stenning Hall, Hallaton 28th June Time: doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30pm Suggested donation for tickets (but more is welcome!) Adults £3, Children £2, Family ticket £7.50 Tickets are available from Medbourne Rectory. If you are unable to attend but would like to support this event, donations may be sent to: Revd SJ and Mrs KJ Bishop, The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Medbourne, Leics, LE16 8DZ (please make cheques payable to Rainbows Hospice). Gift Aid forms are available. Donations may also be made via the Just Giving Page: There will also be a raffle and donations of prizes would be welcome please. Thanks for your help. Hannah Bishop 3 Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt Services June 2013 ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH – ROTA OF SIDESPEOPLE JUNE 2013 Sundays: 9th June rd 23 June 10.30 a.m Anne Wallis & Margaret Stamp. 10.30 a.m David Gibley & Irene Gibley. If any of these dates are inconvenient, please arrange to swap with someone, or if you have a problem contact Julia Bowder on 01536 771539. St Andrew’s Great Easton Wednesday Eucharist On most Wednesdays throughout the year there is a Eucharist service in Great Easton at 10.30am. All are welcome so please join us. 11of us enjoyed ideal conditions for our April walk., starting from Stockerston Church we travelled uphill towards Belchers, we then turned right downhill alongside Horninghold wood to join the road through the village, at the top of the hill, we took the field road to Blaston then uphill again to Belchers before descending back to our start. A hilly but lovely walk with wonderful views. Our next walk will be on Wednesday 19th. June. All welcome but participants must be responsible for their own safety. Meet at Great Easton Village hall at 9.30 . 2 June 8am 9am 10.30am First Sunday after Trinity Eucharist at Great Easton 1662 Eucharist at Drayton Eucharist at Medbourne 9 June 9am 10.30am Second Sunday after Trinity 1662 Eucharist at Blaston Eucharist at Great Easton 16 June 9am 10.30am Third Sunday after Trinity 1662 Eucharist at Bringhurst Eucharist at Medbourne 23 June 8am 9am 10.30am Fourth Sunday of Trinity 1662 Eucharist at Medbourne 1662 Eucharist at Stockerston Eucharist at Great Easton 30 June 10.30am Peter and Paul United Eucharist at Stockerston ST.PETERS CHURCH, STOCKERSTON CONCERT TO CELEBRATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW ORGAN TUESEDAY, 2ND JULY 2013 - STARTING 6.30P.M. ORGAN PLAYED BY MR IAN IMLAY Our May meeting is our Resolutions meeting and this year, it was held jointly with Hallaton and Glooston WI's. Our thanks go to Hallaton for their kind hospitality, it was a very enjoyable evening with about 40 or so members in attendance. The Resolution this year is asking Government to help regenerate the High Streets of this country enabling small businesses to flourish and compete with the larger supermarkets - especially in rural areas. SONGS BY MARRIANA DICKSON HALLATON SCHOOL CHOIR READING BY CARLA NICHOLSON SOLO VIOLINIST - TO BE CONFIRMED Our next meeting is on 12th June, our speaker Kaye Hollington talking to us about a Horse Ride Across Mongolia. As usual we start at 7.30, both new members and visitors will be most welcome. Our competition is "A Horse Shoe". FOLLOWED BY REFRESHMENTS suggested donations of £5.00 at the door - towards the new organ 4 29 Gardeners’ Corner JUNE 2013 Summer, Summer, the bright blue skies and aromas fill the air with lovely colours in the borders. Summer is here! The soft fruit season is due to be starting this month. To avoid your fruit being taken by our feathered friends, ensure you cover them (the fruit) with fine netting. If you can, net down to the ground this will save your fruit disappearing. The soft fruit group consists of Gooseberries Red/White/Black Currants, Raspberries and Strawberries. Strawberries ideally want straw placed under the plants to protect the berries from damage weather from the soil or rain. Check that as the fruit ripens, you get it picked especially if we have a wet spell as they are prone to getting mildew and rotting. I know that the season for soft fruit will be a little late due to the cold spring but when it becomes available, then remember to pick it and use it. Whilst you can’t beat fresh fruit don’t forget to make pies, jams and preserves and chutneys. If you haven’t got the time pop it in the freezer until you do. The vegetable borders will be starting to fill up with growth and you should keep the hoe in action by lightly hoeing off the young weed seeds. If you only spend ten minutes a day using the hoe or hand weeding when everything is growing at a rate of knots, it will save you a lot of time later in the season. It may sound a lot of effort but the old adage is little and often will help make lighter work in the long run. The Greenhouses are full of plants: lots of bedding plants that you wish to plant our tomatoes, cucumber, peppers or chillies which are starting to grow away. It is very important to have a routine of regular watering, feeding and pest management as, if they miss a water, feed or becoming infested with pests or diseases, the plants will suffer. Plenty of damping down early in the morning or early evening will help along with adding some form of shade and ventilation will help to give your plants the best chance. Have you seen the NGS yellow signs out and about, as it’s the time of year that people are opening their gardens for charity and for you and I to enjoy. It’s good to see the outcomes of other people’s hard work and get ideas like colours, structures or vistas that we might want to adapt to our own gardens ( And of course have a cuppa and cake) . This year the NGS is holding a special opening of gardens to celebrate the National Gardens Festival Weekend with many open over the weekend of the 15th/16th June. Why not make a date in your diary and visit one or more. Also keep an eye open for Village open gardens. Alistairs’ Tip: Now is the time to clip Box but remember not to do it if it’s very sunny, as this will scorch the leaves. 28 GREAT EASTON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Inspection of the village environment. The annual walk round the village by the parish council will take place this year on Monday 24th June from 6.00 pm. If anyone has anything in the environment to which they would like to draw our attention, please get in touch with any of the councillors before then. GREAT EASTON PARISH COUNCIL Following the resignation of Tony Stellmacher from the parish council, and there having been no call for an election, the Parish Council have co-opted Nora Clarke to fill the casual vacancy. We are very grateful to Tony for his twelve years of service to the village in the role of Responsible Financial Officer, and we wish him well in his new and various activities. The next general local government elections for parish councils will be in May 1915. At the meeting on Thursday 6 June, we will have the pleasure of hearing Mrs Helen Crabtree speaking to us on the subject of telephone kiosks. At the moment that means a recognisable red structure housing a telephone, no doubt by the end of her talk we will know much more about kiosks throughout the ages and possibly the world. Helen gives her talks in order to raise money to buy wool, so her mother and friends can knit hats and scarves for needy children. Any oddments of wool you have will be gratefully received. As we will be going out for tea in July please bring £2 as your contribution to that meal. Hostesses for June are M.Ekins and V.Hytch Email addresses: Please note that the Rector’s email address is Magazine related emails should all be sent to 5 RJM Plasterers ALL ASPECTS OF PLASTERING UNDERTAKEN Contract & Private Rebalance your body to relieve pain and Over 30 years experience discomfort with McTimoney including Lime Mortar Chiropractic and Craniosacral Therapy. For your free estimate from your local plasterer call 01536 205005 07712 335 963 Free Pre Treatment Assessment For more details call 01572 820515 or visit and Medbourne Playgroup FREE CALLOUT Held at Medbourne Village Hall Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.15 to 12.15, plus lunch session 12.15-1.15 Wednesday pm 1.15-3.15 For ages 2½ - 5 Contact: Celia Pocock: 01536 770421 Or Sara Robbins: 01536 771368 7 FREE ESTIMATES John Ford ELECTRICIAN Domestic and Industrial Rewires Extra Sockets Showers Tel: 01536 771952 27 ABC’s Tidy Gardens Offering a full range of services for garden maintenance and landscaping. A large team of male & female workers to tackle everything in the garden, but more importantly NOT to let you down. We are regularly in your area. For a winter makeover, tree work, hedges, fencing (all types), clearance etc, call Alister on 07815 889992 DSG Auto Services TIDDLIWINKS For mobile servicing, repairs and MOT failure work for all cars and bikes carried out Reliable and friendly service at competitive prices PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP MONDAYS 10-12PM MEDBOURNE VILLAGE HALL TOYS, GAMES, IN/OUTDOOR FUN COFFEE, TEA & CHAT FOR ADULTS DRINKS & SNACK FOR CHILDREN Dean:01536772622/ 07976233262 Email : Come and join the fun! All welcome! £2 FOR 1 CHILD, £2.50 FOR 2+ CHILDREN Great Easton Village Hall Sweet Hedges Farm Allexton Road, Stockerston Tea Rooms Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, all year round (closed Tuesdays). Group parties catered for by appointment. To Hire Tel: 01572 717398 contact: 01536 772210 Sun Inn, Great Easton New look, new outlook ...we welcome walkers, cyclists & fishermen (and everyone else!) ...we’re open for lunch and in the evening for delicious snacks and light meals. 07860 697582 26 8 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES IRENE CAMERON CELLIST AAT qualified 15 years experience Own laptop with Sage 50 Accounts Sales/Purchase Ledger, Vat Returns, Credit Control etc. Accounts up to trial balance Competitive rates Flexible hours/days as required Work can be undertaken at own premises or client’s address For formal parties, weddings, receptions, recitals, concerts, local events and more. A wide variety of repertoire, such as Bach, Debussy, Boccherini, Kodály, Bartok, etc. Requests happily accepted with notice prior to the event. Please contact on telephone: 01536 771 002 Or email: Perfect Effect We offer: Quality home cleaning, a first class service with attention to detail; tailor made to your needs. Frequency to suit your needs and budget. Furniture waxed, silver and brass polished. Why pay high Accountancy fees? 23rd June 2013 at 2:00pm More Stallholders welcome Please call 01858 565419 All domestic cleaning at a competitive price with no VAT Tel: Mob: A World Challenge fundraising event for the 2014 Borneo Expedition Any chore we won’t ignore. 01858 555168 07729 700874 Visit our web site at Or give us a call for your free no obligation quote on. Email: 01536 406344 07912747319 Agricultural Engineer The Old Forge Yard, Rockingham *Horticultural Repairs/Supplies, *Fabrication, *Hydraulic Hoses *Oil Supplies etc Tel: 01536 770966 Fax: 01536 771696 Ambassador Oil Heating Services Ltd Boiler installations Servicing Breakdown repair Tank installations Aga/Rayburn servicing and repair Power flushing General plumbing 01858 881118 MEDBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL The meeting held on Monday 13th May 2013 was the Annual Statutory Meeting, at which Councillors confirmed they would continue with their existing duties and Representative roles. The following items of interest to the village were discussed: Drayton Road: Following questions raised at the last meeting, the history of ownership and usage of the field on Drayton Road had been investigated by councillors. Various documents support that the land was obtained by the village by way of an Enclosure Award dated 24 September 1844 and not by way of a will in the 1930s, before being exchanged in 1936 for land on the Hallaton Road which now makes up part of the playing field. Details and copies of documents are held by the clerk and available to view, should anyone wish to. Accounts: The annual accounts for 2012/13 were approved by councillors. The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights is now displayed on the Parish Council notice board, advertising the annual audit of the Parish Council accounts. Brook Terrace: Two large potholes on the road surface have now been filled in and markings have been made for further work, as and when the Highways budget allows for it. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd June in the Village Hall at 7.45pm. VOLUNTEER MOWERS NEEDED! If anyone could volunteer to take a turn in mowing the grass along the towpath it would be very much appreciated - please contact the clerk, Fiona Smith, on 565492. 9 25 MEDBOURNE COMMUNITY OPEN DAY, & SUNDAY TEAS, 16TH JUNE 2013. Medbourne has an incredibly active community, sporting and social life, powered simply by participation and involvement by Villagers. That’s what makes it such a great place to live. The Community Open Day at the Village Hall is your chance to see how it all works and perhaps learn about opportunities to join in with activities that you never knew existed. Nearly all the sports clubs, other clubs, associations, organisations and volunteer groups that are based in the village will be there and so there will be an opportunity to look at what they do and find out how they operate and discover where they might need support. Some clubs will be giving demonstrations and there will be some opportunities to have a go. Watch the centuries old skill of bell ringing in action or see how subtle you have to be with a wood on the bowling green, weather permitting. The Village Hall Committee will be there giving some feedback on the Questionnaire that has recently been put to every household in the Village. What is our Village Hall going to be like in the future? There will also be an opportunity to say what you think is missing from village life. Is there a demand for a new club, or is there an unmet need in the village? Can the Church or the Parish Council help or advise you, because they will also be there on the day. Don’t miss out, support your community on the 16th June, find out how it all fits together and enjoy a Sunday Tea from 2pm until 5.30pm, entry is free. GREAT EASTON AND VILLAGES WELCOMES WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRAINED HAIR STYLIST AND BEAUTY THERAPIST Philippa-Lee Cut and Styling from £28 Colouring/foils from £65 includes cut and styling Perming/Straightening from £65 includes cut and styling Styling tips and Hair Care advice complimentary. Luxury Manicure/Pedicure including massage £28 Express Manicure/Pedicure £25 Eyebrow/Facial and Body Waxing from £24 Make-up/Lessons £30/40 Full Bridal Packages also available POA In the privacy of your home!!! For a full list of services and to book your appointment Telephone Pip on 01536 772107/0773 119 4763 24 10 There will be no meeting of the Garden Society in the Village Hall this month as members will be attending the Strawberry Party at Margaret & Brian’s house on 19 th June and then, on 17th July members and friends are visiting Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire. Our next meeting in the Village Hall will be on 18th September when there will be a talk on Plants for Small Gardens by Stuart Phillips. New members and visitors will be most welcome. Membership for the year £6 including refreshments. Visitors £2 including refreshments Saturday 6th July, 2:00pm at the Old School, Main Street Bringhurst Primary School Choir Calling anyone who loves to sing! Bringhurst Primary School Choir, which has been running since 2005, and currently has about 25 enthusiastic Y4-Y6 members, is looking for a new leader from September to come into school and help run a lunch-time singing club. A pianist has already volunteered her services, so the choir just needs a leader who would be willing to sing with the children and help teach them new songs. The choir has a large archive of music that could be drawn on, and the current leaders Leah and Sue, would be more than happy to share their experience. Anyone interested please contact Mr John at the School on 1536 770362. Bringhurst School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of its pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Bringhurst School Plant Fayre The Plant Fayre on Saturday 11th May at Medbourne Village Hall was a great success this year, raising a spectacular £1406.13. All of the money raised goes directly to Bringhurst Primary School. This could not have been achieved without all the donations of plants, homemade cake and soup. The event is really well supported by local gardeners and enthusiasts. The organizers would like to thank the parent helpers for giving their time and hard work and the community for supporting the event and the school. 11 Music by Sounds Familiar Stalls Cakes Home Produce Bouncy castle Raffle Plants Tombola Teas Children’s Cake Decorating Children’s tombola Face painting Bric-a-brac Fun for all ages Boat Race 23 GARDEN FETE on SATURDAY, 1st JUNE at 2.00 pm Nevill Holt ‘Open Gardens’ BROOK HOUSE DEEPDALE, GREAT EASTON Saturday 22nd June 2pm to 5pm Teas, Raffle, Tombola £3.00 per person, children under 14 free. Plants, Cakes, Produce, Books, Bric-a-brac Gardens Open are: Nevill Holt Hall Kitchen Garden, Holt Wood House, The Thatch, Genghis Barn, Winters Cottage. Refreshments available at Winters Cottage. Expert gardener available to answer any questions you have. Games, other sideshows and attractions including performances by Kettering Town Band If you require any information call 07709024653 Entrance: 50p per adult, children free ALL PROCEEDS IN AID OF CHURCH FUNDS 22 12 Medbourne Autumn Club We were very sad to lose another member of the Autumn Club in March. Dorothy Reed, who had lived in Medbourne since 1947 and only latterly at Peaker Park in Market Harborough, passed away a few days after her 99th birthday. She had lived with her husband Bob on the Drayton Road, where their house was surrounded by wonderful antique farm machinery collected over the years. When they moved to No. 3 Main Street their house was demolished and Spring Terrace was built. Dorothy taught in Market Harborough until she retired and was a wonderful bridge and scrabble player, loved her garden and always had a ready smile for everyone. We still have our meetings every three weeks on a Wednesday throughout the year. So far have had tea at the Café Nevill, our Annual General Meeting at Gillie Wilson’s house with a delicious lunch!; then lunch at The Old Queen House; teas at Cilla van Oppen’s and at the Wistow Garden Centre and tea this month at Tor Heyman’s new house with a conducted tour of the house and garden! We are hoping to hold an Autumn Bazaar in the village hall on Friday October 4 th. MEDBOURNE VILLAGE HALL SURVEY On looking through the survey that was circulated with the May magazine, a misleading discrepancy was noted under Question 25. It suggests inter alia that The Church Trust (as owners) may perhaps be considered as a contributor towards the financial costs of the Village Hall. Market Harborough Corby & Rutland Home Instead Senior Care Companionship, housekeeping, personal care Contact Alexandra on 01858 540 317 Email: I should like to take this opportunity of clarifying the position. St Giles Church are not the owners, nor are they the beneficiaries of the Trust. The former Village Hall and the School House are vested in the Medbourne Free School Trust. This Trust has granted a lease on the Village Hall. Whilst the current trustees of the MFST are the Rector and Churchwardens, no revenue whatsoever generated by the Trust accrues to St Giles Church. Martin van Oppen (Churchwarden) 13 21 IRELAND & LONGHILL Garden Flowers 10 Station Street, Kibworth Beauchamp, LE8 0LN Tel: 0116 2793704 For hand tied gifts and events Visit the cutting garden to plan next year’s wedding! Chartered Accountants for a local personal service specialising in the needs of private individuals and small businesses 07708 323 239 Gladys Plum and Her Amazing Flower Orchestra Established in 1983 PIANO TEACHER Visit our website at Blaston and District Agricultural Show Society in Great Easton From September 2013 Elizabeth Yates MA LRAM AVCM PGCE All ages and levels taught, ABRSM grade examinations, music theory also taught Enquiries to 01536 770095 or elayates@aolcom or contact: James Ireland or Sarah Longhill Registered to carry on audit work by the institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Jack Burrows Book-keeping Accounts VAT returns Sage User Property Maintenance Carpentry and Joinery Property Renovation and Refurbishment Laminate Floors and Kitchens Interior and Exterior Painting Bespoke Furniture Tel: 07545 043165 Lynn Bradley Book Keeping Services Telephone: 01858 434850 Mobile: 0779 064 5449 Post Office and Village Stores Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm Saturday 8am to 4pm Sunday 8am to 1pm POST OFFICE, FRESH BREAD & PASTRIES, DRY CLEANING, NEWSPAPERS, GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES, DELICATESSEN, COTTAGE DELIGHT PRODUCTS, SANDWICHES, CHILLED DRINKS, GREETINGS CARDS. Springbank. MEDBOURNE, Leicestershire, LE16 8EB Telephone: 01858 565928 20 Sunday 30th June 2013 14 MEDBOURNE VILLAGE PARTY Saturday 14th September. 5.30 - late Plans are now well under way for the Village Party – which promises a relaxed and friendly evening following on from last year’s Jubilee celebrations. Everyone is welcome. Doors will open at 5.30 with food from 7.00 onwards. Food will be by the now famous Paella Man from The Olive Kitchen offering authentic Mediterranean dishes. Entertainment will be provided by Malarky – a well-known Ceilidh Band who played at the Jubilee event too. Sounds like a good evening! More details to follow in next month’s parish magazine, on noticeboards and on the village hall website. Further information from Gill Pemberton on 01858 565214. All money raised will go toward the Village Hall. Keep up-to-date with events in Medbourne Although the Medbourne social calendar is online*, not everybody has time to check the Village Web Site† regularly to see what’s on. That’s why two new methods have been devised to keep you abreast of village life, they are: the Medbourne Village email list, and the Medbourne Twitter feed Anyone in the village can subscribe to these and they will get regular reminders of upcoming events. It’s very easy and very safe. For email, the messages will mostly be “What’s on next month”. For Twitter there will be these plus timely reminders for each individual event. If you’re interested, go the Village Web Site † and click on the Email and Twitter link in the right-hand menu. You can sign up directly from that page. All the messages you receive will link to the online postings for the events; this is where the details be, including any posters or photographs. The email messages will therefore be small. Event organisers please note – if you post your event online it will automatically be emailed and tweeted to all the subscribers. This is going to be one of the most important publicity mechanisms in the village. You can register on the Village Web Site† to post events yourself, or email the information to the Site Administrator. However, please continue hanging posters and advertising in this magazine – we don’t want to disenfranchise those who aren’t online. † * 15 Click on Local Events in the left-hand (green) menu on the site above 18 By kind permission of Mr & Mrs R. Murray-Philipson @MedbourneVHall Medbourne Bowls Club The recent Opening Night was well attended. Interest was shown by several prospective new members and they were welcomed by new President Roger Daulby. Club Chairman John Sewell announced the 1st match would be at Welland Park versus the Police Club. He asked members to please put their names into the availability book as soon as possible. This year the Club is aiming to organise 3 fundraising Sunday Teas in the Village Hall. The first of these will be on June9th. If these are successful, the present modest level of subscription will be maintained. Once again the Club has entered 3 teams in the Market Harborough League and has a full fixture card of "friendlies" and inter-club competitions. If you are interested in joining this local club that has been in existence since 1930, please contact Joyce on M.H.446182.(She was not a founder member!!!!) MEDBOURNE CHURCH FETE Saturday July 6th from 2.00pm This is our annual church fete and promises a fun afternoon of entertainment. We would very much appreciate some help with running stalls, collecting raffle prizes, donations of cakes, books and good quality bric -a-brac – and other tasks too! It is a great way to get involved and to meet some new people. Anyone interested in helping please contact churchwarden Margaret Tuffs on 01858 565911. Keep an eye out for more information on posters, the Village web site ( the Church web site ( ) and next month’s Parish magazine. 16 PLEASE COME TO A LAKESIDE EVENING IN BLASTON ON SATURDAY 3RD AUGUST FROM 6.30PM..... BRING A PICNIC AND RELAX WITH FRIENDS UNDER THE STARS IN THE BEAUTIFUL UNIQUE SETTING OF BLASTON LAKE AND OLD RUINED CHURCH WITH FAIRY LIGHTS AND MUSIC. *RAFFLE* TICKETS: £10.00 P.P. WHICH INCLUDE A GLASS OR TWO OF FIZZ AND A SELECTION OF CANAPES FOR EACH PERSON ON ARRIVAL. SOME COVER WITH TABLES AND CHAIRS WILL BE PROVIDED BUT YOU MAY WANT TO BRING SOME OF YOUR OWN. FOR TICKETS OR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: JANE ON 01858 555 4454 ALL PROCEEDS TO BLASTON CHURCH BLASTON NEWS Appointments: The appointments made at the Annual Meeting on 23 April were: Our May meeting is our Resolutions meeting and this year, it was held jointly with Hallaton and Glooston WIs. Our thanks go to Hallaton for their kind hospitality, it was a very enjoyable evening with about 40 or so members in attendance. The Resolution this year is asking Government to help regenerate the High Streets of this country enabling small businesses to flourish and compete with the larger supermarkets - especially in rural areas. Churchwardens: Robin Murray-Philipson and Wilfred Coon. Sidesmen: Rupert West, Nicki Maclean and Matthew Tompkins. Denary Synod Rep: Viv Cory. Secretary: Della Stones. Treasurer: Nigel Maclean (relieving Lindsay Blaaberg who was thanked). Magazine Agents: Nicki Maclean and Jane Graham. Organist: Ann Coon Family on Duty Roster: January- Blaaberg family. February- Wallhead family. March- Maclean family. April- Lane family. May- Coon family. June- Tompkins family. July- West family. Aug- Murray-Philipson family. September- Kennedy family. October & Harvest- Jane Graham & Stephanie Sharpe + all November- Cory family. December & Christmas- Cashmore family + all village. Our next meeting is on 12th June, our speaker Kaye Hollington talking to us about a Horse Ride Across Mongolia. As usual we start at 7.30, both new members and visitors will be most welcome. Our competition is "A Horse Shoe". Social & Fund Raising Events: The Safari Supper on 13 April was very enjoyable and all the hosts deserve great thanks for their initiative and skilful effort. The proceeds for the church were over £800. The next major event will be a Lakeside Party with a spectacular tea on Saturday 3 August. Blaston’s Loss. For more than 25 years, services at Blaston have benefited from the attendance of a quiet and competent couple – visitors from Medbourne. One of them occasionally read a lesson and the other always tolled the bell. In early May, one of our friends departed from us to meet his maker. How we shall miss Rennie Barbour. Our thoughts go out to Phyllis, intending to strengthen her in her loss, which we share. WJBCoon Stockerston News Our AGM was held at Philip's Farm at the beginning of April and there is only one big change to report. Mary Patston retired as Treasurer after an incredible 40 years service and we thank her very much for her dedication and terrific work. Louise Bromwich was elected as her successor. We are delighted, however, that Mary will continue to guide and support us in her role as church warden. On Saturday, 22nd June, we will be running our annual market stall in Uppingham. We will have our usual selection of fabulous cakes and a big Tombola, so please do come and see us! In addition to our regular monthly service on Sunday 23rd June we are also looking forward to having the United Service on Sunday 30th June at 10.30 a.m. and hope that you will be able to join us. Georgina Halliday prepares the church for us this month. Thank you, Georgina. GRAND CONCERT IN MEDBOURNE CHURCH SATURDAY 22ND JUNE IN AID OF LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND AIR AMBULANCE REMEMBER LAST YEAR’S CONCERT - WELL IT’S BACK MISSED IT LAST TIME - DON’T MISS IT THIS YEAR OVER FIFTEEN ARTISTS, MANY FROM THE LOCAL AREA TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE FROM 1ST JUNE FURTHER INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE LATER
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