The Canary Island Geothermal Project join the challenge


The Canary Island Geothermal Project join the challenge
The Canary Island Geothermal Project
join the challenge
The North of Gran Canaria
is not only a beautiful landscape
It is a holocent Volcanic
Scource Geovol University of Las Palmas
only 4.000.000 years old
DRE owns three exclusive research and drilling licenses of 362 km/2 to exploit
geothermal resources authorised by the Canary Islands Government Ministry of
Industry and Energy to carry out given geothermal exploitation in the Canary
source Geoplat
Research conducted in Gran Canaria North show gradient values ​above 15 °
C/100m. These polls show anomalous gradient up to 5 times higher than a normal
EGS Systems allow the
reservoir creation in hot but dry
Closed fractured rock
with stressfields
Hydraulic closed fraktured rock
with stressfield ,by cold water
injection fracture the volcanic
130 to 200 degrees
Scher stress forces fracturing
and creates the reservoir
130 to 200 degrees
The energy demand of the Canary Islands
source PECAN Governmental Energy Plan
Geothermal energy by Dry Rock Energy is strongest effort for renewable energy on the
Canary Islands, reducing the independence on traditional fossil energy and ensuring a
stable 24 / 7 long-term energy to a competetive price.
A ambitious development plan
can install 100 MW in several
power plants in only 5 years.
We signed collaboration
agreements with the leading
international companies of the
We count on a the strong support of
the Government of the Canary
Islands, the ITC, Technological
Institute of the Canary Islands and
the Geological Department Geovol
of the University of Las Palmas.
Heat stress field of Gran Canaria by Geovol University
of Las Palmas
DRE received a postive report of the planing authorities ¨Politica Territorial¨ of the Island.
The territorial licenses are located near the
principal grid system of Gran Canaria
Our Geologist Team
Juan Carlos Carracedo Gomez
Senior Geologist University Las Palmas
Francisco Pérez Torrado
Senior Geologist University Las Palmas
Maria del Carmen Cabrera Santana
Senior Hidro Geologist University Las Palmas
Alejandro Rodríguez González
Senior Geologist University Las Palmas
The ITC a important partner
Finn Sandmeal
Founding member DRE
Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo
Director - I+D+i / R&D&Innovation ITC
Our drilling team
Successful drilling at Mogan
The future of drilling
Resonator AS is a Norwegian technology company that develops powerful linear
electric machines for use in gerthermal drilling .DRE has initiated a discussion with
Resonator on the subject of a testing and cooperation agreement.
There are many good reason to invest on Gran Canaria
See you soon
Dry Rock Energy - C. Tomas Roca Bosch 6 - 35140 Puerto Rico , Mogan Spain
Tel +34 928 56 18 52 e mail :