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Total’s International
Scholarship Program
Facts &
26 countries
A network of
500 students
Countries covered by the Program since 2004
Argentina-Bolivia-Venezuela / AlgeriaAngola-Congo-Gabon-Libya-NigeriaSudan-South Africa / Irak-IranOman-Qatar-Syria-U.A.E.-Yemen /
Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan-Russia / ChinaIndonesia-Malaysia-Myanmar-Vietnam
Total’s International Scholarship Program is aligned with worldwide educational projects and initiatives conducted by Total,
including partnerships between universities in France and elsewhere and initiatives to improve education in host countries, with
Université Total, the corporate university, which hosts the Total Summer School, and with Total Professeurs Associés (TPA).
Total’s International
Scholarship Program
Total’s International Scholarship Program is based on
partnerships with leading universities in host countries.
Every year, around 100 scholars are selected from among top-tier candidates
at institutions of higher education and from partner national oil companies
to further their education in France by enrolling in engineering, master,
MBA and doctoral programs in a wide array of academic disciplines, from
petroleum and engineering to economics, management, political science, law
and public affairs.
The selection process takes place in partner countries between January
and April each year, to meet the registration requirements of universities in
Program objectives:
▪ Identify high potential candidates.
▪ Support the education of future managers and engineers from host
countries in France, while at the same time introducing them to European
values and French culture.
▪ Create a network of scholars.
Véronique Mignonac
Head, International Scholarship
Partnerships Department
Achieving Excellence
Total Scholar Events
Events organized by the International Scholarship Partnerships Department.
• A special welcome seminar with presentations by senior executives and
discussions on Total’s challenges.
• A study trip to European Union institutions in Brussels or Strasbourg to learn
about E.U. values and to discover how and why the E.U. is being built.
• A tour of a Total production facility in Europe to learn about the strategic
operation of a specific Total business.
• A farewell ceremony with an end-of-study certificate presented by a Total top
An active Total
Scholar Network
Total updates the directory of
international scholarship
recipients every year.
Total’s Scholarships News
is a quarterly newsletter
containing the latest
information about the program.
Contact us for further information.
“It’s a very international environment. […] It’s very interactive and
we usually work as small teams on lots of case studies. I learn
a lot from this approach and from the other students, who bring
different points of view and issues to the problems.”
Yelena Alexandrovna Denyakina - Kazakhstan.
MBA, HEC International Business School, 2005-2007 academic year.
“Studying here is very different from my previous school, as
the program is very intensive, with many projects and exams
and courses taught by experienced professors from various
respected universities and companies such as IFP, Ecole et
Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST – Earth Sciences
School and Observatory) and Total.”
Mehdi Mehdiyev - Azerbaijan. M.Sc. in Subterranean Reservoirs
for Energy, ENSG Nancy, 2009-2010 academic year.
“Total’s International Scholarship Program was a valuable
experience and a great success. I got to complete my master’s
degree from one of the best universities in Paris, in addition to
gaining international exposure by living in Paris and learning
about the French culture. I am very proud and appreciative to
have been a student in Total’s program!
I dedicate my graduation to Total’s Scholarship Program Group, which was very
supportive and truly a real family! Merci Total!”
Khadija Ali Mohammed Abdulrahman Al Ameri - U.A.E.
M.Sc. in International Human Resources Management and Industrial
Relations, CIFFOP-Université de Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 2008-2009
academic year.
A Worldwide Network
of more than 500 students
A network cemented with the appointment of “ambassadors.”
Selected from among previous scholars who have returned to their home
countries, the ambassadors lead the network of former scholars and keep track
of their career paths.
They are the main contacts for Total’s subsidiaries and representative offices.
They keep up to date with events organized by Total in their country and invite other
former scholars to attend. The ambassadors also suggest and organize their own
events in cooperation with Total. They also brief new scholars about schooling and
life in France before their departure.
French Institutions of
Higher Education involved
in the Program (examples):
Engineering schools
- Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP)
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de
Géologie (ENSG)
- Ecole Nationale des Ponts Paris
Tech (ENPC)
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications (ENST Paris)
- Ecole des Mines ParisTech
- Ecole des Mines de Nantes
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes
- Institut Supérieur d’Electronique
de Paris (ISEP)
- Conservatoire National des Arts
et Métiers (CNAM)
Business and management schools
- HEC International Business School
- ESSEC Business School
- ESCP Europe Business School
- EDHEC Business School
- SKEMA Business School
(formerly ESC Lille and CERAM)
- EMLyon Business School
- Grenoble Ecole de Management
(EM Grenoble)
- Reims Management School
- Audencia Nantes School of
Other leading French schools
- Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA)
- Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
(SciencesPo Paris)
- Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Panthéon-Assas Paris II (CIFFOP)
- Cergy-Pontoise
- Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III, IMPGT
- Rennes I
- Bordeaux IV
- Pau et Pays de l’Adour
2010 : New French-language study programs for foreign students (engineering degrees):
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA Lyon); Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’‟Ingénieurs
de Bretagne-Sud (ENSIBS), Lorient campus; Ecole des Mines de Nancy; Université de Pau et
des Pays de l‟‘Adour; Ecole Supérieure de Génie Informatique (ESGI), La Rochelle campus; Ecole
Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Technologies Industrielles (ENSGTI) in Pau.
Total’s International Scholarship Program, Class of 2009-2010, European Parliament, Brussels
HUMAN RESOURCES - Learning / Education / University Division - International Scholarship Partnerships
Our Partner service providers
Head Office: 2 place Jean Millier
La Défense 6 – 92400 Courbevoie – France
Share Capital: €5.871.057.210
Registered in Nanterre 542 051 180
SG / DRH / DS / DORS / DOM - Conception et réalisation : T2BH - Paris/tél. : +33 (0)1 44 64 84 20 - © / Fotolia - ARNAUD JORON
Contact : hd.internationalscholars@total.com