Paris: A Guide to Archival Sources for American Art History


Paris: A Guide to Archival Sources for American Art History
Paris: A Guide to Archival Sources for American Art History SUSAN G R A N T
Archives of American Art Smithsonian Institution 1997
THE ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART, founded in 1954 and a unit of the
Smithsonian Institution since 1970, provides researchers with access
to the largest collection of documents on the history of the visual arts
in the United States. The collection now totals more than thirteen
million items of original source material. consisting of the papers of
art world figures and the records of art dealers, museums, and other
art-related businesses, Institutions, and organizations. Original
material car be consulted, by appointment, in Washington D.C.; the
most actively used holdings are available on microfilm through
Interlibrary Loan or at Archives offices in Washington, New York. and
San Marino, California, or at research centers in Boston and San
Affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution makes the Archives part of
one of the world's great research centers for the arts and sciences. In
addition to its federal funding, the Archives raises a portion of its
annual budget from private sources. including its membership
program and contributions from individuals and organizations.
Reference Services. The catalogue of the Archives holdings is available
nationwide and internationally through the online Research Libraries
Information Network (RLIN). Reference requests or requests for more
information can be sent by Fax or mail to Reference Services at the
Washington office or by E-mail via Internet to: AAAEMREF@SI.EDU.
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Research Center (unrestricted microfilm): American An Study Center, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118 (913) 750-7637 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES 1997
Chairman Emeritus
Mrs. Otto l. Spaeth
Mrs. Keith S. Wellin
Frank Martucci
Mrs. Arthur A. Feder
Mrs. Joseph G. Fogg III
Hugh Halff, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Roob
Lawrence A. Fleischman (deceased)
Edgar P. Richardson (deceased) Mrs.
Edsel B. Ford (deceased)
Irving F. Burton
Richard J. Schwartz
I. Michael Heyman
J. Dennis O'Connor
William C. Agee
John R. Robinson
Secretary to the Board
Mrs. Dana M. Raymond
Mrs. Jack S. Blanton. Sr.
Charles Blitzer
Gerald E. Buck
Willard G. Clark
Ms. Lori Blount Cucchiaro
Mrs. Francis de Marneffe
Donald J. Douglass
Mrs. Lawrence A. Fleischman Ms.
Elizabeth Marsteller Gordon
Raymond J. Horowitz Mrs. Bruce
Mrs. Dwight M. Kendall
Werner H. Kramarsky
Richard A. Manoogian
Mrs. John Murchison Mrs.
Meyer P. Potamkin Jock
Mrs. Stephen Rubin
Mrs. Christopher Stack
A. Alfred Taubman
Lady Judith Ogden Thomson
Max N. Berry
Eli Broad
Gilbert S. Edelson
Mrs. Daniel Fraad
John K. Howat Dr.
Helen Jessup Alan
D. levy
Mrs. Abbott K. Schlain
Alan E. Schwartz
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 9-.070843
ISBN Number'. 1-880193.10.8
Richard ]. Wanenmaker, Director
Dianne Gerstle Niedner. Assistant Director for Operations
James B. Byers. Assistant Director for Archival Programs
Robert F. Brown, New England Regional Director and Editor, Archives
of American An Journal.
Paul J. Karlstrom, West Coast Regional Director
Stephen Polcari. New York Regional Director
Liza Kirwin, Southeast R e gio nal Collector
Arthur J. Breton, Senior Archivist
Judith E. Throm, Chief of Reference Services
Karen Weiss, Chief of Collections Cataloguing
Barbara J. Dawson. Chief of Collections Processing
Elizabeth Joffrion, Registrar
Darcy Tell, M a n a g i n g Editor, Archives of American Art Journal.
Garnett McCoy, Curator Emeritus
Foreword page 5 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arls page 60 Preface and Acknowledgments page 7 Fonds National d'Art Contemporaine page 60 Institut
Introduction page 9 Mémoires de l'Edition Contemporaine
page 61 Section I: Paris Sources page 12 Institut Néerlandais: Collection Frits Lugt page 61 American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity page 12 Ministère des Affaires Etrangères: Archives page 62
American Chamber of Commerce of Paris page 13
Ministère de la Culture: Mission du Patrimoine
Photographique, Service des Archives Photographiques page 68 Musée du Louvre, Département des Peintures,
Centre de Documentation page 68 American Church of Paris page 13 American Library in Paris page 13 Archives Nationales page 14
Archives de la Ville de Paris page 49 Bibliothéque Administrative de la Ville de Paris
page 51 Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie Jacques Doucet
page 52 Bibliothéque Forney page 53
Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris page 53 Bibliothéque Littéraire Jacques Doucet page 53 Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand page 54 Bibliothéque
Nationale de France page 54
Centre Georges Pompidou:
Bibliothèque Publique d'Information page 54 Centre Georges Pompidou: Musée National d'Art Moderne page 55 Compagnie des Commissaires-Priseurs de Paris page 57 Direction des Musées de France:
Archives des Musées Nationaux page 57 Direction des Musées de France: Bibliothéque Centrale des Musées Nationaux
page 58 Durand-Ruel et Cie page 59
Musée National Picasso page 68 Musée d'Orsay page 69 Musée Rodin page 69 Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs page 73 Section II: Sources outside Paris page 75 Archives de la Critique d'Art page 75 Archives Départementales du Nord page 75 Musée Goupil page 76 Musée National de la Coopération Franco-
Américaine de Blérancourt page 76 Musée de Pont-Aven page 76 Section III: Research Aids page 78 Commercial Photographic Archives and Agencies
page 78 Internet and Databases page 79 University Resources page 80 Index of American Artists' Names page 81
Daniel Chester French's statue of George Washington, Place d'Iéna, Paris (photo ® Harlingue-Viollet, Paris)
Until now, scholars have had no central reference work
to help them locate the many original documents on
American artists to be found in Parisian archives. This
material, though plentiful and of considerable interest,
remains inaccessible simply because it has not been
systematically identified. The aim of the Archives of
American Art's Paris Survey Project has been to
redress this situation and make the records and
papers of American artists in Paris known to
The origins of the project go back to 1986, when
Susan Grant, an art historian who had done her mas­
ters thesis on French State patronage of American
artists in the late nineteenth century, submitted a
detailed proposal to then-director Richard N. Murray,
who enthusiastically endorsed it. In 1991 the Archives
applied for a grant to The Florence Gould Foundation,
supporter of so many worthwhile cooperative FrenchAmerican ventures. The Foundation's president, John
R. Young, graciously agreed to sup-port the project,
fully underwriting it.
A number of individuals have also encouraged and
fostered the enterprise. Mme. Françoise Cachin,
director of the Musées de France and formerly director
of the Musée d'Orsay, immediately responded and
effected the cooperation of that museum, stating that a
"collaboration de la Smithsonian Institution et du
Musée d'Orsay serait très souhaitable au moins pour
la deuxième pal-tie du xixe siècle et l'extrême début du
xxe siècle. Beaucoup de chercheurs internationaux
viennent travailler a la documentation" (letter, ll22/92).
Pierre Rosenberg, Presidertt-Director of the Musée du
Louvre, facilitated our work from its very inception. Sir
Smithsonian Institution and a member of its National
Board, vigorously supported the venture. The staff of
the Musée National de la Coopération Franco-
Américaine, Blérancourt, with whom we had fruitful
collaboration, also aided the project. Gwendolyn M.
Wells edited the guide, which Darcy Tell, managing
editor of the Archives of American Art Journal,
shepherded to publication. We wish also to thank
Susan Lehmann, who designed the guide; Hélène
Mason; and Barbara Kraft.
The final result is solely the creation of Susan
Grant, who has been indefatigable and resourceful in
locating the little-known or previously unknown
sources for the study of American art to be found in
repositories throughout Paris, and who has now real­
ized in tangible form the conception that was hers a
decade ago. Ms. Grant's Guide to Archival Sources for
American Art will make the rich resources of French
repositories in Paris widely available to scholars, and
in so doing it will demonstrably extend the Archives'
purpose to advance research on the history of Amer­
ican art and artists.
Richard J. Wattenmaker, Director
Archives of American Art
Smithsonian Institution
Americans accepted for the contours at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1902 (Paris, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts).
Preface and Acknowledgments Paris: A Guide to Archival Sources for American Art History
was conceived as a tool to help scholars locate
archival material germane to the history of the
American visual arts in Paris. Practical in orientation, it
provides essential yet not comprehensive information.
There are an estimated 170 art-related libraries,
archives, and research centers in Paris and the
surrounding Ile-de-France region, and documents
about American art history are found in many of them.
This guide contains brief descriptions of the more
important of those institutions with information about
the American material in their collections.
As the tide of this guide shows, the search for
archival documents was initially limited to institutions
in the Paris area. As the work progressed, however, a
few institutions elsewhere in France were surveyed
because their collections were related to those in Paris
or were obviously rich in American material. Most of
these institutions are to be found in Section II.
Each institutional entry attempts to provide an
overview of the entire collection, cites pertinent cat­
alogues and inventories, and describes specific mate­
rial related to American art history where possible.
The detail of the entries varies greatly and in part
reflects the state of each institution's inventories, the
willingness of archivists and curators to assist in the
search for American materials, and time limitations.
With few exceptions, the contents of this guide are
devoted to archives found in public institutions. For
the same complex reasons that French art collectors
remain discreet, preferring anonymity to recognition
and privacy to publicity, so too administrators of
many private archives prefer that their archives
remain closed.
The vast resources of Paris's photographic archives
have not been dealt with extensively in this guide due
to their volume and highly specific nature. For
different reasons, only basic information about
archival documents concerning American architects
has been included, although there is a considerable
amount of such material accessible; at least one sur­
vey of it is now underway.
Path: A Guide to Archival Sources for American Art His­
tory is the result of the collaborative efforts and the
support of many individuals. In the United States,
thanks go to John Young and the Florence Gould
Foundation for funding the Paris Survey Project and
this guide. At the Archives of American Art in
Washington, D.C., Dr. Richard J. Wattenmaker, its
director, championed the project. In Paris, Sir
Valerttine Abdy provided valuable contacts. Lini
Janssens of the Cultural Services at the U.S. Embassy
in Paris, Brigitte Labat-Poussin at the Archives
Nationales, and Isabelle le Masne de Chermont at the
Archives et la Bibtiothèque Centrale des Musées
Nationaux were all extremely helpful in responding to
questions and clarifying complex issues about French
archival systems. Main Beausire at the Musée Rodin,
Hans Buijs at the Institut Néerlandais, Colette
Giraudon at the Musée National Picasso, Sylvie
Péharpré at the Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt, Laure de Margerie
at the Musée d'Orsay, Anaïs Pouvillon at the Ministère
des Affaires Etrangères, and Elisabeth Wisniewski at
the Bibtiothèque Centrale du Louvre helped guide me
through their institutions. At the American University
of Paris, Toby Stone, University Librarian, and Dr.
Madeleine Fidell Beaufort generously gave their time
and helped to orient the project. Man Albright, Jean
Jenger, Pauline Prévost-Marcilhacy, and Jocelyne
Rotilly all provided encouragement and good counsel.
Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Lois Marie Fink,
without whose support, from the outset of the project
until her review of the final manuscript, this guide of
Paris archives would never have been completed.
Albert Herter's painting Août 1914 (1926), now hanging at the Gare de I'Est in Paris, commemorates his son, who was killed in the Battle of Bois Belleau in
1918. (Photo by Jean Pierre Verney, Paris)
Works of art by American artists are found scattered
across Paris. A large mural by Albert Herter overlooks
arriving and departing travelers at the Gare de l'Est six
portraits by George Catlin now hang at the Musée de
l'Homme, while Daniel Chester French's equestrian
statue of George Washington dominates the place
d'Iéna. Archives concerning these works of art, along
with a vast number of other records about the
thousands of often obscure American artists who
resided in Paris during the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, were located while preparing Paris: A Guide to
Archival Sources for American Art History. Documents
were not only identified at the Archives Nationales,
France's largest archival repository, but also at
numerous other public and private institutions,
archives, ministries, libraries, and museums through­
out Paris. The breadth, diversity, and complexity of
these sources reflects the innate French reverence for
archival material—a tradition that predates Louis XIV.
Paradoxically, where one would have expected
information to be plentiful, often there was none.
Relatively little or no archival material was found that
shed light on the often-cited American Art Association
of Paris, the Parisian sojourn of the nineteenth-century
American painter G. P. A. Healy, or the activities of
American artists in Paris between World Wars I and II.
In contrast, there is abundant material about
Americans who studied and worked in Paris at the end
of the nineteenth and into the twentieth centuries, in
instances when they were enrolled in state-sponsored
schools or exhibited their art in the official Salons.
Obvious absences of archival records may be the result
of destruction wrought during the Paris Commune and
two world wars, or may simply reflect the fact that not
all American
artists who came to Paris were affiliated with either
government institutions or other entities whose papers
are held in the Parisian archival collections surveyed
for this guide.
A series of French laws enacted in 1978 and 1979,
like the Freedom of Information Act in the United
States, has facilitated access to archival documents
held by public institutions. Under these laws, archives
are defined as "all documents, regardless of their date,
form or medium, produced or received by individuals,
legal entities, or public or private services or
institutions in the course of carrying out their activi­
ties" ("les archives sont l'ensemble des documents, quels que
soient leur date, leur forme a leur support matériel, produits
ou reçus par toute personne physique ou morale, et par tout
service ou organisme public ou privé, dans l'exercice de leur
activité" [Loi # 79-18 du 3 janvier 1979, Article premier]).
This definition is sufficiently all encompassing that
libraries and even databases, in addition to material
conventionally considered "archival,- fall within the
purview of the legislation.
The laws also establish the general principle that
after given time periods, ranging from thirty to 150
years depending on the nature of the document, all
public archives may be freely consulted. This
legislation has resulted in a spate of publications
concerning French archives and their contents. The
Archives Nationales now regularly publish lists of
public archives; see Us Archives publiques en France
(Paris: Archives Nationales, 1992). Even more relevant
to the present study is the guide Les Sources de I'histoire
de l''art en France (Paris: Association des bibliothécaires
français, 1993), which briefly describes French
libraries and centres de documentation (research centers)
devoted to the history of an, architecture, and
archaeology. On request, most Parisian archives and
libraries readily provide updated, precise inventories
of material in their collections. For example, detailed
inventories are available of the manuscript collection
at the Bibliothèque des Musées Nationaux and of
documents at the Archives des Musées Nationaux;
both are replete with references to American art,
artists, and collectors. The Musée National Picasso has
just completed an inventory of its photographic
archives, and preparation of a similar inventory of its
manuscript collection has been initiated. These cur­
rent inventories help scholars keep abreast of the
contents of public archives and libraries, which are
continually in the process of acquiring new material.
Not all relevant archival guides are recent, however.
Two, Mireille Rambaud's Les Sources de l'histoire de l'art
aux Archives Nationales (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale,
1955), and Ulane Bonnell's Guide des sources de
I'histoire des Etats-Unis dans les archives françaises (Paris:
Expansion, 1976), remain indispensable complements
to the present guide. The first of these guides provides
precise and essential descriptions of public Parisian
archives, their organization, and the location of
archives concerning art history, while the second
contains information about the location and contents
of material about American history to be found in
major archival institutions in Paris.
As already noted, consultation of most material in
public archives is permitted once specified time periods
have elapsed. Prior to those dates, dérogations
(dispensations) may be obtained allowing exceptional
and immediate access to documents (e.g., with a
dérogation scholars can have access to the records at
the Archives Nationales concerning American artists
who studied in France after World War II under the
G.I. Bill). Occasionally, however, public archives may
be arbitrarily declared to be inaccessible to the public,
for example by a director when a collection is being
inventoried, or by a curator who is preparing a
While the 1978–1979 laws guaranteed eventual
consultation of all public archives, they specified that
private archives held in public institutions would
remain governed by the terms of their bequests and
the rights of the ayants-droits, the heirs of the archives'
authors and subjects. For example, most archival
material at the Musée National Picasso and the
Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques Doucet is restricted by
the rights of the ayants-droits. In order to consult those
holdings, scholars must first go through the legal
procedure of requesting permission(s).
In contrast to public institutions, according to the
1978–1979 laws, private institutions, museums, gal­
leries, dealers, and private archives, such as the Musée
Dapper, Durand-Ruel et Cie, the Wildenstein Institute,
and the Archives de la Fondation Erik Satie,
are free to determine their own rules about who, if
anyone, can review their archives and on what
conditions. Such private institutions may discourage
unsolicited outside scholars.
Archives about French national museums and their
collections, such as those of the Musée du Louvre and
the Musée d'Orsay, are found either at the Archives
Nationales or at the Archives des Musées Nationaux,
with additional material at the Bibliothèque Centrale
des Musées Nationaux. Thus, for instance, records
concerning the State's acquisition of James Abbott
McNeill Whistler's Arrangement en gris et noir no.1 or La
Mère de l'artiste for the Musée d'Orsay's predecessor,
the Musée du Luxembourg, are found in the Archives
Nationales, while further relevant material exists in the
Archives des Musées Nationaux. Additional archival
documents held by individual national museums tend
to be found either in curatorial files or in their research
Unlike the national museums, the municipal muse­
ums managed by the city of Paris—including the
Musée Bourdelle, the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville
de Paris, the Musée du Petit Palais, the Musée
Carnavalet, and the Musée Zadkine, among others—
have neither centralized archives nor a central library
devoted to their collections. The Bibliothèque His­
torique de la Ville de Paris has documents about
American artists who lived and worked in Paris, and
the Archives de la Ville de Paris have records and
material about exhibitions held in the municipal
museums. Each municipal museum independently
maintains its own archives and manages curatorial
records for the works of art in its collections. The city,
however, keeps an inventory of the works of art it owns
and their location.
While no entries about the municipal museums
appear in this guide, mention should be made of the
Musée Zadkine, which offers scholars both a research
center and readily accessible archives with documents
about American artists, galleries, and collectors. In
contrast, while it is known that Antoine Bourdelle had
American students in the 1920s, inventories to his
archives at the Musée Bourdelle were not available for
consultation. The library of the Musée d'Art Moderne
de la Ville de Paris, which purportedly has an extensive
collection of twentieth-century exhibition catalogues, is
restricted to all except the museum's staff. Similarly,
the papers of the American philanthropist and
collector Edward Tuck, held at the Musée du Petit
Palais, are not easily available to scholars.
A natural extension of researching this guide was to
locate American art in Parisian museums with the
hope of finding other relevant archives. Most museums
were unable or unwilling to provide lists of their
American holdings. However, the Direction des
Musées de France has undertaken the task of inven­
torying the entire French national collection of art.
Although this inventory, appropriately called 'La
Joconde" and available on the Internet, is far from
complete, it is of potential use to scholars in locating
not only American works of art but also archival
records in Paris and elsewhere in France.
Public libraries, unlike public archives, may restrict
access to their collections. Scholars may be asked to
produce a letter of introduction from a supporting
institution attesting to their qualifications before being
issued a reader's card. That is the requirement at the
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the largest library in
Paris and in France. Divided into numerous
departments, each with endless reserves, this library
holds a wealth of material related to American art. A
survey of these collections was not, however, under­
taken for this present guide. The library has been in a
state of flux following the decision to move its largest
department (books, periodicals, and rare books) from
the roe de Richelieu to its new Tolbiac complex on the
left bank of the Seine by the end of 1997.
As part of this massive reorganization of the
Bibliothèque Nationale de France's collections, a biblio­
thèque des arts (a library devoted to the arts) is
envisioned at the rue de Richelieu site. According to
pre-sent plans, the Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceRichelieu will continue to house the Bibliothèque d'Art
et d'Archéologie Jacques Doucet and specialized
collections, including the departments of maps and
plans, prints and photographs, manuscripts, coins and
medals, and royal treasures. (There is speculation that
to complete this bibliothèque des ar ts the collections
presently housed at the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal will
join the rue de Richelieu complex.) The plans include
the eventual creation of an Institut National d'Histoire
de l'Art, a separate research center devoted to art
history, to be located adjacent to the Bibliothèque de
France-Richelieu complex.
Among other institutions with archives not surveyed
for this guide are the Centre Nationale de la
Cinématographie, the Manufacture Nationale de
Sèvres, the Ministère de la Défense et de l'Armée de
Terre (with its collections concerning World War I and
international expositions in the twentieth century), the
ne wly created Archives du Patrimoine, and the
archives of the American School of Music at
As noted in the preface, photographic archives held
by public and private agencies and departments of
photography in museums and libraries were not sur­
veyed systematically. Vast numbers of photographs by
and of American artists and their work, well beyond
the scope of this guide, are found in Parisian
institutions. For instance, the Cabinet des Estampes
et de la Photographie of the Bibliothèque Nationale de
France, already a rich repository, has American prints
and photographs, and has recently campaigned to
broaden its collection of contemporary photography; in
so doing it has acquired hundreds of photographs by
American artists. To accommodate scholars' immediate
needs for photographs of American artists or works of
art by Americans, a short list of archives artd agencies
is included at the end of the guide.
An introduction to this guide would not be complete
without mention of cultural differences. Scholars
coming to Paris to conduct research in American art
history must realize that their topics may not ring
familiar to many French museum curators, librarians,
and archivists. Although contemporary American art
and culture have become a national French preoccu­
pation, American art history remains a curiosity.
Nevertheless, archival records reveal that a century
ago in France, the careers of Mary Cassatt, John
Singer Sargent, Henry Tanner, and James Abbott
MacNeill Whistler were considerably bolstered by a
national program of arts patronage in much the same
way that Jennifer Bartlett, Julian Schnabel, Ellsworth
Kelly, and James Bishop today enjoy the recognition of
having their work exhibited in major Parisian
institutions. The present situation shares many other
parallels with that of century ago, leaving little doubt
that future guides to Parisian archives will include just
that much more material about American art in Paris.
N.B.: This guide is organized by institution and
includes addresses, information about accessibility,
and telephone and fax numbers (when these numbers
are called from outside France the country code 33
must be added and the initial 0 of the number
Occasionally, the archival material surveyed for this
guide contains aberrant spellings of artists' names and
anomalies in alphabetization. To facilitate the efforts of
researchers to locate this material within the actual
archives, such errors have been transcribed as they
occur. When possible, however, misspelled names have
been marked with an asterisk, and the correct spelling
is provided in brackets.
Section I: Paris Sources
American Cathedral of the
Holy Trinity
23, avenue Georges V
75008 Paris
Access: The archives of the American Cathedral are
open by appointment only.
Description: The American Cathedral of the Holy
Trinity, an Episcopalian church, holds records of bap­
tisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials per­
formed at the church since 1859. The names of many
prominent expatriate Americans figure in its roster of
parishioners in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, among others the Cassatt family, the
Edward Darley Boit family, William Dannat, Daniel
Ridgeway Knight, the Havemeyers, the J. P. Morgans,
Dr. Theodore Evans, John Singer Sargent, and
Edward Tuck. The Cathedral also houses a triptych
(1907) by Edwin Austin Abbey, and archival material
that sheds light on the activities of expatriate
American artists, including:
• An incomplete run of the Church's monthly publi­
cation, The Parish Kalender (1886-1914: missing: 1888,
1889, 1895, 1898) in which the activities of the
American art community in Paris were regularly
noted. For instance, The Parish Kalender regularly
announced American art exhibits and the activities of
the American Art Association of Paris, as well as
various events held at St. Luke's Chapel, and 'benefits'
for the Cathedral's Holy Trinity Lodge and Hospital.
• A complete run of the Church's monthly
publication The Church of the Holy Trinity Bulletin,
• Several chapters from Cameron Allen's
unpublished article The History of the American
Episcopal Church of Paris from its Origins to 1918,"
documenting the history of the American Cathedral
and its involvement in what would eventually be
known as the American Center of Paris. He discusses
activities at one of their buildings, Reid Hall, where
American organizations including the American Girl's
Club and the American Art Students' Club regularly
held art exhibitions. With the outbreak of World War
I, Reid Hall became a hospital for wounded French
and American soldiers.
• 'American Soldiers' and Sailors' Club Paris, 1917­
1919" (approximately 100 pages), a scrapbook
compiled by Mrs. Frederick W. Beekman. It includes
names, addresses, and newspaper clippings that
report on American organizations such as the Amer­
ican Soldiers' and Sailors' Club, Elsie de Wolfe's
Hôpital Bénévole in Compiègne, the American Art
Association, the American Students' Club, and the
American Red Cross.
• "American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Paris,
1918-1925" (approximately 100 pages), a scrapbook
that continues in the same vein as the earlier scrap­
book and includes notices of exhibitions of American
paintings held at the American Women's Club in
1921, the consecration of the Gould Memorial Church
of the Holy Trinity at Maisons-Laffitte, and obituary
notices of prominent parishioners.
• "American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Paris,
1929-39' (approximately 100 pages), a last scrap-book
that presents through press clippings a vivid history of
the American Center, then called the American
Students' Club. This organization, initially supported
by prominent members of the Cathedral, was an
integral part of American (art) students' lives in Paris,
although it seems to have had little to do with the
careers of prominent Left Bank Amer­
can artists and writers, such as Man Ray or those in
the Sylvia Beach circle.
American Chamber of Commerce of
Paris 21, avenue George V 75008 Paris Tel: Fax: Access: The library of the American Chamber of
Commerce of Paris is open to the public on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A nom­
inal fee per visit is charged.
Description: The American Chamber of Commerce of
Paris was founded by Rodman Wanamaker in 1894.
Both Frederick Frieseke and Paul Wayland Bartlett
served the Chamber in various official capacities. Its
library, devoted to archives, records, and publications
about commercial relations between France and the
United States, has no material which directly concerns
American artists. It does, however, house a complete
run (from 1925 to 1940) of Ameri cans in France, a
Directory (Paris: American Chamber of Commerce),
published annually for and about Americans living in
American Church of Paris
65, quai d'Orsay
75007 Paris
Access: The archives and records of the American
Church that remain in Paris are open by appointment
only. Its archives and records through 1950 are
housed in the United States and are available for
consultation through Dale Raars of the American For­
eign Christian Union, 322816 Robin Hood Drive,
Birmingham, Michigan, 48025.
Description: The American Church of Paris, an
interdenominational Protestant church, was founded
in 1857 and counted among its parishioners at the
turn of the century Rodman Wanamaker (who upon
his death left the art library of the American Art
Association of Paris to the church), Henry Tanner, and
Cyrus DaHin. Joseph Wilson Cochran's Friendly
Adventures, A Chronicle of the American Church of Paris
(1857-1931) (Paris: Brentano's, 1931) chronicles in
detail the history of the institution.
and their activities in Paris. However, it possesses a
microfilm of the International Herald Tribune (1887­
1989), and a unique collection of nineteenth-and early
twentieth-century American books, periodicals, and
journals unavailable elsewhere in Paris. The collection includes: American Review of Reviews, 1890-1936 Bookman, 1895-1933 Century Magazine, 1881-1930 Chap Book, 1894-1896 Contemporary Review, 1879-1883, 1914 Cosmopolis, 1897-1898 Critic, 1882-1906 Dial (Boston), reedition, 1840-1844 Dial (Chicago), 1884-1929 Eclectic Magazine for Foreign Literature, 1860-1879 Galaxy, 1866-1888 Godey's Lady's Book, 1855-1879 Harper's Magazine, June 1850-December 1945 Harper's Round Table, April 1895-October 1899
Harper's Weekly, 1859-1916
Harper's Young People, November 1884-April 1895 Journal of American Folklore, 1893; 1895-1928; 1937­
1980 Knickerbocker, 1836-1861 Literary Digest, 1890-1938 Literary World (Boston), 1880-1881 Literary World (New York), 1847-1852 McClure's Magazine, 1893-1916; 1920 Nation,1865-1946 New Englander, 1843-1886
North American Review, 1820-1841 Overland Monthly, 1868-1875 Philistine, 1895-1901 Putnam's Magazine, 1853-1857 Scribner's Magazine, 1887-1939 Scribner's Monthly, 1870-1881 Southern Review, 1867-1877
The American Library and the American University
of Paris Library (9 bis, rue Montessuy, 75007 Paris)
presently share a single database. Members of the
American Library are allowed to consult books and
journals in the American University of Paris Library
American Library in Paris
10, rue du Général Camou
75007 Paris
Access: The American Library in Paris is open to the
public Toesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. A reader's card and either a day pass or an
annual membership are obtained by presenting valid
piece of identification and paying a fee.
Description: The American Library, founded in 1920, has no archival material relevant to American artists
collection, which includes numerous current publica­
tions on American art. Archives Nationales
Centre d'Accueil et de Recherche des Archives
Nationales (CARAN)
l, rue des Quatre-Fils
75003 Paris
Tel: Fax:
Access: The Archives Nationales are open from 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
throughout the year. They are closed annually during
the last two weeks in July and the first two Saturdays
in September. A reader's card is obtained by present­
irtg a passport and a justification for consulting the
archives, and by paying a fee. Those holding a cur-rent
reader's card can reserve documents ten days in
Description and General Guidelines: The Archives
Nationales hold a vast number of documents relating
to the history of American art. How-ever, because over
the centuries documents have been, and continue to
be, irregularly transferred to the Archives and then
indexed idiosyncratically, doing research on a specific
subject can require consulting numerous separate
répertoires (indexes) of individual collections called
séries or sous-séries.
The starting point for any research is the general
five-volume survey of the Archives' collections, L'Etat
général des fonds. It apologizes for 'la complexité extreme
du système de côtation des Archives Nationales" and
the lack of a comprehensive detailed inventory. Crucial
to the art historian are L'Etat général des fonds, volumes
II and IV (Paris: Archives Nationales, 1978, 1980). In
addition, two guides can be consulted: Les Sources de
l'histoire de l'art aux Archives Nationales (Paris:
Imprimerie Nationale, 1955) by Mireille Rambaud, and
Le Guide des sources de I'histoire des Etats-Unis dans les
archives françaises (Paris: Expansion, 1976) by Ulane
The bulk of the documents relevant to American art
history can be found in three separate collections:
"Série F: Versements des Ministères et des Adminis­
trations qui en dépendent"; 'Série AJ: Fonds divers
remis aux Archives Nationales"; and "Série AS:
Archives d'Associations." The documents contained in
these collections vary considerably in their nature,
complexity, and material form. Moreover, French
archival terminology has evolved over time—a fact that
may result in some perplexity for English-speaking
Each of the collections below is subdivided into
smaller sous-séries. Typically, each sous-série in turn
contains a number of dossiers—in French usage a
generic term designating a file, irrespective of its size.
Large or small, a dossier may itself contain a wide
range of heterogeneous materials such as smaller files
or folders, ledgers, notebooks, and the like. In prepar­
ing this guide, an effort has been made to provide
readers with a sense of the "shape" and composition of
these disparate materials. To facilitate the efforts of
scholars to locate material within the actual archives,
the information has been transcribed as found, with
occasional anomalies in alphabetization and spelling
preserved. When verifiable, misspelled names have
been marked with an asterisk, and the correct spelling
provided in brackets.
Série F: Sous-Série F-12 and Sous-Série F-21:
Série F, the "Versements des Ministères et des
Administrations qui en dépendent." includes archives
from almost all French ministries and governmental
organizations and institutions. (Archives not held at
the Archives Nationales include those of the ministries
of Finance, Army, Navy, and Foreign Affairs.)
Scattered throughout the Série F are many groups of
documents about the government's activities as they
relate to the fine arts, in particular the archives of
Commerce and Industry (Commerce et Industrie) and
those of the Administration des Beaux-Arts. The
Sous-Série F-12 contains documents about the
Universal Expositions, in France and elsewhere,
conceived initially and primarily as commercial and
industrial fairs. While documents concerning the fine
arts sections of those fairs are also found in the
archives of the Administration des Beaux-Arts (Sous­
série F-21), the Commerce and Industry archives
contain both photos and key administrative
documents about the fine arts sections and the
expositions as a whole. Complementary archives
relating to the government and the fine arts from the
Revolution through the Second Empire are also found
in the Sous-séries F under the Ministère de l'Intérieur,
the Ministère d'Etat, and the Ministère de la Maison de
Sous-série F-21 comprises the archives of the
Administration des Beaux-Arts, initially deposited at
the Archives Nationales in 1906. Under this broad
heading can be found not only documents about the
international fairs referred to above, but also a wide
variety of documents about the Salons, Statesponsored art schools, acquisitions and commissions
of works of art by the State, the administration of
national and provincial museums and the location of
works within those museums, la Monnaie the Mint),
and the Manufactures Nationales (the Statesponsored porcelain and tapestry factories). More
recently, archives concerning the fine arts have been
integrated into a new sous-série, that of the archives
of the Ministère de la Culture.
Série AJ: Sous-série AJ-15, Sous-série AJ-52, and Sous­
série Ad-53:
Série AJ, a hodgepodge of public archives, includes
three sous-séries with documents about Americans
who sought or obtained art instruction in Paris at the
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, or the
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. In one file in
Sous-série AJ-I5, the archives of this latter institution,
appear the names of a few American artists who
attended anatomy classes from 1878 to 1910 under
the auspices of Emmanuel Frémiet.
Sous-série AJ-52, the archival records of the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, contains a
wealth of documents from the early decades of the
nineteenth century through the 1960s about American
artists who sought or obtained instruction at the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts or its affiliated
ateliers. According to statistics and records maintained
by the Ecole, there was a steady decline in the number
of Americans studying painting and sculpture from the
1880s until the end of World War II. In contrast,
enrollments of Americans studying architecture grew.
Like most sous-séries, the AJ-52 collection is orga­
nized not in chronological order but rather according to
when different documents were turned over to the
Archives Nationales by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Beaux-Arts. First in 1972, then again in 1978, 1983,
and again in 1989, the Ecole deposited an important
number of documents with the Archives Nationales
that are now mostly incorporated in this collection. The
records of the school are grouped by administration, col­
lections, personnel, elèves (students), enseignement (teach­
ing), concours (competitive examinations), and
comptabilité (accounts), and are divided into registres
(registers), and /lasses (files). So, for example,
complementary and duplicate records concerning
student enrollment can be found in registres or liasses
under both the eleves and concours categories. In most
instances, records of the painting and sculpture sections
are held separately from the architecture section, and
documents about American architects are only
mentioned in passing in this guide. The types of
documents held in this series are primarily official
(applications and attendance records, for example) and
not personal (letters, diaries, and so on).
Sous-série AJ-53, the archives of the Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, is organized in much
the same manner as Sous-série AJ-52. Popularly
referred to in the press during the nineteenth century
as "la Petite Ecole," the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Arts Décoratifs was founded in 1776 as the Ecole
Impériale et Spéciale de Dessin. Later it was known as
the Ecole Royale Gratuite de Dessin en faveur des
métiers relatifs aux arts, the Ecole de Mathématiques
et Dessin en faveur des arts
mécaniques, and the Ecole Nationale de Dessin et de
Mathématiques pour ('application des Beaux-Arts a
l'lndustrie. In 1877 a reform led to the founding of the
Ecole as it is known today. The teaching and goals of
this school, different from those of the Ecole des
Beaux-Arts, emphasized the acquisition of skills and
techniques, preparing students for careers as artisans
and not as fine artists. Thus the curriculum in 1873­
1874, when a large number of Americans were enrolled
at the school, offered courses in drawing, sculpture,
mathematics, architecture, the history of art, and
decorative arts, as well as instruction in printmaking
Although the surviving archival documents are
incomplete, with notable gaps regarding the concours,
the enrollment ledgers include many American names.
Lenient admissions policies allowed Americans and
other foreigners literate in French to enroll at ages as
young as ten, with only proof of identity from an
embassy or consulate.
Séth AS: Sous-sirie AS-16 and Sous-série AS-63:
Série AS, the Archives' collection of records of non­
profit associations or societies, includes material about
the Sous-série 63 of the Académie Julian and the
Sous-série 16 of the Union des Arls (Fondation Rachel
Boyer). Several studies about the Académie Julian
have hinted at the richness of these archives, which
include many American names in the school's
enrollment records and accounting ledgers covering
the period from 1890 to 1932. The archives of the
Union des Arts include references to the activities of
American arlists during and just after World War I.
Le Minutier Central des Notaires de Paris:
The Archives Nationales also house the Minutier
Central des Notaires de Paris which can be of partic­
ular value in locating specific works of art. These
notarial records, gathered from the 122 notary offices
in Paris from 1471 through 1979 and organized
chronologically by notarial practice, include records of
legal transactions (property titles, marriage con-tracts,
and wills and last testaments) executed in front of
private notaries. Only documents executed more than
100 years ago are held in the Archives Nationales. The
Minutier Central des Notaires de Paris does not
contain departmental and communal archives, such as
those found at the Archives de la Ville de Paris, which
contain birth, marriage, and death records for the city.
The Archives Nationales hold the inventories to the
French departmental archives.
Instruments de recherche (Research Aids):
Among the databases developed by the Archives
Nationales are "Léonore," the only inventory available
to the archives of the Légion d'Honneur, Soussérie L.
H.; and "Arcade,' an inventory of the Sousserie F-21
related to State purchases and commi­
sions of works of art in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. 'Léonore" consists of an alphabetical listing
of dossiers of those individuals nominated to the
Légion d'Honneur, among which figure the names of a
number of American artists. -Arcade" is a database
that is intended to irtcorporate information from all
the documents concerning State purchases of works of art (painting, sculpture, graphic arts, decorative
arts, arts photography). Both 'Arcade" and 'Léonore" can be consulted without charge in the Salle des Inventaires at the CARAN and through the database "La Joconde" (see Internet and Databases). F-12 4236: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition
Universelle de 1900, Direction Générale de /'Exploitation, Sections Etrangères, Etats-Unis, Demandes d'Admission. Dossier 97: Fifty-three American applications for Universelle de 1900, Direction Générale de !'Exploitation,
Sections Etrangères, Etats-Unis, Demandes d'Admission.
Sous-série F-21: Administration des Beaux-Arts
F-21 538: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Expositions et Salons, Affaires Diverses, Achats et Distribu­
tions des Oeuvres, Salons, 1875-1886.
Groupe 15, Classe 97, "Travaux d'art en cuivre et en bronze," including those of Paul W. Bartlett, Daniel [Chester] French, and Frederick Remington. F-12 4237: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition
Universelle de 1900, Direction Génerale de ('Exploitation, Sections Etrangères, Plans. Architectural plans, renderings, blueprints, and pen­
ciland-watercolor drawings for major and artnex U.S.
pavilions at the Bois de Vincennes, the Palais du
Sous-série F-12: Commerce et Industrie
F-12 4229: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition Trocadéro, and the Esplanade des Invalides at the Universelle de 1900, Direction Genérale de ('Exploitation, Universal Exposition of 1900, many signed by John
Getz, Superintendent of Decoration. Section Etrangère, Etats-Unis. Dossier: Exposition Universelle de 1900, Etats-Unis.
F-12 4469: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition Documents about the administration of the Universal Internationale de Saint-Louis, 1904. Exposition of 1900, including a list of nominations to Dossier: Beaux-Arts, Demandes de renseignements.
various grades of the Légion d'Honneur and the One letter (September 18, 1903) in French, signed names of the following American artists: John W.
Richard Hall requesting information on how to exhibit
Alexander, Alexander Harrison, Daniel [Chester]
his portrait Mademoiselle Busch at the Saint Louis
French, Frank D. Millet, Julian Story, Hubert Vos,
Exposition. John 'Lafarge [La Farge], Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Dossier: Beaux-Arts, Mise hors concours. Documents
William Dannat, and the Marquise de Went-worth (1903) about jury selection, definition, and scope of
(name crossed out); memos; and a photo of the the fine arts and the industrial arts sections.
completed American pavilion. F-12 12547: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition Inter nati on ale des Arts et Techniques de 1937. F-12 4230: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition Documents about United States participation in the
Universelle de 1900, Direction Générale de l'Exploitation, International Exposition of 1937; a dossier of letters
Sections Etrangères, Etats-Unis, Photographies. to and from Julian Clarence Levi, architect, about the
Installation photographs of the American Fine Arts Section at the Universal Exposition of 1900, including design and construction of the U.S. Pavilion. F-12 12711: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition
photographs of the painting and sculpture sections, Internationale des Arts et Techniques de 1937. Commandes
entry shots with sculpture relief by Augustus Saint-
Gaudens, and a mural painting, as well as a photo of aux Artistes Sculpteurs.
a watercolor-and-pen elevation of the "Pavilion Officiel Dossier: Storrs. Letters (1937) from the sculptor John
des Etats-Unis." H. Storrs and his wife Marguerite J. Storrs to the
Service d'Architecture, Exposition Internationale de
F-12 4231: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition Pa
ris, inquiring about obtaining a commission; with
Universelle de 1900, Direction Genérale de ('Exploitation, responses
from French officials.
Sections Etrangeres, Etats-Unis, Photographies. F-12 12267: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition
Photographs of the American Fine Arts Section at the Internationale des Arts et Techniques de 1937, Paris.
Universal Exposition of 1889, with installation shots Dossier 4: Chambre de Commerce: Organismes
of the entry to the Industrial Arts Section, including divers. "United States Welcomed to Participation in
murals by Albert Herter and Augustus Koopman, as the Paris Exposition of 1937" by Edmond Labbe,
well as installation photographs of the painting Commissaire-Général, in English (no date), five typed
section. pages.
F-12 4235: Commerce et Industrie, Expositions: Exposition
Dossier: Groupe 12, Classe 67. Approved applications
to the decorative glass section including those of John
'Lafarge [La Farge] artd Louis Tiffany.
Mosler, Henry. Documents with information about the
State purchase in 1879, and subsequent exhibi-
tion in Munich, of the painting Le Rêtour for the
Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 624: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Enseignement: eleves étrangers d I'Ecole Impériale des
Beaux-Arts, 1801-1887. Demandes d'admission générale­
menl refusees, 1864-1886, Sujets des Etats-Unis.
Alphabetically arranged dossiers, with letters and
memos, containing information about foreigners
whose applications to the Ecole Impériale des BeauxArts were generally refused, including painters,
sculptors, and architects. The names of the following
Americans are included:
Baird, William, seven documents (1868)
Bridgman, Frederick, one document (186?)
Butler, George, two documents (1865)
Chandler, Francis, five documents (1867)
Dubois, C.E., two documents (1868)
Ober, J. Foster, two documents (1867)
Poole, Eugene A., seven documents (1867)
Reinhart, Charles S_ two documents (1868)
Spring, Edward A., four documents (1869)
Swift, Clement, two documents (1867)
Tracy, J.M., five documents (1867)
Winslow, Walter, two documents (1867)
F-21 625: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Enseignement: éleves étrangers a I'Ecole Impériale des
Beaux-Arls, 1801-1887. Demandes d 'admission générale­
ment admises, 1864-1886: Sujets des Etats-Unis.
Alphabetically arranged dossiers, with letters and
memos, containing information about foreigners who
applied and were generally accepted to the Ecole
Impériale des Beaux-Arts, including painters,
sculptors, and architects. The names of the following Americans are included, along with the number of
documents and the date of their application. 'MacKim [McKim], Charles (admis), five documents (1868) Mason, Henry, three documents (1873)
MitcheH, J.A., three documents (1867)
Moore, H.H., three documents (1867) ' M o r l e r [Mosier], Henry (admis), three documents (1866) Newcomb, J.J., four documents (1870)
Newman, Henry R., four documents (1870) Oppenheimer, Louis, three documents (1877) Peabody, Robert, twelve documents (1867) Pierson, Herbert, five documents (1867)
Putman, John Pickerirtg, six documents (1870) Rich, James Rogers, four documents (1867) ments (1875-1879), in French, concerning a diorama
of the Statue of Liberty erected in the Tuileries gar­
dens from 1878 to 1879, at the time of the Universal
Exposition. Documents include a statemertt of the
Union Franco-Américaine's goal to erect Frédéric
Auguste Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty in New York.
F-21 2056: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1881-1890.
Boggs, Frank. Documents (1882-1883) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the paintings La
Place de la Bastille en 1882, for the Musée de Com­
piègne, and Le Port d'Isigny, for the Musée de Niort.
F-21 2070: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1881-1890.
Dannat, William. Documents (1883-1904) with
information about the State purchase of the painting Le Contrebandier aragonais, for the Musée Municipal
de Perpignan, and of a copy of it for the Musée du
F-21 2082: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions. 1881-1890. Gay, Walter. Documents (1888-1894) with informa­
tion concerrting the State purchase of the paintings Le
Benédicite and Las Cigarerras for the Musée du Luxem­
bourg. F-21 2086: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, Musees, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1881-1890. Harrison, Alexander. Documents (1890) with information about
the State purchase of the painting Paysage-Rivière for the Musée du Luxembourg. Harrison, Birge.
Documents (1882) with information about the State purchase of the painting Novembre for the Musée de Rennes. F-21 2104: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1881-1890.
Penfold, Frank. Documents (1882-1889) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the paintings La
Mort du premier ne, for the Musée de Brest, and Triste
nouvelle, for the Musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer.
F-21 2119: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891-1900.
Alexander, John White. Documents (1898) with
information about the State purchase of the painting
La Femme en gris (in exchange for Le Noeud vert) for
the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2130: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891-1900.
Dessar, Louis P. Documents (1893-1900) concerning the State purchase of the painting Clotilde, and about Dessar's subsequent dealings with the State. F-21 883: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Batiments Civils,
F-21 2136: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d 'Art, Travaux de Construction, Tuileries (Palais des) 1879-1882.
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891-1900. Dossier: Palais des Tuileries, Etablissement tempo­
Harrison. Alexander. Documents (1893-1900) with
raire d'un diorama représentant le monument de information about the State purchase of the paintings
I'Indépendance au milieu de la rade de New York (Union Franco-Américaine). Twenty-nine docu- 17
Marine, for the Musée de Quimper, and Solitude and En
Arcadie, for the Musée du Luxembourg. Hamilton,
John M. Documents (1892) with information about the
State purchase of the painting Le Portrait de Mr. W. E.
Gladstone for the Musée du Luxembourg.
Henri, Robert. Documents (1899) with information
about the State purchase of the painting La Neige for
the Musée du Luxembourg.
John. Documents (1900) with information about the
State purchase of the painting Portrait de femme (ou
Porlrait de ma mère) for the Musée du Luxerobourg.
F-21 2138: Adminislration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891-1900.
*Lee Robbins[Lee-Robbins], Lucy. Documents (1891)
with information about the State purchase of the
painting Les Trois Parques for the Musée de Cambrai.
F-21 2141: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891–1900.
Melchers, J. Gari. Documents (1895) with informa­
tion about the State purchase of the painting La
Maternité for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2149: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891–1900.
Sargent, John. Docoments (1892) with information
about the State purchase of the painting La Car­
mencita for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2150: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891–1900.
Story, Julian R. Documents (1896) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Le Labora­
toire Saint-Lazare for the Faculté des Sciences at the
F-21 2151: Administration des Beaux-Arls, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891–1900.
Tanner, Henry O. Documents (1897) with information
about the State purchase of the painting La
Résurrection de Lazare for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2153: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes el Acquisitions, 1891–1900.
Walden, Lionel. Documents (1896) with information
about the State purchase of the pairtting Les Docks de
Cardiff for the Musée du Luxembourg. Wentworth,
Cecilia de. Documents (1893) with information about
the State purchase of the painting La Foi for the
Musée du Luxembourg.
Whistler, James A. M. Documents (1892) with
information about the State purchase of the painting
Portrait de ma mère for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2157: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art.
Musées. Commandes et Acquisilions, 1891–1900.
Bartlett, Paul Wayland. Documents (1895) with
information about the State purchase of the bronze
statue La Grenouille du Bresil for the Musée du Lux­
embourg. F-21 2191: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891–1900. Saint-
Gaudens, Augustus. Documents (1898–1900) with information about the State purchase of the bronze
funerary statue L'Ange alit and a group of ten bronze
plaquettes for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 2194: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art,
Musées, Commandes et Acquisitions, 1891-1900. Tiffany, Louis C. Documents (1894-1895) with
information about the State purchase of seven glass
vases for the Musée du Luxembourg. F-21 4038: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, Musées et Expositions, Distinctions Honorifiques, 1884–
1940. Dossier 1: Légion d'Honneur et Palmes: Propositions surtout pour des Personnalités ou Artistes Américains.
Material on American arlists named to the Légion d'Honneur in 1920, including: E. H. Blashfield,
Romaine Brooks, Cameron Burnside, Edmund Davis,
A. Coffin, Leon Dabo, B. Faxon, Edward Forbes, Frederick Frieseke, Cass GHbert, Childe Hassam,
Malvina Hoffman, Sergent Kendall. Aston Knight. Harry Lachman, Robert Logan, Elizabeth Nourse,
Ernest Rosen, J.W. Weir, and Gilpin Yarnal. F-21 4057-8: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, Musees a Expositions. Exposition Universelle de 1889
Sections Etrangères: Etats-Unis. Documents about American participation in the Exposition of 1889. F-21 4060: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Expositions
internationales, 1892. Expositions Universe He de Chicago. Documents concerning the budget and accounting for
the French fine arts exhibition at the World's Columbian Exposition. Includes the plan of this exhi­
bition along with a detailed list of works sent from
Paris by the transporters Toussaint and Frezzeh. F-21 4160: Administration des Beaux Arts, Commandes et acquisitions d'oeuvres d'art, 1885–1920. Fichier très incomplete des dossiers conserves sous les côtes F-21 4156.. . relative aux commandes et acquisitions d'oeuvres d'arl par l'Etat (dessins, peintures, aquarelies, lithographies, gravures, sculptures, arts décoratifs). An incomplete index of files concerning State pur­
chases and commissions of works of art, 1885–1920,
with the year of purchase, purchase price, the title of
the work, its dimertsions, and an inventory number.
The following American names are included:
1911: Boggs (Frank), Le Pont des Saints-Pères.
1914: Boggs (Frank), La Maison Carrée de Nimes
1913: Dannat (William), Portrail de la femme de
Rubens (copie d'après Rubens).
1913: Dannat (William), Portrait de Rembrandt par
1M-mime (copie).
1914: Gay (Walter), Chambre bleue (peinture).
1919: Lachman (Harry), Les Remparts d'Anlibes
1919: Lachman (Harry), Vue d'Uzerches (peinture).
1914: Horton (William S.), La Plage de Whitby (pein­
1914: Black (Richard), Marche au join a Sfax
F-21 4175: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Boggs, Frank. Documents (1902—1908) conceming the
State purchase of two watercolors, Le Pont neuf for the
Governor's Palace in Dakar, and Vue de Chartres for the
Musée de Bagnols.
F-21 4180: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Brooks, Romaine. Documents (1920) concerning the
State purchase of La Chèvre blanche for the Musée du
Brokow, Irving. Documents (1925) concerning
Brokow's donation of the painting La Patineuse.
F-21 4194: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Dannat, William. Documents (1901 and undated)
about the State commission of the painting Le Contre­
bandier aragonais, and about the State purchase of the
works Little Boy, Portrait de la femme de Rubens (copie d
'après Rubens), and Portrait de Rembrandt par Iui-même
(copie) for the Luxembourg .
Davenport, William S. Documents (1926) about the
State purchase of the painting Vue de Cagnes.
F-21 4206: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
F-21 4210: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes el
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers
Boggs, Frank. Document (1913) with information about
the State purchase of the paintings Le Pont des SaintPéres and La Maison Carrée de Nimes.
Frieseke, Frederick. Document (1904) with information
about the State purchase of Devant la glace.
F-21 4213: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Gihon, Albert. Documents (1921–1928) about the State
purchase of the painting Vue de Montreuil-sur-Mer for
the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 4220: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Haseltine, Herbert. Documents (1920—1927) about the
State purchase of a bronze group, Revenants, and a
painting, Sudbourne premier, etalon du Suffolk, both for
the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 4221: Administration des Beaux-Arts. Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers d'Artistes.
Homer, Winslow. Documents (1900) with information
about the State purchase (at the Universal Exposition
of 1900) of the painting Nutt d'ete.
Horton, William. Documents (1904—1914) about the
State purchase of Le Vendredi Saint a Séville for the
Musée du Luxembourg; Soir d 'hiver (Clair de lune) for
the Gare de Rambouillet; Soir d Rivera Pontarlier; and
La Plage a Whitby for the Préfecture de Police.
F-21 4228: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes el
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Lachman, Harry. Documents (1917—1922) concerning
the State purchase of the paintings L'Eglise Saint
Nicolas du Chardonnet (Paris), Vue d'Uzerches, Les Remparts d'Antibes, and Panorama des Andelys, all for the
Musée du Luxembourg.
Dossiers F-21 4265: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Este, Florence. Documents (1901—1913 and undated)
about the State purchase of the painting Horizon breton
for the Musée de Lyon; the purchase of a watercolor,
Un Bourg breton, for the Musée du Luxembourg; and
the purchase of the painting La Vallée. Evans,
Rudolph. Documents (1914–1919) about the State
purchase of the bronze statue Jeunesse.
F-21 4209: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
chase of the painting Bercé par le murmure d'un ruis­
Foster, Ben. Document (1901) about the State pur-
Rosen, Ernest T. Documents (1920—1921) about the
State purchase of the paintings Ravissement and Bleu,
argent et or, both for the Musée du Luxembourg. F-21
4278: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841—1939, Dossiers
Vail, Eugène. Documents (1921) about the State
purchase of the painting Fifer de pluie a Florence.
F-21 4286: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art. 1841—1939, Dossiers
Alexander, John White. Documents (1897–1898)
with information about the State purchase of La
Femme en gris for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 4289: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Bartlett, Paul Wayland. Document (1898) with
information about the State purchase of the sculpture
La Grenouille du Brésil.
Beaux, Cecilia. Documents (1906) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Branche de
*Birge, Harrison [Harrison, Birge]. Documents (1920)
with information about the State purchase of the
painting Soir en rose.
F-21 4292: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Boggs, Franck. Documents (1883-1910) with infor­
mation concerning the State purchase of the paintings
Vue de Chartres and Le Pont Neuf, as well as earlier
requests by Boggs to have his work acquired.
Bohm, Max. Documents (1910) concerning the
acquisition of the painting Heures dorées
F-21 4295: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Brooks, Mme Romaine. Documents (1920) with
information about the State purchase of the painting
La Chévre blanche.
F-21 4300: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art. 1841–1939. Dossiers
d'Artistes. Coleman, Glenn O. Documents (1920) concerning the
acquisition of the painting La Petite rue Mariette.
Cooper, Colin Campbell. Documents (1920) about the
State purchase of the painting La Cinquiéme avenue
(New York).
F-2 I 4302: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Dannat, William. Documents (1883–1913) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the paintings Le
Contrebandier aragonais, a copy of it, La Femme en rouge,
Little Boy, Portrait de la femme de Rubens (copie d'après
Ruben), and Portrait de Rembrandt par lui-meme (copie).
F-21 4304: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Dessar, Louis. Documents (1893) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Clotilde.
F-11 4307: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Esté, Florence. Documents (1911–1921) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the paintings
Horizon breton, Un Bourg breton, and La Vallée.
Evans, Rudolph. Documents (1914) concerning the
acquisition of the statue Jeunesse.
F-21 4309: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
*Franck, Boggs [Boggs, Frank]. Documents (1911–
1913) with information about the State purchases of
the paintings Le Pont des Saint-Péres and La Matson
Carrée de Nimes.
F-21 4310: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Frieseke, Frederick C. Documents (1903–1904) with
information about the State purchase of the painting
Devant la glace.
F-21 4311: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art. 1841–1939. Dossiers
Gay, Walter. Documents (1908–1923) with informa­
tion about the State purchase of the paintings Les
Médaillons, L'Intérieur, Chateau de Courances, L'Intérieur
vénitien, La Chambre bleue, a drawing, and a water­
color, Les Pivoines.
F-21 4312: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art. 1841–1939, Dossiers
Gihon, Albert Dakin. Documents (1899-1940) with
information about the State purchase of the paintings
Helen G., Soirée rose, Vue de Montreuil-sur-Mer, and
Le 14 Juillet, boulevard Montparnasse.
F-21 4314: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Hamilton, J. M. W. Documents (1892) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the painting Por­
trait de Mr. W. E. Gladstone.
Harrison, Alexander. Documents (1884-1914) with
information about the State purchase of the paintings
Paysage-Rivière, Paysage, Marine, La Lune, and En
Haseltine, Herbert. Documents (1920–1926) about his
nomination for an award in the Légion d'Honneur
along with two notes: one about the State purchase of
Revenants and the other about the purchase of
Sudbourne premier, étalon du Suffolk.
F-21 4315: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et F-21 4327: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers d'Artistes. Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers d'Artistes.
Henri, Roben. Document (1899) with information
about the State purchase of the painting La Neige.
Hitchcock, George. Documents (1920) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the painting Le
Horton, William S. Documents (1904-1922) with
information about the State purchase of the paintings
Le Vendredi Saint a Séville, Soir d'hiver a Pomarlier, and
La Plage d Whitby.
Hubbell, Henry Salem. Documents (1908-1910) with
information about the State purchase of the paintings
Enfant et chat and Delphinium.
F-21 4316: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers
'Humphreys Johnston [Humphreys-Johnstone], John.
Documents (1900) with information about the State
purchase of the painting Portrait d'une femme.
F-21 4318: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers d'Artistes.
*Klumpke [Klurnkbe], Anna. Documents (1902-1908)
with information about her attempts to sell to the
State paintings by Rosa Bonheur.
F-2I 4321: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
*Lee Robbins [Lee-Robbins], Lucy. Documents (1891)
with information about the State purchase of the
painting Les Trois Parques.
Leftwich-Dodge, William de. Documents (1899) with
information about the possible State acquisition of two
paintings. F-21 4324: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers d'Artistes.
MacCameron, Robert. Documents (1908-1910) about
the State purchase of the painting L'Enfant malade.
MacComb, Robert Lee. Documents (1901) about the
purchase of a landscape.
MacEwen, Walter. Documents (1900) with informa­
tion about the State purchase of the painting Un
Dimanche en Hollande.
MacMonnies, Mary. Documents (1899) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the painting L'Ar­
bre de Noel.
Melchers, Gari Documents (1896-1906) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the paintings La
Maternité and Le Bosquet.
Mezzara, Joseph. Documents (1879-1884) with
information about the State purchase of the sculpture
Buste de Possec.
F-21 4329: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers
Mosier, Henri. Documents (1879-1882) with infor­
mation about the State purchase of the painting Le
Retour for the Musée du Luxembourg.
F-21 4330: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Nourse, Elizabeth. Documents (1903-1910) with
information about the State purchase of the painting
Les Volets clos.
F-21 4332: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841-1939, Dossiers
Pennell, Joseph. Documents (1913-1914) with
information about the State purchase of the engrav­
ings Kearny Street and Aegrina.
Penfold, Frank. Documents (1889) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Triste
F-21 4337: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Sargent, John. Documents (1892) with information
about the State purchase of the painting La
F-21 4339: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art. 1841-1939. Dossiers
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus. Documents (1898) with
information about the State purchase of a bronze
funerary statue and ten bronze plaquettes.
F-21 4342: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Story, Julian. Documents (1896) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Le
Laboratoire de Saint-Lazare.
Tanner, Henry. Documents (1897-1922) including
information about the State purchase of the paintings
La Résurrection de Lazare and Les Pélerins d'Emmaüs,
and Tanner's nomination to the Légion d'Honneur.
F-21 4343: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers d
Tiffany, Louis. Documents (1894) with information
about the State purchase of seven decorative glass
F-21 4344: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Vail, Eugène. Documents (1888–1921) about the State
purchase of two paintings, Paré a virer for the Musée
de Saint-Sevran, and L'Effet de pluie; information
about Vail's nomination to the Légion d'Honneur in
1894; and other correspondence relating to the
acquisition of Vail's work.
F-21 4346: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Commandes et
Acquisitions d'Oeuvres d'Art, 1841–1939, Dossiers
Walden, Lionel. Documents (1896) with information
about the State purchase of the painting Les Docks de
Cardiff for the Musée du Luxembourg Whistler, James
A.M. Documents (1933) with information about loans to institutions in the United States of the painting Portrait de ma mére. Wentworth, Cecilia de. Documents
(1893–1933) with information about the State
purchase of the paintings La Foi and Portrait du a gift of a copy of the Lion au serpent by Louis Antoine
• Dossier: Etranger, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Interna­
tional Art Union, New York. Five documents (1849), in
French, about the donation of three French paintings
to the International Art Union of New York.
F-21 4459: Administration des Beaux-Arts: Musées
Nationaux, Administration Générale: Collections, Com­
mandes et Achats, 1817–1940.
Dossier: Cassatt, Mary. Documents (1897) about
Cassatt's donation of the pastel Etudes de femmes to the
French government.
F-21 4888: Administration des Beaux-Arts: Musées
Nationaux, Administration Générale.
Etats-Unis: Two dossiers with files about the 1911
Comité France-Amérique's donation toward the
erection of Rodin's monument to Champlain, and
another file about the competition for the monument
honoring Admiral Tirnay, won by Philip Martiny and
sponsored by the Cercle Littéraire with Saint-Gau­
dens, Ruckstahl, Daniel Chester French, Cooper, and
Henry Adams as jurors.
F-21 5389: Ecole d'Art Américaine de Fontainebleau/
Fontainebleau School of the Fine Arts
Eleven dossiers (1919–1955) containing documents
(letters, copies of outgoing letters, official memos,
financial ledgers, brochures, and press clippings)
about the Ecole d'Art Américaine de Fontainebleau,
Géneral Pershing. F-21 4416: Administration des Beaux-Arts, Travaux d'Art, specifically the Beaux-Arts section, and its operations.
Of particular interest are documents in Dossier 9 (a)
Attribution d'Oeuvres d'Art a des etablissements, An VIII­
about a scandal caused when Miss [Augusta] Savage
1939. was refused (by the American Admissions Committee)
Dossiers organized by city, with information about the right to attend the Ecoles d'Art Américaines
French donations of art to the United States, includ­
because, as described in a letter (April 27, 1923),
ing the following: • Dossier: Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Washington, Projet
'Miss Savage appartenait a la race noire.'
du monument de Lafayette. Five documents (1885–
F-21 6721 - F-21 6949: Commandes et acquisitions d'oeu­
1889), in French, concerning Frédéric Auguste vres d'art: séries décennales de dossiers classées par catégoric
Bartholdi's monument to the memory of Lafayette and
et dans l'ordre alphabetique (1930-).
In connection with this group of files devoted to State
his compatriots, in Washington, D.C. purchases of art, the "Section Contemporaine' of the
• Dossier: Etats-Unis d'Amérique, San Francisco (Cal­
ifornie), Société des Beaux-Arts. Nineteen documents
Archives Nationales has established an alphabetical
(1869–1874), in French, about gifts of copies of the
card file of all artists who had works of art purchased
"grandes statues" of the Louvre (twenty-five busts and by the French State starting in 1930. The following
fourteen bas-reliefs) for the Art Union of San Francisco.
American names were culled from that file:
The artist Joseph Mezzara was designated as the Barber, John
liaison in Paris for the Société des Beaux-Arts de Calder, Alexander
Cauldwell, Leslie
Californie. • Dossier: Etranger, Amérique, New York, Société Dabo, Léon
Nationale de Peinture Murale. Three documents Davenport, William
(1897), in French, about a request to the Bureau des Hoffman, Malvina
Bâtiments Civils et du Palais National for information Moses, Grandma
Picknell, William L.
from the Société Nationale de Peinture Murale. Pollock, Jackson
• Dossier: Etats-Unis, Philadelphie, Musée de Fair­
mont Park, Cession dune épreuve en bronze du Lion "Polloek [PoHack], Reginald
au serpent de Barye. Six documents, in French, about
Rattner, Abraham,
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus
Webster, Herman
F-21 6766: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Commandes et Achats d'oeuvres d'art. Dossiers
classés par ordre alphabétique, 1931–1940, Peintres.
Rattner, Abraham. Documents (1938) about the State
purchase of the painting La Partie de cartes, including a
handwritten letter from Rattner expressing his
gratitude for the acquisition.
F-21 6808: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Commandes et Achats d'oeuvres d'art. Dossiers
classes par ordre alphabétique, 1931–1940, Sculpteurs et
Webster, Herman. Documents (1939) with informa­
tion about the State purchase of the engraving
Paysage flamand.
F-21 6868: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts, Commandes et Achats d'oeuvres d'art. Dossiers
classes par ordre alphabétique, 1941–1950, Sculpteurs et
Calder, Alexander. Documents (1950–1951) with
information about the State purchase of an untitled
and fourteen American bourses (scholarships) named
for Florence Blumenthal, George d'Ennery, George
d'Ennery-Soldat Inconnu français, George d'EnnerySoldat Inconnu americain, George Baker, William
Cohen, Jane A. Delano, Henry C. Frick, Charles Hay­
den, Maréchal Joffre, General Pershing, John Pier­
pont Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, and Henry
Walters. The ledgers give the dates of the scholarship
awards, the amount of money already committed, the
balance remaining, and how the money was used.
F-21 7061: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Dossier: Musée de l'Armée de 1911 a ... Document
(1923) from the office of the Ministère de !'Instruction
Publique et des Beaux-ArtslTravaux d'Art, Musées,
Expositions about Cecilia Wentworth's Portrait du
Général Pershing.
F-21 7079: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Monuments Commémoratifs.
Dossier 14: Erection en France de monuments com­
mémoratifs par le Gouvernment des Etats-Unis,
American Battle Monuments Commission. Four letters
(1947) about the activities of the American Battte
Monuments Commission after World War II and
French legislation about the erection of war monu­
F-21 6885: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts, Commandes et Achats d'oeuvres d'art. Dossiers
classés par ordre alphabétique, 1941–1950, Sculpteurs et F-21 7085: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Monuments Commemoratifs.
Hayter. Twenty documents (1946), in French, about
the purchase of engravings by Stanley William
Hoffman, Malvina. Documents (1949–1950) about the
State purchase of the bronze Buste du Père Teilhard de
Chard in.
F-21 6937: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Commandes et Achats d'Oeuvres d'Art.
Dossiers classés par ordre alphabétique, 1951–1960, Pein­
Dossier: Erection des monuments commemoratifs
(suite) Etats-Unis. New York (Monument a la Paix,
1945–1946); San Francisco (Monument a Victor Hugo,
1911); Washington (Monument a George Washington,
F-21 7465: Section Contemporaine, Administration des
Beaux-Arts. Affaires Relatives aux Temps des Guerres.
Dossier: Coopération Franco-Américaine: Army Edu­
cation Commission, octobre 1918–8 février 1919.
Three documents about a French-American commis­
Moses, Grandma. Documents (1952–1954) about the
sion to study ways to give "l'armée américaine les
State purchase of the painting L'Arbre mort.
occasions opportunes d'étudier et d'apprécier l'art et
F-21 6940: Section Contemporaine, Administration des la beauté que la France, entre mutes nations, offre si
Beaux-Arts. Commandes et Achats d'oeuvres d'Art. Dossiers complets.classés par ordre alphabétique, 1951–1960, Peintres. Sous-série AJ-I5: Le Museum
P o l l o c k [Pollack], Reginald. Documents (1954)
about the State purchase of the painting Petit
AJ-15 145: Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Galeries
d'Anatomie, Registre d'inscription des personnes autorisees a
interieur. F-21 7012 (BZ): Section Contemporaine, Administration des etudier dans les Galeries d'Anatomie et Anthropologie.
Incomplete chronological register (pages missing),
Beaux-Arts. 1832–1896, of individuals permitted to study in the
Financial ledgers concerning the financial accounts of
anatomy galleries of the Muséum, including the stu­
American cultural philanthropic organisations in dent's address, the year the permission was granted,
France starting in 1924 and including: the Romaine and, occasionally, the profession of the student. The
Brooks Foundation, the Rachel Boyer Foundation, following American names appeared:
Taylor, Mlle Elisa, 1879
True, Mr. Frederick W., membre de la Smithsonian
Institution, 1884
Bartlett, Paul, 1886
Richardson, Mlle E., 1888—1889
MacRae, Mary, artiste peintre, 1893
Sterling, Mlle R., 1893
Thompson, Ernest E., 1894
Harvey, Eli, 1895
Tanner, Henry O., 1895
exams at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1897—1944,
including birthdate, professor, and address.
AJ-52 246: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts,
eleves, 1800-1945, Registres d'inscription des elèves pein­
tres, sculpteurs et architectes dans les ateliers (1863—1945).
Microfilmed listing of students registered in the
painting, sculpture, and architecture ateliers at the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts from 1863 to 1945, with stu­
dents' names, birthplaces and dates, current
addresses, and dates of enrollment. The following list
Sous-serie AJ-52: L'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beauxincludes, though inconsistently, only the names,
places of birth, and dates of enrollment of students.
AJ-52 72: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Reg­
As in the original listings, enrollments are broken
istres, Sections de Peinture et Sculpture, Concours, Inscrip­
down by atelier and arranged chronologically:
tions des Candidats, 1896—1947.
Microfilmed listing, arranged chronologically and by Atelier de M. Pils (1863—1875):
medium, of students registered for exams at the Ecole
Gutherz, Carl, Memphis, Egypte, janvier 1870
des Beaux-Arts, 1896—1899. Records include the stu­
*Larpenteur Devreux [Desvarreux-Larpenteur],
dents' names, the professors at the Ecole des Beaux-
James, Baltimore, février 1870
Arts who supported their applications, the students' Mansfield, John, Norwick, octobre 1873
Dillon, Patrice Henri, San Francisco, octobre 1873
current addresses, and whether the student was for­
eign. The following list includes only the American M. Lehman succède a M. Pils le 16 octobre 1875
names On bold type) along with the professors (in
Thayer, Abbott, Boston, octobre 1875
Dillon, Patrice Henri, octobre 1875
Session de fevrier 1896: Peinture: Robinson, Theodore, Evansville, novembre 1875
*Abbett [Abbott] (B. Constant); Altrnann Atelier de M. Cabanel (1863—18 74):
(Gérôme); Barlow (Gérôme). Bacon, Henri, New York, 1863 [?]
Session de juin 1896: Halmick, Philadelphie, 186 [?]
'Alexandre [Alexander] (G. Moreau); Altmann
(Fin décembre 1867, M. Cabanel ayant ouvert un
(Gerôme); Barlow (Gérôme); Bright (Baschet). concours de dessin ou de peinture entre les éleves de
Session de février 1897: son atelier a maintenu sur la liste de ses eleves les
*Abbett [Abbott] (Gerôme); Altrnann (Gérôme); noms suivant: Halmick, Bacon.)
Barlow (Gerôme); Bright (Baschet). Ward, Edgar, New York, mars 1872
Daintry, Arthur, New York, septembre 1872
Session de juin 1897: *Abbett [Abbott]; Barlow (Gérome); Bright
Atelier de M. Gerôme: Peinture:
(Baschet). Wilmarth, Lemuel
Moore, Harry, 1866
Session d'octobre 1897: Shinn, Earl 1866
*Abbett [Abbott]; (Gérôme); Bright (Gérôme). Dibl, Conrad (américain), 1866
Session d'avril 1899: Bridgman, Frederic, Tuskegee, 1867
Blake (Injambert); Edwards (Bonnat); Sculpture: Atelier de M. Dumont: Sculpture
Edwards (Falguière). Henning, Frederic, Baltimore, 1866
AJ-52 73: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Reg­
Roberts, Howard, Philadelphia, novembre 1866
istres, Sections de Peinture et Sculpture, Concours, Inscrip­
Atelier de M. Jouffroy: Sculpture:
tions des Candidats, 1896—1947. Microfilmed listing of students registered for exams at
Pardessus, Ernest, janvier 1873
the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1900—1904, including the AJ-52 247: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts,
students' names, professors, current addresses and Flews. 1800—1945, Registres d'inscription des eleves pein­
session, along with a note if the student was foreign. tres, sculpteurs et architectes dans les ateliers (1863-1945).
Includes Samuel Halpert, 1902 (Bonnat). Microfilmed alphabetical register of all enrollments in
AJ-52 73 bis: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, the ateliers without full name, or date, and only the
Registres, Sections de Peinture et Sculpture, Contours,
name of the professeur-chef d'atelier, and a student
Inscriptions des Candidats, 1896—1947.
matriculation number.
Microfilmed listing of women and men registered for
AI-52 248: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Robinson, Theodore, novembre 1875 Eléves. 1800-1945, Registres d'inscription des eves peintres, Bickford, Nelson, novembre 1875
sculpteurs et architectes dans des ateliers (1863-1945). Gregory, James Eliot, novembre 1875 Microfilmed register (poorly processed) of students
enrolled in the ateliers at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts
from 1863 w 1945, including students' matriculation
numbers, full names, dates and places of birth,
addresses, and dates of registration. The following list
includes only the names of Americans and the date of
their application to work in the ateliers:
Atelier de M. Cabanel (1874-1889): Peinture:
Stimson, John Ward, octobre 1874 Wolcott, Henry, octobre 1875 Forbes, Charles Stuart, avril 1876 Dolores, Charles, juin 1876 Cresson, Hillborn Thompson, mars 1878
Cox, Kenyon, avril 1878 Burnap, George S., mai 1878 Harrison, L. B., mars 1878 Wolff, Otto, juillet 1878 Grenet, Edward, octobre 1878
Barbour, Archibald, octobre 1878
Fowler, Frank, avril 1879 CuHin,
Isaac James, juin 1880 Scott, Franck O., 1881 GHman, Ben F., octobre 1881 Shean, Charles Morgan, mars 1882 VaH, Eugène Laurent, mars 1882
Gregory, Edward James, juin 1882 Clinedinst, B. West, octobre 1882
Fox, Charles Louis, novembre 1882 Tolman, Stacy, novembre 1884 M. Delaunay (1889-1891) est nomme le 1er avril 1889
Boardman, Frank C., avril 1889 Hamilton, E.W.D., avril 1889 Pope, Fred L., avril 1889 Hanshalter, George, mai 1889 *Alexandre [Alexander], J., novembre 1890
CuHen, Maurice Galbreith, novembre 1890
Brown, W. Felton, novembre 1890 M. Cormon (1899-1924):
*Altenberg [Altenburg], Alexander, janvier 1908 Gibbs, Ralston S., janvier 1908 Black, Richard, novembre 1909 Dalbetstein, William H., février 1910 PoweH, Jonathan Lockwell, novembre 1911
Handforth, Thomas S., février 1921 M. Paul Albert Laurens (1932-1934):
Oppenheimer, Sam, octobre 1932 Craig, Ralph, décembre 1932 M. Louis Roger (1934-1945)
Laparra, Jules Pages, décembre 1937 Atelier de M. Lehmann 0875-1882): Peinture: Thayer, Abbott, octobre 1875 Hardie, Robert, novembre 1878 Gilman, Ben F., novembre 1878 Reich, Jacques, octobre 1879 M. Hébert (1882-1884) est nomme le 19 awll 1882 rem­
placant M. Lehmann
Bunker, Dennis Miller, octobre 1882 Rivard, Victor, novembre 1882 Day, Francis, novembre 1882 Lucas, Albert Pike, novembre 1882 Herrneirer, Aldophe, février 1883 Dearth, Henry George, mai 1883 Hormeir, Aldophe, mars 1884 Lucas, Albert Pike, mars 1884 M. Boulanger (1884-1889):
Gardiner, Henry, avril 1887 High, William, mars 1889 Paulus, Francis, novembre 1893 M. Bonnat (1894-1905):
Raehmiel, John, mars 1895 N a i l i n g , Cole George, décembre 1898
Twachtman, Alden, juin 1900 Sawyer, Philip, février 1901 0llenefee, Sped S.,
octobre 1901 Randolph, Lee R.,
novembre 1901 Zim, Marco, décembre
1901 Polowetski, Charles C., décembre
1901 Kuz, Jacob, février 1902 •Comius [Cornins], Iben, mars 1902 •Skimore [Skidmore], Lewis P., février 1902 Halpert, Samuel, mai 1902 Wright, Alma B., octobre 1902 Richards, Lee Greene, octobre
1902 Canon, Bernard, octobre 1902 MandevHle
Cornelius R., novembre 1904 Luquiens, Mazelet, novembre 1904 Hinshaw, Glenn, décembre 1904 M. L. 0. Merson (1905-1911): Shaw,
Sydney Dale, janvier 1908
Mareus, Herman, mai 1910 M. R. Collin (1911-1915):
•l'Engle [L'Engle], William, janvier 1913 Mr. Guerin (1937-1939): Bohannon, Barbara Olive, octobre 1938
Chaunay, Rosalie, 1938 M. Narbonne (1939-1945): Southwick,
Elsie, 1941 Bénureau, Denise, novembre 1942 M. Dupas (1942-1945):
Cox, Robert, mai 1945 25
Atelier de Monsieur Gérôme (1874-1904): Peinture:
Bowlend, Georges, juillet 1874 Bates, Dewey, septembre 1874 Hamilton, John, septembre
1874 Hunt, Aubrey, octobre 1874 Plumb, Henry, octobre 1874 Picknell, William,
décembre 1874 Plumb, Henry, avril 1876 Thayer, Abbott, avril 1876 Johnston,
John, mai 1876 James, Frederic, octobre 1876 Roeke, Edward, octobre
1876 Boggs, Frank Myers, octobre
1876 Robinson, Theodore, novembre
1876 Sargent, Richard, janvier 1877
Johnson, James, juin 1877 Curtis,
Raoul, juin 1877 `Evan [Evans], Joseph T., juillet 1877 Butler,
Edward, octobre 1877 Dyer, Lowell, octobre
1877 Brown, Walter R., octobre 1877 Whitehouse, Henri R., septembre 1877 Williamson, John C., octobre 1877 Cresson, Hillborn Thompson, janvier 1878 •Decomps
[De Comps], Eugène, juillet 1878 Plimpton, William, juillet 1878 Woodeock, Percy F., juillet 1878 Cranford, Kenneth, juillet 1878 Cox, Kenyon, février 1879 Grayson, Clifford, février 1879 Harrison, Thomas Alexander, mai 1879 Evrett, Henry, aout 1879 Makin, Richard Lawrence, aout 1879
Hardie, Robert, janvier 1880 Allen, William S., juin 1880 Levy, Herbert, juin 1880 *Sheilds, [Shields], Thomas W., juillet 1880
Stokes, Frank W., février 1881 King, James, avril 1881 Hoeber, Arthur Burnett, avril 1881 Lasar, Charles Auguste, novembre 1881 Sawyer, Wallace, décembre 1881 Harrison, Thomas Alexander, mars 1882 Peel, Paul,
avril 1882 Bunker, Dennis Miller, juillet 1882
Piper, Edwin, novembre 1883 Fischer, James Randolph, novembre 1883 Dodge, William, novembre 1883 Comes, Henri G., mars 1886 `Peter [Peters], Dewitt, mai 1886 Enderby, Samuel, mai 1886 Levy, Henry, 1886 Browne, Chaz. L, 1886 Vedder, S. H., octobre 188[?]
Linson, Conin K., avril 1889
Rosenthal, Albert, octobre 1890 26
Reevs, George, octobre 1890 Hurnphreys, Albert, octobre 1890
Paxton, William, octobre 1890
Knight, Arthur, octobre 1890 Beck, octobre 1890 Davis, Gary, octobre 1890
Clarke, Thomas Sheilds, novembre 1890 HiH, R. S., décembre 1890 Walters,
Robert R., décembre 1890 Bartlett, Clarence, décembre 1890 Béal, H. Martin, décembre 1890 Clawson, J.
W., janvier 1891 Leavitt, H., janvier 1891 Talcott, Allen B., mars 1891
Homing, B. F., mars 1891
Hagarnan, James, mars 1891 Loeb,
Louis, mars 1891 Mielzmer, George, avril 1891 Harris, William, novembre 1891 Landis, Benj. K, novembre 1891 `Cameron [MacCameron], Robert, novembre 1891 Roudanez, H., novembre 1891 Potter, John Briggs, mars 1892 Hodges, George Schyler, avril 1892 Stewart, William W., novembre 1892 Finn, James Wall, novembre 1892 Guthrie,
Harry Melville, mai 1893 Wahenspeiger,
Charles E., novembre 1893 Wood, Bringer T., décembre 1893 Barlow, Myron, janvier 1893 Andrew, Richard, octobre 1894
Brown, Harold, octobre 1894 M. Gabriel Ferrier (1904-1914): Oakley, George C., juin 1904 Heitkamp, Irving It, aout 1905
Jossellin, Marcus, novembre 1908 Vogt, Lucien, mars 1912 Nivor, Robert, janvier 1914 M. Francis Flameng (1914-1923):
Dows, Stephen O., decémbre 1925 M. Lucien Simon (1923-1936):
Johnson, Tom, mai 1924
McQuarie, Ellen, février 1928 Hawk, Lowell, octobre 1931 Rosenberg, Walter, octobre 1933
Filner, Samuel Baer, novembre 1935 Gaston, Joseph, octobre 1935 Atelier de M. Humbert (1900-1929):
Hunz, Adeline B., novembre 1901 Froment, Jatoux, mars 1902 Holman, Abigail, février 1905 Davenport, Edith Fairfax, mai 1905 Copeland, Mildred, janvier 1909 Hart, Edith, décembre 1912 Norwell, Lucy, décembre 1913 Lusty, Isabel, janvier 1914 Pritchard, Margaret Ray, février 1914 Massouneau, Madeleine, mai 1920
Fletcher, Edith, février 1926
Eisenman, Betty, juin 1926
Roberts, V. A., 1926
Miller, Ruth B., décembre 1926
Wolf, Welma, octobre 1928 Morse, Charlotte, janvier 1929
M. Prinet (1930-1931): Graham, Virginia, février 1931 M. Sabatte (1932-1936): Hammond, Ruth, février 1933
Watkins, Françoise, juillet 1934 Pitts, Helen, novembre 1934 Carter, Alice Mildred, avril 1935 M. D'Espagnat (1935-1939):
Chauncey, Rosalie Brown, octobre 1838
Atelier de M. Dumont (1874-1885):
Cresson, Hilborn Thomson, octobre 1875 'Boyl [Boyle], John J., octobre 1877 Meyenberg, John Charles, septembre ] 879 Bringhurst, Robert, septembre 1881 Brewster, George Thomas, octobre 18E1 Guernsey, Mitchel, juin 1883 M. Thomas (1886-1908):
Earle, Winthrop, mai 1899
Epstein, Jacob, novembre 1903
Brenner, Michael, décembre 1903
M. lnjalbert (1908-1927):
Jehu, John, octobre 1909 Davidson, Joseph, septembre 1909 Friedlander, C., novembre 1909 Kalish, Max, janvier 1913 Ellis, Joseph Bailey, janvier 1914 Fairbanks, A., mai 1914 Voisin, Adrian, février 1915
M. Bouchard (1928-1944):
Wolff, Robert, janvier 1930
Miller, Burr Churchill, janvier 1930 Bigelow, Hugh, octobre 1930 Clellan, Hugh, octobre 1930 Bigelow, Albert, avril 1932
Davenport, John Byrne, avril 1936 Atelier de MM. Jouffroy et Hiolle (1874-18E2):
Lansing, Louis, octobre 1875 Saint-Gaudens, Louis, février 1878 Donoghue, John, janvier 1879
Gerardt, Carl, mars 1881
Ewell, Fran E., mai 1882 M. Falguière est nommé Professeur-Chef d'atelier le 17 octobre 1882 (1882-1900)
NeiH, Samuel, mars 1890
MacNeill [MacNeil], H.A., aout 1890 Flanagan, John, aout 1890 Pratt, Bela, aout 1890 Pike, Charles, aout 1890
Hamann, Charles, aout 1890 Boek, Richard, aout 1890 Peterson, George D., septembre 1890
Calder, Stirling, aout 1891 Harley, Charles Richard, octobre 1891
Canfield, Birley King, novembre 1893 Lukeman, A. Augustus, février 1894 Chanler, Robert W., avril 1894
Lenz, Oscar X., 1894
Fraser, J. Earl, octobre 1897
Bixford, Loring, février 1898 Slade, Henri, octobre 1898
Conkling, Paul, octobre 1898
Evans, Rudolph, novembre 1898 M. Mercié (1900-1924):
Curnmings, Earl, juin 1901 Stackpole,
Ralph W., décembre 1906 Williams, Walter, mars 1913 Schwab, Paul, octobre 1923 Rubins, David, octobre 1924 Batty, James, mars 1930
Mastovito [Mastrovito], Ottavio, novembre 1930 Fels,
Robert, novembre 1931 M. Jean Boucher (1924-1939):
Shepard, Donald, avril 1937 Atelier de M. Cavelier (1873-1893):
Jacobs, H. B., octobre 1878 Bartlett, Paul Wayland, octobre 1880 M. Barrias (1893-1905):
Bureau, Alfred George, septembre 1890
M. Conan (1905-1929): Williams, Wheeler, novembre 1922 Lovegrove, Wm. A., décembre 1925
M. Landowski (1929-1933):
Calfec [Calfee], William, novembre 1931 Atelier de M. Marqueste (1900-1912) (women):
Webber, Anna, octobre 1906
M. V. Ségoffin (1921-1924):
Neilson, Isabel, janvier 1922 Ford, Nancy Elizabeth, décembre 1923 M. Sicard (1924-1934):
Herbert, L. Barbara, novembre 1924 Otteseu, Martha K., novembre 1922 Leland, Elisabeth, mai 1922 Lambert, nee Goldsmith, Catherine, mai 1928
Burke, Janet Frances, mars 1930 Hombostel,
Ruth. mai 1930 Martin, Marian, octobre 1932
Hazard, Elizabeth Betty, novembre 1930
Henley, Jean, octobre 1931
New, Babette, janvier 1933
Daly, Emily Kathryn, 1934
M. Descatoire (1934-1945):
Harlow, D. E., 1939
Court du win- M. Royer (1934-1945):
Bristol, Frances, novembre 1936
Cours du soir: M. Jacquet (1891-1925):
Kroth, Eric, janvier 1915
Cours du soir. : M. Laguillermie (1925-1929):
Wolfs, Wilma, décembre 1928
Cours du soir: M. Dezarroios (1929-1934):
Jones, Irène, novembre 1930
Cours du soir: M. Marou (1906-1929):
Leigh, Howard, janvier 1920
Cours du soft: M. Huvey (1930-1938):
Ponselle, Hélene, mars 1931
Jones, John Wesley, novembre 1937
Cours du soir: M. Pannamaker (1907-1929)
Lespinasse, Herbert, janvier 1907
MacQuarie, Ellen, novembre 1928
Cours du soir: M. Beltrand (1930-1944):
'Nahs [Nash), Hope, Sevier 1930
Watkins, Françoise Mane, janvier 1935
Bristol, Frances, février 1935
Chauncey, Rosalie Brown, février 1939
Cours du soir: M. Ponscarme (1874-1901):
Brenner, Michael, janvier 1902
Lespinasse, Herben, octobre 1903
Cours du soir: M. Waltner (1906-1925):
Nelson, G., octobre 1923
Cours du soir: Ducos de la Haille (1932-1944):
Gaston, Joseph, décembre 1935 Labludt,
Eliane, janvier 1937
AJ-52 464: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts,
Eleves, 1834-1952, Generalities, 1863-1952.
Dossier I:
• File: Fondation Blumenthal, Fondation a méricaine
pour la pensée et 'art français. Three documents
(1935-1936) concerning the activities of the founda­
tion, created at the end of World War I by Mrs. George
Blumenthal to aid "jeunes talents a tenir leurs
promesses d'oeuvres' by providing fellowships in
literature, painting, scutpture, engraving, the dec­
orative arts, architecture, and music.
• File: Proposition de création des bourses a l'Univer­
sité de Berkeley (Calfornie). Four documents with
many duplicates (1897-1898) proposing a scholar­
ship for two French students at the Ecole des BeauxArts to attend the University of California at Berkeley
for two years while spreading among the American
students "le gout et les méthodes artistiques en hon­
neur" in France. The proposal, initiated by Mrs.
Phoebe Hearst, wife of a Senator from California, was
eventually rejected by the Conseil Supérieur de
l'Ecole Nationale et Spéciale des Beaux-Arts.
• File: Bourse d'Etudes d'Albert Kahn. Six documents
(1932) concerning a proposed scholarship to be
funded by Albert Kahn, an American architect from
Dossier II:
• File: Registre: Autorisations d'étudier dans les
galeries, 1888. Alphabetical listing, with obvious
anomalies, of students permitted to work in the gal­
leries of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1888, including
students' matriculation numbers, addresses, nation­
alities and professors. The following American names
appear: Bernis; Brocknay; Bailey; Beck, Harry; Beck,
Auguste; Comb, Raymond; Cobb; Birren; Dallin;
Flagg; Guire; Humphreys; Haushalter; Hill; Harwood;
Haydel; Hanson; Koopman; Luques; Lord; Murray;
Norris; Neill; Paxton; Richardson; Shirk; Smith;
Trowbridge; Volan, Edmond; Waquemyer; Wilbour.
AJ-52 470: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts.
Elèves, 1834-1952, Elèves etrangers, 1878-1928.
Dossier II: Four letters (1894) concerning the admis­
sion of an American, Mr. E. Colonna, into the gat­
leries of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts.
Dossier III: "A-L' documents (1878-1928) concerning
the admission of foreigners to the Ecole des BeauxArts, including letters from the U.S. consul in Paris.
The section (painting, sculpture, or architecture) has
been indicated when included. The Ecole des BeauxArts was closed during World War I, from 1915 to
1916. Women were first admitted to the school in
1898. The following list includes the names of
American students, sections when mentioned, the
date of application, and the number of documents in
each file:
Allen, Mr. Wm. Sullivant (Peinture),1880, one doc­
Armand, John Jules Louis, 1891, one document
Bailey, J.W., 1888, one document
Beck, Harry K., 1889, one document
Bemstein, Paul, 1902, one document
Birren, Joseph P., 1890, one document
Blackhall, C. H. (Architecture), 1878, two documents
Borgord, Martin, 1890, one document
Brooks, Alden (Peinture), 1881, one document
Brooks, Edward, 1887, one document
Burns, J. F., 1890, one document
Cabot, Walter Channing, 1890, one document; 1895,
one document
Carey. Arthur Aster, 1880, one document
Charnbers, George W., 1880, one document
Clawson, J.W., 1890, one document Cobb, A.M.,
1889, one document Cook, Daniel, 1892, two
documents Crosby, Frederic, 1884, one document
Day, Francis, 1882, one document DesvarreuxLarpenteur, Raymond, 1892, two documents
Devereux York, John, 1889, one document Dodge,
Robert Lee, 1890, one document Donoghue, John
(Sculpture), 1879, one document 'Dumond
[DuMond], Frederick M.. 1889, two documents
Durant, Ernest, 1881, one document
ElweH, Frank E. (Sculpture) 1882, two documents
Errett, Henry F., 1879, one document Fassitt,
Francis, 1879, one document Faulkner, Herbert,
1881, one document Field, H. E., 1894, two
documents Fisher, James R. (Peinture), 1882, one
document Foster, Charles, 1880, one document
Grés, Joseph, 1883, one document Gihon, Albert
Dakin, 1891, two documents Gobeille, Armand,
1894, two documents Gorham, 1890, one
Green, Francis M., 1895, one document
Haase, William J., 1890, two documents
HaH, James, 1893, two documents
Hanson, Olaf (Architecture), 1889, one document
Harris, Casper, 1889, three documents
Harrison, Thomas A. (Peinture), 187), one document
Hart, Howard, 1888, two documents Hayes, Chester
C., 1892, one document Hewlett, Charles Russell,
1895, one document 'Hirshberg [Hirschberg], Carl,
1882, one document
Hoeber, Arthur B. (Peinture), 1881, one document
Hoey, Joseph, 1880, one document Hughes, George
P., 1890, one document Huppert, Edmond A., 1887,
one document Jacobs, Harry Allan, 1895, one
document Johnston, William Frame, 1891, one
document Kinsella, James E, 1880, one document
King, James S., 1881, one document
Knight, Louis Aston (Peinture), 1893, two documents
Larnb, Frederick S., 1882, one document
Lash, Lee, 1881, one document
'Latour [Latour], C.A., 1885, one document Leonard,
George H., Jr., 1892, two documents Levy, Herbert
(Peinture), 1880, one document Longfellow, A.W.
(Architecture), 1879, one document
Lorch, Emil, 1896, two documents
Loud, Joseph Prince, 1890, two documents
Luques, Frank Anthony, 1889, one document
Dossier Ill: "M-Z" documents (1878-1928) concern­
ing the admission of foreigners to the Ecole des
Beaux-Arts, including letters from the U.S. consul in
Paris (providing information about date and place of
birth of the student, as well as current address and
the names of their professor(s)). The following list
includes the names of American students, sections
when mentioned, the date of application, and the
number of documents in their files:
Macauley, Henry A. (Peinture), 1883, one document
MacCornb, R. L., 1889, one document
Maybeck, Bernard R., 1881, one document
Mitchell, G. B., 1897, two documents
Mitchell, Guernsey, 1883, one document
Moran, Horace, 1893, one document
Mugel, Christian, 1893, two documents
Nolan, Edmund B., 1888, one document
Nolan, Thomas, 1888, one document
Patten, William H., 1893, one document
Peck, Paul, 1882, one document
Peters, William J., 1883, one document
Reich, J., 1879, one document
Repelow, Max Andrew, 1893, two documents
Richardson, Frederick, 1893, one document Rogers,
0. Legaté (Architecture), 1891, two documents
Sawyer, Wallace, 1881, one document
Schellenger, G., 1879, one document
Scott, Frank E., 1881, one document
Sharp, Avery, 1892, two documents
Shaw, Charles M., 1882, one document
Shirk, J. C. Marshall (Architecture, 1890, one doc­
Skinner, Theodore Hobart, 1898, one document
Slaughter, Jules, 1879, one document
Smith, A. E., 1889, one document
Smith, Frank R., 188, one document
Srnith, Murray, 1890, one document
Spottswood, Lemoine, 1886, one document
Stark, Otto, 1887, two documents
Stermeier, W. A.. 1882, one document
Stemer, Albert E., 1887, one document
Stokes, Frank W., 1881, one document
Striekler, John Ramsey, 1882, one document
Thomas, Douglas H., 1897, one document
Troubridge, Breck Parkman (Architecture), 1888,
one document
Wagermeyer, Victor, 1888, one document
Walker, Ferdinand G., 1885, one document
Walker, T. Dart, 1890, one document
Weill, Jacques, 1897, two documents
Wiekenden, Robert J., 188[?], one document
Wilbour, Victor, 1888, one document
Wiles, Irving R., 1882, one document
W[?]st, Clivedurst, 1882. one document Wright, Combet, Madeleine Gilberte, 1912, New York, février
Charles Lennox, 1895, two documents Young, 1933 H., 1880, one document Edge, Mary, 1926, Washington, octobre 1947 Leval,
Dossier IV: Lettres de présentation des étrangers par Eliane, 1927, San Francisco, novembre 1946 ordre alphabétique. Documents (twentieth century) Massanneau, M.V., 1901, New York, 1919–1920
concerning the admissiun of foreigners to the Ecole Regnault, Jeanne, 1924, Boston, octobre 1946 des Beaux-Arts, including letters from the U.S. con­
The following American names appear in the for­
sul in Paris. The following list includes the names of eigners' register: American students, sections when mentioned, the Agnesseus. Agnes, 1898, New York, (L. Roger) 1925 date of application, and the number of documents in
Albertson, Jeanne, 1920, Cleveland, janvier 1941
their files: Brea [Bretz], M., 1887, Chicago, février 1913 Curtiss, Barthel, Ourell, 1924, two documents Mary Carroll, 1896, Wellesley Hills, (Roger), Berry, Gibson, 1922, two documents septembre 1924 Boyden, Walter Lincoln (Architecture), 1926, three Corby, M., 1905, Washington, (Roger), octobre 1925
documents Coffrnan, Lucie, 1904, Los Angeles (Roger), novembre Chapman, John Holbrook, 1919, three documents 1926 Ferguson, Elizabeth, 1923, one document Daboll, L. F., 1887, Livingston, (Gervais), septem­
Godissart, Silvia Virginia, 1923, three documents bre 1911 Latour, John Proctor, 1916, one document Demens, V. M., 1891, Ashville, (Delécluse), janvier
Lauer, Marguerite, 1916, one document
1912 Lee, Percy Myron, 1926, three documents Durant, S., 1892, Gainesville, (H. d'Espouy), juillet
Richard, Paul, 1922, two documents 1913 Vorhaus, Elsa, 1923, four documents Edwards, K. R., 1894, Lexington (Boucher),
Waggaman, Clarke, 1922, two documents novembre 1912 Wegg, Talbot (Architecture), 1926-1928, seven doc­
Ford, L., 1891, New York, (Morisset), novembre
uments 1913 AJ-52 555: Ernie Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Ferguson, Elisabeth, 1903, Denver, (L. Roger),
Registre: presence des el eves dans les ateliers de MM. Nar­ novembre 1923 Goodridge, E. W., 1903, Cambridge, (Gervais), bonne et L. Roger, 1932–1943. novembre 1911 Weekly attendance records for the ateliers of P. Lau­
Jenkins, Margaret, 1914, New York, octobre 1937
rens, Devambez, and Guérin, showing students' last
Lemp, Louise, 1909, New York, (Roger), janvier names and days attended.
1928 AJ-52 559: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts,
Loftus, Marguerite, 1921, octobre 1948
Registre: presence des eleves dans les ateliers de sculpture, Leviton, Diane, 1924, octobre 1948 Michael, A., 1897, New York, (Injalbert), aout 1913 avril 1933 juin 1961. McQuarie, Ellen, 1906, Bexley, décembre 1927
Attendance records of students in the sculpture ate­
liers at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, showing students'
'Dipper, N. D., 1884, Charleston, (Gervais), novembre 1911 last names and days attended, week by week. AJ-52 573: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Vollner, Edna M., 1886, Brooklyn, (L. Roger), novembre 1922 Repertoire alphabétique des eleves femmes fraicaises et Wood, M., 1893, Chicago, (Morriset), novembre
etrangeres autorisees a travailler dans les galeries, 1911–
1913 1948. A register containing two alphabetically arranged list­
ings, one for French nationals, the other for foreignen, of women permitted to work in the galleries of the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts from 1911 to 1948, including
matriculation numbers, names, addresses, places and
dates of birth, dates of registration, and occasionally
the name of a professor. The following list includes
American students' names, date and place of birth, a
professor if mentioned (in parentheses), and date of
The names of the following Americans appear in
the French register:
AJ-52 670: Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Peinture et Sculpture. Inscriptions des elates aux contours, 1872–1880. An enrollment book, chronologically arranged, listing
students registered at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts for
semi-annual admissions in the painting and
sculpture sections as well as other annual and semi­
annual competitions (e.g., the 'Concours au Grand
Prix de Peinture et Sculpture? the -Concours de fig­
ures modelées d'après ('Antique," the 'Concours de
figures modelées d'après nature,' or the 'Concours
d'archéologie"). Although American names are
found scattered throughout this book, the most sig­
nificant number are found in the semi-annual admis­
sions to the painting and sculpture sections (the
"Inscriptions aux concours des plates"). (This list
should be cross-referenced with information found in
AJ-52 911-918.) Included with the students' last
names are a registration number, a notation of the
section to which he is applying (P: painting; S: sculp­
ture), the name of a professeur-chef d'atelier at the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts and, in some instances, mention
whether the student was accepted (r: reçu). The
following American names, presented here in order of
occurrence, were culled from these files:
Inscriptions au contours des places du 19 février 1872:
Lucas, Pils
Bally, Yvon
Semestre d'hiver 1872-1873, concours aes places-épreuve
préliminaire, Perspective 30 septembre 8400, Anatomie 8
octobre 9hO0:
Hinckley, (P) Bonnat
Ward, (P) Cabanel
Harrison, (P) Gérôme
Sartain, (P) Bonnat
Semestre d'été 1873, contours des places - épreuve prelimi­
naire, Perspective, Anatomie:
Ward, (2e série) (P-r) Cabanel
Simpson, (P) Bonnat
Mansfield. (P) Bonnat
Hinckley, (P-r) Bonnat
Bally, (r) Cabanel
au concours des places du 22: septembre
1873: Hinckley, (P-r) Bonnat
Ward, (P-r) Cabanel
Baily, (P-Anatomie) Cabanel
Brandegee, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Stimson, (P) Jacqueson de la Chevreuse
Daplyn, (P) Gérôme
Concours des places, Peinture, Sculpture, inscriptions du 9
février 1874, Perspective et Anatomie:
Ward, (P-r) Cabanel
Hinckley, (P) Carolus-Duran
Granet, (P-r) Pils
Bowen, Gérôme
Blackman, (P) Gérôme
Baily, (P-r) Cabanel
Fowler, (P) Carolus-Duran
Weir, (P) Gérôme
Contours du Grand Prix de Peinture, 26 mars 1874
Bally, (R) Cabanel
Concours des places, Peinture, Sculpture, Inscriptions du 21
septembre 1874, Perspective et Anatomie:
Brandegee, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Stimson, (P-r) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Granet, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Bowen, (P) Gérôme FaHon,
(S) Dumont Bates, (P) Gérôme
Beckwith, (P) Carolus-Duran Weir, (P) Gerôme
Loewe, (P) Pils Freernan, (P) Bonnat Sargent, (P) Carolus-Duran Concours des places, Peinture, Sculpture, Anatomie, Inscrip­
tion du 11 "fevrier 1875, Perspective, Anatomie, Ornement:
(P) Carolus-Duran
Sargent, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Weir, (P) Gérôme
Brandegee, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Bates, (P) Gérôme
Stimson, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Blackman, Gérôme
Bowen, (P) Gerôme
Jackson, (P) Gérôme
Plumb, (P) Gérôme
Freeman, Bonnat
Whitaker, Gérôme
Harnilton, (P) Gérôme
Concours des places, Inscriptions du 19 juillet 1875, Anatomie, Ornement, Perspective: Weir, (P) Gérôme
Elliot, Gregory, Jacquesson de la Chevreuse Fallon, Robert, IS) Dumont Weber, (P) Cabanel
Lucas, (P) Flameng Fallon, (S) Cavelier Beckwith, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Fowler, (P) Carolus-Duran
Becker, (P) Carolus-Duran
Stimson, (P-r) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Dillon, (P) Pils
Inscriptions au contours d'Anatomie du Vendredi 19 octo­
bre 1875: Fallon, Jouffroy
Concours des places, Inscriptions du 17 février 1876, Peinture, Anatomie, Ornement: Plumb, (P) Gerôme
Brush, (P) Gérôme
Alexander, (S) Dumont Gregory,
(P) Lehmann Fallon, Robert, (S)
Dumont Beckwith, (P-r) CarolusDuran
Fowler, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Sargent, John (P-r)
Russell, (P) Cabanel
Robinson, (P) Lehmann
Stimson, (P-r) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Cresson, (S) Dumont
Forbes, IF) Bunn
Flagg, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Faxon, (P) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Jameson, Middleton, (P) Jacquesson de la
Thayer, (P) Lehmann
Lucas, (P) Delaunay
Clarson, (P) Carolus-Duran
Smith, (P) Carolus-Duran
FaHon, (5) Cavelier
Weir, (P-r) Gerome
Boyd, (P) Carolus-Duran
Contours des places, Inscriptions du 10 juillet 1176, Per­
spective, Anatomie, Ornement: Alexander, (S) Dumont
Fallon, Robert, (S) Dumont
Bartlett, (P) Gérôme Robinson,
(P-r) Carolus-Duran
Plumb, (P-r) Gérôme Lucas,
(P) Delaunay Stirnson, (P-r)
Yvon Fowler, (P-r) CarolusDuran
Beckwith, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Brandegee, (P-r) Jacquesson de la Chevreuse
Cresson, (S) Dumont
Russell, (P) Cabanel
Inscriptions au contours des places 16 février 1877, Perspec­
tive, Histoire, Anatomie, Ornement:
Combes, Lehmann
Weir, (r) Gérôme
Beckwith, (r) Carolus-Duran
Fallon, Robert, (S-r) Dumont
Sargent, K) Carolus-Duran
Robinson, (r) Durand
Harrison, Carolus-Duran
Dewey, Carolus-Duran
Cresson, (S) Dumont
Alexander, (S-r) Dumont
Plumb, (P-r) Gérôme Lee,
(5) Cavelier
Inscriptions au contours des places juillet 1877, Anatomie,
Ornement, Perspective, Histoire: Alexander, (S-r)
Dumont Harrison, (P) Carolus-Duran Volk, (P)
Jameson, Middleton, (P) Carolus-Duran
Srnith, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Sargent, Richard, (P) Gérôme
Robinson, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Beckwith, (P-r)
Cresson, Helborn Thompson, (5) Dumont
Lansing, Arthur Louis, (5)
Fallon, Robert, (S-r) Dumont
Curtis, (P) Gérôme
Fowler, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Dessin d'ornement 7 janvier 1878:
Plumb, (r) Gérôme
Robinson, (r) Carolus-Duran
Fowler, (r) Carolus-Duran
Smith, (r) Carolus-Duran
Section de Peinture, Contours de médailles de perspective:
Cresson, Gérôme
Inscriptions au contours des places du mars 1878, Histoire,
Ornement, Perspective, Anatomie:
Plurnb, (r) Gérôme Combes, (P)
Lehmann Sheilds [Shields], (P)
Cresson, (P) Gérôme Smith.
(P-r) Carolus-Duran
Alexander, (S-r) Dumont
Brown, (P) Gérôme Brush, (P-r)
Gérôme Harrison, (P-r)
Heseltine, (P) Carolus-Duran
Greenough, (P) Lefebvre, Boulanger
Robinson, (P-r) Gérôme
Cox, Kenyon, (P) Carolus-Duran
Sargent, (P) Gérôme
Forbes, (P) Cabanel
Inscriptions au contours des places, 8 juillet 1878, Histoire,
Anatomie, Ornement, Perspective: Boyl, (S-r)
Cresson, (P-r)
Brown, (P) Gérôme
Cresson, (P) Cabanel
Burnap, (P) Cabanel
Butler, (P) Gérôme
Cox, (P) Cabanel
Greenough, (P-r) Lefebvre, Boulanger
Curtiss, R.W., (P) Gérôme
Irwin, B., (P) Carolus-Duran
Alexander, (S-r) Dumont
Smith, (P-r) Carolus-Duran
Woolf, Otto
Inscriptions au contours des places, 10 février 1879, Histoire,
Perspective, Anatomie, Ornement:
Crawford, (P) Gérôme
Brown, (P) Cabanel
Cresson, (P) Gérôme
Cox, (P-r) Gérôme
Harrison, (P-r) Cabanel
Burnap, (P-r) Cabanel
Woolf, Ono, (P) Bonnat
Boyl, (S-r) Dumont
Vail, Eugène, (P) Lefebvre, Boulanger
Saint-Gaudens, (S) Jouffroy Price, (P)
Inscriptions au contours des places, 7 juillet 1879, Perspec­
tive, Anatomie, Histoire, Ornement
Boyl, (S-r) Dumont
Harrison, (P-r) Cabanel
Saint-Gaudens, (S) Jouffroy
Grayson, (P) Gérôme Cresson,
(P-r) Gérôme
Inscriptions au contours des places, 9 février 1880, Peinture:
Perspective, Anatomie, Histoire, Ornament; Sculpture:
Anatomie, Histoire, Ornament
Spencer, Charles, Carolus-Duran
Alexander, (S-r) Dumont
Eliot, (P) Bin
Grayson, (P-R) Gérôme
Coolidge, John, Carolus-Duran
Greenough, (P-r) Lefebvre, Boulanger
Simmons, (P) Boulanger
AJ-52 805: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts:
Administration de I'Ecole pendant la Guerre 1914–1918 et
suites de la Guerre, 1914–1934.
Dossier: Associations diverses.
• File: Période de la Guerre, Comité des Etudiants
Américains (American Students Committee of the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts). Forty-two documents (1915–
1918) in French and English, including copies of
letters exchanged between members of the American
Students Committee and French officials about the
headquarters/location of the Comité des Etudiants
Américains and the publishing faclities for their
Gazette des Ateliers.
• File: Comité d'aide aux étèves ins alides/oeuvre
américaine: les Tuberculeux de la Guerre (Comité des
Etudiants Américains de I'Ecole des Beaux-Arts).
Twenty-one documents (1916–1919) about the man­
agement and publishing of the Gazette d a Ateliers with
its estimated readership of 5,000 forms students of
the twenty-four ateliers of the Ecole. Tae goal of the
publication was to "procurer un soutien moral aux
camarades du front en leur portant les nouvelles"
during the war.
AJ-52 909: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
Dossier: Statistiques Diverses: Renseignements
demandés par M. le Directeur des Beaux-Arts. Statis­
tical breakdown of the student body of the Ecole
Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 1863–19:19, including
information about the number of Americans and
women who attended the school.
AJ-52 911-916: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts:
Dossiers de demandes des aspirants . . . pour les con-roues:
demandes d'autorisations pour les &angers, pour suivre des
cours ou pour se présenter aux concours des places.
Files, alphabetically arranged but with occasional
anomalies, with documents about students applying
to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Documents about foreign
applicants are grouped separately. Often found
among these documents are attestations of citizen­
ship (with erratic information concerning the appli­
cant, e.g., the date and place of birth, current address,
etc.) from the U.S. legation or embassy; a recom­
mendation from a professeur-chef d'atelier at the Ecole;
and occasionally an authorization from within the
Ministry of Public Education and Fine Arts to the
director of the Ecole for the student to take courses at
the Ecole. The following lists include the American
names, the number of documents and their dates,
and the section or professor when mentioned:
A3-52 911: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
Inscriptions: "A-B."
Dossier: Etrangers 'A': Adams, Herbert, two documents, 1886 (sculpture: Mercier)
Ahrens, Theodore G., two documents, 1896 Amsden,
William, two documents, 1888–1889 (Tony Robert-
Fleury, Bouguereau) Ankeney, John, two documents, 1894 (Jules Lefebvre) Dossier: Etrangers "B": Baker, A. Z., two documents, 1889 (Tony Robert-
Fleury, Bouguereau) Bacon, Henry, one document, 1864 Ball, Allan Perley, one document, 1898
Bancroft, John Chandler, two documents, 1860
(peinture, Louis Roux) Barbour, Archibald, one document, 1878 Bickford, N. N., one document, 1875 Birge, Charles, one document, 1899 Blackman, Walter, two documents, 1873 Boggs, F. M., one document, 1876 (Gérôme)
R o w l a n d [Bowlend], George B., one document, 1874 (peinture)
Boyd, Edward, one document, 1876. Also in this file:
Robinson, Smith, Clarsen, Boyd and Enslem, one
document, 1876 (Carolus-Duran) Brady, William Young, one document, 1897
Brinsmade, Charles Lyman, one document, 1898
Brown, Walter E, one document, 1877 Brush, George F. de, one document, 1870, 1878 Burbank, W. E., two documents, 1892 (Benjamin Constant, Laurens) AJ-52 912: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
Inscriptions, Inscriptions "C-D."
Dossier: Etrangers " C :
Canley, one document, 1868
Cobb, Arthur, two documents, 1890 (Tony RobertFleury, Bouguereau)
Connoh [Connah], Douglas J., two documents, 1889
Shaw, George R., one document, 1874
Cox, Kenyon, one document, 1878
Cresson, H. I., one document, 1875
Cranford, Kenneth, one document, 1871[?]
Croninshield, F., two documents, 1872
Dossier: Etrangers "D": Danitrey, Arthur, one document, 1872
Dallin, C. E., two documents, 1889[ ?]
Dana, D. W., two documents, 1855 Davis, Leonard, two documents, no date (Lefebvre, Benjamin Constant) Day, Benjamin, two documents, 1858 (Pico) Decornps, Eugene, one document, 1878 Bates, Dewey, one document, 1874 Dolores, Charles, one document, 1870
Dow, Arthur, two documents, 1885 (Boulanger, Lefebvre) Dubois, Charles one document, 1869 •Deewy [Deweyl, C.M., 1876 (Gérôme)
AJ-52 913: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. High, J., one document, 1890 Hilbonn, Henry, two documents, 1891
HiH, R. S., two documents, 1890, (Tony Robert-
Fleury, Bouguereau) Hillborn, Cresson, one letter, 1878 Hinkley, Robert, one letter, 1871
Howard, Helmick, one document, 1866 Hunt, E. Aubrey, one document, 1874 AJ-52 914: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. Inscriptions, Inscriptions "I-M.'
Dossier: Etrangers "l-J-K":
Ides, George D., one document, 1873 Ihlefeld, Henry, one document, 1878 Ingraham, Chas, two documents, 1885 (Gérôme) Irwin, Benoni, one document, 1878 (and a letter dated 1879 signed Carolus-Duran recommending Inscriptions, Inscriptions, "E-H.' Cox and Irwin) Dossier: Etrangers "E-F": Isham, Samuel, two documents, 1877 (Jacquesson Eaton, D. Cody, three documents, 1869, 1870, 1872,
de la Chevreuse) including a letter from the Legation of the United
Jackson, Arthur, one document, 1895 States, 1872 (Gérôme) Jacobs, H. B., one document, 1878 Faulkner, Herbert W, two documents, 1888 (R. Johnston, John, 1876 Collins) James, Frederick, one document, 1876 Finn, James Henry, three documents, 1887, 1888 (R.
Jones, Frank, one document, 1878 Collins, Léon Glaize) Joseph, Frederick B., one document, 1872 Finney, Harry, two documents, 1889 (Bouguereau,
Kann, Maurice, 1892, two documents Tony Robert-Fleury) Kann, Solomon, two documents, 1892
Fisher, J. R., two documents, 1889, (Bouguereau,
Dossier: Etrangers "L": Tony Robert-Fleury) Lansing, Auguste, two documents, 1875-1876
Flagg, Faxon, Stoicesco and Middleton, me doc­
Leonard, William, two documents, 1891 (Laurens, ument, 1876 (Jacquesson de la Chevreuse)
Benjamin Constant) Middleton, Stanley G., one document, 1876 Flagg, Loekwood, Robert, two documents, 1886 (8?)
Montague, one document, 1876 Low, William, one document, 1873 Forbes, Charles, one document, 1875 Love, 1 document 1872 Fraey, John, one document, 1873 Dossier: Etrangers "M': Frazer, Oliver, one document: copy of a baptismal Mansfield, John, one document, 1873 certificate, dated 1834, Fayette, Kentucky Marchant, G. F., one document, 1874 Dossier: Etrangers "G": Martin, Fred, two documents, 1889 (Benjamin Con­
Gilman, Ben F., one document, 1878 Gertelrneyer, stant, Lefebvre) Frederick, one document, 1874 Gleeson, Joseph,
Mason, Henry, three documents, 1873 (Gérôme) two documents, 1890 (T Robert-Fleury, Wm.
Mayer, Alfred, two documents, 1889 Meek, James Bouguereau)
Edwin, one document, 1896 Mitchell, J. A., one
*Greene [Green], William B., one document, 1872
document, 1867 Mosler, Henry, one document, Gregory, J. E., one document, 1875
1866 MueHer, George Bernard, one document,
Grenet, Edward, one document, 1878 1886 Griffin, Walter, two documents, 1888 (IL Collins) Greenough, Gordon, two documents, 1873 (Lefebvre, AJ-52 915: Boole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Inscriptions, Inscriptions "N-R.' Boulanger) Dossier: Etrangers "N-O":
`Guthrez [Gutherz], Carl, one document, 1870 Naess, Jvar Viehe (naturalized American), one doc­
Dossier: Etrangers "H": ument, 1898 Hays, Austin, two documents, 1896 Newcomb, Henry, three documents, 1870 Hamilton, John, one document, 1874 Niemayer, one document, 1867 Hardie, Robert G., one document, 1878 Volk , Douglas, one document, 1873 Harper Pennington, R. J., two documents, 1874 Norris, B. F., three documents, 1887-1888 Heaton, two documents. 1864 (Bouguereau, 'L Robert-Fleury) Henning, Herman, one document, 1864 (sculpture) 34
Dossier: Etrangers "P":
Page, George Bispham, two documents, 1896
Pardessus, E.V., one document, 1872 !sculpture)
Pepprnuller, Rudolph, one document, 1897
Perdicaris, Jon (naturalized American), two docu­
ments (Gleyre)
Picknel, W. Lee, one document
Pierson, Herbert, one document, 1874
Piper, Edwin, two documents, 1883 (Gérôme) Platt,
Charles S., two document; (Lefebvre, Boulanger)
Plimpton, William E., one document, 1878
Plumb, Henry G., one document, 1874
Pratt, Henry, one document, 1896
Dossier: Etrangers "R":
Rhoades, Joseph, one document, 1857
Richardson, Herbert, two documents, 1894
Rook, Edward K, two documents, 1888
Rorke, Edward, one document, 1876
Rutherford, Alexander, two documents, 1850 (Picot)
4J-52 916: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Inscriptions, Inscriptions "S-Z.'
Dossier: Etrangers "S": Saint-Gaudens, Louis, two documents, 1867 Saisset, Ernest T. de, one document, 1887 Sargent, Richard T., one document (Gerôme)
Sartain, W., one document, 1872 'Sheilds [Shields], Thomas W., one document, 1873. Thomas, Stephen Seymour, two documents, 1889 (Lefebvre)
Smedley, Joseph, two documents, 1889 (Lefebvre)
Smith, E. Boyd, two documents, 1890
Stevenson, H. S., two document, 1888 (G.
Boulanger) Stewart, Jules, one document, 1873 (Gérôme)
Stowe, W. Cass, one document, 1897 Dossier: Etrangers "T": Thayer, George B., one document (1&6) Townsley, Channel. two documents, 1890 (peinture) Tuckerman, Ernest, one document, 1867 Turner, Charles Y., two documents, 1878 (Laurens) Tuzo, Paul B., one document, 1895 Dossier: Etrangers "U-Z': Vincent, Anatole, two documents, 1895 (Laurens)
Waldo, George B., two documents, 1852 (Laurens)
Webster, Lusk, one document, 1870 Werner, Simon, two documents, 1895 (Frémiet) Whistler, James Abbott, two documents: one pre­
senting Whistler as qualified to "ccncourir aux places' signed "Kaemlein 4 mars 1856'; one hand­
written document from the legation cf the United States stating Whistler's birth date.
Whitehouse, H. R., one document, 1877 (Gérôme) WHliamson, John C., one document, 1877 (peinture) van Schaick, Stephen Wilson, one document, 1872
Wilmarth, Lemuel, one document, 1864 (peinture) Win, Jean-Paul de, one document, 1876 Wolff, Otto, one document, 1878 Woodcock, one document, 1878 (Gèrôme) Woodward, Wilbur, one document, 1872 (peinture) •Weurtz [Wuertz], Emil, three documents, 1873 (Gerome) Yates, Cullen, two documents, 1895 (Courtois) Ziegler, Joseph C., one document, 1888 (Dubois); two documents, 1889 (Bonnat) Dossier: Etrangers: Eakins, Thomas; Wiehl, Conrad; Shinn, Earl: Roberts, H.; Bridgman, F. A.; one doc­
ument dated 23 octobre 1866 authorizing these stu­
dents to take courses at the Ecole Impériale des Beaux-
Arts, signed from Count Alfred E. Nieuwerkerke. AJ-52 921: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Dossier: Feuilles de renseignement: Section Peinture.
Mlle Chauncey, Rosalie Brown, 4 Novembre 1911,
Valdosa, Georgia (élève de Mme d'Espagnat); admise
dans l'atelier le 19 octobre 1938-26 octobre 1938;
adresse: Cité Universitaire; 15 bvd Jourdain, Paris.
Dossier: Feuilles de renseignement: Inscriptions clans
les galeries: Americans in the G.I. program, 1950­
AJ-52 926: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Inscriptions et Controles, 1875-1902.
chronologically arranged enrollment ledger with the
names of foreigners who applied to the Ecole des
Beaux-Arts from 1875 to 1902. The ledger includes a
total of 3,174 names along with the date of the stu­
dent's application, a matriculation number, the stu­
dent's nationality, an area of concentration, the name
of a professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and
remarks. Over the course of three decades the infor­
mation provided in this ledger becomes increasingly
less detailed so that by 1902, only the names, nation­
alities, and current addresses are noted. American
names culled from this register are listed by year in
their original order of occurrence, and include area of
concentration ( P : Painting; S: Sculpture; A: Architec­
ture) and professor when available.
Stadler, Frederic (A), Pascal; Russell, Edwin (P),
Cabanel; Wolcott, Henry (P), Cabanel; Lansing, Louis
(5), Jouffroy; Robinson (P), Lehmann; Bickford (P),
Lehmann; Thayer (P), Lehmann; Cresson (5),
Dumont; Stilson (A), André; Donaldson, John (A),
Anthony, Holland (A), André; Linsley (A) Andre; Stokes, Frank (P), Gérôme; King (P), Gérôme.
Flagg (P), Jacquesson de la Chevreuse; Faxon (P), 1882:
Jacquesson de la Chevreuse; Middleton, Stanley Lucas, Albert Pike (P), Hébert; Strickler (P),
(P), Jacquesson de la Chevreuse; Smith (P), Carolus- Gérôme; Fox, Charles (P), Cabanel; Fisher (P),
Cabanel; Piper, Edward (P), Legont .
Duran; Narson (P), Carolus-Duran; Boyd (F), Caro­
tus-Duran; Forbes (P), 1875, Butin; Davis, Rudolph 1883:
(A), André; Forbes, Charles Stuart (P), Gérôme; Wickenden (P), Hébert; Dearth (P), Hébert;
Linsley (A), Margaux: Johnston, John (P), Gérôme; Guernsey (5), Dumont; Dodge, William (P),
Dolores, Charles K. (P), Cabanel; Mondilahizus (P). Gérôme.
Bonnat; Borland, John (A), Pascal; Dewey (P), 1884:
Gérôme; James, Frederick (P), Gérôme; Rorke, Crosby, Frederic (P), Lucien Courtois; Silberberg
Edward (P), Gérôme; Jauréguy (A); Sargent, (P), Chevalier; Martin, V. (P), Gérôme; Plummer (P),
Boulanger; Macauley (A), 1883; Fitzgerald (P),
Richard (P), Gérôme.
Ambassade des Etats-Unis; Carneron (P), Lefebvre;
Hunnewell, Henry (A); Burnham (A), Pascal; Smith (P), Lefebvre; Colman (P), Boulanger, Lefeb­
Alkinson (A), Pascal; Isham, Samuel (P), Jacques- vre; Dempwolf (A), Luray; MacMonnies (S), Consul
son de la Chevreuse; Harrison (P), Carolus -Duran; des Etats-Unis. (N. B.: from this point on no mention
Curtis (P), Gérôme; AHen, Francis (A), Vaudreimer; is made of a professor, only an Legation or
Berg, Charles (A), André; Whitehouse (P), Gerôme; Embassy).
Brown (P), Gérôme; 'Boyl [Boyle], John (S), 1885:
Middleton, Stanley (P); Hunt, Richard Howland (Al;
Dumont; WiHiarnson, John (P), Gérôme.
Siwelling, Granville Temple (A); Major, Ernest L. (P);
Cresson, Hilborn (P), Gérôme; Greenough (P),
Latour, Charles; Walker; Ingraham (P).
Lefebvre, Boulanger; Burnap (P), Carolus-Duran,
Cabanel; Irwin (P), Carolus-Duran; Cox (P), Carolus-
Baugarton (A); Field (A); Plummer (A); Lock-wood;
Duran; Jones, Frank Coats (P), Lehmann; Phelfeld
Carey (A); Mueller (P); Spottswood (P); Sterner (P);
(5), Dumont; Woolf, Otto (P), Cabanel; Blackall (A), Stark (P); Hopper (P); Finn (P(.
Andrè; Decornps (P), Gérôme; Plimpton, William (P), 1887:
Gérôme; Saint-Gaudens (S), Jouffroy; Woodcock (P), Peters (P); Hale (P); Brooks (P); Rarnsdell (P);
Gérôme; Jaeobs, H.B. (S), Cavelier; Crawford (P(,
Faulkner (P); Levy (P); Josselyn (Al; Ellicott (A);
Gérôme; Gilman (P), Lehmann; Hardie (P), Baldwin;
Bryant (A); Boring.
Lehmann; Grenet, Edwin (P), Cabanel; Barbour,
Archibald (P), Cabanel.
Humphreys (P); Bemis (A); Griffin (P); Koopman (P);
Browne (P); Sass (P); Schreiber (P); Woud (P); Conse
1879: VaH, Eugene (P), Boulanger; Grayson (P), Gérôme; (P) 1886; Norris (P) 1887.
Clyrner (A), Clopet; Barnes (A), Vaudremer; Fassitt 1888:
(A), Pascal; Hamelin, Alfred (A), Gaudet; Turner (P),
Faulkner (P); Ziegler (P); Brockway (A); Hoppin (A);
Laurens; Harrison (P), Cabanel; Otis (A), Laisné;
Nolan, Edmond; Nolan, Thomas; Waquermeyer (A);
Fassitt (A); Meyenberg, John (S), Dumont; 'Evrett Hart (P); Trowbridge; Haushalter; Neill; Flagg (A);
[Everett], Henry E (P), Gérôme; Makirn, Richard (P),
Stevenson (P); Vedder (P); Rook (P); MacGuire (A);
Gérôme; Reich, Jacques (P), Lehmann; Blackall (A),
Trowbridge (A); Wilbour (P): Bailey; Amsden (P);
André; Fellow, A.W. (A), Vaudreimer; Schellenger
(A), Cleret; Donoghue, John 5), Jouffroy. 1889:
1880: Dallin (S); Luques (P); Harris (S); Graffy (5); Sey­
Simrnons (P), Boulanger; Charnberlin (A), Vau­ mour (P); Dessar (P); Harnilton (P); Fisher (P);
dreimer; Longfellow (A), Vaudreimer; Fassitt (A),
Halfeker (P); Henri (P); Kendall (P); Larnbert (P);
Pascal; Stewardson (A), Pascal; Gould (A), Gauden;
Boardman (P); Parker (P); Finney (P); Linson (P);
Allen (P), Gérôme; Levy, Herbert (P), Gérôme;
Smedley (P); Zilgler (P); Mayer (P); Pape (P); Smith;
Hastings (A), André; Taft (S), Dumunt; Carey (P), Lord (A); Ottenheime (A); Connah; Dumond (P);
Delécluse; Chambers (P), Gérôme; Young (A),
Klarwood; Martin (P); Alexandre (F): Baker (P); Hale
Gander; Kinsella (P), Gérôme; Foster (P), Cabanel;
(A); Codman, (A); Kennedy (A); Haydal (A); York (P);
Bartlett (S), Cavalier; Hoey, J. (P), Cabanel.
Paxton (P); Cobb; Han-son (A); Beck, Harry; Beck,
Birren; Lord (A); Townsley (P;; Perry (P); Vespur,
George (P); High (P); Pages (P); MacKenzie (P);
MacNeH (P); Davis (P); Fox, G. (P); Red-field (P);
Smith (P); Gleeson (P;; Lloyd (A); Wheelright (A);
Casey (A); Dillon (A); Smith (A); Friedlander (A);
Walker (A); Dodge, Robert Lee (P); High; Smith (A);
Hughes (A); Borgord (P); Van Pelt (A); Flanagan
(S); Loeb (P); Cobb (P); Hill, K. (S); Bums (P);
Stoughton (A); Rosenthal (P); Lawlor (A); Buck
(S); Leavitt (A); Mathews (A); Reevs (P); Gorham;
Pike (5); Pratt (5); Hamamrn (S); Knight (P);
Davis ('); Cabot (P); Zeigler; Peterson (S); Zeller
(S); Walker (P); Clarke (P); Haase (A); Sernpe;
Brown (P); Hill (P); Clawson (P); Walters (P);
Bartlett (P); Johnston; Potter (P); Harley (S);
Calder (S) Hilbon (P); Hagaman (P); Horning (P);
Talcott (P); Coolidge (A); Cogewell (A).
Sibell (A); Atkinson (A); Wyeth(A); Howard (A);
Warren, L. (A); Roudanez (P); Kohn (A); Morgan
(A); Rogers (A); Morris (A); Armand (P); Harris (P);
Welch IA); Mosier (P); Hodges (P); Burbank;
Leonard, W; Leonard, G; Camerp; Fretsch.
Ives, Percy (P); Hayes, Karan M. (P); Kartn, S. (P);
Murphy (P); Read (P); Waldo (P); Gihon (P); Hal­
lenberg (A); Snyder (A); Steward (I); Smith (A);
Butler (A); Pike (A); Potter (A); Rice (A); Farwell (A);
Valentine (A); Turner (A); Denby; Bur-roughs;
Whitehead (A); Higgenson (A); Howells (A); Tracy
(A); Sawyer (A); Lane (A): •Desvarreux-Lapenteur
[Desvarreux-Larpenteur] (P); Cook, Daniel (P).
Knight, Oscar; Halb (P); Sharp (P); Patten, (P);
Almirall (A); Ballantine (A); Carlson (A); Weeks (A);
Bright (A); Perkins (A); Sawyer (A); Tallant (A);
Crawford (S): Gramme. (A); Donnell (A);
Raymond (A); Hornbostel (A); Thorndike (A);
Brown (A); Borie (A); Edgecomb (A); Guthrie (P);
Hiton (P); Mugel (P); Waltenspeiger (P); Moran,
Horace; Chawler (P); Wood (P).
Klein; Barlow (P): Ankeney (P); Knowles (A);
Lukeran (S); Atherton (A); Thorne (A); Rogers (A);
Totlen (A); Anderson (A); Youngburg (A);
Trowbridge (A); Feustman (A); Boa'. (A); Thom­
burg (P); Newton; Richardson (A); Blake (A);
Haskell (A); Herts (A); Dodge, Robert (P);
Andrews (P); Brown, Harold (P); Cueull (P); Alt­
mann (P); Funk (P); Wolfron (P); Vandevort (P);
Dantzig (P); Field (P); Lewis (P); Dodge, Benjamin
(P); Frolich (S); Lenz (S).
Richardson (P); Werner (P); Vincent (P); Hilde­
brand (P); Anderson (A); Lescher (A); Hunt (A);
Phillips (A); Robubs (A); Lowell (A); Morris (A);
Hewlett (A); Striebinger (A); Kuch (A); Morgan
(A); Cresson (A); Jackson (A); Bolles (A); Atter­
burg (A); Nelson (A); Barber (A); Bakesell (A);
Stokes (A); Mulligan (S); Yates (P); Aldrich; Mack
(P); Tuzo (A); Dyer (A); Spiering (A); •Satterwate
[Satterwaite] (A); Cabot (A); Acken (A); Saltus (A);
Jacobs (A); Shober; Bureau (S); Gag-gin (A);
Greene; Wirts; Wright.
Hays (5); Abbott (P); Brandt (A); Ahrens (A);
Corbett (A); Farquhar (A); Davis; Gay; Holden,
Frank; Holden, Ben; Humphreys; Huntington;
Meek; Metcalfe; Nash; Price; Southwick;
Zantzinger; Stowe; Post; Candler; Corbett; Page;
Hubby; Cole (P); Pulsifer (A); BurreH (A); Neuse;
Lorch (P); Charnpney (P); Brown (P); Aldolph (P);
Ahrens; Cole (P); Sheppar (P); Pope.
1897: (N.B.: mid 1897, section no longer specified)
Stowe; Remey; MiteheH (P); Hartshorne (P);
Ward (P); Fougner (A); Cottlieb (A); Remy (A);
Bosworth (A); Ames (A); Page (A); Morse (A);
Peppmuller (A); Knight (A); Selfrige (A); Lee (A);
Hamlin (A); Brady (S); Cooney (P); Rixford (P);
Curd (P); WeHl (P); Murchison (A); Greenley (A);
Parker (A); Thornas (A); Marcon (P); Hering (A);
Fraser (S); Ernerson (S); Levi; Dodge; Kenyon;
Colton; Lichtenauer; Necarsulmer; Shire; Mosle.
Skinner (A): Porter; Ball; Beckman; Bosworth;
Daggett; Naess; Rheims; Taylor; Tubby; Chalfin;
Laughlin; Rensen; Southwick (A); Widmann,
Berthold; Whiting; Baumgarten; Beadel; Brimmade; Carroll; Gould; GHrnan; Hays; Hedger;
Hopper; Kahn; Parsons; Rich; Tachan; Conkling;
Slade; Marens; Evans, Rudolph; Bechtel; Raapke,
Henry (A); Cole.
Doughtery; MacLellan; Gurmaer; Delans; Mor­
gan; Earle; MacCook, George (with address in Paris
from here on); Ewing, Charles; Philipps, Henri
Lawrence, Ames; Gilman, Roger; Sawyer,
Edward; Ingalls, Harry C.; House, John; Oakman,
John; Raehac, John; Hewitt, Henry; Winslow,
Henry; flares, NJ.; Stevens, Zorham; Lyall, Earl
Harvey; Kummerfeld, Charles; Bozio, Ernirico;
Proelloch, Arnold; Hobbart, Lewis; Howes,
Edouard; *Shepard [Shepard], Ralph; MacKee,
Robert; Rohde, Max Spencer; Fickheimer, Lincoln;
Chard, Thorton.
Otto, Carl; Davison, Chester; Steinback, Gustav
Erwin; Beadel, Gerald Woodrow; Hewitt. Erwin;
Cairns, Bayard; Blondel, Theodore; Lindenmeyer,
Ludwig; Doughty, Edward Crosby; GiHette, Léon;
Denison, Robert Lincotn; Riddle, Herbert Hugh;
Blum, Edward; Blurn, George; Jallade, Louis; Bar­
ber, Joel; Meyer. Theodore; James; Lofquist;
Githens; Flanders, Knight; Hewitt; Barthold; Hobbe;
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, 1892­
1893 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme: Harris,
Humphreys; Bonnat: Mosler, Gustav; Gustave
Moreau: CuHen; Jacquet).
• Cahier: Section de Sculpture, Etudes du soir,
1892-1893 (includes the ateliers of Ponséarne; Thomas; Falguière: Calder, HiH, Levy, Neil, Prat, Pike, Tonetti). AJ-52 958: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Inscriptions des Etrangers pour se présenter aux examen
l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1920-1943.
Dossier: Registers, separated by sex and arranged
chronologically, of students applying for admission to Holst; Sheldon; Johns; Sparks. the )Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Included are the inscrip­
Dossier: Contrôles de présence Ecole Nationale et
tion number, the name and date of birth of the stu­
Spéciale des Beaux-Arts, Constatation de la présence dent, the nationality, the professor, a current address, des élèves dans les ateliers par mob et par semaine. A and the level of the entrance. The following Ameri­
set of bound attendance books (cahiers) for evening can names were culled from the register for men: 1930: classes in the ateliers.
Kennedy, Robert Woods • Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soft, 1884­
1886 (includes the ateliers of Cabanel, Gérôme: 1931:
Bridgman, Fox, Dodge, Moran; Hébert: Lucas).
Crane, Albert Kennedy,
• Cahier:
1884-1888 Robert Woods
'includes the ateliers of Thomas, Falguière, Cavelier, 1932:
Crane, Albert
• Cahier: Section de Sculpture, Etudes du soir Kennedy, Robert Woods
1887-1889 (Tonetti).
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, Voght, Leo Frederic
1888-1889 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme: Bridg­
man, Brown, Dodge, Tucker; Cabanel: Eliot).
Woods, Francis Shields
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, The following American names were culled from the
1888-1889 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme: Bridg­
register of women applicants (both for the entry
man, Brook, Brown, Dodge, Graf, Linson, Tucker, exams and to work in the galleries):
Vedder, Wood; Cabanel: HamHton).
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, Briggs, Dorothy
1889-1890 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme: Bridg­
man, Browne, Fox; Linson, Levy, Henry, Parker, Jenkins, Margaret
Tucker, Vedder, Wood; Delaunay: Brown Broad1942:
man, Eliot, Harnilton).
Albertson, Jeanne
• Cahier: Section de Sculpture, Etudes du soir,
Dossier: Demandes d'inscription A-Z, 1945-1949. 1889-1890 (includes the ateliers of Thomas; Fal­
Although many American names figure in this folder,
guière: Tonetti; Cavelier).
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, there is little information other than that they 1889-1890 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme is Beck, applied to the Ecole. Bartlett, Clarke, Fox, Humphreys, Paxton, Parker, Dossier: Répertoire des elèves &Rangers (register
Perry, Tucker, Talcott, Vedder Wood; Delaunay: 130804). A register of students who attended the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts from 1906 to 1919, broken
Brown, Boardman, Hamilton).
• Cahier: Section de Peinture, Etudes du soir, down by nationality, including the names of approx­
1891-1892 (includes the ateliers of Gérôme: Beck, imately fifty-four architects and fifty-nine eleves libres
Bartlett, Fox, Harris, Humphreys, Hodges, Talcott, (nonspecialized students).
AJ-52 969: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Vedder; Bonnat: Mosler, Gustav.
• Cahier: Section de Sculpture, Etudes du soir, Flews étrangers: vétérans américains et réfugiés hongrois,
1891-1892 (includes the ateliers of Henriquel; 1946-1959.
Thomas; Falguière: Calder, Flanagan, Hill, Levy,
NeH, Pike, Tonetti; Cavelier).
Dossier: Vetérans américains: Etats d'emargement.
Chronologically arranged files include vouchers from
the U.S. government to pay for the courses and sup­
plies of these students while they attended the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
• File: Vétérans américains, annee scolaire 1946–
1947, Etats de paiement des bourses. Includes the
names of the following Americans: Burns, Robert
(Arts); Bowie, Willie (Ars); Martelli, Armand (Arts);
Boardman, Seymour (Painting); Andrews, Gertrude
(Arts); Bamett, Harold (Arts); Taylor, Richard
(Arts); Phillips, Frederick (Painting); Farber, Sholam
(Painting/Arts); :Dorsay, Frank (Arts); Wisniewski,
Ray L. (Painting); Thomas, Clarence M. (Painting
and Lithograph').
• File: Vétérans américains, année scolaire 1947–
1948, Etats de paiment des bourses. Includes the
names of the following Americans: Borgatta, Mark
L.; Bowie, Willie; Farber, Sholam; Phillips,
Frederick; Sandifer, John; Wortham, William;
Youngerman, J.; Copan, WiHiam; Janicik, Edward;
Barnett, Harold; Ferrer, Richard; Lauren-stein,
Milton; Gilbert, Harold; Martin, Andrew; Maxfield,
Robert; Nocho, Ernest L.; Philips, Gray; Porter,
Albert; Taylor, Richard 1 ; Thornas, Clarence M.;
Younger, Thomas H.; McCann, Albert; Orlando,
Peter; Coughlin, Edward.
• File: Véterans américains, année scolaire 1948–
1949, Etats de paiement. Incluces documents with
the names of the following Americans: Aalbu, Olaf;
Appleton, David; Barnett, Harold; Beverly, Edouard;
Bird, Richard; Bowie, Willie; Bryant, Gordon;
Carmichael, Henry; Deavers, Melvin; Evans, John;
Ferrer, Richard; Foss, Oliver; Fried-man, Edward;
Goodenough, Maurice; de Frassi, Roberto;
Greenstein, Saul R.; Gilman, Frank; Jacovitch, Tony;
Janicik, Edward; Kelly, Ellsworth M.; Lagrand,
Charles; Lesley, Philip; Martin, Andrew; Murphy,
George; Oliver, Robert; Sevigny, Charles; Waldron,
Raymond S.; Weissmann, Walter; Youngerman,
Jack; Lesley. Philip; Orlando, Peter T.; Martin,
Andrew; de Leiris, Main; Champain, Saul; Janick,
Edward; Rosenbaum, Thomas; Tayson, Wayne, P.;
Harby, Thor-ton; Reiss, Lloyd; O'Brien, Cunis;
Perigord, James; VanLent, Leroy; Piagentini, Oscar.
• File: Vétérans américains, année 1999–1950, Etats
de paiement. Includes the names of the following
Americans: Daub, Gerald; Beverly, Edward; Bowie,
Willie; Carrnichael, H.; Eaves, Winslow B.;
Goodenough, M.; Kelly, Etlsworth; Emsheiler,
Edmund; Ferrer, Richard H.; Harper, Douglas E.;
Holmes, Kenneth; Korn, Robert A.; Lagrand,
Charles; Levine, Edward; Marquer, Robert; Martin,
Andrew; Oliver, Robert; Orlando, Peter; Raley.
Robert; Solomita, Vincent; Smith, William A.;
Swartz, Maxwell; Tamura, Hiroshi; Waldron, Ray­
mond S.; Webster, T.; Youngerrnan, Jack; Rosen­
baum; Aguirre, John; Borgatta, Mark; Foss, Oliver.
• File: Vétérans américains, année scolaire 1950–
1951. Includes documents with the names of the
following Americans: Benjamin, Stanton; Besher,
Joseph; Bowie, Willie; Edelman, Harold; Ferrer,
Richard; Foss, Oliver; Lagrand, Charles; Levine,
Edouard; Maroon, Fred; Marquer, Robert; Orlando,
Peter; Patterson, Clyde; Pelsinski, John; Perigord,
James; Rigg, Charles; Van Tash; Waldron, Raymond;
Borgatta, Mark; Goodenough, Maurice; Oliver,
Robert A.; Dierken, Harry; Greer, Joseph; Harper,
Douglas; Kelly, Ellsworth; Lagrand, Charles; Levine,
Edouard; Maroon, Fred; Marquer, Robert; de Nardo,
Frank; Orlando, Peter; Patterson, Clyde; Parker,
William; Pelsinski, John; Perigord, James; Rigg,
James; Solomita, Vincent; Tamura, Hiroshi; Van
Tash; Waldron, Raymond; Wheeler, Huben.
• File: Vétérans américains, année scolaire 1952–
1953. Includes documents with the names of the
following Americans: Venezia, Domenic; Fitz-Hugh,
Jack (Painting); Forbers, Eric (Painting); Lacki, Jack
C. (Painting); Lagrand, Charles (Painting); Lattyak,
Michael (Architecture); Neill, James (Architecture);
Orlando, Peter T. (Painting and Sculpture);
Ostrowsky, Efrem (Sculpture ); Beeker, John
(Painting); Benjamin, Stanton (Painting); Myers,
Louis; Williams, Kelly; Donovan, Virginia.
• File: Anciens combattants américains, année sco­
laire 1952–1953. Includes documents with the names
of the following Americans: Ascagni, Angelo (Paint­
ing and Drawing); Benjamin, Stanton J. (Painting);
Forbes, Eric B. (Painting); Lacki, Jack (Painting);
Myers, Louis (Painting and Drawing); Jacot, Henri.
• File: Vétérans américains, Correspondance. Docu­
ments (1947–1952) concerning the enrollment and
activities of American G.I.'s at the Ecole des BeauxArts, and including a list of paintings by Americans
exhibited at the Salon de l'Armée, Musée des Travaux
Publics, May 18-June 3, 1951.
AJ-52 1011: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Concours d'admission, Peiture et Sculpture, 1887–1920.
Separate files for each year and discipline, with the
candidates' names, their professors, their scores on the
various entrance tests, their cumulative scores, and
whether they were accepted. A sampling of the
extensive file 'Admission dans la section de Peinture'
revealed many American names.
Sous-série AJ-53: L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Arts Décoratifs
9 aout 1861: Singer,
AJ-53 39: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, 29 janvier 1862:
Eleves, Registres d 'Inscriptions et de Présence, 1806-1827. Preston, William (Boston)
Chronological register of students enrolled at the
Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, 1806-1827, including full
name, address, place of birth, and age. The following
list includes only American students' names and their
mars 1822:
Taylor, Charles, New York, 19 ans
mai 1822:
Mather, Henri (Boston)
Farnharn, Charles (New York)
29 juillet 1862
Fagan, Laurence (Philadelphie) 1 mai 1862: Hertwig, Charles Gilbert, Charles Morant, Alfred (Nouvelle-Orléans)
Laynal, Gustav, New York, 12 ans
Laynal, New York, 13 ans
Saint-Martin, Antoine Amédée, Baltimore, 14 ans
AJ-53 143: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
29 avril 1863)
Eleves étrangers, 1855-1946.
19 janvier 1864:
Dossier: Lettres du Ministère d'Etat concernant l'ad­
mission des élèves étrangers a l'Ecole Impériale de
Dessin de 1855 â 1878 (moms 1871-1873). Quarterly
letters (1855-1946, missing 1871-1873) addressed to
the director of the Ecole Imperiale Spéciale de Dessin
et de Mathérnatiques "provisionally" admitting for­
eign students (with name, nationality, and
occasionally place of birth). The following Americar.
names occur:
I jeukier 1855:
Scott, Franck
17 awl( 1855:
Perry, Enoch
Denny, Harman
18 janvier 1856)
Wistler, Jacques
22 avril 1858:
Peyser, Clifford (New York)
28 janvier 1859:
Hastings, Mathieu (St. Louis)
21 avril 1859:
Fillrnore, Charles (New York)
20 janvier 1860:
Clendsin, Guillaume (Cincinnati) Lafarge, Henri (New York)
Sartain, Henri (Philadelphie) Key, Henri (Philadelphie) 16 juillet 1860: Mauny, André
Lane, Lévi 30 septembre 1860: Crépon, Lucien (Philadelphie) Fagan, Laurence (Philadelphie) Gaillard, Alexandre (Nouvelle-Orléans)
17 avril 1861:
Girond, Joseph
*Volhrnar [Volkmar], Charles
Thompson, Alfred (Maryland)
Saurwein, Charles
Thornpson, Alfred
Wohmer, Charles
Wohrner, Frederic
8 avril 1864:
Ash, Thomas R. (Philadelphie)
17 janvier 1865:
Thompson, Alfred
Volkmar, Charles
Gatine, Alexandre
19 juillet 1865: Dodge,
18 janvier 1866:
Rittler, Antoine
Borneman, Louis
Diamant, David S.
12 avril 1866:
Rittler, Antoine
Dillon, Charles
19 janvier 1868:
Thorp, Alfred
*MacKirn [McKim], Charles
Peabody, Robert Tracy, John
M. Wholney, Edward
10 awl/ 1868:
Zeenough, Alfred
8 juillet 1869:
Warner, Olin
28 octobre 1869:
Gutherz, Charles
17 fevrier 1870:
Gutherz, Charles
Ramsey, Charles
23 avril 1870:
Root, Enoch
Despras, Jean (Nouvelle-Orléans)
23 jollier 1870:
Fishback, George
Mathésins, Frederick
13 mars 1874:
Beckwith, James Carroll
Bowen, Schuyler
Brandegee, Robert Soiling
Brush, George
Faxon, William Bailey
Finkle, Isidor
Flagg, Montae
Fougere, Joseph
Fowler, Frank
Gerber, Louis-Adolphe
Huidekoper, Ruck-Shippen
Lalesquiere, John Welille
Low, William Henri
MiHet, Louis Julien
Stimson, John Ward
Tracy, John Martin
Volk, Douglas
Weir, Julian
6 février 1875.)
Arthur, Robert
*Bales (Bates], Dewey
Bass, Franck
Battier, Charles
Harnilton, John
Haskins, Charles
Humphrey, Joseph
Loomis, Charles
Marchant, Georges
Meeks, Edouard
Meeks, William
Middleton, Stanley
Reid, Edward
Rubi, Paul
Shields, Thomas
Tacher, Edward
Vauderhoof, Henri
Wood, Joyden
24 janvier 1876:
Dirne, Gustav
Dunsmore, John
Flint, Frederick William
Hiss, Philippe
Hornblower, Joseph C.
Langenberger, Frederick
Lyell, Edwin Car
Plumb, Henry G.
Srnith, Calvin Rae
Torrey, Eugene
Way, Frederick Ferdinand
12 janvier 1877:
Bassett, Elliot
Foster, Charles
Stark, Joseph
Dossier: Folder: Etats-Unis. Letters, chronologically
arranged, from the U.S. legation in Paris requesting
permission for the American students to attend
courses at the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs. Letters
include the applicant's date and place of birth, as well
as current address in Paris. The following American
names, presented here in order of occurrence, were
culled from these files:
Aljaynor, Frank
Bissell, George Edwin
Bringhurst, W.
Carter, Robert
Clements, G.H.
Fox, Charles L.
Gomez, Henri Gustav Auguste
Hartmann, Alexandre George
Heard, John
Hoehstadter, William
Holrnan, William
Martin, Victor
Peel, Paul
Porter, Charles
Whiteman, Edwin
Bailey, Theodore
Bayman, Leon
Brown, Eugene Dowling
Copson, Arthur
Gibbs, R.S.
Handschel, Frederick
Jackson, George Aunis
Kalish, Max
Ledonne, Louis
Marcus, Herman
Maybee, Eli Delbert
Powell, J.S.
Purviance, John David
Regny, Alfred
Richter, Victor
Schall, Fred Philipp
Schonhardt, Henry
Smith, Arthur G.
Stein, Clarence
Voisin, Adrian
Wells, Frank
AJ-53 172: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscriptions a l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
de 1859. 1860, 1861, et 1862 (Arts Décoratifs).
AJ-53 173: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription a I'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1859 n 1860,
including matriculation number, full name, p. ace and
date of birth, profession, and current address, along
with an alphabetical index of students' names. The
following American names, presented here n order
of occurrence, were culled out, along with place and
date of birth and profession:
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, including matriculation
number, full name, place and date of birth, profes­
sion, and current address, along with alphabetical
index of students' names. The following American
names, presented here in order of occurrence, were
culled out, along with place and date of birth and
octobre 1859
Clendenin, Guillaume (Cincinnati), élève
Lafarge, Henry, (New York, 1839), étudiant
Wamer, Olin (Amérique, 1844), sculpteur décembre 1859:
mai 1869:
juin 1869: Warner, Olin (Amérique, 1844), sculpteur Sartain, Henry (Philadelphie, 1833), étudiant
Key, Henry (Philadelphie, 1823), étudiant
juillet 1869:
janvier 1860:
octobre 1869:
Van Wart, Irving New York, 1841), étudiant Van Wart, Ames New York 1841), étudiant Guthrez, Charles (Arnérique, 1844), artiste peintre
novembre 1869:
mai 1860: Lane, Levi (Californie, 1830), docteur en medecine
'Ramsay [Ramsey], Charles (Amérique, 1849), élève
juin 1860:
janvier 1870:
Guthrez, Charles (Amérique, 1844), artiste peintre
Lane, Levi (Californie, 1830), docteur en medecine
Webster, Lusk (Amérique, 1844), architecte
septembre 1860:
janvier 1870:
Crépon, Lucien (Philadelphie, 1837), étudiant pein­
Fagan, Laurence (Philadelphie, 1832), étudiant
Gaillard, Alexandre (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1849),
octobre 1860:
Frezel, James (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1838), arthitecte
novembre 1860:
Beaufort, Henri (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1838), clerc
d'avocat Gabrin, James (1837), étudiant Knight, Daniel (Philadelphie, 1839), étudiant Root, Enoch (Amérique, 1840), peintre
février 1870:
Meichelener, Ignace (Amérique, 1856), lithographe
mars 1870:
Despras, Jean (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1850), élève
avril 1870:
Fishbeck, George (Amérique, 1860), élève dessina­
mai 1870:
Mathesius, Fredrick (Amérique, 1851), dessinateur
avril 1861: octobre 1870:
Kimbel, Antoine (Amérique, 1853), tapissier Singer, Wendelin (Boston, 1837), sculpteur novembre 1870:
octobre 1861:
Hodgkiss, Arthur (Boston, 1845), graveur
Preston, William (Boston, 1841), artiste
Mather, Henri (Boston, 1841), artiste
février 1871:
novembre 1861:
avril 1871: Gaillard, Alexandre (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1845), graveur Cook, Thomas, (Buffalo, 1841), étudiant
décembre 1861:
Famham, Charles (New York, 1841), artiste musicien
Hertning, Herman (Amérique, 1840), élève sculpteur
Guilliod, Emile (Amérique, 1848), peintre
septembre 1871:
Bonieux, Jules (Amérique, 1842), employé 'Hinkley
[Hinckley], Robert (Amérique, 1853), élève architecte
octobre 1871:
Simpson, Michael (Boston, 1850), étudiant
Minor, Robert (Amérique, 1847), peintre
avril 1872:
juin 1874:
Perry, William (Perryville, 1845), étudiant
Vanderhoof, Cornelius-Henri (New York, 1842),
octobre 1872:
Rogest Rich, J. (Amérique, 1847), dessinateur
Bigelow, William Blake ( A m é r i q u e , 1847), archi­
Schoborn, Joseph (Oxford, Iowa), peintre
septembre 1874:
novembre 1872:
Bates, Dewey (Philadelphie, 1851), peintre
Kirby, Frederic Washburn (Portland, Maine, 1850),
étève architecte
Briggs, Warren Richard (Boston, 1850), étudiant
Humphrey, Joseph-Francois (New York 1849), étu­
octobre 1874:
novembre 1874:
Robinson, William ( A m é r i q u e , 1853), artiste
peintre Low, William Henri (Albany, 1853), peintre
Bizarel, Ferdinand (San Francisco, 185 5), medecin­
Thacher, Edward Stanley (New Haven, 1852), élève
Hamilton, John (Philadelphie, 1853), peintre Arthur,
Robert (Philadelphie, 1850), étudiant Loomis,
Charles Lincoln (Washington, 1859), étudiant
Meeks, Edouard (San Francisco, 1861), lycéen Reid,
Charles Edward (New York, 1853), élève architecte
septembre 1873:
déeembre 1874:
mai 1873:
Finkle, Isidor (New York, 1855), architecte
MiHet, Louis-Julien New York, 1855), étudiant
octobre 1873:
Fowler, Frank (Brooklyn, 1852), étudiant
Volk, Douglas (Massachusetts, 1856), peintre Weir,
Julian (West Point, 1852), peintre Huidekoper,
Ruek-Schipper (Pennsylvanie, 1854), étudiant
Bowen, Schuyler (Brooklyn, 1864), ecolier
Van Schaick, Stephen-Wilson (New York, 1848),
novembre 1873
Stirnson, John Ward (Paterson, 1850), artiste pein­
Brandegee, Robert Bolling (Connecticut, 1849),
Faxon, William Bailey (Hartford, 1849), artiste pein­
Flagg, Montague (Hartford, 1845), artiste peintre
décembre 1873:
Gerber, Louis-Adolphe (New York, 1857), agriculteur
Beckwith, James-Carroll (Chicago, 1852), peintre
de Brush, George (Tennesee, 1854), etudiant
Tracy, John Martin (Ohio, 1845), peintre
Moniot, Achille (New York, 1853), dessinateur
janvier 1874:
Bass, Frank Burr (St. Paul, 1848) Wood, Ogden (New York, 1849), peintre
Shields, Thomas (1849), peintre
Haskins, Charles V. (New York, 1852), étudiant avril 1874: Battier, Francois Louis Charles (Nouvelle-Orleans, 1856), collégien mai 1874: Marchant, George Farquhar (Providence, 1852), peintre
Middleton, Stanley (Brooklyn, 1852), sculpteur
awll 1875:
Hiss, Philippe (Baltimore, 1857), elève architecte
septembre 1875:
Way, George Brevette (Baltimore 1854), peintre
AJ-53 174: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription a l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
(Title page missing.) Chronological register of stu­
dents (men) enrolled at the Ecole Nationale des Arts
Décoratifs, 1875-1882, including matriculation num­
ber, full name, place and date of birth, profession, and
current address, along with alphabetical index of
students' names. The following American names,
presented here in order of occurrence, were culled
out, along with place and date of birth and
octobre 1875:
C a n , Lyell Edwin (Chicago, 1853), peintre
Torrey, Eugene (Kalamazou, 1848), peintre Smith,
Calvin Rae (New York, 1850), peintre Hornblower,
Joseph C. (New Jersey, 1848), éleve architecte
Dunsmore, John (Cincinnati, 1856), peintre Flint,
Frederick-William (New York, 1854) Langenberger,
Frederick (Anaheim, 1850), étudiant
novembre 1875:
Dime, Gustav (New York, 1860), cuisinier
décembre 1875:
Plumb, Henry E. (New York, 1848), peintre
mars 1876:
Harris, Charles (Foxcroft, 1856), dessinateur
Bassett, Elliot-Thompson (New York, 1854), elève
octobre 1876:
octobre 1879:
Curtis, Edgar Come (Boston, 1846), élève architecte novembre 1876: Hoffmann, Louis Emmanuel (Syracuse, 1857),
sculpteur Stark, Joseph Antoine (Philadelphie, 1854) novembre 1879:
janvier 1877:
Otis, William (1855), élève architecte Broessel,
Felix (Baltimore, 1861), dessinateur
Meyenberg, John (Tell City, 1860), sculpteur
juin 1880:
Gould, Alfred (Boston, 1859), élève architecte
Sartain, William (Philadelphie, 1843), peintre Sies,
Eugene (Brooklyn, 1862), élève architecte de St.
Cyr, Alfred (Galvestown, 1856), sculpteur
octobre 1880:
février 1877:
mars 1881:
Dolores, Charles (Foxcroft, 1856), sculpteur
Taft, Loredo (Elmswood, 1860), étudiant Stokes,
W. Frank (Philadelphie, 1859), étudiant
mars 1877:
Blaise, Charles (San Francisco, 1852), dessinateur
mai 1877:
Copeland, Alfred (Boston, 1838), peintre
Cabus, Alexandre Georges (New York, 1857), déco­
septembre 1877:
Lasar, Charles (Johnstown, 1856), dessinateur
St. Clair, William (Washington, 1858), peintre
juin 1881:
Maybeck, Bernard (New York, 1862), dessinateur
octobre 1881:
Bringhurst, Robert (Jersey, 1855), sculpteur
Conway, John S. (Dayton, Ohio, 1853), peintre
Shean, Charles (Brooklyn 1853), peintre
Sargent, Nathan (New York, 1849), officier de la
marine militaire
octobre 1877:
BeH, Henry (New York, 1857), sculpteur
Gorman, Guillaume (New Britain, 1859), ciseleur
Meyer, George (Paris (de parents américains , 1856),
Vedot, Paul (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1859), peintre
novembre 1881:
novembre 1877:
Carter, Robert, (Boston, 1868), élève
Peel, Paul (Philadelphie, 1860), peintre
Oppenheimer, Louis Simon (Louisville, 1834), étu­
Phlefeld, Henry (New York, 1858), sculpteur sur bois
Boyle, John James (Philadelphie, 1852), sculpteur
Meyle, William (New York, 1854), décorateur
déeembre 1877:
Boggs, Frank Meyers (New York, 1852), peintre Locander, Charles (New York, 1863), photographe février 1878: Walz, John (Philadelphie, 1844), sculpteur avril 1878:
Post, Charles Wesley (Mansfield, 1857), sculpteur
octobre 1878:
Barboux, Archie (New York, 1859), peintre
Grenet, Edward (San Antonio, 1857), peintre
janvier 1879:
Saint-Gaudens, Louis (New York, 1855), sculpteur
mars 1879:
Blackall, Clarence (New York, 1857), architecte
juin 1879:
Pauli, Richard (Racine, 1849), peintre paysagiste
Derrick, William (San Francisco, 1857), décorateur
Fox, Charles (Portland 1854), peintre
déeembre 1881:
Holman, S. Frank (New York, 1860), peintre
Porter, Charles S. (Hartford, 1847), peintre
Carter, Robert (Boston, 1868), élève
Gaynor, Frank (New York, 1857), peintre
janvier 1882:
février 1882:
Clements, George (1854), artiste peintre
mai 1882:
Hochstadter, William (San Francisco, 1859), élève
septembre 1882:
Martin, Victor (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1869), élève
Al-53 175: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'Inscription a l'Ecole, années scolaires 1883-1886.
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at the
Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, including matriculation
number, full name, place and date of birth, profession,
and current address, along with alphabetical index of
students' names. The following American names,
presented here in order of occurrence, were culled out,
along with place and date of birth and profession:
janvier 1883:
Whiteman, Edwin (Philadelphie, 1860), dessinateur
mars 1883:
Comes, Gustav Louis (1868)
avril 1883:
octobre 1887:
de Brayer, Alfred (St. Antonio, 1868), élève architecte
*Bissell [Bissell], George E. (Poughkeepsie, 1839),
Callesen, Nis (New York, 1861), peintre
octobre 1883:
janvier 1888:
Tilton, Edward (New York, 1861), élève architecte
Josselyn, Edgar (Boston, 1861), élève architecte
BisseH, George W. (New York, 1866), architecte
Brown, Arthur (New York, 1859), architecte
Lamb, Frederic (New York, 1863), peintre
Rondel, Victor Ernest (New York, 1864). dessinateur
février 1888:
novembre 1883:
Hamilton, Edouard (Boston, 1862), étudiant
Macauley, Henry (New York, 1859), dessinateur
Morse, William (Boston, 1865), peintre
Flscher, James (Philadelphie, 1862), élève
novembre 1888:
Van Pelt, Jean (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1874), élève
janvier 1884:
Carneron, Edgar (Chicago, 1862), peintre
Villant, Gustav (New York, 1863), dessinateur
Brehm, Louis (Jersey City, 1867), dessinateur janvier 1890:
Smith, Murray (Boston, 1867), architecte
juin 1890: Harley, Charles R. (Philadelphie, 1864), élève
Grarnm, William (New York, 1869), dessinateur Grarnm, Emile (Philadelphie, 1876), élève
juillet 1884:
septembre 1890:
Howes, Alfred (Boston, 1867), élève
Davis, Garry (New York, 1865), peintre décorateur
octobre 1884:
octobre 1890:
Wuertz, Emile (New York, 1856), sculpteur
Clinedinst, Benjamin (Baltimore, 18591, peintre
Sears, Charles (New York, 1864), peintre
mai 1884:
Clarke, Thomas D. (New York, 1860), artiste peintre
janvier 1885:
Dow, Arthur (Ipswich, 1857), sculpteur
Newrnan, Benjamin (Bath, 1858), sculpteur
Gardiner, Henri (New London, 1862), peintre
Kenyon, Henry (Centreville, 1865), peintre
Major, Ernest L. (Washington, 1864), peintre
mars 1885:
Demming, Edwin W. (Ashland, 1860), peintre
Snyder, Bladen (Washington, 1863), peintre
septembre 1885:
Adarns, S. Herbert (Concord, 1859), sculpteur
Pond, Albert (Boston, 1865), dessinateur
décembre 1885:
*Gendzot [Gendrot], Felix Albert (Cambridge, 1866),
octobre 1886:
*Benis [Benison], John (Charlestown, 1863), archi­
septembre 1888:
Haydel, Abner Joseph (1868), architecte
Ottenheimer, Henry (Chicago, 1868), architecte
Mathewson, François (Barrington, 1862), peintre
janvier 1891:
Stanton, Arthur (New York City, 1867), architecte
février 1891:
WHder, Edward (Topeka, 1872), architecte
mars 1891:
Sibell, Henri Gardner (Brooklyn, 1863), architecte
Strater, Victor (Providence, 1867), ciseleur
octobre 1891:
Gihon, Albert Dakin (Portsmouth, 1866), décorateur
Wuff, Waldman (Louisville, 1873), architecte Welch,
Alexander Breckenridge (1869), architecte
novembre 1891:
Franke. Julius (New York, 1868), architecte
AJ-53 177: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Bingham, Horace (New York, 1867), éleve
Registre d'inscription a I'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
AJ-53 176: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription a l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
1887-1891. the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1892 to 1897,
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at including matriculation number, full name, place and
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1887 to 1891, date of birth, profession, and current address, along
including matriculation number, full name, place and with alphabetical index of students' names. The
date of birth, profession, and current address, along following American names, presented here in order
with alphabetical index of students' names. The fol­
of occurrence, were culled out, along with place and
lowing American names, presented here in order of
date of birth and profession:
occurrence, were culled out, along with place and
mars 1892:
date of birth and profession:
Audrey, Edouard (San Francisco, 1865), sculpteur
Tumer, Floyd (Englewood, N.J., 1865), peintre
octobre 1896:
avril 1892:
Bonne, Richard (New York, 1880), élève Obermeir, Charles (Chicago, 1871), architecte Selfridge, Russell (Portland, 1871), architecte L'Egaré Rogers, Oscar (New York, 1867), architecte
octobre 1892:
Robregeuler, Louis (Cleveland, 1872), décorateur Alexander, Jacob (New York, 1863), peintre décembre 1893: Hens, Henry (New York, 1871), architecte février
Totten, Georges (New York, 1866), architecte
Rogers, Lauddar (San Francisco, 1866) architecte
mars 1894:
Davis, Eugene (Newark, 1870), architecte
Richardson, W. W. (Kingston, 1873), architecte
octobre 1894:
*Altman [Altmann], Aaron (San Francisco. 1872),
Linderfelt (Jamesville, 1876), elève
Scholt, Louis (Detroit, 1875), elève
Brown, Arnold (1869), dessinateur
Hunt, Joseph (New York, 1870), elève architecte
LoweH, Guy (Boston, 1870), elève architect,
Phillips, Charles (Chicago, 1870), elève architecte
déeembre 1894:
Rutherford, Walter (Vallejo, Californie, 1877),
janvier 1895:
Cresson, William (1873), élève architecte mai 1895: Tuzo, Paul (New York, 1867), architecte Dyer, Milton (Middletown, 1870), architecte juin 1895:
Aldrich, Chester (Providence, 1871), élève architecte septembre 1895:
Wins, Stephen (Chicago, 1869), décorateur
novembre 1895:
Meek, Edwin James (Columbus, 1871), architecte
Dupont, Henry (Louisville, 1870), architecte
février 1896:
novembre 1896: Baumgartel, Otto (Long Island, 1863), sculpteur décembre 1896:
Cauldwell, Leslie (New York, 1869), artiste peintre Rerney, Charles (Burlington, 1874), architecte mars 1897:
Eggers, Howard (Alleghany, 1869), dessinateur avril 1897: Freeman, Claude (1880), élève mai 1897:
Loring, Rixford (San Francisco, 1870), architecte Schoentgen, Edouard (Council Bluffs, 1873), archi­
tecte septembre 1897:
Leeds, Edmond (Merton, 1873), architecte
octobre 1897:
Fougner, Ernest (Chicago, 1879)
AJ-53 178: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription a l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1898 to 1908,
including matriculation number, full name, place and
date of birth, profession, and current address, along
with alphabetical index of students' names. The
following American names, presented here in order of
occurrence, were culled out, along with place and date
of birth and profession:
février 1898:
Emerson, William (New York, 1873), architecte
avril 1898:
Tubby, Joseph (Brooklyn, 1879), élève architecte
juin 1898:
Hopper, Herbert (Nebraska, 1874), élève architecte
Ball, Allan P. (Greenfield, 1871), élève architecte
Striebinger, William (Cleveland, 1870), architecte
Bakewell, John (Topeka, 1872), architecte
Corbett, Benjamin (Washington, 1873), élève
Lescher, Theodore (Lawrence, 1872), élève architecte
octobre 1898:
avril 1896:
mai 1899:
Spieling, Louis (St. Louis, 1879), architecte
Gruber, James (New York, 1870), décorateur
mai 1896:
octobre 1899:
Gay, Charles (Boston, 1871), architecte Broderfeld, Joseph (Colusa, California, 1876), peintre
juin 1896:
janvier 1900:
Gurd, John Morris (1870), architecte
Schunbardz, Henri (Providence, R.I., 1877), sculpteur
Gould, C. F. (New York, 1874), élève architecte
Ericson, Emile (Croscent, 1876), dessinateur
avril 1899:
Flanders, Knight (Chicago, 1875), élève architecte
février 1900:
11 octobre 1881:
Handschel, Fred (Philadelphie, 1879), dessinateur
Schall, Fred (Chicago, 1878), dessinateur
Russell, Ina, 1852
Mooney, Ella, 1851
Barker, Clara, 1860
mars 1901:
19 novembre 1881:
septembre 1900:
Glaenzer, Jules (Lexington, 1882), élève
1904–1905 première session: Bailey, Theodore (Philadelphie, 1880), dessinateur,
lithographe Ledonne, Louis (New York, 1880) 1907:
Alexander, Alfred (New York, 1890) Stein, Clarence (New York, 1881)
octobre 1907: Rigny, Alfred (New York, 1887) mars 1908:
Smith, Arthur (Roswell, 1881)
AJ-53 179: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription à l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1908 to 1912,
including matriculation number, full name, place and
date of birth, profession, and current address, along
with alphabetical index of students' names. The
following American names, presented here in order
of occurrence, were culled out, along with place and
date of birth:
Marcus, Herman (1889)
Wells, Frank (Brooklyn, 18M)
Vogt, Lucien (New York, 1891) Gibbs, Ralston Snow (New York, 1884) Kalisch, Max (Cleveland, 1891) Weston, Lillian (Stanford, Amérique, 1865)
29 novembre 1881:
Joslyn, Mary, (Amérique, 1856) 2 octobre 1882: Waters Abbott, Marguerite (Amérique, 1865) 7 octobre 1882: Schellenbeger, Vesta (San Francisco, California,
1862) 7 novembre 1882:
Eisendrey, Marguerite (Philadelphie)
17 février 1883: Roullier, Blanche (San Francisco, Californie, 1857) 14 mars 1883:
Northrup, Jessie (New York, 1860) Northrup, Agnes (1868) 4 avril 1883:
B[R?]itter, Bessye (Philadephie, Amérique, 1859)
20 avril 1883:
Locander, Mary (Virginie, Amérique)
21 décembre 1883:
Loder, Ethel (Amérique, 1865)
11 juin 1884:
Coatswoth, Jennie (Amérique, 1864) 10 octobre 1884:
Phelps, Helen (Amérique, 1860) 11 déeembre 1886:
Milos, Alice (Nouvelle-Orléans, Amérique, 1870)
4 octobre 1887:
Simpson, Edna (Amérique)
Lucas, Laura (Amérique)
28 octobre 1887:
Coues, Edith (Amérique, 1868) AJ-53 180: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs,
Registre d'inscription à l'Ecole (hommes), années scolaires
7 novembre 1887:
Chronological register of students (men) enrolled at
'Ruggler [Ruggles], Mice (Amérique)
the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1913 to 1921, 28 janvier 1895: including matriculation number, full name, place and Beveridge, Joy (Evanston, 1878) date of birth, and current address, along with 1 octobre 1897:
alphabetical index of students' names. One
Jones, Rebecca (Eatonton, Amérique, 1877)
American is listed: Voisin, Adrien Islep (Long Island,
Darby, Nanny (Princeton, Amérique, 1881)
1890) 3 octobre 1906:
AJ-53 184: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Clement, Alida (New York, 1889)
Ecole Nationale de Dessin pour les Jeunes Filles. Inscription
des élèves, 1881-1933.
4 octobre 1907:
Ludlum, Alice May (San Francisco, 1882)
Chronological register of students (women) enrolled
at the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs from 1881 to 1933,
including matriculation number, full name, place and date of birth, parents names and profession, and cur­
rent address, along with alphabetical index of stu­
dents' names. The following American names, presented here in order of occurrence, were culled out, along with the place (when mentioned) and date of birth: 47
6 octobre 1910:
Calveit-Jenkins, Ruth (Dansville, Ohio 1884)
5 octobre 1911:
Gatch, Helen (Des Moines, Iowa, 1888) octobre 1920: Hibbard, Dorothy (Philadelphie, 1899) octobre 1921:
Hayes, Mildred (Amérique, 1899) 10 octobre 1930: Kampman, Madeleine (Catonsville, Amérique,
1912) Sous-série AS-16: Union des Arts (Fondation Rachel Boyer)
AS-16 48: Section américaine de l'Union des Arts, 1915­
1928. Dossiers (1915-1928) with documents, in French and
English, containing information about the activities of
the Union des Arts (and its relations with the
American Red Cross, the American Relief Clearing
House, and the American Legion Auxiliary) in the
United States during World War 1. The Union des Arts
was created in solidarity with French artists to pro­
mote French art in the United States during World
War I. Of particular interest are its photographic cam­
paigns coordinated through the U.S. War Department
in Washington, D.C.
Sous-série AS-63: l'Académie Julian
The microfilmed records of the Académie Julian held
at the Archives Nationales contain information about
the men's ateliers attached to the school from 1890 to
1932. A detailed listing of those Americans who
attended the Académie Julian, based on the docu­
ments at the Archives Nationales, is available for
consultation through the Musée de Blérancourt.
Divided into nine parts, the collection includes a
student listing (1919) and financial ledgers ((ives de
comptabilité des élèves). For complementary information,
see the Gazette de l'Académie Julian, held in the
Département des Périodiques at the Bibliothèque
Nationale. The ledgers (livres), organized by atelier,
show each student's name, current address, place and
date of birth, dates of enrollment and payment, and
include an index of students' names and matriculation
numbers. (Unfortunately, the frames of the AS-63
microfilms are neither numbered nor otherwise
AS-63 1: Académie Julian, 1890-1919.
-Catalogue général des élèves, répertoires alphabé­
tique (1919). Student listing. Livres de comptabilité (des élèves, 31, rue du Dragon).
• Livre: Atelier de Gauche: Bouguereau et Ferrier,
• Livre: Atelier de Gauche: Bouguereau et Ferrier,
• Livre: Atelier de Gauche: Bouguereau et Ferrier, 1897-1902. • Livre: Atelier de Gauche: Bouguereau et Ferrier,
1903-1905; Atelier de Toudouze et Baschet, 1905­
1907. AS-63 2: Académie Julian. 1894-1907. Livres de comptabilité des élèves, 31, rue du Dragon
and 28, rue Fontaine. • Livre: Atelier Hommes, Baschet et Schomner,
1894-1907. • Livre: Atelier Hommes, Baschet et Schomner,
1904-1907. • Livre: Atelier Hommes, Sculpture, Peuch, 1894-1907. • Livre: Atelier Hommes, Sculpture, Brantôt et Doucet, 1891-1893. • Livre: 28, rue Fontaine, Atelier Hommes,
1891-1892. AS-63 3: Académie Julian, 1896-1904. Livres de comptabilité des élèves, 28, rue Fontaine
and roe Fromentin.
• Livre: 28, rue Fontaine, Atelier Hommes,
• Livre: 28, rue Fontaine, Atelier Hommes,
• Livre: 28, rue Fromentin, Atelier Hommes, Jules
Lefebvre et T. Robert-Fleury, 1904-1907.
• Livre: 28, rue Fromentin, Atelier Hommes, Jules
Lefebvre et T. Robert-Fleury, 1908-1914.
AS-63 4: Académie Julian, 1890-1898.
Livres de comptabilité des élèves, Atelier de Droite,
31, rue du Dragon et Atelier de J. P. Laurens et B.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, 1890.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, 1891.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, J. P.
Laurens et B. Constant, 1892-1893.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, J. P.
Laurens et B. Constant, 1894-1896.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, J. P.
Laurens et B. Constant, 1896-1898.
AS-63 5: Académie Julian, 1898-1907.
Livres de comptabilité des élèves, 31, rue du
Dragon, Atelier de Droite, Atelier de J. P. Laurens,
B. Constant et Henry Royeret.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, J. P.
Laurens et B. Constant, 1898-1900.
• Livre: 31, me du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, J. P.
Laurens, 1901-1904.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Droite, Henry
Royeret et J. R Laurens, 1904-1907.
AS-63 6: Académie Julian, 1907-1912. Livres de comptabilité des élèves, 31, rue du
Dragon, Ateliers de J. P. Laurens, Baschet, Royer, Schomner, Gervais, Verlet et Landowski.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Ateliers de J. P. Laurens,
Baschet, Royer, Schomner, Gervais et Verlet, 1907–
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Landowski,
AS-63 7: Académie Julian, 1912–1921.
Livres de comptabilité des élèves, Ateliers de J. P. et P.
A. Laurens, Royer, Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner,
Gervais, Bouchard, et Landowski.
• Livre: Ateliers de J. R et P. A. Laurens, Royer,
Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner, Gervais, Bouchard,
et Landowski, 1912–1920.
• Livre: Ateliers de J. R et P. A. Laurens, Royer,
Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner, Gervais, Bouchard
et Landowski, 1920-1921.
• Livre: Ateliers de J. P. et P. A. Laurens, Royer,
Déehereau, Laparra, Schomner, Gervais, Bouchard
et Landowski, 1920-1921.
AS-63 8: Académie Julian, 1925–1932.
Livres de comptabilité des élèves, Ateliers de J. P. et
R A. Laurens, Royer, Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner,
Gervais, Bouchard et Landowski.
• Livre: Ateliers de J. R et P. A. Laurens, Royer,
Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner, Gervais, Bouchard
et Landowski, 1925–1930.
• Livre: Ateliers de J. P. et P. A. Laurens, Royer,
Déchereau, Laparra, Schomner, Gervais, Bouchard
et Landowski, 1929–1932.
AS-63 9: Académie Julian, 1892–1893.
• Livre: 31, rue du Dragon, Atelier de Gauche,
1892–1893: Répertoire des élèves.
• Livre: Atelier de Boulanger et Lefebvre, puis J. P.
Laurens et B. Constant, puis J. P. Laurens: élèves
Archives de la Ville de Paris
18, boulevard Sérurier
75019 Paris
Access: The Archives de la Ville de Paris and its library
are open Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m., Monday from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and
Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Archives are
closed during the first two weeks in August and on
Saturdays in July and August. A reader's card is
obtained on the first visit by showing a valid I.D. and
presenting a passport-size photo. On Saturdays, only
documents that have been reserved three days in
advance can be consulted.
Description: The Archives de la Ville de Paris are the
repository for a wide variety of records and documents
pertaining to the history and demography of
the municipality of Paris. Its collections complement
those found at the Bibliothèque Administrative de la
Ville de Paris and the Bibliothèque Historique de la
Ville de Paris.
The Archives de la Ville de Paris hold few documents
from before 1871 because of the events surrounding
the Paris Commune, when the Paris city hall and most
municipal records were destroyed. (Many but not all of
those records have since been reconstituted.) Although
none of the collections housed in the Archives de la
Ville de Paris are specifically related to American art,
documents within its collections mention numerous
American artists who lived, studied or worked in Paris.
(Some documents concerning municipal monuments,
including statues by American artists, are also to be
found in the files of the Bureau des Monuments.
Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris, 31, rue des
Francs-Bourgeois, 75004 Paris.)
The documents held by the Archives de la Ville de
Paris include the city's cadastral records (detailed
records of property ownership and occupancy),
commercial and business records (financial and
bankruptcy records for private enterprises including
art dealers), and civil and diocesan records (birth, bap­
tism, marriage, and death notices) through 1892. Later
records are held in the mairies (city halls) of each
arrondissement. Given the number of American artists
who lived and studied in Paris at the end of the
nineteenth century, records such as these provide
valuable clues to otherwise obscure aspects of their
Parisian existence. To expedite cadastral research, the
library of the Archives de la Ville de Paris makes
available by special request a continuous run of Paris
directories, starting in 1805. The first such directory,
Almanach du Commerce de Paris, published in 1805,
lists not only the 'principaux habitants de Paris' along
with their addresses, but also hotels, restaurants, and
the names and addresses of professional painters and
sculptors. By 1840, this directory had become the
Annuaire Général du Commerce, de l'Indus-trie, de la
Magistrature et de l'Administration, ou Almanach de
500,000 de Paris, and included each inhabited dwelling
by street. These directories are also found at the
Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris and at the
Bibliothèque Nationale.
Other collections in the Archives de la Ville de Paris
contain material related to the municipality of Paris
and its museums, the decoration of its buildings and
the erection of monuments, public celebrations and
commemorations, art exhibitions, the Salons, and the
Universal Expositions. Of particular interest are the
archives of the Compagnie des Commissaires-Priseurs
de Paris, the Parisian state-appointed auctioneers,
which include the minutes of art auctions held at the
Hôtel Drouot in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, and thus contain information about
the sales of works by Americans and purchases by
American collectors.
For a more detailed description of the Archives de la
Ville de Paris, see Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère's
Guide des sources de l'état civil parisien (Paris: Imprimerie
Municipale, 1983); Geneviève Gill's Les Archives de I'Ile­
de-France (Services d'Archives de Paris, de Seine-etMarne, des Yvelines, de l'Essonne, des Hauts-deSeine, de Seine-Saint-Denis, du Val-de-Marne, et du
Val d'Oise, 1989); Lucien Lazard's Inventaire
alphabétique des documents relatifs aux artistes parisiens
conservés aux archives de la Seine, Bulletin de la Société de
l'Histoire de Paris et de I'Ile-de-France (Paris: H.
Champion, 19u6): Mireille Rambaud's Les Sources de
l'histoire de l ' a r t aux Archives Nationales (Paris:
Imprimerie Nationale, 1955); and Bernadette Gérard's
"Série V.R., Beaux-Arts et la Ville de Paris: Répertoire
numérique" (typed index, 1979).
The collections of the Archives de la Ville de Paris
are catalogued in "Série D." by county or
administrative department, and in 'Série by
municipality. The following list describes the
collections relevant to American art history and how
they are organized:
Sous-série D. 1 P4: Fonds Cadastre, U s Calepins du
Cadastre (1852—1900).
These cadastral records contain information gathered
by the city to assess property for municipal taxes dur­
ing the second half of the nineteenth century. The
records, first established in 1852, were updated in
1862, and again in 1876 and 1900. Under this system
each building in the city was catalogued by street and
number and assigned a dossier (here, essentially syn­
onymous with a calepin or notebook). These note­
books include the names and addresses of the
property owners and renters (as well as the amount of
the rent), descriptions of the exterior and interior of
the building, and how its surface area was divided up.
(The cadastral records for the city of Paris after 1900
are divided between the Service de l'Urbanisme
[architectural plans] and the Service des Impôts
[habitation] de la Ville de Paris.)
Sous-série V. 2 E - V. 5 E and Sous-série 5 M 1 3 - 5 M 14:
Fonds de ('état civil
The civil records (birth, marriage, and death notices)
for the city of Paris are organized by name prior to
1860 and by arrondissement from 1860 to 1892. From
1892 these records are held in the mairies of each
arrondissement. B the arrondissement is not known,
scholars may consult the records at the "Greffe de
l'état civil du Tribunal de la Grande Instance," 2-4
boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris, where copies of civil
records are held. Burial records are held at the
Bureau des Cimetières de la Ville de Paris, 5 bis rue
Curial, 75019 Paris.
Sous-série D. Q 7 (1791—1853) - Sous-série D. Q 8
These sous-séries, 'tables de décès et déclarations de
succession" contain information on death certificates
and provide probate information (the name of the
notary and dates) about estates. This information can
then be used to trace the estate records at the
Archives Nationales where copies of wilis are kept on
file and those more than one hundred years old are
open to the public. See the Minutier Central des
Notaires, Archives Nationales,, 87, rue Vieille-duTemple, 75003 Paris.
Sous-série V. D 6: Fonds des Mairies (1801—1925).
This collection includes a wide variety of information,
organized by arrondissement, including civil status
records and declarations of residency in Paris, as well
as other documents concerning the Préfecture de
Police and the population of Paris.
Sous-série D. E 3: Fonds des Commissaire-Priseurs de
Paris (1801—1989).
N.B.: Sous-série D. E 3 is held at the Centre
d'Archivage de Villemoisson-sur-Orge, Archives de
Paris, 3, rue de Corbeil, 91360 Villemoisson-sur-Orge;
The archives of the Compagnie des CommissairesPriseurs de Pads, the state-appointed auctioneers,
were given to the city of Paris in 1954. Since then,
records of individual commissaires-priseurs have been
deposited on a regular basis. These archives contain
chronological accounting ledgers (déclarations de vente
and états de vente) and detailed minutes (procès­
verbaux) of art auctions throughout the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. Access to archives over one
hundred years old is unrestricted. To consult more
recent archives, permission must be obtained from the
commissaire-priseur under whose jurisdiction those
particular archives fall. The list of commissaires­
priseurs, first established in 1802 and found in the
Tableau des nominations et mutations de la Compagnie des
Commissaires-Priseurs de Paris créés au nombre de
Quatre-vingts parla loi du 27 Ventôse an 9 (18 mars 1801),
available at the Archives de la Ville de Paris, and the
inventory of the collection 'Etudes des CommissairePriseurs: D. E Y (undated typescript) are crucial in
locating material in the D. E 3 collection.
D. 1 E 3 32 to 352: Fonds des Commissaire-Priseurs de
Paris (1801—1989). "Le Journal de l'Hôtel Drouot."
A complete run of the Hôtel Drouot's weekly news­
paper from 1895 to 1954.
D. 5 E 3: Fonds des Commissaire-Priseurs de Paris (1801—
1989) Répertoire des catalogues annonçant les ventes
effectuées par les commissaires-priseurs, 1780—1989.
Index of catalogues announcing sales by the
commissaires-priseurs, 1780-1989.
D. 21 E 3 to D. 145 E: Fonds des Commissaire-Priseurs de Sous-série V M 88: Edifices Municipaux, Expositions, Paris (1801-1989), Versements des commissaires-priseurs. Salons des Beaux-Arts. Files on the Salons and other art exhibitions in Paris during the first part of the twentieth century. Includes detailed minutes of sales conducted by
commissaires-priseurs and inventoried by auction
house. Each file is numbered and identifies the name
of the seller, where the sale occurred, the date(s) of the
sale, the name of the commissaire-priseur, a detailed
list of what was sold, for how much, and often to
whom. In each file is the agreement between the
commissaires-priseurs and the seller. For instance, D.
48 E 3 Dossier #2896: Sale #7094 by Durand-Ruel, at
Drouot, Salle 8, February 21, 1881, completed on
March 16, 1881, M. Charles Pillet, CommissairePriseur, 10, rue de la Grange-Batelière, Paris, includes
an inventory of what was sold, for how much, and to
Sous-série V. M 92: Edifices Municipaux, Statues et fontaines, Liste des statues et monuments des 20
arrondissements de Paris—a jour en Juin 1946 et
1956; Liste des statues et monuments détruits en 1940. A list of statues and monuments found in the twenty
arrondissements of Paris, updated in June 1946 and again in 1956, with a list of statues and monuments destroyed in 1940. Série V. R: Beaux-Arts et la Ville de Paris, Versement 1 0 624/72 /1 (196 liasses). Commandes et acquisitions Sous-série D. 42 Z: Collections Diverses, Ecrivains et d'oeuvres d'art par la Ville de Paris, dossiers ciassés artistes. dans l'ordre alphabétique des art istes. Répertoire Five cartons including press clippings, invitations, and alphabétique sur fiches. catalogues, indexed by artist's name and exhibition,
collected by Georges Bailhache, curator of the Archives
of the Seine from 1929 to 1956. Alphabetically
Sous-série D. 37 Z: Collections Diverses. Photothèque.
A detailed inventory of this photo collection is in the
process of being completed. In the meantime a
sampling revealed: Carton 1: Sixty stereoscopic views of Paris, primarily dating to the Universal Exposition of
1878; a few photos of the Universal Exposition of 1900; albums of photos of the Commune of 1870 to 1871. arranged inventory of artists who received commissions or had works acquired by the city of Paris during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Cartes et Plans:
This series includes photos of Paris, monuments and
buildings, as well as some photos of the Universal
Expositions of 1889 and 1900.
Bibliothèque Administrative de la
Honorifiques et
Ville de Paris
Sous-série V. K 3: Distinctions
Récompenses Nationales, An VIII-1850; Fêtes et Com­
mémorations, 1810-1943. Hôtel de Ville
75196 Paris RP
This collection, a variety of material, includes indi­
vidual Légion d'Honneur files (1832-1870), information
Access: The Bibliothèque Administrative de la Ville de
about the inauguration of the Universal Exposition of
Paris is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30
1889, documents concerning a reception for the a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30
American colony held at the Hôtel de Ville for the inauguration of the Statue of liberty in 1889, and a file p.m. throughout the year. A reader's card is obtained
on Fourth of July celebrations in France during World on the first visit by presenting a valid I.D.
War I. There appears to be little directly relating to
Description: This library, founded in 1929, is devoted
American artists, but there are many documents
to administrative material generated by the city of
relating to Americans, particularly those living in Paris Paris. Its collections complement those of the
at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth
Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris and the
Archives de la Ville de Paris. While there is presently
centuries. no complete published guide or catalogue to its
Sous-série V M 81: Edifices Municipaux, Musées 19e holdings, a database inventory of the entire collection
et 20e siècles.
is in preparation. In the meantime, there are card
Information about municipal museums in the nine­
catalogues that index periodicals, books, manuscripts,
teenth and twentieth centuries, including the and archival records by geographic locale and subject
Carnavalet, the Petit Palais, the Musée Historique de la
matter. In the reading room of the library is a card
Ville de Paris, the Musée du Palais Galliera, the Musée catalogue, the "Fichier biographique-Documentation
Victor Hugo, the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, the biographique ancienne et contemporaine, française et
Musée Cernuschi, the Musée National des Thermes et
étrangère," an alphabetical index of the names of
de l'Hotel de Cluny, and the Conservatoire des Arts et
important Parisian residents, including Americans,
Métiers. with biographic and bibliographic references.
The library not only houses an "American" collection
(primarily material pertinent to political and
commercial relations between France and the
United States), but also a large collection of
catalogues and special publications relating to the
Universal Expositions, including architectural
drawings and photographs. These latter documents
are part of the library's photography, print and
drawing department, which holds material on
municipal buildings and monuments and which
complements the collections at the Archives de la
Ville de Paris (specifically, Series V. R).
Unfortunately, an inventory of the photography
print and drawing collection was not accessible to
consult for this guide.
Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie
Jacques Doucet ( B A A )
2-4, rue Vivienne
75083 Paris CEDEX 02
Access: The Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie
Jacques Douce, housed at the Bibliothèque
Nationale de France (and accessible through the
BNF's main entrance at 58, rue de Richelieu) is
open to scholars with a reader's card Monday
through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on
Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The library is
closed annually for two weeks during April and
May and for three weeks in August. A reader's
card, valid for one year, is issued to scholars upon
presentation of an official letter of introduction
from either a university or supporting institution.
Manuscripts and archives are available for
consultation by appointment only.
d'Archéologie Jacques Doucet, initially conceived
and created in the early twentieth century by
Jacques Doucet (1853-1929) as an adjunct to his
art collection, presently serves the Université de
Paris-Sorbonne and the Université Paris-Panthéon,
and is the only French university library exclusively
devoted to the visual arts. As a university research
library its collections are constantly enriched, and
its readers have ready access to various research
tools. These include the online catalogues
"Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie" and 'Répertoire
international de la littérature d'art,' the catalogues
of other major art libraries, and a bank of
photographic reproductions (photothèque) gathered
from other institutions throughout the world.
The library has an important holding uf mono­
graphs, art periodicals and journals, and exhibition,
Salon, and sales catalogues from the eighteenth
through twentieth centuries. An updated inventory
of its periodical collection is available both at the
library and in the "Catalogue collectif national
publications en série" database at the Bibliothèque
Nationale de France. It also maintains its own
catalogue of recently published dissertations,
"Thèses françaises et étrangères," indexed by author
and title, and an annual listing of recent sales
catalogues entered into its collection. Its archival
collection comprises numerous smaller collections
called fonds, often acquired as a result of bequests of
materials by individuals. The following "American"
material is to be found catalogued under
Gardner Bouguereau, Elizabeth (1837-1922). Six­
teen signed letters (1898-1912 and undated), in
French, to Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Ferrier.
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur (1847-1928). One
signed letter (March 14, 1886), in French, to "M.
Bonnat" with small ink sketch of a rainy city scene
depicting a man holding an umbrella and titled "Le
pays de la soif.'
Buckley, Wilfred. One signed letter (February 9,
1932) to Marianne Pelliot (Carton 42 "amateurs").
Harrison, Alexander (1853-1930). One signed
letter (May 19, 1916), in French, to Monsieur
Jamin, Secrétaire Général of "Les amis d'artistes."
Knight, Aston (1873-1948 ). One signed letter
(April 16, 1904), in French, to Monsieur Louis
Sargent, John S. (1856-1925). One signed letter
(undated), in French, to Octave Mirabeau.
Whistler. James Abbott McNeill (1834-1903).
Twenty-seven reproductions of letters to Henri FantinLatour (1836-1904); press clippings and other
documents (1859-1867).
Fonds Documentaire: Fonds Louis Vauxcelles
The personal files of the French critic Louis
Vaux-celles (1870-1939) include material about
Romaine Brooks and James Abbott McNeill
Whistler, and, under the heading "Etats-Unis,"
catalogues of shows of the work of Walter Gay, W.
T. Dannat, and Eugène Vail.
Fonds Documentaire:: Louis Delteil
The personal files of the French critic Louis
Delteil (1869-1927) include material about the
following American artists: Frederick Bridgman,
Daniel R. Knight, H. Gustav Mosler, and Julian
Cartes Vertes-Sociétés: Invitations
Included in this card catalogue of Paris exhibition
invitations, organized by sociétés (organizations) are
invitations to exhibitions sponsored by the
American Art Association, 1903 and 1918; the
American Women's Club, 1934; the Associations des
Artistes Modernes: Américains et Anglais, 1935 and
1936; the Centre Culturel Américain; Galeries
Raymond Dun­
can, 1959, 1961, 1962; Europe-Amérique, 1961; the
International Art Union, 1908-1913; the Peintres et
Sculpteurs Américains de Paris, 1926, 1928, 1928; the
Photo Club, 1901.
Bibliothèque Forney
Hôtel de Sens
l, rue du Figuier
75004 Pads
Access: The Bibliothèque Forney is open to the public
throughout the year Tuesday through Friday from 1:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to
8:30 p.m. to anyone with a valid I.D.
Description: The Bibliothèque Forney is a lending
library devoted to the history of graphic, plastic and
decorative arts, and crafts. It offers not only late hours,
but also open stacks with easy access to standard
reference books, newspapers, and art periodicals. The
Bibliothèque Forney's collection encompasses a large
number of sales and exhibition catatogues, organized
both by date and place, and includes materials on the
Salons and Universal Expositions and catalogues of
exhibitions of American an in Paris during the
twentieth century.
Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de
Paris (BHVP)
24, rue Pavée
75004 Paris
Access: The Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris
is open Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. It is closed annually August l-15. Reader's
cards are issued to those over 18 upon presentation of
a valid piece of identification and an I.D. photo.
Description: As its name would imply, the BHVP is a
library with collections devoted to the history of Paris
and the surrounding Ile-de-France area. The reading
room has open reference stacks with a number of artrelated encyclopedias and dictionaries. Its book and
periodical collection includes some obscure and rare
publications about Americans in Paris, such as The
Americans in Paris (Paris, 1887) and The American
Traveler's Guide to Paris (Paris, 1869). It has a rich
photography collection including both portraits of
prominent Parisians and renowned places and events
in Paris. Its manuscript collection includes the papers
of Yvon Bizardel, who served as curator for the Fine
Arts for the city of Paris after World War II and later
worked at the Musée de la Coopération Franco-
Américaine de Blérancourt, where he had contact with
American artists and wrote extensively about
Americans who lived in France during the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. The BHVP has a large
number of otherwise uncatalogued documents, the­
matically grouped in dossiers thématiques, about specific
monuments, individuals, and events in Paris, which
are accessible only upon specific request.
Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques
8-10, place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
Access: The Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques Doucet,
housed at the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, is open
to scholars with a reader's card Monday through Friday
from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reader's cards are issued
at the time of the first visit upon presentation of an
official letter of introduction from a university or
supporting institution. The library is closed for six
weeks during August and September and for a week at
both Christmas and Easter. Legal restrictions require
that written permission be obtained prior to consulting
many manuscripts in this collection. As a result,
scholars should contact the director stating their
research topic prior to a visit. Information concerning
specific archives is then provided, assuring scholars
access to the documents at the time of their visit.
Description: The Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques
Doucet is a library devoted to twentieth-century lit­
erature. At its core is a collection of letters and other
written documents commissioned, bought, and col­
lected during the first half of the twentieth century by
Jacques Doucet, who was advised by André Suarès and
André Breton. The library has maintained an active
acquisition policy, collecting material that enriches and
complements the original collection. A general
catalogue, Catalogue des fonds spéciaux de la Bib liothéque
Jacques Doucet, Catalogue des manuscrits (Boston: G. K.
Hall Co., 1972) lists over 100,000 documents. Most of
[hem are primarily by and about individuals associated
with the symbolist, cubist, dadaist, and surrealist
movements, including Man Ray.
The library holds not only manuscripts but also
complementary collections of photographs, rare books,
journals, and magazines, as well as an extensive
collection of press clippings compiled by Francis
Picabia and Tristan Tzara, and catalogued in the
&Répertoire des recueils de coupures de presse, Francis
Picabia (1903-1927) Tristan Tzara (1916-1933)."
Separately catalogued are the collections of the
Americans Natalie Clifford Barney and Florence Gould.
The first collection is described in Autour de
Natalie Clifford Barney Paris: Bibliothèque Littéraire
Jacques Doucet, 1976) and the second in Le Don de
Florence Gould (Paris: Bibliothèque Littéraire Jacques
Doucet, 1988). The Barney collection contains a
number of letters from Romaine Brooks as well as
from Djuna Barnes, Alice Pike Barney, and Bernard
Berenson. Detailed card catalogues of both collections
are available for consultation at the Bibliothèque
Littéraire Jacques Doucet.
4:30 p.m. The two-day passes and other limited-entry
reader's cards are available for free, while annual
reader's cards presently cost 160 FFR. Scholars and
graduate students wishing to obtain either a reader's
card or a laissez-passer must provide justification for
using the BNF facilities (e.g., a letter from a support­
ing institution attesting to their qualifications), valid
identification, and a recent I.D. photo. The entire
library is closed annually during the two weeks
Exceptionally, it will also be closed for a month in the
fall of 1997 prior to the opening of the BNF-Tolbiac
Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand
Description: The Bibliothèque Nationale de France is
organized into ten separate departments. As of late
1997, the collections will be split between two sites:
the entire departments of books and periodicals
(including those collections now held at the Versailles
annex) will be housed at the new BNF-Tolbiac. The
specialized collections (maps and drawings, prints
and photography, manuscripts, coins, etc.), the
Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie Jacques Doucet,
along with those presently found at the Bibliothèque
de l'Arsenal will be housed at the BNF-Richelieu.
Under the jurisdiction of the Bibliothèque Nationale
is also the Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra.
Their databases "BN-Opale" and "BN-Opaline" are
available at both the Richelieu and Tolbiac complexes
and via the Internet (see Internet and Databases).
79, rue Nationale
75013 Paris
Access: The Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand is open
Tuesday through Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. throughout the year to anyone with a valid I.D.
'Bibliothèque féministe française officielle,' this
library holds books, periodicals, and documents
related to the study of feminism and the mle of women
in French society. Although there are few specifically
"American" documents, the library has a rich
collection of nineteenth- and twentieth-century docu­
ments and press clippings about the 'Société interna­
tionale des femmes peintres et sculpteurs' and the
'Union des femmes peintres et sculpteurs,' both of
which had American members. The library also
maintains a current listing of theses and dissertations
on feminist topics.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
d'Accueil et d'Information
Bibliothèque Nationale de France-Richelieu
58, rue de Richelieu
75002 Paris
Bibliothèque Nationale de France-Tolbiac
quai François Mauriac
75013 Paris
Access: The collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de
France may be consulted by scholars holding either a
reader's card or a two-day pass called a laissez-passer.
Both can be obtained at the Service d'Information
either at the BNF-Richelieu or the BNF-Tolbiac,
Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bibliothèque Publique d'Information
19, rue Beaubourg
Paris 75191 Cedex 04
Access: The Bibliothèque Publique d'Information is
open to the public Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday from 12 noon to 10:00 p.m., and on Sat­
urday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is
closed on Tuesdays and annually on May l. In Sep­
tember 1997 the Centre Georges Pompidou is sched­
uled to close for two years while the building is being
renovated. During this period the BPI will remain only
partially open to the public.
Description: The BPI is a public library that specializes
in research and technology. For the art historian, it has
several advantages over other Parisian libraries aside
from its easy access: its stacks are open to the public
and include basic art reference books, dictionaries, and
encyclopedias, and it cames a wide variety of both old
and new, international art journals, reviews, and
newspapers (including a microfilm of the International
Herald Tribune). It has online cata-
logues available on the Internet (see Internet and
Centre Georges P o m p i d o u Musée
National d'Art M o de r ne Centre de
Création Industrielle
D o c u m e n t a t i o n du M u s é e N a t i o n a l
d 'A r t M o d e r n e (MNAM-CCI) 19,
rue Beaubourg
Pans 75191 Cedex 04
Access: The archives of the Musée National d'Art
Moderne are housed in the Documentation du
Musée National d'Art Moderne-Centre de Création
Industrielle, the MNAM-CCI, at the Centre Georges
Pompidou. The research center is open from 2:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday. Access to this facility is permitted to
scholars with a reader's card, obtained by presenting
an I.D. photo and justification for carrying out
research. It is closed the month of August. Prior to a
visit, scholars wishing to consult the archives are
advised to contact the archives librarian requesting
an appointment and explaining the purpose of the
visit. The MNAM-CCI should not be confused with
the Bibliothèque Publique d'Information, also
housed at the Centre Georges Pompidou.
Description: The MNAM-CCI, which serves as the
curatorial library for the staff of the Musée National
d'Art Moderne, contains a variety of materials, books,
periodicals, sales catalogues (1908–1966), exhibition
catalogues, photographs, and slides. It provides access
to the databases 'Mistral," "Vidéomuséum," and "La
Joconde" and to many current CD-ROMs, including
-Myriade" and 'Artbibliographies." The MNAM-CCI
also houses documents relating to the collection of
twentieth-century art housed in the Musée National
d'Art Moderne at the Centre Georges Pompidou.
The MNAM-CCI archives include documents
(manuscripts, notes, photographs, ledgers, letters,
etc.) about artists, art dealers, an critics, and
collectors, together with a large number of
invitations to gallery openings, all dating from World
War 1 to the present day. Some of these documents
are inventoried in the 'Fonds Général.- Others are
inventoried separately in -Fonds Paniculiers" or
individual collections, which may or may not also be
covered by the "Fonds Général."
A preliminary guide, Guide des fonds particuliers con­
servés d la documentation générale du MNAM-CCI (Paris:
June, 1995), describes the contents of a number of
individual collections (fonds), and also lists gallery
archives, including those of the Galerie Collette
Allendy, the Galerie Arnaud, the Galerie Jeanne
Bucher, the Galerie Charpentier, the Galerie Iris
Clert, the Librarie-Galerie La Hune, the Galerie des
Quatre-Chemins, and the Galerie Rive Gauche. Sep­
arate detailed inventories of these coHections,
"Inventaires sommaires," are available at the Biblio­
thèque des Collections upon request.
While a comprehensive inventory of the archives has
yet to be published, the MNAM-CCI periodically
publishes an issue of the bulletin Cahiers du Musée
National d'Art Moderne devoted to some aspects of the
archives collection. Although the MNAM-CCI holds
only two American collections, the Fonds Man Ray
and the Fonds Alexander Calder, the following doc­
uments concerning Americans were identified in the
"Fonds Général" and several "Fonds Particuliers":
L Le Fonds Général
Bruce, Patrick Henry (1890–1936). Two documents:
one photocopy of a letter (1913) addressed to Guil­
laume Apollinaire and one photocopy of a postcard
(1913) addressed to Robert Delaunay.
Calder, Louisa. Four documents (1977–1978),
including cards and letters addressed to Gabriella
Buffet Picabia.
Calder, Alexander (1898–1976). Two documents: one
letter (no date) addressed to Maurice Besset, and one
letter (1945) addressed to Christian Zervos inquiring
about the possibility of an exhibition in Paris.
Buffet Picabia, Gabrielle. One manuscript, in French,
titled 'Comment j'ai connu C a l d e r :
Dreier, Katherine S. (1877–1952). One letter (1946)
addressed to Jacques Villon.
Gala (Helena Dmitrievna Diakonova). One letter
(1945) addressed to Robert de St. Jean.
Galerie les Quatres-Chemins. Two press books of
articles about exhibitions (1925–1929) organized at
the Galerie les Quatres-Chemins, along with a list of
artists who exhibited at the gallery, a list of gallery
publications, and one invitation (no date) to an
opening of Man Ray's gouaches and rayographs at the
Librarie-Galerie les Quatres Chemins.
Galerie Rive Gauche. Press books of articles about
exhibitions (1934–1944) and one folder of cards from
artists (1960-1968).
Galerie au Sacre du Printemps. One invitation (1928)
to the opening of a group exhibition in Paris, "La
peinture surréaliste existe-t-elle?" (including the
work of Picabia and Man Ray).
Goldfrank, Bertha. One letter (1937) to Jacques Villon.
Guggenheimer, Mrs. J. C. Two letters (1930)
addressed to Jacques Villon about the sale of Les
Janis, Sidney. One letter (1955) to Jacques Villon. MacMonnies, Frédéric (1863-1937). One photo-copy of "French Artists spur on American Art," New York Herald Tribune (October 24, 1915). Man Ray (1890-1976). Letters (1928, 1929) to Charles de Noailles about the film Le Chat de Ré.
O'Connor, John. One letter (1950) addressed to Jacques Villon, about Villon's painting La Grande IL Les Fonds Particuliers Fonds Alexander Calder (1898-1976).
An uninventoried collection of photographs. Fonds Galerie Iris Clert (1923-1986). Documents, including press books, gallery invita­
tions, and letters from American artists such as Ad Reinhardt. faucheuse aux chevaux. Fonds Sonia Delaunay (1885-1979).
Pach, Magda. Three letters (1929, 1936, 1937) to The archives at the MNAM-CCI hold only a portion of
Gaby Villon. Sonia Delaunay's archives. The Bibliothèque
Pach, Nikifora. One letter (1959) to Jacques and Gaby Nationale possesses those letters written to Robert and Sonia Delaunay from foreign artists, including Ameri­
Villon. Pach, Walter (1883-1958). Documents including: one cans Patrick Bruce, Sam Halpert, and Gerald Mur­
photocopy of 'Brothers Who Paint Those Queer Cubist
phy. Sonia Delaunay's archives at the MNAM include seventy-two boxes of material concerning her exhibi­
Pictures," New York Times (April 13, 1913); four-teen tions and correspondence with her patrons and for­
letters (1920-1958) to Jacques Villon concerning the
eigners including Americans such as: Alfred Barr "Memorial Exhibition of the works of Raymond (1938-1942); John Cameron (1954); Francis Carmody
Duchamp-Villon" at the Brummer Gallery, and the (1952); Herschel Chipp (1952-1969); Arthur Craven;
exhibition, "The Three Brothers," at the Solomon R. Alexander and Elizabeth Epstein (1922-1945); A. E. Guggenheim Museum; one letter (1913) to Raymond
Gallatin (1932); Fritz Clarner (1951-1971); Samuel Duchamp-Villon concerning the Armory Show; one Halpert (1923); Florence Houston-Brown; John Lucas
manuscript (1913), "L'architecture d'un sculpteur";
(1951-1964); John MacAndrew (1958); Henry one manuscript titled "Raymond Duchamp-Villon" Reed(1967-1972); Roger Shattuck (1954-1959); (two copies) with corrections by J. Villon (1924); and Gertrude Stein (1912, 1913); Leslie and Ann Singer one letter (1922) to Yvonne Duchamp-Villon. Pulitzer, Joseph (1885-1955). One letter (no date) to
(1960-1971); Guy Weelen (1960-1971); and Charles and Ethel Wolfe (1926-1931). Jacques Villon. Steegmuller, Bea. Documents including: ten signed
Fonds Laure Garcin (1896-1978). letters (1936-1937) to Gaby and Jacques Villon; and Garcin, Laure, "L'art américain (no date), Paris, handwritten notes on American art. one postcard (1939) to Gaby Villon. Fonds Albert Gleizes (1881-1953). Steegmuller, Francis (1906-1994). Two letters to Includes letters addressed to the French artist Albert Jacques Villon (1937 and 1945). Gleizes from the following Americans: Earle B. Bab­
Stein, Gerda. Two letters (1937 and 1940) to Gaby cock (1931); Oscar Bluemner (no date); Pam Boden and Jacques Villon. (1946-1949); Susan Fel (no date); A. E. Gallatin,
Valentin, Curt. One letter (1952) to Jacques Villon
(1932); T. and M. Greenwood (1927-1952); R Harri­
concerning Raymond Duchamp-Villon's bust of son (no date); C. Henry (1923-1926); Perkins (1924­
Baudelaire. 1925); Lucy Porter (1932); the Solomon R. Villon, Jacques (Gaston Duchamp) (1875-1963). Guggenheim Museum (Richard Stein), (1931); Editha Documents concerning Villon's activities in the United
Stuckey (1925, 1926); E. Ambrose Webster, (1927). States including: photocopies (1950) of articles that
Also included are letters addressed to Juliette
appeared in the United States about the "le Prix de la
Roche Gleizes from the following Americans: Pearl
Peinture du Carnegie International" in Pittsburgh; a
Appleman (1971); John Bedmar (1971); Pam Boden
diploma (1961) naming Jacques Villon an honorary (1949); Burke (1932); John Field (1968); Donald
member of the American Academy of Arts and Villon's Gordon (1968); Nina Greenwood (1952-1953); the
activities (1962) at the Ferus Gallery, Los Angeles. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1966); T. M.
Warshawsky, Abel. One copy of "Orphisme and Fran­
Messer (1964-1976); Florence Houston-Brown (1970),
cis Kupka; New York Times (October 19, 1913). A. Rudenstine (1971); J. J. Sweeney (1953);
Wood, Beatrice (b. 1893). One photocopy of
Philadelphia Museum of Art (1954); Dorothy
manuscript with handwritten notes titled "Marcel
Blasingame of the Museum of Non-Objective Painting
Duchamp, and the Arensbergs in New York' (1962). (1954); Peter Nordon (1965-1971); Hilla Rebay (1934­
1964); Mice Rewald (1972 and no date); Kenneth
Silver (no date); and John Woodman (1974).
Fonds Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944).
Fonds Toyen (Marie Cerminova [1902-1980]).
An inventory to the Kandinsky archives, which were
left to the French state upon the death of Kancinsky's
widow, Nina Kandinsky, is to be published jointly by
the Centre Georges Pompidou-Musée National d'Art
Moderne and the Kandinsky Foundation.
Documents, including a folder of letters and drawings
from Franklin Rosemont (New Mexico, Chicago, no
Fonds Jacques Lipchitz (1891-1973).
Approximately 750 letters (1921-1947) from Jacques
Lipchitz to his first wife, Berthe.
Fonds Man Ray (1890-1976).
Includes 130 boxes of uninventoried documents left
tu the French government upon the death of Man
Ray's widow, Juliette Browner Man Ray. The boxes
contain photographs, catalogues, material pertaining
to exhibitions, and letters to Man Ray from artists, art
critics, and collectors, including Marcel Duchamp,
Gertrude Stein, Serge de Diaghilev, André Breton,
Henry Miller, and Charles de Noailles.
Fonds Pierre Roy (1880-1950).
Documents about the French painter Pierce Roy,
including letters to Roy from galleries and museums
in New York: Ernest Drummer, Brummer Gallery,
New York (1932, 1947); Homer Saint-Gaudens,
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh (1931, 1932, 1939);
Basil Petrov, Knoedler et Cie (1946, 1948); Monroe
Wheeler, Museum of Modern Art, New York (1946­
1948); John Stroup, Town and Country Magazine
(1947); Charles Coiner, the Honolulu Star (1940, 1946,
1947, 1948, 1950); Judith Iribe (1948-1950). This
collection also contains articles and manuscripts about
and by Pierre Roy in the United States.
Fonds Léopold Survage (1879-1968).
Documents, invitations, catalogues, manuscripts, and
letters (1925-1970) concerning the Russian-born,
naturalized French painter Léopold Survage, includ­
ing letters to Survage from a number of individuals,
museums and galleries about exhibitions of Survage's
works in Chicago, New York, and elsewhere. Letters
from Robert Allerton, Chicago (1930, 1949); the Art
Institute, Chicago (1931-1934); Chester Johnson
Gallery, Chicago (1938); the Chicago Arts Club (1925­
1929); the Galerie Ouest, Chicago (1948); General
Transport Co. (1925); Jean Laconie; the Museum of
Modern Art (1934); the Museum of Modern Art Film
Library (1936 -1939); the Philosopher's Index (1970);
Raymond Frank Piper; Riva Putnam; Alice Roullier,
Arts Galleries, Chicago (1930-1933); Flora Schofield,
Chicago (1934); John Storrs (1945); Kitty Tinayre,
New York (1953); Vanderbilt University (1969, 1970);
miscellaneous administrative letters from galleries in
Chicago and New York (1932, 1934, 1935).
C o m p a g n i e des C o m m i s s a i r e s Priseurs d e Paris
Service d e D o c u m e n t a t i o n
13, rue de la Grange-Batelière
75009 Paris
Access: The Service de Documentation de la Com­
pagnie des Commissaires-Priseurs de Paris is open to
the public by appointment only.
Description: The library of the Compagnie des
Commissaires-Priseurs de Paris (the confederation of
auctioneers of Paris) houses a collection of over
15,000 sales catalogues (many annotated) dating
back to the eighteenth century, and including those
of the auction houses Bonnefons, de Lavialle, Pillet,
and Chavallier et Baudoin, as well as a card catalogue
cross-indexing this collection by date of sale and
author of the preface. These holdings complement
holdings at the Archives de la Ville de Paris. Available
for consultation here are materials and information
about the history of the Hôtel Drouot, the national
auction house, including indexed collections of
reproductions of objects sold since 1950, and a data
bank, both on computer and microfiche, of sales at
Drouot since 1987.
Direction des Musées d e France
Archives des Musées Nationaux
Direction des Musées de France
6, rue des Pyramides
75041 Paris cedex 01
Access: The Archives des Musées Nationaux are
open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. through-out the
year. Prior to a visit scholars should contact the
director to arrange for an appointment to consult the
archives. The Archives des Musées Nationaux are
located in the Pavillon des Arts of the Palais du Lou­
Description: The Archives des Musées Nationaux
include in their collection not only archival docu­
ments concerning the history of the Musée du Lou­
vre, its collections, exhibitions, benefactors, and personnet, but also similar material about the institu­
tions and national museums presently under the
auspices of the Direction des Musées de France.
A preliminary inventory of this collection, "Inven­
taire des fonds anciens et modernes des archives du
Louvre el des Musées Nationaux," is in preparation
and available for consultation. Photographs that were
once pan of this collection (including photos of works
of art and exhibition installations) are now held at the
Service des Archives Photographiques, Mission du
Patrimoine Photographique. Other complementary
archives may also be found at the museums
themselves as well as in the Archives Nationales. The
holdings of the Archives des Musées Nationaux are
classified by institution under general headings such
as Direction des Musées de France, Réunion des
Musées Nationaux, Ecole du Louvre, and Musée du
Louvre. The archives of the Musée d'Orsay and its
predecessors, the Musée du Luxembourg, the Musée
d'Art Moderne du Palais de Tokyo, and the Musée du
Jeu de Paume, as well as the Musée de l'Orangerie
and other national museums in Paris, are found under
the heading "Musées nationaux dans Paris." Archives
concerning the Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt, the Musée National
du Château de Versailles, the Musée National de
Fontainebleau, and other national museums outside of
Paris are classified under "Musées nationaux hors de
Paris.' The Archives des Musées Nationaux also
possess archival documents concerning the Salons (ca.
1824—1863) and the Universal Expositions (1867).
American names appear throughout these archives,
most often as artists whose works were acquired for
the national museums and as benefactors of the
Musée du Louvre, the Musée de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine de Blérancoun, the Musée du
Château de Malmaison, or the Musée du Château de
Versailles. The archives of the Ecole du Louvre include
information about American students and university
exchanges in the twentieth century. They also contain
theses written by students at the Ecole du Louvre,
catalogued by author and title. Archival documents
concerning exhibitions, classified by institution and
chronologically, include material about various
exhibitions in France and the United States, such as
"L'Exposition de l'Ecole américaine' at the Musée du
Luxembourg in 1919, Art américain: trois siècles d'an
américain" at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in 1938,
and The Golden Gate Exposition" in San Francisco in
Among the documents concerning the Musée du
Louvre and the Musée du Luxembourg are registers of
copyists. These registers contain a variety of infor­
mation about artists who copied works of art at the
L o u v r e (1823—1973) and the Luxembourg (1872—
1934). Some registers list chronologically the names
and addresses of the artists, painters, and sculptors
who were given permission to copy in these
museums, while other registers list only the copyists'
names under the titles of the works of art which were
copied. None of the registers mention nationalities.
The staff of the Archives des Musées Nationaux,
however, has recently begun to prepare a compre­
hensive listing of the names and dates found in these
registers. Once completed, this index should provide a
useful tool for locating the names of American
copyists. The staff of the Archives des Musées
Nationaux has also recently undertaken the indexing
of a massive collection of unrelated documents con­
cerning artists associated with the national museums
in which American names appear.
The following are examples of the types of infor­
mation available in the copyist registers. The name of
Mme MacMonnies appears in a register of copyists at
the Louvre (vol. L L 27, 1893—1920) in 1904 under
"Ecole Italienne, Le Mariage, de Correggio." Similarly,
a chronological register at the Luxembourg (vol. 2 H H
19), covering the years from 1896 to 1914, shows that
between 1896 and 1899 no less than six anists copied
Julius Gari Melcher's La Maternité, while others copied
John McLure Hamilton's Portrait de Glad-stone and
James A. M. Whistler's La Mère de l'artiste.
Direction des Musées de France
Bibliothèque Centrale des Musées
Direction des Musées de France
6, rue des Pyramides
75041 Paris Cedex 01
Access: The Bibliothèque Centrale des Musées
Nationaux is open Monday t h r o u g h Friday from 2:00
p.m. to 6:30 p.m. t h r o u g h o u t the year. The Biblio­
thèque Centrale des Musées Nationaux is located in
the Pavillon des Arts of the Palais du Louvre. Prior to a
visit scholars should write the director presenting an
official letter of introduction, either from a university
or supporting institution, and requesting per-mission
to consult material in the library.
Description: The Bibliothèque Centrale des Musées
Nationaux serves as the central library for twenty-four
national museums under the auspices of the Direction
des Musées de France. It houses periodicals, books,
and catalogues related to those museums' collections
and exhibitions. The library also possesses a
manuscript collection of papers and letters by more
than 420 anists, dealers, collectors, and curators,
w h i c h is briefly described in the Bibliothèque Centrale
des Musées Nationaux, Catalogue des manuscrits (Paris,
1996). Based on this listing, the following documents
relevant to American art have been identified:
Ms 310: Papiers d'Albert S. Henraux (1881–1953), Conser­
vateur du Musée de Condé à Chantilly, Président des Amis
du Louvre, Président du Conseil Artistique des Musées
Included in the papers of Alben Henraux, curator at
the Musée Condé and president of the Friends of the
Louvre, are undated letters from Mary Cassatt and
Walter Gay. Ms 367: Correspondance adressée à Arnold et Tripp, experts
en peinture moderne et marchands de tableaux, 8, rue Saint-
Georges, Paris. Included in the papers of the English art dealers Arnold and Tripp are letters from the American
dealer William Schaus (1883) and the American
artist Toby Rosenthal (1886). Ms 375: Papiers concernant Léonce Bénédite (1856-1928),
Conservateur au Musée du Luxembourg. Ms 421: Archives et documents d'Ambroise Vollard
(1868–1939), marchand d'art et éditeur.
The archives of dealer and publisher Ambroise Vol­
lard, are available for consultation either at the Bib­
liothèque du Louvre or on microfilm at the Musée
d'Orsay. The inventory of this collection is only
available at the Bibliothèque Centrale des Musées
Nationaux. From the inventory of this collection the
following documents were identified: one bound
album: "L'Epoque américaine du fabuleux Ambroise"
(novembre-décembre 1936); letters to Vollard from
Marie-Thérèse Bonney and Mary Cassatt; Vollard's
transportation, loan and sale arrangements and
containing photos of exhibitions and people; financial
records of dealings with artists (1894–1933)
including Mary Cassatt; agendas of the Galerie
Vollard (1906–1932); and personal papers, including
those about lectures and trips abroad.
Ms 423: Fichier d'adresses concernant particulièrement des
collectionneurs, artistes et conservateurs; établi à I'usage de
la conservation du Louvre avant la première guerre mondi­
This collection includes seven separate groups of correspondence to, writings by, and photographs of Léonce Bénédite, curator at the Musée du Luxem­
bourg and a proponent and founder of the Musée Rodin (1918). Documents relevant to American art
history include: letters to Léonce Bénédite and Georges Lafenestre from Joseph Pennell (1911); ale.
papers of and letters addressed to Léonce Bénédite An address file of names of collectors, artists, and
and Auguste Rodin; papers and letters about the
dealers compiled by Louvre officials prior to World
War I, including the addresses of John Alexander;
Musée Rodin; letters to Bénédite from many Ameri­
cans, among them Paul Wayland Bartlett, John W.
Arnold and Tripp; Mary Cassatt; MacCormick; Walter
Beatty, Malvina Hoffman, S. H. Church, William T.
MacEwen; Walter Gay; and W. Vanderbilt.
Dannat, George W. Eggers, Charles Freer, Edwin H.
Ms 424: Fonds d'archives d'Ernest Meissonier (1815–1891).
Blashfield, Clara Kindt, Elizabeth Nourse, Walter
Documents concerning Ernest Meissonier's career
Path, Julian Alden Weir, Gertrude Vanderbilt
and the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts he founded
in 1889, including many letters to Ernest Meisson­
Whitney, Bryson Burroughs, Florence Esté, Fred­
erich Carl Frieseke, Walter Gay, John McClure
nier from among others: Samuel Avery, Binton,
Hamilton, Alexander Harrison, John La Farge, Walter Murphy, Muybridge, Scribners in New York, and the
MacEwen, Elizabeth Pennell, Joseph Pennell,
Cornelia Sage, and John Singer Sargent; and Ms 487: Archives de la Galerie Babazanges-Hodebert
photographs, some of American artists (though no 0923–1928).
detailed list of them is available). Includes twenty-five letters from the American
Ms 407 (19): Lettres de divers correspondants adressées à
collector, A. C. Barnes.
Guillaume Dubufe (1853-1909), peintre ét écrivain. D u r a n d - R u e l e t Cie 39,
Letters to the French painter and writer, Guillaume Dubufe, from the following Americans: William T. avenue de Friedland
Dannat (1893–1929), John Humphreys-Johnstone
75008 Paris
(undated), John Singer Sargent (1895–1896), Julius
Stewart (1895–1909), and Whitney Warren (1905). Fax:
Ms 413: Lettres de Bernard Berenson (1865–1959) à Mme
Access: The archives of Durand-Ruel et Cie are open
Madeleine Hours, Conservateur du Laboratoire des Musées
to the public by appointment only. Scholars may
Nationaux, 1952–1954. send written requests for specific research to be
Letters dating from 1952 to 1954 from Bernard
undertaken by the staff.
Berenson to Madeleine Hours, curator at the Louvre.
Description: The archives of Durand-Ruel et Cie
include material related to the commercial activities
of the Gallerie Durand-Ruel, active in Paris from
1840 to 1974 (with archival records beginning in
1864), in New York from 1888 to 1950, and in Lon-don
from 1870 to 1875. Documents and records include
the gallery's financial ledgers, day books, catalogues, a
collection of over 23,000 photographic reproductions of
works of art handled by the gallery, and
correspondence. Reproductions from the photography
collection are available for a fee. Of particular interest
are the dealings of the gallery's founder, Paul D.
Durand-Ruel (1831-1922), with American artists as
well as dealers and collectors, Mary Cassatt, the
Havemeyers, George A. Lucas, and Samuel P. Avery.
among others. Since access to these archives is
restricted, and no comprehensive catalogue of its
contents is available, a survey of its American material
was not possible.
E c o l e N a t i o n a l e Supérieure d e s B e a u x A r t s (ENSBA)
17, quai Malaquais
75006 Paris
Access: The library of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Beaux-Arts is open to graduate students and
scholars from l:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon-day through
Friday. It is closed during school holidays (summers
Description: The ENSBA library includes books,
periodicals and newspapers that complement the
academic curricula at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Beaux-Arts. It also houses a manuscript collection,
a vast photography collection, and a collection of
drawings which were awarded distinctions in the
annual competitions sponsored by the ENSBA.
Whereas catalogues for the written material and a
database of the Ecole's art collection are available for
consultation at the library, there is no similar inven­
tory of the drawing collection. Original registers of the
annual competitions, available for consultation at the
ENSBA, provide a partial inventory to this collection
and include American names. Other registers with
more information about American participation in the
competitions as well as archives concerning the
history, management, faculty and student body of the
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts are held at
the Archives Nationales.
Fonds National d'Art
Contemporain (FNAC) 70, voie
des Sculpteurs
92800 Puteaux
Access: The archives of the Fonds National d'Art
Contemporain (FNAC) are open to the public by
appointment only.
Description: The Fonds National d'Art Contemporain
was created during the Third Republic, when the
Bureau des Travaux d'Art was created to oversee the
French government's patronage of the fine arts. During
the nineteenth century, this department of the
Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts
managed the annual budget allotted by the
government not only for the decoration of public
buildings, the erection of statues and public
monuments, but also for commissions and purchases
of all types of works of art for museums and public
offices. As an adjunct to these duties, the Bureau des
Travaux d'Art also served as a registrar for the
national collection of art.
Although most of the Bureau's archives and records
are found in Série F-21 at the Archives Nationales, the
FNAC holds a card catalogue and registers concerning
all government purchases and commissions of works
of art from 1860 through World War I, in which figure
a number of American names. The alphabetically
arranged card catalogue contains the names of artists
and a few details about the government purchases,
while the registers provide the same information in
chronological order. These listings can be important
because they include purchases otherwise not
chronicled in the Archives Nationales. For example,
there is no trace in the Archives Nationales of the
French government's purchase of Mary Cassatt's
drypoint etchings and aquatint in 1890, but note of
this purchase is found in the registers held by the
The FNAC continues to oversee the government's
patronage of the arts in much the same way as did the
Bureau des Travaux d'Art in the nineteenth century,
and it maintains an up-to-date record of the French
national collection, available through the databases
"Vidéomuséum" and 'La Joconde' (see Internet and
Institut M é m o i r e s de I'Edition
C o n t e m p o r a i n e (IMEC)
25, rue de Lille
75007 Paris
Access: The library and archives of the Institut
Mémoires de l'Edition Contemporaine (IMEC) are
open Monday through Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. throughout the year. A reader's card is obtained
by presenting a passport, a justification for consulting
the IMEC archives, and by paying an annual fee.
Scholars wishing to consult specific archives held at
IMEC are advised to address a letter to the director,
prior to a visit, stating their research topic. The staff
at IMEC will then prepare the relevant archives, and
where necessary obtain the legal permission(s)
allowing the scholar to consult them. IMEC regularly
publishes a newsletter about its activities and new
holdings. An inventory of its collections will be
available on the Internet in the near future.
Description: The Frits Lugt collection of manuscripts
is devoted to letters written by artists, art critics, art
historians, and connoisseurs. The collection is
catalogued by the nationality of the manuscript's
author and the century during which the manuscript
was written. The collection includes a limited number
of documents concerning American artists which, with
a few exceptions, are inventoried as part of the ­
Collection anglaise.' References to American artists,
dealers, and collectors also appear scattered through­
out the letters of English and French artists and crit­
ics, including William Bouguereau, Jean-Léon
Gérôme, Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, Auguste
Rodin, John Ruskin, and Théodore Duret, among
The following list indicates manuscripts by Ameri­
can artists found in the Collection Frits Lugt. Anno­
tations have been made only when that material
appeared to be of particular interest. The Collection
Frits Lugt continues actively to acquire manuscripts;
hence this list should not be regarded as definitive.
Description: IMEC houses archives related to the
activities of French publishing houses in the twenti­
eth century. Its collection encompasses all aspects of
publishing, from the archives of writers and artists to
those of booksellers and the major French publishing
houses. For instance, IMEC holds the archives of the
Larousse (1880-1980), Hachette (1826-1974), and
Les Editions Surréalistes (1926-1968); those of book­
sellers "La Maison des Amis des Livres' and Adri­
enne Monnier (1915-1951); those of printers,
including "Arts graphiques modernes" (Hachette); as
well as those of writers, artists, and critics such as
Samuel Beckett (1946-1990), Jean Hélion (1928­
1987), Jean Paulhan (1900-1968), and Philippe
Soupault (1935-1990). These collections contain
material relating both to American artists' activities
in France and to those of French artists in America.
Baskin, Leonard (b. 1922). One letter to Maria van
Berenson, Bernard (1865-1959). Four letters (1931­
1932) to James Byam Shaw. Boggs, Frank Myers (1855-1926). One letter (October 2, 1881) in French, agreeing to participate in an exhibition. Bridgman, Frederick Arthur (1847-1928). Two doc­
uments: one letter (June 3, 1878) in English, addressed to "Cousin Ed,' describing a picture Bridg­
man is thinking of sending to the U.S. to sell, includ­
ing a small ink sketch of Father Time; one letter (no date) in French, accepting an invitation to a banquet.
Cassatt, Mary (1844-1926). Eight letters (1904­
1916) to the French dealer-critic Théodore Duret. Copley, John Singleton (1738-1815). One letter (May
21, 1793) in English to the Earl of Fauconberg, seeking approval of his painting The Death of Lord Institut Néerlandais
Colle ct ion Frits L u g t
Institut Néerlandais
121, rue de Lille
75007 Paris
Aecess: Access to the Collection Frits Lugt housed in
the Institut Néerlandais is restricted. Prior to a visit
scholars are advised to contact the director requesting
an appointment and stating the reasons for wishing
to consult the collection.
Gay, Walter (1856-1933). One letter (9.111.1933) to
James Byam Shaw.
Havemeyer, Louisine, Elder (1855-1929). Eleven let­
ters (1916-1924) to the French dealer-critic
Théodore Duret.
Mosier, Henry (1814-1920). One note (March 24,
1892), in French, to the director of the Louvre,
requesting permission for Mlle G. B. Williams to copy
in the Louvre.
Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925). Fourteen letters
and cards (1886-1920), in French and English,
including: a letter in French (September 9, 1886)
addressed to 'Monsieur,' in which Sargent agrees to
send "mon Falguière to an exhibition being organized
in New York and states his desire to exchange that
painting for one by Monet; a letter (June 8 ?)
addressed to "Monsieur," in French, about a commis­
sion he is working on, with a list of portraiture fees; a
letter (November 10, 1893) to Margaret Chanler; and a
letter (June 1897) to Robert Underwood Johnson,
editor of Century Magazine.
Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946). One letter (May 10,
1943) to Mr. Williams concerning the "Marin" letters
and Stieglitz's general frame of mind at the time.
West, Benjamin (1738-1820). One letter (March 25,
1800) notifying the English sculptor John Flaxman of
his appointment as "Sculptor to his Majesty."
Whistler, James Abbott MacNeil (1834-1903). Three
documents (no dates) including one letter to `dear old
Waldino" in Rome describing Whistler's work in
Amsterdam and comparing it to work done in Venice
and to the Nocturnes, and gossiping about Tite Street,
Cass, the Chelsea Club, and Rossetti. Includes a small
caricature of himself.
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
1, rue Robert Esnault-Pelterie
75007 Paris
Centre Annexe des Archives
Diplomatiques de Nantes
17, rue du Casterneau
44000 Nantes
Access: The Archives du Ministère des Affaires
Etrangères in Paris are open Monday through Friday
from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Due to security regula­
tions, entry to (and departure from) the archives is
only possible every hour on the half hour and requires
identification and a reader's card. A reader's card is
obtained on the first visit by presenting a passport or
other valid identification and two I.D. photos.
Documents must be reserved at least a day in advance
(before 4:00 p.m.) and may be requested by phone at The archives are closed annually
during the first two weeks in March.
The Centre Annexe des Archives Diplomatiques de
Nantes is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. Access is permitted to those with
identification and a reader's card. Documents must be
reserved by 5:00 p.m. the day before consultation.
They may be reserved through the Archives in Paris
but no documents may be transferred from Nantes to
Paris for consultation.
Description: The archives of the Ministère des Affaires
Etrangères, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are one of
the largest and oldest repositories of archival material
in France. Scattered throughout the collections are
numerous materials concerning American history and
French-American cultural exchanges. The Paris
administration of the Ministry, and to political,
economic, and commercial foreign policy, while
documents relevant to French embassies and
consulates, and to cultural affairs and exchanges, are
found in Nantes. An important number of archival
documents pertaining to French consular activities in
the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries are currently located in Washington, D.C.
These archives will be transferred to Nantes and made
available to the public within the next five years.
(Inventories and guides to the Nantes collection are
found in the reading room in Paris.) Maintained
separately in Paris are a library that is closed to the
general public, a department of treaties and geography,
and a museum with a collection of prints, drawings,
and objects, all requiring special conservation, given to
the French State.
The archives house close to fifty major collections or
séries of documents. When this guide was in prepa­
ration, detailed inventories to all collections were not
available, and as a result a comprehensive survey of
material related to American art history was not pos­
sible. The following survey, based on a sampling of the
collections and listed by location, attempts to orient a
scholar towards collections likely to have material
relevant to the study of American art or the activities of
American artists.
Several publications are useful in understanding the
general organization and content of these archives:
Waldo Gifford Leland's Guide to Materials for American
History in the Libraries and Archives of Paris (Vol. II):
Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institute, 1943); L'Etat Général des
inventaires des Archives Diplomatiques (Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale, 1987); Les Archives du Ministère des Relations
Extérieures depuis les origines: Histoire et guide, suivi d'une
étude des sources de l'histoire des affaires étrangéres dans les
dépôts parisiens et départementaux (Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale, 1985); and Paul Pit-man's A Short Guide to the
Archives of the Quai d'Orsay (Paris: Association des Amis
des Archives Diplomatiques, 1993).
Archives du Ministère des Affaires
Etrangères: Paris
Série: Papiers d'Agents
A collection of papers of over 310 French officials and
ambassadors, including officials in the United States
involved in one way or another with cultural issues
and exchanges (e.g., the French diplomat, Jean-Jules
Jusserand, who was posted to Washington, D.C., dur­
ing World War I and had many contacts in the artistic
communities of both Paris and New York).
For a complete listing and additional information,
see "Papiers d'Agents, Liste: Inventaire" (undated
porting French paintings in and out of the United
States for the Exposition without being taxed. Carton 477, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Paris 1889,1886–1890. Documents about the Universal Exposition of 1889,
including a file on U.S. participation in the Exposition
with information about Congressional funding and
general organization of the exhibition. Special attention
was given to the temporary repatriation of paintings by
French artists owned by Americans.
Carton 480, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des
Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Paris,
1889, Documents divers.
Série: Affaires Diverses Politiques Carton 3, Affaires Diverses Politiques. Etats-Unis, 1821–
Documents including regulations for the 1889 Paris
Universal Exposition for the Fine Arts Section,
1861. Documents including a file on Samuel F. B. Morse with
information about Morse's accomplishments in France
and Europe, and mention of his nomination to the
Légion d'Honneur.
Carton 13, Affaires Diverses Politiques, Etats-Unis, 1861­
including information about foreign participation.
Carton 482, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des
Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Paris,
1889, Documents divers 1886–1890.
Documents including letters concerning repeal of the
33% tax on art and the importation of French paint­
Documents about the nominations of Americans to the
ings from the United States for the exhibition.
Légion d'Honneur in 1862 and 1863. Canon 483, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des
Carton 15, Affaires Diverses Politiques, Etats-Unis, 1878–
1887. Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: France
Documents (1886) about the shipment of the Statue of Documents about international exhibitions in France
Liberty to the United States and its inauguration.
during this period.
Letters and notes concerning Catholic and Sweden­
borgian activities by Americans in Paris, and a file Carton 491, Affaires Diverses Commerciales Direction des
Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Paris
about French-American cultural issues.
Carton 17, Affaires Diverses Politiques, Etats-Unis, 1891– 1900,1894–1901.
Documents about United States participation at the
Documents about French military participation at the Universal Exposition of 1900 (maps, letters, and
memos), the organization of the United States section
Chicago Word's Fair (1893).
For additional information, see Etat Numérique des at the Exposition, and Berthe Potter Palmer, a com­
Fonds des Affaires Diverses Politiques, 1815–1896, tome missioner of the Exposition who advocated the par­
ticipation of women artists.
IV, "Etats-Unis, 1793–1896." (Paris: undated).
For additional information, see: "Archives du Min­
Série: Affaires Diverses Commerciales, 1830–1902
istère des Affaires Etrangères, Correspondance de la
Carton 466, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des Sous-direction
Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Exposi­ (antérieure à 1902)" (undated typescript from hand­
written original).
tions Universelles de 1855 a 1862.
Documents including four files on the Universal Série: La Nouvelle Série, Correspondance Politique et
Exposition of 1855 with details about the United
Commerciale, 1897–1918.
States's participation along with official circulars about
Carton 105, Nouvelle Série 1897–1914, Etats-Unis: Exposi­
the Section des Beaux-Arts.
Carton 471, Affaires Diverses Commerciales, Direction des tions diverses.
Affaires Commerciales et Consulaires, Expositions: Minutes, Documents about exhibitions in the United States
including one file labeled "Exposition," containing
Documents about the organization of the Universal
Exposition of 1878. and about issues arising from the
U.S. Congress's veto of a financial subsidy for the
Exposition; and documents on the problems of trans­
folders about paintings lent by the Luxembourg
Museum to an exhibition in Buffalo in November 1911
and a folder about "Exposition de Seattle 1908-1910"
(the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition). The collection
also contains two files on the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition of 1915; a colored
blueprint of the plan of the Exposition; and press
clippings about the opening of the French pavilion.
Carton 170, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis: Armée, Cimetières,
Carton 106, Nouvelle Série 1897–1914, Etats-Unis: 1914– Monuments militaires américains (March 1919-December
1916, 1.) Expositions diverses 2.) Expositions de San 1921).
Documents including a file about a "monument com­
Francisco en 1915.
Documents including files about the equestrian statue
of Jeanne d'Arc commissioned by the city of New York
from Anna Hyatt [Huntington] and dedicated on
September 6, 1915; a file with Paul Wayland Bartlett's
report to a French official on the French Fine Arts
Section at the San Francisco Panama-Pacific
Exposition; a file, 'Exposition de San Francisco 1916,"
with a pamphlet and a document (March 1916) about
sales at the Exposition; and a document (December
19, 1917) stating that because of the war, art exhibited
at the Pan-American Exposition could not be returned
to France and was there-fore to be stored at the
Brooklyn Museum.
Carton 107, Nouvelle Série 1897–1918, Etats-Unis: Dossiers
divers, 1908–1910.
Documents concerning the official gifts of works of art
exchanged between the United States and France.
Documents about the favored tax status of the Amer­
ican Art Association (1908–1909), an association
founded to help American art students; a large file
with many documents about the Comité FranceAmérique and the tercentenary of the discovery of
Lake Champlain, and plans to give a monument fea­
turing a figure by Auguste Rodin (1912). Also contains
files about an annual prize for a battle scene by a
student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, instituted in
1908 by the American J. Sanford Saltus; the inaugu­
ration of a copy of Houdon's statue of Washington,
given by the state of Virginia to the Château of
Versailles (1910); and the gift of Jean-Paul Lauren's
painting Yorktown to the courthouse in Baltimore
For additional information, see Etat Numérique de la
Correspondance Politique et Commerciale, 1897–1918
(Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1973).
Série: La Correspondance Politique et Commerciale,
1914–1940:B Amérique
Carton 134, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis: Protocole, Anniversaire
de Lafayette et la Bataille de la Marne.
Documents include a letter (October 11, 1922) from
Mr. [H. Herman] Harjes to T. W. Lamont about a
monument to commemorate the Battle of the Marne to
be executed by Frederick MacMonnies and erected at
the Porte Maillot.
Carton 137, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis (1918–1929): Proto­
Documents about the Monument aux Volontaires
Américains On Paris) and the erection of the Boucher
monument in 1923. Includes press clippings and
official correspondence.
mémoratif dans le Bois de Belleau- by Hugh Wallace.
Also includes a letter (February 2, 1921) from Charles
Moore, chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts,
about a proposed visit in 1921 to confer with French
and British officials about military cemeteries, to
arrange for the architectural and landscape treatment
of American cemeteries in France, and to give
consideration to war memorials in France; includes
information about Château-Thierry and the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier.
Carton 173, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis (1919–1929): Armée,
Cimetières, Monuments militaires américains en France.
Correspondence from The American Battle Monuments
Commission about chapels and monuments to be built
in France commemorating World War I.
Carton 257, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis (1918–1829), Exposi­
tions, 1919–1924.
Documents about various an exhibitions in France and
the United States, including: the reopening of the
Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco (1924);
a memo from the 'Service d'Etudes, Direction des
Beaux-Arts" about promoting French art in the United
States; a memo from the Embassy of the United States
(January 26, 1920) thanking the French government
for having invited American artists to exhibit at the
Luxembourg in 1919; and documents about the
"Pageant of Progress" show in Chicago in 1921.
Carton 258, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis (1918–1929), Exposi­
tions, 1925–1929.
Documents including a memo about American par­
ticipation at the 1925 'Exhibition of Decorative and
Industrial Arts" in Paris; a letter from Guillaume
Lerolle, the Carnegie Institute's representative in Paris,
about works of art lost when an exhibition organized
by the Petit Palais was sent to the United States in
1917; correspondence about French participation in an
architecture show in New York, "l'Association
celebration in Philadelphia in 1926 of the 150th
anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Inde­
pendence; correspondence about the 'Exposition des
Beaux-Arts' in San Francisco; information about an
exhibition, 'La Maison américaine' (1926) at the
Grand Palais; a etter from Jacques Lambert
(architect) about the "Fontaine Monumentale de
Chicago" (January 9, 1926); memo (February 25, 1926)
from the Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, about
the "Exposition of Arts Décoratifs" (1925) and its
repercussions in the United States; documents about
the Universal Exposition of Chicago in 1933;
documents about an exhibition of decorative arts at
Lord and Taylor (1928); and a memo about the
"Exposition du Mémorial aux Mille Morts de la Guerre
de l'Etat de l'Oklahoma."
Carton 259, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, 1914–1940, Etats-Unis (October
1919-January 1922): Expositions.
Documents and files about various statues and copies
of statues of Joan of Arc: Jeanne d'Arc by Anna Hyatt
[Huntington] (1920) and a replica of it in Gloucester,
Massachusetts; documents about the dedication
(program, photos, and press clippings) of a replica, to
be set up in Washington, D.C., of Paul Dubois's Jeanne
d'Arc in Rheims; documents about a replica of
Frémiet's Jeanne d'Arc for the city of Portland.
Canon 276, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique. Etats-Unis (1918–1929), Autori­
sations américaines en France (June 1918–December 1921).
Documents about visas and permissions granted to
Americans to study in Paris. Includes press clippings
about American students in Paris and correspondence
relating to permissions granted to Robert B. O'Connor,
Maitland Belknap, R.W. Wood, and Lawrence
Carton 278, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B. Amérique, Etats-Unis (1918–1929), Autori­
sations américaines en France, (janvier 1926-décembre
Documents about American celebrities and newspaper
clippings about Americans in France: documents
about the inauguration of the Eglise de Belleau; and a
letter requesting that Joseph J. Almirall be accepted to
the Ecole des Beaux-Arts.
Carton 484, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914–1940, B Amérique, Etats-Unis 0930–1940): (juillet
1934–mars 1940).
Documents (1938) about the Golden Gate Exposition,
San Francisco, and the French installations and
exhibition of French painting at the Palace of the
Legion of Honor. Carton 496, Correspondance politique et commerciale,
1914-1940, tome 1: B Amérique (Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale, 1993).
Série B: Amérique, 1944-1952. Microfilm P 4944: Etats-Unis: Relations Culturelles avec la
France, 1945-47. Documents from Henri Bonnet, French ambassador to
the United States, about French works of art held in
the United States for safe keeping during World War Il;
a letter from René Batigne, Conservateur des oeuvres
d'art françaises en Amérique, to Henri Bon-net about
an exhibition in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in September
1945, "Ecole de peinture française d'avant-guerre';
several documents about the "American University for
American Servicemen in Biarritz" and its Beaux-Arts
section that opened August 22, 1945, under the
supervision of General MacCrosky and closed within
the year; documents about the "Centre Universitaire
américain pour les combattants américains" (attached
to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Ecole du Louvre)
at the Cité Universitaire under the direction of the
Division of Education of the U.S. Army and Major Ian
F. Framer, director of La Maison Française at
Columbia University, 1940–1945.
Microfilm P 4947: Monuments à la Paix, 1944–1949.
Documents (1945–1947) about a "monument à la Paix"
to have been given to the city of New York by the city of
Paris in 1939, at the time of the fiftieth anniversary of
the Statue of Liberty and on the occasion of the
Universal Exposition of 1939; other documents about
monuments on the landing beaches; documents about
American support to rebuild areas of France
devastated in the war.
Microfilm 4948: Monuments à la Paix, 1944–1949.
Documents about the reconstruction of the "Hôpital
Mémorial France-Etats-Unis de Saint-Lô designed by an American architect, Paul Nelson. Microfilm 4949: Associations franco-américaines en France
1944–1948. Documents about American clubs and social groups in
Paris with information about the Cercle Washing-ton. For additional information, see the Répertoire
Numérique de la Série B Amérique, 1944–1952 (Paris:
Imprimerie Nationale, 1988).
Série C: Administrative, 1890–1940. Carton 85, Série C Administrative, 1908–1940, Etrangers en
France, 1893–1898. Statistics concerning foreign populations in various
1914–1940, B. Amérique, Etats-Unis: Faits-divers et
administrative departments of France. For instance, in
1896 the department of the Seine registered 5,625
autorisations (1930–1940).
Two hundred ten documents about authorizations American residents, and there were 6,488 in 1898.
given to Americans in France from 1930 to 1934 as
Also contains information about legal formalities
concerning foreigners.
well as news clippings about Americans in France. For additional information, see Etat Numérique du
fonds de la Correspondance politique et commerciale,
Carton 481, Série C Administrative, 1908–1940, Beaux
Arts, Manufactures Nationales 1908–1937; Objets d'art
1909–1933; Tricentenaire de Molière. 1921–1922.
Documents about gifts to and loans from the Louvre.
For additional information, see "Inventaire de la
Série C, Administration, 1890–1940" (undated type­
Série: Relations Commerciales, 1918–1940.
Carton 43, Série Relations Commerciales, 1918–1940,
Foires et expositions à l'étranger.
Documents about fairs and exhibitions including a
large dossier about the celebration of the 300th
anniversary of the founding of Philadelphia (1928) and
the Colonial Exposition of New York (1928).
For additional information, see "Inventaire des
Relations Commerciales, 1918-1940" (undated
Série: Protocole. Carton 2, Protocole. Série D, Décorations: Légion d'Hon­
neur, Etrangers divers (1882–1883). Documents and files pell-meli with information about
some Americans named to the Légion d'Honneur.
Carton 3, Protocole, Série D, Décorations: Légion d'Hon­
neur: matières générales (anciennes), 1813–1848.
Includes decrees dating to the Empire; regulations
about the Légion d'Honneur, and lists of nominations
(1822 to 1847) with information about foreigners who
were decorated.
Carton 8. Protocole, Série D, Décorations: Légion d'Honneur
et médailles de la reconnaissance française: Projets et Décrets
de I a 130 inclus.
Documents about a "Projet de décret soumis à l'exa­
men de la commission de la médaille de reconnais­
sance française," with lists of individuals, including
many American men and women, who were involved
in the French effort during World War I.
For additional information, see "Etas de Verse­
ment: Protocole, 1542–1975" (undated typescript).
Série: Maison de la Presse: Information, Propagande,
Carton 21, Maison de la Presse, 1914–1928, Information,
Propagande 1917–1923: Etats-Unis. Dossier général II
(mars 1917–mai 1923).
Information about exhibits of photos and projections
of war films in the U.S. and in France with an expla­
nation about the activities of the Section Pho­
tographique et Cinématographique de l'Armée
Française; and a list of art schools, "Proles d'art dans
lesquelles pourraient être établies des relations
franco-américaines" (avril 1918); as well as mention
of a "Mission des Beaux-Arts, récemment organisée
avec l'objet de faire peindre des scènes du front par
les meilleurs peintres de France."
For additional information, see "Inventaire de la
Maison de la Pressé (undated typescript).
Centre Annexe des Archives
Diplomatiques de Nantes
Série: Archives Réparties des Postes Diplomatiques et
The Centre Annexe des Archives Diplomatiques in
Nantes houses documents from the French embassies
and consulates abroad, including in the United States.
The type of information held in this collection includes
notarial records (registers of births, marriages, and
deaths) as well as voluminous correspondence
concerning events such as Universal Exhibitions, art
exhibitions, and French-American cultural and
artistic exchanges.
Documents from the following consulates are held in
Baltimore, 1779–1887
Birmingham, 1952–1969
Boston, 1781–1825; 1779–1896; 1830–1895
Charleston, 1778–1920 Detroit, 1953–1988
Galveston, fin XIX`-1920
Honolulu, 1837–1909
New York, 1784–1817; 1815–1895; 1817–1821
Norfolk, An II-An XIV
Philadelphia (Légation), 1790–1880, 1779–1812
Philadelphia (Consulat), 1778–1840
Portsmouth, N.H., 1780–1793
Richmond, 1836–1895 San
Carton 213, Consulats, New York, Série B.
Documents about the 1893 Universal Exposition of
Chicago, including receipts for boxes sent from
Chicago; and circulars about rules for the art sections
at the Exposition de St. Louis, 1904.
Série: Services de l'Administration Centrale, Séries
This collection includes numerous documents con­
cerning cultural exchanges, French art exhibitions in
the United States, American art exhibitions in France,
and also the catalogues to such exhibitions (not
catalogued), and a collection of photographs (not
For additional information, see: "État de verse-ment,
Service des Affaires Culturelles, 1945-1947" (undated
typescript); "Etat de versement, Relations Culturelles,
1948-1955" (undated typescript); and "Etat de
(undated typescript).
Carton 494, Série Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, Exposi­
Série: Services des Oeuvres, Séries Culturelles. tions,
Dossier général.
Carton 41, Série Culturelle, Service des Oeuvres, Oeuvres. Documents
concerning the exhibition of American art
Divers, Etats-Unis: Palais de France à New York Carton
at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in 1938.
41,1926—1931. Documents concerning a project to build a "Palais de Carton 506, Série Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, Musique. A
France" (a skyscraper) to house the French embassy
and consulate, a music conservatory, and an art
school, and where a permanent exhibition of auto­
mobiles would be on display.
Carton 43, Série Culturelle, Service des Oeuvres, Etats-Unis,
Dossier Général, Expositions, Librairies, Musées, 1930-1932.
Documents about an exhibition of works by painters
of the Barbizon group at the Delgado Museum in New
Orleans, and the centenary celebrations of the 'École
de Barbizon' in New York at the Barbizon Plaza (a
hotel reserved for women) with a four-day event (April
1930) including a private exhibition of works; a memo
about the proposal of Thornton Oak-ley to exhibit
Henri Matisse's work at the Art Alliance in Philadelphia
with a venue also in Pittsburgh; and a note from the
same consul (dated June 29, 1931) abuut the
Wanamaker Stores sponsoring an exhibit of a
selection of paintings from the Salon National des
Beaux-Arts in 1930; a file about the Museum of
Modern Art with letters and preliminary loan requests
from Alfred Barr for an exhibition "Exhibition of
Paintings by Daumier and Corot- at the Museum of
Modern Art (1930); and a file with documents (all
dated 1930) about the erection of a monument in the
Haute-Garonne in honor of Augustus Saint-Gaudens.
Carton 86, Série Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, Divers,
Tourisme, Sports, Cinéma, 1920-1926.
File entitled "Thérèse Bonney" with four signed letters
from Thérèse Bonney (1925–1978) as well as the
newspaper L'Atlantique, Journal quotidien paraissant à
bord des paquebots de la Compagnie le Transatlantique
(April 19, 1925) with Bonney's article, "American
Artists in Europe" illustrated by six photos of
American artists featuring Aston Knight, Louis
Kronberg, Samuel Duskin, Arthur Heintzelman, and
George Waller Parker.
Carton 492, Série Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, Enquètes
artistiques et littéraires: Expositions.
Documents (1933) about an exhibition of American
painting at the Musée du Jeu de Paume, organized by
Mrs. Chester Dale and proposed for June 1934; infor­
mation about an exhibition of photography organized
by Thérèse Bonney at the American Women's Club,
61, rue Boissière; material on the participation of
"American Artists Professional League" in an exhi­
bition at the Galerie Simonson (1933).
file on the Ecole d'Art Américaine de Fontainebleau
with fifty documents and a brochure; and
approximately fifty letters and documents explaining
the history of the institution.
Carton 527, Stine Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, Etats-
Unis, Expositions (1932—1935).
Documents concerning: Thérèse Bonney's nomination
to the Légion d'Honneur (1935); the proposition by
Mme Paoli-Pogliani to organize an exhibition of art by
women at the Metropolitan Museum and a French
museum (1935); the loan of paintings by the Louvre
to the museums of San Francisco and Baltimore
(1935); Whistler's Portrait de ma mère and how
Americans tried to negotiate the purchase of the
painting in return for the abolition of a national
French debt (1933—1934); and the Maison Française
of New York (1934-1935), where Thérèse Bonney was
coordinating exhibitions.
Carton 573, Série Culturelle, Services des Oeuvres, EtatsUnis, Expositions.
Documents concerning: the exhibition of American
art at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in 1938 and the
inauguration of a new wing at the Musée de la
Coupération Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt; an
exhibition of nineteenth-century French painting at a
Chicago exhibition in 1937. Also contains letters from
Thérèse Bonney about the important influence of
Léger in the United States.
numérique, Services des Oeuvres françaises à
l'étranger, 1912–1940" (undated typescript).
Série: Services des Echanges Artistiques
Carton 1492, Services des Echanges Artistiques, France,
Ecoles d'Art Américaines de Fontainebleau, 1948.
Dossier R 2008 includes approximately thirty letters
and memos about the French government subsidy to
the "Écoles d'Art Américaines, Conservatoire de
Musique/Ecole des Beaux-Arts."
For additional information, see "Inventaire des
Archives du Services des Echanges Artistiques
(DGRCST), No. l à 1727, pp. 1 à 105" (undated type­
M i n i s t è r e d e la C u l t u r e
M i s s i o n du P a t r i m o i n e Photographique
S e r v i c e s d e s A r c h i v e s Photographiques Fort
78182 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Access: The photographic archives of the Ministère
de la Culture are open to the public by appointment
Description: The Services des Archives Pho­
tographiques of the Ministère de la Culture is one of
the national repositories for nineteenth- and twenti­
eth-century photography. It houses the collection of
the publishers Braun, the official photographers of
the national museums during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, and individual collections (fonds)
of French photographers. Of particular interest is the
"Fonds Anne Morgan":
A collection of over 3000 glass negative plates
(1917–1923) by Harry Lachman, commissioned by
Anne Morgan, the founder of the Musée National de
la Coopération Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt,
for the "Comité Américain des Régions Dévastées de
France." This collection, which duplicates photos
found both at the Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine and the Archives Départemen­
tales du Nord, documents the reconstruction of the
administrative department of the Aisne after World
War I. The photographs served as publicity for Mor­
gan's fund-raising campaigns in the United States.
The original inventory of the collection identifies in
English each negative by number, title, subject, place,
and date.
Musée du L o u v r e
D é p a r t m e n t d e s Peintures
Centre de Documentation
Palais du Louvre
34-36, quai du Louvre
75001 Paris
Access: The entrance of the documentation center is
located at the Porte des Lions entrance of the Loovre. It
is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Description: The documentation center of the Louvre's painting department houses a large collection of
secondary source material devoted to the Louvre's
collection of paintings, including a number of Amer­
ican paintings now housed at the Musée d'Orsay, the
Musée de la Coopération Franco-Américaine de
Blérancourt, and the Musée du Château de Versailles.
The material in these files (catalogued by artist and
painting) duplicates that found in the original files at
museums where the paintings are presently housed.
In addition, these files occasionally provide references
to primary sources in the Archives des Musées
Nationaux. Of particular interest are the files con­
cerning George Catlin's paintings now hanging in the
Musée de Blérancourt and the Musée de l'Homme,
and files concerning G. P. A. Healy's copies of
presidential portraits now in the Musée du Château
de Versailles. The documentation center also
maintains a collection of catalogues and clippings
related to American painting in general.
O Musée N a t i o n a l P i c a s s o
Hôtel Salé
5, rue de Thorigny
75003 Paris
Access: Due to space limitations, the archives and the
documentation center of the Musée National Picasso
are open, by appointment only, to a limited number of
scholars. The archives are open on Thursday
mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the
documentation center is open Thursday afternoons
from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The archives and the
documentation center are closed during two-week
periods in the spring and fall, the dates varying each
year. Scholars with limited time and a well defined
research topic may be granted special access to the
Due to restricted access to many of the archival
documents held by the Musée National Picasso,
scholars must seek various permissions before those
documents can be consulted. Scholars should write
the director of the museum and the curator of
archives prior to a visit, requesting an appointment
and stating their research topic. Information,
addresses and forms concerning specific archives are
then provided, assuring scholars access to the docu­
ments at the time of their visit.
Description: The archives and the documentation
center of the Musée National Picasso are devoted to
material concerning Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). The
archives, open to the public since 1991, include doc­
uments from Pablo Picasso's estate, and contain not
only his manuscripts and written memorabilia, but
also photographs and a vast number of letters,
including letters from Sarah and Gerald Murphy, Man
Ray, and Gertrude, Michael, and Leo Stein.
Inventories of the manuscript and photographic
collections are available for consultation at the docu­
mentation center of the museum.
The documentation center includes a library, and its
collection contains exhibition catalogues, books, and
periodicals, as well as thematic files dealing with all
aspects of Picasso's life and his oeuvre. The archives
and documentation center of the Musée Picasso have
been created with the goal of being the preeminent
Picasso study center, and its staff has indicated that it
will assist scholars in locating and gaining access to
archives concerning Pablo Picasso wherever located.
Musée d'Orsay
62, rue de Lille
75007 Paris
Access: The library and the documentation center at
the Musée d'Orsay are open to scholars Monday
through Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. through­
out the year. The entrance to the documentation cen­
ter is located on the quai Anatole France, at the place
Henri de Montherlant. Scholars wishing to consult
archives held by the museum should contact the doc­
umentation center prior to a visit, reqoesting an
appointment and stating the purpose of their research.
Description: The library of the Musée d'Orsay houses
books, periodicals, and catalogues corresponding to
the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century works of
art by artists (born between 1820 and 1870) held in
the Musée d'Orsay. Most archives relating to the
Musée d'Orsay 's collection, including its American
holdings, are found at the Archives des Musées
Nationaux, the Bibliothèque Centrale des Musées
Nationaux, or the Archives Nationales, where they are
located in the archives of the Orsay museum's
predecessors: the Musée du Luxembourg, the Musée
du Jeu du Paume, and the Musée d'Art Moderne.
The Musée d'Orsay houses some archival collections
and artists' papers, available on request. While there
are plans to catalogue this material and to publish a
guide, at present there is no way of knowing precisely
what these collections contain. Documents pertinent to
American art apparently include photographs in "les
Fonds de la Galerie Rosenberg," a group of letters
signed by Alfred Stieglitz in "les Fonds Paul Burty
Haviland," and a group of letters signed by Loie Fuller.
The documentation center at the Musée d'Orsay
houses a large collection of secondary source material
devoted to nineteenth-century art, a database
inventory of the museum's collection, the corre­
sponding dossiers d'oeuvre (curatorial files), and some
archives. The secondary source material on nine­
teenth- and early twentieth-century painting, scutp­
ture, architecture, decorative arts, and photography is
organized in files, classified by artist, and includes
numerous American names and references.
The database inventory and the curatorial files of the
museum's collection, both available upon request,
provide essential information about the works of art
owned by the Musée d'Orsay, including those
presently housed at the museum, as well as works on
extended loan to other museums or in storage
elsewhere. Each curatorial file contains information
about the work's provenance, exhibition history, etc.,
as well as cross-references to archival documents held
at the Archives des Musées Nationaux and the
Archives Nationales. Occasionally these files contain
archival documents. For example, the curatorial file for
the painting Over the River by George Inness includes a
letter about the painting signed by Elizabeth (Mrs.
George) Inness to the Macbeth Galleries.
Musée Rodin
77, rue de Varenne
75007 Paris
Access: The archives of the Musée Rodin are open to
scholars, by appointment only, Tuesday through
Thursday, and are closed from late June through early
Description: The archives of the Musée Rodin are
devoted to all aspects of the career of Auguste Rodin
(1840-1917) and contain a wide variety of material,
notably a large collection of correspondence addressed
(with a few exceptions) to the artist. This correspon­
dence, inventoried alphabetically and extensively
cross-referenced, includes a number of letters from
Americans. The following list briefly describes
correspondence relevant to institutions and individuals
in the U.S.; while every attempt has been made in
preparing it to identify `American" material, there can
be no guarantee that this list is comprehensive.
Adams, Henry (1838-1918), historian, writer. Two
documents (1902), concerning a commission for Rodin.
Alexander, Elizabeth, wife of the painter John White
Alexander. One letter (undated) in French, written on
behalf of her husband cancelling an appointment with
Alexander, John White (1856-1915), painter. Three
documents, in French, including two letters (undated)
introducing friends to Rodin, and a letter (1899) about
an unidentified painting by Alexander.
Allison, Carrie, agent. Twelve documents (1908), in
French, including letters discussing Allison's fees as
Rodin's agent and requesting photos.
American Art Association of Paris. One invitation
(March 16. 1892) to Whitelaw Reid's farewell banquet.
American Ambulance Hospital of Paris. One telegram
(March 17, 1916) concerning a statue by Rodin.
American Numismatic Society. Two documents
(December 21, 1910, and undated).
Barnard, George [Grey] (1863-1938), sculptor. One
letter (March 31, 1894), in French, requesting that
Rodin use his influence to have Barnard's statue
moved to a better place at the Salon.
Barney, Lily , collector. Twelve letters (1910-1912), in
English with French translations, to the Duchesse de
Choiseul, as well as from the Duchesse de Choiseul
to Barney about Rodin's execution of Henry Payne
Whitney's bust.
Barney, Natalie Clifford (1876-1972), poet, novelist.
Two documents, in French, one telegram (1912), one
card (undated) announcing a poetry reading in mem­
ory of those killed during the war, and a photo
(undated) of Barney's Temple de l'Amitié, with note on
the back.
Bartlett, Paul Wayland (1865-1925), sculptor. Nine­
teen documents (1889-1909), in French, including
letters, telegrams and cards concerning Bartlett (a
member of the International Jury of the Universal
Exposition of 1889) and his dealings with Rodin on
behalf of General Rush Hawkins, the Commissioner
of the U.S. Fine Arts Section. Includes Bartlett's
invitation (June 1891) to Rodin to his Paris residence
to meet Sarah Hallowell, who was then organizing the
1893 Columbian Exposition, and articles about that
Blair, Mary Mitchell (Mrs. Chauncey J.), collector. Ten
documents (1913 and undated), in English and
French, including letters and express letters,
addressed from Chicago and concerning U.S. import
taxes on a "marble" she acquired from Rodin.
Borglum, John Gutzon (1867-1941), sculptor.
Twenty-one documents (1901-1914), in French, let­
ters (along with translations) and telegrams, includ­
ing a letter (March 2, 1910) of introduction for
Borglum's friend Malvina Hoffrnan, and letters
revealing Borglum's great admiration for Rodin.
Brownell, William C. (1851-1928), journalist. Eleven
letters (1884-1906), in French, written while Brownell
was working for Century Magazine. Correspondence
includes requests for biographical information from
Rodin, and introductions to various French sculptors
including, in 1884 and 1887, the French sculptor
Jules Dalou (1838-1902), and
requests that Rodin receive A. Jaccaci in 1896, the
Blashflelds in 1903, and Mrs. Kate Simpson in 1904.
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, The Albright Art Gallery,
Buffalo, New York. Six documents (1913-1917, and
undated), in French, including letters and cards from
Cornelia B. Sage, director of the museum.
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Twentytwo documents (1906-1913), in English with French
translations, letters and cards, from officials at the
Carnegie Institute.
Cimino, Emilia, translator. Two hundred five docu­
ments (1898-1912), in French, primarily letters from
Paris, London, Switzerland, Italy, and New York
(1903). Emilia Cimino was an Italian, but she trans­
lated texts for Rodin into English and was closely
connected to the American expatriate community.
Cimino was in contact with a number of Americans,
including Loie Fuller, Robert Henri, Kate Simpson,
Gertrude Whitney, Mrs. (Mary Fairchild) MacMon­
nies, John White Alexander, and Edward Steichen.
Colt, Samuel P. (1852-1921) and Elisabeth M.
Bullock (Mrs. Samuel Colt), collectors. Twenty docu­
ments (1906-1915), in English with French transla­
tions, telegrams, newspaper clippings, and photo­
copies, including a letter to Samuel Colt from Robert
W. de Forest, about Colt's acquisition of Rodin's Muse
and his subsequent gifts to the Metropolitan Museum
of Rodin's The Hawk and The Dove, Eve, Psyche and Le
Lion douloureux.
Conway, J. J., journalist. Two letters (1910-1911), in
French, requesting photographs of Rodin's statue in
memory of J. A. M. Whistler and his bust of Saint-
Gaudens. According to the letterhead, Conway,
author of Footprints of Famous Americans in Paris (1912), worked for the New York American, the Chicago
American, the San Francisco Examiner, and the New York Evening Journal. Dannat, William T. (1865-1929), painter. Thirteen documents (1894-1900 and undated), in French,
telegrams and letters, concerning acquisitions by Dannat of Rodin's work. Dickson, Mary. One letter (December 4, 1915)
expressing admiration for Rodin's Penseur exhibited at
the "Pan-American Exposition" in San Francisco that
Duncan, Isadora (1878-1927), dancer, choreographer. Twenty-nine documents (1903-1911), in French, letters, postcards, invitations to "Dance Idylles" and
to her house in Neuilly, as well as material about
schools set up by Isadora and Elisabeth Duncan in France and Germany. Durand-Ruel et Cie, dealer, Paris and New York.
Thirty-five documents (1884-1911), in French, signed
letters and notes from Paul Durand-Ruel establishing
prices for Rodin's work and discussing tariff problems
as well as mentioning Americans: Miss Hallowell, Mr.
and Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. W. H. Crocker, Mr.
Macombe, and Mr. Bush.
Eddy, Arthur Jerome (1859-1920), collector. Four­
teen documents (1896-1913), in French and English,
addressed from Chicago, concerning acquisitions and
a commission of Eddy's bust.
Etats-Unis. Numerous entries about exhibitions in the
United States, including a collection of press clip­
pings, organized by city and chronologically, which
contains reviews of exhibitions in which Rodin par­
Boston (exhibitions) 1894, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1911,
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
Brooklyn, Museum of An
Buffalo (exhibitions) 1911, 1916
Buffalo, Fine Arts Academy
Chicago, Alliance Française
Chicago, Art Institute
Chicago (exhibitions) 1911, 1912
Chicago, Columbian Exposition 1893
New York (exhibitions) 1903, 1910
Philadelphia (exhibitions) 1876, 1895-1896, 1899,
1905, 1907
Pittsburgh (exhibitions) 1911
Pittsburgh, Carnegie Institute
St. Louis (exhibitions) 1911, 1912
St. Louis, Universal Exhibition, 1902-1904,
San Francisco, Musée des Beaux-Art, 1915
Savannah, Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences
French, Daniel Chester (1850-1931), sculptor. Seven
letters (1907-1912), in French and English,
concerning the proposed purchase of Rodin's work by
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which French
enthusiastically supported.
Fuller, Loie (1862-1928), dancer, choreographer. Two
hundred ninety-one documents (1898-1917), in
French, letters, telegrams, cards, addressed to Rodin
and to the Duchesse de Choiseul, concerning Fuller's
exhibition (1903) in New York that included drawings
and bronzes by Rodin, the Japanese dancer "Hanako
(1908), Fuller's anxiety about the war, and details
about Alma and Aldolph Spreckles's gift of Rodin's
sculpture to the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.
Greatorex, Kate (b. 1851), painter: one letter (Feb­
ruary 23, 1911), in French, inquiring if Rodin had any
interest in renting or buying her studio.
Hallowell, Sarah Tyson (1852-1929), agent. One hun­
dred twenty-one documents (1892-1915), in French,
letters, cards, telegrams. The correspondence begins
while Hallowell, working on the 1893 Columbian
Exposition, tried without success to secure sales for
Rodin in Chicago. Later she introduced Rodin to var­
ious patrons and served as an intermediary for
Charles Yerkes, Mr. and Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs.
Gardner, and Mr. Clark, among others, throughout
the 1890s. During this time she wrote Rodin on a reg­
ular basis to keep him informed about his reputation
in the United States and his American clients.
Harrison, Alexander (1853-1930), painter. Fifty-eight
documents (1900-1913), in French and English,
letters, notes, postcards and telegrams introducing
Harrison's friends (including Stanford White, Mrs.
Chauncey Blair, Professor van Dyck, Mrs. Gardner,
William Chase, and Mrs. Schmidt) to Rodin. Accord­
ing to these letters, Harrison also helped spark John
Johnson's interest in buying La Pensée for Fairmont
Park when the Philadelphia Museum of Art could not.
Hoffrnan, Malvina (1887-1966), sculptor. Ninety-one
documents (1910-1918), in French, letters, cards,
and telegrams, including details about Hoff-man's
commissions and artistic activities in New York.
Humphreys-Johnstone, John (1857-1941), painter.
Two letters (1895 and undated), in French,
introducing friends to Rodin.
Hyatt [Huntington], Anna V. (1876-1973) sculptor.
One letter (undated) in French, requesting an
appointment with Rodin.
Jaccaci, Augusto Florian (1857-1930), journalist.
One letter (November 23, 1908), in French, asking
Rodin to support John La Farge in his bid to exhibit
at the International Exhibition in London.
Johnson, John (1841-1917), collector. Five docu­
ments (1901-1906), in French, three letters, one
invoice, and one telegram, about the Fairmont Park
(Philadelphia) commission for La Pensée, secured by
Alexander Harrison and financed by Johnson.
Knoedler, M. & Co., New York, London, Paris. Fortyfour documents (1895-1919), in French and English,
letters, telegrams, and cards, many from the com­
pany's Paris correspondent, W. Hamman, as well as
one from Knoedler, concerning customs problems
and Rodin's sculptures.
Ladd, Anna Coleman (b. 1878), sculptor. Two letters
(1911), in French, in which Ladd mentions Anna
Seaton Schmidt, Ladd's two children, and Ladd's
exhibitions in the United States.
La Farge, John (1865-1910), painter. Eight letters
(1891-1910), in French, primarily from New York. In
1891, La Farge wuites at Alexander Harrison's sug­
gestion and introduces himself. In 1895 he mentions
Henry Adams, and in 1909 he writes to introduce a
Japanese acquaintance. Throughout these letters La
Farge expresses his admiration for Rodin.
Lamb, Louis Albert. One letter (February 12, 1903),
in English, with a short poem written about Rodin's
Sphinx, exhibited at the City Museum of Art, St.
Lynch, Arthur, journalist. Thirty-four letters (1908–
1916), in French. Lynch was a correspondent for the
New York World and worked as an intermediary
between Joseph Pulitzer and Rodin while Rodin was
executing Pulitzer's bust in 1908. Over the years a
friendship developed between Rodin and Lynch, and
his wife, Anne (two letters from her are included).
Lynch, Gertrude, journalist. Two letters (undated),
from Paris, requesting an interview on behalf of the
New York Sun and mentioning Gertrude Kasebier and
Gilbert White.
MacCameron, Robert Lee (1866–1912), painter,
writer. Eight documents (1910–1912), in French, let­
ters and documents addressed to the French Minister
of Foreign Affairs, asking that MacCameron be
nominated as a Chevalier of the Légion d'Honneur
(included in this document is a biography of MacCameron). The letters, all addressed to the Duchesse
de Choiseul, concern MacCameron's article on Rodin
for Century Magazine.
MacGennes, B. Two letters (undated), in French,
concerning her connection with the Chicago Art
Institute, and a sudden and inexplicable rupture with
MacKay, Elizabeth M. Eleven documents (1903 and
undated), in French, from MacKay, a friend of Miss
MacKenna, Stephen, journalist. Thirty-seven docu­
ments (1901–1907), in French, letters and telegrams.
MacKenna worked in Paris for the Argonaut (San
Francisco), the Criterion (New York), An Gaodhal (New
York), and the McClure Syndicate (New York), and also
served as an intermediary between Rodin and the
Joseph Pulitzers at the time they were acquiring
Rodin sculptures.
Macornber, Mary (1861-1916), sculptor. Two letters
(1907), in French, asking for an appointment and
then thanking Rodin for his advice on pose and light.
McKinley Memorial, Philadelphia. Two documents
(1902), in English, including an invitation for the
Philadelphia and the program for the competition.
Melchers, Madame F. M. One document (May 14,
1898), in French, expressing outrage about the scan­
dal concerning Rodin's sculpture of Balzac.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Thirty-six
documents (1907–1916 and undated), in French and
English, letters, cards, and telegrams addressed to
both the Duchesse de Choiseul and Rodin, from var­
ious individuals at the Metropolitan Museum,
including Edward Robinson (assistant director),
Robert de Forest (secretary), I. V. McGore, Joseph
Breck, and Henry Davidson, concerning the Metro­
politan's collection of Rodin's sculptures, the Rodin
Gallery, conservation problems, as well as the prices
paid by the Simpsons for the Rodin sculptures given
to the Metropolitan Museum.
Nourse, Elizabeth (1859–1938), painter. Two letters,
in French, one (1896) requesting an appointment
with Rodin to review Nourse 's work, the other (1919)
addressed to Léonce Bénédite.
Palmer, Mrs. Potter (Berthe Honoré) (1849-1918),
collector. Twenty documents (1906–1911), primarily
in English, letters and notes written by Mrs. Pouter
Palmer's secretary, concerning appointments for sit­
tings for Rodin.
Pennell, Joseph (1860–1926), painter, writer. Twentytwo documents (1906-1916), in French, including
letters about the Whistler monument, the Muse, and
Pennell's biography of Whistler, The Whistler Journal
(Philadelphia, 1921).
Ryan, Thomas F. (1851-1928), financier. Fifty docu­
ments (1908–1917), in French and English, letters,
cards, and telegrams, concerning his acquisitions and
commissions of Rodin sculptures.
Sage, Cornelia (Mrs. W. W. Quentin) (1876-1936),
museum a d m i n i s t r a t o r .
(1913–1917), in French, cards, letters, and one docu­
ment addressed to Rodin from the Ministère de l'In­
struction Publique in 1917 about organizing a second
show of Rodin's work at the Albright Knox Museum.
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus (1848–1907), sculptor.
Five documents (1899–1900), in French, including
letters of introduction and an invitation.
Sargent, John Singer (1848-1925), painter. Thirtyfive documents (1884–1918), in French, letters, and
cards, some about trades of works, exhibitions, and
one, written during World War I, in which Sargent
talks of his embarrassment at having been inducted
into the Berlin and Munich Academies.
Schmidt, Anna Seaton (b. 1924), educator, critic. One
hundred documents (1896–1917), in French, letters,
postcards, and notes. Schmidt was an unofficial
spokesperson for Rodin in the United States,
promoting his work by giving lectures in Boston, New
York, Washington, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Chicago.
These letters concern these lectures and the arts in the
United States.
Simpson, Kate (Mrs. John Woodruff), collector. One
hundred six documents (1903–1917), in French, let­
ters, notes, and telegrams, including lists of the Rodin
sculptures purchased by the Simpsons and the prices
they paid.
Slauty, J., sculptor. One letter (September 22, 1890),
in French, asking Rodin for introductions to Charles
Yerkes, Paul Wayland Bartlett, William Brownell, John
La Forge, a Mr. Ricardi, and a Mrs. [Isabella Stewart?]
Gardner, as Slauty was planning a trip to the United
Steichen, Edward (1879–1973), photographer. Twentynine documents (1903-1923), in French, letters, and
cards, some of them about using a photo-graph of
Rodin by Steichen in a book the photographer was
Stetten, Carl. Two letters (1893-1894), in French, one
about seeing works by Rodin at an exhibition and at a
private house, and a second asking to borrow works by
the sculptor.
Stieglitz, Alfred (1864–1946), photographer. One letter
(January 17, 1908), in English (with a translation
included), thanking Rodin for lending some drawings
for exhibition in New York, one of the greatest spiritual
treats" the photographer had ever had.
Thayer, Abbott (1849–1921), painter. One letter
(August 6, 1894), in French, asking about the where­
abouts of "Madame Brush," the wife of George Brush.
Thayer, Imogene Stanley, agent. One hundred six-teen
documents (1898–1915), in English and French, about
Thayer's friendship with Rodin and also her activities
as Rodin's agent, notably her dealings with such
Americans as Mrs. Eddy of Chicago, Mrs. Richardson
of New York, "les dames de Philadelphie,' Mrs. Martin
of Chicago, and the Stanley family.
Tiffany et Cie, New York, Paris. Fifty-nine documents
(1899-1916), letters, receipts, and bills concerning
casts of Rodin's work, shipping of his sculpture to Kate
Simpson, and the cost of repairs, and acquisitions of
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834-1921), painter.
Two documents, one an undated signed let-ter, in
French, about Whistler's portrait of Mirabeau, and an
announcement of Whistler's death.
White, Bessie (Mrs. Stanley), collector. One letter
(1911) to the Duchesse de Choiseul mentioning a visit
by Mrs. Barney at the end of the month, wondering if
Rodin has had the time to work on the bust
of her brother-in-law [Mr. William C. Whitney], and
asking to visit Rodin's studio with her son.
White, Samuel, III, collector. Forty-eight documents,
(1901–1907), signed letters and cards, including one
about Rodin's Athlete, for which White posed sporad­
ically from 1901 to 1904. White wanted a copy of the
finished work to be exhibited in 1904 at the St. Louis
Exposition. Also included is one letter on White's
behalf from R. H. Howell to Rodin.
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt (Mrs. Henry Payne)
(1875-1942), sculptor. Ten documents (1911 and
undated), in French and English, including two from
Hélène Whitney and two in English from Claire de
Choiseul, calling cards, and letters about Whitney's
work at the Salon.
Whitney, Sarah and L. Aubrey, artists. Eight docu­
ments (1899–1903), in French, from Sarah Whitney,
asking for Rodin's advice, and from her mother, L.
Aubrey Whitney.
Yerkes, Charles (1837-1905), collector. Six documents
(1892–1894) concerning Yerkes's acquisitions of works
by Rodin, Orphéus et Eurydice and Amour et Psyché.
Union Centrale des Ans Décoratifs
(UCAD) Bibliothèque
107, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Access: The library of the Union Centrale des Arts
Décoratifs, more commonly known as the Musée des
Arts Décoratifs, is open Mondays from l:45 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. and Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00
a.m, to 5:30 p.m. The library is closed annually from
July 20 to September I.
Description: The library of the UCAD is devoted pri­
marily to the decorative arts. It houses a rich collection
of iconographic material (prints, photographs, etc.)
thematically organized by subject matter, as well as a
collection of late-nineteenth and twentieth-century art
exhibition and sales catalogues, some of which are
relevant to American art history. Archival material
concerning courses offered at the Union Centrale des
Arts Décoratifs in the late nineteenth century is held
in the curatorial department.
Students of the Academie Américaine de Beaux-Arts de Fontainebleau painting frescos, n. d.(® Harlingue-Viollet, Paris)
Section II: Sources outside Paris Archives de la Critique d'Art
Archives Départementales du Nord
3, rue de Noya)
35410 Châteaugiron
Département de l'Aisne
l, rue Fernand-Christ
02000 Laon
Access: The library and archives of the Archives de la
Critique d'Art are open Monday through Friday from
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the morning they are open
by appointment only. They are closed annually from
December 24 through January 3 and for three weeks
during the summer. Free access is permitted to
individuals who consult the archives for a day only.
Otherwise an annual fee must be paid. Upon written
request, the staff of the Archives will carry out specific
and limited research. Châteaugiron is located fifteen
kilometers from Rennes in Brittany.
Access: The Archives Départementales du Nord in
Laon are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m., and closed annually during the first two
weeks in June. Laon is two hours north of Paris.
Description: The Archives de la Critique d'Art are
devoted to contemporary French art criticism. The
library and archives house documents about and by
contemporary French critics working in France and
elsewhere in the world, and include not only their
publications, but also relevant author's notes and
bibliographies. Of particular interest are the archives
of the critics Pierre Rostany and Michèle Cône, who
have written extensively about contemporary issues in
American art, as well as the archives of the Biennale
de Paris (1959–1982). The library's holdings include
anthologies of contemporary criticism, colloquia
proceedings, and publications about the history of
criticism, methodology, and aesthetics. A regularly
updated computer catalogue cross-indexes all of the
collections thematically. The Archives de la Critique
d'Art are rapidly growing, and a list of its new hold­
ings is published regularly.
Description: In 1993 the Archives Départementales du
Nord in Laon became the repository of a collection of
archives previously held at the Musée National de la
Coopération Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt. These
archives include a variety of documents about
Americans and their activities in France during World
War I, as well as American aid later in the recon­
struction of the Aisne. A su rvey of this material
revealed references to a few American artists and a
large collection of photographs by the American artist
Harry Lachman.
Sous-série .1 104: Comités de Secours Américains:
Guerre de 1914–1918, Comité Américain pour les
Régions Dévastées (CARD), Fonds Américain pour les
Blessés Français; Oeuvres Américaines Diverses.
American Relief Organizations: 1914–1918 War, The
American Fund for French Wounded,' and The
American Fund for Devastated France (later known as
the -Comité Américain pour les Régions Dévastées'),
and other organizations.
These archives, held in sixteen cartons, cover the
period from 1914 to 1925 and include a total of over
sixty different articles. They contain material not only
about the above organizations and their activities in
France (e.g., the Women's Hospital at Blérancourt,
library and school projects in the Aisne, and
the American Relief House in Paris), but also the
papers of Anna Murray Vail, and documents about
the establishment of the Musée National de la
Coopération Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt. The
collection contains only a few documents about
American artists other than Harry Lachrnan. Car­
tons 1 to 6 of the Sous-série J 104 include: many
photos (with negatives) taken by Lachman (and a few
by Hal Fullerton) during and just after World War 1;
loose and unidentified photographs, some of artists
(e.g. Theodore Spicer-Smith working in his studio),
and others of important events at Blérancourt (dance
recitals, Maréchal Philippe Pétain's visit to award the
Légion d'Honneur to Anne Morgan and other
members of the "CARD"); sketches of monuments at
Château-Thierry; photo albums of the Lafayene
Escadrille and the "Good Will Tours" in France
organized by Anne Morgan during the 19205;
scrapbooks about the American Hospital in Rheims;
annual reports for "La France Dévastée (1919-1925);
and catalogues and information about exhibitions
related to the Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt.
M u s é e G o u p i l 40­
50 Cours du Médoc
33300 Bordeaux
Access: The documentation center of the Musée
Goupil is open Monday through Saturday by
appointment only.
Description: A portion of the archives of the Maison
Goupil et Cie (1827-1920) is held in Bordeaux.
Records and registers (from 1840 on) concerning the
photographs and prints published by the editors
Goupil and Cie, later known as Boussod et Valadon,
and finally as Boussod, Manzi et Joyat, are held in
the archives of the Musée Goupil.
Description: The Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine at the Château de Blérancourt
houses a portion of the French government's collec­
tion of nineteenth- and twentieth-century American
art. Most archives relating to the provenance of this
art collection are found not at the museum but rather
at the Archives des Musées Nationaux, the Biblio­
thèque Centrale des Musées Nationaux or the
Archives Nationales. The Blérancourt library holds a
collection of rare books dating from the eighteenth
century, as well as journals and exhibition catalogues
related to Franco-American topics.
The museum's documentation center has data­
bases of its art collection and of Americans named to
the Légion d'Honneur; and documents about the
founding of the museum, the American Field Service,
American civilian activities in France during World
Wars I and H, and American artists in France. The
material about American artists is scattered in more
than 140 file boxes organized either alphabetically by
artist, or by more general themes such as "Personnal­
ités," "Américains en France," or "Expositions." The
documents in these files include press clippings, pho­
tographs, and exhibition catalogues which have
served in the preparation of the museum's exhibi­
tions, catalogues, and publications. Unfortunately,
these files have not been systematically inventoried.
The documentation center also houses an impor­
tant collection of films and vintage photographs
(many by Harry Lachman) taken in France during
and after World War 1. These photographs comple­
ment material located at the Archives Départemen­
tales du Nord, where a portion of the museum's
archives have been transferred, and at the Mission du
Patrimoine Photographique.
Musée de Pont-Aven
Place de l'Hôtel de Ville
29930 Pont-Aven
M u s é e N a t i o n a l d e la C o o p é r a t i o n
Franco-Américaine de Blérancoun
Château de Blérancourt
02300 Blérancourt
Access: The documentation center at the Musée de
Pont-Aven is open Monday through Friday in the
morning from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and in the
afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. throughout
the year. Pont-Aven is located between Lorient and
Brest on the southern coast of Brittany.
Access: Access to the library and documentation
center of the Musée National de la Coopération
Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt is restricted. Prior
to a visit, scholars should contact the director
requesting an appointment. The Musée National de
la Coopération Franco-Américaine de Blérancourt is
located an hour and a half north of Paris, fifteen kilo­
meters from Noyon.
Description: The Musée de Pont-Aven is one of the
rare French museums over the last years to mount
exhibitions about American artists, notably "Charles
Fromuth, 1858-1937" (Pont-Aven, 1989) and "Les
Peintres américains en Bretagne, 1864-1914" (PontAven, 1995). While its documentation center is gen­
erally devoted to artists who lived and worked in
Brittany in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, its
holdings include material about the American artists'
colonies established in Brittany in the late nineteenth
century. Many of the documents are reproductions of
originals found locally in depart-mental and communal
archives in Brittany. The center does possess a number
of original photographs of artists who resided in
Brittany in the nineteenth and early twentieth
Section III:
Research Aids
21, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris
Access: Bulloz is open Tuesday through Saturday
from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to
4:30 p.m.
Description: This photographic agency is devoted
solely to the reproductions of works of art in public
and private collections in France and worldwide. (See
Photographe Bulloz, Catalogue des diapositives (Paris,
19881.) The collection is catalogued alphabetically by
artist and by school. There are only a few reproduc­
tions of works by Americans, grouped as "l'école
américaine," including works by J. J. Audubon,
Romaine Brooks, William Horton, Winslow Homer,
Grandma Moses, J. S. Sargent, George Segal, Henry
Tanner, Benjamin West, and J. A. M. Whistler.
Agence Photographique Giraudon
70, rue Jean Bleuzen
92170 Vanves
Fax: 01.4L23.78.41
Access: Giraudon is open Monday through Thursday
from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Friday from 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Description: The commercial photographic agency
Giraudon, now partially incorporated with the
Alinari Archives in Italy, includes an enormous
collection of photography: the archives of the
publishing house Larousse, an extensive collection
concerning historical and recent events, and
reproductions of works of art worldwide. (See Agence
[Pollina, 85400 Lucon, 19921.( Of particular interest
in the Dornac collection are photographs of the
American artists Frank O'Connor and J. A. M.
Whistler in their studios, as well as Isadora Duncan
and Loie Fuller dancing. The collection of photographs
of World War I is vast and includes a number dealing
with American activities in France during the war.
75004 Paris
Access: The commercial photography agency Key­
stone is open to the public Monday through Friday
from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to
6:00 p.m.
Description: Keystone has a complete collection of
reproductions from L'Illustration (1843-1944). Paint­
ings, drawings, prints, and photographs used to illus­
trate this magazine have been inventoried by artist
and subject matter and include the names of a num­
ber of American artists.
R o g e r - V i o l l e t 6, rue
de Seine
75006 Paris
Access: Roger-Viollet is open to the public Monday
through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Description: Roger-Viollet is a private commercial
photographic agency with an extensive collection of
photographs and prints, including photos of works by
American artists, historical events such as the Uni­
versal Expositions and government-sponsored Salons,
American artists, and art students (e.g., photos of the
"Ecole d'Art Américain-place des Vosges," ca. 1925
and the "Ecole Américaine des Beaux-Arts de
Fontainebleau"). Scholars and researchers are per­
mitted to consult the collection, which is organized
thematically by country, event, and artist.
For further information concerning photographic
archives, see Répertoire des collections photographiques en
France (Paris: La Documentation française, 1990).
France's major museums, libraries, and other cultural
institutions have lost no time in going online. A few of
the institutions cited in this guide already maintain
Web sites, while sites are planned or in development
at many others. The inherent complexity and nonlin­
ear presentation of Web sites and other electric
sources of information, in conjunction with the
rapidity with which they are generated, updated, and
expanded, makes it impossible to provide a compre­
hensive description of them in this guide, or indeed
any print source. It is possible here, however, to offer
some general guidelines and to indicate possible com­
puter access to a number of databases relevant to art
history, including some mentioned elsewhere in this
An excellent point of departure is the Web site
maintained by the Ministère de la Culture
( The site "Documentation" on
the main menu provides access to the following
French databases, through the subsite "Bases de
données accessibles sur Internet":
"La Joconde": an inventory of over sixty national,
regional, and private museums in France.
• "Mérimée": information about a variety of buildings
and works of art registered as historic monuments.
• "BN-Opale": the computer catalogue of the books
and periodicals held in the collections of the
Bibliothéque Nationale de France.
• "BN-Opaline": the computer catalogue of engrav­
ings, posters, post cards, and photographs held by the
Département des Estampes et des Photographies at
the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Publique d'Information.
• "Répertoire: Thèses: Culture, Droit et Institutions
(CNRS/Université Paris Dauphine)": an inventory of
theses and dissertations in progress or completed at
French universities.
Additionally, the menu site "Documentation" links to
a second subsite, "Répertoires," which is further
subdivided. Among the most pertinent sites on the
subsite "Répertoires," are "Centres de ressources doc­
umentaires," which provides information about spe­
cialized documentation centers, and "Bases de don­
nées et banques d'images: Art et architecture," which
provides information about or access to the following
• ‘Arcadé: a database, compiled from material at the
Archives Nationales, about works of art acquired or
commissioned by the French government between
1800 and 1939.
• "Documentation du MNAM-CCI": an inventory of the
collection of the Musée National d'Art Moderne—
Centre de Création Industrielle.
• "IDMO (Images et Documents du Musée d'Orsay)":
an inventory of the collections of the Musée d'Orsay.
• "Noir et Blanc": a catalogue of reproductions from
the collections of the Archives Photographiques,
Ministère de la Culture.
• "Saga": a database about the collections of the Cen­
tre Georges Pompidou—Musée National d'Art Moderne.
• "Vidéomuseum": a database about twentieth-century
art held in French public museums.
Presumably, scholars accustomed to working on the
Internet will prefer to use it as a research tool rather
than relying on its precursor, the Minitel, which has
been an integral part of French culture for decades and
which offers an alternative means of access to a few of
the databases now available on the Internet. The
"Documentation") links to a subsite, "Services
télématiques," which, among others, lists the following
Minitel numbers: 3615 CULTURE, 3615 BPI, 3616
CARAN, and 3614 JOCONDE. However, there is no
reason to believe that the information obtained
through these Minitel numbers differs significantly
from material contained elsewhere in the Ministère de
la Culture's Web site.
• "Le Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Publique d'Infor­
of the collection of
the Centre Georges Pompidou—Bibliothèque
U n i v e r s i t é d e Paris I: C e n t r e d ' H i s t o i r e
N o r d - A m é r i c a i n e ( C H N A ) Université de
Paris I
17, rue de la Sorbonne
75005 Paris
Access: The Centre d'Histoire Nord-Américaine is
located in the Galerie J. B. Dumas at the I, rue Victor
Cousin entrance of the Sorbonne. The library is open
to the public Monday through Friday at different
hours. It is closed during the school holidays. Schol­
ars are advised to call in advance of a visit.
Description: The CHNA was founded in 1967 with
contributions in kind from the American Library and
the Cultural Services of the United States Embassy in
Paris. While the library's emphasis is on social and
political issues in U.S. history, it serves as a clearing
house for French graduate students writing their
theses and dissertations on a variety of subjects
related to U.S. history or transatlantic cultural
80 Index of American Artists' Names A
Aalbu, Olaf. 39
Abbey, Edwin Austin, 12
Abbott. 24. 37
Agnesseus. Agnes. 30
Acken, 37
Adams, 38
Adams, Herbert. 33
Adams, S. Herbert, 45
Aguirre, John. 39
Ahrens, Theodore G.. 33, 3?
Albertson, Jeanne, 30, 38
Aldotph, 37
Aldrich, 37
Aldrich, Chester, 46
Alexander, 24, 31, 32. 33, 36
Alexander, Alfred, 47
Alexander, J.. 25
Alexander. Jacob, 46
Alexander, John White, 16, 17. 20, 59, 69,
Atjaynor, Frank. 41
Atkinson. 36
Allen, 36
Allen, Francis, 36
Alien, William Sutlivan 26, 28
Allerton. Robert, 57
Almirall. 37
Almirall, Joseph J., 65
Attenburg, Alexander, 25
Attmann, 24. 37
Altmann, Aaron. 46
Ames, 37
Amsden. 36
Amsden, Wittiam, 33
Anderson. 37
Andrew, Richard. 26
Andrews, 37
Andrews, Gertrude. 39
Ankeney, John, 33. 37
Anthony, Hotland. 36
Appleton, David, 39
Armand. John Jules louis, 28, 37
Arlhur, Robert, 41, 43
Ascagni, Angelo. 39
Ash, Thomas R. 40
Atherton. 37
Atkinson. 3
Atterburg. 377
Audrey. Edouard, 45
Audubon. J. J., 78
Bacon. Henry. 24, 33
Bailey, 36
Bailey, J.W., 28
Baitey, Theodore. 41. 47
Bailly. 28
Bally, Yvon, 31
Baird, William, 17
Baker. 36
Baker. A.Z., 33
Bakesell, 37
Bakewetl, John 46
Baldwin. 36
Ball, 37
Ball, Attan Perley, 33, 46
Ballantine, 37
Batder, Charles, 41 Bancroft.
John Chandler. 33 Barber, 37
Barber, Joet, 38
Barber, John, 22
Barbour, Archibald. 25. 33, 36
Barboux. Archie, 44 Barker.
Ctara, 47 Barlow, 24, 37
Barlow, Myron, 26 Barnard,
George [Greyl. 70 Barnes. 36
Barnett, Harold. 39
Barney, Atice Pike. 54
Barthel. Ourell 30
Barthotd, 38
Baden. 32, 36, 37. 38
Barttett, Clarence, 26
Barttett, Paut Waytand. 13, 16, 18. 20, 23,
27, 59
Baskin, Leonard. 61
Bass, Franck, 41. 43
Bass, Frank Burr, 43
Bassett. Etliot, 43
Bates, 31
Bates, Dewey, 25, 34, 41. 43
Battier. François Louis Charles. 43
Batty, James, 27
Baumgartel, Otto, 46
Baumgarten, 37
Baugarton, 36
Hayman, leon, 41
Beadel. Geratd Woodrow, 37, 38
Béai. H. Martin. 26
Beaufort, Henri, 42
Beaux. Cecilia, 20
Beck, 26, 38
Beck, Auguste. 28, 36
Beck, Harry K., 28, 36
Becker, 31
Becker, John, 39
Beckman, 37
Beckwith, 31, 32
Beckwith, James Carroll. 41
Betknap, Maitland, 65
Bell, Henry. 44
Bemis, 28. 36
Benison. John 45 Benjamin.
Stanton, 39 Bénureau.
Denise, 25 Berg, Charles. 36
Bernstein, Paul. 28 Berry,
Gibson, 30 Besher. Joseph,
39 Beveridge, Joy. 47
Beverty, Edouard, 39
Bickford, Nelson N., 25, 33
Bigelow, Atbert, 27 Bigetow,
Hugh, 27 Bigelow, William
Biake 43
Bingham, Horace, 45
B ird Richard. 39
Bridgman, 38
Birge, Chartes. 33
Bridgman. Frederick Arthur, 17, 24, 35,
Calveit-Jenkins, Ruth. 48
Cameron. 36
Cameron, Edgar, 45
Birge, Harrison. See Harrison, Birge
Birren, 37
Bright. 24, 37
Camerp, 37
Birren, Joseph P. 28
Briggs, Dorothy, 38
Canley. 33
Bissell, George W., 45
Bringhurst. Robert. 27. 44
Carey, 36
Bissilt. George Edwin, 41, 45
Bitter, Bessye, 47
Bringhurst. W.. 41
Carey, Arthur Aster, 28
Brinsmade, Charles lyman, 3
Bixford, Loring. 27
Bristol, Frances, 28
Carmichael, Henry, 39
Bizarel, Ferdinand, 43
Btack. Richard, 19
Britter, Bessye. 47
Brocknay, 28
Can, Lyetl Edwin
Blackall, 36
Blackbatl, Ctarence H., 28, 44
Brockway. 36
Carter. Atice Mitdred, 27
Broderfietd, Joseph. 46
Carter, Robert, 41, 44
Cartson. 37
Carrotl, 37
Blackman, 31
Broesel, Felix. 44
Casey. 3?
Blackman, Waller. 33
Brokow Irving, 19
Cassatt: Mary, 22. 59, 60, 61; family, 12
Blaise. Chartes, 43
Catlin, George, 68
Blake, 24, 37
Brook, 38
Brooks, 36
Blashfietd. Edwin H., 18. 59; Blashfields.
Brooks, Atden, 28
Cauldwelt. Lestie, 22, 46
Blondel, Theodore, 38
Bluemner, Oscar. 56
Caufield, Birley King, 27
Brooks, Edward, 28
Chalon. 37
Brooks, Romaine, 18. 19. 20, 52, 54, 78;
Chamberlin. 36
Foundation. 23
Chambers. 36
Blum, Edward, 38
Brown. 32, 36, 37, 39
Btum, George, 38
Brown. Arnotd, 46
Champain. Saul, 39
Boal, 37
Boardman, 36, 38,
Brown, Arthur. 45
Champney, 37
Brown, Eugene Dowting, 41
Chandter. Francis, 16
Boardman. Frank C., 25
Brown, Harotd. 26, 37
Chauler. Robert W., 27. 59
Boardman. Seymour. 39
Boek, Richard, 2?
Brown, Walter, F., 33
Chapman, John Holbrook. 30
Brown. Walter R.. 26
Chard, Thorton, 38
Boggs, Frank Myers. 17, 18, 19, 20, 26,
Brown, W. Felton. 25
Chase. William [Merritt]. 71
Browne, 36, 38
Chaunay, Rosalie, 25
33, 44, 61
Chambers, George W., 29
Browne. Chartes L.. 26
Chauncey Rosalie Brown, 27, 28, 35
Bruce, Patrick Henry, 55, 56
Chawler. 37
Boit. Edward Dartey, family, 12
Bultes, 37
Brush. 31. 32
Church, SR., 59
Brush, George E de, 33. 40. 43. 73
Ctarke. 37
Bonieux. Jules, 42
Bonne, Richard, 46
Bonney, Marie-Thérèse, 59. 67
Bryant, 36
Clarke, Thomas D. 45
Bohannon, Barbara Otive. 25
Bohm, Max, 20
Bryant, Gordon, 39
Clarke, Thomas Shields, 26
Buck, 37
Borgatta, Mark l., 39
Buckley, Wilfred 52
Carson 32
Borgtum, (John) Gutzon. 70
Bueau, 37
Clawson, 37
Borgord. Martin, 28. 37
Borie, 37
Bunker, Dennis Miller, 25, 26
Clawson, J.W., 26, 29
Burbank. 37
Ctetlan, Hugh. 2?
Boring, 36
Borland John, 36
Burbank. W.E., 33
Ctement. Alida, 47
Burke, Janet Frances, 27
Clements, George H., 41. 44
Borneman. Louis, 40
Bosworth, 37
Burnap, George S., 25. 32, 36
Ctendsin, Guitlaume, 40. 42; Clendenin,
Burnham, 36
Bouguereau, Elizabeth Gardner. 52
Burns, 37
Clinedinst. Benjamin West. 25, 45
Bowen, 31
Bowen. Schuyter, 41, 43
Burns, J.F., 28
Clymer, 36
Burns, Robert, 39
Coatswoth, Jennie. 47
Bowie, Willie, 39
Burnside, Cameron, 18
Cobb. 28, 36, 37
Bowland, George B. 33
Burrell, 37
Cobb, Authur M., 29, 33
Bowtend. Georges, 26
Codman, 36
Boyd, 32, 33, 36
Boyden, Watter Lincotn, 30
Burroughs, 37
Burroughs, Bryson. 59
Butler, 32, 36
Coffman. Lucie, 30
Boyl. 32
Boyte, John James, 27. 36. 44
Butler, Edward, 26
Cogewell 3?
Butler. George, 17
Bozio, Ernirico. 37
Guitlaume. 42
Coffin, A.. 18
Cole, 37
Coleman, 36
Brady. 37
Brady. Witliam Young. 33
Coleman, Gtenn O., 20
Brandegee. 31. 32
Cabot, 37
Cotton, 37
Brandegee. Robert Soiting (Botling?), 41,
Cabot, Watter Channing 28
Comb, 2836
Colonna, E.
Cabus, Alexandre Georges, 44
Combes, 32
Brandt, 37
Cairns, Bayard. 38
Brayer, Alfred de, 45
Calder, 37, 38, 55
Comber Madeleine Gitberte, 30
Comes, Gustav Louis, 44
Catder, Atexander, 22, 23, 55; fonds, 56
Brehm, Louis, 45
Cames, Henri G., 26
Catder, Stirting. 27
Brenner, Michaet, 27, 28
Bretz, M., 30
Brewster, George Thomas, 27
Comins, Iben, 25
Calfee, William, 27
Conkling. 3?
Caltesen, Nis, 45
Conkting, Paut, 27
Connate 33, 36
Conse, 36
Conway, Joho S„ 44
Cook. Daniel, 29, 37
Cook, Thomas, 42
Cootidge, 37
Cootidge. John. 33
Cooney, 37
Cooper, Colin Campbetl, 20
Copan, William, 39
Copeland, Atfred, 44
Copeland, Mildred, 26
Copley, John Singleton. 61
Copson, Arthur, 41
Corbett, 37
Davis, Eugene. 46
Davis, Gary, 26
Davis, Leonard, 34
Davison, Chester, 38
Day, Benjamin, 34
Day, hands. 25. 29
Dearth, Henry George, 25, 36
Deavers, Melvin, 30
de Brayer, Atfred, 45
De Comps, Eugène, 26, 34. 36
de Frassi, Roberto. 39
Delans, 37
de leiris, Alain, 39
Eakins. Thomas. 35
Earle, 37
Earte, Winthrop, 27
Eaton, D. Cody, 34
Edetman. Harotd, 39
Edge. Mary, 30
Edgecomb. 3?
Edwards, 24
Edwards, K.R., 30
Eggers. George W., 59
Eggers, Howard, 46
Eisendrey. Marguerite, 47
Eisenman, Betty, 27
Eliot. 33
Demens. V.M., 30
Demming. Edwin W., 45
Corbett, Benjamin. 46
Dempwolf, 36
Corby. M.. 30
Cottteib. 37
Cones, Edith, 47
Coughtin, Edward, 39
Cox, 32, 36
Denby, 37
Denison. Roben lincotn, 38
Denny, Harman. 40
Derrick. Witliam, 44
de Saint-Cyr, Atfred, 44
Cox. Kenyan, 25, 26, 32, 33
Despres, Jean, 41
Cox, Robert, 25
Dessar. 36
Craig. Ralph. 25
Dessar, louis P., 17, 20
Crane, Atbert. 38
Desvarreux-Larpenteur, 37
Cranford. Kenneth. 26, 33
Desvarreux-Larpenteur. James, 24
Crawford. 32, 36, 37
Desvarreux-Larpenteur, John 29
Crépon, Lucien. 40,42
Devereux York, John, 29
E t k i n 36
Eltiot, Gregory. 31
Eltis, Joseph Bailey, 27
Eliot, 38
Elwett. Frank E., 29
Emerson, 37
Emerson. Witliam, 46
Emrre, John, 39
Emsheitler. Edmund, 39
Enderby, Samuel. 26
Enselm, 33
Epstein, Jacob, 27
Ericson, Emile, 46
Cresson. 31. 32, 33. 35, 3?
Dewey, 32. 36
Cresson, Hilborn Thompson, 25, 26, 27,
Cresson, William, 46
Croninshield. R. 33
Dewey, C.M., 34
de Wiut, Jean-Paut, 35
Diamant. David S., 40
Dibl, Conrad. 24
Crosby, Frederic, 29, 36
Dierken, Harry, 39
Cueutt, 37
Cullen, 38
Cutlen, Maurice Gatbreith, 25
Ditlon, 31. 3?
Ditton, Charles. 40
Dillon. Patrice, 24
Ewetl, Fran E., 27
Ewing, Chartes, 37
Cullin, Isaac James. 25
Cumrnings, Eart, 27
Dime, Gustav. 41, 43
Dodge, 37,38
Curtis, 32. 36
Curtis, Edgar Conde, 41, 44
Curtiss. Mary Carrolt, 30
Curtiss, R.W., 32
Dodge. André. 40
Dodge, Benjarnin, 37
Dodge, Robert lee, 29, 37
Dodge, Wiltiam. 26. 36
Dolores, Chartes. 25, 34, 36, 44
Donatdson, John. 35
Donatdson, Thomas. 40
Fagan, Laurence, 40,42
Fairbanks, A., 27
Fatton, Jouffroy, 31
Fatlon, Robert, 31, 32
Farber, Sholam. 38
Farnharn, Charles, 40, 42
Farquhar, 37
Farwell. 37
Donnetl. 37
Fassitt. Francis. 29, 36
Donoghue, John. 27. 29, 36
Faulkner, 29. 36
Donovan. Virginia, 39
Faulkner, Herbert W.. 34
Este, Ftorence, 19, 20, 59
Evans. 26
Evans, John. 39
Evans, Rudotph. 19. 27. 37
Everett. Henry E, 25. 29, 36
Dabo. leon, 18, 22
Daboll. L.F., 30
Daggett 37
Daintry. Arthur, 24
Dorsay, Frank, 39
Faxon, 32.34,36
Dalbetstein, Witliam H., 25
Doughtery, 37
Faxon. B., 18
Dallin, 36
Doughty, Edward Crosby, 38
Faxon, Wiltiam Baitey, 41, 43
Dattin, Cyrus E., 13, 34
Dow, Arthur, 34, 45
Fettow. A.W., 36
Dews, Stephen O., 26
Dubois. Chartes E., 17. 34
Fets, Robert, 27
Dana, D.W.. 34
Daniet, 37
Dumond, 36
Ferrer, Richard, 39
Daty, Emily Kathryn. 28
Ferguson. Elizabeth, 30
Danitrey, Arthur, 34
DuMond. Frederick M.. 29
Dannat, Witiam T. 12. 16. 1?, 19, 20. 52, Dunsmore, John 41. 43
Feustman, 37
Fickheimer. Lincotn, 38
59. 70
Dupont, Henry, 46
Fietd, 36, 37
Dantzig. 37
Durant, Ernest, 29
Field, H.E., 29
Daplyn. 31
Durant. S., 30
Fillmore, Chartes. 50
Darby, Nanny, 47
Duskin, Samuel, 67
Finer, Samuel Baer, 26
Davenport, Edith Faiufax, 26
Dyer, 37
Finkle, Isidor. 41
Davenport, John Byrne, 27
Dyer, Lowetl. 26
Finn, 36
Davenport, Wittiam 5., 19, 22
Dyer, Milton, 46
Finn, Jarnes Henry, 34
Davis, 36, 37
Finn, James Wall, 26
Davis, Edmund, 18
Finney, 36
Ftnney, Harry. 34
Fischer, James Randolph, 26, 45
Fishback, George. 41
Fishbeck. George, 42
Gay. Chartes, 46
Gay. Walter. 17. 19. 20, 52, 59, 61
Gaynor, Frank, 44
Gerardt. Cari. 27
Fisher. 36
Gerber, Louis-Adolphe, 41. 43
Fisher, James R. 29
Gertetmeyer. Frederick. 34
Fitzgerald, 36
Gibbs. Ralston Snow, 25, 41, 47
Fitz-Hugh, Jack, 39
Gihon 37
Flagg, 28, 31, 34, 36
Gihon, Albert Dakin, 19, 20. 29, 45
Ftagg, Montague, 34, 41, 43
Gilbert, Cass, 18
Flanagan. 37, 38
Gilbert, Chartes, 49
Ftanagan, John, 27
Gitbert, Harotd. 39
Ftanders, Knight, 38. 46
Gitlette, léon
Fletcher, Edith, 2?
Gitman, 36, 37
Flint, Frederick Witliam, 41, 43
Gilman. Ben E, 25. 34
Forbers, Eric, 39
Gitman, Frank. 39
Forbes. 31, 32
Gitman, Roger, 37
Forbes. Chartes Stuart, 34, 36
Girond. Joseph, 40
Forbes Edward. 18
Githens, 38
Ford, L.. 30
Gtaenzer. Jules, 47
Ford. Nancy Elizabeth. 27
Glarner. Fritz, 56
Foss, Oliver 39
Gleeson. 37
Guthrie. Harry Metville, 26
Haase, Wittiam J.. 29, 37
Hagaman, 37
Hagaman. James. 26
Halb, 37
Hale. 36
Hatfeker, 36
Hatt. James. 29
Hal Richard. 16
Hatlenberg, 37
Hatmick, 24
Halpert, Samuel, 24. 25, 41. 56
Hamann. Chartes, 27, 37
Hamelin, Alfred, 36
Hamilton, 31. 36, 38
Hamitton, E.W.D., 25
Hamitton, Eduouard, 45
Hamilton, J . M W., 20
Foster, 36
Gteeson, Joseph. 34,
Foster, Ben, 19
Gobeitle, Armand, 29
Foster. Chartes, 29. 41
Godissart, Silvia Virgtnia. 30
Fougère, Joseph. 41
Gomez, Henri Gustav Auguste, 41
Fougner, 37
Goodenough. Maurice, 39
Fougner, Ernest, 46
Goodridge, E.W., 30
Fowler. 31, 32
Gorham, 29, 37
Fowler, Frank. 25, 41, 43
Gorman. Guiltaume, 44
Fox. 37, 38
Goutd, 36, 37
Fox, Charles Louis 25, 36. 41,44
Goutd. Allred. 44
Fracy, John, 34
Gould C.F., 46
Franck. Boggs. See Boggs, Frank
Graeter, Harold, 41
Frank, Robert, 39
Graf, 38
Franke, Jutius. 45
Graff y, 36
Hamilton, John, 26. 34, 41, 43
Hamilton, John McLure, 18. 58, 59
Hammond, Ruth, 27
Handforth. Thomas S.. 25
Handschel, Frederick, 41. 47
Hanshalter, George, 25
Hanson. 28. 36
Hanson, Olaf, 29
Harby. Thorton, 39
Hardie, 36
Hardie, Robert G., 25. 26. 34
Hartey, 37
Hartey, Chartes Richard, 27, 45
Harper, Douglas, 39
Harper Pernington. R.J., 34
Harris. 36, 37,38
Fraser, 37
Graham, Virginia. 27
Fraser, J. Earl, 27
Gramme. 37
Frazer, Oliver, 34
Gramme. Emile. 45
Freeman, 31
Gramme, Wiltiam, 45
French, Daniel Chester, 16, 22, 71
Grayson, 33, 36
Frezel. James, 42
Grayson. Clifford, 25
Friedtander, 37
Greatorex. Kate. 71
Friedlander, C., 27
Green, Francis M., 29
Friedman, Edward, 39
Green, Witliam B., 34
Frieseke, Frederick Cari, 13, 18,
Greene, 37
Harris, Casper, 29
Hams, Charles. 5
Harris, William, 26
Hartow. D.E., 28
Harrison. 31,36
Harrison, Atexander, 16, 17, 20. 52, 59,
Harrison, Birge, 17, 20
Harrison. L.B., 25
Harrison, Thomas Alexander. 26, 29
Greentey, 37
Frotich, 37
Greenough, 32, 33, 36
Froment, Jaloux, 26
Greenough, Gordon. 34
Fullerton, Hal. 76
Greenstein. Saul R. 39
Funk. 3?
Greer, Joseph, 39
Hart Edith, 26
Han, Howard, 29
Hartmann, Atexandre George, 41
Hartshorne, 37
Harvey, Eli, 24
Gregory, 31
Gregory, Edward James, 25
Gregory, James Eliot, 25, 34
Gabrin, James. 42
Harwood, 28
Hasettine, Herbert, 19, 20
Haskelt. 37
Grenat, Edward (Edwin?), 25, 34, 36, 44
Gaggin, 37
Haskirs, Chartes V. 41. 43
Grés, Joseph, 29
Gaillard, Atexandre, 40. 42
Hassam, Childe, 18
Griffin, 36
Gattatin, A.E.. 56
Hastings, 36
Griffin. Walter, 34
Gandter, 37
Hastings Mathieu. 40
Gober, James, 46
Gardiner, Henry, 25, 45
Haushatter. 28
Guernsey, Mitchel, 27, 36
Gardner Bouguereau, Etizabeth. See
Hawk, Lowelt, 26
Guiltiod, Emite, 42
Bouguereau. Etizabeth Gardner
Haydet, 28. 36
Guire, 28
Casson, Bernard 25
Gaston, Joseph, 26,28
Gurd, John Morris. 36
Haydet, Abner Joseph. 45
Hayes, Chester C., 29
Gurmaer. 37
Gatch. Heten, 48
Hayes. !Caran M., 37
Gutherz, Cart (Chartes?). 24. 34, 40, 42.
Gatine, Atexandre, 40
Hayes, Mildred. 48
Gay. 37
Hays, 37
Guthrie, 37
Hays, Austin, 34
Hayter, 23
Hazard, Elizabeth Betty, 28
Healy, G. P. A., 68
Heard. John, 41
Heaton, 34 Hedger, 37
Heintzelman, Arthur. 67
Heitkamp, Irving R_ 26
Hentey. Jean. 28
Henning. Frederic. 24
Henning, Herman. 34, 42
Henri. 36
Henri, Robert, 18. 21, 70
Henry, 36, 38
Herbert, L. Barbara, 27
Hering, 37 Hering,
Henry, 27
Hermeirer. Aldophe, 25
Herter, Albert, 16
Hers, 37
Hens, Henry 46
Hertwig, Charles, 40
Heseltine. 32
Hewitt, 38 Hewitt.
Erwin, 38
Hewitt, Henry. 37
Hewlett, 37
Hewlett. Charles Russett. 29
Hibbard, Dorothy, 48
Higgenson, 37
High, 37
High, J., 34
High. William, 25
Hilbon, 37
Hildebranch, 37
Hill, 28. 38
Hill. K., 37
Hitl, R.S., 26, 34
Hinckley, 31
Hinkley, Robert, 34, 42
Hinshaw, Glenn, 25
Hirschberg. Cart, 29
Hiss, Philippe, 41, 43
Hitchcock, George, 21
Hiton, 37
Hobbart. Lewis. 37
Hobbe, 38
Hochstadter. Wittiam 41, 44
Hodges, 37
Hodges, George Schyler 26
Hodgkiss, Arthur, 42
Hoeber. Arthur Burnett, 26, 29
Hoells, 37
Hoey, Joseph. 29, 36
Hoffmann, Louis Emmanuet, 44
Hoffman. Malvina, 18. 22, 23. 59, 70, 71
Holden, Ben, 37
Hotden, Frank, 37
Holman, Abigait. 26
Hotman, S. Frank. 44
Holman, William, 41
Holmes, Kenneth, 39
Hoist, 38
Homer, Winstow, 19
Hopper, 37
Hopper, Herbert, 46
Hormeir. Aldophe, 25
Hornblower, Joseph C., 41, 43
Hombostel. 37
Hornbostel. Ruth, 27
Homing, 37
Horning, B.F. 26
Horton, William S., 19. 21, 78
House. John, 37
Howard. 37
Howard, Helmik. 34
Howes, Alfred. 45
Howes. Edouard, 37
Hubbell. Henry Salem, 21
Hubby. 37
Hughes, 37
Hughes, George P„ 29
Huidekoper, Ruck-Shippen (Reek-Schip­
pert), 41. 43
Humphrey, Joseph, 41 Humphrey.
Joseph-François. 43 Humphreys, 28, 36.
37. 38 Humphreys, Alben. 26 HumphreysJohnstone, John. 18, 21. 59.
Hunnewell, 36
Hunt, 37
Hunt, E. Aubrey, 26. 34
Hunt. Joseph, 46
Hunt, Richard Howland. 36
Huntington, 37
Huntington, Anna Hyatt, 64, 65, 71
Hupper, 36
Hupper. Edmond A., 29
Ides, George D., 34
Ihelfeld, Henry, 34
Ingatls. Harry C., 37
Ingraham, 36
Ingraham, Charles, 34
Inness, George, 69
Irwin. 36
Irwin. Benoni, 32, 34
Isham, Samuel, 34, 36
Ives, Perry, 37
Jackson, 31, 34, 37
Jackson, George Aunis. 41
Jacobs. 37
Jacobs, H.B., 27, 34
Jacobs. Harry Attan, 29
Jacot, Henri, 39
Jacovitch, Tony. 39
Jallade, Louis, 38
James, 38
James, Frederick, 26, 34. 36
James, H.B., 36
Jameson. Middteton, 32
Janic(i)k, Edward, 39
Jauréguy, 36
Jehu, John, 27
Jenkins, Margaret, 30, 38
Johns, 38
Johnson, James, 26
Johnston, John. 26, 34,36
Johnston, Witliam Frame, 29 Jones, Frank Coats. 34, 36 Jones, Irène. 28 Jones,
Rebecca, 47 Jones,
John Wesley, 28 Joseph, Frederick B., 34 Joslyn. Mary, 47
Jossellin. Marcus, 26
Josselyn, 36 Josselyn, Edgar, 45 K
Kahn, 37
Katish, Max, 27, 41. 47
Kampman. Madeleine, 48
Kann, Maurice, 34
Kann. Sotomon, 34, 37
Kasebier Gertrude, 72
Kelly, Eltsworth M., 39
Kendatl, 36
Kennedy. 36
Kennedy, Robert Woods, 38
Kenyon, 37
Kenyon, Henry. 45
Key, Henri, 40, 42
Kimbel, Antoine, 42
King. 36
King, James 5.. 26, 29
Kinselta, James E, 29, 36
Kirby, Frederic Washburn, 43
Klarwood, 36
Klumkbe, Anna 21
Knight, 37
Knight, Arthur, 26,
Knight, Aston, 18, 52.67
Knight. Daniel Ridgeway, 12, 42. 52
Knight. Louis Aston. 29 Knight,
Oscar, 37
Knowtes, 37
Kohn, 37
Koopman, 28, 36
Koopman. Augustus, 16
Korn, Robert A., 39
Kronberg, Louis. 67
Kroth, Eric, 28
Kummerffeld. Charles. 37
Kuz. Jacob, 25
Labludt. Eliane, 28
Lachman, Harry, 18. 19, 68, 75, 76
Lacki, Jack C.. 39
Ladd. Anna Coleman, 71
Lafarge. Henri, 40. 42
La Farge. John, 16, 59. 71, 72
Lagrand, Chartes. 39
Lalesqulère. John Welille, 41
Lamb, Frederick S.. 29, 45
Lambert. 36
Lambert, Catherine Goldsmith, 27
Landis. Benjamin F., 26
Lane, 37
Lane, Lévi, 40, 42
Langenberger, Frederick. 41.43
Lansing, Arthur Louis, 32
Lansing, Auguste. 34
Lansing, Louts, 27. 35 Laparra, Jules Pages. 25 Larpenteur Devreux. See DessvarreuxLarpenteur,James
Lasar Chartes Auguste. 26, 44 Lash, Lee. 29 La Tour, C.A., 29 Latour, Charles, 36 Latour, John Proctor, 30 Lattyak, Michael, 39 Lauer. Marguerite, 30 Laughlin, 37 Lawlor, 37 Lawrence, Ames, 37 Laynal 40 Laynal, Gustav, 40 Leavitt 37 Leavitt H., 26 Ledonne, Louis, 41, 47 Lee. 32 Lee, Percy Myron. 30 Lee-Robbins, Lucy, 18, 21
Leeds, Edmond. 46
Leftwich-Dodge, William 21
L'Egaré Rogers, Oscar. 46. See also
O. Legaré, 29 Lord, 28, 36. 37
Loring, Rixford, 46
Loud, Joseph Prince, 29
Love, 34
Lovegrove. Wiltiam A., 27
Low, Wittiam, 34
Low, Witliam Henri, 41, 43
Lowett. 37
Lowetl. Guy, 46
Lucas, 32, 38
Lucas, Albert Pike, 25, 36
Lucas, Laura, 47
Lucas. Fits, 31,
Ludlum, Alice. 47
Lukeman. A. August, 27
Lukeran, 37
Luques, Frank Anthony, 28, 29. 36
Luquiens, Mazalet 25
Lusty. Isabel. 27
Lyall, Earl Harvey. 37
Lyall, Edwin Car, 41
Macauley, Henry A.. 29, 45
Mather, Henri, 42
Mathésins Frederick, 41
Mathesius, Fredrick [sic]. 42
Mathews. 37
Mathewson, Francois, 45
Maury, André
Maxfield, Robert, 39
Maybeck, Bernard R.. 29, 44
Maybee, Eli Delbert, 41
Mayer, 36
Mayer. Atlred, 34
Meek, Edwin James. 46
Meek, 37
Meek. James Edwin. 34
Meeks, Edouard, 41
Meeks, Wiltiam, 41
Melchers, Carl. IS, 21, 58
Metcalfe, 37
Meyenberg John, 36. 44
Meyer. George. 44
Meyer, Theodore, 38
Meyle, William. 44
Mena-a. Joseph. 22
Michael, A., 30
Middteton, Stanley G., 34, 36, 4 I. 43
MacCameron, Robert, 21, 26
Mielzmer. George, 26
McCann, Albert. 39
Leigh, Howard, 28
Leland, Elisabeth, 27
Miller, Burr Churchitt, 27
Maccomb, Robert Lee, 21, 29
Mitter, Ruth B., 27
Maccook, George, 37
Lemp, Louise, 30
Millet. Frank, 16
MacEwen, Walter, 21, 59
Lenz, 37 Lenz, Oscar X., 27 Millet, Louis-Julien, 41, 43
Mack, 37
Mitos, Alice, 47
Mackee, Robert. 37-38
Leonard, 37
Minor. Robert. 42
MacKenzie, 37
Leonard. George H_ Jr., 29
Mitchell, 37
McKim, 17
Leonard. William. 34
Mitchell. Guernsey, 29
McKim. Charles, 40
Lescher. 37
Lescher, Theodore. 46
Mitchell, G.B., 29
MacLellan, 37
Mitchell, JA 17, 34
MacMonnies, Frederick. 56. 64
Lesley, Phitip, 39
Mondilahlzus, 36
MacMonnies, Mary 21, 36, 58, 70
Lespinasse. Herbert, 28
Leval, Eliane, 30
Levi, 37 Moniot, Achitle, 43
MacNeil, 37
Mooney, Ella, 47
MacNeil, H.A., 27
Macomber, Mary. 72
Moore, H,H-, 17
Lévi, Julian Clarence, 16
Moore, Harry. 24
McQuarie, Etlen. 26. 28. 30
Levine, Edward, 39
Moran, 38
MacRae. Mary, 24
Levitan, Diane, 30
Moran, Horace. 29, 37
Major Ernest L., 36, 45
Levy, 36. 38
Morant,, Alfred, 40
Makim. Richard, 36 /see name betow]
Levy, Henry, 26 Morgan. 37
M a k i n Richard Lawrence, 26
Levy, Herbert. 26, 29. 36
Morris, 37
Mandeville, Cornetius R., 25
Lewis. 37
Morse, Charlotte, 27
Man Ray, 53. 55. 56, 68
Lichtenauer, 37
Morse. Samuel F. B., 63
Man Ray, Juliette Browner, 57
Lindenmeyer. Ludwig, 38
Morse, William, 45
Mansfield, John. 24. 34
Underfelt, 46
Moses, Anna Mary Robertson (Grandma),
Marchant Georges Farquhar, 34, 41, 43
Linsley, 36
Maroon, 37
Linson, 36,38
Mosier. 37,
Marcus. Herman. 25. 41, 47
Linson Conin K.. 26
Lloyd, 37
Locander, Charles, 44
Locander, Mary, 47
Lockwood. 36
Lockwood, Robert, 34
Loder, Ethel, 47
Mosier, Gustave H., 38. 52
Marens, 37
Mosier, Henry, 16, 21, 34, 37, 61
Maroon, Fred. 39
Marquer, Robert, 39
Mueller, 36
Mueller George Bernard 34
Martelli, Armand. 39
Martin 36
Martin, Abel, 40
Martin, Andrew, 39
Mugel. 37
Mugel, Christian, 29
Mulligan. 37
Loeb. 37
Murchison. 37
Martin. Fred. 34
Loewe, 31
Murphy. 37, 59
Martin, Marian, 27
Logan, Robert. 18
Murphy, Gerald 56, 68
Martin, Victor, 41, 44
Murphy, George, 39
Mason, Henry, 17, 34
Longfellow, A.W., 29. 36
Murray. 28, 59
Massanneau, M.V.. 30
Loomis. Chartes Lincoln, 41, 43
Myers. Louis, 39
Massouneau, Madeteine, 27
Lorch, 37
Mastrovito, Ottavio. 27
Lorch, Emit, 29
Pauli, Richard, 44
Powell. Jonathan Lockwell, 25
Paulus, Francis, 25
Pulsifer, 37
Paxton, 28, 36, 38
Purviance. John David, 41
Paxton, William. 26
Putman, John Pickering. 17
Naess. War Vichy 34. 37
Narson, 36
Nash, 37 Peabody. Robert, 17, 40
Nash, Hope, 28
Peck, Paul, 29
Necarsulmer, 37
Peel, Paul, 26, 41, 44
Neil. 38 Neilt, 28 R
Raapke, Henry, 37
Pelsinki, John, 39
Rachac, John, 37
Penfold. Frank, 17,21
Neill, James, 39
Rachmiel, John, 25
Pennelt, Etizabeth, 59
Neilt. Samuet, 27
Raley, Robert, 39
Pennetl, Joseph, 21, 59, 72
Neitson. Isabel, 27
Ramsdetl, 36
Peppmuller, Rudolph 35, 37
Nelson, 37
Ramsey, Charles. 40,42
Perdicaris, Jon, 35
Nelson, G., 28
Randolph, Lee R., 25
Perigord. James, 39
Netson. Paul, 65
Rattner, Abraham. 23
Perkins, 37
Neuling, Cole George, 25
Raymund, 37
Perry, 3?, 38
Neuse. 37
Read. 37
Perry, Enoch, 40
New, Babette, 27
Perry, William. 43
Newcomb, Henry, 34
Redlield, 37
Reevs. George, 26, 37
Peters. 36
Newcomb, J.J., 17
Regnault. Jeanne, 30
Peters, Dewitt, 26
Newman, Benjamin. 45
Regny, Alfred, 41
Peters. William J., 29
Newman, Henry R.. 17
Reich. Jacques, 25, 29, 36
Peterson, 37
Newton, 37
Reid. Charles Edward, 43
Peyser, Clifford, 40
Niemayer, 34
Reid, Edward. 41
Phelfeld, 36
Nivor, Robert. 26
Reinhardt, Ad, 56
Philipps. Henri Alexandre 37
Reinhardt, Charles S.. 17
Nacho, Ernest L . 39
Philips, Gray. 39
Nolan, Edmund E.. 29 Phillips, 37
Nolan. Thomas. 29
Remington, Frederick, 16
Remy. 37
Philtips, Charles, 46
Noms, 28, 34, 36 Rensen, 37
Phillips, Frederick, 39
Nourse, Elizabeth, 18. 21, 59,72
Repelow, Max Andrew. 29
Phlefeld, Henry 44
Piagentini, Oscar, 39
Rhoades. Joseph. 35
Rice, 37
Picknell. William Lee. 22. 26. 35
Rich, 37
Oakman. John. 37
Pierson, Herbert, 17
Ober J. Foster, 17
Pike, 37. 38
Obermeir, Charles, 46
Pike. Charles. 27
O'Brien, Curtis, 39
Piper, Edwin, 26. 35, 36
O'Connor, Frank. 78
Pitts. Helen, 27
Richardson, 28, 37
O'Connor, John, 56
Plan, Charles S„ 35
Richardson, E., 24
O'Connor Robert B., 65
Plimpton, William E.. 26, 35, 36
Oliver Robert A.. 39
Plumb, 31, 32
Rich, James Rogers, 17
Richard, Paul. 30
Richards. Lee Greene, 25
Richardson, Frederick. 29
Richardson, Herbert. 35
Ollenfee, Sped S.. 25
Plumb, Henry G. (E?), 26, 35. 41, 43
Richardson, W.W., 46
Oppenheimer, Louis Simon, 17, 44
Plummer. 36
Richter, Victor. 41
Oppenheimer, Sam, 25
Pottack, Reginatd, 22, 23
Riddle Herbert Hugh, 38
Orlando. Peter T„ 39
Poltock, Jackson. 22
Rigg, James, 39
Ostrowsky, Efrem, 39
Polowetski, Charles C., 25
Pond, Albert. 45
Rigny Alfred, 47
Rittler, Antoine, 40
Ottenheime, 36
Ponselle. Hétène. 28
Poote, Eugene A., 17
Ottenheimer, Henry. 45
Pope, 37
Otteseu, Martha K., 27
Pope, Fred L., 25
Rixford, 37
Roberts, Howard. 24, 35
Roberts. V.A.. 27
Porter, 37
Robinson. 31, 32, 33, 35
Oils, 36
Otis, Witliam, 44
Otto, Carl, 38
Ritter, Bessye, 47
Rivard, Victor, 25
Porter, Albert, 39
Robinson, Theodore. 24, 25, 26
Porter, Charles S.. 41. 44
Robinson, Wittiam, 41, 43
Post. 37
Pach, Watter. 56, 59
Robregeuler, Louis, 46
Post, Chartes Wesley, 44
Robubs, 37
Page, 37
Potter, 37
Roeke. Edward. 26
Page, George Bispharm, 35
Potier, John Briggs, 26
Rogers. 37
Pages, 37
Powelt, J.S.. 41
Rogers, Lauddar, 46
Pape, 36, 37
Prat. 38
Rogers, O. Legare. 29 see atso L'Egaré
Pardessus. Ernest V., 24, 35
Pratt, Bela. 27
Parker. 36, 37, 38
Pratt, 37
Parker, George Walter, 67
Pratt, Henry. 35
Rohde, Max Spencer, 38
Parker. William, 39
Preston. William, 40, 42
Rook, Edward F.. 35
Parsons, 37
Pretsch, 3?
Root, Enoch. 41
Patten 3?
Price, 32, 37
Rorke, Edward. 35. 36
Patten, Witliam H.. 29
Pritchard, Margaret Ray, 27
Rosemont, Franktin, 57
Patterson, Clyde, 39
Proelloch, Arnotd. 37
Rogers. Oscar. 46
Rogest Rich, J., 43
Shaw, Shean Charles Morgan,
Dale. 25
Shepard, Donald, 27
Shepard, Ralph. 37
Sheppar, 37 [sic]
Shields, 32. 35
Shietds. Thomas W., 26,
Shinn, Eart, 24, 35
Shire. 37
Shirk 28
Shirk, J.C. Marshalt, 29
Shober, 3?
Sibell, 37
Sibell. Henri Gardner. 45
Sies, Eugene. 44
Simmons, 33, 36
Simpson, 31
Simpson, Edna, 47
Simpson, Michael, 42
Singer, Wendelin, 40, 42
Siwelling. Granville
Skinner. 37
Skinner, Theodore
Slade, 37
Slade, Henn, 27
Slaughter. Jules, 29
Slauty J., 73
Smedley, Joseph. 35, 36
Smith. 28. 32. 33, 36, 3?
Smith. Arthur, 41, 4?
Smith A E 29
Smith Calvin Rae 41 43
Smith, E. Boyd, 35
Smith. Frank R., 29
Smith, Murray, 29, 45
Smith, William. 39
Snyder 37
Snyder, Bladen. 45
Solomita, Vincent, 39
Southwick, 37
Sparks 38
Spencer,Charles. 33
Spicer-Smith Theodore
Spiering, 37
Spiering, Louis, 46
Spottswood, Lemoine,
29 36
Spring, Edward A., 17
Stackpole, Ralph W, 27
Sladler, Frederic, 35
Stark. Joseph Antoine,
Stanton, Arthur, 45
Sleichen, Edward 70, 73
Stein, Clarence, 41, 47
Steinback, Gustav Erwin,
Sterling R 24
Stermeier, WA„ 29
Sterner, Albert E.. 29, 36
Stevens, Zorham, 37
tevenson, H.S., 35
wardson 36
Jutes (Jutian? lius ), 35.52
Stewart William W 26
Stieglitz, Alfred, 62. 69.
Samson, 31Stoicesco, 34
Stokes. 37
Stimson, John Ward, 25, 41,
Stokes, Frank W.(W.
Twachtman, Alden.
25 V John H., 16
Story. Jutian R., 16, 18,
Vail, Eugène Laurent,
19, 22,3725, 32, 52
Valentine, 37
Stowe. 37
Vanderhoof Cornelius-Henri, 43
Stowe. W. Cass, 35
Vandevort. 37
Stealer. Victor, 45
Vanlent, Leroy, 39
Strickler, 36
Van Pelt. 37
Van Pett, Jean, 45Striebinger, Witliam, 46
Van Shaick, Stephen
Swartz, Maxwetl, 39
Van Tash, 39
Swift. Clement, 17
Van War, Ames, 42
Van Wart, Irving, 42
Vauderhoof. Henri,
T 41
Vedder, 38
Vedder, S.H. 26 Tachan, 37
Venezia. Demonic.
Edward, 41
Vespur. George. 37
Taft, 36
Villant Gustav, 45
Talcott. 37. 38
Vincent. 37
Talcott, Atlen B., 26
Vincent, Anatote. 35
Voght Len Frederic,
38 37
Tamura. Hiroshi, 39
Vogt, Lucien, 26. 47
Voisin, Adrian Islep,
27. 41,
47 0., 13, 18.
V o l a n Edmond, Taylor,
Taylor. Charles. 40
Volk, 32. 34
Votk, Douglas, 41Taylor, Elisa, 23
Volkmar, Chartes,Taylor,
Richard D., 39
Vorhaus, Elsa 30 Thacher. Edward Stanley.
Vas, Hubert, 16 Thayer, 32, 35
Thayer. Abbott, 24 - 25,
73 George B., 35
W[?]st, Clivedurst,Thomas.
Wagermeyer, Virer,
Clarence M. 39
Waggaman, Clarke,
Douglas H., 29
Wahenspeiger Charles
E.. Stephen
Walden, Lionel, 18Thompson, Alfred 40
Waldo. 37
Thompson, Ernest E.. 24
Waldo, George B.. 35
Thornburg, 37
Waldron, Raymond S.. 39
Thorndike, 37
Walker, 36. 37
Walker. FerdinandThorne,
G., 29 37
Alfred, 40
Walker T Dart 29 Thorp,
Hugh. 64 Waltenspeiger, 37
Tiffany, Louis, 16, l , 22
Watters, 37
Watters, Robert R.. 26
Walz, John, 44 Tilton, Edward, 45
Waquemyer, 28 Tolman Stacy
Ward, 31, 37
Ward, Edgar, 24 Tonetti, 38
Eugene, 41, 43
Warner. Olin, 90, Torrey,
Warren, L.. 3? Totlen, 37
Warren. Whitney, Totten,
Georges, 46
Waters Abbott. Marguerite.
Channet, 35.
Watkins, Françoise
37 Marie, 27, 28
Way. Frederick Ferdinand,
Tracy, 37 41
Weber, 31
Tracy. John Martin, 17, 40,
Webster, E. Ambrose, 56
Webster, Herman,
, 28, 37
Webster, lusk, 35,rowbridge
Webster T. 39 True, Frederick W, 24
Weeks, 37
Tubby 37
Tubby, Joseph, 46
Tucker, 38
Tuckerman, Enrest. 35
Tupper. N.D., 30
Turner, 36, 37
Weill. Jacques. Turner,
Chartes y., 35
Weir. 31, 32 Turner, Floyd 46
Weir, J.W. 18
35, 37. 46
Weir, Julian Alden, 41, 59
Weissmann, Walter, 39
Wetch. 37
Welch, Atexander Breckenridge. 45
Welts, Frank, 41
Wentworth, Cecilia, 18, 23
Werner, 37
Werner, Simon. 35
West, Benjamin, 62, 78
Weston. lillian, 47
Wheeter, Hubert. 39
Wheelwright, 37
Whistler. James Abbott McNeill, 18, 22.
35, 52. 58, 62, 67, 70, 71, 72. 73, 78
Whitaker, 31
White, Stanford 71
Whitehead, 37
Whitehouse, 36
Whitehouse, Henri R.. 26. 35
Whiteman, Edwin 41, 44
Whiting, 37
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 59, 70, 73
Whitney, L. Aubrey and Sarah, 73
Wholney, Edward. 40
Wickenden. 36
Widman. 37
Wiekenden. Robert J., 29
Wiehl, Conrad, 35
Wilbour, Victor, 28. 29
Wilder, Edward, 45
Wiles, Irving R.. 29
Witkinson, Lawrence, 65
Wiltiams, Kelly, 39
Williams, Walter, 27
Wittiams, Wheeter, 27
Williamson, John C., 26, 35, 36
Wilmarh, Lemuet. 24, 35
Winslow, Henry, 37
Winstow, Walter, 1?
Wirts, 37
Wirts, Stephen, 46
Wisniewski Ray l., 39
Wistler, Jacques. 40
Wolcott, Henry, 25. 35
Wolf, Welma, 27
Wolff, Otto. 25. 35
Wolff, Robert. 27
Wolfron, 37
Wolfs. Wilma, 28
Wood, 36, 37. 38
Wood, Beatrice, 56
Wood Bringer T. 26
Wood, Joyden, 41
Wood. M. 30
Wood Ogden, 43
Woodcock, 35, 36
Woodcock. Percy F., 25
Woodward, Wilbur, 35
Woolf, Otto, 32, 36
Wortham, Wiltiam. 39
Wright 37
Wright, Alma B.. 25 Wright
Charles Lennox, 30
Wulf. Waldman. 45
Wyeth, 37
Yarnal, Gilpin, 18
Yates, Cutten. 35
Young. 36
Young, H., 30
Youngburg, 37
Younger, Thomas H.
York. 36
Zantzinger, 37
Zeenough. Alfred, 40
Ziegler, Joseph C.. 35
Zilgler, 36
Zim Marco, 25
Zuka, 23
Note: In most cases we have not been
able to check the French archivists'
transcriptions of American names, which
therefore remain, in text and index, as
they occur i n the records. Where we
have been able to identify and check a
surname, the index entry will be found
under the correct spelling, though of
course the text contains both the original
transcription and the corrected name in
brackets. Anomalies i n first names have
not been corrected i n the majority of
cases, to avoid littering