PLMA 2015 - Exhibitor Brochure
PLMA 2015 - Exhibitor Brochure
LIKE THE GREAT MASTERPIECES OF ART, PLMA’S “WORLD OF PRIVATE LABEL” IS UNIQUE AMSTERDAM 19-20 May 2015 Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association International Council Like the Great Masterpieces of Art, PLMA’s “World of Private Label” is Unique Unique Event Unique Opportunity Only PLMA’s “World of Private Label” International Trade Show brings together buyers and visitors from more than 110 countries, representing supermarkets, hypermarkets, drugstores, discounters, wholesalers and importers and exporters. They come from Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. They come to find products for their private label programmes – from low-cost basics to premium, specialty and innovative value-added products. The show offers the largest concentration of private label buying power anywhere. For manufacturers, the “World of Private Label” is an extraordinary way to introduce their company and products to retailers from markets around the world. Exhibitors come in all sizes: from large multi-national companies to small and medium size businesses. For small and medium size manufacturers, PLMA’s “World of Private Label” gives industry-wide exposure and instant credibility. For big companies, the show opens the door to the private label side of retailing. For all exhibitors, it is the most cost-effective marketing opportunity of any show. Make plans now to exhibit and let PLMA’s “World of Private Label” turn your products into masterpieces of private label. AMSTERDAM • 19-20 May 2015 Amsterdam RAI Exhibition Centre Located near Schiphol International Airport, the RAI Exhibition Centre is one of Europe’s most convenient venues for trade fairs. Offering state-ofthe-art facilities, RAI has been home to PLMA’s annual event for more than 20 years. The Centre’s eleven halls are strategically divided to help buyers meet the exhibitors they want to see. • Europa Complex presents food, snacks and beverages • Holland Complex presents household and health products. • More than 50 national and regional pavilions are located throughout Europa and Holland Complexes spotlighting products made in their countries. In addition to exhibit space, PLMA offers participating manufacturers special services to promote themselves. Exhibitors can: • Announce new products online prior to the show and arrange meetings with interested retailers through PLMA’s online Show Preview. • Submit innovations in products and packaging to PLMA’s New Product Expo, which is on display throughout show hours. • Invite retailers, wholesalers and other business partners to the show, using free invitations provided by PLMA. • Attend PLMA's pre-show seminars offering the latest market research and industry trends. • Advertise their stands in the Official Catalogue and online Show Preview. A show that can change your company Few events have this kind of impact on your company’s future. PLMA’s “World of Private Label” can help you build your private label business for years to come. Reserve now, while exhibit space is available. More than 85% of exhibitors and pavilion organisers renew their spaces each year. To reserve your company’s stand, contact PLMA International Council. Telephone +31 20 575 3032, email or visit SHOW ORGANISERS OFFICIAL CATALOGUE EXHIBIT RATES PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show is organised by the Private Label Manufacturers Association. It is the only organisation of its kind, representing more than 3,500 member companies around the globe. PLMA presented its first show in the United States in 1980 and its first show in Europe in l986. Today, it provides services to member manufacturers in more than 70 countries. In addition to the annual trade shows in Europe and U.S., PLMA also co-organises the Shanghai Private Label Fair in China. All PLMA exhibitors receive a free listing in the Official Trade Show Catalogue and digital Exhibitor Profiles.The listing includes company name, address, telephone and fax number, e-mail, website, product lines and two exhibitor personnel contacts. Product descriptions are published in English, French and German. Advertising space is available for exhibitors who wish to highlight and promote their stand location or products. Exhibit rates are subject to reversed VAT. Net rates for PLMA members are: SHOW LOCATION PLMA’S “World of Private Label” is held at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, located only 15 minutes from Schiphol International Airport and easily reached by intercity trains and automobile. TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE Sunday, 17 May Stand Build-Up 08.00 –18.00 Monday, 18 May Stand Build-Up Pre-Show Seminars 08.00 – 19.00 14.00 – 16.00 Tuesday, 19 May Trade Show Floor Open 09.00 – 18.30 Wednesday, 20 May Trade Show Floor Open Stand Breakdown 09.00 – 16.30 17.00 – 23.00 Thursday, 21 May Stand Breakdown 08.00 – 14.00 STAND ASSIGNMENTS The trade show floor is divided into food and non-food halls. All stand assignments are based on a first-come, first-served basis in order of receipt of application and payment, product eligibility and availability of space. SPECIAL PAVILIONS Over 50 national and regional pavilions will be presented at the show. Consult PLMA regarding participation in such pavilions. DECORATIONS AND FURNISHINGS A full range of exhibit furniture, fixtures, electrical power and other services can be rented from the official contractors using the order forms that will be included in PLMA’s online Exhibitor Portal. Exhibitors may also use their own furnishings, provided they conform to trade show rules and safety and fire regulations. PRELIMINARY BUYERS LIST Exhibitors receive a preliminary list of buyers 30 days prior to the show. The list includes all pre-registered retailers and wholesalers so that companies can arrange appointments in advance. 1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units 4 Units 6 Units 8 Units (3m x 3m) (3m x 6m) (3m x 9m) (3m x 12m) (6m x 9m) (6m x 12m) € 2,600 € 4,800 € 7,000 € 9,400 €14,200 €18,400 Non-members must add a surcharge of € 2,000. Exhibitors may become members of PLMA International Council at annual membership dues of € 1,000. To exhibit, companies must complete the application to exhibit and return it to PLMA International Council. SHOW PREVIEW PLMA’s online Show Preview provides category-by-category listings of exhibitors and is made available to all registered retail and wholesale visitors 30 days prior to the show to help them identify exhibitors that they want to visit. In the Show Preview, exhibitors can announce their new products, upload pictures and highlight their standard company listings by ordering online advertising space.PLMA regularly updates the online Show Preview to include the latest additions and adjustments. SPECIAL SHOW INVITATIONS All exhibitors receive a set of complimentary show invitations to contact retailers, wholesalers and other business partners whom they wish to invite to the show as their guests at no additional cost. NEW PRODUCT EXPO Exhibitors are invited to submit their new products for inclusion in PLMA’s New Product Expo. Products selected are displayed in showcases in a central location during trade show hours. Selection is based on the level of innovation of the product submitted. EXHIBIT STANDS Single and multi-unit stands are available to accommodate the display needs of all companies. Each unit measures 3m x 3m. Stand prices include standard fascia, grey carpet and stand cleaning on both show days. Exhibitors are separated by white plastic laminate walls. All aisles are carpeted. FACTS for EXHIBITORS Retailers and Wholesalers Meet the buyers who attend PLMA’s “World of Private Label” International Trade Show AES B.V. - AHOLD EUROPEAN SOURCING AMS SOURCING B.V. ACTION SERVICE & DISTRIBUTIE B.V. AEON CO., LTD. AGENOR S.À.R.L. ROYAL AHOLD AHOLD CZECH REPUBLIC, A.S. AHORRAMAS S.A. ALBERT HEIJN B.V. ALCAMPO S.A. ALDI CENTRALE D'ACHAT ALDI DISCOUNT SUPERMERCADOS, LDA. ALDI EINKAUF GMBH & CO. OHG ALDI INKOOP N.V. ALDI STORES LIMITED ALDI SUPERMERCADOS, S.L. ASDA STORES LTD. AUCHAN CENTRALE D'ACHATS AUCHAN FRANCE AUCHAN MAGYARORSZÁG KFT. AUCHAN POLAND SP. Z O.O. AUCHAN PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE AXFOOD SVERIGE AB BAZAAR SUPERMARKETS S.A. BENNET S.P.A. BETTERWARE LIMITED DE BIJENKORF BLOC C.V.B.A. BOFROST* DIENSTLEISTUNGS GMBH & CO. KG ALLIANCE BOOTS CBA KERESKEDELMI KFT. CGC JAPAN CO., LTD. GROUPE CARREFOUR CARREFOUR BELGIUM S.A. GRUPO CARREFOUR ESPAÑA CARREFOUR - MAJID AL FUTTAIM RETAIL LLC. CARREFOUR ROMANIA - HIPROMA S.A. GROUPE CASINO COLRUYT N.V. CONAD CONSUM S. COOP. V. COOP (SCHWEIZ) COOP CENTRUM DRUŽSTVO COOP DANMARK A/S COOP ITALIA S.C.A.R.L. COOP NORGE AS COOP TRADING A/S CORE S.C.R.L. EL CORTE INGLÉS S.A. CRAI SE.COM. S.P.A. DM-DROGERIE MARKT GMBH & CO. KG DAGROFA APS DAIRY FARM GROUP DANSK SUPERMARKED A/S DEEN SUPERMARKTEN B.V. DELHAIZE LE LION DENNER AG DESPAR SERVIZI DIA% FRANCE DIA% INTERNATIONAL S.A. DIXY GROUP JOINT STOCK CO. DUNNES STORES EMC DISTRIBUTION - MARQUE CASINO EMD AG EDEKA ZENTRALE AG & CO. KG E-MART CO., LTD. GRUPO EROSKI ESSELUNGA S.P.A. EUROSPIN ITALIA S.P.A. FOODSTUFFS OWN BRANDS LIMITED FOZZY FOOD LLC. FRESSNAPF TIERNAHRUNGS GMBH GLOBUS SB-WARENHAUS HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG H-E-B HANOS NEDERLAND B.V. HARRODS LTD. HEMA B.V. ICA AB IDEA D.O.O. IGES S.R.L. IKEA FOOD SERVICES AB INTERMARCHÉ INTERMARCHÉ BELGIQUE JEDNOTA SPOTREBNÍ DRUŽSTVO JERONIMO MARTINS DYSTRYBUCJA S.A. JUMBO SUPERMARKTEN B.V. KAISER'S TENGELMANN GMBH KAUFLAND WARENHANDEL GMBH & CO. KG KESKO FOOD LTD. KONZUM D.D. KRUIDVAT BVBA LEADER PRICE HOLDING E. LECLERC LIANHUA SUPERMARKET HOLDINGS CO., LTD. LIDL NEDERLAND GMBH LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG LOBLAW COMPANIES LIMITED RETAIL CHAIN MAGNIT - TANDER MAKRO CASH & CARRY BELGIUM N.V. MEIJER, INC. MERCADONA, S.A. MERCATOR D.D. METRO CASH & CARRY INTERNATIONAL GMBH METRO CASH & CARRY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH METRO CASH & CARRY NEDERLAND B.V. METRO CASH & CARRY ÖSTERREICH GMBH METRO CASH & CARRY ROMANIA S.R.L. METRO CASH & CARRY RUSSIA METRO CASH & CARRY UKRAINE MIGROS-GENOSSENSCHAFTS-BUND T.J. MORRIS LIMITED WM MORRISON SUPERMARKETS PLC. MÜLLER GROSSHANDELS LTD. & CO. KG MUSGRAVE GROUP MUSGRAVE RETAIL PARTNERS IRELAND NETTO MARKEN-DISCOUNT AG & CO. KG NORMA GMBH & CO. KG - ÖSTERREICH NORMA LEBENSMITTELFILIALBETRIEB STIFTUNG & CO. KG OFFICE DEPOT EUROPE B.V. PAM PANORAMA S.P.A. PENNY MARKT GMBH PETS AT HOME LTD. PICARD SURGELÉS S.A.S. PICK 'N PAY RETAILERS PLUS RETAIL B.V. PROVERA BELUX REAL,- SB-WARENHAUS GMBH REMA 1000 DANMARK A/S REMA 1000 NORGE AS REWE INTERNATIONAL AG REWE-ZENTRAL AG RIMI BALTIC GROUP DIRK ROSSMANN GMBH SOK - SUOMEN OSUUSKAUPPOJEN KESKUSKUNTA SAVERS HEALTH & BEAUTY LTD. SCA PR POLSKA SP. Z O.O. FRITZ SCHUR CONSUMER PRODUCTS A/S SEIYU GK / WAL-MART JAPAN SELEX GRUPPO COMMERCIALE S.R.L. SHUFERSAL LTD. SIGMA SOC. COOP SLIGRO FOOD GROUP NEDERLAND B.V. SONAE MC SPAR HOLDING B.V. SPAR INTERNATIONAL SPAR MAGYARORSZÁG KERESKEDELMI KFT. SPAR MANAGEMENT AG SPAR ÖSTERREICHISCHE WARENHANDELS-AG SPAR RETAIL N.V. SPAR RUSSIA B.V. THE SULTAN CENTER SUPERDRUG STORES PLC. C.I.V. SUPERUNIE B.A. SYSTÈME U TEGUT... GUTE LEBENSMITTEL GMBH & CO. KG TESCO CHINA TESCO IRELAND TESCO KOREA, HOMEPLUS CO., LTD. TESCO POLSKA SP. Z O.O. TESCO STORES CR A.S. TESCO STORES LTD. TOILETRY SALES LTD. TRADER JOE'S COMPANY TUKO LOGISTICS COOPERATIVE UNIL AS WAITROSE LTD. WAL-MART ARGENTINA WAL-MART BRASIL S.A. WAL-MART CANADA CORP. WAL-MART CHILE WAL-MART (CHINA) INVESTMENT CO., LTD. WAL-MART MEXICO WAL-MART STORES, INC. A.S. WATSON (EUROPE) GROUP AG A.S. WATSON (HEALTH & BEAUTY CONTINENTAL EUROPE) B.V. WILKINSON HARDWARE STORES LIMITED WOOLWORTH GMBH X5 RETAIL GROUP ZENTRALE HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT - ZHG - MBH FOOD AMSTERDAM • 19-20 May 2015 A unique organisation As a prospective exhibitor, your company can take advantage of PLMA membership and enjoy better rates to participate in PLMA’s 2015 “World of Private Label”. In addition, members receive special rates for all PLMA conferences, seminars, services and publications that are specifically designed for the private label industry. Thousands of members worldwide Founded in 1979, PLMA is a non-profit organisation. Membership ranges from multinational corporations to small family-owned companies.Their products include food, beverages, snacks, health and beauty, household and kitchen, DIY, and personal and leisure products. Some manufacturers only do private label. Others are well-known brand makers who also have private label operations. Member services throughout the year To help member companies meet retailers in other parts of the world, PLMA also organises the annual U.S. Private Label Trade Show each November in Chicago and co-organises the Shanghai Private Label Fair in China each December. As a member of PLMA, your company has access to exclusive market research data prepared by The Nielsen Company for PLMA’s International Private Label Yearbook. The Yearbook contains market share data on more than 7,000 product categories in 20 countries. To understand consumer buying trends, PLMA publishes reports on shopping attitudes in Europe’s leading markets. To help members train and educate their management personnel, PLMA organises Executive Education Programmes in conjunction with Nyenrode Business Universiteit and other well-known institutions. Classes combine interactive teaching with traditional lectures and case studies. For more information about PLMA membership, contact PLMA today. Telephone +31 20 575 3032. Email Or visit Private Label Manufacturers Association • International Council World Trade Center, Strawinskylaan 671 1077 XX Amsterdam, The Netherlands