wisdomand knowledge
wisdomand knowledge
w w w. v a l d a r l y- m o n t b l a n c . c o m SAVOIE MONT - BLANC Winter 2014/2015 S A V O I E Enter into this territory of wisdom and knowledge Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe Crest-Voland / cohennoz SAVOIE Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe MONT - BLANC T he Val D’Arly territory is one of a kind. Lush greenery or white desert, depending on the seasons, between Aravis, Mont Blanc and Beaufortain, Val d’Arly is a territory of wisdom and knowledge. It has kept alive the legacy of its ancestors. Today, it passes on, to those who listen, the wisdom of the mountain. Here we combine practical, life and social skills of the past, present and future. E S A V O I E Enjoy its simplicity ! s besteht aus einzigartigen Regionen. Eine davon ist das Val d’Arly. Wunderschöne grüne Landschaft oder weiße Wüste, je nach Jahreszeit. Zwischen Aravis, Mont Blanc und Beaufortain, ist das Val d’Arly eine Region der Weisheit und des Wissens. Sie hat sich das lebendige Erbe seiner Vorfahren bewahrt. Heute gibt man die Weisheit der Bergbewohner an diejenigen weiter die zuzuhören wissen. Hier verbindet man Können, Leben und Sein der Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart und der Zukunft. GenEvA SWITZERLAND to LYON or PARIS Annecy La Clusaz Sallanches Chamonix LA GIETTAZ EN ARAVIS Megève notre dame FLUMET de bellecombe ST NICOLAS-LA-chapelle Crest-VOLAND / COHENNOZ Les Saisies Ugine ITALY Albertville to LYON Chambéry to TURIN to MOÛTIERS Bourg St-Maurice to GRENOBLE 2 3 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe We had a great stay in villages that are alive and have a story Crest-Voland Cohennoz t w o V i l l a g e s E s p a c e s k i D i a m a n t r e s o r t ia on ie S / / F lav & Flumet t w o V i l l a g e s Everyday we head to Opoualand to have fun... we have good laughs! * E s p a c e D i a m a n t S k i Re s o r t land of transmission land des Weitergabe Sunny plateau, surrounded by spruce forests, Crest-Voland Cohennoz is the land of transmission. Villages and gentle slopes are conducive to moments as a family. É // L O These moments allow children to learn from their parents and grandparents. Tomorrow, they will explain in turn how to ski, how to preserve the ecosystem of a peat bog or how to use water to power a mill. Saint Nicolas La Chapelle Land of heritage Land des Erbes The centre of Val d’Arly, crossroads between the two Savoie, Flumet and Saint-Nicolas-La-Chapelle bring together the land of shared heritage. The atmosphere of their medieval village is still intense, their sacred heritage transports you. It is not only old stones but encounters. Here you can embrace and perpetuate unique know-how such as smoking meats, mule breeding and many other agro-pastoral traditions. 4 5 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe // Annick La GIETTAZ o n e V i l l a g e en Aravis l e s - P o r t e s - d u - M o n t - B l a n c s k i r e s o r t land of respect Land des Respekts Ice skating is so funny ! We head back, feeling great and full of beautiful memories. o n e V i l l a g e * E s p a c e D i a m a n t s k i r e s o r t Notre Dame de Bellecombe Typical village, nestled in the middle of rocks and forests, La Giettaz is the land of respect. Here, nature is omnipresent, imposing and preserved. Man becomes part of this environment if he knows how to listen, observe and reflect on it. Wildlife crossing on a snowshoe trail is a source of wonder. The mountain forges emotions and power of the countryside reminding of the superiority of nature. We enjoyed in the powdery snow. We even saw chamois. And the view of Mont-Blanc breathtaking! Land of subtlety land der Feinsinnigkeit As its name indicates, there is beauty in this village but also charm. Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe is the land of the subtlety. Fine balance between authenticity and modernity, between slopes and wooded valleys, between sleds of yesterday and new winter sports, between agriculture and culture. u // L 6 ca s Every moment is to be seized and enjoyed. To find happiness, simply get the balance right... this is what we learn here. 7 ski area espace diamant Ski area espace diamant IVe L O T OWe n H W O N K L e b SAVOIE MONT - BLANC C r e s t-V o l a n d / C o h e n n o z , N o t r e - D a m e - d e - B e l l e c o m b e , F l u m e t / S t- N i c o l a s - l a - C h a p e l l e , w i t h P r a z - s u r - A r ly a n d L e s S a i s i e s S A V O I E “Great ski weekend” package starting 83 € / pers. for weekend stay + ski pass for Espace Diamant (price is based on 4 adults) Have you already looked at snow crystals up close on a cold day? They are in way inferior to precious stones and possess more ephemeral beauty. Incomparably small depth amidst the vastness of the snowy slopes. Espace Diamant: Welcome to the infinitely small and infinitely large ski area! o // S 8 ni a 9 SKI AREA espace diamant w w w . e s p a c e d i a m a n t . c o m key P O I NTS Notice to a m a t e u r t h r i l l S e e k e Rs , Fully Dedicated to Pleasure Vollständig dem Genuss verschrieben 192 km of ski slopes , connecting 5 village resorts, With its Espace Diamant offers you a variety of trails between a l p i n e meadows, 4 waoulands await you at the ”Espace Diamant” ski area. Hit the slopes on a publicly accessible trail, dotted with natural obstacles, jumps, banked turns... A unique experience in a ”crazy” universe. Children, come m ee t t h e Opoual Yeti ! For families, this friendly Yeti, ”not at all abominable”, offers to share his experience of the mountain through fun activities. Find him on the slopes, in every resort, advice and tips, share snacks, or see his shows. a great journey diamond to country forests, picturesque villages a n d b r e a t hta ki n g v i ew s … And all this under the gaze of the Mont-Blanc. 10 11 ski area espace diamant 192 km of slopes offER Espace DIAMANT 84 154 slopes D i s c o ve r ! Diamond Extension: Ski 1 day on the Espace Diamant with your valid Val d’Arly pass for 21€. 31 green - 64 blue - 49 red - 10 black New Horizon Extension: Explore the Evasion Mont-Blanc ski area! In addition to an Espace Diamant pass that is valid for 6 days, the extension gives you access to the Evasion Mont Blanc or Arêches-Beaufort ski areas for 21€. T h i n k a b o u t ski lifts 7 boarder-cross, 4 snowparks, 1 free-ride slope, 5 slalom runs i t ! no v elt y Freedom pass*, ”skiing when I want, if I want to!” Because no one is immune to the unexpected, a setback, or a simple change of mood, Labellemontagne gives you the possibility to receive a refund for the pass up to 10:00, the first day of its validity. f o r m o r e c o m f o r t a n d s p eed Extension of the Ballasta skiing domain on the Saisies skiing domain. * Package available only on the Internet for passes of 3 days or more. P ASS fully Dedicated to Pleasure packages Espace Diamant - 192 km of slopes Crest-Voland / Cohennoz, Flumet / St Nicolas, Notre Dame de Bellecombe, Praz sur Arly and Les Saisies / Hauteluce. ADULT children * day 38,10e 30,50e 34,30e 6 days 199,50e 159,70e 179,60e Family Pack *** SENIOR ** 648e Espace Val d’Arly - 120 km of slopes Crest-Voland / Cohennoz, Flumet / St Nicolas, Notre Dame de Bellecombe and Praz sur Arly. ADULT children * day 30,50e 23,50e 27,50e 6 day 152,50e 117,50e 137,50e Family Pack *** SENIOR ** 498 e * Children from 5 to 14 ** From ages 65 to 74 *** Package price for the whole family, for simultaneous purchase of four 6-day passes (including 1 or 2 persons over 18, the under 18). Rates subject to modifications. Non-contractual. m o r e i n f o www.labellemontagne.com Notre Dame de Bellecombe, Flumet / St Nicolas la Chapelle et Praz sur Arly +33(0)4 79 31 61 41 contact.valdarly@labellemontagne.com 12 Crest-Voland / Cohennoz +33(0)4 79 31 70 33 info.crestvoland@labellemontagne.com S k i a r e a o p e n s from 20 december 2014 to 6 april 2015 for Flumet / Saint Nicolas la Chapelle and Notre Dame de Bellecombe, until 11 april 2015 for Crest-Voland / Cohennoz. 13 ski area les portes du mont-blanc ills Sociale Si k n s SAVOIE Ski area Les Portes du mont-blanc MONT - BLANC S A V O I E Awesome the “Ski Holidays” starting 177 € / pers. for the week stay + ski pass Les Portes du Mont-Blanc (price is based on 4 adults) L a G i e t ta z w i t h M e g è v e / J a i l l e t, C o m b lo u x a n d C o r d o n Knock on the door, a friendly voice will answer you the Savoyard way: ”Just come in!”. And there, through the opening, you will see the Mont Blanc, sparkling. You will then open up full and rush down the slopes covered with fine powder to slalom between the spruces. Welcome to the pure nature and wonder sharing ski area. 14 // L ucas 15 ski area les portes du mont-blanc key P O I NTS F r o m t a b l e t Les -Portes - du-Mont-Blanc ski area offers 100 km of widely varied slopes through fir trees and alpine chalets facing a breathtaking view of M o n tBl a n c and the A r a v i s mountain range. you At the meeting point of this ski area: area for winter activities, tranquility, thrill seeking ... with excellent value for 16 Large money ! y o u r c o m p u t e r , o r p h o n e ! Escape ! F o r p o w de r f a n s , La Giettaz remains the free ride paradise between the fir trees. For the more adventurous, two snow parks and three boarder-cross await you. Recharge your ski pass in a few clicks... Visit: www.lesportesdumontblanc.fr AN D f o r y o u eve r y t o e n j o y m o m e n t at your own pace, many picnic tables are at your disposal. F o r be g i n n e r s , l e a r n i n g be c o m e s t o s k i e a s i e r thanks to the redevelopment of La Giettaz ski area. New chair lifts provide access to a true beginner area to progress at their own pace. 17 ski area les portes du mont-blanc Z OOM 100 km 32 of slop e s sk i l i f t s 63 runs 3 D i s c o ve r y PASS o ff e R boa r d e r c r oss D i s c o ve r 2 a n eve n s n ow pa r ks 3 b e g i n n e r adult: 186€ W.E for 6 day pass Mont-B lanc anc t-Bl l i ai son c a lè c h e ou bu s it Les Forfa es Port Original carriage link between the LesPortes-du-MontBlanc ski area and the rest of the Evasion Mont Blanc ski area or lisse g a l e d vasion a r e a ! 5 days of skiing at Les-Portes-du-MontBlanc and 1 day on Evasion Mont Blanc a r e as 1 1 g r e e n - 1 7 blu e 2 8 r e d - 7 black Forfait É b i g g e r s k i on du M f r eed o m les Portes du montblanc PA S S T h e t o f r eed o m s k i y o u w h e n w a n t ! 3 days of skiing at the Les-Portes-du-Mont-Blanc ski area adult: 91,50 € for 3 day pass non-consecutive days (valid for all of the 2013-2014 season). Les Portes du Mont-Blanc - 100 km of slopes La Giettaz - Megève / Jaillet - Combloux - Cordon the Pleasure of skiing ADULT children SENIOR day from La Giettaz only 30,50e 23,50e 28e 6 days 158e 124,50e 148e All these rates are given for indication, subject to homologation. Évasion Mont-Blanc - 445 km of slopes S k i a r e a La Giettaz - Megève - Combloux - Cordon - St Gervais - St Nicolas de Véroce - Les Contamines / Hauteluce o p e n : u n l i m i t ed Week ends of the 6 and 7th and of the 13th and 14th of December 2014*. th And from 20 december at 3rd april 2015. * depending on sufficient snow conditions. 18 M o r e w w w. l e s p o r t e s d u m o n t b l a n c . f r i n f o www.lesportesdumontblanc.fr / +33 (0)4 50 58 65 20 Follow all the live events on the Portes du Mont Blanc s k i ADULT children SENIOR day from La Giettaz only 43,50e 35e 40e 6 days 209e 168e 188e * Non-consecutive days Children: aged 5 to 14 / Sénior aged 65 to 79. pass All these rates are given for indication, subject to homologation. 19 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe - HOW K NOW nn e n kö SAVOIE MONT - BLANC S A V O I E WintER Activities Winteraktivitäten Listen to the sayings: ”Practice makes perfect” and decline them in the Savoyard: This is in skiing, skating, climbing... And as in know-how, there is ”know”, try your snow activities in harmony with nature and the inhabitants of the mountain. Mom says that what I am enjoying here today, these may later become, my best childhood memories. Funny isn’t it?? Val d’Arly is a land of simplicity and serenity: then slide into its soft whiteness! // L éo 20 21 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe S k i le s s on s WINTER SPORTS … Gleiten in Seiner Schönsten Form School holiday rates. E.S.F. of Crest-Voland / Cohennoz 6 group lessons for children 2h30 124e * Special lesson for 1h30 (1 to 3 pers.) 50e / 68e E.S.F. of La Giettaz Val d’Arly, land of mountains, offers you its slopes to enjoy the pleasure of winter sports in all its forms. The biggest pass on to the smallest and that is how 6 group lessons for children 2h 108e Special lesson for 1h30 (2 to 3 pers.) 65e E.S.F. of Flumet / Saint Nicolas la Chapelle great memories are born. 6 group lessons for children 2h 110e * Special lesson for 1h30 (2 to 3 pers.) 72e E.S.F. of Notre Dame de Bellecombe of Have fun. Snowscoot, paret or yooner, snake-glide and snowbike 6 group lessons for children 2h 108e Special lesson for 2h (1 à 2 pers.) 70e E.S.I. of Notre Dame de Bellecombe 6 group lessons for children 2h 149e Special lesson for 2h 80e Kid’Ski Notre Dame de Bellecombe Special lesson 1h (1 to 4 children) 40e Special lesson 2h (1 to 4 children) 78e * Médaille incluse. Skiing while facing Mont Blanc. Alpine skiing or snowboarding day and night, ski touring into nature or Nordic skiing (trails in resort villages or large ski area of Les Saisies). School holiday D a y c ar e rates. Daycare in Crest-Voland / Cohennoz [ 2 to 6 years ] - Rates 2014/15. Half day 19e 5 day packages 135e Daycare in La Giettaz [1 to 6 years ] - Rates 2013/14. (given as an indication) Shared moments. As a family or with friends: skating or sledding on safe slopes 22 Half day 14,50e 6 day packages 139e Daycare in Notre Dame de Bellecombe [ 2 to 5 years ] - Rates 2013/14. Half day 9e 6 day packages 70e 23 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe INTRODUCING … Neue Leute Kennenlernen Val d’Arly, land of knowledge, is also NEW. Mountain Bike on snow and Baby-sledge land of meeting. The local people will pass on their love of the mountain with great pleasure. A wide choice of activities and special moments to understand and grasp Thrill seeking. the spirit of the Savoyards. Quad or Snowmobiling In the air. Adventure trails, paragliding, hot air Nature immersion. ballooning, air flights Accompanied snowshoe trips or on our marked trails, dog sledding, ice climbing with a guide, carriage rides. 24 f i n d all their contact details on page 31. 25 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe Country of ART and history TASTE Sausage, wine, cheese, “Génépi” and all other specialities of the terroir’ LOOK Museums to visit… Land der Kunst und der Geschichte As an invitation People of the country like to pass down their knowledge and it is fascinating! contemplate Churches and oratories… to travel as time permits. Agriculture and local listen Tales and legends… Products: New cultural area for the Flumet fruit cooperative with new technology and 3D animation. discover Cultural cooperative area, “the imprint of the Great Alps” application... M u s E UMS ! Eco-museum, miller’s and grinder’s home, museum of local life or house of fairy tales: each village resort of Val d’Arly has its museum! D I s c o ve r h i dde n treasures Enjoy a unique experience, with the mobile application : ‘ the imprint of the Great Alps’. Head off on the tracks or ski slopes of the Beaufortain and the Val d’Arly and discover the heritage and natural resources of our land! Free download from the App Store and Google Play. Better know the // A nn i ck territory! Make the most of our cultural animations: visits, happy encounters with farmers, children workshops, mostly during our heritage theme weeks. 26 27 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Fémini’Cîmes Notre Dame de Bellecombe Yukigassen et de la neige Festival “Les Aigles à Ski” La magie de Noël Théâtre d’hiver fête du ski Biathlon Sculpture sur glace Semaines du Patrimoine Ski joëring Events Veranstaltungen ConcertS Descente aux week-end de la glisse 28 flambeaux spectacles enfants Holiday time is conducive to exchange and mutual enrichment. It is a very good breeding ground in which to sow small seeds of curiosity or simple happiness. Later, these crops will grow in the hearts of young and old to wear the beautiful fruits of the Experience. Feux d’artifice aravis snow trail bacchus saintCompétitions freestyle vincent 29 Crest-Voland / cohennoz Flumet / St Nicolas la chapelle La Giettaz en Aravis Notre Dame de Bellecombe Contacts Wellness and Reservations Kontakt und Buchungen Wohlbefinden Nature immersion Tauchen Sie ein in die Natur Accompanied snowshoe trips / Begleitete Sleigh rides / Kutschfahrten Crest-Voland / Cohennoz Socquet-Juglard Jean-Luc +33 (0)4 79 31 62 61 Flumet / Saint Nicolas la Chapelle Mongellaz Christophe +33 (0)6 13 63 54 58 www.balade-montagne.com La Giettaz en Aravis Coulaud Sandrine +33 (0)4 79 32 90 82 +33 (0)6 83 33 58 73 http://sandrinecoulaud.blogspot.com Notre Dame de Bellecombe Béatrice Jiguet +33 (0)6 13 21 47 25 +33 (0)4 79 31 61 05 http://b.jiguet.free.fr land of wellness Snowshoe excursion organizer / Organisatoren von Schneeschuhwanderungen mit Aufenthalt land der Wohlbefinden Flumet / Saint Nicolas la Chapelle Clement Erick +33 (0)4 79 31 60 46 www.hotel-eauvive.com The Val d’Arly ‘offers you a cocktail of relaxation! Mountain Guides / Bergtouren On your own or by pair, for the little ones as well as for adults, every occasion is a good reason to enjoy a face or body skincare, a steam room, a spa or therapeutic shiatsu. La Giettaz en Aravis Poëncet Michel / Guide de Hte Montagne +33 (0)6 83 47 16 18 m.poencet@9online.fr Megève Bureau des Guides de Megève +33 (0)4 50 21 55 11 www.guides-megeve.com Now is the time : relax and enjoy! Edition de l’Office de Tourisme du Val d’Arly - 2014 / 15 Crédits photo : Y. Lenoir, J.P. Noisillier (Nuts), J.P. Rouvier, D. Machet, Fotolia, OT Val d’Arly et X. Réalisation graphique : Impression : Impression réalisée sur papier issu de forêts gérées durablement. 30 Dog sledding / Schlittenhunde La Giettaz en Aravis Grosdaillon Benjamin +33 (0)4 79 32 91 90 grosdaillonbenjamin@voila.fr Notre Dame de Bellecombe Montagne d’aventures +33 (0)4 79 31 61 40 www.montagnedaventures.com In the air / in der Luft Paragliding / Gleitschirmfliegen Crest-Voland / Cohennoz Bérod Patrick +33 (0)6 09 90 01 02 berod.patrick@orange.fr La Giettaz en Aravis - La Clusaz Porret Samuel +33 (0)6 88 07 04 72 http://giettaz.wix.com/parapente For children Für die Kleinen QuadS / Quad La Clusaz - Team Quads Loisirs +33 (0)6 09 47 10 74 www.aravis-services.com Gardes d’enfants / Kutsch Snowmobiling / Motorschlitten Crest-Voland / Cohennoz Nursery - +33 (0)4 79 31 77 21 +33 (0)6 04 59 04 09 (hors saison d’hiver) garderie-crestvoland.fr Les Saisies - Les Volatiles +33 (0)4 79 38 95 54 www.les-volatiles.com La Giettaz en Aravis Nursery - petitsmontagnards@gmail.com http://petitsmontagnards.jimdo.com New winter activities Martine Morand Assistante Maternelle agréée +33 (0)7 81 73 22 90 Neue Gleitsportarten Schneeschuhwanderungen Crest-Voland / Cohennoz Bureau Montagne Artitude Vincent Roquier-Vicat +33 (0)6 82 34 28 38 www.artitude-montagne.fr Thrill seeking / Gefühle Info: Office de Tourisme Ski lessons / Skistrecken Crest-Voland / Cohennoz ESF Le Village : +33 (0)4 79 31 60 03 Bureau ESF Le Cernix : +33 (0)9 64 09 26 27 www.esf-crestvoland.com By the hour, half day, day and week. Notre Dame de Bellecombe Nursery +33 (0)4 79 31 75 64 (season) +33(0)4 79 31 61 91 (outside winter season) S i m p l i f y lay vie o u, réservez r l i f e , book Simplifiez-vous center : Flumet / St Nicolas la Chapelle E.S.F. +33 (0)4 79 31 72 62 www.esf-flumetsaintnicolas.com the central reservation via lavia centrale de réservation sur : Rodriguez Alexis +33 (0)6 72 04 82 47 www.parapentechamonix.com La Giettaz en Aravis E.S.F. +33 (0)4 79 32 91 25 www.esf-lagiettaz.com om M d a y t o Fr(9h/12h i d a y ( 9 et h / 12h and du Fr lundi auo nvendredi 1 4 h 3 0 / 1 7 h 3 0 ) , S a t u r d a y (9h / 12h). 14h30/17h30), le samedi (9h/12h) Notre Dame de Bellecombe Bureau ESF Le Village : +33 (0)4 79 31 62 04 Notre Dame de Bellecombe ESF Le Village : +33 (0)4 79 31 62 04 Bureau ESF Le Mont Rond : +33 (0)4 79 31 62 12 www.esfndb.com Les Saisies - Les Volatiles +33 (0)4 79 38 95 54 www.les-volatiles.com Adventure trail and guidance / Abenteuer- und Orientierungsparcours Les Saisies - Escaladventure +33 (0)6 11 27 76 72 www.escaladventure.com Hot air ballooning Bureau ESF Le Mont Rond : +33(0)4 79 31 62 12 www.esfndb.com ESI Snow Diam’s - +33 (0)6 08 41 51 35 www.coursdeski-savoie.fr Kid’Ski - +33 (0)6 13 21 47 25 b.jiguet@wanadoo.fr Shared moments Gemeinsame Momente Outdoor skating rink Außeneisbahn Notre Dame de Bellecombe +33 (0)6 74 84 86 45 (de fin décembre à mi-mars selon météo) Heißluftballon Praz sur Arly - Alpes Montgolfière +33 (0)4 50 55 50 60 www.alpes-montgolfiere.fr Air flights / Flüge Les Saisies Sports Loisirs des Montagnes +33 (0)6 11 27 76 72 www.sportsloisirsdesmontagnes.com Photography workshops and lessons / Fotolehrgänge und Kurse Crest-Voland Yannick Lenoir - +33 (0)6 17 47 27 82 www.stagephotoyannicklenoir.com Safe toboggan runs Gesicherte Rodelpisten Info: Office de Tourisme reservation.valdarly-montblanc.com www.valdarly-montblanc.com or call +33 (0)4 79 31 06 82 ou appelez le +33 (0)4 79 31 06 82 Tourist Office of Val d’Arly / Versuchen Sie es auch einmal im Sommer Bureau de Crest-Voland / Cohennoz +33 (0)4 79 31 62 57 info@crestvoland-cohennoz.com Bureau de Flumet / St Nicolas la Chapelle +33 (0)4 79 31 61 08 info@flumet-montblanc.com Bureau de La Giettaz en Aravis +33 (0)4 79 32 91 90 info@la-giettaz.com Bureau de Notre Dame de Bellecombe +33 (0)4 79 31 61 40 info@notredamedebellecombe.com Our offices are open all year round from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 17:30 and Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 (office hours are longer during winter and summer). 31 a taste of summer www.valdarly-montblanc.com * Summer 2014 rate. o ff er s t a r t i n g 230€ p e r w ee k * for 4 persons in a 2-star furnished units Infos : +33 (0)4 79 31 06 82 // alizée Good idea to save money on activities: Pass Vacances Val d’Arly! SAVOIE MONT - BLANC