flying insect management
flying insect management
The Science of Flying Insect Control Second Edition Flies as a health hazard Flies and the law Principles of fly control The use of ultraviolet light to attract flies Monitoring Choice of units Siting of units Fly identification chart Protocol for fly tests Fly test results Product Guide THE SCIENCE OF FLYING INSECT CONTROL Contents Foreword 1 Introduction 2 Flies as a health hazard 3 Classification of health hazards Flies and the law Legal requirements FDA law - The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Code of Federal Regulations Principles of fly control Larval control Bacteria / Bioremediation Adult control Prevention of entry Trapping The use of ultraviolet light to attract flies How does the eye of the fly “trap” the light? Monitoring Pests and HACCP How HACCP affects pest management HACCP pointers Choice of units Types of fly control unit Construction materials Types of bulbs Disposal of flourescent bulbs Quantum BL ultraviolet tubes Design features Siting of units In large industrial premises Positioning In large food stores and supermarkets In smaller premises, eg: kitchens, restaurants and smaller shops 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 Fly identification chart 20-21 Protocol for fly tests 22 Fly test results 23-25 Further reading 26-27 Product guide 28-29 Electronic flying insect management units Mantis glue trap range 28 29 THE SCIENCE OF FLYING INSECT CONTROL FOREWORD Marketing or Science? The science of fly control is a fascinating and complex field of study, with a great deal of scientific research being gathered over the years. While much of this is based on excellent methodology, a significant amount is sadly tainted by commercial interests. Until, as an industry, we are able cut through the blurred division between science and commercialism, fly control science will continue to suffer from three "false friends". Correct Interpretation Results from studying the behavior patterns of flies are often interpreted in a rigid and dogmatic fashion. Above all, fly behavior is complex and patterns of activity vary greatly, depending upon a number of wide ranging factors, from season of activity, time of day, gender and age, through to food and mating status - the list is almost infinite. There exists large volumes of good science based on the behavioral patterns of flies. Valid experiments have shown, for example, that flies of a certain species, sex and age fly on average at 4 feet (1.2 metres) above the ground. As a result of such observations certain manufacturers and consultants recommend that fly control units are always sited at 4 feet from the ground. Such recommendations wrongly imply that the effectiveness of units located at 4 feet will be greater than those at say 6 feet, whereas in fact, the original observation carried no such implication. In actual fact, flies will be easily attracted by UV light from units placed at 6 feet (1.9 metres). Moreover, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, most units can be more conveniently and safely located at this height, even in the busiest kitchen, and be just as highly effective. Representative Tests Commercially sponsored tests are often carried out to compare one fly-catching device with another. Such tests are at best arbitrary and at worst totally misleading because they do mirror reality. For example, how often in practice do we find two competitive products placed next to each other in a supermarket or restaurant? IT’S A FACT FDA has currently identified 21 species of filth flies. Yet most tests are based on two, three or four units together in one location at one time. The suggestion is that if a particular unit does not catch the fly first, then it is inferior. Such tests do not stand up to rigorous scientific analysis and at best may offer only a vague general indication of preference; that preference being only valid at a particular ‘time’, ‘place’ and within a given ‘set of circumstances’. To validate such comparative tests, experiments should be designed to show whether a unit performs in an effective manner, or not, in a given time. A more meaningful test, therefore, would be to use identical conditions created at the same time in separate test chambers, for example the Roman square test protocol, using flies of the ‘same age’, ideally over 3 days old. Testing and Reporting Even where test results, together with supporting data, have been correctly interpreted, it is not normal for manufacturers to release the raw data on which their interpretations are made, especially when their interpretation is used for commercial advantage! We would argue that only when such information is released for scrutiny, does it achieve some degree of scientific respectability. In short, good scientific methodology should (in addition to being transparent to all) be capable of replication, verification, validation and refutation. Commercially sponsored comparative tests, by their very nature, will be set up in ways that flatter the sponsor, with the results being interpreted with a biased eye. This is particularly true when independent results show there is really very little difference between the test products. This is essentially the heart of much of this area of science - the vast majority of the well-made units on the market perform the task of attracting flying insects extremely well. And, given that there is such variability in the response of the flying insects during their life and during a 24-hour period, then all the units are in truth, to a greater or lesser extent, a compromise involving design, price and the catching of as many of the pest flies as is possible. 1 INTRODUCTION Although the term “flying insects” can encompass almost all insects in some stage of their life cycle, in public health it has come to mean various species of flies, yellow jackets or wasps and some stored product moths. The flying insects encountered in urban and industrial premises can be of many types but it is generally accepted that those which are regarded as pests are those which: • • • spread disease through contamination; cause physical damage; and are regarded as a nuisance. The insects most associated with the spread of disease in domestic, commercial and industrial premises are the true pest flies. There are many thousands of species of flies, however, relatively few interact with humans. Those that do are among the most destructive of pest species, spreading diseases to man and domesticated animals as well as contaminating food and packaging. Yellow jackets are also a classic nuisance pest. Although not perceived to be as destructive as flies, this is a dangerous assumption. Their living habits are as unsavory as those of flies. They are attracted to fruit, pastries, unattended soft drinks and can be inadvertently trapped in sandwiches and as a result are often caught up in these when they are eaten. Death through stings in the throat is quite common. In fact, death due to wasp and bee stings accounts for 50% of all fatalities caused by venomous animals. The spread of aggressive Africanized bees has also shed a “new light” on the importance of control. Special attention needs to be considered just prior to schools opening for the year. The increase and ease of international travel in the air and on the oceans means that there are very few barriers left to stop the spread of insects worldwide. The mobility of flying insects is the primary reason why their status as pests is so important. This allows them to visit many diverse and contaminated habitats within the course of their relatively short life span. IT’S A FACT Death through yellow jacket stings in the throat has been shown to account for 50% of all fatalities caused by venomous animals. 2 FLIES AS A HEALTH HAZARD Flies have, over the years, been incriminated many times as potential vectors of food poisoning organisms (Ostrolenk and Welch, 1942). As early as 1577 Mercurialis observed the habits of flies and how they moved between plague sufferers and the food of healthy individuals and he suggested that the "virus" of the disease was possibly transmitted in this way (see Herms, 1944, cited in West, 1951). During the early eighteenth century suspicions arose as to the role that flies played in the transmission of dysentery (Greenberg, 1973). These first accounts were based on the links between maximum seasonal peaks in fly populations and the prevalence of diarrheal disease, especially dysentery (Levine and Levine, 1991). Military campaigns at the end of the last century and through into this century's two World Wars, saw various medical officers and researchers linking the widespread morbidity and mortality among personnel suffering from enteric diseases with the unsanitary conditions found in camps (Ostrolenk and Welch, 1942; West, 1951; Greenberg, 1973; Levine and Levine, 1991). These poor conditions led to a proliferation of flies, which were observed to pass between latrines and mess tents. In 1899 Vaughan recorded observations of flies crawling over soldiers’ food with particles of lime attached to their legs and bodies (see West, 1951). He deduced that the flies could only have picked up this lime while feeding on feces in the camp's latrines. Thorough studies of the life history of the housefly began at the end of the last century with the work of Howard (see West, 1951). This led to a proliferation of research, much of which has been collated and added to by West (1951), and furthered by Greenberg (1971, 1973) in his definitive works on the associations of flies with disease. In the last twenty-five years we have seen increasingly sophisticated experiments and studies into the transmission of food-borne pathogens by flies. Research has included case control epidemiological studies, fly population suppression studies and field studies into the transmission of pathogens by flies, which have fed from an infected reservoir (Olsen, 1998). Most flies breed and feed in unsanitary conditions, where their larvae feed on decaying organic matter. Female flies choose suitable areas of rotting vegetation and decaying animal matter in which to lay their eggs. Adults emerge from the pupae in these unsavory sites and in the process can become contaminated with disease-causing agents. The adults then often move into sensitive areas where human food is prepared, processed or consumed, to look for their own food! IT’S A FACT The potential for contamination of human food with disease-causing agents has been proven over the years and these agents are able to survive on the outside body surfaces of the flies, particularly among the numerous hairs. They also survive in the flies' gut and in their blood system. Flies will breed in rotting vegetable matter, decaying animal remains, the excrement of various animals and garbage. Among the most dangerous of the disease-causing bacteria that have been found on flies are Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, Cryptosporidium, Klebsiella, Campylobacter, Streptococci, Chlamydia and Escherichia coli. Recently there have been a number of publications showing evidence for the transfer of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by flying insects. The most recent of these is when an outbreak of E. coli was reported in a school in Japan and the pathogens that were isolated from the human sufferers were also isolated from houseflies found at the time in the kitchen. A further finding of this study was that the E. coli seemed to be contaminating the labellar folds of the housefly mouthparts and, in fact, actively proliferated there, leading to the conclusion that the flies may have a higher potential to disseminate the E. coli than had been previously suspected (Iwasa, M., et al., 1999). A recent study carried out at the University of Florida found that nine pathogens could be discovered on flies in Florida restaurants. The UF researchers grew cultures from flies collected at the backdoor areas and rear dumpsters of four restaurants in Gainesville, FL. Within hours, the samples were swarming with nine pathogens. Researchers found pathogens that can cause peritonitis, diarrhea, typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and possibly staphylococcus infection. The flies also carried Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei. 3 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that shigellosis was one of the three most common foodborne illnesses diagnosed in 2000. The overall incidence of E. coli O157 infections, which can be derived from Escherichia coli bacteria, increased as well. Further studies recently carried out in the UK show that E.coli, when fed to flies, is taken into the fly and distributed widely within the internal structures with significant numbers of bacteria being found in the foregut, ovaries, hindgut and abdominal haemolymph. The contamination of the ovaries is intriguing and this may imply ovariole contamination and subsequent "infection" of the egg and possibly the larvae. Food poisoning outbreaks can occur from a minute dose of bacteria. In these cases, the disease could easily have been spread by flying insects, a fact which is rarely understood or appreciated. Classification of health hazards Health hazards can be classified as physical, chemical or biological. Physical Although pests are not generally considered to be a physical health hazard, some dermestid beetle larvae (eg Dermestes spp. and Trogoderma spp.) are known to cause illness when swallowed in contaminated food. In some individuals, anaphylactic shock, leading to death can result from bee or yellow jacket stings; and stings in the mouth or throat can cause serious respiratory difficulties and even death. Chemical Chemical hazards include toxic compounds, toxic chemical elements and allergenic substances. Cockroaches and some other food-contaminating insects generate benzoquinones and related chemicals under stress. Insect benzoquinones are suspected of being carcinogenic or mutagenic and are considered a potential health hazard. More important, allergic reactions to body parts and the feces of insects and mites are increasingly being recognized as a food safety issue. Under ideal growth conditions, just a few bacteria deposited on Biological food by flies can give rise To be classified as a food-borne biological hazard, a contaminant must be the causative agent of a disease and must be actively or passively transmitted by food. The most common are bacterial pathogens. hours. Rodents, flies and cockroaches are all recognized by the FDA as contributing factors to the spread of food-borne pathogens. Irrespective of the risk from food-borne illness, we should also remember that consumers will not buy or eat food that is visibly contaminated with pests or body parts. To them, it is academic whether the pest is a health hazard or not. In addition to these, there are numerous insect vector / pathogen links, which need confronting but these are too numerous to be considered here. However, mosquitoes and the many diseases associated with them should be considered, eg: West Nile virus, Dengue, etc. West Nile virus has gained particular significance since it was first reported, in the USA, in New York state in 1999. It is continuing to spread rapidly, being detected most frequently in birds, horses and humans. People most at risk are the eldery and children or those working where mosquitoes are actively biting. 4 to many live colonies in a matter of IT’S A FACT Correlations have been found between the prevalence of flies and the numbers of cases of diarrhoea. FLIES AND THE LAW Legal requirements Food hygiene regulations require that food is wholesome and safe and has not been contaminated by flying insect pests and that you are required to demonstrate ‘due diligence’ that you have taken every precaution against contamination from flying insect pests. All food preparation and retail premises should be protected against flies. In the USA, the FD&C Act goes beyond regulating contaminants that cause injury or disease. Sections 402(a)(3) and 402(a)(4) of the Act require that foods be protected from contamination with filth and be produced in sanitary facilities. Filth includes "contaminants such as rat, mouse or other animal hairs and excreta, whole insects, insect parts and excreta, parasitic worms, pollution from the excrement of humans and animals, as well as other extraneous materials which, because of their repulsiveness, would not knowingly be eaten or used". FDA Law - The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Sections 402(a)(3) and 402(a)(4) define two types of adulteration. These sections apply to pests among many other types of filth and extraneous materials. Section 402(a)(3) deems a food adulterated "if it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or if it is otherwise unfit for food." Pests or pest fragments in a product qualify as a "filthy" substance within the meaning of section 402(a)(3). Section 402(a)(4) deems a food adulterated "if it has been prepared, packed or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health." Pests not only qualify as "filth" under section 402(a)(4) but certain disease-carrying pests may render a product injurious to health by contaminating the food with pathogens. A recent review by the FDA’s chief entomologist states that there are 21 species of fly that are a significant health hazard in food premises. Code of Federal Regulations The appropriate vehicles for preventing the spread of food-borne pathogens by pests in a facility are the facility's pest management program and/or sanitation program, including Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs). IT’S A FACT During a single day a fly, if undisturbed, may lay the whole batch of eggs which are mature in her ovaries, usually about 100 to 150. Two separate parts of the Code of Federal Regulations specifically mandate the exclusion of pests from food-handling and food-processing facilities. These are the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations (21 CFR Part 110) and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulations (21 CFR Part 123). The GMP regulations specifically mention flies, for example, as a type of pest requiring exclusion. In addition, the FDA Food Code deals with the monitoring and exclusion of pests through sanitation programs in at least five sections (Food Code 6-202-13, 6-202.15, 6-202.16, 6-501.111, 6-501.112). The GMP regulations, which cover all food processors, specifically require not only good in-plant sanitation but also elimination of reservoirs and harborage both inside and outside a facility and effective perimeter barriers to prevent pests from entering the facility. These regulations also call for extra care to be exercised to exclude or exterminate pests that originate from adjacent grounds that are not under the control of the plant manager. Advice on good practice - The Food Hygiene Regulations (1995) Owners of premises where food is stored, prepared or eaten must minimize the number of potential pest access points. Where open windows and doors will compromise the safety of food by allowing the entry of flying insects, they should be screened. Additional proofing and protection against pests and pest baits (which should be laid by competent persons) should be considered for rodents, crawling and flying insects, etc. Fly control units should not be located immediately above food or surfaces where food is exposed. They should be mounted at an appropriate height and sited away from other light sources for maximum efficiency. 5 PRINCIPLES OF FLY CONTROL Before any detailed strategy is worked out for the control of flying insects, the most fundamentally important task is to correctly identify the species that is to be controlled. Setting up control measures that are wholly inappropriate can waste a great deal of time and money because the insect has not been identified correctly. Having identified the insect, the key to effective control is to pinpoint within the life cycle a vulnerable stage for control. This means that it is not worthwhile developing a control strategy for, say, the egg stage of the insect if that egg stage only lasts a few hours, as it does with flies - the chances of catching the egg are so remote as to be worthless. When the vulnerable stage or stages have been identified, then a control strategy should begin. A thorough inspection of the premises and the surrounding area is essential. Ask those working there about actual and perceived problems. Then complete a thorough survey of all areas, setting your own agenda and asking your own questions. Useful tools to take would be a spatula, flashlight, screwdriver, etc. Since the pupae are stationary, locating pupae or pupal casings are key indicators of a breeding site. It is frequently worthwhile to have a series of questions developed before you commence the survey and make sure you are not distracted from the task by those in premises. The use of monitoring traps is especially recommended since these will tell you the extent and age of an infestation as well as its type. For the flies, the vulnerable stages that should be considered as targets for the control strategies are the larval stage and the adult stage. Larval Control The larvae of most of the flies that are public health pests are found living and feeding in rotting organic matter, which can be of animal or plant origin. Control strategies can be developed by chemical treatment of the area and medium in which the larvae are to be found. It is often also worth considering that the larval feeding areas can be dried out and as soon as this is done, there is a strong possibility that the larval population will be reduced significantly. Drain treatments should also be considered, using a control method directed at the drain. If insecticides are allowed, the use of the correct material to treat the breeding site is critical. The product has to have the correct clearance and label for control and care has to be taken that no contamination of the surrounding areas occurs, ie: there is a risk of run-off water being contaminated with insecticides, leading to the possible contamination of the ground water etc. Bacteria / Bioremediation Many of us know bacteria only as "germs," invisible creatures that can invade our bodies and make us sick. Fact is, there are plenty of good bacteria as well. IT’S A FACT The flies also defecate whilst feeding, and so further contaminate the surface. Some microbes live on our skin and protect us from many harmful agents. The drier areas, like the back, have few microbes; moist areas, such as under the arm, in the nose, etc. have many more. Few know that many bacteria not only coexist with us all the time, but help us do an amazing array of useful things like make vitamins, break down garbage and even maintain our atmosphere. Where They’re Found - Bacteria can be found virtually everywhere. They are in the air, the soil and water, and in and on plants and animals, including us. A single teaspoon of topsoil contains about a billion bacterial cells (and about 120,000 fungal cells and some 25,000 algal cells). The human mouth is home to more than 500 species of bacteria. Some bacteria (along with archaea) thrive in the most forbidding, uninviting places on Earth, from nearly-boiling hot springs to super-chilled Antarctic lakes buried under sheets of ice. Microbes that dwell in these extreme habitats are aptly called extremophiles. How Long They’ve Been Around - Like dinosaurs, bacteria left behind fossils. The big difference is that it takes 6 a microscope to see them. And they are older. Bacteria and their microbial cousins the archaea were the earliest forms of life on Earth. And may have played a role in shaping our planet into one that could support the larger life forms we know today by developing photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria fossils date back more than 3 billion years. These photosynthetic bacteria paved the way for today's algae and plants. Cyanobacteria grow in the water, where they produce much of the oxygen that we breathe. Once considered a form of algae, they are also known as blue-green algae. What They Look Like - The human body consists of millions of different cells. A bacterium consists of a single cell. A bacterium’s genetic information is contained in a single DNA molecule suspended in a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm. In most cases, this and other cell parts are surrounded by a flexible membrane that is itself surrounded by a tough, rigid cell wall. A few species, such as the mycoplasmas, don’t have cell walls. Even though bacteria have only one cell each, they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. PestWest has co-developed a proprietary bacteria formulation (Bio-Gel) that consumes organic materials in drains and other areas where greases, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and oils amass. In most cases, this is where odors develop and complaints emerge from customers by the settling of food particles throughout the drain systems. As temperatures decline deep within the drain systems, the amounts IT’S of grease deposits accumulate. Organic Breakdown - Bio-Gel bacteria secrete endoenzymes and catalytic breakdown begins. Selective cell membrane absorbs organics into the cell nucleus where they are consumed and metabolized. Greases, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and oils are then converted to CO2 + H2O and are easily "washed" down the system. A FACT The mouthparts of the adult fly are highly adapted, with a flexible proboscis with two sucking lobes at its end, such that the fly can only feed on liquid food. Metabolism and Reproduction - Through binary fission, the cell divides and new cells are created about every 20 minutes and these "hungry" cells begin the process of consumption of organics as long as the food source is present. It's important to know that when comparing bacterial counts, that if product "A" has a bacterial count of 50,000,000,000 and product "B" has a bacterial count of 1 but was specific to the application needed, product "B" should be the preferred product. The bacterial count issue is a standard but in many instances irrelevant sales tactic when it comes to comparing bacterial products. IT’S A FACT Although bioremediation holds great promise for dealing with intractable environmental problems, it is important to recognize that much of this promise has yet to be realized. Specifically, much needs to be learned about how microorganisms interact with different hydrologic environments. As this understanding increases, the efficiency and applicability of bioremediation will grow rapidly as an adjunct to structural pest management protocols. Flies breed out of doors and are therefore unaffected by improvements in domestic hygiene. Adult Control The control of adult flies can be considered in two categories, namely chemical and physical measures. The chemical treatment of adult fly populations with insecticides has limited use. There may be some occasions when large numbers of adult flies present require that a space or a perimeter treatment should be carried out but in general, there is little point in using an insecticide to kill a few flies. It gets expensive and undesirable, particularly in food preparation and food retail outlets. Physical measures to control adult flies can be divided into two categories: these are prevention of entry and trapping. Prevention of entry Keeping adults out of premises is one way to control flies but it is also extremely difficult to do effectively. 7 The use of door screens, air curtains and window screens has often been successful but these methods frequently suffer in their effectiveness because of staff intervention. When fly screens are attached to doors or windows, it is frequently perceived, rightly or wrongly, that they affect the air circulation. There is always the tendency for people to prop open screened doors and netted windows to encourage free flow of air, thus defeating the purpose for which the screens were put in place. It has been reported that lighting can be varied to manipulate fly populations but this is really a short-term measure and should be directed at the vulnerable stages of the fly life cycle. Trapping If adult flies do enter the premises, then it is generally possible to trap them in a number of ways. When using traps to control adult flies you are exploiting the senses of the fly. Adult flies navigate throughout their habitat using, in particular, their sense of sight and their sense of smell. If you make a trap to attract them visually and then add an odor to it, you are then making use of both the fly’s senses. Fly traps that use ultraviolet (UV) light as an attractant are the most successful at attracting a wide range of flying insects and they are becoming the industry standard for fly control throughout the world. UV fly traps exploit a factor that has been in action for a long time. Insects, for many thousands of years, have used the UV rays from the sun by which to navigate and almost all insects have a strong visual response to UV light; that is, their eyes respond to light at the UV end of the spectrum. This response in many flies has been studied using sophisticated electrophysiological methods. It has been found that UV rays around 365 nanometres in the spectrum are the most readily detected by most flies that are considered as public health pests; houseflies, fruit flies, cluster flies, fungus flies etc. It should be emphasized that this is a safe form of UV; it is not from the shorter wavelengths that cause sunburn or have germicidal properties. The tubes that are employed in high quality electrical fly traps produce UV rays that are invisible to the human eye, peaking around the 365 nm wavelength, thus exploiting the visual responses of the insects. Extensive research goes into the production of these UV fly-attracting units, to investigate the most attractive color of bulb, the orientation of the bulbs within the unit, together with transformer design and glue board technology. All this research leads to constant changes and improvements. One area of current research into improving the catch of such traps involves, among other things, the incorporation of an odor attractant. Flies are attracted to many odors, most of which are foul-smelling to humans but research is underway to find a suitably attractive combination to both insects and humans. Insects have, for many thousands of years, used ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun to navigate. They have adapted their visual systems to be particularly sensitive to the UV end of the light spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum, highlighting the range of UVA light used in electrical fly control units Fig 1 8 That insects do not see red is illustrated by the fact that red flowers are not pollinated by insects but by the wind, birds or other vertebrate animals. IT’S A FACT To liquefy food flies will use their salivary juice and also some regurgitated fluid from a previous meal. THE USE OF ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT TO ATTRACT FLIES Ultraviolet light is out of the range visible to humans. It is classified as that light which has a wavelength between 100 and 400 nanometres (nm). Blue light, for example, has a wavelength of 450-500 nm, green light 500-560 nm, orange between 600 and 650 nm and red 650 to 700 nm. Understanding this fact is important because fluorescent bulbs may give out light but there is no guarantee that the light is in the correct range. The UV light bulbs used for fly control have a special coating of phosphors, which when the tube is lit, gives off UV light. This coating breaks down over a short period of time, usually taken to be one year and when this happens, the UV light given off is insufficient to attract flying insects. The bulbs, however, can still work for a further period of time, merely giving off usual light, which does not break down as quickly as UV light. Ultraviolet light is generally subdivided into three categories: UVA - 315 - 400 nm, UVB - 280 - 315 nm, UVC - 100 - 280 nm UVC is the light frequently used for its germicidal properties in sterilizing units, water treatment plants etc, while UVB is the sun-tanning light emitted from the sun. It is the UVA wavelengths, which are considered harmless to humans, that are used in electrical fly traps. Research has shown that the optimum wavelength range for attracting flying insects is 350 - 370 nm. How does the eye of the fly "trap" the light? The light is captured in the eyes of insects by structures called OMMATIDIA. Each adult housefly has around 3000 ommatidia in each eye. The outermost section of them can be seen as hexagonal patterns. Inside the ommatidia In each of these 3000 ommatidia there are eight sensory cells (known as R1 – R8) each of which contains the photopigment, which responds to a particular wavelength of light. Inside the cells In most insects the cells that contain the photopigments (the chemicals that react to the light rays) are fused and, therefore, all the cells sample the same point of light. In flies there is a remarkable and unique modification. Each of the light trapping zones in the sensory cells is separated from its immediate neighbors. The clever trick is that light from any point is collected by six different ommatidia and, therefore, the intensity of the image on the retina is greatly enhanced, making the vision of the flies much more sophisticated than that of almost any other insect. A special pigment Within the sensory regions of the flies’ eyes the photopigment that traps the light is unique and not like any other pigment found in other animals. Response to UV light The flies’ eyes are also very special in their response to ultraviolet light. The sensory cells R1 to R8 each have different sensitivities to the various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, with cells R1 to R6 being particularly sensitive to ultraviolet light. These cells have a secondary and unique photopigment that reacts to the light in the ultraviolet range. Ultraviolet light is within the range of 315 – 400 nm (see fig 1 opposite). R7 and R8 are sensitive to light from other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, not UV light. The functional separation of the eyes Within the eyes of flies there are a number of other unique features. • Within the eyes of male flies there is a specialized zone in the front, where the two eyes have their greatest area of binocular overlap, where the cells have lost their ability to see color. These spots are especially developed so that the males can detect female flies in flight in the immediate vicinity. • Another specialization is the ability of flies to detect polarized light. The ability is concentrated in certain zones of the eye, particularly around the margins. The cells that are sensitive to polarized light are also highly sensitive to ultraviolet light. 9 MONITORING These specializations are linked to the complex behavior of the fly and the highly attuned UV and polarized light detection are thought to be navigational aids. What does the fly see? Research into the physiological processes described above only reveal what the fly’s eye is able to detect. It is possible to show by these electrical recordings what regions of the eye are sensitive to what wavelengths and that is all. Can we ever know what the fly sees? It is only by elaborate and detailed behavioral experiments that we are able to get clues as to what the fly sees. The brain of the fly is highly evolved to processing visual information, with around 70% of it being devoted to visual processing. Each fly species has different visual sensitivity that changes according to the sex of the fly, its age, its feeding status, its reproductive stage, etc. Therefore, we will never truly know what the fly sees. Once a control method or a series of control methods has been implemented, it is essential to monitor the effectiveness of this. Monitoring is a long-term strategy and should, in fact, be permanent in all food preparation and retail areas. The effectiveness of control measures can only be ascertained with effective monitoring strategies, which is why insect light traps are so useful as they control and monitor at the same time. Pests and HACCP HACCP is the acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It is a method of highlighting the points where contamination of product can occur. Managers and pest management professionals should be aware of the concept and of the Critical Control Points in production lines as well as how pest management activities might affect them. Under a HACCP program, the following measures should be undertaken: 1. Identify the hazards. 2. Control the hazards. 3. Monitor the effectiveness of the controls. These steps must be outlined in the written HACCP Plan for each food-handling establishment. Prerequisite Programs Before a food establishment can institute HACCP procedures, there are many prerequisite programs that must be already established and in place. These include preventive cleaning and pest management programs. Sanitary Practices In order for HACCP systems to work as designed, they must be built on a foundation of sound sanitary practices. Food processors and retailers must have, and implement, specific written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures. How HACCP affects Pest Management Pest management has always been an integral part of a food processor's sanitation program. At all stages in the food process from “farm to fork”, pest management has to be considered. Critical issues involve the cleanliness of food contact surfaces or equipment as well as the prevention of crosscontamination from contact with unsanitary objects. Proper labeling, storage and use of toxic compounds is vital. Protection of food, food packaging materials and food contact surfaces from adulteration by, among a list of items, pesticides, is also a critical factor. Exclusion of pests, such as flying insects, which can carry and spread disease-causing organisms, is essential to a HACCP program. IT’S A FACT Adult flies live for about 1 month in the summer and under cooler conditions in winter may live for around 2 months. A preventive pest control program must include flying insect control procedures and schedules, servicing of equipment records and comprehensive in-plant inspection measures. 10 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) will play an increasing role in the food processing industry as more and more food plant operators strive to meet the requirements of HACCP programs. Non-chemical methods to monitor and prevent pest infestations will become increasingly important to food safety. Food inspectors will have an increasing role in helping to prevent food adulteration from pesticide contact, droppings, insect parts and transfer of disease organisms by pests. New technologies that embrace IPM concepts will help reduce exposure to pest contaminants while at the same time, reduce the level of pesticide use. HACCP Pointers When considering whether pest control requirements have been taken into account in the HACCP analysis, the following sample questions will give a useful indication. Are the suppliers to the company audited for their pest control standards? Does the business have a quarantine area for newly delivered stock? Is this stock examined before being put into store? Is this recorded? Is the stock/prepared food examined before being used, served or sold? Are the premises adequately proofed against pest entry? Is a window and door closure policy in place at all times? Is an adequate pest management program in place for the premises? This should include: • Proofing measures, such as fly screens, bristle-strip proofing, air curtains and strip curtain doors; • Monitoring devices, such as sticky and pheromone traps; • Installing fly management systems; Are there follow-up measures, such as: i) details of work required to be carried out by the owner or manager of the premises, and ii) the analysis of catches from monitoring devices to see if management procedures are working? Where is the waste area in relation to production/open food? Is it possible for flying pests to enter buildings directly from unclean areas? What hygiene and maintenance measures are in place, both inside and outside the premises, especially on loading docks and around garbage areas? Do pest management professionals have an input into these measures? Where appropriate, are delivery vehicles examined for signs of pests? And recorded? Is an independent audit of the pest management contractor and site carried out? Are the records available for review? Professional pest management companies should assist customers by providing full records for inspection by owners, QA managers and enforcement officers. These will include a pest sighting/complaints book, details of treatments and follow-up work required by the customer as well as full Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on pesticides used. Copies must be available at the premises for inspection. 11 CHOICE OF UNITS Types of fly control unit There are several important factors that should be kept in mind when choosing a fly management system. There are two main types of fly control units on the market - insect electrocutors (also known as electronic fly killers, EFKs) and insect light traps (ILTs). Both use UV light from special bulbs to attract flying insects. The main difference is how the insects are caught and killed when attracted to the light source. Insect electrocutors These kill the insects by electrocuting them as they fly through a high voltage metal grid situated adjacent to the bulbs. As they come into contact with the grid, the current passes through the insect, instantly killing it. The dead insect is caught in a tray suspended immediately below the unit. These are usually the better choice for large areas such as food processing plants, factories and supermarket warehouses. They should be used to guard the entry points such as doorways, receiving and shipping bays and garbage areas. This is because they have a much higher capacity than insect light traps and can deal with higher levels of infestation. They should not be used inside a building where there is open food or sensitive areas. They should have shatterproof bulbs for ‘non-glass’ areas in the food industry and splash-proof models should be used in ‘wet areas’ such as slaughter houses, dairies, fish docks and garbage areas. Historically it has been felt that the killing grid used in insect electrocutors fragment flies and this type of unit should be avoided. This was true of some of the earlier lower cost models. However, new design technology utilized in AC powered models (see design features) ensures that long-term reliability is achieved, insect shatter minimized and ‘first time’ killing rate increased. Insect light traps These catch the flying insects on a glue board where they are captured and held. The boards can be changed weekly or monthly depending on the intensity of the infestation. They have many advantages, such as silent operation, lower cost, ease of installation and the ability to keep the boards for proof of ‘due diligence’ and identification purposes. They are also more effective against smaller sized flies. ILTs are able to be used in many situations but their main advantage is that they can be used to protect open food and other sensitive areas. In smaller areas, such as restaurants and supermarkets, the glue board fly traps are becoming far more popular. The Uplight is ideal for use in restaurants, behind supermarket counters and in other food premises where it is preferable for the sticky boards to be out of sight. It is much better to buy high quality units that will last longer and give fewer problems. These will be less expensive in the long term. The main reason why fly control units need to be replaced is that they are not kept clean. If the maintenance staff on site cannot carry out regular cleaning and servicing themselves then a pest management professional should do this for them. Construction materials There are several different types of construction materials used in the manufacture of fly management systems. Molded plastic - it is important to choose a unit that utilizes the benefits of UV resistant polycarbonate to give added strength and to allow for easy cleaning. As most common thermoplastics degrade under the effect of UV light, many are susceptible to burning and/or becoming brittle and breaking. The addition of fillers and stabilizers to protect against these effects can introduce other undesirable properties. To ensure sufficient rigidity, stiffeners are usually designed into the molding. These can make effective cleaning difficult. Metal - pressed steel or aluminium or even extruded alloy should be avoided. Sheet aluminium has the advantage of lightness but equipment produced in this material is often flimsy in an attempt to minimize manufacturing costs. Steel - coated mild steel is most commonly employed in the better fly management units. To protect the material and provide a durable product, the steel is given additional surface treatments. Low cost treatments may be plastic-coated sheet but the edges exposed during manufacture can corrode in service. Sharp edges may also be a problem. 12 Zintec® - zinc-plated steel, which is powder-coated in polyester paint after forming to provide 100% coverage of the part, is used by major quality manufacturers. Stainless steel - in the food industry and related applications such as meat and fish processing, stainless steel is often specified. Various grades are available. The best is 316 “marine” grade, which has the highest chromium and molybdenum content for maximum corrosion resistance. It is also non-magnetic. Types of Bulbs Because we cannot see UV light, it is easy to assume that all “blue light” bulbs offer similar performance. This is not so. Normally when the output of UV light from a bulb is reduced to 45-50%, the lamp is considered to be at the end of its useful life. Because of production differences between manufacturers, some UV bulbs, even when new, can actually give out up to 50% less UV light than bulbs from other manufacturers. These new bulbs are therefore technically “dead” when supplied. Bulb life - the ability of a bulb to continue to emit UV over a period of time is of fundamental importance. Poor selection of manufacturing materials and quality control can produce unreasonably rapid degradation of UV output. Just because a bulb lights up doesn’t mean that it is producing enough UV to be effective. Remember we cannot see UV light. It is therefore important to select bulbs from a supplier or manufacturer who is able to back up its performance claims with reliable data. Shatterproof bulbs - in some environments, especially in ‘glass free’ food processing areas, foreign matter such as broken glass is highly undesirable. In these areas, it is necessary to sleeve the bulbs to make them “shatterproof”. The choice of material for these sleeves is particularly important - very few materials are available that will transmit UV effectively and yet possess the necessary mechanical properties to protect against glass escape should the bulb break. One of the best materials for shatterproof sleeves is FEP (fluorinated ethylene polypropylene). This is expensive but the best the industry offers and is used to shatterproof high quality UV bulbs. All PestWest shatterproofed bulbs are coated with FEP for maximum output. Disposal of Flourescent Tubes A fluorescent light bulb contains mercury vapor and the inner side of the bulb is coated with fluorescent material. When the light is turned on the mercury atoms are excited and radiate an ultra violet light which, in turn, causes the fluorescent material to give off a visible white light. Mercury is a toxic material, which will attack the neurological system, if inhaled or swallowed. The longer the length of a bulb the more mercury is required to light it, therefore an 18" bulb will hold correspondingly less mercury than a 4ft bulb. Nationwide there are 600 million lamps discarded every year. Each bulb contains enough mercury to pollute up to 6500 gallons or 30,000 litres of water to a level at which it is unsafe for drinking. Therefore it is important that used bulbs are disposed of properly to protect public health and the environment. IT’S A FACT Maggots are repelled by light and will burrow into the food material, which they then consume. The US EPA is currently initiating a recycling outreach program for lamps (like fluorescent light bulbs and other hazardous waste lamps). The program will promote lamp recycling and increase awareness of proper disposal methods in compliance with Federal and State Universal Waste rules. This should be effective in increasing the amount of lamps recycled in the short-term, as well as have lasting impact over the long-term. More information on the disposal of used UV bulbs can be found at:,, and Quantum BL ultraviolet bulbs In 1997 PestWest Electronics approached Sylvania Lighting International (SLI) of Erlangen, Germany to develop a new fly attractant bulb. Until that date the accepted industry standard was the Sylvania BL350 and similar bulbs from other manufacturers broadly based upon the same product. 13 While these bulbs had served the industry well for many years there was an increasing need for bulbs offering enhanced performance to meet the needs of modern food production facilities. The technology used in fly control equipment dates back 50 years and little had changed since then. The phosphors employed in these bulbs emit UV light centered around 350 nm, which is ideal for attracting flying insects. However, the UV output of these bulbs extends both above and below the optimum range of 340-380 nm. This results in a significant amount of the electrical energy fed into the bulb being wasted in the production of UV outside the optimum range for attracting insects. Based upon the results of their extensive research work at the University of Birmingham, UK, PestWest were seeking to source a bulb that concentrated more of the electrical input energy into the important attractant wavelength band of 340-380 nm. Another little appreciated fact is that the UV emitted by a fluorescent bulb drops steadily from new to about 50% of its original output after 5-8000 hours. Some lower quality products degrade even more rapidly than this but because we cannot “see” UV it’s easy to be lulled into a false sense of security that the bulb is doing its job of attracting insects. Sadly this is often far from the truth. What was wanted was a bulb that was able to maintain its UV output so that it diminished more slowly than traditional UV bulbs and this formed the second brief to SLI, to develop a bulb that could offer this benefit as well as improving the insect attracting qualities over traditional bulbs. Some 2 years and much testing later, the QUANTUM BL bulb was born. Not only did it concentrate much more of the input energy into that important 340-380 nm band, it maintained this output efficiency over a much longer period it was also designed to have a lower mercury content than other tubes on the market. Put into practical terms, this meant that any fly control unit that was fitted with the Quantum BL would perform better and more effectively for longer than the same unit fitted with standard bulbs. This double benefit was available without having to buy a new machine or without the burden of increased running costs. As a commitment to providing the ultimate in fly control equipment, PestWest now installs the QUANTUM BL range of bulbs as standard to all their Industrial range of fly control models. Such is the perceived benefit that a number of other manufacturers have attempted to copy the Quantum BL and offer “Quantum equivalent” bulbs. However these are not produced by SLI and it is worth asking for the test data to support claims that they are as good. Design features Ease of service is significant. A food processing plant can have as many as 50 units suspended in the production areas. This means that ease of servicing is a fundamentally important factor in the choice of units. If each unit takes a two-man team 10 minutes each to clean, the work can be achieved in a day and a half. If each unit takes 20 minutes, the work will take three days. The servicing fee, however, will be the same. Units on which the protective grill can be lifted or removed without having to remove screws will be quicker to service. If the killing grid is spring-loaded and can be removed easily, then changing bulbs can be carried out in a matter of seconds not minutes. The grid can then be removed from the unit and cleaned easily on site or exchanged for a reconditioned grid for cleaning later. Warning lights are now more common and are easily visible from a distance. Most lights merely confirm that the power is on. There are also other lights that indicate that the grid is working. This will allow safe and easier inspection from ground level, making servicing and maintenance a quicker process. A further feature of some units is a counter that records how many insects are electrocuted, although to a hygiene officer, it is the different species of insects caught in a food plant that is usually more significant than just the number of insects caught. The time taken to service units is not only of interest to those who carry out the servicing work. It is also important to the production manager of the processing plant. Industry good practice often requires that production is halted in areas where servicing is being carried out. A shorter shut-down period is a great advantage to the production manager. The importance of the power source cannot be overestimated. In order for insect electrocutors to work, they need high voltage power. Usually the source of the high voltage power is a transformer situated in the roof of the unit. Transformers have no moving parts but consist of two or more coils of copper wire, one of which is connected to the mains power source. The secondary coils increase the voltage from the mains supply, usually 110 or 220 volts to a much higher potential, typically between 3500 to 5000 volts. For safety reasons the current 14 available is limited to less than 10 milliamps maximum. Because this type of power supply provides an alternating voltage, the design of the transformer is critical in determining reliability. In a well-designed unit, any failure is likely to have been identified during the manufacturer’s quality control procedures. For this reason, it is important to choose only units that are fitted with a reliable transformer. The significance of the power in an EFK - the high voltage can be produced in a variety of different ways. It can either be DC (direct current), AC (alternating current) or a combination of both. In a fly system, the voltage must be enough to cause a discharge when an insect tries to pass through the grid. There must be sufficient current to kill a wide range of sizes of insects, yet at the same time the current must be limited to an acceptably safe level. DC-powered killing grid - often found on cheaper machines, the voltage is often quite high (eg: 6000 15000 volts), although the current can be inadequate to clear the grid, which can mean that machines get very dirty due to electrostatic effects. Reliability is often suspect due to the way in which the high voltage is generated. AC-powered killing grid - it is generally accepted that this is the better method. The voltage is generated at 3000 to 6000 volts from the mains power via a transformer, which is designed to limit the current to between 5 and 10 mA. Because AC high voltage is more difficult to contain, the correct design of the transformer is vital for long-term reliability. To reduce manufacturing costs, some transformers have a capacitor incorporated into their design. The different discharge characteristics produced by these can result in parts of flying insects being ejected from the fly machine. Secondary infestation to the catch trays by scavenging beetles and spiders has been noted on occasions. The ‘first time’ killing rate on a AC-powered killing grid is usually much higher than a DC-powered one, reducing the risk of stunned insects spinning in the catch tray and therefore decreasing the amount of insect debris thrown out. IT’S A FACT Mature maggots will often wander in search of cooler places to pupate and may travel as far as fifty yards from their deposition site. Food safety is always a major consideration. Standard practice in the food industry forbids small loose items in a production area in case they get into the food. Loose screws or other fittings are a constant threat to production. Units that are designed so that screws and other fittings etc remain attached to the body when undone are therefore preferable. Glue board technology has improved greatly during the past few years. There are two main families of adhesives. Soft glues (eg: those made from polybutenes) are very sticky and have good UV resistance. However, they are messy to use and unsuitable for areas of high temperature or humidity. While the technology is improving, they are prone to “creep” and are therefore not recommended for use in a vertical position. Hard glues (eg: those made by the hot melt process) also have very good tack and cohesive properties. However, while their performance is much more stable against temperature and humidity than other types, they are more likely to “dry out” or “cure” when exposed to UV light. It is preferable to use boards with “hard” glues, although there is still a problem in that UV from bulbs greater than 20 watts begin to “cure” the surface after a short time and they lose their effectiveness. As a result, it has not been possible to produce larger, traditional fly traps for use in industrial or commercial areas. However, all PestWest ILTs (except Mantis Uplight) are available fitted with ReflectobaktTM sleeve technology, a device that prevents the UV light from drying the boards, making them more effective for longer periods of time. Insect light traps are usually of lower cost than EFKs and were initially developed to counter the fear of many in the food industry that when flies are killed in EFKs, they explode and body parts are scattered over the food. While this is true of EFKs that use DC power, research has indicated that it is significantly less of a problem in units that use AC power. Stock levels are always a significant factor that concern financial controllers. Using combination units that are supplied for installation as either wall-mounted or suspended models have an advantage. Similarly, using fly traps that use a standard one-size sticky board in all models will reduce the need to stock several sizes. Interchangeable bulbs, starters and the ReflectobaktTM sleeves also increase productivity and profitability. Service companies should carefully weigh up all the above factors before deciding on which units to choose in their servicing program. 15 SITING OF UNITS One of the most difficult aspects when introducing a fly management system is deciding on how many units should be placed in premises and where they will give the best performance. The formula that ‘unit A’ covers a given area of square feet is difficult to prove; as the increase in competitive light decreases the area of coverage. Conversley, decreasing the amount of competitive light will increase the area of coverage. The following criteria should be followed: In large industrial premises 1. Check who is going to accompany you on the survey. It would be ideal for this to be a senior member of staff or quality control staff. In general, those from IT’S A FACT maintenance are more important as understanding the difference between a sanitation and a Flies become maintenance issue and having the appropriate sexually mature a day or two after emergence from personnel available is critical. the pupae and begin to 2. On the initial survey of the site, the intention lay their eggs about four should be to obtain information, not to give a days after mating. commentary on what the recommendations are going to be. Always take a note-pad to record observations and appropriate notes. Typical information to obtain includes: a) What is the approximate area of each site? b) Where are the doors to the outside of the building and how often are they open? c) Are there any flying insect breeding sites nearby, eg: stock farms, chicken rearing sheds, waste dumps, water etc? d) Does the site give off an odor that may be attractive to flying insects, eg: jam, confectionery, slaughter house, recycling area, etc? e) How high are the convenient hanging points for double-sided, suspended fly control units, which are the most economical to use? If possible, excessive chain lengths should be avoided, especially near doors where wind and drafts and air handling vents can cause problems. f) Where are the critical areas of contamination within the plant? In a food factory, it is generally where the ingredients or processed foods are exposed. In these areas, special note should be made of correct locations to site units. Check with the maintenance staff whether the pipes or girders are strong enough to hang units and if electricity can be connected. g) Make note of areas where there is a lot of washing water present or likely to be present and decide whether a splashproof-rated machine is necessary. h) In areas of high dust content, inquire whether the plant machinery is ‘explosion-proofed’. If it is, then an explosionproofed unit with an appropriate rating must be used and note should be taken of overhead lighting fixtures, electrical outlets, etc to gain the appropriate rating required. i) Note areas where there is high humidity or there is a corrosive atmosphere, eg: peppermint in a confectionery plant. In these cases, it is essential to recommend a 316 stainless steel unit. j) During the survey, ask people where they have experienced problems of flying insects. Staff who work in a particular area will often know much more than the management. k) Where there is screening on the windows or doors, check that they are intact and inquire whether they are opened in hot weather. It is very common to find that they are opened because people believe that screening reduces the flow of cool air. l) Any area where products are wrapped and packaged is particularly vulnerable and should be carefully protected. 16 Having finished the survey, it is good practice to ask to be left alone to assess the findings. You should also find out during the survey: 1) Why have they called you in? 2) Have they had criticism from an inspection? 3) Have they had requirements set by customers? 4) Are there any changes in legislation or codes of practice applicable to the site? 5) Who is going to do the maintenance on the units? 6) What budget has been set? 7) Is there positive or negative air pressure? 8) What type of lighting is installed in the premises? (eg: mercury vapor, sodium vapor?) 9) When will the corrective actions be taken into the sanitation or maintenance program? All this information can be useful when sitting down to review the survey findings. Positioning There are no absolute rules about the positioning of fly control units but units need to be positioned in such a way to draw flies away from the sensitive areas, rather than towards them. Contrary to popular belief, the ideal height of placement is about 6 feet above the ground, as this is the height at which pest fly species frequently settle. Units placed any lower would simply draw flies into the food preparation zone. The following should also be noted: 1) Always hang units where they can be easily accessed for servicing, eg: it is undesirable to hang a unit over machinery that has to be switched off before it can be serviced. In sophisticated systems, a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or Palm Pilot are used to monitor catch density and servicing frequency. Bar codes are assigned to each unit and scanned, designating location and information specific to the trap, which is documented. 2) Make sure units are not positioned where they might be damaged, eg: by a forklift truck. Similarly, avoid mounting units in areas where they may present a hazard to people, eg: cleaners, maintenance staff etc. 3) The general principle of siting is to intercept the flies before they enter critical areas and those that do are attracted away from the products towards the fly control machines. IT’S A FACT During the process of regurgitation, it quite often happens that a drop of the fly’s vomit falls from the end of the proboscis to the surface on which it is resting 4) It is essential to protect the doors, open windows, access points etc, sometimes using more than one machine at a particular opening, offsetting them slightly so that they do not attract flies from outside, especially at night. To protect doors, it is preferable to use a machine with an electrical killing grid since these sites are not critical contamination areas and this type of machine has an almost limitless capacity. Air movement in this area will be high and therefore it is an advantage to use a machine with a draft deflector to avoid the catch being blown out of the tray. 5) In critical open food areas, do not place a unit directly over food for the following reasons: a) It would normally be difficult to service; b) There is a risk, however slight, that debris can come out of the machine and contaminate the food; and c) The desired effect is to attract flies away from the food. Units should be positioned to one side of critical areas. However, when positioning close to food processing, it is recommended that the new high-powered industrial sticky traps should be used. It is important to ask whether the customers are going to monitor and analyze the catch at certain points. If so, then a glue trap unit should be installed. In the break rooms, kitchens and quality control rooms, it might be more appropriate to use smaller machines. Once the survey has established how many units are required to cover the doors and critical areas, a few units at a much lower density should be placed in general areas. It is recommended that the customer is told, in writing, how many units are needed, of what type they should be and where to place them to do the job effectively. If the customer then says that the budget is not available to do the job properly, a choice has to be made to make best use of what can be afforded. In large areas, choose a unit with an output of at least 40 watts and preferably 80 watts. Where feasible, units that attract on both sides, ie: suspended units, should be used. It must be remembered that flies in a roof height of 17 50 feet will fly at a much higher average than in a room with, say, a height of 9 or 10 feet. Therefore, the units should be suspended higher up, eg: around 15 feet. Because of the availability of suspension points, this is not usually a problem. However, in critical areas, they should be placed lower. Do not place units near air handling blower outlets. It should be emphasized that it is much better to buy high quality machines, which will last longer and give fewer problems. Over a period of time, the high quality machine will be less expensive than the cheaper type. The main reason why quality machines need to be replaced in, for instance, under 7 or 8 years is that they are not kept clean. If the maintenance staff on site cannot carry out regular cleaning and servicing themselves, ideally a pest control company should do it for them. When siting units in a damp or corrosive atmosphere (for example, dairies, dock side fisheries, vegetable processing plants, etc), it is imperative that they are manufactured from a high grade stainless steel. Not all stainless steels can withstand hostile conditions and these will soon show signs of rust and other contamination. If this happens, the customer will not be happy and may insist on the supplier replacing them with the higher grade. It is sometimes better for customers to fit stainless steel in non-hostile areas because the units have a more professional appearance and their bodywork will last longer. In areas close to food, it is essential that shatterproof bulbs are used in the units. These should be bulbs covered with FEP. This allows UV light to pass through it with minimum loss of intensity and can withstand the heat. Cheaper materials are sometimes available but bulbs covered with them can block the intensity of the UV light and reduce the attractivity of the units. All Nemesis® Ultima units are manufactured with shatterproof bulbs protected by FEP. Ensure that all units are wired in so that they are not switched off with any other general lighting. The units should be kept on 24 hours a day, all year. Be sure units are not switched off by a ‘master switch’ at the end of the day. In large food stores and supermarkets When dealing with large food stores and supermarkets, many of the principles given for large industrial areas still apply. However, because this is fly control in the public eye, there are a number of differences. In the receiving and storage areas “out the back”, the larger machines, whether they are electronic or sticky board type, should be used but in the areas where the public are present, more discretion is needed. It would always be advisable to cover the main public entry doors with a suspended unit or strategically place high-powered wall-mounted unit, whether electronic or the glue board type. After all, this is probably the main entry point of the flies. Even air curtains won’t keep them out. The main critical areas in a food store are where there is open food. The latest trend is for these to be on the increase and these can contain meat, bread, fish, pizza, cakes, salad, vegetables, fruit etc. Generally speaking, it is advisable to use insect light traps in this type of layout because they are silent, have no chance of “fall-out” and, particularly in the case of the Uplight, are very discreet. The Uplight unit has many advantages in this type of store but remember that more of them may need to be used. In these open food areas, especially 18 around the fruit, vegetable and salad counters, fruit flies (Drosophila spp) are likely to be concentrated. Insect light traps are far superior to the electronic type in catching this type of fly. If possible, fit a unit in a low position in the area where this produce is displayed. Use black glue boards in public areas as they hide the catch. Research has shown that there is no statistical difference in catch by varying the color of glue boards (see test results). Leave the fly control units on 24 hours a day all year. Remember the blue lights have an added advantage of being excellent security lights. Changes in pest management practices (eg, baiting) have escalated the number of small flies in restaurants, etc. In smaller premises, eg: kitchens, restaurants and smaller shops Again, the general principles and much of the advice already given apply to the above areas. Protect the doors where the flies are likely to enter, especially back doors where garbage cans are kept. Open food areas are obviously critical but try not to hang the units over these. However, if there is no choice because of the lack of space, use an appropriate insect light trap. Try to hang the units so that they are not facing a window through which sunlight comes in. It is better that they are at right angles to it so that they are not competing with output from the sun. Ensure that units hang in a position where they are not in the way and people cannot hit their heads on them. It is usual in a room with a height up to 15 feet to hang the units at 6’6” or slightly higher in order to attract the flies away from the height where the food is. In restaurants and bars, an Uplight is often the best type as the catch is hidden and are therefore more discreet. They may not be quite as attractive to flying insects as an open bulb(s) unit but they have the clear advantage that they allow fly control where not previously allowed by proprietors. Because glue board traps are particularly effective against fruit flies (Drosophila spp), they may be placed lower in bars (behind the counter) and near salad and fruit display areas. They should not however be placed among the food display, since the unit should draw the flying insects away from the food and not towards it. As with all fly management programs finding and removing/drying out of the fly breeding areas is a key component of elimination. Other suggested areas of use are: Zoos Casinos Delis Rest stops Theme parks Barns Malls Kennels Restaurants Outdoor cafés Cruise ships Flour mills Confectionary factories Hospitals Convenience stores Pet stores Airports Pharmaceutical plants Plastics manufacturing Schools Hotels Toll booths Dairies Packing houses Food production Cheese manufacturing Supermarkets For more information on fly management systems, log on to or email 19 EASY IDENTIFICATION CHART Common Housefly Musca domestica Features 6-8mm Thorax gray with four longitudinal dark stripes. Sides of abdomen are yellowish and may be transparent. A dark band covers the final abdomen segments. During her lifetime, the female will produce 400 - 750 eggs. Food requirements of adult flies are mainly for carbohydrates taken in liquid form having been dissolved by regurgitated digestive juices. Control PestWest fly control units will effectively control houseflies. Lesser Housefly Fannia canicularis 5-6mm Features Gray thorax with 3 indistinct longitudinal stripes. Abdomen has extensive area of yellow at base. Control Application of residual insecticides and ULV application to breeding sites and areas where the flies congregrate will prove effective. PestWest insect light traps and insect electrocutors are effective at controlling the Lesser Housefly. Blowfly Calliphora spp. Features 9-13mm Thorax and abdomen black/blue in color and often with a metallic appearance. Wingspan 18-20mm. Blowflies are attracted to rotting animal remains and any decaying organic matter on which to lay eggs. Control All PestWest fly control units are very effective in controlling these pests. Cluster Fly Pollenia rudis Features 10mm Large flies, wingspan up to 20mm. Thorax distinctive dark gray/olive color covered in golden hairs. Control Primarily an outdoor pest but will overwinter in buildings in large numbers. Perimeter treatments should be performed late summer. Once inside, localized areas should be treated with dust/mist applications of insecticide. PestWest units are very effective in controlling cluster flies. Mushroom/Fungus Fly Sciara thomae 5-6mm Features Small insects, wingspan 14-15mm. Black head, thorax and abdomen. Thorax has humped appearance. Eggs are deposited in soil and rotting vegetation. Control Find the source of the infestation and if possible remove it, before using a residual insecticide. Mantis glue traps are extremely effective at controlling mushroom flies. 20 EASY IDENTIFICATION CHART Fruit Fly Drosophila spp. 3mm Features Small yellowish brown with darkly striped abdomen. Prominent red eyes. Attraction to alcohol, yeasts and waste fruit means they are frequently found in such areas and can build up to very large numbers. Control Mantis glue traps are extremely effective at controlling these smaller insects. Mosquitoes Culex spp. Features 7-15mm Slender, long-legged insect with forward-pointing, piercing and sucking mouthparts. Wingspan 7-15mm. The adult females are invariably blood-feeding while the males obtain their food from nectar, if at all. Control PestWest units are very effective at catching mosquitoes. Insect electrocutors are better suited to handle large volumes of mosquitoes outdoors. Yellow Jacket Vespula spp. Features Black head and thorax, black and yellow patterning on abdomen. Many thousands of individuals are associated with each nest, with the workers feeding on nectar, 15-20mm sweet materials and, at certain times, insect larvae and other animal pieces. Control PestWest glue traps and insect electrocutors are particularly effective at attracting and controlling yellow jackets. Scuttle Fly / Phorid Fly Megaselia spp. 3-4mm Features Thorax dark brown/tan with distinctive humped appearance. Control When flies occur indoors the usual source of infestation is blocked drains. Rotting food debris will also support an infestation. Improvements in sanitation and drainage using bioremediation will help control an infestation. If there is a broken drainage system it must be repaired. Mantis glue traps and insect electrocutors are extremely effective at attracting and controlling these pests. Biting Midge Culicoides spp. 1.2 1.5mm Features Dark brown/black in color. Wingspan 3-4mm. Will swarm in large numbers and inflict bites. The flies breed in waterlogged soil particularly in peaty areas. Control Insect repellents should be used when outdoors to prevent bites. The larvae develop in mud, at the surface of ponds and in ditches. Draining wet ground would prove an effective measure however, it is not always practical. Mantis glue traps will attract and control midges. 21 PROTOCOL FOR FLY TESTS METHOD - General All electric fly traps are left to run for 100 hours before commencement of evaluations to allow the output of the fluorescent tubes to normalize. Machines used in comparative tests contain the same age of tubes and starters. This is important as UV output decreases with age of tube. The test facilities used in West Yorkshire, UK, consist of three rooms, situated next to each other, measuring 71” x 71”, with a height of 96” (see Figure 1). Machines are tested individually (in separate rooms) but simultaneously in identical test rooms. They are tested separately for two main reasons. Firstly, in a field situation, it is unlikely that two machines would be operating in such close proximity. Secondly, the overlapping flickering of the UV from two units in close proximity is likely to confuse the flies and confound the results. 71” Figure 1: Overhead view of the test room facility. All rooms are identical in dimensions and have a ceiling height of 96”. The central table stands at a height of 28” and wall flytrap units can be mounted on the back walls of the rooms at a height of 61”. 71” There are no windows in the evaluation rooms. Light is provided throughout the evaluations with overhead strip lighting fitted with white light fluorescent tubes. The walls of the test rooms are painted white and are non-reflective. All test rooms contain a circular table, placed centrally, on which fly control machines can be rested. Wall brackets can also be fitted to the rear wall where necessary for those machines promoted as wall units. Unit 1 Table Test Room 1 Fig 1 The walls of the test rooms are washed down with warm water and a clean cloth prior to starting each test to ensure that no contaminants can affect the outcome of the results. The floor is swept after each replicate to ensure removal of any dead flies. Temperature of the test rooms is also monitored. If the temperature of the room drops below 20oC/68oF the flies may become fairly inactive due to the low temperature, so evaluations generally are not carried out in test rooms with temperatures below 20oC/68oF. Replicates of each test using 3 comparable units are carried out a minimum of six times and replicates using two comparable units are carried out a minimum of four times, rotating the fly killing units between each room. This ensures all possible combinations are tested. For example, for a four replicate test: Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3 Replicate 4 Room 1 Unit A Room 1 Unit B Room 1 Unit A Room 1 Unit B Room 2 Unit B Room 2 Unit A Room 2 Unit B Room 2 Unit A The common housefly, Musca domestica, is used for all tests. These are reared under laboratory conditions to pupae then through to adulthood. They are fed on a diet of sugar and water is provided on soaked cotton wool balls. The age of the flies may affect their activity; young flies tend to be more active and older flies less so. It is therefore important to use flies of the same age in all replicates. Two to six day old flies are used in these tests. Reaction to UV changes with age and if mated, meaning that younger flies are more susceptible to the traps. Natural death rate is higher with older flies, which is another problem if they are used in tests, as it may be unclear whether flies found dead, but not in the fly control machines, have been killed by the unit and ejected or died of natural causes. Around 100 common houseflies are released into each of the test rooms at the beginning of each replicate and the time of release is recorded as time zero hours. When testing two different units, it is important to note any difference in wattage. It is best to try to compare machines with the same or similar wattages but if this is not possible, then it should be accounted for in the analysis, as it could affect the results. Similarly, in the case of the glue board units, the area of the glue boards may be different when comparing two different traps and this too may affect the results and therefore should be noted. Fly Control Tests For fly control unit tests, all models are sited centrally in each test room, resting on the table, height 28” above the floor of the test room. Like the walls of the rooms, the tabletop should be wiped clean with a cloth and water after each test. For these evaluations, the flies are released altogether underneath the tables in the test rooms at zero time. The temperature of each room is also taken. The numbers of flies in the catch tray is recorded after each half hour. The tests are run for two to six hours or until all flies have been caught. Caught flies are left in the catch tray, as the presence of already controlled flies may affect the attraction of the units. GLUE BOARD UNIT TESTS For tests involving glue board units, machines are wall mounted at a height of 61”, attached via a fixing bracket to the center of the back wall (opposite the doorway at a height of 61”). For double-sided glue board traps, such as the Mantis 4x4, the units are placed centrally as with double-sided insect electrocutor units. For tests involving wall-mounted units, the flies are released in one corner of the room and the equivalent corner in all test rooms. For those placed on the central table, the flies are released underneath the table. The catch is recorded as the number of flies stuck to the glue board at each recording time. Counts are taken every half an hour and hour, or until all flies have been caught. The same glue board is used for the duration of the replicate and the flies are not removed after each count. New glue boards are used in each machine for each replicate. NOTES: Competitors report that speed of catch is a crucial factor in the effectiveness of a fly control unit and certainly our tests have shown that the greatest number of flies is caught within the first two to three hours. However, speed of catch will vary and will undoubtedly be influenced by the size of the test arena and temperature. Some tests run at different establishments have used clingwrap to cover the walls, which can be discarded after each replicate. The problem with this is that this application will make the walls much more reflective, which may affect the results. 22 FLY TEST RESULTS Sylvania Quantum BL shatterproof ultraviolet bulbs vs. Competitor A, shatterproof UV bulbs in the Mantis 1x2 glue trap fly control unit: These tests were carried out to compare the catch results of the Quantum BL shatterproof ultraviolet bulbs against the shatterproofed bulbs of Competitor A. Competitor A bulbs are supplied shatterproofed with a metalized polyester reflective backing. The material of the shatterproof sleeve is unknown. The Quantum BL bulbs are coated with a sleeve, which is supplied by Sylvania International and is made of FEP (fluorinated ethylene polypropylene). Both sets of bulbs were of the same wattage and age. In the initial test a Mantis 1x2 wall-mounted unit was used. In the second test a Mantis Uplight fly control unit was used. All other test variants were as stated in the protocol. Four replicates were carried out, with a known number# of M. domestica released into each test room at the beginning of each replicate. RESULTS: Mean catches of the Mantis 1x2 glue trap fly control unit: Time (Hours) Quantum BL bulbs Competitor A bulbs 1 34% 13% 2 53% 22% 3 61% 37% 6 82% 55% SUMMARY/CONCLUSION In three out of four replicates the Quantum BL bulbs performed better than the Competitor A bulbs, in terms of catch after 6 hours*. This experiment showed that the Quantum BL bulbs caught significantly more flies than Competitor A bulbs. It is suggested that this performance can be attributed to the effects of the shatterproof sleeving on the two bulb types, the sleeving used in the competitor tubes having a detrimental effect on the catch of the units. *x 2(1) 4.7, d.f.1 P<0.05 with Yates’ Correction; x 2(2) 58.8, d.f.1 P<0.01 with Yates’ Correction; x 2(3) 4.5, d.f.1 P<0.05 with Yates’ Correction. # Number of M.domestica released was between 83 and 138. Percentages are calculated on actual number of flies released. Sylvania Quantum BL shatterproof bulbs vs. Competitor A shatterproof bulbs, fitted in Mantis Uplight fly control unit: These tests were carried out to compare the catch results of the Quantum BL shatterproof bulbs against the shatterproofed ultraviolet bulbs of Competitor A. Competitor A bulbs are supplied with a shatterproofed with a metalized polyester reflective backing. The material of the shatterproof sleeve is unknown. The Quantum BL bulbs are coated with a sleeve, which is supplied by Sylvania International and is made of FEP (fluorinated ethylene polypropylene). A known number# of M. domestica were released into each test room at the beginning of each replicate. RESULTS: Average percentage catch of the Mantis Uplight fly control unit: Time (Hours) Quantum BL bulbs Competitor A bulbs 2 54% 38% 6 76% 54% SUMMARY/CONCLUSION After two hours, in three out of four replicates there is no significant difference in catch of the two bulb types and in one replicate, the unit fitted with Quantum BL bulbs performed significantly better than the unit fitted with Competitor A bulbs. After six hours, two out of four replicates showed the units fitted with Quantum BL bulbs to catch significantly more flies**. *x 2 76.0, d.f.1 P<0.01 with Yates’ Correction. **x 2(1) 3.9, d.f.1 P<0.05 with Yates’ Correction; x 2(2) 65.0, d.f.1 P<0.01 with Yates’ Correction. # Number of M.domestica released was between 87 and 138. Percentages are calculated on actual number of flies released. 23 FLY TEST RESULTS WHITE VS. STANDARD BLACK GLUE BOARDS IN THE MANTIS 1X2 UNIT: Claims have been made by a competitor that the color of the glue boards used in the PestWest Mantis 1x2 unit affects the performance of the unit in catching flies, specifically that the unit performs better when fitted with white glue boards as opposed to the standard black glue boards. Black glue boards are promoted for use in PestWest machines so that trapped flies are not so apparent. On white boards, however, black flies are much more noticeable. The aim of these tests is to determine whether there is a significant difference in the fly catching abilities of machines fitted with white, as opposed to black sticky boards. RESULTS: Six replicates of this test were performed, with a known number# of M. domestica released into each test room on each replicate. In four out of six replicates, no significant difference was found between the catch of the units fitted with white boards compared to the unit fitted with the standard black boards. On another replicate, the black boards caught significantly more flies in the first half an hour**, but no significant difference in catch was found after this point. Interestingly, there was never found to be any significant difference in catch after two hours. Whilst the percentage catch per replicate was quite variable, when we looked at the average percentages, it could be seen that the black boards did catch a higher average percentage of flies at all stages. As these data are percentages they cannot be subjected to any statistical analysis. Average percentage catch is shown in the table below: Glue Board Color Time (Hours) Black White 0.5 46.5% 41.8% 1 59.7% 58.0% 1.5 68.3% 67.5% 2 75.3% 73.2% CONCLUSION These results seem to suggest that there is little difference between the attractiveness of Mantis 1x2 units fitted with black boards compared to those using white. Certainly, it was not found that the use of white boards greatly improved the performance of the units. It is quite likely that the UV is a significant enough lure to attract the target flies and that the changing of board color does not have a large effect because of this. *(x 2(1) 3.88, d.f.1, P<0.05 with Yates’ Correction, **(x 2 8.25, d.f.1, P<0.01 with Yates’ Correction) x 2(2) 6.30, d.f.1, P<0.01 with Yates’ Correction, x 2(3) 4.33, d.f.1, P<0.05) # Number of M. domestica released was between 68 and 96. Percentages are calculated on actual number of flies released. 24 FLY TEST RESULTS THE EFFECT OF CHANGING GRILL AREA OR GRILL REMOVAL ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MANTIS 1X2 FLY CONTROL UNIT A competitor has claimed that removal of the safety grill from the Mantis 1x2 units enhances the catch achieved by the unit and that even the removal of every other bar can have a beneficial effect on the percentage of flies caught. This experiment was designed to test these claims. RESULTS: Six replicates of the test were performed and the machines tested simultaneously but in different rooms. A known number of Musca domestica were released into each test room at the start of each replicate#. In four out of six replicates, the unit fitted with a full grill caught significantly** more flies than the unit with the grill removed, at all times. The unit fitted with a grill with every other bar removed caught more flies in three replicates, than the unit with the grill removed. In two more of the replicates, the half grill unit caught significantly more flies than the unit with no grill after an hour and a half and then two hours. Little difference was found between the catches of the machines fitted with full grills compared to half grills. Machines with the grill removed entirely were never found to catch significantly more flies than the units fitted with half or full grills. CONCLUSION When we look at the average percentage catch of the different grill conditions (see table below), we can see that while there is little difference between the catches of the machines fitted with the half grills and full grills, they seem to catch a much higher percentage of flies than units with the grill removed. It is clear that the use of safety grills on the Mantis 1x2 units does not significantly decrease the catch of the machines. Conversely, it was seen that the use of a grill can significantly enhance the attraction of the machines to the target flies. The grill may help to attract flies to the unit as flies are known to be attracted to lines and edges and the wires of the grill provide many of these. The flies may see the grill as a good resting site and as they move around in the region of the grill are likely to become trapped on the glue boards close behind. The coverage and number of bars make little difference. Certainly, the removal of every other bar did not seem to make a great difference to the catch of the units in this experiment. Further tests would help to determine any optimum grill spacing. Grill Condition Time (Hours) Full Grill Half Grill No Grill 0.5 32.8% 27.5% 16.3% 1 46.9% 43.9% 26.3% 1.5 56.5% 57.8% 37.5% 2 64.5% 64.9% 46.2% #Number of M. domestica released was between 90 and 108. Percentages are calculated on actual number of flies released. **Actual significance values are not given here due to the large number of tests performed and values obtained. All data was subjected to analysis in the form of x 2 tests, at d.f.1, with Yates’ Correction. All work carried out at test facility of Killgerm Group UK and completed by: Hannah Groves BSc.(Hons) M.Res and Nicola Chamberlain BSc.(Hons) under the supervision of Prof. Moray Anderson, BSc.(Hons) PhD, FRES, CBiol, FIBiol 25 FURTHER READING Bidawid, S. P., Edeson, J. F. B., Ibrahim J. and Matossian, R. M. (1978) The Role of Nonbiting Flies in the Transmission of Enteric Pathogens (Salmonella species and Shigella species) in Beirut, Lebanon, In Annals of Tropical Medicine Parasitology, 72, pp. 117-121. Busvine, J. R. (1966) Insects and Hygiene - The biology and control of insect pests of medical and domestic importance, London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. Chapman, P. A., Siddons, C. A., Wright, D. J., Norman, P., Fox, J. and Crick, E. (1993) Cattle as a possible source of verocytotoxin producing E. coli 0 1 57 in man, In Epidemiol. Infect., Ill, pp. 439-47. Chavasse. D. C., Blumenthal, U. and Kolsky, P. (1994) Fly control in prevention of diarrhoeal disease, In The Lancet, 344. p. 123 1. Chavasse, D. C., Shier, R. P., Murphy, 0. A., Huttly, S. R. A., Cousens, S. N. and Akhtar (1999) Impact of fly control on childhood disease in Pakistan: community-randomised trial, In The Lancet. 353, pp. 22-25. Cohen, D., Green, M., Block, C., Slepon, R., Arnbar, R., Wasserman, S. S. and Levine, M. M. (1991) Reduction of transmission of shigellosis by control of houseflies (Musca domestica), In The Lancet, 337, pp. 993-997. Cox. G. L., Lewis, F. C. and Glynn, E. E. (1912) The Number and Varieties of Bacteria Carried by the Common House-Fly in Sanitary and Insanitary City Areas, In Journal of Hygiene, 12, pp. 290-312. DeCapito, T. (1963) Isolation of Salmonella from Flies, in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 12, p. 892. Echeverria, P., Harrison, B. A., Titapat, C. and McFarland, A. (1983) Flies as a source of Enteric Pathogens in a Rural Village in Thailand, In Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 46, pp. 32-36. Fotedar, R., Banerjee, U., Singh, S., Shriniwas and Verma, A. K. (1992) The housefly (Musca domestica) as a carrier of pathogenic micro-organisms in a hospital environment, In Journal of Hospital Infection, 20, pp. 209-215. Greenberg, B. (1971) Flies and Disease - Volume I Ecology, Classification and Biotic Associations, Princeton University Press. Greenberg, B. (1973) Flies and Disease - Volume II Biology and Disease Transmission, Princeton University Press. Greenberg, B., Varela, G., Bornstein, A. and Hernandez, H. (1963) Salmonellae from Flies in a Mexican Slaughterhouse, In The American Journal of Hygiene, 77, pp. 177-183. lwasa, M., Makino, S., Asakura, H., Kobori, H. and Morirnoto, Y. (1999) Detection of Escherichia coli 0 1 5 7:H7 from Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) at a Cattle Farm in Japan, In Journal of Medical Entomology, 36, pp. 108-112. Khafil, K., Lindblom, G. B., Mazhar, K. and Kaijser, B. (1994) Flies and water as reservoirs for bacterial enteropathogens in urban and rural areas in and around Lahore, Pakistan, In Epidemiol. Infect., 113, pp. 435-444. Knight, S. M., Toodayan, W., Caique, W. C., Kyi, W., Bames, A. and Desmarchelier, P. (1992) Risk Factors for the Transmission of Diarrhoea in Children: A Case-Control Study in Rural Malaysia, In International Journal of Epidemiology, 21, pp. 812-818. Levine, 0. S. and Levine, M. M. (1991) Houseflies (Musca domestica) as Mechanical Vectors of Shigellosis, In Reviews of Infectious Diseases, 13, pp. 688-696. Lindsay, D. R., Stewart. W. H. and Watt, J. (1953) Effect of Fly Control on Diarrheal Disease in an Area of Moderate Morbidity, In Public Health Reports, 68, pp. 361-367. McClary, A. (1982) "Swat the Fly": popular Magazines and the Anti-Fly Campaign, In Preventative Medicine, 11, pp. 373-378. 26 McGuire, C. D. and Durant, R. C. (1957) The Role of Flies in the Transmission of Eye Disease in Egypt, In American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 6, pp. 569-575. Nicoll, W. (1911) On the Varieties of Bacillus coli Associated With the house-Fly (Musca domestica), In Journal of Hygiene, 1 1, pp. 381-389. Olsen, A. R. (1 99 8) Regulatory Action Criteria for Filth and Other Extraneous Materials 111. Review of Flies and Foodborne Enteric Disease, In Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 28, pp. 199-211. Ostrolenk, M. and Welch, H. (1942) The House Fly as a Vector of Food Poisoning Organisms in Food Producing Establishments, In American Journal of Public Health, 32, pp. 487-494. Peffly, R. L. and Labrecque, G. C. (1956) Marking and Trapping Studies on Dispersal and Abundance of Egyptian House Flies, In Journal of Economic Entomology, 49, pp. 214-217. Pickens, L. G., Morgan, N. 0., Hartsock, J. G. and Smith J. W. (1967) Dispersal Patterns and Populations of the House Fly Affected by Sanitation and Weather in Rural Maryland, In Journal of Economic Entomology, 60, pp. 1250-1255. Pickens L. G. (1989) Factors affecting the distance of scatter of house-flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from electrocuting traps, In Journal of Economic Entomology, 82, pp. 149-151. Rahn, K., Renwick S. A., Johnson, R. P., Wilson, J. B., Clarke, R. C., Alves, D., MeEwen, S., Lior, H. and Spika J. (1997) Persistence of Escherichia coli 0157: H7 in dairy cattle and the dairy farm environment, in Epidemiol. Infect. . 119, pp. 251-259. Rosef, 0. and Kapperud, G. (1983) House Flies (Musca domestica) as Possible Vectors of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, In Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 45, pp. 381-383. Skidmore, P. (1985) The Biology of the Muscidae of the World, DR W. Junk Publishers. Sramova, H., Daniel, M.. Absolonova, V., Dedicova, D., Jedlickova, Z., Lhotova, H., Petras, P. and Subertova V. (1992) Epidemiological role of arthropods detectable in health facilities, In Journal of Hospital Infection, 20, pp. 281-292. Torrey, J. C. (1912) Numbers and Types of Bacteria Carried by City Flies, In Journal of Infectious Disease, 10, pp. 166-177. West, L. S. (1 95 1) The Housefly: Its Natural History, Medical Importance and Control, Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Company. U.S. Department of the Interior - U.S. Geological Survey, Fact Sheet FS-054-95. The Science of Flying Insect Control Copyright 2002 PestWest Electronics Limited All rights reserved. All images contained in this publication remain the property of PestWest Electronics Limited and may not be duplicated in any way without the written consent of PestWest Electronics Limited, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purpose of promoting PestWest Electronics products. This information contained herein may not be duplicated in other books, databases or any medium without the written consent of PestWest Electronics Limited. Making copies of this publication or any portion for any purpose other than to promote PestWest products is a violation of United States, Canadian and European copyright laws. 27 Electronic Flying Insect Management Units Unique transformer - reduces shattering of insects. Hands-free guard opening - for easy service. ‘Power-on’ and ‘grid-on’ warning lights - inspection at a distance. Catch tray with draft deflector - keeps dead insects in machine. Spring-loaded killing grid - easy cleaning. Wrap around guard - 360 degree protection. Quantum BL shatterproof UV tubes - maximum attraction. Choice of mounting option for ease of placement. White powder-coated zintec steel UV resistant finish for long life and durability >> Ideal for areas such as kitchens, deli’s, fast food and food processing areas. Robust and compact. 22-watt circline Quantum BL shatterproof UV tube. Height: 17” Width: 14” Depth: 6” Weight: 15lb >> Compact and high powered, ideal for use in food manufacturing, processing and foodrelated areas. Features three 15-watt Quantum BL shatterproof UV bulbs. Height: 17” Width: 21” Depth: 6” Weight: 20lb >> WORLD CLASS Ideal for food manufacturing, processing and packaging factories. Two 40-watt Quantum BL shatterproof bulbs. Height: 17” Width: 27” Depth: 6” Weight: 22lb >> Budget-priced unit ideal for shops, cafés and fast food restaurants. 360o all-round protection zone. Two 15-watt powerful Quantum BL bulbs. Unit can be wall-mounted, freestanding or ceiling-suspended, available in white powder-coated on zintec steel for durability and long life. Height: 13” Width: 181/2” >> Depth: 41/2” Weight: 12lb 80 stainless steel and white Industrial sized electronic fly machines, constructed in either 316 polished marine grade stainless steel with 316 grade guards and grid or white powder-coated on zintec steel with chrome guards and grids. • 360º coverage - all round protection. • 2 x 40-watt high efficiency PestWest Quantum BL shatterproof bulbs - maximum attraction. • Splashproof, shatterproof and draftproof. • Self-cleaning grid - virtually no maintenance. • Extra wide catch tray with anti-crawl-out design. • Can be wall or ceiling-mounted. • Patented grid warning light indicates the system is working properly. • Easy to maintain and service, no special tools required. Height: 18” Width: 261/2” Depth: 81/4” Weight: 28lb All PestWest fly management systems are UL marked, independently tested and meet or exceed Food Industry standards. PestWest units come with a 3-year guarantee (except bulbs, glue boards and starters) and are fitted with PestWest Quantum BL bulbs as standard 40% more powerful than standard UV bulbs. Toll free: 1.866.IPM.PEST • Fax: 1.866.DIPTERA FLYING INSECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS THAT MEET AND EXCEED FOOD INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS. Mantis Glue Trap Flying Insect Management Units Large full-size glue boards to effectively catch even the smallest flying insects. Easy access to boards and bulbs for no-tool quick and easy service. Insects are caught intact allowing for easy identification. Reflectobakt® sleeves extend glue board life and allows a slimmer design than competitive models for more placement options. Will catch all photo-positive insects. >> Portable insect light trap ideal for use in a variety of sensitive areas. Excellent at catching flying insects of all shapes and sizes. Black adhesive boards add discreetness by concealing catch. • Attractive, ultra-slim, wall-mounted unit (freestanding bracket available), compact and unobtrusive, can be put in more places - easy to clean. • 2 x 15-watt powerful Quantum BL bulbs give 180° coverage and optimum performance. • Open front design lets out more light, which means more catch. • Easy to remove bottom tray and drop-down guard - quick and easy no-tool service. • Durable white powder-coated zintec steel1 or brushed stainless steel for long life. Width: 19” Depth: 2 /2” Weight: 10lb Height: 121/2” >> Ceiling-suspended; able to protect large open areas. Double-sided extra large capture area. Can be placed above aisles with no possibility of fly fallout. Full-size black adhesive boards add discreetness by concealing catch. • 360° protection from 4 x 15-watt powerful PestWest Quantum BL bulbs. • Open front design lets out more UVA light, which means more catch. • Quick and easy no-tool service - removable bottom tray and drop-down guards. • White powder-coated zintec steel or brushed stainless steel for long life, durability and easy cleaning. Width: 19” Depth: 5” Weight: 13lb Height: 121/2” >> Attractive, wall-mounted unit; the perfect choice for areas where flying insect management should be discreet, e.g. eating and public areas. (Reflectobakt® not available on this system). • Disguised as a wall light, can be painted, wallpapered or decorated to match existing décor. • Adhesive board, catch and lamp are hidden from view. • Full-size glue board and 15-watt Quantum BL bulb. • Cover drops down for no-tool quick and easy service. steel for easy cleaning. • Beige powder-coated zintec Depth: 61/2” Weight: 8lb Height: 8” Width: 181/2” >> white and High capacity industrial size glue traps. Designed to protect large open areas. Ex model designed to protect areas where potentially explosive dusts may be present e.g. sugar processing factories and flour areas. • Advanced electronic ballast means lower running costs. • Designed to be suspended providing 360° attraction. • 4 x 40-watt Quantum BL shatterproof bulbs with ReflectobaktTM sleeves. • Extra large capture area, double-sided glue board. White powder-coated zintec or 316 marine polished stainless steel. Width: 25” Depth: 61/2” Weight: 26lb White Height: 241/2” 34lb Stainless Steel UL ® All PestWest fly management systems carry a UL listing Cert: 8522 Toll free: 1.866.IPM.PEST • Fax: 1.866.DIPTERA PestWest reserve the right to change specifications as required. REF: US/DS/0803 Toll free: 1.866.IPM.PEST Fax: 1.866.DIPTERA SC2 0903