The Flyline June, 2007 Green Country Flyfishers
The Flyline June, 2007 Green Country Flyfishers
The Flyline June, 2007 Green Country Flyfishers Post Office Box 1053 Bartlesville, OK 74005 President Dennis Kidd cell-914-3928 Vice Pres. Dick Leonard- cell-914-2149 Sec/Treas. Gary Kilpatrick 333-8781 Flyline Editor Lents Prendergast 336-2525 Email: Directors Arvest Bank, Eastside Branch 7:00 till 9:00 pm Next Meeting June 5th Dick Leonard -(-1yr.-2007) Gene Holland -(-1yr.-2007) Bobby Donnell -(-2yr.-2008) Dayna Hayes -(-2yr.-2008) Lents Prendergast –(-3yr-2009) Ed Hinton –(3yr.-2009) 914-2149 661-4035 335-1105 333-0442 336-4334 333-6546 FLYMASTER OF THE MONTH MAY: Bobby Donnell Bobby Donnell Go fishin! March 2007 – Dick Leonard – Brassie Nymph April 2007 – Ed Hinton - Nymph May 2007- Bobby Donnell – Foam Fold Over June 2007 - ?? FLY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE BASS FLY (Poppers-Streamers-Mouse-Shad Fly-Bait Fish- Etc.) Program: Jack Shock= Pro Bass Shop Fishing Dripping Springs 2 other people also with him will tell of access to the reservoir and how to fish for bass 1 Go fishin! Picnic May 12, 2007 Kids Day at Roaring River was a great success On May 19th over 1760 kids went fishing for free at Roaring River State Park, and over 500 kids took part in learning programs. The largest fish caught was a 9.3 pound fish caught by Luke Navman. D Dennis Kidd and Dean Reed joined the MAKO Fly Fishers in demonstrating Fly Tying and casting. About 500 wooly buggers were tied and given to kids. Several kids wanted to tie their own because after see the demonstration last year they have started fly tying. This is a great program to get kids fishing and to give fly fishing exposure to kids who want to fish. 2 A message from your President Dennis’s Dabblings We had a great picnic on May 12th, the weather could not have been better and the fish cooked by Charlie Roberts was better than finger lickin’ good. Over 45 members, family, and guests were at the picnic, which is one of the best turnouts in a long time. A number of folks caught sunfish and bass in the ponds and no-one fell into the pond, so fishing was fun. We have some fun events coming up that I hope you will attend, and, remember, if you have an idea for club events or activity share it with board member. We should all be pleased with the progress our club is making; We have a number of new members, we have starting tying at Bass Pro Shop in Tulsa, our monthly tying meeting is growing in size, and we are working with other clubs on projects. The key to continued growth and progress is simple and easy. Join in some of the activities, Ask members to help you, Share your knowledge with folks, Go fishing with club members, and most of all have fun A new feature for our monthly meeting is the Swap table. If you have equipment, flies, or other gear that you do not use and would like to convert it to cash or different gear this is for you! We will have a buy, sell, or swap table by the fly tying material boxes. Mark your gear with your name and the price you would like to get and then bring it to the meeting and place it on the table. If everyone joins in this fun activity, it will be a useful way to pick up some gear that you need or get rid of the piece of gear that just did not work out for you. Bobby still needs some people to help with the booth at Sunfest by being at the booth for 2 hours. Over 50 Tyers attend the Smallmouth Rendezvous The SMR was a success and Green Country Flyfishers were an important part of the event. After all expenses there was a $1,400 profit that will be seed money for next year. The $500 Mitch Fram scholarship was won by Jeremiah Holland, a Junior at NSU majoring in Fish and Wildlife biology with a 3.9 GPA. Northeast Oklahoma Fly Fishers and Green Country Flyfishers are starting the organization for the 2008 SMR on May 2 and 3, 2008. Green Country will be stepping up our involvement by providing the committee chairman this year. 3 Calendar items Up coming events SunFest – June 1 to 3 at Sooner Park, Bartlesville do not have to demonstrate a skill if you don’t want to, the key is to talk with people about fly fishing and our club to promote both. Bass Pro in Broken Arrow having Fly Fishing Days June 2 and 3 On Saturday June 2, Bass Pro will have the following Seminars. Please notice the tying seminar by Green Country. Two new members of the club, Shawn and Eric Prufer will be doing the seminar at 5 P.M. Also the Striper Seminar by our June speaker Jack Shock. Alaskan Fly Fishing guide TONY BULERA, of Fly by Night Fly Fishing, will be presenting a slide show including instruction of Fly Tying for Alaskan and Patagonia fish. Striper seminar with JACK SHOCK Upper Illinois Smallmouth with LARRY CLARK Tying with Green Country Fly Fishers Casting with Tulsa Fly Fishers Casting with GREG DODDBobby Donnell is chairing the club’s information booth at SunFest again this year. This is our major public communication event of the year and a chance to make contact with potential new members. We will have fly tying, fly casting and fishing information available, and offer memberships and take names of people who are interested in learning more about fly fishing. Our demonstrations at Bass Pro have generated two new members for the club, and a growing relationship with the management at Bass Pro. If the question is do I support the booth at SunFest or enjoy the programs at Bass Pro. The answer is do both. Fishing Trips Upper Illinois River– June 16th Gene Holland is coordinating the smallmouth trip to the upper Illinois. This will be a day trip. Wooly buggers, poppers and hair bugs, clousers, and minnow and sunfish streamers are all good flies for June. Plan to bring water and snack to eat on the river. Depart from Albertson’s lot early morning. Time will be decided by those going on the trip. 4 EASY FOAM POPPER HOOK: MUSTAD CK74SS #8 THREAD: 6/0 BLACK MATERIALS: PRE-CUT YELLOW FOAM CYLINDER, BLACK RUBBER LEGS, CREAM MARABOU, BLACK SADDLE HACKLE, YELLOW DOLL EYES, PERMANENT MARKER 5 Bartlesville Green Country Flyfishers dues are $16, and most of our members pay in December and January. You can pay at the meeting or mail to Gary Kilpatrick, 1230 Dogwood Court, Bartlesville, OK. 74006. The Flyline Newsletter of the GREEN COUNTRY FLYFISHERS P. O. Box 1053 Bartlesville, OK 74005 GCF supports Catch and Release Time spent fishing is time well spent 6
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Green Country Flyfishers
Post Office Box 1053 - Bartlesville, OK 74005
Dennis Kidd cell-914-3928
Gary Kilpatrick