January 09 - Spokane Fly Fishers
January 09 - Spokane Fly Fishers
Spokane Fly Fishers www.spokaneflyfishers.com JANUARY MEETING - JANUARY 14TH SPEAKER: NEALE STREEKS COME TO THE MEETING EARLY. From 6 to 7 PM, Neale Streeks will give a fly tying demonstration. Neale is the author of several books on fishing and fly tying. Following the demonstration, during the meeting he will speak to us about fishing the Missouri. The Missouri River is a very rich "tailwater" river. With its high trout populations, weed laced flats, beautiful mountain scenery, and great hatches. It is one of the best dry fly fisheries in the West today. The controlled water flows provide excellent fishing opportunities year round. Whether you fish from a boat, wade or walk the bank, you will gain much new insight from Neale Streeks’ years on the water. FIN CLIPPING AT THE COLVILLE FISH HATCHERY By Judy Kaufman Redband Trout have certainly been in the news lately. We may have the opportunity to meet some wild ones come late January or February. Last year, some of our members got to know about 10,000 of them. We went to the Colville Fish Hatchery and clipped off their little adipose fins. Fin clipping is painless for the little guys; they are anesthetized but come around quickly after their ordeal. Clipping may take place during the middle of the week; I know that means some of you won’t have the chance to make the trip. At this writing, we don’t have a definite clipping date (if any). If a date is set we’ll announce it at the January meeting. This is just another very good reason to get to that meeting. January, 2009 SFF Officers and Board Members President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board Position 1 Board Position 2 Board Position 3 Past President Sgt. At Arms Fred Howe Mike Melmoth Ray Baker Gail Bailey Bob Hudson Craig Pearsall Tim Reed Dan Ferguson Bob Kowal Contact us at: P. O. Box 4141 Spokane, WA 99220 Or sffishers@comcast.net AROUND THE BEND January 3rd, Beginning Fly Tying Classes start. January 8th, Intermediate Fly Tying Classes start. January 14th, SFF Meeting 7 PM Neale Streeks January 21st, SFF Board Meeting 7PM February 11th, SFF Meeting 7 PM Rick Hafele February 18th, SFF Board Meeting 7 PM March 6th, 7th, 8th Great West Fly Fishing Show March 11th, SFF Meeting 7 PM Conservation Raffle March 18th, SFF Board Meeting 7 PM PREZ SEZ By Fred Howe It was wonderful that so many of you were able to attend the Holiday Party this year. It was fun to be able to socialize a little. Carla Ferguson deserves the thanks of all in the club for spending the entire day in the kitchen cooking. My wife (Linda) and Klaus Rissman assisted Carla but I understand the cooking (other than peeling potatoes) was all Carla. Jerry Voelker, Jack Fruit, and Jan Sadlo must be thanked for providing the liquid refreshments (Jerry and Jack manned the bar and Jan provided the punch but was unable to attend. I want to thank Dan for the Rein Mice on the gingerbread house and for the great slide show with reminiscences of the past SFF year. We were sorry that a few of the more active members were unable to attend due to illness. Special thanks go to Betty Smith-Lambert for putting flies in the ornaments and to George Davis (Santa). I was particularly pleased that Stan Troyer brought Don Chinn, a long time member, to the dinner. The SFF new year begins with both the Beginning (January 3rd) and Intermediate Fly Tying Classes (January 8th). Our speaker for the January meeting is a celebrated author and guide Neale Streeks, followed in February by author and guide Rick Hafele. We were lucky to get both of these speakers so I hope many of you will attend the meetings. Hopefully, the weather will be better and the roads clear. March, of course, brings our CONSERVATION RAFFLE. Did you receive a fly fishing gift for Christmas that you really don’t need (or especially want)? How about donating it to the Conservation Raffle? Have you taken advantage of the wonderful after Christmas sales? Remember the Raffle! We need all of the donations we can get so that when you attend the meeting in March there will be plenty of items of interest to other members and some that you can’t wait to win. The Conservation Committee is still looking for a worthwhile project (or projects) to designate for the raffle proceeds. If you have anything to donate, or any idea for the raffle proceeds, please contact Roger at 509 327-8231 or roger_bertsch@msn.com. Those of you who wish to volunteer for either (or both) of the VA projects (Project Healing Waters or Roll’n on the River) should contact the volunteer coordinators at the VA as soon as possible. They are Gwen Porche at 509-434-7503 and Kathy Kovalesky at 509-434-7510. Linda and I went last week and were fingerprinted. It was painless. If you have any questions about either of these programs, contact Tim Reed at 796-2344. I want to wish all of you a happy and safe 2009 with lots of good fishing. I hope the snow lets up a little so that I can see all of you at the meeting on January 14th. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING The next Conservation meeting will be in January and committee members will be contacted in advance of the meeting. If you would like to attend, please contact Roger Bertsch, 327-8231. CONSERVATION CORNER EGG SUCKING 2008 By Roger Bertsch The traditional SFF “Egg Sucking” service project in support of the Spokane Fish Hatchery was a huge success. Twenty two members braved winter storm warnings and using “turkey basters” separated “bad” eggs from the eight million eggs that this hatchery annually ships around the state. This year we worked on rainbow and kokanee eggs. We began the day at 9 AM with coffee and doughnuts, then progressed to the eggs. With each of us armed with a baster and a mesh sieve, we proceeded to do our part to insure that many little fish were saved, so they can grow as large as the ones these members are holding. After a good morning’s work, some of the group enjoyed lunch at Fat Daddy’s Pizza. RIVER FORUM CONFERENCE January 22 and 23 Judy Kaufman The Spokane River Forum (the same group that sponsored the Spokane River Float this past summer) is having a conference January 22 & 23. The broad areas that will be covered are: water quantity (what fish need), water quality, recreation (Spokane River access or lack of), collaboration and community. The SFF will be taking part in the conference. We will be represented in the recreation section talking about fishing the river and the need for more and better access to the river. The time has come to have the choice of fishing the river by floating (pontoon, raft or drift boat) or wading (slipping and breaking your behind). More information will be available at the January meeting. FEBRUARY SPEAKER RICK HAFELE By Judy Kaufman Rick Hafele has a Masters of Science degree in aquatic entomology with a minor in fisheries science from Oregon State University. He has written the “Entomology” column for American Angler magazine for over twenty-five years. His latest book is Nymph-Fishing Rivers and Streams 2006. Rick has a number of programs (slide shows) that he does. Rather than have 2 or 3 members decide on a presentation the members at the January meeting can vote their selection, the winner being the February program. Rick also does workshops. If there is enough interest he could put on a 3-hour slide/lecture program that explains the “why” of fishing success that discusses: ·How to recognize the insect hatches important to the Western Angler. ·How insect behavior affects fish feeding behavior. ·How to select and fish the proper patterns. Excellent color slides show, graphically, all stages of the insects, their habitat & fly patterns. Rick’s fee for the workshop is $600 so there would definitely be a charge. The charge would depend on the number attending. Interest in the workshop will be determined at the January meeting. If you can’t make the meeting and would like to attend the workshop in February, please contact Judy at 924-9462. INTERMEDIATE FLY TYING By Judy Kaufman Now is the time to tie flies. The tiers that are teaching are members that are sharing successful patterns with the class. THESE FLIES CATCH FISH. If you can tie flies without tying your finger to the hook (most of the time) you qualify for intermediate. Come join us, learn and have a good time! WHEN: Thursdays, January 8, 15, 22, 29 February 5, 12 TIME: 7 - 9 PM WHERE: Wildlife Council Building – 6116 Market (2 blocks South of Francis) COST: $20 Payable January 8th MATERIALS: You will be responsible for your own materials, tying tools & vise. (Some materials will be furnished; they will be indicated on the materials list.) CONTACT: Judy Kaufman – 924-9462 if you haven’t signed up and want to take the class. We will have the first session before the next general meeting and you will need to know what materials to bring. YELLOWSTONE OUTING ALERT SEPTEMBER 13 THRU19, 2009 By Judy Kaufman We know this is very early but you must give serious thought to this outing now. Arrangements have been made to stay at WAGON WHEEL RV CAMPGROUND and CABINS tucked off the main streets of town at West Yellowstone. This campground was chosen because it fits our requirements, is close to the West Yellowstone Park entrance and many fishing sites. SFF has reserved some sites and cabins. The WAGON WHEEL requires you to make deposits by the end of January. SFF doesn’t make deposits. Individual members must make their own deposits. If you plan or are thinking about going on this great outing come to the January SFF meeting and scope out the accommodations. If you decide you are going & want to stay with the group at the WAGON WHEEL get ready to ante up. The cancellation policy for RV & tent sites is 24 hours and for the camping cabins 14 days, prior to the booked arrival. If you can’t make the January meeting, call KAREN REED 796-2344 or JUDY KAUFMAN 9249462 for information. GOOD NEWS By Dan Ferguson Jesse Wanskasmith has redesigned our web site! While there are a few things that need to be brought up to speed, it looks great. By the time you read this, we’ll have a fishing report page where you, the fisherperson, can upload articles and pictures. Jesse’s only been in the club a short while and although he’s a busy guy; he’s made a number of our outings. For some reason he feels the need to encumber himself with a bunch of camera equipment in addition to a fly rod. Be sure to admire his easily recognizable pictures and thank him for the new site. FLY FISHING SCHOOL Our 26th Annual Fly Fishing School is scheduled to start in March. Now is the time to sign up before the class is full. It will be advertised at the Great West Sport Fishing Show. The class truly benefits those who are new or intermediate fly fishers. You will learn: What the Fish Eat (Entomology), Tackle Assembly & Knots, Fly Fishing Past & Future, Fishing Lakes, Fishing Rivers & Streams, Basic Casting Principles & get Casting Practice. To sign up or for more information, contact the SFF web site at www.spokaneflyfishers.com or contact Dan Ferguson at 3258885. HOLIDAY PARTY REPORT By Linda Howe The 2008 Holiday Party was a huge success. As this picture shows, Carla, after many hours in the kitchen preparing our wonderful meal, remains happy. You can tell that she really loves to cook and is not afraid of hard work. Thank you Carla. We all appreciate your talents and dedication to SFF. In addition to cooking the food, Carla also constructed the Gingerbread House. Dan Ferguson assisted and tied the detailed “reinmice” which pulled Santa’s sleigh. Their little masterpiece was won by Bob Kowal. Dan also did a great job with the slide show presentation of our outings and activities of 2008. Seventy two people shared the festivities and their many wonderful salads, hot side dishes and desserts were enjoyed by all. Betty Smith Lambert, once again, put the flies (tied by Betty and other club members) into the 48 glass ornament balls. Thank you, Betty, for your hard work. Betty reports that she will not be able to continue this annual job but will teach someone else the technique. If you wish to assist and continue this tradition, please give Betty a call at 838-5914. If no one volunteers, we will miss this wonderful addition to the party. It was wonderful to see that Bob Mielbrecht is recovering from his recent surgery and that he and Pat were able to attend the party. We also welcomed back Don Chinn, a founding member of the club who has been unable to attend the meetings for a few years. Hopefully, Don will become a regular attendee. Klaus Rissman (the member who prepares the food at the monthly meetings) and I worked most of the day setting up the room and the tree and assisting Carla a little. We wish to thank all the members who assisted with the clean-up. Your help was needed and greatly appreciated. Santa (better known to us as George Davis) made an appearance again this year with his trusty reindog Gomer. Thank you, George, for greeting our guests. The gift exchange was enjoyed by all. RECYCLED WADERS By Dan Ferguson Trying to figure out what to do with those old waders that you can’t seem to patch? Are you to frugal (cheap) to just throw them out? Have you been asked “just how many waders do you need?” You need to check out: www.recycledwaders.com They will take your old waders and create great looking tote bags from them for a reasonable charge. You can get a wallet, Nook Sack, Fanny Pack or a Messenger Creel. The bags even impressed our daughter! And, they’re “broken in”, with light staining and patch material! None of us wants to hit the stream looking like a “newbie”. The company was gracious enough to send some samples for our coming conservation raffle. So, be sure to check out Recycled Waders at the web site or at our raffle. ALASKA FISHING EXPERIENCE By Bob Kowal If you are interested in a fantastic wilderness fishing experience, consider joining others in the club on a week long float trip in Alaska in the first two weeks of July. We will be floating American Creek, targeting sockeye salmon, HUGE rainbow trout and grayling on dry flies, . All food and food preparation, tents and tent set up are taken care of. I have been with this guide and he takes very good care of you and puts you on to fish. In one 20 minute stretch I hooked 4 rainbows over 20 inches. You need to bring fishing equipment, a sleeping bag/pad and appropriate clothing. Put http://frontierriverguides.com/Western% 20Alaska.html Click Trip Information and then scroll to the bottom of the new page and click on Katmai Region for a description of the trip into your browser and check out the website. If you are interested, call Bob Kowal or e-mail him at bobkowal@gmail.com. 2009 SFFOUTINGS Geno Baril, the Outings Chairperson, is looking for members to host some of the outings for 2009. If you wish to host a particular outing call Geno at 468-0589. The Outings list will be in the February Barbless. THE BARBLESS FLYER Spokane Fly Fishers P. O. Box 4141 Spokane, WA 99220 PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR NAME TAGS TO THE MEETING NEXT MEETING JANUARY 14, 2009 NEALE STREEKS FISHING THE MISSOURI 7:00 Meeting - 6:00 Tying Demonstration ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL 1104 W. HEROY “THE MISSION OF THE SPOKANE FLY FISHERS IS TO PROVIDE A FAMILY FRIENDLY ORGANIZATION FOR PROMOTING THE SPORT OF FLY FISHING THROUGH EDUCATION, APPLICATION, AND CONSERVATION.”
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