january 13, 2010, meeting speaker: craig
january 13, 2010, meeting speaker: craig
Spokane Fly Fishers www.spokaneflyfishers.com JANUARY 13, 2010, MEETING SPEAKER: CRAIG MATHEWS UNDERFISHED AND OVERLOOKED WATERS OF YELLOWSTONE Our speaker for January will be Craig Mathews of Blue Ribbon Flies located in West Yellowstone. Craig has authored dozens of articles for major fly fishing publications on Yellowstone fly fishing, fishing bonefish and permit, fly patterns, and more. He has authored and co-author 6 important books on fly-fishing: Fly Patterns of Yellowstone (1986), Fishing Yellowstone Hatches (1992), The Yellowstone Fly-Fishing Guide, (1997), Western Fly-Fishing Strategies, (1998), Fly Fishing the Madison River in 2001 and Volume 2 of Fly Patterns of Yellowstone in 2008. He has also developed many Telly Award winning DVD's. January, 2010 SFF Officers and Board Members President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board Position 1 Board Position 2 Board Position 3 Past President Sgt. At Arms Mike Melmoth Bob Hudson Ray Baker Gail Bailey Mike Berube Kurt Tempel Tim Reed Fred Howe Klaus Rissmann Contact us at: P. O. Box 4141 Spokane, WA 99220 Or sffishers@comcast.net AROUND THE BEND January 7, 2010, Intermediate Fly Tying Begins NBC's Tom Brokaw said, "Craig Mathews is a master fly-fisher, and his knowledge of Yellowstone is matchless." January 9, Beginning Fly Tying Begins Craig has agreed to teach a fly tying class preceding our meeting on January 13th. January 13, SFF Meeting CRAIG MATHEWS FLY TYING CLASS This is an extraordinary chance for members to learn from a master. Craig has developed several famous fly patterns like the Sparkle Dun, X and Iris Caddis, Nature Stone Nymphs, Pops Bonefish Bitters, TDF Shrimp, Turneffe Crab, and many others. The class will be held at the Wildlife Council Building, 6116 N Market (2 blocks south of Francis). Beginning at 3 o’clock, the class will run until 5 PM. The cost of the class is $40 per person. There is only room for 20 students so call Judy Kauffman at 924-9462 today to make your reservation, as these spots will go quickly. 7PM, Craig Mathews January 20, SFF Board Meeting 6 PM February 10th, SFF Meeting 7PM, Jim Schollmeyer February 17, SFF Board Meeting 6 PM March 5,6,7 Great West Sport Fishing Show March 10, SFF Meeting 7 PM RAFFLE THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 2 PREZ SEZ By Mike Melmoth WOW!!! Can you believe how great that Christmas dinner was? It’s mouth watering just thinking about it. Thank you to Carla, Linda, Alli and Klaus for all your work on the dinner. While I’m at it, how about those Sweet Adeline’s? What a great entertainment session they put on for us. I would be remiss if I didn’t also thank Dan and Don for the slide show on our outing catches for 2009. I also want to thank Stan Troyer for bringing his musical saw to entertain us with. I, unfortunately, had too much in the program to fit another person in, sorry Stan. It looks like 2010 is going to be just as fun filled and busy for most of us. We’re starting right out with a top notch speaker at the January 13 meeting - Craig Mathews from Blue Ribbon Flies. A fly tying class with Craig before the meeting, as well as our own beginning and intermediate fly tying classes. January is full this year as usual for the Spokane Fly Fishers. Unless I forget, we also have two First Aid/CPR classes in January. If you haven’t been contacted and you want to get into a class let someone on the board know. We started off with two ten person classes to see how the response would be, and will continue if the interest is out there in the membership. For those of you who are long range planners, we are also looking at having a vastly less costly awards banquet this year with the intent of getting more folks to show up for it. How does $10.00 sound with perhaps pasta feed instead of prime rib? Once again let your board members know before we finalize it. If you haven’t guessed, I’m reminding you that if there is something you want to do or have done YOU have to let THE BOARD know about it. We would really like to know what we can do to make YOUR club better for you. We sit and guess every month and hope we are meeting your needs, but it sure would be easier and better if the membership directed the board through suggestions and/or complaints. We all are available to you any time you have some input for us. On a lighter note, we have a new outings committee chairman, Don Tietz, and he is open for suggestions on new outing locations. Some of you have been on our old stand-bye outings every year and need a change to get you fired up again. I agree and I think the committee will too, so look for the new outings list soon. INTERMEDIATE FLY TYING REMINDER By Judy Kaufman Intermediate fly tying begins Thursday, January 7th, 7:00 at the Wildlife Council Building, 6116 N Market (2 blocks south of Francis). The cost for the 6 sessions is $27, payable the 7th. Material has been purchased to tie the patterns. Tiers need only bring tying tools, vise, thread and lamp (if needed). There will be enough material to tie 2 each of the patterns presented. If you think you will be tying more than 2 of the flies please bring your own additional material. Question: call Judy 9249462 BEGINNING FLY TYING BEGINS ON JANUARY 9TH AT 1812 W. 10TH AVENUE THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 3 CONSERVATION CORNER EGG SUCKING REPORT By: Mike Keegan Twenty two folks turned into suckers for the annual event. We had a great breakfast with biscuits and gravy furnished by Ellen Kassa and donuts by Judy Kaufman. The job was finished in about 2 hours. Many thanks to all that participated. Baskets with about 175,000 eggs were processed. These are saved from infections, etc. and will be stocked in Eastern Washington waters. After, tall tales of fishing were enjoyed at the no-host lunch at Fat Daddies. FISHING CAMP By: Mike Keegan Trout Unlimited and the Federation of Fly Fishers are sponsoring a Fly Fishing Academy at Hicks Lake in Lacey, WA (near Olympia). This is for youths from 12 thru 16 years of age. Any of you who have a child, or grandchild, who would like to apply, please sign up the sheet at the January meeting and we will provide an application. Our club will underwrite the cost for one or more children. An essay and a recommendation from a science teacher or counselor are part of the application. The camp lasts a week (June 20 though 26, 2010). Parents must arrange transportation. MARCH RAFFLE (MARCH 10, 2010) By: Mike Keegan The clock is ticking on the raffle. Contributions are needed. There will be a signup sheet for those who wish to contribute materials, flies, equipment, books, trips, etc. You may buy these or donate excess items that are in good condition. Local merchants and individuals have been very generous in the past. You may get an early start by bringing your donated items to the January or February meeting. The Raffle Committee would appreciate it. FLY AUCTION THANK YOU NOTES By: Mike Berube, Auction Chairman I’d like to thank everyone again for donating flies to the auction in November. We did send out Thank You notes to everyone but unfortunately one of the notes got eaten by the USPS equipment. How do we know this? They sent us a one inch strip of envelope and note, the part with our return address on it. So we have no way of knowing who this was addressed to. So if you donated and didn’t receive a personal thank you note we are sorry. Again, thank you for donating. THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 4 PROJECT HEALING WATERS By: Bob Kowal Attention! During the January Spokane Fly Fishers meeting, members of Project Healing Waters will be selling, at LARGE DISCOUNTS a huge supply of professional grade fly tying materials, as well as rods, reels, lines, nets, vests, waders, professional quality fly tying scissors, nippers, hemostats, tippet material, etc. The proceeds will benefit disabled veterans who we are teaching to tie flies, cast and take on fishing trips. There are bamboo rods of varying condition, 2 classic fiberglass rods, and several quality graphite rods including a Denny Ricarts Stillwater rod and an Orvis. They are 3wt -7 wt rods. There are over 10 reels some loaded with line. These are quality items and you won't have many chances to get equipment like this at prices like these. CASH ONLY, Come early for the best selection. If you would like to purchase some items before the meeting anytime, contact Bob Kowal at healingh20water@gmail.com. Just as important, if you know any disabled veterans who would be interested in learning how to tie flies and fly fish, please contact Bob Kowal or Tim Reed at a club meeting or timtrout@aol.com. In addition if you know of any avenue through which we can contact disabled veterans let Tim or Bob know. FLY FISHING SCHOOL By Fred Howe Our 28th Annual Fly Fishing School is scheduled to start on March 18th. Now is the time to sign up before the class is full. It will be advertised at the Great West Sport Fishing Show and the Spokesman Review. The cost for the school this year is $100 or $60 for youth (12 to 16) for non members. This includes a one year membership in the club. For members, or their family members, the cost is $60 and does not include the one year membership fee. Tell all your friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, etc. about this great opportunity to get involved in fly-fishing. To sign up, or for more information, contact the SFF web site at www.spokaneflyfishers.com or contact Fred Howe at 448-4707. THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 5 CHRISTMAS PARTY REPORT The Christmas Party once again began for Carla Ferguson and her helpers (Alli Melmoth, Klaus Rissmann and Linda Howe) at about 9 AM. After cooking 2 turkeys, a gigantic ham, 25 pounds of mashed potatoes, gravy, and four salmon sides, and setting the room up for the party, they were able to sit down and enjoy the festivities and the wonderful side dishes and desserts brought by other club members. Santa again appeared with his reindog and greeted attendees with candy canes. Thank you George Davis. Dan Ferguson and Don Tietz provided our entertainment during the meal with a slide show of the club’s activities through 2009. A special surprise this year was the entertainment provided by the Sweet Adelines. A lot of talent displayed by four lovely women. The drawing of tickets for the ornaments prepared by Kurt and Wendi Lee Tempel was a lot of fun as winners carefully selected the ornament of their choice. This was the first year for the Tempels' to take on this chore and they did a beautiful job, producing 48 ornaments. Carla Ferguson, again, built the gingerbread house and Dan tied the cute little reinmice pulling Santa’s sleigh. Thank you to all the people who worked to pull this event together and especially those who stayed after the party to return the room to normal by boxing the ornaments, dismantling the tree, moving tables and chairs, putting everything away and helping to load the cars. A special thanks has to be given to Dave Sorg who valiantly volunteered to do KP and stayed until every pot, pan and utensil was washed, dried, put away and the kitchen was clean. FEBRUARY 10TH MEETING Our Speakers Committee this year has once again secured a marvelous speaker for our February Meeting. Jim Schollmeyer is a professional flyfishing photojournalist from Salem, Oregon. Raised in North Dakota where he fished for bullhead, yellow perch and pike (one of his favorite fish), he first picked up a fly rod in the late 60’s and began chasing hatches, tying flies to match them, and fishing for trout throughout the West. Jim guided full-time for nearly a decade on Oregon’s Deschutes River where he refined his skills as an entomologist and fly tier. He sold his first photograph in 1981 and since then his images of rivers, aquatic insects, artificial flies, and fly-tying instructional sequences have appeared in many dozens of books and periodicals. Jim is one of fly fishing’s best and best-known photographers and has authored or coauthored a number of books on insect hatches and fly tying. THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 6 TENTATIVE OUTING SCHEDULE FOR 2010 CHAIRMAN: DON TIETZ DATE OUTING HOST March 20 March 27/28 Coffee Pot Clark Fork Fred Howe Carolyn Sells April 4 April 17 May 1 May 5 May 8 May 15 May 22 June 6 June 12/13 June 19/20 June 26/27 July 3/4 Amber Lake Mike Melmoth McGinnis Lake Chris & Ellen Kassa Kids Fishing Badger Lake Mike Berube One Fly/Williams Kurt Tempel Fan Lake Dan Wight McDowell Lake NEED HOST Silver Lake South NEED HOST Conservation Mike Keegan North Fork CDA Mike Melmoth Grande Ronde Carolyn Sells Clark Fork NEED HOST RATING 1 Could be cold/windy 2 Float: Bridge abutments, small rapids, obstacles 1 1 1 1 1 3 Access 1 2 Wading 4 Float: Rapids, fast water 2 Float: Bridge abutments, small rapids, obstacles July 7/9 Georgetown Lake NEED HOST 1 July 17 Spokane River Tim Reed/Judy Kaufman 3: Float: Rapids, obstacles, sweepers 3: Wade: Slick July 24/25 Kelly Creek NEED HOST 3: Wade: Access, slick August 7/9 St. Joe Art Ross 1-3: Wade: depending on where August 21/22 Deschutes River NEED HOST 2-4: Wade: depending on where 3-4: Float: depending on where August 21/22 Lochsa River Don Tietz 3-4: Wade: access, pools, fast water August 25 Amber Lake Fred Howe 1 Sept. 10/13 Missouri River Carolyn Sells 2: Float: obstacles Sept. 13/18 Yellowstone Area Judy Kaufman/Karen Reed (Many locations, many ratings—contact hosts) Sept. 18 Spokane River NEED HOST 3: Float: rapids, obstacles, sweepers Sept. 25/26 Kootenai River Dan Wight 2-3: Float: rapids Oct. 9/10 Grande Ronde 4: Wade: slick rocks, boulders, Steelhead Fishing Carolyn Sells visibility 4: Float: low fast waters, obstacles Oct. 9/10 Clark Fork NEED HOST 2: Float: Bridge abutments, small rapids, obstacles Oct. 16 Sprague Lake Dan Ferguson 1 You’ll notice that the outings for 2010 include ratings. The ratings are explained on the next page. You may also notice that some outing dates overlap. That was done to accommodate members who have different fishing preferences. THE BARBLESS FLYER Page 7 RATINGS OF OUTINGS LEVEL TYPE OF RATING RATING DESCRIPTIONS 1 Water Operator Still water, easy access, may have windy conditions Rookie to expert, First time pontoon/drift boat owners should start here. Float Tubes OK here ONLY 2 Water Still water: limited access/River: Comfortable current, some obstacles and small rapids, easy wade Level 1 accomplished, first river outing with experienced mentor Operator 3 Water Operator 4 Water Operator 5 Still water: difficult access River: Float: faster water, obstacles, rapids, sweepers Wade: difficult access, fast, slick rocks Level 2 accomplished and mastered. Good boat handling skills, can read water and react River: Faster water, changing conditions, heavy rapids, obstacles, braids, strong hydraulics, sweepers Level 3 accomplished and mastered. Excellent boat handling skills, can read river quickly and respond Water River: Complex water, changing hydraulics and river path. Complex rapids, falls, scouting recommended Operator Expert boat handler with a lot of experience in complex hydraulic situations. Must be able to read and react immediately and correctly. IMPORTANT NOTE: Each time a boat operator enters a new level for the first time they are required to be with an experienced mentor of that level. Successful completion of the float in eyes of the mentor will be approval to pursue that level individually and move up to the next. Remember, this is a work in progress and may be changed. THE BARBLESS FLYER Spokane Fly Fishers P. O. Box 4141 Spokane, WA 99220 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR NAME TAGS TO THE MEETING NEXT MEETING JANUARY 13, 2010 7 PM CRAIG MATHEWS “UNDERFISHED AND OVERLOOKED WATERS OF YELLOWSTONE” ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL 1104 W. HEROY “THE MISSION OF THE SPOKANE FLY FISHERS IS TO PROVIDE A FAMILY FRIENDLY ORGANIZATION FOR PROMOTING THE SPORT OF FLY FISHING THROUGH EDUCATION, APPLICATION, AND CONSERVATION.”
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