- Connecticut Fly Fisherman`s Association
- Connecticut Fly Fisherman`s Association
Lines&Leaders onnecticut Fly Fisherman's Asso w w w.c t f l y f i s h .o r g O c t o b e r 2 0 1 3 The Newsletter of The Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association FROM THE VEST OF THE PRESIDENT OCTOBER MEETING Nate Schweber PSYCO STREAMER By Dick Wemmell Joe Klinger Joins the 40 Pound Club and newspapers, including one appearing in the July edition of Fly Fishing Magazine. Kur t will have a special rod raffle going at this meeting in addition to R i c h a r d ’s r e g u l a r r a f f l e . Denise will have our club apparel for sale. Jonathan and Scott will be offering free book loans from the Goldman L i b r a r y. As always, Phil will have free coffee and refreshments. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, a f a m i l y From The Vest Of The President obligation will prevent me f rom at tending, so I “… n o t h i n g s e n d s a n s p o n s o r a v e r y s p e c i a l w a n t t o t h a n k K u r t a n d a n g l e r ’s mind reeling guest for our October Roger for of fering to fill meeting. Nate in. like a great stor y about 9th Schweber is author of a a c o o l s p o t .” A l l o f C F FA’s m o n t h l y thoroughly researched meetings Nate Schweber will be at book on fly f i s h i n g t h e Ve t e r a n s M e m o r i a l National Clubhouse C F FA member C a r l Ye l l o w s t o n e this year Nate has also because O chnio has co ordinat e d Park. the Haunted w i t h J T ’s F l y S h o p a n d p e n n e d m a n y i n s i g h t f u l H o u s e i s n o l o n g e r b e i n g Holiday Inn Express to ar ticles for magazines held there. 2 This newsletter needs more photos and articles f ro m yo u, t h e m e m b e rs. Whether they are t rue, fictional or just exaggerated, John would love to receive them. In my humbl e opinion, October is an outstanding month for fly fishing in New England. Fall trout stockings are being completed and those fish are eager to fatten- up b e f o r e w i n t e r, s o u s i n g streamers can be ver y ef fective. Someone once told me flies with some red color work well in the aut umn, and ever since I ’v e enjoyed good luck with Mickey Finns this time o f y e a r. C o n n e c t i c u t ’s Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) is releasing 2 9, 0 0 0 t r o p h y a n d a d u l t sized trout into selected October Meeting The Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association will present a fly fishing program on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at the Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse, 100 Sunset Ridge, East Hartford, CT., at 7:00 pm. Nate Schweber is a freelance writer born and raised in Missoula, MT and currently living in Brooklyn, NY. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Rolling Stone, Time, Budget Travel Magazine and the Village Voice. His recent article in the July 2013 edition of Fly Fishing Magazine highlights some of the “newer” hatches in Yellowstone. In addition, he is the lead singer of a band called the New Heathens. His recent book, Fly Fishing Yellowstone National Park – An Insider’s Guide to 50 Best Places highlights The important hatches/ recommended patterns/ key fishing techniques and the best times of year to fish. Interviews with a stunning collection of Yellowstone Park veterans in the know, including fly shop owners Bob Jacklin, Craig Mathews, John Juracek, Richard Parks, and John Bailey; writers Tom McGuane, Wild Bill Schneider, and The Drake magazine’s Tom Bie. Best spots for Yellowstone cutthroat, west slope cutthroat, Snake River fine spotted cutthroat, grayling, rainbows, cut bows, brown trout, brook trout, mountain whitefish, and Mackinaw lake trout. How the illegal introduction of Lake Trout into Yellowstone Lake has adversely impacted the entire Yellowstone River watershed. For more information and directions to the meeting or visit the CFFA website at www. ctflyfish.org 3 Vest Continued waters throughout the state. Among the areas to be stocked this fall are t went y- three lakes and ponds, four teen rivers and streams that include t welve o f t h e Tr o u t M a n a g e m e n t A r e a s, a n d e i g h t Tr o u t Pa r k s . Additional fishing relat e d inf ormation, inc luding broodstock salmon stockings which b e gin t his mont h, can b e f ound on the DEEP Fisheries web pages at w w w. c t . g o v/d e e p / f i s h i n g and on the Fisheries and Wildlife Facebook page. Freshwater bass become more active a s t h e w a t e r c o o l s b a c k i n t o t h e 6 0 ’s and will at tack fast moving streamers, crayfish patterns fished deep and top water frog imitations. Some bass will b e s h a ll ow a n d o t h e rs s t ill d e e p, so tr y tapering shorelines with deep water access. As the water cools f u r t h e r, s l o w d o w n y o u r p r e s e n t a t i o n and downsize your flies. 4 Coming Events NEXT BOARD MEETING SEPT 5th NEXT CLUB MEETING SEPT 12th Help Wanted: Publicit y, Website, and B anquet Catch of The Month This “Catch of the Month” is by Norm Davidson, he is proudly holding his 30 pound plus Stripper. Nice catch Norm, congratulations. Dick Wemmell’s Fly Box Psyco Streamer Hook: 3X long #12 Thread: Dark Olive Body: Pearl Crystal Flash Tail: Yellow Hen Hacklke Throat: Yellow Hen Hackle Wing: White & Tropical Psyco Hair Fly tied by Dick Wemmell Board of Directors President • Bruce Rich (c) 860-450-6390 (e) ergopro@comcast.net Activities VP • Bob Winot Environment VP • Stan Calabrese: (h) 569-2923 Promotions VP • Richard Gaudreau: (h) 860-745-0548 (e) readfr1@cox.net Recording Secretary • Phil McCormick (h) 871-8703 Legal Secretary • Mark Barbieri (h) 623-8187 Treasurer • Chuck Koteen Advisory Board • Gary Bogli (h) 649-4227 Advisory Board • Ray Riley (h) 721-0547 Advisory Board • John Baracchi Banquet Chairman • Kurt Jagielow Conservation Chairman • Ed Mitchell Education Chairman • Rich Gilligan (h) 860-839-2070 Indoor Facilities Chairman. • Denise Dauray Legislative Chairman • Vin Ringrose (h) 828-4642 Membership Chairman • Phil McCormick (h) 871-8703 Newsletter Chairman • John Springer Program Chairman • Roger Plourde (h) 747-4297 (w) 747-3324 Publicity Chairman • Open Webmaster • Nils Christensen 5 about eleven hours of d a y light, we c an fish at dawn and still sleep We On the salt y side of through the night. t hin g s, I ’v e c a u g h t m o re c a n f is h t h o u g h d u s k a n d a n d b i g g e r s t r i p e d b a s s s t i l l b e h o m e f o r d i n n e r. waters are less during the daylight in Our October than in any crowded because many other month. Small sportsmen are focused on flies do an excellent job of imitating sand eels and silversides which are currently migrating out of inlets and into the waiting mouths of bass. L a r g e r, f u l l e r bodied baits like bunker (Atlantic M e nh a d e n), shad and mullet are also near the top of a s t r i p e r ’s m e n u t h i s t i m e o f y e a r. F a l s e a l b a c o r e a n d b o nit o, w hi c h a re members of the tuna f a m i l y, a r e v i s i t i n g o u r inshore waters and they often focus on the smaller b ait fish, especially anchovies. The bluefish are more ravenous than e v e r. B right, flashy streamers and surface poppers seem to attract blues, but they are not picky eaters and will usually strike any thing remotely resembling any t y p e o f p r e y. Bluefish and bonito have lots of sharp teeth so bring bite tippet to prevent your flies from being bit ten off and bring long-nosed pliers and a boga grip to protect yourself when unhooking them. I love October days because they can be warm, with dry a i r, colorful foliage and no biting bugs. With only Vest Continued 6 hunting. The fish we stalk are feeding aggressively r i g h t n o w, s o I h o p e y o u get out there and meet a f e w. T h a t ’s w h a t I ’ l l b e doing. > < > ) ) )*> Bruce CFFA Marketplace MILL RIVER FLY RODS www.MillRiverFlyRods.com Lynn and Bill Lanzoni (203) 815-2414 backcast@MillRiverFlyRods.com By Appointment: (860) 747-3324 Stitched Concepts Cedar House Corporate Apparel Apparel Embroidery for All Your Company Needs Ted Koch 27 Naek Rd., Unit 7 P.O. Box 2065 Vernon, CT 06066 Phone 860-872-4455 Fax 860-870-4598 www.stitchedconcepts.com info@stitchedconcepts.com Looking to buy Fly Fishing Tackle, Tying Materials, Firearms and related items. Custom Framing I have some very nice used rods and reels for sale. Roger Plourde 146 New Britain Ave (Rt. 372) Rear Building Plainville, CT 06062 WILLINGTON PIZZA TOO Route 74 Phelps Crossing Willington, Connecticut (860) 429-9030 www.willingtonpizza.com Providing Professional Home Inspection Services In MA & CT MEMBER East Coast Home Inspections, LLC MARK ROY Home Inspector of the Year P.O. Box 558 Enfield, CT 06083 e-mail: mark_roy@sbcglobal.net (860) 763-4030 (800) 263-2267 www.eastcoastinspect.com Our advertisers exist to provide you with excellent products and services and they do need your support. Mention that you are with CFFA, they do appreciate the feedback and patronage from club members. Plus they are an excellent source for information on gear, tackle, fishing tips, and current conditions. 7 Lines&Leaders onnecticut Fly Fisherman's Asso O c t o b e r w w w.c t f l y f i s h .o r g 2 0 1 3 The Newsletter of The Connecticut Fly Fisherman’s Association w w w. c t f l y f i s h .o r g onnecticut Fly Fisherman's Association Inc. P.O. Box 380268 East Hartford, CT 06138 onnecticut Fly Fisherman's Association Inc. "To Preserve and Promote the Pleasures and Traditions of Fly Fishing and to Conserve Game Fish Waters"
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Head: Maroon Peacock
Fly tied by Dick Wemmell