Tale waters - North Arkansas Fly Fishers
Tale waters - North Arkansas Fly Fishers
Tale waters The Voice of the North Arkansas Fly Fishers North Arkansas Fly Fishers August 11, 2015 John Berry - Hopper Fishing Tale Waters Casting Class This Month North Arkansas Fly Fishers meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at the Van Matre Senior Center located at 1101 Spring St Mountain Home, AR 72653. Membership meeting starts at 7:00 pm. All members and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend. NAFF Board of Director’s meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm 1st Security Bank on 9th St. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Visit North Arkansas Fly Fishers Online at www.northarkansasflyfisher.org Officers President — Ken Sickels ……(870) 321-2661 Vice President — Tom Emerick (870) 499-3382 Secretary — Pat Smith ..…..(870) 425-1755 Treasurer — Wayne Buck….(870) 305-4104 Directors Conservation — Tommy Hagan ..(870) 430-2091 At Large — Mark Burgess……..(870) - 421-7804 Education — Fred Stumpf…...870-421-3746 Membership — Paul Ashton …(870) 425-9230 Past President — Mike Tipton ..(870) 404-8845 Appd. by President — Vern Berry (870) 421-0720 Tale Waters is published 2nd Tuesday of each month. Article deadline is 1st Tuesday of the month. Staff: Mike Tipton & Rita Billbe Contact: August is the time to fish hoppers. And at out August meeting John Berry will explain just how to do that on the White River. John has been a fly fishing guide in the Ozarks for over twenty years. He is a member of NAFF and organizes the annual Sowbug Roundup Fly Tying contest. John has been active in the Mid-South Fly Fishers, Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited. John teaches fly fishing and fly casting at Arkansas State University and has taught fly fishing at a variety of other venues. He is a popular speaker and fly tyer at the Sowbug Roundup. John has spoken at FFF Conclaves and other outdoor festivals. John is a fly fishing columnist for the Baxter Bulletin and wrote three chapters of the highly suc- sowbug@northarkansasflyfisher.org Cont. Pg.2 On Saturday, August 29, Certified Casting Instructor Chuck Easterling will give classes to help you improve or tune-up your fly casting. There will be two sessions. The sessions will be based on the skills and needs of the participants. The classes will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. NAFF will provide soft drinks and lunch. There is room for twelve students in each session. The classes will be presented at Wayne Bucks home, 129 Little Lane, Cotter Arkansas (his home is on the river just downstream of the Valley Airport). You can sign up at either the July or August membership meetings or contact Ken Sickels at 870-3212661. Tale waters Page 2 Ramsay — from page 1 cessful fishing guide, Home Waters. He also writes for several sporting journals such as Drake. He has received numerous awards for achievement from the Federation of Fly Fishers and the MidSouth Fly Fishers August President’s Message The Club approved sharing our membership list with a corporate sponsor contributing $1,500.00 or more. Within the next few months every member will be given the option to Opt Out. If you opt out, your name, address etc. will not be shared. Sulphurs …. Wow. The sulphur hatch on the Norfolk has been unbelievable the last five or six weeks. I thought the caddis hatch was great. The Sulphur hatch has been fantastic. On one of our trips I literally could see 15 to 20 fish actively feeding on the surface. Until this year I didn’t realize what a Sulphur actually was … sure do now. Remember to join the Tiers and Liars at Dally’s Fly Shop in Cotter. It’s an informal tying group. We tie every Friday starting at 1:30. A great way to share tying techniques, learn, shoot the bull, etc. with fellow fishers. Personally I have learned a lot from various members. Ken Sickels, President. Casting Lessons at Cabela’s Opening AGFC Public Meeting August 13th The AGFC Trout Management Program will be hosting a general public meeting on Thursday August 13th, 2015 to discuss the current status of the Bull Shoals and Norfork tail-waters. The meeting will be from 6:00-8:00 PM in the McMullin Lecture Room, Dryer Hall, on the Arkansas State University campus in Mountain Home. I will be giving a presentation about data collected during recent years and discuss upcoming projects planned for the rivers. We’ll also discuss recently completed projects. There will be plenty of time for questions at the end of the meeting. Multiple representatives from AGFC will be in attendance, including our new Chief of Fisheries, Chris Racey. We look forward to providing you all with this information and hope you will be able to attend. Christy Graham - AGFC Trout Biologist Tale Waters Tale waters August Fly of the Month A Simple Hopper Page 3 This is a very simple tie! Fly and recipe courtesy of Jim Traylor at Wishes and Fishes. August Raffle August Membership Report A warm welcome to the latest members joining us since last month: George Miller of Loves Park, IL David & Tracey Hea of Mountain Home, AR Morgan Bearden of Rolla, MO Hook - #10 heavy wire Thread - Black 140 denier Body – Peacock chenille Upper Body - Black foam cut with beavertail cutters from Hareline Indicator - Small foam strip – bright color of your choice Legs - Black or pink Spanflex, Sililegs, or round rubber Smash barb and place hook in vice. Tie-in chenille behind the hook eye and run the thread back to the hook bend. Wrap the chenille back to the bend and secure with the thread. Cut off excess. Smear the chenille with head cement and wrap the thread forward even with the hook point. Tie-in the body and the rear legs. Run the thread forward to 1/3 hook length behind the eye. Tie-in the body, the forward legs, and the indicator. Secure the thread behind the hook eye. Special Raffle Fishing Shirt – size XL Scientific Angler Reel Regular items Landing Net (New) Bag of tying tools Book: “Trout Magic” by Robert Travers Candle with a trout on it. Bag of assorted yarns and a box of size 14 dry fly hooks Box of glitter yarn and a Wapsi Sample Pack 2 Wapsi Sample Packs Current club count is 366 memberships with 500 members with one member moving away, and another 32 members that are past due. 3rd qtr. renewals are in progress, with hard copy renewal notices sent out last month and reminders going out electronically. Paul Ashton—Membership Fly Tying Every Friday 1:30 to 3:30 Dally’s Ozark Fly Fisher All NAFF Members Welcome Tale waters Page 4 Jimmy T’s Fishing Report - August Heavy generation continues on the White River with flows up to 8 units at times and not much under 6 units. During this past full moon phase, the catching was tough for 3 days. Fishing tight to the bank on shallow grassy areas with structure did pay off using San Juan Worms and small eggs. Nearer to the dam #14 sow bugs in grey and tan were productive fishing close to the banks on the inside bends where the water slows and allows the flies to get down. Did spot some fish on grass (a mowed yard) in a couple of areas but these fish were extremely spooky; so we didn't spend much time on them. Choosing spots on this higher water seems to be the key at the moment unless the fish are keying in on hoppers, which can be a ton of fun. Cicadas have died and fallen out of trees and some hoppers managed to land in the water; so tossing these flies close to the banks can also be productive. Use heavy tippet and fight the brown trout like you would a bass to get it off the bank and out of timber and rocks. The Norfork has been much more wadeable due to the flows and channel capacity (just started hearing that one this year) of the White River. I guess what they are saying is that if the Norfork also generated at full capacity it would cause a problem somewhere down stream. The Norfork then gets a bit crowded unless you use a kayak or other transport to get down below long hole and into the C&R area. Red in your midges seems to be the go to fly. Don't forget to drop by Wishes & Fishes as we have a ton of Cortland products all of which are at least 35% off with most at 40 and 50% off. We have 1000s of flies at the moment, of which 90% are only a $1.00. Lots of dry flies. Fluorocarbon tippet in 30 M spools are only $9.00. 1,000s of leaders, hundreds of reels, 40 or 50 rods, and lots of fly line for both salt and fresh water. We are now open Friday and Saturday evenings till 7:00 PM Good Catching. Jim Traylor 1000's of flies $1.00 each Cortland Line Co. Authorized Warehouse liquidation. Fly Lines-Leaders-Tippet-Reels-Rod Tubes More arriving every month. Lots of fly lines from $20 Fluorocarbon tippet spools from $9.00 3 pack leaders from $8.00 Single leaders from $2.00 Salt water and fresh water. Where? Wishes & Fishes Fly Shop 627 Central Blvd Bull Shoals, AR 72619-0751 Shop # 870-445-3848 Tale waters Bull Shoals Master Plan Update Mountain Home Project Office and Little Rock District staff members recently held a series of open houses about the Bull Shoals Lake Draft Master Plan and Draft Environmental Assessment. Five open houses, one held in each county where Bull Shoals Lake is located, provided an opportunity to share information about the draft documents and to collect public comments. A master plan is the guidance document that describes how the resources of the lake will be managed and provides the vision for how the lake should look in the future. The master plan also provides the basis for the operational management plan, which guides day-to-day management activities of natural resources, and shoreline management plan, which guides private uses of public land and water. After the master plan is revised, the operational management plan and shoreline management plan will be revised to be consistent with the goals identified in the master plan. The current Bull Shoals Lake Master Plan was developed more than 30 years ago and is outdated. The master plan revision classifies public lands around the lake based on environmental and socioeconomic considerations, public input, and an evaluation of past, present, and future trends. Four alternative plans have been developed for consideration. The planning process has included an analysis of potential effects on the natural and social environment, including fish and wildlife, recreation opportunities, economics, land use, cultural and historical resources, aesthetics, as well as public health and safety. Page 5 Picnic in September Wow! Summer hit with a vengeance, but will soon be behind us. We have had some great dry fly fishing from late spring til mid summer. Hope many of you got a chance to get out there and enjoy it. Public input is vital to the planning process and all interested parties are encouraged to provide comments during the public comment period, which closes Sept. 11. Comments can be mailed to: Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, ATTN: Dana Coburn, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Ark., 72203. Comments may also be faxed to 501 -324-5605 or emailed to CESWLBSMasterPlan@usace.army.mil. More information about the master plan and the revision process is available on the Internet at http:// go.usa.gov/3fZsG. Mark down SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH on your calendars. That day we will hold our annual fall picnic at the Bull Shoals lower White River State Park pavilion no. 1. (Same place as usual). Picnic will be from 11am until 2pm. NAFF supplies the great burgers, brats, chips , soda, water and all the fixin’s for the burgers and brats. Members are asked to bring a side dish, salad or dessert of your choice. Jon Hiser NOTE: The picnic will serve as our September general meeting, so the club raffle will be held at the picnic. Hope to see you there. Food will be served between 11:45 and noon. Come early and swap fish stories. Bring one of your favorite flies to show others. We all like to learn what others are using and what has been working for you. Vern Berry, Activities Director Tale waters Page 6 Sowbug Report Steve Blumreich is responsible for identifying the program for Sowbug. He has to wrestle with the ongoing issues of striking a balance between the tried and true programs and identifying interesting new programs. Some suggestions that came up were kayak fishing and a Wapsi program about their business. If anyone has a suggestion for a program, please contact Steve. He would love to hear from you. ((417) 839-0193 sblum1326@gmail.com) We are about ready to send solicitation packets to potential corporate sponsors. There was some discussion about the corporate sponsor scheme at the last membership meeting. I don’t think that I explained the reasoning behind the idea very well. The Sowbug Roundup is NAFF’s only fund raising event. The profits from Sowbug allows NAFF a lot of flexibility for providing for both community events and club members: $8K in scholarships, $2.5K for a “name” speaker, support of fly fishing classes with the home school and Alternative School kids, fly tying classes by Davy Wotton, and a low cost Christmas Dinner. This year (2015) our gross revenue was about $30K. Our expenses were about $13K and our profit was about $17K. So every $1K that we can get by corporate sponsorships is $1K that we don’t have to spend ourselves, giving us another $1K in profit and enabling us to keep up with expenses and inflation. The Sowbug Roundup Committee meets the second Tuesday of every month at 1:00 pm at the Baxter County Library. All club members are welcome to participate or observe. Come a little earlier and join us for lunch Mike Tipton - Sowbug Chair Riverside Retreat on the White River Cabins with hot tubs and fireplaces Lodge that sleeps 20~Guided Fishing 10 minutes from the North Fork River www.whiteriverresort.com 870 499-3056 Tale waters Early Morning at the Ackerman Access on the Norfork Page 7 North Arkansas Fly Fishers PO Box 1213 Mountain Home, AR 72653 Activities of Interest to NAFF members JuAugust Monday, 3rd Trout Unlimited 6:00-8:00 El Chico Tuesday, 4th NAFF Board Meeting 2:00-4:00 First Security Bank Tuesday, 11th Sowbug Committee Meeting 1:00-3:00 Baxter County Library Tuesday, 18th NAFF Club Meeting 7:00-9:00 Van Matre Senior Center Saturday, August 29th. Chuck Easterlng will be conducting a casting session for members only September Tuesday, 1st NAFF Board Meeting 2:00-4:00 First Security Bank Monday, 7th Trout Unlimited 6:00-8:00 El Chico Tuesday, 8th NAFF Board Meeting 2:00-4:00 First Security Bank Saturday, 12th Hatchery Outdoor Adventure 8:00-3:00 Norfolk Hatchery Tuesday, 15th Sowbug Committee Meeting 1:00-3:00 Baxter County Library Saturday, 19th NAFF Picnic 11:00-1:00 White River State Park Pavilion Every Friday, 1:30 – 3:30 Fly Tying at Dally’s Ozark Fly Fisher