B. Sc. Physics (Model
B. Sc. Physics (Model
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM CURRICULUM FOR UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMMES IN PHYSICS UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (UG CBCS) 2016 2016 ADMISSIONS ONWARDS CONTENTS 1. Acknowledgment 2. List of Members of Board of Studies (UG) 3. Introduction 4. Title 5. Scope 6. Aims and Objectives 7. Course Design - B. Sc. Programmes in Physics 8. Definitions 9. Eligibility Criteria for Admission 10. Duration of Course 11. Attendance 12. Medium of Instruction 13. Examinations & Evaluations 14. Conduct of Practical Examinations 15. Pattern of Questions 16. Consolidated Scheme for I to VI Semesters 17. Syllabus 18.MQPs I to VI Semesters 19. List of Participants in the Workshop and Contributors 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 9 10 10 10 11 11 14 14 16 29 171 335 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Board of Studies in Physics (U G) puts on record our sincere thanks to the honourble Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Dr. Babu Sebastian, for the guidance and help extended to us during the restructuring of B. Sc. Physics syllabus. We thank the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University Dr. Sheena Shukoor, for her valuable suggestions. The Board of Studies thank the members of M. G. University syndicate for all the help extended to us. We thank the Registrar of the University, Academic Section and the Finance Section for extending their service for the smooth completion of syllabus restructuring. Special thanks are due to the representatives of the colleges affiliated to M. G. University, who have actively participated and contributed in the two day workshop. The enthusiasm and sincerity shown by the teachers from various colleges in the context of syllabus restructuring is highly appreciated. For the Board of Studies in Physics, Kottayam 05-05-2016 Prof. K. G. Thomas (Chairman) LIST OF MEMBERS OF BOARD OF STUDIES (UG) 1. Prof. K. G Thomas Chairman, Board of Studies for Physics(UG) (e-mail: kgthomas1995@gmail.com, Mob: 9496327583) 2. Dr. Sunny Mathew, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Thomas College, Pala. (e-mail: sunmatn@gmail.com, Mob: 9447964990) 3. Dr. Jochan Joseph, Associate professor, Department of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua. (e-mail: jochankj@gmail.com, Mob: 9447596975) 4. Dr .George James, Associate Professor. Department of Physics, Newman College, Thodupuzha (email: geojt3@gmail.com) 5. Dr. Simon Augustine, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Thomas College, Pala. (e-mail: simonaranjanil@gmail.com, Mob: 9447572374) 6. Prof. K. C. Zacharia. Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Thomas College, Kozhenchery. 7. Dr. Samuel Mathew, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Mar Thoma College Thuruvalla. (Mob: 9446066490) 8. Dr. Jacob Mathew M, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, S. B. Changanassery. 9. Prof. Sam Rajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, CMS College, Kottayam. (e-mail: samrajan31@gmail.com, Mob: 9567453866) 10. Smt. Anitha S Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, D B Pampa College, Parumala 11. Dr. V. P. Joseph, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Christ College, Irinjalakuda. 2 College, 2. INTRODUCTION. Mahatma Gandhi University introduced choice based credit and semester and Grading System in colleges affiliated to the University from the Academic year 200910, under Direct Grading System. Subsequently, the Kerala State Higher Education Council constituted a committee of experts headed by Prof. B. Hridayakumari, to study and make recommendations for the improvement of the working of the Choice Based Credit and Semester System in Colleges affiliated to the Universities in the State. The State Government accepted the recommendations of the Committee and the Syndicate and the Academic Council of the Mahatma Gandhi University has resolved to reform the existing CBCSS regulations. Accordingly REGULATIONS FOR UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMMES UNDER CHOICE BASED COURSE-CREDIT-SEMESTER SYSTEM AND GRADING, 2013 was introduced in the University from the Academic year 2013-14 onwards, under Indirect Grading System. The University Grants Commission, in order to facilitate student mobility across institutions within and across countries and also to enable potential employers to assess the performance of students, insisted to introduce uniform grading system in the Universities. The Academic Council of the Mahatma Gandhi University at its meeting held on 23rd May 2015 resolved to introduce the UGC Guidelines for Choice Based Credit Semester System from the Academic year 2016-17 onwards and the syndicate of the University at its meeting held on 1st August 2015 approved the resolution of the Academic Council. Hence it becomes necessary to modify the existing CBCSS regulation as follows. 4. TITLE B. Sc. PHYSICS PROGRAMME – Under Graduate Programmes under Choice Based Credit System, 2016” (UG CBCS β016). 5. SCOPE 5.1. Applicable to regular Undergraduate Programme -Physics conducted by the University with effect from 2016 admissions, except for B. Voc programmes. Also applicable to distance/private Undergraduate Programme- Physics with suitable modifications. 5.2 The provisions herein supersede all the existing regulations for the regular/distance/private undergraduate Programme -Physics to the extent herein prescribed. 3 6. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME 6.1 Aims: The Board of Studies in Physics (UG) recognizes that curriculum, course content and assessment of scholastic achievement play complementary roles in shaping education. The committee is of the view that assessment should support and encourage the broad instructional goals such as basic knowledge of the discipline of Physics including phenomenology, theories and techniques, concepts and general principles. This should also support the ability to ask physical questions and to obtain solutions to physical questions by use of qualitative and quantitative reasoning and by experimental investigation. The important student attributes including appreciation of the physical world and the discipline of Physics, curiosity, creativity and reasoned skepticism and understanding links of Physics to other disciplines and to societal issues should gave encouragement. With this in mind, we aim to provide a firm foundation in every aspect of Physics and to explain a broad spectrum of modern trends in physics and to develop experimental, computational and mathematics skills of students. 1. The programme also aims to develop the following abilities: 2. Read, understand and interpret physical information – verbal, mathematical and graphical. 3. Impart skills required to gather information from resources and use them. 4. To give need based education in physics of the highest quality at the undergraduate level. 5. Offer courses to the choice of the students. 6. Perform experiments and interpret the results of observation, including making an assessment of experimental uncertainties. 7. Provide an intellectually stimulating environment to develop skills and enthusiasms of students to the best of their potential. 8. Use Information Communication Technology to gather knowledge at will. 9. Attract outstanding students from all backgrounds. 6.2 Objectives: The syllabi are framed in such a way that it bridges the gap between the plus two and post graduate levels of Physics by providing a more complete and logical framework in almost all areas of basic Physics. 4 By the end of the first year (2nd semester), the students should have attained a common level in basic mechanics, physical optics, a secure foundation in mathematics, Chemistry, Languages and other relevant subjects to complement the core for their future courses and developed their experimental and data analysis skills through experiments at laboratories. By the end of the fourth semester, the students should have been introduced to powerful tools for tackling a wide range of topics in Mechanics and Basic Electronics Semiconductor devices and circuits. Along with Languages, they should have been familiar with additional relevant techniques in mathematics, Chemistry and developed their experimental and data analysis skills through a wide range of experiments through practical at laboratories. By the end of the sixth semester, the students should have developed their understanding of core Physics by covering a range of topics in almost all areas of physics including Quantum Mechanics, Electricity and Electrodynamics, Relativity and spectroscopy, Thermal and Statistical Physics, Nuclear and Particle physics, Solid State Physics, Optoelectronics, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor etc. along with two choice based courses and had experience of independent work such as projects; seminars etc. and thereby developing their experimental skills through a series of experiments which also illustrate major themes of the lecture courses. 7. COURSE DESIGN - B. Sc. PROGRAMMES IN PHYSICS The U.G. programme in Physics must include (a) Common courses, (b) Core courses, (c) Complementary Courses, (d) Choice based courses (e) Generic elective and (f) Project. No course shall carry more than 4 credits. The student shall select any one Generic Elective course in Semester 5 offered by the Departments which offers the core courses or physical education department, depending on the availability of infrastructure facilities, in the institution. The number of Courses for the restructured programme should contain 12 compulsory core courses, 1 generic elective, 1 choice based course from the frontier area of the core courses, 6 core practicals, 1 project in the area of core, 8 complementary courses, 2 complementary practicals otherwise specified, from the relevant subjects for complementing the core of study. There should be 10 common courses, or otherwise specified, which includes the first and second language of study. 5 7.1. Programme structure Model I B. Sc A Programme Duration 6 Semesters B Total Credits required for successful completion of the Programme 120 C Credits required from Common Course I 22 D Credits required from Common Course II 16 E Credits required from Core course (including Project) and Complementary courses 79 F Generic Elective (GE) 3 G Minimum attendance required 75% Model II B. Sc A Programme Duration 6 Semesters B Total Credits required for successful completion of the Programme 120 C Credits required from Common Course I 16 D Credits required from Common Course II 8 E Credits required from Core (including Project ) + Complementary + Vocational Courses 93 F Generic Elective (GE) 3 G Minimum attendance required 75% Model III B. Sc A Programme Duration 6 Semesters B Total Credits required for successful completion of the Programme C Credits required from Common Course I D Credits required from Core I + Core II + Complementary + Project E Generic Elective (GE) F Minimum attendance required 120 8 109 3 75% 6 7.2 Courses: There shall be three different types (models) of courses in Physics programme. The programme (Model I) consists of common courses with 38 credits, core, Choice based course, Generic elective & complementary courses with 82 credits. The programme (Vocational -Model II) consists of common courses with 24 credits, core, Choice based courses, Generic elective & complementary courses with 96 credits. The programme (Model III) consists of common courses with 8 credits, core, Choice based course, Generic elective & complementary courses with 112 credits. 7.3 Scheme of Courses: The different types of courses and its number are as the following: Model- I Courses Common Courses Core Courses Project Core Practicals Generic Elective Choice based Course No. 10 12 1 6 1 1 Model- II Courses Common Courses Core Courses Project Core Practicals Generic Elective Choice based Course Vocational courses Vocational Practicals OJT Complementary Courses Complementary Courses 8 Complementary Practicals 2 41 Total Total No. 6 12 1 6 1 1 8 3 2 4 Model- III Courses Common Courses First Core Courses Project First Core Practicals Generic Elective Choice based Course Second Core Courses Second Core Practicals OJT Complementary Courses Complementary Practicals 44 Total No. 2 12 1 6 1 1 8 3 2 8 2 46 7.4. Course Code: Every course is coded using an eight digit alpha numeric code that gives a brief description on the following details. A. Subject Code (2 characters) Composed of two characters, which gives a meaningful abbreviation of the subject to which the paper belongs to. The abbreviations used here are PH – Physics, AE – Applied Electronics, CA – Computer Application, EM – Electronic Equipment Maintenance, IN – Instrumentation, and EL - Electronics B. Semester to which course belongs to (1 digit) Composed of single digit number which indicates the semester to which the paper belongs to (1to 6). In case of Practicals the number indicates the semester in which the exam in conducted. 7 C. Course type as per syllabus (2 characters) Composed of two characters which gives meaningful abbreviation of type of the course. The abbreviations used here are CM – Complementary Course, CB – Choice Based Core, CR – Core Course, GE – Generic Elective, OJ – On Job Training, PR – Project, and VO – Vocational Course D. Whether ‘Theory’ or ‘Practical’ or ‘Other’ (1 character) Letter ‘T’ is used to denote Theory papers, the letter ‘P’ for Practical papers and the letter ‘O’ to denote Other papers like Project, On Job Training, etc. E. Serial number of the course in continuous series (2 digits) Composed of two digits to indicate the paper’s relative position in the programme. Eg. 01 indicates 1st paper, 05 indicates 5th paper, etc. Sample Course Code The Course code “PH1CRT01” indicates that the paper is “Physics – 1st Semester – Core Course – Theory – 1st paper” 7.5. Courses with Credits: Courses with Credits of different courses and scheme of examinations of the programme is the following Courses Model I Credits Model II Total Credits Total Model III Credits Core Courses 46 46 46 Generic Elective 3 3 3 Choice Based Core 3 3 3 Project 2 2 2 28 Nil Vocational Courses Nil 2nd Core Courses Nil Total 54 Complementary Courses I 14 Complementary Courses II 14 Total Common Courses Nil 30 82 14 84 14 Nil 28 14 14 38 Total 24 28 8 Total 38 24 8 Grand Total 120 120 120 8 7.6. Scheme of Distribution of Instructional hours for Core courses: Model I Model II Model III Semester Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical First semester 2 2 2 2 8 4 Second semester 2 2 2 2 6 4 Third semester 3 2 3 2 9 6 Fourth semester 3 2 3 2 9 6 Fifth semester 17 8 17 8 17 8 Sixth Semester 17 8 17 8 17 8 8. DEFINITIONS 8.1 ‘Academic Week’ is a unit of five working days in which the distribution of work is organized from day one to day five, with five contact hours of one hour duration on each day. 8.2 ‘Choice Based Course’ means a course that enables the students to familiarize the advanced areas of core course. 8.3 ‘Common Course I’ means a course that comes under the category of courses for English and Environmental Studies & Human Rights and ‘Common Course II’ means additional language. 8.4 ‘Complementary Course’ means a course which would enrich the study of core courses. 8.5 ‘Core course’ means a course in the subject of specialization within a degree programme. 8.6 ‘Course’ comprises ‘Paper(s)’ which will be taught and evaluated within a programme. 8.7 ‘Credit’ is the numerical value assigned to a paper according to the relative importance of the syllabus of the programme. 8.8 ‘Generic Elective (GE)’ means an elective paper chosen from any discipline/ subject, in an advanced area. 8.9 ‘Grade’ means a letter symbol (A, B, C, etc.), which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a Paper/Course/ Semester/Programme. 8.10 ‘Grade Point’ (GP) is the numerical indicator of the percentage of marks awarded to a student in a paper. 9 8.11 ‘Paper’ means a complete unit of learning which will be taught and evaluated within a semester. 8.12 ‘Parent Department’ means the department which offers core course/courses within an undergraduate programme. 8.13 ‘Programme’ means a three year programme of study and examinations spread over six semesters, the successful completion of which would lead to the award of a degree. 8.14 ‘Semester’ means a term consisting of 90 working days, inclusive of tutorials, examination days and other academic activities within a period of six months. 8.15 ‘Vocational Course’ (Skill Enhancement Course) means a course that enables the students to enhance their practical skills and ability to pursue a vocation in their subject of specialization. 9. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION AND RESERVATION OF SEATS 9.1 Eligibility for admission, norms for admission and reservation of seats for various Undergraduate Programmes shall be according to the regulations framed/orders issued by the University in this regard, from time to time. 9.2 Students can opt for any one of the Generic Elective Papers offered by different departments of the college in fifth semester (subject to the availability of vacancy in the concerned discipline).If the number of applications exceeds the number of vacancies for a particular Generic elective paper, priority will be given to the students from the parent department (core subject). Selection of students in the generic elective paper will be done in the college based on merit and interest of the students. 10. DURATION OF COURSE 10.1 The duration of U.G. Programmes shall be 6 semesters. 10.2 A student may be permitted to complete the programme, on valid reasons, within a period of 12 continuous semesters from the date of commencement of the first semester of the programme. 11. ATTENDANCE Students having a minimum of 75% average attendance for all the courses only can register for the examination. Attendance Evaluation (For all papers) % of attendance Marks 90 and above 5 85 – 89 4 80-84 3 76-79 2 75 1 (Decimals are to be rounded to the next higher whole number) 10 12. MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION Medium of instructions can be either in English or Malayalam. 13. EXAMINATIONS & EVALUATIONS. 13.1 Evaluation of each paper The evaluation of each paper shall contain two parts: (i) Internal or In-Semester Assessment (ISA) (ii) External or End-Semester Assessment (ESA) The internal to external assessment ratio shall be 1:4. There shall be a maximum of 80 marks for external evaluation and maximum of 20 marks for internal evaluation. Both internal and external marks are to be mathematically rounded to the nearest integer. For all papers (theory & practical), grades are given on a 10-point scale based on the total percentage of marks, (ISA+ESA) as given below:Percentage of Marks 95 and above 85 to below 95 75 to below 85 65 to below 75 55 to below 65 45 to below 55 40 to below 45 Below 40 Grade S A+ A B+ B C D F Ab Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Above Average Satisfactory Pass failure Absent Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 13.2 CREDIT POINT AND CREDIT POINT AVERAGE Credit Point (CP) of a paper is calculated using the formula:CP = C × GP, where C is the Credit and GP is the Grade point Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of a Semester is calculated using the formula:SGPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of that semester, � , ∑� CPi; TC is the Total Credit of that semester� , ∑� Ci, where n is the number of papers in that semester Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated using the formula:CGPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of that programme� , ∑� CPi; TC is the Total Credit of that programme, ie, ∑� Ci , where n is the number of papers in that programme Grade Point Average (GPA) of a Course (Common Course I, Common Course II, Complementary Course I, Complementary Course II, Vocational course, Core Course) is calculated using the formula:GPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of course ie, ∑� CPi; 11 TC is the Total Credit of that course, ie, ∑� Ci, Where n is the number of papers in that course. Grades for the different courses, semesters and overall programme are given based on the corresponding CPA as shown below: GPA Grade 9.5 and above S 8.5 to below 9.5 A+ Excellent 7.5 to below 8.5 A 6.5 to below 7.5 B+ Good 5.5 to below 6.5 B Above Average 4.5 to below 5.5 C Satisfactory 4.0 to below 4.5 D Pass Below 4.0 F Failure Outstanding Very Good Note: A separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and practical) and aggregate minimum of 40% are required for a pass for each paper .For a pass in a candidate secures F Grade for any one of the papers offered in a semester/programme only F grade will be awarded for that Semester/Programme until he/she improves this to D grade or above within the permitted period. 13.3 Marks distribution for external examination and internal evaluation The external theory examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University at the end of each semester. Internal evaluation is to be done by continuous assessment. For all papers (theory and practical) total marks of external examination is 80 and total marks of internal evaluation is 20. Marks distribution for external and internal assessments and the components for internal evaluation with their marks are shown below: Components of the internal evaluation and their marks are as below. 13. 3.1 For all theory papers a) Marks of external Examination : 80 b) Marks of internal evaluation : 20 All the three components of the internal assessment are mandatory. Components of evaluation Attendance Assignment/Seminar/Viva Test Paper(s) (1 or2) (1x10=10; 2x5=10) Total 12 MARKS 5 5 10 20 13. 3.2 For all practical papers (conducted only at the end of even semesters) a) Marks of external Examination : 80 b) Marks of internal evaluation : 20 All the three components of the internal assessment are mandatory. Components of Evaluation Attendance Record* Lab involvement Total Marks 5 10 5 20 *Marks awarded for Record should be related to number of experiments recorded. 13. 3.3 For projects All students are to do a project in the area of core course. This project can be done individually or in groups (not more than five students) for all subjects which may be carried out in or outside the campus. The projects are to be identified during the II semester of the programme with the help of the supervising teacher. The report of the project in duplicate is to be submitted to the department at the sixth semester and are to be produced before the examiners appointed by the University. External Project evaluation and Viva / Presentation is compulsory for all subjects and will be conducted at the end of the programme. a) Marks of external Examination : 80 b) Components of Evaluation (External) Dissertation (External) Marks 50 Viva-Voce(External) 30 Total 80 Marks of internal evaluation: 20 (All the four components of the internal assessment are mandatory) Components of Internal Evaluation Marks Punctuality 5 Experimentation/Data Collection 5 Knowledge 5 Report 5 Total 20 13. 3.4 OJT Evaluation (Internal evaluation: 100 marks) Components of Internal Evaluation Punctuality Marks 20 Knowledge 20 Experimentation 20 Report 25 Presentation & Viva Voce 15 Total 100 13 13.4 Assignments Assignments are to be done from 1st to 4th Semesters, At least one assignment should be done in each semester for all papers. 13.5 Seminar/ Viva A student shall present a seminar in the 5th semester and appear for Viva- voce in the 6th semester for all papers. 13.6 Internal assessment test papers At least one internal test- paper is to be attended in each semester for each paper. The evaluations of all components are to be published and are to be acknowledged by the candidates. All documents of internal assessments are to be kept in the college for two years and shall be made available for verification by the University. The responsibility of evaluating the internal assessment is vested on the teacher(s) who teach the paper. 13.7 External examination The external theory examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University of the end of each semester. 13.7.1 Students having a minimum of 75% average attendance for all the course only can register for the examination, 13.7.2 There will be no supplementary exams. For reappearance/ improvement, the students can appear along with the next batch. 13.7.3 A candidate who has not secured minimum marks/credits in internal examinations can re-do the same registering along with the University examination for the same semester, subsequently. 14. CONDUCT OF PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS 14.1 Practical examinations will be conducted only at the end of even semesters for all programmes. 14.2 Pattern of questions for external examination of practical papers will be decided by the concerned Board of practical examination. 15 PATTERN OF QUESTIONS (Theory papers) Questions shall be set to assess, knowledge acquired, standard application of knowledge, application of knowledge in new situations, critical evaluation of knowledge and the ability to synthesize knowledge. The question setter shall ensure that questions covering all skills are set. He/ She shall also submit a detailed scheme of evaluation along with the question paper. A question paper shall be a judicious mix of very short type, short answer type, short essay type/ problem solving type and long essay type questions 14 Short Answer Total no. of No of questions Marks for Total questions to be answered each Question marks 12 9 2 18 Answer 9 6 4 24 Problem/Short Essay 5 3 6 18 Essay 4 2 10 20 Total 30 20 15 80 16. Consolidated Scheme for I to VI semesters Credits 5 4 90 3 20 80 English II/ Common Course I 4 3 72 3 20 80 Second Language I 4 4 72 3 20 80 PH1CRT01 - Mechanics I 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary I: Mathematics I 4 3 72 3 20 80 Complementary II: Chemistry I 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and Optics 2 - 36 - - - Complementary II Practical I 2 - 36 - - - English II 5 4 90 3 20 80 English III/ Common Course II 4 3 72 3 20 80 Second Language II 4 4 72 3 20 80 PH2CRT02 – Optics 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary I: Mathematics II 4 3 72 3 20 80 Complementary II: Chemistry II 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and Optics Complementary II Practical I 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 English 5 4 90 3 20 80 II Lang/Common Course I 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH3CRT03 – Mechanics II 3 3 54 3 20 80 3 Complementary I: Mathematics III 5 4 90 3 20 80 Complementary II: Chemistry III 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Complementary II Practical II 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - Title of the Course III 16 Total hrs Hours\week 2 Marks English I Semester 1 University Exam duration 1. B. Sc. Physics Programme – (Model - I) IA EA English 4 5 6 IV 5 4 90 3 20 80 II Lang/ Common Course II 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH4CRT04 Basic Electronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 Complementary I: Mathematics IV 5 4 90 3 20 80 Complementary II: Chemistry IV 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Complementary II Practical II 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 PH5CRT05 – Quantum Mechanics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH5CRT06 – Electricity and Electrodynamics 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT07 – Relativity and Spectroscopy 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT08 – Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 3 54 3 20 80 Generic Elective 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6CRT09 Nuclear, Particle physics and Astrophysics PH6CRT10 - Solid State Physics 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 3 3 54 3 20 80 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH6CRT11 – Optoelectronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH6CRT12 Digital Electronics & Microprocessor Choice Based Course 4 3 72 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6PRO01 – Project 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 - 2 - - 20 80 17 2. B. Sc. Physics Programme – (Model -II) 3 English I Second Language I PH1CRT01 - Mechanics I Complementary I – Mathematics I 5 5 2 5 4 4 2 3 90 90 36 90 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 AE1VOT01 Principle of Electronics Components AE1VOT02 - Electronics Application 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics & Optics 2 - 36 - - - Vocational Practical –I: AE2VOP01 2 - 36 - - - English II Second language II PH2CRT02 – Optics Complementary I – Mathematics II AE2VOT03 - Basics of power Electronics AE2VOT04 - Power Electronics 5 5 2 5 2 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 90 90 36 72 36 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics & Optics 2 2 36 3 20 80 Vocational Practical I: AE2VOP01 2 2 36 3 20 80 English III PH3CRT03 – Mechanics II Complementary I – Mathematics III AE3VOT05 - Linear Integrated Circuits AE3VOT06 - Communication Electronics 5 3 5 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 90 54 90 54 54 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 Core Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics & Electronics 2 - 36 - - - Vocational Practical II: AE4VOP02 2 - 36 - - - Vocational Practical III: AE4VOP03 2 - 36 - - - Title of the Course 18 Unty. Exam duration Total hrs/sem 2 Credits 1 Hrs \week Semester Vocational Subject 1: APPLIED ELECTRONICS Marks EA IA English IV PH4CRT04 Basic Electronics Complementary I – Mathematics IV 4 AE4VOT07 Microprocessor and Interfacing Devices AE4VOT08 - Applications of Microprocessors Core Practical II PH4 CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Vocational Practical II: AE4VOP02 Vocational Practical III: AE4VOP03 AE4OJO01: On Job Training 5 6 PH5CRT05 – Quantum Mechanics PH5CRT06 – Electricity and PH5CRT07 – Relativity and Spectroscopy PH5CRT08 – Thermal and Statistical Generic Elective Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6CRT09 Nuclear, Particle physics and Astrophysics PH6CRT10 - Solid State Physics PH6CRT11 – Optoelectronics PH6CRT12 Digital Electronics and Micro Processors Choice Based Course Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6PRO01 – Project 19 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 90 54 90 3 3 3 20 20 20 80 80 80 54 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 0 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 54 72 72 54 54 3 3 3 3 3 100 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 3 3 54 3 20 80 4 3 3 3 72 54 3 3 20 20 80 80 4 3 72 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 - 2 - - 20 80 Credits hrs/semester Unty. Exam duration English I 5 4 90 3 20 80 Second Language I 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH1CRT01 – Mechanics I 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary I – Mathematics I 5 3 90 3 20 80 CA1VOT01 - Computer Fundamentals 2 2 36 3 20 80 CA1VOT02 Operating System and Computer Networks Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics & Optics Vocational Practical I: CA2VOP01 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - English II 5 4 90 3 20 80 Second Language II 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH2CRT02 – Optics 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary I – Mathematics II 5 3 72 3 20 80 CA2VOT03 Word and Data processing Packages CA2VOT04 - Programming in ANSI C 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics & Optics Vocational Practical 2 CA2 V0P01 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 English III 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH3CRT03 – Mechanics II 3 3 54 3 20 80 Complementary I – Mathematics III 5 4 90 3 20 80 CA3VOT05 Concepts of Object Oriented Programming CA3VOT06 - C++ PROGRAMMING 3 3 54 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Vocational Practical II: CA4VOP02 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - Vocational Practical III: CA4VOP03 2 - 36 - - - Semester Hours\week Vocational Subject 2: COMPUTER APPLICATION 1 2 3 Title of the Course 20 marks IA EA 4 5 6 English IV 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH4CRT04 - Basic Electronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 Complementary I – Mathematics IV 5 4 90 3 20 80 CA4VOT07 - Visual Basic Programming 3 3 54 3 20 80 CA4VOT08 Computer Web Application and Graphics Core Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Vocational Practical II: CA4VOP02 3 3 54 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 Vocational Practical III: CA4VOP03 2 2 36 3 20 80 CA4OJO01 - On Job Training 0 2 100 - PH5CRT05 – Quantum Mechanics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH5CRT06 – Electricity and Electrodynamics 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT07 – Relativity and Spectroscopy 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT08 – Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 3 54 3 20 80 Generic Elective 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6CRT09 Nuclear, Particle physics and Astrophysics PH6CRT10 - Solid State Physics 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - 3 3 54 3 20 80 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH6CRT11 – Optoelectronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH6CRT12 Digital Electronics & Microprocessor Choice Based Course 4 3 72 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6PRO01 – Project 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 - 2 - - 20 80 21 Generic Elective Courses for Model I and Model II B. Sc. Physics Programmes Sl. No. Semester Paper Title 1 V PH5GET01: Material Science 2 V PH5GET02: Computational Physics 3 V PH5GET03: Instrumentation Choice Based Course for Model I and Model II B. Sc. Physics Programmes Sl. No. Semester Paper Title 1 VI PH6CBT01: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 VI PH6CBT02: Renewable Energy 3 VI PH6CBT03: Astronomy and Astrophysics 22 3. B. Sc. Physics (Model -III) Programme (2 Core Courses) University Exam duration 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH1CRT01 – Mechanics I 2 2 36 3 20 80 EM1CRT01 - Principles of Electronics 3 2 54 3 20 80 EM1CRT02 - Communication Engineering 3 2 54 3 20 80 1 Complementary I: Mathematics I 4 3 72 3 20 80 Complementary II : CA1CMT01 Computer Fundamentals 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core 1 Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and optics Core 2 Practical I: EM2CRP01 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - Complementary II Practical I: CA2CMP01 2 - 36 - - - English II 5 4 90 3 20 80 PH2CRT02 – Optics 2 2 36 3 20 80 EM2CRT03 - Power Electronics 3 2 54 3 20 80 EM2CRT04 – Analogue Integrated Circuits 3 2 54 3 20 80 Complementary I – Mathematics II 4 3 72 3 20 80 2 Complementary II: CA2CMT02 Object oriented programming with C++ Core 1 Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and optics Core 2 Practical I: EM2CRP01 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary II Practical I: CA2CMP01 2 2 36 3 20 80 EM2OJO01- On Job Training I 0 2 0 - 100 - No. of hours per week No. of Credits English I Semester Total hrs/semester (1) ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Title of the Course 23 marks IA EA 3 4 5 PH3CRT03 – Mechanics II 3 3 54 3 20 80 EM3CRT05 Microprocessor and its applications EM3CRT06 Trouble Shooting of Audio Equipments Complementary I - Mathematics III 3 3 54 3 20 80 3 3 54 3 20 80 5 4 90 3 20 80 Complementary II: CA3CMT03 Java Programming Language Core 1 Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Core 2 Practical II: EM4CRP02 3 3 54 3 20 80 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - Core 2 Practical III: EM4CRP03 2 - 36 - - - Complementary II Practical II: CA4CMP02 2 - 36 - - - PH4CRT04 - Basic Electronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 EM4CRT07 - Network Theory 3 3 54 3 20 80 EM4CRT08 Trouble Shooting of Video Equipments 3 3 54 3 20 80 Complementary I: Mathematics IV 5 4 90 3 20 80 Complementary II: CA4CMT04 The Java Library 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core 1 Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics Core 2 Practical II: EM4CRP02 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 Core 2 Practical III: EM4CRP03 2 2 36 3 20 80 Complementary II Practical II: CA4CMP02 2 2 36 3 20 80 EM4OJ02: On Job Training II 0 2 0 - 100 - PH5CRT05 – Quantum Mechanics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH5CRT06 – Electricity and Electrodynamics 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT07 – Relativity and spectroscopy 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH5CRT08 – Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 3 54 3 20 80 Generic Elective (core 2) 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core 1 Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core 1 Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core 1 Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core 1 Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics 2 - 36 - - 80 2 - 36 - - 80 2 - 36 - - 80 2 - 36 - - 80 24 6 PH6CRT09 Nuclear, Particle physics and Astrophysics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH6CRT10 - Solid State Physics 4 3 72 3 20 80 PH6CRT11 – Optoelectronics 3 3 54 3 20 80 PH6CCRT12 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 4 3 72 3 20 80 Choice Based Course (core 2) 3 3 54 3 20 80 Core 1 Practical III: PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core 1 Practical IV: PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core 1 Practical V: PH6CRP05 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core 1 Practical VI: PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6BO6U Project 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 - 3 20 80 - Generic Elective (core 2) for B. Sc. Physics (Model III) EEM Programme Sl. No. Semester Paper Title 1 V EM5GET01: IC Technology 2 V EM5GET02: Digital Signal Processing 3 V EM5GET03: Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Choice Based Course (core 2) for B. Sc. Physics (Model III) EEM Programme Sl. Semester Paper Title 1 VI EM6CBT01: Computer Hardware And Networking 2 VI EM6CBT02: Modern Communication Systems 3 VI EM6CBT03: Advanced Networks and Systems No. 25 2 3 Total hrs/semester University Exam duration Credits 1 hours \ week Semester (2) INSTRUMENTATION English - I PH1CRT01 – Mechanics I IN1CRT01 - Basics of Mechanical Engineering IN1CRT02 - Basic Instrumentation Complementary I: Mathematics I Complementary II: EL1CMT01 Electronics I Core 1 Practical I: PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and optics Core 2 Practical I: IN2CRP01 Complementary II Practical I: EL2CMP01 English II PH2CRT02 – Optics IN2CRT03 - Basic Measurements IN2CRT04 - Industrial Instrumentation 1 Complementary I: Mathematics II Complementary II: EL2CMT02 Electronics II Core 1 Practical I:PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and optics Core 2 Practical I: IN2CRP01 Complementary II Practical I: EL2CMP01 5 2 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 3 90 36 54 54 72 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 - 36 - - - 2 2 5 2 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 3 36 36 90 36 54 54 72 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 2 2 36 36 3 3 20 20 80 80 IN2OJO01 - On Job Training I PH3CRT03 – Mechanics II 0 3 2 3 54 3 100 20 80 IN3CRT05- Industrial Instrumentation 2 3 3 54 3 20 80 IN3CRT06 - Transducers and Signal Conditioners 3 3 54 3 20 80 Complementary I: Mathematics III 5 4 90 3 20 80 Complementary II: EL3CMT03 Electronics III Core 1 Practical II: PH4CRP02 Mechanics and electronics Core 2 Practical II: IN4CRP02 3 3 54 3 20 80 2 - 36 - - - 2 - 36 - - - Core 2 Practical III: IN4CRP03 2 - 36 - - - Complementary II Practical II: EL4CMP02 2 - 36 - - - Title of the Course 26 Marks IA EA 4 5 6 PH4CRT04: Basic Electronics 3 IN4CRT07 - Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3 IN4CRT08 - Industrial Automation 3 Complementary I: Mathematics IV 5 Complementary II: EL4CMT04 - Electronics IV 3 Core 1 Practical II: PH4CRP02 2 Mechanics and Electronics Core 2 Practical II: IN4CRP02 2 Core 2 Practical III: IN4CRP03 2 Complementary II Practical II: EL4CMP02 2 IN4OJO02 - On Job Training II 0 PH5CRT05 – Quantum Mechanics 3 PH5CRT06 – Electricity and Electrodynamics 4 PH5CRT07 – Relativity and spectroscopy 4 PH5CRT08 – Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 Generic Elective (core 2) 3 Core 1 Practical III: PH6CRP03 2 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core 1 Practical IV: PH6CRP04 2 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core 1 Practical V: PH6CRP05 2 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core 1 Practical VI: PH6CRP06 2 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6CRT09 3 Nuclear, Particle physics and Astrophysics PH6CRT10 - Solid State Physics 4 PH6CRT11 – Optoelectronics 3 PH6CRT12 - Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 4 Choice Based Course (core 2) 3 Core 1 Practical III: PH6CRP03 2 Electricity and Spectroscopy Core 1 Practical IV: PH6CRP04 2 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Core 1 Practical V: PH6CRP05 2 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter Core 1 Practical VI: PH6CRP06 2 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics PH6PRO01 – Project - 27 3 3 3 4 3 72 54 72 90 72 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 2 36 3 20 80 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 - 36 36 36 54 72 72 54 54 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 100 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 20 80 - 36 3 20 80 - 36 3 20 80 - 36 3 20 80 3 54 3 20 80 3 3 3 3 2 72 3 54 3 72 3 54 3 36 3 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 20 80 2 36 3 20 80 2 36 3 20 80 2 36 3 20 80 2 - 3 20 80 Generic Elective (core 2) for B. Sc. Physics (Model III) Instrumentation Sl. No. Semester Paper Title 1 V IN5GET01 - Digital Electronics 2 V IN5GET02 -Process Control Instrumentation 3 V IN5GET03-Biomedical Instrumentation Choice Based Course (core 2) for B. Sc. Physics (Model III) Instrumentation Sl. Semester Paper Title 1 VI IN6CBT01- Analytical Instrumentation 2 VI 3 VI IN6CBT02 Ultrasonic and Optoelectronic Instrumentation IN6CBT03 - Power Plant Instrumentation No. 28 17. SYLLABUS CORE & COPLIMENTARY 17.1 B.Sc. Physics Programme (Model -I) Semester-1 36 hours (Credit – 2) Core Course: I PH1CRT01: MECHANICS-I Module I Elasticity (10 hours) Basic ideas on elasticity, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, isothermal and adiabatic elasticities, rigidity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, relations connecting various elastic constants, work done per unit volume in deforming a body, angle of twist and angle of shear, work done in twisting a wire or rod, determination of rigidity modulus (static and dynamic methods) bending of beams, uniform and non-uniform bending, bending moment, flexural rigidity, cantilever, I –section girders. Text book: Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya-Chapter 12 Module II Oscillations (12 hours) Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion and harmonic oscillator, energy of a harmonic oscillator, examples of harmonic oscillator, simple and compound pendulum, anharmonic oscillator, composition of two simple harmonic motions of equal periods in a straight line, composition of two rectangular simple harmonic motions of equal periods: Lissajous figures, damping force, damped harmonic oscillator, examples of damped harmonic oscillator, power dissipation, quality factor, forced harmonic oscillator, resonance. Text book: Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya-Chapter9,10 Module III Wave motion (8 hours) General equation of wave motion, plane progressive harmonic wave, energy density, intensity of a wave, superposition of waves, beats, transverse waves in stretched strings, modes. Text book: Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya-Chapter11 29 Module IV Acoustics (6 hours) Intensity of sound- decibel and bel, loudness of sound, ultrasonics, piezoelectric effect, production of ultrasonic waves- piezo electric crystal method, properties of ultrasonic waves, determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid, application of ultrasonic waves, reverberation, Sabine’s formula (derivation not required), absorption coefficient, acoustics of buildings, noise pollution. Text book: Properties of Matter and Acoustics by Murugeshan and K. Sivaprasath-Unit 4 Text books: 1. Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya, Ramprasad publications 2. Properties of Matter and Acoustics by Murugeshan and K. Sivaprasath, S. Chand References: 1. Mechanics by Hans and Puri, TMH 2. Mechanics by D.S. Mathur and P.S. Hemne, S. Chand. 3. Properties of Matter by Mathur, S. Chand, 4. Mechanics by Somnath Datta, Pearson 5. Mechanics by H.D Young and R.A Freedman, Pearson. 30 Semester-2 36 hours (Credit – 2) Core Course: II PH2CRT02: OPTICS Module I Basic ideas about light (6 hours) The four important theories about the nature of light- Corpuscular theory, Wave theory, Electromagnetic theory, Quantum theory. Optical path and geometrical path. Fermat’s principle of least time, Fermat’s principle of extreme path, proof for laws of reflection by Fermat’s principle, proof for laws of refraction by Fermat’s principle. Text book: Optics by Subramanayam, Brijlal and M.N Avadhanulu- Chapter 1 and 2 Module II Interference (12 hours) Review of basic ideas of interference, Coherent waves-Optical path and phase changesuperposition of waves-theory of interference-intensity distribution. Young’s double slit experiment, Coherence-Conditions for interference. Thin films-plane parallel film- interference due to reflected light-conditions for brightness and darkness-interference due to transmitted light-Haidinger fringes-interference in wedge shaped film-colours in thin films-Newton’s rings-applications. Michelsoninterferometerconstruction-working and applications. Text book: Optics by N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu-Chapter 14 and 15 Module III Diffraction (9 hours) Fresnel Diffraction – Huygens- Fresnel theory –zone plate –Difference between zone plate and convex lens. Comparison between interference and diffraction –diffraction pattern due to a straight edge, single silt. Fraunhoffer diffraction at a single slit, double slit, theory of plane transmission grating. Dispersive power and resolving power of grating. Text book: Optics by N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu-Chapter 17, 18 and 19 31 Module IV Polarization (9hours) Concept of polarization – plane of polarization- Types of polarized light-production of plane polarized light by reflection-refraction. Malu’s law-Polarization by double refraction- calcite crystal. Anisotropic crystals-optic axis-Double refraction-Huygens explanation of double refraction. Retarders - Quarter wave plate and Half wave plate. Production and Detection of plane, elliptically and circularly polarized light-Optical Activity- specific rotation. Text book: Optics by N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu-Chapter 20 Text book: Optics by N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu, S.Chand (25th edition) References 1. Optics, E Hecht and AR Ganesan, Pearson 2. Optics, 3rd edition, Ajoy Ghatak, TMH 3. Optical Electronics, Ajoy Ghatak and K Thyagarajan, Cambridge 4. Optics and Atomic Physics, D P Khandelwal, Himalaya Pub. House 5. Optics, S K Srivastava, CBS Pub. N Delhi 6. A Text book of Optics, S L Kakani, K L Bhandari, S Chand. 32 Semester-3 54 hours (Credit – 3) Core Course: III PH3CRT03: MECHANICS-II Module I Frames of reference (7 hours) Inertial frames of reference, Conservation of Momentum, Non inertial frames and fictitious forces, Rotating frames of reference, Centrifugal force and Coriolis force, Foucault’s pendulum. Text book: Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya- Chapter 2 Energy (8 hours) Conservation laws, kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, conservative forces, potential energy, conservation of energy for a particle: energy function, potential energy curve, Non conservative forces Text book : Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya-Chapter 5 Module II Momentum and collision dynamics (10 hours) Conservation of linear momentum, centre of mass, motion of the centre of mass, centre of mass frame of reference, determination of centre of mass, collision of two particles, deflection of a moving particle by a particle at rest, impact, rockets, angular momentum and torque, motion under central force, areal velocity conservation, conservation of angular momentum with examples. Text book : Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya- Chapter 6 Potentials and fields (9 hours) Central force, inverse square law force, potential energy of a system of masses, gravitational field and potential, escape velocity, Kepler’s laws, Newton’s deductions from Kepler’s laws. Text book : Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya- Chapter 7 33 Hydrodynamics (6 hours) Streamline and turbulent flows, equation of continuity, energy possessed by a liquid, Bernoulli’s theorem, Torricelli’s theorem, venturimeter. Text book : Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya- Chapter 14 Module III Lagrangian formulations of Classical Mechanics (11 hours) Constraints, generalized co-ordinates, principle of virtual work, D’Alembert’s principle, Lagrange’s equations, kinetic energy in generalized co-ordinates, generalized momentum, cyclic co-ordinates, Conservation laws and symmetry properties, Hamiltonian. Text book: Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhyaya-Chapter 2 & 3. Error analysis (3 hours) Precision and accuracy, types of errors, reading error of instrument, calibration error, random error, analysis of data, standard deviation, propagation of errors. Text book: Advanced course in Practical Physics by D Chattopadhyay- Chapter 1 Text books: 1. Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya, Ramprasad Pub. 2. Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhyaya, Himalaya Pub. 3. Advanced course in Practical Physics by D Chattopadhyay, Central Book References: 1. Mechanics- Hans and Puri, TMH 2. Mechanics-D.S.Mathur, S.Chand. 3. Classical Mechanics-Takwale and Puranik, TMH. 4. Classical mechanics- K.SankaraRao, PHI. 34 Semester-IV Core Course: IV Credit-3 (54 hours) PH4CRT04: BASIC ELECTRONICS Module I (14 hours) Semiconducting diodes and applications PN Junction, Depletion layer, Barrier potential, Biasing- forward and reverse, Reverse breakdown, Junction capacitance and diffusion capacitance- PN Juction diode – V-I characteristics–Diode parameters, Diode current Equation, Diode testing, Ideal diode. Zener diode and reverse characteristics. Thermistors. Rectification - Half wave, Full wave, Centre tapped, Bridge rectifier circuits - Nature of rectified output, Efficiency & Ripple factor-Filter circuits – Inductor Filter, Capacitor Filter, LC Filter, � Filter-Regulated Power supplies - Zener diode voltage regulator-Voltage multipliers – Doubler & Tripler- Wave shaping circuits - Clipper-Positive, negative and biased – Clampers- Positive, negative and biased. Text Book: Basic Electronics-B.L.Theraja Chapters 13,14,15,17 Text Book: A Text Book of Applied Electronics-R.S.Sedha Chapters-11, 12, 19,20,33 Module II (24 hours) Transistors, Amplifiers and Oscillators Bipolar junction transistors, Transistor biasing, CB, CC, CE configurations and their characteristics-Active, saturation and cut-off regions. Current gain α, , and their relationships. Leakage currents- Thermal runaway. DC operating point and AC and DC Load line, Q-Point. Need for biasing-Stabilization- Voltage divider bias. Single stage transistor Amplifiers-CE amplifier - amplification factors. Decibel system, Variations in Amplifier gain with frequency. Basic principles of feedback, positive & negative feedback, Advantages of negative feedback, negative feedback circuits – voltage series &shunt, current series & shunt. 35 Oscillatory Circuits, LC oscillators – Hartley Oscillator, Colpit’s Oscillator, RC oscillators Phase shift Oscillator. Astable and monostable multivibrator (basic idea only) Text Book: Basic Electronics-B.L.Theraja-Chapters 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29. Text Book: A Text Book of Applied Electronics-R.S.Sedha Chapters 14, 15, 22,24, 29,31,32 Module III (16 hours) FET, Operational Amplifier & Modulation FETs, JFET & MOSFET - characteristics – FET Parameters. Comparison between FET and BJT. ICs (familiarisation) OP-amp- Symbol and terminals. Characteristics of ideal OP-amp, CMRR, Applications inverting, Non-inverting, Unity follower and Summing amplifiers. Types of modulation - Amplitude modulation- modulation index - Analysis of AM wave – Sidebands –bandwidth- AM Demodulation. Frequency Modulation –Frequency deviation and carrier swing, FM sidebands. Text Book: Basic Electronics-B. L. Theraja - Chapters 26, 30, 31 Text Book: A Text Book of Applied Electronics-R.S.Sedha-Chapter-16, 35 Text Books: 1. Basic Electronics-B.L.Theraja: S.Chand Co. 2. A Text Book of Applied Electronics-R.S.Sedha: S.Chand Co. References: 1. Principles of electronics, VK Mehta, S Chand 2. Basic Electronics(7th Edition), Malvino and Bates, TMH 3. Electronics Fundamentals and Applications- D. Chattopadhyay and P.G.Rakshit, New Age International Publishers. 4. Electronics: Fundamentals of Analog circuits, Thomas L. Floyd, David Buchla, Prentice Hall 5. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Prentice Hall 6. Basic Electronics, Debashis De , Pearson 2010 7. Basic Electronics, Santiram Kal, PHI 2010 36 Semester-V Core Course: V Credits-3 (54 hours) PH5CRT05: QUANTUM MECHANICS Module I Historical development and origin of quantum theory (16 hours) Failure of classical physics- Black Body radiation-Planck’s radiation law, Photoelectric effect-Einstein’s explanation, Specific heat of solids-Einstein’s formula, Hydrogen atomBohr model Failure of old quantum theory-Bohr’s correspondence principle-Wave particle Dualism-Dual nature of light-Compton effect, Dual nature of matter- De Broglie hypothesis, Davisson-Germer Experiment, De Broglie waves-Group and phase velocities Text Book: A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics- G Aruldhas-Chapter 1 Module II General Formalism of Quantum Mechanics (18 hours) Linear vector space- Hilbert space- Orthogonality- Linear operator-Eigen functions and eigen values- Hermitian operator- Schmidt orthogonalization procedure- Postulates of Quantum Mechanics- wave function, Operators, Expectation value, Eigen value, Time developmentSimultaneous measurability- General uncertainty relation- angular momentum operators LX , Ly, LZ and their basic commutation relations. Text Book: A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics- G Aruldhas-Chapter 3 and 8 Module III Schrodinger equation and its applications (20 hours) Time dependent Schrodinger equation- interpretation of wave function- Ehrenfest theoremExtension to three dimensions- Time independent Schrödinger equation- Stationary statesAdmissibility conditions of wave function-general properties of one dimensional Schrödinger equation- harmonic oscillator- particle in a box - one dimensional barrier problem- square potential barrier- tunneling- Alpha emission Text Book: A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics- G Aruldhas-Chapter 2 and 4. Text Book: 1. A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics- G Aruldhas- (2nd Edition)- PHI References: 1. Concepts of Modern Physics- Arthur Beiser, TMH 2. Introductory Quantum Mechanics- RI Liboff, Pearson 3. Quantum Physics- Gasiorowicz,John Wiely 4. Quantum Mechanics- Griffith, Pearson 37 Semester-V Core Course: VI Credits-3 (72 hours) PH5CRT06: ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRODYNAMICS Module I (18 hours) Alternating Current and Network Theorems EMF induced in a coil rotating in a magnetic field- Analysis of LCR series circuits- LCR parallel resonant circuit- comparison- Power in ac circuits- Wattless current- choke coiltransformer- skin effect. Ideal voltage source and current source- Superposition theorem-Reciprocity theoremThevenin’s theorem- Norton’s theorem-Maximum power transfer theorem. Text Book: Electricity and Magnetism, R. Murugeshan- Chapter 13 and 18 Module II (16 hours) Transient Current and Thermo electricity Growth and decay of current in an LR circuit- Charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistor- Measurement of high resistance by leakage- BG- Growth and decay of charge in an LCR circuit. Seebeck effect-Laws of thermo emf-measurement of thermo emf using potentiometerPeltier effect- SG Starling method- Thomson effect- Thermodynamics of thermocoupleThermo electric diagrams – uses. Text Book: Electricity and Magnetism, R. Murugeshan- Chapter 12 and 8. Module III (24 hours) Electrostatics and Magnetostatics Coulomb’s law and electric field- Field due to continues charge- electric flux densityGauss Law and its applications- Electric potential- Relationship between E and V- Energy density in electrostatic field. Boundary conditions of E. 38 Biot-Savart’s law- Ampere’s circuital law and its applications- Magnetic flux densityMaxwells’s equation for static fields- Magnetic scalar and vector potential. Boundary conditions of B. Text Book: Principles of Electromagnetics, Mathew N.O Sadiku Chapter 3, 4, 6 and 7 Module IV (14 hours) Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic wave propagation Faraday’s law- Transformer and motional emf, Displacement current- Maxwell’s equations in final forms- Time varying potential. Electromagnetic wave in vacuum- Plane waves in Free space - Power and Poynting vectorPoynting’s theorem. Text Book: Principles of Electromagnetics, Mathew N.O Sadiku- Chapter8 and 9 Text Book: Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J Griffiths-Chapter 9 Text Books: 1. Electricity and Magnetism, R. Murugeshan, 1stEdition(Revised) 2006, S Chand. 2. Principles of Electromagnetics, Mathew N.O Sadiku- 4th Edition 2009, Oxford 3. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J Griffiths –3rd Edition 2007, Pearson. References: 1. Fundamentals of Magnetism and Electricity, D.N Vasudeva - S Chand 2. Electricity and Magnetism, KK Tewari- S Chand 3. Electricity and Electronics, Saxena, Arora and Prakash- Pragati Prakashan 4. Classical Electromagnetism, Jerrold Franklin- Pearson 5. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, KD Prasad- Satya Prakashan 6. Field and wave Electromagnetics, David K Cheng- Pearson. 39 Core Course: VII Credits-3 (72 hours) PH5CRT07: RELATIVITY AND SPECTROSCOPY Module I Atomic Spectroscopy (21 hours) Early atomic spectra- Hydrogen spectrum- angular momentum – Larmor precession-energy of magnetic moment in a magnetic field- Vector atom model- spin orbit interaction- spectra of alkali atoms- angular momentum of many electron atoms- energy levels and spectral transitions of helium- Normal Zeeman effect- anomalous Zeeman effect- Paschen Bach effect- Stark effect. Text Book: Molecular structure and Spectroscopy,G Aruldas- Chapter3. Module II Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy (18 hours) Interaction of radiation with rotating molecules- Rotation al spectra of rigid diatomic molecule- isotope effect in rotational spectra - intensity of rotational lines – Spectra of non rigid rotator- vibrational excitation effect- linear polyatomic molecules- vibrational energy of a diatomic molecules-infrared selection rules- vibrating diatomic molecules- diatomic vibrating rotator-asymmetry of rotation vibration band. Text Book: Molecular structure and Spectroscopy,G Aruldas- Chapter 6 and 7. Module III Raman, NMR and ESR Spectroscopy (15 hours) Classical and quantum theories of Raman effect- rotational Raman spectra - Vibrational Raman spectra -Mutual exclusion Rule . Text Book: Molecular structure and Spectroscopy, G Aruldas- Chapter 8. NMR Spectroscopy- Basic principles and instrumentation- Medical applications of NM R Text Book: Molecular structure and spectroscopy, G Aruldas- Chapter 10 (Sections 10.1,10.2,10.3 and 10.19) 40 ESR Spectroscopy- Basic principles and instrumentation. Text Book: Molecular structure and spectroscopy, G Aruldas- Chapter 11 (Sections 11.1,11.2 and 11.3) Module IV Relativity (18 hours) Inertial and non inertial frames of reference- Galilean transformation, Michelson Morley experiment, Ether hypothesis- Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Time dilation, Length contraction, Relativistic Velocity addition, Relativistic Doppler effect, Lorentz transformation equations, Twin Paradox, momentum transformation -Mass-energy relationIntroductory concepts of general theory of relativity. Text Book: Modern Physics, Kenneth S Krane- Chapter 2. Text Book: Concepts of modern Physics, Arthur Beiser- Chapter 1. Text Books: 1. Molecular structure and spectroscopy, Aruldas 2nd ed. EEE. 2. Modern Physics, Kenneth S Krane (2nd Edition)- Wiley . 3. Concepts of modern Physics, Arthur Beiser(6th Edition)- SIE. References: 1. Spectroscopy: Straughan and Walker –(Vol.1) John Wiley 2. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: CN Banwell –(4th edition) TMH . 3. Introduction to Atomic Spectra, HE White, TMH 4. Elements of spectroscopy, Guptha, Kumar and Sharma (Pragathi Prakash) 5. Special Relativity- Resnick, (Wiley) 6. Mechanics – D.S.Mathur (S.Chand). 7. Mechanics by J.C. Upadhayaya (Ramprasad) 41 Semester-V Core Course: VIII Credit-3 (54 hours) PH5CRT08: THERMAL AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS Module I Equation of state for gases (5 hours) Equation of an ideal gas, behavior of real gases, Andrew’s experiment, critical state, two phase region, intermolecular forces, van der Waals equation of state, van der Waals isotherms, critical constants, limitation of van der Waals equation. Zeroth law of thermodynamics (4 hours) Thermodynamic system, surroundings, variables, thermal equilibrium: zeroth law, thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamic processes, reversible and irreversible processes, equation of state, expansivity and compressibility. First laws of thermodynamics (5 hours) Internal energy, heat, work, cyclic processes, first law, heat capacity, energy equation and difference of heat capacities, work done in reversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas, work done in reversible adiabatic expansion of ideal gas. Heat engines and second law of thermodynamics (5 hours) Second law statements, heat engine, efficiency, Carnot’s ideal heat engine, reversibility, Carnot refrigerator, heat pump, Carnot theorem, absolute scale of temperature, ClausiusClapeyron latent heat equation. Text Book : Thermal and Statistical Physics, R.B. Singh, part-1 chapter 3,4,5 and6 Module II Entropy (5 hours) Definition of entropy, principle of increase of entropy, entropy and unavailable energy, change in entropy in heat conduction, change in entropy of a system in reversible process, increase in entropy in irreversible process, efficiency of Carnot cycle from TS diagram, entropy of an ideal gas, entropy and disorder. Thermodynamic relations (8hours) Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, TdS equations, energy equation, heat capacity equations, thermodynamic functions, third law of thermodynamics. 42 Conduction and radiation (4 hours) Conduction, thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity of bad conductor Lee’s disc experiment -thermal resistance, thermal radiation and its properties, fundamental definitions, energy flux, intensity and radiant emittance, Stefan-Boltzmann law. Text Book : Thermal and Statistical Physics, R.B. Singh, part-1 chapter7,8,10 and 11. Module III Statistical mechanics (10 hours) Phase space, density of states in phase space, ensemble, density of distribution in phase space, principle of equal a priori probability, ergodic hypothesis, statistical equilibrium, ensemble formulation of statistical mechanics, microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensemble, partition function, average energy of particle, equipartition theorem, entropy in terms of probability, entropy in terms of partition function. Statistical distributions (8 hours) Maxwell Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, microstate and macrostate, distribution laws, Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution. Text Book : Thermal and Statistical Physics, R.B. Singh, part-2, Chapters 2,3,4 and 5. Text Book: 1. Thermal and Statistical Physics, R.B. Singh, New Age Pub. (2010) References: 1. An introduction to thermodynamics by Y.V.C. Rao (New Age Pub.) 2. An introduction to Thermal Physics by D.V. Schroeder (Pearson Pub.) 3. Heat and thermodynamics by Mark W Zemansky, Richard H Dittman & Amit K Chattopadhyay. MCH New Delhi. 4. Thermodynamics and Statistical physics Brij Lal, N.Subrahmanyam and P S Hemne (S. Chand &Co, Multi colour edition 2007). 5. Berkeley Physics Course Volume 5; Statistical Physics; Frederick Reif. McGraw Hill. 6. Statistical Mechanics, R.K. Pathria, Pergamon press, Oxford 43 Semester-V Generic Elective Course – I Credit – 3 (54 hours) PH5GET01: MATERIAL SCIENCE Module I (18 hours) Structure and Properties of Materials Classification of engineering materials-Engineering requirement of materials- Level of structures, Microstructure and Macrostructure, Structure-Property relationships, Physical properties of materials, Mechanical Properties-Stress strain relationship, creep, impact strength- Thermal properties, Thermal cracking- Electrical properties- Dielectric strength and dielectric constant- Chemical and Optical properties- Identification of metals and alloysIdentification tests. Text Book: Material Science-GBS Narang, Chapter 1 and 9 Module II (18 hours) Optical Properties of Materials Absorption processes- Fundamental absorption-Exciton absorption- Free –carrier absorptionPhotoconductivity- Photoelectric effect- Photovoltaic effect- Photoluminescence-colour centres-Generation of colour centres Text Book: Solid State Physics, M.A. Wahab, Chapter-15 Nanoscience Materials at nanoscale- Quantum confinement - Size effect on shape- Magic numbersDifferent types of nanostructures- Quantum dots- Fullerenes- Graphene- Carbon nanotubesStructure, properties and applications Text Book: Nanotechnology-The science of small, MA Shah and KA Shah, Chapters 1 and 2 Text Book: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology- Fundamentals to frontiers- MS Ramachandra Rao and Shubra Singh, Chaper 5. Module III (18 hours) Modern Engineering Materials Display devices- active and passive-Liquid crystals- Types of Liquid crystals- Nematic liquid crystals-Cholesteric liquid crystals- Smectic liquid crystals-General features of liquid crystals- Numeric display using LCD- 44 Metallic glasses - Thermodynamic, Mechanical, Electronic and magnetic propertiesApplications Shape memory alloy-structural change-general characteristic-Thermomechanical behavior Text Book: Semiconductor Physics and Optoelectronics, V.Rajendran et al. Unit-II Material Characterization Techniques Qualitative study of Powder XRD, SEM, TEM, STM, AFM and Raman spectroscopy. Text Book: Nanotechnology-The science of small- MA Shah and KA Shah, Chapter 5 Text Books: 1. Material Science-GBS Narang, Khanna Publishers. 2. Solid State Physics (2nd ed.), M.A. Wahab, Narosa pub. 3. Nanotechnology-The science of small, MA Shah and KA Shah, Wiley. 4. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology- Fundamentals to frontiers- MS Ramachandra rao and Shubra Singh, Wiley. 5. Semiconductor Physics and Optoelectronics, V.Rajendran et al., Vikas Publishing House. References: 1. Crystallography applied to solid state Physics, A.R Verma, O.N Srivastava, New age 2. Nanotechnology, L.E Foster, Pearson. 3. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices,2nd edition, Sulabha K Kulkarni, Springer. 4. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C.P Poole, F.J Owens –Wiley 5. Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, BS Murthy, P Shankar, Baldev Raj, BB Rath and J Murday- Universities Press-IIM 45 Semester-V Generic Elective Course – II Credit – 3 (54 hours) PH5GET02: COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Module I (18 hours) Solutions of Nonlinear Equations Bisection Method - Newton Raphson method (two equation solution) - Regula‐Falsi Method, Secant method - Fixed point iteration method - Rate of convergence and comparisons of these Methods Solution of system of linear algebraic equations Gauss elimination method with pivoting strategies-Gauss‐Jordan method-LU Factorization, Iterative methods (Jacobi method, Gauss‐Seidel method) - Eigen value and Eigen vector using Power method Module II (18 hours) Numerical Differentiation and Integration Numerical Differentiation formulae - Maxima and minima - Newton‐Cote general quadrature formula - Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/γ, γ/8 rule - Romberg integration - Gaussian integration (Gaussian – Legendre Formula 2 point and 3 point) Solution of ordinary differential equations Euler’s and modified Euler’s method - Runge Kutta methods for 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations - Solution of boundary value problem by finite difference method and shooting method. Module III (18 hours) Algorithm and program development either in MATLAB or Octave At least two from Bisection method Newton Raphson method Secant Method Gauss elimination method Gauss Jordan method. Finding largest Eigen value and corresponding vector by Power method. Differentiation by Newton’s finite difference method. Integration using Simpson’s γ/8 rule Solution of 1st order differential equation using RK‐4 method 46 Text books: 1. Numerical Methods Using MATLAB 4th edition, John. H. Mathews, Kurtis Fink, Pearson India Education services Pvt Ltd, 2015. 2. Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave, Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri, Paola Gervasio, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. References: 1. An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB, S.R. Otto and J.P. Denier, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2005. 2. Applied numerical methods using MATLAB, Won Y. Yang, Wenwu Cao, Tae S, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2005 3. Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB, Jaan Kiusalaas, Cambridge University Press, New York ,2005 4. Computer oriented Numerical Methods, V Rajaraman PHI 5. Introductory Numerical Methods, S S Sastry, PHI. 6. Numerical Methods, Balagurusamy, TMH 47 Semester-V Generic Elective Course – III Credit – 3 (54 hours) PH5GET03: INSTRUMENTATION Module I (15 hours) Measurements and Measurement Systems Measurements-Method of measurement-Instruments and measurement systems-Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic instruments-Classification of Instruments-Applications of Measurement Systems - Elements of generalized measurement systems Text book: A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Sawhney. A.K- Chapter 1 Module II (18 hours) Primary Sensing Elements and Transducers Mechanical Devices as Primary Detectors – Mechanical Spring Devices – Pressure Sensitive Primary Devices – Flow Rate Sensing Elements - Transducers-Classification–Characteristics (Static and Dynamic) and Choice of Transducers - Characterization Text book: Sensors and Transducers, Patranabis D., Chapter 1 Text book: A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Sawhney. A.K- Chapter 25 Module III (18 hours) Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive Transducers Potentiometers –Strain gauges (Theory, types) - Rosettes – Resistance thermometer – Thermistors (materials, Constructions, Characteristics) – Thermocouples-Self inductive transducer – Mutual inductive transducers – Linear Variable Differential Transformer – LVDT Accelerometer – RVDT – Synchros – Capacitive transducer – Variable Area Type – Variable Air Gap type – Variable Permittivity type – Capacitor microphone. Miscellaneous Transducers Light transducers (photo-conductive, photo emissive, photo-voltaic, semiconductor, LDR)– Piezoelectric transducer – Hall Effect transducers – Digital Encoding transducers Text book: A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Sawhney. A.K- Chapter 1 and 25 48 Text books: 1. A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Sawhney A.K, 18th Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Company Private Limited, 2007. 2. Sensors and Transducers, Patranabis D., 2nd edition, PHI, 2015. References: 1. Measurement Systems-Applications and Design, Doebelin. E.A, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Sensors and Transducers, Patranabis. D, Prentice Hall of India 3. Principles of Measurement Systems John. P, Bentley,, III Edition, Pearson 4. Transducers and Instrumentation, Murthy.D.V.S,, Prentice Hall of India 5. Instrumentation- Devices and Systems, Rangan, Sarma, and Mani, Tata-McGrawHill 6. Electronic Instrumentation by H.S Kalsi, McGrawHill 7. Instrumentation measurements and analysis, Nakra & Choudhary, Tata-McGrawHill 8. Mechanical and industrial measurement by R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 49 Semester-VI Core Course: IX Credit-3 (54 hours) PH6CRT09: NUCLEAR, PARTICLE PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS Module I Nuclear structure (12 hours) Classification of nuclei-General properties of nucleus-Binding Energy, Binding Energy. curve, Nuclear stability. Theories of nuclear composition-Nuclear forces-Meson theory of nuclear forces. Liquid drop model-Semi empirical mass formula-Applications- Nuclear shell model-Collective model. Ionization chamber-G M counter, Bainbridge’s mass spectrograph. Text Book: Modern Physics, R Murugeshan, Chapter 27,28,29 and 5. Module II Radioactivity (12 hours) Natural radioactivity–Alpha, Beta and Gamma Rays- properties- Geiger Nuttal law- Theory of alpha decay- Gamow’s theory, Beta decay- Neutrino theory, Gamma decay-origin-nuclear isomerism- internal conversion–Mossbauer effect, Soddy Fajan’s displacement lawRadioactive series- Law of radioactive disintegration- Mean life- measurement of decay constant- units of radioactivity- Radioactive dating- Biological effects of radiations- Artificial radioactivity- Applications of radioisotopes. Text Book: Modern Physics, R Murugeshan, Chapter 31and 34 Nuclear Fission, Fusion and Cosmic rays (12 hours) Nuclear fission- Energy released in fission- Bohr-Wheeler’s theory- Chain reaction- Atom bomb- Nuclear reactors- Nuclear fusion- Source of stellar energy- Thermonuclear reactionsFusion reactors- Plasma confinement-Transuranic elements Cosmic rays- Lattitude effect, Azimuth effect, Altitude effect, primary and secondary cosmic rays, cosmic ray showers, Van Allen belts, Origin of cosmic rays Text Book: Modern Physics byR Murugeshan, Chapter 35, 36 and 37 50 Module III Particle Physics and particle Accelerators (12 hours) Elementary particles –classifications- particles and antiparticles - antimatter- fundamental interactions-quantum numbers- conservation law and symmetry. Quark model (basic idea only). Van de Graff generator, linear accelerator, cyclotron and Betatron. Text Book: Modern Physics byR Murugeshan , Chapter 30 and 38 Astrophysics (6 hours) Classification of star- HR diagram-Luminosity- evolution of stars- white dwarfChandrasekhar limit - neutron star- black hole-supernova explosion- Photon diffusion timeInternal temperature of a star Text Book: Modern Physics byR Murugeshan , Chapter 78 Text Books: 1. Modern Physics , R Murugeshan,7th Edition(Revised)(2014), S.Chand References: 1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics, S N Ghoshal, S.Chand. 2. Nuclear Physics, D C Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House 3. Nuclear and Particle Physics S L Kakani and Subhra Kakani -Viva Books 2008 4. Elements of Nuclear Physics, M L Pandya and R P S Yadav 5. Modern Physics, Kenneth S Krane, Wiley 6. Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, TMH 7. An Introduction to Astrophysics- Baidyanath Basu 8. Introduction to Cosmology, J Narlikar 51 Semester-VI Core Course: X Credit-3 (72 hours) PH6CRT10: SOLID STATE PHYSICS Module I Crystal structure (16 hours) Solid state, crystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous materials, crystal lattice, periodicity, translation vectors, unit cell, basis, symmetry operations, point groups and space groups, bravais lattice in two and three dimensions, miller indices, interplanar spacing, simple crystal structures-hcp, fcc, bcc and simple cubic, Structures of NaCl, Diamond and ZnS, X-ray diffraction from crystals- Bragg’s law, powder method, reciprocal lattice-properties, reciprocal lattice to sc, bcc and fcc, Bragg’s law in reciprocal lattice-Ewald construction. Text book: Solid State Physics by Puri and Babbar- Chapter 1 & 2 Module II Bonding in solids (9 hours) Inter-atomic forces, ionic bonding, bond dissociation and cohesive energy, madelung energy, covalent bonding, metallic bonding, hydrogen bonding, van derwaals bonding, LennardJones potential. Lattice vibrations (10 hours) Vibration of one dimensional monatomic lattice, phonons, momentum of phonons, inelastic scattering of photons by phonons, lattice specific heat, classical model, Einstein model, Debye model. Text book :Solid State Physics by Puri and Babbar- Chapter 3 and4 Module III Free electron theory and elementary band theory (10 hours) Free electron gas in one dimension, three dimension, electronic specific heat, band theory, bloch theorem, Kronig-Penney model (derivation not expected), energy-wave vector relations, different zone schemes, velocity and effective mass of electron, distinction between metals, insulators and semiconductors. 52 Semiconducting properties of materials (8 hours) Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, drift velocity, mobility and conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors, carrier concentration and Fermi level for intrinsic semiconductor, carrier concentration, conductivity and Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductor. Text book :Solid State Physics by Puri and Babbar Chapter 5,6 and 7 Module IV Dielectric properties of materials (5 hours) Polarization and susceptibility, local filed, dielectric constant and polarizability, sources of polarizability, piezoelectricity. Magnetic properties of materials (7 hours) Response of materials to magnetic field, classification of magnetic materials, Langevin’s classical theory of diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, Weiss theory, domain theory, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. Superconductivity (7 hours) Origin of superconductivity, response of magnetic field, Meissner effect, super current and penetration depth, critical field and critical temperature, type-I and type –II superconductors, thermodynamic and optical properties, isotope effect, Josephson effect and tunnelingelements of BCS theory-Cooper pairs-Existence of bandgap. Text book: Solid State Physics by Puri and Babbar Chapter 8,9 and 10 References: 1. Solid State Physics, M.A. Wahab, (2nd Edition), Narosa 2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Charles Kittel, (7th Edition), Wiley 3. Crystallography applied to solid state Physics, AR Verma, ON Srivastava, New age 4. Solid State Physics, AJ Dekker- Macmillian. 5. Solid State Physics, NW Ashcroft, ND Mermin – Cengage Learning. 6. Elementary Solid State Physics, M. Ali Omer, Pearson. 7. Solid state physics, R L Singal, KNRN &Co. 8. Solid state physics, S O Pillai, New age 53 Semester-VI Core Course: XI Credit-3 (54 hours) PH6CRT11: OPTOELECTRONICS Module I (14 hours) Laser Attenuation of light in an optical medium. Thermal equilibrium- Interaction of light with matter – Einstein relations – Light amplification- Population inversion- Active mediumPumping – Metastable state- principal pumping schemes -Optical resonant cavity -Types of Laser – Ruby Laser – He Ne laser -Laser beam Characteristics. Applications – Holography – principle of holography-properties of holography. Text Book: A text book of Optics by N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu- Chapter 22 and 23. Fiber Optics Propagation of light in a fiber -acceptance angle numerical aperture –number of modes in a fiber -single and multimode step index fibre –graded index fiber- attenuation- inter modal and intra modal dispersion-waveguide dispersion-application of fiber-optical fiber communication – advantages Text Books: Semiconductor physics and optoelectronics- V Rajendran, J Hemaletha and M S M Gibson, Unit IV- Chapter 1. Module II (12 hours) Semiconductor Science and light sources Semiconductor energy bands - semiconductor statistics – extrinsic semiconductors -energy band diagrams in applied field - direct and indirect bandgap semiconductors, p-n junction principles - open circuit- recombination life time – p-n junction band diagram - open circuit forward and reverse bias. Light emitting diodes – principles - device structures - LED characteristics. Principle of diode laser - heterostructure laser diode-laser diode characteristics-laser diode rate equations. Text Book: Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, S.O. Kasap- Chapter 3 and 4. 54 Module III ` (18 hours) Photodetectors and Photovoltaics Principle of p-n junction photodiode - Ramo’s theorem and external photocurrent absorption coefficient and photodiode materials – quantum efficiency and responsivity - PINphotodiode – avalanche photodiode –phototransistor. Solar energy spectrum -Photovoltaic device principles – I-V characteristics - Solar cell materials, device and efficiencies. Text Book: Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, S.O. Kasap- Chapter 5 and 6. Module IV (10 hours) Optoelectronic Modulators Optical polarization, optical anisotropy- birefringence of calcite, Dichroism,retardation plates, electro-optic Effects– Pockels effect - Kerr effect, Magneto-optic effect Text Book: Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, S.O. Kasap- Chapter 7 Text Books: 1. Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, S.O. Kasap, Pearson, 2013 2. A text book of Optics (25th edition) N.Subramanayam, Brijlal, M.N Avadhanulu, S. Chand 3. Semiconductor physics and optoelectronics V Rajendran, J Hemaletha and M S M Gibson, Vikas publications (2003) Reference Books: 1. Semiconductor optoelectronic devices: Pallab Bhattacharya, PHI 2009. 2. Lasers and Non linear Optics, BB Laud, New Age Int Pub. 2013 3. Laser Fundamentals, William T Silfvast, Cambridge Univ Press. 2012. 4. Optoelectronics an Introduction, J Wilson & JFB Hawkes, PHI 1999. 5. Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics, R P Khare, Oxford 2012. 6. Introduction to Optics, Frank L Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti & Leno S Pefrotti, Pearson 2014. 7. Optical fiber and fiber optic communication system (4thed) Subir Kumar Sarkar, S Chand. 55 Semester-VI Core Course: XII Credit-3 (72 hours) PH6CRT12: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSOR Module I Number systems (8hours) Different number systems- decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal-conversion between different systems. Binary arithmetic addition, subtraction and multiplication. 1’s and β’s complement subtraction –signed binary numbers. Signed binary arithmetic. BCD code, ASCII code. Digital Gates (4hours) AND, OR and NOT Gates. NAND and NOR Gates - Universal Gates. Implementation of combinational logic. XOR and XNOR Gates Text Book: Digital fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyed -Chapter 2, 3and 5 Module II Boolean algebra and logic gates (8 hours) Rules and Laws of Boolean algebra. Duality theorem -De Morgan's Theorems. analysis and simplification of logic circuits. Boolean equation and truth table - SOP and POS. Minterms and Maxterms. Standard SOP and Standard POS- Conversion between Standard SOP & Standard POS. Karnaugh Map.(up to four variable). K map SOP minimization. Text Book: Digital fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyed - Chapter 4 Text Book: Digital electronics, S Salivahanan and S Arivazhagan -Chapter 2 Combinational logic Half Adder and Full Adder, (8hours) Half and Full subtractor, 4-bit parallel Adder/Subtractor. Shift method multiplier, binary divder, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Encoder & Decoder. Text Book: Digital electronics, S Salivahanan and S Arivazhagan - Chapter 4 and 5 Module III Sequential logic (20 hours) Flip-flops, RS, Clocked RS, Master Slave JK FF, DFF JK, T Flip-flop, Buffer registers- Shift register- Counters- Binary ripple counter- BCD ripple counter- synchronous binary counterDecade counter. Text Book: Digital design, M Morris Mano- Chapter 6 56 D/A converters (Ladder type), A/D Converter (Counter type). Text Book: Digital principles and applications- Malvino, Leach and Saha-Chapter 13. Module IV Microprocessor (24hours) Introduction to 8-bit Microprocessor History of Microprocessor, 8085 Microprocessor architecture- ALU, Timing unit- buses, register, flags, 8085 pin configuration and function of each pin. Instruction size, Instruction cycle- Fetch, decode and execute operations, machine cycle. Timing diagram- fetch cycle, memory read & write, I/O read & write,. Addressing modes of 8085, status flags, Intel 8085 Microprocessor Instruction Set, addressing modes and Programming - Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logical, Rotate, Branch and machine control instructions. Development of 8085 assembly language programs. Text Book: Fundamentals of microprocessors and microcomputers, B.Ram- Chapter 3 and 4. Text books: 1. Digital fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyed (10th edition), Pearson 2. Digital principles and applications, Malvino, Leach and Saha (6th Edition) TMH 3. Digital electronics, S Salivahanan & S Arivazhagan VPH (2010) 4. Digital design, M Morris Mano, PHI 5. Fundamentals of microprocessors and microcomputers,B.Ram,Dhanpatrai Publishers References: 1. Digital logic and computer design - M Morris Mano, PHI 2. Digital Electronics- William H Gothmann, PHI 3. Digital circuits and design- S Salivahanan and S Arivazhakan, PHI 4. Digital Electronics- Sedha, S Chand 5. Digital computer electronics- Malvino, Brown, TMH 6. Microprocrssor architecher, programming and applications R S Gaonkar, Wiely Eastern Ltd. 7. Introduction to microprocessors- A P Mathur, TMH 57 Semester-VI Choice Based Core Course – I Credit-3 (54 hours) PH6CBT01: NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Module I (21 Hours) Synthesis of Nanomaterials Physical Methods: Mechanical Methods-Methods Deposition- Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) - Based on Evaporation-Sputter Electric Arc Deposition- Ion Beam Techniques (Ion Implantation) - Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Chemical Methods: Colloids and Colloids in Solutions -Growth of Nanoparticles - Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles by Colloidal Route -Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanoparticles by Colloidal Route - Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) Method -Microemulsions -Sol-Gel Method Hydrothermal Synthesis - -Sonochemical Synthesis-Microwave Synthesis- Synthesis Using Micro-reactor or Lab-on-chip Text Book: Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Sulabha K Kulkarni, Chapter 3 and 4 Module II (18 Hours) Analysis Techniques Microscopes - Electron Microscopes - Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM) - Diffraction Techniques - Spectroscopies - Magnetic Measurements - Mechanical Measurements Properties of Clusters and Nanomaterials Clusters - Nanomaterials and their Properties - Magnetic Properties. Text Book: Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Sulabha K Kulkarni, Chapter 7 and 8 Module III (15 hours) Special Nanomaterials. Carboneous Nanomaterials - Porous Silicon - Aerogels – Zeolites- Ordered Porous Materials Using Micelles as Templates - Core-Shell Particles – Metamaterials. Applications Electronics - Energy - Automobiles - Sports and Toys - Textiles - Cosmetics - Domestic Appliances - Biotechnology and Medical Field - Space and Defense Text Book: Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Sulabha K Kulkarni, Chapters 10 & 11 58 Text Books: 1. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Sulabha K Kulkarni (2nd Edition) Springer References: 1. TextBook of Nanroscience and Nanotechnology- BS Murthy, P Shankar, Baldev Raj, BB Rath and J Murday- University Press. 2. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P. Poole, Jr. and Frank J. Owens, Wiley,2003 3. Nano: the essentials, T. PRADEEP,TMH ,2007. 4. Nanoscale Materials ,Luis M. Liz-Marzan and Prashant V. Kamat, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 5. Nanoscience,Nanotechnologies and Nanophysics, C. Dupas, P. Houdy and M. Lahmani,Springer-Verlag , 2007 59 Semester-VI Choice Based Core Course – II Credit-3 (54 hours) PH6CBT02: RENEWABLE ENERGY Module I (18 hours) Solar Energy and Solar Radiation Solar radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere – solar radiation at the earth's surface instruments for measuring solar radiation and sunshine Solar Thermal Energy Devices for thermal collection and storage (flat plate collectors, concentrating collectors) – Solar pond - thermal applications, water heating, power generation, distillation, drying and cooking, solar space heating Text Book: Solar Energy – Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, S.P. Sukhatme, Chapter 2 and 3 Text Book: Non-conventional Energy Sources, G.D. Rai, Chapters 3, 4 & 5 Module II (18hours) Wind Energy – Basic Components of a Wind Energy Conversion System – Site selection considerations - Applications of wind energy – Environmental Aspects Energy from Biomass – Biomass conversion technologies – Energy plantation –Methods of obtaining energy from biomass - Classification of Biogas plants –Thermal gasification of biomass. Geothermal Energy – Nature of Geothermal fields –Geothermal resources – Hot dry rock resources – magma resources – Geothermal exploration - Advantages and Disadvantages – Applications – Operational and environmental problems Text Book: Non-conventional Energy Sources-G.D. Rai, Chapters 6, 7 and 8 60 Module III (18hours) Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) – Introduction – Open cycle OTEC system – Closed Cycle OTEC system – Hybrid Cycle Energy from Tides – Basic principles of Tidal power – Components of Tidal power plantOperation methods of utilization of tidal energy - Single cycle and double cycle systems – advantages and limitations of tidal power Hydrogen energy – Hydrogen production (Electrolysis, thermochemical methods) – Hydrogen storage – hydrogen as an alternative fuel for motor vehicles. Text Book: Non-conventional Energy Sources-G.D. Rai, Chapters 9 and11 Text Books: 1. Non-conventional Energy Sources-G.D. Rai,Khanna Publishers 2. Solar Energy – Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, S.P. Sukhatme, References: 1. Solar energy fundamentals and applications, H P Garg and J Prakash, TMH 2. Non Conventional energy resources, Shobh Nath Singh, Pearson 3. Solar energy fundamentals design modeling and applications, G N Tiwari, Narosa. 4. Renewable energy sources and their environmental impacts,SA Abbasi and N Abbasi, PHI. 5. Non conventional energy resources, J P Nani and Lond Sapra, S Chand. 6. Non conventional energy resources and utilization, R K Rajput, S Chand. 7. Fundamental of renewable energy systems, D Mukhergee, New Age. 61 Semester-VI Choice Based Core Course – III Credit-3 (54 hours) PH6CBT03: ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Module I Observational astronomy (12 Hours) Astronomical distance scales – AU, Parsec and light year. Stellar Parallax and distance to stars from parallax. Magnitude scale - Apparent and absolute magnitudes. Variable stars as distance indicators. Cepheid variables. Astronomy in different bands of electromagnetic radiation- Optical, radio and X-ray astronomies, Radiation Laws. Optical Telescopes. Types of telescopes-refracting and reflecting – Newtonian and Cassegrain telescopes. Magnification and f number. Resolving Power, Telescope mounts – alt-azimuth and equatorial mounts. Telescope enhancements (CCD, Spectrograph). Hubble telescope, Telescopes of the future. Advent of radio astronomy- radio telescopes. Text Book:Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies, K D Abhyankar- Section 3.1 & 4.3 Text Book:Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Morison- Chapter 5 Text Book:Astronomy, A Self-Teaching Guide, Dinah L. Moché,-Chapter 2 &3. Module II: Celestial sphere (8 Hours) Concept of celestial sphere - cardinal points, celestial equator, ecliptic, equinoxes. Diurnal motion of sun - summer solstice and winter solstice. Celestial co-ordinate systems: – Horizon system – Azimuth & Altitude, Equatorial system-Right ascension & declination, Ecliptic coordinate system. Time - apparent and mean solar time, sidereal time. Twilight, Seasons- causes of seasons (qualitative ideas). International Date Line. Sun (5 Hours) Sun - solar atmosphere and internal structure – Photosphere, chromospheres and corona. Radiation zone & Convection Zone. Sun spots, Activity Cycles, flares, prominences, coronal holes, Solar wind. Galaxies (3 hours) Galaxies - our galaxy, galaxy types & turning fork diagram. Structure on the largest scaleclusters, super clusters and voids. 62 Text Book: Astronomy, A Self-Teaching Guide, Dinah L. Moché, Chapter 1,4 and 6 Text Book: Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies, K D Abhyankar, Chapter 2 Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Morison, Chapter 2 Module III Astrophysics (14 hours) Gravitational contraction - Virial theorem, Jeans mass. Energy production inside stars. Thermonuclear fusion. Hydrogen burning. p-p chain. CNO cycle. Evolution of stars – birth – protostar, hydrostatic equilibrium, red giant, late stages of evolution - white dwarfs & Chandrasekhar limit, Neutron stars & Tolman-Volkof limit, Supernovae, Pulsars, Black holes. Stellar Classification, H-R diagram - Main sequence stars Cosmology (12 hours) Large scale structure of the universe – isotropy and homogeneity. Cosmological principle. Standard big bang model - GUT, Planck Epoch, Inflation, Nucleosynthesis, Recombination & CMBR. Expanding universe - red shift. Hubble’s law and Hubble parameter. Age of universe and its determination. Dark energy and Dark Matter (qualitative idea). Text Book: Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies, K D Abhyankar, Chapter 10 Text Book: Astronomy, A Self-Teaching Guide, Dinah L. Moché, Chapter 5 and 7 Text Book: Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Morison, Chapter 9. Text Books: 1. Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies- AD Abhyankar, University Press. 2. Astronomy, A Self-Teaching Guide, Dinah L. Moché, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Morison, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. References: 1. Introduction to cosmology- J V Narlikar, Cambridge University Press 2. A short history of the Universe – Joseph Silk, Cambridge University Press 3. http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/topics.html 4. http://www.ualberta.ca/~pogosyan/teaching/ASTRO_122/lectures/lectures.html 5. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html 6. An Introduction to Astrophysics- Baidyanath Basu, PHI. 63 B. Sc. PHYSICS PRACTICALS Minimum 16 experiments to be done in each paper. Minimum number of experiments for appearing practical examination is 8. Division of internal marks for record (maximum 5 marks). No. of Experiments Marks 16 and above 5 14 & 15 4 12 & 13 3 10 & 11 2 8-10 1 Familiarization Experiments (Not for examination) 1. Determination of density of a solid cylinder using vernier calipers and Common Balance 2. Determination of density of a glass plate using Screw gauge and common Balance. 3. Measurements using travelling microscope. 4. Spectrometer-standardization. 5. Determination of thickness of a glass plate and radii of curvature of concave and convex surfaces using Spherometer. 6. Identification of electronic components and testing using multimeter. 7. Voltage and frequency measurements using CRO. 8. 8085 microprocessor- Data Transfer SEMESTER PAPER PAPER CODE TITLE 1&2 01 PH2CRP01 Mechanics, Acoustics and Optics 3&4 02 PH4CRP02 Mechanics and Electronics 5&6 03 PH6CRP03 Electricity and Spectroscopy 5&6 04 PH6CRP04 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 5&6 05 PH6CRP05 Properties of Matter and Thermal Physics 5&6 06 PH6CRP06 Optoelectronics and Solid State Physics 64 SEMESTER 1&2 (First Year) Core Practical 1: PH2CRP01 - MECHANICS, ACOUSTICS AND OPTICS 1. Symmetric compound pendulum 2. Kater’s pendulum 3. Torsion Pendulum- Rigidity modulus 4. Young’s Modulus- non uniform bending- pin and microscope 5. Young’s modulus- uniform bending- Pin and Microscope 6. Young’s modulus- Cantilever- Scale and telescope 7. Static Torsion- Rigidity Modulus. 8. Flywheel – moment of inertia 9. Melde’s string- frequency 10. Sonometer- Verification of laws, Determination of density 11. AC Sonometer- frequency 12. Lissajous figures-CRO 13. Ultrasonic- Determination of frequency 14. Ultrasonic- Determination of velocity in a liquid 15. Liquid lens- Optical Constants- Boy’s method 16. Liquid Lens- Refractive index of a liquid- Boy’s method 17. Newton’s Rings- Wavelength 18. Spectrometer- Prism- Refractive index of glass 19. Spectrometer- Hollow Prism- Refractive index of liquid 20. Spectrometer- Small angled prism- refractive index- Normal incidence 21. Air wedge –radius of a thin wire 22. Optical constants of a concave lens. 23. Determination of principle refractive indices for O-ray and E-ray using calcite or quartz prism. 24. Resolving power of a prism. 25. Resolving power of grating. 65 SEMESTER 3&4 (Second Year) Core Practical 02: PH4CRP02-MECHANICS AND ELECTRONICS 1. Asymmetric Compound pendulum 2. Torsion Pendulum- Rigidity modulus- Equal mass 3. Young’s modulus- uniform bending-Optic lever- Scale and Telescope 4. Young’s Modulus- Cantilever-Oscillation Method 5. Fly wheel- Moment of Inertia- oscillation method. 6. One dimensional elastic collision- law of conservation of energy and momentumHanging sphere method. 7. Viscosity of a liquid- Constant Pressure head 8. Forward characteristics of a pn junction diode 9. Zener characteristics - forward and reverse 10. Half wave rectifier- Ripple factor and efficiency 11. Full wave rectifier- (center tap) Ripple factor and efficiency 12. Full wave rectifier- (bridge) Ripple factor and efficiency 13. FET-characteristics, determination of parameters. 14. Full wave rectifier with L & section filters Bridge/Center tap 15. Voltage regulator using zener diode 16. Diode clippers- (positive, negative and biased) 17. Diode clampers-(positive, negative and biased) 18. Voltage multipliers- doubler & tripler 19. OPAMP characteristics- CMRR and open loop Gain 20. OPAMP- inverter, non inverter and buffer 21. OPAMP- adder and subtractor 22. CE characteristics of a transistor 23. RC coupled common emitter amplifier- frequency response and bandwidth. 24. Phase shift oscillator using transistor. 25. Hartley oscillator 26. Colpit’s oscillator. 27. Amplitude modulation. 28. Voltage regulator using zener diode and transistor. 66 SEMESTER 5&6 (Third Year) Core Practical 03: PH6CRP03- ELECTRICITY AND SPECTROSCOPY 1. Potentiometer- Resistivity 2. Potentiometer- Calibration of low range voltmeter 3. Potentiometer- Calibration of high range voltmeter 4. Potentiometer- Calibration of low range Ammeter 5. Tangent Galvanometer- Calibration of Ammeter 6. Moving coil galvanometer- emf of a thermocouple 7. Moving coil galvanometer- figure of merit 8. Mirror Galvanometer- figure of merit 9. BG- Measurement of high resistance by leakage method 10. Field along the axis of a coil- BH 11. Searle’s vibration magnetometer- magnetic moment 12. Deflection and vibration magnetometer- m and BH 13. CF Bridge- resistivity 14. Conversion of Galvanometer into voltmeter 15. Conversion of Galvanometer into ammeter 16. LCR series resonant circuit analysis 17. LCR parallel resonant circuit analysis 18. Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems 19. Verification of Superposition and Maximum power transfer theorems. 20. Spectrometer- Stoke’s formula 21. Spectrometer- i-d curve 22. Spectrometer -Verification of Fresnel’s equation for reflection of EM waves. 23. Spectrometer - wavelength of Sodium D1 and D2 lines 24. Spectrometer - wavelength of Mercury light using plane diffraction Grating. 25. Dispersive power - Grating-Spectrometer 26. Dispersive power- Prism- Spectrometer 27. Absorption Co-efficient of KMnO4/ Iodine 28. Spectrometer- Cauchy’s constants 67 SEMESTER 5&6 (Third Year) Core Practical 04: PH6CRP04 - DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSOR 1. Realization of Logic gates- AND, OR and NOT-using diodes, transistors etc. 2. Realization of Logic gates- AND, OR and NOT-from universal gates. 3. Verification of De Morgan’s theorems. 4. BCD to 7 segment decoder 5. Realization of Half adder using gates. 6. Realization of Full adder using gates 7. Astable Multivibrator using Transistor 8. Astable Multivibrator using IC 555 9. Monostable Multivibrator using Transistor 10. Monostable Multivibrator using IC 555 11. Pulse Width Modulation using IC555 12. D/A converter using IC 741(R-2R ladder type) 13. A/D converter using IC 741 14. RS Flip Flop 15. JK Flip Flop 16. Realization of XOR and Ex NOR using transistor. 17. Regulated power supply using zener diode and IC 741 18. Regulated power supply using 78XX/79XX etc. 19. Dual regulated power supply using 78XX/79XX etc. 20. Schmitt trigger using IC 741. 21. Sweep wave generator-(Normally OFF only) 22. 8085 Microprocessor Addition of two eight bit numbers and result exceed 8 bit. 23. 8085 Microprocessor- Multiplication of two eight bit numbers (result 16 bit) 24. 8085 Microprocessor – BCD Addition 25. 8085 Microprocessor- Largest/smallest among a group of 20 numbers 26. 8085 Microprocessor- Sorting in Ascending/ descending order 68 SEMESTER 5&6 (Third Year) Core Practical 05: PH6CRP05 - PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND THERMAL PHYSICS 1. Characteristics of Thermistor 2. Newton’s law of cooling- Specific heat 3. Newton’s law of cooling- Emissive Power 4. Thermal conductivity of bad conductor- Lee’s disc 5. Thermal conductivity of powder-Lee’s disc 6. Thermal conductivity of Rubber 7. Thermal conductivity of glass using glass tube. 8. CF Bridge- Temperature co-efficient of resistance. 9. CF bridge determination of unknown temperature. 10. Measurement of Stefan’s constant. 11. Heating efficiency of electrical kettle with varying voltages. 12. Thermal behavior of a electric bulb (filament/torch light bulb) 13. To study the variation of thermo emf (Seebeck effect) across two junctions of a thermocouple with temperature. 14. To study the variation of junction temperature (Peltier effect) across two junctions of a thermocouple with current. 15. Specific heat capacity of a solid by method of mixtures 16. Electrochemical equivalent of Copper 17. Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristic of PN diode. 18. Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different colours. 19. To determine e/k using transistor. 20. Diode as a temperature sensor. 21. Young’s Modulus- Koenig’s Method- uniform bending 22. Elastic constants- Searl’s method. 23. Determination of Poisson’s ratio of rubber. 24. Surface Tension of a liquid- Capillary rise method 25. Viscosity- Stoke’s method. 26. Viscosity of a liquid- variable Pressure head 69 SEMESTER 5&6 (Third Year) Core Practical 06: PH6CRP06 - OPTOELECTRONICS AND SOLID STATE PHYSICS 1. Characteristics of LED (Optical and electrical) 2. Characteristics of photodiode (Optical and electrical) 3. Characteristics of solar cell (Optical and electrical) 4. Thickness of a thin film - air wedge 5. Laser- Grating- Determination of wavelength 6. Laser- Spot size and divergence 7. Numerical Aperture of an optical fiber. 8. Bending losses of an optical fiber. 9. Single slit diffraction using laser- slit width. 10. Laser- Width of a circular Aperture 11. Diffraction patterns of single slit using laser source and measurement of its intensity variation using photodiode. 12. Diffraction patterns of double slit using laser source and measurement of its intensity variation using photodiode. 13. Photosensor and comparison with incoherent source – Sodium light. 14. Photo-electric effect: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light; maximum energy of photo-electrons versus frequency of light 15. Magneto optic modulation. 16. Electro optic modulation 17. LED direct modulation. 18. Determination of Band gap of semiconductor using diode equation (heating/cooling) 19. Determination of Band gap of a semi conductor using four probe method 20. Determination of Band gap using thermistor. 21. Determination of Dielectric constant of a thin sheet 22. Determination of Dielectric constant of a liquid 23. Resistivity of Metal -CF Bridge 24. Resistivity of Semiconductor -Four probe 25. X-ray diffraction – lattice constant-Analysis of data. 26. Band gap determination –absorption spectrum analysis- direct band gap material. 27. Band gap determination –absorption spectrum analysis- indirect band gap material. 28. Fermi energy of copper. 70 References: 1. Advanced course in Practical Physics by D Chattopadhyay 2. Practical Physics - Joseph Ittiavirah, Premnath and Abraham(2005) 3. Practical Physics, CL Arora, S.Chand 4. Practical Physics Harnam Singh , S Chand 5. Electronics lab manual Vol 1 & 2, K A Navas. 6. A course of Experiments with He-Ne Laser- R.S Sirohi (2nd Edition) Wiley Eastern Ltd. 7. Electronics lab manual Vol 1 & 2, Kuryachan T D and Shyam Mohan S, Ayodhya pub. 71 Complementary Physics for Mathematics and Statistics Semester 1 PH1CMT01: PROPERTIES OF MATTER & SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY Module I Elasticity (13 hours) Stress- strain- Hooke’s law- Elastic moduli- Poisson’s ratio- twisting couple- determination of rigidity modulus- static and dynamic methods- static torsion- torsion pendulum, bending of beams- cantilever, uniform and non-uniform bending, I section girder. Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 8 Module II Surface tension (5 hours) Molecular theory of surface tension - surface energy - excess pressure in a liquid drop, transverse waves on the surface of a liquid - effect of gravity - effect of surface tension factors affecting surface tension - applications Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 12 Viscosity (5 hours) Streamline and turbulent flow - critical velocity - Coefficient of viscosity - Derivation of Poiseuille’s equation, stokes equation-Determination of viscosity by Poiseuille’s method and stokes method-Brownian motion – Viscosity of gases Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 14 Module III Special theory of relativity (13 hours) Introduction - Galilean transformation - Newtonian principle of relativity - special theory – postulates - Lorentz transformation - length contraction - time dilation relativity of simultaneity - addition of velocities - relativistic mass transformation mass - energy relation Text Book: Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad Chapter -1 References: 1. Properties of Matter- Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam (S. Chand and Co.) 2. Concepts of Modern Physics- A. Beiser (Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edn.) 3. Modern Physics- G.Aruldas and P.Rajagopal (PHI Pub) 4. Physics- Resnick and Halliday 72 Semester II PH2CMT01: MECHANICS, WAVES AND ASTROPHYSICS Module I Motion under gravity (5 hours) Velocity- acceleration- force – acceleration due to gravity - compound pendulum (symmetric and asymmetric) radius of gyration - Kater’s pendulum- centripetal acceleration and force centrifugal force Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 6 Rotational dynamics (10 hours) Angular velocity- angular momentum- torque- conservation of angular momentum- angular acceleration- moment of inertia- parallel and perpendicular axes theorems- moment of inertia of rod, ring, disc, cylinder and sphere- flywheel Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 3 Module II Oscillations (9 hours) Periodic and oscillatory motion- simple harmonic motion- differential equation,expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration- graphical representation- energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion damped, oscillation- forced oscillation and resonance. Text Book: Mechanics, D S Mathur, Chapter 8 Waves (4 hours) Waves-classifications- progressive wave- energy of progressive wave- superposition of waves-theory of beats- Doppler effect. Text Book: Mechanics, D S Mathur, Chapter 9 Module III Astrophysics (8 hours) Temperature and color of a star- brightness- size of a star- elements present in a stellar atmosphere- mass of star- life time of a star- main sequence stars-HR diagram- evolution of stars- white dwarf- supernova explosion- neutron star- black hole- (all topics to be treated qualitatively) Text Book: Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad, Chapter 78 References 1. Mechanics- H.S.Hans and S.P.Puri. (Tata McGraw-Hill) 2. A text book on oscillations waves and acoustics, M.Ghosh , D Bhattacharya 3. Introduction to Astrophysics-Baidyanath Basu. 4. Mechanics by D.S. Mathur and P.S. Hemne, S. Chand. 5. Waves, Mechanics & Oscillations- S B Puri 73 Semester III PH3CMT01: MODERN PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS & STATISTICAL MECHANICS Module I Modern Physics (18 hours) Basic features of Bohr atom model-Bohr’s correspondence principle-vector atom modelquantum numbers-magnetic moment of orbital electrons-electron spin-Spin-Orbit couplingPauli’s exclusion principle-periodic table. Atomic nucleus-basic properties of nucleusbinding energy and packing fraction-nuclear forces-radioactivity-radioactive decay-decay laws-decay constant-half life and mean life-radioactive equilibrium-secular and transient equilibrium-measurement of radioactivity-Nuclear detectors Text Book: Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad chapter -6,27,29,31 Module II Quantum mechanics (12 hours) Inadequacies of classical physics-experimental evidences-evidences for quantum theoryPlanck’s hypothesis-foundation of quantum mechanics-wave function and probability density-Schrödinger equation-time dependent and time independent- particle in a potential box. Text Book: Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad chapter-5,9,11 Module III Electronics (14 hours) Current-voltage characteristics of a diode-forward and reverse bias-breakdown mechanism of p-n junction diode-Zener diode and its characteristics-half wave and full wave rectifiersbridge rectifier-ripple factor, efficiency. Construction and operation of a bipolar junction transistor-transistor configurations current components-transistor characteristics Transistor amplifier-basic features of an amplifier-gain, input and output resistances frequency response and band width-small signal CE amplifier-circuit and its operation . Text Book: Principles of electronics, V K Mehta, Chapter 9,10,11 74 Module IV Statistical Mechanics (10 hours) Concepts of phase-space-ensemble and statistical equilibrium-probability theorems in statistical thermodynamics-distribution laws-Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose Einstein distribution laws -comparison of three statistics Text Book: Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad, Chapter 75 References 1. Concepts of Modern Physics: Arthur Beiser (TMH). 2. Basic Electronics , B L Thereja (S. Chand) 3. Statistical Mechanics: Sinha (TMH). 75 Semester IV PH4CMT01: OPTICS, ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY PARTICLES Module I Interference & Diffraction (20 hours) Analytical treatment of interference-theory of interference fringes and bandwidth. Interference in thin films-reflected system-colour of thin films-fringes of equal inclination and equal thickness. Newton’s rings-reflected system-measurement of wavelength and refractive index of liquid. Phenomenon of diffraction-classification-Fresnel and Fraunhofer. Fresnel’s theory of approximate rectilinear propagation of light-Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge and circular aperture. Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit, two slits and N slits. Plane transmission grating-determination of wavelength-Resolving power of grating. Text Book: Optics - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam Chapter -8,9 Module II Laser and Fiber Optics (10 hours) Principle of operation of laser-population inversion- pumping-ruby laser, He-Ne laser, applications of lasers. Light propagation in optical fibers, acceptance angle, numerical aperture-step index fiber - graded index fiber. Text Books: Laser physics and applications , V K Jain(Narosa Publications)Chapter-3,4,5 Optical fiber Communications , John M .Senior Chapter-2 Module III Dielectrics and electricity (12 hours) Dielectrics- polar and non-polar dielectrics- polarization- sources of polarization-Gauss’s law in dielectrics- permittivity- dielectric displacement vector- dielectric constant-susceptibilityferro-electricity. Peak, mean, rms and effective values of A.C, Ac circuits-AC through RC, LC, LR and LCR series circuits resonance-sharpness of resonance-power factor . Text Book: Electricity and Magnetism, D C Tayal - Chapters - 5,12 76 Module IV Cosmic rays and Elementary particles (12 Hours) Cosmic rays (primary and secondary)- cosmic ray showers-latitude effect- longitude effectElementary particles- Classification- Leptons- Hadrons- particles and antiparticles-quarkscolor and flavour- Quantum chromodynamics, standard model. Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad chapter-37 References: 1. Electricity and Magnetism – R.Murugeshan, 2. Nuclear physics –Irvin Kaplan 3. Lasers – theory & applications- Thyagarajan &Ghatak 4. Concepts of Modern Physics- A. Beiser 77 Complementary Physics for Chemistry and Geology Semester 1 PH1CMT02: PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND THERMODYNAMICS Module I Elasticity (13 hours) Stress- strain- Hooke’s law- Elastic moduli- Poisson’s ratio- twisting couple- determination of rigidity modulus- static and dynamic methods- static torsion- torsion pendulum, bending of beams- cantilever, uniform and non-uniform bending, I section girder. Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 8 Module II Surface tension (5 hours) Molecular theory of surface tension - surface energy - excess pressure in a liquid drop, transverse waves on the surface of a liquid - effect of gravity - effect of surface tension factors affecting surface tension - applications Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 12 Viscosity (5 hours) Streamline and turbulent flow - critical velocity - Coefficient of viscosity - Derivation of Poiseuille’s equation, Stokes equation-Determination of viscosity by Poiseuille’s method and Stokes method-Brownian motion – Viscosity of gases Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 14 Module III Thermodynamics (13 hours) Thermodynamic systems- thermodynamic equilibrium- thermodynamic processes- isothermal process- adiabatic process- zeroth law of thermodynamics first law of thermodynamics- heat engine- the Carnot engine- refrigerator concept of entropy- second law of thermodynamicsthird law of thermodynamics- Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations Text Book: Heat and Thermodynamics-Brijlal & Subrahmanyam (S.Chand) Chapters 4 & 6. References 1. Mechanics - H.S.Hans and S.P.Puri. (Tata McGraw-Hill) 2. Properties of Matter - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam (S. Chand and Co.) 3. Mechanics - J.C. Upadhyaya (Ram Prasad and sons) 4. Heat and Thermodynamics – Mark W Zemanski (Tata McGraw-Hill) 78 Semester 2 PH2CMT02: MECHANICS, WAVES AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Module I Motion under gravity (5 hours) Velocity- acceleration- force – acceleration due to gravity - compound pendulum (symmetric and asymmetric) radius of gyration - Kater’s pendulum- centripetal acceleration and force centrifugal force Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 6 Rotational dynamics (10 hours) Angular velocity- angular momentum- torque- conservation of angular momentum- angular acceleration- moment of inertia- parallel and perpendicular axes theorems- moment of inertia of rod, ring, disc, cylinder and sphere- flywheel Text Book: Elements of properties of matter, D S Mathur, Chapter- 3 Module II Oscillations (9 hours) Periodic and oscillatory motion- simple harmonic motion- differential equation, expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration- graphical representation- energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion damped, oscillation- forced oscillation and resonance. Text Book: Mechanics, D S Mathur, Chapter 8 Waves (4 hours) Waves-classifications- progressive wave- energy of progressive wave- superposition of waves-theory of beats- Doppler effect. Text Book: Mechanics, D S Mathur, Chapter 9 Module III Superconductivity (8 hours) Super conducting phenomenon- Occurrence- BCS theory (qualitative) Meissner Effect- Type I and Type II superconductors- Josephson effects- High temperature superconductorsApplications of Superconductivity Text Book: Modern Physics, Murugesan, Chapter-41, 42, 44 References 1. Properties of Matter- Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam (S. Chand and Co.) 2. A text book on oscillations waves and acoustics, M.Ghosh , D Bhattacharya 3. Solid State Physics- R. K. Puri and V.K. Babbar (S. Chand and Co.) 4. Elementary Solid State Physics,Ali Omar 79 Semester III PH3CMT02: MODERN PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS & MAGNETISM Module I Modern Physics (18 hours) Basic features of Bohr atom model-Bohr’s correspondence principle-vector atom modelvarious quantum numbers-magnetic moment of orbital electrons-electron spin-Spin-Orbit coupling-Pauli’s exclusion principle-periodic table. Atomic nucleus-basic properties of nucleus-charge, mass, spin, magnetic moment binding energy and packing fraction-nuclear forces-salient features-radioactivity radioactive decay-decay laws-decay constant-half life and mean life-radioactive equilibrium - measurement of radioactivity-Nuclear detectors , ionization chambers. Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad chapter -6,27,29,31 Module II Quantum Mechanics (12 hours) Inadequacies of classical physics-experimental evidences-evidences for quantum theoryPlanck’s hypothesis-foundation of quantum mechanics-wave function & probability densitySchrödinger equation-time dependent and time independent particle in a potential box. Modern Physics- R. Murugeshan, Er. Kirthiga Sivaprasad chapter-5,9,11 Module III Electronics (14 hours) Current-voltage characteristics of a diode-forward and reverse bias-breakdown mechanism of p-n junction diode-Zener diode and its characteristics-half wave and full wave rectifiersbridge rectifier-ripple factor, efficiency. Construction and operation of a bipolar junction transistor-transistor configurations-current components-transistor characteristics - Transistor amplifier-basic features of an amplifier-gain, input and output resistances frequency response and band width-small signal CE amplifier-circuit and its operation Principles of electronics, V K Mehta, Chapter 9,10,11 Module IV Magnetism (10 hours) Properties of magnetic materials, Paramagnetism, Diamagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Hysteresis, Ferrites, Magnetostriction, Earth’s magnetism-elements of earth’s magnetism-dip, declination, horizontal and vertical components-magnetic maps-magnetographs-cause of earth’s magnetism Electricity and magnetism, D C Tayal, Chapter 11 References 1. Modern Physics – R. Murugeshan, (S. Chand & Co. Ltd.) 2. Functional Electronics, Ramanan (Tata McGraw-Hill) 3. Electricity and magnetism - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam (S. Chand and Co.) 80 Semester IV PH4CMT02: OPTICS, ELECTRICITY & CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Module I Interference & Diffraction (20 hours) Analytical treatment of interference-theory of interference fringes and bandwidth. Interference in thin films-reflected system-colour of thin films-fringes of equal inclination and equal thickness. Newton’s rings-reflected system-measurement of wavelength and refractive index of liquid. Phenomenon of diffraction-classification-Fresnel and Fraunhofer. Fresnel’s theory of approximate rectilinear propagation of light-Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge and circular aperture. Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit, two slits and N slits. Plane transmission grating-determination of wavelength-Resolving power of grating. Text Book: Optics - Brijlal and N. Subrahmanyam Chapter -8, 9 Module II Laser and Fiber Optics (10 hours) Principle of operation of laser-population inversion- pumping-ruby laser, He-Ne laser, applications of lasers. Light propagation in optical fibers, acceptance angle, numerical aperture-step index fiber - graded index fiber. Text Books: Laser physics and applications , V K Jain(Narosa Publications)Chapter-3,4,5 Optical fiber Communications , John M .Senior Chapter-2 Module III Dielectrics and electricity (12 hours) Dielectrics- polar and non-polar dielectrics- polarization- sources of polarization-Gauss’s law in dielectrics- permittivity- dielectric displacement vector- dielectric constant-susceptibilityferro-electricity. Peak, mean, rms and effective values of A.C, Ac circuits-AC through RC, LC, LR and LCR series circuits resonance-sharpness of resonance-power factor . Text Book: Electricity and Magnetism , D C Tayal Chapters - 5,12 Module IV Crystallography (12 hours) Crystal structure-crystal lattice and translation vectors-unit cell-types of lattices-lattice directions and planes interplanar spacing-simple crystal structures-close packed structuresstructure of diamond-zinc blend structure-sodium chloride structure. X-ray crystallographydiffraction of x-rays-Bragg’s law-x-ray diffraction methods rotating crystal method-powder diffraction method. Text Book: Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, Chapter-4 References: 1. A text book of Applied Physics – A .K Jha 2. Electricity and Magnetism – R. Murugeshan (S Chand & Co.) 3. Solid state physics, P. K Palanisami 4. Lasers – theory & applications- Thyagarajan &Ghatak 81 COMPLEMENTARY PHYSICS PRACTICALS Semester I & II Complementary Physics Practical 1: PH2CMP01 1. Vernier Calipers -- Volume of a cylinder, sphere and a beaker 2. Screw gauge – Radius of wire, thickness of glass piece 3. Beam balance - Mass of a solid (sensibility method) 4. Density of a liquid -U-Tube and Hare’s apparatus 5. Coefficient of viscosity of the liquid - Constant pressure head method 6. Coefficient of viscosity of the liquid - Variable pressure head method 7. Surface Tension – Capillary rise method 8. Cantilever - Pin & Microscope – Determination of Young’s Modulus 9. Cantilever – Scale and Telescope - Determination of Young’s Modulus 10. Symmetric Compound Pendulum - Determination of radius of gyration (k) and Acceleration due to gravity (g) 11. Asymmetric Compound Pendulum-Determination of radius of gyration(k) and Acceleration due to gravity (g) 12. Kater’s pendulum- Determination of Acceleration due to gravity (g) 13. Spectrometer – Angle of the Prism. 14. Spectrometer - Refractive Index of material of prism. 15. Laser- Single slit- slit width 16. Liquid lens I - Refractive Index of glass using a liquid of known refractive index 17. Liquid Lens II – Refractive index of liquid 18. Potentiometer - Calibration of low range voltmeter 19. Fly wheel – Moment of Inertia 20. Mirror Galvanometer – Figure of merit 21. Torsion pendulum -Rigidity modulus 82 Semester III & IV Complementary Physics Practical 2: PH4CMP02 1. Uniform bending – Young’s modulus (Optic lever method) 2. Non-uniform bending – Young’s modulus (Pin and Microscope method) 3. Torsion pendulum (Equal mass method) - Rigidity modulus and Moment of Inertia 4. Static Torsion - Rigidity modulus 5. Spectrometer – Dispersive power of prism 6. Spectrometer – Dispersive power of a Grating 7. Newton’s rings -Wave length 8. Laser- Grating- Wavelength 9. Deflection and Vibration Magnetometer-m & Bh 10. Conversion of Galvanometer into voltmeter 11. Transistor characteristics - CE configuration 12. Gates – AND, OR, NOT- verification of truth tables 13. Field along the axis of circular coil- determination of Bh 14. Carey Foster’s Bridge -Measurement of resistivity 15. Searle’s Vibration Magnetometer - magnetic moment 16. Tangent Galvanometer – Ammeter calibration 17. Potentiometer-Calibration of low range ammeter 18. Construction of half wave rectifier with and without filter – Ripple factor and Load regulation 19. Construction of full wave rectifier (center-tap) with and without filter – Ripple factor and Load regulation 20. Construction of regulated power supply using Zener diode 21. Characteristics of Zener diode References 1. Practical Physics- Joseph Ittiavirah, Premnath and Abraham 2. Properties of Matter -D.S. Mathur 3. Optics -Subrahmanyam& Brijlal 4. Electricity &Magnetism -Sreevastava 5. Electronics Lab Manual (Vol.1) -K. A. Navas 6. Laboratory manual for electronic devices and circuits-David A Bell 83 Complementary Physics for B. Sc. Electronics (Model III) Programme SEMESTER I PH1CMT03: SOLID STATE PHYSICS Objectives: 1. To provide the students of B.Sc. Electronics programme the bare minimum knowledge in Solid State Physics which is the basis of electronic devices. 2. It aims at developing a taste for solid state physics where the real advances in electronic device technology happens. 3. To enable students to catch up with the new areas related to electronics which include quantum computing, nanotechnology etc. 4. Miniaturization has made the physics of devices more demanding. One requires the application of the methods of quantum mechanics to tackle them. Hours/Week Contact Hours Credit s :4 : 72 :3 Course Outline Module I- Crystal structure and atomic bonding (15hours) Basic definitions - Crystal lattice, Unit cell- primitive and non primitive cells, Basis. Types of lattices-Bravais lattices and derived structures, Lattice directions and planes-Miller indices (simple calculations expected). X-ray diffraction-Bragg's law- Powder crystal method (qualitative study).Inter-atomic bonding- ionic, covalent, metallic. Textbook Chapter One, Two and Three. Solid State Physics-R.K Puri&V.KBabbar. Module II – Basic quantum mechanics (15 hours) Dual nature of matter and wave - de Broglie waves, Particle diffraction - Davison-Germer experiment, Uncertainty principle(derivation based on Fourier integral not needed),Classical mechanics as an approximation of quantum mechanics, Wave function, Wave equation, Schrodinger equation- Time dependent & Steady State forms(Eigen functions and eigen values not needed). Textbook Chapter Three &Five.Concepts of Modern Physics-Arthur Beiser. Module III –Free electron theory of metals and Band theory of solids (10 hours) Free electron theory in one dimension (qualitative study only)-fermi energy and fermilevel, Band theory -Bloch theorem(proof not required),Metals, insulators and semiconductors according to energy band picture. Textbook Chapter Five, Six. Solid State Physics-R.K Puri & V.K.Babbar. 84 Module IV-Semiconductors (12 hours) Semiconductors –intrinsic and extrinsic types-doping.Drift velocity, mobility and conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors, Law of mass action and intrinsic carrier concentration(only essential formula required), Hall effect-hall coefficient. Textbooks Chapter Seven. Solid State Physics-R.K Puri & V.K.Babbar. Chapter Six. Elementay Solid State Physics-Principles and Applications-Ali Omar, Pearson Education. Module V – Magnetism in solids and Super conductivity (20 hours) Magnetic terminology–Types of magnetism(derivations not needed)-dia,para and ferromagnetism –Weiss Theory of ferromagnetism-Concept Domain and Hysterisis, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism. Superconductivity, Electrical resistivity- zero resistance, Meissner effect, Critical field and critical temperature, Type I and Type II Superconductors, Applications of superconductivity (basic information only). Textbook Chapter Eight and Ten. Solid State Physics-R.K Puri&V.K.Babbar. Books for study 1. Concepts of Modern Physics -Arthur Beiser, 6th edn., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2. Solid State Physics-R.K Puri & V.KBabbar,S.Chand & Company Ltd. 3. Elementay Solid State Physics-Principles and Applications-Ali Omar, Pearson Education. Books suggested for further reading 1. Quantum Mechanics-G Aruldhas, PHI Learning. 2. Solid State Physics-S.O Pillai,6th revised edition. New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 3. Introduction to Solid State Physics - Charles Kittel,8th edition, Wiley. 4. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Griffiths, 2nd edition. Pearson Education. 5. Solid State Physics-Structures and Properties of materials, M.A Wahab,3rdedition, Narosa Publishing House. 6. Solid State Physics- C.L. Arora, S Chand & Company Ltd. 7. Solid State Physics-P.K. Palanisamy, Scitech Publications. 8. Solid State Physics- Blakemore, J.S. 2nd edition. Cambridge. 9. Solid State Physics - Gupta & Kumar, K.Nath& Co., Educational Publishers, 10. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics –Saxena, Gupta & Saxena, Pragati Prakashan 85 17.2 VOCATIONAL COURSES (Model II) (1) APPLIED ELECTRONICS SEMESTER 1 AE1VOT01: PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Credits: 2 Contact hours: 36 Hours. Scope: This course is expected to give a familiarization of various electronic components. Prerequisites: Basic Physics and Mathematics Module I (12 hours) Resistors: (6Hours) Basic Ideas – Resistor Types – Wire wound Resistors – Carbon composition Resistors – Carbon Film Resistors – Metal Film Resistors – Power Rating – Value- tolerance – Variable Resistors – Potentiometers and Rheostat – Fusible resistor – Resistor Colour code –Resistors under 10 Ohm – Resistor troubles – Checking Resistors with an Ohmmeter –Measurement of resistance-bridge method Inductors: (6Hours) Basic Ideas – Comparison of different cores – Inductance of an Inductor – Mutual Inductance Coefficient of Coupling – Variable Inductors – Series and Parallel combination of inductors – Energy stored – troubles in coils – Reactance – Impedance – Q factor – Power factor and wattless current - Measurement of Inductance-Universal bridge method. Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Theraja-S Chand (2005) Electronic Components, D.V.Prasad- Radiant Publishing House, Hyderabad. Module II (12 hours) Capacitance:(8Hours) Basic ideas – Capacitor connected to the battery – Capacitance – Factors controlling capacitance – Types of Capacitors – Fixed Capacitors:- Paper, Mica, Ceramic, Electrolytic – Variable Capacitors:- Gang, Trimmer, Padder - Voltage ratings of Capacitors – Stray circuit capacitance – Leakage Resistance – Series and Parallel combination Capacitors – Energy stored – Troubles in Capacitors – Checking Capacitors with Ohmmeter – Charging of a 86 Capacitor – Capacitor connected across and AC source – Capacitive Reactance – Q factor – Power factor – Measurement of Capacitance-Universal bridge method. Transformers (4Hours) Principle, Symbols – Mains and isolation transformers – Auto, Audio, IF, RF and Power transformers – Impedance matching – Losses in transformers – Equivalent circuit – Frequency response – Common fault in transformers. Electronic Instruments and Systems, R.G. Gupta – TMH (2001) Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Theraja-S Chand (2005) Electronic Components, D. V. Prasad- Radiant Publishing House, Hyderabad. Module III (12 hours) Switches and Relays:(9Hours) Basic ideas: switching actions, momentary contact actions, maintained contact actions – Types of switches: SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT, Toggle, rotary-Fuses: General idea, fuse rating – Circuit breaker-Relays: General information, Symbol-Types of electromagnetic, reed relay – Specifications – Application areas. A text Book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005) Electronic Components and materials, Madhuri A. Joshi – Wheeler Publishing (1996) Display Devices: (3 Hours) LED, LCD, Segmental Displays using LEDs, LCDs. Electronic Instrumentation (2 Ed.) H.S. Kalsi, TMH (2 Edn) 87 relays: AE1VOT02: ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS Credits: 2 Contact hours: 36 hours. Scope: This course is expected to provide knowledge of various electronic circuits and its application. Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I Measuring Instruments (6 Hours.) PMMC Multimeter – Digital Multimeter– Cathode Ray Oscilloscope(CRO):- Principle – Cathode Ray Tube – Deflection of the Beam – Blanking or Flyback or Retrace-Deflection Sensitivity- Single Trace Oscilloscope – Recurrent Sweep. Electronic Instruments and Systems, R.G. Gupta – TMH (2001) Tuning Circuits and Filters: (6Hours) Resonance in series and parallel LCR circuits – Operating characteristic of a tuning circuit – Q value – Bandwidth – Tuning circuit in radio receivers – Double tuned transformers – direct and indirect coupled circuits – coefficient of coupling – filters: low pass filter-high pass filter – band pass filter-band stop filter. Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Theraja-S Chand (2005) Module II Time base Circuits: (6Hours) General features of a time base signal – Types of time base circuits – Methods of Generating a time base Waveform – Exponential Sweep circuit – Sweep Circuit Using Transistor Switch – A Transistor Constant Current Sweep – Miller Sweep Circuit – Bootstrap Sweep Circuit – Current Time Base Generator. A text Book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005) Transducers: (6Hours) General information-LDR-Thermistor – Thermocouple – Photodiode – Phototransistor – LVDT-Piezoelectric transducer, Microphone-moving coil. Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Theraja-S Chand (2005) Electronic Instrumentation (2 Ed.) H.S. Kalsi, TMH (2006). 88 Module III Optical Recording: (8Hours). Types of optical recording of sound – Methods of optical recording of sound of films – Variable density method – Variable area method – Reproduction of sound from films – Compact Disc – Optical recording of disc -CD playback process – Advantages and disadvantages of compact discs. Audio and Video Systems, R.G. Gupta – TMH (2002) Printed Circuit Board: (4Hours) General Information-Types of PCBs-Steps involved in development of PCB-Advantages A text of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S.Chand (2005) Electronic Components and materials, Madhuri A. Joshi – Wheeler publishing (1996) 89 SEMESTER 2 AE2VOT03: BASICS OF POWER ELECTRONICS Credits: 2 Contact hours: 36 hours. Scope: This course is expected to provide a knowledge of various Power Electronic components and its application. Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I Field-Effect Transistors: 12 hours. Introduction– Types of Field-Effect Transistor. Junction Field-Effect Transistor – Formation of Depletion Region in JFET – Operation of JFET – Characteristics of JFET – Drain Characteristics – Effect of Gate-to-Source Voltage on Drain Characteristics – Transfer Characteristics – Specifications Sheet of JFET – JFET Parameters – Mathematical Expression for Transconductance – Comparison between Junction Field Effect Transistors and Bipolar Junction Transistor A Text book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005). Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Thereja-S Chand (2005) Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons Module II MOSFET: 12Hours. Types of MOSFET – Depletion-Type MOSFET – Working of a Depletion-Type MOSFET – Drain Characteristics of Depletion-Type MOSFET – Transfer Symbol for Depletion Type MOSFET – Circuit Symbol for Depletion-Type MOSFET – Enhancement-Type MOSFET – Drain characteristics for enhancement type MOSFET - Transfer Characteristics of Enhancement-Type MOSFET – Circuit Symbol for Enhancement type MOSFET – The MOSFET as a Resistor – Advantages of N-Channel MOSFET’s Over P-Channel – Complementary MOSFETs (CMOS), Handling Precautions for MOSFET’s. A Text Book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005). Basic Electronics – Solid State, B.L. Theraja-S Chand (2005) Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons 90 Module III FET Amplifiers: 12Hours. Introduction-Biasing the FET- Biasing the JFET-Gate Bias-Self Bias-Setting a Q-Point Setting a Q-Point Using Load Line – Biasing Against Device Parameter Variation – Voltage Divider Bias – Source Bias – Current Source Bias – Biasing the Enhancement Type MOSFET ‘s – Biasing the Depletion Type MOSFET ‘s -The Field –Effect Transistor amplifier-Common source Amplifier-Analysis of Common Source Amplifier-Effect of AC load on amplifier parameters-Effect of external source resistance on Voltage gain, Common Drain Amplifier- Analysis of Common Drain Amplifier-Common Gate Amplifier- Analysis of Common Gate Amplifier A Text book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005) Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons 91 AE2VOT04: POWER ELECTRONICS Credits: 2 Contact hours: 36 hours Scope: This course is expected to provide a knowledge of various Power electronic circuits and its application. Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I Thyristors, SCR, Diac, Triac: (14 hours.) Basic ideas and Types of Thyristors Basic construction of Silicon Controlled Rectifier – SCR biasing – SCR operation – SCR equivalent Circuit- Two transistor model of SCR –Trigger Current and Trigger voltage- Turning ON & Turning OFF an SCR– V-I characteristics – Forward characteristic – Reverse characteristic – Thyristor Specifications and ratings – Applications. Basic construction of Diac:- V-I characteristic-Applications. Basic construction of Triac:- Operation – V-I characteristic – Applications – Difference between SCR and Triac. Module II Uni Junction Transistors, Silicon Controlled Switch: (10 hours.) Unijunction Transistors (UJT) : Basic construction-Equivalent circuit-Intrinsic Standoff ratioUJT operation. V-I characteristic –UJT Relaxation Oscillator- Applications of UJT. Basic ideas of:- Silicon Controlled Switch(SCS)-SCS operation-SCS application-Silicon Unilateral Switch (SUS)-Silicon Bilateral Switch (SBS) – Silicon Asymmetrical Switch (SAS). Module III Controlled Rectifiers: 12 Hours. Introduction-SCR – Power control using SCR – SCR half wave rectifier – Average values of load voltage and current - 90°Variable Half Wave Rectifier - 180º Variable Half Wave Rectifier – SCR Full Wave Rectifier – UJT Triggered SCR phase control – Triac power control – Diac-Triac Phase Control Circuit – General ideas of Inverters -Single phase inverter – Push-pull inverter. A Text book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005) Power Electronics, B.R.Gupta and V.Singhal- S.K. Kataria & Sons Power Electronics, Dr.P.S.Bimbhra, Khanna Publishers 92 SEMESTER 3 AE3VOT05: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Credits: 3 Contact hours: 54 hours. Scope: This course is expected to provide knowledge of various Linear Integrated Electronic circuits and its application. Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I (18 hours) Operational Amplifiers: 18 Hours. Introduction – Operational Overview – Op-Amp supply voltages – IC Identification – Packages – Parameters. Op-amp as an Voltage Amplifier-Inverting Amplifier – Non inverting amplifier –inverting–Voltage follower(buffer) – Summing Amplifier – Differential Amplifier- Op. Amp frequency response – Frequency versus gain Characteristics A Text book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005). Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons Linear Integrated Circuits, M.P.A.Jaleel-Maliyakkal Publishers, Calicut. Module II (18 hours) Op-amp Applications: 18Hours. Comparators- Integrator – Differentiator – Audio amplifier – High Impedance, Voltmeter – Op-Amp based oscillator circuits: Wein Bridge Oscillator – Colpitts Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator, Triangular wave Oscillator, Voltage-Controlled Saw tooth Oscillator, Square Wave Relaxation Oscillator. Active Filters: Low-pass Filters, High Pass Filters, Band Pass Filters, Notch Filter A Text book of Applied Electronics, R.S. Sedha – S. Chand (2005) Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Ramakant.A.Gayakwad-PHI(2004) Linear Integrated Circuits, M.P.A.Jaleel-Maliyakkal Publishers, Calicut. Module III (18 hours) IC Timer (555): 9Hours. Monostable Multivibrator – Applications, Astable Multivibrator – Applications, Bistable Multivibrator – Applications, Schmitt trigger – Applications, VCO 93 Phase – Locked Loops (PLL): 9Hours. Operating Principles – Phase Detector – Low –Pass Filter – VCO – monolithic PLL References: Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Ramakant.A.Gayakwad-PHI(2004) Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.B.Gupta-S.K.Kataria & Sons Linear Integrated Circuits, M.P.A.Jaleel-Maliyakkal Publishers, Calicut. 94 AE3VOT06: COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS Credits: 3 Contact hours: 54 hours Scope: This course is expected to provide knowledge of various communication systems and its working Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I (18 hours) Communication Systems (6Hours) Communication Systems- Information, Transmitter, Channel, Noise, Receiver -Modulationneed for modulation. Electronic Communication Systems- Kennedy & Davis, TMH, 4th Edition. Electronic Devices: Floyd, Pearson , 6th Edition. Radio waves (12Hours) Propagation of radio waves: Ground waves, Sky waves, Space waves, Frequency and band allocation- ionospheric influence on radio waves. Terms relating sky wave communication, skip distance, maximum usable frequency, Single and multihop transmission, Fading. Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications- D. Chattopadhyaya , P.C.Rakshit, NewageRevised 6th edition. Module II (18 hours) Modulation and Demodulation (7Hours) Modulation and Demodulation: Amplitude modulation- Modulation index, Frequency spectrum, Sidebands, Power in AM wave, Amplitude modulation generation. Frequency modulation- Modulation index, Generation of FM wave, Reactance modulator, Voltage controlled oscillator. Wave detectors (11Hours) Detection of AM wave- Diode detector (qualitative) - Detection of FM waves- Slope detector, phase discriminator, Pre emphasis, De emphasis - Comparison between AM & FM Pulse modulation-Analog & digital Pulse modulation, Basic idea of Pulse amplitude 95 modulation (PAM), Pulse width modulation (PWM) & Pulse position modulation (PPM) Radio Receivers- Super heterodyne AM receiver & Super heterodyne FM receiver (Explanation with block diagram). Electronics: Fundamentals and applications- D. Chattopadhyaya , P.C.Rakshit, NewageRevised 6th edition. Electronic Communication Systems- Kennedy & Davis, TMH, 4th Edition. Electronic Devices: Floyd, Pearson , 6th Edition. Module III (18 hours) Antenna (12Hours) Antenna – Half-wave dipole – Antenna parameters – Dipole antenna with reflector and director – Yagi-Uda Antenna – T.V. Scanning, Colour TV –Luminance, hue and saturationColour signal Transmission, Modulation of colour difference signals, Weighting factors, Formation of Chrominance Signal, PAL Colour T.V. System, PAL-D Colour system, PAL-D Colour Receiver, Merits and Demerits of the PAL system. Principles of radar, Radar range equation, Basic pulsed radar set, Applications of radar. Forms of communication systems (6Hours) Other communication systems: Fiber optic communication- Satellite communicationMicrowave communication- Mobile communication- Cellular mobile communication (Basic ideas only). Electronics: Fundamentals and applications- D. Chattopadhyaya, P. C. Rakshit, NewageRevised 6th edition. Monochrome and Colour Television,R.R. Gulati- New Age International(P) LTD, Publishers. 96 SEMESTER 4 AV4VOT07: MICRO PROCESSOR AND INTERFACING DEVICES Credits: 3 Contact hours: 54 hours Scope: This course is expected to provide knowledge of Micro Processor and Interfacing Devices Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I (27 hours) Intel 8085 Microprocessor Architecture – Intel 8085 – Instruction cycle - Timing diagram – Instruction set of Intel 8085 – Addressing Modes – Status Flags – Intel 8085 Instructions – Simple program for data transfer and arithmetic operations, program branching, looping, using sub routines, Program for finding smallest and largest number, Program for arranging data in ascending and descending order. References: Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers – B Ram Pub: Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.(6 th Edn.) Micro Processor Architectures Programming and Applications – R.S. Gaonkar, Pub: Penram International Module II (27 hours) Peripheral Devices Address space partitioning – Data transfer schemes – Interrupts of Intel 8085 – Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) Intel 8255 - Programmable DMA Controller Intel 8257 – Programmable Interrupt Controller Intel 8259 Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers – B Ram Pub: Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.(6th Edn.) Micro Processor Architectures Programming and Applications – R.S. Gaonkar, Pub: Penram International 97 AE4VOT08 APPLICATIONS OF MICROPROCESSORS Credits: 3 Contact hours: 54 hours Scope: This course is expected to provide knowledge of architecture and applications of Microprocessors Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Physics and Mathematics Module I Applications of Intel 8085 (18Hours) Delay Sub routine – 7 segment LED display – Temperature measurement and controlStepper Motor – Traffic control – Generation of square wave or pulse using I/O Port. Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers – B Ram Pub: Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.(6th Edn.) Module II Micro Controller 8051 (10Hours) Microprocessors and Microcontrollers – Comparison –The Z 80 and The 8051 – A Microcontroller survey – Four bit, Eight bit, Sixteen bit, Thirty Two bit microcontrollers – Development system for microcontrollers. The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming & Applications-Kenneth J Ayala – Second Edition Module III The 8051 Architecture (26Hours) Introduction – 8051 Microcontroller hardware – The 8051 Oscillator and Clock – Program Counter and Data Pointer – A and B CPU Registers – Flags and the Program Status Word (PSW) – Internal Memory – Internal RAM – The Stack and the Stack Pointer – Special Function Registers – Internal ROM – Input/Output Pins, Ports, and Circuits – Port 0 – Port 1 – Port 2 – Port 3 - External Memory – Connecting External Memory – Counter and Timers – Timer Counter Interrupts – Timing – Timer Modes of Operation – Counting – Serial Data 98 Input/Output – Serial Data Interrupts – Data Transmission – Data Reception – Serial Data Transmission Modes – Interrupts – Timer Flag Interrupt – Serial Port Interrupt – External Interrupts – Reset – Interrupt Control – Interrupt Priority – Interrupt Destinations – Software – Generated Interrupts The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming & Applications-Kenneth J Ayala – Second Edition 99 VOCATIONAL COURSES (1): APPLIED ELECTRONICS-PRACTICAL SEMESTER 1 & 2 Vocational Practical I: AE2VOP01 (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. Familiarization of passive components 2. Familiarization of active components 3. Familiarization of CRO 4. PCB layout and fabrication (Hartley, Colpitt’s oscillators, RC coupled amplifier) 5. Zener Diode Characteristics 6. RC Integrator (Design – Set up – Its response to pulses or square waves) 7. RC Differentiator (Design-Set up-its response to pulses or square waves) 8. RC low pass filter (Study the frequency response) 9. RC high pass filter (Study the frequency response) 10. Photo diode –Characteristics 11. Soldering practice 12. Construction & study of regulated power supply using regulator IC’s 78xx 79xx Line regulation(for a given full load) and load regulation 13. JFET characteristics (Static drain characteristics – Calculation of parameters) 14. UJT characteristics 15. SCR. Characteristics 16. DIAC Characteristics 17. TRIAC Characteristics 18. UJT relaxation Oscillator 19. Common emitter amplifier design and construction. (a) Study the influence the biasing resistors on D.C operating point. (b)Variation of gain with collector resistor. (c) Measure the gain with and without the bypass capacitor 20. Common source JFET amplifier References: 1. Electronics Lab Manual, Vol 1 and 2, K.A. Navas – Rajath Publishers 2. Digital Electonics Theory and Experiments, Virendra Kumar-New Age International Publishers. 3. Electronics Laboratory Primer, Poorna Chandra and B. Sasikala – S. Chand 100 SEMESTER 3 and 4 Vocational Practical II: AE4VOP02 (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. Op-amp – Square Wave Generator 2. Op-amp – First Order Low Pass Filter (Design, Construction, Study) 3. Op-amp – First Order High Pass Filter (Design, Construction, Study) 4. Op-amp – Pulse Width Modulation 5. Op-amp – Digital/Analog Converter 6. Op-amp – A /D Converter 7. Op-amp –Summing Amplifier 8. OP-Amp – inverter, non inverter, buffer for A.C input voltages 9. Decade Counter (BCD Counter) (IC 7490) 10. Bistable multivibrator using IC 555 11. μP – Conversion of 8 bit binary to BCD/BCD to binary 12. μP – Square of a number 13. μP – Square root of a number 14. μP – Multi byte decimal addition 15. μP – Largest among the set of numbers 16. μP – Smallest among the set of numbers 17. μP – Hex number to ASCII Hex Code conversion 18. μP – ASCII Hex Code to Hex number conversion 19. μP – Binary to BCD conversion 20. μP – BCD to Binary conversion References: 1. Electronics Lab Manual, Vol 1 and 2, K.A. Navas – Rajath Publishers 2. Digital Electonics Theory and Experiments, Virendra Kumar-New Age International Publishers. 3. Electronics Laboratory Primer, Poorna Chandra and B. Sasikala – S. Chand 101 Vocational Practical III: AE4VOP03 (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. Amplitude Modulator (Set up – Study using CRO) 2. Demodulator (Set up – Study using CRO) 3. IF Tuned amplifier (Frequency response ) 4. Mixer Circuit for 455Hz (Design and set up) 5. Frequency modulation using IC 555 6. Pulse width modulation using IC 555 7. LED- Characteristics 8. LDR- Characteristics 9. PhotoDiode-Characteristics 10. OptoCoupler- Characteristics 11. μP – Move a block of data from one section of memory to another 1β. μP – Square from look up table 1γ. μP – 16 bit multiplication 14. μP – Sorting (ascending order) 15. μP – Sorting (descending order) 16. μP – Factorial of a number 17. μP – Counting the number of occurance 18. μP – Decimal counter to count 00to99 19. μP – Generation of pulse waveform 20. μP – Stepper motor interface Reference: Electronics Lab Manual, Vol 1 and 2, K.A. Navas – Rajath Publishers Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers – B Ram Pub: Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.(6th Edn.) 102 (2): COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (model II) Semester I Vocational Paper I: CA1VOT01 - COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Credits – 2 No. of contact hours –36 Scope: This course provides the basic knowledge about computers. Prerequisites: Basic Mathematics, Fundamentals of Electronics. Module I Introduction &Characteristics of Computers: (12 Hours) Evolution of Computers: Abacus, Napier’s Logs and Bones, Mechanical Calculators, Babbage’s Engines, Holierith’s Machine. Generation of Computers: First generation, Second generation, Third generation, Fourth Generation and Fifth generation. Purpose of using computers, Data & Information Characteristics of a Computer, Capabilities & Limitations of Computers. Type of Computers: Analog-Digital-Hybrid. Classification based on memory size: Micro, Mini andMainframes, Supercomputers. Basic Organization & Working of a Computer: Arithmetic Logic Unit-Control unit-Central Processing unit Module II Basic Computer Organization: (10Hours) Input units: Different types of Keyboards, Mouse’s&it’s working, Joystick, Trackball, Scanner: Flat bed, Sheet-fed and Hand-held scanners, Graphic Tablets, Light Pen Output units: Working of monochromatic and colour CRT, LCD Panel, Plotters, Audio output devices, Printers – Working of Dot Matrix, Laser, Inkjet, Colour Thermal printer Motherboard, Expansion Buses, BIOS Storage units: Primary Memory-RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROMand EEPROM, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory-Magnetic storage devices, Optical storage devices, Semiconductor memory. Working of Hard Disk & Floppy Disk Module III Computer arithmetic and number systems: (9 Hours) Number Systems: Decimal Number System, Binary Number System, Octal Number System, Hexadecimal Number System. Converting from one number system to another number system 103 Computer codes-BCD, EBCDIC and ASCII Computer arithmetic: Binary Addition, Subtraction, Division & Multiplication - Hexadecimal Addition &Subtraction - Octal Addition & Subtraction - BCD Addition Computer Software: (5Hours) What is software?, Relation between Hardware and Software Types of Software: System software: Operating System, Language Translators- Assembler, Compiler & Interpreter Application software: General Purpose Application Software, Customized Application software. Utility Software: Antivirus, Disk Defragmenter, Backup Software, Compression Software Classification of software based on licence: Proprietary, Shareware, Freeware, Open source, Free Software Computer Languages-Machine Language, Assembly Language, High-Level Language References 1. Fundamentals of Computers, V Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Computer and Commonsense, Roger Hunt & John Shelley, PHI 3. Computer Fundamentals, P K Sinha, BPB Publications, New Delhi. 4. Microsoft MS-DOS User's Guide & Reference. 5. The Internet, Complete Reference, Harley Hahn, Tata Mcgraw-Hill. 6. Fundamentals of computers, E Balaguruswamy 104 Vocational Paper II: CA1VOT02 - OPERATING SYSTEM AND COMPUTER NETWORKS Credits – 2 No. of contact hours –36 Scope: This course provides a basic knowledge about the role of Operating System in the functioning of computers and potential of networks. Prerequisites: Basic mathematics, Fundamentals of Computers. Module I Operating System organization and Scheduling: (10 hours) Introduction to Operating Systems- Functions / Services provided by the Operating System Types of Operating Systems: Batch Processing Systems, Multiprogramming / Multitasking Operating Systems, Time Sharing / Multi User Operating Systems, Real Time Operating Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Networking Operating Systems. Process Management: Process-Process States-Process State Diagrams- Process Control Block-Process Scheduling-Schedulers-CPU Bound &Input/Output Bound Process-Context Switch-Dispatcher-CPU Scheduling-Scheduling Criteria’s CPU Scheduling Problems (6 hours) First Come First Serve (FCFS)-Shortest Job First (SJF)-Priority Non Preemptive (P-NP)Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)-Priority Preemptive - Round Robin (RR) Module II Memory management: (8 hours) Basic ideas-Memory Management requirements-Address Binding- Dynamic address space binding -Fixed partition memory strategies-Variable partition memory strategies –Dynamic Storage allocation problems: First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit, Next Fit- Fragmentation – Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory - Page Replacement problems-FIFO, LRU, Optimal Replacement Disk Operating System: (4 hours) Basics, Internal & External Commands- dir, chdir/cd, mkdir/md, rmdir/rd, copy, type, rename/ren, del/erase, prompt, ver, date, path, cls, diskcopy, diskcomp, format, mem, more, sys, tree, attrib, chkdsk Module III Computer Networks: (8 hours) Concepts of Network –Network Criteria-Physical topology of networks-Mesh Topology-Star Topology-Bus Topology-Ring Topology-hybrid Topology-Client Server Model- Peer-to105 Peer, Uses of networks. Categories of network-LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN –Protocols - ISOOSI and TCP/IP reference model Hardware&Communication Equipment’s–Network Interface Card (Ethernet), Modems, Switches, Routers, Repeaters, Gateways, Bridges, Concentrators. Reference 1. Operating systems Gary Nutt 3rd Edn. Pearson. 2. Fundamentals of Computers, V Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 3. Operating System Concepts, by Silbereschatz and Galvin 4. Operating System Concepts and design, by Milan Milenkovic 5. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 5th Edition, by James F Kurose 6. Computer Networks- A system approach, by Peterson 7. Microsoft MS-DOS User's Guide & Reference. 106 Hubs, Semester II Vocational Paper III: CA2VOT03 - WORD AND DATA PROCESSING PACKAGES Credits – 2 No. of contact hours –36 Scope: This course provides the basic knowledge of Word and data processing Prerequisites: Basic Computer Knowledge. Module I MS Word : (12 hours) Word Processing Package: MS-Word: Introduction; Features- Word User Interface Elements; Creating new Documents; Basic editing, Saving a Document; Printing a Document; Print Preview, Page orientation – Viewing Documents; Setting tabs- Page Margins; Indents; Ruler, Formatting Techniques; Font Formatting, Paragraph Formatting; Page Setup; Headers & Footers; Bullets & Numbered List; Borders & shadings; Find & Replace; Page Break & Page Numbers; Mail Merging ; Spelling & Grammar Checking; Thesaurus; Automating Documents; Macros; Tables- Side by Side & Nested Tables; Formatting Tables; Word Art, E-mail editor Module II PageMaker (12 hours) Desktop Publishing: PageMaker: Introduction to Desktop Publishing as a ProcessAdvantages of PageMaker- PageMaker User Interface Elements; Creating new Documents PageMaker Tools & Palettes-Master Pages- Page Setup, Page Orientation, Inserting Pages, Removing Pages; Headers & Footers, Page Number -Working with objects- Type Styling Options- Working with text-Formatting Options: Leading, Margins & indents- Scaling TextChanging Line Specifications, Changing Fill Specifications, Fill & Stroke-Paragraph Formatting Options- Working with Grids-Creating Frames-Adding Graphics to a FrameLayers- Creating a new layer, moving an object to another layer, hiding layers, locking layers, deleting layers Module III MS Excel: (12 hours) Spreadsheet package: MS-Excel Introduction, Excel User interface, working with cell and cell addresses, Selecting a range, Moving, Cutting, Copying & Paste, inserting & deleting cells, freezing cells, adding deleting & copying worksheet within a workbook, Renaming a worksheet. Cell formatting options-Formatting Fonts, Aligning, Wrapping and Rotating Text, Using Borders, Boxes and Colors, Centering a heading, Changing row/column and 107 height/width, Formatting a work sheet automatically, Insert Comments, Clear contents in a cell, using Print preview, Preparing worksheet for the printer, Selecting Print area, Margin and Orientation, Centering a worksheet, Using header & Footer, inserting page breaks, creating list, sorting data, Logical & Mathematical functions in excel, Linking data between work sheets, pie chart, converting a pie chart on a webpage, Use of Pivot Tables References 1. An Introduction to Business Data Processing, Sardino, Prentice Hall.Microsoft Office 97, Ned Snell, PustakMahal, New Delhi. 2. Windows and MS Office 2000 with Database Concepts,N Krishnan, Scitech Publications Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. 3. Adobe PageMaker 7.0 (Illustrated Series: Complete) by Kevin Proot. 4. Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 2010: A Fundamental Combined Approach (Shelly Cashman Series) by Gary B Shelly and Misty Vermaat 5. PageMaker(r) 7: The Complete Reference(Paperback) Carolyn Connally 6. PageMaker for macintosh and windows David D Busch BPB Publications. 108 Vocational Paper IV: CA2VOT04 - PROGRAMMING IN ANSI C Credits – 2 No. of contact hours –36 Scope: This course provides a knowledge about C Programming Prerequisites: Basic mathematics, basic computer knowledge. Module I Overview of C (3 hours) Introduction, Simple C Program, Basic Structure of C program, Programming style, executing a C program. Constants, Variables, and Data Types. (3 hours) Character set, C tokens, keywords and identifiers, Constants, Variables, Data type, Declaration of variables, Assigning values to variables, Definingsymbolic constants. Operators and Expressions. (6 hours) Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment, Decrement, Conditional, Bit wise and Special Operators.Arithmetic expressions.Evaluation of expressions, Precedence of arithmetic operators.Type conversions in expressions. Operator precedence and associatively, Mathematical functions. Module II Managing Input and Output Operators. (4 hours) Reading a character, Writing a Character, Formatted input, and formatted output. Decision making and branching. (4 hours) Decision making with IF statement.Simple IF statement, The IF ELSE statement. Nesting of IF ELSE statement, The ELSE IF ladder, and The Switch statement. The ?: operator, The GOTO statement. Decision making and looping. (4 hours) The While statement, The DO statement, The FOR statement.Jumps in loops. Module III Arrays. (6 hours) Introduction, One and two dimensional arrays, Initializingtwo-dimensional arrays, Multidimensional arrays. 109 User-Defined Functions. (6 hours) Need for user-defined functions. A multi-function program, the form of C function. Return values and their types, Calling a function, Category of functions, No arguments and no return values, Arguments but no return values, Arguments with return values, Handling of noninteger functions, Nesting of function, Recursion, Function with arrays, The scope and lifetime of variables in functions References: 1. Programming in ANCI C, by Balaguruswamy 2. Let Us C by Yashavant Kanetkar 3. Programming in ANSI C by Stephen G. KochanSams; Rev Sub edition (April 1994) 4. A First Book of ANSI C, Gary J. Bronson Course Technology 110 Semester III Vocational Paper V: CA3VOT05 - CONCEPTS OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Credits – 3 No. of contact hours – 54 Scope: This course is expected to provide basic ideas of OOP and preliminary steps in C++ programming Prerequisites: Basic knowledge, computer fundamentals and basic Mathematics. Module I Basic concepts in Object Oriented Methodology (8 hours) Benefits; Finding Class & Objects, Characteristics of OOLanguages C++ Programming Basics (9 hours) Program construction, Input Output with cin&cout, Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment & Increment Operators, Relational Operators Decisions &Loops (9hours) if and if else statements for, while & do Loops, switch statement Conditional Operator, Logical Operators Precedents of Operators Nested ifs Module II Structures (9 hours) Structure specifiers & Definitions Accessing Structure Members Nested Structures, Structures as Objects and Data Types, Enumerated Data Types, Functions (9 hours) Function Definitions and Declarations, Arguments and Return Values, Reference Arguments, Overload Functions, Default Arguments, Storage Classes. Module III Objects & Classes (10 hours) Member Functions And Data, Private and Public, Constructors and Distracters, Objects in the real World, When to Use Objects. Reference Books: 1. Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia. 2. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. The Essence Of Programming Using C++, Douglas Bell, Prentice-Hall. 4. Teach Yourself C++, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw-Hill. 5. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, by Yashavant Kanetkar 111 Vocational Paper VI: CA3VOT06 - C++ PROGRAMMING Credits – 3 No. of contact hours – 54 Scope: This course is expected to provide sound knowledge in C++ programming Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computer fundamentals and basic mathematics Module I Arrays (9 hours) Array Definitions, Accessing array Elements, Arrays as Class Members, Arrays of Objects, Strings, String INPUT/OUTPUT. The Operator Keyword (9 hours) Overloading UNARY Operators, Overloading Binary Operators, Constructors as Conversion Routines, Converting between Basic to User Defined Types, Converting between User Defined Types to Basic Types Module II Inheritance (9 hours) Reasons for Inheritance, Base and Derived Classes, Access Control, Class Hierarchies, Multiple Inheritance, Inheritance and Program Development. C++ Graphics (9 hours) Text Mode Graphics, Setting up for Graphics Mode, Shapes, Lines, Color and Pattern, Graphics Shapes as C++ Objects, Text in Graphics Mode Module III Pointers (9 hours) Address Constants and Variables, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Function Arguments, Pointers and Strings, Memory Management with new and delete, Pointers and Objects Virtual Functions (9 hours) Friend Functions, Static Functions, Overloaded assignment Operator, Overload copy Constructor, The this Pointer. Reference Books: 1. Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia. 2. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. The Essence Of Programming Using C++, Douglas Bell, Prentice-Hall. 4. Teach Yourself C++, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw-Hill. 5. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, by Yashavant Kanetkar 112 Semester IV Vocational Paper VII: CA4VOT07 - VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING Credits – 3 No. of contact hours – 54 Scope: This course is designed to provide basic ideas of VB programming Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computer fundamentals and computer programming. Module I Introduction (12 hours) VB Introduction-VB Developing Environment – VB Menu Bar –Toolbars –Project ExplorerTool Box-Form Designer-Form Layout. Visual Basic Program Elements: Variables, Data Types, Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Declaring and using Constants; Operators – Arithmetic Operators, Relational or Comparison Operators, Logical operators; User Defined DataType, Arrays, Multidimentional Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Comments in VB. Control Flow Statements- if ....then, if...then...else, select case ; Loop Statements- do loop, for next, for each next; Input Box and Message Box functions Using intrinsic controls (12 hours) Pointer – Label – Frame – Check box – Combo box – Scroll Bar – Timer – Dir list box – Shapes – Image – OLE – Picture box – Text box – Command button – Option button – List box – Drive List Box-Directory List Box-File List Box-Shape Control & Line ControlHorizontal Scroll bar – Vertical Scroll Bar-Adding check box controls – Adding combo box– Standard MDI form features – Building the MDI form. Module II Methods, Properties, and Events (12 hours) Learn about properties and how to manage them – Discover how to call methods –Learn how Visual Basic enables program to respond to events, System Events and User Events. Debugging Window- Immediate Window, Locals Window, Watch Window, Quick Watch Window, Call Stack Window, creating a toolbar in VB 113 Module III Function and File Handling (12 hours) Control Arrays, Procedures, Event Procedure, General Procedures-Sub Procedures, Functions; Arguments to functions or sub procedures, Passing arguments by reference and value, Optional arguments , Using named Arguments, Exiting Procedures, Event-Driven Programming, String Functions File Handling-File, Fileld, Records, Sequential Access Files, Opening and closing of Sequential Access Files, Editing (Reading & Writing) Files opened for Sequential Access, Random Access Files, Opening and closing of Random Access Files, Editing (Reading & Writing) Files opened for Random Access, Deleting records in Random Access- Binary Access Files, Opening and closing of Binary Access Files, Editing (Reading & Writing) Files opened for Binary Access, Deleting records in Binary Access Reference Books: 1. Visual Basic 6 - Clayton Walnum, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional: Step by Step by by Halvorson 3. Visual Basic 6.0, N Krishnan and N Saravanan, Scitech Publications, Pvt Ltd, Chennai. 4. Programming With Visual Basic 6.0 by M. Azam 114 Vocational Paper VIII: CA4VOT08 - COMPUTER WEB APPLICATIONS AND GRAPHICS Credits – 3 No. of contact hours – 54 Scope: This course is expected provide training in packages and its applications in web page designing Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computer fundamentals, basic mathematics and HTML tags. Module I HTML & CSS (18 hours) Basics of HTML:- Html tags, HTML Editors, HTML Documents, Heading Tags, Paragraph Tags, Centring Contents, HTML Elements, frames element, marquee text HTML Attributes:- lang, href, size, align, valign, bgcolor, background, width, height, title HTML Text formatting elements, HTML comments, HTML Links, Anchor, HTML elements, HTML Tables, HTML List, HTML Block elements, HTML head, HTML forms, GET & POST Methods, Form Attributes, Organisation of HTML Document, Creating a webpage using html, HTML editors (Microsoft Front page, dream weaver),Introduction to HTML Web server (IIS - Internet Information Server, PWS - Personal Web Server). CSS:- Basics, Syntax, CSS Comments, CSS Selectors, External style sheet, Internal style sheet, Inline style, CSS Text Module II JavaScript (12 hours) Basics, Static webpage, Dynamic webpage, Advantages & Limitations of JavaScript, JavaScript Development Tools, External JavaScript, JavaScript Output, JavaScript DataTypes, Variables and its scope, JavaScript Reserved Words. JavaScript Operators, Conditional Statements-if statement, if...else statement, if...else if... statement, Switch statement, JavaScript Loops:- while loop, for loop, do-while loop, for-in loop, break & continue statements- AJAX and its advantages 115 MODULE III PHP& MYSQL (15 hours) PHP:- Basics, include and require statements, syntax, variables, input, output, data types, strings, constants, operators, Conditional Statements-if statement, if...else statement, if...elseif...else statement, Switch statement, PHP Loops:- while loop, for loop, do-while loop, foreach loop, break statement, functions, arrays, super globals, PHP sessions and cookies, PHP file handling. Implementing MYSQL using PHP:- Introduction, Database, opening a connection, closing a connection, Create Database, drop database, select database, MYSQL Data types, tables, Drop tables, insert, select tables, Where clause, update, delete records, Like clause, Order By, Joins, alter, dropping adding or repositioning a column, Web site development (Project) (9 hours) Create a web site on a selected topic, with the help of the teachers and if possible host in on any of the free web hosting services available References 1. Learning Web Design 2nd Edition by Jennifer Niederst 2. DHTML and JavaScript by Gilorien 3. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide by Larry Ullman 4. HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition by Thomas Powell 5. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett 6. PHP: The Complete Reference by Steven Holzner 7. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with j Query, CSS & HTML by Robin Nixon 116 VOCATIONAL SUBJECT COMPUTER APPLICATIONS PRACTICAL SYLLABUS SEMESTER I& II Vocational Practical 1 CA2VOP01: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS & ANSI C PROGRAMMING (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. Introduction to various hardware components of a computer. 2. Preparation and printing of a simple document using DOS TEXT Editor. 3. Development of a batch file to copy all files from a source drive to a target drive. 4. Development of a batch file to copy all the files, directories and all hidden files (if any) from one disk to another identical disk. 5. Development of a batch files to rename any existing directory by giving a new name with all possible error messages. 6. Development of a batch file to create a directory named “Computer” and any two subdirectories inside “Computer” 7. Windows Explorer is used to see all files, folders, create new folder, rename, copy, paste and delete. 8. Working with system tools containing Compression agent, Diskdefragmenter, DriveSpace and Scandisk. 9. Composing and sending an E-Mail message. 10. Find the sum and average of n numbers. 11. Obtain roots of a quadratic equation in all possible cases. 12. Program that reads a number from keyboard and then prints it in reverse case. 13. Program to compute x to the power n. 14. Program to find the largest and smallest element in an array. 15. Program to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values. The array elements are read from terminal. Use function to calculate standard deviation and mean 16. Program to read the elements of two matrices of order n x n and to perform the matrix multiplication. 17. Program to print the first n Fibonacci numbers using function. 18. Program to find the sum of the following seriesSum = x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + . . . xn/n!. Where n and x are entered from the key board. 19. Program that uses a function to sort an array of integers. 20. Program to check the given number is even or odd. 21. Program to find greatest of 3 number using if-else-if statement 117 SEMESTER III& IV Vocational Practical II CA4VOT01 - WORD AND DATA PROCESSING PACKAGES& VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. Create a worksheet which contain Employee no, Emp. name, Salary, department, Designation. Calculate the gross salary. Gross Salary = (Salary+HRA+DA) - PF. HRA = 50% of salary, DA = 30% of salary, PF = 10% of salary. Extract all employees who are managers. Extract all the employees whose salary is between 2000 and 4000. List the total salary and gross salary in each department. 2. Create the following work sheet. Marks of 4 subjects of 5 students and calculate the total mark,Average mark,Result and Grade. Sort the total marks in the descending order. All the numeric fields in the left alignment. Centralize the name of the Institute that you are studying. 3. Create a work sheet for preparing merit list for B Sc admission in your college. 4. A company has types of employees. Create a work sheet and draw a pie chart using the data's. Operator 60, Programmers 80, Analysts 20, Contractors 35, Company name is HELLO. 5. Create two documents using MS WORD exactly the way they are seen. 6. Create a document and type 30 lines in it. Spell-check the document and create five AutoCorrect entries on your own. Then create five Auto text entries. Print only the current page of the document. 7. Create a file, inviting your friends to a dinner. Use the Mail Merge facility so that you do not have to re-type the letter with their names and addresses. 8. Create two documents using PageMaker exactly the way they are seen. 9. Create two documents using PageMaker. Change its character width, indents, space around paragraphs; add special characters, figures, tables etc. 10. Design a text book cover page with title and pictures using page maker. 11. Using a text box and a command button in the form, enter a number in the text box and on clicking on command button display whether the number a single, two or three-digit number in a message box. 12. Create a project to change the shape of a shape control at the interval of one second using Timer control. 13. Create an event procedure to convert a text from lowercase to uppercase. 14. Create a function procedure to find simple interest. 15. Create a program to accept a number and print it in the reverse order. 16. Create a program to accept a set of numbers and find the largest and smallest number. 17. Create a program to count the number of vowels in a string and replace with ‘*’ symbol. 18. Create a program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not. 19. Create a function procedure to find Fibonacci series 20. Implement traffic system demonstration 118 Vocational Practical III CA4VOP03: PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING USING OF C++ (Minimum 16 experiments) 1. A program to find the sum and average of a given numbers. 2. Program to check the given number is prime or not 3. Obtain roots of a quadratic equation in all possible cases. 4. Program to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values. The array elements are read from terminal. Use function to calculate standard deviation and mean. 5. A program to find sum of the following series using a function declaration. Sum x-(x3)/3! +(x5)/5! - (xn)/n! where x and n are entered from the keyboard. 6. Program to find the sum of an integer array 7. Program to print the following pattern by using any loop. Range of star(*) must be entered from keyboard. * ** *** 8. A program to read a set of numbers from the keyboard and to find out the largest number in the given array (the numbers are stored in a random order). 9. A class of n students takes an examination in m subjects, A program to read the marks obtained by each student in various subjects and compute and print the total mark and grade. 10. Program to find prime number between a range. 11. Program to print multiplication table of a given number 12. Program to read the elements of the given two matrices of order n x n and to perform the matrix multiplication. 13. A program to perform simple arithmetic operations of two complex numbers using operator overloading. 14. Create a class called employee that contains a name and an employee no: Create another class called scientist that inherits the properties of employee and it contains the function for entering the name of the award he gets and display it. Create objects for class scientist that contain their name, no and the award they get. Implement single inheritance. 15. Declare a class to represent bank account of 10 customers and the following data members: Name of the depositor, Account Number, Type of Account (S for Saving and C 119 for current Account), Balance Amount. The class also contains the following member functions. a) To initialize data members b) To deposit money. c) For withdrawal of money after checking the minimum balance (minimum balance is Rs1000) d) To display the data members. 16. A program to concatenate using two strings into one string using a pointer method. 17. Stokes’ experiment for measurement of terminal velocity of an object falling freely in a highly viscous medium. 18. Projectile motion: Assuming initial velocity and angle of projection, find out time of flight, horizontal range, maximum height. 19. Convex lens: Assuming the values of ‘u’ and ‘v’, find out the focal length. 20. Conversion of Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal 21. Conversion of Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal. 22. Program to find given number is palindrome or not 120 17.3 B. Sc. Physics - Model III 1. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SEMESTER – I EM1CRT01 - PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONICS Credits: 2 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE – I Switches, Cables and Connectors (Qualitative study only) SPDT, DPDT, Band switches, Touch switches, Thumb Wheel switches, Micro switches – specifications and application areas. Batteries and Fuses Dry cells, Lead acid accumulators, Nickel – Cadmium cells – Principles and specifications. Fast and Slow fuses Semiconductors Intrinsic and Extrinsic, P-type and N-type, PN junction Diode and its characteristics Zener diode, Photodiode, LED LCR and Wave Shaping Circuits Serial and Parallel response, Integrator and Differentiator using RC circuits, Clipper and Clamper circuits, Rectifiers – Half and Full wave Filter circuits – Capacitor input, L - section and π filter MODULE – II Transistors PNP and NPN- Configurations, characteristics and constants, Phototransistors Transistor Amplifiers – Biasing and stabilization, frequency response, Voltage regulators – Series, Shunt and IC regulators Oscillators Feedback- Positive and Negative, LC and RC oscillators MODULE – III Power Amplifiers Class A, Class B, Class AB, Class C transformer coupled 121 Push – pull amplifiers – Phase splitter circuit, complementary symmetry, thermal run away, heat sink, power ratings of transistors, thermal resistance. References: 1. Electronic Devices and Circuits – Allen Mottershed 2. Principles of Electronics – V K Mehta 3. Applied Electronics - R S Sedha 4. Linear Integrated Circuits – Roy Choudhury 5. Principles of Electronics and Linear circuits – N.N. Bhargava, D. C. Kulshreshtha, S.C. Gupta, T.M.H. Publications. 122 EM1CRT02 - COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (2 Credits) MODULE – I Modulation – Need of modulation, AM and FM modulation and demodulation principles, DSB, SSB, DSBSC and Vestigial sideband transmission systems Super Heterodyne Radio Receiver Principles, advantages, block diagram, RF tuner, IF amplifier, detector, audio amplifiers, loud speaker, power supply and voltage regulators, alignment of RF and IF sections, Waveforms and voltages at different check point. MODULE – II Sampling reconstruction Aliasing PAM, PDM, PPM, Time Division Multiplexing, Noise in Pulse Modulation, Base Band Digital Transmission, Digital Signals, Pulse Code Modulation, Generation and Reconstruction, Quantization noise, Companding Law, Band Pass Digital Transmission, Digital CW Modulation, ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK. MODULE – III Monochrome Television System Elements of television system – Picture and sound transmission and reception, Composite Video Signal, Scanning process adopted in TV system, Sync details, channel bandwidth, vestigial side band transmission. Television Receiver Receiving Antenna, RF tuner, VIF amplifiers, video amplifier, Video detector, SIF amplifier, FM detector, Sweep section, keyed AGC, Delayed AGC, AFC, sync separator, SMPS References: 1. Modern Electronic Communicating Theory and System – Ashok Raj 2. Video Demystified - Keith Jack, LLHT Technology Publishing 3. Electronic Communication - Dennis Roody and Coolen 4. Principles of Electronic Communication systems – Kennedy 5. Monochrome and colour television – R R Gulati 123 SEMESTER – II EM2CRT03 - POWER ELECTRONICS Credits: 2 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE I Introduction – Concept of power electronics, Applications of power electronics, Advantages and disadvantages of power electronic converters, power electronic systems, power semiconductor devices, types of power electronic converters, power electronic modules. MODULE II Power transistors, Power MOSFETS, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), Power semiconductor Diodes – Characteristics of power diodes, types of power diodes, MODULE III Thyristors; Terminal characteristics of thyristors, thyristor turn on methods, thyristor Gate characteristics, Two – transistor model of a thyristor, thyristor ratings, other members of thyristor family, Gate turn off (G.T.O) Thyristor, MOS controlled Thyristor (MCT) References: 1. Modern Power Electronics – Dr. P.S. Bimbhara 2. Power Electronics Circuits Devices Application – M.H. Rashid EM2CRT04 - ANALOGUE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Credits: 2 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE I Operational Amplifiers: Basic Differential Amplifier Analysis, Block Diagram Representation of Typical OP-Amp., OP-Amp. Parameters, Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Voltage follower. OP-Amp. Circuits, , Differential Amplifier, Instrumentational Amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator MODULE II Active Filters:Introduction:Simple circuits and Explanation of Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, band reject and Allpass filters. Waveform Generators: Sine wave generators, triangular wave generators. MODULE III 555 timer – Astable, Monostable, VCO, - Basic comparators, Characteristic, Typical comparator circuit using OP-Amp. References: 1. OP-Amp and Linear IC’s – Gayakward 2. Integrated Circuits – Botkar 124 SEMESTER III EM3CRT05 – MICROPROCESSORS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE I The 8085 Microprocessor Block Diagram and functions, architecture of microprocessor, machine and assembly languages, Instruction cycle, timing diagram, Memory Organization, Mapping and Types, Types of Input Output (I/O), Addressing Memory Mapped I/O MODULE II Instruction set of 8085 μP Arithmetic instructions, Logical instructions, data transfer instructions, branch instructions, call and return instructions, stack, I/O and machine control instructions, Addressing modes Straight line programmes, Mathematical programmes, branching programmes, looping programmes, programmes using subroutine and time delay. MODULE III Programming Concept of 8085 μP Introduction to Programmable Peripheral Devices (8255A, 8251A, 8253A, 8279A) function of each chip. Applications Traffic control, Temperature control, Digital clock, stepper motor control, washing machine control References: 1. 0000 to 8085 – Gosh and Sridhar 2. Fundamentals of microprocessors and microcomputers – B Ram 3. Microprocessor architecture, programming and applications with the 8085 – Gaonkar 4. Microprocessor and its applications – Nagurkani 125 EM3CRT06 - TROUBLE SHOOTING OF AUDIO EQUIPMENTS Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE – I Characteristic of Sound Nature of sound, pressure and intensity of sound waves, sensitivity of human ear for sound, frequency, overtone, harmonics, resonance of sound waves. Reflection and diffraction of sound waves. Audio Devices and Their Applications Microphones – Different types, Loud Speakers – Characteristics, Different types, Basic knowledge about speaker, enclosures, cross over network, multi way speaker system, woofer and tweeter, consequence of mismatch between amplifier output and loudspeaker impedance, Audio Amplifiers and Hifi systems, equalizers and tone controlled circuits. MODULE – II Digital Audio Fundamentals – Principle of ADC and DAC, optical recording of digital audio on disc conversion technologies, EFM, error correction method, playback process of digital audio from CD, comparison of CD and conventional (Gramophone) disc, audio as data, compression and expansion of digital audio, channel coding, disc based recording, digital audio broadcasting and networks, introduction Home Theatre systems such as 2.1, 4.1 and 5.1. MODULE – III Introduction to audio cd players, block diagram, transport mechanism, MP3 player, block diagram assembling of MP3 player, different types of cables in audio industry, introduction to remote controllers, troubleshooting of audio, cd , DVD player, MP3 player power supply modules used in ACD/MP3/amplifiers. Troubleshooting of remote controllers, amplifiers and Home Theatre systems. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Modern Television Parctice with 4th Edition – RR Gulathi Audio and Video systems 2nd edition – R.G. Gupta Video de-mystified – Keith Jack Audio Engineering know it all series – Newnes Press Essential guide to digital video – John Watkinson Snell and Wilcox Inc Publications. Guide to compression - Wilcox Inc Publications. Audio Video Systems Principles practices and Troubleshooting – Bali and Bali, Khanna publishing company. 126 SEMESTER – IV EM4CRT07 - NETWORK THEORY Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE – I Signals, Periodic Wave Forms, Types of Signals, Fourier representation of Signals, Laplace Transformation Properties, Inverse Transform. Voltage and Current – Sources – Dependent Sources, Kirchhoff’s Law – Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition Theorem, Reciprocity theorem. MODULE – II Thevenin’s, Norton, Power Transfer Theorems, Transient and Steady State Analysis – Transient analysis of RC and RL circuits, Time Constant, Sinusoidal Study State Analysis, Resistance, Impedance, Admittance, Millor Theorem, Analysis of RC and LC circuit. MODULE – III Two port networks, Short circuited admittance parameters, Open circuited impedance parameters, hybrid parameters, Transmission parameters, Relationship between parameter sets, Attenuator, Lattice type, Insertion loss, Network function – Poles and Zeros, Time domain behavior from Pole Zero Plot. References: 1. Networks and Systems - D. Roy Choudhury 2. Basic Circuit Theory - Desor 3. Network Analysis – Van Valkenberg 4. Network Lines and Fields – Ryder 5. Principles of Network Synthesis – Van Vakenberg 127 EM4CRT08 - TROUBLE SHOOTING OF VIDEO EQUIPMENTS MODULE – I Digital Video Compression Techniques and Standards, Digital Video, The RGB and YVB representation of video signals, need for compression, how compression works, compression format for video, MPEG – XH.26 format, DVD players and standards. MODULE – II DVD/ VCD player block diagram, transport mechanism, power supply and assembling of VCD/DVD player with kit. Troubleshooting of DVD players, Introduction to Digital TV transmission and Reception, Signal Quantizing encoding techniques MODULE – III Introduction to DTH, Video on demand, CCTV, LCD/LED TV, LCD technology, LCD matrix type operation, Introduction to plasma TV, Comparison between LCD and Plasma TV, Introduction to LED TV. Difference between LED backlit and backlit LCD displays. References: 1. Modern Television Parctice with 4th Edition – RR Gulathi 2. Audio and Video systems 2nd edition – R.G. Gupta 3. Video de-mystified – Keith Jack 4. Audio Engineering know it all series – Newnes Press 5. Essential guide to digital video – John Watkinson Snell and Wilcox Inc Publications. 6. Guide to compression - Wilcox Inc Publications. 7. Audio Video Systems Principles practices and Troubleshooting – Bali and Bali, Khanna publishing company. 128 SEMESTER – V EM5GET01 - IC TECHNOLOGY (Generic Elective - I) Credits: 3 (Theory: 3) No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE – I General Classification integrator circuits – Scale of integration of IC chips advantages. Thick Film Technology – Features of hybrid IC technology – Thick film conductors, Dielectric and Resistors – Thick Film Processing, Thick Film Substrates, Design Ideas, Advantages and Applications. Thin Film Technology – Thin Film Conductor Material, Resistor Material, Dielectric Material, Substrate Material, Thin Film Processing, Advantages and Applications. MODULE – II Monolithic Technology – Growth and Refining – Substrates slicing and polishing, epitaxial growth, Oxidation Photo Lithography – Types - Diffusion Profiles, Ion Implantation, Metallization, packaging, Bonding, Encapsulation, MODULE – III Planar Process- Bipolar, MOS and Bi-MOS Technologies, Fabrication of Transistor, Diodes, Junction FET, MOS Transistor, PMOS, NMOS, structures, silicon gate MOS structure, Monolithic resistors and capacitors. References: 1. Integrated Circuits – K.R. Botkar. 2. Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits – Richard Muller. 3. Integrated Electronics – Milman and Halkias. 4. Microelectronics – Milman and Grabel. 129 EM5GET02: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (Generic Elective -II) Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 Module I Introduction 8 Hours Discrete Time signals: Energy and Power signals, Exponential and sinusoidal signals, periodicity, Impulse and step signals. Discrete Time systems: Properties: Linearity, stability, causality, memory, invertibility time invariance. Representation of systems- impulse response- convolution - Difference equation representation Text book: Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Wilsky, PHI Transforms 12 Hours . Frequency analysis of DT systems: Discrete Time Fourier Series Discrete Time Fourier Transforms, Z-Transforms: Properties. Inverse Z- transform. Text Book: Digital signal processing –Ramesh Babu Module II Analysis of Discrete Time System: 16 Hours Discrete FIR and IIR Systems - Frequency response. Analysis of LTI systems System function. Recursive and non recursive systems - Block diagrams and signal flow graphs - Realization of IIR filters - Direct from realization - cascade and parallel form realization - realization of FIR filters- Transversal structure, Cascade form. Text Book: Digital signal processing - Nagoorkani Module III Discrete Fourier Transform 8 Hours Discrete Fourier series, Discrete Fourier Transform, computation of DFT. Propertieslinearity, periodicity, Time reversal, Complex conjugation, Convolution, circular Convolution. Linear Convolution from Circular Convolution. Text Book: 1.Digital signal processing –Nagoorkani 2. Digital signal processing- Suresh Babu Module IV 10 Hours Fast Fourier Transform: FFT algorithms - General computational considerations - Decimation in Time and Decimation in Frequency algorithms - Radix -2, FFT algorithms. Differences and similarities between DIT and DIF Algorithms Text books: 1. Digital signal processing - Nagoorkani 2. Digital signal processing - Ramesh Babu. Scietech publications 130 Text Books: 1. Signals & systems, - Openheim & Wilsky, PHI/Pearson Education 2. Digital signal processing - Ramesh Babu. Scietech publications References 1. Discrete time signal processing- Oppenheim and Schafer- PHI 2. Digital signal processing: Principles, algorithms and application – John C, Proakis - PHI. 3. Signals and systems - Sanjay Sharma - Khotoria sons. 4. Digital signal processing - System Analysis and Design by Paulo SR Diniz, Eduardo AB, Dasilva and Seigo L Netto by Ane Books. 5. Digital signal processing – V K Khanna, S.CHAND 131 EM5GET03: MICROCONTROLLERS AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (Generic Elective -III) Credits: 3 (Theory: 3) No. of contact hours: 54 Module I (12 Hrs) Introduction to Microcontrollers and Embedded Processors – Microcontrollers survey-four bit, eight bit, sixteen bit, thirty two bit Microcontrollers --Comparing Microprocessors and MicrocontrollersOverview of the 8051 family Module II (15 Hrs) The 8051 Architecture- Hardware- Oscillator and clock-program counter –data pointer-registersstack and stack pointer-special function registers- -memory organization-program memory-data memory -Input / Output Ports –External memorycounter and timer-serial data Input / outputInterrupts Module III ( 27 Hrs) 8051 Assembly Language Programming-Structure of Assembly languageAssembling and running an 8051 program- Addressing modes-Accessing memory using various addressing modes- Instruction set- Arithmetic operations and Programs-Logical operations and Programs -Jump and Call instructions and Programs -I /O Pot Programs - Single bit instructions and Programs –Timer and counter - and Programs 8051 Serial Communication -Connection to RS-232- Serial Communication Programming- Interrupts Programming Module V 15 Hrs Microcontroller Interfacing -Key Board - Displays- Pulse Measurement - D / A and A/D conversion- Stepper Motor- Module VI 5 Hrs Basic concept of PIC microcontroller –Microcontroller Architecture – PIC16F Family Text Books 1. The 8051 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems : Muhammed Ali Mazidi 2. The 8051 Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming & Applications Kenneth J. Ayala Reference 1. Design with PIC Microcontroller: John Petman 132 SEMESTER – VI EM6CBT01 - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING (Choice Based Course -I) Credits: 3 (3 hours) No. of contact hours: 54 MODULE I Microprocessors – Basic concepts of Intel 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium processors. Motherboard, Expansion buses, Memory, upgrading / adding memory, BIOS Motherboard – removing, installing / configuring motherboards, BIOS set up, troubleshooting memory. MODULE II Data storage devices, IDE and SCSI controllers, hard disk, installing / upgrading CD ROM drives, DVD, Optical storage, Tape back – ups. Printers, Keyboards, pointing and positioning devices, digital camera, Scanners, Monitors, Hard disks- installing / upgrading, troubleshooting, formatting, Error codes, BIOS disk routines MODULE III Multimedia, Graphical accelerators, audio, modems, I/E add on, Networks, Power supplies, UPS Printer installation, Software installation – DOS, windows 95, 98, Linux, windows NT – installation, Administration, Installing PASCAL, C, ORACLE, VISUAL BASIC, Software diagnostics – PC tools, Norton utilities, XT/AT diagnostics, Viruses and anti-viruses. References: 1. IBM PC and CLONES- Hardware, troubleshooting and maintenance – B Govindarajalu 2. PC Hardware, a beginners guide – Ron Gilster 3. All about Motherboard: - Manahar Lotia, Pradeep Nair 133 EM6CBT02: MODERN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (Choice Based Course -II) Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 Module 1. Digital Communication Digital Modulation Techniques—Introduction—Pulse Code Modulation— Sampling Theorem—Quantization—Quantization Noise—Encoding—Generation and Reception— Noise in PCM Systems—Companding—DPCM—ADPCM--Delta Modulation—Digital Transmission Techniques—ASK—FSK—PSK—QPSK— DPSK—MSK—Time Division Multiplexing and Digital T1Carrier Systems. Module 2. Fiber Optics Communication Introduction--Total Internal Reflection-- Critical Angle and Acceptance Angle-- Fiber Classification:- Step Index, Graded Index; Modes, Cutoff wave length—Absorption-Scattering Losses--Core and Cladding Losses--Signal Distortion in Optical Wave guides:- Information capacity determination, Group delay, Material dispersion, Wave guide dispersion, Intermodal distortion--Lencing schemes for coupling improvements- -Fiber endface preparation--Fiber Splicing-Optical fiber connectors. Module 3. Mobile Communication Evolution of Mobile Communication—Mobile Radio System Around the World— Cordless Telephone System—Cellular Telephone System—How a Cellular Telephone Call is Made—Trends in Cellular Radio Communications—2G,2.5G and 3G Cellular Networks—WLL and WLAN—The Cellular Concept—Frequency Reuse—Channel Assignment Strategies—Handoff Strategies—Interference and System Capacity— Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular Systems—Propagation Problems:-Path Losses, Multipath Fading—Multiple Access Techniques:FDMA,TDMA,CDMA,SDMA. Text Books 1. Electronics Communication Systems by Wayne Thomasi, Pearson Publication, 5 th Edition, (Module-1). 2. Optical Fibre Communications by Gerd Keiser(Module-2). 3. Wireless Communication Principles and Practice by Theodore S Rappaport, Person Publication, 2nd Edition, (Module-3). Reference Text Books 1. Electronic Communications by Roody/Coolen, ,Pearson Publication,4th edition. 2. Satellite Communications by Dennis Roddy,Mc Graw Hill Publication,3rd edition. 3. Introductions to RADAR Systems by Skolnik, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition 134 EM6CBT03: ADVANCED NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS (Choice Based Course -III) Credits: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 Module I ‘e ie of asi ir uit o epts Cir uit ele e ts a d Kir hoff s la s, ‘e ie of et ork theore s“uperpositio Theore , “u stitutio Theore , Co pe satio Theore , The e i s, Norto s, Mill a s, Ma i u Po er Tra sfer theore , ‘e ipro it Theore . Module II Properties of Signals and Systems. Characteristics of signals- Unit step function, Impulse and Ramp functions. Linearity-Time invariance, Stability and Causality- Special properties of Linear Time Invariant systems- Relation between Transfer function and impulse response- Network functionsPoles and Zeros- Pole-zero plot. Electrical systems- Mechanical systems- D ALEMBE‘T “ Pri ipleAnalogy systems- Force voltage analogy- Force current analogy. Module III Laplace and Fourier Transform Analysis Network Analysis using Laplace Transform- Laplace transformation- Inverse Laplace Transformation- Important theorems regarding Laplace Transformation- Applications of Laplace Transformation in analyzing simple series and parallel networks (RL, RC and RLC circuits)- Laplace and Fourier Transforms of different signal waveforms. Passive network synthesis Hurwitz polynomials- Positive real functions- Synthesis of RL, LC and RC networks by Ist and IInd Foster and Couer methods. Text Books 1. Network and systems, ROY CHOUDHARY 2. Network Analysis, G.K MITHAL 3. Circuits and Networks, A. Sudhakar,SHYAM MOHAN 4. Basic Circuit Theory, DESOR,KUO 5. Network Analysis, VAN VALKENBERG 6. Network Lines and Fields, RYDER 7. Principle of Network Synthesis, , VAN VALKENBERG 135 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE – SYLLABUS FOR PRACTICALS SEMESTER 1 & 2 Core 2 Practical 1: EM2CEP01 (Credit 2) (Minimum 16 Experiments) 1. Diode characteristics – PN junction diode & Zener diode. 2. Integrator and differentiator using RC circuit. 3. Clipper and clamper circuits. 4. Single stage & two stage RC coupled amplifier – comparison of gain and bandwidth 5. Oscillators – RC phase shift, Wein bridge, Hartley & Colpitts 6. Multivibrators – Astable & Monostable 7. Rectifiers – half wave & full wave (ripple factors with and without filters) 8. Transistor characteristics – CB & CE 9. Power amplifier 10. JFET Characteristics 11. UJT Characteristics 12. MOSFET characteristics 13. SCR characteristics 14. Triac characteristics 15. AM generation and detection 16. Frequency modulation and demodulation using 565 PLL 17. AGC generation using IC 18. IF tuned amplifier 136 SEMESTER 3&4 Core 2 Practical 2: EM4CRP02 (Credit 2) (Minimum 16 Experiments) 1. Block transfer of data bytes 2. Largest among a set of numbers 3. Smallest among a set of numbers 4. Addition with carry 5. BCD addition and subtraction 6. Binary multiplication 7. Counting the number of occurrence 8. Sorting in ascending / descending order 9. Decimal counter to count 00 to 99 10. Study of Multimeter (Analog and Digital) 11. Study and familiarization of passive components • General purpose resistor • Precision resistor • Wire wound resistor • Ceramic encased resistors • Capacitors (non electrolyte, electrolyte, colour coded) • Inductors (general purpose, colour coded) • Surface Mount Devices (SMD) 12. Study of electrical components • Transformers (low power and power) • Basics of house wiring • Electrical relays • Mechanical switches • Familiarization of electrical home appliances 13. Study of semiconductor devices - Diodes, Transistors, FETs 14. Practicing different types of soldering works 15. Familiarization of tools in lab and workshops 16. How to draw schematic diagrams 17. Assembling practice on various media • On bread board • On PC type bread board • On Printed circuit board 18. Fabrication of PCB 19. Power supply – assembling and fault finding • Unregulated • Regulated (Shunt) • Series regulated (transistorized) • Series regulator (IC version) 20. Assembling of regulated variable power pack 21. Assembling and fault finding of SMPS 137 SEMESTER 3 &4 Core 2 Practical 3: EM4CRP03 (Credit 2) (Minimum 16 Experiments) 1. Operational amplifier and its characteristics 2. OP-Amp Inverter, Non - Inverter 3. OP-Amp Buffer or Voltage Follower 4. OP-Amp Adder & Subtractor 5. Integrator & Differentiator 6. Astable Multi Vibrator – 555 7. Monostable Multi Vibrator – 555 8. Schmitt Trigger 9. Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)using 555 10. High pass Filter & Low pass Filter 11. Assembling and fault finding of tape recorders 12. Assembling and fault finding of power amplifiers 13. Assembling and fault finding of home theatre system 14. Fault finding of TV power supply (SMPS) 15. Assembling and fault finding of VCD 16. Assembling and fault finding of DVD 17. Assembling and fault finding of LCD TV 18. Assembling and fault finding of MP3 player 19. Fault finding of IR remote controller in VCD, DVD or Home Theaters 20. Fault finding of SMPS in VCD, DVD, Home Theatres 138 COMPUTER APPLICATION (Complimentary courses for B. Sc. Physics EEM) Semester 1 CA1CMT01: Computer Fundamentals Credit: 2 No. of contact hours: 36 Module: 1 Basic concepts – characteristics and evolution of computer- Computer generation- Basic computer organization- I/O unit- storage unit- ALU, CU- CPU. Module:2 Number Systems: Decimal Number System, Binary Number System, Octal Number System,Hexadecimal Number System. Converting from one number system to another number system Computer arithmetic: Binary Addition, Subtraction, Division & Multiplication - Hexadecimal Addition &Subtraction - Octal Addition & Subtraction - BCD Addition Module: 3 Input devices: Different types of Keyboards, Mouse’s &it’s working, Joystick, Trackball,Scanner: Flat bed, Sheet-fed and Hand-held scanners, Light Pen Output devices: Monitor, Plotters, Audio output devices, Printers – Working of Dot Matrix, Laser, Inkjet, Colour Thermal printer. Storage units: Primary Memory-RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM and EEPROM, Cache Memory, Secondary Memory-Magnetic storage devices, Optical storage devices, Working of Hard Disk & Floppy Disk Reference 1. Fundamentals of Computers, V Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Computer and Commonsense, Roger Hunt & John Shelley, PHI 3. Computer Fundamentals, P K Sinha, BPB Publications, New Delhi. 4. Fundamentals of computers, E Balaguruswamy 139 Semester 2 CA2CMT02: Object Oriented Programming C++ Credit: 2 No. of contact hours: 36 Module: 1 C++ programming basics- variables-Reference variables- Data Types-Built in dataypes, user defined datatypes, derived datatypes. Operators-. Module: 2 Function- Parameter passing and return values, function overloading, Friend function, Storage classes. Module: 3 Object and class, Members of a class, constructor- default, parameter, copy. Destructor. Reference Books: 1. Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia. 2. Object-Oriented Programming with C++, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. The Essence Of Programming Using C++, Douglas Bell, Prentice-Hall. 4. Teach Yourself C++, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw-Hill. Semester 3 CA3CMT03: Java Programming Language Credit: 3 No. of contact hours: 54 Module: 1 Introduction to java- Features of java – Object oriented programming- Principles of OOPCreation of java programme. Module: 2 Data types, variables and arrays – One dimensional, Multidimensional arrays. Operators – Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Boolean and assignment operators – Operator precedence. Module: 3 Control statements – if – switch – iteration statements – jump statements. Introduction to class – class fundamentals – introducing methods – constructors – this keyword – finalize () method. Overloading methods – Recursion – Introducing nested and inner classes. References: 1. The complete reference. – Naughton and Schildt. 2. JavaTM How to program, Seventh edition P.J Deitel – Deitel & Associates, Inc.; H.M. Deitel – Deitel & Associates, Inc. Prentice Hall. 140 Semester 4 CA4CMT04: The Java Library Credit: 3 No. of contacts hours: 54 Module: 1 Introduction to inheritance – Inheritance basics – Using Super Method overriding – Using abstract class – Using final, Packages and interfaces – Defining packages – Access protection – Importing packages – Interfaces. Module: 2 Exception Handling – Fundamentals – Exception types – Using try and catch – throw – throws – finally. Multithreaded programming, thread model – thread priorities – synchronization. Module: 1 Applet – Applet class – Architecture – Skeleton – Mothods – HTML tag – The audio clip reference – applet stub interface – Introducing AWT – Working with windows. References: 1. The complete reference. – Naughton and Schildt. 2. JavaTM How to program, Seventh edition P.J Deitel – Deitel & Associates, Inc.; 141 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (For EEM)- PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (Minimum 16 experiments in each course) SEMESTER 1&2 Complementary Practical I: CA2CMP01 1. WAP to print ‘n’ Fibonacci series. 2. WAP to check whether the given number is Palindrome or not. 3. WAP to check whether the given number is prime or not. 4. WAP to find the greatest and smallest numbers. 5. WAP to accept a binary number and find its decimal. 6. WAP to accept a decimal number and find its binary. 7. A program to read the marks obtained in various subjects by each student in a class of n students taking examination in m subjects, and to compute and print the total mark and grade. 8. Program to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values. The array elements are read from terminal. Use function to calculate standard deviation and mean. 9. WAP to find the product of two numbers. 10. WAP to arrange the numbers is ascending order. 11. WAP to find the roots of a quadratic equation. 12. WAP for finding the area of different shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle) using function overloading. 13. WAP to accept a particular student, Roll No., Name & 3 marks and find total and average marks and print the details using class. 14. Write a program to accept data members, account number, name & balance and member functions to input values and display information. 15. Stokes’ experiment for measurement of Terminal velocity of an object falling freely in a highly viscous medium. 16. Projectile motion: Assuming initial velocity and angle of projection, find out time of flight, horizontal range, Maximum height. 17. Convex lens: Assuming the values of ‘u’ and ‘v’, find out the focal length. 18. I-d curve: Assuming values of ‘I’ and ‘d’, find out the angle of minimum deviation and hence the refractive index. 19. A program to concatenate using two strings into one string using a pointer method. 142 SEMESTER 3&4 Complementary Practical Ii: CA4CMP02 1. WAP to find the factorial of a number. 2. WAP to find the reverse of a given number. 3. WAP to find the multiples of 7 less than 100. 4. WAP to find the sum of digits of a number 5. WAP to Conversion of Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal 6. WAP to Conversion of Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal. 7. WAP to program to find the sum and average of a given numbers. 8. WAP to obtain roots of a quadratic equation in all possible cases. 9. WAP to read a set of numbers from the keyboard and to find out the largest number in the given array (the numbers are stored in a random order). 10. WAP to read a string and print the reverse string. 11. WAP to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. 12. WAP to sort a list of numbers in descending order. 13. WAP to get the following output. * ** *** 14. WAP to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values. The array elements are read from terminal. Use function to calculate standard deviation and mean. 15. WAP to read the elements of the given two matrices of order n x n and to perform the matrix multiplication. 16. Program to print the first n Fibonacci numbers using function. 17. Program to find the sum of the following series using a function declaration. Sum = x1 – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + . . . xn/n!. Where n and x are entered from the keyboard. 18. WAP that uses a function to sort an array of integers. 143 2. INSTRUMENTATION Semester I IN1CRT01-Basics of Mechanical Engineering Credits – 2 Contact hours-54 Module I (10 hrs) Familiarization with tools Handheld tools- measuring tape, hammer, screw driver, pliers, chisels, hack saw, vice, centre punch, mallet, try square, wrenches, scribers, spanners. Automatic Power tools- power drill, power screw drivers. (brief explanation of each Tool with figures and application.) Primary shaping processes Casting, forging, Rolling, bending, drawing, squeezing simple definition of, extruding, shearing, forming, piercing, spinning, crushing (casting only in detail, only brief explanation of each and their objectives) Module II (14 hrs) Machining Processes Joining, shaping, slotting, planning, Drilling, Milling, Lathe operations (Brief explanation of each. Lathe – its parts operations only in detail) Surface finishing processes: Polishing, electro- plating, metal spraying, anodizing, galvanizing, painting (simple definition and use and advantages) Joining processes: Welding, soldering, brazing, riveting, sintering, adhesive joining, screwing, pressing (simple description, uses and advantages) Module III (20 hrs) Power transmission: Introduction, belt drive, flat belt, V-belt, round belts, open belt drive, cross belt drive, velocity ratio, slip, belt materials, length of belt, ratio of tensions, power transmitted by a belt, ( basic description, use and advantage) Rope drive: Application, fiber rope and wire ropes, materials (basic description, use and advantages) Chain drive: Application, driving or power transmission chain, crane chains, pulling chains, roller chains, silent chain (basic description, use and advantages) Gear drive: Introduction, gear terminology, spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm gear, rack and pinion, gear train, velocity ratio (basic description, use and advantages) Shaft coupling: Introduction, rigid couplings, flexible couplings, disengaging couplings, non aligned coupling (simple description and uses) Bearings: Introduction, sliding contact bearing, rolling contact bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings, contact bearings (simple description and uses) 144 Clutches: Introduction, mechanical clutch, electromagnetic fluid and power clutch, fluid Clutch (simple description and uses) Module IV (10 hrs) Standard of measurements: Standard of length, end standards, vernier calipers, inside, depth, and height gauges, fixed gauges- gauge block, end bars, slip gauges, surface plates, micrometers. Angular measurements-sine bar, angle gauges, levels, clinometers, taper gauges. Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Basic mechanical engineering – R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Publications Basic mechanical engineering – J. Benjamin Work shop technology - R.S.Khurmi,J.K.Gupta, S.Chand publishers Machine design - P. C. Sharma, D.K.Aggarwal, Katson books Elements of precision engineering --- R.Raman,Oxford & IBH Pubishing, New Delhi Engineering Metrology- R.K.Jain, Khanna Publishers 145 IN1CRT02 - Basic Instrumentation Credits 2 Contact hours - 54 Module I (15 hrs) Basics of Instrumentation, static and dynamic characteristics, errors, measurement and units, applications of measurement instrumentation (basic idea and definition of terms and principle). Functional elements of Instrument, Transducers (active and passive), Null and deflection methods (basic idea and definition of terms and principle). Classification of instruments (absolute, secondary) (basic idea and definition of terms and principle). Module II (15 hrs) A.C. fundamentals- sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal waves, terminology, different parameters (amplitude, rise time fall time etc..) (basic Idea and definition of terms and principle) D.C. fundamentals (basic idea and definition of terms and principle) A. C. circuits, A.C. through R, L, C , RL, RC, RLC , resonance , tuned Amplifiers (basic idea and definition of terms and principle) Module III (12 hrs) Electromechanical indicating instruments, Galvanometers (D’Arsonaval), analog Ammeters & voltmeters, moving iron instruments, watt meters, energy meter(principle, working and construction) Bridge circuits- D.C. bridges – Wheatstone’s bridge, Kelvin bridge, A.C. bridges- Wein bridge, Maxwell bridge (principle, working and construction) Module IV (12 hrs) Network fundamentals, Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws, thevenin’s voltage and current laws (Basic concepts and simple problems). Magnetism (Basic concepts and terms). Reference Books: A Course in Electrical and electronics Measurements and Instrumentation – A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co 2. Measurement Systems: Application and Designs – Ernest O Doebelin, Mc Graw Hill 3. Circuits and networks: Analysis and synthesis – A Sudhakar, Shyammohan S Palli, Mc Graw Hill 4. Basic Electrical Engineering – For first year BTech Degree Course, MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam. 1. 146 Semester II IN2CRT03 - Basic Measurements Credits –2 Contact hours-54 Module I (16 hrs) Displacement: Definition, measurements method- resistance strain gauge, LVDT, capacitive (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Force: Definition, measurements method- hydraulic force meter, pneumatic force meter, proving ring, strain gauge load cell (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Torque: Definition, measurement methods- In-line rotating torque sensor, In-line stationary torque sensor, proximity torque sensors (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Module II (13 hrs) Speed: Definition, measurement methods- revolution counter, stroboscope, resonance tachometer, tachometer generators, photoelectric tachometer (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Dimension: Thickness- Introduction, contact type thickness measurement- contact type thickness gauge, ultrasonic vibration method, non-contact type- capacitance thickness gauge, radiation thickness gauge (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Industrial weighing: Introduction, pneumatic load cell, strain gage cell(principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages Module III (13 hrs) Density: Introduction, definition, solid density measurement, liquid density measurement, gas density measurement, hydrostatic weighing densitometer, vibrating tube densitometer (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Viscosity: Introduction, capillary viscometers, industrial viscometers (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Humidity: Introduction, principle, hygrometer (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Module IV (12 hrs) Acceleration: Introduction, accelerometers (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Specific gravity: Introduction, hydrometer (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Conductivity: Introduction, definition, measuring instruments (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) 147 Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook – Gregory K. McMillan, Douglas M. Considine, Mc Graw Hill A Course in Electrical and electronics Measurements and Instrumentation – A.K.Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. A Course in Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation & Control – A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Industrial Instrumentation and control – S.K.Singh, Mc Graw Hill 148 IN2CRT04 - Industrial Instrumentation 1 Credits: 2 Contact hours - 54 Module I (11 hrs) Pressure: Definition, units, unit conversions, different types of pressure (basic idea only) Pressure measurement- barometer, dead weight pressure gauge, bourden tube, manometers, bellows, diaphragm, pressure switches (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Module II (11 hrs) Vacuum: Definition, different ranges of vacuum (basic idea) Fundamentals, gas flow mechanisms, gas laws, conductance calculation, concept of throughput and pumping speed (basic principle and definitions) Module III (19 hrs) Vacuum measurement and applications: Vacuum measuring instruments- thermal conductivity gauges, ionization gauges, pirani gauge, Mc Leo gauge(principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Pumps- rotary pumps, root blowers (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Application of vacuum –freeze drying, sputtering process, thin film deposition technique. Module IV (13 hrs) Temperature: Definition, units, unit conversions (basic idea only) Temperature measurement-thermometer, filled system thermometers, bimetallic, RTD, thermistor, thermocouple, pyrometer, temperature switches (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook – Gregory K. McMillan, Douglas M. Considine, Mc Graw Hill A Course in Electrical and electronics Measurements and Instrumentation – A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. A Course in Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation & Control – A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Industrial Instrumentation and control – S.K.Singh, Mc Graw Hill Measurement Systems: Application and Designs – Ernest O Doebelin, Mc Graw Hill 149 Semester III IN3CRT05 - Industrial Instrumentation II Credits- 3 Contact hours - 54 Module I: Level (9 hrs) Definition, units, Sight glass method, pressure gauge, purge system, buoyancy method, float and displacement, capacitive method, ultrasonic method (principle, construction and working, advantages, disadvantages) Module II: Flow (13 hrs) Definition, units, Flow characteristics, flow measuring technique, flow measurement methods, 150enture, flow nozzle, orifice, pitot tube, rotameters, electromagnetic flow meter (principle, construction and working, advantages, disadvantages) Module III (16 hrs) pH: Definition, types of electrodes, glass electrode pH measurement, application in Chemical industries (principle, construction and working, advantages, disadvantages) Smart sensors: Block diagram- Smart transmitter, Recent trends in sensor technology, Semiconductor sensors, Film sensors, MEMS, Nanosensors (principle, construction and working, advantages, disadvantages) Module IV (16 hrs) Vibration: Nature of vibration, quantities involved in vibration measurements, seismic transducers (principle, construction and working, advantages, disadvantages) Detectors: Smoke detectors, LPG detectors, Chlorine detectors, SPM, Dissolved oxygen meters, CO analyzers(principle, construction and working) Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook – Gregory K. McMillan, Douglas M. Considine, Mc Graw Hill A Course in Electrical and electronics Measurements and Instrumentation – A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney,Dhanpat Rai & Co. A Course in Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation & Control – A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Industrial Instrumentation and control – S.K.Singh, Mc Graw Hill Measurement Systems: Application and Designs – Ernest O Doebelin, Mc Graw Hill 150 IN3CRT06 - Transducers and Signal Conditioners Credits-3 Contact hours - 54 Module I: Transducers (16 hrs) Transducers and classification (only basic idea) Transfer function, dynamic response- zero, first, second order, standard input signals (only basic idea) Module II: Signal conditioners (18 hrs) Rectifiers, bridge circuits (A.C. and D.C. bridges),active and passive filters, instrumentation amplifiers, ADC, DAC. Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, voltage follower, adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator, comparator, sample and hold circuits, voltage to current, current to voltage. Modulation, need of modulation, types. (only basic idea) Module III: Display devices (8 hrs) Seven segment, dot matrix, CRT, LED, LCD (principle, construction and working, advantages and disadvantages) Module IV: Recording devices (12 hrs) Strip chart recorders, LVDT recorders, circular chart recorders, XY recorders, Magnetic recorders, recorder selection for particular application, objectives and requirements of recording data. Printers- dot matrix, inkjet printers, laser printers Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook – Gregory K. McMillan, Douglas M. Considine, Mc Graw Hill A Course in Electrical and electronics Measurements and Instrumentation – A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. A Course in Mechanical Measurements And Instrumentation & Control – A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Industrial Instrumentation and control – S.K.Singh, Mc Graw Hill Measurement Systems: Application and Designs – Ernest O Doebelin, Mc Graw Hill Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits – Ramakant A. Gayakwad , PHI 151 Semester IV IN4CRT07 - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Credits-3 Contact hours - 54 Module I: Introduction to 8085 Architecture (17 hrs) Block diagram, Address Bus, Control Bus, Data Bus, Need to multiplex address and data bus. Memory organization, Control and timing unit. ALU details. Registers, Flags, memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. Instruction set of 8085- addressing modes, Intel 8085 instructions. Module II: Microprocessor 8086 (14 hrs) Register organization of 8086, architecture. Signal description of 8086, physical memory organization, machine language instruction formats. Module III (12 hrs) Addressing modes of 8086, instruction set of 8086, assembler directives and operators. Basic programs (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, perfect square root), introduction top stack, interrupts and interrupt service routines, macros, timing and delays. Module IV: Microcontrollers (11 hrs) Microprocessors and microcontrollers, Basic functional blocks of a microcontroller, Intel 8051 microcontroller, pins and signals of 8051, architecture of 8051. Programming mode of 8051, instruction set of 8051 – machine cycles and timing diagram, addressing modes, classification of 8051 instructions, data transfer instructions, arithmetic instructions, logical instructions, program branching instructions, Boolean variable instructions Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Microprocessors & Microcontrollers – A. Nagoor Kani, RBA publications Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications – Gaonkar Microprocessors’s and Applications – Mathur Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals – A.K. Ray, K.M. Bhurchandi, Mc Graw Hill 152 IN4CRT08 - Industrial Automation Credits-3 Contact hours - 54 Module I (15 hrs) Introduction to computer control of process- need for computers in control system –block diagram of a computer control system. Introduction to Industrial Automation, Role of automation in industries, Introduction to the types of manufacturing industries, Introduction to type of automation system, Benefits of automation. Introduction to Automation pyramid, Introduction to automation tools like PAC, PLC, SCADA, DCS. Module II: Programmable logic controller basics (11 hrs) Overview of PLC systems, parts of PLC, Input/Output modules, power supplies and isolators, Fundamental PLC wiring diagram, relays, switches, transducers, sensors. Fundamentals of logic – Program scan – Relay logic – PLC programming languages – timers – counters – math instructions – data manipulation instructions – requirement of communication networks for PLC – connecting PLC to computer. Module III: SCADA (14 hrs) Definition – elements of SCADA system – history of SCADA, architecture, basic explanations. Remote terminal unit (RTU), discrete control, analog control, master terminal unit (MTU), operator interface. Module IV: Distributed Control System Basics (14 hrs) DCS introduction, Various function Blocks, DCS components/block diagram, DCS Architecture of different makes, comparison of these architectures with automation pyramid. DCS specification, latest trend and developments, DCS support to Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), performance criteria for DCS and other automation tools. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The management of control system: Justification and Technical Auditing - N.E. Bhttiha, ISA Computer aided process control - S.K.Singh, PHI. Understanding Distributed Process Systems for Control - Samuel Herb, ISA. Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications - Webb &Reis, PHI. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers - Garry Dunning, Thomson Learning. Distributed computer control for industrial automation - Ppovik Bhatkar, Dekkar Pub. Computer Based Process control - Krishna Kant, PHI Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition – Stuart Boyer A, Second Edition, ISA 153 Semester V IN5GET01: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (Generic Elective I) Credit – 3 Contact Hours - 54 Module I Number systems (9 hours) Different number systems- decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal-conversion between different systems. Binary arithmetic addition, subtraction and multiplication. 1’s and β’s complement subtraction –signed binary numbers. Signed binary arithmetic. BCD code, ASCII code. Digital Gates (5 hours) AND, OR and NOT Gates. NAND and NOR Gates - Universal Gates. Implementation of combinational logic. XOR and XNOR Gates Text Book: Digital fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyed -Chapter 2, 3and 5 Module II Boolean algebra and logic gates (10 hours) Rules and Laws of Boolean algebra. Duality theorem -De Morgan's Theorems. analysis and simplification of logic circuits. Boolean equation and truth table - SOP and POS. Minterms and Maxterms. Standard SOP and Standard POS- Conversion between Standard SOP & Standard POS. Karnaugh Map.(up to four variable). K map SOP minimization. Text Book: Digital fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyed - Chapter 4 Text Book: Digital electronics, S Salivahanan and S Arivazhagan -Chapter 2 Module III Combinational logic (10 hours) Half Adder and Full Adder, Half and Full subtractor, 4-bit parallel Adder/Subtractor. Shift method multiplier, binary divder, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Encoder & Decoder. Text Book: Digital electronics, S Salivahanan and S Arivazhagan - Chapter 4 and 5 Module IV Sequential logic (20 hours) Flip-flops, RS, Clocked RS, Master Slave JK FF, DFF JK, T Flip-flop, Buffer registers- Shift register- Counters- Binary ripple counter- BCD ripple counter- synchronous binary counterDecade counter. Text Book:Digital design, M Morris Mano- Chapter 6 D/A converters (Ladder type), A/D Converter (Counter type). Text Book: Digital principles and applications- Malvino, Leach and Saha-Chapter 13. 154 References: 5. Digital logic and computer design - M Morris Mano, PHI 6. Digital Electronics- William H Gothmann, PHI 7. Digital circuits and design- S Salivahanan and S Arivazhakan, PHI 8. Digital Electronics- Sedha, S Chand 8. Digital computer electronics- Malvino, Brown, TMH 9. Microprocrssor architecher, programming and applications R S Gaonkar, Wiely Eastern Ltd. 10. Introduction to microprocessors- A P Mathur, TMH 155 IN5GET02 - Process Control Instrumentation (Generic Elective II) Credits-3 Contact hours - 54 Module I (12 hrs) Introduction: Process control principle, block diagram, identification of elements, control system evaluation, Units, standards and definitions, p&I diagram (basic idea and description). Final control: Final control operation, signal conversions, analog and digital electrical signals, pneumatic signals, actuators, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators, control elements, mechanical, electrical and fluid valves, control valves (basic idea and principle only). Module II: Controller principles (17 hrs) Process characteristics, control system parameters, controller modes, discontinuous controller modes- two position mode. Continuous controller modes- proportional control mode, integral control mode, derivative control mode. Composite control modes- PI, PD and PID control modes. Design guidelines (basic idea and principle only). Module III (11 hrs) Analog controllers: General features, electronic and pneumatic controllers, mode implementation, design consideration (explanation only about electronic controllers) Digital controllers: Digital electronic methods, simple alarms, multivariable alarms, computer in process control, programmable controllers, data logging, supervisory control (basic idea and principle) Module IV (14 hrs) Discrete state process control, relay controllers, introduction to PLC (basic idea and principle). Process Control types- open loop, closed loop, feed forward, cascade, ratio control (basic principle). Control loop tuning (only basic idea). Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Process Control Instrumentation – Curtis D. Johnson Chemical Process Control - George Stephenopoulos Automatic Process Control - Donald P. Eckman Process Control- Peter Harriot, TMH Process Systems Analysis and Control - D R Coughanowr, McGraw Hill. Instrumentation handbook-process control - B.G. Liptak, Chilton 156 IN5GET03 - Bio Medical Instrumentation (Generic Elective III) Credits-3 Contact hours - 54 Module I (18 hrs) Introduction: General perspective including objectives– an overview of safety requirements, biometrics, biomedical instruments, parameters, man-machine interface and components. Introduction to biology basics, objectives, Generalized system, Electrical activity of excitable cells, SD curve, introduction to transducers and its applications, safety in bio-instrumentation. Electrodes: Recording electrodes, surface electrodes, needle electrodes, micro electrodes, metal plate electrode, floating electrode, disposable electrode, polarisable and nonpolarisable electrodes. Module II (14 hrs) Electrical activity of heart, ECG, typical ECG and characteristics, ECG as a diagnostic tool, monitoring scheme, lead system. EEG- typical EEG and characteristics- significance- lead system, clinical applications. Electromyogram, Electro-neurogram, measurement techniques. Module III: Blood pressure measurement (12 hrs) Direct measurements - harmonic analysis of blood pressure waveform, system for measuring venous pressure, heart sounds, phonocardiography, cardiac catheterization. Indirect blood pressure measurement- electromagnetic blood flow meters, ultrasonic blood flow meters, plethysmography, sphygmomanometer. Module IV (10 hrs) Hemodialysis, lithotripsy, ventilators, infant incubators, cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, lasers in bio-medicine. Electrical safety Physiological effects of electricity, micro and macro shock hazards, electrical safety codes and standards, patient safety considerations in power distribution and equipment design. Reference Books: 1. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation - R.S Khandpur, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 2. Medical instrumentation- application and design - Webster J.G, John Wiley 3. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements - Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell and Erich A Pferffer ,Prentice Hall of India, 1990 157 Semester VI IN6CBT01 - Analytical Instrumentation (Choice Based Course I) Credits – 3 Contact Hours - 54 Module I (14 hrs) Elements of an analytical instrument, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, interaction of radiation with matter. Laws relating to absorption of radiation, absorption instruments- source, filter, optical system, detecting system, display. Slit width, Sample holders (basic explanation) Module II (15 hrs) UV and Visible spectroscopy, Single beam filter Photometers, double beam filter Photometers (principle, construction and working of basic parts). IR Spectroscopy- radiation source, monochromators, detectors (principle, construction and working of basic parts ). Module III (15 hrs) Raman spectrometer – source, sample holder, spectrometer, detector, display (principle, construction and working of basic parts). Mass spectrometer, NMR spectrometer, ESR Spectrometers (principle, construction and working of basic parts). Module IV (10 hrs) Chromatography- basic definitions, gas chromatography (principle, construction and working of basic parts). Liquid chromatography (principle, construction and working of basic parts). Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hand book of analytical instruments - Khanpur R.S., TMH Instrumental method of analysis - Williard, Merrit, Dean & Settle, CBS Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler, Nieman, Thomson books-cole publications, 5th edition. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Galen W. Ewing, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Fifth edition. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Robert D. Braun, McGraw-Hill Book Company 158 IN6CBT02 - Ultrasonic and Optoelectronic Instrumentation (CBC II) Credits – 3 Contact Hours - 54 Module I (17 hrs) Introduction Ultrasonic waves, principle and propagation of various waves, Characterization Ultrasonic transmission, reflection and transmission coefficients, intensity and attenuation of sound beam, power level, Generation of ultrasonic waves. Module II (17 hrs) Ultrasonic Test methods: Echo, Transit time, Resonance, Direct contact and immersion types. Ultrasonic methods of measuring thickness, depth, flow, level etc. Various parameters affecting ultrasonic testing and measurements, their remedy. Ultrasonic in medical diagnosis and therapy, Acoustical holography. Module III (20 hrs) Opto-electronic components Laser fundamental, Laser configuration - Q-Switching - Mode locking - Different types of Lasers - Ruby, Nd-Yag, He-Ne, CO2, Orgon ion. Industrial applications of lasers, Biomedical application, Laser heating - Holography and applications- Medical application, Lasers and tissue interaction, Laser instruments for surgery, removal tumors of vocal cords, plastic surgery, dermatology. LED, LD, PIN & APD, Electro-optic, Magneto optic and Acousto-optic Modulators Fiber optic sensors IR sources and detectors - Interferometer method of measurement of length, Moire fringes, Measurement of pressure, Temperature, Current, Voltage, Liquid level and strain, fiber optic Gyroscope, Polarization maintaining fibbers, Applications. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ultrasonic Testing of materials - Krantkramer,Springer 2005 Handbook of Nondestructive Testing - Mc Graw Hill, 1998 Biomedical Ultrasonic - Wells N T, Academic Press, London. Optics - A.K. Ghatak, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. Optoelectronics-an introduction, Wilson and Hawkes, 3rd edition, PHI. Lasers: Theory and Applications, K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak, Plenum Press, New York. Lasers and Optical Engineering, P. Das, Springers International Students Edition, 1991. Laser and Applications, W.O.N. Guimarass andA. Mooradian, Springer Verlag, 1981 159 IN6CBT03 - Power Plant Instrumentation (Choice Based Course III) Credits – 3 Contact Hours – 54 Module I (16 hrs) Introduction to power plant process, types of fuel, rankine and brayton cycles, boilers, water tube and fire tube boilers, once through, types of condensers. Combined cycle power plant, power generating and distribution system, introduction to nuclear reactor, PWR, BWR, FBR, GCR, pollution from power plants. Module II (16 hrs) Measurement and analysis in power plant- electrical measurement, current, voltage, power and frequency. Flow measurements-feed water, fuel flow, and air flow correction temperature and pressure measurements. Level measurements, smoke density measurements. Module III (10 hrs) Reading and drawing of Instrumentation diagrams- flow sheet symbols-ANSCI symbols for 1. Lines, 2. Valves, 3. Heat transfer, 4. Material handling equipment, 5.dryer, 6. Storage vessel, 7. Turbine compressor, 8. Flow sheet codes and lines, 9. Graphical symbols for pipe fittings, valves and piping – instrumentation symbols. One-line diagram of typical measurements and control schemes – for flow, temperature, pressure and other process variables – one-line diagram of typical pneumatic hydraulic and electrical instrumentation system. Module IV (12 hrs) Combustion control main pressure air/fuel ratio, furnace draft and excess air control, drum level control, two elements and three elements control, main and reheat stem temperature control, burner tilting and bypass damper, super heater- spray and gas recirculation control, hot well and de-aerator level control. Interlocks, MFT turbine trip control, turbine monitoring and control, automatic turbine runs off systems, condenser vacuum control, gland steam exhaust pressure control speed vibration, shell temperature monitoring, lubricant oil temperature control, H2 generator cooling system, h2 purity monitoring, nuclear reactor control loops description and functions. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modern Power Station Practice – volume 6 Pergamon, CEGB Engineers Power plant instrumentation – Kallen Applied instrumentation in process industries – Andrews and Williams Safety aspects of nuclear reactors – Mc Culough C.R, Van Power plant engineering –G.R. Nagpal 160 SYLLABUS FOR PRACTICAL – 2nd CORE COURSES(Instrumentation) (A minimum of 50% experiments in the syllabus should be done and recorded in each practical course component to appear for the examination) Semesters I & II Core 2 Practical 1: IN2CRP01-Instrumentation 1. Familiarization with tools- measuring tape, hammer, screw driver, pliers, etc. 2. Calibration of given Vernier calipers 3. Calibration of given Screw gauge 4. A.C fundamentals-sinusoidal and non sinusoidal waves – finding amplitude, time period, etc. 5. AC through RLC (series) 6. AC through RLC (parallel) 7. DC circuit analysis – finding values of voltage across resistance 8. Thevenin’s theorem 9. Kirchoff’s Laws 10. Wheatstone’s bridge 11. Familiarization of pressure and temperature gauges 12. Pressure gauge calibration (dead weight tester) 13. Pressure switches 14. Temperature gauge calibration 15. Temperature switches 16. Measurement of strain using strain gauge 17. Determination of kinematic viscosity 18. Temperature measurement using thermistor 19. Temperature measurement using thermocouple 20. U tube manometer 161 Semesters III & IV Core 2 Practical 2: IN4CRP02- Signal Conditioners, Measurement & Control 1. Rectifiers 2. Filters 3. OP-AMP Inverting amplifier 4. OP-AMP Non- inverting amplifier 5. Adder using OP-AMP 6. Subtractor using OP-AMP 7. Differentiator using OP-AMP 8. Integrator using OP-AMP 9. OP-AMP Comparator 10. Instrumentation amplifier 11. Design of proportional controller 12. Design of proportional integral controller 13. Temperature process station 14. Process level control 15. pH measurement 16. Process pressure control 17. Measurement of temperature using RTD 18. Measurement of pressure using strain gauge 19. Measurement of displacement using LDR 20. Measurement of displacement using LVDT 162 Core 2 Practical 3: IN4CRP03-Microprocessor & Industrial Automation 1. Microprocessor Programming - Addition of numbers 2. Microprocessor Programming - Subtraction of numbers 3. Microprocessor Programming - Multiplication of numbers 4. Microprocessor Programming - Division of numbers 5. Microprocessor Programming - Equal nibbles in series 6. Microprocessor Programming - Square root of a number 7. Microprocessor Programming - Factorial of a number 8. Microprocessor Programming - Even and odd numbers in a series 9. Microprocessor Programming - GCD of two numbers 10. Microprocessor Programming - LCM of two numbers 11. Study of PLC 12. Implementation of logic gates PLC 13. Implementation of DOL starter using PLC 14. Switch and lamp problems 15. ON/OFF of motor using two push buttons 16. Two-way traffic control system 17. Operation of different conveyors on timely basis 18. Mixing of reagents in a simple plant 19. Automation a car parking system 20. Fire alarm system 163 Complementary Electronics for B. Sc. (Model III) Physics – Instrumentation Semester I EL1CMT01: Basic Electronics Credits – 2 Contact hours- 36 Module I: Introduction to circuit components (6 hrs) Resistor - General information such as symbols, colour codes, types, variable resistors, potentiometers, thermistors, LDRs, VDRs, technical specifications like voltage rating; Capacitors - General information such as symbols, colour codes, types, fixed and variable Capacitors, Specifications, Voltage Rating; Inductors - symbols, types, such as air core, iron core, chocking core, frequency response; Relays – symbols, types, Application area; Microphone & Speaker; Transducers Text Book: Basic Electronics, Theraja Module II: Network analysis (12 hrs) Circuit elements - Power Sources, Nodes, Mesh; Equivalent resistance, Delta Wye conversions; Network Theorems - Kirchoff's laws, Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Superposition Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Text Book: Basic Electronics, Theraja Module III: Semiconductor Diode Devices and their applications (12 hrs) Semiconductors- Energy bands in semiconductors, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors- P type and N type semiconductors, Majority and minority carriers- PN junction, Properties of PN Junction, Biasing- V-I Characteristics of PN Junction-Semiconductor Diode-Zener Diode, Zener diode as voltage regulator. Half Wave Rectifier- Full Wave Rectifier, Bridge Rectifier (Efficiency and Ripple Factor with derivation) -Filter Circuits- Advantages and use of filtersShunt capacitor filter, LC filter, RC filter Clipper, Clamper. LEDs- Multi color LED, Applications of LED, Schottky diode, Tunnel diode-Photo Diode, Solar cell, Varactor Diode, Principle of operation and Characteristics. Text Book: Electronic Principles, Malvino Module IV: Transistors (8 hrs) Transistor - PNP and NPN transistors; Transistor characteristics in the three configurations CE, CB, CC; Current gain α, and their relation; Amplifying action; Faithful amplification criteria; BJT factors contributing to Thermal Stability, Stability factor, Operating Point; Biasing and its need; Biasing types - Voltage Divider Bias, Base resistor feedback, Potential divider Bias. Text Book: Principles of Electronics. V. K Mehta & Rohit Mehtha. Reference Book: 1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky 164 Semester II EL2CMT02: Amplifiers and Oscillators Credits – 2 Contact hours – 36 Module I: Transistor Amplifier (8 hrs) Amplifier classification based on operating point, frequency of operation, coupling element; Single stage CE amplifier with voltage divider bias, ac and dc analysis; voltage gain, current gain, power gain, input impedance, output impedance. Module II: Feedback Amplifiers (10 hrs) Principles of feedback circuit; Advantages of negative feedback - Stabilization of gain, Reduction of non linear distortion- Effect of feedback on input and output resistances; Four feedback topologies - voltage amplifier, current amplifier, transconductance amplifier, transresistance amplifier, with examples. Module III: Oscillators (10 hrs) Feedback requirements of Oscillators, Barkhausen criteria for Oscillations and basic oscillator analysis, Phase Shift Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator, Collpitt’s Oscillator, Piezoelectric Crystal Oscillator. Module IV: Field effect transistor (8 hrs) FET – Principle, types; JFET – Construction, working principle, Characteristics; FET vs BJT; JFET as Amplifier - operating point; JFET biasing - fixed bias, Self-bias, voltage divider bias; MOSFET – Construction and working principle, MOSFET types – D and E, Characteristics. Reference: 1. 2. 3. Principles of Electronics, V. K. Mehta, Rohith Mehta A Textbook of Applied Electronics, R. S. Sedha Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky 165 Semester III EL3CRT03 - Communication Electronics Credits – 3 Contact Hours- 54 Module I: Introduction to Communication (12 hrs) Basic communication system – information source, coding, channel (bound and unbound), noise, decoding, information destination; EM spectrum – bands, properties and typical uses in each band. Module II: Analog Modulation (15 hrs) Modulation and its needs; Types of sinusoidal modulations – Amplitude modulation and Angle modulation; AM – Principle, mathematical expression, sidebands, bandwidth, modulation index, AM modulator, AM demodulator; FM – Principle, mathematical expression, sidebands, bandwidth, modulation index, FM modulator, FM demodulator. Module III: Digital Modulation (12 hrs) Number system and conversion– binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal; Advantages of digital systems; AD conversion – sampling, quantization and encoding; Digital modulation– ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM; Pulse modulation – PAM, PTM, PCM Module IV: Modern communication standards (15 hrs) Communication Networks – Nodes, Endpoints, Topology; OSI model; Channel sharing – FDM, TDM, WDM, CDM; Familiarization of wired (FireWire, USB, I2C, CAN, HDMI, 1Wire) and wireless standards (WiFi, Bluetooth, UWB, ZigBee, TransferJet, DVB-S); Mobile generations – 0G, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Electronic Communication Systems, George Kennedy, Bernard Davis Electronic Communications Systems, Wayne Tomasi Telecommunication Transmission Systems, Robert G. Winch Digital Communications, John G. Proakis Mobile Communications, Jochan Schiller Mobile Cellular Communications, William C. Y. Lee 166 Semester IV EL4CMT04 -Operating System and Python Programming Credits – 3 Contact Hours- 54 Module I: Operating system concepts (12 hrs) Computer organization – Input devices, output devices, CPU, Bus; Storage – registers, cache, primary memory, secondary memory; Operating systems – Objectives and Functions; Generations of Operating systems; Types of Operating Systems – Mainframe, Desktop, Multiprocessor, Distributed, Clustered, Batch processing, Multiprogramming, Multiuser, Real time, Embedded and Time sharing; OS components – Process management, Memory management, I/O management, File management, Protection system, Network management, Command interpreter; OS services – Process Execution, I/O operations, File manipulations, Communications, Error detection and recovery, Resource allocation, Accounting, System Protection, System Calls, System call Execution. Module II: Linux and bash programming (15 hrs) History of Linux; Features of Linux; Differences between UNIX and Linux; Linux Architecture; Popular Flavors of Linux; Linux runlevels; Linux filesystem; Mounting and unmounting; Processes – parent, child, zombie, orphan; Bash scripting – common bash commands used in filesystem handling, text file handling, process handling, job handling, piping and redirecting output, bash startup files. Module III: Python preliminary (12 hrs) Python and its advantages; Python interpreter – IDLE; Basic python syntax – comments, string operations, variable types, type casting, operators; Simple IO – print, input, loadtxt; Program control flow – conditional statements, loops. Module IV: Python for physics (15 hours) Functions; Packages and modules – math, numpy, scipy; Lists – append, pop, map, sort; Arrays – Slicing, range function, linspace function; Tuples; Dictionary; Generating graphs – matplotlib, figure, plot, title, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, legend; Visual python – coordinates, objects, controls and parameters. Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, and Peter BaerGalvin UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures, Curt Schimmel Mastering UNIX shell scripting: Bash, Bourne, and Korn shell scripting for programmers, system administrators and linux gurus, Randal K. Michael UNIX shell programming, Stephan G.Kochan, Patrick Wood Beginning Linux Programming, Neil Matthew, Richard Stones Python in a nutshell, Alex Martelli Computational Physics with Python, Dr. Eric Ayars A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, Hans PetterLangtangen 167 SYLLABUS FOR PRACTICAL Complementary Electronics for Physics- Instrumentation (A minimum of 50% experiments given in syllabus should be done and recorded in each practical course component to appear for the examination) Semesters I & II Complementary Practical 1: EL2CMP01 1. CRO familiarization- measurement of ac voltage, dc voltage- measurement of frequency. 2. PN junction diode characteristics. 3. Zener diode characteristics. 4. Half wave rectifier 5. Full wave rectifier with and without filter. 6. Voltage regulator using Zener. 7. Regulated Power Supply using IC. 8. Clippers - positive, negative, biased. 9. Clampers- positive, negative 10. RC integrator. 11. RC differentiator. 12. Common Base characteristics. 13. Single stage CE amplifier. 14. Hartley oscillator. 15. Colpitts oscillator. 16. JFET characteristics. 17. Emitter follower 18. Photodiode characteristics 19. MOSFET characteristics 168 Semesters III & IV Complementary Practical 2: EL4CMP02 1. Amplitude Modulation 2. Frequency Modulation 3. Amplitude shift keying 4. Pulse amplitude modulation 5. Pulse width modulation 6. Amplitude demodulation 7. F to V converter 8. FSK modulation 9. Binary to decimal converter 10. PWM demodulation 11. Print a set of numbers in Fibonacci series using bash script. 12. Bash script to check prime numbers. 13. Bash script to check for palindrome numbers. 14. Bash script to accept a number and print it in the reverse order. 15. Bash script to print factorial of a number. 16. Solving a system of linear equations in python. 17. Program to plot standing waves in a cavity using python. 18. Program to plot path of a projectile at different angles using python. 19. Program to convert between temperature scales using python. 20. Stokes’ experiment – python program to calculate terminal velocity of freely falling object in a highly viscous medium. 169 18. Model Question Papers MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM FIRST SEMESTER B Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODELQUESTION PAPER PH1CRT01: MECHANICS I (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 PART A Answer any NINE questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is meant by isothermal and adiabatic elasticity? Explain I – section of girders. Give two examples of harmonic oscillations. Draw a neat curve showing all three damping cases of a damped harmonic oscillator. Explain quality factor of a harmonic oscillator. Explain superposition of waves. Write “a i e s for ula a d e plai the ter s. Give two properties of ultrasonic waves. Does sound waves need medium for propagation? Why? Obtain the differential equation for simple harmonic motion. Find the di e sio of You g s odulus. Does an oscillator in vacuum is an example of a damped harmonic oscillator? Why? 9 x 2 = 18 PART B Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Describe all three modulus of elasticity. Deri e the for ulae for You g s odulus he a ea is su je ted to u ifor e di g. Derive the expression for torsional potential energy. Explain the acoustics of construction of auditorium. Distinguish between the intensity and loudness of sound. Explain the composition of two rectangular simple harmonic motions of equal periods. What are beats? Derive an equation for beat frequency? How are they produced? How ultrasonic waves are produced? What is resonance? Explain sharpness of resonance? 6 x 4 = 24 PART C Answer any THRE questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 22. A compound pendulum is formed by suspending a heavy ring from a point on its circumference. Calculate the period of oscillation if its radius is 3 m. 170 23. A turning fork of unknown frequency gives 4 beats per second, when sounded with a fork of frequency 320 Hz. When loaded with a little wax it gives 3 beats per second. Find the unknown frequency? 24. Draw the velocity time graph of a simple harmonic oscillator. 25. Calculate the work done in twisting a steel wire of radius 0.001m and length 0.25 m through an angle of 45 degree. Given rigidity modulus = 8 x 1010 Nm-2 26. Find the work done in stretching a wire of 1sq mm cross section and 2 m long through 0.1 mm 11 You g s odulus, Y = N/m2) 3 x 6 = 18 PART D Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks 27. Describe a method to determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves. 28. Ho to fi d the You g s odulus of the gi e aterial usi g it a s a a tile er? E plai help of a neat diagram. 29. Explain the origin of different types of Lissajous figures. 30. Explain Fourier series. Expand a square wave as a Fourier series. ith the 2x10 = 20 171 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH2CRT02: OPTICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Very Short Answer Questions) Answer any Nine questions. Each question carrier 2 marks. 1. Distinguish between geometrical path and optical path of a beam of light. 2. State the quantum theory of light. 3. What is coherence? 4. What are Haidinger fringes? 5. How shall you get a system of Newton’s rings with bright centre? 6. Distinguish between interference and diffraction. 7. State Fresnel’s assumptions on diffraction. 8. Explain the missing orders of fringes in the diffraction pattern of a double slit. 9. Define grating element. 10. State Brewster’s law. 11. Distinguish between plane of polarization and plane of vibration. 12. What is optical activity? × Part B (Short Answer Questions) = Answer any six questions. Each question carriers 4 marks. 13. How will you test the optical flatness of a glass plate? 14. Describe light as an electromagnetic wave. 15. How can you determine the difference in wavelengths of two monochromatic sources using Michelson interferometer? 16. Distinguish between interference and diffraction. 17. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction. 18. Distinguish between prism spectra and grating spectra. 19. Describe the polarization of light by refraction using pile of plates 20. What are polaroids? Mention any two applications. 21. What is double refraction? Explain Huygen’s theory of double refraction. 6× 172 = Part C: (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. (i) Light of wavelength 600 nm falls normally on a wedge shaped film of refractive index 1.4 forming fringes that are 2 mm apart. Find the angle of the wedge. (ii) When the movable mirror of Michelson interferometer is moved through 0.0295 mm, 100 fringes are observed to cross the field of view. Calculate the wavelength of light. 23. In a Newton’s rings experiment with air film, the diameter of mth dark ring is 0.293 cm. With a liquid film, the same arrangement gives similar rings but the diameter of mth dark ring becomes 0. 254 cm. Find the refractive index of the liquid? 24. Light of wavelength 500 nm is incident normally on a diffraction grating of width 3 cm and 1500 lines. Find the angle of diffraction in the first order? 25. Calculate the thickness of a calcite plate which could convert plane polarized light into circularly polarized light. Wavelength of light used is 589 nm. nE=1.486 and n0=1.658. 26. Critical angle for water is 48o. Calculate the polarizing angle and the angle of refraction for light incident on water at an angle which produces maximum polarization of the reflected light. Part D (Essays Questions) ×6 = Answer any two questions. Each question carrier 10 marks. 27. (i). Discuss Fermat’s principles of least time and extremum path. (ii). State and prove the laws of reflection using Fermat’s principle. 28. (i). What is meant by phase change on reflection from a denser medium? (ii). Discuss how dark and bright bands are formed by reflection at a thin film? (iii). What is the effect of thickness of the film? 29. (i) What is a zone plate? Give its construction and theory. (ii) Show that a zone plate has multiple foci. (iii) Compare the zone plate with a convex lens. 30. Give the mathematical analysis of elliptically and circularly polarized light. How will you produce and detect them? (2 x 10 = 20) 173 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH3CRT03: MECHANICS II (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A Answer any NINE questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Explain the idea of inertial frame of reference. What is Coriolis force? Explain the significance of conservation laws. Write two examples of non conservative forces. Can the center of mass of a two body system be outside the two bodies? Explain. Distinguish between calibration error and random error. What is meant by escape velocity? Does the escape velocity from moon is greater than that from earth? Why? Explain cyclic coordinates. State Bernoulli’s theorem. Give two examples of central force. Does earth forms a perfectly inertial frame? Explain your answer. Give the meaning of standard deviation. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Explain work-energy theorem. Explain the working of a venturimeter. . What is Foucault’s pendulum? Mention one of its uses. Explain the principle of virtual work. What are the factors affecting the precision and accuracy of a physical experiment? Distinguish between centrifugal force and coriolis force. State and explain three conservation laws. Does generalised momentum and generalised coordinate have the dimensions of momentum and length? Why? 21. Where the earth feels more velocity, nearer or away, while rotating around the sun? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C Answer any THREE questions. Each question carriers 6 marks. 22. Write the connection between conservation laws and symmetry properties. 23. Calculate the mean and standard deviation from the following data. Value f 90-99 2 80-89 12 70-79 22 174 60-69 20 50-59 14 40-19 4 30-39 1 24. Explain different types of constraints with examples. 25. Use the Lagrange method to obtain the equation of motion for one dimensional harmonic oscillator. 26. A body having 10kg mass and a velocity of 25 m/s collides elastically with another body of mass 50 kg and comes to rest. Find the velocity of the second body. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. 28. 29. 30. Derive Lagrange’s equations from De Alembert’s principle. Explain with necessary equations Kepler’s laws and their impacts. Explain different types of errors? What are the precautions taken to avoid them? Derive an expression for energy possessed by a liquid? Explain Torricelli’s theorem. (2 x10 = 20) 175 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH4CRT04: BASIC ELECTRONICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A Answer any NINE questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define the Knee voltage of a PN junction diode. 2. Why are filter circuits used in power supplies? 3. What is meant by PIV of a diode? 4. What is the advantage of a bridge rectifier over a full wave rectifier? 5. What are the essentials of a feedback LC oscillator? 6. What do you mean by CMRR? 7. Distinguish between oscillators and amplifiers. 8. What is regulated power supply? 9. What is meant by avalanche breakdown? 10. Give the schematic symbol of N-channel and P-channel FET? 11. What happens to the input and output resistances of an amplifier when a negative voltage series feedback is used? 12. Define the unit decibel for expressing: (i) voltage (ii) current and (iii) power. Why is it preferred to express gain in dB? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are clamping circuits? 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Explain the term frequency response of an amplifier. What are half-power frequencies? What is meant by carrier swing in FM? Draw the circuit diagram of a voltage tripler. Describe DC and AC operating point. Dra the ir uit diagra of a Colpitt s os illator ith la els o the o po e ts. Gi e the expression for its frequency. 19. Describe the input characteristics of a CE configuration. 20. Give the relation between current amplification factor in CB and CC configurations. 21. Describe the need of biasing in transistors. (6x4 = 24) Part C Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Find the operating frequency of a Hartley oscillator if L1 = et ee the oils M = μH a d C = pF. 176 μH, L2 = 1 mH, mutual inductance 23. Find the values of VCE and Av for the transistor amplifier circuit shown below. 24. An FM transistor sends out a 100 MHz carrier wave frequency modulated by a 15 KHz sinusoidal audio signal. The maximum frequency deviation is 30 KHz. Find (i) the modulation index (ii) the three significant pairs of side frequencies and (iii) channel width required for these three side frequency pairs. 25. For a Zener regulator circuit, Vz = 12V, RS = 4KΩ, ‘L = KΩ a d the i put oltage aries fro V to 50V. Find the maximum and minimum values of the Zener current. 26. An amplifier has a voltage gain of -100. The feedback ratio is -0.05. Find (i) the voltage gain with feedback, (ii) the amount of feedback in dB. (iii) the output voltage of the feedback amplifier for an input voltage of 30mV, (iv) the feedback factor and (v) the feedback voltage. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Draw the experimental set up to obtain the forward and reverse characteristics of a PN junction diode. Discuss the shape of the characteristics. 28. What are clipping circuits? What are their applications? Discuss the working of positive, negative and biased clippers with proper circuit diagrams, input and output waveforms. 29. What is amplitude modulation? Describe the mathematical analysis of AM wave. Explain upper and lower side frequencies. 30. What is an OpAmp? State the characteristics of an ideal OpAmp. Describe the use of OpAmp as an adder. (2 x 10 = 20) 177 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH5CRT05: QUANTUM MECHANICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. How particle nature of radiation was confirmed by the photoelectric and Compton Effects? 2. How classical physics failed to account for the spectral distribution of energy density in a black body? 3. What is the importance of Stern-Gerlach experiment? 4. Can we measure the kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle simultaneously with arbitrary precision? Explain. 5. Distinguish between group and phase velocity. 6. What is a wave packet? How it is represented analytically and diagrammatically? 7. Obtain Bohr’s quantisation rule. 8. What is de Broglie hypothesis? 9. What is a linear operator? 10. What is the condition for an operator to be Hermitian? 11. What is linear vector space? 12. Plot the eigen functions of a particle moving in a finite square well potential. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Paragraph type questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are the basic postulates of quantum mechanics 14. Explain the general uncertainty relation apply it to position and momentum 15. Applying the rule of quantization by Wilson and Somerfield show that the energy of particle in a box is quantised. 16. How we can explain the expectation value in quantum mechanics 17. What is time independent Schrödinger equation 18. What is Schmidt’s orthogonalisation? 19. What are the basic angular momentum operators? 20. Explain orthogonality of linear vector space. 21. State and explain the admissibility conditions of wave functions. (6x4 = 24) 178 Part C (Short Essay / Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron having a K E of 1000 eV. Compare the result with the wave length of x rays having the same energy. 23. Show that the commutation relation of [ x ,Px ]= iℏ 24. Show that [ Lx ,Ly]] =iℏLz 25. An electron has a speed of 500 m/s with an accuracy of 0.004 %. Calculate the uncertainty with which we can locate the position of the electron 26. Show that the probability density of the linear harmonic oscillator in an arbitrary super position state is periodic equal to the period of the oscillator. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Solve the problem of linear harmonic oscillator and show that the energy levels are quantized. 28. State and prove the Ehrenfest theorem in quantum mechanics. 29. Discuss the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling. Explain alpha decay using tunnelling. 30. Explain the Davisson and Germer Experiment. (2 x 10 = 20) 179 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH5CRT06: ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRODYNAMICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define form factor. What is its value in the case of a sinusoidal voltage? What is meant by wattles current? Mention the different energy losses in a transformer. Why a choke coil is preferred over Ohmic resistance for diminishing current in a circuit? What is an ideal current source? State the laws of thermo emf. Electric lines of forces will not cross each other. Why? Show that time varying electric field is not conservative. Using Maxwell’s equations, show that the velocity of electromagnetic waves through vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s. 10. State Biot- Savart’s law. 11. What is motional emf? 12. Write down Maxwell’s equations for static fields. � = Part B (Paragraph type questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Distinguish between mean value and rms value of an alternating current. 14. Compare a series resonant circuit with a parallel resonant circuit. 15. What is skin effect? Describe the construction of a tesla coil? 16. State and prove the Reciprocity theorem. 17. Distinguish between Peltier effect and Joule heating effect. 18. What is a thermo electric diagram? How is it used for the determination of total emf? 19. What is displacement current? Explain its significance. 20. Using Gauss theorem, find out the electric flux density of a uniformly charged sphere. 21. Discuss the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space. Part C (Short Essay / Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. �� = 22. A coil of self inductance 2 milli Henri and resistance 15 ohm is connected in parallel with a capacitance of 0.001µF. Find i. the frequency at which the current from an ac source to this circuit is minimum. 180 ii. the peak value of this make up current if the peak value of the supply voltage is 2V. 23. Find the current through γΩ resistor using superposition theorem. 24. Find the current through 1.5Ω resistor using Thevenin’s theorem. 25. Show that the standing wave f(x,t)= A sin(kx) cos(kvt) satisfies the wave equation and express it as the sum of a wave traveling to the left and a wave traveling to the right. 26. The point charges -1 nC, 4 nC and 3 nC are located at (0,0,0), (0,0,1) and (1,0,0) respectively. Find the energy of the system. ��= Part D:(Essays): Answer any two 27. Discuss the decay of charge in an LCR circuit and analyze different cases. 28. (i) What is Thomson effect? Define Thomson co-efficient. (ii) Describe the thermodynamics of thermocouple and obtain the relation connecting ___ Peltier and Thomson co-efficients. 29. (i) State Ampere’s circuit law and obtain the magnetic field due to an infinitely long co ___ axial line. (ii) Define magnetic scalar and vector potential. Mention their significances. 30. (i). Derive Poynting’s theorem. What is the significance of Poynting vector? (ii). In a non magnetic medium � = sin � × �− . (a). �� , � (b). Time averaged power carried by the wave. (c). Total power crossing 100 cm2 of plane 2x + y = 5 � �/ . Find out � 181 = MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH5CRT07: RELATIVITY AND SPECTROSCOPY (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are the postulates of Bohr atom model? 2. Define Bohr magneton? What is its SI unit? 3. State Moseley’s law. 4. Define Lande g factor. 5. What is Lamb shift? 6. There is no spin orbit splitting of the Hydrogen atom ground level. Why? 7. Write a note on isotope effect in rotational spectra. 8. Homo nuclear diatomic molecules do not show vibrational spectra. Why? 9. What are hot bands? Why are they called so? 10. State mutual exclusion principle 11. What is twin paradox in relativity? 12. State the postulates of special theory of relativity. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Distinguish between LS coupling and jj coupling. 14. Explain the effect of nuclear spin on the electronic spectrum of an atom. 15. Describe vector atom model. 16. What is nuclear quadrupole moment? How does it differ from nuclar quadrupole coupling constant? 17. Mention the applications of NMR. 18. Describe the quantum theory of Raman effect. 19. In linear molecules, the Raman shift of the first Stokes line from the exciting one is 6B, whereas it is 4B in symmetric top molecules. Why? 20. A moving clock ticks more slowly than a clock at rest. Why? 21. Write a note on general theory of relativity. 182 (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Consider two electrons, one in the 4p and other in the 4f subshell. Obtain the possible L,S and J values and term symbols for this two electron system. 23. Illustrate with an energy level diagram, Paschen Bach effect for the D2 line of sodium. 24. The first line in the rotation spectrum of CO has a frequency of 3.8424 cm-1. Calculate the rotational constant and hence the bond length in CO. 25. The Raman line associated with a vibrational mode which is both Raman and IR active is found at 460 nm when excited with wavelength 435.8 nm. Calculate the wavelength of the corresponding infrared band. 26. Find the total energy of a neutron (m=0.940 GeV/c2) whose momentum is 1.2 GeV/c. ��= Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. (i). Discuss the theory of Normal Zeeman effect. (ii). Distinguish between normal Zeeman effect and anomalous Zeeman effect (iii). Distinguish between linear and quadratic Stark effect. 28. Discuss the rotational spectra of a rigid diatonic molecule and a non rigid rotator. What is the effect of vibrational excitation? 29. What is electron spin resonance? Describe the principle and working of an ESR spectrometer. 30. Derive the basic equations of Lorentz transformation. � 183 = MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH5CRT08: THERMAL AND STSTISTICAL PHYSICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are the limitations of Van der Waals equation? 2. Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes. 3. State first law of thermodynamics? Give its mathematical form. 4. State Carnot’s theorem. 5. State Boltzman’s formula. Mention its significance. 6. Obtain Clausius Clapeyron equation from first TdS equation. 7. Show that internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on temperature. 8. What are the properties of thermal radiations? 9. State the principle of equal a priori probability. 10. Express entropy in terms of partition function. 11. What is meant by density of states? 12. What is meant by statistical equilibrium? � Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. = 13. Write a note on expansivity and compressibility of a substance. 14. Write a note on van der Waals isotherms. 15. Distinguish between intensive and extensive variables. Give examples to both. 16. What is the basic principle of absolute scale of temperature? 17. Prove Claussius theorem and hence define entropy. 18. Show that in the free expansion of an ideal gas, entropy of the gas increases. 19. Deduce Stefan’s law from Planck’s law. 20. State and explain equipartition theorem. 21. What are the characteristics of microcanonical ensemble? �� 184 = Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. At 300K, one mol of Hydrogen occupies a volume of 10-3 m3 and at 35 K, a volume of 10-4 m3. Find the pressure of the gas at 300K. 23. A Carnot engine with efficiency 0.6 drives a Carnot refrigerator with co-efficient of performance 5. Determine the energy absorbed from the cold body by the refrigerator for each kilo joule of energy absorbed from the source by the engine. 24. The efficiency of a Carnot engine can be increased in two ways, by increasing the source temperature or by decreasing the sink temperature. Which one is more effective? Why? 25. The temperature of 10 kg of water is raised from 0oC to 100oC at constant pressure. The heat capacity of water at constant pressure is 4.18 x 103 J/kg K. Calculate increase in entropy of water. 26. For water vapour near critical point, the van der Waals constants and gas constant are: a = 0.199 Pa m6/mol2. b= 1.83 x 10-5m3/mol. R= 5.008 J/mol K. Find the parameters of critical state. ��= Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe Andrew’s experiment on CO2. What are the inferences drawn from it? 28. Describe the working of a Carnot’s ideal heat engine and obtain an expression for its efficiency. What is meant by reversibility of a Carnot engine? 29. Using the laws of thermodynamics, derive Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations. 30. What are fermions? Discuss their statistical distribution. � 185 = MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH6CRT09: NUCLEAR & PARTICLE PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Distinguish between isobar and isotone. 2. What are the properties of Gamma radiations? 3. List the characteristics of nuclear forces. 4. What are magic numbers? 5. 6. 7. 8. What is a breeder reactor? State Geiger- Nuttal law. State Soddy Fajan’s displacement law. What are transuranic elements? Give examples. 9. What is latitude effect of cosmic rays? 10. Give the quark composition of a proton. 11. Write a note on HR diagram. 12. What is meant by a black hole? � Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. = 13. Why electrons cannot be present in the nucleus? 14. Write a note on collective model of the nucleus. 15. State the basic principle of an ionization chamber. 16. What is carbon dating? 17. Write a note on artificial radioactivity. 18. What are cosmic ray showers? 19. What are the different methods for plasma confinement? 20. Explain the production of energy in stars by nuclear fusion. 21. Which are the different quantum numbers associated with elementary particles? �� 186 = Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the total binding energy and binding energy per nucleon for mass of neutron= 1.008665 amu and mass of proton=1.007825 amu. 56 26Fe . Given 23. How long does it take for 60% of a sample of Radon to decay? Half life of Radon is 3.8 days. 24. The isotope 92U238 successively undergoes alpha and beta emission to form 82Pb206. How many alpha and beta particles are emitted from it? 25. A nuclear reactor is developing energy at a rate of 3000kW. How many atoms of U235 undergo fission per second? How many kilograms of U235 would be used in 1000 hours of operation assuming that on an average energy of 200 MeV is released per fission. 26. Using the baryon number and strangeness number conservation laws, state whether the following reactions are allowed. (i). � − + � → Λ + K (ii). � − + � → Λ + � ��= Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe liquid drop model of nucleus. How can the semi-empirical mass formula be derived from it? Mention the uses of this model. 28. Describe the principle and operation of a GM counter as a particle detector. 29. How Gamow’s theory accounts for the decay of alpha particles from the nuclei of a radioactive substance? 30. (i). Which are the different fundamental interactions between elementary particles? (ii). Explain the birth and life of a star. � 187 = MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PC6CRT10: SOLID STATE PHYSICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define a unit cell? 2. What is Bragg’s law? 3. Write a short note on ionic crystals? 4. What is a phonon? 5. What do you understand by free electron gas? 6. What is the Bloch function?. 7. Explain the concept of hole. 8. What is piezoelectricity? 9. Write a short note on paramagnetism. 10. What is superconductivity? 11. What is Josephson effect? 12. Define mobility of a charge carrier. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. How does hcp structure differ from bcc structure? 14. What is Debye temperature? What is its significance? 15. Discuss qualitatively why electronic specific heat is temperature dependent? 16. Distinguish between a metal, a semiconductor and insulator on the basics of their energy band structure. 17. Explain the conduction mechanism for n-type and p-type semiconductors. . 18. Explain the concept of BCS theory. 19. Draw the IV characteristics of solar cell and explain. 20. What is an acousto optic modulator? 21. Explain the working of three-level laser system. (6 x 4 = 24) 188 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. A plane makes intercepts of 1,2 and 0.5 Ao on the crystallographic axes of an orthorhombic crytal with a:b:c= 3:2:1. Determine the Miller indices of this plane. 23. What is the conductivity of n-type Si that has been doped with 1016cm-3 phosphorus atoms, if the drift mobility is about 1350cm2 V-1s-1? 24. The Bragg’s angle for (ββ0) reflection from nickel (fcc) is γ8.βo when x-ray of wavelength 1.54Ao are employed in a diffraction experiment. Determine the lattice parameter of nickel. 25. The Debye temperature for diamond is 2230K, Calculate the highest possible vibrational frequency and molar heat capacity of diamond at 10K.. 26. Find the lowest energy of an electron confined to move in a three dimensional potential box of length 0.5Ao. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe the powder method for X-ray diffraction. Discuss the formation of x-ray diffraction pattern. 28. Derive the expression for the Fermi energy and density of states for free electron gas in one dimension. 29. Derive the expression for density of electrons in the conduction band of an n-type semiconductor. 30. Explain the difference between type I and type II superconductors using Meissner effect. (2 x 10 = 20) 189 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH6CRT11: OPTOELECTRONICS (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define the acceptance angle of an optical fiber. 2. Write a short note on any one application of optical fiber. 3. What is metastable state? 4. Draw the energy band diagram of n-type and p-type semiconductor. 5. What is injection electroluminescence ? 6. Write the expression for intensity of light at distance x in an absorbing medium. 7. Define the quantum efficiency of a photodetector. 8. Write a short note on photo transistor.. 9. What is solar constant? 10. What is retardation plates? 11. Write a short note on magneto optic effect. 12. Write a short note on Holography. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain intermodal dispersion of an optical fiber. 14. Write a short note on optical resonant cavity. 15. Explain LED characteristics. 16. What are the advantages of hetero junction laser diode? 17. Write a short note on Ramo’s theorem. . 18. Explain the advantage of PIN photodiode. 19. Draw the IV characteristics of solar cell and explain. 20. What is an acousto optic modulator? 21. Explain the working of three level laser system.. (6 x 4 = 24) 190 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. An optical fiber has an acceptance angle of 30o and a core of refractive index 1.4. Calculate the refractive index of cladding. 23. What is the conductivity of n-type Si that has been doped with 1016cm-3 phosphorus atoms, if the drift mobility is about 1350cm2 V-1s-1? 24. A Si APD has quantum efficiency of 70% at 830nm in the absence of multiplication. The APD is biased to operate with a multiplication of 100. If the incident optical power is 10nW what is the photocurrent? 25. A step index fiber has a core of refractive index 1.52, diameter of 29µm and fractional index difference of 0.0007. Operating wavelength is 1.3µm. Find the number of modes that fiber can support. 26. The wavelength of emission is 600nm and coefficient of spontaneous emission is 106/s. Determine the coefficient for the stimulated emission. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Derive an expression for diode laser output optical power. 28. Obtain the current voltage relation of a forward biased pn junction. 29. What is Pockels effect? Explain the working of Pockels phase modulator. 30. What is Einstein’s coefficient? Obtain the relation between Einstein’s coefficients. (2 x 10 = 20) 191 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER PH6CRT12: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSOR (For Physics Main) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks:80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Convert the decimal number 146.8 in to octal number. Find the results using β’s complement technique. -55 +26 Write the truth table of XOR gate.. Draw the diagram 4 bit adder/subtractor. Why ASCII code is required in a digital computer system? Write a short note on minterms. What is an encoder? Sketch the logic system for a clocked SR flip flop. Describe an application of decade counter. What is an instruction cycle? Write an example for register indirect addressing mode. State De Morgan’s theorem. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Paragraph type questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Write the details of flag register of 8085. Draw a neat diagram of the internal architecher of 8085 Simplify the expression F=(A’BC’)’ Write down the rules for grouping 1s in K map. What is a multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of 4 to 1 multiplexer. Draw the logic diagram of 4 bit ladder D/A converter and explain. Write the logical expression of sum and carry output of full adder in terms of its input. Draw the block diagram of a negative edge triggered T flip flop. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous counter. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay / Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Write a pragramme to add two eight bit numbers and result exceed 8 bit. 23. Draw the logic circuit for the logic expression F= BC(A+B+C’)’ , also simplify the expression and draw the new logic circuit. 192 24. What is a decoder? Draw the logic diagram of 3 to 8 decoder and explain its working. Also draw its truth table. 25. With help of diagram explain the working of positive edge triggered RS Flip Flop. 26. Draw the logic diagram and truth table for a three flip-flop ripple counter operating in countdown mode. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Simplify the Boolean expression f(a,b,c) = Σ(0,β,γ,4,6) and f(a,b,c) = Σ(0,1,β,4,5,6,8,9,1β,1γ,14) using K-map. 28. Explain the block diagram and working of a β’s complement adder/subtractor circuit. 29. With the aid of diagrams explain the working of binary ladder type D/A converters. 30. Describe the different types of instruction set of 8085. (2 x 10 = 20) 193 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: PH5GET01 - MATERIAL SCIENCE Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Describe the classification of engineering materials according to the mode of occurrence. 2. What is meant by dielectric strength? 3. What is plastic strain? 4. Define thermal diffusivity. What is its unit? 5. Distinguish between active and passive display devices. 6. What are the different types of metallic glasses? 7. What are shape memory alloys? Give examples. 8. Mention any two applications of shape memory alloys. 9. What are magic numbers? 10. Write a note on fullerenes. 11. Describe the principle of operation of an Atomic Force Microscope. 12. What are the drawbacks of X ray diffraction method of characterization of nanomaterials? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is the relationship between structure and properties in metals, ceramics and polymers? 14. Distinguish between microstructure and macrostructure. 15. What is impact strength? Which are the factors affecting impact strength? 16. What is ‘quench cracking’? 17. What are the merits and demerits of LCD? 18. Describe the thermo mechanical behavior of shape memory alloys. 19. Write a note on ‘quantum confinement’. 20. What are the applications of Carbon nanotubes? 21. What information can Raman spectroscopy reveal about different types of nanomaterials? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks 22. Describe the principle of numeric display using LCD 194 23. What are the applications of metallic glasses? 24. What is ‘creep’? Draw creep curve and describe various periods of a creep. 25. What are colour centers? How are they generated? 26. Describe the characterization mechanism of a Transmission Electron Microscope. What is selected area diffraction (SAD)? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe spark test and bend test for the identification of metals and alloys. 28. Discuss different types of liquid crystals and their properties. 29. Outline the different types of optical absorption processes of materials. 30. (i). Describe the principle, construction and working of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (ii). Which are the different operational modes of STM? (iii). Mention the advantages and disadvantages of an STM. (2 x 10 = 20) 195 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: PH5GET02 - COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. State the General Newton Raphson Method 2. State fixed point theorem and the fixed point iteration formula. 3. What are the advantages of iterative methods over direct method of solving a system of linear algebraic equations? 4. Can we apply iteration method to find the root of the equation 2x- cos x= 5 in {0, pi/2}? 5. State the condition for the convergence of Gauss Seidel iteration method for solving a system of linear equation 6. What do you mean by numerical differentiation? 7. Why is Trapezoidal rule so called? 8. Write Simpson’s γ /8 rule , assuming γn intervals 9. State Simpson’s one third rule. 10. Write down the order of the errors of trapezoidal rule. 11. State the formula for 2 – point Gaussian quadrature. 12. State Euler’s iteration formula for ordinary differential equation. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. State the condition & order for convergence of Newton – Raphson method 14. Compare Simpson’s γ /8 rule and Simpson’s one third rule. 15. Find the positive root of x + 5x -3 = 0 using fixed point iteration method starting with 0.6 as first 2 approximation 16. In numerical integration , what should be the number of intervals to apply Simpson’s one – third rule and Simpson’s three – eighths rule. 17. State Romberg’s integration formula to find the value of I =∫ 18. Evaluate ∫ � 19. Given � = + − 2 using h & h / 2. using trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 3 / 8th rules. , where y(0)=2 find y(0.1) for 4 decimals. 20. Derive the Newton–Raphson method for finding the roots of the equation. 21. What is the Criterion for the convergence of Newton’s – Raphson method (6 x 4 = 24) 196 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Find the root of the equation f(x)=x3-x-1 using the bisection method?.. 23. By Gauss Elimination method solve (i)x + y =2 and 2x + 3y = 5 (ii) 2x – y =1 , x – 3y +2 = 0 (iii) x – 2y = 0 , 2x + y = 5 24. Find the first iteration values of x, y, z by Gauss seidel method 28x 4y z 32; x 3y 10z 24; 2x 17y 4z 35 25. Use the method of false position find the root of x3-2x-5 = 0. 26. Use R-K method of second order to find y (0.4) given y’=xy, y(0) = 1 (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. i) Find the positive real root of 3x – cos x – 1 = 0 using Newton – Raphson method. (ii) Find the dominant eigen value and vector of A =( 6 ) using Power method 28. (i) Find the iterative formula to find √� where N is positive integer using Newton’s method and hence find√ 3x+y+4z =17 29. Evaluate ∫ . (ii) Solve by Gauss Elimination method x + 5y +z =14 ; 2x + y + 3z = 13 ; � + in the interval [0,1] using trapezoidal rule with 2, 4 subintervals. 30. Write down Algorithm and MATLAB or Octave program to solve non linear equation f(x)=x2-x-3 by using Newton Raphson method. 197 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: PH5GET03 - INSTRUMENTATION Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is a transducer? Explain primary transducer and secondary transducer with an example. Define resolution. What is a rosette? Explain the working principle of constant-current hot-wire anemometer. What are the requirements of a conducting material to be used as a RTD? Explain the working of a variable reluctance transducer. Draw the equivalent circuit of piezo-electric transducers. A platinum thermometer has a resistance of 100 at 25 OC. Find its resistance at 65 OC if the platinum has a resistance-temperature coefficient of 0.00392/OC. 10. What is meant by RVDT? 11. Draw resistance-temperature characteristics for a thermistor. 12. What is a load cell? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Define selectivity and specificity. How are they related? Explain the working and V-I characteristics of a photodiode. Describe the dynamic charecteristics of a sensor. How a bath tub curve associated with failure of transducers? What do you mean by minimum detectable signal? If the input noise of a sensor is sinusoidal in nature with a peak to peak value of 0.1 mV, what would be the MDS? What are thermistors? Explain their different forms of construction. Describe the foil type strain gauges and explain their advantages over wire wound strain gauges. Draw the equivalent circuit of piezo-electric transducers. Write a brief note on capacitor microphone. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. 23. 24. 25. How synchros are used as torque transmitters? What are the applications of Hall Effect transducers? Describe with neat sketch the bellows type primary detecting elements. Describe the different classifications of instruments. 198 26. Explain how a Pitot tube can be used for measurement of flow. Describe how the velocity profile of a liquid flowing in a pipe is taken care of in the measurements when using Pitot tubes. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. 28. 29. 30. Explain the various elements of a generalized measurement system. Describe the various sensor characterization methods. Discuss the various types of capacitive transducers. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Describe the different criteria for selection of transducers for a particular application. (2 x 10 = 20) 199 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: PH6CBT01 - NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are metallic glasses? How are they formed? 2. Describe laser pyrolysis technique for the synthesis of thin films. 3. What is the mechanism of heating in a microwave apparatus? Mention its advantages. 4. What are colloids? Give examples. 5. Define Atomic scattering factor? 6. What is meant by an Auger electron? 7. Mention some peculiar properties of aerogels. 8. Which are the different generations of solar cells? 9. Write a note on injection luminescence. 10. What are super paramagnetic particles? Explain their magnetization behavior. 11. Distinguish between giant magneto resistance and Colossal magneto resistance 12. Mention some applications of nanotechnology in textile industry. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Describe molecular beam epitaxy. 14. What is stearic hindrance? 15. What are surfactants? Describe different types of surfactants? 16. Give the principle of FTIR spectrometer. What is its advantage? 17. Which are the different types of clusters? 18. What is Coulomb blockade? 19. What are zeolites? How are they synthesized? 20. Write a note on Graphene and its properties. 21. Write a note on metamaterials (6 x 4 = 24) 200 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. With a schematic, describe the basic concept of Chemical vapour deposition process. 23. Explain how semiconductor nanoparticles are synthesized by colloidal route. 24. Describe the three different modes of operation of an AFM. 25. What are the factors affecting the porous structure of porous silicon? 26. What are the applications of nanomaterials in space and defense? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is sputter deposition? Describe the basic principles and advantages of various types of sputtering. 28. Discuss (i) Sol-Gel method (ii) Hydrothermal synthesis (iii) sonochemical synthesis of nanomaterials. 29. Discuss the principle and operation of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). 30. What are carbon nanotubes? Describe their structure and different methods of synthesis. (2 x 10 = 20) 201 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: PH6CBT02 - RENEWABLE ENERGY Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. State the significance of renewable energy sources. What is biomass? Explain. What is a solar panel? What are the advantages of wind energy? What is meant by geothermal energy? What is a solar pond? What is ocean thermal energy? Explain the principle of biogas plant. How tidal energy can be used to generate electricity? What is diffused radiation? Give the advantages of Hydrogen cells. Define solar insolation. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Write a note on solar radiation spectrum. Name and explain various sources of energy. What are the basic components of wind energy conversion system? What are the constituents of biogas? Explain. Distinguish between flat plate collector and concentrating collector. How community biogas plant works? Write a note on solar space heating. What are advantages of using Hydrogen cells? Write a note on the environmental aspects of wind energy. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. With the help of a neat diagram explain the working of a solar water heater. Explain different methods to produce Hydrogen. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy? Describe the working of a fixed dome type biogas plant with the help of a diagram. Give an account of different type of concentrating type solar energy collectors. (3 x 6 = 18) 202 Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain different methods to generate electricity using Ocean Thermal Energy. 28. Name two basic types of instruments used for measuring intensity of solar radiation. What is meant by total solar radiation? 29. With a neat sketch explain the basic working principle of a tidal power plant. 30. Give a detailed account of the utilization of geothermal energy. (2 x 10 = 20) 203 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: PH6CBT03: ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. (a) Define light year. (b) Define A.U. 2. What is Sidereal period? 3. Why do we have different seasons on earth? 4. What is International date line? 5. Define the magnifying power of a telescope. 6. What is meant by inflation in Cosmology? 7. What is Chandrasekhar limit? 8. Define luminosity of a star. 9. What is CMBR? 10. Define diurnal motion. 11. What are variable stars? 12. Even light can not come out of a Black Hole. Why? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 1. What is meant by Big Bang nucleosynthesis? 2. Distinguish between Solar flare and prominence. 3. What are the properties of photosphere? 4. Describe the Stellar classification. 5. Explain the main features of H-R diagram. 6. Distinguish between absolute and apparent magnitude. 7. Discuss about the equatorial mounts of telescopes. 8. Write down the nuclear chain reactions involved in CNO cycle. 9. Describe the nature and importance of Sunspots. (6 x 4 = 24) 204 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the age of the universe if the Hubble's constant is 68km/sec/Mpc. 23. Explain how parallax method can be used to determine stellar distances. 24. Discuss the classification of galaxies. 25. Venus is about 104 times brighter than the dimmest visible star. If the magnitude of the dimmest visible star is +6, what is the magnitude of Venus? 26. What is Schwarzchild radius? Determine the Schwarzchild radius of a black hole with 6 solar mass. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Define Celestial sphere. Briefly discuss about the celestial coordinate systems. 28. Briefly explain the evolution of stars. 29. “tate a d e plai Hu le s la of e pa sio of the u i erse a d the o ept of os ologi al redshift. 30. What are the uses of optical telescopes? Describe Refracting and Reflecting telescopes. (2 x 10 = 20) 205 APPLIED ELECTRONICS (MODEL 2) MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE1VOT01 - PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the tolerance in resistors. Write the colour code of a resistor of 910 Ω with 5% tolerance. 2. Explain the working of an LED. 3. What are the differences between AF and RF transformers? 4. What is a transducer? How they are broadly classified into two groups? 5. What is the need of impedance matching between two circuits? What do you mean by coefficient of coupling? 6. Explain how wattless current is obtained. 7. Differentiate between potentiometer and rheostat. 8. Why is an electrolytic capacitor polarized? Name the dielectric in electrolytic capacitor. Give the merits and demerits of that dielectric. 9. Describe the important specifications of resistor. 10. Distinguish between ordinary transformer and power transformer. 11. Explain why a capacitor blocks direct current and voltage. 12. What is a fuse? Draw the fusing characteristic. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Derive an expression for effective capacitance when two capacitors are connected in series and parallel. 14. Explain and differentiate between momentary contact action and maintained contact action switch. 15. Explain the working principle of a circuit breaker. 16. Write a short note on losses associated with transformers. 17. What is the principle and applications of reed relay? 18. Explain the working of piezoelectric transducer. 19. Explain the operation of moving coil microphone. 20. Describe how capacitance is measured using Universal Bridge. 21. Explain the construction of a paper capacitor. (6 x 4 = 24) 206 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. A ceramic has a plate area of 0.2m2. Determine the thickness of the dielectric, if the capacitance value is 0.47 μF. Take dielectric constant of ceramic as 1β00. 23. A step down transformer has turns ratio 15 and has 6 Volt across 0.γ Ω secondary. Calculate the primary and secondary currents. 24. Explain the constructional details of an electrolytic capacitor. Explain its specialities. 25. A choke coil consists of 150 turns wound on a high permeability core. If μr= γ000, μo = 4 x 10-7 H/m, coil length is 6 cm, and cross sectional area is 5 x 10-4m2, find the value of coil inductance. 26. Calculate the impedance and phase angle of a coil connected across 200 V, 50 Hz ac supply, if the resistance of the coil is 50Ω and its inductance is β50 mH. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With neat diagrams, describe the method of manufacture of different types of resistors. Discuss the important feature of each type. 28. With neat constructional diagrams, discuss the working principle of two different types of LCDs. Show how the seven segment display is realized. 29. Define inductance of an inductor. Describe how energy is stored in inductors. Explain the inductance measurement by universal bridge method. 30. Give an account of different types of switches. (2 x 10 = 20) 207 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE1VOT02 - ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is a tuning circuit? Explain its operating characteristics. 2. Explain the use of a thermister type transducer for the measurement of temperature. 3. Sketch the ideal characteristics of LPF, HPF,BPFand BSF. 4. How is recording on compact discs done? 5. Describe the following terms with reference to a time base signal: a) Sweep Time b) Flyback Time c) Slope Error d) Sweep speed 6. What is a phototransistor? How it differs from an ordinary transistor. 7. Explain the different types of PCBs. 8. What is a father disc? How it is different from a mother disc. 9. Explain why a delay line is used in the vertical section of an oscilloscope? 10. List the advantages and disadvantages of LVDT. 11. Explain the basic principle of a PMMC meter. 12. What is recurrent sweep in CRO. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain why you need a saw tooth voltage to display a sine wave on a CRO screen. Explain how the display takes place. 14. Explain one method of generating a time base waveform. 15. Describe the variable density method of optical recording of sound of films. 16. Discuss the construction and working of a thermocouple. 17. Briefly describe the construction of PCB. 18. Explain the series and parallel LCR resonance with necessary graphs. 19. With neat diagram, explain the working of Digital Multi Meter. 20. With neat sketches explain the working of moving coil microphone. 21. Describe the variable density method of optical recording of sound of films. (6 x 4 = 24) 208 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the frequency at which maximum current flows through a series RLC circuit containing a resistance of 4Ω, an inductance of ββ0mH, and a capacitance of 470PF? 23. The resistance of a 10mH coil is 10 Ω. Calculate the Q factor of the coil at 5 KHz. 24. A 41/2 digit voltmeter is used for voltage measurements: a) Calculate its resolution. b) How the voltage value of 11.11V will be displayed on a 10V range. c) How 0.1234V would be displayed on 1V and 10V ranges. 25. An RLC series circuit is connected to a 240V r.m.s power supply at a frequency of 2.5KHz.The elements in the circuit have the following values: R= 12 Ω, C= 0.β5µF, and L= 15.βmH. a) What is the impedance of the circuit? b) What is the r.m.s current and phase angle 26. A CRO with a sensitivity of 5V/cm is used. An a.c voltage is applied to the Y-input .A 10cm long straight line is observed. Determine the a.c voltage. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe the principle of recording and reproduction of sound on a disc by a laser beam. 28. With a neat circuit diagram and necessary wave forms, describe the working of a Bootstrap Sweep circuit. 29. Explain in detail the different parts of the cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 30. What is a transducer? Explain LVDT and Microphones with necessary diagrams. (2 x 10 = 20) 209 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE2VOT03 - BASICS OF POWER ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Draw the transconductance characteristics and account for the shape of the curves. 2. What are the differences between a JFET and a bipolar transistor? 3. How do you set a Q-point in a self biased JFET. 4. Give a comparison between JFET and MOSFET. 5. Why FET is called a voltage controlled device. 6. Why MOSFET is sometimes a IGFET. 7. Why a MOSFET can be operated with positive and negative gate voltage, but not a JFET? 8. Write the definitions of four JFET parameters. 9. Why is the input impedance of a MOSFET much higher than a JFET? 10. Sketch the circuit symbols of enhancement and depletion type MOSFET. 11. Explain gate biasing for JFET. 12. Give comparison between N-channel MOSFETs over P-channel. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Draw the experimental setup to plot the drain characteristics for JFET.Explain the shape of the characteristics 14. Explain the following terms for a JFET: a) IDSS b) Drain Resistance c) Transconductance d) Pinch off voltage 15. Explain the biasing of enhancement and depletion type MOSFET. 16. Briefly explain common drain JFET amplifier with circuit diagram. 17. Draw and explain the drain and transfer characteristics of Enhancement type MOSFET. 18. With the help of connection diagrams explain how (i)E- MOSFET and (ii)D-MOSFET can be used as resistor. 19. What is transconductance of a JFET? Derive the mathematical expression. 20. Explain the effect of external source resistance on the voltage gain of a common source amplifier? 21.Compare between JFET and BJT ,giving reasons. 210 (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. For an N-channel JFET IDSS = 8.7mA; Vp= -3V; VGS= -1V. Find the values of (i) ID (ii)gmo (iii)gm . 23. A gate biased JFET amplifier has RD = β.βKΩ , Ra = 1MΩ , VDD = 15V, VGG = -2V,IDSS = 8mA, Vp= -8V.Calculate: (i) ID (ii) VDS (iii) VGS. 24. Sketch the transfer characteristics for an N- channel Depletion type MOSFET with IDSS = 10mA and Vp = -4V. 25. In a JFET amplifier gm = 4000µ mho , RL = β0 KΩ RD = 5MΩ.Calculate the voltage gain. 26. A common drain JFET amplifier circuit has R1= γMΩ, R2 = 1.βMΩ, Rs = βKΩ, R4= β0KΩ, gm = 2.5m mho. Calculate its input resistance and output resistance. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With neat cross-sectional diagram, explain the working of a JFET? Sketch its drain and transconductance characteristics and explain their shapes. 28. Discuss the construction and working of the depletion type and enhancement type MOSFETs. 29. Explain with circuit diagram and small signal model common source JFET amplifier and derive expression for voltage gain. 30. Explain the need for biasing JFET. Draw and explain voltage divider bias and source bias of JFET. (2 x 10 = 20) 211 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE2VOT04 - POWER ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Distinguish between holding current and latching current. 2. Why SCR can be fabricated of using only Silicon, but not Germanium? 3. Draw the diode model of a thyristor and mention what is the necessity of gate. 4. List the various applications of SCR. 5. Distinguish between SCR and TRIAC. 6. What is intrinsic stand off ratio? 7. What is SBS? Why it is preferred over DIAC for triggering SCR? 8. What is SCS? How it is different from SCR? 9. What is firing angle? 10. What is false triggering? 11. What is meant by forward current rating of an SCR? 12. How power control is achieved by SCR? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the different methods to turn-ON an SCR. 14. Draw the two transistor model of an SCR. Derive an equation for anode current. 15. Discuss the operation and characteristics of a DIAC. 16. What is negative resistance of UJT? How it occurs? 17. Explain the working of Silicon Asymmetrical Switch. 18. How SCR is used as a half-wave rectifier? 19. Explain the working of a push – pull inverter. 20. Explain the working of a 180° variable half wave rectifier. 21. Draw the equivalent circuit, and circuit symbol of SAS. List its applications. (6 x 4 = 24) 212 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. A d.c. power supply of 110V feeds an inductance of 10H through a thyristor. Calculate the minimum width of the gate pulse so that the thyristor is triggered. The latching current of the thyristor is 70mA. 23. The intrinsic stand –off ratio for an UJT is 0.65. Its interbase resistance is 10KΩ. Calculate the values of the interbase resistances. β4. A UJT relaxation oscillator has R=60KΩ and C= 0.β5µF. Determine the pulse repetition frequency. Take intrinsic stand-off ration to be 0.65. 25. A single-phase half wave rectifier circuit using a thyristor is fed by a transformer whose secondary voltage is γ00sinωt. Calculate the average load current if the load resistance is 50Ω. 26. The forward break down voltage of an SCR is 150V when a gate current of 1mA flows in the gate circuit. Calculate the firing angle, average output voltage and current for a load resistor of 200 ohms when a sinusoidal voltage of 400V peak is applied to it. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With a neat constructional cross- sectional diagram, describe the working of a TRIAC. Sketch and explain its V-I characteristics. 28. With neat constructional details, explain the working of UJT. Explain the V-I characteristics. 29. Explain the forward and reverse characteristics of an SCR. How the forward break over voltage changes with gate current? What are the methods to turn off an SCR? 30. With necessary circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of a single –phase fully controlled bridge rectifier using SCR. Derive an expression for the average output voltage assuming continuous conduction mode. (2 x 10 = 20) 213 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: PH3VOT05 - LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the function a comparator? 2. Give the benefits of negative feedback. 3. Explain the voltage follower circuit. 4. What are different terminals of op-amp? Explain the polarity conventions used. 5. What is CMRR for an op-amp? Explain slew rate. 6. Why open loop op-amp circuits are not used in linear applications? 7. Draw the circuit diagram of a voltage follower. In what way is the voltage follower a special case of the non-inverting amplifier. 8. Explain band pass and notch filter.Sketch its gain versus frequency curves. 9. Why quartz crystal commonly used in crystal oscillator. 10. Briefly explain the rolls of a low pass filter and VCO in PLLs. 11. Draw the circuit diagram of an integrator using op-amp. Label it neatly. 12. What are the two basic modes in which the 555 timer operates? Why normally the control terminal of 555 is connected to ground through a 0.01μF capacitor. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the following terms of an op amp.,(a) Bandwidth (b) Input offset voltage (c) Input offset current (d)Input bias current 14. (a)Give the characteristics of an ideal Op-amp.(b) Draw the block diagram of Op-amp 15. Why are active filters preferred? Differentiate low pass and high pass filters. 16. Explain the basic timing concept of timer IC. 17. Explain how IC555monostable multi-vibrator works as a frequency divider. 18. Define lock range and capture range of PLL. Give its applications. 19. Briefly explain the operation of differential amplifier. 20. Draw op-amp based circuits of: a) Wein Bridge Oscillator b) Colpitt’s Oscillator 214 21. Explain the characteristics of audio amplifier. Give its circuit diagram. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. It is decided to get a divide by 2 operations from a 555 timer circuit. If the trigger signal frequency is 4 KHz and C=0.01μF what should be the value of RA. 23. An op-amp has a CMRR of 90dB. If its differential voltage gain is 30,000 calculate it common-mode gain. 24. For the non-inverting amplifier shown, find the values of closed loop gain (ACL), Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) and the maximum operating frequency. 25. With a circuit diagram show how 555 can be used as a VCO. 26. Note on (a) Differentiator (b) The input to the differentiator circuit is a sinusoidal voltage of peak value 5mV and frequency 1KHz. Find the output voltage. Where R=100KΩ and C=1μF. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain differential amplifier. Obtain its voltage gain and output voltage. 28. What is meant by an op-amp? How can it used as inverting and non-inverting amplifier. Obtain the expression for their voltage gain. 29. Describe the operating principle of Phase Locked Loops. What the main components which combined in a PLL. Explain its working. 30. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of triangular wave generator using op-amp and explain its working with appropriate waveforms. (b)Draw the circuit diagram of square wave relaxation oscillator using op-amp and appropriate waveforms. (2 x 10 = 20) 215 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: PH3VOT06 - COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Why modulation is necessary for communication 2. Explain the basic elements of communication system? 3. Give the relevance of skip distance and MUF 4. Define frequency modulation and its modulation index 5. What are the common antenna parameters? 6. Differentiate step index and graded index optical fiber. 7. What is fading? What are the major causes for fading? 8. Explain super heterodyning. 9. Explain the principle of Radar. 10. List four polar uses for microwaves in communication. 11. Explain the effects of an AM, whose percentage modulation is greater than 100%. 12. Define noise. List any four types. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Compare AM and FM in all aspects. 14. With the help of sketches explain the operations of a Yagi-Uda antenna. 15. Draw the block diagram of a basic radar set and explain its operations. 16. Prove that the phase discriminator is an FM demodulator. 17. With the help of a neat diagram explain the super heterodyne AM radio receiver. 18. Describe the operation of picture scanning in a color TV system. 19. Compare PPM and PWM. 20. Explain the interlaced scanning in color TV system. 21. Bring out the basic functions of a radio transmitter and the corresponding functions of the receiver. (6 x 4 = 24) 216 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. A I kW carrier is modulated to a depth of 80% to create an amplitude modulated wave. Calculate: (i) Total power in the modulated wave (ii) power in sidebands. 23. Find the carrier and modulating frequencies, the modulation index and the maximum deviation of the FM wave represented by the voltage equation V= 12sin (6x10 8 t + 5sin 1250t). What is the power dissipated by this FM wave through a 15ohm resistance. 24. Two points on earth 1500km apart and are to communicate by means of HF. Given that this is a single-hop transmission, the critical frequency at that time is 7MHz.Calculate the maximum usable frequency for those two points if the height of the ionosphere layer is 300km. 25. Determine the length of an antenna operating at a frequency of 500kHz. 26. The tuned circuit of the oscillator in a simple AM transmitter employs a 50µH coil and a 1nF capacitor. If the oscillator output is modulated by audio frequencies upto 10kHz, What is the frequency range occupied by the side bands. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Discuss the propagation of radio waves as ground waves , skywaves and space waves with necessary diagrams. 28. Explain amplitude modulation and modulation index. Discuss the AM waveform and side bands in it. 29. With a neat block diagram Explain the working of PAL colour TV receiver system. 30. Draw the circuit diagrams of slope detector and phase discriminator and compare their performances. (2 x 10 = 20) 217 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE4VOT07 - MICROPROCESSOR AND INTERFACING DEVICES (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the function of the program counter? 2. Assume (3000) = 05H and (3001) = 03 H. What are the contents of H and L registers after the execution of LHLD 3000 H? Explain. 3. Explain the control word format of 8255. 4. Explain the flag register in 8085. 5. Explain the BSR mode of 8255. 6. Explain stack. What happens to the value of stack pointer of 8085 when POP instruction is executed? 7. What is an interrupt? Differentiate between mask able and non- mask able interrupts. 8. What are various registers of 8085 microprocessor? 9. Explain the use of cascading pins of 8259. 10. What is the function of stack pointer? How it works? 11. Explain I/O ports and the interfacing of I/O device through I/O port. 12. Explain instruction cycle , machine cycle and timing diagram. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain various data transfer schemes in 8085. 14. Describe the immediate addressing procedure for 8085 with necessary examples. 15. Explain the following (a) sub routine (b) Memory mapped I/O scheme and I/O mapped I/O scheme 16. Distinguish between PUSH and POP instruction. Show the stack position before and after PUSH and POP operation. 17. Briefly explain various addressing modes of 8085 with example. 18. Explain various methods used for debugging of microprocessor programs. 19. If 8085 adds 87H and 79 H, specify the contents of accumulator and the status of S, Z and CY flags. 218 20. Explain the functions of the following pins of 8085 : (b) ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ INTA (a) SOD (c) HLDA ̅ (d) IO/M 21. Explain the various techniques used to specify data for instructions. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the complete action when the following instructions are executed. (a) DAD H. (b) MOV A, M (c) PUSH D. (d) SUB M 23. Draw and explain the waveforms of the write operations in 8085. How many machine cycle and T states are needed? 24. With the help of schematic diagram explain the Programmable Interrupt Controller. 25. Make the control word for the following configuration of ports of 8255 for mode 1 operation. Port A – input, Mode of Port A – Mode 1, Port B – output, Mode of Port B – Mode 1, Port Cupper – input. 26. Calculate the time needed to execute the program given below: Instruction States MVI 7 DCR 4 JNZ 10/7 RET 10 Time period for one clock cycle is 320 ns. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks 27. Explain with necessary examples how the various instructions in 8085 are classified. Clearly explain the functions of each group. 28. With neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8085. 29. Draw the block diagram of PPI 8255 and explain the function of each block. Explain its various operating modes. 30. Draw the functional block diagram of 8257 and explain each block. Illustrate the mode set register and status word register formats of 8257. (2 x 10 = 20) 219 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: AE4VOT08 - APPLICATIONS OF MICROPROCESSORS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Applied Electronics Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are the functions of the Accumulator and B-register in 8051? 2. Explain the structure of PSW of 8051. 3. How is register bank selected in 8051? 4. Describe a temperature control scheme using microprocessor. 5. Explain different flags of 8051. 6. Explain the memory system of 8051. 7. Explain the function of the following pins of 8085(a) TXD (b) T1 (c) EA (d) ALE 8. Compare Z80 and 8051. 9. Describe the oscillator circuit and timing of the 8051 microcontroller. 10. Explain IO ports in 8051. 11. With the help of block diagram compare microprocessor and microcontroller. 12. List the bit addressable registers in 8051. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain how stack is implemented in the 8051 microcontroller. 14. How internal RAM is organized in 8051. 15. Describe special function registers. 16. Note on (a) Programme counter (b) Data Pointer 17. Explain the specific features of 8051 architecture. 18. Explain Timer 0 and Timer 1 operation modes. 19. Discuss the serial data transmission modes of 8051. 20. Note on the interrupts of 8051 microcontroller. 21. Draw the timer/ counter control logic. (6 x 4 = 24) 220 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Show how 8051 and an external memory of16K EPROM and 8K of static RAM is interfaced. 23. Explain TCON and TMOD function registers. 24. Explain IE and IP function registers 25. Name the following (a) Registers that can do division (b) Address of the stack when the 8051 is reset. (c) The 16- bit data addressing registers. (d) The register that holds the serial data interrupt bits (e) Flags that stored in the PSW (f) Internal Rom size 26. Explain the alternate function of Port 3. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With a neatblock diagram explain various units and their functions, in 8051. 28. Explain the programming model and Pin diagram of 8051 with necessary diagrams. 29. Design a traffic control system for a junction of4 roads.Also writes the assembly language programme for the same. 30. What is interfacing? Explain the process of interfacing of 8085 microprocessor and stepper motor with neat diagram. (2 x 10 = 20) 221 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MODEL 2) MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA1VOT01 - COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are the fundamental difference between Analog and Digital Computers? 2. What is the decimal equivalent of CAC ₁₆? 3. Convert (11001)2 into hexadecimal. 4. What are the things that should be taken care of before closing window? 5. What is EEPROM? 6. What is abacus? 7. What is information? 8. What is the use of light pen? 9. Define RAM. 10. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of 567 8? 11. What is the capacity of a floppy disk? 12. Na e t o utilit soft are s. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Discuss the ai features of s ste soft are s. 14. Differentiate between Software and Hardware. 15. Explain Cache memory. 16. What are the things that should be taken care of before closing window? 17. What is a mainframe computer? 18. Explain Holierith s Ma hi e. 19. Explain the working of sheet fed scanner. 20. What is expansion bus? 21. Explain the working of dot matrix printer. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. How do you add two decimal numbers in the BCD form, if it is greater than 9? Explain with suitable examples. 222 23. Encode the following numbers in BCD:(a) (567)10 (b) (11001)2 (c) (2176)8 (d) (ABC)16 24. Explain the important features of Supercomputer and Mainframe 25. Perform the following arithmetic operation without changing the number system:(a) (4565.22)8 + (213.22)8 (b) (AB1F.DB)16 + (38AC.72)16 (c) (111011)2 – (100111)2 26. a Add the follo i g de i al u ers usi g s o ple e t ethod : a d ( “u tra t the follo i g de i al u ers usi g s o ple e t ethod: + – (+6) (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What are the different generations of computers? Explain. 28. Draw the functional Block diagram and explain working of Digital Computer. 29. (a) Convert the following octal numbers into hexadecimal numbers:(i) 0.235 (ii) 125.601 (iii) 53.0032 (iv) 210.101 (b) Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary numbers:(i) 3A102.D3 (ii) CDFF (iii) 0.1DFC (iv) 1234B.3D (c) Convert the following decimal numbers into binary numbers:(i) 7762.11 (ii) 1234.123 (iii) 0.1254 (iv) 6655 30. What are the different classifications of software based on their license? (2 x 10 = 20) 223 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA1VOT02 - OPERATING SYSTEM AND COMPUTER NETWORKS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is an operating system? 2. What is time sharing operating system? 3. Define LAN and PAN. 4. What is the use of gateways in networking? 5. What is the purpose of using command “type” ? 6. What is meant by client server architecture? 7. What is CPU bound process? 8. What is micro kernel? 9. Differentiate between Next fit and Worst fit algorithms. 10. Define the term LRU 11. What is the purpose of using repeaters in context of networking? 12. What is a process? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain different types of schedulers? 14. What is context switching? 15. Explain round robin scheduling. 16. Explain process state diagram. 17. What is Ethernet? 18. What is meant by real time operating systems? 19. What are the different strategies using in fixed memory partition? 20. What is virtual memory? 21. Explain the word “protocol”. (6 x 4 = 24) 224 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain physical topology of networks. 23. Explain external fragmentation and internal fragmentation with an example. 24. List various functions performed by an operating system. 25. Memory partitions of 100KB, 500KB, 200KB, 300KB, 600KB (in order) are available. How would best fit, worst fit, first fit and next fit algorithm place processes of 212KB, 417KB, 112KB and 426KB (in order)? Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory? 26. Explain the external and internal commands of MS-DOS with five examples? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What do you mean by scheduling? What are the scheduling strategies commonly adopted by operating systems? 28. List four distinct resources of computer system. What are the general functions that the OS performs on these resources? 29. Consider the following page reference string: 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1,4,1,1 How many page faults would occur for LRU, FIFO and optimal replacement algorithms? Assume one, two, three, and four frames? All frames are initially empty. Find the hit and miss ratio for each algorithm for all the frame size 30. Consider the following set of six processes, with arrival time and burst time as given below 5 3 2 2 1 2 3 7 5 7 1 Priority(Consider only for priority scheduling) 6 3 2 1 5 6 4 3 4 Process Name Arrival Time Burst Time P P P P P P 1 2 3 4 Draw Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, STRF (preemptive SJF), Preemptive priority (a smaller priority number implies a higher priority) and Round Robin (Time slice/time quantum=2) scheduling. Find the average TAT and average waiting time for each algorithm? (2 x 10 = 20) 225 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA2VOT03 - WORD AND DATA PROCESSING PACKAGES (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define record. 2. Define file. 3. What is the use of Print Preview option? 4. Define workbook and spreadsheet. 5. What is Control Palette? 6. What is a word processor? 7. What are the steps to print a document? 8. What are the different ways to select the entire document? 9. How to insert clip art in word? 10. What are the steps to add Header and Footer toolbar method? 11. Explain the process of finding a text in Excel? 12. What is the need of page break? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. How do you create Pivot tables? 14. Describe Master pages in Page Maker? 15. What is the use of find and replace option? 16. What are the steps to create a chart? 17. Explain the use of computers for business applications. 18. What is the function of UNDO command? Give an example. 19. How will you insert a Word Art in Word? 20. How to roll back your document to the previous state? 21. How to insert commands in excel? (6 x 4 = 24) 226 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What is a spreadsheet? Give important features of the spreadsheet. 23. Write a note on fill and stroke options in Page Maker? 24. Explain the various methods of paragraph formatting in Page Maker. 25. Explain the various options available for bulleting in MS-Word. 26. Describe the various file formats supported by MS-Word. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is Control Palette? Explain its functions and applications with respect to characters in Page Maker. 28. Explain Indenting text, Tab stops, Line spacing, Paragraph spacing, borders and shading 29. Explain mail merge facility of MS-Word with example. 30. Describe the types of charts available in MS-Excel. (2 x 10 = 20) 227 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA2VOT04 - PROGRAMMING IN ANSI C (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. How to execute a C program? 2. What is an identifier? 3. What is the relationship between an assignment statement and an expression? 4. What are C tokens? Give examples. 5. From what parts of a program can a function be called? 6. When do you need a variable? 7. What is meant by recursion? 8. What is a unary operator? 9. What is the mini u u er of ti es that a do- hile loop a e e e uted? 10. What is a pre-processor directive? 11. What is a global variable? 12. What is the range of integer data type in C? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Describe the structure of a C program. 14. Describe the two different ways that floating point constants can be written, with the help of examples. 15. Find any errors in the program and correct them: #include(sdio.h) { Void main() pri tf C Progra i g return 0 } 16. How can individual array elements be distinguished from one another? 228 17. What happens when the value of the e pressio i the s it h state e t at hes the value of one of the case labels? What happens when the value of this expression does not match any of the case labels? 18. Write a program to find the solutions of a quadratic equation 19. What is the purpose of the o trol stri g i a s a f fu tio ? 20. Write a program to calculate the area of a rectangle. 21. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. How can we classify C functions? 23. Write a function in C to check whether a given integer is prime or not. 24. Gi e the ge eral for of s it h a d e plai it usi g a e a ple. 25. Write a C program to find the sum of all even numbers between 1 and 100. 26. Show the storage of two dimensional array in memory with the help of a diagram. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain precedence and associativity with examples. What is their importance? 28. Discuss the scope and lifetime of variables in functions. Explain with examples. 29. E plai i detail eed a d ele e ts of user defi ed fu tio ? Also e plai ultifu tio program. 30. Given are two one dimensional arrays A and B which are sorted in ascending order. Write a program to merge them into a single sorted array D that contains every item from arrays A and B, in ascending order. (2 x 10 = 20) 229 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA3VOT05 - CONCEPTS OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the “newline” operator in C++? 2. Which operator is used to send output data to the screen? 3. Why do we need the pre-processor directive #include<process.h>? 4. What is the use of dot operator in C++? 5. Define class. Give examples. 6. What are objects? 7. What is the use of “default” in “switch-case” statement? 8. What is a constructor? 9. What is the disadvantage of passing arguments by reference? 10. What is encapsulation? 11. What is polymorphism? 12. What are enumerated data types? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. When will you make a function inline? 14. What are the major parts of a C++ programming? 15. Differentiate between while and do-while loop. 16. What is the advantages of using default arguments in functions? 17. Give the general form of a class declaration. 18. What is a nested structure? What are the restrictions in a nested structure? 19. How objects are created? Explain. 20. How are relational operators and logical operators related to one another? 21. Differentiate between unary and binary arithmetic operators. Give examples for each. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Write a program to implement standard deviation 230 23. Write a program to find sum of the following series using a function declaration. Sum=x-(x3)/3! +(x5)/5! - (xn)/n!. where x and n are entered from the keyboard. 24. Write a program to accept an integer number of 6 digits and print the sum of its individual digits. 25. What is meant by looping? Describe two different forms of looping. 26. Explain function overloading with an example. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What are the disadvantages of using procedural oriented languages? How does OOP overcome the shortcomings of traditional programming approaches? 28. Write a C++ program to sum the series: 1 + (1 + β) + (1 + β + γ ) + ……+ (1 + β + γ + ……. + N ) for a given integer N 29. Write a program to print every integer between 1 and “n” divisible by “m”. Also report whether the number that is divisible by “m” is even or odd. 30. Explain the use of constructor with an example. Is it mandatory to use constructors in a class? Explain how to overload a constructor with an example. (2 x 10 = 20) 231 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA3VOT06 - C++ PROGRAMMING (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How array elements can be accessed? What is an operator function? Describe the syntax of multiple inheritance. What is protected visibility mode in C++? What is this poi ter What is a static function? Name two functions in text-mode graphics How is derived class related to base class? In the context of Pointers, what does the symbol * and & mean ? What is dynamic binding? What is a copy constructor? Explain any two string functions. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. What is a virtual base class? When do we make a base class virtual? What do you mean by new and delete operator? Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number. Write a sample C++ program to illustrate defining, initializing and accessing arrays. How does friend function act as a bridge between two classes? How will the graphics mode is set in computer? Explain multilevel inheritance with an example. Give the reasons for inheritance. Give an illustration of array of objects. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Write a program to create a class called “employee” that contains a “name” and an “employee no”. Create another class called “scientist” that inherits the properties of employee and it contains the function for entering the name of the award he gets and 232 display it. Create objects for class scientist that contain their name, no and the award they get. Implement single inheritance. 23. Write a function to find the sum of two matrix. 24. When do we use overloading an operator? Explain with an example. 25. Writeonhowinputs/outputsofstringobjects are handled in C ++. 26. Explain with an example, how you would create space for an array of objects using pointers. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Write a program to read the elements of the given two matrices of order n x m and to perform the matrix multiplication. 28. What is a copy constructor? What is its significance? Which situations is it invoked in? Support your answer with examples. 29. Write a C++ program to find the largest and smallest element of a set of n elements, using a function. 30. Write a program to perform simple arithmetic operations of two complex numbers using operator overloading. (2 x 10 = 20) 233 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA4VOT07 - VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is Menu bar? Define fixed size arrays. What is MDI? What are the types of tool bars available in VB? What is meant by loop? Write the syntax for “do” loop structure What is variant data type? What is the use of drive list box control? Write the syntax for “mouse move” event. How would you use a message box on the form? What is the method for opening a file in binary access? What is the use of call stack window? Describe the method of adding a tool to the form. (9 x 2 = 18) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. What is a control array? How a control array can be created at run time. Give open and close file procedures. Explain line control and shape control. What is quick watch window? Explain. What are the advantages of using named arguments in function call? Explain the different states of a form. How can you make different choices using option buttons? Why? Explain the term debugging. Explain any four string functions. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the common methods using in Visual Basic 23. What are the difference between functions and procedures? Give example. 24. Create a VB project that accepts a three numbers through textboxes and display the biggest number among them in a label whenever the user clicks “Pick Big” button and the program should terminate whenever the user clicks “Exit” button. 234 25. Create a VB application to simulate a mini calculator, which performs all the basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 26. Describe the various system events. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What do you mean by “Event-Driven-Programming”? How visual basic supports event driven programming? 28. Write note on i) Immediate Window ii) OLE iii) Locals window 29. Write a brief note on different file handling techniques. 30. Write a brief note on any “ten” standard controls (2 x 10 = 20) 235 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Vocational Course: CA4VOT08 - COMPUTER WEB APPLICATIONS AND GRAPHICS (For B. Sc. Physics Model II Computer Applications Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the use of attributes in a tag? 2. What is HTML 3. Name any one tag that requires only a starting tag. 4. What is the use of <strong> tag? Which tag performs the same function as that of <strong> tag? 5. What is the use of <address> tag? 6. What are scripts? Name any two scripting languages. 7. List different logical operators in JavaScript. 8. What is the use of % operator in JavaScript? 9. What is a primary key? 10. Name the three components of SQL. 11. Write the syntax of “create table” command. 12. Write the syntax of “switch” statement in PHP. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Write an HTML code segment to display x3+y3. 14. What are the main attributes of <marquee> tag? 15. What are the different types of lists in HTML? 16. Differentiate between <TD> and <TH> 17. What is the difference between for loop and while loop in JavaScript? 236 18. Predict the output of the following <HTML> <BODY> <SCRIPT language=”JavaScript”> var i; for(i=10; i>=1; i--) document.write(i + “<BR>”); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> 19. What is the difference between “char” and “varchar” data types? 20. What are the features of “AUTO_INCREMENT” constraint? 21. What is meant by super global in PHP? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Write an HTML code for a web page for your college with the following details and features: A heading followed by a paragraph of 3 sentences about the district, using text formatting tags and attributes. Provide a colour to the background of the page. Include an image of the college. Assume the image should be located in D drive. 23. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CSS? What are the different methods to insert CSS? 24. What is a database? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using DBMS. 25. What are the differences between Get and Post methods in form submitting? Give the case where we can use Get and we can use Post methods? 26. Describe sessions in PHP? (3 x 6 = 18) 237 Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Write an HTML code to show the following table in a web page and also provide an external link to the website of Kerala Police given below the table: YEAR 2012 2013 2014 Road Accidents in Kerala during 2012-2014 Total Number of Cases Persons Killed 36174 4286 35215 4258 36282 4049 Persons Injured 41915 40346 41096 28. Explain the following in context of PHP file handling: a) Opening a file b) Closing a file c) Reading a file line by line d) Reading a file character by character 29. Explain how to read and write cookies in PHP. 30. The structure of a table is given to store the details of marks scored by students in an examination. Data Register number Name Course Marks of three subjects Type Numeric String String Numeric each Description A unique and essential data to identify a student A maximum of 30 characters It can be Science, Commerce or Humanities Three separate columns are required Write SQL statements for the creation of the table and the following requirements: a) Insert data into the fields (at least 5 records). b) Display the details of all students. c) List the details of science group students. d) Add a new column named “Total” to store the total marks. e) Fill the column Total with the sum of three marks of each student. f) Display the highest total in each group. (2 x 10 = 20) 238 COMPLEMENTARY PHYSICS COURSES MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Compl. Course: PH1CMT01 - Properties of Matter & Special Theory of Relativity (For B. Sc. Programmes in Mathematics and Statistics) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the modulus of elasticity. What is meant by elastic limit of a body? 2. Defi e You g s odulus, Bulk odulus, ‘igidit Modulus a d Poisso s ratio. 3. What is meant by a torsion pendulum? What is it used for? 4. What are torsional oscillations? 5. Give two examples to illustrate the tendency of a liquid to minimize its surface area. 6. What is meant by viscous drag ? 7. What is the dimension of Coefficient of viscosity? 8. Explain the terms Critical Velocity and terminal velocity 9. Mention the consequences of Lorenz Trans formations 10. What is the concept of space/time in the special theory of relativity theory? 11. What are the postulates of the special theory of relativity? 12. What you mean by Brownian motion? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the terms Neutral Surfs, Neutral Axis, Explain Vending moment 14. What is torsion pendulum, why is it so cold? Explain how torsional arise in wire. 15. Explain I Section girders. 16. Derive stokes formula. What is its dimension? 17. Explain the relativity of simultaneity. 18. What is the concept of space and time in special theory of relativity? 19. Derive an expression for the period of a Torsion pendulum. 239 20. What is the angle of contact of a liquid with a solid? Does it depend on the angle of inclination of the solid? Why is it difficult to separate plates containing a thin layer of water between them? 21. If the length of the apillar tu e i Poiseull s ethod is dou led a d the radius is halved, what will be the quantity of liquid flowing per second in relation that of the first tube? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What is the stress required to increase the length of a steel wire by 0.1%? (Given You g s Modulus of steel is 210GPa) 23. Two cylinders A and B of the same material having radii in the ratio 1:2 and of lengths in the ratio 1:2 are joined coaxially. The free end of A is clamped and the free end of B is twisted through 45 degree. Calculate the twist at the junction. 24. A soap bubble of surface tension 25x10-3N/m has a radius of 5cm.If the bubble is blown to a radius of 10cm, what is the amount of work done? 25. Calculate the force required to move a metal plate of area 100cm 2 over a layer of castor oil of thickness 2mm with a velocity of 3cm/sec. Coefficient of viscosity of castor oil is 1.55pas. 26. Find the energy equitant of one mass unit. Avogadro number is 6.023x10 23 (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Derive an expression for the depression at the free end of a cantilever. How will you experimentally determine the You g s odulus a tile er ethod 28. a) Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside a spherical drop. b) Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside a cylindrical drop. 29. Derive Poiseuille s for ula for the flow of a liquid through a capillary. How will you experimentally determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid by this method 30. Deri e Ei stei s ass energy relation. Give examples to prove the mass energy equivalence. (2 x 10 = 20) 240 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH2CMT01 - Mechanics, Waves and Astrophysics (For B. Sc. Programmes in Mathematics and Statistics) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the terms Inertia and rotational inertia 2. Define moment of inertia. What are its dimensions? 3. Define moment of inertia of a body about an axis.What are the factors of which moment of inertia of a body depends. 4. Moment of inertia is said to be analogue of mass in linear motion. Explain the statement with examples. 5. Give two examples each of linear and angular simple harmonic motions. 6. Obtain an expression for the angular velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion. 7. What is a white dwarf? What is a neutron star? 8. What do you mean by a black hole? 9. What do you mean by resonance? What is the condition for amplitude resonance? 10. Explain phase and initial phase of a simple harmonic motion. 11. Distinguish between forced oscillations and natural oscillations. 12. State perpendicular axis theorem and parallel axis theorem. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What do ou ea t radius of g ratio .What is it s u it a d di e sio ? 14. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a rod about an axis passing through one of its end. 15. Derive the moment of inertia of a thin annular ring through its centre and perpendicular to its plane. 16. Discusss H-R Diagram. 17. Write a note on temperature and colour of a star. 18. A particle of mass m is executing simple harmonic motion of frequency n. Calculate its kinetic energy, potential energy and Total energy. 19. What are the conditions for the oscillation of a harmonic oscillator to be (a) over damped (b) critically damped (c) under damped. 241 20. Discuss supernova explosion. 21. Derive an expression for Torque. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What must be the relation between length l and radius R of a cylinder if the moment of inertia of the cylinder about its axis to be same as its MI about the equatorial axis. 23. A flywheel has a moment of inertia of 1 kg m2.If it is rotating at a speed of 2 rev/sec find the constant torque required to stop the wheel in 5 rotations. 24. A flywheel rotating 2000 times per minute ,can just raise a weight 40kg through 3m before coming to rest. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel. 25. A block of mass3kg is executing SHM of amplitude0.6mand period 4sec. Find (a) maximum restoring force (b) the restoring force at a distance 0.2mfrom extreme position. 26. Of the two copper spheres, one is of twice the diameter of the other. What is the ratio of their moments of inertia about their diameters. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is conservation of angular momentum? What is a flywheel? Deduce an expression for the moment of inertia of a flywheel. 28. (a)Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a sphere about its diameter. (b)Derive the moment of inertia of a cylinder about its axis 29. Derive an expression for torsional couple. How will you experimentally determine the rigidity modulus of the material of a rod. 30. Discuss HR Diagram. Discuss the different stages of the evolution of a star. (2 x 10 = 20) 242 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH3CMT01 - Modern Physics, Electronics and Statistical Mechanics (For B. Sc. Programmes in Mathematics and Statistics) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Give the postulates of Bohr atom model. 2. Explain the spin of electron. 3. Comment on Pauli’s exclusion principle. 4. What are isotopes? Give examples. 5. Briefly describe how the classical physics failed in explaining the stability of atom. 6. What is meant by a normalized wave function? 7. Comment on the evidences for quantum theory. 8. Draw the V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode. 9. Define Zener voltage? On what factors does it depend? 10. Why CE configuration is preferred to other configurations? 11. Comment on statistical probability. 12. Explain the term phase space. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. State and explain radioactive decay law. 14. Which are the four radioactive series? 15. What are the basic concepts of vector atom model? 16. Explain the fundamental concepts of Plank’s quantum theory. 17. What is a wave function? Give its probabilistic interpretation 18. Obtain the relation between α and for transistors 19. Define Q-point. What is its importance? 20. Comment on Ensembles. 21. Explain Bose-Einstein distribution law. 243 (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the time required for 10% of a sample of Thorium to disintegrate. Assume the half life to be 1.4 x 1010 years. 23. An electron `is confined to move in a cubical box of side 1A0.Calculatge the minimum uncertainty in its velocity. Given mass of electron = 9 x 10-31kg. h=6.62 x 10-34Js. 24. Explain the ‘voltage divider’ biasing of transistor. 25. A transistor produces a zero signal collector current of 1mA through a collector load of 4.7KΩ.What is its Q-point if Vcc is 9V. 26. Compare MB,FD & BE statistics. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is meant by binding energy of a nucleus? Explain the features of the binding energy curve and explain the stability of the nucleus. 28. Obtain the wave function and energy values of a particle in a box. 29. With a neat diagram describe the action of a full wave bridge rectifier. Compare its merits over that of centre tap full wave rectifier 30. Derive Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution law. (2 x 10 = 20) 244 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH4CMT01 - Optics, Electricity and Elementary Particles (For B. Sc. Programmes in Mathematics and Statistics) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. . Explain the principle of superposition of waves. 2. What are coherent sources? Two independent sources of light cannot be coherent, why? 3. When interference of light occurs, what happens to the energy of the interfering waves? 4. The centre of Newton’s rings systems seen in reflected light is dark. Why? Why Newton’s rings are circular? 5. What is meant by dispersive power of a grating? Explain resolving power of a Grating. 6. Give any two important differences between prism spectra and grating spectra. 7. Explain briefly any two applications of lasers. 8. The Ruby laser gives a pulsed output why? 9. Explain why spiking occurs in lasers? 10. What do you mean by a Dielectric? Distinguish between Non polar and polar Dielectrics. 11. Explain what you mean by diffraction of light. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction 12. Distinguish between leptons and hadrons (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. In a Diffraction grating the number of lines per cm of the grating is doubled. For a small change in wavelength what will be the changes in diffraction angle? 14. Why is the prism spectrum brighter than the Grating spectrum? What is a half period zone? Why is it so called? 15. What is meant by optical pumping? Explain how is optical pumping done in Ruby laser. 16. Name the main components of laser. What is the main difference between the radiations given out in spontaneous and stimulated emission process? 17. Give the relation connecting Electric Displacement vector, Electric field and polarization of a linear medium. 245 18. What do you mean by susceptibility of a dielectric medium? How is it related to the Dielectric constant? Discuss the physical meaning. 19. Discuss the origin of ferroelectricity. Give examples. State Curie-Weiss law. 20. Distinguish between particle and antiparticle. List three generation of particles 21. What is meant by step index fibre? Explain the term pulse dispersion in step index fibres. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. In a set up of double slit experiment, the wavelength of light used is 555nm.The screen is at a distance of 0.8m from the slits which are 0.2mm apart. Calculate the fringe width 23. In the reflected system using sodium light incident normally on the Newton’s rings arrangement, it is found that the 8th bright ring with air in the interspace coincides with the 10th dark ring with a liquid in the interspace. Find the refractive index of the liquid. 24. In a plane diffraction grating the number of lines per cm is 5000. Find the angular separation between the wavelengths 5460A and 5480A in the second order 25. What is the longest wavelength that can be observed in third order spectrum with a grating having 6000 lines /cm. Assume normal incidence. 26. Determine the value of electric field in a material for which the electric susceptibility is 0.35 and polarization 2.3x10-7 coulomb/m2 (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Is it possible to produce interference bands using the blue and green radiations emitted by a mercury lamp? Discuss the formation of interference fringes on a screen due to the monochromatic light passing through two parallel slits on an opaque screen, Also arrive at the expression for fringe width. 28. What is meant by diffraction of light? Give the theory of diffraction at a straight edge and discuss the pattern. 29. Derive Einstein’s coefficients. Show that population inversion is necessary condition for light amplification. 4 .Give the theory of a plane transmission grating and describe how it is used to determine the wavelength of light, using grating at normal incidence (2 x10 = 20) 246 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH1CMT02 - PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND THERMODYNAMICS (For B. Sc. Programmes in Chemistry and Geology) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the modulus of elasticity What is meant by elastic limit of a body? 2. Defi e You g s odulus, Bulk, ‘igidit , Modulus a d Poisso s ratio 3. What is meant by a torsion pendulum? What is it used for? 4. What are torsional oscillations? 5. Give two examples to illustrate the tendency of a liquid to minimize its surface area. 6. What is meant by viscous drag? 7. What is the dimension and unit of Coefficient of viscosity? 8. Explain the terms Critical Velocity and terminal velocity 9. What do you mean by superconductivity? 10. What is Meissner effect 11. Explain Josephson Effect. 12. State the Zeroth law of thermo dynamics? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the terms Neutral Surface, Neutral Axis, Explain Bending moment 14. What is torsion pendulum, why is it so cold? Explain how torsional arise in wire 15. Explain I Section girders. 16. Deri e “toke s for ula. What is its di e sio ? 17. Discuss the concept of refrigerator concept of entropy. 18. Explain the second and third law of thermodynamics. 19. Derive an expression for the period of a Torsion pendulum. 20. What is the angle of contact of a liquid with a solid? Does it depend on the angle of inclination of the solid? Why is it difficult to separate plates containing a thin layer of water between them? 247 21. If the le gth of the apillar tu e i Poiseull s method is doubled and the radius is halved, what will be the quantity of liquid flowing per second in relation that of the first tube? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What is the stress required to increase the length of a steel wire by 0.1%? (Given You g s Modulus of steel is Gpa) 23. Two cylinders A and B of the same material having radii in the ratio 1:2 and of lengthS in the ratio 1:2 are joined coaxially .The free end of A is clamped and the free end of B is twisted through 45 degree. Calculate the twist at the junction. 24. A soap bubble of surface tension 25x10-3N/m has a radius of 5cm. If the bubble is blown to a radius of 10cm, what is the amount of work done? 25. Calculate the force required to move a metal plate of area 100cm 2 over a layer of castor oil of thickness 2mm with a velocity of 3cm/sec. Coefficient of viscosity of castor oil is 1.55pas. 26. Find the efficiency of Car ot s e gi e orki g et ee stea poi t a d ice point. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Derive an expression for the depression at the free end of a cantilever. How will you e peri e tall deter i e the You g s odulus by cantilever method 28. (a) Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside a spherical drop. (b) Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside a cylindrical drop. 29. Deri e Poiseuille s for ula for the flow of a liquid through a capillary. How will you experimentally determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid by this method? 30. What do ou ea a d ideal heat e gi e. Des ri e the orki g of Car ot s engine? Derive an expression for efficiency. (2 x 10 = 20) 248 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH2CMT02 - MECHANICS, WAVE AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (For B. Sc. Programmes in Chemistry and Geology) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the terms Inertia and rotational inertia. 2. Define moment of inertia. What are its dimensions? 3. Define moment of inertia of a body about an axis. What are the factors of which moment of inertia of a body depends? 4. Moment of inertia is said to be analogue of mass in linear motion. Explain the statement with examples. 5. Give two examples each of linear and angular simple harmonic motions. 6. Obtain an expression for the angular velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion. 7. Explain super conducting phenomena. 8. What is Meissner effect? 9. What is Josephson effect?. 10. Explain phase and initial phase of a simple harmonic motion. 11. Distinguish between forced oscillations and natural oscillations. 12. State perpendicular axis theorem and parallel axis theorem. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What do ou ea t radius of g ratio .What is it s u it a d di e sio ? 14. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a rod about an axis passing through one of its end. 15. Derive the moment of inertia of a thin annular ring through its centre and perpendicular to its plane. 16. Discuss H-R Diagram. 17. Write a note on temperature and colour of a star. 18. A particle of mass m is executing simple harmonic motion of frequency n. Calculate its kinetic energy, potential energy and Total energy. 19. What are the conditions for the oscillation of a harmonic oscillator to be (a) over damped (b) critically damped (c) under damped. 20. Discuss Type1and Type2 super conductors. Discuss supernova explosion. 21. Derive an expression for Torque. (6 x 4 = 24) 249 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What must be the relation between length l and radius R of a cylinder if the moment of inertia of the cylinder about its axis to be same as its MI about the equatorial axis. 23. A flywheel has a moment of inertia of 1 kg m2.If it is rotating at a speed of 2 rev/sec find the constant torque required to stop the wheel in 5 rotations. 24. A flywheel rotating 2000times per minute, can just raise a weight 40kg through 3m before coming to rest. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel. 25. A block of mass3kg is executing SHM of amplitude0.6mand period 4sec. Find (a) maximum restoring force (b) the restoring force at a distance 0.2m from extreme position. 26. Of the two copper spheres, one is of twice the diameter of the other. What is the ratio of their moments of inertia about their diameters. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is conservation of angular momentum? What is a flywheel? Deduce an expression for the moment of inertia of a flywheel. 28. (a)Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a sphere about its diameter. (b)Derive the moment of inertia of a cylinder about its axis. 29. Explain how you deter i e the a eleratio due to gra it usi g Kater s pe dulu . Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric compound pendulum. 30. Discuss the BCS theory. (2 x 10 = 20) 250 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH3CMT02 - MODERN PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS AND MAGNETISM (For B. Sc. Programmes in Chemistry and Geology) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Give the postulates of Bohr atom model. 2. Explain the spin of electron. 3. Comment on Pauli’s exclusion principle 4. What are isotopes? Give examples. 5. Briefly describe how the classical physics failed in explaining the stability of atom. 6. What is meant by a normalized wave function? 7. Comment on the evidences for quantum theory 8. Draw the V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode 9. Define zener voltage? On what factors does it depend? 10. Why CE configuration is preferred to other configurations? 11. What is Curie temperature? 12. What is meant by magnetic susceptibility? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. State and explain radioactive decay law. 14. Which are the four radioactive series? 15. What are the basic concepts of vector atom model? 16. Explain the fundamental concepts of Plank’s quantum theory. 17. What is a wave function? Give its probabilistic interpretation 18. Obtain the relation between α and for transistors 19. Define Q-point. What is its importance? 20. List the main classification of magnetism. 21. Comment on Earth’s magnetic field components. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Calculate the time required for 10% of a sample of Thorium to disintegrate. Assume the half life to be 1.4 x 1010 years. 251 23. An electron `is confined to move in a cubical box of side 1A0.Calculatge the minimum uncertainty in its velocity. Given mass of electron = 9 x 10-31kg. h=6.62 x 10-34Js. 24. Explain the ‘voltage divider’ biasing of transistor. 25. A transistor produces a zero signal collector current of 1mA through a collector load of 4.7KΩ.What is its Q-point if Vcc is 9V. 26. A field of β000 ampere turns per metre produces a flux density of 8π Web/m2 in an iron bar. Calculate the relative permeability and susceptibility. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is meant by binding energy of a nucleus? Explain the features of the binding energy curve and explain the stability of the nucleus. 28. Obtain the wave function and energy values of a particle in a box. 29. With a neat diagram describe the action of a full wave bridge rectifier. Compare its merits over that of centre tap full wave rectifier 30. What is magnetic hysteresis? Explain the hysteresis cycle for a ferromagnetic material, taken through a complete cycle of magnetisation. Point out some uses of the curve. (2 x 10 = 20) 252 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PH4CMT02 - OPTICS, ELECTRICITY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (For B. Sc. Programmes in Chemistry and Geology) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the principle of superposition of waves. 2. What are coherent sources? Two independent sources of light cannot be coherent, why? 3. When interference of light occurs, what happens to the energy of the interfering waves? 4. The centre of Newton’s rings systems seen in reflected light is dark. Why? Why Newton’s rings are circular? 5. What is meant by dispersive power of a grating? Explain resolving power of a Grating. 6. Give any two important differences between prism spectra and grating spectra. 7. Explain briefly any two applications of lasers. 8. The Ruby laser gives a pulsed output why? 9. Explain why spiking occurs in lasers? 10. What do you mean by a Dielectric? Distinguish between Non polar and polar Dielectrics. 11. Explain what do you mean by diffraction of light. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction 12. What is meant by material dispersion (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. In a Diffraction grating the number of lines per cm of the grating is doubled. For a small change in wavelength what will be the changes in diffraction angle? 14. Why is the prism spectrum brighter than the Grating spectrum? What is a half period zone? Why is it so called? 15. What is meant by optical pumping? Explain how is optical pumping done in Ruby laser. 16. Name the main components of laser. What is the main difference between the radiations given out in spontaneous and stimulated emission process? 17. Give the relation connecting Electric Displacement vector, Electric field and polarization of a linear medium. 253 18. What do you mean by susceptibility of a dielectric medium? How is it related to the Dielectric constant? Discuss the physical meaning. 19. Discuss the origin of ferroelectricity. Give examples. State Curie-Weiss law. 20. The cladding material is of slightly lower refractive index than the core material. Why? 21. What is meant by step index fibre? Explain the term pulse dispersion in step index fibres. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. In a set up of double slit experiment, the wavelength of light used is 555nm.The screen is at a distance of 0.8m from the slits which are 0.2mm apart. Calculate the fringe width. 23. In the reflected system using sodium light incident normally on the Newton’s rings arrangement, it is found that the 8th bright ring with air in the interspace coincides with the 10th dark ring with a liquid in the interspace. Find the refractive index of the liquid. 24. In a plane diffraction grating the number of lines per cm is 5000. Find the angular separation between the wavelengths 5460 A and 5480 A in the second. 25. a)Find the interplanar spacing (321) planes of copper which has an fcc structure atomic radius 0.1278nm b) Calculate the ratio of intercepts of a (231) plane on the three axes of a simple cubic crystal 26. Determine the value of electric field in a material for which the electric susceptibility is 0.35 and polarization 2.3x10-7 coulomb/m2 (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Is it possible to produce interference bands using the blue and green radiations emitted by a mercury lamp? Discuss the formation of interference fringes on a screen due to the monochromatic light passing through two parallel slits on an opaque screen, Also arrive at the expression for fringe width. 28. What is meant by diffraction of light? Give the theory of diffraction at a straight edge and discuss the pattern. 29. Derive Einstein’s coefficients. Show that population inversion is necessary condition for light amplification. 30. Give the theory of a plane transmission grating and describe how it is used to determine the wavelength of light ,using grating at normal incidence (2 x 10 = 20) 254 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: PHYSICS- PH1CMT03 - SOLID STATE PHYSICS (For B. Sc. Electronics (Model III) Programme) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 SECTION A Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is Meissner effect? 2. Define Hall coefficient. 3. What is unit cell? Explain. 4. What are De-Broglie waves? 5. Explain the term mobility. 6. What is Uncertainty Principle? 7. What is forbidden energy gap? Mention its importance. 8. Define magnetic susceptibility. 9. Write Schrodinger equation in steady state form. 10. Define fermi level. What is its significance? 11. Name the different types of bonding in solids. 12 What is the significance of wave function? SECTION B Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. State Bloch theorem and explain. 14. Differentiate between type I and type II superconductors. 15. Explain Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. 16. What is meant by law of mass action. 17. What are miller indices. Mention its importance. 18. What is meant by extrinsic semiconductor. How is it formed. 19. Discuss qualitatively about free electron theory. 20. Write Schrodinger time dependent equation and explain each term. 21. What happens when a superconductor is subjected to the critical field? Explain. 255 SECTION C Answer any three questions .Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Describe seven crystal systems with suitable diagrams and give the relation of length of axes and the relation of angles between the axes of a unit cell in each type. 23. Briefly explain Davisson and Germer experiment. Mention its purpose. 24. Differentiate metals, insulators and semiconductors according to energy band picture. 25. Derive expressions for drift velocity, mobility and conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors. 26. Lead in the superconducting stage has critical temperature of 6.2K at zero magnetic field of 0.064 MA/m at 0K.Determine the critical field at 4K. SECTION D Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. What is super conductivity? Mention it’s properties and applications. Explain BCS theory of superconductivity. 28. Explain Bragg’s law and powder diffraction method. 29. What is Hall Effect. Obtain an expression for hall voltage. What are the applications of Hall Effect? 30. Write a short note on magnetic hysteresis. Differentiate among para ,anti-ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials. 256 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM1CRT01 - PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Distinguish between P type and N type semiconductors. 2. Define avalanche break down? 3. Write short notes on SPDT and DPDT. 4. Explain knee voltage 5. Draw the symbols of NPN and PNP transistor and mention their leads. 6. What are clamping circuits? 7. Discuss the importance of PIV in rectifier. 8. What is the need of biasing in transistor? 9. Explain the basic principles in LED. 10. Explain the need of using filter circuits. 11. What is the function of voltage regulators? 12. What are called intrinsic semiconductors? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain about clamping circuits with wave forms. 14. Explain wave shaping circuit RC integrator with wave forms. 15. Explain bridge rectifier. 16. Explain different types of switches. 17. Write notes on phototransistors? 18. Explain the terms thermal run away and heat sink. 19. Explain extrinsic semiconductors. 20. Explain class A and class B amplifiers? 21. Derive the expression for ripple factor of half wave rectifier. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the working of � filter. Derive the expression for the ripple factor. 23. Explain the characterestics of R C coupled amplifier. 24. With neat circuit explain centre tapped full wave rectifiers. 257 25. Explain the working principle of LED and photodiode. 26. Explain the construction and working principle of nickel cadmium cell. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain the process of zener break down occurs in PN junction diodes? How it differ in avalanche break down? 28. Explain the working of shunt capacitor filter with neat sketch. 29. With neat circuit explain the working of different positive and negative clippers with and without bias? 30. Draw and explain the working of phase shift oscillator. Describe how oscillations can be made (2 x 10 = 20) 258 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM1CRT02 - COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Define aspect ratio. What is the purpose of equalizing pulses? Define modulation. Define modulation index of AM. What is the function of FM? What is scanning? What are the needs for modulation? What is the function of acquadag coating on picture tube? How does SSB differ from AM? Differentiate between RF amplifier and IF amplifier. How vertical sync pulses are separated? Define the power relation in AM. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Explain the principles used in AM and FM? What are 10 possible causes of AF distortion? Describe the operation of picture scanning? What is interlased scanning? Describe the important features of antenna. Write short note on video detector. Explain the block diagram of sync separation. Explain back porch and front porch. Explain the importance of signal modulation in communication. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Explain video detctors with block diagram. Sketch the details of composite video wave forms with different voltage levels. Explain the block with SMPS. Explain the frequency spectrum of video IF amplifier. Explain different types of receiving antennas. (3 x 6 = 18) 259 Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain super heterodyne radio receiver 28. Explain amplitude modulation and analyse the waveforms and derive the expression for modulation factor 29. With block diagram explain monochrome TV receiver? 30. What is delayed AGC and how it is developed? Why is delayed AGC applied only to the RF amplifier and sometimes to the first if amplifier of the receiver? (2 x 10 = 20) 260 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM2CRT03 - POWER ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is mean by triggering of an SCR? 2. What are the advantages of TRIAC over SCR? 3. Explain the natural commutation. 4. What is a controlled rectifier? 5. Explain current and voltage ratings of a Power Diode. 6. Explain the soft starting of Induction Motor. 7. Why is Diac preferred to trigger a Triac? 8. Why is power electronics so important? 9. What are the Merits and demerits of Buck Boost converters 10. What is a switched mode regulator? 11. List the methods of voltage control of inverters. 12. What are the symptoms of an open Diac or Triac? (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are the applications of cycloconverters? 14. Sketch the V-I Characteristics of a Triac. 15. Explain the resonant pulse commutation circuit of a Thyristor. 16. Give a brief note on Solid state relays. 17. Explain the construction and working of an SCR. 18. Explain the working principle of power MOSFET. 19. Explain the operation principle of a single phase bridge inverter. 20. Why is SCR always turned on by gate current? 21. Explain about power semiconductor devices. (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain briefly about Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) 23. The intrinsic standoff ratio for a UJT is determined to be 0.6. If the inter base resistance is 10KΩ, what are the values of RB1 and RB2 ? 261 24. A uniform transistor has 10V between the bases. If the intrinsic standoff ratio is 0.65, find the value of standoff voltage. What will be the peak point voltage if the forward voltage drop in the pn junction is 0.7V? 25. An SCR full wave rectifier supplies to a load of 100Ω. If the peak a.c. voltage between centre tap and one end of secondary is 200V, find (i) D.C output Voltage (ii) Load current for a firing angle of 60o. 26. With relevant diagrams explain the Single phase speed control system using SCRs or TRIAC. What is a reversible control system. (3×6=18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Discuss the various power electronics converter. Give the advantages and disadvantages of power electronics converter. 28. What is meant by Commutation? Explain the various commutation methods of SCR. Give the circuit diagram of any one method and explain. 29. Describe the reverse recovery characteristics of power diode and its effects. Draw and explain any base drive circuit of a power transistor switch. 30. Write brief notes on Buck, Boost and Buck Boost regulators. What are their application? (2 × 10 = 20) 262 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM2CRT04 - ANALOGUE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the function of OP-AMP? 2. What are the applications of op-amp? 3. What is the schematic symbol for an op-amp? 4. Explain the basic difference between digital and linear ICs. 5. What is the difference between monolithic and Hybrid ICs? 6. List the advantages of first generation OP-amp. 7. What are the characterestics of an ideal op-amp? 8. What is the voltage transfer curve of an op-amp? 9. List three open loop op-amp configurations. 10. Define CMRR. 11. Define input offset voltage. 12. What is the offset minimizing resistors? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the equivalent circuit of an op-amp with circuit. 14. Explain different types of open loop op-amp configurations. 15. Explain integrator circuit with different waveforms? 16. Explain the difference between dc and ac voltage followers. 17. What is comparator explain its function? 18. What is a window detector? 19. What is a voltage limit and why it is needed? 20. What are the applications of 555 timer? 21. Write a notes on band reject filter. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the block diagram representations of an op-amp. 23. Explain non –inverter circuit and derive the expression? 24. Explain differentiator circuit and derive the expression for it? Also draw the input output wave forms? 25. Explain the schmitt trigger circuit. 263 26. Explain 555 timer operation as monostable? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Long Answer/ Essay Questions) Answer any 2 questions. Each carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain the instrumentation amplifier. 28. Explain different types of sine wave generators. 29. With neat sketch explain VCO. 30. Explain 555 timer as astable and derive the expression for frequency. 264 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM3CRT05 - MICROPROCESSOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the function of microprocessor? 2. What is the purpose of registers? 3. What is the function of CPU? 4. What is ALU and its operation? 5. What is DAA? 6. What is the function of stack pointer? 7. What is a subroutine? 8. What are the functions of control and status signals? 9. What is the function of flags? 10. What are the applications of microprocessor? 11. Mention advantages and disadvantages of microprocessor. 12. What is instruction cycle? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks 13. Explain fetch cycle and execute cycle. 14. What is the function of interrupts? Explain different types. 15. With example explain opcode fetch and operand. 16. Explain the instruction format? 17. Explain the instructions ADD B , LXI H 8000, LDA addr 16, SHLD 5600 18. Explain addressing` modes with examples? 19. Classify the interrupts in detail. 20. Explain flags in detail. 21. What is the use of SUB A instruction? Specify the status of Z and CY flags after the execution of this instruction. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Draw timing diagram for opcode fetch. 23. What are the advantages and disadvantages of assembly language? 24. Write an assembly language programme to find the smallest of N numbers. 25. Explain the working of RAL and RLC instruction. 265 26. How can you use stepper motor in 8085 explain? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain the architecture of 8085 28. Explain the pin out details of 8085 29. With neat sketch explain the working of machine controller using 8085 30. With neat sketch explain traffic light controller using 8085 (2 x 10 = 20) 266 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM3CRT06 - TROUBLESHOOTING OF AUDIO EQUIPMENTS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is a CD? 2. What are the various noises in recording? 3. What is AFT explain? 4. What do you mean by dolby system? 5. Explain flutter. 6. What are the various noises in recording? 7. What is interlased scanning? 8. What is mean by varactor tuning? 9. What is servo system? 10. Which recording format is used in CD recording? 11. What is sub codes and what is its function in CD recording? 12. Represent basic remote control system. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the advantages in optical recording. 14. Explain AFT with block diagram. 15. Explain the block diagram of frequency synthesized TV time? 16. Explain the helical scanning for recording. 17. Explain the ac biasing system used in magnetic recording. 18. How data is write on the CD system. 19. Explain the astigmatic method for focus servo system. 20. Bring out the faults in AFT circuits. 21. Differentiate between CD and DVD. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain cross over network? 23. Explain different types of loud speakers. 24. Explain the working of ADC? 25. Explain tape transport mechanism of CD. 267 26. Explain Home theatre. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain remote control system 28. Explain block diagram and mechanism of MP3 player 29. Explain dc based recording 30. Explain DVD player (2 x 10 = 20) 268 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM4CRT07 - NETWORK THEORY (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Define Dependent and Independent current source State and explain Maximum Power Transfer theorem. What is meant by RC time constant? State Millman’s theorem. What are poles and zeroes of a function? What is meant by frequency spectrum of a periodic waveform? What is meant by Transfer Function? What is a convolution integral? What are the characteristics of an impulse function? What do you mean by a signal? Indicate the different properties of signal. What is a positive real function? Define Bandwidth, Rise time, Delay time. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. State and explain Superposition theorem. Obtain the response of an RL circuit when a step voltage of V volts is applied. Explain the exponential form of Fourier series. Find the Laplace transform of a square wave current of amplitude A and period 2T sec. What are the driving point impedance and admittance? Find the Fourier transform of a function defined as f(t) = A for –T/2 < t <T/2 = 0 for all other t. State and explain Reciprocity theorem. State and prove Initial and Final value Theorem. Test the following function for positive real function:- 12s 2 5 a) 2s 3 s b) 1 s 1 2 c) s4 s 2s 5 2 (6 × 4 = 24) 269 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Find the Z- Parameter for the network. 23. A capacitor C is charged through a resistor R for a dc source E (a) Derive an expression for instantaneous charge on the capacitor (b) C=10µF and R=1 mΩ, find the time taken by the capacitor to receive 90% of its final charge. (c) What is the time constant of the circuit? 24. Find the current in the 10Ω resistor in the network Fig (a), by using Thevenin’s Theorem. Also find the Thevenin’s Voltage, Short circuit current and determine the actual current flowing through the 6Ω resistor in Fig (b). Fig (a) Fig (b) 25. State and explain the properties of Laplace transform. Give the relation between Laplace and Fourier transform. 26. For the network shown in Fig, determine hybrid parameters and Transmission parameters (3 × 6 = 18) 270 Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. In the following network, K is changed from position a to b, at t = 0. Solve for i , ��/�� and d2i / dt2 at t=0+, if R=1000 Ω, L=1 H, C=0.1 µF and V=100 V. Assume that the capacitor is initially uncharged. 28. Find equivalent T and π network for the circuit shown in figure below. 29. An attenuator is composed of symmetrical π = section having series arm of 100Ω and shunt arm each of γ00Ω. calculate the characteristic impedance of this network and attenuation per section. 30. Find V(t) for the following function using Pole-Zero plot. V ( s) 3s ( s 2)(s 2 2s 2) (2 × 10 = 20) 271 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: EM4CRT08 - TROUBLESHOOTING OF VIDEO EQUIPMENTS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What preliminary check up must be performed before starting picture tube set up? 2. Why is it necessary to have a synchronized raster when using cross batch generator 3. What is the effect of raster of rotating the yokr in its housing? 4. Explain the function of RF TUNER in TV. 5. What is ghost? What are its causes? 6. Draw the block of SMPS. 7. What is interlased scanning? 8. What are the needs for compression? 9. What is servo system? 10. What are the main points in troubleshooting DVD player? 11. What is quantization technique? 12. What is LCD? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the RGB and YVB representations of video signals. 14. Explain power supply requirements of VCD. 15. Explain how compression works. 16. Explain the compression format for video. 17. Explain the MPEG – XH. 18. What are the differences between analogue TV and digital TV? 19. Explain the POWER SUPPLY requirements of DVD. 20. Explain the difference between LED backlit and backlit LCD displays. 21. Compare LCD and PLASMA TV? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain DVD players and their standards. 23. Explain with block VCD. 24. Explain the tape transport mechanism in DVD. 272 25. Explain digital TV transmission techniques. 26. Explain encoding and decoding quantizing techniques. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain DTH. 28. Explain LCD technology. 29. Explain plasma TV. 30. Explain LED TV. (2 x 10 = 20) 273 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: EM5GET01 - I C TECHNOLOGY (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain the general classification of integrated circuit. 2. Give expression for resistivity? 3. What is hybrid IC? 4. What is wire bonding? 5. “tate Fi k s First la . 6. Compare wet and dry etching. 7. List two short channel MOS structures. 8. Give a general classification of ICs based on number of components. 9. Explain the term Monolithic. 10. Explain trimming of resistors. 11. Name the different Lithographic technology. 12. Write down the advantages of thin film hybrid. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are the different conducting materials used for making thick film conductors. 14. Explain CD cathode sputtering. What its advantage? 15. What do you mean by LPCVD? 16. What do you mean by die bonding? 17. Compare Epitaxy and Diffusion. 18. State the advantage of MOS technology 19. Compare thick film and thin film technology 20. Explain thick film dielectrics. 21. Write a short note on monolithic resistors. (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain planar Technology. 23. How long does it take for a fixed amount of phosphorous disturbed over one surface of a 25µ thick silicon wafer to become substantial uniform disturbed throughout the 274 wafer 1300°C? Consider that the concentration is sufficiently uniform if it does not differ by more than 10% from that at the surface. 24. Draw the structure of an ion implantation system and explain the process. 25. Explain VLSI metallization and patterning. 26. Explain Twin well CMOS process. (3 × 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Discuss the different steps in IC fabrication starting from silicon wafer substrate. 28. Explain with neat figures CZ crystal growth process. 29. Explain the various steps involved in the fabrication of monolithic transistor with necessary figures. 30. Explain Quality and Reliability of Components. Write is the rate of Component failure? How is it minimized? (2 × 10 = 20) 275 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: EM5GET02 – DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the use of Random Signals? 2. What do you mean by aliasing in digital signal processing? How it can be avoided? 3. What are the differences between a microprocessor and a DSP processor? 4. What is the advantage of a Direct form II FIR over form I? 5. What is interpolation and decimation? 6. Difference between DFT and DTFT. 7. What is the concept of stability of an LTI system? How to check if a given system is stable? 8. In signal processing, why we are much more interested in orthogonal transform? 9. FFT is in complex domain, how to use it in real life signals optimally? 10. Why do we use Laplace transform? 11. Compare Laplace & Fourier transforms? Give any disadvantages for Fourier? 12. Explain circular convolution. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Why should we go for digital signal processing where as the most of the real world data is in analog mode? 14. Why do we need Fourier transform in DSP? 15. In signal processing, why we are more interested in orthogonal transform. 16. What are the properties of the system? Explain. 17. Explain the block diagram of IIR filter. 18. Explain cascade and parallel form realization. 19. Explain circular convolution. 20. Show that the discrete time system described by the input-output relationship y[n] =n x[n] is linear? 21. State and explain sampling theorem. (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain recursive and non recursive systems. 23. Explain complex conjugation. 24. Explain briefly how the zeros in FIR filter is located. 25. Explain the finite word length effects in FIR digital filters. 276 26. Compute the DFT of the sequence whose values for one period is given by ̌ = { , , − , − }. (3 × 6 = 18) Part D (Essay) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain the difference and the similarity between DIT and DIF algorithm. 28. Explain the designing of FIR filters using windows. 29. Discuss the steps in the design of IIR filter using bilinear transformation for any one type of filter. 30. Explain in detail about the polyphase implementation of FIR filters for interpolar and decimators. (2 x 10 = 20) 277 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective Course: EM5GET03 – Microcontrollers and Embedded System (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Explain in the difference between microprocessors and controllers. 2. Explain some 8 and 32 bit microcontrollers. 3. Explain stack and stack pointer. 4. Explain jump instructions. 5. Define single bit instructions. 6. Explain addressing modes in 8051. 7. Explain program counter. 8. Define call instructions. 9. Define interrupt modes in 8051. 10. Define memory counter and timer. 11. Explain the structure of assembling and running an 8051 program. 12. What is the function of registers? (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain different types of 16 bit microcontrollers. 14. List the features of 8051. 15. List the alternate functions of Port3 in 8051. 16. What is the significance of ̅̅̅̅ �� pin? 17. What id program status word in 8051. Explain. 18. State the function of RS1 and RS0 bits status in the flag register of 8051. 19. What is the significance of DPTR in 8051? 20. Justify why the crystal oscillator frequency in 8051 chosen as 11.05MHz. 21. How Embedded Microcontrollers are differing than Embedding Microprocessor? Explain with technical justification and application. (6 × 4 = 24) 278 Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Draw the PIN diagram of 8051. Explain 23. Draw the program memory organization in 8051. Explain. 24. Explain internal RAM memory organization in 8051. 25. List the special function registers in 8051. 26. Explain the timer operation of 8051. (3 × 6 = 18) Part D (Essay) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain different types of serial communication. 28. Explain how baud rate is set in 8051 for serial data transfer using timer register? 29. Explain in detail digital to analog conversion. 30. Explain interfacing of Stepper motor. (2 x 10 = 20) 279 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: EM6CBT01 - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define BIOS. Explain silent features of BIOS. 2. Define the track and a sector in hard disk? 3. Explain about Pentium processors. 4. Explain operating modes of 80386 processor. 5. What is a hard disk? 6. Which is the high speed memory placed between CPU and main memory? 7. What do you mean by computer virus? 8. Define POST. 9. What is multimedia? 10. What is the job of a network layer? 11. What is SMPS? 12. What is the function of Keyboard? (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain the features of an 80286 microprocessors. 14. Differentiate between RAM and ROM. 15. Compare IDE and EIDE Systems. 16. Compare CRT and LCD Monitors. 17. Briefly explain Expansion buses of motherboard. 18. Discuss the superscalar architecture of Pentium processor. 19. Write a short note on digital camera with the help of a block diagram. 20. Write shorts notes on software diagnostics. 21. What are error codes? (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain different types of memory used in a computer. 23. Explain the procedure for installing, Formatting and Troubleshooting a Hard disk. 24. What are the steps to install DOS to a PC which does not contain any OS. 25. Write notes on XT/AT diagnostics. 26. Explain briefly about the pointing and positional devices. (3 × 6 = 18) 280 Part D (Essay) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Draw and discuss the internal organization of 80286. 28. Explain about type of Printers. 29. Discuss different types of Computer networks. 30. Explain the installing procedure for the following:a) Linux b) Visual Basic c) Pascal d) Cobol e) Windows 98. (2 × 10 = 20) 281 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: EM6CBT02 – MODERN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define Digital Communication. 2. What is Quantization? 3. What is Companding? 4. Define scattering losses. 5. What is radio communication? 6. What is cellular concept? 7. Define PSK. 8. Explain fiber splicing. 9. Explain fading. 10. Define CDNA. 11. Explain encoding. 12. Explain noise in PCM system. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain sampling theorem in PCM. 14. Explain the block diagram of time division multiplexing. 15. Explain in detail QPSK. 16. Explain step index and graded index. 17. Explain lensing scheme for coupling improvement. 18. Explain codeless telephone system. 19. Explain WLAN. 20. Explain SDMA. 21. Write a note on optical communication system. (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain path loss and multi path fading. 23. Explain interference and system capacity in cellular system. 24. Explain cellular telephone system. How a cellular call is made. 25. Explain with block FSK. 26. Explain ADPCM. (3 × 6 = 18) 282 Part D (Essay) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. With block diagram explain delta modulation techniques. 28. Explain optical fiber connectors. 29. With block diagram explain FDMA. 30. Explain absorption and different types of scattering losses in optical communication. (2 × 10 = 20) 283 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: EM6CBT03 – ADVANCED NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Define Kirchhoff’s law. Explain Thevenin’s theorem Explain force current analogy. Explain relation between transfer function and impulse response. Define Laplace transform. What is meant by frequency spectrum of a periodic waveform? What is meant by Transfer Function? What is a convolution integral? What are the characteristics of an impulse function? What do you mean by a signal? Indicate the different properties of signal. What is a positive real function? Define Bandwidth, Rise time, Delay time. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any Six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. 14. Obtain the response of an RL circuit when a step voltage of V volts is applied. 15. Explain the exponential form of Fourier series. 16. Find the Laplace transform of a square wave current of amplitude A and period 2T sec. 17. What are the driving point impedance and admittance? 18. Find the Fourier transform of a function defined as f(t) = A for –T/2 < t <T/2 = 0 for all other t. 19. State and explain Reciprocity theorem. 284 20. State and prove Initial and Final value Theorem. 21. Test the following function for positive real function:a) 12s 2 5 2s 3 s b) 1 s 1 2 (6 × 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks 22. Explain D’ALEMBERT’S principle. 23.Find the current in the 10Ω resistor in the network Fig β(a), by using Thevenin’s Theorem. Also find the Thevenin’s Voltage, Short circuit current and determine the actual current flowing through the 6Ω resistor in Fig β(b). Fig 1 (a) Fig 1 (b) 24. For the network shown in Fig, determine hybrid parameters and Transmission parameters. 25. State and explain the properties of Laplace transform. Give the relation between Laplace and Fourier transform. 26. State and explain Superposition theorem. (3×6=18) 285 Part D (Essay) Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. In the network shown in Fig 4, K is changed from position a to b, at t=0. Solve for i , �/ � and d2i / dt2 at t=0+, if R=1000 Ω, L=1 H, C=0.1 µF and V=100 V. Assume that the capacitor is initially uncharged. 28.Find equivalent T and π network for the circuit shown in Fig. 29.An attenuator is composed of symmetrical π = section having series arm of 100Ω and shunt arm each of γ00Ω. Calculate the characteristic impedance of this network and attenuation per section. 30. Find V(t) for the following function using Pole-Zero plot. V ( s) 3s ( s 2)(s 2 2s 2) (2 × 10 = 20) 286 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: CA1CMT01 - COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define control unit? 2. Differentiate input interface and output interface. 3. Multiply 11012 and 10102. 4. Name any four input devices? 5. Name any four output devices? 6. What is light pen? 7. What is a plotter? 8. Differentiate RAM and ROM. 9. Differentiate EPROM and EEPROM. 10. Add 110012 and 1102. 11. Multiply 11112 and 1012. 12. What are the uses of joystick? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain about hexadecimal number system? 14. Discuss different types of scanners? 15. Differentiate mouse and trackball? 16. What are audio output devices? Explain. 17. Explain about cache memory? 18. Convert the following numbers. (a) (67840)10 = (____)2 (b) (34529)10 = (_____)16 19. Convert the following numbers. (a) (654330)8 = (_____)10 (b) (D35E0)16 = (_____)10 20. Convert the following number. (a) (AC681D)16 = (_____)2 21. Explain the working of floppy disk? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What are the features of a computer? 23. Differentiate decimal and binary number systems. 287 24. Discuss about different types of keyboards. 25. Discuss about different types of monitors. 26. (a) Add 110010112 and 1100112 (b) Subtract 111002 from 1100110112 (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain the generations of computer. 28. What is hard disk? Explain its working. 29. Discuss the basic computer organization? 30. Discuss about the working of a printer? Explain about any three printers. (2 x 10 = 20) 288 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: CA2CMT02 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH C++ (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is the full form of OOP? 2. Define variables. 3. What is assignment operator? 4. What is modulus operator? 5. What is the general form of declaring a function? 6. What is the structure of a C++ program? 7. What is the need of data abstraction? 8. What is inline function? 9. WAP to find the product of two numbers? 10. What is the general form of creating an object of a class? 11. What are the members of a class? 12. Write any two header files? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Write about the declaration of a class. 14. Explain the two ways for defining a member function. 15. What are reference variables? Give example. 16. What are relational operators? 17. Discuss about function prototype. 18. Define function overloading. 19. WAP to arrange the given numbers in ascending order? 20. WAP to find the roots of a quadratic equation? 21. Discuss derived data types in C++? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Discuss about built- in data types? 23. Differentiate bitwise and logical operators with truth table. 24. Explain about arrays with example. 25. What is a friend function? Write its features. 26. Explain storage classes in C++. (3 x 6 = 18) 289 Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain different types of constructors in C++. 28. Explain different types of functions. 29. Discuss about principles of OOP. 30. WAP to read the marks obtained in various subjects by each student in a class of n student in a class of n students taking examinations in m subjects, and to compute and print the total mark and grade. (2 x 10 = 20) 290 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: CA3CMT03 – JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Write a short note about java? 2. What are variables? 3. What are arithmetic operators? Give example. 4. Explain about assignment operator? 5. What is return statement? 6. WAP to find the factorial of a given number? 7. Define method overloading. 8. What is recursion method? 9. WAP to find the product of two numbers? 10. Discuss about this keyword. 11. Write the general form of creating a class. 12. Write any two import statement? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Write the structure of a java program. 14. What are relational operators? 15. Discuss operator precedence. 16. WAP to find the given number id prime or not? 17. What is constructor? Give example. 18. Discuss about for loop. 19. Differentiate break and continue statements. 20. Differentiate nested and inner classes. 21. WAP to find the reverse of a given number. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Discuss principles of OOP. 23. Differentiate bitwise and logical operators with truth table. 291 24. Discuss the concept of object and class. 25. Differentiate while and do-while loops. 26. What are the primitive data types? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain features of java. 28. Explain the two types of arrays with example. 29. Discuss about iteration statements with example. 30. WAP for finding the area of different shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle) using method overloading. (2 x 10 = 20) 292 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: CA4CMT04 - THE JAVA LIBRARY (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Electronic Equipment Maintenance) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What are packages? Give examples. 2. Write the need of interfaces? 3. Name the types of inheritance used in java? 4. Write the general form of creating abstract method? 5. Write short note about Applet class? 6. WAP to find the factorial of a given number? 7. Differentiate audio clip interface and applet stub interface? 8. Name the five keywords used in exception handling? 9. WAP to find the area of a rectangle? 10. How we can import a package in a new class? 11. Write the general form of creating a new class from an existing class? 12. Write any two import statement? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Discuss the concept of class with example. 14. What are the uses of final keyword in java. 15. What is the architecture of an applet? 16. What is the uses of getPriority() and setPriority() methods? 17. What is access protection? 18. WAP to find the biggest and smallest number from two numbers? 19. What is abstract class? 20. Discuss about finally() with example. 21. Explain any three methods in AWT? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain super keyword in java with example. 23. What are the HTML tags used in applet? Explain. 293 24. Discuss the different types of windows used in applet. 25. Discuss about thread priorities. 26. Explain the life cycle of threads? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain exception handling techniques in java. 28. Explain in detail about applet skeleton. 29. What is synchronization? Give example. 30. Discuss with example. (a) Method overriding (b) Multithreaded programming (2 x 10 = 20) 294 B. Sc. (Model III) Physics - Instrumentation MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN1CRT01 – Basics of Mechanical Engineering (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define Casting. 2. What is the use of spanners? 3. What is meant by riveting? 4. Define welding. 5. What is a gear? 6. List the applications of chain drive. 7. What is a worm gear? 8. List the advantages of gear drive. 9. Name any two operations done in lathe. 10. What are automatic power tools? 11. What is a power drill? 12. Explain the principle of milling machine. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is meant by galvanizing? 14. Discuss any two joining process? 15. List the advantages of painting? 16. Explain about rolling. 17. What is sintering? 18. List the applications of springs. 19. Explain about any five handheld tools. 20. What is a bearing? Explain any two bearings. 21. What is a clutch? Explain about power clutch. (6 x 4 = 24) 295 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain about the least count of vernier height gauge. 23. Discuss about the belt materials used in belt drives. 24. Calculate the length of belt for cross belt drive. 25. Derive the velocity ratio of belt drive. 26. Differentiate between shaper and planer. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain steps involved in casting. 28. Describe the principle and working of lathe. 29. Explain how measurements are taken using a vernier caliper? 30. What is an open belt drive? Calculate the length of belt for open belt drive. (2 x 10 = 20) 296 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN1CRT02 – Basic Instrumentation (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define measurement. 2. Define resolution. 3. Write the examples of dc sources 4. Define form factor. 5. What is the instrument used for power measurement? 6. Define torque. 7. Explain flux density. 8. Define voltage and current. 9. What are absolute instruments? 10. Define unit. 11. Differentiate accuracy and precision. 12. Explain active and passive transducers. (9 × 2 = 18) Part B (Short Answer) Answer any Six questions. Each question carries 4 marks 13. Define RMS value. 14. Write short note on direct current. 15. What are the advantages of moving iron instruments? 16. Write the principle of energy meter. 17. Define Kirchhoff’s voltage law. 18. Define permeability. 19. What are the characteristics of sine wave? 20. An RLC circuit consists of a reactance 100Ω and a coil having a resistance of 50Ω and inductive reactance of 150Ω. The combination is connected across 100V,50Hz. Compute i)current, ii)power factor, iii)power taken by the circuit 21. Explain wein bridge circuit. (6 × 4 = 24) 297 Part C (Short Essay/Problem) Answer any Three questions. Each question carries 6 marks 22. An alternating current is represented by i= 135.9 sin 700t. calculate its i)frequency, ii)rms value, iii)average value 23. Write short notes on magnetism 24. In following figure shows P and Q supplying a common load through internal resistance, calculate (a) the load currents and the currents supplied by the batteries. (b) the voltage at the load, (c) the power deliver to the load. 25. Explain any one d.c. bridge circuit. 26. Describe a.c. through RLC circuit. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. (a) Explain different dynamic characteristics (b) Draw functional block diagram (c) Define about absolute instruments 28. Define resonance and explain RLC circuit in series 29. Write thevenin’s voltage and current law with proof 30. Explain construction and working principle of D’Arsonaval meter (2 x 10 = 20) 298 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN2CRT03 – BASIC MEASUREMENTS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define displacement. 2. Define torque. 3. Mention the name of any two methods of thickness measurement 4. It is a timing device used to determine the number of revolutions, which device? 5. Define density. 6. What are the advantages of industrial viscometer? 7. Define specific gravity. 8. Write the applications of conductivity measuring instruments. 9. Name any two speed measuring devices. 10. Hygrometers are used for the measurement of ………………… 11. Write the difference between hydraulic and pneumatic force meter. 12. Define gauge factor. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Write the principle of radiation of thickness gauges 14. Define weight 15. Explain viscosity 16. Define humidity 17. Write the advantages of hydrometer 18. Define proximity 19. Write the working of proximity torque sensor 20. How to measure the displacement using capacitive transducers 21. Write short note on stroboscope (6 x 4 = 24) 299 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks 22. What is the principle of capacitance thickness gauge method? 23. Explain the working of densitometer. 24. How to measure the density of gas? Explain it. 25. What is hydrometer? Explain it. 26. Explain about revolution counter. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. 28. 29. 30. How to measure the force by using strain gauge load cell? Describe with neat sketch, the construction and working of LVDT for displacement measurement with its advantages and disadvantages. Explain construction and working of different types of tachometer. Define thickness, explain construction and working of ultrasonic vibration method. (2 x 10 = 20) 300 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM II SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN2CRT04 – INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION I (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define pressure. 2. What is meant by vacuum? γ. State Boyle’s Law. 4. 1Kg/cm2 = ……….psi 5. Define temperature. 6. Define throughput. 7. What is meant by vacuum sputtering? 8. Define pumping speed. 9. Name any two pressure measuring devices. 10. What is PTC and NTC? 11. What is absolute pressure? 12. Explain about pressure switch. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Describe different vacuum ranges. 14. What is a positive displacement pump? 15. Discuss about different temperature scales. 16. What is a barometer? 17. What is the significance of Pt100 RTD? 18. List two advantages of using mercury in thermometers. 19. Explain about gas flow mechanism in vacuum system. 20. Explain about vacuum application in food industry. 21. Describe about a detector with positive temperature coefficient. (6 x 4 = 24) 301 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. How does root blowers work? 23. Discuss about McLeod Gauges. 24. How are ionization gauges used in vacuum measurement? 25. Explain about temperature switches. 26. Discuss about thermal conductivity gauges. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain the principle of dead weight tester. Describe pressure gauge calibration using dead weight tester. 28. Discuss about conductance in vacuum. 29. Describe the principle, construction and working of rotary pumps. 30. Explain temperature measurement with filled system thermometers. (2 x 10 = 20) 302 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN3CRT05 – INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION II (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define level. 2. What is pH? 3. Define flow. 4. What is meant by smart sensor? 5. What is MEMS? 6. List advantages of ultrasonic method. 7. Discuss the principle of electromagnetic flowmeter. 8. What is a smoke detector? 9. What is SPM? 10. Name any two flow measuring techniques? 11. What is the relation between flow and pressure? 12. Explain about quantities involved in vibration measurements. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is meant by a detector? 14. Describe about sight glass level measurement. 15. List the application of pH measurement in industries. 16. Discuss about CO analysers. 17. Describe about flow nozzle. 18. List the advantages of rotameters. 19. List the advantages and disadvantages of electromagnetic flowmeter. 20. Explain float and displacer method of level measurement. 21. Describe flow measuring using venturimeter. (6 x 4 = 24) 303 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Discuss different types of pH electrodes. 23. Explain non-contact type level measurement. 24. Explain about dissolved oxygen meters. 25. Discuss about the recent trends in sensor technology. 26. How vibration is measured using seismic transducer? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Describe level measurement using pressure gauge. 28. How flow is measured using orifice. 29. Discuss about glass electrode pH measurement. 30. Explain about any one LPG detector. (2 x 10 = 20) 304 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM III SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN3CRT06 – TRANSDUCERS AND SIGNAL CONDITIONING (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define transducers. 2. Write one example of first order system. 3. What is active and passive filter? 4. Write need for modulation. 5. What is dot matrix? 6. What is LCD? 7. Why recorders are needed? 8. How the recorders are differ from display devices? 9. What is LVDT? 10. Name two display devices . 11. Mention the name of different standard inputs. 12. Define transfer function. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is ADC 14. Define modulation 15. What are the advantages of LCD 16. Write about seven segment display 17. Write any four applications X-Y recorders 18. Write about inkjet printers 19. Write zero order system 20. How to work sample and hold circuit 21. Explain about adder used in instrumentation (6 x 4 = 24) 305 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the construction details of CRT 23. What are the applications of strip chart recorder 24. Explain about laser printers 25. Describe the working of LCD. 26. Explain about inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Write second order system with step input. 28. What is instrumentation amplifier? How the gain varied? 29. Explain the construction and working principle of LED 30. Explain the construction and working principle of circular chart recorder (2 x 10 = 20) 306 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN4CRT07 – MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is a register? 2. What is branching instructions? 3. Explain address bus. 4. What are the addressing modes of 8085? 5. What is program counter? 6. What is interrupt? 7. Define ALE. 8. Write one example of data transfer instructions. 9. Define microprocessor. 10. What are the use of microcontrollers? 11. What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller? 12. What is PROM? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Differentiate JUMP and CALL instruction. 14. What is the difference between MOV and MVI? 15. What is meant by control bus? 16. Why do we need to multiplex address and data bus? 17. Which are the different registers of 8086? 18. How are 8051 instructions classified? 19. Discuss the role of various flags in 8085. 20. Explain instruction word size in 8085 with example. 21. What is physical memory organization? (6 x 4 = 24) 307 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Draw the pin diagram of 8086 with details 23. Write addition of two number program in 8086 24. Explain different addressing modes in 8051 25. Write a program to add two numbers. 26. Write a program to divide two numbers. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O in 8085. 28. Draw the architecture of 8086 and explain the terms. 29. Write different addressing modes of 8086 with example. 30. Draw different machine cycles and timing diagram of 8051 (2 x 10 = 20) 308 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM IV SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN4CRT08 – INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is meant by automation? 2. Define SCADA. 3. What is a relay? 4. Define DCS. 5. Explain about RTU. 6. List the advantages of SCADA. 7. What is ERP? 8. What is PLC? 9. What is NC and NO contacts? 10. List the advantages of DCS. 11. List the advantages of PLC. 12. What are the benefits of industrial automation? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Which are the requirement of communication network for PLC ?. 14. Explain different parts of PLC. 15. List the advantages of SCADA. 16. What are the different types of automation systems ?. 17. What is meant by computer control of process ?. 18. List the advantages of computers in control system. 19. Explain the benefits of automation. 20. Discuss about fundamental PLC wiring. 21. What is the difference between RTU and MTU ?. (6 x 4 = 24) 309 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What are the advantages of DCS? 23. Discuss about the performance criteria for DCS and other automation tools. 24. What are the different programming methods in PLC? 25. Explain PLC architecture. 26. Explain about relays. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain about role of automation in industries. 28. Develop PLC Ladder programming for basic digital logic gates. (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR) 29. Explain the architecture of DCS. 30. Describe the architecture of SCADA. (2 x 10 = 20) 310 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective: IN5GET01: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Convert the decimal number 146.8 in to octal number. Find the results using β’s complement technique. -55 +26 Write the truth table of XOR gate.. Draw the diagram 4 bit adder/subtractor. Why ASCII code is required in a digital computer system? Write a short note on minterms. What is an encoder? Sketch the logic system for a clocked SR flip flop. Describe an application of decade counter. How many flip-flops are required to produce a divide-by-128 device? 11. Derive the Boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below: 12. State De Morgan’s theorem. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Paragraph type questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Convert the following SOP expression to an equivalent POS expression. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Why NAND gate is called a universal gates? Explain with the help of logical circuits. Simplify the expression F=(A’BC’)’ Write down the rules for grouping 1s in K map. What is a multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of 4 to 1 multiplexer. Draw the logic diagram of 4 bit ladder D/A converter and explain. Write the logical expression of sum and carry output of full adder in terms of its input. 311 20. Draw the block diagram of a negative edge triggered T flip flop. 21. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous counter. (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essay / Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Draw The logic circuit of the expression AB + CDE using only NAND gates. 23. Draw the logic circuit for the logic expression F= BC(A+B+C’)’ , also simplify the expression and draw the new logic circuit. 24. What is a decoder? Draw the logic diagram of 3 to 8 decoder and explain its working. Also draw its truth table. 25. With help of diagram explain the working of positive edge triggered RS Flip Flop. 26. Draw the logic diagram and truth table for a three flip-flop ripple counter operating in countdown mode. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Simplify the Boolean expression f(a,b,c) = Σ(0,β,γ,4,6) and f(a,b,c) = Σ(0,1,β,4,5,6,8,9,1β,1γ,14) using K-map. 28. Explain the block diagram and working of a β’s complement adder/subtractor circuit. 29. With the aid of diagrams explain the working of binary ladder type D/A converters. 30. What is a flip-flop? Discuss the different types of flip flops. (2 x 10 = 20) 312 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Generic Elective: IN5GET02 – Process Control Instrumentation (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define process. 2. Define transient regulation. 3. Explain process lag. 4. Write one example of two position mode controller. 5. Write the equation of PID controller. 6. Write the notes of pneumatic and electronic output. 7. What is relay? 8. Define controlling element. 9. Give an example of final control element. 10. Name any two digital controllers. 11. Depending upon the actuating medium how to classify the automatic controller. 12. Draw the block diagram of control loop with all basic elements. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is the use of signal conversion 14. Explain process lag 15. Define offset 16. The temperature as a range of 500 to 650⁰K and a set point of 558⁰K. find the percentage of span error when the temperature is 569⁰K 17. Define optimum control 18. Explain tuning 19. Explain basic three types of control valves 20. Explain different control system parameters 21. What are the characteristics proportional mode 313 (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Write short note on PLC 23. Explain Ziegler – Nichols method of tuning 24. A magnetic amplifier requires a 10 to 15V input signal from 4- 20mA control signal. Design a conversion system to provide this relationship 25. Explain various process control types. 26. Describe any one analog controller. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain different types of electrical actuators 28. Explain composite control modes 29. Write the notes of following (a) Data logging 30. (b) supervisory control Explain cascade control system with example (2 x 10 = 20) 314 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM V SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Core Course: IN5GET03 – BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is EEG? 2. What is SD curve? 3. Define cell. 4. Explain about man machine interface. 5. Which are the parameters measured in biomedical instrumentation? 6. What is infant incubators? 7. Define Laser. 8. What is hemodialysis? 9. Name different electrodes used in biomedical fields. 10. What is EMG? 11. What is the difference between direct and indirect blood pressure measurement? 12. Describe about generalized bioinstrumentation system. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Discuss about defibrillators. 14. What are the advantages of using electrodes in biomedical measurements? 15. Explain about heart sounds. 16. What are ventilators? 17. What is meant by micro and macro shock hazards? 18. List the advantages of lead system. 19. Explain about the safety requirements in biomedical instruments. 20. Describe about the electrical activity of excitable cells. 21. Which are the various transducers used in biomedical instruments? (6 x 4 = 24) 315 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Discuss about cardiac pacemakers. 23. Describe about applications of lasers in biomedicine. 24. Explain about Electroneurogram. 25. What is cardiac catheterization ?. 26. Explain the physiological effects of electricity. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain ECG measurement. 28. Describe indirect blood pressure measurement. 29. Discuss about infant incubators. 30. Explain about direct blood pressure measurements. (2 x 10 = 20) 316 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: IN6CBT01 – Analytical Instrumentation (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Define analytical instruments. 2. Explain spectrum. 3. Define wave number. 4. What is filter? 5. What is sensors and transducers? 6. What is spectroscopy? 7. What is chromatography? 8. Mention the name of different types of detector. 9. State Beer’s Law. 10. What is AAS? 11. What are the uses of grating? 12. State Beer-Lambert law. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Explain interaction radiation with mater. 14. What is Raman effect? 15. What are the properties sample holder? 16. Write the principle of X-ray spectroscopy. 17. What do you meant NMR? 18. What do you meant by radio chemical instruments? 19. Explain different elements of an analytical instruments. 20. Explain the working of double beam filter photometer. 21. Draw and explain the working of UV spectroscopy. (6 x 4 = 24) 317 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain about slit width, monochromators. 23. Explain different types radiation sources. 24. What are the advantages of gas chromatography? 25. Write the applications of spectroscopic method. 26. Explain atomic absorption spectrophotometers. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain in details how IR spectrometer is working 28. How to analyze the chemical using ESR spectrometer 29. Give the principle, construction details of NMR spectrometer 30. Explain principle, construction and working of liquid chromatography (2 x 10 = 20) 318 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: IN6CBT02 – Ultrasonic and Optoelectronic Instrumentation (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is meant by ultrasonic waves? 2. Define Laser. 3. What is polarization? 4. Explain biomedical application of laser. 5. What are moiré fringes? 6. What is an interferometer? 7. Explain piezoelectric effect. 8. What are the applications of laser in medical field? 9. Name a semiconductor laser. 10. What is LED? 11. List the advantages of ultrasonic waves. 12. What are the various factors affecting in ultrasonic measurement? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. How is length measured by interferometer method? 14. Explain about Q-switching of laser. 15. How is thickness measured using ultrasonic waves? 16. List the advantages of laser. 17. What is meant by acoustical holography? 18. Explain the industrial application of laser. 19. Explain ultrasonic level measurement technique. 20. Describe about reflection and transmission coefficients. 21. How are ultrasonic waves generated? (6 x 4 = 24) 319 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Describe the working principle of laser. 23. Explain the working of laser gyroscope. 24. Discuss about laser Doppler velocity meter. 25. Explain the working of ruby laser 26. Explain about various types of lasers. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Discuss the application of ultrasound in medical diagnosis. 28. Explain ultrasonic method of flow measurement. 29. Describe about different types of lasers. 30. Explain about holographic interferometers and its applications. (2 x 10 = 20) 320 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM VI SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Choice Based Course: IN6CBT03 – Power Plant Instrumentation (For B. Sc. (Model III) – Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is nuclear fission? 2. What is PWR? 3. List out the calorific value of common fuels. 4. How are fuels classified? 5. What is a condenser? 6. Discuss about FBC. 7. What is FBR? 8. What is the use of moderator in nuclear reactor? 9. What is SPM? 10. Explain about interlocks. 11. Explain brayton cycle. 12. Discuss MFT turbine trip control. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is a fire tube boiler ?. 14. Differentiate between fire tube and water tube boilers. 15. Discuss Rankine cycle. 16. Describe the working of water purity meter. 17. What is meant by burner tilting ?. 18. Explain about bypass damper. 19. Describe about GCR. 20. Explain de-aerator level control. 21. How is power generated in nuclear power plant ?. (6 x 4 = 24) 321 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain the harmful effects of power plant pollutants. 23. Discuss one line diagram for electrical instrumentation system. 24. Explain H2 generator cooling system. 25. Draw and explain the online line diagram for simple pressure control system. 26. Draw and explain the online line diagram for simple temperature control system. (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Draw the ANSCI symbols for lines, valves, heat transfer and dryer. 28. Explain about combustion control techniques. 29. Describe the one line diagram for pressure control. 30. Explain smoke density measurement technique. (2 x 10 = 20) 322 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: EL1CMT01 – Basic Electronics (For B.Sc. (Model III) Physics-Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Give the colour code for γ90KΩ resistor 2. Give an example for variable capacitor 3. What is the impedence of a series L.C.R network 4. According to maximum power transfer theorem, maximum power will be transferred from source to load when --------------------------5. What is doping? 6. Give an example for p-type impurity 7. Give the expression for current gain of CE configuration 8. What is operating pont? 9. Give the expression for current gain of CB configuration 10. What is stability factor? 11. Write a short note on any one of the fixed capacitor 12. Write about gang capacitor. (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. Distinguish between active & passive network 14. State and explain maximum power transfer theorem 15. What are the properties of PN junction 16. What is the use of filters 17. What is load line? 18. What are the advantages of CB amplifier 19. Explain air core type inductor 323 20. What is positive clipper? 21. What is avalanche breakdown? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What is voltage divider biasing? 23. Explain V-I characteristic of PN junction diode 24. Explain the working of photodiode 25. What is zener breakdown? 26. Explain the working of zener diode as voltage regulator (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain about intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors 28. Explain Thevenin’s theorem. Find the open circuit voltage and Thevenin’s resistance of a simple β terminal network. In it two resistors β0Ω & γ0Ω & a source of 100V are in series and the terminals are the ends of γ0Ω resistance. 29. Explain the working of pnp transistor. 30. Derive the expression for efficiency of full wave rectifier. (2 x 10 = 20) 324 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: EL2CMT02 – Amplifiers and Oscillators (For B.Sc. (Model III) Physics-Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. How amplifiers are classified based on Q-point 2. Write any two applications of class B amplifier 3. What is a positive feedback amplifier 4. Draw the circuit for current series feedback circuit 5. State Barkhausen criteria 6. What is oscillator 7. What are the terminals of JFET 8. What are the types of MOSFET 9. Name any two types of high frequency oscillator 10. How amplifiers are classified based on coupling element 11. What is loading effect? 12. What are the disadvantages of RC coupled amplifier? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are the advantages of negative feedback amplifier 14. What are the effects of positive feedback in an amplifier 15. What is damped oscillations 16. What are the requirements for sustained oscillations in Hartley oscillator? 17. Compare FET against BJT 18. What is transconductance (in the case of JFET). 19. Explain the frequency response of RC coupled amplifier 20. Derive the expression for voltage gain of negative feedback amplifier 21. How gain stability can be achieved in negative feedback amplifiers? (6 x 4 = 24) 325 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. What is the effect of negative feedback in frequency response curve? 23. What are the differences between amplifier and oscillator 24. Explain P channel JFET 25. Explain channel JFET as amplifier 26. Explain the effect of negative feedback on input impedence (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain direct coupled amplifier 28. Explain different types of voltage feedback circuits 29. Explain the working of Collpits oscillator 30. Explain depletion MOSFET (2 x 10 = 20) 326 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: EL3CMT03 – Communication Electronics (For B.Sc. (Model III) Physics-Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. What is simplex communication? 2. What are the uses of Ku band? 3. What is modulation? 4. What are the limitations of AM modulation 5. What is binary number system 6. What is sampling? 7. What is bus topology? 8. What is star topology? 9. What is modulation index 10. What is quantization 11. What is Bounded channel 12. What is unbounded channel (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What is modulation index? 14. What is frequency modulation? 15. What are the advantages of digital system? 16. What are the steps to convert analog signal to digital? 17. What is FDM? 18. What is TDM? 19. What is the need for modulation? 20. Derive the expression for amplitude modulated wave 21. What is the importance of modulation index? (6 x 4 = 24) 327 Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. State and explain sampling theorem 23. Explain I2C 24. What is CAN? 25. Explain any one type of wireless communication method 26. Explain ASK (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain EM spectrum – bands, properties and typical uses of each band. 28. What is AM modulation? Explain AM modulator. 29. Draw and explain (a) PAM , (b) PTM 30. Explain OSI model in detail (2 x 10 = 20) 328 MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KOTTAYAM I SEMESTER B. Sc. DEGREE (CBCS) EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER Complementary Course: EL4CMT04 – Operating System and Python Programming (For B.Sc. (Model III) Physics-Instrumentation) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part A (Short answer type questions) Answer any nine questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. List some input devices 2. What is register? 3. What is a process? 4. Why Linux is called as an open source operating system? 5. Give the python syntax for print operation 6. List some operators in Python language 7. Modules in Python are simply Python files with the ----- extension 8. What is Visual Python 9. What is CPU? 10. What is a child process? 11. What is CPU? 12. What is real time operating system? (9 x 2 = 18) Part B (Short Questions) Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 13. What are the different types of storage spaces in computers? 14. What is cache? 15. What are the advantages of Python? 16. How comments can be incorporated in Python programming 17. What is a module? 18. What is matplotlib? 19. Explain the use of cache. 20. List the Differences between UNIX and Linux. 329 21. What are the features of Linux? (6 x 4 = 24) Part C (Short Essays or Problems) Answer any three questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 22. Explain Python interpretor. 23. Give the syntax for simple i/o operations in Python. 24. How conditional statements can be given in Python program. 25. What are the conditional statements used in python language? Explain? 26. How arrays are defined in python? (3 x 6 = 18) Part D (Essay questions) Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 27. Explain different types of operating systems 28. Explain linux kernel architecture 29. Explain in detail basic python syntax – comments, variable types, operators 30. How graphs can be generated by using Python (2 x 10 = 20) 330 List of Participants in the work shop and Contributors 1. Sri. Ens Mathews, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Bishop Abraham Memorial College, Thuruthicad 2. Dr. Saji Agustine, Dept. of Physics, Deva Matha College, Kuruvilangad 3. Augustine J Edakkara, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Thomas College, Pala 4. Prof. Raju Mathew T, St. Thomas College, Pala. 5. Dr. Ginson Joseph, St. Thomas College, Pala. 6. Dr. Ison V Vanchipurkal, Assistant Professor, St. Thomas College, Pala. 7. Prof. M S Abraham (Rtd), St. Thomas College, Pala. 8. Dr. Minu Joy, Alphonsa College, Pala. 9. Prof. Santhosh Kumar, St. George College, Aruvithura. 10. Dr. Saji Joseph, Pavanathma College, Murikkasserry. 11. Dr. Simon Augustine, St. Thomas College, Pala. 12. Sri. Binil Thomas Zachariah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Bishop Abraham Memorial College, Thuruthicad 13. Ms. Joli Joseph, Dept. of Physics, Assumption College, Chenganacherry. 14. Dr. Sherin Thomas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Assumption College, Chenganacherry. 15. Ms. Sijina G S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, N S S Hindu College, Chenganacherry 16. Ms. Dhanya K S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, N S S Hindu College, Chenganacherry 17. Ms. Lizymol Xaviour, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 18. Ms. Rani George, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 19. Ms. Rosmin John, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 331 20. Dr. Vinu T Vadakel, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 21. Dr. Saban K V, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 22. Sri. Babu K Thomas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 23. Ms. Rani Mohan, Lecturer, Dept. of EEM, St. Aloysius College, Edathu 24. Ms. Supriya Kurian, Lecturer, Dept. of EEM, St. Aloysius College, Edathua 25. Sri. Sajith Babu S, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta 26. Ms. Veena S, Dept. of Physics, Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla 27. Dr. Roy Sebastian K, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Josephs College, Moolamattom 28. Ms. Shiny Ettiachan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, MSHS Colege, Angamaly 29. Sri. K. C. Zachariah, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, St. Thomas College, Kozhenchery 332