monster oley sea
monster oley sea
Teacher'sBook Virginia Evans- JennyDooley Express Publishing Publishedby Expresspubtishing LibertyHouse,New Greenhampark. Newbury,BerkshireRG196HW Tel: (0044)-1635817 363 - Fax:(0044)-1635817 463 uk http://www.expresspu O VirginiaEvans- Jenny Dootey, 2000 Firstedition1996 New edition2000 All rightsreserved.No part of this publicationmay be reproduced,storedin a retrievar system,or transmittedin any form,or by any means,electronic,mechanical, photocopyrng or otherwisewithoutthe priorwrittenpermissionof the Publishers. Testsr"y'b" reproduced withoutpermissionfor classroomuse onlv. Note: Thereare threetests in two versions.Each test is providedwith a marking scheme based on a total of 20 marks. lsBN 1-84216-804-5 Contents Unit 1 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 5 6 8 Unit 1: Part 1 Unit I I Unitl-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 6) . (Suggestedanswer) Sports eg. team, coach,match,pitch,tenniscourt,swimmingpool, bicyclerace,basketball,football,stadium, Olympics,medal,trainingprogramme,rowing,footballstrip etc. As an alternative T draws on the board the following spidergram and wiltes down some words related to the topic (sports), then T asks Ss to come up with words related to each sport. linesman team coacn feree racket court umpire match | -/ \l#l football grouno cyclist flagsman bike races rane \ Tourde France linesman Olympics pool I trophy b""l*tdt 1- rereree coacn . (Suggestedanswer)Thetextcouldbe aboutcycling,racing,a cyclingchampionshipetc becauseI can seecyclists competing.As an extensionT can ask Ss to report on the most popular racesin their countrythen comment on the dangersinvolved.e.g. RallyAcropolisis held everyyear in my country.Many driverscompete in it. lt's quite dangerousthough, becausethere are lots of inluries. . a. True b. False c. False d. True Reading Task: Part 1 (p. 6-7) 1. E 2.H 3.8 4. 1 5.F 6.A 7.C VocabularyExercises:Part 1 (p. 8-9) (lf Ss have difficulty explaining the words T should help Ss by elicitingthemeaning.Thesewordsaretestedin thenext /essonafter Ss have read aloud the relevantbrt. The same instructionsapply to Ex. 2 in all units.) 1. favourites - those expectedto win compete in - take part in a competition heading off - going somewherein particular tendon - body tissuethat joins musclesto bone paths - linesof direction heightened - made more intense suspense - excitementand anticipation battle royal - grand challenge calculating - able to arrangethingsto get what you want strengths - strong points to dismiss - to reject,not consider victory - completesuccess desire - wish objective - aim or goal ambition - desireto succeed equally - same as 2. f . 2. 3. 4. in isolation distinctive altitude highlighted 5. 6. 7. 8. in anticipationof obsession on the sidelines culmination Unit 1: Part2 (Ssshou/dbe encouragedto memorisetheselext relatedcollocations and expressions. T checksin the next/esson.) . (Suggestedanswers) GroupA 53; WillMiguelIndurainrestbefore takingpartin theTourde France? GroupB 53; No,he won't. 3 . 1 . to beat 4. far 7. to take 2 . complimentary5. a lifetime's 8. to dismiss J. to come 6. to win 9. a stepup 4 . 1 . oddsand ends 2 . put an end to .t. to make ends meet 4 . dead end 5 . light at the end of the tunnel GroupB winningtheTourde Francean obsession for Rominger? GroupA 54;No,it'snot. 6. brought o an end 7. got the wrong end ol the stick 8. at a loose end GroupA 55; WillIndurain takepartin morethanone racein his preparation for theTourde France? GroupI 55; Yes,he will. GroupB 56; DoesRominger believethatIndurain is capableof winningtheTourde France? GroupA 56: Yes,he does. etc (Ss do Ex. 5 on their own then T checks answers givingleliciting definitions for all distractorsand explaining the slight differences between the words and how they are used.) 5. 1. train 2. alike 3. wounded 4. capacity 1. train (v) = to practisea sport regularlyin order to improve,e.g. athletestrain daily instruct (v) = to teach (instructsb to drive) master (v) = to become expert at sth discipline (v) = to train sb/oneselfin a skill, behaviouretc. 2. like (prep) = similar(followedby a noun) alike (adj) = similar identical to (adj) : exactlyalike;havingno differences.(However,we say: they are so alikethat you can't tell them apart). same as (adj) = (followedby a noun) identical 3. damage (v) = to harm sth (damagea car) break (v) = to damage so that sth separates into pieces (breaka glass,break your leg etc.) spoil (v) = to ruin; go off (spoilthe broth,spoil a child etc) wound (v) = to hurt a livingthing (wounded soldiersetc) 4. ability (n) = skittor power neededto do sth capability (n) = power to do sth skill (n) = abilityto do sth well capacity (n) = abilityto hold an amount/number of sth 6. 1. j 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.h 6.f 7.9 8.e f.i 1 0 .c Follow-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 9) (Two cassettesare availabte with all reading fefs. f should encourage Ss to listento the tape at home and follow the lines of each text. This activityshould be assignedin a///essonsand Tshoutdcheck Ss'oronunciation in each / is extremetyimportantthatthis activity should not be skipped in any lesson and T should emphasize the need for Ss to become fluent and pronounce words correctlv.) Comprehension Question/ AnswerContest GrammarCheck:Part1 (p. 9) (T refersSs to fhe GrammarReference Sectionfhen Ss do the exercise.Thesame technique appliesto all Grammar Checks.) 1 . a m g o i n gt o 2. will 3. Shall 4. will 5 . a m g o i n gt o Unit 1 - Par t2 Warm-upActivities:Part2 (p. 10) . (Suggested answer) The articlecould be about the sea, travelling,high speed trainsetc. (T should ensure fhat Ss tisten fo the cassette with books closed and anticipate the end of the story.) . (Suggested answer) The story could end with a fire breakingout and the train being evacuated/ the passengersbeing injuredand trapped in the tunnel etc ReadingTask: Part2 (p. 10-11) 8. 9. 10. 11. A B B A ( L n1 ) (Ln 3) ( L n7 - 8 ) ( L n1 5 - 1 6 ) 1 2 .B ( L n1 8 - 1 9 ) 13.C (Ln 20-22) 1a.D (Ln36-38) 15.D (Ln38-40) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p. 12-1Sl 1. railwaycomplex- allthe buildings on a railway site brand-new- completely new immigrationpoints- pointswherepeople entering a countryhavetheirdocuments checked loudspeaker- deviceto increase thevolume of someone's voice predictably- as onewouldhaveguessed underground- metro,subway - acrossthe EnglishChannel cross-channel undoubtedly- mostcertainly Unit1: Part2 2. 1. d 2.n 3.b 4.e -7 5.i 6.j 3. 1. expectations 2. attractive 3. unpredictable 1 8.c On 1 0 .a 4. failure 5. Undoubtedly/Doubtless 6. requirements 4 . (Ss shou/d be encouraged to memorise these text relatedcollocationsand expressions.T checks in the nexf /esson.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. halfway to deal with double-decker the crossing to hit 6. 7. 8. 9. a crew we shot back a fire alarm the cry of 5 . (Ss do Ex. 5 then T elicitslpresentsthe differences between speak, talk, say or tell.) '1. tell 3. speak 5. talks 4. say 6. talk 2. speaking etc/foroneself speak: to sb/well/badly/English talk: to sb about sth say: sth to sb/that/goodmorningetc/one'sprayers/ a few words/so/no more/for certain/forsure etc tell: sb to do sth/sbthat/sb how to do sth/thetruth/ a lie/sbthe time/sb one's name/astory/sba secret/ sb the way/onefrom another/sb'sfortune/sbsoi the differenceetc. 6. (AfterSs have done Ex. 6 T checks answersgiving eliciting definitions for all distractors.) 'I . opportunity z- steering 3. requirements 5. rugged 4. recruits A. occasion (n) = a particulartime when it's possibleto do sth B . opportunity (n) : chance luck (n) = successusu unexpected D . fortune (n) = chance/luckusuallyaffecting people'slives 2 . A . drive (v) = to operateand controlthe direction of a vehicle(car,train, bus etc) B . lead (v) = to show sb the way, esp by going in f r o n t( e . 9 .t h e g u i d el e du s r o u n dt h e m u s e u m ) tour (v) = to make a journeyusuallyfor pleasure and to see placesof interest(e.9.tour of France) D . steer (v) = to directthemovementofa boat/car (to steer a boat, to steer a car) 3 . A . requirement (n) = thing that is demanded/ needed B . desire (n) = strongwish to have/dosth request (n) = thing that is asked for about D . inquiry (n)= requestfor help/information sth 4 . A . hire (v) = to givesb a job/position(hiresb, also hire a hall/boatetc) B . engage (v) = to arrangeto anPloY sb recruit (v) = to find new peopleto join a company/organisation 1 D. dismiss (v) = to fire sb 5. A. smooth (adl) = havingan even surface,without rough patches B. even (adj) = level,smooth,flat C. crude (adj) = in its naturalstate,not refined D. rugged (adj) = rough and uneven 7. a car - get in (to),get out of, drive,steer a train - catch,miss,disembarkfrom, get on(to),get off,take, drive a plane - catch,miss,get on(to),get off,take, board, d i s e m b a r kf r o m a motorbike - get on, get off, ride,steer a boat- miss,disembarkfrom, get on, get off, catch, steer a bus - catch, miss,get on to, get off, take, drive a b i c y c l e - g e t o n ( t o ) ,g e t o f f .r i d e ,s t e e r a ship - disembarkfrom, get on, get off, board a taxi - catch,get in(to),get out of, take, drive,steer 8. 1. out 2. downwith 3. along with 9. 2. roar 3. purr 4. buzz 4. through 5. over 6. ahead with 5. howl 6. squeal 7. moo 7.after 8. quack 11.squeak '1 9. neigh 2. chirp 1 0 .b a r k F o l l o w - u pA c t i v i t i e s :P a r t 2 ( p . 1 3 ) ( S u g g e s t e da n s w e r ) S A : l c " e : c : ' a . =: . : : a : : : : a - : : ' : S 8 : W e t l c ( e : 3 : ' a , =3 , a : ' : : a ' = a q u r c K e swla y c ' : ' a , e ^ : e : : S A ; I d u s et h e p r a n eo e : a - s e: : - : means of transport. S B ; T h a t ' st r u e .I d c h o o s el h e : a ' : - : - l y o u c a n s t o p w h e r e v e yr o u w a n i a - : : - . : . ' sceneryetc (Suggested answers) SA; l'd like to travelby plane becauseit s the fastest means of transport. SB; Well,actuallyI hatetravellingby plane. lt scares me. I prefertravellingby car so that I can stop whereverI want and enjoy the sceneryetc. SA: Travellingby boat is slowerand more relaxing than travellingby car. SB; However,travellingby car is more convenient than travellingby boat. by motorbikeis more dangerousthan SA.'Travelling t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s . SB: Yes,buttravellingby motorbikeis alsofasterthan t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s . SA; Travellingby plane is fasterthan travellingby train. SB; However,travellingby train is more economical t h a n t r a v e l l i n gb y p l a n e . SA: Travellingby taxi is more comfortablethan t r a v e l l i n gb y b u s . Unit 1: Part3 SB.'However,travellingby bus is lessexpensivethan travellingby taxi. SA.'Travellingby bicycleis less pollutingand more leisurelythan travellingby car. SB; Yes, but travellingby car is more convenientand fasterthan travellingby bicycle. SA.'Travellingby train is more reliableand pleasant than travellingby bus. SB.'However,travellingby bus is more economtcal than travellingby train. SA.'Travelling by planeis fasterand more reliablethan travellingby boat. SB.'However,travellingby boat is less crampedand more leisurelythan travellingby plane,etc. GrammarCheck:part2 (p. 13) 1. which 2. where 3. whose estatedeveloper- companywhichbuildson empty sites departmentstore- largeshopsellingvarious products employee- personwhoworksfor someone checkit out - havea lookat it refrigerator- appliance usedto keepthingscold heat- warmth unique- oneof a kind spray- coverwithsmalldropsof liquid leisure- relaxation powdery- havingthetextureof powder microns- verysmallunitsof measurement asserts- claims chairlifts- chairswhichyou sit on to be carriedup a hitl fake - not real 4. who 5.why Unitl-Part3 part3 (p. 14) Warm-up Activities: T draws the following diagram on the board divided into four sections,then elicitslrom Ss words relatedto natural features,people, equip ment and structures Ibuitdinas. NATURALFEATURES 2 . 1. 2. 3. 4. steeland concrete courtesy insulation whisked 5. 6. 7. 8. nozzle compressed misty steep (Ss do Ex. 3 on their own then T exptainsleticlfs the meanings of the highlighted words.) 1. convert 2. persuade 3. influence 4. convince convert = change into persuade = cause sb to believesth influence = affect convince = make sb feel certain 4. (Ss should be encouraged to memorise these text related collocationsand expressions.T checksin the next /esson.) 1. experienced 2. skiing 3. to charge ski instructor chairlifts 4 . t o m i s so u t 5. sandy 6. entrance 5 . 1. base 2. internal 3. well-off 7. ski g. to spread 9. scientific 4. forbid (Suggested answers) 6 . (Ss do Ex. 6 on their own, then T exptainslelicits Indoor activities:squash,tennis,boxing,basketball, the definition of each word.) snooker,swimming,ice hockeyetc 1. tenant 3. native 5. inhabitants Outdooractivities:football,rugby,tennis,basketball, 2. residents 4. citizen 6. dwellers hockey,skiing,horse ridingetc tenant = personwho pays rentto a landlordto use a a. No b. No c. yes d. yes house,room, flat etc. residents = someonewho livesin a place perma_ ReadingTask: Part 3 (p. 14-1S) nently native = local inhabitant 1 6 .E 1 7 .G 1 8 .D . t 9 .H 2 0 .A 2 1 .F citizen = personwho haslull rightsas a memberof a country;personwho livesin a town part 3 (p. 16-17) VocabularyExercises: inhabitant = perSonlivingin a place dweller = person livingin a specifiedplace (used 1 . head off - set off for somewhere e s p e c i a l l yi n c o m p o u n dn o u n s ) slope - area raisedabove the oround excursions - outinos Unit 1: Part4 7 . 1. speedtrap 2. Morehastelessspeed 3. fullspeed 4. highspeed 8 . 1. pants 2. boots 3. goggles 5. prckedup speed 6. at lightning speed 7 fn qnocd Unitl-Part4 rrn 4. poles 7. tift 5. slopes u. Jump 6. instructor Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 18) . (Suggested answers) Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p. 17) . a) b) c) d) e) D RyosukeUematsu Funabashi,a town 30 minuteseast of Tokyo $ 3 6 4m i l l i o n Two Restaurant,TV, swimmingpool, sauna $3s (T d.rawsthe following diagram on the board divided intofour sectionsthenhe lshernvifesSsto come u.pwith as many words as posslb/e relatedto pertormances.) Pavarotti rehearsal stage opening srnger ptay orchestra dress rehearsal (Suggested answer) The world'slargestindoor-skifacilityhas been builtin Funabashi,Japan,a town 30 minuteseast of Tokyo by train.The resortcost $364 millionto buildand has two ski slopes- one for beginnersand one for more experiencedskiers.The managerof the resort,Ryosuke Uematsu,saysthatto get the same high-qualitysnow elsewhere,one would haveto travelto the mountains of northernJapan.Whilewaitingto ski, visitorscan eat,watchTV,swim or sit in a sauna.The entrancefee r s$ J 5 . . (Suggested answer) Academv Awards SNOES director Nureyev GrammarCheck:Part3 (p. 1Z) 4. mustn't 5. didn'tneedto 6. needn'thave oancer prem I l i k eg o i n gt o t h e c i n e m as o m e t i m e si ,ft h e r ei s a g o o d f i l m s h o w i n g .I a l s o l i k eg o i n g o u t f o r c o f f e ew i t h m y friendso , r p l a y i n gb i l l i a r d so r v i d e og a m e s .e t c . Lastsummer I visitedthe resortof Brighton which rs on the south coast of England,fifty milesfrom London.Apartfrom swimming in the sea,therewere plenty of things to do, likego to the funfair,visit the D o l p h i n a r i u mw , a l k a l o n g t h e p i e r ,v i s i t B r i g h t o n Pavilion,and ride on Volk's Railway,a mini-train that runs along the seafront.At night there were many differentforms of entertainmentto choosefrom. Thereare a lot of night clubs, or you can go to the theatre, or to see a film at the cinema. We stayedat t h e G r a n dH o t e l ,a l u x u r i o u hs o t e l o nt h e s e a f r o n tb, u t there are also dozens of smaller hotels or bed and breakfaststo stay in, which are cheaper. 1 . n e e d n ' th a v e 2. needn't 3 . d i d n ' tn e e dt o ballerina aF bF cT dF R e a d i n gT a s k : P a r t 4 ( p . 1 8 - 1 9 ) 22. F 23. B 24. D zJ. t\ 2 6 i 2 7 .G . H . i n a n y o r d e r 2 8 1 2 9 . 8G . , inanyorder 3 0 / 3 1 .C , D , i n a n y o r d e r 32133.A, D, in any order 3j * 35 C VocabularyExercises:Part4 (p. 20) 1 . m e m o r a b l e- t h a t w h i c hw i l l b e r e m e m b e r e d blend with - are mixedwith delivered with - performedwith vocal coach - singinginstructor m a n i p u l a t i n g- c o n t r o l l i n g tames - makes sth manageable swallows - moves sth from mouth to stomach opaque - not transparent twinkle - sparkle a n g u i s h - m i s e r y t, o r m e n t to pursue - to follow animates - bringssth to life coarse - rude/withoutmanners F f ExamFocus:Unit 1 2. (BeforeSsdo Ex.2 T asksSsquestionsabout Batman as warm-upe.g. Haveyou seen "BatmanForever?"Did you enjoy it? Wouldyou like to go and seeit? etc. Then Ss do Ex. 2.) 1. 2. 3. 4. cast winner villains evil 5. 6. 7. 8. plot 9. director sensational '10.captures breathtaking 11.masterpiece '12. contemporary passion ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit 1 (p. 21) (Part 2 is a modified open-cloze consistingof 1S blanks to be filled in with one word each. Emphasrsis placed on grammar and vocabula4z.Ss read the text onceto getthe gistof thetext,thenre-readandfill inthe mlssrng words. Ss read the text once more to see if the text makessense and check for spelling mistakes.) Parl2 3 . (Ss shou/d be encouraged to memorise these text relatedcollocationsand expressions.T checks in the nexf /esson.) '1. gift a 4. overflowing 7. climbed 2. a memorable 5. major 8. to die 3. performing 6. eccentric 9. vocal 4. (Ss do Ex. 4 on their own, then T elicitslexplainsthe meanings of the highlighted words.) 1. toact 2. to play 3. toperform 4. to execute 5. toperform 6. to execute act : performa part in a play or film; be an actor/ ACTTCSS play = take part in a game perform : 1) do as one has agreedto do (e.g. performan operation); 2) act and play, play music execute = performa task (e.9.executea plan) 1 . over 6. but which/that 7. thoughts/ones who 8. themselves 4 . from 9. that/which 5 more 10. so Z. (Part 3 conslsfs of 10 discrete lfems with a lead-in sentenceand a gapped responseto complete using a given word. Grammarand vocabularyare tested in this part. Ss read the lead-in sentence and the given word and think how it can be usedgrammatically in the gapped response,then write their answers, keeping the meaning similar to that of the lead-in sentence. Ss haye to keep in mind that they must use tuvoto five words (the given word counts) to fill in the secondsentence.Ss re-read theirfinalanswerschecking for correct spelling and grammatical accuracy.) Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 20) . (T should write on the board useful vocabulary for fitm reviews, e.g. the film is set in, the film is called, it telts the story of, it's a love storylscienceiictionlcomedy etc, lt is well directed, the plot centres on, I can thoroughlyrecommend, the plot is ratherunconvincing, it's a masterpiece of its kind, etc.) (Suggested answer) The film "Senseand Sensibility"starringEmma Thompsonand Hugh Grantand directedby Ang Lee, is a romanticfilm adapted{rom the book by Jane Austen. It tellsthe story of two sisterswho are completely differentin character,and their experienceswith the men they love. "Senseand Sensibility"managesto recreatethe atmosphereof early 19thcenturyEngland,which helps the film-goerto understandthe reasonsfor someof the characters'actions,and is bothhumorous and moving.Althoughthe Jilmis not particularly excitingin terms of action,it is dramaticenough to keep you wonderingwhat's going to happen next.I can thoroughlyrecommendgoing to see it if you feel likea changefrom modern-dayviolentand shocking films. 10 11 . b e 1 3 .b y 14.these/such 1 5 .l i k e l y Part3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . . . d i d n o t f i n d t h e s t o r y. . . . . . . q u i c k e ra t t y p i n gt h a n . . . . . . . h a v i n gt r a i n e d. . . . . . . u n t i lt h e c h i l d r e nl e f tb e f o r e. . . . . . . a d i a m o n dr i n g w h i c hw a s . . . . . . .w a s r u n o v e rb y . . . . . . .w o n d e r e dw h e t h e rs h e w o u l d e v e r . . . . . . . a p o l o g i s e df o r b e i n g . . . . . . . s t a n db e i n g l a u g h e d. . . . . . .t o b r i n gu p a c h i l d. . . . Prepositions (Thisexercisewillalways beassignedasHW.T checks the answersand in the next /esson helshe checks the exercise usually with closed books.) e.g. T: close your books to be _isolation 57; to be in isolation T: to come _an end 52; to come to an end etc. 1 . in z . to 6. for 7. o l on 8. in 4 . with 9. of a b o u t 1 0 .o f 11. atlfor 1 2 .b y 1 3 .o n '14. in 1 5 .o f '16. of '17. on 1 8 .a t 1 9 .a t 2 1 .o t 23.with 24. oflltor 25. of/about ExamFocus:Unit 1 ExamFocus-Listening(Part1):Unit1 (p.221 (Part 1 focuses on understandingmain points,Iocation, roles, function, attitude, feelings, opinions,intentions etc. /f conslsfs of eig ht s ho rt unreIated extractsof about 30 seconds each,followedbythree option multiple choice questions. Whilelistening forthe firsttime, Ss /ook out for key words related to one of the three choices, paying attention to what is heard because these key words may be included in the incorrect choice. While listening to the extracts agarn, Ss check their answers.) Partl 1.A 2.8 3. A 4.C 5. B 6.C 7.4 o.u Part 1 You'll hear people talking in eight diflerent sltuafions. For Questions7 fo 8, choose fhe besl answer,A, B or C. 1. You will hear a boy talking aboul sporls. Which sport does he mostlyplay at the moment? A volleyball B football C hockey Boy; Well, I haveto say I was mad about footballfor a while and I stilllike it of course,but I've been really into volleyballfor the past three years.l've been thinkingabouttakingup hockeylately,but my friends all say it'sa boringsportand to stickto what I'm good at. I'd reallylike a bit of a changethough. 2. You will hear someone talkingabout the weatherin London at Christmas.Whatis the weathernormallv like? A snowy B dull C sunny Woman: Most people think we always have a white l e t h e d a y ! | m e a n ,y e s , C h r i s t m a si n E n g l a n dT. h a t ' l b of course there's snow in Scotland - well, in the Highlandsanyway- but to be honesteveryChristmas that I can remember has been your average dark, miserableday. There'sthe odd ray of sunshinenow and then, but generallyit's just gloomy. 3. You will hear tvvogirls discussrng what to do on Saturdaynight. Where do they decide to go? A the local disco B the cinema C the roller-skating rink Anna.'Well, I suppose we could go to the cinema. What'son at the moment? Fiona:Oh, that film with WilliamHill.I'd like to see it, but you're not keen on him, Anna; Not really.How about the disco around the corner? F i o n a :M a y b e . . .o. r w e c o u l de v e ng o t o t h en e wr o l l e r skatinorink in town. Anna.'Let'sstick with havinga good dance instead. 4 . You work in an office where you overhearthe following conversation.Whatis the boss worried about? A the company'sfinancialposition B his speech at the board meeting C his dinner guests Boss; Well, Mary,I'm just not sure what to do about tonight. I've got that speech to give at the board meetingand then I'vegotto rushstraighthome.We've g o t p e o p l ec o m i n gf o r d i n n e r . Mary: So what's the problem? Boss.'Welloneof the guestsis afinancialdirector,and a very important one, and another is a university professor.How can I keep them entertained? Mary: \Nell,I think .... (fadeout) 5 . Llsten fo thisactor talkinoabout his life. Wheredid he meet his wife? A at a shooting gallery B at a cinema C on a film set Actor: You see,l'd justaboutcompletedthe film"Dark Dance"and, er - well, it was kind of strangehow we met. We'd been shooting all day and I decided I wantedto seea was "TallBoys"- somebody'd recommendedit. Anyway,just as the Jilmstartedthis woman sat nextto me and sort of - | don't know how it happened- spilledher coke all over me! And that's how we got to know each other. 6 . Listento this woman talkingabout her car. Whyis she happy with it? A lt is an antique car 8 /t ls a nice colour C /t is reliable Woman:ActuallyI'vehad this car for nearly20 years. I know it'sa bit old and there'sa lot of ruston it. lt's not very fast either,and it doesn'teven look that good - | mean,the colour'scompletelyout of fashion,isn't it? But it does get me from A to B and back again- in fact it's never let me down, and that'swhy I keep it. 7 . You will hear a reporter talking about earthquakes. When did the one in Mexico take place? A lastweek B three months ago C lastyear Reporter;Well,if you think back to last year, you'll rememberthat terribleearthquakethat struck Kobe, Jaoan.And then there'sthe more recentdisasterin MexicoCity which shook the capitala week ago and measured6.5 on the Richterscale. However,these two are nothingcomparedto the quakethat hit one of Mexico'sneighboursabout 12 weeks ago, causing thousandsof ... (fadeout) 1'l Exam Focus:Unit 1 8. You overhearthis conversationbetvveentwo colleagues. Whatare they looking for? A a briefcase B a reporl C a computer disc Paul: I know it's heresomewhere.I put it down wnen I w e n tt o h e l pD o u g d n d . . . Diane: Have you looked in your br.iefcase? Paul: My briefcaseisn't here - | left it behind this morntng. D i a n e :O h , r i g h t .O h , n o ! T h e f i n a lr e p o r t ' si n i t , isn't it? Paul: I'm not worriedaboutthat - we'vegot copiesof it. lt's the stuffwe haven'tevenprintedout I'm worried about. ExamFocus- Speaking:Unit 1 (p. 23) Part 1 (Part 1 /asls abouf four minutes and has to do with socialisingand giving personalrnformation.Ss should be able to talk about themse/yes for about two mtnutes-) part 2 (Part 2 /astsabouf four minutesand focuseson exchangingpersonal and factualinformationbased on given visual prompts. Ss are given tvvocolour photographs each and they have to talk about them in relation to themselves without being interrupted and helped by the T. Theyare also askedto comment brieflyon each other'spictures.) (Suggested answers) PictureA showssb showjumpingwhereaspicture B shows a motor race. Both pictureshave to do with professionalcompetitivesports. I'd preferto watchshow jumpingas I love horsesand I think it is very exciting. N o , I d o n ' t t h i n k p r o f e s s i o n aslp o r t s m e ns h o u l d b e p a i d h i g h l yb e c a u s et h e y a r e s u p p o s e dt o p r o m o t e the sport they play,without becominggreedy. Yes, I would liketo be a professionalsportsmanas t would liketo be able to play my favouritesportall day insteadof sittingin an office.I enjoy being active. Picture C is of a masked play whereas picture D s h o w sa c h o i rs i n g i n g . l'd preferto go and watchthe play,becauseI thinkthe actorslook very funny in their masks. Yes, I can play the clarinet.I practiseeveryday and I have a lessononce a week. I would like to have music and drama lessons at school, becauseI think they're an importantpart of e d u c a t i o nI.w o u l dl i k et o s i n g i n a c h o i r ,a n d a c t i n a play with my school friends. 12 ExamFocus- Writing:Unit 1 (p.Zq) (T presentsthe theoryand it is importantfhatSs shou/d memoriseall outlines.T checksthem next lesson.The same technique appliesto all writing sectlons of fhis book.) 1 . 1 . M o d e l1 2 . M o d e l2 3 . - ' M o d e l1 4 . M o d e t 2 7 . M o d e t 2( s t o r y ) , 5. Model2 M o d e l1 ( f a c t u a l 6 . M o d e l1 report) 2 . (Suggestedanswer) Trafficin London has been disruptedall day due to striking bus drivers.Traffic is being monitored by p o l i c eb , u t m a n ym a i nr o a d sa r es t i l lb l o c k e dc, a u s i n g long tailbacks and (a number of) accidents nave alreadybeenreported.The mainreasonsforthestrike are the growingnumberof attackson driversand the bus company'srefusalto providethem with greater protectton.The drivers' union has demandeo an increasein the numberof securitystaffemployedby the bus company.An emergencymeetingwas called b y t h e b u s c o m p a n y ' sm a n a g e m e n t h i s m o r n i n g , which resultedin an offerto hold talkswiththe drivers' u n i o n .B o b B r o w n ,h e a do f t h e d r i v e r su' n i o n ,w a r n e o that more strikeswould take place if management's promiseswere not fulfilled. 3. Height: short,medium-height Build: tiny, slim, muscular,overweight,plump Face.'oval,long, freckled,ugly, attractive,wrinkled E y e s ; b l u e , d a r k , b r o w n ,a l m o n d - s h a p e ds,l a n t i n g , oval, attractive Nose.' straight, upturned, long, broken, crooked, Roman Hair: short,straight,dark, brown, wavy, blond, long Clothes.' shabby, elegant, attractive,fashionable, wrinkled 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. reliable unstable lazy boring optimistic 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. patient intelligent generous lively practical 5 . (Suggested answers) Malcolm is very reserved; he never expresseshis emotions. Mary is a sensible girl.She would neverdo anything stupid. Jane is extremelyselfish; she neversharesanything. The policemanwas very helpful, and told me how to g e t t o B u c k i n g h a mP a l a c e . Jamesis so unreliablethat you can neverdepenoon h i mt o b e o n t i m e . Charlottecan be silly attimesand actsjust likea child. My son is very honest; he alwaystellsthe truth. Ann can be unpredictableat times- you neverknow w h a t s h e ' sg o i n gt o d o Michaelis very serious, he hardlyever laughs Exam Focus: Unit 1 It was dishonest of you to blame Clarrewhen rt was you who had crashedthe car, Brianis so pessimistic;he alwaysthinksthe worst is going to happen. Liz is a sociable person;she enjoysthe companyof other people. Tom is witty and fun to be wlth becausehe always finds somethingcleverto say. Danielis alwaysamusing and makeseveryonelaugh. Lucy is a pleasant girl, she's nice and easy to get along with. Keith is ratherdull; all he talks about is his stamp collection. Her baby is very curious; she is interestedin everything that goes on around her. Edward is fairly naive for his age; there are a lot of t h i n g sh e d o e s n ' tk n o w . 6 . (Suggested answers) Sentencesare not expandedupon, writingdoes not "flow". Very few personalcommentsand feelingsincluded. Outlinefor descriptionof person not followed. Paragraphsare not developed. All adjectivesclusteredtogetherwith no justification given for each adjective. Negativequalitiesaren'tsoftenedby using mild language. a) unfriendly/shy:becausehe wasn't speakingto anyone patient/tolerant:he neverhurriesyou or gets angry if he's kept waiting kind: he oftenfeeds straydogs and cats careless: often makes mistakesat work n e v e r r u d e : h e l p sa l l t h e c u s t o m e r si n t h e bookshoo b) The fourlh paragraph c) The last paragraph (As an extensionT can ask Ss to writeabout a person they admire following the outline on p. 26 S's Book.) (Note: staticsuggest no movementat all) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. static static moving static moving static 7. static 8. static 9. moving 1 0 .m o v i n g 11 . m o v i n g 1 2 .m o v i n g 13. static 14. moving 1 5 .s t a t i c 1 6 .s t a t i c 1 7 .m o v i n g 1 8 .s t a t i c a . 1 .a l o n g 2. Behind 3. up 4. covered 5. rise 6. From b. beautiful,perfect,fragrant,fresh,colour.ful, busy, d e l i c i o u st,h i c k ,o l d , w o o d - b e a m e dp, e a c e t u r , noisy. Para 1: Name and geographicalsituationof the place. Para 2: Reasonfor choosingthe place. Para 3: Particulardetailsabout the place Para 4: Feelingsand final thoughtsabout the otace. c beautiful,fragrant,fresh,colourJul,struck,view, d e l i c i o u ss, m e l l ,a r o m a ,p e a c e f u ls, i l e n c e , noisy activities. d. (Suggestedanswer) I come from Tavistock,a smalltown in southwest E n g l a n d .l t h a s a p o p u l a t i o no f a b o u t3 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e ,a n d i s s u r r o u n d e db y t h e b e a u t i f ucl o u n trysideof Dartmoor. Tavistockis a quiettown,and peoplewho areused t o c i t y l i f em i g h tf i n d i t b o r i n g .I t h i n kt h a t i t i s a lovelyplaceto hasa gorgeoustown centre, with lots of placesto eat and a traditionalmarket a n d t h e r e a r e e n d l e s sw a l k s t o t a k e i n t h e s u r r o u n d r n gc o u n t r y s l d eT. h e p e o p l ea r e e x t r e m e l y friendly,and if you prefercities,it is only twenty milesawayfrom Plymouth.I thinkthat Tavistockis a c h a r m i n gp l a c ea n d i f y o u l i k es m a l lt o w n sw h e r e l i f ei s r e l a x e dt,h e n l ' m s u r ey o u w i l lt h i n ks o t o o . 9 . O p i n i o n :c h i l d i s hd, i s g u s t i n g Size/Weight:enormous,light,little,heavy Age: ancient,modern,new Shape : round,flat, square C o l o u r : p u r p l e ,r e d , b l a c k Origin : SpanishB , r i t i s hC , hinese M a t e r i a l :r u b b e r ,s t e e l ,m e t a l 1 0 . O l d s q u a r el e a t h e rs, m a l ld a r k l e a t h e rt,i n y r o u n d m e t a l ,i n t e r e s t i n cgo l o u r f upl a p e r ,s m a l ls i l v e r metal,new black plastic,lightweightgrey Japanese (Asan extendon f asks Ss to describe other objects e.g. g/asses,bag, chair. T wiltes these on the board and elicits from Ss releyanl vocabulary glasses; gold-ilmmed, biJocal /enses,bluelinted bag: black, leather,suede, gold, metal squares chair: wooden, varnished,hand-carved, Ieather, soft (Ihen Ss write a paragraph including a descilption of the objects.) glasses: When my fatherarrivedhome yesterday, he realisedhe had left his glassesat the office.He calledhis secretaryand told her to look for a pair of g o l d - r i m m e db, l u e { i n t e dg l a s s e sw i t h b i - f o c a l l e n s e sw h i c h w e r e i n s i d ea b u r g u n d yh a r d - p l a s t i c , embossedcase and were probablylying on his OCSK. bag: When my sistersaid she was going shopping I asked her to buy me a bag that I'd had my eye on. I told herit was a blackleatherbag with brown,suede patcheson it and small,gold, metalsquaresaround thetop. chair: When her motherwentto the auctionshe was looking for a particularstyle of antique chair. The chairwas wooden,varnishedand hand-carvedwith QueenAnne legsand a soft brownleatherseat.She bid the highestand was lucky to purchaseit. 't3 Unit2: Part 1 11.1.C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.E 3.8 4.A 5.D C isa factualreport, formalstyle,useof passive voice,onlyfacts. E - story,informalstyle,detailedand chatty descriptions. B - story,informalstyle,chattylanguage. A - factualreport,formalstyle,useof passive voice,onlyfacts,highlevelof vocabulary. D - factualreport,formalstyle,highlevelof vocabulary, onlyfacts. 't2. 1.8 2.E 3.D 4.F 5.C 6.A 7.c (Suggested answers) Story: The sun was shining as we got into the plane. Robeftwas makingjokes. I could neverhave guessedwhat was about to happen. We'd been flyingfor about ten minuteswhen there w a sa l o u db a n g ,a n d s m o k eb e g a nt o p o u ro u to f t h e propeller.We were scared,but Robertpointedout a placewherewe could land.The planewas difficultto control,and we crashedviolentlyinto the ground. Robert and I were knockedunconscious.We would have died, but luckilya passer-bysaw the crash and got us out just seconds before the plane exploded. I'd neverfly again now. Incidentslikethat make you realisehow valuablelifeis. The man was awardeda medal for braverywhich he deserved:he could've b e e n k i l l e da s w e l l ! Report: Two men were injuredlast Wednesdaywhen their plane crashedinto a field in Dorset. Luckily,they were rescued in an amazing feat of braveryjust secondsbeforetheir plane exploded. RobertJohnson(32)and SamuelWorthing(28)had been in the air Jor about ten minuteswhen Robert noticed black smoke pouring out of the propeller. The controlsof the planestoppedworking,and the plane was forced to crash-landin a nearbyfield. LuckilyPhilipVickes(25)had seenthe incident,and was able to drag the two pilots out o{ the plane secondsbeforeit exploded.Philipwas laterawarded a medalfor bravery. "l'd never fly again now." said Samuel afterwards. "lncidentslikethatmakeyou realisehow valuablelife reallyis."Robertis alsosaidto be in a stateof shock. (T reads the best compositionsaloud). Unit 2 Unit2-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 30) (Suggested answer) . The pictureshows some vegetables(carrots, lettuce,tomatoesetc) and some fruit (apples, grapes,etc).There'salso some brown bread and some spaghetti.The text could be about healthy eating. . Not much actually.I think that diabetesis causedby t h e b o d y n o t p r o d u c i n ge n o u g hi n s u l i nt,h e h o r m o n e that controlsthe amountof sugar in blood. Diabetics haveto avoid eatingfoods containingsugar and fat. a. F b. F c. T d.T e.T f. F ReadingTask:Part1 (p. 30-31) 1.A 2.C 3.H 4.c 5.D 6.8 VocabularyExercises: Part1 (p.32-33) 1 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 14 hormones insulin pancreas disorder 5. 6. 7. 8. treatment consumption fibre cornerstone 2. (Ss should memorise these text related collocations and expressions.f checks in the next /esson.) .1 . fat-free 4. starchy 7. to follow 2. daily 5. to generate 8. to control 3. to enjoy 6. short-term 9. weight 3. (Ss do Ex 3, then T elicitslexplainsthe four dlsfractors of each sentence.) 1. control 2. reduce 3. rise 4. achieved 5. remove 6. treated 7. false 8. lean 1. check - to make suresth is correcte.g. an answer f o r s p e l l i n gm i s t a k e s . examine - to look at sth carefullye.g. under a mrcroscooe. control - to regulatesth test - to try sth for a short while 2. reduce - to make smallerin size/quantity/amount/ degree weaken - to become less strong shrink - to contract shorten - to make sth smallerin length 3. rise (rose-risen)(intv) - increase raise (tr v) - to make higher - (of problems,difficulties arise (arose-arisen) etc) to occur grow up - to become older and more mature 4. manage to do sth - to be successfulin doing sth Unit2: Part2 acquire - to get achieve sth - to succeedin doing sth aftera lot of effort succeed (in) - to have been able to do sth 6 remove - to take away delete - to rub sth out e.g. a line of writingon the computer extract - to pull out e.g. a tooth/information take out - to get e.g. a book from the library treat - to deal with sb/sth in a particularway behave - to act a certainway use - to take advantageof sb operate - to causesth to work e.g. a machine artificial - sth that is not naturale.g. light from a lightbulb,flowers fake - sth which is made to seem real e.g. a painting false - sth which is not real eg. teeth counterfeit - sth which has been made to make peoplethink it is real eq. monev B . bony - extremelythin skinny - underweight thin - not fat lean - with no fat .1. 2.up 3. away 4.up 5. out 7. across 8. after 9. over 10. out of weight heart the target a train 2.d 3.e 4.a 11. away from 1 2 .i n t o Ine's way 13.through 14.up against/into the chance l u g g a g e t h e p l a n e money lose mrss 6.1. c 5.f 6 b Follow-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 33) . MEMORYQUIZ (Suggested answer) should eat - low fat butterand cheese;fat-freemilk; "diet"foods and drinks;artificialsweetener;fruit: vegetables;beans;lentils;brown bread;brownflour; h igh{ibre breakfastcereals should avoid - sweets;chocolate;cakes; biscuits; s u g a r ;w h i t eb r e a d ;b u t t e r ;c h e e s e ;c h i c k e ns k i n : cookingwith largeamountsof fat U n i t 2- P a r t 2 Warmup Activities:Part2 (p.34) (Suggestedanswers) . I think that the two girlswere too afraidto stay alone i n t h e h o u s e , e s p e c i a l l yC a r o l i n e ,s o t h e y t r i e d t o persuade Mr. Helstoneto take them with him. Mr. Helstonedidn't agree,and leftthem at home asking them to lock all doors and not to open them to anyone. AfterMr. Helstonehad left,some soldiers attackedthe house and took the two girls hostage. A possibletitlefor the story is "Night of Terror." . You can have a burglaralarm installedand special l o c k so n a l l y o u rd o o r sa n dw i n d o w sf i t t e d I. d o n ' tt h i n k I would keep a weapon becauseI don't know now to use one. Shirleywas giventwo pistols.Then the two girls had supper and Carolinewas given a knife. They didn't go to bed, but waited for somethingto happen.A troop of men approachedthe house makingthe dog bark. Carolinewas scaredto death. Fortunately, the troop leftwithoutattackingthe house a n d t h e g i r l sd e c i d e dt o g o t o b e d . (Suggestedanswers) , Havingdiabetesdoes not mean thatyou cannotlead a normal life. lt is advisable to control your body weightand is highly recommended that you eat a lot oJ fruit, vegetablesand starchyfood. lt is appropriateto chooseto eat brown breadinsteadof white,as well as high{ibrebreakfast cereals.You should avoid eating cakes, biscuits, sweetsand chocolateas they usuallycontain large amountsof sugar and fat. GrammarCheck:Part1 (p. 33) .1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. have forgotten to have arrived have stayed not to eat have been working be feeling 7. have come 8. to hire 9. have been .10. get 11 . h a v e b e e n 1 2 . h a v eb e e n w a i t i n g ReadingTask:Part2 (p.34-35) 7. 8. 9. 10. B (Ln 3) D ( L n9 - 1 0 ) A ( L n1 4 ) B ( L n2 0 - 2 1 ) 1 1. D (Ln 26-28) 1 2 .B ( L n3 0 ) 1 3 .A ( L n4 1 - 4 2 ) tc Unit2: Part2 VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p. 36-37) 1. 1. guardian 2. fainted 3. disturbance 4. riot 5. tread 6. resumed 7. incidents 8. bolt 2. (Ss do Ex 2 on their own, then T while checking their answers elicitslexplains all four distractors for each senrcnce.) 1. A 2.8 3.A 4.8 5.C 6.D 1 . t r o u b l e ( n )- p r o b l e m s / d i f f i c u l t y n u i s a n c e( n ) - s t h a n n o y i n g anxiety (n) - feelingof nervousnessand worry problem (n) - unsatisfactory Situation 2. disturb (v) - to make sb feel worriedand upset annoy (v) - to make sb feel slightlyangry bother (v) - to cause problemsfor sb frustrate (v)- to makesb angrybecausethey can't finda solution 3. shiver (v) - to shake esp becauseof cold or Ierror tremble (v) - to shakefrom fear,cold, weakNESS EIC stutter (v) - to say sth, esp the first part of o word, with difficulty shudder (v) - to shakewith fear 4. violently (adv)- creatingphysicaldamage fiercely (adv)- with anger stormily (adv)- being angry in a loud way intensely (adv)- in an extremeway 5. storage (n) - placewhere one keepsthings for futureuse attic (n)- roomundertheroofof a houseforstorage c e l l a r ( n )- r o o mu n d e rt h e g r o u n df l o o ro f a h o u s e usu for storage loft (n)- spaceunderthe roofof a housefor storage 6 . w a l k ( v )- t o m o v eb y p u t t i n go n e f o o t i n f r o n t otfh e other stride (v) - to walk with long steps stroll (v) - to walk slowlyand rn a relaxedway march (v)- to walkwithregularsteps(espsoldiers) 3. 1. behave 2. treat 3. behave 4. treat 4. (Ss should memorise these text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. to place 2. to watch 3. growing 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. behaviour possibility disturbance nervously cautiously 4. went 5. to fall 6. to lean 7. to put out 8. the need 9. resumed 6. amazement 7. undoubtedly 8. interruption 9. courageous 1 0 .a r r a n g e m e n t s (As an ertension Ss talk about a nastyexperience of their own.) 16 6. 1. out 2. through 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. do do make do make 3 . d o w nt o 5 . a w a y 4. forward 6. off 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. make do make do make 11. do 12. make 13. make 14. do 15. do 7. on 8. up 16.make 17. make 18. do 19. make 20. make Follow-upActivities:Part2 (p. 37) (Suggestedanswer) I t w a s 2 . 3 0 i n t h e m o r n i n g .S a m a n t h aa n d P h i l i p Matthewsand their three childrenwere asleep ups t a i r s i n t h e i r b e a u t i f u lb r a n d n e w h o m e , w h e n Samanthawas woken up by a noise downstairs. She nudged her husbandbut he was fast asleep,so she decidedto go down and investigate.She slowly crept out of bed and down the stairs. When she got to the bottomof the stairs,she listened out forthesoundagain,but it had stopped.As shewas turningto go upstairs,she felta breezeon the back of her neck and realisedthe living room window was o p e n .S a m a n t h a w a sa b o u tt o c l o s et h ew i n d o ww h e n she realizedthe catch had been broken.That'swhen s h e k n e ws o m e b o d yh a d b e e ni n t h e h o u s e .S h e r a n . i t h i nm i n u t e st h e yh a da r r i v e da, n d t o c a l l t h ep o l i c eW c a u g h t s o m e b o d y r u n n i n ga c r o s s a n e i g h b o u r i n g field. T h e i rh o u s eh a d b e e n b u r g l e d ,b u t t h e c r i m i n aw l as caught and taken to court. She was very relievedto hear that he was going to be put in prison. Gr amm arCheck:Par t2 ( p.37) (Suggestedanswers) 2. promise- She promised to bringthe moneyshe owedmethe nextday. 3. threaten- Shethreatened to sackhim if he didn't work harder. 4 . a l l o w - H e a l l o w e dh e r t o u s e h i s o h o n ew h e n e v e r she wanted. 5. beg - He begged her to go with him. 6 . r e m i n d - H e r e m i n d e dh e r t o c h e c kt h e o a o e r s . 7. accuse - He accusedhim of vandalisingthe school gym. 8. apologise - She apologisedfor damaginghis car. 9 . d e n y - H e d e n i e ds t a r t i n gt h e f i g h t . 1 0 . s u g g e s t- H es u g g e s t e dg o i n gt o P a r i st h a ts u m m e r . 11. invite - He invitedher to his party on Saturday. 12. warn - He warnedme notto go nearthe firebecause I would burn mvself. Unit2: Part3 Factors Unit2-Part3 regularexercrse a v o i dd r i n k i n ga n d s m o k i n g leadinga stressfree life have a balanceddiet Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 38) (Suggested answer) . . . I thinkthe treesin the oictureare olivetrees.Oliveoil is produced by pressing olives. lt is then used in cookingand is mostlyconsumedin Mediterranean countries.Recent researchhas shown that oliveoil is considereda "healthyfood." Countriesthat consume a lot of olive oil have lower rates of heart diseaseand longer life expectancy. 4 . (Ss shou/d memorise fhese text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. high 2. to live 3. whether 4. heart 5. to overcome 6. to take 7. hardly 8. the effects 9. confirms 4. useup (Suggestedanswer) 5. 1. backup 2. showup 3. tie up I thinkseasonalvegetablesand fruitare healthyto eat. I also think that dairy productsare healthyto eat, but t h e y s h o u l d n ' tb e c o n s u m e di n l a r g eq u a n t i t i e sT. o help us live longer we should live in pollution{ree environments,exerciseregularly,eat healthilyand learnto relaxmore. 6. (Ss do Ex 6 then T elicitslexplains the meaning of each distractor.) a. T b.F c.T 1. B ReadingTask:Part3 (p. 38-39) 2 0 .D VocabularyExercises:Part3 (p. 40-41) 1. varied - not all the same calories - unitfor measuringthe amountof energyin food lactose - a type of sugar found in milk patterns - generaltrends rates - how fast and how often sth haooens puzzle - mystery concerns - has to do with carpenter - personwho works with wood dessert - sweet food eaten at the end of a meal walnuts - type of nut formula - particularmethod/wayof doing sth moderate - not extreme fatty acid - essentialchemicalcomponentof fat 2. 1. consume 2. overcome 3. resist 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. individual 5. process 6. vital last/past 6. which 7. most 8. taking 9. can/could/does 1 0 . 7. average 8. ingredient so though/if from enough be 11 . c a s e 1 2 .b e e n 13.from 1 4 .a n y 1 5 .t h e r e 3.A 4.8 1. study (n) - work for a set subject research (n) - act of gatheringinformationfor a project report (n) - written account of sth examination (n) - test think (v) - to organiseinJormation in your head regard as (v) - consider assume (v) - to guess sth from previousfacts consider (v) - to decidewhetheror not to do sth J. confirm (v) - to make sure about affirm (v) - to state that sth is true assure (v) - to tell sb that sth is right testity (v) - to give evidencein court 4 . show (v) - to make sth clear indicate (v) - to show that sth will happen clarity (v) - to explain prove (v) - to give evidenceabout sth d.F 1 4 .A 1 5 .H 1 6 .F 1 7 . E 1 8 .B 1 9 .| 2. D 7. t. z. 4. to off through 5. out over 6. Jor 7. in with 8. on 9. behind 10. out with Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p.+1) (Suggested answers) Good lor you - walnuts;drinkingwine with a meal; yoghurt; cheese;vegetables;honey; fruit; olive oil; salads Bad for you - smoking; drinking wine in between meals;fulljat milk; butter You had better stop smoking; What about taking some light exercise?;How about drinkingwine with your meals only?;What if you startedcooking with olive oil insteadof with butter?;Shouldn't you considerincludingmore{ruitand vegetablesin yourdiet?; You could eat yoghurtwith honeyand walnutsas an alternativeto ice-creamand cakes.;Why don't you start drinking skimmed milk instead of the full{at varietv? 17 Unit2: Part4 G r a m m arC h e ck:P a rt3 (p .4 1 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Despite In spite of the fact that although yet e v e nt h o u g h 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. though However No matterhow yet but Unit2 -Part4 (Suggested answers) They were taken in and outsidehotels.The first picture showsan averagehotelwhereasthe secondone s h o w st h e i n t e r i o o r f a r a t h e re x p e n s i v eh o t e l .I t h i n k the first hotel offersbasic facilitieswhile the second hotel offersluxuriousones. . FamousHotels- The Ritz,The Rochester, The Beverly W i l t s h i r eT, h e D o r c h e s t e rT, h e H i l t o n : P e o p l ew o r k i n g i n h o t e l s - r e c e p t i o n i sdt ,o o r m a n . p o r t e r c, h a m b e r m a i dc,h e f ,w a i t e rw . a i t r e s sb, e l l - b o y , manager . I p r e f e rl u x u r i o u sh o t e l sb e c a u s eI h a v e e x p e n s i v e t a s t e s .l t ' s a n i c e b r e a kf r o m o n e ' s d a i l yr o u t i n e .l f I w e r et o s t a yi na h o t e li n E n g l a n df o ra w e e k ,I ' dc h o o s e a f r i e n d l yh o t e lb e c a u s ei t w o u l db e c h e a p e sr o I c o u l d s p e n d m o s t o f m y m o r r e yv i s i t i n gm u s e u m sa n d s e e i n gt h e s i g h t s . (T draws the following spidergram on the board and elicitsfrom Ss names of jobs related to a hotet.) suite lounge recreational cook barman operator poner bar restaurant m a n a g e r receptionist pool prayroom d i n i n gr o o m . a . T h e r e ' sn o c h a r g ea t a l l . b . L o n gt e r mh o t e l s- b e c a u s et h e r ea r en o p r o p e r f i r e escapesand they are locatedin an areanotorious for crime. c . B e c a u s et h e y a r e s m a l la n d f r i e n d l y . d. lt is situatedin the heartof London. ReadingTask:Part4 (p.42-431 2 1 1 2 2A . ,B in any order 2 3 1 2 4A. , D i n a n y o r d e r 25. E 26. C 27.A 28. C 1B 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. longterm casual unrform suite notorious 6. on a budget 7. discreet 8. impressive 9. complex 1 0 .a c c o m m o d a t i o n 2. (Ss should memorise fhese lext related collocations and expressions.f checks in the next /esson.) Warm-upActivities:Part4 @.A2) . VocabularyExercises: Part4 (p.44) 29.C 3 0 / 3 1 .D , B i n a n y o r d e r 32. E 33. D 3 4 .C 35. D 1. to run 2. centrally 3. fairly 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. tire 7. extra 5. a common 8. comfortably 6. reasonably 9. afully-stocked high-class chambermaid lobby porter c h e c ki n 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. tip reservation continentalbreakfast room service air-conditioned Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 441 (Suggested answers) Advantages - Excellentsportsfacilities - T h e r o o m sa r ef o r s i n g l ep e o p l e- n o " s i n g l es u p p l e m e n ta" n d t h e r e f o r e good for singletravellers - comfortablyfurnishedrooms with t h e i ro w n b a t h r o o m - safe - centrallylocated - easy to meet people - long term - you can stayfor months or even years - for both men and women I would chooseto stay at the Dorchester Hotel becausethe servicesthey provideare the best available.The staff have to wear a uniformand are trainedto be very discreetand professional. Everythingis done in a very correctbut friendlyway a n d I c o u l d d e p e n d o n e v e r y t h i n gb e i n g s p o t l e s s l y cleanand in good workingorder.The factthat I could relax In my room watchingtelevisionor enjoying a drinkis veryattractiveto me as I likemy may b e a h i g h - c l a shs o t e lb u t I d o n ' tm i n dp a y i n gb e c a u s e the serviceis so good. I w o u l d n ' tl i k et o s t a yi n o n e o f t h e l o n gt e r m h o t e l si n King'sCross.As it is now an area notoriousfor crime ratherthan an area with cheap hotelsfor rourists,I would feel very unsafethere.The accommooat i o n i s c h e a p b u t a l s o d i r t y ,d a m p a n d d a n g e r o u s . D r u g d e a l i n gi s a c o m m o n f e a t u r ea n d t h e h o t e l s rarelyhave fire escapes.Altogetherit sounds like a dangerousplace,and I would neverchoose to srav there. ExamFocus:Unit2 ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit2 (p. 45) (Part 4 ls a text containing errors. Some lines are correctwhereasolherscontainan extraand unnecessary word which must be identified. Ss shou/d read through the text to get an understanding of its general meaning. Ihen Ss read the text agarn carefully line by line to identify the unnecessary word (e.9. artrcle, participle,conjunction,preposition,tense,etc).Ss tlck any correct linesand write the unnecessarywords in the correspondingspace. Ss read the textonce more lo see if their answersare correct.) Part4 1. The 2. ,/ 3. called 4. ,/ 5. for 6. as 7. ,/ 8. with 9. been 1 0 .u p 1 3 ./ 1 1 . , / 1 4 .m o s t '12.on 15.the (Part 5is a fext containingten gaps, each one corresponding to a word . The rootsof the mlssing words are given beside the text and must be transformed to provide the missing word. Ss read through the text to get an understandingof itsgeneralmeaning.Ihen Ss read the text and the given words again to determine the missingword. Ss read once more to check if their answersmake sense and are spelled correctly.) Part 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. generally luxurious accommodation expensive services 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. reservation manager consideration possibly central Prepositions 1. for 2.ot 3. on 4 . i n ,o f 5. on 6. at 7. L 9. 10. 11. 12. of in at in in with 13. for 14. at 15.of 16. with 17. at 18. for/at 19. at 20. oI 21. on 22. for 23. inlol ExamFocus:Listening(Part2): Unit2 (p.46) (Part 2 is a monologue or text involving interacting speakers.It I astsab o ut 3 min utes. Ss /istenthe li rst time and fill in any gapsthey can. Ss /istenagaln filling in the rest and checking their answers to see if they make sense..) 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. Dunn H e l oO u t h e l p h o m e l e s sy o u t h over 5 years 2 y e a r sa g o personalexperience/involvement with friend f u n d - r a i s i n g / m a k i nmgo n e y 16. events/concerts and dances 1 7 . t e l e p h o n em e s s a g el i n e ,H e l pO u t H o u s e / S h e l t e r for homelessyouth 1 8 . d e g r e ei n b u s i n e s s Parl2 Youwillheara girl being intervrewedabout her involvement in a local charity.For questions9 to 18,fill in the journalist'snotepad. Journalist: As you know, Ms Dunn,we're runninga s e r i e so f a f t i c l e so n y o u n g p e o p l e ' si n v o l v e m e ni tn l o c a ll i f e ,a n d w e k n o w y o u ' r ev e r y a c t i v ei n a g r o u p c a l l e d e. r . . . Dunn; lt's called Help Out, actually.We try to help y o u n g p e o p l ew h o h a v e n ' tg o t p r o p e rh o m e s - y o u know,runawaysand peoplewho haveno familiesand t h a t .B u t i t ' s m a i n l yf o r t h o s e u n d e re i g h t e e n . Journalist:So it's to help homelessyouth?And how long has the group existed? Dunn: lI was foundedin - er - well,it's overfiveyears, anyway. Journalist:Right.And how long have you been involved? Dunn: Only about 2 years- not qurte2 years. Journalist: Okay,fine. Now, what exactlymade you d e c i d et o v o l u n t e e -r e r , t o j o i n t h i s g r o u p ? Dunn; Well,it'ssorl of a longstory.You see,thisfriend of mine ran away from home and, er - well, it was all a m i s u n d e r s t a n d i nrge,a l l y b, u t s h e w a s t o o p r o u dt o g o b a c k .A n y w a y w , h e n s h e ' db e e ng o n ef o r a b o u t3 w e e k ss h e c o n t a c t e dm e ,a n d I w e n tt o s e e h e ri n t h i s , t h i s . . . w e l l ,s q u a t I s u p p o s e ,b u t i t w a s d i s g u s t i n g , f r e e z i n gc o l d a n d f i l t h y a , n d I c o n v i n c e dh e rt o g e t i n t o u c hw i t h h e r p a r e n t sl.t a l l w o r k e do u t a l l r i g h t ,a n d I s a w y o u c o u l d d o s o m e t h i n gt o h e l p p e o p l ei n t h a t s i t u a t i o ns, o l j o i n e d Journalist: So it was, er, a personalexperiencethat p r o m p t e dy o u ? D u n n ; R i g h t ,y e s . Journalist:And whatexactlydo you do for the group? Dunn; Lots of differentthings,really- but mainlyI do f u n d - r a i s i n ge,r , m a k i n gm o n e yf o r t h e g r o u p . Journalist:\Nhichbringsme to my nextquestion- how d o y o u r a i s em o n e y ? Dunn: Mainlywe put on events- not salesand things s o m u c h ,b u tc o n c e r t sa n d d a n c e sm a i n l y- t h i n g st h a t i n t e r e syt o u n g p e o p l e . Journalist:I see.Now,arethereany particularprojects the group is rnvolvedin at the moment? Anything y o u ' r ei n t h e p r o c e s so f d e v e l o p i n g ? D u n n ; A c t u a l l y y, e s . O n e t h i n g i s , e r , a t e l e p h o n e servicethat helpsyoung peopleget in touch withtheir f a m i l i e sa, n dt h e o t h e rw a y r o u n d ,o f c o u r s e l. t ' sa k i n d o f t e l e p h o n em e s s a g es e r v i c er e a l l yA. n d t h e nt h e r e ' s t h e h o u s e- H e l p O u t H o u s e ,i t ' s c a l l e d- w h i c h w i l l p r o v i d es h e l t e fro r h o m e l e s sy o u n gp e o p l e .T h a t ' si n the earlystages- we haven'teven got a buildingyet - b u t I t h i n k i t ' l lb e r e a l l yg o o d o n c e i t g e t s g o i n g . 19 ExamFocus:Unit2 Journalist: Right.And one last question.What are y o u rp l a n sf o r t h ef u t u r e ?N o tt h e g r o u p ' s ,I m e a n ,b u t your own personalplans? Dunn: Well, I'm about to start a degree in business administration.I want it so I can be more useful in h e l p i n gr u n g r o u p sl i k e H e l p O u t . I c a n ' t s e e m y s e l f becominga soft of high-poweredbusinessperson. I want to keep doing this sort of work, and I think the d e g r e ew i l l b e h e l p f u -l s o t h a t ' sm y p l a n . Journalist:Thankyou, Ms Dunn.I wish you and your organisationall the best for the future. Dunn: Thanks. E x a mF o c u s- Sp e a ki n gU: n i t2 (p .4 7 1 Part3 (ln Part3 Ss are examinedin pairs.Theyare given visual p rom ptswh ic h g en eratea discusslonand they talk with one another. Ss /ook carefully at the visual prompts concentratingon relevant details. The conversation shouldnotbe dominatedby one student.Ss havetotalk onlyaboutthetasktheinterviewerhasgiventhem.This part /asts about 3 minutes). (Suggested answer) SA; I'd get all the money and jewelleryfrom the safe and run towardsthe fire exitand leavethe house.I'd be too scaredto face the burglar. S B ; l ' d o p e n t h e w i n d o wa n d s h o u tf o r h e l p . SA; But isn't it too dangerous?| mean he would definitelyhear you and possiblyattackyou. SB; Then I'd use my riflethen and face him. The rifle would deter him Jromattackingme and he would run away. S A . ' T h a t 'as g o o d i d e a ,b u t I c o u l d n ' td o i t .I w o u l dt r y to call the policeand ask for help etc. Part4 (ln Part 4 Ss talk with one another about mattersrelated tothetheme of Part3. Ss shou/d/isten totheirpaftner's ansu/ers and respond accordingly. lt is impoftant to remember that when one partner is speaking, helshe should not be interrupted bv the other. Part 4 /asts about 4 minutes.) (Suggested answers) ' ' 20 SA; I'd have an alarm system installed,which would deter burglarsfrom breakingin. SB; That'sa good idea.And l'd make sure to bolt all windowsand doors when I leftthe houseso that they c o u l d n ' tg e t i n . SA.'Yes,neighbourhoodwatch schemesare a good ideaand do work becausethereis alwayssomeoneto keep an eye on your housewhen you're not there. SB; These schemesare useJulfor when you go on holidaybecauseyour propertyis being looked after a n d y o u c a n e n j o yy o u r h o l i d a y . . . SA; Well,the area I livein is patrolledby policemenall day round.This is becausethere are many banks in the area. SB.'You are lucky. I can't say the same for my area becauseI livein the suburbs.Of course,most houses have alarm systems installed,but burglarsare still t e m p t e dt o t r y b r e a k i n gi n . SA; l'd try to leavethe housewithoutbeingnoticedby the burglarand I'd run to the nearestpolicestation. SB; I'd pick up my gun and attackthe burglar.Afterall, it is my property,isn't it? ExamFocus- Writlng:Unit2 (p.+8) (Specialattentionshould be drawn to the layoutof the addresses and the use of commas and full stoos: name, title, place of work, number of street,name of street, town, country, day, month and year. lf the recipientlives in the same countryas the personwho sending the letter then we write only the name of the town the person lives in (see oufllnes 2 and 3 p. 48 Student'sBook). lf the recipienthowever, livesin another country, then the names of the two countries should appear in the addresses(see outline 1 p. 48 Sludent'sBook). Wealwaysleave one line blank after the address before we start writing Dear... . lf you write to a friend of yours, or to your brotherl sister/cousin lniece,you addresshimlherusing Dear and hislher name e.g. Dear Tom, not: Dear Friend, Dear Mary not: Dear Sister or Dear SisterMary). lf you write to an auntluncle of yours, you addresshimlher usingDear + kind of relation + name e.g. DearUncle Tom not: Dear Uncle. lf you write to your mum, dad, grandpa or grandma, you write Dear + kind ot relation (e.9. Dear Mum, Dear Grandma not: Dear Mum Mary,DearGrandmaAnn).lnformal lettersif you know the name of the recipient (see Model 1 p. 49 in Student'sBook) you sign using Yours sincerely and your full name. lf you don't know the name of the recipient though,you sign using Yours faithtully and your full name (see Model 1 p. 53 m Sfudent'sBook). 1. 1. | 4. | 2. F 5. | 3. F 6. | 7. F 8. F 9. F 10.t 13. 11.F 14. 12.F 15. 1 6 .F 1 9 .I 1 7 .F 2 0 . 1 1 8 .F (Note:stressthat I look forward to is formallanguage whereasI'm looking forward to is informal language). 2 . 1 . M o d e l1 2 . M o d e l1 3 . M o d e l2 4 . M o d e l1 5 . M o d e l2 6 . M o d e l1 7 . M o d e l2 8 . M o d e l2 9 . M o d e l2 3 . D e a rS i r , 1. B - reasonfor writing- mild (to statethe problem) 2. D - first complaint- strong (to show you are not satisfied) 3. C - secondcomplaint- strong(toshowyou arenot satisfied) ExamFocus:Unit2 4. A - demandforaction- strong(toemphasise what you want) Yoursfaithfully, JamesAarons s.1.E 3.A 2.H 4.D I w a n tt o t e l l y o u about say I'm sorry I want you to know I w a s r e a l l yu p s e t Paragraph1: Paragraph2: Paragraph3: Paragraph4: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. let get together soon friendlychat say agarn Reasonfor writing Apology (and explanation) Suggestmeeting Apology repeated Formal(B) 1 . I a m w r i t i n gt o 7. meet 2. with regardto 8. in the nearfuture 3. apologise 9 . a m i c a b l ec o n 4. I would like to express versation 5 . l w a s m o s t d i s a p p o i n t e d 10. reiterate 6. allowed Paragraph1: reasonfor writing,apology Paragraph2: thanksfor help Paragraph3: explanationfor behaviour,suggest meeting Paragraph4: apology repeated 7.1 8.8 9.F D e a rM r T h o m p s o n , Paragraph1 = sentencesE, H Paragraphs2, 3 = SentencesA, D, C, G, I Paragraph4=B,F Yoursfaithfully, J. Peters 4. Informal (A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.C 6.G 6. 1. A (letterof application- formal)| wishto applyfor t h e p o s i t i o no f . . . ,l J e e Il a m w e l l q u a l i f i efdo r t h e o o s i t i o no f . . . .e t c . 2. D (letterof apology - formal)| deeply regret..., I wish to offermy sincereapologyfor ... etc. 3. B (friendlyletter- catch up with the news i n f o r m a lH ) o w h a v ey o u b e e n . . . I; h a v e n ' t heardfrom you for ages...etc. - informal)I'm so 4. F (letterof congratulations p l e a s e df o r y o u . . . ,W e l ld o n e . . . e t c . 5. C (letterof invitation- informal)I'd love to see y o u . . . ,W h y d o n ' t y o u c o m e . . . ?e t c . 6. H (letterof apology- formal)| regret..., I wish to offermy apologyfor ... etc. 7. G (letterof givingadvice- formal)| adviseyou to take the followingcourseof action...,I recomm e n d t h a t y o u . . .e t c . 8. E (letteracceptingan invitation- formal)| look forwardto attending...,we would be delighted to attend etc. T is advised to go through the following tables to see fhe language used and the difference in formal and informal letter writing according to each type of letter. T can ask Ss lo think of any opening and closing remarks for each type of letter before he does Ex.6 or, after having done Ex. 6, feed Ss wrth more opening and closing remarks. Some useful opening and closing remarksfor lettersare: Lettersof invitation Formal lnformal Opening Remarks We would be honouredif you, I wish to cordiallyinviteyou to, Your presenceis required at, You are invitedto attend,etc I am writingto inviteyou to, Why don't you come and spend some time, Pleasecome to, l'd love it il you could come to, etc Closing Remarks We would be gratefulif you could informus, We hope to see you, Pleaseindicatewhether you will be able to attend,etc l'd love to see you again, I hope you'll be able tc make it, Pleaselet me know as soon as possible,I'm lookingforwardto, etc 21 ExamFocus:Unit2 Acceptingan invitation Formal Opening Remarks Closing Remarks Informal I w o u l db e d e l i g h t e dt o , I w o u l db e h o n o u r e d I'd loveto come,Thanksfor the kind invitation, Tne to, I am writingto acceptyour kind invitation, partyyou invitedme to sounds lovely,l'd be glad etc to. etc I will be attending,I look forwardto seeing you, etc I can't wait to see you again, Untilnext Saturday then. etc Refusingan invitation Formal lnformal Opening Remarks I t w i l lb e i m p o s s i b l e t o a t t e n d ,I a m u n a b l et o fit it into my schedule,I am afraidI am unable to, I haveto refuse,Owing to other commitments.etc I'm afraidI can't come, I'm sorryto tellyou, I'd love t o c o m eb u t ,I c a n ' tm a k ei t ,l w o n ' tb e a b l e t oc o m e , etc Closing Remarks I am sorry to miss the opportunityof, I hope to be giventhe opportunityto meetyou some other time, etc It'sa realshame,I hope we can get togethersome o t h e r t i m eI,' m s o r r r y t om i s s ,H o w a b o u tn e x t w e e k instead,etc Asking for information Formal lnformal Opening Remarks I am writingto ask/inquireabout, Could you possibly send, May I request, I would be grateful if, Could you please send further details,etc Closing Remarks I would appreciateit if you could informme as Let me know, Tell me soon, Send me the details, soon as possible,I look forwardto receiving, eIc It wouldbe of greathelp if you couldfax methe details.etc Can you send me, Tell me iJ,Let me know, etc Giving information 22 Formal Informal Opening Remarks I a m w r i t i n gt o i n f o r my o u a b o u t ,I n r e p l yt o your query,The followinginformationis what was requested,I am pleasedto be able to assistyou in your enquiries,etc Afteryou asked me to, This is what I found out, I hope this is the informationyou were lookingfor, This is what you asked me about, etc Closing Remarks I hope that I have been of some help to you, I I hope this will help you, Let me know if you need trust that this is the informationyou require, a n y m o r e h e l pf i n d i n go u t a b o u t ,I ' m g l a d I c o u l d Please inform me if I can be of anv further h e l py o u , e t c assistance.etc ExamFocus:Unit2 Lettersgivingdirections Formal lnformal Opening Remarks I have enclosedsome directionsand a map, I would be delightedif you could attend,and to e n s u r ey o u c a n f i n d y o u r w a y I w i l l w r i t es o m e detailed directionsbelow, In case you do not know the exact locationof the...hotel/venue, have includedsome directions,lf you followthe d i r e c t i o n sb e l o w / m a pb e l o w . . .e, t c In case you don't know the way l'll give you some directions,Here are a few drrections,so y o u d o n ' t g e t l o s t ,l ' l lt e l ly o u h o w t o g e t t h e r e , This is just a quick note,to tell you how to get t o . . . ,l ' v e w r i t t e ns o m e d i r e c t i o n sa, n d d r a w na map to help, etc Closing Remarks I trust that you will find these directionshelpful, I hopethe directionsaboveare clearenoughfor I hope that you are able to follow the directions you, I hope that you can find your way alright, otven.eIC Pleasepay specialattentionto the directions, M y d i r e c t i o n s h o u l d n ' bt e t o o d i f f i c u ltto f o l l o w , etc Applicationfor a job I am writingwith regardto your advertisement, I would like to apply for the post of, I wouldappreciatea replyat yourearlrest convenience,I lookforwardto meetingyou, Pleasecontact me regardingany queriesyou may have,etc Lettersof apology Formal lnformal Opening Remarks U n f o r t u n a t e l yI m u s t a p o l o g i s ef o r . . . , Pleaseaccept my sincerestapologies f o r . . .H , o wc a n I a p o l o g i s ee n o u g hf o r . . . , I m u s t a p o l o g i s ep r o f u s e l yf o r . . . ,e t c I h o p ey o uw i l lu n d e r s t a n w d h e nI s a y t h a tW , h a tc a n I say, exceptI'm sorrythat...,I certainlyowe you an a p o l o g ya s 1 . . .I,' m s o s o r r yi f I u p s e ty o u i n a n yw a y , I f i n di t v e r yh a r dt o t e l ly o u t h a t . . . a n d l ' m s o r r yf o r . . . , I c a n ' td e s c r i b eh o w s o r r y| a m a n d h o w g u i l t yl f e e l , etc Closing Remarks I h o p e y o u c a n f o r g i v em e . . . ,I i m p l o r e y o u t o a c c e p t m y a p o l o g i e s . . .W , ords cannot expresshow sorry I am, I hope y o u w i l la c c e p tm y a p o l o g i e sI,h o p e m y apologieswere receivedwithoutresentment. etc I hope you believeme when I say how sorry I am, I c a n n o te x p r e s sh o w m u c h I r e g r e t . . .I, b e g y o u t o f o r g i v em e f o r . . .T , h e r ei s n o e x c u s ef o r . . . a n dI h o p e y o u ' l la c c e p tm y a p o l o g y ,e t c Lettersof complaint Strong Mitd Opening Remarks I was disgustedby, I was appalled at, How I am writingto complain,I had been led to expect, dare you, I want to expressmy strongdissat- I would like to cancelthe order/request,I have no isfaction,etc other alternative,etc Closing Remarks I am takingthe matterto cou11, I intendto sue, I insistyou replacethe item at once, etc Nevertheless,I hope you will replace,I trust the situationwill improve, I hope the matter will be resolved,etc 23 ExamFocus:Unit2 Lettersof advice Formal Opening Remarks I stronglyrecommend that,I wouldsuggest lf I wereyou, How aboutdoing this,Why don't you, that,I believethe bestcourseof actionis, I Let me give you some advice,etc wouldadviseyouto, etc Glosing Remarks I trust you will accept this advice,I hope this w i l lb e o f h e l p ,I w o u l dv e r ym u c h l i k et o k n o w if this was helpful/hasbeen of some use, etc 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C - reasonfor writing A - descriptionof event E - descriptionof event B - descriptionof event D-closingremarks Hope this helped,Let me know how it went, ls this of any use, etc e. Informal - letter of thanks Dear Katharine, I hope you are well. You looked lovelyat the w e d d i n g .W e ' r ew r i t i n gt o . . . . . . O n c e a g a i n ,t h a n ky o u v e r y m u c h f o r y o u r thoughtfulness. We mustget togetheragainsoon. 8. (Suggestedanswers) a. Informal - asking for advice DearJane, How are you? I'm fine, but I have a bit of a problemand I'd be gratefulfor some advice. l ' l l b e f i n i s h i n gs c h o o ls o o n a n d I d o n ' t k n o w w h a tt o d o . I ' m t h i n k i n go f b e c o m i n ga n u r s el i k e you . . . . A n y w a y ,I h o p e y o u ' l l b e a b l e t o h e l p m e makea decision.Writebacksoon and letme Know what you think. Love, Julie b. Informal - letter of invitation DearJane and Matthew, How are you both? Hope you're welll I'm writingto inviteyou to a littleget-togetherwe're planning... We'd loveto see you, so let us know if you'llbe able to come. Love, Mike and Sarah c. Informal - accepting an invitation Dear Mike and Sarah, Thankyou for your kind letterinvitingus to your get-together... ... Lookingforwardto seeingyou on Saturday. LOVE, Jane and Matthew d. Informal - refusing an invitation Dear Mike and Sarah, Thankyou so much for your letterinvitingus to your get-together.However... ...We'rereallysorry,but I hope we'll be ableto meet some othertime soon. Love, Jane and Matthew 24 Informal LOVC, M a r ka n d J e n n y f. Formal - letter requesting information Dear Sir/Madam, I am writingto inquireaboutthe Frenchcourse that your school will be runningnext month ... I look forwardto hearingfrom you. Yoursfaithfully, Sarah Brown 9. Good - Model 1 - appropriateformal styleand language - well-orderedparagraphs - informationrequestedin separateparagraphseach has a tooic - informationincludedusino own words Bad - Model 2 - inappropriatelanguage- too informal - badly structured - informationclusteredtogether;lack of paragraphing - not all informationincluded 10. paragraph1: reasonfor writing paragraph2: giving informationin order requested paragraph3: giving informationin order requested paragraph4: giving informationin order requested paragraph5: conclusionof letter- closingremarks The letteris informal,giving informationin replyto set questions. Exam Focus: Unit 2 2. Semi-formal- expressing regret 1 1 . (Suggested answer) Dear Sam, I am pleasedto hearthatyou are planningto apply for a job as a waiterin the hotelwhere I worked last s u m m e r .B e f o r ey o u m a k e u p y o u r m i n d ,t h o u g h ,I f e e ly o u s h o u l dk n o w w h a tt h e j o b i s l i k e .T h e h o t e l itselfis only 100mfrom the beach and is owned by M r L e g r a n da n d h i sw r f e ,w h o i s E n g l i s hS . h e w i l lb e a b l et o h e l py o u i f y o u a r e h a v i n gt r o u b l ew i t h y o u r French,especiallysince most of the touristswho stay there are French. I w o r k e df r o mJ u n et o S e p t e m b ebr u t I ' m s u r et h a t you could ask for a two monthcontractif you prefer. The accommodationprovidedwas very clean, but the only problemwas that I had to sharea room with a n o t h e rw a i t e r ,w h i c h I d i d n ' t l i k e v e r y m u c h . I workedtwelvehours a day, six days a week,which was quite tiring,and was paid 4000 fr (aboutt400) a m o n t he x c l u d i n gt i p s . All in all, workingfor the Legrandswas an enjoya b l e e x p e r i e n c ea, n d I t h i n k y o u s h o u l dg o a h e a d and apply. Apart from anything else, it's a great opportunityto practrseyour French. Pleasewrite and let me know what Vou decide to do. LOVC, Richard z J. 1 . 8 F o r m a l e t t e ro f i n v i t a t i o e n . g .W e w o u l d b e h o n o u r e di f y o u c o u l d a t t e n d. . . ,Y o u a r e cordiallyinvitedto ... etc 2 . 4 I n l o r m al e t t e re x p r e s s i n g t h a n k se . g .T h a n k s a l o t f o r . . . ,I l o v e dy o u r p r e s e n t. . . e t c 3 . D F o r m al e t t e r o cf o m p l a i n t e . gI .w i s h t o e x p r e s s m y d i s s a t i s f a c t i oant . . . ,I a m m o s t u n h a p p y w i t h . . .e t c 4 . E I n f o r m alle t t e rg i v i n ga d v i c ee . g .W h a t I t h i n k y o u s h o u l dd o i s . . . ,L e t m e t e l ly o u w h a t l w o u l d d o . . .e t c 5.C Formalletteraskrngfor inJormation e.g. I am w r i t i n gt o e n q u i r ea b o u t . . . ,I w o u l d b e gratefulif you could send me ... etc (Suggestedanswers) 1. Formal - request D e a rS i r . My name is James Waltersand I stayed in your hotel on the weekendot 22123Marchthis year. Duringmy stay I lost my cameraand I believeit is possiblethat I left it in my room. The camerais a large,black Canon, a 23x zoom l e n sm o d e l . I would be very gratefulif you could look out for it and send it to the addressabove if you find it. I will, of course,be happy to pay for any postagecosts. The serviceat your hotelwas excellentand I hope y o u c a n h e l p m e w i t h t h i s p r o b l e m .I t h a n k y o u i n advancefor your co-operationand look forwardto hearingfrom you in the nearJuture. Yoursfaithfully, James Walters Dear Mrs Potter. I havejust receivedyour letterinformingme of the s c h o o lr e u n i o no n J u n e 2 4 t h . I am sorryto say that I will be unableto attendthe r e u n i o nb e c a u s eI w i l lb e o n h o l i d a yf o r t h e w h o l eo f t h e m o n t ho f J u n e .H a d I k n o w na b o u tt h e r e u n i o ni n advanceI wouldhavemadeotherarrangements, but thisis now impossible. I s t i l lk e e pi n t o u c hw i t h m a n yo f m y f o r m e rs c h o o l f r i e n d sa n d a m r e a l l yd i s a p p o i n t etdh a tl w i l lm i s st h e occasion. However, I'm sure the party will be a s u c c e s sa n d I w o u l dl i k et o t h a n ky o u f o r s e n d i n gm e an invitation. O n c e a g a i n ,I ' m s o r r yt o m i s st h i s y e a r ' sr e u n i o n but I hope to be there next year. Y o u r ss i n c e r e l y , C a t h e r i n eS m r t h 3. Informal - letter of apology D e a rJ a c k , I'm writingto say sorryfor keepingyou waitingat the stationlastweekend.WhenI missedthe trainI was so upset I completelyforgotto phone you at once to l e ty o u k n o w .B y t h et i m eI p h o n e dy o u h a da l r e a d yl e f t for the station.I want to apologisefor being so t h o u g h t l e s sI,p r o m i s ey o u i t w o n ' t h a p p e na g a i n . I stillfeel rottenfor not contactingyou, so to make u p , I ' d l i k et o i n v i t ey o u t o m y h o u s ef o r t h e E a s t e r weekend.We're havinga big partyand lots of old f r i e n d sw i l l b e t h e r e .I h o p e y o u c a n m a k e i t . I ' m s u r ew e c a n s t i l lb e f r i e n d sa n d I h o p et h a tw e c a n s e e e a c h o t h e ra g a i n .l t w o u l d b e s i l l yt o f a l lo u t over my own stupidity.Pleasegivemy regardsto your familyand write back soon. Love. Victoria 4. Formal - lefter of complaint D e a rS i r / M a d a m , I was a customer,along with severalfriends,at your restaurantlastweek,and am writingto complain about the treatmentwe received. The manager was extremelyrude to us from the momentwe enteredthe restaurant, and we hadto wait almost half an hour for a table, although we had b o o k e do n e . Having ordered our food, we were kept waiting almostan hour.When it finallyarrivedit was so badly cookedthat we had to send it back. No apologywas offeredfor the appallingfood, and we thus decidedto leavethe restaurantwithout re-ordering. T h i si n c i d e n rt u i n e do u r e v e n i n ga, n d I a m w r i t i n gi n the hope that some action will be taken againstthe staff of vour restaurant. Yoursfaithfully, PeterBrown 25 Unit3: Part 1 5. Formal - asking for information 6. lnformal - giving advice Dear SiriMadam. I am writing with regard to the guided tours oi Londonthat you offer.I would be very gratefulif you could send me some detailedinformationabout the tours and which areasof Londonthey cover,as well as times of departurefor each tour. I h a v ea n l t a l i a nf r i e n dv i s i t i n gt h e U . K .t h i ss u m m e r and he is very interestedin art and history.Do you have any tours which include visits to galleriesor museums? My friend is a student so I would be interestedin detailsof any discountsthatareavailable and also the full price of each tour. I thank you in advancefor your co-operationand look forwardto receivingyour replyin the nearfuture. Dear Sarah. Thank you for your letter,which I have just rec e i v e d I. ' m s o r r yt o h e a ra b o u ty o u rj o b d i l e m m aa, n o l'm glad that you asked me for help with it. My advice is very simple;you need to find a job quickly, no matter how bad the pay is, otherwrse there'sa danger that you may be evictedfrom your Jlat.You shouldconcentrateon earningsome money quickly, not on getting a good job at the momenr. Once you havesome money in your pocket,you can startlookingfor a job that's rightfor you. lf you can,t f i n d a n y t h i n g l, e t m e k n o w i m m e d i a t e l ay n d l ' l l l e n d you some money to get by on. I hope that my advicewill help you. Write back if y o u n e e d a n y m o r e a n d l ' l l b e h a p p yt o h e l p ! I n t h e m e a n t i m eg, o o d l u c k . Yoursfaithfully, S a mJ o n e s LOVC, Joanna Unit 3 Unit3-Part1 VocabularyExercises: Part1 (p.58-59) Warm-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 56) (Suggested answers) . . . The photos could have been taken somewnere rn EasternEurope,such as Hungary.I would like to visitthe place in the photos becauseit looks interesting and probablydoesn't have many tourists. I n t e r e s t i n sgi g h t s ,f r i e n d l yp e o p l e ,e x c i t i n gn i g h t l i f e etc. Tourismcan benefita countryby encouragingpeopte to visit and spend money, which improvesthe local economy.Morejobs are createdfor inhabitantsof the country, and facilitiesare improved.The possible drawbacksof tourismare that it may resultin areas becomingover-crowdedand polluted.Some resorls losealltheircharacterand charmas hotelsare builtto accommodateincreasingnumbersof tourists. 1. t1.5 2. director 3. Golden 4. city 5. Austrian 6. theatre 1 . prosperity -stateof economicwell-being accounted for - made up (a part of sth) foreign exchange - money in a foreigncurrency optimistic - expectingthe best in all things pouring - providingin largequantities to expand - to become or make greater in size, number or importance landscapes - all the featuresof an area that can be seen when lookingacrossit investment - money to buy shares or propefty,oevelop a business,etc, in order to earn interest,bring profitor improvethe qualityof something. spread - to distributeover a wider area concentration - large amount of sth in a small or definedarea sewage system - networkof undergroundpipesused to transport waste water to treatment centres h i k i n g - g o i n g o n a l o n g w a l k ,e s p e c i a l l yi n t h e country 7. wildlife 8. transportation 2 . 1. exclusive 9. facilities 2. boom (AfterSs havecompletedthe listening 3. bid activity,T asks 4. convention 7. ootions 5. prospects 8. wandering 6. inJrux Ss fo glve a summaryof the textusingthe rcrt.) 3. (Ss shouid memorise these brt-related collocations Reading Task: Part 1 (p. 56-57) 1.t 26 2.A 3.c4.C5.H 6.D7.8 and expressions.T checks them in the next /esson.) 1. to preserve 2. to encourage 3. to lessen 4. culture 5. unspoilt 6. to become 7. to explore 8. rich 9. to restore Unit3: Part2 a. 1. sight 2. demolish 3. loss 4. vacant 5. stimulated 6. margin SB.'Personallyl'd liketo visitthe Acropolisin Athens as I'm very interestedin ancienthistory. SA.'Not me, I lovethe hustleand bustleof big cities. Tokyo must be exhilarating.I'd also enjoy the food there. S B : W e l l ,I ' m h o p i n gt o g o t o P a r i st h i ss u m m e r T . here is so much to see there:NotreDame,the EiffelTower, t h e L o u v r e .I ' m s u r e i t w i l l b e a f a s c i n a t i n g holiday. (T can go through the list of words and elicit their meaning before Ss do Ex. 5.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. bank change currency notes coins credit card 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. exchangerates cash t r a v e l l e r 'csh e q u e s c a s hc a r d withdraw GrammarCheck:Part1 (p. 59) 1. since 2. 'for A . 1 . o n g o o d t e r m sw i t h 3 . i n t e r m so f 2 . o n e q u a lt e r m s 4 . o n u n e q u atle r m sw i t h B . 1 . c o m e t o t e r m sw i t h 2 . i n t h e l o n g t e r m at first sight w i t h i ns i g h t out of sight c a u g h ts i g h to f 5. 6. 7. 8. lost sight of h i s / h e rs i g h t so n out of sight out oJ mind by sight 1. renovate (Note:renovateold buildings;return t h e mt o g o o d c o n d i t i o n ) 2. restore (Note:restorean oil painting,a statue,a car etc; to repairor rebuildsth so that it looks as it originallydid) 3. repair - to mend somethingthat is broken or damaged 4. preserve - to keep somethingin its originalstate or in good condition. Follow-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 59) Prague- shopping,eatingin restaurants/cafes, enjoy beautifularchitecture Cesky Krumlov - visitcastles,seethe oldestbaroque theatrein the world completewith stage sets, costumes and a library ol opera libretti Sumava - wildlife,unsooiltnature (Suggestedanswer) ln Scotland,a touristcould visitLoch Nessand enjoy the beautifulscenery as well as trying to spot the famed Loch Ness monster.They could also go to Stirlingand visit the castleand the WilliamWallace monument.ln Glasgow,the Ad Gallerywould be of interest{or the famous lmpressionistpaintingskept there. (Suggestedanswer) (Ss work in pairs.T checks round the c/ass then asks some pairsto repoft back to the c/ass.) SA.'lwould love to visit New York City and go to the top of the Empire State's no longer the tallestbuildingin the world but it's certainlyone of the most impressive. 5. Since 6. for 7. Since Unit3 -Part2 (Ex. 7 should be asslgned as HW. Ss shou/d consult their dictionaries in order to find the missrng idioms. T should do the firsttvvoin classas a model.) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. for 4. lor Warm-upActivities:Part2 (p.60) (Suggested answers) . The photos could have been taken at some kind of festivalor celebration.These people could be celebratingthe arrivalof springor theircountry'snational day etc. Their clothes are traditionaland old-fashioned ratherthan modern. (Suggested answers) . . Well,there'sthe May Day{estivalwhen peoplego into the countrysideor they go to a fair with traditional dancing.The other main celebrationis Guy Fawkes Nightwhen it's customaryto lighta bonfireand let off fireworks. a) about10,000 b) five years old c) baskets,furniture,walkingsticks d) a massivecookbook of inventiverecipes e) cheese,mashed potatoes,cream, butter,garlic ReadingTask:Par t2( p.60- 61) 8. 9. 10. 11. B (Ln 7) C ( L n 1 0 - 11 ) C ( L n1 5 - 1 6 ) A ( L n1 9 - 2 0 ) 12.A (Ln 22-23) 1 3 .B ( L n3 0 - 3 1 ) 1 4 .D ( L n3 7 ) 1 5 .C ( L n4 0 - a 1 ) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p. 62-63) 1 . a b l e s s i n gi n d i s g u i s e- s o m e t h i n gt h a t s e e m sb a d , but is actuallygood j u d g e m e n t- d e c i s i o n c h e s t n u t- a k i n d o f e d i b l en u t soaked - extremelywet all the way through highlights - the best parls panel - committee;group of people who make a decisionabout sth region - area j o g - s l o wr u n panly - not entirely s a m p l e d- t r i e d mouthfuls - bitesof sth 27 Unit3: Part2 puree- sth mixedor processed untilit is creamy 6. W E A T H E R- c l o u d y :w i n d y ; r a i n y ;h u m i d ;f r e e z i n g ; - e.g."lt hada creamytexture." texture- consistency sunny; blustery:roasting jollier- happier A T M O S P H E R E j o l l y :l i g h t - h e a r t e d n ;o i s y ;f r i v o l o u s ; stirred- mixed tense;playful; exhilarating ; cheerful; colourful, paddles- oarsusedfor rowinga boat nervous;anxious 2 . 1. fragrant 2. literally 3. downpour 4. mashed 5. 6. 7. 8. recipe incorporating massive vigorously (Ss shou/d memorise these Ert-related collocations and expressions.f checks in the nertiesson.) '1. traffic 4. to stare 7. to consist 2. to own 5. to make 8. original 3. to sample* 6. to stir 9. running off (*Note: we can say to sample dishes but not: to sample recipes) 4 . 1. for a rainyday 2 . C o m e r a i no r s h i n e 3. as right as rain 4. cats and dogs 5. it never rains but it pours 5 . (Ss do Ex. 5 on their own then T elicitslexplainsthe meanings of each distractor.) 1.A 2.C 1.A B lane (n) = narrowroads usu in the country way (n) = direction;route alley (n) = narrowstreet,usu betweenor b e h i n db u i l d i n g s route (n) = way Jromone placeto another rotten (adj) : (of food) spoiled;no longer edible sweet (adj) = tasting of sugar bitter (adj)= havinga harsh,unpleasanttaste sour (adj) = havinga sharp taste like lemon harsh (adj) = (of weatherconditions)severe cruel (adj) = unkind strict (adj) = firm; unaccepting stern (adj) = grim and serious go for a spin (exp; = to go for a drivelor oleasure moisten (v) = to make slightlywet soak (v) : to make extremelywet damP (v) = to make slightlywet dampen (v) = to make slightlywet recipe (n) = instructionsJorpreparinga particulartype of food prescription (n) = piece of paper on which a doctor writesthe name of a medicationto be obtainedby the patient. receipt (n) : piece of paper givento one statinghow much one has paid for sth formula (n) = listof substancesto be mixedto make anothersubstance D z. t\ B C D 3. A B C D 4. A 5. A B C D 6. A B C D 28 3.A 4.D 5.8 6.8 7 . (Suggested answers) SCHOOL FAIR - races for parents and children; d a n c i n g ;m u s i c ;s t a l l ss e l l i n gh o m e - m a d ej a m s FUN FAIR - fortune tellers; rides on a big wheel; clowns performing;standssellinghot-dogs W I N E F A I R- w i n e t a s t i n g ;s e l l i n go f w i n e ;b a r VILLAGE FAIR - races for parents and children; donkey rides;potterysales;dancing;fireworks display;music; bar; stallssellinghome-madejams ANTIQUESFAIR - auctions;potterysales;old furniture; old coins;stamp collections;old jewellery Foflow-upActivities:Part2 (p. 63) Weather- rainyday,almostuninterrupted rain,sunny, downpour,pouringdown Atmosphere - curiosity,watchedcalmly,deeplyfrustrated,staredin amazement,jollieratmosphere, cneers Suggestedtitle:A CountryFair Weather - pouring with rain, rainy, sunny, uninterruoted Food for sale - chestnutcakes, mashed chestnut, cheeseand bacon sandwiches,aligot Events - cookerycompetition,Aligotevening,dance (Suggested answers) Well the fair was reallynice, exceptfor the weather. You see, it was pouringwith rain all day long. Anyway,the villagerswere preparedto have a fabulous day. Therewas plentyof food: chestnutcakes, mashed chestnuts,cheeseand bacon sandwiches. There was a cookery competition.The judges sampled seven dishes beforethey made their decision. Thenthe villagerstastedaligot(a localdish)and after that it was time for the dance. lt was reallv a mosr enjoyableevening. (Suggested answers) DearJane, Rememberthefund-raising lair my tennisclub was going to hold? Well,it was a tremendoussuccess. Hundredsof peopleturnedup - duetothe beautiful weatherI'm sure - and becauseit was a Saturdayafternoonthey didn't mind stayingall day. We worked very hard to make the tennis club look attractive,usingflags,puttingup tentsand marquees, and tying balloonsand streamers everywhere. John had the fabulous idea of hiring a "bouncy castle"for the childrenand it provedto be very successful.The home-bakingstall was laden with cakes,biscuitsand sweetsand therewere lots of games,competitionstoo, as well as racesand facepaintingfor the children.All in all, it was a verv Unit3: Part3 successfulday. I forgotto tellyou - | won a new tennis racquetin the raffle. Nextyearyou'll haveto come with me. I had such a good time. Writesoon, Carol GrammarCheck:Parl2 (p. 63) 1 . q u i t e ,r a t h e r 2. quite, rather 3. quite 4. ralher 7. rather 5. rather 8. rather 6. fairly/pretty Unit3-Part3 Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 64) (Suggestedanswers) . ' . I think the text is going to be about rain/theweatheri bad weatheretc. S n o w , h a i l ,s l e e t ,r a i n ,s u n s h i n e c, l o u d y ,c o l d , h o t , warm,freezingetc (/fSs havedifficultyThelpsthemby giving words related to weather and explaining their meantng.) My favouritetype of weatheris when it is warm and sunny.You can find out what the weatherwill be likeby listeningto the forecaston the radioor watchn g i t o n t h e t e l e v i s i o nY. o u c a n a l s o p h o n et h e Meteorological Officefor a detailedweatherforecast. Sailor,pilot,air-trafficcontroller,gardener,fisherman etc. NationalRiversAuthority,police,highway authorities,airports,supermarkets,gas and fuel inI ustries. Reading Task: Part 3 (p. 64-65) 16.G 17.A 18.H 19.E 20.B 21.D VocabularyExercises:Part3 (p. 66-67) ' observations- studies:pointsmade about sth damp - slightlywet misty - havingathin fog producedby verysmalldrops cf waterformed just abovethe ground or water comparative- relative;comparedto sth else unpredictability- inabilityto tell what will happento sth next regional - in a certainarea forecasters - people who predictwhat the weather w i l lb e l i k e powergenerators- machinesthat produceelectricity dictate - control demand - amount needed capacity - amountthat sth can hold range - variety inputs - piecesof informationput into a computer satellites- flying objectswhich send information from soace wirelessoperators- peoplein chargeof communication by radio. flow - rate or pattern of the movement of sth eg. flow of traffic seaboard - coast;area by the sea accurate - orecise:exact f. 2. 3. 4. intrigued controversial insight offshore 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. weather-beaten 2. in allweathers 3. weatherpermitting 1. opposite 2. guide coastal resortto orbiting eavesdropping 4. weatherthe storm 5 . u n d e rt h e w e a t h e r 3. decision 4. joyful 5. assume 6. correct (Ss do Ex. 5 on their own, then T elicitslexplainsthe meanings of each distractor.) 1. A 2.C 3.A 4.8 5.C 6.D 1. A capacity (n) = amount of sth, usu people, that sth can holc B mass (n) = amount of solid substancein sth C volume (n) = amount of space sth contains D capability (n) = abilityto do sth 2. A exact (adj) = absolutelyprecise B sharp (adt) = pointed;clever C accurate (adj) = correctto a specificlevel (eg accurateweather forecast, accurate lab Instruments) D fine (adj) = good prediction (n) = statementabout what will J.f\ happen in the future B forecast (n) = statementabout future events,particularlythe weather foresight (n) = abilityto plan ahead guess (n) = very uncertainprediction U 4 . 4 weighty (adj) = heavy;serious B significant(adj)= havingan importanteffect on sb/sth extreme (adj) : more than expected;exaggerated D basic (adj) = simple 5 . A direction (n) = movementtowardssth B guidance(n) = act of tellingsb how to behave,what to do etc influence (n) = power to determinethe way sb thinks/behaves D manipulation(n) = act of usingor changingsb or sth for sel{ishreasons b.A understand (v) = to know the reasonfor sth B realise (v) = to become awareof sth comprehend (v) = understand D perceive (v) = to have/getan impressionof sth/sb 29 Unit 3: Paft 4 6 . (Ss shou/d memorise these text-relatedcollocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. orbiting 2. showed 3. a wide 4. a populated 5. theflow 6. power (Suggestedanswer) Good morning,I'm SylviaDavis.Aftera good startto the day the weather is going to take a turn for the worseT . e m p e r a t u r ewsi l l d r o p f r o m4 ' C t o a c o l d - 2 ' C in the nodh and a thickfog will spreadacrossborder regions in the late afternoon- so drivers beware! Showersare expectedin all regionsduringthe night w i t h h e a v i e r a i ni n t h e H i g h l a n d sa n d a p o s s i b i l i toy f snow in the north. The bad weather will continue tomorrowwith strongwindsand thunderstormsin the n o r t ha n d H i g h l a n d sT. e m p e r a t u r ews i l l c o n t i n u et o drop to -3'C in the southso wrap up warmlyand have a goodweekend. 7. to take 8. a highprofile g. local 7 . G o o d w e a t h e r- h o t ,s u n s h i n eb, r i g h t ,c l o u d l e s s k y , g e n t l ew i n d ,s u n n y ,b l u e s k y ,w a r m b r e e z e B a dw e a t h e r- g l o o m y d, a m p ,w i n d y ,l i g h t n i n gs,t o r m y , snowy, dark sky, cloudy.overcast 8 . (Ss shou/d memorise lhese expressions.I checks in the next /esson.This can be done as a competition nAmA ad'T drizzla Grammar Check: Part 3 (p. 67) Group AS1: frne dizzle T. hurilcane Group BS1: powerlul hurricane,etc 1. 2. 3. 4. fine heavy sudden brief 5. 6. 7 8. freezing violent thick loud 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. powerful 1 0 .d e s t r u c t i v e 11 .h e a v y 12.light 9. (T should elicitlexplainthe highlightedwords before Ss do Ex 9. 7'also explainsthat AA standsfor Automo b iIe Assoclation.) 1. sunshine 3. showers 5. fog 2 . t e m p e r a t u r e4 . s u n n y 6. ice Warm-upActivities:Part 4 (p. 68) 7. sleet B. snow (Suggestedanswer) I t h i n kt h a ti n v e n t i o A n i sa c o a t h a n g e r t h ahta sa s p a c e f o r h i d i n gm o n e y i n . InventionB is a new kind of toothpastethat whitens teeth. I n v e n t i o nC i s a b r o o mt h a t c l e a n sv e r yt h o r o u g h l y . I n v e n t i o nD i s a m i n i g o l f s e t t h a t c a n b e u s e d anywnere. InventionE is an oven that stirs the food while it is cooking. (Suggested answers) O f t e np e o p l el e e ld e p r e s s e d w h e nt h ew e a t h e ri s b a d . l f t h e s k y i s g r e ya n d g l o o m ya n d i t ' sc o l d ,y o u m a y b e s t o p p e df r o mg o i n go u t a n d d o i n gs o m e t h i n gy o u ' v e b e e n p l a n n i n gf o r a l o n gt i m e .S o m ep e o p l es a y t h a t i fy o u s e ec o w sl y i n ga t t h et o p o f a h i l l .i t w i l lb e a g o o d oay There is a saying- "Red sky at night s h e p h e r d ' sd e l i g h t R e d s k y i n t h e m o r n i n gs h e p h e r d ' sw a r n i n g " which means that if there's a beautifulsunset.the weatherthe next day will be good. lf. however.the sky is red at sunrise,you can expect bad weather soon. . a)F b)T (I is advised to do this c/ass. T should elicit relevantvocabularyfrom Ss and write it on the board eg temperature,drop, thick fog, heavy rain, snow, strong wind, thunderstormsetc and useful expressions such as. a good start to the day, the weathertakesa turn for ..., fog spreads,temperatures continue to drop etc. ThenSs work in pairsto wilte the weatherforecastwhile T helps them if necessary. Then,each pair reads aloud their forecast.T can read fhe "SuggesfedAnswer"in c/assforSs to see the sfyle in this type of writing). 22. E zJ. w 2 4 .A d)F e)F 26. C 27.D 28. E 29. E 30. A 3 1 .B 32133.C, D (in any order) 34/35.C, D (in any order) VocabularyExercises: Part4 (p. 70) 1 . 1. p o r t a b l e 3 . i n g e n i o u s 2. raked 4. to swing . 5 . s u s p e n d e df r o m 6. moulded /Ss should memorise these text-relatedcollocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 2 . 1 . t o h a n gu p 2. to take 3. to whiten A a. 30 c)F ReadingTask: Part 4 (p. 68-69) zc. o . 6 . used to/would 7 . noi r rqorl in 8 . daf I raa.l tn 9 . used to 1 0 . would/usedto U n i t 3- P a r t 4 Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p. 67) . u s e dt o u s e dt o a r e u s e dt o g e t u s e dt o g e t u s e dt o +A^ ^4^^+ U tc Et tEUL 5. 6. 7. 8. to comply with to cope with durabie thefinest ExamFocus:Unit3 9. to last 10. to indicate 11. lifetime 12. to stir 13. scrambled 14. to eliminate 15. to reduce 3. a. 1. transmit 2. made 3. durable(faxmachine) b . f . i n d u s t r y 2 . d i g i t a l 3 . l a s e r( C D ) c. 1. carried 2. composed 3 . m i c r o c h i p s( m o b i l ep h o n e ) a = p i c t u r e2 b = picture3 c = p i c t u r e1 Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 20) (Suggestedanswers) I c o u l d n ' tl i v ew i t h o u ta t e l e p h o n eo r a f r i d g e . The most usefulinventionis the hideawaysafe on a's avery good way of keepingvaluables s a f ew h i l eo n h o l i d a y T . h e g o l f d r i v i n gr a n g ei n y o u r back gardenis the most seemsro me a s t h o u g hi t w o u l d b e q u i t ed a n g e r o u sa n d t h a t y o u would be betteroff going to a golf drivingrangeat a club. It is made in Britainalthoughit was developedby an consistsof 2 applicatortrays and a whiteninggel.The priceis t9.99. lt is usedfor whiteningdiscoloured t e e t ha n d c o u l d b e u s e d b y a n y o n e . (BeforeSs are asslgned this as writtenHW, T should dlscuss lt rn c/ass to help Ss write a proper letter of complaint using the appropriate sty/e. Reler Ss to Unit 2 p. 50 to revise letter writing if necessary) (Suggestedanswer) Dear Sir, I am writingto complainabout a Micromixwhich I boughtfrom "Scots"last week. Afterusingthe Micromixfor the firsttime I noticed that the plastichad discolouredand that the button had melted. lt seemed that the oroduct was completelyunsuitablefor microwaveuse. I returnedit to the storewhere I had bought it, expectinga complete refund. Instead,your sales representativewas extremelyrudeto me, accusingme of usingit in my oven instead.He refusedto give me a new Micromixor my money back. I hope that you will be able to olfer me a more acceptable solution after inspecting the Micromix which I enclose.I also expectyou to reprimandyour salesrepresentative for his behaviour. I look forwardto your prompt reply. Yourssincerely ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit3 (p. 71) (Part 1 is a modified cioze text containing 15 gaps followed by 15 four-optionmultiplechoice quesflons. Ss read through the text to get an understanding of its generalmeaning.ThenSs read the texta second time trying to find the answer. Keep in mind that some choices are meant to be misleading.Ss shou/d read a third time to check if their choices make sense). Part 1 1. B 2. D 3. C 4.8 5.A 6.D /.u d.u 9.A 1 0 .B 1 1 .D 1 2 .B 1 3 .A 1 4 .B (A/terSs have done Part 1 T asksthem to listadvantagesId isadvantagesof touri sm.) Pr epositions ( p.71) 1 for 2. Ioltor 3. for 4 about 5. forito 6. in 7. in 8. on 9. of 10. with/ without 11. from 12. of 1 3 . o n / u p o n ,f o r 14. in/into/with 15. with 16. by/with/aI 17. at i f . in 19. of 20. in 21. ot 22. oniaboutl against/of 23. (a)round 24. in 25.Ior 26. in(to)/with 27. with 28. Iorlat 29.against 3 0 .f o r (Ss shou/d memoriselhese prepos itions.T checks in the following/esson.) ExamFocus- Llstening(Part3) Unit3 (p.72) (Part 3 is a multiple matching exercise based on a seriesof five shoft related extractsof about 30 seconds each, from monologues or exchanges between interactingspeakers.Ss /isten,making a first choice of answers.Thenthey Itstenagainsearchingfor specific words related to the options). 1 9 .D 2 0 .C 2 1 .F 22.8 2 3 .A Part 3 You'llhear five people talkingabout differentkinds of shops. For questrons19 to 23, choose from the listA to F the type of shop that is being described. Use the Iettersonly once. There'sone extraletterwhich you do not need fo use. Speaker 1 (temale): lf you ever go to London,there are some very famousstoresyou must visit.The first time I yyentto Lockhearts,which is now my favourite, I s p e n ta l l d a y t h e r e .I d i d n ' tt h i n ki t w a s p o s s i b l eb, u t I spent hours lookingat everything- perfume,jewellery,,carpets,toys - everything!In fact I even had lunch there. These stores are alwavs ?1 ExamFocus:Unit3 wonderful at Christmastoo. You can do all your C h r i s t m a ss h o p p i n gi n o n e g o , a n d i f y o u c a n ' tf i n d what you're looking for, they will often help you by trying to order it. ln fact, the store has a saying: "lf it exists,we can get it for you". Speaker 2 (male): When I was young I used to love going to thesestores.Therewereso many interesting t h i n g st o l o o k a t a n d f e e l - r o p e s a n d c h a i n so f a l l shapesand sizes.Theyalsousedto havea row offront doorsof housesfor sale.I usedto go up and down the a i s l ep r e s s i n ga l l t h ed o o r b e l l sa s l w e n t . . . b u t I l o v e d l o o k i n ga t t h e p a i n t b e s t . I ' d n e v e r s e e n s o m a n y differentshades of pink before. I used to mentally redecoratemy bedroom. There were always a few plantsbesidethe checkoutand my dad would sometimes buy me some seedsso that I could try to grow some flowers. Speaker3 (temale): lt's so useJulhaving that little s h o pa t t h e e n d o f t h e r o a d .I d o m o s to f m y s h o p p i n g in the supermarket,but thereare alwaysthingsthat I forgetto buy, and of course I like to buy fresh bread and milkeveryday,and I don't alwayshavetrmeto go t o t h e s u p e r m a r k eTt .h e m a nw h o o w n st h e s h o pi s s o nice too. I actuallyenjoy going down the road to buy a newspaperor some tea or whatever.He always suggestssomethinggood or particularlyfresh and I a l w a y se n d u p s p e n d i n ga l o t m o r e t h a n I i n t e n d e d . H e ' sj u s ta g o o d s a l e s m a nt h a t ' sa l l ,a n d h e d e s e r v e s to be successful. Speaker 4 (male): You know how you said that you w e r e l o o k i n gf o r a n e w s u i t ef o r y o u r l i v i n gr o o m . . . w e l l. . .I s a wa r e a l l yc o m f o r t a b loen ei n " R i c h a r d s o n s " . I t h i n ki t w o u l dg o n i c e l yi n y o u r r o o m a n d t h e c o l o u r is exactlywhat you're lookingfor. But,the interesting thingwasthatthe saleswomanadvisedme to go to the departmentstore across the road because it's t50 cheaperthere.Butshe did saythatif yourexistingsofa a n d c h a i r sh a v e n ' tf a l l e na p a r t ,a n d i t ' s . j u stth a t y o u d o n ' t l i k e t h e c o v e r sa n y m o r e ,t h e n t h e y c a n m a k e loose-coversfor you. That'san idea you know,Jane, becauseyour sofa reallyis in good condition.They havelovelyfabricstooand can makelampshadesand curtainsto match. Speaker 5 (male): Oooh... I HATE shops like that they'reso touristyand false.In Scotlandthey are full of tartan dish-cloths,kilts and miniatureLoch Ness monstersfor people to take back home. You can a l w a y sh e a rb a g p i p em u s i cp l a y i n g a , n d o t h e rk i n d s of traditionalmusic that no one reallylistensto any more. But, I suppose that if you are interestedin history and culture,they do tend to stock lots of interestingbooks and calendarswith nice scenic photographs-they makegood presentsactually,and, thinkingabout it, they do normallysell good sweets and chocolate- expensive,but tasty nevertheless. ExamFocus- Speaking:Unit3 (p. 73) Part 2 (Suggestedanswers) . In picture A there is a pyramid,so it must be Egypt, w h e r e a sp i c t u r e B i s o f a s w i m m i n gp o o l i n t h e Caribbeanor somewhere.Both placeslook very hot. . I would most liketo visitthe pyramidsin Egyptas I am very interestedin the historyof this country. . Whenyou travelyou learna lotaboutdifferentcultures and nationalities. You also learnabout the historyof differentplaces. . lf you travel alone you meet lots of new people becauseyou are not restrictedto a group.You can do whateveryou want withoutwaitingfor someoneelse to decide.However,travellingalone can be dangerous, and you only haveyourselfto rely on. Travelling in a groupon the otherhandcan befun,as you arewith your friends.However,sometimestt is difficultto do exactlywhat you want,as there are otherpeoplewho may want to do differentthings. . . . . Picture C shows some sort of traditionalfestivalwith p e o p l ed a n c i n gi n t r a d i t i o n acl o s t u m e .P i c t u r eD showsa sign for a concertwhichwill probablybe a lot more seriousto watchthan the dancersin oictureC. I t h i n kI ' de n j o yt h et r a d i t i o n adla n c i n gm o r e ,a s I d o n ' t l i k ec l a s s i c am l usic. T h e d a n c i n gi n p i c t u r eC i s s i m i l a rt o t h e d a n c i n gw e do in my country.Everybodyjoins in and enjoys themselves.Some peoplego to concertsin my country,but onlyin the big cities. Nowadaysmost peoplewatch TV for entertainment, whereastwenty years ago more people went to the cinemaor the theatre.Peoplestillgo the theatreand c i n e m a ,b u t i t ' s n o l o n g e rs o i m p o r t a n ti n p e o p l e ' s s o c i a ll i v e s . ExamFocus- W r iting:Unit3 ( p.741 (Ssare advlsed to buy a dictionary of quotationseg The MacMillan Dictionary of Contemporary Quotations by JohnathonGreen) 1. 1. d -2)i 5.k 6.b 7.1 8.e 9.c 10.i 11.9 2. To make contrasting points . Killingendangeredspeciesis illegal,neverthel e s s p e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . . ln spite of the factthat killingendangeredspecies i s i l l e g a l p, e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . . K i l l i n ge n d a n g e r e ds p e c i e si s i l l e g a l b , ut people w i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . . W h i l ek i l l i n ge n d a n g e r e sd p e c i e si s i l l e g a lp, e o p l e w i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . . Despitethe factthat killingendangeredspeciesis i l l e g a l p, e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . . 32 3.h 4.a E v e n i f k i l l i n ge n d a n g e r e ds p e c i e si s i l l e g a l , p e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . Exam Focus: Unit 3 . . E v e nt h o u g h k i l l i n ge n d a n g e r e sd p e c i e si s i l l e g a l , p e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . K i l l i n ge n d a n g e r e ds p e c i e si s i l l e g a la, t t h e s a m e t i m e p e o p l ew i l l n o t s t o p h u n t i n gt h e m . To list points . Firstly, the governmentmust revisethe out-ot date environmentallaws which were written twentyyears ago. . ln the first place the governmentmust revisethe lawswhichwerewritten out-of-dateenvironmental twentyyears ago. . To start with, the governmentmustrevisethe outof-datelawswhichwere writtentwentyyearsago. . Secondly,the governmentmust revisethe out-ofdate laws whrchwere writtentwentyyears ago. . Thirdly, the governmentmust revisethe out-ofdate laws which were writtentwentyyears ago. . Finally, the governmentmust revisethe out-ofdate laws which were writtentwentyyears ago. To add more points on a topic . What is more,the cityshouldconductinspections of zoos. . T h e c i t ys h o u l da l s o c o n d u c ti n s p e c t i o nosf z o o s . . Apart from this/that/ln addition to this, the city s h o u l dc o n d u c ti n s p e c t i o n os f z o o s . . Moreover the city should conduct inspectionsof ZOOS. . Besides, the city should conduct inspectionsof ZOOS. . . The city should conduct inspectionsof zoos too. ... not to mention the fact that the city should conduct inspectionsof zoos. To list advantages/disadvantages . One of the greatestadvantagesof regularexercise is that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. . Another great advantageof regular exerciseis that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. . One other advantageoi regularexerciseis that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. . A further advantageof regularexerciseis that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. . The main advantageof regularexerciseis that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. . The f irst/greatestadvantageof regularexerciseis that it leadsto a healthierlifestyle. To express personal opinion . To my mind/way of thinking, departmentstores offer a greater selectionof clothes than small boutiques. . I personally believe departmentstores offer a greaterselectionof clothesthan small boutiques. . lt strikes me that departmentstoresoffera greater selectionof clothesthan small boutiques. . . . . I feel very strongly that departmentstoresoffer a greater selectionof clothes than small boutiques. I am inclined to believe that departmentstores offer a greater selectionof clothes than small boutiques. lt seems to me that departmentstores offer a g r e a t e rs e l e c t i o no f c l o t h e st h a ns m a l lb o u t i q u e s . As far as I am concerned departmentstoresoffer a greater selectionof clothes than small boutiques. To refer to other sources . With reference to this report,that brand of s u n c r e a mc a u s e si r r i t a t i o tno s e n s i t i v es k i n To conclude . Finally,the university offersa widerangeof courses a n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . . Lastly,the university offersa widerangeof courses a n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . . Above all, the universityoffers a wide range of coursesand providesmodernfacilities. . A l l i n a l l , t h e u n i v e r s i t yo t f e r sa w i d e r a n g e o f c o u r s e sa n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . . Taking everything into account, the university offersa wide rangeof coursesand provrdes m o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . . O n t h e w h o l e ,t h e u n i v e r s i toyf f e r sa w i d er a n g eo f c o u r s e sa n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . . All things considered, the universityoffersa w i d e r a n g eo f c o u r s e sa n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r n facilities. . In conclusion, the universityoffersa wide range of coursesand orovidesmodernfacilities. . As I have said, the universityotfersa wide range of coursesand providesmodernfacilities. . As was previously stated, the universityoffers a wide range of coursesand providesmodern facilities. . To sum up, the universityoffersa wide range of c o u r s e sa n d p r o v i d e sm o d e r nf a c i l i t i e s . To express cause . Because of the harsh winter, many crops were destroyed. . Owing to the harsh winter, many crops were destroyed. . For this reason, many crops were destroyed. To express effect . Lots of factorieshave closed down, therefore, m a n y p e o p l eh a v el o s tt h e i rj o b s . . Lots of factorieshave closed down; thus, many p e o p l eh a v el o s tt h e i rj o b s . . Lotsof factorieshavecloseddown;consequently, many people have lost theirjobs. 33 Exam Facus: Unit 3 ' . Lots of factorieshavecloseddown so manv peop l e h a v el o s tt h e i r1 o b s . Lots of factorieshave closed down: as a conseq u e n c e ,m a n y p e o p l eh a v el o s tt h e i rj o b s . T o e m p h a s i s ew h a t y o u s a y . Clearly researchhas proved that eating healthy f o o d s a n d e x e r c i s i n gr e g u l a r l yr e d u c et h e r i s ko f h e a r td i s e a s e . . Obviouslyresearchhasprovedthateatinghealthy f o o d s a n d e x e r c i s i n gr e g u l a r l yr e d u c et h e r i s ko f heartdisease. ' Of course researchhasprovedthateatinghealthy f o o d s a n d e x e r c i s i n gr e g u l a r l yr e d u c et h e r i s ko f heartdisease. . In particular.researchershaveprovedthateating h e a l t h yf o o d sa n d e x e r c i s i n g r e g u l a r l rye d u c et h e risk of heartdisease. To express reality . Actuallythe reportstatesthat mostcollegegradua t e sa r e i n t e r e s t e idn p u r s u i n gr i M a s t e r sd' e g r e e in thefuture. . As a matter of fact, the report statesthat most c o l l e g e g r a d u a t e sa r e i n t e r e s t e di n p u r s u i n ga M a s t e r sd' e g r e ei n t h e f u t u r e . . In practice the report states that most college g r a d u a t e sa r e i n t e r e s t e di n p u r s u i n ga M a s t e r s d e g r e ei n t h e f u t u r e . . T h e f a c t o f t h e m a t t e ri s t h a tm o s tc o l l e g eg r a d u a t e sa r e i n t e r e s t e d i n p u r s u i n ga M a s t e r sd' e g r e e in thefuture. To express difference between appearanceand reality . O n t h e f a c e o f i t t h e b u i l d i n gl o o k e ds a f e .b u t . aftera detailedinspectionit was reportedto be in n e e d o f m a j o rs t r u c t u r arle p a i r s . Apparently the building was safe, but after a detailedinspectionrtwas reportedto be in needof m a l o rs t r u c t u r arle p a i r s T o s t a t e a n a r g u m e n ta g a i n s ty o u r o p i n i o n . lt is popularly believed that the teachingprofes. " . . s i o n n e e d sm o r e q u a l i f i e de d u c a t o r s . People often claim that the teachingprofession n e e d sm o r e q u a l i f i e de d u c a t o r s . lt is often alleged that the teaching profession n e e d sm o r e q u a l i f i e de d u c a t o r s . People argue that the teachingprofessionneeds m o r e q u a l i f i e de d u c a t o r s . l t i s f a c t t h a t t h e t e a c h i n gp r o f e s s i o n e e d sm o r e q u a l i f i e de d u c a t o r s , To state other people's opinions . Some people argue that the mayor'sproposalto raiselocaltaxes is unfair. . A lot of people think/believe that the mavor's proposalto raiselocaltaxes is unfair. 34 To introduce the other side of the argument . However there are people who believethat increasingthe school year will only overworkstuoents. . Those who oppose increasingthe school year claim that it will onlv overworkstudents. To express balance . O n t h e o n e h a n d w o r k i n gf o r a l a r g ec o m p a n yi s prestigious,but it can be very stressful. . Workingfor a largecompanyis prestigious,but on the other hand it can be very stressful. . J o h ni s a h a r dw o r k i n gp e r s o nw , h e r e a sA n n i s n ' t . To give examples . For example,in the pastsrxmonthsretailershave reporteda 25"k drop in salesof electronicequipment. To refer to what actually happens . In effect consumersspendmoremoneyon luxury items. To make general statements . Generally,girlsget betterexamresultsthan boys. . In general,girlsget betterexamresultsthan boys. . As a general rule. girls get betterexam results . thanboys. On the whole, girls get betterexam resultsthan boys. To make partly correct statements . C o n s i d e r i ntgh eh i g hr a t eo f u n e m p l o y m e nst ,o m e companieshave,up to a point, tried to create m o r ep o s i t i o n s . . C o n s i d e r i ntgh eh i g hr a t eo f u n e m p l o y m e nst ,o m e companieshave,to a certain extent,tried ro c r e a t em o r e p o s i t i o n s . . C o n s i d e r i ntgh eh i g hr a t eo f u n e m p l o y m e nst ,o m e companieshave, in a way, tried to create more Dositions. . C o n s i d e r i ntgh e h i g hr a t eo f u n e m p l o y m e nst ,o m e companieshave,in a sense, tried to create morepositions. To express limit of knowledge . To the best of my knowledge, residentswere . o p p o s e dt o t h e c i t y ' sp l a nt o b u i l da n u c l e a r p o w e rp l a n ti n t h e i ra r e a . For all I know residentswereopposedto the city's p l a nt o b u i l da n u c l e a rp o w e rp l a n ti n t h e a r e a . To rephrase . That is to say, they disagreewith the manager's decision. ExamFocus:Unit3 To bring up other points or aspects . R e g a r d i n gt h e c o m m u n i t yt.h e a r e ai s i n n e e do l a n e w e l e m e n t a r sy c h o o l . . W i t h r e g a r d st o t h e c o m m u n i t yt,h e a r e ai s i n n e e d o f a n e w e l e m e n t a r sy c h o o l . . A s f o r t h e c o m m u n i t yt,h e a r e ai s i n n e e do f a n e w e l e m e n t a r sy c h o o l . Disadvantages: . Lack of privacy. . Constantharassmentfrorrr people. . Livesare scrutinisedin newsp a p e r sa n d m a g a z i n e s . . S u s p i c i o nt h a t p e o p l el i k ey o u for who you are ratherthan the k i n d o f p e r s o nv o u a r e . T o i m p l y t h a t n o t h i n ge l s e n e e d st o b e s a i d . A n y w a y ,a n e w c o m m u n i t yc e n t r ew i l l g r e a t l y . Linking words: however (to make contrasting p o i n t s,)t h e m a i n a d v a n t a g e( t o l i s ta d v a n t a g e s ) . points). d e s p i t e ( t o m a k ec o n t r a s t i n g f u r t h e r m o r e( t o a d d m o r e p o i n t so n a t o p i c ) , i n c o n c l u s i o n( t o c o n c l u d e ) . benefitthe oeooleof the town. I n a n y c a s e ,a n e w c o m m u n i t yc e n t r ew i l lq r e a t l y b e n e f i t h e o e o o l eo f t h e t o w n . Accepting the situation . A s i t i s , t h e s i t u a t i o nc a n n o tb e i m p r o v e d . . T h i n g sb e i n ga s t h e y a r e ,t h e s i t u a t i o nc a n n o tb e rmoroved. 5 . L i n k i n g w o r d s : I n r n y o p i n i o n .t h e f i r s t r e a s o n ,f o r e x a m p l e .m o r e o v e r ,t h e f i n a l a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n l r e a s o n ,s u c h a s . w h i l e .c o n t r a r yt o p o p u l a rb e l i e f a , .; a l r e a d ys t a t e d . Examples: . 3 . M o d e l 1 i s g o o d a n d M o d e l2 r s b a d . M o d e l 1 f o l l o w st h e o u t l i n eo f a g o o d a r g u m e n t a t i v e is forrnalrnstyleand thetopic is clearlystated . h ea d v a n t a g eas n d c i i s a d v a n i n t h ef i r s tp a r a g r a p hT tages are clearlystatedand each paragraphbegins w i t ha k e ys e n t e n c ew h i c hs u m sL l pa o a r t i c u l apr o i n t E x a m p l e sa r eg i v e nt o s u p p o r te a c hp o i n to f v i e w .T l r e quotationused is from a reputablesourceand adds v i t a l i t tyo t h ec o m p o s i t i o nl t.n r a k e sg o o du s eo f l i n k i n g w o r d sa n d p h r a s e sT. h e c o n c l u d i n gp a r a g r a p hs u m s u p t h e e n t i r ec o m p o s i t i o nb y r e s t a t i n gt h e t o p i c w i t h b a l a n c e dc o n s i d e r a t r otno b o t h v i e w s , a n d i t a l s o e x p r e s s e tsh e w r r t e r ' sp e r s o n aol p i n i o n . . ' b. . . M o d e l 2 d o e s n o t f o l l o wt h e o u t l i n eo f a g o o d a r g u . is very infornralin stylewith r n c o r r e c tl a n g u a g e .T h e r e a r e g r a r n n t a t i c ael r r o r s t h r o u g h o u tE . a c hp a r a g r a p hi s c o n s t r u c t e dp o o r l y . T h ef i r s ts e n t e n c ei n e a c hp a r a g r a p hd o e sn o ts u m u p . the main part of the paragraph and there are no e x a m p l e tso s u p p o r e t a c hp o i n to f v i e w .T h o u g hs o m e advantagesare stated,disadvantagesare not. The quotationused is not fi'onra reputablesource.The 7. . c o n c l u s i o nd o e s n ' tg i v e b a l a n c e dc o n s i d e r a t i o tno b o t hv i e w s .T h e l a s tp a r a g r a p hi s o n l yo n e s e n t e n c e . T h e r ea r e n o l i n k i n gw o r d so r p h r a s e s . 4. Advantages: . . . . . " l t t e n d st o g o h a n d i n h a n d w i t h b e i n gr i c h . Y o u c a n b e m i s e r a b l ei n c o r n f o r t . W i t hf a m e c o m e sa d o r a t i o n . P e o p l ea l w a y sw a n tt o s e ey o u a n d b e s e e nw i t h y o n . Y o u a r e w e l c o m e dw h e r e v e yr o u go. Y o u a r e s u r r o u n d e db y t h e g o o d t h i n g so f l i f ea n d p r o t e c t e df r o r r thebad. . F o re x a m p l ed, i a b e t i c w s o u l dn o tt - r ; a b l et o i n j e c ti n s u l i n. . h a di t n o t b e e n d e v e l o p e db y t e s t i n gi t o n anrmals. insecticicles cancer T t r es u g g e s t i o tnh a tn e w l a w ss i r o u l db e p a s s e di s r u s t i f i e db y t h e p o i n tt h a t t h e g o v e r n m e nst h o u l c h a v eE r e a t e cr o n t r o lo v e rg u n s . Th e s u g g e s t i o tnl r a t fr eg o v e r n r n e nsth o u l dc r e a t e l o b s a n d w o r k p r o g r a m r n e fso r y o u n g p e o p l ei s j u s t i f i e db y t l - r ep o i n tt h a ty o u n gp e o p l en e e dl r e l p to findwork. T h e s u g g e s t i o nt h a t y o u r r g p e o p l e s h o u l d b e t a u g h t t h a t v i o l e r r c ei s n o t t t r e a n s v v e tro t h e i r p r o b l e m si s j u s t i f i e db y t h e p o i n tt h a t b e t t e re d u cation is an rmportantpart of deterringcrinre. T h es u g g e s t i o n t h a tm o r ec r i m i n a l sw i l lb e c a u g h t i s j u s t i f i e db y t h e p o i n tt h a t m o r ev i g i l a n p t olicirrr,; i s t h e b e s t s o l u t i o nt o t h e p r o b l e m . A r g u m e n t sf o r t e c h n o l o g i c a a l nd scientific advancement: . M a k e so u r l i v e se a s r e r . Businessescannotfunction easilvwithcutfaxes, p h o t o c o p r e r sa.n d t e l e p h o n e s . A r g u m e n t sa g a i n s tt e c h n o l o g i c a a l nd s c i e n t i ifc a d v a n c e m e n t ; . E v e r y t h i n cg a r rb e d e s t r o y e da t t h e t o u c h o f a button. . M a c h i n e sw i l l c o m p l e t e l yr e p l a c eh L r m a n s . . L e a v ef e w e rj o b s . . R e d u c eh u r n a nc o n t a c t . /Vofe.specla/ emphasisshould be given to lhe Dlscr-rssicnClcck an p 80ln the Ss' back. Thisc/cc,<helpsss 35 ExamFocus: Unit 3 organisetheirthoughtswhen consideringa dlscursive essayand come up with a well-witten composition.T can demonstrateitsfunctionby analysingthe following question: The importance of sport. Discuss. T helps Ss analyse the subject using the discusslon clock andlor gives them ideasto demonstratehow theclock works.AiterSshaveworked on this, they are asked to do Ex I as follow up. Psychological:Can have both good and bad effects o n s e l f - c o n f i d e n cdee, p e n d i n go n a b i l i t y . R e l i g i o u s :g a m e sw e r eh e l d i n a n c r e ntti m e st o h o n ourthe gods. S c i e n t i ifc : N e wd r u g sd e v e l o p e d t o i m p r o v ea t h l e t e s ' performance. Artistic: Sportssuch as synchronisedswimmingand gymnasticsincludeartisticelement. Economic: Sport can be very profitableand creates r e v e n u ef o r t h e s p o r t i n gi n d u s t r y . E d u c a t i o n a l :S p o r t p l a y s a n i m p o r t a n tr o l e i n c h i l d r e n ' s m e n t a la n d p h y s i c a ld e v e l o p m e n tt,e a c h i n g them to work as parl of a team and co-operatewith others. Social:Sportunitespeoplefrom differentsocialbackg r o u n d sb , u tc a na l s od i v i d et h e me . g .c r o w dv i o l e n c e at footballmatches. Political:Governmentscan influencesport,e.g banning athletesfrom competing in certain events for p o l i t i c arl e a s o n s . Moral: Eventsareoftensponsoredby cigarettemanuf a c t u r e r s tp o r o m o t ep r o d u c t sh a r m f u l t oh e a l t hw , hich c a n b e c o n s i d e r e di m m o r a l . Historical:Sporthas beenpartof people'slivessrnce a n c i e n t i m e s ,a n d c o n t i n u e st o p l a y a l a r g er o l e i n today's society. G e o g r a p h i c a l :S p o r t n o t o n l y u n i t e s p e o p l e f r o m differentbackgrounds,but from differentpartsof the w o r l d a s w e l l e . g . w h e n w a t c h i n gt h e W o r l dC u p . P e r s o n a lS : p o r ts h o u l db e u s e dt o e n c o u r a g ep e o p l e to lead a more healthyand peacefullife. 8. . . . E c o n o m i c- S p o r tc a n b e v e r y o ' : ' : a : = c r e a t e sr e v e n u ef o r t h e s p o r t i n g- : - : : - . :- : O p p o s i t ep o i n to f v i e w :L a r g es u m s c ' - : - = , a r e o f t e np a i dt o o r g a n i s e r o s f s p o r t r n ge , e - : s i o p r o m o t ep r o d u c t sw h i c ha r e h a r m f u : : : ^ : s health. 9. 1.8 2.C 3 .A 4.D Techniques Paragraph 1: Openingparagraphstartswith a probl e m t h a t n e e d sa s o l u t i o n . Last paragraphstatesa strong,firm opinion. Paragraph 2: Opening paragraphstates a strong, f i r mo p i n i o n . Last paragraphincludesa quotation. Paragraph 3: Opening paragraphstartswith a rhet o r i c a lq u e s t i o n . Last paragraphsummarisesthe articleand states a p e r s o n aol p i n r o n . P a r a g r a p h 4 : O p e n i n g p a r a g r a p hb e g i n s b y a d dressingthe readerdirectly. Last paragraphsummarisesthe article. Outlines used for each topic . T o p i c1 - E x p r e s s i n o g p i n i o n .( s e ep . 7 8S ' s B o o k ) . Topic 2 - DiscursiveEssay.(see p.80 S's Book) . Topic 3 - Providingsolutionsto problems.(see p . 7 9S ' s B o o k ) . T o p i c4 - E x p r e s s i n og p i n i o n .( s e ep . 7 8S ' s B o o k ) Suggested titles for each topic . Topic 1 - "lncreaseIn Drug Use Threatens Society?"or "SocietyThreatenedby Drugs." . T o p i c 2 - " T e l e v i s i oTn h r e a t e n sC h i l d r e n ' s D e v e l o p m e n t ,o"r " T e l e v i s l o nC: h i l d ' sF o e Not Friend." . Topic 3 - "What Can Be Done To ProtectOur Aspects in composition: E n v i r o n m e n t ?o"r " E n v i r o n m e n t a T lh r e a t Social - Sportunitespeoplefromdifferentsocial C o n t i n u e s . . . . " b a c k g r o u n da sndincreasep s e o p l e ' st o l e r a n c eo f . Topic 4 - "The Ups and Downsof LivingAbroad," each other. or "ls LivingAbroadA PerfectSolution?" Oppositepointof view:Justas sportunitespeople s o i t c a n d i v i d et h e m . . . c r o w vdi o l e n c ea t f o o t b a l l 1O. (Tshouldgothrough each topic and discussthe plan games. before Ss write the compositions.) EducationalSport plays a large role in both c h i l d r e n ' sp h y s i c aal n d m e n t a ld e v e l o p m e n t . Teacheschildrento work as partof a team and cooperatewith otherswhileimprovingtheirphysical condition. O p p o s i t ep o i n to f v i e w :C h i l d r e nw h o a r el e s sa b l e to per{ormin sportsare likelyto feel inadequate comparedto more giftedclassmates,which may affectself-confidence. 36 . (Suggested answers) 1. Living in the Countryside - Advantagesr Disadvantages Introduction: statetopic Main body: advantages:less trafficand industry, fewer healthproblems.bettersurroundings. lessstressful life ExamFocus:Unit3 disadvantages:fewer schools/libraries/hospitals, less publictransport,less entertainment Conclusion; balancedconsideration Thereare many pointsto take into consideration with regardto the benefitsof livingin the country. The biggestadvantageof the countrysideis the envlronment.Less trafficand industrymeans that the air is cleaner and people have fewer health p r o b l e m sS . e c o n d l yt,h e h i l l s t, r e e sa n d f i e l d sf o u n d in the countrysideprovidea morebeautifulsettingin which to live. Finally, people are thought to be friendlierin the country and there is certainlyless crime. lt can be arguedthat these factorslead to a less stressful,healthierlifestyle. On the otherhand,the countryhasfewerschools, l i b r a r i e sa n d h o s p i t a l sI.n a d d i t i o ng, e t t i n gt o t h e s e placescan also be difficultwithouta car sincetnere i s l e s s p u b l i ct r a n s p o r t . Some people believea furtherdisadvantageis that livingin the countrysideis boringbecausethere are fewer cinemas,discos,museumsetc. In summary,despiteits lackof publicservicesand entertainments, the countrysidestilloffersa healthy lifestylein an attractiveenvironment.Whetheror nor it appealstoyou dependsentirelyuponyourperception of qualityof life. 2. lmportance of tourism - discursive Introduction: statetopic - economicbenefits Main body: - e n v i r o n m e n t ac lh a n g e s - culturalasoect C o n c l u s i o n : g i v eo w n o p i n i o n Tourismhas becomebig businessoverthe last30 years and improved communicationswill ensure that it continuesto grow. The economic benefitstourism provrdesto a reg i o n a r e c l e a r .T h o u s a n d so f p e o p l e w o r k i n t h e touristindustry,from bar ownersto airportworkers, and in many ruralareas tourism is essentialto the economy. However,jobs are often seasonaland some thrivingsummer resortsare nearlydeserted i n w i n t e rt i m e . Tourism can also dramaticallychange the landscapeofan area.Manybeautifulbeacheshavebeen spoilt by the constructionof large hotelsand many villagesbecome neon-litholidayresorts.Yet it can be argued that numerous sites and monuments have been restoredwith money earned from tourism. Many people enjoy visitingforeign cities,museums and galleries.Travellingis an excellentway of gaining knowledgeof other countries'historyand thereforetourismplaysan importantrolein breaking down negativenationalstereotypes.Sadly, many "packageholiday"touristsspendtheirvacationon a beach,rarelyeven meetinga local person. I n m y o p i n i o n ,t o u r i s mc a n o n l y b e n e f i ta r e g i o n fully if it is is also important to rememberthat there is alwaysmore to see in a countrythan its beaches. 3. Banning cars (expressingopinion) Outline I n t r o d u c t i o n s: t a t ey o u r o p i n i o n Main body: Para2 - first point - driving/parking difficulties Para 3 - secondpoint- betterpublictransport, jobs Para 4 - last point - pollution Conclusion: Restateopinionexpressingit differently The enormousnumberof cars on the road today i s c a u s i n gm o r e p r o b l e m st h a n a n y o n ec o u l d h a v e imagined. I strongly believe that cars should be bannedfrom city centres. Huge trafficjams and parkingdifficultieshave becomea normalpartof city life.This makesdriving in a city centrean uncomfortableand frustratingexperience.A ban on cars would end s u c h a n n o y i n gj o u r n e y s . Restrictions likethis would also force city authorities to increasepublictransportservices.As well as c r e a t i n gj o b s ,i m p r o v e dr a i l ,b u so r t r a mc o n n e c t i o n s would resultin everybodybeingableto travelto and f r o m t h e c i t y m u c h m o r e e a s i l ya n d q u i c k l y . These are importantpoints, but by far the most s e r i o u sr e a s o nf o r b a n n i n gc a r s i s p o l l u t i o nC . ars causeterrificdamageto both the environmentand to health. M a n yo l d b u i l d i n g sa r ew e a k e n e db y t h e c o n s t a n t rushof trafficand in Londonover30% of schoolchildrensufferfromrespiratory problemssuchasasthma. T o s u m u p , b a n n i n gc a r s w o u l d n o t o n l y m a k e i t easierto get intoand out of a citycentrebut also lead to improved health and a cleaner,more pleasanr envrronment. 4. Endangeredanimals - Providing solutions to problems lntroduction:state problems Main body: - createbigger nationalparks - ban sale of animaloroducts - ban hunting C o n c l u s i o n :r e s t a t eo o i n i o n The natural environmentof many animals has been eitherdestroyedor harmedduringthe 20th century.The main reasonsfor this are deforestation and the expansionof towns and cities. Furthermorethe high prices offeredfor the skin and organs of rare specieshas led to an increasein hunting. These activitieshave led to the possible e x t i n c t i o no f a l a r g en u m b e ro f a n i m a l s . One solutionto this problemwould be to create more "naturereserves"and to expandthose already 37 Urtit4. ParI 1 he willeventually lf a huntercannotsellhisproduct, nationscouldalsohelp RichWestern stophunting. poorercountries'police"parks.ensuringhunters cannotkillor takeanyantmals. governments, spurredon by the In conclusion, public,must protests of thegeneral andpetitions endangered decideifenoughisbeingdoneto protect anrmals, i n e x i s t e n c eI.n t h e s e p a r k s m a n i s p r o h i b i t e df r o m g i t h t h e a n i m a l si n a n y w a y . b u i l d i n go r i n t e r f e r i n w Nationalparkshavebeen successfulin many partsof Asia and Africa, U n f o r t u n a t e l yh,u n t e r si n p o o r c o u n t r i e sa r e e n couragedto break park laws by the demand for p r o d u c t ss u c h a s a n i m a ls k i n s ,e l e p h a n t u s k s e t c , M o r ec o u n t r i e sn e e dt o b a n t h e s a l eo f t h e s et h i n g s . Unit 4 t i m b e r - w o o d f o r c o m m e r c i aul s e ecological balance - perfectstateof nature substantial - vast safeguards - defences Unit4-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p. 82) (Suggested answers) . T r e e s ,g r a s s .w o o d . m u s h r o o m sf.o r e s t ,v e g e t a t i o n , squirrels,leavesetc (Suggestedanswer) 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. backyard wide-ranging woodland putforward discoloration 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 conoemneo o Ynprls commitments reductions responded . T r e e sa r e i m p o r t a nfto r : o x y g e np r o d u c t i o np. r o t e c 3. 1. Conservationists 6. alarming t i o n o f e c o l o g i c abl a l a n c et.i m b e ri n d u s t r ye t c 7. Ecologists 2. endangered p o l l u t i o n . r a i n , a c i d : ir F o r e s t sa r ed a m a g e dt h r o u g h a 8. reduction E n v i r o n m e n t a l 3 . , x p a n s i o no f c i t i e se t c . clrmatic hangese 9. Protection 4 destruction I no r d e r t op r e v e ndt a m a g et o t h ee n v i r o n m e npte o p l e 1 0. hoPefullY s u r v i v a l 5 . p r o b l e m s and the need to be made awareof the g o v e r n m e n t s h o u l de n f o r c es t r i c t e r e g u l a t i o n fso r t h ee n v i r o n - 4 . Becauseof freakweatherconditions,fire and acid f r o mp o l l u t i n g c o m p a n i e tso p r e v e n t t h e m rain that destroywoodlandsand forests. ment. . a - T h e ya r es i c ka n d d y i n g .T h e ya r eb e i n gd a m a g e d . b - A i r p o l l u t i o na n d c l i m a t ec h a n g e s c - T h e r ew i l lb e a r e d u c t i o ni n w a t e rq u a l i t yl.t w i l la l s o c a u s ea c r i s i si n t h e f i s h i n g t. o u r i s ta n d t i m b e r i n d u s t r i e sT. h e e c o l o g i c abl a l a n c ei n E u r o p ew i l l alsobe threatened. d - T h e yw i l l i n v e s t i g a tfeo r e s tp r o t e c t i o na n d a s k f o r s a f e g u a r dtso p r o t e c t h e h e a l t ho f E u r o p es t r e e s , R e a d i n gT a sk:P a rt1 (p .8 2 -8 3 ) 1F 2.A 3.H 4.C 5G 6B Part1 (p. 84-85) VocabularyExercises: 1 . c o n t i n e n t- a r e ao f l a n d m a d e u p o l v a r i o u sc o u n t r i e s ,e . g . E u r o p e factors - reasonsfor a decisionor action widespread - occurringin a lot of places forestry - the study and practiceof planting,caring foi' and managingforests ignoring - not paying attentionto 38 3. (Ss do Ex 5 on their own, then T elicitslexphins the meaning of each distractor.) 6.C 4.D 5.C 3.A 1 A 2.D .1 . A. protect (v) = 16 ensurethat sth or sb is safe from harm B. shelter (v) = to give sb or sth protection from the weather.attacketc C. cover (v) = to place sth over sth else in order to protectit D. support (v) = to give encouragementto st) for sth 2 A . e d i t i o n( n ) = f o r mi n w h i c ha b o o ki s p u b l i s h e d B . i s s u e ( n ) = a p a r t i c u l aer d i t i o no f a m a g a z i n e , n e w s p a p eer t c n b o u ts t h i n C p u b l i c i t y( n ) = i n f o r m a t i o a order to attractattention i n f o r m a t i oanb o u t s t h D . r e p o r t( n ) = p a p e r g i v i n g 3. A. region (n) = area not exactlydefined B. state (n) = countryrun by a political organisation C. place (n) = pafticularbuilding/area/site D , s i t e ( n ) = p l a c ew h e r es t h i s s i t u a t e d (egcampsite) Unit 4: Part 2 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B' C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. standard (n) = certainlevelof sth usu quality amount (n) = quantityof sth quantity (n) = a certainamount/measure of sth quality (n) = degree of goodnessor worth wreck (n) = vehicle,plane etc that has been badly damaged in an accident ruin (n) = stateor processof being destroyed damage (n) = loss of value caused by an accident,event etc disaster (n) = eventthat causesdamage or ruin tip (n) = pointededge of sth top (n) = highestpoint or part of sth summit (n) = meetingbetweentwo or more importantleaders P e a k ( n ) : h i g h e s tP o i n to f s t h i n v o l v i n go i l t a n k e r sa r e d a m a g i n gt h e c o a s t l i n ea n d a n i m a ll i f et h e r e .B u t a l l t h i s c o u l d c h a n g ei f p e o p l e become awareof the problems. It would help if peoplecut down on electricityby switchingoff the light when it is not necessary;not relyingon theircomputerfor everythingand by seekingalternative formsof entertainment insteadof watching TV allthe time. P e o p l eh a v ea l s ob e c o m et o o d e p e n d e not n t h e i r cars and should try to cycle or walk for shorter journeys. Strictergovernmentrulesare requiredin order to preventfactoriesfrom pumpingharmfulgasesintothe a t m o s p h e r ew, h i c hd e s t r o yt h eo z o n el a y e r a n dc a u s e g l o b a lw a r m i n g . Overall,people'sattitudesneed to change. lf e v e r y b o d yc a n m a k ea s m a l lc o n t r i b u t i o ni t,w i l lm a k e a b i g d i f f e r e n c ei n t h e e n d . 6. (Ss should memorise these text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next lesson.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. severe to reach detailed to produce forestry 6. ecological 7. substantial 8 . t h e r ei s a n e e d 9. tropical 7 . 1 . s i g no f t h e t i m e s 2. backbreaking 3. backuo 4 . s h o w ss i g n so f 5. signlanguage 6. backbone GrammarCheck:Part1 (p. 85) l. even 2. very 3. very 4. too 5. very 6. much 7. most 8. further 9. very 1 0 .f a r 11 . f u r t h e r '12. most 1 3 .a b i t 1 4 .a n y Unit 4 - Par l2 Warm-upActivities:Part2 (p. 86) Follow-upActivities:Part1 (p. 85) (Suggestedanswers) (Suggested answers) ' ' , . reforestation, turn forestsinto protectedareas,campaignto reducepollutionand make air cleaner,try to increaseknowledgeon the subject. Dangers that forests are facing: forestsare being . destroyed by air pollution,environmentaldamage. Europeonly has 1% of its ancientforestsremaining. Consequencesof damaging the woodlands: if the woodlandscontinueto be damaged, it will cause a reductionin waterquality,a crisrsin the fishing,tourist a n d t i m b e ri n d u s t r i e sa, n d i t w i l l t h r e a t e nt h e e c o l o gical balancein Europe. Action being taken by the EuropeanCommunity:a programmeof forest managementhas been organised. Europeanparliamentis to begin investigating forestprotection:it may also ask for new safeguards to protectEurope'strees. (Thisactivityshould be done after T has presentedthe theory of articles.See S's book p.700 . f can help Ss with ideas before helshe assigns lhis as written HW.) P o l l u t i o ni s i n c r e a s i n gd u e t o t h e v a s t a m o u n t so f gases being emitted from vehicle exhaustsand to factoriespumpingout enormousamountsof smokein order to supply the growing demand for electricity. F a r m l a n di s b e i n g d e s t r o y e db y c h e m i c a l sa n d t h e i n c r e a s e du s e o f p e s t i c i d e sI.n a d d i t i o n a, c c i d e n t s B i r d s : f l y i n gw, i n g s ,f e a t h e r sb, e a k ,d u c k s ,n e s t ,e g g s , pigeons,canaryetc (Suggestedanswers) lt is a has very largewings,liveson the water and has a large red beak. T o s e e t h e o c e a na n d f i n d t h e h e r o n ' sn e s t . b. A heron. c . Y e s ,s h e d o e s . d . She feelsoverwhelmed ReadingTest: Part 2 (p. 86-87) 7. C (Ln 1-2) 8 . C ( L n4 - 5 ) 9 . D ( L n7 - 8 ) 1 0 . B ( L n2 1 ) 1 1 .A ( L n 2 6 - 2 7 ) 1 2 .B ( L n 2 8 - 3 0 ) 1 3 .C ( l n4 1 - 4 2 ) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p. 88-89) 1. pine tree - a type of tree that is green all year round excitement- feelingof enthusiasmabout somethinq heron - large bird found by rivers nest - place where birds lay their eggs adventure - excitingsometimesdangerous experience glory - feelingof havingachievedsth great ?q Unit 4: Part 2 t r i u m p h - f e e l i n gc a u s e d b y w i n n i n g ,o r a c h i e v i n g 7 . A . s l e e p y ( a d j )= t i r e d something B . a s l e e p ( a d j )= s l e e p i n g f a d i n g - g e t t i n gw e a k e r C. sleeP (v) = to be asleep b a r k - t h i c ks k i n t h a t c o v e r st r e et r u n k s D . a w a k e ( a d j )= n o t s l e e p i n g oak tree - type of largetree 8. A. hold on (v) = to take hold of sth to preventit or twigs - small branches y o u f r o mf a l l i n g s t i c k y - d i f f i c u ltto r e m o v e ;c l i n g i n g C. cling (v) = to hold onto someoneor sth tightly t h o r n y - c o v e r e di n s h a r ps p i k e s ( c l i n gi s u s e dw i t h a p r e p o s i t i o n c l i n go n / t o ) h a w k s - l a r g eb i r d sl i k ee a g l e s ,w h i c h h u n t a n i m a l s B. tackle (v) = to attackanotherplayerin a ball overwhelmed - unable to act because of strong g a m e i n o r d e rt o t a k e t h e b a l l emotion D g r i p ( v ) = t o h o l ds t ht i g h t l y sweeping - moving gracefullyand withoutefforl 4 . /Ss shou/d memonse these text related collocations mate - partner and expressions. T checks rn the next/esson.) 2. 1 2. 3 4. weak exhaustion stiff dawn 5. dazzling 6. clumsy 7. edge 8. visible Q nath 1 0 .b r a v e l y 3 . (Ss do Ex 3 on their own then T elicitslexplainsthe meaning of each distractor.) 1B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.8 8.D '1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. toweredabove fast to creep out a i rw a s fading b l o o dr a c i n g 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 to feel to grow to reach to shine t o s h a k ew i t h to fly 5 . (lf Ss have difficulty with the words, T explainsl elicitstheir meanrngsbefore they do Ex.5 and 6.) 1 A a n t i q u e ( a d j ): o l d ( u s e dt o d e s c r i b e d '1 . leaves 3. trunk 5. branches valuableobjects) 2. bark 4. twig 6. roots B . a n c i e n t( a d j )= b e l o n g i n gt o p a s tc i v i l i s a t i o n s , e g G r e e k ,R o m a no r E g y p t i a n 6. 1. feathers 3. cage 5. peck C. old (adj) : no longer new/young 2. claws 4. wings 6. beak D. old-fashioned (adj)- out of date 2 A. arrive in/at (v) = to come to a placeat the Foffow-upActivities:Part2 (p. 89) end of a journey B . a p p e a r( v )= t o c o m et o a p l a c ew h e r ey o u c a n glory.triumph,bravely,clumsy,stiff,doubt, excitement. oe seen weak, shakingwith exhaustion,overwhelmed,froze C. reach (v) : to arriveat/ina place(reachis used w i t h o u ta p r e p o s i t i o n PossibleTitle: A NastyExperience/Adventure e . g . r e a c hP l y m o u t h ) at Dawn D. go to (v) : to move/travelto a placefor (BeforeSs are assigned this as wiltten HW, T should a purpose 3 . A . m a r s h ( n ) : a r e ao f w e t l a n d n o r m a l l yn e a r remind them of all techniques involved in writing a lake,riveror sea narrativesemphasisings|//e - See Ss book p. 24.) B. swamp (n) = lanOthat is coveredin water C . P u d d l e ( n ) = s m a t tP a t c ho f w a t e r (Suggested answer) D . m o o r l a n d( n ) = h i l l yl a n dc o v e r e dw i t h r o u g h . , .a s m a l l s, h i v e r i n g b u n d l eo f f u r .L o o k i n gc l o s e l y , grass elc she realisedit was a puppy She picked it up and it 4 A . cool off (v) = to become colder s n u g g l e di n t o h e r j e r s e y ,s e a r c h i n gf o r w a r m t h B . c h i l l ( v ) = t o b e c o m ec o l d ''Come ' o n , s a i dJ u l i e .S h ec a r r i e dt h e p u p p yi n t o a lreeze (v) : to turn into ice: stop suddenly the house.She driedit offwitha tea-toweland noticed when shockediscaredby sth that it was wearinga collar,with a tag attachedto it. n dampen = to make sth wet W r i t t e no n t h e t a g w a s : S a l l y ,0 1 7 1 3 4 67 1 0 0 . 5 A . swing (v) = to move backwardsand forwards ''ls t h a t y o u r p h o n e n u m b e rS a l l y ? "J u l i ea s k e d . B . sway (v) = to move slowlyfrom side to side S a l l y w a g g e dh e rt a i l ,a n d l o o k e du p w i t hb i g ,t r u s t i n g n lay (v) = to put sb or sth in its place carefully e y e s .J u l i eh a d s e c r e t l yb e e nh o p i n gt h a tS a l l yd i d n ' t D . perch (v) = (of birds)to sit on a branchor sth have an she could keep her. But now she else knew that she would have to take her home. The 6 . A . shake (v) = to movefromsideto sideor up and w o m a no n t h e p h o n es o u n d e dv e r yn i c e ,a n d s h ew a s d o w n q u i c k l yb e c a u s eo f c o l d ,n e r y o u s n e s s overjoyedthat Sallyhad been found. "We were or anger w o r n e ds i c k . "s h e s a i d ." W e l o s th e r w h i l ew a l k i n gi n = B . shiver (v) to shakeslightlybecauseof cold t h e p a r kt h i s m o r n i n g . " or frioht A f t e rt h e y h a d p i c k e dS a l l yu p , J u l i ef e l t s a d , b u t C . s h u d d e r ( v ) = t o t r e m b l ew i t h d i s g u s to r f e a r s h e s o o n c h e e r e du p . T h e o w n e rh a d s a i ds h e c o u l d D. move (v) = to cause Strongfeelingsin sb s u c ha s s a d n e s sh . a p p i n e s se t c Unit4: Part3 walk Sally any time she liked,which was almost as g o o d a s h a v i n ga p u p p y .J u l i eh a d m a d e s o m e n e w friends. GrammarCheck:Parl2 (p. 89) 1. 2. 3. 4. the most beautiJrrr 5. greener the clearest 6. the moreinteresting the most picturesque 7. better the most majestrc Unit4-Part3 Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 90) 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. (Suggestedanswers) . B. T h e s ep e o p l ea r ed i v i n gu n d e rt h e o c e a n .T h e yc o u l d be exploringthe ocean and/or lookingat coral reefs. Old shipwrecksand treasurecould lieat the bottomof theoceans. a . T o e n a b l es c i e n t i s ttso g u i d es u b m a r i n e w s ithout them havingaccidents. b. Hot fluidswere burstingfrom the sea floorand the watertemperaturebegan to rise. c. They found gianttube worms. d. In order to discoverthe temperatureof the sea waler. ReadingTask: Part 3 (p. 90-91) 14.8 15.E 16.A 17.G 18.C 19.F 20.D VocabularyExercises:Part3 (p. 92) 1 . 1. 2. 3. 4. eruption hazardous deposits constant 2. a. 1 . w a t e ru n d e rt h e b r i d g e 2. go throughfire and water 3. in unchartedwaters 4 . i n d e e ow a t e r b. 1. off to sea 2. all at sea 5. exploiting 6. unique 7. fluids 8. renewal 9. rapidly 1 0 .s a m p l e s 3. (Ss should memorise these text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 7. ocean 8. mat 9. hot 4 . (Ss do Ex 4 on their own, then T elicitslexplainsthe meaning of each distractor) 1.8 2.4 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C D. 5. A. B. D. 6. A. D. 7. A. B. a D. 8. A. B. D. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. high seas 4. plentymore fish in the sea take 4. to set up 2. mineral 5. volcanrc 3. geological 6 . s u b m a r i n e C. 7.D 8.B encourage (v) = to make sb want to do sth enable (v) = to make sb able to do sth empower (v) = to give sb authorityto do sth entitle (v) = to give sb the rightto do sth effort (n) = use of energyand strengthto do sth attempt (n) = act of trying to do sth trY (n) = attempt trial (n) = experimentalattempt band (n) = group of musiciansor robbers gang (n) = fairlydisorganisedgroupof people team (n) = group of sportspeoplewho play together c r e w ( n ) = g r o u po f p e o p l ew o r k i n go n a s h i p m a s s a c r e( n ) = k i l l i n go f l a r g en u m b e r so f people/animals holocaust (n) = largescale destructionoJ peoole catastrophe (n) = (naturalor man-made) disaster destruction (n) = large scale damage mat (n) = smattcoveringused to protecta floor c a r p e t ( n )= l a y e r o sf o f t m a t e r i auls e d t o c o v e r the whole floor of house rug (n) = smallcarpetcoveringpart of a floor mattress (n) = thicXcushion{or sleepingon area (n) = region Plain (n) = flat area of land valley (n) = area with hills on eitherside meadow (n) = fietOcoveredin grass subside (v) = to weaken;become lower sink (v) = to go down into water ascend (v) = to go up descend (v) = to go down strengthen (v) = to become stronger harden (v) = to become more solid tighten (v) = to become stifferor narrower toughen (v) = become less soft or flexible explorer probably daring continuous 6. 1. drought 2. Famine 5. preparation 6. equipment 7. provisions 8. closelv 9. ultimately 10. notoriously 3. earthquake 5. forestfire 4. flood 6. Tidalwaves Follow-upActivitles:Part3 (p. 93) (Suggested answers) There are many reasons for doing this such as: curiosity,searchfor fuel/minerals/etc, a need to understandmore about planets/oceans etc. Nowadays technologymakesthis kind of explorationpossible. interest,technology, investigateearth's structure, understandmovementsof the earth'ssurface,creation of mountainranges,record changes,to understand "mysteriesof the deep." 41 Unit4: Part4 r1 z A Recent technological developments have enabledscientiststo explorethe oceanfloor, and discover more about the earth'ssurfaceand formation. T h e g e o g r a p h yo f t h e o c e a n f l o o r i s d i v e r s ew . i t h m o u n t a i nr a n g e s ,p l a i n sa n d v a l l e y s . The Alvin research group recordeda volcaniceruption,temperaturechangesin the water,chemicaland geologicalchanges.and the recoveryof the area afterthe eruption. The sea bed was coveredin fresh lava afterthe eruption.and nothingwas left alive.After21 months though,the sea bed was showingsignsof recovery,Gianttube worms had appeared, growingto a lengthof four feet. G r a m m aC r h e ck:Part3 (p, 93) 1 .t o t u r n 2. eating 3. seeing 4. to do 5. mentioning 6. to inform 7 9. looking 1 0 .g o o2tinn 8. to have Unit4-Part4 Warm-upActivities:Parl4 (p. 94) (Suggested answers) . S i n g l er o o m ,D o u b l er o o m ,h o t e l ,f l a t .h o u s e .b e d a n d b r e a k f a s tb. a t h r o o me t c ' The cottageshavethatchedroofsand smallwindowsand are surroundedby treesand plants.My idealcottage would look like these cottagesand would have a large kitchenand a fireplace. . a. True b. False c. True d. False Reading Task: Part 4 (p. 94-95) 21.C 22.F 23.H 24.E 25.D 26.E 27.c 28,29.H. C (inanyorder) 30,31.E. F (inanyorder) 34,35.D, F (in 32,33.A, F (inanyorder) anyorder) VocabularyExercises:Part4 (p. 96) 'l . 1.virtually 2. bay 3. stroll 4. winds 5. recreation 2 . Before Ss do Ex 2, T draws a spidergram on the board and elicits lrom Ss various types of dwellrngs as well as their features. exPenslveluxurious spacrous pflvare D E T A C H E DH O U S E pnvate garden mooern secure solttary cosy reasonablypriced no garden norsy lowceilings s m a l lr o o m s economrcal old garden modern traditional thatchedroof SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE family-sized +Z no individuality garden ExamFocus:Unit4 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. tower suburbs small modern B . 1 .t h a t c h e d 2. quaint 3. garden 4. small 5. 6. 7. 8. cheap to heat balcony convenient p u b l i ct r a n s p o r t 5. cosy 6. comfortable 7 . h o m e l ya t m o s p h e r e 8. pleasant C. 1. family 2. 3 bedroomed 3. garden 4. garage 7. comfortable 5 . t h i nw a l l s 6. homely 3. (Ss should memorise these text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson). 1.within 4. puffin 2. coastal 5. home-cooked 3 . h a l fa m i l e ' s 6 . e a s i l y 7. forms B. tennis 9. to order Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 96) . I would pre{erto stay in Hooperscottagebecauseit is closeto a harbourwhereyou can windsurf, and I enloy t h a t s p o r t .l t o v e r l o o k st h e g r e e n ,w h i c h s o u n d s p l e a s a n ta, n d i s c o n v e n i e nfto r v i s i t i n gn e a r b y places,such as Puffinlsland. . Dear Sir/Madam I saw your advertisement for cottagesto rent,and I w o n d e ri f y o u c o u l ds e n d m e a b r o c h u r ea, n d s o m e furtherinformation. We are interestedin spendinga weekend in the Lake Districtin July and would like to know if any four bedroomedcottagesare it possible to rentsomewherefor so shorta periodof time?lf not, could you let me know what the minimumstay oeriod is? Your advertisementmentionsthat the properties a r ea l l f u l l yf u r n i s h e dW . h a te x a c t l yi s p r o v i d e d ? would we haveto bring bedlinen? L a s t l yw , e w e r ep l a n n i n go n b r i n g i n go u r d o g w i t h u s . W o u l dt h i s b e a p r o b l e m ,a n d a r e t h e r ee x t r a chargesfor pets? Thankyour for your assistanceand I hope to hear from you soon. Yoursfaithfully, ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit4 (p. 97) Part4 4. our 7.,/ 5. been 8. it 6. from 9. ,/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. scientists 7. varieties 8. Additional 9. vitally 10. generations environmental reduction harmful endangered threatened Prepositions to for of 4. from 5. in 6. in l z. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1f . 12. Ior at with to in with 13. of/by 1 4 .o I 1 5 .i n 1 6 .i n 1 7 .i n 1 8 .i n , o f 1 0 .m u c h 11./ 12.Io 13. ,/ 1 4 .t h e m 15. have 19. of 20. in 21.for ExamFocus:Listening:Unit4 (p. 98) Part4 24.N 25.D 26.D 27.C 28.N (Suggestedanswers) 1 .o n 2. ,/ 3. very Part 5 29.C 30.D You'llhear a conversationin which David, Clare and Neeraj are trying to decide how to spend their evening. Answer quesllons 24 to 30 by writing D (for David), N (for Neeraj) or C (for Clare) in the boxes provided. David: So what are we going to do tonight then? Anybody got any ideas? C/are; I'm for going out, but l'm not sure about what we should do. What about you, Neeraj? Neeraj: Oh, I don't know.Thereare a few good things o n W t h a t I w o u l d n ' tm i n d s e e i n g ,i n c l u d i n g" W h o ' s afraidof VirginiaWoolf" Clare: I lovethatfilm!lsn'tElizabethTaylor{antastic in i t ? S h e c a o t u r e st h e . . . David: (interrupting)No! We've got to go out. We haven't done anything decent at the weekend for ages. I'm fed up with watchingTV.We shouldmake a bit of an effortand try and get out of the house.Even if it's just for a coffee. Neerai:That'strue, David.But l've sort o1settledinto the idea of relaxingin front of the telly. You know, pizza,a few drinks. But I could be persuadedinto g o r n go u t . Clare; No, David's right. We've got to get out. As much as I love "Who's afraidof VirginiaWoolf,"and pizza,we should hit the town. Neeraj:OK, Clare.We'll go out - but where? David: Wellthat dependson what we feel like doing. There'salwaysthe old favourites, the CafeRoyalfor a d r i n k ,o r w e c o u l dg o f o r a n I n d i a nm e a l .D o e sa n y o n e f a n c yg o i n gt o a c l u b ? Neeraj: Dancing might be the thing, but what's on Dave? David: The Place have that American DJ. Kenny L a r k i n p, l a y i n g- p l u sa p e r s o n aal p p e a r a n c e by B12. Or there'sthat new club on ShandwickPlace.That's s u p p o s e dt o b e q u i t eg o o d . 43 Exam Focus:lJnit 4 C l a r e :I w o u l d n , m t i n d g o i n gt o T h e p l a c e ,b u t i t , l l be an all ticketjob, won't it? And won't it be expensrve? David: I don,tknow how much it is. But Man would be able to get us could give him a rrng and find out, couldn'tyou Clare? Clare; yeah, I could do that. Neeraj:What else is there? C l a y : l _ k n o wS, p i k eL e e ' sn e w f i l m , . C l o c k e r s , , is on at the Cameo. We could go there have a couple of drinks, maybe somethinglo eat, and go to the late s h o w i n g .H o w d o e st h a t s o u n d N e e ? lf we're going to eat out, we coulo go to the !."?r?i, K e b a bM a h a l .l t , sc h e a p e rt h a n t h e C a m e o and it,s betterfood. . C/are:Whata greatidea!| haven'thad Indian food for qu u5. j u s r r e m e m b e r e dT. h e R o b e r tF i s h ?yldi_Oh, I've C.eilidhBandare playingat the AssemblyRooms and Mikehas leftsome ticketsat the door foius. A Ceilidh is alwaysgood for a lauqh. Clare: I saw them durin! the festivaland they were b r i l l i a n tl .t w a s s u c h a g o o d n i g h t l Neeraj:I'm not all that keen oi them, but t,d go at a push. Particularlyif we've got free tickets. t,m a bit short of cash this week. Clare: ll we're lookingto save some money. I could w h i p u s u p s o m e s p a g h e t t iy. o u k n o w I l i k e messing around in the kltchen. Neeraj: No, it's not that bad. I still want to go to the Kebab Mahal, whateverelse happens.What about you Dave? David: Me too. Clare..So, we're definitelygoing for an Indran meal? David & IVeeray..yes. Clare.' Now we've got to choose between going going to the cinemaor going to the gtuO.OjnO, Ceilidh. David: yes, but why don,t *" eat now and 96 decidewhat to do once we'rethere? "n"O l,m starvingand I d like to eat soon. Neeraj:Greatldea.Just let me change my rop. ExamFocus- Speaking:Unit4 (p.99) Part3 (Suggestedanswers) S4.'Pollutionis becominga real problem for forests. S8.'Yes.Wastefrom cars and factories causesacid raln,which is very bad for the trees. This could be 1u:19"dby using other,less harmfulkindsof energy. SA;Well,thatwouldsolvethe probtemot aciO rain.gut what about other problems,such as people cutting forestsdown in order to use the wood'for'timber? SB; That could be solved by introducinq stricter regulations,and growingtrees specially toitnat purposeratherthan cuttingdown ancientforestsfor wood. But naturaldisasteiscan be a problem too: what about forestfires? SA.'Sometimes forestfiresare necessary.Theyciean the forest,whichwould otherwisehavebecome over_ grown. But if we had forestrangersto supervrse and c o n t r o ls u c h t h i n g s ,a l o t o f t h e d a n g e r c o u t o be avoided. SB; I agree.Forestrangerscould also make sure that people did not leave litter,or cut down the trees for timber. SA; Exactly. Part 4 (Suggested answers) SA.' There are many differentthings that can oe re_cycted, such as old cans, newspapers,and plastic UOU J, SAI Yes, and what about bottles,and other types of plastic,such as shampoocontainers? S/; Absolutely.Recyclingis good, becauserr means that fewer suppliesare wasted. SB; Especiallypaper,which destroystrees. S4.'Yes, but thereare other benefiti as well. Making plastic in factorlesproduces harmful gases, so by recyclrngplasticbagsand containers,*e help to keep p o l l u t i o nl e v e l sl o w . S8.' Other things can be recycledas well. Having a compostheap in your gardenis a good idea:you can puryourwasteon it,suchas unwanted food,and it will get broken down over time. The result is compost, which is very good for the plants. SA;Yes.Infact,if you knowhow it is possibleto recycle a l m o s ta n y t h i n g l SA; Individualscan cut down on household wasteby r e c y c l i n gm o r e . SB; Yes,and also by just not usingso much in the first place! For example,you don't al*ays need to ger a p13.1"bag when you go to the supermarket. SA; That'sthe fault of the supermarkets though. So much of what you buy is in packetsnowadays. That createsa lot of extrahouseholdwaste. SB: Yes, but it s also the fault of the individuats. l,ve seen people in supermarketsbuying three separare p i l t : : f i i t k w h e nt h e ys h o u t dr e a l r yi u u e O o u g not n e otgcontainer. S;4;Yes.And if peoplewere more carefulabout what they bought, perhapsthe food companies would be m_orereliableabout packaging. SB; I aoree. SA; lt is very imporlantto protectthe environment for a lot of reasons.lf we do not protectthe environment now,we willdestroythe planetfor futuregenerations. 58; Y;9 lf we keepusingmotorcars,for example, the a i r w i l l b e c o m eu n b r e a t h a b l e . S A ;A l s o .i f w e c o n t i n u ep r o d u c i n gC F C , s , m o r eo f t h e ozone layerwill be destroyed,and more people will g e t s k i nc a n c e r . S 8 ; T h a tw i l la l s oc a u s eg l o b a w l a r m i n gw , h i c hm e a n s that sea levelscould rise,becauseice"Oergs witimett. ExamFocus:Unit4 SA; Pollutionfrom factorieswill lead to acid rain destroyingthe forests. SB.'Yes,whichwillmeanlessoxygenbeingproduced by trees. SA; Rubbish is another problem. lt is importantto c l e a nu p t h e r u b b i s ht h a t i s p o l l u t i n gt h e o c e a n s . SB.Y . e s .A n d t h e d a n g e r o u so i l s p i l l sf r o m b i g s h i p s , w h i c ha r e k i l l i n gs o m u c h w i l d l i J e . . 2. F 3. E SA: lthink thattherearea lot of thingsthe government s h o u l d d o t o r e d u c e p o l l u t i o n .F o r e x a m p l e ,t h e y should be takingsteps to ban motor cars,which pollutethe atmosphere. SB; Yes maybe, but they could never do that. How would people get around?Motor cars are much too p o p u l a rf o r t h e g o v e r n m e ntto b a n t h e m . SA.' People could use electriccars. Of course they couldn'tban them now, but they could take steps to slowlyintroduceother,lessharmfulkindsof transport. SB; I think that the governmentshould try and clean u p r u b b i s hi n t h e c i t y . SA;Yes.Theycould providemorelitterbinsfor people to use.Thatwould preventthe problemfrom happening again. SB; Perhaps they should pay for a campaign to educate people about the dangers of pollutingthe envrronment,and ways of becoming more environmentallyfriendly. SA; That'sa good idea.lf peopleknew more about it, p e r h a p ss o m e t h i n gc o u l d b e d o n e . SB.'Yes.Definitely. 4. ExamFocus- Writing:Unit4 (p. 100) ARTfCLES (While teaching aftictes, T should eticit style techniques from Ss, by revisrng stytefrom previous unlts.Ss shou/dbe a skedto memorisethe outlines on p.100 of the Student'sBook and refer to them when necessary). 1. 1. C 2.E ?n 4.8 5 .A 2. (Suggested headlines) 1 . " H i d d e nd a n g e r sa t t h e b e a c h "o r " B e a c n e sa d a n g e rz o n e . " 2. "Waragainstdiseases"or "New breakthrouqhsin m o d e r nm e d i c i n e . " 3 . " P a s s i o n- H e r et o d a y ,g o n e t o m o r r o w . ' 4. "Cape May Resort- a hiddenparadise"or "Exotic Hawaii." 3. 1. C first paragraph- the readeris addresseo directly lastparagraph- the readeris givensomething to consider The outlinefor a discursivearticleshould be USEd. (Suggestedtifle)Sport in Schools. 5. 4. A 5. D 6. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. first paragraph- a strong opinionis stated last paragraph- the articleis summarised Theoutlinefor a "forand against"articleshould be used. (Suggestedtitle)Boxing Ban. firstparagraph- a rhetoricalquestionis asked last paragraph- a personalopinionis stated Theoutlinefora"forand against"articleshould be used. (Suggestedtitle)Computersversus Teachers. first paragraph- a strong opinionis stated last paragraph- the articleis summariseo (it ends with a quotation) The outlinefor an articlegiving advantages and disadvantagesshould be followed (Suggestedtitle) Life in the City. first paragraph- the readeris addressed directly last paragraph- a personalopinionis stated The outlinefor an articlegivingadvantages and disadvantagesshould be followed. (Suggestedtitle) ls Air TravelNecessary? first paragraph- startswith a problemthat n e e d sa s o l u t i o n last paragraph- the articleis summarised The outlinefor an articleprovidingsolutionsto a p r o b l e ms h o u l db e u s e d . (Suggestedtitle)TeenageAlcoholism. However- to make contrastingpoints. The main disadvantageof - disadvantages. Moreover- to add more pointsto a topic. I n a d d i t i o nt o - t o a d d m o r e o o i n t s . On the other hand - to expressbalance. Apart from - to add more pointson a topic. A l l t h i n g sc o n s i d e r e d- t o c o n c l u d e . Model 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. w i t h o u t h e b a s i ck n o w l e d g eo f To startwith should be in constantcontact Thus,any problemsthatdo arisecan be dealtwith quickly. the studentsare kept motivatedand willingto study. it is the parents'responsibility to understand T h i s i n v o l v e sh e l p i n gt h e m w i t h t h e i rh o m e w o r x t h e s o l u t i o nl i e si n t h e i m o r o v e m e n t Model 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. w i t h o u tk n o w i n g Firstly should have close contact so that any problemscan quicklybe sortedout. the kids learnand theirwork is rewarded. t h e p a r e n t ss h o u l db e m o r e u n d e r s t a n d i n g They should offerhelp with homework I believethat things will get better 45 ExamFocus: Unit 4 6. The dynamiccity of Frankfurtin centralGermany is perfectfor those lookingfor an excitingbreak, lt is l o c a t e do n t h e r i v e rM a i n ,i n o n e o f t h e m o s t s c e n i c partsof Germany. S k y s c r a p e r tso w e r o v e r t h e s k y l i n e .t h e i ' b r i g h t lightsreflectingin the river.and the busy hum of traffic i s a c c o m p a n i e db y t h e q u i e tl a p p i n go f t h e r i v e ra s i t f l o w si t sw a y s t e a d i l yu n d e rt h e n u m e r o u si l l u m i n a t e d bridges. You will find it difficultnot to get caught up in the of Frank{urts hustleand bustlethat is characteristic busy streets.At night the city is transformedinto an exhilaratingcentrefull of night life. l{ you are lookingfor a iasterpace of life.Frankfurt i s t h e p l a c e t o g o : y o u c e r t a i n l yw i l l n o t b e d i s a p Dointed. Purposeof paragraph 1 - Nameand locationof place P u r p o s eo f p a r a g r a p h s2 a n d 3 - P a r t i c u l adre t a i l so f the Dlace P u r p o s eo f f i n a l p a r a g r a p h- F e e l i n g sa n d f i n a l t h o u g h t sa b o u tt h e p l a c ei n c l u d i n gr e c o m m e n d a t i o n . Static features - located Moving features - tower over,flows its way steadily. w a l ka l o n g 7 . Purposeof paragraph 1 - Nameand locationof place and reasonfor choosingit. P u r p o s eo f p a r a g r a p h s2 a n d 3 - P a r t i c u l adre t a i l so f the place. s n df i n a tl h o u g h t s P u r p o s eo l p a r a g r a p h4 - F e e l i n g a about the olace.recommendation Words where senses are used: smell of pine trees. c r u n c ho f s n o w . 8 . T h e o u t l i n et h a t m u s t b e u s e d h e r e i s f o r a n a r t i c l e p r o v i d i n gs o l u t i o n st o p r o b l e m s . 1B +o first paragraph - startswith a problemthat n e e d sa s o l u t i o n last paragraph - the articleis summarised Articleprovidingsolutionsto a problem ( S u g g e s t e dh e a d l i n eT) h e D e c l i n eo f B o o k s ZV en first paragraph - startswith a quotation last paragraph - a personalopinionis stated Articlegiving "for and against"arguments (Suggestedheadline)War or Peace? 44 first paragraph- addressesthereaderdirectly last paragraph - ends with a quotation Articlegiving arguments"for and against" ( S u g g e s t e dh e a d l i n e C ) h i l dA b u s e ? 5E f irst paragraph- makesreferenceto a strange scene last paragraph - leavesthe readerwith somet h i n gt o c o n s i d e r Discursiva erttcle (Suggested h e a d l i n eE ) n v i r o n m e n t aDli s a s t e r 10. (Suggested answer for missing paragraphs): Paragraph1 - Overthepastfewdecadesit hascome t o l i g h tt h a tt h e o z o n el a y e rs u r r o u n d i n tgh e e a r t hi s slowly being destroyeddue to the vast amountsof . e s p i t et h e c h e m i c a l sp o l l u t i n gt h e a t m o s p h e r e D controlgroupsto raise effortsof someenvironmental publicawarenesson this matter,very littlehas been d o n e t o p r e v e n ti t s d e s t r u c t i o nC. l e a r l ys o m e t h i n g must be done beforeit is too late. S u g g e s t e da n s w e r f o r m i s s i n g p a r a g r a p h s : An effectivesolutionwould be for the government t o b e g i nb u i l d i n gh o u s e sa n d f l a t st h a tc a n b e r e n t e d to homelesspeople at a cheap rate.There is also a needfor hostelsto deal with teenagersrunningaway from broken homes. Anothersuggestionwouldbe to remedythe cause 1 1 . o f h o m e l e s s n e s sT.h e g o v e r n m e nst h o u l dh e l p p e o j o b sa n d w o r kp r o g r a m m e s p l ef i n d w o r k b y c r e a t r n g f o rt h e l o n gt e r mu n e m p l o y e dM . o r es u p p o r tc o u l db e g i v e nt o f a m i l i e sw h i c h a r e e x p e r i e n c i nfgi n a n c i aol r p h y s i c aal n d e m o t i o n apl r o b l e m st h r o u g hc h a r i t a b l e foundationa s n d g o v e r n m e nftu n d e dh e a l t hc l i n i c s . 9 . (T is advisedto revrsethe use of linking words used in argumentativecomposition.See page 75 in Students Book before Ss do Ex 9..) first paragraph - startswith a problemthat n e e d sa s o l u t i o n last paragraph - the articleis summarised Articlegiving advantagesand disadvantages (Suggested h e a d l r n eC) o m f o r to r t h e E n v i r o n ment?/lsthe car the best meansof transport? Paragraph4 - Peoplehavecausedenoughharmto t h e e a r t h .l t i s n o w u p t o t h e f u t u r eg e n e r a t i o n tso improvethe situationby ensuringthatthe protection of the ozonelayerremainsa priority,througheducation. ( S u g g e s t e da n s w e r f o r m i s s i n g p a r a g r a p h s ) Paragraph 1 - Overthe pastfew decadestelevision has become an important part of many people's l i v e s .A n r n c r e a s i n gn u m b e r o f h o u s e h o l d so w n televrsionsto the extentthat only a very small perc e n t a g eo f p e o p l ed o n o t p o s s e s sa s e t . P a r a g r a p h4 - O n b a l a n c e w , h i l e t e l e v i s i o nc a n b e beneficialto a child s education,it can also have a detrimentaleffect on their social is thereforeimportantto ensurethat it is usedin moderat i o n a n d d o e s n o t r e p l a c es o c t a lc o n t a c ti n a c h i l d ' s iife. Exam Focus: Unit 4 12. 1. AdvantagesiDisadvantages (Suggestedheadline)Dog- Man'sBestFriend? Outline: statetopic give advantages give disadvantages give a balancedconsideration/ opinion 2. For and against ( S u g g e s t e dh e a d l i n e M ) u l t i l i n g u aKl i d s ? Outline: statetooic argumentsfor argumentsagatnst balancedconsideration. 3 . E x p r e s s i n gO p i n i o n (Suggestedheadline)Rich Rewards O u t l i n e : s t a t eo p i n i o n point 1 p o i n t2 restateopinionand reason 4. For and Against ( S u g g e s t e dh e a d l i n e B ) a n o n O l d e rD r i v e r s O u t l i n e : s t a t et o p i c a r g u m e n t sf o r argumentsagainst balancedconsideration 5. Suggestions (Suggestedheadline)HeatthyLiving Outline; statetopic S u g g e s t i o n1 Suggestion2 best option and reason 6. Discursive (Suggestedheadline)Fashionat the Expense of Taste Outline: statetooic one point of view anotherpoint of view third point of view g i v eo w n o p i n i o n 7. Narrative/Descriotive (SuggestedheadIne,;BeautifulLewes Outline: name and locationof place reasonfor choosingthe place particulardetailsabout the olace f e e l i n g sf,i n a lt h o u g h t sa b o u tp l a c e and recommendation. (Suggested answers to questions 1, 2, Z) 1 . The advantagesand disadvantagesof owning a pet. Owninga pet is somethingthatmany peoplethese daysdecideto do, mostlydue to thefactthat,for most, it has more advantagesthan disadvantaqes. One of the mainadvantagesof owningi pet isthat rt can providea much-neededsense of companion_ ship to those who would otherwisebe livinga lonely life, for examplethe elderly.A pet will always be a faithfuland loyalcompanionand a valuablesourceof comfort, and it is very common for pet owners to oecomeextremelyattachedto theiranimals;in some cases,more than they do to humans.This is under_ standable,becausean animalwill neverquestionits owner'sbehaviourand will alwaysmake them feel valuedand was once sald that ,,youcan tell b y t h e k i n d n e s so f a d o g h o w a h u m a ns h o u l db e . " However.thereare certaindisadvantages to own_ rng a pet, particularlyfor those who live in an urban area. This is mainly due to the fact that there is not enough space in smallapartmentsto accommodate a familyplus a pet. Added to this is the fact that it is c r u e lt o k e e pa n a n i m a li n c r a m p e dc o n d i t i o n sw h e r e i t i s n o t a b l et o r u n a r o u n df r e e l v . AnotherCisadvantage of owning a pet is the fact that it can cost a lot of money.Food hasto be bought, a n d v e t ' sf e e s p a i d ,a m o n g o t h e rt h i n g s . I n c o n c l u s i o na, l t h o u g ht h e r ea r e a l o t o f a d v a n _ tages associatedwith owning a pet, they do not alwaysoutweighthe disadvantages thatsome peopte may face.As such, prospectiveownersshould care_ fully consider the various aspects of owning a pet b e f o r et a k i n go n s u c h a l a r g er e s p o n s i b i l i t y . 2. All children should be made to learn at least one foreign language. T h e q u e s t i o no f w h e t h e ra l l c h i l d r e ns h o u l d b e m a d et o l e a r na f o r e i g nl a n g u a g ei so n e t h a th a sa n s e n over the past decadewith the formationof the Euro_ p e a nU n r o nl e a d i n gt o c l o s e rt i e sw i t ho t h e rE u r o p e a n countries.This has led to a need for bettercommuni_ cation between countriesin order to improve rera_ tions. It can thereforebe said that thereare severalvery g o o d r e a s o n sf o r c h i l d r e nt o l e a r na f o r e i g nl a n g u a g e , t h e m a i no n e b e i n gt h a t i t w i l le n s u r et h a tt h e yn a v ea futureaheadof them in today'scompetitivejob market where a knowledgeof languagesis a definiteasset w h e n a p p l y i n gf o r a j o b . W h a t i s m o r e , k n o w i n ga foreignlanguagegivesa young person greaterfreedom to traveland to work abroad,meaningthat they w i l l n o t b e c o n f i n e ds o l e l yt o w o r k i n gi n t h e r rn o m e country,but wlllbe ableto work anywherethey desire in Europe. However,therearealsoseveralargumentsagainst m a k i n ga l lc h i l d r e nl e a r na f o r e i g nl a n g u a g et,h e m a i n o n e b e i n gt h a tn o t a l l c h i l d r e nh a v et h e a b i l i t vt o l e a r n languages. While some may have a natural talent for lan_ guages,othersmay performbetterin other subjects, s u c ha s s c i e n c eo r m a t h e m a t i c sl f. s u c h c h i l d r e na r e made to learnlanguageswhichthey find difficult,this may leadto feelingsof inadequacywhich mightaffect a c h i l d ' sa c a d e m i cp e r f o r m a n c a es a whole. I n c o n c l u s i o na, l l c h i l d r e ns h o u l db e e n c o u r a g e d t o l e a r na f o r e i g nl a n g u a g eb e c a u s ei t w i l l u n d o u b t _ edly be of advantagetothem.However,thosewhoare 47 Unit 5: Parl 1 museum with artefactsfrom the Middle Ages. The castleis in such good conditionthat you can almost hearthe cannonsbooming as battleswere fought. Lewes has a successfulhandicraftindustry,and v i s i t o r st o " T h eN e e d l e s ,a" s h o p p i n gc e n t r e a, r es u r e to find somethingto theirtastein one of the many gift shops. Set deep in the Sussexcountryside,Lewes is a beautifulold town,and is so closeto the coastthatyou c a n a l m o s ts m e l lt h e s e a a i r . A n y o n el o o k i n gf o ra q u i e tw e e k e n di nt h ec o u n t r y side will be pleasantlysurprisedby Lewes, where q u a l i t ys h o p p i n gc a n b e c o m b i n e dw i t hs i g h t s e e i nogr just a relaxingstrollthroughthe historicstreets unableto, should not be made to take up a foreign languagebecausethe pressureof havingto learnmay ultimatelydo them more harm than good. 7. "Lewes is always there for you" The town of Lewes in East Sussex,on the south coast of England,is one of the most scenic in the r e g i o n .O r i g i n a l l ay m a r k e t o w n ,i t i s n o w t h e a d m i n istrativecentreof the regton.Lewesis also home to a N o r m a n c a s t l e ,b u i l t w h e n t h e N o r m a n s i n v a d e d E n g l a n di n t h e e l e v e n t hc e n t u r y . Visitorsto the castlewill be greetedwith a panoramic view of the surroundingcountrysideand the E n g l i s hC h a n n eiln t h e d i s t a n c eT. h e r et sa l s oa s m a l l Unit 5 rnostpoints is the winner. TeamA 52: telephone eg TeamA 51: watch Team B 52: experiment Team B 51: patent Unit5-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p. 106) . (Suggestedanswers) . \Vell,to become rich one has to work reallyhard for somec n g h o u r s .O n ec a n b e c o m er i c hb y i n v e n t i n g t e a l t hf r o m a r i c h :rrngcleverO . r , o n e c o u l di n h e r i w 'elative.Winningthe lotteryis anotherway of b e c o m i n gr i c h . . T writes the word inventions on the board, lhen asks Ss to thrnkof as manv words as thev can related to the topic. Watch TV Telephone Computer S t e a mE n g i n e INVENTIONS BoardGames Robots Satellites Electricity Fax Machines Microchips M o b i l eP h o n e fhen f asks Ss to think of verbs related to the topic and to derive the noun. invent- inventor experiment- experimenter research- researcher discover- discoverer (Asan alternativeTdivides the classinto two teamsand asks them to think of words related to INVENTIONS. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the 48 (Suggested answers) The telephone - the wheel - TV - the mousetrap cardboard drinks cartons - Monopoly. W e l l .I t h i n kt h a tt h e t e l e p h o n ei s t h e m o s t i m p o r tant inventronbecause one can stay in touch with people that live far away.The wheel comes second becausepeoplewere able to shortendistancesand go to placesthat were too far to reach on foot. TV is another important invention because we can see p i c t u r e sf r o m a l l o v e rt h e w o r l d ,s e e o t h e rp e o p l e ' s culturesand be kept informedof the latestnews.The mousetraphelpedpeoplea lot,but it's now a littleoldfashioned because people use pesticidesor more updated electricaldevicesto get rid of mice. Cardboarddrinkscartonsarequiteusefulbecausetheyare easilycarriedand stored.Monopoly is a successful boardgamewhichdefinitelymade its inventor(s)rich. Lots of people enjoy playingit. 1. 2. 3. 4. financial carton patent thousand 5. inventors 6. amateurs 7. original 8. market 9. games 1 0 .b e s t - s e l l e r ReadingTask: Part 1 (p. 106-107) 1. H 2.E 3A 4.G 5.C 6.8 7.1 Unit5: Part 1 VocabularyExercises: Part1 (p. 108-109) 5. 1.flight 1. ease - lack of difficulty persistence- determinationto continuetrvinoto do sth initial - first time-consuming - taking up a lot of time cardboard drinks carton - box made of cardboardin which drinksare contained fortune - a lot of money market - advertisea product in order to sell it range - vary vital - very important profit margin - money made from sth after expenseshave been paid board game - game playedwith piecesand/or dice on a speciallymarked board 2 . 1. consultation 2. patent 3. amateur 5. overlooked 4. pursuit 3. (Ss do Ex. 3 on their own then T checks and elicitsl explainsthe meaning of each distractor.) 1.D 2.C 3.8 4.A 1. A create (v) = to make sth original. B produce (v) = to make sth in largequantities. C process (v) = to change raw materialsusing industrialmethods D manufacture (v) = to produceon a large scale,esp in a {actory 2. A keep (v) = to continueto have in one's possession B gain (v) = to obtain sth (eg gain expenence) obtain (v) : to get sth (eg obtaina visa) D issue (v) = to supplyor providesb with sth (eg to issuea visa for sb) 3 . A discover (v) = to finOsth (egdiscoverAmerica) B invent (v) = to design sth new (eg inventthe telephone) C explore (v) = to travelin order to learnabout a place (eg explorethe Antarctic) research (v) = to studysth in orderto discover newinformation 4. A company(n) = business organisation B group(n)= numberof people/things put together C team (n)= groupof peopleworkingtogether, esp in sportor business D association(n) = organisation 4 . (Ssshou/dmemorise thesetexfrelatedcollocations 4. carefully 7. creation 2. inventors 5. detailed 8. Fortunatelv 3. Development 6. construction 6. 1.economical 2. identical 3. amateur 4. invention 7 . 1. rags-to-riches 2. strikeit rich 3. fair game 4. the game was up 5. name of the oame 8 , 1 .f o r 2. after 3.up 4. down on 5.into 6. through 9. 1. publicised 2. campaign 3. advertisingagency 4. promote Successful inventions: Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, cardboarddrinkscartons. Possible prollems: obtaininga patent,an advertising company must be found to developand market the product. (Suggestedanswer) I think that your unbreakablelightbulbis a fantastic invention,but without a good marketingcampaign nobodywillknowaboutit.lf I wereyou, I wouldcontact a good advertisingagency,and get them to promote the product.This could be done using bothtelevision commercialsand postersaround town. Don't forget that you need to get people to noticethe advertisements, so it is important to make the advertising striking.The qualityof the productis important,but in realitythe advertisingis what countsthe most. Don't overlook the fact that some people are easily offended,so try and make sure that the campaignwill appealto everybody. (Before Ss are asslgned it as written HW, f dlscusses all points Ss shou/d include in their letter.) 1. 2. 3. 4. D e a rS i r ( s ) , 9. to stand obtain 5. commercials 6. hoardings 7. advertisements Characteristicsof a good inyention: originality,a marketfor the product,economicalso that it will be taken up by a company,must be sth that can be developed,to sell for yearsto come. (Suggested answer) 5. time 6. board 7. a wide 8. wel 7. forward to 8.up Follow'upActivities:Part 1 (p. 109) and expressions. T checksin thenext/esson.) to make the road profit drinks 5. acceot 6. basic I was very interestedto see your advertisementfor a waste-poweredcar in the paper yesterday. Could you please send me a copy of your free brochure? 49 Unit5: Part2 Couldyou also give me some generalinformation aboutthe car, such as how many peopleit can carry, and how fast it can go? | would also be interestedin knowing exactlywhat kinds of rubbishit will run on, and how much luggageit can carry.Couldyou let me know about the possibilityof a test drive? I have been very interestedin the idea of environmentally-friendly transportfor a few years now, and wouldthereforelikeinformationaboutany otherproductsthat you offer.lf you could contactme as soon as possible,I would be most grateful. Yoursfaithfully, GrammarCheck:Part1 (p. 109) .1 . lots of, few 2. a good deal of, little 3. a lot of, great 4. a few, several 5. no, much 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. m u c h , h a r d l ya n y a few, some a l i t t l e s, o m e All, Lots of. A few a f e w ,s e v e r a l Unit5 - Parl2 Warm-upActivities(p. 110) (Suggested answer) Thissign standsforrecycling.Thechildrenarecollecting rubbishfrom a beach in an attemptto keep the beaches clean. This is extremelyimportantas we shouldall be environmentally awareand try to protect our environment. ReadingTask:Par l2 ( p. 110- 111) 8. B (Lna-5) s. D (114) 1 0 . B ( L n1 4 ) 11 . A ( L n2 4 ) 12.A (Ln30-31) 13.D (Ln35-37) 1a.C (Ln39) 15.B (Ln43-44) VocabularyExercises:Part2 (p.112-113) 1. durable - long lasting,hard-wearing ambition - strong desire textile - material single-handed- on one'sown,withoutanyone'shelp per capita - per person scrap metal - metalthat has been discarded landfill sites - placeswherethingsare disposedof by b u r y i n gt h e m u n d e rt h e g r o u n d disposal - act of gettingrid of sth alternatives- other methodsof doing sth; options 2. 1.waste 2. long{erm 3. site 4. desirable 5. transport 3. 1.cupboard 2. plastic 4 . 1 .s o l u t i o n 2. ambitious 6. packaged 7. wrapping 8. sorted 9. entirely 10. goodinvestment 3. glass 4. question 5. involve 6. deflate 3. extremely 4. electricity 5 . (Ss do Ex. 5 on their own, then T checks answersand elicitslexplainsthe meaning of each distractor.) (suggested answer) recycledpaper, bottle banks. recyclingplants,can crushers,etc. We can recycle things by: collectingtin cans for recycling,taking old newspapersto the collection point,re-usingplasticbags etc. Julie Lewis is wearing an expensive-looking pair of boots. They are made of manmadematerials. Recyclinghas becomeextremelypopularin the USA In recentyears.65 per cent of aluminium cans are recycled,plus a quarterof paper and 20 per cent of glass. Taiwan buys used paper and Japan uses American scrap metal to make cars. A successful s c h e m eh a s b e e n o p e r a t i n gi n P a l m B e a c hC o u n t y . Rubbishis sorted out. Paper,glass and plastic are sold to recyclingfirms. Other materialsare used to make soil, to grow fruit and vegetables. Of course, r e c y c l i n gc a n b e e x p e n s r v e . Manufacturersin Germany are trying to solve the problemsat the productionstage,by lookingat how theirgoodsarepackaged.Soappowdersareconcentratedand toothpastetubes are sold withoutboxes. 50 1 .B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.8 A material (n) : solid substanceused to make sth B substance (n) = solid, powder or liquidwith particularproperties C matter (n) = physicalpart of the universe D fabric (n) = cloth z . A garbage (n) : sth to be thrown away B rubbish (n) = stn to be thrown away C litter (n) = rubbishdropped outdoors D toxic waste (n) = poisonoussubstance producedby factories,power plantsetc A enclose (v) = to surroundwith sth solid in order to protector separate B fold up (v) = to make into a neat shape by bending C package (v) = to put a productintoa box,bag etc for sale IJ wrap (v) = to put paper,foil etc around sth 4 . 4 councillor (n) = memberof localgovernment B c o u n s e l l o r( n )= s b w h o s e j o bi s t og i v e a d v i c e to peoplewith problems adviser (n) = sb who gives officialadvice concernrngbusiness,law etc Unt5: Part3 D informer (n) = sOwho reportsillegalactivities to the police,governmentetc 5. A sort out (phr v) = to separateinto categories B select (v) = to choose C separate (v) = to divide D segregate (v) = to keep groups of people physicallyapart 6. A pattern (n) = particularform or design B scheme (n) = plan which is meantto solvea problem C plot (n) = illegalplan, ie. to overthrowa governmenl D system (n) : way of doing sth S8.' You're right.The other thing to do is to get the governmentto impose regulationson products, l i k et h e y d i d w i t h C F C ' si n t h e 1 9 8 0 ' s . SA; Yes, and to get the governmentto take action towardscleaningup litterand pollutionwhich has alreadyoccurred. SB; They'vealreadydone that in some big cities,but i t n e e d st o b e d o n e i n t o w n sa s w e l l .a n d i n s m a l l e r villages. (Before Ss are assigned it as written HW, f discusses the topic in c/ass.After T has corrected the students' composition,helshe reads the best ones ln c/ass./ (Suggested answers) 6. (Ss should memorise these te.xtrelated collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. electricity 2. to run 3. to pose 7. 2. remnants 3. remainino 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. landfill 5. news 6. to make 7. to power 8. soap 9. disposal 4. remain 5. leftovers 6. remainder 7. pollution 8. contamination e n v i r o n m e n t a lal yw a r e recycling d i s p o s i n go f aluminium bottlebanks Recyclingis becoming an extremelyimportant issue nowadays.Our planet's resourcesare being u s e du p a t a n i n c r e d i b l sep e e da t t h e m o m e n t a , n dw e a r e d e s t r o y i n gt h e e n v i r o n m e nwt i t ht h e r u b b i s ha n d p o l l u t i o np r o d u c e db y n o t r e c y c l i n g . Firstly,it is uneconomicalto throw away rubbish, both for ourselves,and for societyin general.lf you start recycling,you will be amazedat how much moneyyou can save.Some centresactuallypay you f o r t h e r u b b i s hy o u b r i n gi n ! Recyclingis also extremelyimportantfor the envir o n m e n t .l t ' s a m a z i n gh o w m a n y t h i n g sc a n b e recycled,savingboth litterand the pollutionresulting f r o m m a k i n gt h e p r o d u c t s . Also,the more peoplerecycle,the more recycling centreswill be encouragedto keep their good work g o i n g .N o t o n l y i n t h i s g o o d f o r t h e e n v i r o n m e n itt, i s an interestingand profitablebusinessto get into. In general,I am very much in favourof recycling, and it's so easy that there is no excusefor not doingit. 6. plastic 7. decompose 8. products 9. environment Foffow-upActivities:Part2 (p.113) (Suggested answers) Recyclingwaste is important because it slows down the destructionof the environment.Everyone can help to recyclewaste by taking their recyclable r u b b i s h ,l i k eb o t t l e sc, a n sa n d o l d p a p e rt o r e c y c l i n g centres.That way, your recycledwastecan be made . o u c a n a l s oh e l pb y o n l y b u y i n g i n t o n e w p r o d u c t sY recycledproducts,which will encouragethe environmentallyfriendlycompanies,and Jorceothercompaniesto recyclemore.When going to the shops,it's a good ideato take an old plasticbag with you, and reuse it. That way you won't need a new one. Gr am m arCheck:Par t2 ( p.113) 1 . w o u l df i n d 2. rise 3. willrise 4 . w i l lb e f l o o d e d Unit5-Part3 Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p.114) (Ss work in pairs.T checks then some pairsreport to the c/ass). SA; I think that the most imponantstep we can take towards savingthe environmentis to inform people about the dangersof environmentalpollution. S8; Yes,but it is alsoimportantto forcebig companies to stop makingand using productswhich are bad for the environment. SA.'I agree,but the bestway to do that is to get people to stop buying products which pollutethe environment. That way companieswill be forced to change their methods. 5 . w i l lb e c o m e 6 . w o u l db e 7. would not havebeen oolluted 8. would not havebeenreleased . (Suggested answers) The picturesare of whalesand a killerwhale.Whales are mammalswhichlivein the sea.Theyareextremely i n t e l l i g e n tI .t h i n k i t i s c r u e lt o k e e p a n i m a l si n z o o s , becausethey oftenbecomeboredand unhappy,and theirenclosuresareoftentoo smallforthem.However. it is sometimesnecessaryto keep animalsin enclosuresto makesurethatthey arewell protected.Some endangeredspeoes havebeensavedfrom extinction i n t h i sw a v . a. T b.F cF d.T e.F f.T Unit 5: Part 3 Re a d i n gT a s k :P a rt3 (p .1 1 4 -1 1 5 ) 1 6 .D 17.8 1 8 .G 1 9 .C 2 0 . E 2 1 .A Part3 (p.116-117) VocabularyExercises: 'l. frustration = stateof annoyancecaused by an i n a b i l i t yt o d o s t h . constant = continuous administratols = people runningan organisation marine = relatedto the sea area regional = concerningan administrative generated : made to exist adjusting = becomingaccustomed release = act of settingsb/sthfree commission - group of expertswith a particular purpose 2. 1. captivity 2. aggression 3. 1.species 2. extinct 3. protect 3. attached 4. native 4. captivity 5. breed 6. released 5. mood 7. natural 8. confine 4 . (Ss have to memorise these text related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson./ 1. 2. 3, 4. top to show sudden to adjust 5. experts 6. caoable 7. to catch 8. to cause 9. procedure 1 0 .u n d e r 11. desperate 12. saletv 5 . (Ss do Ex. 5 on their own, then T checks answers and elicitslexolainsthe meaninq of each distractor.) 1. D 2.D 3.C 4.8 1 . A flee (v) : to run awa', usu from danger B liberate (v) = to free from externallimitations emancipate (v) = to liberate D release (v) = to allowto leave 2 . 4 sign (n) = indicationthat sth is a certainway or is happening B s i g n a l ( n ) = a c t i o nw h i c hi s i n t e n d e dt o g i v ea message symbol (n) = sth which representssth D gesture (n) = sth done to expressone's attitude or intentions J. f,\ increase (n) = growth in size,amount etc a d v a n c e m e n t( n ) = p r o m o t i o ni n o n e ' sj o b make progress (exp) = to become better at sth D development (n) = gradualgrowth and enhancement 4 . 4 generate (v) = to produce,usu electricity B conduct (v) = to allow electricityor heatto pass through charge (v) = to renew power, usu of a battery D discharge (v) = to releasefrom hospitalor militarv:releasewaste 52 6. 1. down 2. up 3. to 4. out 4. wildly 7. 1. recently 2 . c o n t i n u i n g 5. screntists 3. extinction 6. breath 5. in 7. reliant 8. independent Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p.117) (Ssworkin pairs.Tchecksthensome pairsreportback to the c/ass.,) (Suggestedanswers) SA.'In my opinion,Ulyssesis tame,and usedto being in captivity.lf we releasedhim into the wild, he just w o u l d n ' ts u r v i v e . SB; ldisagree.Ulyssesis obviouslyunhappy.Hispool is far too small,and he needsa mate.We could help h i m a d j u s tt o t h e o u t s i d ew o r l d ,a n d h e ' d b e m u c h happier. SA; I stillinsistthat it would be best to keep him here. W e c a n g e t h i m a m a t e ,a n d b u i l dh i m a b i g g e rp o o l . He's so good-naturedwe'd miss him if he left. SB.'Yes,buton the otherhandhe'sbeenunhappyand aggressivelately,and he could become dangerous unlessfreed. SA; Yes, but think how much money we will lose Ulyssesis our star attraction. S8; Exactly,I quiteagree.He is veryfamous,so think of all the positivepublicityyou would get by setting himfree! (Suggested answers) (f dlscusseslhetopic in classand elicitsideaslromSs, then helsheasslgns it as writtenHW. T also relers Ss to the relevanttheory on articles stressrngthe importanceof formal languageand style.After T has corrected Ss' compositions,helshe reads the besf ones rn c/ass.) All overthe world,animalsare kept in zoos and safari parks. Whether or not they should be is a very topic.Althoughpeoplemightnot realise controversial it, zoos are not just there for our entertainment. Zoos play a very importantpart in savinganimals thatwouldotherwisehavebecomeextinct.Inthe wild, some animals are in danger of extinctionbecause their habitat is being destroyed,while others are huntedJortheirfuror justforsport.Zooshelptoprotect theseanimals.Zoos are also good, becausethey are educational. O n t h eo t h e rh a n d ,z o o sr e m o v e a n i m a l s f r o m t h e i r n a t u r a sl u r r o u n d i n g a s n d p l a c et h e m i n a n e n v i r o n ment which is unnatural.This can causethe animals to become bored and unhappy.Regulationsare not strictenoughin somecountries,meaningthatanimals are often treatedbadly,and kept in small cages. I think zoos should continueto exist in order to protectanimalsand to educatepeople about them. But I stronglybelievethat regulationsshouldbe made stricter,and zoos should make more of an effortto recreateanimals'naturalsurroundinos. Unit 5: Part 4 GrammarCheck:Part3 (p.117) '1. by 2. with 3. by 4. with 5. by 6. with Unit5-Part4 Warm-upActivities:Part4 (p. 118) (Suggested answers) . . meditalion - deep thought stamina - abilityto keep going sheer - total (usedfor emphasis) peaks - highestpointsof mountains 2. (Ss should memorise these brt related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. poorly-lit 4. intensive 2. mental 5. sheer 3. martial 6. to get 7. stressful 8. insurance 9. climbable lce skating,wrestling,swimming,polo, football,socc e r , h o c k e y ,r o w i n g ,s k i i n g ,b i c y c l er i d i n g ,b o b s l e d ding, car racing,canoeing,rafting,motor racing,sail- 3 . 1 . characteristics 5. competitive z . fitness 6. responsibility b o a r d i n gs, a i l i n gw , i n d s u r f i n gs,u r f i n g r, o c k c l i m b i n g 3 . strength 7. determination etc. A dedication W e l l ,t h e o n l y t h i n g sI d i d n ' tt h i n ko f w e r e s u p e r circuitsand aqua-aerobics.I think that supercir6 away 1 . away 3. off 7. otI cuits might have somethingto do with runningor z . 4. back oul 6 back 8.up racrng. Rock climbingalso needsa lot of specialequipment. I think that the most dangerousone is rock-climbing Follow-upActivities:Parl4 (p.120) since many accidentsoccur and lots of people have been injuredor have even died in their attemptto Kung Ful (benefits) learn self-defence,boost your reacha peak. c o n f i d e n c ea, c q u i r em e n t a ld i s c i p l i n ec, l e a r e rm i n d . Supercircuits:(benefits) improvesstrengthand a. Chinesemartialarts (drawbacks)very demandingfitness b. strength,fitness Aqua-aerobics:(benefits)safe,fun, relaxing,keeps c. swimmingpool you lookinggood, feelingfit d. stressful T'ai Chi: (benefits) relievesstress,betterhealth, e . d a n c i n g ,m o v i n g improvesleveloJstrengthand fitness f. strength,stamina lce Skating: (benefits) get {it g. excluded (drawbacks)expensive h. thrilling Rowing: (benefits) helps strengthand stamina Footballfor over 40's: (benefits)olderpeoplecan do R e a d i n gT a s k : P a r t4 ( p . 1 1 8 - 1 1 9 ) it becausethey are skilledand experienced R o c k C l i m b i n g :( b e n e f i t s )t h r i l l i n ge, x c i t i n g 22,23.C,E (inanyorder) (drawbacks)dangerous 24,25. A, D (inany order) 26. B (suggested answer) 27. A I'd preferto do aqua-aerobics.In my opinionit is 28,29. F, G (in any order) the best sport becauseit's completelysafe. lt's also 3 0 ,3 1 . A , D ( i na n y o r d e r ) fun and relaxingand keeps you fit. 32. H I wouldn'ttake up rock-climbingbecauseit's very 33, 34. B, F (in any order) dangerousand stressful.You mightget hu11. Sharing 35. G climbingequipmentcan also be dangerousbecause it might not fit you properly,and it is too expensiveto VocabularyExercises:Part4 (p.120) buy yourown. 1. martial art - self-defencetechnioue supple - flexible crime-ridden - with a lot oJcrime boost - increase mental - of the mind acquire - get alternating- doing one thing and then another impact - force with which two things collide supplementing - adding to consultation- meetinqheld to oive adviceor make a decision GrammarCheck:Part4 (p.120) 1. every 2. Neither 3. whole 4. all 5. None 6. both 7. either 53 Exam Focus: Unit 5 Ex a mF o c u s- U s eo f E n g l i shU : n i t5 (p .1 2 1 ) Parl2 1 .B 2.4 3 .D 4.C s.C 6.8 7.D 8.8 L A 1 0 .A 1 1 .C 12.D 1 3 .D 1 4 .C 1 5 .A Pr e p o s i ti o n(p s .1 2 1 ) (Ssshou/d m emoilse these prepos itions.T checks in the next /esson.) '1. on o{/by at A in 5. in 6 . about t- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. otlto of on with/for for in/on/to 13.of 14. by/about 1 5 .i n 16.{rom 17.lrom 1 8 .i n ExamFocus- Listening:Unit5 (p.122) I A 2.8 3.A 4.8 5.8 6.C 7.8 8.B Part 1 You'll hear people talking in eight different sltuations. For questions 1 to 8, choose the best answer,A, B or 1. Llslen to this conversation. Whattype of fortunelelling does fhe woman recommend? A palm reading B tarot card reading C tea leaf reading Man: So, do you think I should havemy fortunetold? Woman:Well,it dependson who you go to. I'vetried just about everything- tea leaves, palmistry,tarot cards - but last year I went to this woman, and everythingshe said would happen actually did. I mean,movinghouse,my promotion,gettingmarried - how could she know all that just from lookingat my h a n Q ?S o I t h i n ky o u s h o u l dg o t o h e r . . . 2. Listen to this conversation.What does the woman blame the man for? A forgetting to write a report B forgetting to ring someone C forgetting to have food delivered Woman:I reallyneverdreamedyou'd let me down like this. Man: Me? Didn't I ring everyoneon the list?Didn't I write up the reportfor the board? And don't forget I organised the catering,which vou forgot to even mention! 54 Woman: All right,all right. I'm just wonderingwhy M r W i l s o nd i d n ' t k n o w a b o u t i t . H e c l a i m sh e w a s nevercontacted. 3 . You are going to hear part of a radio phone-in. What went wrong with the holiday described? A The hotel had not been built yet. B They arrived at the wrong resort. C The hotel was not the one they had booked. Radio Speaker; And for those of you who have just tuned in this morning'sphone-inis about holidays thatwent horriblywrong.We'vejust heardfrom Sarah in Kent,who arrivedat a Spanishresortonlytofindthe five-starhotelshe and her husbandhad bookedwas nothingmorethana buildingsite.lf you havea similar experienceyou'd liketo share,ring us on...(fadeout) 4 . Listen to this conversation. Where do the speakers decide to meet? A the pub B the station C the bus stop Man.'So we'remeetingat 9 o'clock- at the pub, right? Woman: Well, I don't know. Are you going home before? Man.'Probablynot. Woman: Becausel'll be out of town all day - | haveto go to that thing about bus stops at the county hall... Man: You'regoing by bus? Woman:No, no. l'll be coming back on the seventen - it gets in at eight twentyor so, and if you could... Man: Oh, right,l'll meet you on the platformthen. 5 . You'llhear someone talking on the phone. Who is he talking to? A an electrician B a plumber C a glazier Man: Erm,yeah, it's runningconstantly,and I'm just 'cos afraid there'sa lot of wiring underthere and if it actuallyleaks through then I don't know ... (pause) Yeah, yeah, it's right under the window... (pause) right,l'll expectyou this afternoonthen... 6 . You'llhear someone speakingal a buslnessmeeting. Whatdoes the speaker want the staff to do? A improve their products B increase their production C improve their advertising Woman:What I'm tryingto say is that we've dramatically improved our production, and the products themselves,but the fact is that our image with the public has stayedthe same. The bottom line is that nobodyseemsto knowaboutus,so whatI'm suggesti n g i s . . .( f a d eo u t ) ExamFocus:Unit5 7. Youwill hear awoman talking to a gardener. Whatdoes she want him to do? A mow the lawn B replant a shrub C clean the oond . . Gardener:What was it you wanted doing then? Woman: You know that bush with the white flowers. the - oh what's it called? Gardener:The viburnum? Woman:Yes,right.Well,it's so closeto the pond that when the flowersfall,it makesthe waterdirty,and I'm sure it must make it difficultto keep the lawn nice,so I thoughtperhapsanotherspot...on the otherside of the lawn, or the back of the big bed? Gardener:Rightyou are.The waterin the smallpond does need to be kept clean, no doubt about that... (fade out) 8. Youoverhearthis conversationin a departmentstore. What is the man complaining about? A the staff B the prices C the quality of the goods Assistant.' How can I help you, sir? Man: Well,I boughtthis alarmclock from you yesterday and l, er Assistant; Oh dear, doesn't it work? We've had several comolaintsabout that model. Man; Well, it woke me up this morningso I suppose it's all right. lt's just that I was looking in some shop windowearliertodayand I saw exactlythesameclock for a lot less,and they offerfree service,so I thought you might want to... ExamFocus- Speaking:Unit5 (p.123) Parl2 (Suggested answers) . . . . Picture A is of some people playingpolo, which is a game you play on horseback.Picture B is of a car race.They are both picturesof spofts that are quite fast and dangerous. I would like to play polo, becauseI like ridinghorses and it is fun to play team games,althoughit can be quite is much saferthan FormulaOne racingbecauseit is very easyto crashwhile racinga car. Peopleenjoydangerousthingsbecauseof the excitementthey get from them. For some people, knowing thatthey could get hurt makesa spod morefun.Also, for peoplewho work in an officeall week dangerous sports can be an excitingcontrastto everydaylife. Takingpartin a sporlcan improvehealthand helpyou to relax. . . Yes,thereare some endangeredspeciesin my country, We used to have a lot of bears in the north of Greece,but now thereareonlyabout 100left.Wolves, and some species of eagles are also endangered, along with sea-tuftles. A lot of speciesbecomeendangeredbecausepeople hunt them. Organisationscan be set up to protect these species from hunters,and governmentscan make it illegalfor peopleto killthem. Anotherreason some species die out is that their habitatsare destroyed.This could also be avoided by turning the areas into nationalparks. lt is importantto protectall speciesto preventthem from becomingendangered.lf a speciesdies out, it can have disastrouseffectson the environment,becausethe animalsthat relyon thatspeciesforfood will have nothing to eat, and will also die as a conseouence. I have nevertaken part in a conservationproject,but I t h i n ki t m u s tb e a v e r yi n t e r e s t i ntgh i n gt o d o . l t w o u l d be rewardingas well,to knowthatyourworkis helping to protectendangeredspecies,orto preservean area of countryside. ExamFocus- Writing:Unit5 (p.nal Reports A reporthas to Jollowthe characteristic reoort formatwith should be clearly organisedand presentedand the tone should be should not be written like a letter and this is somethingthat T has to point out to Ss. T has to prepareSs to write a proper reportas it i s i l l u s t r a t eodn p p . 1 2 4 - 1 3 1 . However,if Ss fail to followthe characteristic reportformat or their reportsounds a bit informal they will not necessarilyfail the FCE exam. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. majority By Iar the largest minority large proportion 2. 1.c 2.e 3.a 5. 6. 7. 8. A s m a l ln u m b e r A significantnumber percent substantial 4.d 5.b 3 . (Suggestedanswers) 1 . . . .t h a t m o r e a n d m o r e p e o p l ea r e r e a l i s i n gt h e d a n g e ro f s m o k i n g . 2 . . . .t h a t m a n y y o u n g p e o p l eu n d e r2 5 e n j o y travellingto other countries. 3. ... that people believebrand name colas taste better. 4. ... that marriageis somethingvery few couples rush into. 5 . . . .t h a t m o r e a n d m o r e p e o p l ea r e b e c o m i n g addictedto computergames. Picture C is of a sea-cow,whilepicture D is of a polar bear.These are both endangeredspecies. 55 Exam Focus: Unit 5 4. 1. C 2.A 3. E 4.D 5. B 5. (Suggestedanswers) '1 . ... the fact that 7 out of 10 peopletravelby train. 2. ... the fact that 670/o of all officesare smoke-free zones. 3. ... the fact that supermarketsalesof beer have increasedby 300% 4 . . . .t h e f a c t t h a t 5 2 % ovfi d e or e n t a l s a r h eorrorfilms. 5 . . . .t h e f a c tt h a t9 o u t o f 1 0 p e o p l ew e a rw e l l - k n o w n brandsof jeans. 6. (/f Ss have difficulty doing Ex. 6, T should help them by giving information as shown in the suggested answer.) b Facts: - 7)Voof hotelssurveyedofferthesefacilities. - Nearlyall of the hotelssurveyedprovideroom service,laundryserviceand a free maid service. - Only3% of hotelssurveyedofferfreeuse of an exerciseroom. - 80V"of hotelshave outdoor oools and 4o/ool hotelshave indoor and outdoorfacilities. - All of the hotelssurveyedhave a lounge,bar area and restaurant. - The averagepricefor a double room is t85t 1 2 0 p e rn i g h t . - Only 14%of the hotelsincludebreakfastin the b a s i cp r i c e . Generalisations: (suggested answers) - The majorityof hotelsare well-equipped. - Usualservicesare providedby most of the hotels. 1. T h e p u r p o s eo Jt h i s a s s e s s m e nits .. . - Free exercisefacilitiesaren't usuallyprovided. 2. This surveywas conductedto... - Swimmingfacilitiesare readilyavailable. 3. Ticketsat 10%discountare offeredto students. - Accessto food and drinkis consideredimoortant. 4. Afax machineis avallable(foruse)in the executive - Price-rangeof Maytown'shotelsis quite high. rounge. - On thewhole,theexistinghotelsarewell-equipped. 5 . U s e o Jt h e f a c i l i t i e iss a v a r l a b l teo a l l v i s i t o r s . /. . Facilitiesare availablefor use by all visitors... . 6 . A s w i m m i n gp o o l i s p r o v i d e df o r ( u s eb y ) 9. Model 1 is good because it is divided into subguests./Provided you're a guest,you can use headings.The purpose and content of the report is t h e s w i m m i n gp o o l . clearlystatedin the introduction.Each poinr rs sum7, Your bags will be carriedto your room by the marisedgiving both positiveand negativeaspects. hotel oorter. Appropriatelinkingwords and the passivevoice are 8. This hotel offersa continentalbreakfast(to its used.The conclusionincludesa generalassessment guests). and recommendation. 9. lt is advisedthat this ferry servicebe used. 1 0 . T h e r e s u l t so f t h e s u r v e ys h o w . . . Model2 is bad because its styleis very personaland it includesirrelevantdetails.The use oJshortforms is 7. (Suggestedanswers) apparentand it is not objective.The passivevoice is not used and there are no sub-headings.The para2. complained- Somepeoplecomplainedthatbuses graphs are poorly structured. were neveron time. 3. claimed - Many peopleclaimed that the service Linking words: the purpose of, although, in fact, wasn't very good. consistingof, however,also, on the face of it, taking 4 . protested - Many people protested that they everythinginto account. didn't want a prison in theirtown. explained - The officialsexplained that the bus Good points timetablehad been changed. - The campsiteis easilyaccessibleto cusromers o . admitted - They admitted that conditionswere very poor. arrivingby road or rail. - lt offersan outstandingview. 7 . promised - The policeofficialpromised that he - T h e r ei s a l a r g es h o w e rb l o c k . would do everythinghe could to improve - There is a bus serviceto the village. the situation. - There is a launderette,a restaurantand a bar. 8 . a 1 . M o d e l1 4 . M o d e l1 7 . M o d e l1 2 . M o d e l1 5 . M o d e l2 8. Model 1 Bad points 3 . M o d e l2 6 . M o d e l1 9 . M o d e l2 - The site is not protectedfrom the wind and can b e c o m eq u i t ec h i l l yi n t h e e v e n i n g s . (T should point out the good layout of Model 1 in - The cleanlinessof the showerand toiletblocks is contrast with that of Model 2). not of an acceptablestandard. - The bus servicetends to be inconvenient. - The restaurantand bar are expensive. 10.1.C 56 2.D 3.A 4.E 5. B ExamFocus:Unit5 11. (Suggested answers) 1 . . . . t h et h i n s u s p e c ti n p o l i c ec u s t o d yc o u l d n o t have attacked me. 2 . . . . t h ec a rr a d i om a y h a v eb e e ns t o l e na t t h a t t i m e . 3. ...theycould have some connectionto the bombing. 4. ...hecould havebeenthe personwho brokeinto t h e i rh o u s e . 5. ...therobbercould have enteredthrouohthat ooor. 12. evidence: They were about 22 years old. hypothesis: ...sothey could have been students. evidence: ...theycame runningout withoutwaiting t o f i l l t h e i rb a g w i t h m o n e y . hypothesis: I thinkthey must havepanickedat that point... 13. The smalltown of Brindonwas shakenawakeat 3.20 am this morning when a Delta Airlines757 aircraft crash-landedin the grounds of the local primaryschool. Residentsof the area rushedfrom their homes, as fire and rescueteams arrivedat the scene. At present,215 passengersand crew havebeen rescuedfrom the aircraft.A further82 remaintraoped insidedue to the fact that the aircraftis lyingon its side,and most exitsare blocked.Due to the time and locationof the crash,therewere fortunatelyno casualtiesoutside the aeroplane.but there was seriousdamageto the schooland surroundingarea. Chief Fire Officer,SergeantBen Williamssaid, "We are using all availablemanpowerto free the crew and passengersstill in the wreckage.Two of our men are in the craft trying to keep morale up among the injuredwhile we work at getting them out."An extensiveinvestigation is alreadyunderway into the cause of the crash and details will be publishedas they become available. Purposeof first paragraph:to summarisethe event - time, place and people involved. Purpose of second paragraph: to describe the main event and people involvedand give detailed facts. Purposeof third paragraph:to notedown comments and make referenceto futuredevelopments. 14.a Model A is a witnessstatementand Model B is a news reDon. 1 . M o d e lB 2 . M o d e lA 3 . M o d e lA 4 . M o d e lB 5 . M o d e lB 6 . M o d e lA b Model 1 - The purposeof the first paragraphis to set the scene - time, place and people involvedin the evenI. - The purposeof the second paragraphis to describethe main eventsand people involved: stateshypothesisand evidence. - The purposeof thethirdparagraphisto describe the Jinalresultof the incident. Model 2 - The purposeof the first paragraphis to summarise the event - time, place and people involved. - The pulposeof the secondparagraphis to describe the main eventsand the people involvedand give detailedfacts. - The purposeof the third paragraphis to give comments and referto any futuredevelopments. 15. (Suggested answers) Paragraph1 - Introduction Paragraph2 - Location Paragraph3 - Price Paragraph4 - Atmosphere/Decor Paragraph5 - Facilities Paragraph6 - Conclusion 16. (Suggestedanswer) I was sittingwatchingTV when I heard a sound coming from the back of the house,so I got up and went to see what it was. I walkedinto the kitchenand saw that the window was broken.Then somethingvery heavyhit me from behind.I fellforwardsonto the floor and then triedto turn my head to see who had hit me. There was a young man with long hair standing over me, but beforeI could get a good look at him he kickedme in the chestand then again in the face. I was readyto pass out but the man forced me to tell him whereI keptmy jewelleryand went upstairsto get it. When he came back down he had all my jewellery, p l u s t 1 5 0 w h i c h I h a d h i d d e ni n m y j e w e l l e r yb o x . I then passedout, and the nextthing I knew I was in an ambulanceon the way to hospital. 17. (Suggested answers) 1. News reoort Outline. Introduction-summary of eventsand people involved. Main body - detaileddescriptionof event and people involved Concludingparagraph- inclusionof any comments and referenceto futureeventsor developments. Styleshould be formalwithoutsub-headings. 2. News report (outlineas above) 57 Exam Focus: Unit 5 3. Assessinggood and bad points. Outline: Introduction- contentand purposeof report stated Main body - summaryof each point, giving both positiveand negativeaspects Conclusion- generalassessmentand recommendation. Styleshould be formalwith sub-headings. 4. Analysinga survey Outline: Introduction- contentand purposeof report stated Main body - informationsummarisedunder s u i t a b l es u b - h e a d i n g s Conclusion- recommendations or generalconclusionmade Styleshould be formalwith sub-headings. 2 . (Suggestedanswer) Juvensat took on Mansitter United yesterday to prove once again that they were capable of defeating themforthethirdyearin a row.The match,whichtook placeat home,waswatchedby a stadiumpackedwith an estimated30,000 loyalfans eager to watch their Ieam wrn. By half time. Rideringwas proving once again whatan outstandingplayerhe is. In a matterof twenty minuteshe had scored two of the most sDectacular goals of the season,takinghis team to the European Cuo Final. Organisersof the match were delightedwith the fans' behaviourand the policemade only one arrest. Policebelievethat the calm atmospherewas due to the factthatthey had obtaineda courtorderto banthe sale of any alcohol in the area. This matchjust goes to prove how successful well-organised eventscan be.Thanksto cooperation between the police, stadium staff and fans, football was the focus of the day ratherthan violence,as has been the case in oreviousmatches. 5. Witnessstatement Outline: Introduction- set the scene- time,place,people Main body - descriptionof main eventsand 3. (Suggestedanswer) people involved,hypothesisand evidence To: J. Thomas stated. From: M. Smith Conclusion- the final resultof the incident Subject: "Air Madrid"services Styleshould be informalwithoutsub-headings. This report has been written to assess the service I receivedon a recentflightwiththe airline"AirMadrid." 6. Assessinggood and bad points (Outlineas for Pointscoveredincludethe treatmentI received,the no.3) standardof the food servedon the flight,and inJlight entertainment. TOPICS 1. (Suggestedanswer) HurricaneGeorginahit Jamaicayesterdaycausing damageestimatedat over$20 millionand making h u n d r e d so f f a m i l i e sh o m e l e s s . The hurricanehad been forecastand localshad beenwarned,but nobody could havebeen prepared f or the extentof the damage.A stateof emergencyhas been declaredas the islandhas come to a comolete standstill. Publicserviceshavebeenthrownintochaos as only the northernbranchof NationalBankand two telephoneexchangesremainstanding. Almosta month beforethe hurricanehit Jamaica, localsbegan preparingemergencyshelterswith copiousamountsof dry food and water.Eventhough locals knew where the temporary accommodation was,HurricaneGeorginahit so fastthatfew wereable to reach it in time. Jamaicanauthoritieswill begin a massivecleanup operationwithinthe next few days, which is expectedto take at leastthree monthsto complete. 58 Treatment Mostairlinestaff,bothon the groundand on boardthe plane, were polite and helpful.However,one flight attendant'sbehaviourlefta lot to be desired.She was extremelyrudeto severalpassengersand unwillingto help or servethem. Food The quality of the food served on the flight was outstanding,the only exceptionbeing the dessert. In-flight entertainment Two films were shown during the flight, both being familyentertainment suitablefor allages.Thereis also a musicchannelavailable{or passengers,butthiswas not particularlyentertaining. Conclusion I think that MadridAir does ofier a fairlygood service to passengers,but that staffshould be bettertrained in customerservice.ln-flightentertainment was satisfactory,but could be improved. ExamFocus: Unit5 4. (Suggested answer) To: J. Smith From: P. Jones Subject: Surveyon people holidayingabroad Introduction This report was written to analyse the results of a recent survey into the number of people who take holidaysabroad everysummer.Informationwas ootainedfrom majortravelagentsthroughoutthe counIry. Air Fares On the whole, there has been a steady increasein people travellingabroad over the last five years. Increasedcompetitionbetweencharterairlineshas led to a drop in air fares, which is the reason why studentsand young familieshavecontributedto 65% of the growingtravelmarket. Scheduledairlinesare alsodroppingtheirfares,maxing it possiblefor people to travel to more distant destinations. Hotels European hotels in particularhave become more accommodatingto families,offeringdiscountsor freeaccommodationto children.Hotelbookingswere up by almost30% this summer in Greece,Spainand Italydue to well-plannedfamilypackages. Conclusion The survey clearly shows that the trend towards foreign holidaysis increasingand will continueto increasedue to the now recognisedneedfor cheaper airfares,updated hotel servicesand improvedlacilities for children. 5. (Suggested answer) Itwasabout3.00p.m.on Saturdayafternoon when the accidenthappened.I pulledup at the trafficlights halfway down HamiltonAvenueand waitedfor them to turn to green. I wasn't reallypaying much attentionto what was going on outsidebecauseI was tryingto calm my two childrendown. They were fightingin the back seat and I couldn'tconcentrate.Suddenly,however,a blue VolkswagonBeetlescreechedround the cornerand smashedrightinto us. lt pushedmy car rightonto the pavement because it was going so fast. There were two young boys in the car and when I got out to see if they were all right I could smellthat they had been drinking,and there were beer cans all over the floor. When I saw the drivertryingto starl the engine I quicklytookthe car keysout of the ignitionso thatthey couldn't drive away. Luckily someone saw what had happened and calledthe police,who soon arrived.No one was hurt, but it could havebeen much moreseriousif we hadn't all been wearingseatbelts. 6. (Suggested answer) To: P. Hones From: S. Jefferson Subject: Facilitiesat a New LeisureCentre This report was requestedby Perth High School to assessthe facilitiesat BellsLeisureCentreand its suitabilityfor our staff. Location The centrehas beenbuiltas an additionto NorryMiller Parkwhich is convenientfor all local bus routesano has undergroundstationson is about 10 minutesby bus from the schoolwhich makesit easily accessiblein school hours. However,bus and tube servicesdo not passthe parkafter6 p.m.whichmakes it difficultto get to in the evening. Facilities The centre housesan Olympic-sizeswimmingpool, fourtenniscourts,two squashcourts,afully-equipped gym, three trampolines,aerobicsclasses,a sauna, excellentshowerand changingroomsand a juice bar and cafe.Thereare trainedinstructorson hand who are willingto take groups for swimming,tennis and squashlessonsbetweenMondaysand Fridays. Fees There is an annual membership of [30 which is reducedto e 15 for students.A minimumcharge of t1 is then paidfor eachfacilityused.However,groups pay a set fee of [20 per member per year with no additionalcharge. Conclusion The centreoffersexcellentfacilitiesand is withineasy reach of the company.The fees are a litflehigh for a privatemember,but it is recommendedthat we take advantageof the group price and registerimmediately. 59 Unit 6: Part 1 Unit 6 A. specific(adj)= exactand detailed B. chief (adj)= mostimPoftant personor thing C. main (adj)= principle (adj)= typicalof sb/sth D. characteristic 3 . A. handling(n)= thewaysthor sb is dealthwith B. treatment(n) : the wayof actingtowardsor withsb/sth dealing C. behaviour(n) = thewaysb actstowards Unit6-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p. 132) . (Suggested answers) Althougha lot of peoplethinkthat Gypsiescome f rom Egypt originally,they reallycome from India.There are gypsiesin my country.They travelabout in large groups,and livein tentsand caravans.Theyoftenget marriedveryyoung,and havea lot of children.People do not make them feel welcome. I think that they should be treated with more resoect.and that the g o v e r n m e nst h o u l dh e l pt h e mt o l i v et h e i rl i v e si n o u r country. nlhor D . P o s i t i o n( n ) = v i e w :o P i n i o n 4 . A. display (n) = act of showingsth B. exhibition (n) = collectionof objectsthat is s h o w nt o t h e o u b l i c C. show (n) = form of public entertainment D. performance (n) = act of performingfor entertainment A. demonstrate(v) = to showsth by givingproof/ evidence B. uncover (v) = to find out sth unknownor sth kept secret C. reveal (v) = to make known (truth,facts, secrets etc) D. expose (v) = to make known (usu a guilty personor action) 6 . A. attraction (n) = act of attractingsb/sth B. appeal (n) = qualityof attractiveness C. charm (n) = powerto attractor fascinate peopre D. fascination (n) : very strong appeal (T should revise cardinallordinal numbers e.g. 2,000,000 tvvo million ... before Ss do the listening exercise.See OxfordAdvanced Learner'sDictionarv Appendix 4 Numerical Expresslons.) . a. 1176 b. 13th c. 10th '15 d. million e. 2 million f. 16th ReadingTask:Part1 (p. 132-133) 1.D 2.H 3.A 4.C s.G 6.B VocabularyExercises: Part1 (p. 134-135) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. maintain modifications persecution descendant 5. conceal 6. distrustof 7. reveal 8. referenceto 2 . /Ss shou/d memorise these fexl related collocations and expressions.f checks in the next /esson.) 1. racing 2. long 3. to attend 3. 1. central 2. civilisation 4. 'I. conceal 4. to pickup 5 . t o m o v eo n 6. to work 3. leaders 4. solely 2. deal 7. customs 8. the saying 9.gypsy 6. a. 1. civilisation 2. culture b. 1. race 2. match c. 1.event 2. incident d . 1 .f a i r 2. gala 7. 1. ott 3. across 2. by/round 4. by 5. cultivation 3. attend 4. trailers . 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 1. A. error(n)= something whichis wrong B. fault (n) = mistakeor a weakness(often referring to behaviour or character) C. by mistake(exp)= accidentally D. oversight(n) = lackof successin noticingor doingsth 60 5. down with 7. uo with 6. into 8. out (Suggested answers) They come from India, their customs are rarely revealed,they attendfairs,they distrustoutsiders, they'vegot a unique nomadic lifestyle. meaningof all distractors.) 2.A 3. custom 4. tradition 3. game 4. contest 3. occasion 4. episode 3. festival 4. bazaar Follow-upActivities:Part 1 (p. 135) 5 . (Ssdo Ex.5 on theirown,then T elicitslexplains the 1. C nonnlo . (Ssworkin pairs.Tchecks round the classthenhelshe asks some pairsto repoft to fhe c/ass.) SA; A sportsman'slife is centredaround his training schedule,which takes up severalhours o{ each day. Unit6: Part2 S8; Yes. And as well as traininghe has to keep ro a strict diet. His social life tends to be very restricted becauseof trainingand competitions. S4; But successfulsportsmencan afford luxurious lifestyles.Many of them are millionairesetc. SA;A politicalleadersuch as BillClintonhasvery little time to himself.He probablyhas a lot of meetingsano TV interviews. S8; Life in politicsis very stressfuland a politician often has littletime for personallife. SA: Howeverit is a well paid, high statuscareererc. S/; This businessmanprobablyleadsa verystressful life. He almost certainlyworks very long hours and doesn't have much time to spend with his familv. SB; He probablyeven works on the train while commutingto work. SA.'Yes...andcarriesa mobile phone and a laptop computeretc. GrammarCheck:part 1 (p. 13S) 1. 2. 3. 4. as,as,like l i k e ,a s as, as, as as, as,as 5. 6. 7. 8. l i k e ,a s , l i k e A s , l i k e ,l i k e a s , l i k e ,a s as,as,llke Warm-upActivities:part2 (p. 136) . (Suggested answers) Yes,I can swim. I can swim very well becauseI learnt when I was five. I enjoy swimming,and it is good exercise.Beingableto swim is important;it couldsave your lifein a shipwreck,or you could savesomebodv e l s ef r o m d r o w n i n g . (T draws the following spidergram on the board and writes down some words related to the tooic (swimming) then T asks Ss to come up with words related to each point) backstroke, butterfly, crawl,breast-stroke a. b. c. d. Because shecouldn'tswim. Threetimes. Shewentto a hypnotherapist. At the poolof herlocalsportscentre. ReadingTask:parl2 (p. 136-107) 7. 8. 9. 10. B (Ln 1-2) B (Ln 6-7) A (Ln 13) D (Ln 22-23) 1 1 .C ( L n 2 5 - 2 8 ) 12. B (Ln 38-39) 1 3 .C ( L n a 5 ) VocabularyExercises:part 2 (p. 13g-139) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. armbands bullied leaflet drowned 5. 6. 7. 8. s u b c o n s c i o u s 9. achieved ftoat 1 0 .i n s p i r e d instructor defeated 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. f u l l yg r o w n deeply to enrol birthday 5. 6. 7. 8. my heart to give to book to want 9. panic shaKe 11. to overcome 12. out of 3. (Ss should memorise these lext related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. aback 2. after Unit 6 - Parl2 . . 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. in 4. 'for frightening courageous difficulty instructor 5. a. 1. professor 2. instructor b . 1 . enrolled z . registered 5. off 6. on 5. 6. 7. 8. 7. over 8. up knowledgeable naturally undoubtedly rewarding 3 . teacher 4. trainer 5. coach 3. subscribed 5. recruited 4. enlisted 6. recorded 6 . 1 . black and blue z . o n c e i n a b l u em o o n out of the blue 4. scream blue murder 5. the blues armband, trunks,swimsuit. 7. (Ss read the brt of Ex.7 once before attempting to fitt goggles, flippers, in the blanks.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sea, lake,swimming-baths swim relax s w i m m i n gp o o l float splashing breast-stroke 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. back-stroke goggles flippers diving d i v i n gb o a r d lifeguard swimmer,lifeguard, Instructor,learner 61 Unit6: Part3 can be a good thing as long as you can cope with the power and influenceit often affordsyou, and that you don't allowyour personalityto be adverselyaffected. Foflow-upActivities:Part2 (p. 139) (Suggested answers) PossibleTitle:Gettingon Swimmingly Useful equipment: armbands,buoyancyaid, float How to treat the learner:patiently,don't bully,stayin pool with them Possible problems: learner may panic suddenly, progressmay be slow . a.F d. T c. T b.T e.F f.F ReadingTask:Part3 (P.140-141) 1 4 . C 1 5 .H '16. 17. A G 1 8 .B 1 9 .| 2 0 .D VocabularyExercises:Part3 (p. 142-143) lf you wantto learnhow to swim,you shoulddefinitely take proper lessons.Don't worry if progressis slow, and try notto panicwhen you are in the water,lf you're learningin a pool,you ought to wear gogglesto stop the chlorinegettingin your would be best not to swim unsuperviseduntilyou feel reallyconfidentin the water. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Suggestedanswer) 2 . (Ss do Ex. 2 on therr own, then T elicitslexplainsthe D e a rS u e , lwas thrilledto hearin your lastletterthatyou have finally decided to learn how to swim. Has it got anythingto do with the holidayDavewantedto take you on round the Greek islands? The firsttime you go to the pool you will probably feelquitescared.Don'tworrythough becauseeverything will be fine.You ought to wear a swimming costumeratherthan a bikini.You'llfeel morecomforta b l e i n i t . . . a n di f I w e r e y o u , I w o u l d b u y a p a i r o f swimminggoggles so that the chlorinein the water doesn't hurt your eyes. You are not supposedto swim aftera mealin case you get stomachcramps,so it wouldbe bestnotto eat for at leastan hour beforehand. Incidentally,you should contact Shona at the EastwoodLeisureCentre.She gives privatelessons to adultswho want to learnto swim and she seems veryniceand patient.lthink she charges18 per hour, but I'm sureitwouldbeworthit,as she staysinthe pool with you ratherthan shoutingordersfrom the side. Good luck, and try not to panic. Love, Ann GrammarCheck:Part2 (p. 139) 1 . w h e n ,h a s f i n i s h e d 2. if, have 3 . i f ,w i l l p h o n e 4 . W h e n ,w i l l y o uh e l p 5 . l f ,w i l lm e e t Unit6-Part3 Warm-upActivities:Part3 (p. 140) . 62 entrepreneur lacks awkward executive focus 6. motivation 7. Discrimination 8. expulsion 9. originated 10. vacancy meaning of all distractors.) 1. B 2. A 3. D 4.8 5.C 6.A 1. A. early (adj) = beforethe usualtime s ,l a c e s B . t h e f o r m e r( a d j )= t h e f i r s t o f t w o t h i n g p etc mentioned C. Previous (adj) = before D. premature (adj) = beforethe expectedtime 2. A. concentrate(on) (v) = to givetotalattentionto B. consider (v) = to think about sth (withthe aim o f m a k i n ga d e c i s i o n ) C. calculate (v) = to ludge the amountor cost of something D. comprehend(v)= to understand 3. A. condition (n) = state B. mark (n) = actionwhich representsa feelingor characteristic C. angle (n) = particularviewpointon a problem or issue usu good D. quality (n) = characteristic, 4. A. conference (n) = meetingor seriesof meetingson a particularsubject B. course (n) = seriesof lessonson a particular subject C. session (n) = periodof time spent doing sth D. lesson (n) = periodof time duringwhich one is taught (usu at school) A. fail (v) = not to succeed B. lose (v) = not to succeed (in a competition) C. lack (v) = not to have or containsomething D. miss (v) = to omit something A. prosperous (adj) = successful;moneymaking B. fortunate (adj) = |r"1t C. welloff (adj) = lisfi D costlY (adj) = exPensive (Suggestedanswers) 3. a. 1. damage 2. tragedy 3. disaster 4. ruin All these picturesrepresentsuccessand wealth:lots 3. qains b. 1. earns 2. wins o f m o n e y a n d b u s i n e s sd e a l s . B e i n g a m i l l i o n a i r e would meanyou could do manythingswithoutworrying about being able to affordit. Wealthand success Unit 6: Part 4 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. successful musical performances achievements determination ability 5. 1. at 2. otl 3. around 4. over 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. helpful compassionate famous powerful commitment dedication Theimportant thingto remember, is tharsuccess doesnotjusthappenby accident. Youcan'tjustsit aroundwaitingforit to happento you,youhaveto go out and reallylookfor it! GrammarCheck:Part3 (p. I43) 5. through 7. away 6. down 8. on All "SouthernTravel's"buses will be refurbishedthis year. Twenty brand new models have also been ordered. Passengerswill be provided with a high standardof luxuryand comfoft.The buseswillbe used more often once servicesare improvedby Southern shouldbe noted by commutersthat the new buseswere expectedto be receivedby December. Due to a delay,they will be deliveredin February. 6. 1. none of her business 2. businessis business 3. do businesswith 4. got down to business 5. mind your own business 7. "l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. easy money to be rollingin money/tohave money to burn to make money to get their money'sworth to have money to burn spend money like water Unit6-Part4 Warm-up Activities: Part4 (p. 144) . (Suggested answers) Well,yes I do read magazines.I usuallyread magazines about computers because l'm interestedin computersand want to be kept informedof the latest news about them. Kerpowi might be a magazine about music. I think Metropolitan Woman is about fashion, working women and women's problems. Sparklemight be a comic magazine,Tech-knowledge is definitelyabouttechnology.Gamingmust be about sports. Home Maker must be about how to make thingsfor your house.Finally,GlamorousYoumustbe about beautyand how to keep fit. . 1. i Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p. 143) . The leachers; "Gainingknowledgeis all you needto do well in society." Dr. RaymondBull; "Good looks make earlylifeeasier. Also, people expect a good-looking person to be kinderand more efficient." Professor Cooper; Sixtypercentof successfulentrepreneursleftschool early,eitherdue to expulsionor boredom." Michael Breen: "Successdoes not happen by accident.Successfulpeople are those who, when somethingdoesn'twork, try somethingelse." 2. c 3. h 4.e 5. j 6. a 7.b ReadingTask:Part4 (p. fia - 145) (Suggested answer) I agreewith MichaelBreen'spoint of view becauseI stronglybelievethat things do not happen on their own and that one should fight one's way through obstaclesand try variouswaysto reachone'stargets. . 2 1 .F 22. E 23. F 2 4 .A 25.D 26,27.B, G in anyorder 28. E 29. C 30.B 3 1, 3 2 . B , G i n a n y o r d e r 33, 34. A, C in any order 35.C (suggested answer) Veryfew peoplebecomesuccessfulthroughluck VocabularyExercises:Part4 (p. 146) alone accordingto MichaelBreen,a man who runs courseson being successful.Whilesome peopleare 1. gigs - live concertsor performances born wealthy,making money is often a questionof compilations - collectionsof songs from different attitudeand effort.One thing that often singles out people musicians successful istheirabilityto concentrateon one thing properly,insteadof trying to do severalthings challenging - needingeffortand determination at once. A job well done gives personalsatisfacroughand tumble- situation whereyou haveto try tion, which is an essentialfactorfor success. hardto get whatyou want Of course, success is always a combinationof handyhints- usefultips can be due to looks,efficiency,determina_ trim - neatand attractive tion,or manyotheraspects.probablythe most impordefinitive- the mostcompleteof its kind tant qualityis being likeableand able to get on with fixtures- sportsevents other people. write-ups- reviews stacks- vastamountsof treasure-trove- a verygood sourceof sth 63 ExamFocus:Unit6 innovations- newmethods/inventions issue- copyof a magazine stimulus inspiration- motivation; (Ssshou/dmemorisethesetexl relatedcollocations f checksin thenext/esson.) and expressions. 1. 2. 3. +. 5. handy natural 6. problem comic forthcoming7. to tuneinto 8. caring to apply 9. to subscribe 10. technological 11. to enter 12. to spend andwrites (TelicitsfromSsvarioustypesof magazines themon the board.Ihen Ss do Ex.3.) (Suggestedanswers) D-l-YMagazine- householdhints,tips on growing olants. FashionMagazine- agonyaunt SportsMagazine- reviewof a match,fixturelists MusicMagazine- thetop ten,competitions Magazine- articleaboutsoftComputer/Technology ware - fixturelists,reviewof a match Sports/Gambling competiChildren'sComic- comicstrips,puzzles, tions NaturalHistoryMagazine- newsstoryaboutecologicaldisaster Women's Magazine- householdhints,recipes, agonyaunt,horoscopes GardeningMagazine- tipson growingplants 4. 1. down 2. back 3. about 4. out 5. round Follow-upActivities:Part4 (p. 146) . (Suggestedanswers) interviewwith popstars comoetitions informationabout gigs etc make up advice MW keep{it child care advice comic strips Sparkle puzzlesand games Tech-Knowledge newtechnologY sportsnews Gaming interviewswith sports-stars D-l-Yadvice Home-Maker beautyadvice GlamorousYou keeo-{it fashion Kerpow! / would liketo buy "GlamorousYou"becauseI liketo keep fit and to read about new stylesand trends. My sisterwould like "MetropolitanWoman" because she'sjust had a baby and would be interestedin any advice for new mothers. I think that my Grandfather would buy "Gaming"as he followsall kinds of sportsavidly.My Motherwould probablybuy "TechKnowledge"becauseshe's interestedin the or+ lnternetand how it could benefither at work. lan, my tJncle,is a do-it-yourself enthusiastso he mightliketo for himselfand "Sparkle"for his 8 buy "Home-Maker" year-oldson to encouragehim to read. For a magazineto be popularwith peopleof my age' it should reallyincludeinformationabout style, health,technologyand music.Horoscopesand problem pages normallygo down well too. From: John Tydhurst Mr Wilson To: Subject: MagazineSales- Star Publications lntroduction The aim of this report is to analysethe resultsof a surveycarriedout regardingthe magazines p u b l i s h e db y o u r c o m p a n y . Types As other nationalsurveyshave shown, specialised magazinesare more popularthan generalones.This is demonstratedby the fact that of the 2,000 people surveyed,80% said they regularlybought "Gaming",and "Homecraft", while "Tech-knowledge", only 20% bought "Homemaker"and "Kerpow".An exceptionto this trend was our children'smagazine, "Sparkle",which was bought by nearlyhalf of those interviewed. Age Groups The surveyshowedthatthe 30 - 40 age group bought far more magazinesthan any other group, at nearly 6 0 % .S e c o n dw a s t h e 2 0 - 3 0 a g e g r o u p ,a t 4 0 % . I h e lowest magazinesales appearedin the 10 - 20 age group.Thisis shownby thefactthat'Kerpow"sellsthe leastof all our magazines,at 5% of total sales. Price Price had very little influence on magazine sales accordingto our survey.70% claimedthat they consideredtheir own interestsfirst,and price second or not at all. Recommendations Based on the resultsof the survey,I would suggest that we concentrateon the more specialisedmagazines and consider phasing out the least popular, such as "Kerpow"and "Homemaker". GrammarCheck:Part4 (P.1c6) 1. so 2. so 3 . s u c ha 4. so 5. such 6. such 7 . s u c ha n ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit6 (p. 147) Part2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. what got/achieved/gained less/from about with arelget/become longer by/through 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. way much/far than how worth on yourself ExamFocus: Unit 6 Part3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Woman: I do accountsfor severalsmall businesses. F r e e l a n c ey,o u k n o w . Man: Andifyou couldgiveme an ideaofyourincome? To the nearestten thousand,you know - under ten thousand,ten to twenty and so on. Woman:Well,it variesyou know,and my businessis o n l y j u s t s t a r t i n gt o b u i l d u p , b u t I ' d s a y I ' m i n t h e second category.Up to 20 thousandI mean. Man; Right.And do you buy any magazinesregularly - or any at all is what I mean. Woman: There'sonly one I reallyread. Man; Which is that? Woman: lt's called,er, WorkingWoman. Man: You don't mean Professional Woman,do you? Woman: Oh, er - yes, you're right. I alwaysget that wrong. Man: Okay.And how often do you buy it? W o m a n :O h , I n e v e rm i s sa n i s s u e . Man: And that's a weekly,isn't it? Woman: That'sright. Man; Good. Now, do you haveany,er,favouriteparts of the magazine- certainfeaturesthatyou particularly enjoy or that you find particularlyuseful? W o m a n : M m , l e t m e t h i n k . I k n o w t h e f i r s tt h i n g I always read is the profilething - you know, a piece about a successfulbusinesswoman. how she made it to whereshe is and allthat.Yeah,I likethat.I alsoreally enjoythe historicalpieces,aboutwomen'srolesin the past and how they changed and all that. Man; So that's the biographicaland historicalsect i o n s . l s t h e r e a n y t h i n gy o u d o n ' t l i k e a b o u t t h e m a g a z i n e- a n y t h i n gy o u ' d l i k et o s e ec h a n g e di n a n y way? W o m a n :I d o n ' t m u c h l i k et h e f a s h i o np a g e s .I m e a n , t h e r ea r eo t h e rm a g a z i n e fso rt h a tk i n do f t h i n g ,a r e n ' t there? I'd rather read about somethinga bit more serious.l'm not too keen on the horoscopeseither- | m e a n ,t h e y ' r ea m u s i n gs o m e t i m e sb, u t r e a l l yi t ' sj u s t a waste of oaoer. Man; ls thereanythingelseyou'd liketo say aboutthe m a g a z i n e- | m e a n ,t o g i v eu s a n i d e ao f w h y y o u b u y iI? Woman : Ytlell,I thin k that,u nlikea lot of otherwomen s magazines,this one giveswomen a real place in the w o r l d .F o rs o m e o n el i k em e ,t r y i n gt o m a k ea g o o f m y own business,I suppose it boosts my confidence. Y e a h ,i t - i t ' s c o n f i d e n c e - b u i l d i n g . Man: Well, thanks very much - you've been very helpful. Woman: lt was nothing... . . . h a st o h a v eh e r h a i r . . . . . . h a dh i s b i c y c l es t o l e n . . . . . . h a v eb e e n d i v i d e di n t o . . . . . . w a sm a d et o c o n f e s s. . . . . . a r eo n l y a f e w c o u r s e s . . . . . . i ss a i d t o s a v e . . . . . . m a k eu p h i s m i n d . . . . . . i sa s i n t e l l i g e nat s . . . . . . a w a r eo f t h e i m p o r t a n c e . . . . . . a b o u dt o e s n ' tm a k e s e n s e . . Prepositions f. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. in at of to on for of/about of of 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. oflabout on Ior on inlonl atlfor '15. with 16. of 17. with 18. 19. 20. 2 1. 22. 23. 24. 25. for of on in of on on about ExamFocus- Listening:Unit6 (p. 148) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 25 (freelance)accountant t10-20,000 Professional Woman everyweek/weekly profile/biographical historical/about women's roles in the pasr fashionpages horoscopes g i v e sh e r / b u i l d sc o n f i d e n c e Part2 You will hear a young woman being interviewed for a market researchproject about magazines.For questions 9 to 18. fill in the questionnaire. Man; Excuseme. I was wonderingif you'd havetime to answera few questions? Woman: Oh - oh I'm not sure. You see l'm meetinq s o m e b o d yi n h a l fa n h o u r a n d Man: lt'll only take a few minutes. Woman:Oh,all right.Whatdid you wantto ask about? Man.'We'redoingsomemarketresearchaboutmagazines - which people buy, how often and all that. Woman: I see. Okay,fire away. M a n ; F i r s to f a l l ,i f y o u w o u l d n ' tm i n dt e l l i n gm e y o u r ExamFocus- Speaking:Unit6 (p. 149) Part3 aaa? Viorant Today'smy birthdayactually- l'm a quafter of a centuryold. Bit of a shock really(laughs). Man: Oh, er - happy birlhday! Woman: Thanks. Man: And what do you do for a living? (Suggested answers) . SA; Well,I thinkthe first magazineis obviouslyabout f a s h i o n l.t ' sp r o b a b l yg o t l o t so f i n f o r m a t i oanb o u tt h e latestclothespeople are buying and where you can findthem. 65 :, am Focus:Unit6 S B ; Y e s , I t h i n k w o m e n w o u l d p r o b a b l yb e m o r e r n t e r e s t eidn t h i s ,a s t h e y ' r eg e n e r a l l ym o r e f a s h i o n conscious. SA:The secondmagazinemustbe aboutscienceand technology. SB; lt probably contains informationabout all the l a t e s itn v e n t i o n sa,n d w h a ts c i e n t i s tas r ed i s c o v e r i n g . SA: I think that peoplewho are interestedin science w o u l db u y i t .S c i e n t i s tas n d p e o p l ew h o a r e s t u d y i n g scrence. " a g a z i n ew i l lt e l ly o u a b o u tc a r sa n d S B : ' M o t o r i n gm d r i v i n g ,n e w c a r s t h a t h a v ej u s t b e e n l a u n c h e da n d c l a s s i cc a r st h a t h a v eb e c o m ec o l l e c t o r ' si t e m s . S A ; P e o p l ew h o a r e l o o k i n gt o b u y a n e w c a r m i g h t b u y t h i s m a g a z i n ea s t h e y w o u l dw a n t a l l t h e l a t e s t r n f o r m a t i oanb o u tw h a t ' so n t h e m a r k e t . S B ; T h e m a g a z i n e" S e a w a y sw' i l lt e l l t h e r e a d e r sa l l a b o u t b o a t s ,y a c h t sa n d s a i l i n g O . b v i o u s l yi.t w o u l d o n l yb e o f i n t e r e s t t op e o p l ew h o s a i lo r o w n s o m es o r t of boat. S A ; T h i s m a g a z i n e" T h e F a i r yQ u e e n "l o o k s l i k e a m a g a z i n ef o r c h i l d r e ne. s p e c i a l l yl i t t l eg i r l s . SB; lt probablyhas lots of fairy storiesinsidewhich y o u n g g i r l sw o u l d l i k e . s o u l db u y" G a r d e n sm S A :l t h i n kg a r d e n e r w " agazine. a s i t w i l lb e a b l et o g i v et h e m i d e a so n w h a tt o d o w i t h t h e i rg a r d e n s . S B : T h e l a s tm a g a z i n e' T h eE c o n o m i s ti"s o b v i o u s l y fo r p r o f e s s i o n aal sn d p e o p l ew o r k i n gi n b u s i n e s sw h o w a n tt o k n o w a b o u tf i n a n c ea n d o o l i t i c s . Part 4 S A ; I l i k er e a d i n gb o o k sa n d m a g a z i n e sI.l i k eb o o k s a b o u ta d v e n t u r e o s r c r i m en o v e l s . S 8 : I l i k ef a s h i o nm a g a z i n e b s e c a u s eI c a ng e ta n i d e a f w h a t I s h o u l db e w e a r i n g . S A ; I b u y m a g a z i n e tso r e a df o r f u n .I l i k et o s p e n dm y {r-ee t i m e r e a d i n gt h e m . I d o n ' tt h i n kt h e y ' r ev e r y e d u c a t i o n at h l ough. S 8 : I d i s a g r e eI.o f t e nu s e m a g a z i n e w s h e nl m d o i n g p r o j e c t sa t s c h o o l .I t h i n k t h e y c a n b e v e r y e d u c a tronal. SA; I get most of my informationfrom the TV. I don t reallyread newspapersexceptto find out what s on TV S8: I always read a newspaperas I think it s really m p o r t a n t o k n o w w h a t ' sg o i n g o n i n t h e w o r l d . S A :l t h i n kc o m i c sa r eb e t t e r f ocr h i l d r e nt h a nw a t c h i n g T V b e c a u s ea t l e a s tt h e y s t i l lu s e t h e i ri m a g i n a t i o a n t t l e ,a n d t h e y d o e n c o u r a g ec h i l d r e nt o r e a d , S 8 ; I d o n ' tt h i n kc o m i c sa r e g o o d f o r c h i l d r e na t a l l .I t h i n k t h a t c h i l d r e ns h o u l d b e e n c o u r a g e dt o r e a d b o o k s , a n d n o t s o m e t h i n gw i t h s o m a n y p i c t u r e s , v h e r et h e yj u s t l o o ka t t h e p i c t u r e sa n d d o n ' th a v et o r s e t h e i ri m a g i n a t i o n . ExamFocus- Writing:Unit6 (p. 150) Reviews ' 1. 1 . 2. 3. 4. audience role stars plot 9. acted 5. scene 6 . i l l u s t r a t e d 1 0 .p o r t r a y s 7. masterpiece 8. acting 2. first paragraph - introduction,background,setting s e c o n d p a r a g r a p h- m a i n p o i n t so f p l o t t h i r d p a r a g r a p h- g e n e r a cl o m m e n t s c o n c l u d i n gp a r a g r a p h- r e c o m m e n d a t i o n 1. On the Eastcoast of America 2 . A l P a c i n oa n d C h r i sO ' D o n n e l l 3 . A y o u n gs c h o l a r s h i p s t u d e n ta n s w e r sa n a d v e r t i s e m e n rt e q u e s t i n ga s t u d e n tc o m p a n i o nf o r a b l i n dc o l o n e la n d i s f o r c e dt o a c c o m p a n yt h e c o l o n e lo n a t r i ot o N e w Y o r k .T h e s t u d e n tl a t e r d i s c o v e r tsh a tt h ec o l o n e il s p l a n n i n gt o k i l lh i m s e l f a n d i t i s u p t o h i m t o p r e v e n ti t f r o m h a p p e n i n g . 4 . Y e s ,i t i s h i g h l yr e c o m m e n d e d . 3. "Shirley"by Charlotte Brontei T h eb o o ki ss e ti n a c o u n t r yt o w ni n E n g l a n dd u r i n g t h e N a p o l e o n i cW a r s .l t t e l l st h e s t o r yo f S h i r l e y a, n h e i r e s sC , a r o l i n eh, e rf r i e n da n d t h e m e n t h e y l o v e .l t is a historicalnovel with elementsof romance and adventure. T h e s t o r yd e a l sw i t h R o b e r tM o o r e ,a m i l l o w n e r who is trying to modernisehis factory.A group of p e o p l ec a l l e dt h e L u d d i t e sa r e t r y i n gt o s t o p h i m a s t h e y k n o w n e w m a c h i n e r yw i l l m e a n l o s s o f j o b s . C a r o l i n eH e l s t o n ei s i n l o v ew i t h R o b e r t b , ut believes h e l o v e sS h i r l e ya, n d S h i r l e yr e t u r n sh i sa f f e c t i o nW . e s e eh e r s u f f e r i nagn d i n a n g u i s hu n t i ls h e f i n d s o u t t h a t S h i r l e yd o e s n o t l o v e R o b e r t ,b u t h i s b r o t h e rL o u i s . L o u i si s a t u t o ra n d a s h e i s s o c i a l l yi n f e r i otro S h i r l e y , theytry to denytheirfeelingsfor eachother.The novel e n d s w i t h R o b e r td e c l a r i n gh i s l o v ef o r C a r o l i n ea n d S h i r l e ya n d L o u i sd e f y i n gs o c i a lc o n v e n t i o n andmarrying. "Shirley"is a beautifullywrittennovel. lt portrays CharlotteBront'e'sbeliefthatthe denialof the world of f e e l i n gi s r e s p o n s i b lfeo r m u c h o f s o c i e t y ' ss u f f e r i n g . I c a n t h o r o u g h l yr e c o m m e n dt h i s b o o k a s i t i s a c l a s s i co f i t s k i n d t h a t i n f l u e n c e dm a n vw r i t e r si n t h e .19th century. Tenses used to describe plot are the present and p r e s e n tc o n t i n u o u s , The purpose of the first paragraph is to set the background. The purpose of the secondparagraphis to give us an i d e ao f t h e m a i n p o i n t so f t h e p l o t . The purpose of the third paragraphis to give some g e n e r a cl o m m e n t s , The purpose of the last paragraphis to recommend " S h i r l e yt"o t h e r e a d e r s , Unit 7: Part 1 4 . it is beautifullywritten- book review it was well acted - film review it is publishedby - book review it stars - film review the role of ... is played by - film review it is well directed- film review it is a thrillingread - book review 5 . (Suggested answer) Mrs Harrison's Secret This is the latest film by veteran director Larry Chereson.Set in VictorianLondon,it stars Melandra Priceas servantLucieJeavons,who knowsmorethan she should about her employer,the sinisterDoctor Harrison. The plotcentreson Lucie'srelationship withthe doctorand hissicklywifeMaura.Thisis Price's firstmajorroleanditisa stunning debut.Sheisutterly convincingas the courageousLucie.She is ably supportedby the restof the cast,especially the excellentBrianMalovinas the doctor.His acting seemsto get betterwitheveryrole. Basedon the novel"Gaslight Horror", the script waswrittenbyJimFreeman, whoprovides a shocking andtotallyunexpected tvvist to the plotwhichhadus all on the edgeof our seats. Thefilmis one of the bestto comefroma British directorfor a longtimeand is wellworthseeinq. Unit 7 UnitT-Part1 Warm-upActivities:Part1 (p.152) (Suggested answers) ' Yes, I definitelyenjoytravellingby boat becauseI likethe sea a lot.Thereare certaindisadvantages though.You can get held up becausethe ship can't departif the weatheris bad. Also,some peopleget seasickand then the voyage becomesa nightmarefor them. Somewordsrelatedto boatsare:sailing,voyage,ship,anchor,port,captain,crew,seasick,shipwreck,lifeboat, sails, canoe etc. (As an alternative,T can draw a spidergramon the board and eticitthe fotlowingwords.) a n c h o r ,s a i l s ,m a s t ,d e c k , e n g i n er o o m ,b r i d g e ,r u d d e r , stern.helm.wheel captain,sailor, steward,crew, mechanics, passengers, engineers,purser, doctor, bar staff, cleaners,chef rowing boat, catamaran. s a i l b o a tt,a l l s h i p s , cargo boats,lifeboat, cruiseliner,steam boat, riverboat, canoe harbour,port, marina, seaoort ' The SailTrainingAssociationis a British charityorganisationwhichgivesyoung peoplea chanceto sailon a large recentlygavethitly-nine youngstersJromeightEuropeancountriesthe chancetosailinthe CuttySarkRace. Theywereat seaforfivemonths.The ship had problemsbecauseof highwindsand a rough sea.The youngnovice sailorswere seasick.Despitethis,theyoungstersenjoyedthe work they had to do and the friendsthey made. Everyonehad to speak some English to participate.They all agreedthat they had no regretsabout the voyage but they were glad to returnand they woke up the Norwegianport town with their singingand cheering. ReadingTask: Part 1 (p.152-153) 1.A 2.C 3.H 4.F 5c 6.t 7.8 67 Unit 7: Part 2 Vocabulary Exercises: Part1 (p.154-155) (Suggestedanswer) . 1. final leg - last parl of a trip, race etc tall ships - boats with exceptionallytall masts u n i t i n g- b r i n g i n gt o g e t h e r h i g h w i n d s - s t r o n gw i n d s novice - inexperiencedoersonin a certaintask fairground ride - an attractionat a fair like the big wheel/rollercoaster participants- those who take parl in sth dry land - (exp)land, aftera time at sea cheering - shoutingloudlyto show approval 2. L 2. 3. 4. 5. I have seen that you are holding your annual charityrace on Friday 13thApril,and I am writingto ask you to send me an applicationform so that I may enIer. I am a keen sailor,but I do not have any sailing qualifications. Can you pleaselet me know if this will be a problem?Also,willyou supply life-jackets to the competitorsor shall I bring my own? Should I be eligibleto enterthe race,please informme of the time it will startand how much earlierI should be there to carry out checks,final preparationsetc. Finally,as I am a student,is there any possibility of a reductionin the entrancefee? I look forwardto hearingfrom you soon. 6. wasawarded 7. trainee 8. participate in 9. request 10. unpredictable trophy destination Association charity contribute D e a rS i r / M a d a m . Yoursfaithfully, 3. fss should memorise these text-relatedcollocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) 1. to give 2. to make 3. to bring 4. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. to reach 5. charity 6. became particularly sailing Frequently participants knowledge experienced 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . GrammarCheck:Part1 (p.155) 7. to Jace 8. at the same 9. to raise arrangements ability/abilities enjoyable fully adventurous 1. 2. 3. 4. flight ride raise reward 6. 1. beach 2. show 7. 1 . o u t 2.up 3. 4. 2. 2. tour trip rise award 5. 6. 3. 3. 3. request 4. rarely 3. into 4 up journey voyage arise prize Warm-upActivities:Parl2 (p.156) Follow-upActivities:Part1 (p.155) . 68 (Suggested answers) (T drawsthe followingspidergramon the boardand elicitsrelevantwordsfrornSs.) 5. option 6. Jlatmate 5. upfor Participants: 39 young people from 8 European countries Nameof ship and race: "SirWinstonChurchill",Cutty SarkTall Ships Race Destination:Norway(N.8.they didn'tgo to Antwerp) Good experiences:workingas part of a team, seeingNorway,making new friends,co-operating, being able to practisespeakingEnglish Bad experiences:being seasick,travellingin rough weather,crampedsleepingquaders 5. has been to 6. have gone to 7 . h a s g o n et o Unit T - Parl2 . 5. a. 1. 2. b. 1. c. 1. h a s b e e ni n h a s g o n et o have been to have,been to proseculor defendant stenographer clerk bailiff policeofficer a fine a jail sentence lethalinjection electricchair solitaryconfinement gas chamber communityservice a Dan arsonist rapist shoplifter mugger burglar murderer thief strangler kidnapper rape muroer theft forgery fraud speeding shoplifting Unit 7: Part2 Well,actuallyI sawit on TVtwo yearsago and I was veryimpressed. 6. (Ss should memorise these texf related collocations and expressions.T checks in the next /esson.) f. (TshouldtellSsa briefsummaryof theactualstory.Dr 2 . Jekyll was a sclentlslwho developeda potion that 3. alteredhls stafeof mind and appearance.He named 4. his"otherself'Mr Hydeand, undertheinfluenceof the formula,committedmanymurders.Hydedisappeared followingthedeathof a prominentfigure,SirDanvers, 7. f . 2. and re-emergedinto societyas Dr Jekyll.) in the open violent peace to grow 5. 6. 7. 8. to do to recover pitiless troubled in reward took to her bed 3. at peace . 1 . Mr Hyde disappears. 2 . Dr Jekyllstartsto go out more often. On January8th, Uttersonhas dinnerat Dr Jekyll's nouse. 4 . Uttersonis reJused admittancetoDrJekyll'shouse. Uttersongoes to see Dr Lanyon. 6 . Dr Lanyonlooks very il,. 7 . Dr Lanyondies. ReadingTask: Parl2 (p. 156-157) 8. 9. 10. 11. B ( L n .2 ) B ( L n .1 0 - 1 1 ) C ( L n .1 6 - 1 8 ) C ( L n .1 8 - 2 0 ) 1 2 .D ( 1 n . 2 8 - 3 0 ) 13.A (Ln 35-36) 1 a .B ( L n . 3 7 - 3 8 ) 1 5 .C ( L n .3 9 - 4 0 ) 8.1.k 2.d cloud fog damaged ruined 5. pale 6. faint 4. 1. faded 2. pale 3. faint 4. faint 5. 1. happily 2. shocking 3. lengthy 4. investigation 5. burglary 6. guilty 7. proof 9.c 10.e 11.f 12.1 Follow-upActivities:Part2 (p. 159) 2. 1. distinguished 3. disgraceful 5. tempting 2. conscience 4. dine 6. immoral 3. 4. 3. 4. 7.i 8.a 9. Types of criminals - a rapist,an arsonist,a mugger, murderer,a burglar,an offender People in court - a jury, a prosecutionlawyer, an offender,a stenographer,a defencelawyer Verbs of crime - to steal,to acquit,to murder,to rob Forms of Punishment- a jail sentence,a fine,death sentence,electricchair,lethalinjection,gas chamber, a s u s p e n d e ds e n t e n c el,i f ei m p r i s o n m e n t 1 . c r u e l t y- u n k i n d n e s s . acquaintances- peopleyou know,but notwellenough to considerthem as friends hatred - very strongfeelingof contemptor dislike whisper - to talk very quietly gradually - slowly evil - wicked/unkind influence - the powerto form people'sopinions familiar - known to sb . generosity - willingnessto shareone's possessions with others. laboratory - room where scientificexperimentsare conducted mist smog wrecked spoiled 5.j 6.b 4. it struck 5. melt into the foo arsonist,shoplifter,mugger, burglar,murderer,kidnapper,terrorist,pickpocket,assassin,hijacker, forger,thief VocabularyExercises: Part2 (p. 158-159) 3. a. 1. 2. b. 1. 2. 3.9 4.h 9. to be refused 10.a look 11. to strengthen 12. in low . Dr Jekyll - changeable,moody,sometimessociable, k i n d ,g e n e r o u so, t h e rt i m e su n s o c i a b l ei ,s o l a t e sh i m self Mr Utterson - has a conscience,worries about his friends Dr Lanyon- filledwithterror,actingstrangely,sudden w e i g h tl o s s ,h a i rl o s s ,a g e i n g /Ss work in pairs.T checksround class and asKSso/ne pairs to report back to fhe c/ass.) (Suggested answers) speeding - a fine and a ban on drivingfor 6 months shoplifting - smallfine and 30 days communityservice m u g g i n g - 1 - 3y e a r si n p r i s o n burglary - 6 monthsto one year in prison armed robbery - 5-10 years in prison m u r d e r - l i f ei m o r i s o n m e n t n e g l e c t i n ga n a n i m a l - f i n e a n d a b a n o n k e e p i n g anrmals (Suggested answers) I was standingwith my mother in a queue at the M i d w e s tb a n k a t a b o u t 1 1 : 0 0a m o n M o n d a y3 r d April, when suddenlytwo men burst in through the d o o r s h o l d i n gg u n s N o b o d yr e a l i s e w d h a t w a sg o i n go n u n t i l o n eo f t h e men shoutedat everyoneand told us to lie down on the f loor.The otherman thenwentoverto a cashier a n d p o i n t e dh i s g u n a t h e r .H e t o l d h e r t o o p e n t h e 69 Unit7: Part3 safeand put allthe moneyin a bag which he gaveher. I think the man was quite nervous,becausehe kept tellingthe woman to hurry.The whole time this was happeningthe other man was pointinghis gun at all the peopleon the floor and tellingus not to move. Both men seemedto be quite young, althoughI couldn'tseethem properlybecauseI was lyingon the floor. I did noticethough that one had short blond hair and was about 6 feet tall,and the other one was shortand fat with dark brown hair.I thinkthat the robbershad plannedwhatthey were going to do well in advance,becausethey both seemedquitesure of what they were doing, and knew to strikeat a time when the safe was full. Whenthe bag had beenfilledwith moneythemen ran out and jumped onto a motorbike.They, then drove off in the directionof Whitehawk. GrammarCheck:Part2 (p. 159) 1 . ourselves 5. himself herself himself 4 . myself z. 9. myself 6. yourself 10.themselves 7. yourselves 11. herself 8. yourself 12.himself UnitT-Part3 VocabularyExercises:Part3 (p. 162-163) 1. fading- becominglessstrong referredto - called flow - movement of sth,espa liquid sap - wateryliquidin plantsandtrees cracks- smallgapsbetweentwothingswhichhave beenjoinedtogether tides- the riseandfallof the sealevel composedof - consisting of - of factswhichcannotbe explained supernatural - e.g.ghostsetc scientifically be blamedon - beaccusedas beinqthecauseof sth 2. 'l. waning 2. torch 3. confined to 4. superstitious 5. firewood 3 . 1 . superstitious 1. 2. 3. 4. (Suggested answers) . . The picturesshow the moon. I can't see any direct connectionbetweenthe picturesand the tifle of the textotherthan,perhaps,that 'VillageLamp"is another expressionfor the moon. The moon may have been called this because it helped villagerssee at night when there was no electricity. Factsabout the moon: Thereis no lifethere.Man has travelledthere.The Moon orbitsthe seemsto changeshape etc. Well,I've heard some superstitions,like if you see a blackcat it meansbad luck,or if a mirrorbreaksthen you will have seven years of bad luck. As far as the moon is concerned,I think i{ you see the new moon throughglassyou will have bad luck unlessyou turn aroundthreetimesand bow. lt is believedthat some peopleturn into werewolvesat full moon. a. Lamp b. candles,torches c. light 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 70 19.H 20.C Keep action 21.F to last widespread to make electric 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. expand 6. disregard to follow supernatural full the light 9. to take t o u c hw o o d k e e p o u r f i n g e r sc r o s s e d black cat ladder b r e a ka l e g b r o k e nm i r r o r 2. post b. 1. trace 2. lrack 3. trail 4. lane d. pig-killer e. planted,new f. water ReadingTask: Part 3 (p. 160-161) 17.B 18.A 3 4 7. a. 1. columns B. 16.G 4. intriguing 5. mysterious 6. beliefs unexplored 3 . technological z. 4 . 1 . distance z . tune weeds widespread shrink declined arlificial 5. (Ss should memorise these text relakjd collocations and expressions.T checks in the nert /esson.) Warm-upActivities(p. 160) . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3. pillars c. 1. consist 2. compose 3. include d. 1. lay 2. Lie 3. lying 4. laid 5. lay 6. lie - e. 1. affect 2. influence f. 1. logs 2. wood '1. light heart 2. as light as a feather e 3. boards pitch dark 4 , in the dark UnitT-Part4 Follow-upActivities:Part3 (p. 163) . t h e y b e l i e v e di n " a f e w ' s u p e r s t i t i o n sb,u t n o t o t h e r s . O n l y a s m a l lp e r c e n t a g e1, 8 % ,o f t h o s ea s k e d , d i d n o t b e l i e v ei n s u p e r s t i t i o nast a l l . (Suggested answers) P e o p l es h o u l d n ' tk i l l p i g s w h e n t h e m o o n i s f a d i n g becausethe meat might go bad. Cuttingfirewood s h o u l db e d o n e i n t h e " d a r ko f t h e m o o n " ,P l a n t i n g s e e d ss h o u l db e d o n e a t t h e t i m e o f t h e n e w m o o n or shortly after it. Laying floorboardsin a cottage s h o u l db e d o n e d u r i n gt h e l i g h to f t h e m o o n " , otherwiseboards shrinkand weeds appear through the cracks. . Ditferent Superstitions The superstitionsmost widely believedin were that w a l k i n gu n d e ra l a d d e ri s u n l u c k y a, n d t h a t b r e a k i n g a m i r r o rc a u s e ss e v e nv e a r s 'b a d l u c k . Conclusion The survey showed that superstitioncontinuesto i n f l u e n c ea l a r g en u m b e ro f p e o p l e ' sl i v e st o d a y , a l t h o u g ht h i s a p p l i e sm o r e t o t h e o l d e r g e n e r a t i o n than to younger membersof society. (Suggested answers) (ReferSsto the relevanttheoryand discussbrieflywhat theyshould include in theirreport. This report can be written in formal style or a rather informal one.) GrammarCheck:Part3 (p. 163) Less Formal Style The resultof a recentsurveyshowsvery clearlythat a large majorityof people today still hold very strong beliefswhen it comes to superstitions.The survey showsthat the 65% most likelyto believein superstitions are over the aoe of 40. 1 . T h e r e ,i t 2 . I t ,t h e r e There A T h e r e ,t h e r e ,i t 5. 6. 7. 8. lt,there l t ,t h e r e there it 9 . T h e r e ,i t 1 0 . l t ,t h e r e in super- Unit Thosepeoplewhoareleastlikelyto belreve stitions areundertheageof only20 7 -Part4 surveyedbelievein superstitions.In fact, a surprisinglylargepercentage,38%,of those askedsaidthat while43%said theybelieve"strongly"in superstitions, t h a tt h e y b e l i e v e di n o n l y a f e w s u p e r s t i t i o n sO.n l y a '18%, very small percentage, did not believein superstitionsat all. The superstitionsthat are most widely believedare that walkingunder a ladder is unlucky, and that breaking a mirror causes seven years' bad luck. The survey showed that superstitioncontinues to i n f l u e n c ea l a r g en u m b e ro f p e o p l e ' sl i v e st o d a y , although this applies more to the older generation than to the younger membersof society. Warm-upActivities:Part4 (p. 164) lf the same reportwasto bewritten in formal style,then the following answer would be acceptable. Formal Style The resultsol a recentsurveyshow very clearlythat a This largemajorityof peopletoday are superstitious. is indicatedby the fact that 81% of those asked said that they believein supersititions. Age Differences It was found that those most likely to believe in supersititonswere over the age of 40 - 65% of those over 40 believein supersitions.Those least likelyto wereunderthe age of 25 - only believein superstitions 20"/"ol under 25 year olds believein superstitions. . (Suggestedanswers) (T drawsthe followingspidergramon the boardand writesdown some words relatedto the topic. then fromSs.) elicitsrelevantvocabularv , useums, tourists,sightseers,tour guide, c n u r c n e s m , onuments, t e m p l e sr, u i n s m bus driver, r e l i g i o u ss i t e s .b a t t l es i t e s . m u s e u mg u r d e ,g r o u p homes of famous people, modern architecture PEOPLEINVOLVED SIGHTSEEING M E A N SO F TRANSPORT b u s ,t r a r n ,c o a c h , double-decker, o p e n - t o pb u s . . Depths of People's Beliefs The extentto which people believein superstitions was found to vary greatly.A surprisinglylarge percentage,38%, of those asked said that they believe"strongly"in superstitions, while43% saidthat t o u r ,g u i d e ,l e a d ,r i d e , s h o w a r o u n d ,e x p l o r e , narrate,describe,walk a r o u n d ,s t r o l l Well,l'd choosea placeof historicalinterestbecause I want to learnabout ancientcivilisattons a n d a b o u tt h e c u l t u r eo f p e o p l ew h o l i v e di n t h e p a s t . a . R o m a n ,1 7 ,g l a s s b. ferry U. DUd d . " G u i d eF r i d a y "d, a y , l a r g e s t e . 4 0 , R i v e rW i l d ,r e f r e s h m e n t s 71 ExamFocus: Unit 7 Reading Task: Part 4 (p. 164-165) 22.C 23,24.A, D (inanyorder) 25,26.B, D (inanyorder) 27.E 28,29.A, D (inanyorder) 3 0 .E 3 1 .B 32.C 33. E 3 4 .A 35.D VocabularyExercises: Part4 (p. 166) 1. 1. amazingly 3. visitors 2. peaceful 4. delightful 5. creatively 6 . c o n t i n e n t a*l (* continental-style restaurantmean restaurants servingFrenchfood) 2. a. f. inter-city 2. goods b. 1. single 3. 1. warfare 2 pilgrims 3. express 4. local 2. return 3. season 3. medieval 4 . e m b a r ko n 5. outlook Many holidaymakersgo to Parissimplyto see the sights.The EiffelTower is a must. lf you ventureto the top, there is a breathtakingview of the city. The Sacre-Coeur,a beautifulancientcathedral,is also worth a visit,whereasthe Pompidou Centre,at the o p p o s i t ee n d o f t h e s c a l e ,g r v e sy o u a g l i m p s eo f m o d e r n - d a yP a r i s i a na r c h i t e c t u r e . H o w e v e ra, c t i v i t i e s u c h a s s h o p p i n gs h o u l dn o t be overlooked.The Champs ElysOehas the latestin t o p f a s h i o n sA. l t h o u g hi t t e n d st o b e a b i to n t h e p r i c e y s i d e ,t h e r ea r e s o m e g o o d b a r g a i n st o b e f o u n d .A t night,you can eithergo to a quietcaf6on the "terrace," o r i f y o u ' d p r e f e rs o m e t h i n ga l i t t l em o r eo u t r a g e o u s , a v i s i tt o t h e f a m o u s" M o u l i nR o u g e " . P e r s o n a l l yI ',d r e c o m m e n dP a r i st o a n y o n e .l t h a s a certarnmagic about it that cannot be described. Grammar Check: Part 4 (p. 166) 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 Follow-UpActivities:Part4 (p. 166) (Before Ss do the activities, ask them to read the texts of Part 4 and underline the unknown words. T Lltett then etrcitslexptains rhese words.) (Suggestedanswers) O f t h e f i v e p l a c e sm e n t i o n e di n t h e t e x t ,t h e o n e l d m o s tl i k et o v i s i ti sY o r k .l ' d e n l o yw a n d e r i n ga b o u tt h e n a r r o ww i n d i n gs t r e e t st,h i n k i n ga b o u t t h e p a s t a n d types of livespeople led back then - what jobs they d i d ,w h a tt h e yd i d w h e n t h e yw e r e n ' tw o r k i n ga n d s o o n . A l s o ,I ' d b e a b l e t o d o s o m e s h o p p i n ga n d b u y some presentsfor my friendsback home.Aftershopp r n g ,I ' d m o v e o n t o d o s o m e s i g h t s e e i n ga t Y o r k M i n s t e ra, n d , t h e n w a l k r o u n dt h e c i t y w a l l st o g e t a g o o d v i e wo f t h e w h o l e p l a c e . (BeforeSs are assigned this as wiltten HW T should give them or elicit from them information relevant to Paris:location:in the northwestof France;population: 15,000,000; attractions : The Eiffel Tower, Sacre-Coeur, the Pompidou Centre,the Louvre etc; shopping: the Champs Elysee;entertainment:cafes,MoulinRouge.) (Suggestedanswer) The much lovedFrenchcapitalParisis situatedin thenorthwestof France,hasa populationof 15,000,000 and is a holidaylocationfor touristsfrom all over the world. -2 - - ,- - ,t h e t h e ,t h e t h e , - - ,t h e - - ,t h e , t h e 6 . t h e ,- 7 . - - , - - ,t h e 8 . T h e , - - ,t h e , t h e 9 . - - ,t h e ,t h e ---- ExamFocus- Useof English:Unit7 (p. 167) Part2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. foilin 6. so 7. from 8. till/until 9. variety/range 10. away which/that with throughout There 11. on 12. Iact '13. as 14. old 15. both Part4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. like own being ,/ it 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ./ was ,/ sound many 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. of / to / been Prepositions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. for ot over with on of 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. in on in for/on by of 1 3 .i n 14.from 1 5 .o n 16. to 17.on 18.up 19. at 20. to 21. by laI 22. tor (Ss shou/d memorisethese prepos itions.T checks in the nextiesson.) Exam Focus: Unit 7 ExamFocus- Listening:Unit7 (p. 168-169) Part3 1 9 .E 20.C 21.D 22.8 23.F Part 3 You'llhear five people talking about their favouritekind of film.For questions19 to 23, choose from the listA to F the type of film that is being described. lJse the letters only once. There'sone ertra btter which vou do not need to use. Speaker 1 (male)t reallycan't stand all that mushy lovestuff.I find it veryembarrassingreally,particularly i fy o u g o o u t w i t ha g i r lf o r t h e f i r stti m e .N o ,w h a tI r e a l l y enjoyis lotsof gunsand action,nottoo much violence mind you, but car chases and heroesthat you can r e a l l ya d m i r e L i k e a l l t h o s e o l d w e s t e r n s o , r even t h o s eo l d c o p s a n d r o b b e r sf i l m s . Speaker2 (male):Violencein anyform reallybothers m e a l o t .l ' m a l s on o tt o o k e e no n t e c h n o l o g i c at hl i n g s or special effects with computers. lt just doesn't interestme. I like a good storylineand believable characters.A real human intereststory, you know. S o m e p e o p l ef i n d t h o s ek i n d o f f i l m sd e p r e s s i n g . But I likefilmsthat make you think even if the story is very movingand closeto reallife.I like rathersenous f i l m sr e a l l y .I d o n ' t g o t o t h e c i n e m at o e s c a p e . Speaker3 (male).'llovebeingscaredto death.I really meanit. I don't carewhetherthe plot is set in the future or the past - just as long as it's scary, l'll like it. The v i o l e n c ed o e s n ' tb o t h e rm e - | m e a n ,a m o n s t e rw i t h an axe is hardlygoing to come afteryou in reallife,is h e ? l t ' sj u s t a b i t o f f u n , a n e s c a p ef r o m r e a l i t yI. l i k e monstersand all the bodies's fun. Speaker4 (female): I can't stand anythingwhich is senousand too much likethe problemswe havein real life.What I enjoy is a good laugh.The stupiderand s i l l i eirt i s ,t h em o r eI e n j o yi t .I l o v e t h o s eo l ds i l e n ft i l m s withthe charactersfallingoverallthetime and making funny faces.I also enjoy cleverdialogue.Reallywitty stuffthat makes you think but also bringsa smile to your face. Speaker5 (temale):l'm very interestedin computers and the latesttechnology.I can imaginea futurerun by machines.I love horrorfilmstoo, but my main love is futuristicstuff - the stuff of the 21st century and beyond.The way we imaginethe world could be with r o b o t sa n d m a c h i n e sa n d c o m p u t e r s l.' m n o t i n t e r ested in real-liJedramas,and most comedies I find q u i t es t u p i d . Part 4 24.F 25.F 26.r 2 7 . F 2 8 . T 2 9 . F 3 0 .T Part 4 You'll hear a conversationwhich takes place in an office. Answer questions24 to 30 by writing T (for true) or F (for false) in the boxes provided. Louise; .. I thought I'd never get him off the phone. Now, as you both know,the move is coming up next w e e k e n da , n d i t ' sg o i n gt o t a k es o m e s e r i o u so r g a n i sationif we're not to end up in completechaos in the new offices.Of courseit couldn'thavecomeat aworse t i m e ,w h a tw i t ha l lt h e s en e w a c c o u n t sc o m i n gi n , b u t it can't be helped I suppose.Now, David,have you organisedmovingthe computers- and the files? David:Well,I'vebeentryingto organiseit for days but nobodyseemsto be availableto do it at the weekend. Louise; But I thought you'd alreadyfound a reliable c o m p a n ya n d . . . David:WhenI rangthem backto confirmthey claimed we'd nevermade a definitebooking.I triedto get on to the personI'd spokento before,but she'saway,and they say they just can't fit us in. Louise; Well,that's fine - perfect.Now what are we s u p p o s e dt o d o ? Paula: Actually,my brother-in-lawhas a removats firm. lt's - they're not exactlyspecialists,but I know t h e y ' r ev e r y g o o d a n d . . . Louise;Well,givethenumbertoDavid- see if you can a r r a n g es o m e t h i n g .B u t o n l y i f t h e y ' r ep r o p e r l yi n s u r e d ,m i n d . David: And if they're not available? Paula:l'm surethey'llbe ableto do it. Maybethey can put somebodyelse off. Afterall, it's urgent,isn't it? Louise; Exactly.Well,let's keep our fingerscrossed. N o wP a u l a- a r ea l lt h es u p p l i e sr e a d yt o g o ?A n d h a v e we arrangedfor everyoneto pack up theirown desks? Paula:Erm,it's all arrangedaboutthe desks- | mean, apartfroma coupleof peoplewho insisttheycan'tstay o n F r i d a ya n d d o t h e i r s .B u t I t h o u g h tI c o u l d Louise.'No, no, no - you'vegot enoughto do without t h a t .C o u l dy o u j u s t g i v em e t h e i rn a m e sw h e nw e ' v e f i n i s h e du p h e r e a , n d l ' l l l e t h e mk n o w t h a t h e ys i m p l y have no choice in the matter.No one else is going to be made responsible f o r a n y o n ee l s e ' sd e s k .W h a t a b o u ts u p p l i e s ? Paula: I think that's all in order. Some of the boys stayed late yesterday,and when I looked in this m o r n i n gi t s e e m e da l l r e a d yt o g o . Louise;Well,that'sa reliefat least.Oh, I nearlyforgot. David,havewe arrangedaboutsettingup the computers at the otherend? | mean.if they'renot functioning firstthing Mondaymorningwe'll be completelyparalysed. The new phone system is in already - I've c h e c k e dt h a t - b u t t h e c o m p u t e r s. . . David: No need to worry about that. They've got a w h o l et e a m o f p e o p l er e a d ya n d w a i t i n g . Louise; Goodl Good! Now,am lforgettinganything? Oh no! What about the old files?Thereare cabinets a n d c a b i n e t sf u l lo f t h e m ! Paula:Mr Williamssaidthat sincewe hardlyusethem they could stay behindfor a while- | mean,untilwe've all settledin the new olace. 73 ExamFocus:Unit7 Louise.'Hardlyusethem?| wasjust in thereyesterday tryingto trackdown some very importantdocuments. l ' l lh a v ea w o r dw i t hM r W i l l i a m st h e n .T h o u g hw h y w e haven'tgot allthaton the computersby now is beyond me... (fadeout) SB; Yes, but they won't be lookingat advertisements,they'll be watchingthe match. SA; Advertismentsin newsDapersare effective because readersof the newspaperhave no choice but to read them. SB; However,many peoplejust ignoreadveftisements in newspapers. SA; Promotinga productby sellingit door-to-doorcan be effectivebecausepeoplecannotignore the product if it's on their doorstep. S8; Yes,but some peoplecan get irritatedby this kind of advertising,which may put them off the product. SA; Advertisingusing an aeroplaneto fly a message through the sky can be effectivebecause it always attractspeople'sattention. SB; However, it is quite an expensivemethod of advertisingand doesn't last very long. SA: Advertisingon buses is effectivebecause it is seen by a lot of people as the bus travelsall over thetown. S8; Yes, I agree.Billboardadvertisingis also effectivebecausea lot of peoplewill see the advertisementas they pass by every day. SA; Yes, but it can be expensive,etc. E x a mF o c u s- Sp ea ki n gU: n i t7 (p .1 7 0 -1 71) Part2 (Suggestedanswers) PictureA is oJa full moon, and picture B is of a black cat. Both of these thinos are associatedwith superstitions. . No, I am not very superstitious,but I alwaystouch wood when I hope that somethingI've said won't happen. . There are a lot of superstitionsassociatedwith the m o o n .T h e f u l l m o o nf,o r e x a m p l ei sa t i m e w h e ns o m e peopleare supposedto turn into werewolves.In the , r cut c o u n t r y s i d ep,e o p l ew o u l do n l y p u t u p f e n c e s o logs for firewood, when the moon was in certain stages.Beliefscan vary in differentcultures.A black cat crossingyour path for example,is good luck in s o m e c u l t u r e sa, n d b a d l u c k i n o t h e r s . Part4 (Suggested answers) . SA; I thinkthe mosteffectiveform of advertisingis that using buses,trains and other forms of public transoort. are SB.'Yes,I think you're right.The advertisements seen by large numbersof people and are likelyto catch their eye. . SA; I think that a lot of soap powdersare clevely advertisedon the W usingfamouspeopleto promote tnem. S8: I don't agree.I think that some soap powder advertisements aren'tverygood. Peopledon't thinka productis good just becausea famouspersonsays it is. I prefercleverer,more thought-provoking advertisementsnot just those with beautifulor famous peopre. . B r e a k i n ga m i r r o ri s s u p p o s e dt o b r i n gy o u 7 y e a r s ' b a d l u c k . l t i s a l s o b a d l u c k t o w a l k u n d e ra l a d d e r . F i n d i n ga f o u r l e a f c l o v e ri s s u p p o s e dt o b r i n g y o u g o o d l u c k .l n E n g l a n d s, e e i n go n e m a g p i ei s s a i dt o bring you sorrow,while seeingtwo is meantto bring youloy. . Picture C is of a boat, and picture D is of a train. They are both differentways of travelling. . I would preferto travelby boat, becauseit would be more excitingthan travellingby train. Some people g e t s e a s i c kb , ut I don't. . Thereare lotsof waysto passthe time whiletravelling. I wouldreada book,or lookout of thewindow.You can alsowritelettersto people,or if you are travellingwith . somebodyelse you can play games. . I think that the train is a very convenientmeans of travel, because if there is a storm, boats can be delayed.Trainsare also much Jasterthan boats,and t h e j o u r n e y i s m u c h s m o o t h e r .B u t g e n e r a l l yt,h e plane is the most convenientof all. SA; Good advertisingcertainlydoes encouragepeople to try productsthat they would not usuallybuy. SB.'Yes,but it only effectspeoplewho can be easily in{luencedor persuadedto buy thingsthat they don't reallyneed. ExamFocus- Writing:Unit7 (p.1721 1. 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B Part3 2. (Suggestedanswer) . JA (Suggested answers) SA;Advertising at footballgroundsis veryeffective because whogoesto watcha matchwillsee everyone We'd beenlookingfonvardtothis holidayforages. Just my husbandJohn and l, as the kidswerestaying with my parents.We boardedearlyon Tuesdaymorning so as to get a good seat on the top deck. The weatherwas sunny,but cold with quitea strongwind. Exam Focus: Unit 7 The firstfour hourswere lovely.We had a meal in the restaurantand then walked on the deck for ten minutes.We were just going back into the lounge when suddenlythe enginesstopped.Aftera few minutes,the captain'svoice came over the loud speakertellingus not to worry.Therewas a slight problemwith the starboardengine,but the boat should be underwayagain in the next 15 minutes. Two hours laterwe were stilldead in the water."lf we're stuck hereany longerwe'll be too lateto check intothe hotel,"complainedJohn.To be honest.I was gettinga bit worriedas the wind was gettingstronger and the boat seemedto be moving sideways. The next three nightswill stay in my memory forever.Food and waterran low and fights broke out as people became more and more tired and frightened.I had almostgivenup hopewhenwe werefinally found and towed to some port in Holland.As I leftthe lerry a reporterasked me how I felt. I said something aboutwantinga showerand some sleep.I was just so glad to be on dry land again. 4. Dear Mary, I thought I'd drop you a line to let you know how we're getting on. After two days back at work I felt as if I'd neverbeen on holiday- how aboutyou? Anyway we'vehad our photosdevelopedand we'd loveit if you could come and spend next weekendat our house. We could look at the photosand rememberthe good times we had. Hereare a few directionsso you won't get lost.As you enterManchester, followthesignsforToxtethuntil you come to a very big roundabout.Take the third turningfor Mayfieldand follow that road for about 3 k m . Y o u s h o u l dt h e n p a s st h e G r a n d H o t e lo n y o u r right and then immediatelyafterthat a school.Turn rightat the schooland we'rethe secondon the left.lf y o u g e t l o s tj u s t g i v e u s a r i n ga n d G e o r g ew i l lc o m e and getyou. I hope you'llbe ableto make it as we'd loveto see y o u a g a i n . G i v e o u r r e g a r d st o y o u r f a m i l y .W e ' r e l o o k i n gf o r w a r dt o s e e i n gy o u s o o n . LOVE. 3. (BeforeSsdo Ex.3 T explainsthatthe titleof the article is partof aproverb:"AllWorkand No Play makesJack a dull boy." Thisproverbmeansthatif someoneworks too hard it can make them very uninteresting.) (Suggested answer) - The articleis argumentative, givingadvantages and disadvantages. Outline: First paragraph - statethe topic of the article Second paragraph - give advantages Third paragraph - give disadvantages Concluding paragraph - give a balancedconsiderationof the topic and includea personal ooinion Linking words: the main incentivefor, there are also many drawbacksto, the main one (to list advantagesand disadvantages) Added to this,also (to add more pointsto a topic) Such as (to give an example) However(to make a contrastingpoint) As a result (to express effect) (Suggested answer) First paragraph:As the economicsituationof many countriesimproves,more and more businessesare expanding,creatingnewjobs for many people.This has led to an increasein the numoer of executivepositionsin many businessesand t h u sa s u r g ei n t h e n u m b e ro f e x e c u t i v e sB.u ti s a n executivecareeralwavsall that it is made out to be? Joan & George Paragraph 1 - reasonsfor writing P a r a g r a p h2 - d e v e l o p m e n t Final paragraph - closing remarks 5. (Suggested answer) D e a rS u e , How are you? Haveyou got anythingplannedfor t h e s u m m e rh o l i d a y s ?W e l l ,d o y o u r e m e m b e rt h a t greatlanguagecourseI went on lastyear in France? T h e y ' r er u n n i n gi t a g a i na n d y o u ' v ej u s t g o t t o c o m e w i t h m e t h i st i m e . The courseis held in a gorgeousFrenchchateau surroundedby lakesand trees.The town of Nantes is about 3 km away.The teachersare all qualified and there are never more than 15 studentsrn a class.Afterschoolwe can swim in the indoor swimmingpool,playtennisor playfootball(therewas a tournamentlast yea|. Everyeveningthere is a d i s c oa n d a f i l m i n t h e c h a t e a u c i n e m a . W e ' l ls l e e pi n a d o r m i t o r yf o r 1 2 p e o p l ew h i c h i s greatfun and a good way to meetthe otherstudents, who are from all overthe world.The cost is only t400 so it's reallycheap. Writesoon and tell me if you can come with me. I h o p e y o u c a n .W e ' l lh a v ea b r i l l i a ntti m e . Love, Jenny Last paragraph: All things considered,despite the fact that executivejobs do offer a lot of advantages in terms of careerand privileges,it is often at the expenseof things that can be considered moreimportantsuchas family,friendsand health. It is up to each individualto decide if the sacrifice is worthwhile. 75 ExamFocus: Unit 7 6. (Suggestedanswer) The most wonderfulexperienceI have ever had was a holidayI spent with a friend in Cornwall.As we werecamping,we wereaJraidthat it mightrain,but the weatherturned out to be gorgeous.I remember that week so clearly:the walk to the beach each day;turningthatfinal cornerand suddenlyseeingthe magnificentocean spread out beforeme like a sparkling blue carpet;the hours spent lazilylying in the s u n ,a n d p l u n g i n gi n t ot h e s e a w h e n i t g o t t o o h o t . l t was marvellous. On the lastday we werethere,Jackand lwere lying on the beach when Jack lauohedand said."Look at 76 that sillywoman wavingat us!"We both grinnedand waved back, but she didn't look very happy. "Holdon," I said suddenly,"she'snot wavingto be friendly,she'swavingfor help!"We both ran down the beach and dived into the waterto save her. She was OK, but she had got cramp and would certainlyhave drowned if we hadn't been there!We both got our picturesin the paper! All in all it was an excitingand rewardingholiday. I ' m p l a n n i n gt o g o a g a i nt h i s y e a r ! Mission:FCE 1 TEST1 A TEST 1A (Units1-2) ( Time:80m inutes) SectionA Youaregoingto reada magazine articleaboutworkersin Denmark. Choosefromthe list A-Hthe sentence whichbestsummarises eachpart(1-6)of the article. Therets oneextra sentence whichyou do not needto use.Thereis an exampleat the beginning(0). A Peoplego backto work freshand relaxed. B The governmentwillcoverallthe costs. C Evenemployeeswith difficultjobs can be replaced. D E Temporaryemploymentmay sometimesleadto a permanentiob. The plan has not had a great effecton unemployment. F The employercan pay more than the fixed rate. G Denmarkwill makea new plan a regularpartof workinglife. The programmeis supportedby governmentfinancing. H Timeto play Thegovernment of Denmark hasfounda wayto motivate workersandnon-workers. mentsfortheirpregnantworkersor workerswhotaketimeoffto study, findthismore An ambitiousexperiment With high unemploymentrates butprivateemployers was Thishasbeenmadeeasier carriedout in Denmarklast vear. throughoutEurope,many coun- difficult. The ideawas to giveemployeesa tries are studyingthis new pro- asgovernmentfunding helpscompanies find yearoffwhileunemployed replacements. gramme people withinterest. Theunemtemporarilytook their places at ployedgeta chanceto re-enter the work. lt worked so well that the workforce,whichgivesthem hope governmenthas decidedto make for the future.The temporaryrethisnormaloractice. placements equivajobs, Peopleon leavereceivethe aren'tguaranteed but a companyoftenfindsroomto lent to the top rate of unemployment benefit(t300).Thoseon pakeeothemon. rental or study leave receive70 percent of the benefit.The emThepointof the experiment wasto ployer in all cases is free to pay helpworkersandnon-workers alike. The workersare allowedtime to CivilservantllseHyttingwentyacht- moreif he wishes. relax,enjoytheirchildren,or im- ing in the Mediterranean on ner provetheirskillswhilebeingsureof break.Shewantedto learnsomegettingtheir job back when they thingaboutdifferent peoplein difrate in helpsto reducestressand ferentcountries.Herofficefoundit The unemployment allowsthem to learn something difficultto replacesomeonewith markhasfallen,but criticssaythis The peoplewho take new so they returnto work better her qualifications, so a colleague is deceptive. and happierpeople.Non-workers, took her job to make room for an o v e r j o b s t e m p o r a r i l ya r e n o t counted as unemployedfor that or peoplewho havebeen unem- unemployed person. year.However,if they don't find a ployedfora longtime,geta chance permanentposition,they will beto get back to work,at leastfor a come unemployedthe next year. while. Anotherproblemthis programme Thus,the programmemay seem dealswithis parentalor studyleave more effectivein fighting unemin private businesses. Government ploymentthanit reallyis. emptoyers canusuallyfindreplace- G 77 p.2 TEST1 A Mission:FCE 1 SectionB word(s)fromthe lisf. Usefhe word(s)only once. Fillin the appropriate to put out double-decker complimentary heart fire milk 1'l Section C Choosethe correctitem. 17. That planthas a very (distinctive/ exclusive)smell;no otherplantsmellslike it! 18. The policewere calledto controlthe crowdaftera violent(revolution/ riot) brokeout. 19. Rhythm'n'blues musichas had a greatinfluenceon manyof today's(contemporary/ common) rock'nrollartists 20. Becausehe was only (ordinaryi average)in height,he could not join the basketballteam. 21. Thereis a lot of (vivid / vital) information storedin the company'scomputersystem. 22. fhe unionworkers,upsetovertheirsalarycuts,causeda great(disturbance/ dispute)outside the Town Hall. 23. The opposingpoliticalpartywon a (triumphi victory) in the lastelection. SectionD Fillin the gapswith the appropriate word(s)trom the list below: tread whisked consumption process masterpiece heightened suspense 24. John ... us to the concefthallas we were latefor the concert. 25. The Mona Lisais LeonardoDaVinci'sgreatest 26. Doctorswarn us that the daily .......... .. of red meatcan leadto high cholesterollevels. 27. I could hear his heavy ... as he was walkingup the woodenstaircase. 28. Recovering from a seriousillnessis a slow and difficult 2 9 . T h e e m o t i o n so f t h e a u d i e n c e. . . . . . . . . . . . w h e nt h e f i n a lg o a lw a s s c o r e d . 3 0 . E v e r y b o dw y a i t e di n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f.o r t h e j u r y ' sv e r d i c t . SectionE Choosethe appropriate word(s)to fill eachgap. . . . . .p n e u m o n i ai f y o u d o n ' tt a k eo f f y o u rw e t c l o t h e s . 3 1 . Y o u w i l lg o you you 32. lf don't study, will fall with vour schoolwork. 3 3 . T h e c r i m i n a l f i n a lgl ya v e. . . . . . . . . . a n d t o l d t h e t r u t ha b o u tt h e r o b b e r y 3 4 . T h eb u r g l a r a n. . . . . . . . . . . . . w h e n h e h e a r dt h e p o l i c es i r e n s . p u t 35. He ............. t h e i d e ao f b u i l d i n ga n e w l i b r a r yi n t h e t o w n c e n t r e . 7B TEST1 A Mission:FCE 1 p.3 Section F Fill in the correct preposition(s). 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. ChristopherColumbusis famous ......... discoveringAmerica. Job centresare aimed ......... decreasingthe levelsof unemployment. She is confident ......... the factthat she will pass all her examswith A's. The servantshavealwaysbeen .......... her Majesty'sdisposal. The ambulancearrivedin aid ......... the heartattackvictim. SectionG Choosethe appropriate idiomto fill in thegaps. odds and ends more haste,less speed set eyes skin deep in the public eye 41. lt's alwaysbeen said that beautyis only ", said Jane'smotheras she tore her blousein a rushto out it on. 42. " ......... people 43. Famous are always 4 4 . H e l i k e dh e r f r o m t h e m o m e n th e . . . . . . . . . . . . on her. 4 5 . G r a n d m o t h ehra s a l o t o f . . . . . . . .l v. i n qa r o u n dt h e h o u s e . SectionH Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Usingall his physical , he managedto push the car out of the ditch. H e w a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g. .u.i.l.t ya s a l l t h e e v i d e n c ew a s a g a i n s h t im. H i s b o s sc o n s i d e r e d h i m t o b e h i s b e s t. . . . . . . . . . . Ann'sgrandfather was in hospitaldue to a severeheart............ . T h e h o u s ew a s a l w a y sw a r md u e t o t h e t h i c k. . . . . . . . . . . . . .b. e . .t.w e e ni t s w a l l s . STRONG DOUBT EMpLOy ORDER INSULATE SectionI completethe sentences usingthe wordsin bold.use twoto fivewords. 5 1 . T o m i s t a l l e r t h aB nill as Billisn't 52. Althoughshe is wealthy,she is sometimesmiserable. despite She .......... 53. "l'm leavingfor America,"Anna saidto William. informed Anna ......... 54. lt is saidthat he will be changingjobs soon. said He ............. 55. He hatesit when his friendscriticisehim. being He hates . . . . . . . . . . . .T. o . m. .. her wealth. . . . . . . .l e a v i n gf o r A m e r i c a . .. jobs soon. friends. Section J Writean answerto one of the tuvofollowingquestions.Writeyouranswerin 120- 180wordsin an appropriatestyle,givingthe outlinefirst. 1 You want to entera shorl story competition.You must begin your story with the words: "Thecar drove off and Jane was left alone. The restof the day was littteshortof a nightmare....." 2 You haveboughtan electricalappliancefrom a shop.Writea letter of complaintto the shop manager,complainingaboutthe faultyelectricalapplianceand askingfor a refund. 79 Mission:FCE 1 NAME : CLASS: (Time:80 minutes) TEST 1A (units1-2) SectionA 1[-_l 2 '16 \ SectionC 17. ............ 19. 21 20. 22. \ 23. \ 2q 26. 28. 27. 29. 30 SectionE 3 . r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 . SectionF 36............ 37. ................ 38. ............... 39. ............. 45. 80 40. Mission: FCE 1 p.2 TEST1 A SectionI 51 51 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 SectionJ (Writing) 8'l z8 preurjaLu v saleM tol loquris eq1st ' s l u a r E d u o O e r pp a te ' e l d u t e xleo l ] e o cq c e o r o l D u r u e e ue l € l € d a s€ a A e UJ n o l o c pourEr.!un ol uioq uaipltqclo] s)ileu r o q ] p u e u o t i r s o dt r a q l s l o q u A sa q 1 lersedsue^a ale alaql lels e pilr..ll aq] :leo3 str-luo uooLu-]leLl e apnlc -ur uec uos puosos oql eol] Iltu.le] e q l u r a c E l d s t q a l e c t p u tl l ! M l e q ] lsoc 6urqleurosppe o] lqbu eq1s€q uos a q lo ] p p e l l r Mu o l l e t o c a pl e r c a d A qceo ]eLllldecxa eLuesaLll uteuol s uy '009'/t3 l e r l u e l s q ns t l s o c a q ] o s stureaql'suos ol siaqlpluloli uMop lsoc AeLl leoc ,{ueduoc e pu€ passed I1;ensnale sulle lo sleoo '* v c - r_n_r l w u u 6 6 L J s t ) w J + t r u J l u u _n _ v n , ,n_, ,{ , r o 1A l l e r c a dps a u 0 r s e ps L u i Ei o ] e o c 9 M o ue a ^ e qo l s r p u o c a sa q 1 S a l n d p u e u 1 oA l r l i q r s s oadq 1 p l a l q ss , 1 q 0 r uo1q l u l o r ] - s r p] u a J a ; l rA luacsap umo s]r smor.ls6e11utepouu L i ] r Mo r n p e c o t d6 u o 1e s r s r q l l s e d oql os 'eiels qceo peluasatdatstels a q ] u r l € o c o q l p a s n s e q o q M a u o - e L u olso l u e p u a c s a p e a t en o Aa n o t d alrqMeql pue salelsaql jo uorunoql roJse^ 0eq1aq1to anlq aql uoseal ol sr ] su|e lo ]eoc leuos 'rad e urelqoo1sAemoMl ole alaqj srql rol saduls altqM pue pal oq] ualel a^eq Aeul 6ep ueououlv aql 'sreq aqi a^oqe slels pal aarql q]tM sreq pa: leluozuoqoM] qltm punot6 p l a l q se u o p r p s u | e ] o l E o 3€ -)iceqa]rqMe se pauuapst uo] A e a n e u e s o q ] u t l a u m os ] t p a t i l l u a p l -6urqse11 aql str-lie]o ]eoc s,Apulel 'peol s , u o 1 6 u r q s ea1Ol t o e g ' l u a p t s a tl ds r r 1 a l i s € ce 1 od o 1a q l 1 e6 e 1 e1 o s o q n n a l d o e d A u e u o s l e ate,u aq1,{q pacuenl}utseM 0e11 uecr.rar-uy ] . u p l n o c oroql o^rlesLulejo sleoc1da1epetl eql io uOrsapaLllleq] pe^otlaqst ]l p l r o Mu ra s e a l c uat q l p u e A y l r q o u aql a s ue q ] ] o A o l l l e qu tp e s i u 6 o c eet q l o 9 o 1s l q b r u ll o +p a a us s a ls e Ma l e q ]o s ' e 6 u e ta s o l c a p u a{ t n l u a c 1 e6 u r l q Opr 1 A||tue]aql ut sJoltespeq pue sal€M q l t L a q l u r u n 0 a q l + or r o t l u a ^ uotq 1 u r o r J a u t e c I l r L u e l ] e L l ]u e e L ! p l n o M] e o oe u o t a q 1 a 6 o01u u e a d d e oml asaql .loltesp ro1 loqLuAse sr e 'orlrE] o1 6e11pat e lecrllod srq azrloqr-u,is p e d e6 u u e o 1 u r l s s d a a q su t p o s s a r p jlo^^ e polueMeH splo-l Jo osrroH oql pe.raluaoq uoqM sLU.lE 1o leoc l e u o s r a d€ p e l a p l o a m c g { a r g o e g r r g A l l u a c a gu o p u o l u rs L r j l v1 oe 0 e 1 -loC aqt Iq paqsrlqelso sr pue16u-1 u r 1 q 0 ue q 1 q b n o q i s u l e l o l e o c e p a M o l l es r A l r u n i u u r oec u r u o s t e d p a q s r n O u r l sAr pu y s l e n p r n r p uo it s e 1 1 asme s a r u e d L t - lpouoes u o t l e s r u e b t o a t e{ e q l l e u o r s s e y o rsdo t l t co i u a n r O ' m o ur e ; n c i o d a l o l u u o n oo l e s u l e + o s l e o c 0 e L ; u r e d o t n 3u t p a c n p o j l u l papp.e arenraldoad pue slcafqo sleLu - r u e J a l e l s e d e q se l d u r so i a / , A sloq - t i r A sa q l l s l l +] V { u a u o a q 1 {rluapr o] ]uepodturseMlt os 'ou,res aql lool r n o L u r eu r u o r . llrl V l o +0 u r 1 q 0 e r ir e m A a q la p r sq c r q , aAnl r l u a por j s o s l o qr o r n o L u . . rsEp l e r q sl l a q ] u o ] n c to 1p a s n slqbrulspoqtliiseql alp sLLrir.r lo sleoO 3 0 srurv lo sleoc ureluBut ssautsnqbtq oje sulle ]o sleocolel H u6rsapoql o] sa0ueqcoleul Aeu.lua:p1rqo alet\ C s,lauMoaql Moqssulle lo leos e uo suotlelosepeql 'suie ]o leos e o^el.luec ApoqAtena 1o5 'loqLUAs leuotleue lo u0rsapaql pacuanllutsu.lre]o ]eoc s,]ueprsatd Sn V 'uroroMnoAALUIe qclqMpaMoqssLUJe lno^ ieo3 ]o aunlto]e lsoc uEcsuje lo ]eoc v MOUSUOSeOI ]uojAlltplo] lueuodu.ltole LUJe +osieoc J 'punotolceq f Ct 3 g v (g) 0uruurOoq oL{l}e eldLIEXoue st aloql osn o} poau }ou op noAL,1clL1M o c u a l u o se ] l x oo u o s l o ] o q l ' o l c l u eo l . l t l o( g - l ) U e Oq c e os o s u e L u L ulnssa q q c t L { M oouo}uos otll H-V lsll aq] LriojlosooqC'Sulle,o sleoc lnoqEalctueautze6eule pear o10uro0ole no^ v uorlcas (segnuruOg :arulI) Q-t sltun) g t ISSI g I ISSI L JCJ :uotsstw e8 'ge 'poaJbesrp "' o0 o1paptcap uana'uor}sa66ns s,uuy | 'te I r.{6noq} '}arcos """" aneoiltl' Atu" """" euo,{ue ilato} }oul.?:ir:].9 ?::j.::: qbnoqlle pua14Jaq aas ol uorlPls,{en1te:aL{}o} }uaMoL{s 'ee reaAraqlouerol """"""' . 'lec e Aq 'Ze """' Outppa/v\ itaql lnd o1peq Aeql'su'talqotd lptcueu4ol ang " unj seMaL{asnesaqlellosot{ul sl uelJg 'f e '(s)etcved tcailoc aq q ruJ 3 uoltcas 'uorluaups,acuarpnp """"' la6utsetado aLll '0e aLll """""" 'sauo raplo ueql " srec lapouJlsalel aL{f '62 lanl ssal Llcnui 'Ourdecsa """ A;arncasa.tesllacuoslJd 'BZ urorlsrauosrrdluanardol """""""' 'aber:reur "' aql sl lsn.rl '/z lnlssaconsfuena1o 'Uodrrv "' V '92 lcl/v\teCle Z pue I sleururiafslurl acrruas 'rnor^Eqaq peq slq rol asrOolodp aq] a^el.ll,uplpaH '92 ol """""" 'slaueur[;rure;ol sauroc uaL]M "' A:ansl qog 'tZ U auolsJau.roc olunqs aurnsuoc laorcslp pernldec Asapnoc polloq :i o|€q ts,, eql utott G)pton a\eltdotdde aql qilM sde6 eLnq illl o uollcas '(Utms aql 'Ioeue aql lo OuueaLluO 'eZ / tuabrn) sennesuodsais,ralsrury! 'reamol alqpuolurocun apeurradwnf aLll ainlxal (asreoq asreoc) aqL 'ZZ lr lo 7 '(Ua1.tatunoca1e) e s,lrAllenlcp 'aurnuaO s>1oo; acellcau)oH 'lz lnq 1 '1eaur(rapuels ueag) asol o} luem noAg1'97 lea plnoqs no{ 1qOram 7 '.rals6ue6(aprnnp;lornsnogolou) e sem euode3 '6t lV / 'leorLllaros e seq ar.{sasnecaq'poo} raL{(6u;1se6u; 6u;nnollenns) alqnortseq aqs 'BL / 'Ieq;o slreqolur (pessa.rdtloc peqsenbs) pue palsarueL{ sennsser6aql '/L 7 'ueu lcailoc aql esoor,rc c uollcas slaOrel burlours 1o pacrrd asrcraxare;nbe.r MOpurMor.lllo lno elel ol leaq ol 9t :t "" 'rl "" '0t ', .,,z| culueccs slca$a oql r{qcrels ueelol pool rossaloJo unl aql uo sarlrlEr,lJol s;enrrAur lno sslur ol rllrmleep ol "" """"""""1t """"""""""'01 ""' '6 ""' 'B Alqeuosear 'ecuo Aluo(s)pto^^eqt asn 'ts1 aql uo4 G)pton ete4dotdd} eqt q UH g uollcas z'd g T IS3I L fcJ :uotsslw TEST1 B Mt ssion:FCE 1 p.3 Section F Fill in the correct preposition(s). 36. People oughtto beaware ,..,.thedamage theyarecausing to theenvironment. 37. Hewaskeen .....collecting stamps;he hadhundreds of them. 38. Thewitnessprovided the police .....information relevant to thetheft. 39. Theywere.......... a tightbudget,because theywantedto saveup for a car. 4 0 . F u l lb o a r dw a si n c l u d e .d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h. .e.p. .r.i c eo f t h ep a c k a g h eo l i d a y . SectionG Choosethe appropriate idiomto fill in thegaps. bird's eye view the apple of her eye jump out of my skin at lightningspeed make ends meet 4 1 . S o m es c e n e si n t h e h o r r o fr i l mm a d em e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 42. He managedto drivefrom Londonto Manchesterin 3 hours;he must havebeen driving , 1 3 .H e rg r a n d s o ni s . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . .;. s. .h. .e.a. d o r e sh i m ! 44. Whilsthe was flyingoverAthens,he got a(n) ............ of the city. 45. Now that her husbandis unemployedit is very difficultfor them to ............... SectionH Fillin the correctword derivedfrom the wordsin bold. .16 47 aB -19 50 H e r m a i n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. n. .l.i.f ew a s t o b e c o m ea d o c t o r . H e b e h a v e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . y. .o. .u; n e v e rk n o ww h a th e ' l ld o n e x t . M y w e d d i n gw a s t h e m o s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d . .a. .y. o f m y l i f e . The gymnasticshe performedwere very ........... They were so rude to us; we had neverexpectedsuch awful from them. OBJECT PREDICT MEMORY IMPRESS TREAT SectionI Completethe sentencesusingthe wordsin bold.Usetwo to fivewords. 51. This book by ArthurMilleris lessinteresting than his others. as T h i s b o o k b y A r t h u rM i l l e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h. i s o t h e r s . 52 Althoughshe was verytiredshe agreedto take careof her sister'schildrenfor the evening. despite She took care of her sister'schildren ......she was very tired. 53 "Thecar needsto be washed".Philiosaid. pointed P h i l i p. . . . . . . . . . . n e e d e dt o b e w a s h e d . 54 He will publishhis third novelin July. published His ............ . . . . . . .i.n J u l y . 55. I hateit when peopletalk behindmy back. being I hate . behind mv back. SectionJ Writean answerto one of the tuvofollowingquestions.Writeyouranswerin 120-180wordsin an appropriatestyle,givingthe outlinefirst. 1 You have seen an advertisementin the newspaperabout a vacancyfor a tour guide. Writea letter of application for the job. 2 You want to entera shofi story competition.You must end your story with the followingwords: "Thenhe vanished.A moment later the cashier was in the street lookino for helo." B4 Mission:FCE 1 NAME: DATE: CLASS: ( Tim e:80minutes) TEST 1 B (Units1-2) SectionA 1l-l 2 31. ................ 32...............,. 33. ................ 34. ................ 35. SectionF 36. ................ 37. ................ 38. ................ 39. ................ 40. 43. 44. 85 Mission:FCE 1 p.2 TEST1 B SectionI 51 51 52 52 54 54 55 55 SectionJ (Writing) 86 Mission:FCE 1 KEY TEST1 A A. 1.A 2.D B. 7. complimentary 8. double-decker 9. scientific 4.H 3.C 5.F 6.E C. 17. distinctive 18. riot 19. contemporary 21. vital 22. disturbance 20. average D. 24. whisked 25. masterpiece 26. consumption 27. tread 28. process 29. heightened E. 31. down with 32. behind 33. in F. 36. for G. 41. skindeep 42. More haste,less speed H. 46. strength l. 51. ... 52. ... is sometimesmiserabledespite... 53. ... informedWilliamthat she was ... J. 1. (Suggestedanswers) 2. 16. to put out 10. overflowing 13. heart 14. afully-stocked 11. fat-free 15. fire 12. to watch 37. at 35. forward 40. of 43. in the publiceye 44. set eyes 47. undoubtedly 30. suspense 34. away/off 39. at 38. of 23. victory 48. employee 45. oddsand ends 49. disorder 50. insulation 54. ... is saidto be changing... 55. ... beingcriticisedby his ... The car droveoff and Mrs Brownwas leftalone.The restof the day was littleshortof a nightmare. Mrs Brownlookedaround.She didn'trecognisethe place- the buildingand the landscapelooked Mrs Brownstoppedwalkingfor a momentto decidewhat she was goingto do. unfamiliar. Justthen she heardthe noiseof motorcyclesin the distance.The noisestartedto get louderand louderand all of a suddenwhatseemedlikedhundredsof huge motorbikescame roundthe corner. Therewas nobodyon them.As she stoodtherein the middleof the road,they MrsBrownwas horrified. startedto circleher.The circlestartedto get smallerand smalleruntiltheywereverycloseto her.Mrs Brownfelt herselffallto the ground. The nextthingshe knew,she was lyingin bed. Her husbandwas strokingher hand.She had had a terriblenightmare. DearMr White, I am writingto complainaboutan electrickettleI boughtfrom your shop lastweek. WhenI was in your shop I askedthe assistantto test it for me and it workedfine,but when I took it home I filledit with water,pluggedit in, switchedit on and it didn'twork. you were away at The followingday I came back into town to returnthe kettle.Unfortunately, Head Officeand the shop assistantI spoke to said therewas nothingthat he could do and as the kettlewas on specialofferthe moneycouldn't be returned. I understandthat the kettledoes havea one-yearguaranteeand that the guaranteemeansyou are obligedto eitherreturnthe moneyor replacethe kettle. I look forwardto hearingfrom you as soon as possible. Yours, MarkingSchemefor Test 1 A Section A: 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = .|0 itemsx 1 pointseach = Section B: Section C: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Section D: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Section E: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 12 10 14 14 5 Section F: Section G: Section H: Section l: Section J: 5 itemsx pointseach = 5 5 itemsx pointseach = 5 5 itemsx pointseach = 5 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5 =25 (Writing) Total 100x2=20.0 87 ^r4 ls s/on r\rtr I TEST1 B KEY A. 1.E B. 7. to beat 8. to dealwith L to missout 10. eccentric 11. starchy 12. to lean 13. to take 14. reasonably 15. the effects 16.short-term c. 1 7 . compressed 1 8 . swallowing 19. notorious 20. to lean 21. take 22. coarse 23. swift D. 24. discreet 25. courtesy 26. shuttle 28. bolted 27. cornerstone 29. consume 2.A 3.8 E. 3 ' t . over/down 32. ott 4,F 35. alongwith 38. with 39. on 40. in G. 41. jump out of my skin 42. aI lightningspeed H. 46. objective L 51. ... is not so/asinteresting as ... 52. ...despitethe factthat ... 53. ... pointedout that the car ... 1 30. captured 34. away 36. of J. 6.G 33. off F. 37. on 5.D 43. the apple of her eye 44. bird's eye view 47. unpredictably 48. memorable 45. make ends meet 49. impressive 50. treatment 54. ...thirdnovelwillbe pubtished ... 55. ... beingtalkedabout ... (Suggestedanswers) DearSir/Madam, I recentlysawyouradvertisement in the newspaperfor a tour guideand I wouldliketo applyfor the post. For the past six years I have been workingas a clericalassistantin an office,but as I'don't meet manypeople,I am lookingfor a change.I wouldreallylikethe challengethatthispostwouldpresentand as I'm very good at relatingto peopleI'm surethat I would be perfecifor the job. I enclosemy currentcurriculumvitaeand would be able to attendan interviewwheneverit suitsyou. I eagerlyawaityour responseand look forwardto meetingyou. Yours. 2. One day Nikkiwas sittingat the checkoutas she normallydid on a Saturdayevening.Unlikemost Saturdayevenings,this was a particularly quietone and Nikkiwasstartingto get borel. Her eyes startedwonderingaroundthe shop and she beganto thinkof thingsshe could havebeendoing insteadof sittingthere. JustthenherfriendMelinawalked inandtheystartedtalkingaboutwhatthey hadbeenupto.Theyhadn,t noticedthe customerwho had come in behindMelinaand they bothjumpedwhenthey saw him at the checkout'Nikki was expectingto see him unload his basketof food-ontothe conveyorbelt. When he suddenlypulledout a gun, Nikkiand Melinascreamed.He told them to lie on the ground. Then he vanished.A momentlaterthe cashierwas in the streetlookingfor help. MarkingSchemefor Test 1 B Section A: 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = Section B: 10 itemsx 1 pointseach = Section C: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Section D: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Section E: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 12 10 14 14 5 Section F: Section G: Section H: Section l: Section J: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 5 itemsx 1 pointseoch = 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = = (Writing) 5 5 5 5 25 Totaf 100x2 =2O,A 38 Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 A TEST2 A (Units3 - 4) (Time:8O minutes) SectionA You aregoingto reada magazinearticleabouta youngwomanstudyingFrench paris. in Seven sentenceshavebeenremovedfromthe article.Choosefromthe senterrces A-H,the one which fits each gap (1-6)'Thereis one extrasentencewhich you do not need to use. Thereis an e x a m p l ea t t h e b e g i n n i n g( 0 ) . It was worthbreakingthe ice Lauravan Bilderbeek,18, had alwavs wantedto learn French in Paris.She'd lovedihe language srncestudyingit at schoolin the UnitedStates,but when her familymoved back to Londonshe was disappointedto find that her high-schootFrench wasn'tqoo9 enoughfor herto take FrenchA_level. 0 | B I She wantedto pick it up in a reatenvrronmentratherthan attendinga coursein Eng_ land,so she decidedto go to paris. a huge auditoriumwith lots of people you don't know,but rt'stheonlywayto meetFrenchstudents. 3 | | They are not alwaysvery friendlyat first,but she saysit'sworththe effortonce Voubreak the ice.Sheaddsthat it'sluckythatshe'sa bit of an extrovert. Accommodation in Parisisn'ta big problem,andthe Sorbonnehas an officewhichcan helpwithfinding lodgings. 4 n Lauraliveswith a very old Herfirsttwoweeksin Pariswerea bitlonely,butthen womanin Montparnasse. Laurasays:',She,s 94 and shemeta coupleofAmericangirlswho encouraged she tells incrediblestories about when sne was her to enrolat the Sorbonne.She lovedit from the young. She can rememberwhen the pavemenrs start. 1 T_l "At the moment l'm readrno were made of wood and there were horses and Baudelaire for my oral exam.,' carriagesin the streets. 5 n And if I lived withsomeonemy ownage,theywouldn'tbe arouno Shesaysherclassis greatfun,partlybecauseof the all day to talk to me and help me with my home_ mixtureof nationalities. Becausethestudentscome w o r k . " from so many countries,however,thereis a temptationto speakin English,whichmostof themknow She loveswanderingaroundparis in the daytime, well. 2 fI and finds that the only problem in paris is the expense. 6 T-l Barsand clubs are atsovery She alsoforcesherselfto attendgenerallecturesat expensive. She takespleasurein going to the cin_ the Sorbonneto improveher French.She is espe- ema,though,wherestudentsget a hugereduction. ciallyinterestedin the ones on art,philosophyand history.Shesaysit can be a bitfrightening sittingin A At lecturesshe makesherselfgo up and speakto otherstudents. B Duringher yearout, she decidedto learnit on her own. C A coffeecan cost more than two pounds,and even food in the supermarketis more expensivethan in London. D LaurawisheslearningFrenchwere not so slow and difficult,but feelsshe is makingprogress. "Theclassesare stimulating and you learnabout literature as wellas phonetics,,, Laurasays. E F I get a realsenseof historytalkingto her. G They often place you with a familyso you can practiseyour French. H Laurahas managedto resistthe temptationby insistingon speakingFrenchto everyone. 89 p.2 TEST2 A Mission:FCE 1 Section B Fillin the appropriateword(s) trom the list. Use the word(s)only once. unspoilt severe ecological thereis a need 7. .............. 8. .............. 9. .............. 10. ............. 11. ............ traffic easily . . . . . .n a t u r e . . . . . .c h a o s . . . . . a. r o u n dt h e e a r t h . . . . . ,s. t a i n e dt e e t h . . . . . . .b. a l a n c e to whiten forms orbiting volcanic 12. ,........... 13. ............ 14. ............ 15. ............ 16. ............ . . . . . . .d. a m a g e . . . . . . .e. r u p t i o n . . . . . . .a. c c e s s i b l e . . . . . . .o. f e n t e r t a i n m e n t . . . . . . .f .o r a c t i o n SectionC Choosethe correctitem. 17. The sunlight,reflectedoff the brightwhitebuildings,was (lightingI dazzlingl. 18. lt was so cold I startedto (shiver/ tremble)! 19. lt took us three monthsto (renew / renovate)the old cottage. 20. We stayedup all nightto watchthe (dawn / dusk). 21. Everynightdad (switches/ winds) the clock. 22. \Nhenher husbandwas kidnapped,Janet(virtually/ visually)gave up hope of everseeing h i ma g a i n . 23. We stood in the (pouring/ gloomy) rain,withoutumbrellas,waitingfor a taxi. SectionD Fillin fhe gapswiththe appropriate word(s)from the list below: bid 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. prosperity fragrant reduction boom swayed vigorously Housepriceshave risendramatically sincethe economic I w e n tt o t h e a u c t i o nt o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f o r a s e t o f a n t i o u ec h a i r s . The room was with the smellof freshflowers. He shook her hand and led her into his office. T h e t r e e ' sb r a n c h e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i n t h e w i n d . The workerswent on strikein protestover a pay ............ H i sw e a l t ha n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w e r ed u e t o h i s w i s ef i n a n c i ai ln v e s t m e n t s . SectionE Fillin the gapswiththe appropriate word(s)from the list below: hailstorm mild drizzle gentle wind cloudburst I woke up to greyskiesand wonderedif l'd haveto cancelmy tripto the beach.However,when I stepped outsideit was (31) not too cold, and the trees were swayingin a (32) . lt looked as if I would stillbe able to go. I went back indoorsto fetch my bag, but when I came back outside,it had startedto (33) . I ran back for my umbrella,threweverythingintothe car and droveoff. I hadn't got half a mile down the road beforethere was a (34) . I was glad I hadn't been on my bike; I d havebeen soaked.The heavyrainwas swiftlyfollowedby a (35) .................; ballsof frozenrain clatteredagainstthe windscreen.FinallyI admitteddefeat,turnedthe car round and went back home. 90 Mission: FCE 1 TEST 2 A p.3 Section F Fill in the correctpreposition(s). 3 6 . I f e evl e r yo p t i mi sti c .............. th efu tu re . 37. 38. 39. 40. When my grandmotherdied, I investedthe moneyshe leftme ............ stocksand shares. Jack had to leavethe army becausehe refusedto comply the regulations. EversinceI was bittenby a dog as a child I havebeenterrified........... them. I can't account the missingmoney;it must havebeen stolen. SectionG Choosethe appropriate idiomto fill in thegaps. backbreaking , in the long term, weather-beaten, in uncharted water, as right as rain 4 1 . " A l t h o u g h i t wb i l el h a r d a t f i r s t , t h e t a x i n c r e a s e wbi lel n e f i t u s a l ls, a i d t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r . 4 2 . S a n d r aw a s i l lf o r a g e s ,b u t n o w s h e ' s. . . . . . . . . 43. The old man had spenthis lifeworkingin the fieldsand so his face was tannedand ............ 44. Buildingthe wall was ............ work;the brickswere heavyand awkwardly-shaped. 4 5 . W i t ht h i sn e w v e n t u r e t h ec o m p a n yi s s a i 1 i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . .n. .o. t. h. ;i n gl i k ei t h a s e v e rb e e nt r i e db e f o r e . SectionH Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. 46. Mandywas ............ by the lettersof supportshe received. 47. When he leavesschoolBrianwantsto study as he's alwaysbeen interestedin trees. 48. when I workedin Malawi,I was .......... well off,for exampleI had a jeep and a motorbikewhereasmost peopledidn'tevenown a bicycle. 49. We had to use candlesfor lightingwhen the electricity brokedown. 50. I'd eatenseveral.................. of the dessertbeforeI realisedit had qone off. OVERWHELM FOREST coMpARE GENERATE MOUTH SectionI completethe sentencesusingthe wordsin botd.use two to fivewords. 51. lt was so hot that I could hardlybreathe. day lt was 52. Katharinedoesn'tagreewith George'spoliticalbeliefs. of Katharine 53. Since it was a holiday,we were off work. to We were 54. This is the cemeterywhereOscarWildeis buried. in This is 55. When it had stopped raining,we pitchedthe tent. until We waited . I could hardly breathe. George's political beliefs. a holiday. Oscar Wilde is buried. .....beforewe oitchedthe tent. SectionJ Write an answer to one of the tvvo following questions. Write your answer in 120- 180 words in an appropriate style, giving the outline first. 1 A localnewspaperhas invitedreadersto writein withtheiropinionson the followingtopic: Violentsportsshould be banned. Writean article statingyour own opinionson this issue. 2 Writean article about a holidayresortyou havevisitedfor a travelmagazine. 91 Mission:FCE 1 NAM E : DATE: CLASS: (Time:80 minutes) TEST2A (units3-4) SectionA 1l-l 2 13. 16. 14. 15. 21 23. 22. 25 26. 28. 27. 29. 30. SectionE 31 ................ 32. ................ 33. ................ 34. ................ 35. SectionF 45. 92 Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 A p.2 SectionI SectionJ (Writing) 93 Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 B TEST2B (Units3-4) ( Time:80minutes) Section A havebeen Youaregoingto reada magazine articleabouta footballmanager. Sevensentences A-H,the onewhichfitseachgap (1-6). removed fromthe afticle.Choosefromthe sentences Thereis one extrasentence whichvou do not needto use.Thereis an exampleat the beg i n n i n(g0 ) . It's a Woman'sWorld SteohanieRawdenis a housewifeand a motherof two who has neverplayeda game of footballin her life.YeteverySundaymorningshe can be foundat ground,wheresheshoutsencourherlocalfootball agingwordsand yellsordersat the players. o THI AlthoughStephaniewearsthe typicalfootball manager's"uniform" of boots,jeansand a thickcoatshe alsochoosesto wear make-upand earrings. 1 [--l Her femininityis importantto her and helpsher presentan imageshe rs happywith.But whenshewalksintothe changingroomto talkto the team the men don't noticeher good looks.They knowshe is in chargeand they listento everyword she has to say. 3 n To Steph's surprisethe committee electedheras the new manager.Witha monthto go beforethe startof thefootballseason.Steohwatched dozens of footballvideos and read everythingrelatedto footballshe could get her hands on. She owesa lot to her husband'spatience.Howeverthe real battlewas tryingto earn the players'respect. ThereI was,a mum who'd neverplayedfootballin her life,tellinga groupof men howtheyshouldplay football."Steohanierecallsthatthe firstfew oames with her in chargewherea disaster. 4 n Butastheseasonwenton, herconfidencegrew.By the timethe team had won a few gamesshe found thattheirattitudeshad changed. 5 l-l Linbyfinishedfifthin the NottinghamSunday leaguein Stephanie's firstseason.Thisyearthey're third in the leagueand aboutto get promoted. She believesit is her sharpwit and good senseof humourthathelpto gettheattention of theclub.The 29-year-oldtalks passionatelyabout the team: I Whenit'sfreezing coldandtheteamloses,Stephanie keepthem informed," she says,"andl'm not afraid mustfindherselfwonderingwhy on earthshe does it. She believes,however,thatthe victoriesmake it to tellthemwhen they'vemade a mistake. all worthwhile.She not only gets supportfrom her lncredibly, two yearsago, Stephanre knewvirtually familybut from the men on the team. 6 l-l nothingabout the game of football.Her husband When asked whethershe has any desireto play, Lee was the reasonshe got involved. 2 -f Steph admits she is quite happy to stand on the I realisedthat if I didn'toet involved.l d neversee sidelines. She is clearlycontentwithshowingthata hrm. woman can succeedin a man's iob. W h e ns h ef i r s jt o i n e dt h ec l u b ,s h eu s e dh e rs k i l l sa s a qualifiedaccountantto becomethe treasurer. 94 A She feelsthat just becauseshe is a footballmanager,she doesn'thaveto look likea man. B Thenthe currentmanagerresignedsuddenly. C Some of the playersleftbecausethey felt uncomfortable takingordersfrom a woman. D She describesthem as her secondfamily. E "He spentmost of the weekendplayingfootball,"she remembers. F An interestin footballis vitalfor the job. G The playersrealrsedthat she was not only seriousabout her job, but good at it. H She is, in fact,the firstfemalemanagerof the LinbyAthleticFootballClub. TEST2 B Mission: FCE 1 p.2 SectionB Fillin the appropriate word(s)fromfhe trst.use fhe word(s)only once. mat hot to stare fading blood racing within 7. B. 9. 10. 11. to lessen a populated pre-wargreatness In amazement continent eggs t h r o u g hh e r v e i n s scrambled to restoreto 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. moonlight springs easy reach of bacteria the strain Section C Choosethe correctitem. 17. Thatcompanyusedan (ingenuous/ ingenious)advertising campargn. 18. She was caughtin a (sleetingi downpour) on her way to worK. 19. Manypeoplein Africahavesufferedduringthe (droughti dryness)and many havedied of starvation. 20. She feelsvery (clumsy/ harmful)todayas she has alreadydroppedtwo glassesand a teapot. 21. Many (unanimous/ controversial)issuesare discussedon that programme. 22. Ihe Biochemist's (conventioni commitment)is takingplacethisweek. 23. Theydecidedto (prolong/ expand)the businessby introducingan import/export department. SectionD Fillin the gapswith the appropriate word(s)from the list below: jolly eruption wing commitment strolling discoloration condemned 2 4 . T h e s e a g u l hl a d b r o k e na ( n ) . . . . . .... . . . . . . .a. .n d i t c o u l d n ' ft l y 2 5 ' T h e P r e s i d e nht a s . . . . . . . . . . . . t h i sn e w o u t b r e a ko f v i o l e n c e . 26. Thiswashingpowderwill protectyour clothingfrom 27. Marriageis a life-long ......that has to be takenseriously. 28. The ..'....of the volcanocame completelyunexpectedly and frighienedthe residentsof the village. 29. Manypeopleenjoy ......... alongthe beachin the lateafternoon. 30. Therewas a very ........... atmosphereat the weddingreception. SectionE Fillin the gapswith the appropriate word(s)from the tist betow: sunshine shower thunderstorm windy cloudless Itwasquite(31) .......whentheysetoffon theirtripto the country.Thewindwas blowingso strongly that it almostsweptthem off theirfeet.To make mattersworse,darknessstartedfallingand they *ere met with a heavy(32) ......... of rainwhich madethem stop and thinkaboutgoing back.The rainwas followedby a (33) . with lotsof lightning,whichtorethe skies,and deafeningboltsof thunder. Theystayedin the carand theyfellasleep.Whentheywokeup theywereundera (34) sky and brilliant(35) .. ......,which encouragedthem to continuetheirjourney. q6 Mission:FCE 1 p.3 TEST2 B Section F Fillin the correctpreposition(s). 3 6 . N o m a t t e rh o w h a r dh e t r i e d ,h e c o u l d n ' ct o p e . . . . . . . . . .t.h. .e s t r e s so f t h e j o b . theirpicnic. 37. The clearingwas the idealsite 3 8 . H e i s a l w a y sv e r ya c c u r a t e. . . . . . . . . . . .h. i.s. p r e d i c t i o n s . theirteacher.gave her flowerson the lastday of classes. 39. The pupils,beingveryfond ............ 40. The workersbenefited the company'snew policy. SectionG idiomto fill in fhe gaps. Choosethe appropriate weatheredthe storm to cometo termswith water has gone under the bridge backbone for a rainyday 41. He found it difficult the fact that he was unemployed. 42. She puts a littlesomethingasideeach month 4 3 . D e s p i t ef i n a n c i adl i f f i c u l t i ewse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. n d b u s i n e s si s n o w b o o m i n g . 4 4 . H i sd i l i g e n c he a s l e d h i mt o b e c o m i n g t h e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. f. .t .h.e. c o m p a n y . 4 5 . l t ' s b e e na l o n gt i m e s i n c ew e s a w t h e m ,a n d l ' m s u r ea l o t o f . . . . . . . . . . SectionH Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. 4 6 . S i n c et h e r ew a sn o t. . . . . . .i.n. c r i m i n a t ienvgi d e n cteh ej u d g ed i s m i s s et d h ec a s e . S U B S T A N C E 47. His made a lot of peoplevrewhim suspiciously. PREDICT 48. Studentsof Enqlishas a secondlanouaqehavedifficultvin understandinq accents. 4 9 . I n t h e o l d d a y s ,a r a d i ow a s c a l l e da . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. We went to a fashionshow of desionerclothes. REGION WIRE EXCLUDE SectionI Complete thesentences usingthe wordsin bold.Usetwo to tivewords. 5 1 . l t w a s s u c ha f u n n yj o k et h a tI c o u l d n ' h t e l pl a u g h i n g . so lt was 52. Herfatherwouldn'tagreeto her ridinga motorbike. of Her father 53. Sinceit was very hot,they wentfor a swim. to They went 54. This is the churchwherethey got married. in Thisis the church 55. Whentheirmotherleft,they raidedthe fridge. They waited until that I couldn'thelp laughing. riding a motorbike. the heat . . . . .m a r r i e d . before they raided the fridge. SectionJ Writeananswerto oneof thetwofollowingquestions. Writeyouranswerin 120-180wordsin an appropriate style, giving the outline first. 1 Yourschoolis holdinga compositioncompetition. The competitionrulesstatethat you mustwrite about the followingquestion:Whatare the advantagesand disadvantages of being an only child? Writea compositionfor the competition. 2 Writea shortarticleaboutthe dangersof sunbathingfor a medicaljournal. 96 Mission:FCE1 NAME: DATE: CLASS: ( Tim e:80m inutes) TEST2B (unns3-4) SectionA r[-l 2 13. '1't. 16. 14. 12. 15. 19. 21. 20. 22. 23. 28. 30. 29. SectionE 31. ................ 32. ................ 33. ................ 34. ................ 35. SectionF 36. ................ 37. ................ 38. ................ 39. ................ 40. 45. 97 --- SectionI SectionJ (Writing) 98 TEST 2 B p.2 Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 A KEY A. 1.E B. 7. unspoilt 8. traffic 9. orbiting c. 17. dazzling 18. shiver 2.H 3.4 D. 24. boom 25. bid E. 31. mild 32. F. 36. about 37. in G. 41. in the longterm 42. as right as rain 4.G 5.F 6.C 10. to whiten 11. ecological '12. severe 13. volcanic 14. easily 15. forms 16. there is a need 19. renovate 20. dawn 21. winds 22. virtually 23. pouring 26. fragrant 27. vigorously 28. swayed 29. reduction 30. prosperity gentlewind 33. drizzle 38. with 39. of 43. weather-beaten 44. backbreaking lt. 46. overwhelmed t. 51. ,..sucha hotdaythat... 52. ...doesn'tapproveof ... 53. ...offworkdueto ... 47. forestry 34.cloudburst 35.hailstorm 40. for 45. in unchartedwater 48. comparatively 49. generator 50. mouthfuls 54. ... the cemeteryin which... 55. ... untiltherainhad stopped... J. 1. (Suggestedanswers) There'sno doubtthatthe bulkof the populationareunderthe illusionthatwe livein a civilisedsociety.lf this is so, thenhow can the continuedtolerationof violentsportsbe maintained? There'slittledoubtthata sportsuchas boxingis exceedingly violentand boxershavesuffereddeath,brain damageand permanentdisabilityfromthe blowsthey receivedin the ring.Martialartsor rugbycouldbe considered violent,butthefactthat millionsof peoplewatch thesesportsandtheymakebillionsof dollarsimplies thatsocietymaynot be as civilisedas it thinks.Thepleasurethatpeoplegainfiom watchingand participating in violentsportsurelymeansthat banningthemwouldbe an uphill,if not impossibletask. Asfortheparticipants; aslongastheyareableto makerationaldecisionsto participate inthesesports,society shouldnot intervene. Thereis alsothe dangerof drivingthesesports"underground", by banningthemwhich wouldremoveotficialcontrolsand surelyleadto evenworseincidencesof injuryor death. 2. MiamiBeach,Floridais the playgroundof the's got sun,pdm trees,goldenbeachesand heapsof glitzand glamour. MiamiBeachhasa 7 mile,100yardwide beltof is a man-madebeachbut lookstotallynatural.Weatherwise, the winter,from Decemberto April is the besttime but it is also busierand moreexpensivebecauseAmericansfromthe northdescendfor a doseol wintersun. Summeris muchcheaperbut hot and humid- especially whenyou areawayfromthe beach. Thereis plentyto do in and aroundMiami.Visitthe zoos,aquariumsand the 45 foot lighthouseSouth Florida'soldestlandmark.Daytrips can also be madeto the Everglades- a slow,swamfy river that is hometo manyhundredsof alligatorsand of courseDisneyWorldin nearbyOrlando. ' lf you are travellingon a budget,be sureto contact"BrighamGardens"in Sunnylsles- a charming hotelwith 14 gardenapartments with kitchensfor only$25a night.Phone305-531-1931 for details. Marking Schemefor Test 2 A Sectlon A: 6 items x 2 points each = Section B: 10 itemsx 1 pointseach = Section C: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Sac{on D: 7 itemsx 2 pointseach = Soction E; 5 items x 1 points each = 12 10 '14 14 5 SectionF: SectionG: SectionH: Sectionl: SectionJ: 5 itemsx pointseach 5 itemsx pointseach 5 itemsx pointseach = 5 5 items x 1 pointseach (Writing) =25 Total 100x2=20,0 99 Mission:FCE 1 TEST2 B KEY A. 1.A B. 7. to restoreto 8. to stare 9. a populated 2.E 3.8 s.G 4.C 6. D 1 0 . scrambled 1 1 . blood racing 12. fading 1 3 .hot 1 4 .within 1 5 .mat 16. to lessen c. 17. ingenious 18. downpour 1 9 . drought 20. clumsy 21. controversial 22. convention 23. expand D. 24. wrng 25. condemned 26. discoloration 27. commitment 28. eruption 29. strolling 30. jolly E. 3 1 . windy 32. shower F. 36. with 37. tor G. 41. to cometo termswith 42. tor a rainyday H. 46. substantial t. 5 1 . ... so funnya joke ... 52. ... couldn'tapproveof her ... 53. ... for a swim due to ... 33. thunderstorm 38. in 39. of 34. cloudless 35. sunshine 40. from u13. weatheredthe storm 44. backbone 47. unpredictability 48. regional 45. water has gone underthe bridge 49. wireless 50. exclusive 54. ... in whichthey got ... 55. ... untiltheirmotherhad left ... J. 1. (Suggestedanswers) Thereareseveralanglesthatthis issuecouldbe examinedfrom.Thefirstangleshouldbe lrom the child's visionof theworld. A generalassumption wouldbe thatthechildwouldprobablygrowup witha fairlyrosy(ifnotdistorted)view of the world.They haveundoubtedlyhad a very secure,lovingupbringing,with doting parents.This is a charmingenvironment to grow up in, but it's possiblethatthis couldleadto problemsin laterlife. Oneofthemostimportantdeprivations of beingraisedasanonlychildisthelackofsiblingrivalry.Thelessons welearnfrombrothersand sistersarehowtobothshareandcompete.Thiscanincludesharlngtoysoremotions as wellsas competingfor them. An onlychildcouldwellfindtheseexperiences aliento themand couldrun intotroublewhenformingadult relationships. lt seemsa logicalassumption therefore,that siblingscontributeto a well-rounded charicter. 2. Theworldhasbeenmadeacutelyawareof globalwarmingand the holein the ozonelayerin recentyears. Ultravioletraysfrom the sun havereacheddangerouslevels,but despiterepeatedwarningsfromthe medical peoplepersistin sunbathing. establishment, Apart from the obvious pain and discomfortof being sunburntfrom spendingtoo long in the sun with insufficientsun block, there are some other far more seriousconsequencesol sunbathing.Sunstroke,a conditionofbeinginthesuntoolongwithoutheadcovering, canleadtodisorientation, possibly dehydrationand hospitalisation. Theworstscenariofor sunworshippers,however,is the prospectof skin cancer.Thisdisease, whichis a potentialkiller,has increasedalarmingtyin recentyearsand due to carelessnessin the sun, shows no sign of abating. The effectsof humanbodiesreceivinglargedosesof ultravioletrays could leadto other seriousinternal damage.The warningsare there,but it's up to the individualto take heed of them. MarkingSchemefor Test2 B SectionA: 6 items x 2 points odch = SectlonB: 10 itemsx 1 pointsesch = SectionC: 7 items x 2 points each = SectionD: 7 items x 2 points €dch = SectlonE: 5 items x 1 points e?ch = 12 10 14 14 5 SectionF: SectionG: SectionH: Sectionl: Sec{ionJ: 5 itemsx 1 points oach * 5 itemsx 1 points each = 5 itemsx 1 points eoch = 5 itemsx 1 points €dch = {Writing) 5 5 5 5 25 Total 100x2=20,0 100 TEST3 A Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 A (Units s, 6,7) ( Time:80m inutes) SectionA Youaregoingto readinformation aboutcomputer-related products. Forquestions 1 - 14, choosefromtheproducts(A-E).Someof theproductsmaybe chosenmorethanonce.When morethanoneansweris required, thesemaybe givenin anyorder.Thereis an example a t t h eb e g i n n i n(g0 ) . Which product or products would you choose: if you want an instructionbook included? 0 to learnabout computers? 1 if you want to protectyour systemfrom trouble? 2 if you want to work on differentprogrammesat the same time? 3 if you want to produce high-standardprintedmaterial? 4 if you want to use batterypower? 5 if you want to test your computer? 6 if you want somethinghigh pricedand well-designed? 7 if you want a choice of sizes? 8 if you want to work with "Windows?" 9 if you want a computeraccessorywhich does not need to be connectedto your PC? 11 if you want somethingidealfor use at home? 12 if you want very quick results? 14 E f:l 1o 13 101 TEST3 A Mission:FCE 1 p.2 Computer-related Products capability. ThisproductwillworkwithanyPCthathas a standardkeyboardsocket.The keyboarditselfis Thispairof Windows'programmes comeson a single poweredby two AAAbatteries,and is very compactfloppydisk.Oneof themclaimsto helpyou improve about5.5inchesby 11.5 inchesso it canresteasilyon theperformance of Windowsandtheotheris meantto your lap or coffeetable. protectyour systemagainstdamage.The kind of damagethey meanisoverloadcausedby programmes Viewsonic20G youinstall, useonce,andthencancel.Win-Tuner runs thirteentestson yourPCsystemand Ini-Guard makes Wearegettingusedto 15inchmonitorsconnectedto copiesof WindowsInifilesand severalotherskeptin PCsthesedays.Larger20 inchmonitorsarestilla little the Windowssystemdirectory.For furtherdetailsof bit expensivefor the averagebuyer but they are handyfor graphicworkor desktoppublishtuningyour systemreferto the eleven-page manual. extremely ing.Viewsonic's modelis a stylish-looking pieceof equipmentwhich is very light,by 20 inch monitor SoftvisionWord6 and Excet5videosf standards. Evenso,itweighs30 kg,so youshouldbe Softvisionproducesvideosto help peoplelearnhow carefulwhereyou placeit.The imageon the monitor to use softwareat their own pace and in their own is veryclearand steady,displayingWindowsbeautiplace.Mostof thevariousprogrammes areexplained. fully. lt can displayup to four times the standard Eachvideoisovertwohourslongintotal,butis broken screen,which meansthat you have room to keep up intoa numberof sections.Thestartingtimeof each severalprogrammesopen and in view at the same sectionis listedon the cover,so you cansimplywind time. thetape,untilyou reachthe oneyou areinterested in. A presenterprovidescommentaryand answersimSmart-LabelPrinterPro portantquestionsas the productis demonstrated. printeristhatusersmay Therearealsoshotsof thescreen,so thatyou cansee Theideabehindthisminiature print want to single labels, or may wish for more whattheyaredoingon the computer. professional-looking resultsthanpossiblefroma connectsto yourPCand hasitsownexternal SejinWirelessKeyboard mainspowersupply.Foursizesareavailable andthey are surprisingly fast,takingonlya coupleof seconds A remote-control keyboardthat isn'tattachedto your computershouldbe an attractive productespecially in for eachlabel. the home where TVs and videosalreadvhave this Win-Tunerand Ini Guard Section B Fill in the appropriateword(s) from the tist, Use the word(s) only once. charity a wide to overcome to pickup to. 1-7 1R 19. 20. 102 to obtain in low range of bulletin to sea life peaKS a ranguage my fears forthcoming climbable 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. zo. to adjust to strengthen supernatural news releases .... organrsatron . spirits powers my ties with ....a oatent TEST3 A Mission:FCE 1 p.3 Section C Choose the correct item. 27. Thecat atethe (leftover/ remains)of the meal. 28. Theaudiencewasdeeply(effected/ atfected)by the soprano'svoice. 29. The(peak/ summit)timefor ice-cream salesis duringthesummer. 30. We hada lovelydaywanderingroundcountry(lanes/ avenues). 31. lf you (subscribe youwillgeta discount. / submit)to thismagazine 32. The (polluting/ contamination) of the waterwasso badthatallthefishdied. SectionD Fillin the gapswiththe appropriate word(s)from the listbetow: amateur 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. commercial disposal coach breed persecution I love that surfing . on TV becauseit gives you a sense of freedom. H i s a i m w a s t o s e t u p a f a r m i n o r d e rt o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. .e. .d.i g r e eh o r s e s . F o rt h e m o m e n th e i s a ( n ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d. .i v. .e. rb u t h e h o p e st o b e c o m ea p r o f e s s i o n a l . The safe ........... of rubbishis very importantfor publichealth. In Romantimes the . of the Christiansresultedin many deaths. The shoutedat his team when thev failedto score. SectionE Fillin the correctparticle(s). 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. She alwayslooks......... peoplewho she considersto be inferior. Terry asked me out for a date but I turned his offer H i st e a c h e re n c o u r a g e d h i m t o k e e p . . . . . . . . . . . t. h . .e. e x c e l l e nwt o r k h e w a s d o i n g . Liz was carried promises his by deceitful and trustedhim. Afterhis fatherdied,John took ................. the managementof the company. SectionF Fillin the correctpreposition(s). 44. Be quietand try to concentrate.......... your homework. 45. Don't blameme ........... the accident;it was purelyJames'fault. 46. She takesgreatpride .......... her expensivechinatea set. 47. fhey were refusedadmittance........... the club becausethey were underage. 48. Grandfather peace. askedthe boys to be quietand leavehim ........... SectionG Choosethe appropriate idiomto fill in thegaps. a light heart, rollingin money, fair gamefor, the nameof the game, out of the blup 49. Theprivatelivesof Hollywoodstarsshouldnot be .........newsreporters. 50. I hadn'texpected themfor dinner;theyjustdroppedby .............. 51. Don'ttakethe matterwith........... . . lt'sreallyimporlant! 52. "Success" is ......... ......andwe mustallworkhardfor it. 53. Paulwon the footballpoolsand now he's 103 Mission: FCE1 p.4 TEST3 A Section H Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. 54. I don'twantto go to the thereanother ? 5 5 . l t t o o kh i ms o m et i m et o m a k e. . . . . . . . . . . . .o. .n. h. .i sW s e ts o h e programmes. couldwatchhisfavourite . had beenmade,the spacecraft 56. Aftercertain was readyto go. 57. Sheis so .................... thatoneneverknowswhathernextstepwillbe. 5 8 . S h et h o u g htth a th i sr u d e n e swsa st h em o s t. . . . . . . . . . . . . t. h . .i.n. .gs h eh a d everexperienced. ALTERNATE ADJUST MODIFY PREDICT GRACE SectionI Completethe sentencesusingthe wordsin bold.Usetwo to fivewords. 59. The teachermade him rewritehis homework. to He ............. ruined her vegetablegarden. 60. Somebody had She .......... 61. Your room needstidyingup. have You need 62. She couldn'tdecidewhichdressto buy. make S h e c o u l d n ' t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63. lt is said that he was a famous athlete. been He ............. h i s h o m e w o r kb, y t h e t e a c h e r . . . . . . . . .r.u i n e d . ............u . .p. . . . . . . .w h i c h d r e s st o b u y . . . . . . . . .a. f a m o u s a t h l e t e . Section J Writean answerto one of the two followingquestions.Writeyouranswerin 120- 180wordsin an appropriatestyle,givingthe outlinefirst. 1 As you werestandingin a queuein a centralbank,you witnessed a robbery. Writea statementfor the oolice. 2 Youworkfor an estateagentandyou haverecentlyvisitedthreehousesfor a potentialbuyer. Writea reportfor yourboss,describing the houses,theirfacilities and commenting on theirgood and bad points. 104 Mission: FCE1 NAME: DATE: CLASS: (Time:80minutes) TEST 3 A (unitss, 6,z) SectionA 1E 3tl 5[] 7fl eE lr[ z fl 13fl 4 fl 6E 8E roE EE n E SectionB 15. 18. 21. 24. 16. 19. 22. 25. 17. 20. 23. 26. SectionC 27. 29. 31 28. 30. 32. SectionD 33. 35. 37. 34. 36. 38. SectionE 3 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 . SectionF 4 4 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 . 53. 105 Mission:FCE1 p.2 TEST3 A SectionI 59 59 60 60 1 61 62 62 fft 63 SectionJ (Writing) 106 TEST3 B Mission:FCE 1 TEST 3 B (Units5, O,7) (Time:80minutes) SectionA Youaregoingto readinformation aboutusefulaccessories. Forquestions1 - 14,choosefrom theproducts(A-H).Someoftheproductsmaybechosenmorethanonce.Whenmorethanone answeris required, thesemaybe givenin anyorder.Thereis an exampleat the beginning (O). Whichaccessoryor accessories: is popularwithathleticpeople? 0 is usefultodisco-dancers? l is an English invention? z comeswitha freegift? 3 comesfromJapan? 4 is for peoplewithoutmuchsparemoney? 5 is madein a rangeof colours? 6 helpthosewithbusylives? l arepopularwithtravellers? g areavailable in maleandfemalestyles? ll aremadefromrecycledmaterials? 19 tE fl tl E tl I E 10 12 E tl E 14 [] Accessories whichis perfectfor eveningwearand can makeany outfitlook fantastic.Thoseof you with busy liveswill This is the idealaccessoryfor peoplewho find they find this accessoryparticularlyuseful- if you haveto have too many loose itemswith them to fit in their go out straightafterwork,justturnoveryourbeltand pockets.Clip one of our new waistpouchesaround you'rereadyto go! you and keep everything togetherwithoutthe inconvenienceof a bag. Neat-looking OrganlserBag and fashionable, it's perfectfor travellingwhen you want to keep your importantitemsextrasafe.And for those of you who How manyhoursof your lifehaveyou spentlooking enjoydiscosbutdon'tlikedancingroundyourbag on for somethingat the bottomof your bag? You can thefloor,thisisthesolution.Buyone nowwhilestocks spendthat time doing somethingmore usefulif you buy one of our organiserbags! lts many pockets last... provideyou with a placefor everythingso you know exactlywheresomethingis whenyou want it. Those Flexl-belt of you who are often rushed or busy will find it your lives! Moreover,with every purchase changes latest great Our fashionitem is for those of you on a budget - you get two for the price of one! Why? we'll giveyou a fold-awayumbrellacompletelyfree! Becausethe flexi-beltis reversiblel Forday timewear So order one now, and tell vour friendsabout this - at work,at meetingsetc - it has a smartdark-brown fantasticoffertoo! leatherexterior,the perfectcomplimentto any outfit. Turnitoverandhavea glittering gold- orsilver-surface Waistpouch 107 TEST3 B Mission:FCE 1 p.2 at the's a simple device- made of water-proofcanvaswith a zip fastener,it attachesto yourwristswithvelcrosothatit canbetakenoffquickly Athleteswill be thrilledwith this new speedometer and easily.We havea varietyof designsintendedto watchfrom doesn'tjust enableyou to time caterfor a rangeof individual tastes,withlargerstyles your exercise,but will also congratulate you on your for men and a ranoe for women. oetite results- it willplayyourNationalAnthemas you cover variousstagesof your targetdistance!Extradesign featuresincludea luminousfaceand pressuregauge, Mini-Mac and the modelis water-resistant. Buyone for yourself Themini-mac isjustthejob for peopleon themoveor gift.Our watchis suitablefor all or as an imaginative who liketravelling- it foldsawayto the sizeof a tennis ages. ballandweighsno morethanonelYou'llhardlynotice it's in your bag,but you'llcertainlyappreciateit when UmbrellaHat it'sraining! Completewith hood,double-sealed seams and full in length,we guaranteeit will keep off any Thisnewproductmadein Englandstopstherainfrom shower. Moreover,it's made from 100% recycled ruiningyour day. How?Becauseit sitsin your head materials so when you buy it you'll be helpingthe andnotinyourhands!This ingenious umbrella means environment tool that you can carry on with whateveryou're doing despitea showeror twol You ooen it and thenattach Watch Ring it to your head usingthe adjustableband and then continueas's so simple!Gardening, shop- As part of our "environmentally friendly"range we ping,walkingthedog,fishingandthousands of other haveincluded thismagnificent watchring.Combining activitiesare all made more pleasurableby our umfashionwith practicality, we have produceda watch brellahat.Andyoucanevenselectthecolouryouwant that is made from recycled drinkscansand whichfits as we havea wide ranqeavailable- whilestockslast. on your finger!The adjustablestrapmeansthat you won'thaveanytroublefindingoneto fit andwe have Wrist-Grlp Purse producedstylesto incorporate bothmaleand female tastes. lt's an eye-catching accessory and unusual grip-your-purse Our is designedespecially for people whotendto forgetwherethey'veputthingsor who are too. Buy one and be different! alwayslookingfortheirpurseswhentheygetto thetill Speedometer watch SectionB Fillin the appropriate word(s)tromthe list. Usethe word(s)only once. to power pitiless to give it sudden 16 17. 18. '19. 20. stressful the road to success a generator moodchanges the saying widespread 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. poorly-lit to reach troubled comic strips a destination cruelty belief conscrence life Section C Choosethe correct item. 27. Thelittleboyfollowedthe (lane/ track)leftby the bearin thesnow. 28. ThePresident's declining healthhada great(impact/ collision)on thecountry's stability. 29. Sheclaimsto be a(n)(inheritor/ descendant)of QueenVictoria. (counterfeit 30. Expensive / artificial)flowersalmostlooklikerealones. 31. TheNationalBankis goingto (recruit/ subscribe)newtraineesin October. 32. Theirdog alwayseatsthe (leftovers/ remnants)afterdinner. 108 TEST3 B Mission:FCE 1 p.3 SectionD Fill in the gapswith the appropriateword(s)trom the list betow: advertisement extinct acquired consultation entrepeneur register 33. H e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w. .i.t.h.t h e d o c t o rl a s t e dh a l fa n h o u r . 34. "Brillo" washingup liquidis boundto win the best ...of the yearaward. 35. H e ' sa r e a l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h. e. .h. ;a s s o m a n yd i f f e r e nbt u s i n e s si n t e r e s t s . 36. lf many more elephantsare killed,the specieswill soon become 37. B e f o r ey o u j o i nt h e s w i m m i n gc l u b ,y o u h a v et o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. .s.a. . m e m b e r . 38. I've recently .. a taste for olives. Section E Fill in the correct particle(s). 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Can you look this word in the dictionaryplease? Waterturns ........... ice when it freezes. He carried his dutiesas a diplomatvery successfully. Pleasekeep .......... the subjectof religionbecausesomebodymightbe offended. How did you come ........... thosebeautifulantiquechairs? SectionF Fillin the correctpreposition(s). 44. S h o u l dI r e f e r. . . . . . . .h. s M r S m i t ho r J i m ? 45. she alwaysputsthe blame hersisterwhensomething wronghappens. 46. He'sveryproud hisbrandnewcar. 47. Herhusbandhasa realtaste cigars. 48. Theystorea widevariety winesin thatshop. SectionG Choosethe appropriate idiomto fittin thegaps. has moneyto burn, pitch dark, struckit rich, once in a blue moon, screamedblue murder 49. WhenPhilboughtthatshop,he reaily ......... : 50. Livingso far apart meansthey see each other 51. Duringthe powercut it was .......; it wasimpossible to seeor do anything. 5 2 . W h e ns h es a wt h es p i d e irn h e rb a t hs n e. . . . . . . . . . . . 53. You'dthinksheila ........ fromtheamountshespendson clothes. SectionH Fillin the correctwordderivedfrom the wordsin bold. 54. The.......... of thesecretarial department wasundertaken by MrsSmith. 55. Hisparentsrefusedto supporthimand he wasforcedto live 56. He hasn'tgot the .. to work hard enoughfor a promotion. 5 7 . Everybodylikes Debbiebecauseof her . and tolerance. 58. T h e d a y o f t h e P r e s i d e n t '.s. . . . . . . . . . . .w . .a. .s a d a y o f n a t i o n am l ourning. ADMINISTRATE DEPEND MOTIVE GENEROUS ASSASSINATE 109 Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B p.4 Section I Completethe sentencesusrngthe words in bold. Use two to tive words. 59. Hermothermadeherdothewashing-up. to Sh e........... 60. Someone stolehismotorbike. ha d H e ............. ........ thewashing- by up herm other . .....stolenby someone. 61. I thinkthatthe kitchenneedspainting. painted. be I thinkthat ........... 62. They couldn'tdecide whetherto go out or stay in, that night. up T h e yc o u l d n ' t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w h e t h e tr o g o o u t o r s t a yi n , t h a t n i g h t . 63. lt was said that he had been an alcoholic. have He was ..... an alcoholic. Section J Writean answerto one of the two followingquestions.Writeyouranswerin 120- 180wordsin an appropriatestyle,givingthe outlinefirst. 1 Youworkasa journalist fora newspaper. Writea reportabouta firethatbrokeoutin a block flats in of central London. 2 A survey preferences. wasrecently conducted intopeople's reading Writea reportforyourboss analysing theresults ofthesurvey. 110 Mission: FCE1 NAME: DATE: CLASS: (Time:80minutes) TEST3 B (Unns s,6,z) SectionA 1E z I 3fl 4 E sE 6fl eE 10E rE 8E 11E pE ls E 14tf SectionB 15. 18. 21. 24. 16. 19. 22. 25. 17. 20. 23. 26. SectionC 27. 29. 31, 28. 30. 32. SectionD 33. 35. 37. 34. 36. 38. SectionE 3 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 4 g . SectionF 4 4 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 . SectionG 49. 51. 50. 52. 53. 111 Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B p.2 SectionI 59 59 60 60 1 61 62 62 63 63 SectionJ (Writing) 112 Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 A A. 1.8 2.4 KEY 3.D 4.E 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.E 9, 10 A, D (in any order) 11. C B. 15. a wide 16. news 17. to adjust c. 27. remains 28.affected 29.peak F. 44. on 45. for 46. in 18. climbable 19. to pick up 20. to overcome 21. forthcoming 22. charity 23. in low 12,13C, B (inanyorder) 't4. E 24. supernatural 25. to strengthen 26. to obtain 30.lanes 31.subscribe 32.contamination D, 33' commercial 34.breed 35.amateur 36.disposal 37.persecution E. 39. down on 40. down 41. up 42.away 43. over G. 49. fair gamefor 50. out of the blue 51. a lightheart 52. the name of the game H. 54. alternative t. 59. ... was made to rewrite... 60. ... had hervegetablegarden... 61. ... to havethe roomtidied... J. a t. 47. to 55. adjustments 56. modifications 4g. in 53. rollingin money 57. unpredictable 58. disgraceful 62. ... makeup theirmind ... ffi. ... is said to have been ... (Suggestedanswers) LastFridayon the 29thI was in BarloydsBank.l'd goneto pay in my wages.I was waitingin the queuenearestthe door whensuddenlythreemaskedmen holdingsawn-offshotgunsran in. We all fellto the floor.One of the gunmen,who had blackhair,shotat the seiuritycamerasso theywouldn'twork.Thesecondone,who wasshortand ratherfat,waswatchingall oi us. He kept shoutingin a nervousvoice"Don'tmoveor l'll shoot".Thethirdguy,seemedlik; the leader.He went behindthe counterto get the money.I thinkthey had chosentnat Fridaydeliberately becausea lot of peop]ggot theirwageson that day,so therewouldhavebeena lot of moneyin the vault. Afteraboutten minutes,the thirdmancamebackfrom behindthe counterwithseveralbags ol money.Stillpointingtheirgunsat us, the threeof them leftthe bank.The bankmanagerraised the alarmand withinminutesthe policearrived. To: From: Subject: MrsJancisNorton JeanWhite Properties for Salein Thornburryarea lntroduction:As requested,I haveinvestigated the followingthreepropertieswhichmightinterestyou. Property1 A spacioussemi-detached housewiththreebedrooms,recenflymoderriised bathroom and largegarden.Althoughidealin manyways,it is 25 minutesfromthe centreof townand is not well servedby publictransport. A gosytwo bedroomterracedproperty,newlydecoratedand is only fropgrty 2 fiveminutes'walkfrombusandrailstations,andcloseto localshops.Noisefromneighbours canbe a problem withterracedhouses.Nevertheless, thishousehasmanypositivefeaturesincludingdoubleglazinginailrooms. Property 3 A largesemi-detached house,withthreebedroomsandtwo livingiooms.tiwittneedextensive redecoration and thereforeis beingofferedat a is quitecloseto localfacilitiesand on an excellentbus route. Conclusion At firstsight,Property1 seemedideal,but its distancefrom amenitiescouldbe problematic. Properties2 and 3 are both attractive,but takingeverythinginto account,| fully recommendproperty2 as the bestwithinyourpricerange. MarkingSchemefor Test 3 A SectionA: SectionB: SectionC: SectionD: SectionE: 14 itemsx 1 pointseach = 12 itemsx 1 pointseach : 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = 5 itemsx 1 pointseach = 14 12 12 12 5 SectionF: SectionG: SectionH: Sectionl: SectionJ: 5 itemsx 1 points each = 5 5 itemsx 1 points each E 5 E 5 itemsx 1 points each 5 itemsx 1 points each =25 (Writing) Total 100x2=20,0 113 Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B A. KEY 1.A 2,E 3.C 4.D B. 15. the road 16. to power 17. sudden c. 27. track F. 44. to 5. B 6. E 7,I BIC (in any order) 9, 10 G/A (in any order) 18. poorly-lit 19. thesaying 20. to giveit 11,12 HIF(inanyorder) 13,14H/G(inanyorder) 21. comic reach 23. pitiless 24. widespread 25. troubled 26. stressful 28. impact 29.descendant 30.artificial D . 33. consultation 35. entrepeneur 37.register 34. adveftisement 36. extinct 38.acquired E. 39. up 40.into/to 41.out 42. oft 4i!. by 45. on G . 49. struckit rich 50. oncein a bluemoon 46.ot 47.tor 51. pitchdark 52. screamedbluemurder J. 1. 59. ...wasmadeto do ... 60. ...hadhismotorbike ... 6 1 . ...thekitchenneedsto be ... 32. leftovers 48.of H . 54' administration 55. independently 56. motivation t. 31. recruit 53. has moneyto burn 57.generosity 58. assassination 62. theirminds... 63. ...saidto havebeen... (Suggestedanswers) On Fridaymorningin centralLondona fire brokeout in a blockof flats.Mostresidentsof the buildinghad alreadyleftfor workand onlya fewpeoplewereinsideat thetimeof the blaze.Theywereableto escap6w1h minorinjuries. At 9.20am thefirealarmssoundedat'17-20 TowerStreet,centralLondon.Fireand rescueteamsarrivedon the sceneto find flamesshootingout of the basementwindows.Thefirequicklyspreadto the floorsabove. Residents who wereinsidemanagedto get out of the buildingby wayof the firsescape.Two elderlytenants werehelpedby rescuersto escapefroma thirdfloorbalcony.Thetwo lenants,Johnand MaryAckerlywere treatedfor the effectsof smokeinhalation at St ThomasHospitaland werereleasedshortlyafterwards. Thebasement, firstand secondfloorsof the four-storey buildingwerecompletelydestroyed.Thicksmoke filledthe thirdand forthfloorsbut the damagewas minimal Fireinvestigators suspectthatthe blazewascausedbyfaultyelectricalwiring inthebasement. Residentswho -by werelefthomelessby thefirearetakingshelterat temporaryhousingset up the RedCross.FirechiefRick Marshall commented:"Thebuildingsin thisareaof townarequiteold.Extracareandattentionis neededwhen replacing the wiring". Asa resultofthefirethecity'sBuildingInspectors willbecheckingtherecently-repaired wiringin neighbouring buildings. Fashion Men Women News Sports 3lo 20"/o 37o/o 11o/o 25/" 327" 15o/o 3o/o 8o/" 25o/o Technology Health/Fitness Home/Gardening 40h 17o/o Introduction The purposeof this reportis to analysethe resultsof a reeentsurveyabout people'sreading preferences. Onehundredmenandone hundredwomenwereaskedwhichmagazinestheyprefenedreadiig: fashion,news,sports,technology,health/fitness, or home/garden. Men's preferencesThe surveyshowedthat most men preferreadingabout sports.This is illustratedby the fact that 37o/"of men in our surveypreferreadingsportsmagazines.bne out of four men preferhealth/ fitnessmagazines,whileonly a smallminoritypreferfashionind home/gardenmagazines.Twentypercentof men surveyedpreferreadingnewsmagazines. Mission:FCE 1 TEST3 B KEY Women'spreferencesTheresultsindicatethata largenumberof womenpreferreadingfashionmagazines. A minoritypreferreadingsportsmagazines and only 8o/oprefertechnologymagazineJ. Somewomenare concernedabouttheirhealth.Thisis shownby the factthatone in fourwomenpreferreadinghealth/fitness magazines. Only 15%of womenprefernewsmagazineswhilea slightlyhigherpercentagepreferhome/ gardeningmagazines. ConclusionOnthewhole,mostmenprefersportsmagazines, whilemostwomenpreferfashionmagaztnes. A smalfpercentage of menand womenreadtechnologymagazines whileit is shownthat both 21o/o of men and womenpreferhealth/fitness maqazines. MarkingSchemefor Test 3 B SectionA: 14 itemsx 1 points€€lch= SectionB: 12 itemsx 1 pointse?ch = SectionC: 6 itemsx 2 oointseach = SectionD: 6 itemsx 2 pointseach = SectionE: 5 itemsx 1 points€dch = 14 12 12 12 5 Section F: Section G: SectionH: Sectionl: Section J: 5 itemsx 1 pointseach 5 itemsx 1 pointseach 5 itemsx 1 pointseach 5 itemsx 1 pointseach =25 (Writing) Total 100x2=20.0 ttc "Use of E lish" Sectioh (pp.1s2.1s61 "Key"Word Transformations 1 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. '13. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . . . w e e k ss i n c e| ( l a s t )p l a y e d. . . . . . s t i l lh a s n ' tc l e a n e d. . . . . . d i d n ' t l e a v eu n t i l. . . . . .w e n tt o t h e g y m w a s . . . . . . h a s b e e n l e a r n i n gJ a p a n e s ef o r . . . 've ... n e v e rs e e n s u c h a . . . . . . i s i t s i n c eS a l l yg o t . . . . . . t i m e h e w e n tj o g g i n gw a s . . . . . . s w i t c h e do f f t h e T V w h e n . . . . . . h a s b e e n p r e p a r i n gd i n n e rf o r . . . . . . h a v e n ' ts e e n h e r s i n c e. . . . . . b e e n o n a p i c n i cf o r . . . . . . m e t s u c ha n i c e. . . . . . s t a r t e dw o r k i n gh e r e . . . . . . s t i l lh a v e n ' td o n e . . . 7 . . . . r e g r e t e l l i n g / h a v i ntgo l d h e r / t h a It t o l d h e r . . . 8 . . . .w i s h y o u w o u l d s t o p t a l k i n g. . . 9 . . . . I c o u l dw a t c h . . . '10. . . . a s t h o u g hh e w e r e . . . 11 . . . . ( a b o u t / h i g ht )i m e s h e w e n t . . . 1 2 . . . . h a d b e t t e rs t o p i n t e r r u p t i n .g. . 1 3 . . . .w o u l d h a v eb e e n b e t t e ri f . . . 1 4 . . . . w o u l ds o o n e rM a r kp o s t e d. . . '1 5 . . . .w o u l d n o t h a v em i s s e d. . . 1 6 . . . . y o u w o u l d s t o p b i t i n g. . . 1 7 . . . . h a d b e t t e rt a k e . . . 1 8 . . . . a s l o n g a s y o u h a v e. . . 1 9 . . . .f o r h e r c o u r a g e. . . 2 0 . . . .u n l e s sy o u p u t . . . 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 7. 18. 19. 20. 2 1. 22. . . .i s n e e d e dt o m a k e. . . . . .s o s a d t h a t . . . . a r e f e w e g g s l e f t. . . . . . i s c o n s i d e r e d. . . . . . g a v e u s v e r y l i t t l e. . . . . .w a s t o o i l lt o g o . . . . . . w e r e r a t h e rd i s a p p o i n t e d. . . . . . i s n ' tt a l l e n o u g h. . . . . . e a t i n go u t t o c o o k i n g. . . . . . h a d d i f f i c u l t y( i n )u n d e r s t a n d i n .g. . . . . w a s a l l o w e dt o g o . . . . . . u s a w e e kt o p a i n t . . . . . .w a s m a d e t o r e w r i t e. . . . . . y o u m i n d s p e a k i n g. . . . . .f o u n d i t d i f f i c u ltto . . . . . . m a y n o t h a v es t o l e n. . . . . .l i k em e t o h e l py o u . . . . . .m i n d i f I u s e o. . . . . . n e e d n ' th a v eg i v e nm e . . . . . . m u s t h a v ep r e p a r e d. . . . . . n e e dt o s p e n d . . . ...may be going.. . . . i s l i k e l yt o a c c e p t. . . . . . c a n ' t h a v ea t t e n d e d. . . . . . w e m e e to u t s i d e. . . . . . d o n ' t n e e d / n e e dn o t w e a r . . . . . . m u s tn o t w a l k . . . . . . m a y b e a s l e e p. . . 1 4 . . . . J u l i eh a v et o l e a v e. . . 1 5 . . . . w i l l p r o b a b l ym o v e . . . . . .o n l yh e c o u l c . . . . . . w i s h y o u h a d l i s t e n e d. . . . . . ' d r a t h e rS h e i l ah a d t o l d . . . . . . I h a d n ' tl o s t . . . . p r o v i d e dy o u r e c h a r g e. . . . . .w e r e y o u I w o u l d p r a c t i s e. . . 8 . . .h a d h i sl e g p u t . . . . . . h a s t h e h o u s ec l e a n e d. . . . . .m a k em e c o m e . . . . . .i s b e i n gh e l d. . . . . . i s s a i dt o h a v e b e e n . . . . . . l o v e sb e i n gt o l d . . . . . .w i l lh a v eb e e nc o m o l e t e d . . . . . . i s g o i n gt o b e r e p o r t e d. . . . . . h a d t h e f l o w e r sd e l i v e r e d. . . . . . h a s t o b e v a c c i n a t e d. . . . . .w a s m a d et o g o . . . . . .w a s k n o w nt o b e . . . . . . h a d w i n es o i l l e d. . . . . . h a s h a d h e r p u r s es t o l e n. . . . . .c a n b e f o u n d. . . . . . s u g g e s t e d( t h a t )t h e y s h o u l dt r y . . . . . . a c c u s e dE r i ko f r u i n i n g / h a v i nrgu i n e d. . . . . . b e g g e dm e n o t t o t e l l . . . . . . d e n i e db r e a k i n gt h e . . . . . . w a r n e du s n o t t o g o . . . . . .w o n d e r e dw h e t h e rs h e w o u l d . . . . . . p r o m i s e dt o t a k e u s . . . ... preferredto cook ratherthan ... . . . r e m i n d e dJ a n e tt o s w i t c ho f f . . . . . . a p o l o g i s e dt o S a l l yf o r b e i n g . . . . . .a g r e e dt o h e l pm e . . . . . . o f f e r e dt o h e l o h e r . . . . . .t h r e a t e n e d t o p u n i s hm e . . . . . . e x c l a i m e dt h a t t h e p a i n t i n gw a s . . . . . . i n v i t e dt h e m t o h i s p l a c e . . . . . . w o n d e r e di f l w h e t h esr h e w o u l d b e h a v e. . . .. . r e fu s e dt o w a s h a l l t h o s e . . . . . . s u g g e s t e dt h a t t h e y s h o u l d. . . ...admittedtelling/having told/thathe had told ... . . . a c c u s e dm e o f l o s i n g / h a v i nlgo s t . . . . .. a d v i s e dm e t o t a k e . . . . . . p r o m i s e dt o l e n d . . . 1 . . . .h a d t o f e e d . . . 2 . . . . w o u l d n o t h a v et o t y p e . . . 3 . . . . s a i d t h a t J o r d a nc o u l dt e l l . . . 117 Use of English"Section 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. '1 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9 . . . H e l e nd i d n ' th a v et o . . . . . .t o l d m e t h a t t h e y m i g h t . . . . . . w o u l d b e a b l et o g o . . . . . .i f h e c o u l dg o o u t . . . . . .w o u l d n ' th a v et o p r e p a r e. . . . . . s a i dt h a t s h e m u s t b e . . . . . . w o u l d b e a b l e t o c a n c e l. . . . . .t h e c a b i n e tw h i c h c o n t a i n s. . . . . .n o n eo f w h i c hi s . . . . . . m o s t o Jw h o m w e r e . . . ... the hotelwhere we stayed ... . . . w h o J o h n w a s t a l k i n gt o . . . . . .t h e t e a c h e rw h o s ec l a s s. . . . . . w h i c hw a s v e r y n i c e o f . . . . . w i t hw h o m I s p e n t. . . . . . o f t h e f i l m ,w h i c hw a s . . . 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . . . r u n b e c a u s eo f i t s . . . . . . i n c a s e S u s a ni s . . . . . . a s i t w a s g o i n gt o . . . . . .f o r f e a r h e m i g h t / s h o u l d. . . . . . t o a v o i db e i n g . . . . . . p r e v e n t h e c h i l d r e nf r o m f i n d i n g. . . . . . t h e r e a s o nf o r h i s r e s i g n a t i o n ... . . . a n d a s a r e s u l t. . . . . . p r e v e n t h e r a i nf r o m g e t t i n g. . . . . .s o a s t o p a s s . . . . . . i n s p i t eo f b e i n g / d e s p i tbee i n g . . 11 . . . i n a v e r y s w e e tw a y . . . . . . w o r k e dh a r d e rt h a n . . . . . . d a n c e s / c a nd a n c ea s w e l l a s . . . . . .t h e b e s t p h o t o g r a p h. . . . . . i s l e s ss o c i a b l et h a n . . . ... more he practisesthe better... . . .t o s o u n d s i m i l a rt o . . . ... the most comfortablehostel... . . . a s m a n y h o u r sa s . . . . . . i s a s i m a g i n a t i va es . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mixed"Key"Word Transformations 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. '1 18 . . .h a v et o w e e d . . . . . . i s n ' tf a r f r o m m y . . . . . . i s i t / h a si t b e e n s i n c e. . . 'd . . . r a t h e rn o t t a k e . . . . . . h a v er u n o u t o f . . . . . . a p o l o g i s e d( t o m e ) f o r c a l l i n g. . . . . . p u t o u t t h e f i r ew i t h . .. . . . h a v e n ' tb e e n c a m p i n gf o r . . . . . . y o u h e a r dl r o m t h e . . . . . . h a d h a d t h e c a r s e r v i c e d. . . . . . i s s a i dt o b e . . . . . w a s t o o t i r e dt o . . . . . . h a s b e e na b l e t o . . . . . .w e r e m a d e t o s t a y . . . . . . g a v e u p e a t i n gm e a ty e a r s. . . . . . r e m i n d e dP e t e rt o g o t o . . . . . .t u r n e do u t t o b e . . . 18. 19. 20. 2 1. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66 67. 68. 69. 7Q. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. . . . c a n ' t h a v ek n o w na b o u t . . . . . . y o u o b j e c tt o m y / m e . . . ... necessary(foryou) to speak ... . . .b e i n gs h o r t .J a m e si s . . . . . .t a k e sm e t w e n t ym i n u t e s. . . . . . a r e f o r b i d d e nt o t a k e . . . . . . d a n c e de x c e p t( f o r ). . . . . . d o e s n ' ta p p r o v eo f . . . . . . w a s c h o s e nb y . . . . . . b e l i e v et h a th e i s . . . ... was postponedbecauseof ... . . . i s n o t u s e dt o s p e a k i n g. . . . . .s o c o l d t h a t I c o u l d . . . . . .n e e d n ' h t a v eb o u g h t . . . . . . s o h a p p yt h a t h e c o u l d . . . . . .h e h a d g o n e . . . . . . w a r n e dm e n o t t o . . . . . . c o u l d n o t l e a v et h e t a b l e . . . ... must have forgotten... . . . m i s t o o km e f o r . . . . . . u n l e s st h e l i g h t sa r e t u r n e d. . . . . .a g o d i d y o u e a t . . . . . . h a d b e t t e rw a l k . . . ... wonder whether/ifCarl teleohoned... . . . h a d h e r w e d d i n gd r e s sd e s i g n e d. . . . . . r u n a s f a s ta s . . . . . y o u l o o k a f t e r. . . . . . p r e f e rt o g o . . . . . p l a y w o u l d b e s u c h a / p l a yt o b e s u c h a . . . . . . m a k eu p m y m i n d . . . . . . w i l l h a v eb e e nf i x e d . . . y f t a k i n g. . . . . . i s n o p o s s i b i l i to . . . w e r e i n y o u r s h o e s. . . . . . i n c a s ei t r a i n s . . .g e t r i d o f . . . . . . a v o i d e dd r i v i n gd u r i n g. . . . . m a y h a v ew o k e n u p . . . . . .y o u ro p i n i o no f . . . . g i v em e a h a n dw i t h . . . . . . t u r n e dd o w n P a u l ' s. . . . . . h e r i n t e n t i o nt o g o . . . ... bad weatheroreventedus from ... . . . s u g g e s t e dg o i n g . . . . . .i s i n t e r e s t eidn c o l l e c t i n g . . . . . . h a v eb e e n i n v i t e d. . . . . . l o o k i n gf o r w a r dt o . . . . . . t h e t a l l e s tl a d d e r. . . . . . u s e dt o w o r k . . . . .i s o u t o f o r d e r. . . . t o c a t c ha g l i m p s e. . . . . . i n o r d e rt o a r r i v e. . . . . .t o o k t o t h e i rn e w t e a c h e r. . . . . . m a y h a v e m i s s e d. . . . . .l i k eh e rt o t a l k. . . . . . a b o u tg o i n g o u t . . . . . . n o p o i n t ( i n )c a l l i n gC h r i s. . . . . . d o e s n ' ta p p r o v eo f . . . . . . o l d e n o u g ht o g e t . . . . . . a r e n o t i c k e t sl e f t. . . . . . A l i s o nn o r S h e i l al i k e . . . . . . i s s i m i l a tro . . . "Use ol Enqlish"Section 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 11 1 . 112. 113. 114. 115. .l 16. 117. 118. 1'19. 120. 1 2 1. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. . . . a s i f l t h o u g ht h e y w i l l g o . . . . . . a r e o n g o o d t e r m sw i t h . . . . . . h i sf a m e h e h a s n o t . . . . . . n e e dt o b e . . . . . . h a s n ' tb e e n d e l i v e r e d. . . . . . p u t o n w e i g h tw h i l e| . . . . . . o b j e c t st o m e w a t c h i n g. . . ... becauseI was too ... . . .g a v e i n a n d m a d e a . . . . . . a n d h e r s i s t e ra r e . . . . . . p e n b e l o n g st o . . . ... being treatedbadly by ... . . . w o u l d r a t h e rn o t l e a r n. . . ... agreed that the film was ... . . . w i s h y o u w o u l d / c o u l dc o m e . . . . . . w e r e a m u s e db y . . . . . . s u g g e s t e d( t h a t )| s h o u l dw a i t . . . . . .t o F r a n c e w , h e r eh e s p e n t . . . . . . a l l o f w h i c h h e s o e n t. . . . . . i s t h o u g h tt o h a v eb e e n a . . . ... has been/isten years since ... . . . p i c k e du p t h e r u b b i s hf r o m . . . . . . w e r e m a d e t o c o p y t h e i r. . . . . . i s a b e t t e rs i n g e rt h a n . . . . . . s t a m pc o l l e c t i o ni s w o r t h . . . . . . w i s h I c o u l d a f f o r d. . . . . . h a d t o h a v eh i s h o u s e. . . . . . m a k e a n y s e n s eo f . . . . . . b e c o m ea m e m b e ro f . . . . . .t o o k h e r h o u r st o b a k e . . . ... was scared otlby ... . . . w a s s o h e a v yt h a t . . . . . .w a s n ' ts h a r pe n o u g h. . . . . .f i r s tt i m e l ' v e e v e r . . . . . .t o o e x p e n s i v e for me ... . . .g a v eu p s m o k i n g. . . . . . a n d I l i v ec l o s et o . . . . . . s o i t eo f t h e r a i nw e . . . ... preferschocolateto ice-cream. . . . a c c u s e dT i n ao f s t e a l i n g. . . . . . m u s t h a v eb e e n J o h n . . . . . . i s l i k e l yt o g o t o . . . . . .t u r n e dd o w n m y a p p l i c a t i o n. . . . . . i t h a d n o t b e e nf o r . . . . . . h i g h / a b o utti m e t h e c h i l d r e nw e r e . . . ... came to/roundafterbeing ... . . . o u g h tt o h a v ec a l l e d. . . ... carriedon writingthe test ... . . . s i x - h o u frl i g h t. . . ... beforehad I met ... . . . h a v et h e y g o t a . . . . . . h a s t o l o o k a f t e rh e r . . . . . .t a k e sa f t e rh e r f a t h e r. . . ... regrettellingher/regrethavingtold her/that I told her ... . . . m a k e u p t h e i rm i n d s . . . . . . s u c h a l o n g d r i v et h a t . . . . . . J e n n yw a s t o b l a m ef o r . . . . . .t i m e y o u h a d y o u r h a i r . . . ... out off due to . ErrorCorrection 1 . D o n ' tw o r r ya b o u tt h e d o g ; i t w i l l b e t a k e nc a r e of it. 2. The woman who just came in she is our boss. 3. The tea too hot for me to drink it. 4. A man whose name it was Georgewas looking for you. 5. I will neverforgetthat man who he was so kind to me. 1 . I l o v eh o l i d a y i n g a t t h e L a k eG e n e v a v e r ym u c h . 2. She won the lotteryand she bought a {urniture for her new flat. 3. Many people think that happinessis the most importantthing in the life. 4 . S h e i s c r a z ya b o u tt h e E r i cC l a p t o n ' sm u s i c . 5. The many people have visitedthis area for the past couple of months. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Jim saw Maryto take the book from the shelf. Motherneverlets me to stay out aftermidnight. D o n ' tm a k e m e t o d o t h i s ,p l e a s e ! S h e h e a r dt h e d o o r t o s l a m b e h i n dh e r . Y o u m u s tt o n e v e rl i e . 1 . W h e n y o u w i l l r e t u r nw e c a n h a v e d i n n e rt o gether. 2. Don't start doing the exerciseunless I will tell you so. 3. Tracywill make all her callsafterwe will leave. 4 . I w i l l g o s h o p p i n gi f I w o u l d f i n i s hw o r k e a r l y . 5 . l ' l l w a i t u n t i ly o u w i l l c o m e b a c k . 1 . I c a l l e dt o h i m t w i c e ,b u t h e d i d n ' t a n s w e rt h e ohone. 2. They answeredto my questionimmediately. 3. When shallwe discussabout it? 4. The train reachedat the stationa few minutes afterfour. 5. Childrenare to obey to their parents. 6. Mary resembleswith her grandmother. 7. I regretfor not buying ticketslast week. 8. We enteredinto the room and sat down on the sofa. 1. He livestoo much fartherfrom schoolthan I do. 2. Mark was wearingthe same colour tie as was Tom. 3 . H e i s m o r e t a l l e rt h a n h i s f r i e n d . 4. He is not as cleveras is Jane. 5. l'm afraid I cooked many too much food for tonight. 119 Jse ol English" Secflon Error CorrectionTexts 't f. it 2. tor 3./ 4. had 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ,/ the for the s./ 6. one 7. the 8. ,/ 9. 10. 11 . 12. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. tar 10. had '11. ,/ 12. / as ,/ to at can ,/ of more 13. ,/ 14. tor 15. much 5. of 6. from 7.a 8. being 9. 10. 11. 12. / ,/ the have 13. with 14. / 15. / 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. be ,/ ot the 9. 10. 'r 1. 12. ,/ must ,/ out 13. ,/ 14. were 15. ,/ 5. 6. 7. 8. as them ot / 9. 10. 11. 12. being on for ,/ 13. as 14. ,/ '15. ,/ 1. the 2. / 3. on 4.ot 3. D 4.8 MultipleChoiceClozeTexts 1 How to recognise a seasoned traveller 1. A 2.C 'lR7r, 4,D 5. A 6.D 8.C 9.A 10. D 11. A 12. C 7. D 8.A 9.B 10. D 11. A 12. C 13.D 14. B 15. C 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. One next with are others should which/that them 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. such as most at since there would/could 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. tar that Due been no into with every/each/per 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. worse by way/means by/about far out not 3 1. 2. 3. 4. on wide/targe/big from some 6 iho 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. because lf most where from whatever much 6. Have 7. while 8. yet/still 2 The Telephone 1a 2.D 3.A 4.4 3 9.8 1 0 .c '11. A 12. B .13. D 14. D '15. B Dreamingof Becoming a Lifeguard?ThinkTwice! 1D 2.4 3. C 4.8 120 5.8 o.u 7.D 8.A 5.D 6.A 7. D 8.C on '10. A 11. B 12. B 1',1 a 14. C 15. B 13.8 14. C 15. A Open ClozeTexts from 14. beino 15. ,/ 1. much 2. so 3.,/ 4. to 5 1.t\o.u '13. 3 had about it ,/ 4 Transport 1. C 5. B 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. as still are this but which other that 9. By '10. their 11 . f r o n t 12. why 13. up 14. Until 15. will Revision Secfion Revision SeCtiOh (pp.iez. 2161 A. MultipleChoiceQuestions 1.B 2.C 3.4 4.8 5.C 6.D 7.4 8.8 9.C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 'r9. D 20. c 21. B 22.8 23. B 24.A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. B 41.A 42. B 43.8 44.C 45.A 46.B 47. D 48. B 49.C 50. B 51. C 52. C 53. D 54. B s5. C 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. B 60. A 61.D 62.C 63.A 64. D 65.8 66.C 67. B 68.4 69.8 70. C 71. B 72. D 73. C 74. A 75. C 76. B 77. B 78. C 79. C 80. D 81. A 82. C 83. B 84. B 85. D 86. A 87. D 88. A 89. A 90. D 91 A 92. A 93. A 94. C 95C 96. D 97C 98. B 99. A 100. D B. Key-WordTransformationSentences 1 . . . . i s u n u s u a fl o r u s t o . . . 2 . . . .a s l o n g a s y o u b r i n g. . . 3 . . . .i n c a s e i t . . . 4 . . . . w a s h a r d l ya n y t h i n g i a n y o nien . . . 5 . . . . b e a b e t t e ro p t i o nt h a n . . . 6 . . . . y o u m u s t p r o v i d e. . . 7 . . . . y o uc a n n o tb o r r o w . . . 8 . . . . n o p o i n ti n s p e a k i n g. . . 9 . . . .n o t l i k eh e r t o b e . . . 1 0 . . . . h a d a d i s c u s s i o na b o u t . . . 1 1 . . . .a t t h e a g e o f . . . 1 2 . . . . t i m e y o u l e a r n e d / l e a r n. .t. 1 3 . . . . l a s tt i m e I s a w T h o m a s. . . 1 4 . . . .i s i n c l u d e di n . . 1 5 . . . . h a d b e t t e rs e e . '16. . . .w a s c a n c e l l e do w i n gt o . . . 1 7 . . . . g a v e u s p e r m i s s i o nt o . . . 1 8 . . . .w a s t o o h o t f o r . 1 9 . . . . i s r e s p o n s i b l feo r l o o k i n ga f t e r. . . 2 0 . . . . w i s h I h a d t a k e n. . . 2 1. . . . i s n o t b e i n g o p e n e d . . . 2 2 . . . . d o t h e s ec d s b e l o n gt o . . . 2 3 . . . . h a d d i f f i c u l t y( i n )p e r s u a d i n g. . . 2 4 . . . . w i l l h a v et o b e g i v e n . . . 25. ... is a betterpainterthan ... 2 6 . . . . i n c a s ey o u g e t . . . 2 7 . . . . i s n o t e a s yf o r F r e d . . . 28. ... last heardfrom my brother... 2 9 . . . . w a s n o b o d yL u c y k n e w . . . 30. ... one of the tyres was ... 3 1 . . . .t e l lt h e d i f f e r e n c e. . . 3 2 . . . . h a s t e n d e n c yt o b l u s h . . . 3 3 . . . . u s a d e t a i l e dd e s c r i p t i o no f . . . 3 4 . . . . n o d o u b tt h e b o y s w i l l . . . 3 5 . . . . u n t i lt h e y h a d p a i n t e d. . . 3 6 . . . . i n o r d e rt o b e . 3 7 . . . .w a s b e t t e rt h a n w e . . . 3 8 . . . .u n l e s ss h e d o e s . . . 39. . whatday it ... 4 0 . . . . d i d n o t s u c c e e di n p e r s u a d i n g. . . 4 1. . . . i s a m o n t hs i n c e. . . 4 2 . . . .f o l l o w i n gt h e p u b l i c a t i o no f . . . 4 3 . . . . w o u l d r a t h e rs t u d y e n g i n e e r i n g. . . 4 4 . . . . l o o k e du o t o . . . 45. ... do exactlywhat the captain... 4 6 . . . . b e e v a c u a t e da s a r e s u l t. . . 47. ... everybodyapart f rom ... 4 8 . . . . d o e s n o t f e e l l i k ec o m i n g . . . 4 9 . . . . b o r r o w e dh i s l a p t o pw i t h o u ta s k i n g. . . 5 0 . . . .n o t l i k eW i l l i a mt o b e . . . 5 1 . . . . w a n t a n y b o d ye l s et o d i s c o v e r. . . 5 2 . . . . i n c a s et h e C D - R O Mi s . . . 5 3 . . . .t o o f a s tf o r u s t o . . . 5 4 . . . . d o e s n o t m a t t e rw h i c h r e c i p e. . . 5 5 . . . h a s n o t b e e nt o . . . 5 6 . . . . i s t h e s a m e s i z ea s . . . 5 7 . . . .t h e e x c e p t i o no f M r O l s o n. . . 5 8 . . . . i n c a s ey o u a r e . . . 5 9 . . . . i s e s t i m a t e dt o b e w o r t h . . . 6 0 . . . . a s l o n g a s y o u p r o m i s e. . . 6 1 . . . . i t i s n o t w o r t h s t a y i n g. . . 6 2 . . . . i s s u p o o s e dt o b e . . . 6 3 . . . . m a n a g et o d e f e a t. . . 6 4 . . . . d i d n o t r e m e m b e ra n y t h i n g. . . 6 5 . . . . i s u n l i k e l tyh e r ew i l l . . . 6 6 . . . . i s r e s p o n s i b l feo r a r r a n g i n g. . . 6 7 . . . . t o o k / m a d ea n o t e . . . 6 8 . . . .o n l ya f e w . . . 6 9 . . . .i s n o p o i n ti n . . . 7 0 . . f i n i s h e db y t h a n k i n g. . . 7 1 . . . .t u r n e dd o w n . . . 7 2 . . . . n o t i n t e r e s t e di n g o i n g . . . 7 3 . . . . c a n ' t h a v es t o l e n. . . 7 4 . . . . i s n o w i n s e a r c ho f . . . 7 5 . . . . i s v e r yg o o d a t . . . 7 6 . . . . i f t h e y w e r e s u p p o s e dt o . . . 7 7 . . . . b e c a u s eI h a d b e e n p a i n t i n g. . . 7 8 . . . . w e r e g i v e nv e r y l i t t l e. . . 7 9 . . . . s o o n a s F l o r a( h a d )l e f t. . . 8 0 . . . .f i r s tt i m e J o a n n ah a s e v e r . . . 8 1. . .. h a d h e r t h e a t r ec o s t u m e sd e s i g n e d. . . 8 2 . . . . h a t e b e i n gt o l d w h a t . . . 8 3 . . . . i s b e i n gd e s i g n e d. . . 8 4 . . . . w a s n o t t h i c ke n o u g h. . . 8 5 . . . . i s s t i l lp r e p a r i n g. . . 8 6 . . . . m a d e a d e c i s i o na b o u t . . . 8 7 . . . .w a s t o o b o r i n gf o r u s . . . 8 8 . . . . o n l y I h a d c o n t r a c t e dh e r . . . 8 9 . . . . m i g h t b e d e l a y e ds o . . . 121 Revision Section 90. ...doesthiscarbelongto ... 9 1. ... matterwhathe tellsyou ... 92. ...hadbettersee... 93. as interesting as ... 94 ...wonderif Jacky(has)sent... 95. ...the lasttimeyou attended... 96. ...objectto meimyusing... 97. ...forbiddenfor visitorsto feed... 9 8 . . . .m a k eu p h e rm i n d. . . 99. ...I werein yourshoes... 100. ...regrethavingtakenmy mother's ... a B,E,F 9 . Static and moving features 1 0 . Yes. Narrativetechniquesare appropriateif the descriptionis detailedand chatty. (Suggested answer) The Best Place on Earth London,the capitalof England,is situatedon the RiverThames.lts varietyof cultures,wonderful entertainmentand bustlingstreetsmake it one of the most excitingcitiesin the world. Thereis so much to do and see in London.No visitwould be completewithouta tripto a marketor a largedepartmentstore.From PortobelloRoadto Harrods,it is certainthat you'll find somethingto buy. When you get tired of shopping, a stroll through beautifulHyde Park will help you forget you are in the middle of an extremelybusy city. Londonis well-knownfor its amazingnight-life. For the theatrelover,the West End is definitelythe place to go as the choice of serious plays and musical shows is endless. For those who enjoy eating good food, there are literallyhundreds of restaurants to choose from and every taste is cateredfor. Certainly,a nightout in Londoncan be an unforgettableexperience. London is a city that has plenty to offer. lt really is the perfect destinationif you are looking for somethingdifferent.No matterwhatyou chooseto do, you are sure to have a memorabletime. C. ErrorCorrectionTexts 1. 1. z- a himself tn 5. bit 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. much she being to will 3. 1. 2 . WAS 3. a A AS 5. 4 . 1 . myself z. A 5 SO her of 6. despite 7. to 8. ,/ 9. out 10. / 11 . w h i c h 12. ,/ 13. more 14. / '15. been itself 7. 8 . on 9. 1 0 . of 11 . l i n l e 12. / 13. ,/ 14. ,/ 15. that too in ,/ 9 . had 10. / 11. ./ 12. very '13. most 14. so 15. some b. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. being / himself quite / 11 . 12. 1 3 . who 1 4 . some 1 s . the D. CompositionDiscussion '1 . A descriptivearticleabout a place. 2. To writeabouta placeI know and to havemy article published. 3. The editorof the publishingcompany; people w h o w i l lb u y t h e b o o k . 4.A.C.G 5. Para 1. name and locationof olace Para 2: reasonsfor choosingplace Paras 3 & 4: particulardetailsof the place (sights to see, how to spend free time, etc) Final para: feelingsand final thoughtsabout the otace Note: The name, locationof the place and the reasonsfor choosingit can be includedin one paragraph. 6.8 7 Sight,sound, smell,taste and touch. 122 B . 1 . A letterof application. z. ? o. To apply for a job. Mrs Sarah Flavell. Para 1: reason(s)for writing Para 2'.qualifications- previousexperience Final para: closing remarks Formallanguageshould be used as this is a letter of applicationto a personwho is unknownto us, so the languageneedsto be appropriate. B 18, 2A 1B would be suitablefor mv letter. B.C.E.F (Suggested answer) Dear Mrs Flavell, I am writingin responseto the advertisement in yesterday'seditionof "LocalNews".I would liketo apply for the positionof assistantchef. I graduatedfrom HopetownCollegeof Technology with a degree in catering in June, 2000. Moreover, I have passed exams in written and spokenFrenchand therefoream a fluentspeaker. In addition, I have worked for "Chez Nous", my cousin'spartyfood cateringcompany,for a year. While working at "Chez Nous", I gained valuable experiencein cateringfor large groups. Revision Section t am enclosing a curricu\um v\tae and two re{erences.I look forwardto hearingfrom you soon. Yourssincerelv. Jan Wright C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A narrative. To entera comoetition. T h ej u d g e s . The plot line. Para 1: settingthe scene Para 2: beforethe main event Para 3: the main event Para 4: the end of the story 6. Simple past, past continuous,past perfect,etc. 7 . I n t h i r dp e r s o n . 8. Yes, becausethose are techniquesused in narratives. 9.4,C 10. A, B, D, E 11 . n o s o o n e r . .t.h a n ,f i r s t a , s s o o na s ,w h i l e ,a f t e r t h a t , by the time, finally 12. A, C, D 6.E,F,H positive points: B, C, G negative points: A, D 7. 1 B 8. 1 B, 2A 1 B is most suitablefor my letter. (Suggested answer) Dear Peter, Sorry I haven'twrittenfor so long but I've been reallybusy with my new job. So far everythingis great and I reallylove teaching. Firstof all,the workingconditionsare excellent and the environmentis very pleasant.What is more, my colleaguesare really friendlyand I've made many friends. Secondly, the job itself is extremelyinterestingand challengingand I enjoy it very much.There'salwayssomethingdifferentto do and I neverget bored. However,there are a few things that I'm not happyabout.Firstly,the salaryI receiveis a bit low but I have been told that I will get a pay rise soon, so I hope everythingwill be alright.What's more, the childrenare sometimesnaughtywhich can be very tiring. All in all, this has been a great experience.I reallyhope you manageto visitme soon and who knows?Perhapsyou'lldecideto stay!pleasewrite and tell me your news. (Suggested answer) "Don't be frightened,everything'sgoing to be alright," Tom told his brother, Dave, who was clingingto the sideof the was bitterlycold as the wavestossedthe boat around like a toy. Theirsailingweekendhad startedthat morning full of excitementand promisebut then everything had gone terriblywrong. Two hours into their trip they had sailed into a violent storm. They had managedto get the lifeboatinto the waterjust as theirboat beganto sink.Now,theywerelostat sea, with no sign of rescuein sight. Suddenly,Davepointedwitha shakingfingerto a huge rock,whichwas directlyin frontof them.',Oh no! We're going to hit itl' he screamed.The boys tried to steer away from the rock with their hands but the boatseemedto havea mind of its own.Just as they were about to crash,the boys jumped into the water and startedswimmingfranticallytowards the rock. No sooner had they reachedit than they hearda helicopterabovethem. "We'redown here! We're down here!"they shoutedat the top of their tungs. Later,when they wereon dry land,the brothers lookedat each other.No words were said but they both knewwhatthe otherwas thinking- it would be a long time beforeeitherone went sailingagain. D. 1. Informalletter. 2. To give information/tell my latestnews to my pen friend. 3. My pen friend. 4. Para 1: reason(s)for writing Paras 2 & 3: development(what I like ano don'tlike) Final para: closing remarks 5. Informal- the letteris to a Jriend. Best wishes, Amy E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A descriptivearticleabout a person. To enter a competition. T h ej u d g e s . Para 1: place and time you met him/her Para 2: physicalappearance Para 3: personalitycharacteristics Para 4: activitiesiachievements, etc. Para 5: commentsand feelings Note: Dependingon the aspect(s)given in the topic, certainparagraphsmay be omifted. Tenses: simple past, presentand future past and present perfect past continuous A variety of tenses need to be used to describe past and present activities/ states. Good and bad qualitiesshould be mentionedin order to make the writingmore balanced. s e e d t ob e j u s t i f i e d A l lq u a l i t i e n i no r d e r t o m a k e t h e articlecredibleand realistic. T h e l a n g u a g es h o u l db e m i l d . 1C 2A 3E 4D 58 'l beaming 4 muscular 2 plump 5 shabby 3 freckled ( S s 'o w n a n s w e r s ) ( S s ' o w na n s w e r s ) 123 f evisionSecfion (Suggested answer) The Most lnteresting Person I know l f i r s tm e tS t e l l ao n a t e n - h o u r f l i g h t tRoo m e S . he was the lastpersonto boardthe planeand it just so happenedthat she sat next to me. Stella is a very graceful woman in her late forties.She has got strikinggreen eyes and the most beautifulsmile I have everseen.Stellahas a taste for expensivedesigner clothes and always dresseselegantly. Stella has a warm personalityand is a very optimisticperson.Peoplefeel relaxedwhen they a r ei n h e rc o m p a n ya n d t h i si s n o s u r p r i s eb e c a u s e she alwayslookson the brightsideof liJe.However. she can be a bitforgetfulat times.Forexample.she oftenforgetspeople'sbirthdaysbut herclosefriends don'tmind. One of Stella'sgreatestinterestsis cooking. S h e l o v e st o g i v ed i n n e rp a r t i e sa n d r sw e l l - k n o w n f o r t h ee x o t i cd i s h e ss h em a k e s S . h e ' sa l s ok e e no n potteryand has even sold a few of her piecesto localshops.Stellais one of those rarepeoplewho are good at everythingthey do. A l li n a l l ,S t e l l ai sa t r u l yr e m a r k a b l pe e r s o n I.f e e l very fortunateto have her in my life. F . 1 An argumentativecomposition,outliningadvantages and disadvantages. 2 My teacherand perhapsother students. 3 Yes, I would. Formalstyle is alwaysused for this type of composition. 4 Para 1: statetopic by makinga generalstatement Para 2: advantages/statements to supportthem Para 3: disadvantages/statements to support them Para 4: a balancedconsideration/ooinion 5 B,C,F 6 1D 2A 3A 4D 5D (Suggestedanswer) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian Nowadays,vegetarianismhas becomea trend for people who are in search of a healthierlife. However,it can be said thereare both advantaoes and disadvantages for decidingto be a vegetarLn. Firstly,vegetariansfeel that there are certain advantagesto be gainedby not eatingmeat.They consider substitutefoods such as soya, cereals and vegetablesarean evenbettersourceof protein than is maintainedthat such foods are low in fat and cholesterolthereforepromoting better health.Finally,by avoidingmeat,vegetariansbelievethey are not eatingcontaminatedfood which is often a source of many illnesses. O n t h e o t h e rh a n d ,s o m ep e o p l ef e e lt h a tb e i n g a vegetarian has disadvantages.For example. such a diet can be boring and tasteless.Also,the choiceof food availableis oftenlimitedwheneating out. In addition,not eatingmeat can often lead to iz4 a deficiencyin iron and proteinwhich can resultin . i n a l l yh, u m a n se v o l v e d s e r i o u sh e a l t hp r o b l e m s F as meat-eaters, so by not eatingmeat,they might be atfectingtheir very nature. To sum up, I believeit is a matterof personal opinionwhetheror not someoneeatsmeat.People are free to decide on their own eatingpatterns. G. 1. A transactional letter(givingand requestingfurther information). a. To give and requestfuftherinformation. 3 . M r J a m e sM a r k s . A Y e s .i t i s . 5 . That the style (formalor informal)is appropriate. That all the informationin the questionhas been g i v e ni n m y o w n w o r d s . Thatall the questionshave been asked in my own words. That each paragraphhas a topic. The languageshould be formalas Mr Marks is u n K n o w nt o m e . 7 . P a r a 1 : r e a s o n ( sf)o r w r i t i n g Paras2&3: development F i n a l p a r a : c l o s i n gr e m a r k s 8. 1 B, 2A I would use 2 A in mv letterbecauseit is a formal letter. 9 Two. 1 0 . Informationand questionsshouldbe appropriately d i v i d e d ;o t h e r w i s eo n e p a r a g r a p hw i l l b e f u l l o f q u e s t i o n sa n d t h e o t h e rn o t . 11. A, B. C. E (Suggested answer) D e a rM r M a r k s . I am writingwith regardto your advertisement on the noticeboardof the St JamesSchool.I would greatlyappreciateit if you could provideme with some informationabout the private lessons for computerprogrammes, I am a 19-year-old studentand at the momentI am doing my A-levels.I intend to study accountancy at universityand I need to improvemy computer skills.Therefore,I would be gratefulif you could tell me whetherExceland Accessare available. M o r e o v e rI,w o u l dl i k et o k n o ww h e r ea n d w h e n the lessons will be taking place. Also, I would appreciateit if you could let me know if the lessons w i l l b e h e l d o n a n i n d i v i d u aol r a g r o u p b a s i s . Finally.could you pleasetell me what the fees are and if it is possibleto pay monthly? Thank you in advancefor your cooperation.I am lookingforwardto hearingfrom you. Yourssincerely, C l i v eB r o n s o n RevisionSectlon H. 1. An assessmentreoon 2. To assessthe good and bad pointsof a new campsitewhich has just opened in the area. 3. The manager(of the international travelaqencv I work for). 4. I should use formalstyle. 5.A,C,D,F,G 6. Introduction:statepurposeand contentof your reoon Development:summariseeach point giving both positlveand negativeaspects C o n c l u s i o n :g e n e r aal s s e s s m e nat n d r e c o m m e n _ dation /. A, U, tr. l-. (tr 8. ln the final paragraph. 9. Yes, becauseassessmentreportsshoulo oe objective. 10. Presenttenses. 11. . express reality: as a matterof fact. actually, in practice . make contrasting points: nevertheless Vet, in spite of, however . express the difference between appearance a n d r e a l i t y :a p p a r e n t l ya.t f i r s st i g h t ,o n t h ef a c e of it Restaurant T h e r e s t a u r a nht a s a w i d ev a r i e t yo f d i s h e si n c l u d i n gs p e c i am l e a l sf o r y o u n gc h i l d r e na n d t h e r ei s a wide choice of dishes for vegetarians.Although some dishes are ratherexpensive,the prices are generallyreasonable.Last but not least,the staff a r e w e l l - t r a i n eadn d p o l i t e . RecreationRoom The recreationroom is large and has a friendly a t m o s p h e r eT. h e r ei s a b i l l i a r d st a b l ea t o n e e n a and table tennisat the other.Moreover,there is a large screen TV in the middle oJ the room. Elect r o n i ca n d c o m p u t e rg a m e sf o r c h i l d r e na r es e t u p in one corner.The recreationroom is open every day from 10 am to 10 pm and it is very popularwith teenagers. Recommendation To sum up, I would recommendLakeviewCamositefor touristswith is a well-organised campsitewithgood facilities,highsafetystandaros and helofulstaff. E. SpeakingTests (Suggested answer) To: From: Subject: Date: M r F . M o r t i m e rM , anaoer S u s a nT a y l o r ,A s s i s t a i tM a n a g e r LakeviewCampsite 2 6 N o v e m b e r2. 0 . . . Introduction The aim of this reportis to assessthe surtabilrty of LakeviewCampsitefor touristswith children. Sports Facilitiesand Swimming pool The campsite'ssportfacilitiesare suitablefor both a d u l t sa n d c h i l d r e nF. o re x a m p l ey, o u n g e rc h i l d r e n c a n e n j o yp l a y i n gi n t h e c a m p s i t e ' sw e l l _ e q u i p p e d playground,whileteenagerscan make use of the c a m p s i t e ' sc o u r t sa n d g r o u n d sa n d o r g a n i s et o u r naments and recreationalactivities.The camp_ site'sownersare very proud of their Olymprcsrze s w i m m i n gp o o lw h i c hh a st h r e ed i v i n gb o a r d sa n d two qualifiedand experiencedlifeguards.What is more,thereareswimminginstructorswho givefree l e s s o n st o c h i l d r e n . Bathroom facilities The fact of the matteris that the bathroomfacilities are excellentand well-maintained. In addition,hot wateris availableon a 24-hourbasis.Furthermore, thereare changingroomsand lockersfor all camp_ ers. However,there are not enough showersfor everybody.As a result,when the campsiteis full, there are often queues. Part 1 (Par7 1 /asls aboul four minutes and has to do with socialisingand giving personal information.Ss shou/d be able to talk about themse/yesfor two minutes.) Parl2 (Part 2 lastsabout four minutesand focuseson exchano_ ing personaland factualinformationbasedon given visial prompts. Ss are given two colour photographs each and they have to talk about them in relation to themseues withoutbeing interruptedand hetped by the T. Theyare also asked to comment on each other's pictures.) Part3 (ln Part 3 Ss are examined in parrs.They are given visual p rom ptswh ic h g eneratea discusslonand they tatk with one another.Ss look carefullyat the visual promptsconcentrat_ ing on relevant details. The conversation should not be dominated by one student. Ss have to tatk onty about the taskthe interviewerhasgiven them. Thisparf /asfsabout 3 minutes.) Part 4 (ln Part 4 Ss falk with one another about matters relatedto the theme of Part 3. Ss shou/d listen to their paftners' answers and respond accordingly. lt is impoftant to re_ member that when one partneris speaking helsheshoutd not be interruptedbythe other.Part 4lastsabout4 mtnurcs.) 125 RevisionSecflon SpeakingTest 1 SA: I wouldloveto justsiton a beachor go swimming all day. Parts 1 & 2 (Suggestedanswers) . . . . . . . . Picture A shows a team of rugby playerswhereas picture B shows a windsurferalone.The main difference is that windsurfingcan be done alone whereas rugby is a team sport. I would prefer to do windsurfingbecause it is very excitingand I love the sea. To do team sports you need to consideryour teammates and not be selfish.With individualsports you only have yourself to depend on so you have to concentratemuch more. Peoplechooseto do dangeroussportsbecausethey have a desirefor excitementin their livesand so are preparedto take risksto achieveit. Picture C showsstudentssittingInformallyin a classr o o m .T h e yc o u l db e d i s c u s s i n gt h e i rl e s s o nw h e r e a s picture D showsa teachertalkingto some studentsin a formalclassroomsituation. I believe that students learn better when they are listeningto a teacher.They are more likelyto concentrate and learn somethingthan if they just sit around talkingto other students. I believethis is only possible if parentsare actually teachersthemselves. A teacherneedsto be kindand patient.Theyalsoneed to know their subjectvery well and possessa skill in puttingil acrossin an enjoyableway so that students take pleasurein what they are learning. Part 3 (Suggested answers) SA: I think that you would definitelyneed to take your passport especiallyif you are gong to a foreign country. SB: Well, yes! Otherwiseyou wouldn't be allowed into the country.What about luggage?You would certainlyneed to take clotheswith you, wouldn'tyou? SA: Oh yes. lt would be almostimpossibleto buy everything you need once you get to your hotel.Well, I w o u l d n ' t a k e a n u m b r e l l aw , o u l dy o u ? SB: No, nor an alarm clock, but I think I would take a's good to take photosof placesyou visit, isn't it? SA: Of course,but don't you think it would be betterto buy postcardsand take good sunglasseswith you instead. SB: No, you can alwaysbuy sunglassesbut you might not be ableto buy a postcardof everythingyou see. At leastyou can photographwhat you want, when you want. Part 4 (Suggested answers) . SA: My idealdestinationwould be one where lcould just relaxunder the hot sun all day, somewhere l i k eC u b a o r J a m a i c a . SB: Well, I would preferto go somewherecold like Alaska.I livein a hot countryso it's alwayssunny. It would be nice to have a change. S A : l t h i n k y o u w o u l dm i s s t h e s u ne v e ni fy o uj u s t w e n t away for a few weeks. tzo S B : I w o u l dg o m a d d o i n g n o t h i n g .I w o u l d l i k et o d o some kind of activityon holidaysuch as skiingor snow-boarding. SA: I believethat holidaysshould be differentfrom what we do every day, so that's why I would chooseto do nothingbut sit about on a beach. . SA: Weneedholidaystorelaxandchangeourroutine. SB: Yes,everyoneneedsa holidayand whenwe have two or three weeks break, we can often travel to anothercountry. . SA: I believe that there are several advantagesin travellingalone. Firstly,you can do exactlywhat y o u l i k ew h e n y o u l i k e . SB: Also you are likelyto meet many more peopleas you will probablyfeelthe needto havesome kind of contactwith would be impossibleto spend a holidayalone without speakingto anyone. SA: I think that travellingalone also makes a person more independenttoo. . SA: This dependson whetheryou travelin a group or not. SB: lf you stay with a group in a hotel and never explorethe localarea,you willneverget to seethe countryyou are visiting. SA: Yes,but if you travelalone,you are more likelyto exploreand get to knowthe localpeopleand way of life. SpeakingTest 2 Parts 1 & 2 (Suggested answers) . Picture A shows people receivingtheir food at the counter of a fast food restaurantwhereaspicture B shows peopletalkingto a waiter.They are sittingat a table in a restaurant. . I would preferto go to a peacefulrestaurantwhereI can enjoygood food and be servedby a waiter.lthink that fast food placesare noisy and you can't reallyenjoy your food there. . Peopledon't have so much time to cook these days and so it is much easierto buy food from a takeaway or a fast food restaurant.Also, teenagersseem to prefereatingburgersto eatinghealthyfood. . Withfriendsyou can talk,laughand enjoyyourfood in a more relaxedway. You can't alwaysbe likethis with your family. . Picture C shows a teacherhelpinga studentread a book whereaspicture D shows a young boy working on a compurer. . I think it is easy to learnfrom a computeras you can take your time doing the lesson and the computer never gets upset if you make a mistake or don't u n d e r s t a n ds o m e t h i n o . Revision Section . . I don't thinka computerwould be successfulat teach_ ing languagesbecauseonly peopleare able to hold a real conversationand this is importantwhen learninq a language. Computershave made our liveseasierin many ways b y d o i n gt h et h i n g st h a ta h u m a nb r a i ni s u n a b l et o d o . Theyare alsoableto storevastamountsof knowledoe and rnformation. Part 3 (Suggested answers) SA: For me, the most seriousenvironmentalproblemis that of pollutionin towns and cities. SB: Yes, it is a seriousproblem but I believethat forest fires are a bigger threatto the planet. SA: Butif allfactorieswerebuiltoutsidetowns,thenthere wouldn'tbe any pollutionand peoplewouldn,tsuffer from serioushealthproblems. SB: That'strue, but trees provideus with valuableoxv_ gen so if the alreadydestroyedforestsare not re_ planted soon, we are all going to have bigger problems. SA: I agree.So if the factonesare movedand forestsare planted,the treescan balancethe damaqe caused by pollutants SB: Yes. I believewe have to starttalkingbettercare of our naturalenvironment. Part 4 (Suggested answers) . SA' I believethat humanbeings are responsiblefor all the environmentalproblemswe have nowaoavs. SB: Yes, unfortunatelywhen plastics and certiin chemicalswere first developed,no one saw the problemsthey would cause. SA: lt would be difficultto stop usingthesethings,but we have to find a way to solve the problemswe nave. . SA: One of the major benefitsis that thingswon.t be b u r i e du n d e rt h e g r o u n d .M a n yt h i n g sl i k ep l a s t i c neveroecompose,so they haveto be recycled. SB: And if we recycleall our paper,then not so manv treeswill haveto be cut down. SA: So recycledmaterialscan be usedto make other usefulproducts. . SA; Global warming is changing our planet quicker than scientistsexpected.For example,the polar ice-capsare meltingand this will resultin manv low-lyingcountriesbeing flooded. SB: Not only that.The hole in the ozone lavermeans the sun's rays are strongerand more peopleare gettingskin cancer. SA; Yes and animalsare losingtheirnaturalhabitats. lf the land is not floodedthen it is drying up and places are becoming deserts,so animals have nowhereto live. . SA: I thinkthattherewill be fewerforestsand certainlv no animals. SB: Yes, and most people will be living in northern parts of the world because the south will be a desert. SA: Becauseof the pollutionmany people will have healthproblems,too. . S A : I t h i n ki t w o u l db e a g o o d i d e at o l i v eo n t h e m o o n . At leasttherewouldn'tbe so many peoplethere. S B : Y e s ,b u t i t w o u l d n ' tb e a s g o o d a s l i v i n go n E a r t h . The atmosphereis not the same and there rs no greenerythere. SA: Maybeatsometimein thefuturescientistswill find a way to make it look more like Eafth. SpeakingTest 3 Parts 1 & 2 (Suggested answers) . Picture A shows a man who is very happy perhaps because of somethinggood that happened at work whereaspicture B showsa man who is standingby a f i l l i n gc a b i n e ta n d a p p e a r st o b e v e r y s t r e s s e d . . P e o p l ea r eh a p p yw i t ht h e i rj o b w h e n t h e yh a v ea g o o d s a l a r ya n d t h e i rj o b i s r e w a r d i n ga n d s t l m u l a t i n g . The perlectwork environmentwould be a placewhere t h e c o n d i t i o n sh e l p p e o p l et o p r o d u c et h e t rb e s t a n d where colleaguesare friendlyand loyal. . I would not sacrificemy familyfor my 1obbecauselobs can be replacedbut familiescannot. . Picture C shows a man working out liftingweightsin a gym whereas picture D shows a man takino his e x e r c i s eb y r i d i n ga b i k e . . Both sports help develop a good body and make people fit and healthy They also help deveropmus_ cles. . Some footballfans see othersbehaving badly and so they do the same. Others use violenceas a wav of expressingtheir anger and aggression. . Peopleshould be shown, perhaps on TV or in maga_ zines,what the effectsare of leadingan unhealthylife. Part 3 (Suggested answers) SA: I believe that the satellite is probably the most impoftantinventionin the 20th century.Withoutthis, m a n y o t h e r i m p o r t a n t t e c h n o l o g i c a li n v e n t r o n s wouldn't have happened.What do vou think? S B : Y e s ,I a g r e e ,b u t t h e c o m p u t e ri s a l s o i m p o n a n ta s our liveshave become easierby using computers. SA: Yes, but don't forget that without satettites,tne Internetwouldn't be possible. S B : N e i t h e rw o u l dt h e m o b i l ep h o n e ,b u t I d o n ' tt h i n k i t is the most importantinvention.I alsothinkthat highs p e e dt r a i n ss h o u l db e i n c l u d e di n t h e b o o k . SA: Definitely, as travellingin thisway hasopenedup the w o r l dt o m a n y p e o p l e . SB: Thesetrainsalso help goods be transportedmuch qutcker,so they are reallyimportantto all of us. 127 Revision Section Part 4 (Suggested answers) . SA: Readinga real book is much betterthan reading i t o n t h e c o m p u t e rT . u r n i n gt h e p a g e so f a b o o k cannot be comparedto clickinga key on a keyboard. S B : l t h i n k t h a tc h i l d r e nw o u l df i n d i t m o r ei n t e r e s t i n g to read from a screenthan from a book. SA: But readinga book has more of an "atmosphere' t h a n s e e i n gi t b r i g h t l y - l u i tp o n t h e s c r e e n . . S A : T h eI n t e r n eht a sr e a l l yc h a n g e do u r l i v e sY . o uc a n find any informationyou can buy whatever you need and you can even make new friends. SB: Yes,but manypeoplehavesacrificeda normallife t o s p e n d h o u r so n t h e N e t . SA: Just think how it has helpedpeoplewho are d i s a b l e do r u n a b l et o g e t o u t o f t h e i rh o m e s . Part 3 (Suggested answers) S A : I t h i n kt h a t t h e c u r r i c u l u ms h o u l dg i v e l e s s o n st h a t will be usefulto peopleafterthey leaveschool,such a s c a r m a i n t e n a n c eW. h a t d o y o u t h i n k ? S B ; Y e s .b u t g i r l ss h o u l db e a l l o w e dt o l e a r na b o u t i t a s well.What about teachinganotherpracticalsubject suchas plumbing? S A : T h a ts a g o o d i d e a .B u t w o u l dg i r l sb e i n t e r e s t e d in such a thing?They might find cookery better. S B : N o . b o y s a n d g i r l sc a n l e a r nt h a tf r o m t h e i rf a m i l y .I t h i n k p l u m b i n gi s a g o o d i d e a . D o y o u t h i n k t h e c u r r i c u l u ms h o u l d i n c l u d ec o m p u t i n g ,f i r s t - a i do r swimming? S A : W e l l .c h i l d r e nc a n l e a r ns w i m m i n ga t t h e l o c a lp o o l . Many childrenalso learncomputingby themselves at home. But I think it would be importantto learn b a s i cf i r s t - a i d . SB: Yes.that would be very useful. . SA: I believe that scientistswill never accept that technology has a limit and as far as they re concerned there are always going to be new things to discover. S B : L o o ka t c l o n i n g f, o r e x a m p l eW . h e r ew i l lt e c h n o l o g y s t o p ?S h o u l d n ' t h e r e b e a l i m i t ? S A : N o . N o t i f i t ' s g o i n g t o h e l p i m p r o v eo u r l i v e s . Part 4 (Suggested answers) . SA: Most of the games children have are not very educational.even the computergames. S B : B u t d o n ' tc o m p u t e rg a m e st e a c hc h i l d r e nh o w t o t h i n kl o g i c a l l y ? SA: Butgamesnowadaysarefullof monstersor aliens and that's not very educational. . SA: One of the advantagesto livingso long would be thatyouwouldgetto knowyourgreat,great.great grandchildren. S B : A l s o y o u w o u l d s e e n e w t e c h n o l o g ya n d m a n y excitingeventsthroughoutthe years. However, u n l e s sm e d i c i n eh a s i m p r o v e dy, o u m i g h tb e j 5 0 but too weak to move or understandwhat is h a p p e n i n ga r o u n dy o u . S A . M a y b eb y t h e n ,t e c h n o l o g yw i l l h a v ed e v e l o p e d so much that we will want to liveto be 250 vears old! . SA: Learning"dead"subjectsat school like historyor Latin is not very useful,becausewe hardlyever need these sublectswhen we leaveschool. SB: Yes, but we can't live our lives not knowing the history of our country or where our language c o m e sf r o m . SA: I supposeif you were reallyinterested,you could alwaysreadaboutsuchsubjectsin yourfreetime. . SA: There are so many people nowadayswho have f i n i s h e du n i v e r s i toy r c o l l e g eb u t w h o c a n ' tf i n da j o b . B e i n go v e r - q u a l i f i eddo e s n ' tm e a ny o u ' l lg e t the job you want. SB: Yes.becauseeveryoneneedsto work,thrsmeans thatthey haveto takeany 1obwhichwill pay them a salary whether it is what they want or not regardleso s f t h e i rq u a l i f i c a t i o n s . SA: Yes, there are so many people trying to get the samefew jobs that peoplefeelthe more qualifications they get the more chances they have of gettingthe job. . SA: Alreadymanypeoplehavelosttheirjobs because computerscan do the work betterand faster. S B : Y e s .b u t t h e r ea r e s o m ej o b s w h i c hn e e d p e o p l e to do them as computerscan't. SA: I don t think that computers can do every job. There won't ever be a time when people don't work becausecomputershavetakenoverthe iob market. SpeakingTest4 Pafis 1 & 2 (Suggested answers) . P i c t u r eA s h o w sa s c h o o lb u st a k i n gc h i l d r e nt o s c h o o l w h e r e a sp i c t u r e B s h o w sa c h i l dr i d i n ga b i c y c l e . . T h e m o s t e n j o y a b l ew a y i s o n e w h r c h i s q u i c k a n d comfortable. . I n m y o p i n i o n ,t h e m o s t d a n g e r o u sw a y w o u l d b e f o r a childto cycle as they could easilybe knockedoff by a car. . The best way is to travelby car. In this way, you can comfortablyenjoy your journey and stop wnenever you want. . Picture C shows people playingtennrson an outside court whereaspicture D shows a swimmerin a pool. . In my opinion,tennisoffersthe most exerciseas you not only get to exercisebut also to enjoythe freshair. . I believe(that)winningis more importantthan taking part becauseit feelswonderJulto be the best. . N o , I d o n ' tt h i n kt h e yd o . T h e yd o n ' td o a n y t h i n gm o r e than any other spor.tsperson, tz6
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