Challenge Grammar Narrative tenses. Future continuous and future perfect Vocabulary WOrd formation. Col[ocations. Phrasal verbs useful phrases Common ai[ments,showing sympathy,recommendations and advice Reading&Vocabulary l Look atthe photos of Ben Saunders on page 37 and discuss the questions with a partne■ a) What SOrt of expeditions do you think he takes partin? b) VVhat are the potential dangers he llnay face on these expeditions? C)V` hat reasons might he have for going on these exPeditions? Read the article on page 37 and check your ideas. 2 A sentences α¬′are from the articleo Match them to the appropriate places(1-5) in the article. a) I′n■abs01utely average. Zay. ve figured out along the lへ b) SO that′s one ofthe lessons I′ ′ C)There are′ as Ben says′no mapsleftto be drawn′ . d) Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. e) Meet Ben saunders:adventurer/athlete′ rnotivational speaker Ben Saunders 3 Are these sentences are true or false? > e0 9 ↓ a)Ben iSn′ t plalllning an lmmedlate trip back to the Arctic.(paragraph l) b) BritiSh exP10rers are all excesslvely wealthy.(paragraph 2) C) Ben′ S first expedition was badlI乙 嘩 nlsed・(paragraph 3) d)They didn′ t a c t u a l l y r e a c h t h e N o r tsho Ptohleer′ e w a s n o蔓騨璽 巫 塑 撃 ・ (Paragraph 3) After his first expedition′ he 30t a cOntractto write a book.(paragraph 3) It′ s Ben′ s absolute conviction that the lnore you stretch yourselι the rnOre you can (paragraph 5) achieve。 Ben is excited that his Antarctic expedition inight be achievable.(Paragraph 6) Ben says that you have to be e,peclallェ talented to do these types of expedition. (paragraph 7) Find the wOrds or phrases in the article that mean the same as the underlined words. Word formation 4 Ben talks about′self‐ belief′ and expeditions that are rdoable′ .Look atinOre examples sel,preix retating to of words formed with the prefix J/― andsθ the suffix in the Word formation α bι ι /グ b:θ ′ yourself:used with many panel.Complete the sentences. nouns and adiectiVes: a) I feel very_when I Speak English to a native speaker. b)I dOn′ tlike working for Other people― I′ d rather be . C)I haVe a friend who suffers from low___even though she′ s very successful. d) I neVer go to expensive restaurants.I Prefer places where the food is good but prices are____. e)I reCently spent a very____evening with my old schoolfriends. SCメ ο ″ Selfbe`じsaFω′ , ‐ Sal」 dきε tte selJ‐ emρ10ya“ わι Se′eSた。 “ able/ible suffix something that can be done: used with many verbs to make adieCjVes:α ε ε essわ ι bし eあ α edメ bι ′abι e e′ e ザリabι aSο “ ′bearbね ″ 5 f)I Can′ tstand the summer I And the heat and humidiサ ___・ Are any ofthe sentences true for you? Look up the list of nouns and adieCtiVes with the sι Z/― inprefix yOur dictionary.Tick the ones you know Or can understand easily.Choose three more to leam.Write your own example sentences. 36 Challenge 菫梵│ 饒熙餃 ( ' S O r′ 町a t t a C k e d at the age thtte′ of was twenty― the youngest LIIJ 3en′ man to ski solo to the North Pote He dragged a 180 kitogramrne stedge over l′ 420 mites through Arctic conditions d e s c r i b e d b y N A S A a t t h e j m e a s stohmee woofr′ st since ′ b y a b e aMre7n′ a c e d . ¨b u t y o u n e v e r 30 reatly know ifrethey′ 9oing tO have a go orifrethey′ just b e i n g i n q u i s i t)i v e . ′ ′ Environmentat scientists in Canada said it was impossibte i s y e a ar s′ w e t t a s p t a n n i n g a n i m m i n e n tfor me to get tO the Pote in 2004.… 5 r e C O r d s b e g.aTnh′ No′it′ I said′ s stitt OK′ ′ return to the Arctic′ and l can stitt get there′ and l did. Setf― betief′ Ben plans to ski soto from the Antarctic I see it as coast to the South Pote and back in the autumn′ carrying att his suppties on his stedge-1′ 800 mites′ 200-odd k i t o g r a m m e sm′ inus 40 degrees Centigrade. 10 35 being a bit tike a muscte― and I′ m stipping into motivationat 7-but it′ speaking mode nor・ s my genuine betief that the more you stretch yoursetf the stronger it gets.And the pointless thing toArctic do.′ reverse is This is a fundamentatけ exptorer′ isn′ t much of a job titte when a toulst can payo r r i s k y ′ in a 000 to do the same ttng sh「 σttse S22′ [1111引 true:if you never do anything that's uncomfortable t h e n y o u rb esteiteff―g e t s w e a k e r . 1 4 1Thething 40 that ve I′stretched and tested′ more than any part of my But lve do stitt have adventurers in Britain.They tend physiology′ is my setf‐ betief.′ to be either obscenety ― rich Richard Branson ―or to 15 haVe Convinced us that′ somehow′ their endeavours and ′ just feasibte My Antarctic expedition is just about doable′ and that's what is exciting to me.If l knew it was p f l k n e w l c o u l d d o i t w i t h o u t t o o m u c Ih wb o ut lh de nrt′ achievements have emotionat signiicance for the rest of i us ―E L t e n M c A r t h u r . 45 be interested.′ Why?′Personatし I′ m fascinated by the human agO′ a B e n S a u n d e r s its nr′ Wett′ i c h H e w a s f l r e d f r o m t h e o n t yperformance etement to it. Not that tong running vvas seen as the pinnacte of human endeavour′ and after persuading the irm to sponsOr marathon sensible job l ever had′ l woutdn′ t be that 20 hiS Shambotic 111'1111 ttrst expedition.′ We were now attacked by surprised if my mum said she was a bear, 1 9ot frOstbite in my toe. We started running out of to run one next year. 9olng was just desperate.And we 50 PeOpte′s horizons are changing.′I′ m not particularly gifted′ d i d nt ′g e t t o t h e w eP o dl ie d′ tn ′ get there′ so we had nO media interest. 25 No one heard aboutiti no book deaし no Speaking′ no nothing.I was so miserabte.′ I′ m not genelcalけ freaMsh in EIEII]I′ any sense′ ve just chosen this one 9oat to pursue ve andbeen I′ dedicated to it. 〆 Thitiinl・ it‖ 〆 :lllelllilEl:t:1黒 lll:│′ l]廿 Tl:ilaloenoughF 55 preparation′how far can we 9o7 And l don′t think I′ ve found out yet.′ Glossary have a go phrase:a■ ack freakish ad」 :nOt nOrmal or natural pinnacte noun[C]:tOp or mOst succcssful pOint pursue verb[Tl try・ tO・ tchicvc Challenge Listening&Vocabulary l Work with a partneL】 Do yOu think these facts about polar bears are true or false? a)P01ar bears hibernate in winter. b) They dOn′ t usually eat seals. C ) T h e y a r e t h e l a r g e s t l ba an sd e―d c a r r u v o r e s i n t h e w o r l d . d)If yOu meet a polar beaしyou need tO stay quiet and make yollrself as sman as possible e) They can inove at nearly fifty kilometres per hour m壁1,35 Ben Saunders and his colleague′ Pen IIadow71net a polar bear on a North Pole expedition in 2001.Listen to the first part of their stOry and check your answers. Discuss the answers to these questions with your partne■ a ) H O W m a n y p e o p l e w e n t o n t h i s e x p e d iatnido nw′ ho was navigating? b) Why did Ben stop′ turn round and look back along his tracks? C)The year was 2001′but which month Ofthe year was it? d)Where had they practised whatto do in case they met a polar bear? e)HOW did they intend to deal with the polar bear? f) ヤVhat happened when Pen pulled the trigger On his shotgun? Listen again and check your answers. Discuss what you think happened next。 a) What did Pen do? b) What did Ben do? c) What did the polar bear do? 鐵尉1.36 Listen and check yourideas。 Read and listen again to extracts froコ n the clilmax tO the story.Which tenses are used for the verbs in bold? The bear(walk)tOWards us.Pen(re10ad)the gun.… so Pen(be)iS nOW ha16vay through our supply ofammunitiOn.He(pull)the Arst trigger.… he(walk)arOllnd his sledge.… I(remember)thinking′ ′ VVow/Pen′ s gone mad.… He′s going to get eaten.What(dO)?′ Why do you think these tenses are used atthis pointin the story?lDiscuss your ideas。 Complete these collocations from the story. a) I COuldn′t quite f_____out what wasn′ t right. b) I ShOuted at Pen.… and our bear drill swang into a . C)There was no w_we COuld Outrun the bear. d)Pen Wasin ch__ofthe gun. e)Pen l the gun… closed the barrels′ pulled the trigger.… ′ f)He Said′ The gun′ s sullj___.′ g)Everything wentinto s___motion. h) I COuldn′ t even tl the zip on the sledge. Check your answers in the Recordings on page 147.Choose the three lnost useful expressions for you to learno Write your own example sentences. 38 Challenge Grammar Narrative tenses l ⅣIatch the sentence endings(α ―′)with the correct ineaning(1-4)。 Past simpte I got home yesterday and my father.… She came into the room. a) made dinner. 1 Past continuous He was standing there. b)WaS making dinner. Past perfect simple She′ d never met C) had rnade dinner. him before. Past perFect continuous d)had been making dinner. He′ d been waiting for ages. 2 3 ′ Making dinner′ happened before l got home (a Shgle cOmpleted acion) ′ Making dinner′ happened after l got home. ′ Ⅳlaking dinner′happened before′ while alld after l got home. /Making dinner′ started before l got home. (an aCtiOn that wasin progress but was nOt necessarily completed) ―′)。 Name the tenses used in the sentence endings(α Write the negative and question forms.Use each tense to lnake true statements about different situations when you got home yesterday.Tell a Partne■ ―θ)based on Ben Work with your partnen Look atthe sentence beginnings(α Saunders′ P01ar bear story.In each case′ choose the ending that best describes the facts of the story. a)Ben Sallnders wasjust 23 (1)he hadn′ t been on a polar expedition. and.… (2)he didn′t go on a polar expedition. b)い hen Ben and Pen metthe polar bear/._ (1)they had been travelling for a day (2)they travelled for a day. C) When Ben looked back a10ng his tracks′ ... (1)the polar bear walked towards him. (2)the p01ar bear was walking towards him. d) They had a/bear drill′ which.¨ (1)they had practised in a car park in the UK. (2)they had been practising in a car Park in the UK. e)When the gun went o鶏 ・ … (1)the polar bear had walked away (2)the p01ar bear walked away・ do Exerclse l. i ng:anecdote SpeaК l Work with your partnen Discuss which of the f01lowing challenges you think is the most daunting.How many ofthese challenges have you had to face? O O taking part in a race or a competition doing an audition for a partin a play ・ performing on stage(aCting′ singing′etc.) ・ giving a speech or a presentation O takhg an exam or a driving test O attending ajob intewiew 2 e e travelling abroad on your o、vn cooking a meal for lots of people ・ aSking somebody out on a date O meeting your bOyfriend or girlfriend′ s parents You are going to tell your partner about a tilne when you did something challenging。 > aり > e0 9 り ⇒ D cの > ● Ask yourself the questions belo■ 1 0 Think about ω″αιto say and力οω tO say it. O Tell your partner about your experience. ツVhat did you do? Why did you decide to do it? Was it your first time? How did you prepare forit? What were you trnost afraid of? How did you feel while you were doing it? E)id any■ing go wrong?Vヽ 「 hat? How did you feel aftenvards? VVas it as challenging as you thoughtit wOuld be? ヤVould you do it again? Reading l Read the article and label the sections(α ¬β )with the headings in the box. Clothing Fitness and training The Fnind Nttx※ 響年ごはユ Nutridon :l 11)『 11:` a)〃 οοη″σkP energy tevets up when you′ re training The MoonWalk is a power‐ walking for a marathon′ but they have to m a r a t h o n s e t u p b y W a l k t h e aW a l k ′ b e t h e r i g h t c a r b[st. Ip′ robably be c h a r i t y t h a t r a i s e s m o n e y f O r b r e a sstu p p l e m e n t i n g m y d i e t w i t h p r o t e i n 5 CanCer alt over the worid.Participants 25 drinks and vitamins. 45 essentiat to have the right support for the sotes of your feet and your anktes. Most of the heat from your body escapes from your head′ 501′[t be Wearing a hat.And like everybody atways wear decorated bras′ and that During the MoonWalk′ iぜ s important etse′I′ [[be wearing a decorated bra. inctudes the men! to maintain blood sugar tevets′so I′ tt e)___ b)__ be eating energy bars′bananas and Any exercise is a huge mentat chattenge A s y o u c a n s eIe′ m n o t a h e a t t h f r e a k ′other fruit snacks at regutar intervats. for me.It′ s a constant battle for me to l o b u t f o r t h e M o o n W a l k l n e e d t o b 30 e i0f n COurse it′ s atso vital to stay 50 Stay motivated enough to keep up with g o o d g e n e r a t h e a tstoh ′I[′ [be working hydrated′so I′ [l be dlnking ptenty of the training.I need to宙 sualise myself on my stamina and generat fitness water along the way. r e a c h i n g t h e f i n i s h i n g uh no ep .e ¨ futly tevets. liI′be 9oing to the gym four d)__ not on my hands and knees. t i m e s a w e e kd′ o i n g a c o m b i n a t i o n o f Power― walking gear is very simitar to Atso′ in the back of my mind l need 15 Cardio′ tralnlng. 35 running gear:tight ctothes that allow 55 tO remember the reason for dolng this: aerobics and strength― C)___ the air to circutate and your skin to when I′ ve completed this MoonWalk′ I′ m the type of person who tikes breath. I′ [l definitety be investing in aI′ tt have contributed a sum of money c h i p s w i t h m y c h iapnsd′ s o mI ′a b i t good palr of tralners.Although povver―t o a v e r y 9 o o d c a uasned′t h a sぜ w h a t w o r l e d a b o u t t h e d i e t . A p p a r e n t l y ′ walking doesn′ t put as much pressure witl keep me going. 20 Carbohydrates are crucial for keeping 4 0 0 n t h e j d n t s a s r u ni ntsi′nsgu Ld o e s ′ 2 Ch00se the correct collocation in these comprehension questions.Look back atthe article′ if necessary. a) WhiCh good cause does the Moon1/Valk earn/raise llnoney for? b) ヤヽ 「 hat vvill Claire be doing to imprOve her general fitness/health levels? C)HOW Will She be supplementing her diet/food? d) VVhyヽ Vill she need to eat snacks at cOnstant/regular intervals during the vvalk? e) VVhy vvill she be investing in a good pair/set of trail■ ers? f)ルヽ h a t w i l l b e a t t h e b a c k o f h e r b r a i n / m i n d w h e n s h e i s d o i nゝ gl kt?h e M o o ヽ Answer the questions. Have you or has anyone you know ever done anything to raise lnoney for a good cause?Tell a partne■ Challenge GralrlrTlar Future continuous and future perfect l Look back atthe article about Claire JOnes On page 40.Find examples ofthe future continuous and the future perfect to add to the table.Then answer the questions α and b. Future continuous I′ ll be working on that ′ Thillgs sЙθ″ J bθ″θ「 77g tO preparo for the L4oonWalk report tomorrow Future perfect │ ′ I S O m e t h i n g s Йβ″ υιグοrrβwhen she/s "α l COmpleted the MoonWalk Things s力ι′ :J bθ ′ο′ ′ ば during the L〔oonWilk I′ ll have finished it by 6.00p.m. ′ S力θ::bι ′ た′g b4カι r s′ α解′ 4α "ο “ れ ′″η ι 惚:′ ′ 4“,ルυ ι IS・ ′ a)い 喘 Ch tense describes an acaon that will be'4′ Юg″ssクサa certain dme h the future? b)い hiCh tense describes an action that will θ θ be サ ′bンa certain time in the future? ι ′Iι “ Write future cOntinuous sentences.Use ωゴ ″orωο竹with″ rabα bりor′ a/i“ ′ 姥ι νto “ make them true for you. a) In abOut an hOur froln nowち I(have)___ lunch. j昭″η レα bθ 夕 ′ α ηλ ο 夕 γ ″ 7P/1切 Юι θ α ι 力 α υ ε 力 . /roπ ′ ″bι b)In a few hOurs′ time′I(dr市 e)___hOme. c)From eight o′ clock this evening′I(wOrk Out)___atthe gym. d)At nine o′ clock this evening′ I(watch)_ TV e)ThiS time next yeaし I(WOrk)____in an office. f)Ten years from now/1(1市 e)___atthe same address. Think aboutthings you will have done by the end oftoday.Write future perfect sentences using these prompts. By the end oftoday7.… a) Spend/(mOney)I′ 7:λ 夕υιs′ θ 4′£lθθ,d) gO into/shops g) eat/Chocolate b)Send/text messages e)do/eXercise h)spend Online/(time) C) Speak tO/peOple f) driVe/kilometres i) say sο γ γ ノ/times ⅣIake questions using Haaフ ηπ α t/.…2or Hοω ′ ″ ι .¨?Then ask a partne■ "c力 “ 3ンナ ル ο′夕多 力οω πツε力協οηッ 蒻 I I ン ο2 カαυι S ′ θηナ7 ヴナ `4′ and do Exerclse 2. Listening&Vocabulary l Steve Work with your partnen Look atthe′ a) HOヽ ν rnuch exercise do you do? Top ten′list and discuss the questions. b) What stops you doing exercise? l You hate l. 2 You cant afford a gym membershlp. 3 You're not motル ated. 4 丁he weathert too bad. 5 You're too lred after work. 6 Youdon't know how to exerclse. 7 ‖hurts. 8 You dont have Jme. 9 1t doesn't make any dlfFerence. 1 0 You look terrible in Lycra. 鮨騨1.37_1.40 Listen to four people(Steve′ Ⅳ【 aria′San■and Tiin)being asked the questions in Exercise l.Which reasons do they give for not doing exercise? Work with your partne■ Go to the Additional inaterial on Page 128. Challenge 41 Reading l You′ re going to read an article aboutthe challenge of giving up smoking.Think of.… hg up smoking. a)three g00d reasons for g市 b)three reasons why people smoke. C)three different met12ods peoPle uSe to g市 e up smOkhg. 2 Read the article and find out.¨ a) the VVriter′ vanting to give up smoking。 s reasons for、 b)the Writer′ s reasons wl■y he smokes. C)the methOd the writer has used to try to g市 e up smoking. Do you think the writer is likely to give up smoking in the near future? Why?/Why not? Three packs of cigarettes were lying there on the pavement.l hopped down from Yefim Shubentsov's office doorstep,picked them up and pocketed them.Later,in a bar,vvhen l opened the first pack,l 5 fOund― to my de‖ ght… the tvventy cigarettes intact, │'rn sti‖ atthe bar,telephone in one hand and the cigarettes in the other.:'m dia‖ lng Shubentsov,who told me to ca‖ the momentlfeltthe urge to smoke. !fee!it,fee!it even stronger than l felt Shubentsov's lo hea‖ng energy.丁 hat's saying something,since Shubentsov ls knovノ n around the worid for curing smokers of their nasty hablt,using a mystical method.He transmits his hea‖ ng energy from his fingertips,he te‖s rne― something he picked up 15 frOm another bloke ln Russia.`l help you forfree,' he told me in his muddy accent.`」 ust ca‖ me whenever. IMノent tO see Shubentsov because lthink it's tlrne to stop.丁ime to stop because l'm getting old, 20 and l can't keep doing this to myself But here's the real problem.l should quit,but‖ ke a lot of you strugg‖ng with the same habit,l rea‖ y don't want i claim to smoke for pleasure,but l se rea‖ that y ,l'm loslng control of this close, 35 S10Wly,stead‖ special friend.l hate that.l se rea‖ it's notiuSt a `habit'.l'm hooked. So here l am,attempting to give up again,at Shubentsov's place.!'ve tried the a‖ other qulttlng 40 teChniques ava‖ a ble.Anytime the urge to smoke st‖ kes,he sald,iuSt Call hlm immedlately and he'll help.The funny thing is,l rea‖ se that l'm not phoning him to stop me from‖ ghting up.!'m phonlng him so l can.lf l ca‖,│'‖have done my 45 part.Then l can smoke this cigarette.Besides, l knovv that at 9.30 on a Friday night,lサ │l get the answering machine.:do.(丁 he office is open from ten to four.Ca‖ me backthen.丁 his machine does nottake messages.' 50 1 putthe phone down and l can honestly say l'rn re‖ eved.You see,lt's not Shubentsov's fault or anyone else's fauit that l'm stl‖ smoking.!t's mine. Now if you'll excuse me,rm going to smoke this cigarette.Whether!'│!rea‖y enioy it, 55 thOugh,is another story. to.At!east,not yet. Smoking has been very 9ood to me.Cigarettes 25 haVe never!et me down,never abandoned me on lonely,desperate nights.Srnoking clears my head, he!ps me think.Smoking has started conversations, driven avvay annoying people.Srnoking helps me 、 celebrate victories,get overlosses,comfort 30 the also chases avvay the mosquitoes. !wi!l qul.Soon.My body and my mind are demanding thatl do,dally. It takes a lot of 翼 42 Challenge 戸C k S t h u p p h n s a t v b l T l : L a n l struggle verb[Tl:岬 hard tO dO stll ぎ 幸 Glossary feel the urge phrase:fccl a stong nccd or desire cure sb of sth verb[T]:stOp sb's bad habit strength to do this. cabula Work with a partne■ lDiscuss these questions about phrasal verbs.Use a dictionary if necessary. a) What iS the difference in IIneaning bet■ veen′ ′ εた″bοοた ′ and′ ′ Cた夕″ α4gタク gθ ? "′ Which ineaning is idiomatic?VVhich lrneaning is literal? “ b)WhatiS the difference in meaning between l gα υθ′ and l gαυθ″ノカοttι γ た′ ? "θ “ Which verb is transitive?Which verb is intransitive? “ C)Lο οたSル ηフis transitive and separable.7Vhich ofthe following PattemS iS not た 湖 /1 1ο possible:I Iθ θ ι グッ′チ カ ο ο ル′チ カ ο″ z′/1 1ο ο ル′夕′グ ′/1:οο た θ グ′ サ ? `ω `ω "′ d) llοοた′サ οs,力is transitive and not separable,VVhich of these patterns are not “ ′ ι ′/1 1ο possible:I Iο θ た θ ′′ 4′ θι 力θπ′ナ ο レグナ カ ′ ′ ι r,4サ 0/1 Jοθ た ′/1 1ο サ ι グ,4サ θ′ θ ル′′ `z夕 ′ 4′θ? Identify all the phrasal verbs in the article on page 42.For each one′ decide。 ¨ ・ if the rneaning is literal or idiomatic. O if the verb is transitive or intransitive. O if the transitive verb is separable Or nOt separable. Use an appropriate phrasal verb from the article to rewrite the underlined Phrases at the end of these sentences. a) The Writer found three packs of cigarettes on the ground― ―力ι′′ σ たθ ′ナ カθ . ηz z′ he took them b) Shubentsov wasn′ t born with healing power in his fingertips― C)Cigarettes have been good to the writer― . he learnt it. d ) S m O k i n g i s h e l p f u l w i t h liots shetst― so撃 u reCOVer from them. e)There′ s an answering machine in Shubentsov′s office― ・ … Complete the sentences by putting the obieCt pronoun in brackets in the correct position。 Phrasal verbs come down with sth become itt feet up to sth feet strong a)IStOpped smoking when lsaw a■ lm aboutit at school.It really put Off.(me) b)Whenever there′ s■u going round l always seem to come down with.(it) C)If I Catch a cold in winter it usually takes me ages to(it) shake off。 d)My father has always been very nt.It′ s a pity l don′ ttake a■ e■(him) enough to do sth put sb off make sb dishke sth e) Atthe end Of a day/the lastthing l wantto do is go running.Ijust t don′ shake sth off get rid of sth′ feel up to.(it) f)I dOn′t need to do any exercise― my kids wear out.(me) eg an itiness take after sb be like an otder retative wear sb out make sb feet very tired Are any of these sentences true for you? Speaking ldentify the phrasal verbs in these statements about health.How many do you knOw?Look them uP in a dictionary if necessary. a)I Can′ t keep up with allthe new diets that come out every year. b)Ik■ OW I need to lose weight butI keep putting it off. C) My prOblem is thatl can′t do without chocolate. d)I WiSh SOmeone would come up with a non―fattening chocolate that tastes as good as the realthing. e)I′ m alsO trying to cut down on caffehe. f) I need tO take up a new sport′ but not one thattakes up too rnuch time. 2 期戯 疇 l S gZυ θ η傷′ ツZιS力α ′ S,7Zθ た ブ ηg γ ι θ θ κオ 7ン wOrk in groupso Which ofthese statements do you relate to l■ Challenge ost?Tell your partnen 43 useful phrases&Pronunciation l Read the conversations and lnatch an aillnent to each one. difficulty sleeping hay fever sunburn aれ visted ankle a sore throat a spliJ瞳 ng headache A B Oh dear―you Look like death vvarmed up! Late night last night? N o ′n o t r e a l l y . B u t l c otu lsdtne′ e p . I d ot n ′ t h i n k l s t e p t a aw ni dn k ′ now l feeL exhausted. Oh′iビ s horttble when that happens.You shoutd try… . C D C D C Oh dear!VVhat happened? I′ ve done something to my ankte.Iぜ s kitling mel Oh deal you poor thing!It looks really swotten。 I know7 and it′ s getting worse. If you ask me′you need to ... Ugh!I can′t swattow anything. Oh yes′I know what you mean.I was the same tast week.I could only eat ice cream! So′what did you do7 y o u c o u l d t r y t h i.s . … Wett′ t touch my back! G: Don′ H: Why?Whaぜ s up? t bother to put any sunblock on. G: I wanted to get a tan quickly so l didn′ H: Oh wett′it serves you right then′ doesnt it? G: It really stings. H: Have you trled.¨ When did it start? A f t e r dI ′ been ptaying computer games for a few hours.I feet as if my head′ s going to explode! ve only got yourself to blame′ I: Oh wett′you′ havent you? ve I′ taken aspittn′ and it hasn′ t vvorked. J: I knovL I know. But you could try.… I: Wett′ く L Have you got a coLd? I atways get a streaming nose and red eyes at this No′I′ m att right― time of the yea■ That must be awfut,If l were you′I′ d.… Work with a partne■ Look atthe conversations in Exercise l and complete each one with your own advice. 讐`1.41 Listen and compare yourideas with the o五 ginal conversations。 鰺鷲1.42 Read and listen to the highlighted useful phrases in the conversationso Are the listeners being sympathetic or unsympathetic? Practise the useful phrases with your partneL Try tO use the same stress and intonation as the recording. Work with your partnen Student A look at your problems on page 128.Student B look at your problems on page 131.Follow the instructions. 44 Challenge cabula Phrasal verbs l Work with a partnen The diagrams show combinations ofthe two most colnl■on verbs with the six lnost conll■ on particles found in phrasal verbs。 あ 囲 ・ Choose six from the t■velve possible phrasal verbs and think of a meaning for each one. ● Decide if the phrasal verbs you have chOsen are transiave[Tl eg Iナ ο ′ θ θ O れゾz ノε α O r i n t r a n s i t i v e′ [レIれ l eた gげT t t ι ′ " οdefinition and ● VVrite a′vocabulary entry′ showlllg the gralninar/the an example sentence.Use a dictionary if necessaり 1 /1′ ′ オ ′グθ′ ′ カゴ αセ s′ た夕′fTJ=s″ γ ttι 電 Sθ 電 4`ω ― υιル s′″ル 夕′た鍬 ′ 昭・ “ Complete the following questions with′ 0″ αた `or gι`。 a)Whattime do you___up during the week? b) Do you always_____° uttravelinsurance when you go abroad? あ И C) HOW Well do you and your brothers and sisters_____on? d)Do you ind that grammar rules are easy to_in? e) VVhattime do you usually_____off wOrk? f) What SOrt of things_____you down? Ask your partner the questions. 0″ 4 C)____On D)___up ∬ n 0 0 B)___On 一 A)θ οzι up D ⊃ 助 rcι ost conll■on verbs fOund ′″ ち′ ち εο′θ ′ga and sθサare the six l■ “ “ in phrasal verbs.Decide which conlmon phrasal verb is being defined by each ofthe′ meaning inenus′ Aミ 、 Replace the underlined words or phrases in sentences α ― /with the correct form of an appropriate phrasal verb frOm Exercise 3. in the world. a)I neVer miss the news.Ilike to know what′ s― b) I al■7ays try to leave early when I′ve got a long way to drive. vin. C) I buy a 10ttery ticket every、 veek but my numbers never、 d) You don′ t need a university educatiOn to be successful. 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 2 3 4 5 9oto speakto sb 7 to higher poinvleVel become ava‖ able 8 appearin sky needto be deaL wth 9 w n money with a ucket travelfurther north 10 about plants aboutinformalon ll beludged in court when sbis sick +PHRASES getinto bus etc 6 be suocessful conJnue doing sth e n7 d sb e wf t百t h s b b e c h o s e n f o r g r O u p evt cd o s8t hf i n a ‖ appearon a programme +PHRASES a s k n g h O ws bw ed‖i d s t h e)I′ m SO busy lcan′ t acceュ a ny mOre work atthe moment. f)My natis quite smallso wheneQユ He単 e sttt they have to sleep on the sofa・ Are any of the sentences true for you?Compare with your partneL Work with your partneL SOme phrasal verbs are inade up of a verb and two particleso Add αち/04ο ′Or ω to complete these sentences. Use your dictionary if necessary. “ I `協 a) /1S thatthe best you can come up_____?′ b)′ When dOesitcome up___renewal?′ C) d) e) f) ′ JuSt get on_____it.VVe haven′ t got all day!′ ′ StOp going on_____Irne′ Will you?′ ′ t put up_____this any longe■ /1 Can′ ′ I nlighttake you up_____that one of these days.′ Decide in what context somebody lnight say these sentences. l 2 3 4 5 6 oontinue happening 7 1ml:pass happen 8 base an opinlon on sth b en」 a n a c i v i t y l s t a9t eg o t o a p l a c e b e f o r e s b elect‖ c ty etc:work 10 wa k on stage etc t a l k t o o amguacihnノ do sth after l bund a wa‖ etc 6 1et sb stavin your house 2 1xsthto a /post wa‖ 7 suggest sbfor a posklon 3 increase the value of sth 8 suggest sth/sb 4 give money 9 try tO achieve/prevent sth 5 raise sth 4 c a u s e s t h avc c i d e n t a ‖ l bgёi n a i o u r n e y 2 make sth startworking 5 makesb/sth ook attracive 3 make Sth exp19de 6 make sblaugh/cry/talk a lot Check your own dictionary.Look up phrasal verbs under the entries for cο ηπ .Ch。 。se five new phrasal verbs to らg′ちgο′′夕ちSιt and=αrcθ learn. l employ sb 4 nght or compete againstsb 2 develop character etc 5 decide to do sth 3 acceptwork/responsib‖ ity Challenge