LION`S TALE - Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at


LION`S TALE - Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at
Lion’s Tale
Spring 2015
Leading in Academics, Philanthropy, and Recruitment
ur chapter grows and improves each year, and we are excited to
be at the helm of an incredible era for Indiana Beta. This year, the
undergraduate brothers are making an extra effort to reach out to our
alumni to make our fraternity stronger than ever before. As one of the
oldest chapters in the area, we have established ourselves as a leading
organization throughout SAE once again. Today we have over 180
active members, all of whom contribute to the growth and welfare of our
Indiana Beta has dramatically increased its presence in community service
and philanthropic endeavors this year. Over 70 brothers participated in last
semester’s Purdue University Dance Marathon, an 18-hour philanthropy
event conducted by a student organization whose mission is to raise
money and awareness for the Children’s Miracle Network. Our chapter
(Continued on page 2)
A True Gentleman
Brother Patrick Sullivan ’16 Wins Charles O. McGaughey Leadership Award
iven the negative publicity of late about
fraternity behavior by a few outliers, it is a
good time to reflect on how this is the antithesis
of life at Indiana Beta.
Our chapter walks the talk about leadership on
campus and beyond. One need look no further than
Brother Patrick Sullivan ’16, who is emblematic
of the type of actives that the chapter has recruited.
He has distinguished himself on many fronts.
Patrick was nationally recognized last year at the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 79th John O. Moseley
Leadership School as Outstanding Eminent
Treasurer of the Year and runner-up for Chapter
Financial Management. This month, we were
notified that Patrick was awarded the prestigious
Charles O. McGaughey Leadership Award,
which honors Purdue undergraduates who show
leadership abilities and appreciation for basic
Brothers Bill Vinovich ’62, Patrick Sullivan ’16, American values. He was also awarded the 2015
Joe Murphy ’16, and Norm Blake ’64 attended the John Wooden Leader of the Year Award from the
Purdue Interfraternity Council.
Purdue vs. Michigan State game last fall.
Besides holding several chapter offices, he is
the vice president of administration for the
Purdue Interfraternity Council. He was a driving force in creating and
implementing a new alcohol policy that bans high-proof alcohol from
all chapter properties and events on campus. Presidents of all but one
fraternity voted to adopt the new policy.
Congratulations to Patrick, one of many True Gentlemen at Indiana Beta.
Phi Alpha,
Bob Parrin ’72
Treasurer, SAE Purdue House Corporation
(317) 475-1533 |
Indiana Beta
By Pictures
Indiana Beta brothers during a ski trip.
Jake Van Vuren ’17 and
Joe Murphy ’16 during the holidays.
Page 2
Purdue SAE Proud to Be True Gentlemen
y now you know of the appalling actions
of some University of Oklahoma SAE
members, who are neither True Gentlemen
nor brothers. How many negative adjectives
apply to such behavior? Racist, repulsive,
horrid, intolerant, entitled, insensitive,
and disgusting are but a few that come
to mind. Moreover, the renegades at
Oklahoma insult our African-American
True Gentlemen at SAE Purdue where we
reject racism.
The actions of some ex-SAEs at Oklahoma in no
way reflect the character of SAE Purdue where
the chapter is highly diverse. For decades,
we’ve had African-American True Gentlemen,
and we face stiff recruitment competition
from top ranked African-American and some
narrowly focused fraternities. Right now, SAE
Purdue also counts Asian, Southeast Asian,
Middle Eastern, Jewish, and Hispanic brothers
as True Gentlemen who are building on our
123-year tradition. Our 175+ active members
more than mirror the makeup of the Purdue
student body.
How do we recruit and select our members?
We always seek True Gentlemen either based
on what they are today or how we think
they will learn and grow. Yep, we look for
academics and activities, and we always seek
new brothers who can make SAE Purdue even
better. We seek quality, and we reject any
form of discrimination. It’s the old corporate
bromide of wanting to recruit individuals who
are better than you are.
I know these facts, because I’m privileged to
have spent an aggregate of more than three
weeks annually since 2009 at 406 Littleton
working hands-on with the undergraduates
in recruiting and other matters. In the last six
years, I’ve personally met more than 3,500
potential members. It’s pleasing to watch SAE
Purdue outperform the chapter we knew back
in the day. SAE Purdue is the antithesis of a
handful of bigots at Oklahoma.
More important than all the bragging statistics
we can cite is the plain fact that SAE Purdue
walks the True Gentleman talk in seeking and
embracing anyone who embodies our high
ideals. We repudiate behavior such as that at
Oklahoma, and our actions prove it.
If you’d like to talk, please call. Or, please
contact our chapter EA, Austin Cornell ’16,
at (518) 428-4713 or austin.cornellsae@gmail.
com. You have every reason to be a proud
Purdue SAE.
Phi Alpha,
Wayne McIntyre ’64
Vice President, SAE Purdue House Corporation
(408) 930-1438
Alumni from the 1960s reunited
at the Indiana Beta house.
Ryan Jamieson ’17, Steven Greco ’15,
Greg Kenter ’16, Kyle DiGioia ’17, and Adam
Schwarz ’17 volunteer at a local school.
(Continued from page 1)
alone raised over $17,000 for the organization. A GROWING ALUMNI NETWORK
This semester, we restored the SAE tradition Our alumni are the most crucial part to
of Paddy Murphy Week to become leaders our chapter’s sustained success. The active
in philanthropy on campus once again. We members continue to improve communication
raised nearly $10,000 for the Wounded Warrior with our alumni in order to keep our brothers
Project, an organization that helps families of involved from every decade of Indiana Beta’s
wounded American soldiers post-9/11. We also past. As we prosper on campus, we know
provided service for a local veteran’s home to that involvement from our alumni will help
make a positive impact in our own community. us maintain the level of success that we have
worked tirelessly to achieve. You can help
with our effort to recruit the best and brightest
incoming freshmen. If you know of candidates,
It’s no surprise that as our chapter improves please submit a recommendation available at
every year, so do our grades. We have promoted under the recruitment tab.
scholastic achievement in our house now more
than ever; increased academic resources, At this year’s Gala, the undergraduate brothers
mandated study hour programs, and local and were thrilled to see many of our alumni return
alumni donated scholarships have led to higher to the Lodge. We sincerely appreciate the
chapter-wide scholastic achievement. For three support of our generous and loyal alumni
consecutive semesters, our GPA has stayed brothers and hope to see you soon!
above a 3.0 and has remained well above the
all-men’s average at Purdue. Our chapter also Phi Alpha,
received the Academic Achievement Award Austin Cornell ’16
from the Interfraternity Council for the spring Eminent Archon
’14 and fall ’14 semesters.
Page 3
Carlo Alviar
Indianapolis, Ind.
Jack Ball
Indianapolis, Ind.
Austin Cannella
Wheaton, Ill.
Matt Jaworowski
Fishers, Ind.
Johnathan Karahalios
Crown Point, Ind.
Michael Keller
Columbus, Ind.
Mitchell Volpe
Carmel, Ind.
Eminent Archon
Austin Cornell ’16
Guilderland, N.Y.
Eminent Treasurer
Von Wiltman ’17
Pittsburgh, Pa.
EDA, Internal
Brenden McKeon ’18
De Soto, Mo.
EDA, External
Joe Murphy ’16
Rossville, Ind.
Thank You, Generous Alumni
e wish to thank all those who contributed to our annual campaign in the 2014 cycle. These donors gave
more than $20,000. Your dedication to SAE is appreciated and helps us improve our programming for
undergraduates and alumni alike.
The 2014 cycle donors are listed below in their annual campaign giving level for 2014. If an error has been made in
recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted or listen improperly, we sincerely apologize. Please
send corrections to Bob Parrin ’72 at Thank you, again, for giving back to the chapter—it truly
does make a difference!
Sons of Minerva
($2,500 and above)
True Gentlemen Club
($1,500 to $2,499)
Norman P. Blake Jr. ’64
Phi Alpha Club
($1,000 to $1,499)
Phil H. Wagner ’64
Randal A. Sergesketter ’80
Brian R. King ’97
406 Littleton Club
($500 to $999)
George Scalise ’56
Lewis G. Green Jr. ’60
E. Brian Smith ’60
Charles H. Alexander ’64
Stephen A. Lochmoeller ’67
Roger B. Gatewood ’68
Bill M. Frederick ’82
Greg J. O’Daniel ’90
Strawn C. Markle ’95
Andrew J. Martin ’96
Indiana Beta Club
($250 to $499)
Robert Kirk ’52
Charles W. Kehrt ’59
Leonard W. Busse ’60
Charles W. Sanders ’61
Edward F. Chouinard ’63
Carl Koontz ’64
William R. Litzler ’64
Thomas D. Wilson ’67
Ralph E. Roper Jr. ’68
Steven E. Short ’68
Robert Altenkirch ’70
Gregory J. Vogelman ’95
Daniel R. Byles-Smith ’09
Phoenix Club
($100 to $249)
Robert S. Sternberger ’42
Charles E. Hattery ’43
Alan H. Lobley ’49
Richard E. Wood ’49
Neal B. Royer ’51
Donald L. Shaw ’51
E. Clifton Wilson ’51
Richard W. Butler ’53
Lawrence A. Framburg ’53
James H. Lowe ’53
Virgil G. Burkhardt ’55
Dennis T. Karras ’56
Richard Lyon ’56
Armand O. Norehad ’56
Dominic J. Picco ’56
Lucien C. Woodhouse ’56
Donald H. Morton ’57
David A. Bigler ’58
Gilbert W. Rowe ’58
H. Bailey Terry Jr. ’58
Charles W. Ashing III ’59
Russell A. Nippert ’59
Paul A. May ’60
Robert D. McIlroy ’60
Anthony Manlove ’61
Peter H. Schueler ’61
Herbert W. McGuire ’62
William N. Vinovich ’62
William S. Anderson ’63
Stephen E. Egger ’63
Robert H. Frushour ’63
Charles M. Jensen ’63
Gregory S. Smith ’63
Michael D. Leahy ’64
Bruce T. Cundiff Jr. ’65
William D. Schmicker ’65
Andrew E. Cummins ’66
James A. Gerlach ’66
Robert S. Terry ’68
John F. Wahl ’68
Robert R. Johnson ’69
Cliff Sondgerath ’69
James C. Fisher ’70
Robert W. Rush ’70
Donald S. Meck ’71
Donald J. Haerer ’76
Patrick K. Harrington ’80
William J. McConnell ’80
Keith L. Welcker ’80
Nick F. Stein ’82
Thomas B. Poole ’83
Roy B. Heimbrock ’84
Alex A. Jacobs ’84
David A. Boss ’85
Maurice D. Galey Jr. ’85
Sean M. Margiotta ’87
Brian E. Pulver ’91
Greg M. Ansems ’92
Bradley L. Benhart ’92
Peter A. Greenley ’92
Gregory M. Lewis ’92
Gregory W. Mauro ’92
Thomas S. Pruitt ’92
Kurt S. Schmiegel ’92
Gregory M. Wenstrup ’92
Brian T. Irwin ’93
William D. French ’94
Patrick L. Lehman ’95
Daniel Neie ’95
John D. Zarnowiecki ’95
Clement C. Dauk Jr. ’96
Drew B. Anspach ’07
Nicholas R. Tenhundfeld ’07
Boilermaker Club
(Up to $99)
Al D. Croxall ’42
James A. Foster ’48
A.T. Sprich III ’53
Donald C. Himsel ’55
Frank P. Miller ’57
John H. Hager ’58
Lloyd C. Cooper ’59
Robert E. Gotschall ’59
Robert W. Butler ’60
James H. Helm ’60
John D. Burckell ’62
Ronald R. Clark ’62
William C. Bultman ’67
Stephen Freigherr ’67
Thomas J. Resh ’67
Terry K. Ryker ’69
John B. Fillion ’71
John M. Kensill ’71
Robert M. Freeman ’77
Grant T. McBee ’80
David G. Sturm ’81
James B. Wood ’84
John K. Doyle ’91
Jeff Decicco ’92
Alan W. Polster ’95
Anthony W. Roberts ’98
Jeffrey T. Short ’04
Nicholas W. Gibson ’09
Chapter Provided an
Enhanced Collegiate Experience
orty years is a long time to remember
things, especially from a time as hectic
as college is for most of us. But for Mark
Hopkins ’79, his experience with Sigma
Alpha Epsilon stands out as if it were
yesterday. Mark feels that the fraternity
was one of the highlights of his college
career. He remembers attending football
games and various social events with his
brothers. Each year, they would prepare
and race in the Purdue Grand Prix. Being
an engineering student, this was the perfect
event for Mark.
Following college, Mark has had an extremely
successful career. He is a partner at Deloitte Consulting
LLP. The company is a business consulting firm that
offers services in four main areas: audit, financial
advisory, tax, and general business consulting. While
his hard work and dedication are what got him to where
he is today, Mark knows that his experience with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon helped him in his career. His
biggest advice to undergraduates is that “95% of the
job is showing up,” something that Sigma
Alpha Epsilon taught him. He also says that
his experience living in the fraternity house
taught him to get along with many different
individuals from different backgrounds, a
very valuable skill in our ever-expanding
Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave Mark great
memories and taught him a lot of lessons
and skills useful for life after college. It is
because of this experience that he wants to
give back to the chapter however he can.
He feels that it’s a responsibility that all alumni have
for future generations to keep the legacy of Indiana
Beta alive. While there aren’t a lot of alumni in the
Atlanta area where Mark works and lives, he feels
that he is still connected to the chapter and has been
reconnecting with other alumni in recent years. “Our
shared experience at Indiana Beta Chapter connects us,
despite the time that has passed since we last spoke.”
It is this connection that reminds Mark of his time at
Indiana Beta and keeps him giving back to the legacy.
Find Us Online
Lion’s Tale
Indiana Beta Chapter of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
P.O. Box 442100
Lawrence, KS 66044-2100
Address service requested
Alumni Update
Chapter Eternal
A. Bernie Keller ’40, age 97, Carmel, Ind.,
entered Chapter Eternal on October 29, 2014. He
graduated from Shortridge High School before
earning his bachelor’s degree in engineering
from Purdue University in 1940. He was a
member of Purdue Glee Club, Optimist Club,
ISPE, ASHRAE, and ISEF. Bernie was also
a leader of AARP, Riviera, and Irvington
dance clubs.
Alumni News
Armand O. Norehad ’56 would like to hear from
brothers in the ’53 initiation class. He resides in
Northfield, Ill. E-mail:
Lucien C. “Craig” Woodhouse ’56 serves on
the Feather River Hospital governing board and
Feather River Health Foundation Board. He
still plays golf and does woodworking. Craig
and his wife, Shirley, have nine grandchildren;
one is a Purdue graduate Beering Scholar.
Gilbert W. “Gib” Rowe Jr. ’58 and his wife,
Marlene, spend their time in Yuma, Ariz.,
during the winter and in Aitkin, Minn., in the
summer. The couple has five children. In 2006,
Gib retired as the sales representative, product
manager and district manager for Hormel
Foods. E-mail:
Herbert W. McGuire ’62 graduated from
Stanford Law School in 1965 and lived in
Palo Alto, Calif., until 1999 when he moved
to northern California to practice law part-time
and grow almonds as a gentleman farmer.
Herb and his wife, Denise, celebrated 53 years
on August 19. They have four children, all of
whom are doing well with their own families.
Terry R. McNelley ’67 is retired from the
Naval Post graduate school in Monterey,
Calif., where he and his wife, Susan, live. He
retired in 2010 after 38 years in teaching and
researching. He and Susan have three married
children and three granddaughters. The couple
enjoys traveling and spending time with family.
Celebrating the Life of
Coach Bud Marsee ’52
oach Bud Marsee ’52, age
86, of Auburn passed away on
February 5, 2015, at Arbor Springs
Health and Rehab after a lengthy
Coach Bud was born in Mishawaka,
Ind., on August 28, 1928, to
Ruth Wheeler and Dwight L.
Marsee. During his school
years in Mishawaka, he played
basketball, golf, and baseball and
graduated from Mishawaka High School in
1946. Following graduation he went to Purdue
University where he lettered in basketball and
golf. Due to an automobile accident en route
to the NCAA golf championship at Stanford
University in 1948, he sustained a spinal injury,
was paralyzed, and was out of school a year
and a half rehabbing himself back home. He
transferred to Florida State University where
he could continue his athletic endeavors. He
graduated from FSU in 1952. After graduation
he worked at The Florida School for Boys in
Marianna, teaching and coaching. He married
Barbara Ann Fryer January 31, 1953.
From 1953 to 1970 he taught, coached, and
was the athletic director at South Broward
High School, Hollywood, Florida. Auburn AllAmerican Tucker Frederickson played on his
high school basketball team. From 1970 till
1984 he coached golf and taught at Broward
Community College, where his teams won
two national junior college
championships. In 1984 he
re-started the women’s golf program
at Auburn University and won the
SEC Championship in 1989. He
became men’s golf assistant coach
in 1992 and retired in 1997. Because
he had taught drafting/lettering at
the high school level, quality golf
tournament scoreboards had become
a priority with him in the 1970s.
After retirement, he and Barbara
continued traveling and doing college and high
school golf tournament scoreboards together.
He had a bachelor of science degree in education
from FSU and a master of education from
Indiana University, where both his parents had
graduated in 1924.
He was a member of Auburn United Methodist
Church and the Mishawaka High School
Athletic Hall of Fame, Indiana High School
Golf Hall of Fame, the National Junior College
Golf Hall of Fame, Golf Coaches of America
Hall of Fame, and the Letterman’s Club at
Florida State University.
He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Barbara,
his son, Richard A. Marsee, grandsons, Ryan
A. Marsee and Jeremy Dickinson, sister-inlaw, Betty Sue Veal, nieces, Pam Kuester (Ed),
Peggy Taylor and Natalie Taylor, and nephew
Josh Taylor.