Measure: Current State Spaghetti Diagram
Measure: Current State Spaghetti Diagram
Visual representation of process Measure: Current State Spaghetti Diagram Registration Triage Nursing Station Walk In Patient Total Time - 4:52 Entry to Triage – 45min Triage to Bed-1:30 Bed to Disposition-2:35 Ambulance Patient Total Time - 6:20 Entry to Triage – 30min Triage to Bed 15 min Bed to Disposition-5:35 1 Purdue Research Foundation© Metrics Are Specified Measure: Data Collection Plan Data Collection Plan Data Collection Plan Proposed Graph ED Turn Around Time Data Source* Daily Daily / Segregate month Daily / Segregate month Daily / Segregate month Daily / Segregate month Elopements ED Volume Patterns Radiology Lab EVS Data to be Collected Avg. by Day and Q2 hr intervals by time of day by by by by Daily / Segregate by month Operational Definition Who? Wellsoft Patient arrival to leaving the ED (Arrival-triage; TriageRegistration; Registration-bed; Triage-bed; Bed-Time seen by Dr.; Dr. to Disposition; Disposition to leave ED, hrs of diversion All ED Patients 100% ED Patients ZB Wellsoft LWOT, LWTC, LWBS, AMA, All ED Patients 100% ED Patients ZB Wellsoft Time of Day and Day of Week All ED Patients 100% ED Patients ZB Cerner / Manual Turn around time for ER Survey Turn around time for ER Survey All ED Patients 100% ED Patients MJ Casey All ED Patients 100% ED Patients Rose All discharges and transfers 100% of rooms Michelle ED incidents incl elopments and AMA's 100% of ED incidents r/t wait times delays, elopments & AMA's Rob ED Complaints 100% of ED complaints r/t wait time complaints Kathy W Sunquest? Manual Rec'd room request to room ready by housekeeping Risk Mgmnt Daily / Segregate by month Incident reports / STARS # & type of incidents r/t wait time delays and risk Patient Complaints Daily / Segregate by month Patient complaint Excel vs. UHC # & type of complaints r/t wait time delays 2 Sample Size Purdue Research Foundation© Measure: Discharge Process Weekend Delays Procedure & Testing Denials Q3 '07 n=57 60 91% 90% 86% 50 81% 80% Data Provided To Describe the Problem ? 70% 40 Days 96% 95% 100% 98% 70% 60% 58% 89% occurre d on we e ke nd 30 100% occurre d on we e ke nd 50% 100% occurre d on we e ke nd 40% 20 18 32% 30% 15 20% 10 7 6 3 3 2 10% 1 1 1 0 0% Stress Test General Sx MRI Cardiac Cath GI Sx Colonoscopy Endoscopy Podiatric OR Consult Cause 3 Purdue Research Foundation© Data Provided To Describe the Problem ? Measure: Housekeeping Delay’s Pareto Nursing Delay's in notification to Housekeeping 160 100 80 120 100 60 80 40 60 40 20 20 Nursing Unit 0 Count Percent Cum % 4 Percent Delays > 30 Min 140 B B B A A 2 2 4 3 3 t it t i t t i i i n n n n n U u U U U 41 26.1 26.1 29 18.5 44.6 24 15.3 59.9 19 12.1 72.0 18 11.5 83.4 S B O 3 t i Un 12 7.6 91.1 C 8 5.1 96.2 r e h t O 0 6 3.8 100.0 Purdue Research Foundation© Measure: ED AVG Patients by Day of Arrival Patient Arrival by Time of Day Data Provided To Describe the Problem ? A ver ag e Pat i ent s b y Ho ur and D ay 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 M on 4. 153846154 3. 461538462 2. 153846154 1. 692307692 2. 153846154 1. 846153846 2. 307692308 3. 076923077 4. 384615385 7. 923076923 7. 692307692 10 9. 307692308 9. 230769231 9. 076923077 8. 769230769 8. 461538462 8. 076923077 7. 615384615 7. 846153846 6. 461538462 5. 307692308 4. 153846154 4. 230769231 T ue 2. 846153846 2. 846153846 1. 538461538 1. 461538462 1. 615384615 1. 230769231 1. 538461538 2. 769230769 4. 615384615 5. 769230769 7. 538461538 7. 923076923 8. 846153846 7. 307692308 8. 307692308 8. 230769231 8. 076923077 8. 923076923 7. 615384615 7. 384615385 6 5. 153846154 4. 769230769 4. 076923077 Wed 2. 769230769 1. 769230769 1. 769230769 1. 692307692 1. 230769231 1. 307692308 2. 230769231 2. 923076923 4. 692307692 5. 769230769 7. 461538462 7. 384615385 8. 230769231 7. 923076923 8. 076923077 8. 384615385 7. 384615385 8. 384615385 7. 230769231 7. 538461538 7. 615384615 5. 769230769 5 3. 769230769 T hu 2. 769230769 1. 923076923 1. 692307692 1. 923076923 2. 153846154 1. 461538462 1. 230769231 2. 769230769 4. 538461538 7. 230769231 6. 692307692 8. 923076923 8. 461538462 7. 230769231 8. 153846154 8. 615384615 7. 384615385 9. 461538462 9. 230769231 7 6. 307692308 5. 538461538 3. 923076923 3. 230769231 Fr i 2. 461538462 2. 923076923 2. 307692308 1. 692307692 1. 461538462 1. 384615385 1. 769230769 2. 153846154 4. 769230769 8. 538461538 7. 923076923 9. 153846154 8. 230769231 8. 153846154 8. 153846154 7. 923076923 8. 076923077 7. 307692308 6. 307692308 6. 307692308 6 6. 769230769 5. 230769231 4. 076923077 Sat 3. 384615385 3. 230769231 2. 076923077 1. 769230769 2. 230769231 1. 769230769 2 3. 076923077 3. 692307692 5. 230769231 7. 846153846 7. 076923077 7. 307692308 8. 153846154 6. 846153846 7. 615384615 8. 307692308 7. 153846154 7 6. 769230769 5. 769230769 6. 461538462 6. 846153846 4. 769230769 Sun 3. 666666667 3. 666666667 2 2. 583333333 2. 5 2. 083333333 2. 166666667 2. 75 4. 416666667 6. 583333333 8. 916666667 7. 666666667 8. 666666667 7 6. 833333333 6. 5 6. 833333333 6. 666666667 5. 916666667 6. 75 5. 75 6. 333333333 5. 333333333 5. 083333333 Purdue Research Foundation© Measure: Average ED Arrival Time of Day Data Provided To Describe the Problem ? Pt arrival by time of day May need to update charter with more defined goal as you get data !!!! 1800 1600 1400 Patients 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 Arrival time 6 Purdue Research Foundation© Project Title and Area: Date: Authors: Analyze Understanding the waste & variation Select Project Pre- How does this project move the organization to its goals? Define the problem Why this problem? 1. Business case has been explained 2. Problem statement in measureable terms 3. Data provided to describe the problem 4. Performance gap is described 5. Metrics are specified Define Grading Criteria Removing the waste & variation 1. Current state performance is described 2. Visual representation of process is shown 3. Data describing problem/process is provided 4. Project objectives/goals are specified Set Goal – “SMART” 7 Improve What x’s and processes were measured to Quantifying the waste & variation understand the stated problem? Grading Criteria Preventing recurrence of the waste and variation Control Measure Organization: Purdue Research Foundation© Key A3 Define Grading Criteria 1. Business case has been explained 2. Problem statement in measureable terms 3. Data provided to describe the problem 4. Performance gap is described 5. Metrics are specified 8 Purdue Research Foundation© Key A3 Measure Grading Criteria 1. Current state performance is described 2. Visual representation of process is shown 3. Data describing problem/process is provided 4. Project objectives/goals are specified 9 Purdue Research Foundation© Anthony Veasey, MA,CPHQ , LSSBB | Senior Advisor – Lean Six Sigma 708-790-5541 (office) | 708-790-5541 (mobile) | Purdue Healthcare Advisors | Purdue University 10 Purdue Research Foundation© Appendix 11 Purdue Research Foundation© Radiology Test Turnaround Time ( Case Example) 12 Purdue Research Foundation© Define: Charter Why Is This A Problem ? Project Statement St. Martin’s Hospital in Richmond has a goal for radiology report turn around time of 24 hours for outpatient and emergency room procedures and 8 hours for inpatient procedures. Currently, 70% of the inpatient reports and 56% of outpatient reports are not complete within the expected time frame. The hospital would like to improve test result turnaround time to gain market advantage over their competitors. Project Scope Performance GAP The hospital’s administration has given directives to a multidisciplinary team to identify the factors that effect radiology report turn around time and improve the processes. Improvement in this process will facilitate the strategic growth of the services, improve customer satisfaction and reduce length of stay. The team will identify the processes or procedures that cause delays in report completion, identify process changes to improve performance, meet specified customer expectations, and determine how to implement the improvements. 13 Purdue Research Foundation© Define: Charter Project Objectives/Goals Specified Key Deliverables – Implementation plan for all identified solutions – Increase in the number of reports completed within the goal of 24 hours for outpatient and ER and 8 hours for inpatient to 80%. – Increase in outpatient volume. – Improve customer satisfaction. Financial and Operational Benefits – Increase annual radiology volume by 10% which equates to 18,000 procedures at $100 per procedure annually for a total of $1,800,000. ROI – Reduce length of stay in the ER and on inpatient units. – Increase customer satisfaction to 65% excellence by reducing wait time for procedure and results. – Improve relations with referring physicians. – Decrease unbilled procedures by having reports in patient’s chart within 24 hours. Roles and Responsibilities Champion Jane Doe Process Owner Jim Doe Project BB/GB Ken Doe 14 Members Sam Morton James Dean Arnold Adam Purdue Research Foundation© Define: SIPOC S I P O C SUPPLIER INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT CUSTOMER Patient Procedure Type Radiology Test Ordered Radiologist Physician Orders Ordering Physician Patient Location Procedure Performed Test Results Patient Final Report Ordering Physician Accurate Final Report Radiologist Unit RN’s Radiology Tech Transcription Radiologist availability Film Developed Transcription Services Timely Final Report Coding Patient care delivery Film Read by Radiologist CTQ Report Dictated Report Transcribed Report Signed by Radiologist CRITICAL TO QUALITY Final radiology report is completed within 24 hours for OP and ER and 8 hours for IP. Final radiology report is accurate and complete. Report Placed in Chart 15 Purdue Research Foundation©