HHH - Calumet County
HHH - Calumet County
The Supper Club Capital of the Midwest What is a Supper Club? Well known to those lucky enough to live in Wisconsin, the term sparks curiosity to those outside of the state. A supper club is a traditional dining establishment that also functions, or has had a history of functioning, as a social club. In the 1930’s and 40’s these clubs were considered ‘high class’ yet affordable. They allowed a couple or group of friends to go to the establishment for cocktails, dinner and entertainment. By today’s standards they’re viewed as ‘a lot of good food and fun for a few hours work’, even if most no longer provide entertainment. Supper clubs are unique to the rural areas in the Upper Midwestern part of the United States, and most common in Wisconsin. Typical menus include relish trays, breads, soups, salads, and a hearty meal, accompanied by a Wisconsin favorite drink, the Old Fashioned, with olives or cherries, of course! The Calumet County region has an abundance of supper clubs. It is unknown why there are so many supper clubs, but one theory is because the region was settled by men and woman that worked hard in the farm fields and needed a 'night out' at the end of the week. As more industrialization occurred in the area, people worked in the factories and looked forward to socializing with their family, friends and neighbors. These clubs pride themselves on hand cut steaks, homemade salads and desserts, or other features that built their reputation. For most the recipes have not changed over the years; after all, why change something the people love. Many are even decorated the same as when they were originally established. ® We welcome you to challenge yourself and try all the supper clubs on this map. We guarantee you'll feel a great sense of accomplishment, and maybe even a few extra inches around the waist! 3 7 151 ¤ 41 supper clubs %E 1. Pullmans 3. Red Ox Seafood & Steakhouse 2318 S Oneida St Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-830-4121 www.redoxseafoodandsteakhouse.com % % 96 55 ZZ % 9 1 % 125 2 4 % %D %Z % 10 PP % 57 29 GG 3 % % 32 96 2. Houdini’s Escape Gastropub 1216 S Onieda St Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-574-2616 www.houdinisescape.com % 47 % 619 S Olde Oneida St Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-830-7855 www.pullmansrestaurant.com CC %N % 8 OO 30 % 11 CE 4. George’s Steakhouse 2208 S Memorial Dr Appleton, WI 54911 Contact: 920-733-4939 www.georgessteakhouseappleton.net 5 5. BJ Clancy’s 3341 S Oneida St Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-739-7938 www.bjclancys.com Appleton 7 6 1100 Appleton Rd Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-722-7885 www.michielsbarandgrill.com 1109 Oneida St Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-882-3900 www.stonetoadbarandgrill.com % %N Menasha 6. Michiels Bar & Grill 7. Stone Toad KK % 441 % 114 %K % 151 ¤ 10 ¤ 110 51 8. Marty’s Place W % 55 %M 14 210 N Main St Kimberly, WI 54136 Contact: 920-788-1817 www.martyssupperclub.com 9. Lox Club 591 State St Combined Locks, WI 54113 Contact: 920-788-4401 www.loxclubofcombinedlocks.com 31 13 12 Brillion 10. Darboy Club N9695 Cty N Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-734-7010 www.darboyclub.com %B Sherwood 11. Little Chicago PP % N9650 Friendship Dr Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-462-4393 www.littlechicago.org 27 28 12. High Cliff Restaurant W5095 Golf Course Rd Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-1050 www.highcliffrestaurant.com 13. Shenanigans % 114 % N385 Military Rd Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-1232 www.shananigans-sherwood.com 55 Hilbert 14. The Granary N586 Military Rd Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-1233 www.granarysupperclub.com 15 15. Fishtale Inn % 16. Gobbler’s Knob 18. Capone’s N10302 US 151 Malone, WI 53049 Contact: 920-795-4140 www.caponesofpipe.com 19. Jim & Linda’s Lakeview Supper Club W3496 Cty Rd W Malone, WI 53049 Contact: 920-795-4116 www.jimandlindas.net 20. Blanck’s Supper Club W2655 Cty Rd Q Malone, WI 53049 Contact: 920-795-4484 www.blanckssupperclub.com 21. Schwartz’s Supper Club W1688 Sheboygan Rd New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-894-3598 www.schwarzssupperclub.com 22. Koehrig’s Grand Central House 602 Freemont St Kiel, WI 53042 Contact: 920-894-7630 www.kgch.net 23. The Altona 2306 Calumet Dr New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-5255 www.altonasupperclub.net 24. Roepke’s Village Inn W2686 Saint Charles Rd Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-4000 www.roepkesvillageinn.com 25. Stagecoach Bar & Grill 310 E Main St Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-8321 26. Neighborhood Pub & Grill N5091 Cty Hwy BB Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-3799 27. Schmitz Brothers 2 58 S 8th St Hilbert, WI 54129 Contact: 920-853-3015 28. Village Hearthstone 326 W Main St Hilbert, WI 53014 Contact: 920-853-3013 www.villagehearthstone.com 29. Van Abels of Hollandtown 8108 Cty Rd D Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-766-2291 www.vanabels.com 30. Woodfire Lodge 2687 Man Cal Rd Brillion, WI 54110 Contact: 920-864-7070 www.woodfirelodge.com 31. Cobblestone Creek 740 W Ryan St Brillion, WI 54110 Contact: 920-756-3214 www.cobblestonecrk.com 32. Al Corso 20931 Main St Reedsville, WI 54207 Contact: 920-772-4056 www.alcorsorestaurant.com 32 % Lake Winnebago N10872 US 151 Malone, WI 53049 Contact: 920-795-4574 www.thecedarlodge.com % % EE 101 N Military Rd Stockbridge, WI 53088 Contact: 920-439-1265 17. Cedar Lodge Potter BB W5636 Cty Rd EE Hilbert, WI 54129 Contact: 920-439-1565 JJ % 57 16 26 %Y %E Stockbridge W % 25 %F 151 ¤ 151 Chilton %C 151 ¤ % 151 67 %C 24 %T % G 17 23 H % %X New Holstein 19 % HHH 18 %A HH % 21 % W www.travelcalumet.com 32 151 ¤ 151 20 Q % % G % WH 22 %J HH % XX % Kiel %% 32 57 Disclaimer: This map is for tourism purposes only and Calumet County accepts no liabilities for errors or omissions. Map Date: 2013 FISH FRYS 1. Pullmans* 2. Stone Cellar Brewpub 1004 S Old Onieda St Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-731-3322 www.stonecellarbrewpub.com FISH FRYS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. George’s Steakhouse* Houdini’s Escape Gastropub* Red Ox Seafood & Steakhouse* BJ Clancy’s* Michiels Bar & Grill* Stone Toad* Cimarron Bar and Grill W7170 Hwy 10-114 Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-733-3125 10. Waverly Beach N8870 Fire Lane 1 Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-733-9721 www.waverlybeach.com 11. Lake Park Pub N8904 Lake Park Rd Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-739-1901 www.lppub.com CC %N % % 55 151 ¤ 41 % E % % 4 125 3 2 21 23 22 10 % N 700 Schelfhout Ln Kimberly, WI 54136 Contact: 920-423-3103 % Z 15. Darboy Club* 16. Lox Club* 17. CJ Ritz 25 % GG 301 W 7th St Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-766-2244 71 CE % 18. K-town Sports Bar & Grill 220 Dodge St Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-766-0178 www.ktownsportsbar.com 19. Bleachers 701 Dodge St Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-766-1200 %K % W % 55 Menasha 114 14. Pollywogs Bar 20. Parker’s Playhouse 11 % PP % KK % % 9 730 S Railroad St Kimberly, WI 54136 Contact: 920-788-7275 www.tannersgrillandbar.com % 441 8 13. Tanner’s Bar & Grill 57 24 Appleton 7 32 D 15 5 N225 Stoney Brook Rd Appleton, WI 54915 Contact: 920-830-2510 % % ZZ % 16 12 6 96 13 14 96 1 %% J 17 18 20 19 OO 47 % % 12. Gameday Sportsbar 151 ¤ 26 ¤ 10 110 51 28 3332 27 30 31 23. Pit Stop Bar & Grill % W1560 Cty Rd KK Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-766-9339 67 24. Countryside Golf Club 68 69 W726 Weiler Rd Kaukauna, WI 54952 Contact: 920-766-2219 www.countrysidegolfclubwi.com 25. Van Abels of Hollandtown* 26. Countryside Bar & Grill Brillion 66 % 27. High Cliff Restaurant* 28. The Outpost Pub N606 Knight Dr Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-3300 www.theoutpostpub.com % 114 % 55 29. Almost Johnny’s % PP N7475 Hwy 114 Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-1954 www.almostjohnnys.com Hilbert 30. The Granary* 31. Sherwood Forest N580 Robinhood Dr Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-3400 www.golfsfgc.com 35 Potter % BB N302 Military Rd Sherwood, WI 54169 Contact: 920-989-2470 32 % JJ % 57 36 37 32. Jeanne’s Bar % % EE Lake Winnebago WI Trunk 114 Menasha, WI 54952 Contact: 920-989-1155 B 63 64 65 34 21. Little Chicago* 22. Roundabout Bar & Grill W1696 Cty Rd KK Kaukauna, WI 54130 Contact: 920-462-4729 M 29 Sherwood 121 W 3rd St Kaukauna, WI 53061 Contact: 920-766-7777 www.parkers-playhouse.com Stockbridge W5204 Faro Springs Rd Hilbert, WI 54129 Contact: 920-989-2900 35. Fishtale Inn* 36. Gobblers Knob 62 %E 33. Shenanigans* 34. Bobbers 70 101 N Military Rd Stockbridge, WI 53088 Contact: 920-439-1265 %Y 37. Harbor Bar & Grill 1919 W Lake St Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-439-1450 61 38. Lakeview Campground N4475 Ledge Rd Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-439-1495 38 39. Hansens Kloten Oasis 39 % W 60 40. Quinney Quencher 8 59 5 %F W5626 Quinney Rd Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-439-1341 41. Pete’s Fishermans Inn 57 40 N2197 US 151 Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-2460 151 ¤ 42. Cedar Lodge* 43. Schrage’s Talk of the Town 151 Chilton %C 151 ¤ % 151 67 % C 56 41 % % G 55 % 43 New Holstein % HHH 901 Fremont St Kiel, WI 53042 Contact: 920-894-1999 51 50. Koehring’s Grand Central House* 51. Badger Creek % 48 W 46 % Q % %J HH % W505 Fur Farm Rd New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-4702 53. MT Glass 2122 Wisconsin Ave New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-9030 % 47 52. 7 Corners Bar & Grill X 52 49 HH % 11501 Meggers Rd New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-5760 www.badgercreekgolf.com A 45 44 % XX 50 Kiel % %% 32 57 67 % ¤ % WH What is a Friday Night Fish Fry? In the 1830's and 1840's the Dutch immigrated to the Fox Valley area; shortly after the Germans came and settled the southern part of the Calumet County region. Both the Dutch and the Germans left their homeland seeking religious freedoms, and found the Calumet County region (and other parts of the state) allowed them to freely practice their Catholic religion. With the influx of Catholics, the area began to prosper with small communities being established. Eventually, the landscape was dappled with the small towns and cities we see today. www.travelcalumet.com Disclaimer: This map is for tourism purposes only and Calumet County accepts no liabilities for errors or omissions. Map Date: 2013 54. Twisted Tap 2001 Calumet Dr New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-5600 55. The Altona* 56. Roepke’s Village Inn* 57. Eagles Club 1041 E Chestnut St Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-9223 G 1151 51 44. Capone’s* 45. Jim and Linda’s Lakeview Supper Club* 46. Blanck’s* 47. Marytown Tap 48. Schwartz’s* 49. Tim Allen’s 54 53 H N10847 US 151 Malone, WI 53049 Contact: 920-795-4579 W904 Kiel Rd New Holstein, WI 53061 Contact: 920-898-4753 T 42 W4552 Cty Rd F Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-2493 www.klotenoasis.net Due to the Catholic season of Lent, when meat could not be consumed on Friday, the tradition of a ‘fish fry’ became popular. Unique to Wisconsin, this meal was served at the supper clubs (see the reverse side of this map for more information). Battered or breaded fried fish, served with French fries, creamy coleslaw, rye bread and beer soon became popular, even amongst the non-Catholics. Today fish frys are common in not only supper clubs and taverns, but even in family restaurants and some fast food establishments. The fish ranges from perch, to haddock, to shellfish. The establishments on this map are either taverns or supper clubs known to serve 'Friday Night Fish', as the locals would say. We challenge you to try them all and find just one favorite! 58. Ethel’s 100 W Main St Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-4949 59. Cheers 26 N State St Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 920-849-3058 60. Stagecoach Bar & Grill* 61. Hickory Hills Country Club W3095 Hickory Hills Rd Chilton, WI 53014 Contact: 929-849-2912 www.jjccgolf.com 62. Neighborhood Bar & Grill* 63. Schmitz Brother’s 2* 64. Village Hearthstone* 65. Champs Pub 245 W Main St Hilbert, WI 54129 Contact: 920-257-3974 66. Braun’s Deer Run Golf Course 912 Fairway Dr Brillion, WI 54110 Contact: 920-875-0544 67. Cobblestone Creek* 68. Randy’s Central 115 Jackson St Brillion, WI 54110 Contact: 920-756-3200 www.randyscentral.com 69. Bullwinkle’s Bar & Grill 306 N Main St Brillion, WI 54110 Contact: 920-756-3003 70. Al Corso* 71. Woodfire Lodge* * Establishment information on reverse side
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