Gene therapy
Gene therapy
Zasady i perspektywy terapii genowej Prof. dr hab. Józef Dulak Zakład Biotechnologii Medycznej Wydział Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii UJ Email: jozef. Web page: 05.06.2010 What is gene therapy? Gene therapy Protein Therapeutic gene (transgene) Vector Patient Expression of therapeutic gene Gene therapy is also silencing or replacing the bad genes or overexpression of good genes Which diseases could be cured with gene therapy? Gene therapy was born in... 1962 HPRT-/- cells HAT medium Prof.Wacław Szybalski McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, Wisconsin, Madison, USA HPRT+/+ cells Inborn error of metabolism – deficiency of HPRT HPRT allopurinol Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Children suffering from deficiency of HPRTLesh-Nyhan syndrome Children suffering from deficiency of HPRT- Lesh-Nyhan syndro Development of gene therapy Development of tools (vehicles) Vectors Carriers of the therapeutic nucleic acids Retroviral expression system DMB Gag – core proteins, matrix, nucleocapsid Pol – reverse transcriptase and integrase Env – envelope glycoproteins Retroviral vectors DMB • gag – structural proteins • pol – reverse transcriptase • env – envelope proteins ITR gag pol env • long-term expression due to integration into cellular genome ITR retrovirus ITR ITR transgen Retroviral vector First controlled trial of gene therapy - 1990 DMB HPRT ADA ADA deficiency– results in severe immunodeficiency syndrome Gene therapy of ADA deficiency ADA ADA- ADA+ ADA+ DMB First clinical trial of gene therapy - 1990 Retroviral vector containing correct ADA gene (cDNA) has been transduced into blood lymphocytes This first clinical trial was not „pure” from the methodological point of view. Ashanti De Silva (patient) The patients have been treated concomitantly with enzyme injections – ADA-PEG. Nevertheless, the marker transgene (neo) could be detected in the blood cells of the patients even more than 5 years after injection of modified cells. Gene therapy DMB Ex vivo Cells are isolated, modified in vitro and injected back to the patient Eg. Leucocytes, hepatocytes In vivo Vectors are injected into the diseased tissue eg. into the tumor or healthy tissue Vectors are injected into the blood Vectors DMB Non-viral/plasmids „naked” DNA Lipoplexes Viroplexes (lipoplexes enhanced in proteins from viral capsids) viral RNA Retroviral (including Lentiviral) Complexes With chemical vehicles DNA Adenoviral AAV Herpes Vectors for gene therapy DMB Plasmids Transfection efficacy Capacity Cytotoxicity Expression Retroviral Lentiviral low low unlimited 4-5 kb 9 kb low low low Very low Days-weeks Long-term Long-term AAV moderate 4-5 kb low Long-term Adenoviral „Gut-less” Adenoviral high high 7-10 kb 30 kb high Weeks-months low Long-term Gene therapy clinical trials Types of vectors used in clinical trials of gene therapy DMB liposomes retroviruses naked DNA AAV Six years ago... adenoviruses DMB DMB Clinical trials in gene therapy Phases of clinical trials disease Some Phase II and most Phase III drug trials are randomized, double-blin 26 and placebo-controlled Clinical trials The strongest evidence for therapeutic interventions is provided by systematic review of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving a homogeneous patient population and medical condition. Randomized: Each study subject is randomly assigned to receive either the study treatment or a placebo. Double-blind: The subjects involved in the study and the researchers do not know which study treatment is being given. Placebo-controlled: The use of a placebo (fake treatment) allows the researchers to isolate the effect of the study treatment. Some Phase II and most Phase III drug trials 27 Evidence-based medicine (EBM) According to the Centre for EBM: "Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit and j of current best evidence in making decisions about the care EBM integrates best available research evidence with clinical expertise 28 Registered drugs are only a portion of all tested 29 Succesful gene therapy David Vetter - „Bubble Boy” David has spent 12 years in a foilprotected environment. Finally has received the bone marrow transplantation from his sister, but unfortunately died due to Epstein-Barr virus infection X-SCID deficiency X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X- SCID) Lack of γc gene Restoration of B and T lymphocytes and NK cells D. Kohn et al., Nature Rev Cancer July 2003 Cytokines receptors D. Kohn et al., Nature Rev Cancer July 2003 DMB Cavazzana-Calvo M et al . Gene therapy of human severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)-X1 disease Science 2000: 28 April: 288: 669-672 Gene therapy is efficient in treatment of X-SCID Gene therapy is efficient in treatment of X-SCID DMB Stem cells without correct γc gene Retroviral vector with a correct γc gene DMB Gene therapy has been beneficial to most treated SCID-X1 patients!!! - they can now cope with environment microorganisms and have a normal life in the absence of any specific therapy - no evidence for γc transgene silencing has been observed DMB Potential risk of application of retroviral vectors • gag – structural proteins • pol – reverse transcriptase • env – envelope proteins ITR gag pol env •long-term expression & integration into cellular genome ITR retrovirus ITR ITR transgen Retroviral vector random integration – risk of insertional mutagenesis Integration of retroviral vector into the promoter of LMO2 gene 42 Serious side effects of SCID-X1 gene therapy -development of uncontrolled clonal T lymphoproliferative syndrome, similar to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 4 out of 10 treated children in Paris - due to the integration of a vector into an LMO2 gene either close to the promoter or in the first intron Reasons: 1. LMO-2 locus is a frequent site for retroviral integration – BUT NOT SUPPORTED BY DATA 2. Cells with aberrant expression of LMO-2 could have been selected because the provide a clonal growth advantage December 18, 2007 – a leukemia case has been reported in one of boys treated in hospital in London… Gene therapy has been beneficial to most treated SCID-X1 and ADA patients!!! SCID-X1: 1. French trial – 10 treated, 9 benefited. Unfortunately, four of those who benefited in the begining developed leukemia and one boy died this year because of leukemia. 2. British trial – 10 treated, 10 benefited –one developed leukemia Gene therapy of ADA deficiency Gene therapy of ADA deficiency Spośród 10 pacjentów poddanych leczeniu, naprawę funkcji układu odpornościowego i ochronę przed infekcjami osiągnięto u 9 osób! Podczas obserwacji (średnio 4 lata!) nie zaobserwowano poważnych efektów ubocznych. DMB Enhancing enhancement of gene expression Acquired diseases Caused by endogenous and exogenous factors Gene therapy Substituting delivery of the missing gene Inherited diseases Suppresive inhibition of gene expression Acquired diseases DMB Cancer gene therapy DMB p53-induced cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. The normally unstable p53 protein is stabilized by damaged DNA, so its concentration increases. Acting as a transcription factor, p53 induces expression of p21CIP, a cyclin-kinase inhibitor that inhibits all Cdk1-, Cdk2-, Cdk4-, and Cdk6cyclin complexes. Binding of p21CIP to these Cdk-cyclin complexes leads to cell cycle arrest in G1 and G2 DMB Application of adenoviral vectors for gene therapy Binding and internalization of adenovirus DMB Adenoviruses and adenoviral vectors • ~40 serotypes of adenoviruses (for gene therapy type 2 and 5 were used), causing usually mild illness in humans • Genome consists a 36 kb double-stranded linear DNA with ITR sequences at each end, with: Early genes (responsible for viral gene transcription, DNA replication, host immune suppression and host cell apoptosis Late genes (coding proteins required for virus assembly) • E1 early gene is essential for the subsequent adenoviral gene expression region E1 Adenoviral DNA DNA of 1st generation vector leczniczy gen Adenoviral delivery of p53 gene DMB Adenoviral vector with correct p53 gene TP53 Cancer cell expression of p53 in cancer cell apoptosis First registered drug for gene therapy of cancer 2004 patients with head and neck cancer Gendicine (SiBiono GeneTech, Chiny) Adenoviral vector with p53 gene Advexin – adenoviral vector expressing p53 gene effective in patients with head and neck cancer DMB Cancer gene therapy 1. Direct attack on tumor cells a) transfer of tumor suppressor gene b) inhibition of oncogenes - antisense therapy - ribozymes c) suicide genes d) oncolytic viruses (replication-competent viruses) 2. Harnessing immune response to tumor antigens 3. Chemoprotection 4. Anti-angiogenic therapy DMB Suicide gene therapy Pro-drug (eg. ganciclovir) Vector with a suicide gene (eg. Thymidine kinase) Phosphorylated ganciclovir Inhibition of DNA synthesis in cancer cells Enzyme-prodrug combination for suicide gene therapy Enzyme HSV-tk Prodrug ganciclovir acyclovir valacylcovir Product ganciclovir triphosphate cytosine deaminase 5-fluorocytosine 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cytochrome P450 cyclophosphamide phosphoramide mustard Mechanism blocks DNA synthesis blocks DNA and RNA synthesis (pyrimidine antagonist) DNA alkylating agent; blocks DNA synthesis DMB 1.Glioblastoma multiforme - Infiltrative; rapidgrowing; occurs: most frequently in mid-aged; apt to involve both cerebral hemispheres via the corpus callosum; Average Survival: 1 year Gene therapy for glioblastoma multiforme Kuopio University Mol Ther. 2004 Nov;10(5):967-72 - surgical resection of tumor followed by radiotherapy – all patients - delivery of AdvHSV-tk (3 x 10(10) pfu) by local injection into the wound bed after tumor resection, followed by intravenous ganciclovir 5 mg/kg twice daily for 14 days AdvHSV-tk treatment produced a clinically and statistically significant increase in mean survival from 39.0 +/- 19.7 (SD) to 70.6 +/- 52.9 weeks (P = 0.0095, log-rank regression vs. randomized controls). The median survival time increased from 37.7 to 62.4 weeks. AdvHSV-tk gene therapy with intravenous ganciclovir improves survival in human malignant glioma: a randomised, controlled study Next step for suicide gene therapy in glioblastoma multiforme Results presented by Prof. Seppo Yla-Herttuala from AI Virtanen Institute, Kuopio, Finland at Gene & Cell Therapy Conference, Brugge, November 2008 Phase III trial – Adv-Tk - 3 x 1010 pfu/ml Vector injected into tumor cavity at the depth of 10 mm 250 patients from Germany, France, Belgium, UK, Poland, Finalnd, Czech, Hungary, Israel 1) Standard therapy: mean survival – 308 days 2) + temodar (temozolamide) - 307 days 3) Standard therapy + gene therapy - 300 days 4) + temodar + gene therapy - 350 days DMB Take home messages... DMB Every disease can be (potentially) treated with gene therapy, because every disease has a genetic background! Summary -there are different sorts of vectors used in gene therapy - vectors have their advantages and drawbacks - the most serious limitations of vectors is the risk of induction of oncogenesis (retroviral) or strong inflammatory response (adenoviral) -the aim of gene therapists is to enhance the efficiency and to limit (eradicate) the risk o side effects - however, there is no drug without side effects! Gene therapy can cure the disease not only in experimental animals but also in human – SCID trials Gene therapy will never be a simple method effective in treatment of every disease DMB