October 2012 - New Hampshire Professional Photographers


October 2012 - New Hampshire Professional Photographers
The Official Newsletter of the New Hampshire Professional Photographer’s Association
October 2012
NHPPA October Meeting
Greg Yegar
“Marketing to Capture Your Audience”
Wednesday October 3, 2012, 6 PM
Chateau Restaurant, Manchester, NH
Marketing your services to the general public can be
a costly. Even a simple newspaper ad can cost
hundreds of dollars and the results are often poor at
best. Join Greg for a lighthearted look at how he
changed all that and turned a simple marketing plan
into a "profitable" venture.
Greg Yager is a Certified Professional Photographer
who opened his studio to the public in 1997.
He currently serves as a member of the PPA Forum
Committee and as a Board Member for the KPPA/
PhotoProNetwork. His light hearted approach to
photography and client relations will inspire you to
loosen your collar a bit and learn to enjoy being a
professional photographer.
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October2012
The NHPPA Board of Directors
Table of Contents
Jean Wozniak, A.C.Ph.
15 Acorn Ave, Auburn, NH, 03032
603-483-2314 jeanwozniak@comcast.net
Summer Seminar …....…..………….……..….…..................................…...… 1
First Vice President
Carin D’Abrosca
23 Revolutionary Lane, Nottingham, NH, 03290
(603)591-6530 carin@photosbycarin.com
Board of Directors ………………..…………………...……….………...……..……...….. 2
President’s Message …….……………………….……………………...…...….…..…….. 3
What’s New ………..…………………………...…….……...…………………....……....… 5
Monthly Meeting Hospitality …………………………...……….….…..….…….…... 5
Hyponeer Submission Deadline ……………………………….……………..…..……. 5
Monthly Meeting Review…………………….…………...…...…………………..….... 7
Vender Appreciation …………………………………….……….….…….……….…….. 15
Upcoming NHPPA and PPA Events ………………..……………..……..………..... 16
Second Vice President
Marsha VanderMey, A.C.Ph.
15 Old Milford Rd, Amherst, NH 03031
(603) 759-0062 marsha@harperpoint.com
Jean Camire, C.Ph.
166 Elmhurst Ave, Manchester, NH 03103
(603) 668-1857 jhcphoto@comcast.net
Lauri West
77 Centre St, Apt 2, Concord, NH 03301
603-915-5932 lwest126@comcast.net
Immediate Past President/Conference Chairman
Jeff Dachowski, CPP, M.Photog., Cr.A.C.Ph.
55 South Commercial St. Manchester, NH 03104
603-626-7300 Jeff@dachowskiphotography.com
NHPPA Directors
Alison Miniter
Alan Kirby
Gary Summerton
Allison McGrail
243 Mount Vernon Road, New Boston, NH 03070
603-867-4970 email: allisonmcgrail@yahoo.com
Hyponeer Editor
Gene Paltrineri, CPP, M.Photog., Cr.,D.C.Ph.
3 Tanglewood Dr. Dover NH 03820
(603) 749-4777 gene@genepaltrineri.com
Industry Representative
Steve Sedman, Lustre Color
Susan Gray
Scholarship Chairperson
Marilyn Dillon
NHPPA Representative to PPANE
Crystal Nadeau
PPANE Director
Lorraine Bedell, Cr. Photog., A.C.Ph.
NEIPP Trustee
Skip Foisy, CPP,Cr. Photog., C.Ph.
National Councilors
Tim Cameron , CPP, M.Photog., Cr.,D.C.Ph.
Gene Paltrineri, CPP, M.Photog., Cr.,D.C.Ph.
PPA Certification Secretary
Don Chick, , CPP, M.Photog., Cr., D.C.Ph
The HYPONEER is the official publication of the New Hampshire
Professional Photographers Association. Views and opinions expressed
reflect those of the author and not necessarily those of the Association.
The Hyponeer is published nine times a year to coincide with the
monthly dinner meeting held on the first Wednesday of each month
except for the months of May, August and December. Deadline for
news articles is the first of the month prior to publication. To advertise
in the HYPONEER, please contact Keith Raiche at 603-268-9000.
Acceptance for advertisement does not carry with it the endorsement
of the NHPPA.
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
President’s Message
Jean Wozniak, A.C.Ph.
This month’s motivation:
Believe in the importance of what you do!
No matter what kind of photography we
offer in our businesses, we are all memory
makers. We may get caught up in the dayto-day operations of our business, but when
you come right down to the essence of
what we do, it’s all about creating memories; not only for those in the photograph,
but for all friends and family who view
So let me ask you this…when’s the last time you
turned the camera towards your own family?! More
specifically, are you in the photos? As photographers,
it’s very easy to always be the one behind the camera.
It’s important, however, that we practice what we
preach and make time for our own family portraits.
Not only will this show the world that we believe in
what we do, but because images of your own family
will become your most prized possessions! The portrait you see here with this month’s message of my
family was taken by the late Joan Ross, a professional
photographer and classmate of mine several years ago
at the New England Institute of Professional Photography (NEIPP). A group of us from that class got together once a month for some time after to practice
what we learned and this image came from one of those
gatherings. Having bumped into Joan at several photographic events over the years, I fully expected to keep
doing so. It was shocking to hear of her passing. You
truly never know…
In my marketing material, I often include the words,
“there may not be a perfect time to have a family portrait taken, but there may come a time when you regret
not having one,” a quote inspired by Michele Celentano’s program at NHPPA’s 2011 conference. I started
sharing these words after I got a call from a mom to
order prints several years after I had taken an extended
Photo by Joan Ross
family portrait of which she was part. Life got
busy and she lost sight of ordering prints after the
session. Sadly, the reason that prompted her call
years later was that at only 18 years old, one of
her sons met with a tragic accident and died.
That family portrait was the last one they had taken together and it became priceless. What a great
feeling to be able to provide her with that keepsake. Can you imagine if they didn’t have that
portrait taken?
One of our very own NHPPA members, Candace
Pratt Stiteler lost her daughter suddenly this past
June at the young age of 30. Luckily, Candace
has many beautiful photographs of Christie that
graced the room at the funeral home, that she’s
shown me at visits to her house, and that she has
shared on facebook. Although this time is hard
for Candace, by having these images and choosing to share them with others, she is able to celebrate Christie’s life! In a time of loss, being able
to look back at happier moments of that loved
one is priceless and I thank Candace for sharing
and letting me get to know who Christie truly
NHPPA created the Christina Seavey Eldredge
scholarship to also help memorialize Christie.
Continued on page 9
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
October 2012
The NHPPA’s official address is PO Box 4085, Manchester, NH 03108-4085
October Birthdays!
2 Jennifer Raiche
5 Jan Standbridge
6 Jack Murphy
6 Herb Frink
8 Debbie LaFrance
9 Julia Russell
9 Walter Schnecker
10 Wayne Flanagan
11 Allison McGrail
11 Heather Barry
11 Lisa Vecchione
12 Lisa Vecchione
13 John Grimanis
What’s New!
October Birthdays!
15 Christopher Martin
17 Pearl Racette
21 George Mitchell
22 Roger Campagna
26 George Hawkins
26 Peggy Hatfield
31 Aurel Stuart
31 Tim Courtemanche
31 Mindy Butler
October Anniversaries!
5 Dennis and Michelle Spaziano
7 Bob Lotz
8 Herb Frink
9 Laura Tetrault
10 Louise Supple and Leo
10 Tracey Halon
12 Carole Brocher
12 Poppy Clark
12 John Grimanis
13 Peter and Catherine Alcivar
21 Pris Petre
28 Stephan and Karla Dillard
29 Tom Golota
Monthly Meeting Hospitality
Program Review - Write a review about the program
(using attendees forms). Jeni Leonard
Photography - Photograph portions of the program
and the Speaker receiving his Merit. Send file images
to Editor. Alan Kirby
Special Interests- Who does what when they aren’t being
photographers? Find these people and have them write
an article.
Tricks of the Trade- Solicit simple and inexpensive
ways to solve everyday problems.
New Members - (1yr or less) Seek out new members and
ask them to write about their impressions of NHPPA and
something about themselves. Claire Lemire
Scholarship Raffle - Sell tickets at meetings and
raffle donated gifts. Marilyn Dillon
PPA News—Tim Cameron
Assist Speaker- (Arrive @ 5:45) Set up and break down
speaker’s presentation.
PPANE News—Lorraine Bedell and Crystal Nadeau
Name Tags - (Arrive @ 5:45) Set out name tags and make
tags for new members. Marilyn Weir
Association News/Special Events- Collect news
items & event happenings in members’ lives
(birthdays, births, vacations, anniversaries, wedding
network etc. Gene Paltrineri
Meal Ticket Collection - Bob Lotz
Chair Set up—Dennis Dagget
Anyone interested in any of these jobs, see Michelle Spaziano, or email . her at mspaz52@comcast.net
Remember, if you do any one of these tasks for four months, you will receive one credit towards your
NHPPA Degree. If you see a job that might interest you but someone is already doing it, ask if they would
mind changing jobs, or see Michelle.
The Deadline for the October issue is September10
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Ocftober 2012
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
September Meeting Review
Pat Edsall
“Fifty Shades of Grey … Paint
Thinking outside the box is a wonderful
thing. Painting our photographs while not
necessarily a new idea has taken on a
whole new look. Digital painting is Ms
Edsalls passion. She has taken her art of
photography to a whole new level.”
Digital Painting is painting in a traditional
manner with digital tools”, explains Patricia. Having a Wacom tablet and a painter
solftware such as Corel is all you need to
create some beautiful artwork. Pat says the
key elements found in photography also
apply to digital painting.
She explains how any of us can create
beautiful pieces of art with just a little imagination. The first step, is to assess your
situation. Like a painter who goes into a
field to paint the natural scene first just
stops to look and take in the surroundings
and then decides what exactly he or she
wants to paint, so should the artist in creating a digital painting. Take at least 5
minutes to assess the situation and then
once you have what you want to create in
mind, use the same key elements you
would to shoot the photograph and then
bring this to your computer. There is no
right or wrong thing to do. Art is all in the
eye of the beholder. Remember this takes
One very important part of digital painting is learning
about the various brushes. Air brushes make great snow
she said. Bristle brushes really show strokes in a painting.
Impasto brushes will give the paint a raised look. This
gives the feeling of movement to the subject. She provided
a step by step plan for creating a piece of art and showed
us slides of how this would work with start to finish images.
Other hints included things like, when working on a portrait first clean it up. A point to remember is too much gray
could make a muddy effect. When painting, paint only
with pure colors. Don’t overblend and try to stay away
from black. Use other dark colors. Balancing color in a
painting is important. Lighting is also very important. The
key to remember is to use all the elements we learned as
photographers and think like a painter. It is very obvious
that Pat has learned this skill very well and we were all in
awe of the beautiful paintings she has created. She left us
feeling like we could all be paint masters as well as great
photographers. What an interesting evening. Great job,
Pat! Thank you for sharing your craft with us all.
Michelle Spaziano
Think like a painter. Think in shapes and
colors. A lot of this is hit and miss. Sometimes it works and other times you need to
take a different approach. Pat teaches classes on this subject as well and gave us
some exercises to try ourselves. Pat provided some good hints on brushes.
Communication and Education
Email address:
Hyponeer October 2012
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
President’s Message Continued
Candace is a past president and life member of NHPPA, current
PPANE President, a National Award recipient, Colleague of Photography, Cr. Photog., CPP, CMB, ABI – in other words, she has given
a lot of herself to helping, supporting and giving back to the photographic industry. Let’s help and support her through this difficult
time. Although the fund will be open for donations beyond, the
scholarship will be drawn at NHPPA’s October meeting and will
give the winner the opportunity to experience the NEIPP school in
April of 2013. Donations of any amount can be sent to NHPPA at
P.O. Box 4085, Manchester, NH 03108, or go to www.nhppa.com,
click on the Pay by Paypal link and at the bottom you’ll see Special
Donations. You can determine whatever amount you wish to give
and during the check out process indicate how it should be applied.
Funds are still also being collected for the Andie Goodman scholarship. Andie was a life member and Associate Colleague of Photography of NHPPA, trusted vendor, Hyponeer assistant editor for years
and was a good friend to many members. She passed away this past
year and we hope to help memorialize her with this scholarship. The
same choices for ways to donate mentioned above are also available
for Andie.
With all the talk in this message about those who have passed on, it
is not intended to make you sad. It is to hopefully remind you: to
educate potential clients on the importance of your service and product for them; to help others create lasting memories; not to miss one
opportunity to create memories, for your clients, for yourselves, and
for your own families; and of course why we should truly believe in
the importance of what we do!
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Images from the September Meeting
Photo by Alan Kirby
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Images from the September Meeting
Photos by Alan Kirby
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Images from the September Meeting
Photos by Alan Kirby
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Special thanks to the Vendors who support NHPPA
American Color Imaging
Avelon Color
Canvas on Demand
Creative Memories
Digital Silver Imaging
EP Levine
GW Molding
Graphic Authority
Hunts Photo and
Video and Digital
Larson Enterprise
Lenzart Professional Lab
Liberty Mutual—Patrick
Live Free Photographer
Lustre Color
Michel Company
Millers Professional
Nations Photo Lab
Natural Color Lab
North Conway Grand Hotel
Photo Speculator
Radio Popper
Sevigney Insurance
Spectrum Photo
Studio of Photographic Arts
White House Custom Color
When you have the option, reward those that support NHPPA with your patronage. Without their generous support NHPPA could not provide our educational
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com
Hyponeer October 2012
Schedule of NHPPA and PPA Events
Oct 3—Monthly Meeting—Greg Yegar—Marketing—Chateau, Manchester, NH
Nov 7—Monthly Meeting—Print Critique—Chateau, Manchester, NH
Dec 5—Holiday Party—TBA
Jan 2, 2013—Business Meeting and Vendor Appreciation—Chateau, Manchester, NH
Jan 20-22—PPA Convention
Feb 6—Monthly Meeting—TBA—Chateau, Manchester, NH
March 6—Monthly Meeting—TBA—Chateau, Manchester, NH
April 3—Monthly Meeting—TBA—Chateau, Manchester, NH
April 14-18—NEIPP—Resort and Conference Center, Hyannis, MA
April 27-20, 2013 NHPPA Conference—Margate Hotel, Laconia, NH
Future NHPPA Conferences—The last weekend of April
Note: All monthly meetings start at 6 PM. Directions are posted on the web page www.nhppa.com
Gene Paltrineri
3 Tanglewood Dr
Dover, NH 03820
Address Service Requested
If you are planning to attend
the October Meeting
you must contact:
Carin D’Abrosca
(603) 591-6530
by September 27, 2012
Meal Cost (with reservation):
$20 - $25 at the door
Meals not guaranteed after
reservation date
Reservation after Sep 27-$ 25
Please make checks payable to:
Communication and Education
Email address: gene@genepaltrineri.com
Web Site: www.nhppa.com

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