Hyponeer 09_2013 - New Hampshire Professional Photographers
Hyponeer 09_2013 - New Hampshire Professional Photographers
N H P P A NHPPA is a state affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America The Official Newsletter of the New Hampshire Professional Photographer’s Association September 2013 September 4, 2013 The Chateau, 201 Hanover St., Mancheter, NH Gary Samson is recognized as an accomplished fine art photographer, filmmaker and photo educator receiving numerous awards, grants and fellowships for his work during the past thirty-five years. Currently serving as the Chair of the Photography Department at the New Hampshire Institute of Art, Mr. Samson has taught photography courses and workshops for the Institute since 1981. In 1984 he received his second fellowship from the New Hampshire Council on the Arts for his environmental portraits of New Hampshire artists and writers. Gary’s black and white photographs are included in the permanent collections of the Currier Museum of Art; the New Hampshire Institute of Art; the State of New Hampshire; the University of New Hampshire Art Museum and the National Archives, Washington, DC as well as numerous private collections. In the fall of 1998 his work was included in the exhibition, “Moments in Time: Master Photographs from the Currier Museum of Art’s Permanent Collection” . In the fall of 1999, Mr. Samson exhibited a portfolio of his work in Andrezieux-Boutheon, France at the invitation of the French government. Cultural photography and documentary filmmaking assignments over the past three decades have taken Gary to Russia, Ghana, Guatemala, Greece, Peru, Ireland, France, Labrador, Belize, Cape Breton, as well as the White House. After producing a film on the life of internationally acclaimed portrait photographer Lotte Jacobi, Gary spent six years working with Ms. Jacobi cataloging her archive of 47, 000 negatives which were donated to the Dimond Library, University of New Hampshire in 1981. Mr. Samson has also written several books on New Hampshire history including A World Within a World: Manchester, The Mills, and the Immigrant Experience and Capitol Views: A Photographic History of Concord, New Hampshire 1850-1930. His latest book, In the Blood: Conversations on Culture, in collaboration with Burt Feintuch, was published by Utah State University Press and Cape Breton University Press in 2010. While on sabbatical in the fall of 2008, Gary spent two months in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia photographing the culture and landscape of this rugged, beautiful island in the north Atlantic. He is currently working on a book about New Orleans Musicians that will be published by the University of Mississippi in 2015. Gary’s presentation will concentrate on the photographs he has created for several publishing projects while traveling in Ghana, Greece, Cape Breton, New Orleans, and Guatemala as well as his fine art black and white portrait and nude female portrait work created with view cameras ranging in size from 4x5 inches to 12x20 inches. Please contact Marsha Vanbder Mey at marsha@harperpoint.com and let her know it you will be attending and please specify if you will be eating a meal. Doors open @ 6 pm. The meal is only $20 pp. You can pay by paypal or at the door. Remember to sign up by August 30, 2013! NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N H P P A The 2013-2014 NHPPA Board of Directors President Carin D’Abrosca, A.C.Ph. 23 Revolutionary Lane, Nottingham, NH, 03290 (603) 591-6530 carin@photosbycarin.com First Vice President Marsha VanderMey, A.C.Ph. 15 Old Milford Rd, Amherst, NH 03031 (603) 759-0062 marsha@harperpoint.com Second Vice President Allison McGrail, A.C.Ph 243 Mount Vernon Road New Boston, NH 03070 (603) 867-4970 allisonmcgrail@yahoo.com Treasurer Jean Camire, C.Ph. 166 Elmhurst Ave, Manchester, NH 03103 603-668-1857 jhcphoto@comcast.net Secretary Lauri West 77 Centre St, Apt 2, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 915-5932 lwest126@comcast.net Immediate Past President/ Conference Chairman Jean Wozniak, A.C.Ph. 15 Acorn Ave, Auburn, NH, 03032 (603) 483-2314 jeanwozniak@comcast.net NHPPA Directors Alison Miniter, CPP, Cr. Photog. Rick Hydren Jim Carlen Membership Mark Powers 61 Profile Circle, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 440-3228 mark@markpowersphotography.com Hyponeer Editor Marilyn Dillon, CPP, A.C.Ph. 77 Emerson Ave. Hampstead NH 03841 (603) 489-1277 marilynxd@yahoo.com 2 Industry Representative Peggy Hatfield, M.Photog.Cr., ,A.C.Ph. LenzArt Professional Lab Librarian Susan Gray Scholarship Genevieve Buck NHPPA Representative to PPANE Raymond Peeples PPANE Director Alison Miniter, CPP, Cr. Photog. NEIPP Trustee Don Chick, CPP, M. Photog., Cr., D.C.Ph. National Councilor Tim Cameron, CPP, M.Photog., Cr. D.C.Ph. PPA Certification Secretary Don Chick, CPP, M.Photog., Cr., D.C.Ph The HYPONEER is the official publication of the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association. Views and opinions expressed reflect those of the author and not necessarily those of the Association. The Hyponeer is published nine times a year to coincide with the monthly dinner meeting held on the first Wednesday of each month except for the months of May, July, August and December. Deadline for news articles is the tenth of the month prior to publication. To advertise in the HYPONEER, please contact Rick Hydren at 508-954-1298 or email: rick@hydren.com . Acceptance for advertisement does not carry with it the endorsement of the NHPPA. NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N H P P A greeted by the host who congratulated us on our 15th anniversary. My husband, while Carin D’Abrosca, A.C.Ph. making the reservations, filled in the note section as to what, if any, occasion we would be celebrating – they took note and greeted us with congratulations. Following dinner, they gave us a card signed by all the wait staff and a special note to us from our own waitress so as to not look like just a template card. Inside the card was a gift card to welcome us back with a discount off our next meal with them. This card was accompanied by a small gift box with 4 delicious chocolate truffles inside. As we arrived back Image by Dave D’Abrosca at our room that evening, we had I hope everyone has been enjoying received an email thanking us for their summer. I look forward to our visit and they hoped we had seeing you all at our September enjoyed our meal. This to me will meeting…It has been a long time always be remembered, as I had the since our last meeting. best customer service from them, So, I had a nice experience recently they made our visit memorable and and want to share with you all. Has made us feel special. Why am I telling you about this? This anyone truly experienced terrific, experience led me to the realization memorable customer service? I that my branding program needed thought I had, until on my anniversary, we went to dinner at a to be adjusted. It reminded me of the importance in sending thank restaurant in Boston and was President’s Message you cards – hand written - along with an immediate email thanking my clients for choosing me to photograph them. I also have made up referral cards with discounts off their next visit as well as discounts for their referred friends. Just these small recognitions have made a difference. Great customer service is so important in these times and goes a long way. Clients will always remember the special touches that we do to make them feel important and they will tell their friends. I must have told at least 2 dozen people about my experience at that restaurant. Our clients are spending their hard earned money with us and should feel like they matter. Practice great customer service! I also want to congratulate all of the NHPPA members that received awards at PPA International Print Competition and those that had their images accepted into the Loan Collection….GREAT JOB! We are so proud of you all. Did you know there is an online resource that includes all the current NHPPA committees and who to contact if you are interested in participating or simply have a question. You can find it at the following link: http://www.nhppa.com/ contact-info-list.html 2013-2014 Board Members at 2013 Conference Banquet NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 Image by Tim Courtemanche 3 N H P P A Registration Information - Next Page NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 H P P A 5 N 6 H P P A NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N H P P A National Award Honoree To stand among those who have given and served the photographic community, locally, regionally and on the national stage is an honor. New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association is a family, and as a family, we celebrate our successes and grieve our losses, but most importantly we help each other both professionally and most graciously personally. Thanks to the educational opportunities offered by NHPPA, I am the photographer that I am today. Because of the true friends I have gained in NHPPA I am a better person today. The time and services that I have given to NHPPA over many years as a member, have been given toward the goal of strengthening the association for those who will follow. Receiving the National Award is an honor that I can only express in the simplest words, thank you. Jane Walsh CPP, C.Ph. Image by Don Chick 2014 Conference News! Save the Date: April 25 thru April 28, 2014! Jean Wozniak, A.C.Ph. Immediate Past President, Conference Chair Returning to Margate Resort Great Instructors Stay at the Margate Yes, it's not too early to start thinking about the 2014 NHPPA conference! After the results of a member survey were tallied, the board gathered and voted in support of the membership to return to the Margate Resort for our conference next year. The more central location seemed favorable and the resort was very helpful and supportive throughout our stay. Marsha Vander Mey is working on a great lineup of speakers. Her goal is to provide a very hands on experience at several of the programs. We will make announcements as soon as we can. Staying right at the host hotel gives you the opportunity to experience all the conference has to offer. It also helps NHPPA since there is a minimum number of nights required in our contract to avoid substantial facilities charges. By booking your room at the Margate, you'll again receive complimentary continental breakfasts each morning and be able to head right to the next event without missing a beat. Friday thru Monday The member survey also supported the Friday thru Monday schedule which enabled a lot of folks to attend a good portion, if not all of the conference as well as contribute to the largest banquet attendance we've had in a number of years. We will continue with that same schedule starting Friday evening. Remember, attendance at the conference is one of the eligibility requirements for the June scholarships. NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 Print Competition What better way to improve your photography than to enter, and attend, print competition which will be on Saturday at the conference, with entry deadline Friday evening. NHPPA will be featuring our mini print critique at the February meeting to help prepare, but in the mean time, feel free to ask other members if you have questions on how to get ready. You can also review the 12 Elements of a Merit Print which is on the www.nhppa.com website under Print Competition. Participation in the annual print competition is an intense, emotional, and especially rewarding experience. It also earns you NHPPA degree credits and eligibility in the annual scholarship drawings. Volunteers Welcome! Want to be a part of the conference? There are a number of ways you can volunteer: print committee, props committee, photography, hospitality, scholarship assistance, auction assistance, etc. Please let me know if you want to do more than just attend. As a volunteer association, we are all directly responsible for the continued success of our association. More news to follow in the coming months... 7 N H Client Image of the Month P P A by Kristen Jones Kristen Jones Photography & Design East Hampstead, New Hampshire www.kristenjonesphotography.com Image by Kristen Jones This little boy is a twin who was born 3 months prematurely. At birth, he weighed less than two pounds, and was so tiny his father's wedding band easily slid all the way down his arm to his shoulder. For the last year he has been fighting (his twin brother went home several months ago) and still needs assistance breathing and eating, but the joy he radiates is truly amazing. For the boys' birthday the family asked that I visit the hospital to photograph them together since he still could not leave. Meeting this family was so inspiring. They were such an incredible example of strength and love that I left that day with a fuller heart. This image of a tiny warrior radiating such strength and joy will always bring a smile to my face and make me grateful that I was able to give this family a beautiful photo of their little miracle. ~Kristen This was taken in a hospital room, so we had just a bit of space to work with. I was able to squeeze in a small back drop and vinyl floor and lit with two Alien Bees b800s with medium softboxes. I used my Nikon D7000 with a 17-50 f. 2.8 at 50mm. ISO 200 at 1/125 and F8. 8 NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N Celebrations H P P A What’s New.... Welcome to New Members! Aug. & Sept. Birthdays 8/3 - Kristen Jones 8/7 - Robert Berube 8/12 -Christin Graham 8/14 - Sandra Thibeault 8/15 - Scott Snyder 8/26 - Mark Powers 8/28 - Carroll Blake 9/1 - Kathie Fife 9/2 - Roland Lemire 9/6 - Leo Garza 9/14 - Michelle Spaziano 9/22- Bruce Conti 9/27 - George Gregoire 9/30 - Frank Quimby Aug. & Sept. Anniversaries 8/11 - George Gregoire 8/20 - Tim Courtemanche 8/27 - Jane Walsh 8/27 - Paul & Peggy Kady 8/28 - Ella Carlson 9/6 - Tina McManus 9/16 - Roland & Claire Lemire 9/25 - Ron & Elaine Covey 9/27 - Keith and Jennifer Raiche 9/28 - Tim Cameron NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 Ella Carlson and Madonna Lovett Repeta were in Atlanta where they attended the PPA IPC (International Print Competition) Judges Workshop. Cara Sanford - New Boston Congratulations to Bruce Conti for becoming a professional member following his portfolio review. Bruce Conti - Nashua Emery Swanson - Gilford Teri Garza - Salem Congratulations to Kris Dobbins for becoming a professional member following his portfolio review. Congratulations to Mark Stevens who met the criteria for Professional Membership status by way of having submitted 10 images in a PPA or Affiliate print competition and receiving at least average or higher scores Congratulations to Jane Walsh on the birth of her fifth grandchild who entered the world on May 24, one day before her father's birthday. She is now the proud grandmother of four beautiful girls and one handsome boy. Image by Tim Courtemanche Wayne Flanagan receives PPA Certificate of Merit for presenting at NHPPA Monthly Meeting. 9 N H P P A Mauris egestas lacus sit ame Vivamus pulvinar, purus ultricies ultrices ullamcorper, dolor diam euismod nisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem. — Quisque Massa 10 NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N H P P A June 2013 Meeting Highlights Image by Tim Courtemanche Images by Tim Courtemanche Scholarship Winners! Genevieve Buck General Fund Scholarship ($500) Sullivan-Raiche Scholarship ($800) Winners: Winners: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. George Hawkins Jim Carlen Elaine Covey Lorraine Bedell Kevin Bacon Paul Kady Steve Bedell Alternates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Saralyn Carlen Leo Garza Mark Stevens Lenka Flaherty Candace Pratt Stiteler Marilyn Weir Teri Beaulieu Teri Garza Ken Wilson Jean Wozniak Joe Dunn Joe Pepin Gerald Browne Jeni Leonard 1. 2. 3. Wayne Flanagan Claire Lemire Roland Lemire Alternates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Genevieve Buck Madonna Lovett Repeta Saralyn Carlen Marsha Vander Mey Carin D’Abrosca Peggy Hatfield Congratulations to all the Scholarship Winners! If your name was drawn as a winner you have until September 30th to let me know how you will be using it. After September 30th, the scholarships will be offered to the next alternate in line if I have not received confirmation of registration or receipts from you. Thank you for letting me know!! Contact me if you have questions~ Genevieve Buck Scholarship Chair Christina Seavey Eldredge ($500) genevieve@genevievebphoto.com Winner: 1. Joe Pepin Alternates: 1. 2. Alison Miniter Ron St. Jean Images by Tim Courtemanche NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 11 N H P P A CROPPING IMAGES in Photoshop CS6 - A Tutorial " " " " " by Ella Carlson, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, A.C.Ph Image by Ella Carlson Cropping is the act of cutting the edges off of an image or composition. You’ll use it to change the outside dimensions of your image. You can also use it to trim off parts of images that overlap your borders and do nothing but add to your file size.You can crop to specific dimension, resolutions or ratios. As with many tools in Photoshop, you’ve been supplied with some built-in presets for some standard photo sizes. The Crop tool has changed a great deal in CS6. Here’s our starting image: Open a file and activate the CROP tool, either by clicking the CROP tool in the TOOL PANEL or by hitting the letter “C” and you’ll see the crop lines appear at the the outer edges of your image as stated, you can drag on the handles or you can just draw out a new crop area. Whatever is outside of your crop line will be eliminated or chopped off. 12 NHPPA Hyponeer Septembere 2013 N H P P A photoshop tutorial, cont’d Photoshop offers you a number of different ways to view your crop area. The default is to see it divided into RULE OF THIRDS line. This allows you to easily locate your focal points, or the area of the most importance or interest, at one of the intersection points or along one of the lines. For instance, you’d want to put your horizon lines at or near one of the horizontal lines rather than centering it, where in most cases the horizon line should NOT be. NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 13 N H P P A photoshop tutorial, cont’d AND... for those of you who are accustomed to the prior version of the crop tool and do not want all these changes, click on the little gear in the options bar and you can then click on the Use Classic Mode to get the crop tool to work as it did in previous versions. 14 NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 N H P P A P O R T F O L I O P R E S E N TAT I O N G U I D E L I N E S FOR ASPIRING MEMBERS Mark Powers NHPPA Membership Chair mark@markpowersphotography.com Image by Mark Powers NHPPA is an organization comprised of members who are striving to be the best they can be at the art and craft of photography. Our goal is not just to encourage and educate members to produce good images - anyone with a modern DSLR can do that - but rather to produce outstanding images! We know that our members represent a wide spectrum of experience: Some of our members are known nationally for the quality of their work, while others are on the front end of their professional careers. What characterizes everyone in NHPPA, however, is the desire to continuously improve their skills. Aspiring members are individuals preparing for a career in photography or a newly entering professional. As part of the process of achieving Professional Photographer status in NHPPA, aspiring photographers submit a portfolio of their work for review by members with PPA Master or Certified Professional Photographer degrees.* Choose 10 examples of your best work. The choices should not be of the same subject and should represent a variety from your work. The prints should be sized 8x10 and should be high quality prints. In that your portfolio is representing your best work, we recommend that you present your work in a quality presentation binder. (This is not a requirement, but a suggestion. Think about this process as though you were presenting your best work to a potential client to whom you are representing just how good you are!) If this is the first time you are presenting a portfolio for review, you might first consider an informal discussion of your portfolio with a CPP or Master Photographer who has offered to provide some guidance. Please let me know if you would like some suggestions. When your portfolio is ready to present, bring it to one of our monthly meetings or seminars and give it to me at the beginning of the meeting. I will share it with 5 reviewers for their response and then let you know the results by the end of the meeting. Usually one of the reviewers is willing to briefly share his or her thoughts about the quality of images and any suggestions for improvement. Please let me know by email before the meeting if you plan to do this. NHPPA is committed to learning and growth, and this applies to your portfolio development. Sometimes members are not approved for Professional status on their first try. If you are not approved, don't be discouraged. See this as an opportunity to get feedback, improve your images and try again! *The requirement for a portfolio review can also be met in whole or in part by submitting images in a PPA or Affiliate judging and receiving an Average or higher score. A portfolio review is not needed for members who have earned a PPA Masters or CPP degree. NHPPA Hyponeer September 2013 15 N H P P A Congratulations to the NHPPA members who merited at the PPA International Image Competition! Lethal by Alison Miniter General Collection G = General Collection L = Loan Collection GB = General Book (Showcase Book) Bruleigh, Nylora-Joy 3 - L, 2 - GB, 1 - G Gold Level Photographer of the Year Cameron, Timothy 2 - G Carlen, Jim 1 - L, 3 - G Carlson, Ella 2- L, 4 - G Silver Level Photographer of the Year Dachowski, Jeffrey 1 - L, 1 - GB, 2 - G Silver Level Photographer of the Year Gleim, Dannielle 1 - G Haskell, Ray 1 - L Staid, Jane Lydick 2 - G Kirby, Alan 2 - L, 2 - G Gold Level Photographer of the Year Stevens, Mark 3 - L, 1 - G Platinum Level Photographer of the Year Koeshendi, Yedi 1 - G Vander Mey, Marsha 1 - G Miniter, Alison 3 - L, 1 - G Walsh, Jane 1-G, 1-GB Platinum Level Photographer of the Year Passman, Shirl 4 - G Photographer of the Year Repeta, Madonna Lovett 2 - L, 2 -G Gold Level Photographer of the Year Schale, Susan 1 - G Complete Results Can be viewed at the following link: http://www.ppa.com/files/pdfs/ ipcresults2013final.pdf For more information on the PPA International Image Competition, visit: http://www.ppa.com/competitions/? navItemNumber=503 Sedman, Stephen 2 - G 16 NHPPA September 2013 S E Q U O I A C L U B Download the full NEIPP brochure with instructors and course descriptions at the following link: http://ppane.roundtablelive.org/resources/NEIPP/2014/NEIPPBrochure2014.pdf Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut 17 N H P P A Schedule of NHPPA and PPA Events Sep 4 - Monthly Meeting - Gary Samson, Portraiture; Chateau, Manchester, NH Oct 2 - Monthly Meeting - Emily Andrews Portrait Design; Promotions, Sales & Marketing ; Chateau, Manchester, NH Nov 2 - Fall Seminar - Kira Friedman & Nate Rega; “Developing the Authentic Brand”; Milly’s Tavern, Manchester, NH Nov 6 - Monthly Meeting -Walter Schneckner- C1M Photography -”Fun with Fashion” Chateau, Manchester, NH Dec 4 - Holiday Party - TBA Jan 8, 2014 - Business Meeting and Vendor Appreciation - Chateau, Manchester, NH Jan12-14, 2014 - Imaging USA, Phoenix, Arizona www.imagingusa.org Feb 5 - Monthly Meeting - Print Critique - Chateau, Manchester, NH March 5 - Monthly Meeting - TBA - Chateau, Manchester, NH March 30 - April 3 - New England Institute of Professional Photography, Resort and Conference Center, Hyannis, MA http://www.neipp.com April 2 - Monthly Meeting - TBA - Chateau, Manchester, NH April 25-28, 2014 - NHPPA Conference - Margate Hotel, Laconia, NH If you plan on attending the September Meeting, you must sign up with Marsha Vander Mey by Friday, August 30th Please contact her at marsha@harperpoint.com and let her know if you will be attending and also specify if you will be eating a meal or just attending the meeting portion. The meal is still only $20.00 per member. You can pay for your meal by Paypal or at the door. Remember to sign up by the Friday before the meeting. NHPPA Monthly Meeting Hospitality Program Review - Write a review about the program (using attendees forms). available New Member Column - (1yr or less) Seek out new members and ask them to write about their impressions of NHPPA and something about themselves. Claire Lemire Meal Ticket Collection - available Chair Set up - available Communication—Alison Miniter Photography - Photograph portions of the program and the Speaker receiving his Merit. Send file images to Editor. Bob Lotz Scholarship Raffle - Sell tickets at meetings and raffle donated gifts. Genevieve Buck PPA News—Tim Cameron Image by Bob Lotz PPANE News - Raymond Peeples Association News/Special Events- Collect news items & event happenings for publication in Hyponeer. Marilyn Dillon Anyone interested in any of these jobs, contact Gerald Browne 603-485-2269 or 603-485-7372 email: bx509@aol.com If you do any one of these tasks for four months, you will receive one credit towards your NHPPA Degree. Image by Bob Lotz The HYPONEER is the official publication of the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association. Views and opinions expressed reflect those of the author and not necessarily those of the Association. The Hyponeer is published nine times a year to coincide with the monthly dinner meeting held on the first Wednesday of each month except for the months of May, August and December. Deadline for news articles is the 10th of the month prior to publication. To advertise in the HYPONEER, please contact Rick Hydren at508-954-1298 or 978-948-3346 email: rick@hydren.com Acceptance for advertisement does not carry with it the endorsement of the NHPPA.
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