September 2011 Newsletter


September 2011 Newsletter
Volume 41, Number 4
September, 2011
Fall Meeting, October 2, 3 & 4, 2011
State College Days Inn in State College, PA
President’s Message, 2011
Tammy Wolfe, Cr. Photog, CPP
I just want to thank all members of PP of PA for allowing me to
serve you as President this year. It has been a pleasure getting to
know so many of you throughout the years. I hope whatever lies in
store for our association, each of us will make an effort to support
each other and encourage each other as we grow as individuals.
God bless each and every one of you.
Bob Hancock, President Elect
Have you asked yourself these Questions?
Where will the business of Professional Photography be in 5 years? Will someone be able to make a living in
this trade? Why are so many Studios closing? Where did all these new facebook
photographers come from? Is it better for a Photographer to sell CD of images, or offer traditional prints? How do I compete, and stay ahead in business, in today's modern digital world?
If you know the answer to these questions, you are way ahead of me.
I do know this......The future has yet to be written.
More now then ever, we need to stay focused on our Businesses. We need to have a
support group, people who share the same problems. We need to help, and share
ideas with one another. We need to make a profit in the business of photography!!
This is what is needed from our State Photography Association. We need to move
into the future. The days of, “We’ve always done it this way in the past” are over, and
will no longer work for us! I am a very busy person. My wife and I work hard in all the
photographic jobs we undertake. It’s not easy today as most of you know!
However, I will do my best to provide our members with a productive year. See page
3 for the dates to save for our next meetings.
Bob Hancock M.Photog Cr.
President ....................................... Tammy Wolfe,Cr.Photog., CPP
Vice-president ......................... Robert M. Hancock, M.Photog.,Cr.
Treasurer ................................
Gerry Solan, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Secretary .............................. Dave Savarino, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Kimberly Cavalari ......................................... …………. through 2013
Glenda Ritchick ............................................ ………… through 2013
Esther Beitzel, M.Photog.,M.Artist,MEI,Cr. .......……… through 2012
Richard Gribenas .....................................…………….. through 2012
Shawn Sweeny ..................…………........................... through 2012
Cheryl Kaiser, CPP .........................………….............. through 2011
Pati Livengood, M.Photog., CPP .........………............. through 2011
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President’s Farewell Message
Contents & New Member Information
Inquiry Concerning J.B. Shriever’s Negatives
Images from the June Meeting
Dana Norlund Program Overview
Maria Sauserman Program Overview
Mary Beth Krastas Program Overview
Art Suwansang Light Room Program Overview
Save The Dates!
Committee Chairperson Report
Application for Service Points
Aucourant, by Cathy
Aucourant, continued
October Meeting Schedule
2010 ..................…..........…Gerry Solan, M.Photog.,Cr.Photog.,CPP
2009 ............................................................. …..Robert W. Demmler
Assistant Treasurer ....…............... Gerry Solan, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Auditor ...........................……..... Keith E. Lewis, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Awards Banquet ..................…...... Pati Livengood, M.Photog., CPP
Awards Video .................................Tamar London, Cr.Photog.,CPP
Certification Chair ..….................. Glenn Gobrecht, M.Photog., CPP
Certification Secretary ….............. Jerry A. Costanzo, M.Photog.,Cr.,
Certification PPA Liaison …......... Jerry A. Costanzo, M.Photog.,Cr.,
Convention Chair ..…….................. Tamar London, Cr.Photog.,CPP
Documents & Database Manager ......…........... Robert W. Demmler
Finance Chair.…….................... Cathy Madison, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Fund Raising ...........................….......................... …Shawn Sweeny
Historian ......................................………...... Craig Carl, Victoria Carl
Hospitality ...........................……...Kim Cavalari; Cheryl Kaiser, CPP
Long Range Planning Chair ....…... Gerry Solan, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Membership Chair ....…… ....... Dave Savarino, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Member Relations .........…........ Cathy Madison, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Model Chair .....................…… ....... Tamar London, Cr.Photog.,CPP
Newsletter Editor & Advertising… ................. Caleb Williams, CPP
Nominations Chair .……. Esther Beitzel, M.Photog.,M.Artist,MEI,Cr.
Northeast Dist. Rep…….. Esther Beitzel, M.Photog.,M.Artist,MEI,Cr.
Parliamentarian ... Robert A. Howard, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP, EA-ASP
Party Chair .....…... ........................ Pati Livengood, M.Photog., CPP
Photographer ......…................... Keith E. Lewis, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Print Master ....….. . Robert D. Golding, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP,HF-ASP
Print Show Chair ……..... Esther Beitzel, M.Photog.,M.Artist,MEI,Cr.
Props Chair .............….. ................ Gerry Solan, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Public Relations Chair …… .................................... Mary Jane Smith
Recording Secretary …... Esther Beitzel, M.Photog.,M.Artist,MEI,Cr.
Registration Chair ........……............................ John Haneman, CPP
Scholarship Auction ..........…….............................................. Vacant
Security ...................................……........................................ Vacant
Screening & Ethics Chair ..............…... .................... Shawn Sweeny
State Awards Chair ...........................……................ Ron Bookwalter
Supporting Member Liaison ...................…... ................ Dennis Cole
Talent Chair ….Jerry A. Costanzo, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP,A-ASP,AOPM
Talent Hosts .................................…... .................... Board Members
Trade Show Chair ..........…..... Dave Savarino, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Transportation .............……..................................... Board Members
Trophy Chair ...........………........................................... Kim Cavalari
Ways and Means ...............….. .. Keith E. Lewis, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Webmaster ........................….. Dave Savarino, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Association Membership News
Firm Members Second Printing
Mark James
1333 S. Prospect St.
Nanticoke, PA 18634
Firm Member
JM Images
Joe Maher
135 South Center Street
Grove City, PA 16127
Descendants of Photographer Seek Negatives
Where are the negatives of James B. Schriever?
The history of the Professional Photographers of Pennsylvania has been written
by the lives of thousands of individual photographers over more than a century. One
of the most coveted awards that the association presents each year is the James B.
Schriever Award, in honor of the photographer who lived from 1868 to 1943.
Schriever was a personal friend of George Eastman, and was considered one of
Eastman Kodak’s most influential customers. He was a celebrated artist, teacher,
and book author. He founded a mail order school of photography. He collapsed in
the middle of a portrait session, and died shortly thereafter of a heart attack. At the
time of his death, it was reported that he had photographed 200,000 people, and
more than a million prints had left his Scranton studio.
Now, two people have asked the Association for help in finding J. B. Schriever’s
negatives. Tom Costello wrote:
Why am I interested in J. B. Schriever?
I'm the great-grandson and biographer of Patrick W. (PW) Costello
(1866-1935), prominent pen & ink artist, designer, engrosser & illustrator from Scranton, PA. He was a friend of Jay Schriever’s. He taught a course in illustration for
Schriever’s American School of Art & Photography and Schriever photographed all of
Costello’s engrossing and portrait work for submission to national pen art journals for
publication. Costello also designed the school’s letterhead and other documents.
Thanks, again, for your assistance.
Since interest in the negatives initially came from Catherine Desmarais, a cousin of Jay
Schriever from Vermont, it would be vital to provide your members with her contact information. Cathi is J.B. Schriever’s first cousin (twice removed). Her mother, Catherine
(Burke) Wiest (94), is Schriever’s first cousin, a direct descendant of Schriever’s
mother’s family (Veronica Schmandt).
Thomas W. Costello
7 Crandall Drive
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
home: 732-613-0820
Catherine Becker Wiest Desmarais
Certified Genealogist (sm)
Family History and Forensic Research
Essex Junction, VT
Anyone with knowledge of the where-abouts of J. B. Schriever’s negatives is invited to contact either of the above named people.
Images from the June Meeting
Sunday, October 2, 2011
1:00—5:30 PM
ana Nordlund, Cr. Photog., CPP
After becoming a member of the Professional Photographers of America in 2004, Dana
Nordlund earned the Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation the very
next year. In January, 2010, he received the Photographic Craftsman degree from the
Professional Photographers of America. Along with this degree, he was invited to be a
member of the American Society of Photographers.
About his journey, Nordlund says, "I have studied with some of the elite of our photographic industry. As a result, I have received awards for print competition and the
PPSNYS State Award. In June, 2010, his first case for International Print Competition
contained one General, one Showcase and one Loan Collection. He says, “Now it's my turn to pay it forward. I
have been lucky enough to present educational programs to professional photographers all around New York
state, including Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Binghamton, and Geneva in the Finger Lakes."
The Shadow Side, a balance of good and evil lighting for portraits
This is about beautiful light and how to use it to create form and depth in portraiture.
Beautiful light is all around us, but sometimes, that light needs a gentle
nudge to help it become beautiful on our subject. There are two types of
light, good light and bad light. Obviously, we want to use good light so our
subjects will look their best. We also want to use good shadows on our subject. What makes a portrait hold the viewer's attention is not only where the
light falls, but just as importantly, where the shadows fall.
The quality of light is defined by the relationship of the subject to the source
of light. It is all about the process. As photographers, our job is to take a
three dimensional object and place it into a two dimensional space. When we
do this correctly, we create depth. Come on, give in to the shadow side.
Dana will take you to the shadow side using Westcott Spiderlites, featuring
the TD6 lights. David Piazza, FJ Westcott Rep, will be on hand to answer
any questions regarding products from Westcott. Weather permitting, we
might get outside and create some natural light portraits also.
Monday, October 3, 2011
1:30—3:30 PM
Monday October 3, 2011
11:00 - 12:00 AM
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Changes for 2012.
Dues will be lowered to $125.00 if paid by 10/31/11
2 Meetings per year Fall and Spring!
Spring Meeting: Sunday April 1 2012 through Tuesday April 3, 2012 State College PA.
Sunday April1, 2012 All day program.
To be announced...Portrait photography!
Monday April 2, 2012 All day program!
The Garbers!
Tuesday April 3, 2012 All day program!
Janice Wendt - Nic filters!
Fall Meeting: October 21 -22 2012 Harrisburg, PA
Sunday, October 21, 2012
All day Program ! To be announced!
Monday October 22, 2012 - Kirk Voclain All day program!
Morephotos Meeting Special!
There will be a drawing for a $425 Value Search Engine Optimization Upgrade. All guests and members
will be able to win. MorePhotos will be offering a special Educational Start-up Package to get a new Website with Shopping Cart, Unlimited Live U.S. phone support and hosting at 50% off set-up fee!
Call 302-384-2870 or contact
Working committee__________________________
Year of service ___________
The following people have worked on this committee, and are to be awarded the following points for the
calendar year. (Points are in increments of .25) A committee member can receive from .25 points to 1.00
for the year
Professional Photographers Association of Pennsylvania, Inc.
The following form is for registering your service points for the calendar year 2011. You must apply for
these service points FOR THIS YEAR or you will forfeit the points .
The service points you are applying for MUST be for service to the state. If your name does not appear
on the Chairman’s verification form indicating your work on a committee, the points will not be
Points are only for WORKING COMMITTEES.
Studio name__________________________________________
Place an “X” next to each service that applies to you
State President 5 pts.
State 1st Vice President 3 pts.
State Treasurer 2 pts.
State Secretary 2 pts.
State Board of Governor 1 pt.
State Executive Secretary 2 pts.
CPP State Chairman 3 pts.
____ CPP State Treasurer 1 pt
____ CPP State Secretary 1 pt
____ PPA Council delegate 2 pt
(must attend council meetings)
All Chairman of Committees receive 2 points (unless other point value is listed)
Convention Chair
____ Banquet Chair
Fund Raising Chair
____ Membership Chair
Props Chair
____ Party Chair
Talent Chair
____ State Awards Chair
Screening & Ethics Chair
Public Relations Chair
Long Range Planning Chair
Transportation Chair
Trophy Chair
Models Chair
Newsletter Editor 3 pts
____ Security Chair
Speaker (meeting or conv.) 2pts
____ Folio/album judge 1pt.
Newsletter article (feature article) .5 pts
____ Audit Chair
(not for regular monthly column)
____ Finance Chair
Sunshine Chair
The following is for COMMITTEE MEMBERS to list committees worked on. These will be verified by
the committee chairman. (point value .25 to 1.0 point)
Place an X and list committee.
I hereby declare that I have performed the above listed services during the calendar year 2011 for the PPA of PA.
All state members in good standing receive .5 pts for membership.
Signature ___________________________________________ date________________
Submit this form to: Ron Bookwalter 3280 Spring Road Carlisle, PA 17013
fax to 717-249-6366 or e-mail as a PDF attachment to
Aucourant, by Cathy
Abreast of Current Events
I thought would copy a letter I had written quite a few years back to let you see what I had thought at that time about photography!
Artists and Photographers
It was an exciting fall of 1972, my employer and friend was selling his business to me, and I was going out on my own.
My employer Mr. Louis B. Greenstein was always a member of PP of A, while I was employed at his studio. I remember every year
he and his family would travel to the PP of A’s convention. It wasn’t till a few years before I went into ownership of the business,
that he started getting a subscription for me to the National Magazine; that I started to be aware of what the association was all about
to photographers.
The PP of A was an association I should belong too; I could continue to further my education. I first joined the PP of A, and then a
local Association called the Guild of Delaware Valley, then Northeast Professional Photographers Ass. The Professional Photographers of Pennsylvania I joined in February of 1973. I was on a continuing education spree. I felt belonging to these associations
would make me a better photographer, and it did, I started attending Triangle institute each year, and all the seminars the above association held. I was so excited when I earned my first merit from National. The Masters Degree seemed like almost a fairy tale,
something you really wanted to obtain.
The PP of A sent a letter or questionnaire out to all of their members either in 1973 or 1974, or 75 to see if we would be interested in
becoming license photographers; I answer back immediately, that I would really like that. Being license made me feel my profession
as a Photographer was now up there as it should be, after all it seemed all other professions had to be licensed, why not us.
It was awhile, before I heard anything more on this subject, so I just waited for more updates.
It seems to me, that most of the time PP of A is keeping up with the latest information to keep the photographers informed of what is
out there for us, and what the general public reactions are to the professional photographer. When color film became available to
everyone, I really felt it should have been tested much more than it was, since possibly a lost generation is gone for us (in pictures).
Color is wonderful, but black and white work has to be kept in front of the public too. Because of Wedding Albums and Family
Plans that showed the black and white and sepia portraits, the generation today seems to want that look. I am all for that, because
there is still a place for black and white and oils today. Now comes along Digital Photography, which is wonderful too, we don’t
need to spray pictures (saves our lungs). Many more professional photographers are into Digital Equipment or looking into it. I
bought a Kodak 290 when it was around $ 770.00; it is serving the purpose for which I bought it; quick business black and white
glossies, or color. Overnight service, no larger than 8x10. I still use my Hasselblad for portrait work, and candids. My RB for
schoolwork, and portraits. I use the Lab for scanning my negatives, and than Digital retouching.
Digital is great for my vacation time, and family party time. I still like negative film for the main part of my business. But so many
of the photographers I know, want to buy into the Digital Equipment, sometimes I think they are looking at Digital as a new toy. I
keep taking courses in Photoshop, still would like to do some of the retouching myself, but my lab finally has a good hand on the
skills of digital retouching, this makes my job easier, so I can stay with taking the portraits, and the advertising in the business. A
speaker once said you aren’t making money in the darkroom, you should be out photographing. (I agree with that, even though I enjoy Photoshop).
Thanks for keeping alert on our copyright situation; what you have done has helped. K-Mart, Drug Stores are instructing their customers they need permission to copy photographers work. This is a plus for all professional photographers.
Another Plus, is PPof A having marketing courses available to the photographers.
The National Conventions have been a learning experience for me, especially the tradeshow. I have always come home with new
ways to use my equipment, or work new ideas into my photography. I certainly appreciate all the work that the goes into keeping
this association active for us professional photographers.
I am proud to be a member of PP of A.
Catharine G. Madison, Certified Professional Photographer, M. Photog. Cr.
I imagine you all have interesting stories to relate about your years in photography, I hope I haven’t bored you with mine and I
would certainly like to hear your stories; plea
Jimmy finished his chemo in July and has to go back for PET scan & chest x-ray in September to see how everything looks.
(Prayers are always appreciated).
Keith Lewis and Bill Knoepfel mothers both passed away this spring and summer; we sent cards planting a tree in their
names and received nice thank you notes from the family.
The photography professionals are hanging in there, but it is getting harder, much due to people unemployed deciding that
they can make money on the side shooting pictures etc. I understand that many are not collecting Sales Tax from their customers as
they are supposed too. I really think we have to look into who we are voting for this next election; are they the elected officers doing
us any favors, to me they are not working together. I always felt that if you were elected stand up for what the voters need and want.
I would like to get a petition signed stating we want the social security deduction that is taken from our paycheck, take away the top,
which is $106,000 now remove it and those people making over $106,000 in the same year continue paying thru the year and then
they could not put a scare into the young people saying social security is going to run out! Does that make sense to you? Those photographers getting close to retirement worry that the benefits will go down and that is a concern, but would it be if the government
continue collecting social security over and above the $106,000. Well I better get off my bandstand and maybe you will e-mail your
thoughts on social security.
Keep well and know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. A little thought to leave with you..
How come the people most despised by parents are invariably the ones most admired by
Love you all, Cathy Madison
Professional Photographers’ Association of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Fall Meeting, Trade Show & Print Competition
Sunday Thru Tuesday, October 2 thru October 4 , 2011
Days Inn Penn State
240 S. Pugh Street, State College, PA 16801
Make hotel reservations by September 23th by calling 814.238.8454
(Mention PA Professional Photographers for special rate)
Meeting is FREE to members in good standing of
Pennsylvania Professional Photographers’ Association (PPA of PA)
Attend the Meeting for ONLY $69.00 per person
PPA and Affiliate members attend for only $49.00 per person
Trade Show is FREE to all
(Additional Charge for CPP Program on Tuesday)
PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN so we can prepare an identification badge before your arrival.
Studio / Bus. Name:
Mailing Address:
City / State / ZIP:
Business Phone:
Email Address: _________________________________________________
Name of Affiliate Organization___________________________________
PERSONNEL ATTENDING Seminar and Meeting (Required for ID badge)
PLEASE list all who will be attending any event.
Name: ____________________________________ _____ _____
Name: ____________________________________ _____ _____
Name: ____________________________________ _____ _____
PPA of PA, 533 W. Main Street, Mount Pleasant, PA 15666
Phone: 724-610-5952 / Email:
Amount Paid: $____________
By Check: No.________ By Credit Card Authorization: __ VISA __ MC __ Discover
Card Number:________________________________ Expiration Date:_____________
Signature: ___________________________________
Professional Photographers’ Association of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Days Inn Penn State – State College, PA
Sunday – October 2, 2011
4:30 PM
PPA of PA Registration Desk Open ........................................................ Town Square Atrium
5:00 PM
TRADE SHOW OPEN………………………………………………………..Sylvan/Willow
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
8X10 PRINT COMPETITION – Delivery entry deadline .......................... Grove
DANA NORDLAND ................................................................................. Sylvan/Willow
“The Shadow Side”
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
8X10 PRINT COMPETITION………………………………………………..Grove
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Soda and Snack Break ............................................................................ Sylvan/Willow
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
DANA NORDLAND (cont’d) ................................................................... Sylvan/Willow
5:30 PM
10:00 PM –
Dinner on your own ..................................................................................
Hospitality ................................................................................................ President’s Suite
Monday – October 3, 2011
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Executive Board Meeting……………………………………………………
8:00 AM – 10 AM
Board of Governors Meeting………………………………………………..
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
PPA of PA Registration Desk Open ........................................................ Town Square Atrium
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
TRADE SHOW Open............................................................................... Sylvan / Centre
10:00 AM –11:00 AM
ATTORNEY JEFF FLEMING .................................................................. Sylvan/Willow
11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
MARY BETH KRATSAS…………………………………………………….Sylvan/Willow
“Have Camera, Will Travel”
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
General Membership Meeting (Recognition of Competition Winners)
12:15 PM – 1:30 PM
Lunch (on your own)
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
MARIA SAUSERMAN ............................................................................. Sylvan/Willow
"Increasing Your Profit Margin Significantly with a Baby Program"
3:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned – Please return your badge.
Tuesday – October 4, 2010
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
ART SUWANSANG ............................................................................... Sylvan
PA CPP Commission Sponsored Program - See Newsletter for details & Registration Form.
**Meeting rooms and schedule are subject to change.**