Our Warrior - Dr. Lee Sheldon


Our Warrior - Dr. Lee Sheldon
Lee N. Sheldon, DMD
2223 Sarno Road
Melbourne, Florida 32935
The Newsletter for the patients of Dr. Lee Sheldon
Lee N. Sheldon, DMD
Dental Implants-Periodontics
Dental Rehabilitation
Our Warrior
Lee N. Sheldon, DMD
Danyel and her husband, Bobby, participated in the St. Jude sponsored Warrior Dash
on February 2nd. As you can see, they were in the mud from head to toe. The Dash
covered a 3.34 mile course that included crawling through trenches, climbing over
walls, balancing on a narrow walk suspended above a muddy pool, maneuvering
an obstacle course, crossing a rope bridge and so much more. During one of the
obstacles, Danyel was required to pull herself up a steep frame and then slide down
the other side to
continue on her
Only one
problem, as she
was sliding down,
the rear end of her
pants got hung
up on the surface
and ripped wide open!! Danyel being the tough gal
she is, grabbed her husband, took his safety pins from
his number sign and used the ones from her sign and
pinned her britches back in place. She didn’t skip a
beat. She was a true warrior that day.
The Warrior Dash has raised $4,661,491.90 to date
for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Danyel
and her husband, Bobby, would like to thank patients,
doctors and family for their support of this cause.
2223 Sarno Road
Melbourne, Florida 32935
Email: info@SolidBite.com
(321) 259-9980
(877) 259-9980 toll free
(321) 259-9336 fax
Eleanor Sheldon
Business Manager
Danyel Joyner
Office Manager/IV Therapist
Rebecca Caudill
Perioscopy Hygienist
Kasey Klein
Periodontal Maintenance Hygienist
Laura Widener
New Patient Coordinator
Jennifer Ashley
Front Desk Manager
Courtenay Zambrano
Lead Dental Assistant/IV Therapist
Lisa Dunning
TMJ/Headache Assistant
Jenna Rhoades
Lead Surgical Assistant
Angelina Holland
Stephanie Wintercorn
Transcriptionist/Marketing Manager
March 2013
New Hope for Gum Recession
Dr. Lee Sheldon
We are reaching new advancements in regeneration of tissue.
As early as the early 1960’s, periodontists have been well aware of the advantages of
healthy gum tissue in withstanding the mechanical stresses that attack the teeth.
What do you mean healthy gums and unhealthy gums? This may require some looking
in the mirror, but this isn’t the first time I’ve asked you to put down this page and look
at your mouth. Here’s what to look for. Just adjacent to the tooth surface itself, you
should see whitish-pink or pink gum tissue. Put your finger on it. You’ll notice that this
tissue is firm and doesn’t move. Now look a little lower and just adjacent to that tissue,
you’ll see a redder tissue that is freely moveable and is connected to the inside of your
lip or the inside of your cheek. That is called the “mucosa.” You see the difference?
If you have a lot gum tissue around your teeth, you’re in great shape. But as we get
older, we lose more and more of that gum tissue and the result is mucosa around the
teeth. This is called “gum recession.” The roots of the tooth that are supposed to be
protected by the gum tissue are now exposed. Root sensitivity is one consequence.
The more devastating consequence is the erosion of the root surface. You’ll feel the
erosion as a cupped-out or grooved portion of the root at the gum line. If your fingernail
finds a depression in the root, you have erosion. That erosion worsens over time,
producing a weakness in the tooth, just the same as there would be weakness in a tree
if you started to chop it down with an ax. And if you have a denture that rests solely on
mucosa, your chance for denture soreness goes up enormously.
Matthew E. Sheldon, DMD
General Dentist
Jenifer Sheldon
Office Manager/Receptionist
for Dr. Matt
Angela Gonzalez
Dental Assistant for Dr. Matt
Traditionally, we’ve used the roof of the mouth as a surgical source of new gum tissue
to replace what has been lost. The next advancement in treatment utilized harvested
cadaver tissue to act as a scaffold upon which the body can grow new gum tissue.
The latest entry into the market, in limited release and not in general use quite yet, is a
living cell sheet called Gintuit. Gintuit is a laboratory-grown sheet of cultured cells and
collagen that is surgically placed in an area of weakened gum tissue. It contains the
cells and the natural tissue components that are missing from the gum tissue. Gintuit
acts as a signaling device to tell the body to place the correct gum tissue in the correct
place. So in a few weeks, Gintuit is gone and in its place is the correct gum tissue. I’ve
been impressed with the speed and comfort in healing as well as with the end result.
The company that manufactures this product, Organogenesis, also makes Apligraf,
a living cell product used to speed the healing of venous leg ulcers and diabetic foot
ulcers. Apligraf has been successfully used in over 500,000 applications. This is just
one of many examples of the crossover of one biotechnology breakthrough to another
Call or visit on-line today (321) 259-9980 • (877) 259-9980 • www.headacheflorida.com
Call or visit on-line today (321) 259-9980 • (877) 259-9980 • www.solidbites.com
Ask Dr. Sheldon
Absolute Abstraction Exhibition
By: Kasey Klein
Thank you Viera Pizza Gallery for showcasing three of my
paintings in your current exhibition “Absolute Abstraction” and
thank you to Jenifer Sheldon for mentioning this exhibit and
encouraging me to enter. The past few years I have enjoyed
creating in an abstract manner on canvas with acrylic paint.
Abstract views seem to open the observer to more of their own
interpretation and to deeper thoughts of perception. A friend
even said after looking at my newest painting “Metamorphic
Menagerie,” “I can’t take my eyes off this or stop staring at the
painting.” It’s so interesting and great that different emotions
and shapes come into view when looking at a single twodimensional painting. Even more so appealing that at a second
look you may see something else that didn’t express. Some
people have made mention of seeing animals in this painting,
faces, a close up view of butterfly wings and even my favorite
so far; Teeth. My inspiration for this painting was from a large
and beautiful Amethyst rock that was cut in its natural state. As
I talked about in the last newsletter, perception is something
we should all take the time to appreciate of one another. It may
create an endless array of possibilities you have never once imagined. Currently I am starting a new series
that I hope to share in the very near future. To be continued...
Beverly’s Success Story
Q: I have an existing lower denture and it is loose. Is there anything you can do to help stabilize it?
A: Yes. There is a way of utilizing the existing denture and placing two to four implants on the lower
arch. Snaps can then be placed in the existing lower denture and those snaps can snap directly to
the underlying implants. So essentially you can walk in with a denture that is loose, have implants
placed, and have the denture snap over the implants all in the same day. This has worked out very
well for our patients. This technology is applicable primarily for the lower denture. The only thing we
need to do is survey you and take a CT scan to see if you have sufficient bone for placement of the
dental implants.
Headache Relief
For our existing patients only, or for those who
are referred by existing patients, you can have
the full battery of TMJ, head, and neck evaluation
and determine whether TruDenta therapy may
be valuable for you. For the first 5 callers only,
you will receive that full examination which will
include a full therapy session at a cost of $50
donated to our Charitable Giving Campaign. For
more information call Jennifer at (321) 259-9980.
Success Story
Have you had treatment in our office? Would you
like to share your experience? We are happy to
announce our Success Story contest for 2013!
We will be taking entries throughout the year and
the best entry will receive a FREE Kindle Fire HD!
Just write or type your own Success Story and
submit it to our office. On the left is an example
of one of our top contenders, Beverly.
Ever since I was young, I was always afraid and nervous about
going to the dentist. Therefore, I would delay going, or didn’t
go at all.
Boy, have things changed now since I’ve been going to Dr.
Sheldon. Dr. Sheldon and his staff are so caring, always in
good spirits and definitely love their job! They are always
working hard to make you comfortable, at ease and give you
the very best care along with a great job.
I had five implants placed, sinus lift, bone grafts and tissue grafts
with ease. Dr. Sheldon’s work was to perfection and made my
visits easy and comfortable. Because of my experience at Dr.
Sheldon’s office, I no longer dread going in to have work done
on my teeth. I can’t thank Dr. Sheldon and his staff enough for what they have given me…perfect, gorgeous
teeth and a beautiful smile!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Oreo and Antonio - Cats of the Month
My name is Oreo, and my friend Antonio and I are very
sweet senior cats. Our owner went into the hospital and
can no longer care for us. We are between 7 and 10
years old. We are both declawed and neutered and like
to cuddle. I love to have my tummy rubbed and purr a
lot. We are looking for a forever home of our own. If
you are interested in adopting us please email our foster
mom Eleanor at catluvr51@hotmail.com or call the office.
She has other foster cats too.
Here is an example of one of our top contenders for the contest....
Call or visit on-line today (321) 259-9980 • (877) 259-9980 • www.solidbites.com
Call or visit on-line today (321) 259-9980 • (877) 259-9980 • www.solidbites.com