barbeque - Sheldon School


barbeque - Sheldon School
Sheldon Standard
Issue Number 305 - 6 June 2014
French Exchange 2014: L'échange du "Selfie"
In mid-May, Sheldon School once again returned to the Vendée region of France to continue our very successful
exchange programme. We were hosted by Collège Edouard Herriot in the town of La Roche sur Yon, where our
25 year 9 students and 17 year 8 students were based.
In a change to the traditional itinerary, we spent the first half-day at a
maze before heading into Nantes for some sightseeing and shopping.
On the Tuesday we tackled several fun language-based activities in
the beautiful town of La Rochelle. In one activity, students had to buy
a postcard and send it to Sheldon, along with a message in French.
The team that simply wrote "Je voudrais une pomme" should be
commended for their Magrittesque mystique. On the Wednesday
our partner school organised a carousel of interactive tasks with all
Sheldon students spending the rest of the day with a French partner.
Our final day was spent at the Puy du Fou medieval themed park:
the particularly scary Viking show gave many a spectator the crepes!
It was a huge pleasure to take our wonderful students on this trip. All were superbly behaved and willingly
took on the fabulous language, culture and food that characterise La Belle France. Chapeau à tout le monde!
Monsieur Urquhart, Madame Small et Monsieur Merriman
Sheldon Reptiles Named
The snakes and gekos housed in the Science Department have
been named, the names suggested by the tutor groups in years
7 and 8 were drawn out of a hat during reptile club .
Male (Corn snake) - Herobrine
Female ghost (Corn snake) - Dawn
Female red (Corn snake) - Noodles
Geko - female - Chubby
Geko Male - Diego
Much excitement also over the fact that both female
snakes have laid a clutch of eggs over the last two to
three weeks. The eggs can take up to 60 days to hatch and we will
keep you updated with their progress.
Help ... Unwanted Movie DVD’s required
Do you have any unwanted DVD or BluRay films that are no longer needed?
The school library would be really glad
to have these for general use and for
use in the Book and Film Club.
Any suitable unwanted films please
hand into the library or leave at
reception marked for the attention of
Miss Punter. Many thanks.
Every Thursday, rain
or shine. Tickets on
sale all week from
the refectory.
Hearing Aids Found
Two hearing aids have been found
in the sixth form study area a week
before the holiday. They were found
in a plastic zipped bag. They may have
been left after an evening meeting/
event in the Study Area.
If anyone owns these or knows
who they may belong to please ring
01249 766036 or e-mail cwakefield@
Record Year for May Mile!
The May Mile 2014 kicked off with the renowned warm-up to McFly's ‘Star Girl’ rehearsed and performed
by the Sheldon School Ambassadors followed by ‘Everything is Awesome’ from the Lego Movie and
Pharrell Williams’s tune ‘Happy’.
While Mr Douglas started each race with a klaxon as scheduled, the live bands were fantastic – James
(Devine) & Jamie produced some R&B and Mr Devine couldn’t resist his moment at the mic while Olly
Williams from Year 13 aka 'Elvis' played once more at the May Mile and kept the crowds happy with his
renditions of Elvis favourites.
The Marshalls were outstanding! Many compliments were written on the ‘May Mile Wall’ praising their
cheering, clapping and inspirational enthusiasm. These again were Sheldon School Ambassadors.
The teas, coffees and cakes manned by members of Learning Support together with the BBQ sold out
contributing £370 of the £1000 we were able to give to Youth Action Wiltshire this year.
It was a record year for the May Mile with over 300 runners and raising over £1000 for charity. Well Done
to everyone who helped in any way and especially to those who participated. THANK YOU!
Mrs Rucker
As I sit here with the rain running down the window, it seems another world away since we had the May Mile at Sheldon.
Blessed with glorious sunshine (for the first time in its history I believe) the event proved to be a huge success, more of
which you can read elsewhere in this edition. It was, nevertheless, a wonderful occasion, very well-supported by many of
the Sheldon community, including a number of our young sports ambassadors. Whilst not officially a ‘Sheldon’ event, it felt
very much like one and led by one of Sheldon’s own, Zoe Rucker, it ran very smoothly.
The miserable weather might be no bad thing for the hundreds of students who are immersed in their GCSE, AS and A level
examinations and judging by the smiles coming out of the Hall and other exam venues (in most cases), things seem to be
going reasonably well for them. The end is in sight for most and our Year 12s will be returning next week, ready to attack the
final year of their courses. For the Year 11s and 13s, however, there is a long stretch ahead before embarking on the next
stage of life and I hope that they will have much sunshine to enjoy. One of my messages to the Year 11s before leaving was
to practise ‘deferred gratification’ and to put off the treats temporarily for a later date; if they have followed this, they will
have a long summer ahead to savour, whatever the weather.
They will be eyeing the 14th and 21st August. For the rest of us, there is plenty to keep us occupied and relish in this last
period before the summer holidays: Arts Day, Languages Day, educational visits, plans for overseas expeditions, Open Days,
Turnaround, Olympic Day and Sports Day, and the list continues. All part of the Sheldon experience – a place where the sun
always shines, even if this is just metaphorically speaking at the moment.
Neil Spurdell Headteacher
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 pupils are back in school, having spent a week
discovering the ‘world of work’. They have sampled a
wide range of careers and related skills. Their learning
has spanned technical aspects and the interpersonal
skills needed to underpin their employability. The
programme started last October, with selections made
from an online data base of employers. Most of the
pupils chose local businesses although some travelled
as far as London for the week.
The feedback to me from the staff who visited the
pupils has been overwhelmingly positive. Pupils have
been carrying out tasks, more or less as an employee.
Many pupils have commented that they had developed
self -confidence over the week and were more aware
of the demands of full time employment. Interview
technique, working in a team, showing initiative
and problem solving have been some of the skills
demonstrated. The employer reports have started
to arrive and they make very pleasing reading, with
comments such as’ hard-working, a pleasure to work
with’ and ‘proactive’. I’d like to say a huge Thank You
to all the employers and everyone who supported the
work experience programme. Well done Year 10. You
have been a credit to yourselves and Sheldon School.
Mrs V Barnett
Ellis Bailey gained
work experience
with RFL
Congratulations to Calum Gingell year 9 who has been selected for the
Kayaking senior GB team and the junior GB team. Because of this he has been
automatically selected for the Junior European Championships in Banja Luka,
Bosnia and the Senior World Cup in Lofer, Austria due to be held in July.
Well done Calum and good luck in the next stages.
Rhian Sanderson
and Sophie Louise
spent a week at
Lucknam Park
Letters have been sent home regarding
renewal of locker hire. If your child
wishes to continue with locker hire
from September, please ensure that
you return the Locker Hire Agreement
(enclosed with the letter) with payment
as soon as possible. Online payment is
available via the sQuid website.
If, however, your child does not want to
continue with locker hire, please ensure
that you return the reply slip on the
bottom of the letter as soon as possible
and that your child empties his/her
locker and returns all keys to the Finance
Office by 18th July 2014 at the latest.
Deposit refunds will be available to
collect in September.
Get your Standard by e mail. Contact Terry Fediw at and a copy will be sent to you each time the
Standard is issued. Items for possible inclusion should also be sent to the same email address