Two New Species of the Genus Tachinus (Coleoptera


Two New Species of the Genus Tachinus (Coleoptera
Spec. Publ. Japan Coleopt. Soc., Osaka, (2): 145–150, May 20, 2008
Two New Species of the Genus Tachinus (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae) from Xizang, China
Li-Zhen LI, Mei-Jun ZHAO
Jia-Yao HU
Department of Biology, Shanghai Normal University,
100 Guilin Road, Shanghai, 200234 China
Abstract Two new species of the genus Tachinus collected from Xizang A. R. are
described under the names of Tachinus (Tachinus) taichii sp. nov. and T. (T.) xizangensis
sp. nov. Important distinguishing characters of the two species are illustrated.
In August of 2005, Mr. Liang TANG made a collecting trip of insects to Xizang A. R.
and obtained some staphylinid beetles. Of these, two species were found to be new to science and will be described in the following lines. The type specimens are deposited in the
Insect Collections of the Department of Biology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai,
This short paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Mr. Taichi SHIBATA (1927–
2007), who made great contributions to the coleopterology in Japan.
Tachinus (Tachinus) taichii sp. nov.
(Figs. 1, 3–9)
Male. Body (Fig. 1) medium in size, oval. Color dark brown or sometimes reddish
brown, shining; head black, reddish brown in anterior 1/3; mouthparts, 1st to 4th segments
of antennae, margins around pronotum, posterior margins of elytra, those of abdominal segments and legs reddish brown. Length: 5.0–6.5 mm (from front margin of head to anal
end); 3.5–4.1 mm (from front margin of head to elytral apices).
Head subtriangular, widest across eyes, 0.63 times as wide as pronotum. Surface very
Li-Zhen LI, Mei-Jun ZHAO, and Jia-Yao HU
sparsely and finely punctate, with dense and coarse microsculpture consisting mostly of
polygonal meshes. Eyes moderately large and convex; ocular seta very fine and short.
Antennae moderately long, reaching the posterior margin of pronotum; 1st to 4th segments
glabrous except for the presence of a few long setae, 5th to 11th densely pubescent; the relative length of each segment from base to apex: 16.0 : 10.0 : 10.0 : 7.0 : 10.0 : 9.0 : 9.5 :
9.5 : 9.0 : 9.0 : 15.0; 10th as long as wide. Maxillary palpus moderately long, with 4th segment 1.67 times as long as the 3rd.
Pronotum 0.69 times as long as wide, widest at basal third; anterior margin bisinuate;
lateral margins arcuate; posterior margin in middle part slightly produced behind; posterior
angles blunt. Surface with punctures and microsculpture similar to those on head.
Scutellum subtriangular, with microsculpture similar to that on pronotum.
Elytra in sutural length 1.50 times as long as the median length of pronotum, 0.91
times as long as wide; sides gradually broadened posteriad; conjoint apical margin slightly
emarginate at the middle; apical angles broadly rounded. Microsculpture similar to that on
pronotum; punctures coarser and denser than those on pronotum.
Abdomen subtriangular, narrowed from base to apex. Surface sparsely and evenly
Figs. 1–2. Adult habitus. — 1, Tachinus (Tachinus) taichii sp. nov.; 2, T. (T.) xizangensis sp. nov.
Two New Species of Tachinus from China
Figs. 3–9. Tachinus (Tachinus) taichii sp. nov. – 3, Male 8th tergite; 4, male 7th sternite; 5, male 8th sternite; 6,
aedeagus in lateral view; 7, aedeagus in ventral view; 8, female 8th tergite; 9, female 8th sternite.
pubescent and punctate; with dense microsculpture consisting of transverse wave lines.
Third to 4th tergites each with a pair of distinct pruinose spots near the middle. Eighth tergite (Fig. 3) 4-lobed; inner lobes much longer than outer lobes, separated with each other
by a subtriangulate emargination. Seventh sternite (Fig. 4) widely and shallowly emarginate at apical margin, with granulate zone sickle-shaped in form. Eighth sternite (Fig. 5)
robust; inner lobes curved ventrad; outer lobes very small. Aedeagus (Figs. 6 & 7) small;
parameres relatively short and almost straight, with apices slightly curved ventrad.
Legs moderately long; fore tarsal segments 1–4 dilated; relative lengths of hind tarsal
segments from base to apex: 9.0 : 9.0 : 6.0 : 4.0 : 19.0.
Female. Fore tarsal segments normal. Eighth tergite (Fig. 8) 4-lobed; inner lobes
much shorter than outer lobes, separated from each other by a deep V-shaped emargination.
Eighth sternite (Fig. 9) 6-lobed; inner lobes separated from each other by a shallow rounded
emargination, fimbriate apically. The other characters are similar to those of male.
Type series. Holotype: ♂, Dayandong, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,700–2,900 m,
13. VIII. 2005, Liang TANG leg. Paratypes: 20♂♂, 10♀♀, same data as the holotype; 5♂
♂, 9♀♀, Nage-Dayandong, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,900–3,300 m, 12. VIII. 2005,
Liang TANG leg.; 2♂♂, 1♀, Nage, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 3,000–3,500 m, 11. VIII.
2005, Liang TANG leg.; 1♀ , Dayandong-Nage, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,900–3,300
Li-Zhen LI, Mei-Jun ZHAO, and Jia-Yao HU
m, 28. VIII. 2005, Liang TANG leg.
The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of the Department of
Biology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Distribution. China (Xizang A. R.).
Remarks. This new species is similar to Tachinus luoi LI et ZHAO, 2005, also from
Xizang A. R., but can be separated from the latter by the following character states: inner
lobes of female 8th tergite distinctly shorter than outer lobes; inner lobes of female 8th sternite more shallowly separated from each other; parameres of aedeagus distinctly shorter
and almost straight in lateral view.
Etymology. This new species is dedicated to the late Mr. Taichi SHIBATA, who contributed to the clarification of the coleopteran fauna of Taiwan.
Tachinus (Tachinus) xizangensis sp. nov.
(Figs. 2, 10–16)
Male. Body (Fig. 2) large in size, oval. Color reddish brown, with 1st to 4th segments
of antennae, mouth parts, pronotum, posterior angles of elytra, and legs light reddish
brown. Length: 7.5–9.5 mm (from front margin of head to anal end); 5.1–6.1 mm (from
front margin of head to elytral apices).
Head subtriangular, widest across eyes, 0.60 times as wide as pronotum. Surface very
sparsely and finely punctate, with dense and coarse microsculpture consisting mostly of
transverse wave lines. Eyes moderately large and convex; ocular seta very fine and short.
Antennae moderately long, reaching the posterior margin of pronotum; 1st to 4th segments
glabrous except for a few long setae, 5th to 11th densely pubescent; relative length of each
segment from base to apex: 30.0 : 12.0 : 20.0 : 12.0 : 17.0 : 16.0 : 16.0 : 15.5 : 15.0 : 15.0 :
22.0; 10th as long as wide. Maxillary palpus moderately long, with 4th segment 2.20 times
as long as the 3rd.
Pronotum 0.68 times as long as wide, widest at basal third; anterior margin bisinuate;
lateral margins arcuate; posterior margin slightly produced backward in middle; posterior
angles blunt. Surface almost impunctate, with dense and coarse microsculpture consisting
of polygonal meshes; Scutellum subtriangular, with microsculpture similar to that on
Elytra in sutural length 1.53 times as long as the median length of pronotum, 0.89
times as long as wide; sides gradually broadened posteriad; conjoint apical margin slightly
emarginate at the middle; apical angles broadly rounded. Surface finely and sparsely punctate, with microsculpture similar to that on pronotum.
Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to apex. Surface sparsely and evenly pubescent and punctate; with dense microsculpture consisting of transverse wave lines. Third to
4th tergites each with a pair of distinct pruinose spots near the middle. Eighth tergite (Fig.
10) elongate, 4-lobed apically; inner lobes much longer than outer ones, separated from
Two New Species of Tachinus from China
Figs. 10–16. Tachinus (Tachinus) xizangensis sp. nov. — 10, Male 8th tergite; 11, male 7th sternite; 12, male 8th
sternite; 13, aedeagus in lateral view; 14, aedeagus in ventral view; 15, female 8th tergite; 16, female
8th sternite.
each other by a subtriangular emargination. Seventh sternite (Fig. 11) widely and deeply
emarginate posteriorly; apical margin in middle part almost transversely straight; granulate
zone subtriangular in shape. Eighth sternite (Fig. 12) narrow and elongate; inner lobes
straight and curved ventrad; outer lobes very small. Aedeagus (Figs. 13 & 14) elongate,
with parameres slightly curved ventrad in apical parts.
Legs moderately long; fore tarsal segments 1–4 dilated; relative lengths of hind tarsal
segments from base to apex: 14.0 : 16.0 : 12.0 : 10.0 : 30.0.
Female. Fore tarsal segments normal. Eighth tergite (Fig. 15) 5-lobed; inner lobe
slightly shorter than intermediate lobes, distinctly emarginate at apex; outer lobes small.
Li-Zhen LI, Mei-Jun ZHAO, and Jia-Yao HU
Eighth sternite (Fig. 16) with inner lobes fused with each other, slightly emarginate apically. The other characters are similar to those of male.
Type series. Holotype: ♂, Dayandong, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,700–2,900 m,
13. VIII. 2005, Liang TANG leg. Paratypes: 8♂♂, 5♀♀, same data as the holotype; 2♂♂,
4♀♀ , Nage-Dayandong, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,900–3,300 m, 12. VIII. 2005,
Liang TANG leg.; 1♂, Hanmi, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., 19. VIII. 2005, Liang TANG leg.; 3
♀♀, Dayandong-Nage, Motuo Co., Xizang A. R., alt. 2,200 m, 28. VIII. 2005, Liang TANG
Distribution. China (Xizang A. R.).
Remarks. This new species is similar to T. emeiensis ZHANG from Sichuan, but can be
separated from the latter by the following characters: emargination between inner lobes of
male 8th tergite much deeper; male 7th sternite with apical margin truncate in middle; male
8th sternite with inner lobes almost straight; both inner and outer lobes of female 8th tergite
much longer and narrower.
Etymology. The specific name is derived from the name of the type locality “Xizang”.
We would like to express our hearty thanks to Dr. Kiyoshi ANDO for critically reading
the manuscript, and to Mr. Liang TANG for giving us the opportunity to describe the new
要 約
李 利珍・趙 梅君・胡 佳耀:中国産マルクビハネカクシ属の2新種.— チベット
(Xizang)で採集されたマルクビハネカクシ属の2種を検討した結果, 未記載種であることが判
明したので,これを Tachinus (Tachinus) taichii, T. (T.) xizangensisと命名し記載した.
2種の内 T. taichii はアマチュア甲虫研究家として,日本の甲虫界に大きな業績を残され
L I , L.-Z. and M.-J. Z HAO , 2005. Two new species of the genus Tachinus (Coleoptera,
Staphylinidae) from Tibet, China. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, Matsuyama, 11:
ZHANG, YAN, L.-Z. LI & M.-J. ZHAO, 2003. A new species of the genus Tachinus from China
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 28: 110–112.