Callboard - The Theatre Association of New York State
Callboard - The Theatre Association of New York State
Callboard Theatre Association of New York State Inside This Issue: ... from the TANYS President........Cover Life Was A Cabaret, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!................ Page 2 BMI Supply, Inc. Design Competition, TANYS Raises Funds for BC/EFA ............... Page 3 Proud To Honor.................... Page 4 Who? What? Why? of Adjudications..................... Page 5 New for ESTA, Dr. Spencer Charles Watson Scholarship To Honor Ruth R. Legg..................... Page 6 TANYS To Train Adjudicators in 2014, The Ruth R. Legg Memorial Scholarship......... Page 7 2013 Festival Awards.......Pages 8 & 9 2013 BMI Awards............... Page 10 LP Graphics ad................... Page 11 Honor Individuals Or Organizations, National Theatre Ed. Conf., aactWorldFest 2014, TANYS Contacts.............. Page 12 TANYS Member Lending Library, Festival 2014, Spring Cleaning Time....... Page 13 Spotlighting TANYS Members, New Members, Levels....... Page 14 Membership Forms............. Page 15 Brockport Offers Scholarship........... ..................................Back Cover For more information ... visit us on the web at ... Volume XI Issue 1 Spring 2014 Greetings from the President of TANYS ... Welcome to the new year of live theatre in and around New York State! The Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS) continues to grow and expand our ways of reaching out to community, college and high school theatre groups across the state. If you haven’t already, please “like“ us on our new Facebook page and then check out all the great live theatre going on in your area and beyond. The TANYS website is also a great place to find out all about TANYS and the services we offer to our member companies, as well as individual members. To all our member companies and individual members- A big THANK YOU for continuing to support TANYS and all the work we do in connecting our theatre community in New York State. We just concluded our 2013 Theatre Festival in Auburn NY... A grand time was had by all. To see the results of the Festival, awards and photos, check our TANYS website at Congratulations to all the award winners and their companies. Along with excellent live theatre, the weekend was filled with fun activities, workshops, silent auctions and lots of theatre camaraderie. We hope you will all plan to be part of it in 2014, as will be returning to Auburn and the wonderful facilities at Cayuga Community College. As we enter into the New Year, I also enter the first year of my presidency. I am confident that the future of TANYS is bright and filled with many possibilities. YOUR TANYS Board of Trustees wants to hear from you! Join our email list, join as an individual member, check out our website and follow the links. The possibilities are endless! TANYS wants to be a resource that allows us to grow closer as a community committed to the advancement and growth of live theatre right here in our home state. Thank you again for your support. Let the conversations begin! Cynthia M. Appleton President, Theatre Association of New York State Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Lifedeveloping Was A Cabaretworked backstage, putting up and a character through im- Life was a Cabaret at the 2013 TANYS Festival, held at Cayuga Community College from November 22-24th, 2013. Returning to Auburn NY for the first time in over a decade, the Hilton Garden welcomed attendees from across the state and also played host to the Festival Banquet, which earned rave reviews from attendees for food, entertainment and venue. Perhaps the best part of the banquet were all of the spirited attendees who brought the festival theme “Life is a Cabaret” to life with feather boas, fishnet stockings and tailored vests. Guests in “Cabaret” themed apparel danced in the aisles while representatives from member companies crooned cabaret favorites from popular musicals like Chicago, Pal Joey and of course, Cabaret. Festival workshops earned top marks from participants as well. In “Copyright and Wrong”, Joel Lord explained the difference between copyright and music rights as they pertain to theater. In “Need it Now Fundraising”, Neil Jones shared tips on how to pull together a fundraiser on a limited budget and how to harness the power of social media and the internet to raise money quickly. And in “Improvolution”, James Cantu shared some tips on provisational exercises. We were thrilled that the workshops were so well attended and well-reviewed and hope to expand upon educational workshops at future festivals. Festival merchandise was also a big hit. Many thanks to David Grayson and the staff at LP Graphics for once again designing a magnificent logo for our Festival t-shirt, program and website. The design was sleek, featuring a top hat and cane – the perfect complement to our Cabaret theme! The back of the shirt featured each of the AMAZING productions selected to participate in Festival 2013; the perfect keepsake from one of the best festivals ever. Be sure to check out the website (and this edition of Callboard) for a full list of Festival participants and award winners. We share our thanks to our fantastic panel of adjudicators Steve Willis, Annette Procunier and Rose Bonczek. This year’s panel adjudication was enjoyed by festival goers who appreciated the productive dialogue and unique insights from each of the panel members. We are also so grateful to Cayuga Community College, Bob Frame and the technical crew who put in countless hours to ensure that the shows flowed seamlessly throughout the weekend. For those who have never Hear Ye, Hear Ye! WANTED- a Host site for the 56th Annual TANYS Festival! The Board of Trustees of TANYS would like to solicit proposals for a group who would be interested in hosting the Festival in 2015 and 2016. We have finished a very successful Festival in Auburn at Cayuga Community College and while the invitation to stay has been extended, the Board feels it is best to move the Festival to different parts of the state. Think about it- Hosting a TANYS Festival is a big endeavor but also very satisfactory to bring theatre lovers from throughout NY State to your “home”. We are requesting proposals now so that the new Festival Chair will have the opportunity (and requirement!) to work with the existing crew to get an idea striking ONE show in a weekend is no small feat. Our crew successfully put up nine productions over three days and for that we are truly grateful. Finally, we would be remiss if we did not thank our patrons, donors, volunteers and the Board of Trustees for all of their hard work in making this Festival a success. In a tough economy we were so fortunate to have so many generous individuals, theatre companies and organizations step up to help make our Festival run smoothly on a tight budget. As we close the curtain on another great year, we give a standing ovation to the Festival committee members who devoted so much of the year to planning this massive event. Thank you to the committee; most importantly Rob Sharman, VP of Festival and Ann Frame, Co-chair who are already planning the 2014 Festival. A dream team if ever there was one, poised to make the 2014 Festival even better than this past year. We hope to see you there. Carole Estabrook 2013 Festival Chair of all that is required of them. There are very specific needs that a site must meet in order to host the festival. This information is available on the website www. or by writing to TANYS, PO Box 428, Naples NY 14512 and requesting that a paper copy be mailed to you. While all proposals will be considered, TANYS would prefer to move East since we were in the western part of the state for five years in Batavia All applications will be due by June 1, 2014. The Board will render their decision and contact the winning group. The new site will be announced at the closing ceremony of the 2014 Festival. PAGE 2 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • BMI Supply, Inc. Design Competition ... Bob Frame I am in awe of the talent exhibited at the 2013 BMI Supply, Inc Design Competition and Exhibition. Each of the eight entries showed the excellent work done by the behind-the-scene technicians who bring our shows to life. The crowds at Festival were treated with 2 Costume design entries: one from Seneca Community Players (Guys and Dolls) and one from Troy Civic Theatre (Woman in Black); two scenic designs from Auburn Players (The Taming of the Shrew) and Navroz Dabu (Hamlet Cha Cha Cha), a Technical design entry from Rome Community Theater (Game Show), a Graphic Design from Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers (An Evening in the Black Box) a total production design entry from Harlequin Productions of CCC (Love in the Insecurity Zone) and the BMI’s first Sound Design entry from Troy Civic Theatre (Woman in Black). Elsewhere in the issue and on the TANYS website, you will see the winners but some very fine work was exhibited by all. Judge Karel Blakely from Lemoyne College again entertained the crowd as he passionately talked about each entry and if you missed his presentation you can go to the TANYS website and download the video! What a treat! I would be remiss if I did not again mention and thank BMI Supply, Inc. from Glens Falls, NY for their continued support. The late president of this company Robert Barber was an ardent champion of this Exhibition since its inception 5 years ago. TANYS is thrilled that his company has continued their support of this opportunity for Technicians to show off their work. As well as being a strong supporter of the arts, BMI is also are a great company who can handle any of your Theatrical needs. Support small business in NY and give them a call! Finally to all you techs out there: Thank you for sharing your fine work and start now preparing to display your best at Festival 2014 in Auburn! Professor Blakely TANYS Raises Funds for BC/EFA Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids offers healthcare, counseling, career training and essential financial support to thousands of entertainment professionals and their families. Through their services, the quality of life for many people with HIV and AIDS has improved. In support of their services, TANYS held a fundraiser during Festival 2013. Thanks to the generosity of many donators, $814 was collected and sent to BCEFA. The appreciation expressed in their thank you correspondence stated …”it does make a difference!”. If you wish to continue to make a difference, go to and find out how you can help. PAGE 3 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Rome Community Theater, Rome NY, received the TANYS Regional Service Award for 2013. Rome hosted the ESTA Festival in April 2013. Some of the finest live theatrical productions from the states of Delaware, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania were presented. Rome made sure all their t’s were crossed and their i’s were dotted, and it showed! It was a most successful ESTA Festival, thanks to the outstanding volunteers of Rome Community Theater under the leadership of John Parker and Arnie Galin. Eleanor Stearns of Geneva was honored with the Sherman C. Ward, Jr. Distinguished Volunteer Award. Ellie was nominated for her dedication to the Geneva Theatre Guild, as past president for over 6 years, producer of numerous shows, usher, ticket taker, donation solicitor, mentor, actor, and oh so much more for over 35 years! Ellie has… “devoted countless hours of her time to fostering theatre in our community”. TANYS is proud to honor Eleanor Stearns with the 2013 Sherman C. Ward, Jr. Distinguished Volunteer Award. Proud To Honor: Colleen Law-Tefft and Michael Tefft received the Fredric Blumberg Distinguished Volunteer Award for 2013. Colleen and Michael were nominated for their tireless and constant dedication to Sherburne MusicTheater Society since the two were high school students! They have volunteered as set crew, clerical aides, pit musicians, actors, directors, and promoters, members of the Board, PAGE 4 officers, and Colleen serving as the drama director for the SherburneEarlville High School Drama Club. One nomination salutes Colleen and Michael with… “their commitment to the success and growth of this organization has never diminished.” Congratulations to Colleen and Michael, two most deserving theatre lovers! Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Who? What? Why? of Adjudications The Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS) in an effort to better serve our member companies has expanded and redefined our adjudication services. It is our hope that these modifications will contribute to even more successful and fully realized theatrical experiences by both performers and audiences across New York State. Adjudication is an opportunity for your company to hear constructive and educational feedback about your production. In any production, we have our own ideas of how successful we have been in transmitting across the footlights what we wanted our audience to know and feel. But we have also become very close to that production and sometimes lose perspective or are faced with creative challenges that require additional support and guidance. Adjudication provides an outside eye that allows our productions to grow and achieve even greater levels of success. TANYS offers three types of adjudications: Rehearsal Adjudications, Technical Adjudications and Performance Adjudications. All three types of adjudications are intended to assist companies with any issues or concerns they may be having with their production while also providing a venue to recognize and compliment the work of all involved theatrical artists. Rehearsal Adjudication - This type of adjudication is available throughout the year and provides feedback to a production that is in the rehearsal process. The intent is to sit with the production director and their creative team, to respond to the work as it presents in whatever stage of rehearsal that the production is currently in. The adjudicator will provide feedback that the production team may use to effect this current production. Education, problem solving and working as theatrical colleagues will be the key approach used for this forum. It is recommended that a company consider this type of adjudication 1-2 weeks prior to opening. The company will decide who participates in this feedback session; however, the inclusion of the cast may need to be limited based on the director’s sense of the individual’s theatrical maturity and skill set. Performance Adjudication - This type of adjudication is available throughout the year and provides feedback to a production that is in the performance phase. The intent is to sit with the production director, their creative team and cast, to respond to the work as it presents during their performance run. The adjudicator will provide feedback that the involved individuals may use to effect and influence their work as theatrical practitioners in future productions. Education, exploration of various possible choices and working as theatrical colleagues will be the key approach used for this forum. A company may consider this type of adjudication anytime during their run. The company will decide who participates in this feedback session. Technical Adjudication - This type of adjudication is available throughout the year and provides objective feedback primarily on the technical elements of a performance. Technical Adjudications have two purposes: the first is to offer feedback on how well directorial and design decisions played, including exploring other design possibilities for future productions; secondly, the respondent will address specific techniques used in PAGE 5 the various production areas and offer suggestions on approaches and resources for future shows. The adjudicator can also review your current equipment and offer advice on possible ways to augment that equipment. Festival consideration may occur for either rehearsal or performance adjudications. Please note that there is no difference in the content of adjudication if the company asks for festival consideration. All forms of adjudication provide the involved participants with a thorough and complete review of all aspects of their production. Who participates in an adjudication/feedback session is a decision made by each individual company. Some prefer to have the adjudication for the director(s) only. Most companies invite the director, cast, and crew, and audience members. Your choice should be based on providing your company with the best and most comfortable growth experience. TANYS looks forward to continuing to serve all of our companies and their varied and expanding needs and requests. Please feel free to contact us at any time throughout the year with concerns or ideas for new or modified programs and services. Break-a-leg in 2014!!!!!! Dr. Spencer Charles Watson Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • New for ESTA ESTA has a new look and name - ESTA-Eastern States Theater Association, Inc. is the association's new name and its logo is a theatrical pentagon depicting the 5 states it represents. The logo was designed by Delaware's Representative David Sokolowski and New Y o r k State's Representative Sherman Ward. ESTA is the Member Regional Organization, Region II, of AACT. Its primary function is to hold an annual festival including productions from its member states, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. The District of Columbia is included in Delaware. On odd years, ESTA's festival selects a community theater production to compete in the AACT National Festival. Even years allows ESTA to be more lenient with its festival. It includes an original work competition for non-published plays performed within its district. This aspect of the festival has been very successful as it allows the audience to see new works and the p l a y - wright to be adjudicated in a theater-friendly setting. The 2014 Festival is being hosted by Pennsylvania. For more information about this year's festival, please contact one of your New York State representatives: •Frances Ruoff - •Neil Jones •Sherman Ward •Joan Luther, Vice President Scholarship To Honor Ruth R. Legg TANYS announces the Ruth R. Legg Memorial Scholarship to be given to a current high school senior who has been active in community theatre and is accepted as a Theatre major/ minor in a recognized college or university. This scholarship has been organized to honor Ruth and carry on her tradition of promoting students interested in theatre. Ruth was professor emeritus at Finger Lakes Community College, Canan- daigua for over 20 years. She was instrumental in the local arts efforts developing the theater and communications degree pro- With great sadness, we announce that December 1, 2013, Dr. Spencer Charles Watson passed away at his home. Spence was a TANYS adjudicator for many years, Festival Technical Director and an active member of the ESTA (Eastern States Theatre Association) Board. He was a poet, playwright, vintner and co-founder of the Thurmont Thespians in Sabillasville Maryland. He was a mentor to hundreds of young students anxious to learn the ropes as actor, director, playwright, sound technician and all that theatre has to offer. Spence and his wife Beth were always visible enjoying the TANYS Festivals and sharing their knowledge, humor and advice. Spence will be sadly missed. Memorial donations may be sent to Thurmont Thespians, 14826 Manahan Road, Sabillasville, Maryland 21780. grams at FLCC. She remained active at FLCC even after her retirement in 1996. She served on the TANYS Board since its inception in 1987, received the Mary Eva Duthie Award, and numerous awards while working with Geneva Theatre Guild, Geneva NY. Ruth was also involved with the founding of the Ontario County Arts Council as well as president of the Geneva Women’s Club and author of a political thriller, “Veils of Conspiracy”. Applicants will find further information and the application on the TANYS website or email Anyone wishing to contribute to the Ruth R. Legg Memorial Scholarship may send donations to: TANYS, Attn. RRLegg Scholarship, PO Box 428, Naples, NY 14512 PAGE 6 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • TANYS TO TRAIN ADJUDICATORS IN 2014 Frances Ruoff V.P Adjudication Services Do you truly mean it when you say that you love theatre and are committed to furthering community theatre. If so, now is the time to seriously consider becoming a TANYS Adjudicator. As more companies join and the requests for adjudications increases, training new adjudicators is a major goal for TANYS 2014. Consider the following: TANYS adjudicators should have at least five years of experience in theatre work and be knowledgeable about directing, acting and technical theatre. They need to be as comfortable speaking to a large group as they are to a small group. In addition: • You will need a car and be willing to drive over an hour each way • Adjudications are assigned by Paul Nelson to available adjudicators • Compensation is .14/mile plus tolls. The adjudicator receives $60 from the company being adjudicated. Meals and lodging are the adjudicator's responsibility. The 2014 Training will commence this summer, with trainees accompanying TANYS adjudicators to several venues, so they become familiar with the process. Trainees will be assigned chapters in our handbook for review. This will be followed with three days of discussions, observations and practice sessions at the 2014 TANYS Festival November 21 - 23, in Auburn, NY. Each trainee will be assigned a current adjudicator as a mentor to guide them through the process. This mentor is usually the adjudicator who takes them on post-training adjudication observations (with discussions afterward) and observes the trainee's first solo adjudication. Paul Nelson or Frances Ruoff will observe the final solo adjudication before a trainee is an official adjudicator. TANYS is the only statewide organization in the country to provide a comprehensive education program for its adjudicators. All trainees will receive a copy of the TANYS Adjudication Handbook. There is a $30 fee for the materials which must be paid prior to training. If interested, forward your resume and a letter of interest as to why you would like to be a TANYS adjudicator to Frances Ruoff or call 1-718-945-3362 The Ruth R. Legg Memorial Scholarship August 2012, Ruth R. Legg passed away. Ruth was TANYS past president, a driving force behind TANYS, ESTA, and AACT as well as Professor Emeritus of Theatre at FLCC, Canandaigua, a member of the Geneva Theatre Guild, an award winning director and an author. To honor and memorialize our good friend Ruth, TANYS has designed a scholarship in her name. This Scholarship award will be available for this year, 2014. Each applicant has a set of criteria and requirements to follow during the application process. Applicants for the 2014 scholarship award must meet the following eligibility: • be a New York State resident • be a current high school senior who has been active in community theatre and is accepted as a The- atre major/minor in a recognized college or university • be a current TANYS Individual Member or sponsored by a current TANYS Individual or Organizational Member Requirements include: • Sponsor must provide a letter of sponsorship/recommendation to include: o How long have you known the applicant? Relationship to applicant o Why do you endorse this applicant? o Why the applicant deserves to be awarded this scholarship? • Applicant must submit proof of acceptance or enrollment at said college or university. • Applicant must provide a current school transcript. • Applicant must submit a resume of their theatrical background, experience, activities, hobbies, and PAGE 7 awards (all pertaining to performing arts). • Applicant must provide an essay stating o Why they are deserving of this award? o What are their goals for the future in regards to this field of study? o What is the importance of educational theatre and community theatre? Application deadline is May 1st, 2014. The application form along with further information may be found on the TANYS website Festival 2013 Awards Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Adjudicator’s Production Awards: Best Long – Race, Limelight Productions Best Short 1st Place – Peace in Our Time, Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers Best Short 2nd Place – Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story, Everyone’s Theatre Company, Inc. 3rd Place Short Production – Mirror Bowl, Confetti Stage J. Richard Mahlstedt Direction Award – Cynthia Appleton, Peace in Our Time, Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers J. Richard Mahlstedt Direction Award Peace in Our Time- Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers Adjudicators’ Discretionary Awards: Outstanding Performance – Jane Bowman Jenkins as Dora Miller – Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner, Little Theatre of Watertown Outstanding Performance – David Woodworth as Jack Lawson – Race, Limelight Productions Outstanding Performance – Reuben Tapp as Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner - Little Theatre of Watertown Henry Brown – Race, Limelight Productions Outstanding Performance – Stanley Michael Janczak as Eric – Peace in Our Time, Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers Best Ensemble Work in Acting – Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story – Stephen Cena as Peter and Jared Lee Morgan as Jerry, Everyone’s Theatre Company, Inc. Best Ensemble Work Overall – Mirror Bowl, - Vivian Hwang as Being One, Matthew Side as Being Two, Confetti Stage Best Costumes – Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner, Little Theatre of Watertown Best Set and Scenic Design – Jeep, Sullivan County DramatJeep Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop ic Workshop Mirror Bowl- Confetti Stage PAGE 8 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Technical Director Award – Vincent – Rochester’s Black Sheep Theatre Technical Director Award – Mirror Bowl – Confetti Stage People’s Choice Awards Outstanding Performer – Stanley Michael Janczak as Eric – Peace in Our Time, Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers Outstanding Performer – Jared Lee Morgan as Jerry– Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story, Everyone’s Theatre Company Inc. Vincent Rochester's Black Sheep Theatre Edward Albee's The Zoo Story Everyone's Theatre Company, Inc. Outstanding Performer – David Woodworth as Jack Lawson – Race, Limelight Productions Outstanding Performer – Jane Bowman Jenkins, as Dora Miller – Those Crazy Ladies Race - Limelight Productions in the House on the Corner, Little Theatre of Watertown Best Production – Peace in Our Time, Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers. Verbatim - Hand to Mouth Players Women of History Harlequin Productions of CCC PAGE 9 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • 2013 BMI AWARDS Best Technical Design – for amazing camera work in Game Show to Michael Sharp of Rome Community Theater. Best Sound Design – for the rich tapestry of London Soundscape in The Woman in Black to John Harvey of Troy Civic Theatre. Best Costume Design - for a colorful, joyous and nostalgic production of Guys and Dolls to Kristen Lanphear of Seneca Community Players and Geneva Theatre Guild. Best Graphic Design - for a simple play and inspiring program design for An Evening in the Black Box to David Grayson and Cynthia Appleton of Wyoming County Bicentennial Singers. Best Set Design - for a simple idea that literally stood that famous play on its head for Hamlet, Cha, Cha, Cha to Navroz Dabu. Best Overall Design - to a show that presented a wacky vision of the future in Love in the Insecurity Zone to Robert John Andrusko, Scenic; Brad McLean, Lighting; Matthew Ryan Limerick, Costumes; Mark Romig, Video and Bob Frame, Director of Harlequin Productions of Cayuga Community College, Auburn. PAGE 10 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Save the Drama for the Stage... LP GRAPHICS | playing the part since 1980 Screen Printing shirts... Embroidery hats, jackets... Printing play bills, programs... Graphic Design logos, flyers... Custom Order bags, mugs... 1 Church St | LeRoy NY 14482 | 585.768.2201 PAGE 11 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Honor Individuals or Organizations Now is the time to be thinking about the Theatre Association of New York State’s Endowment Awards, available to TANYS members. The TANYS Endowment Fund was established to honor individuals and companies who have made significant contributions to the development of TANYS. Shirley Cockrell Community Theatre Excellence Award You may nominate a member company for the Shirley Cockrell Community Theatre Excellence Award. The TANYS member company would be one which you feel provides exemplary service to its community and aspires to maintain the highest level of artistic achievement. Fredric Blumberg Distinguished Volunteer Award The Fredric Blumberg Distinguished Volunteer Award is given to an individual under 65 who has faithfully provided significant and valuable service to community theatre for 15 years or more. Fred is a founder and the first president of TANYS. Sherman C. Ward Jr. Distinguished Volunteer Award The Sherman C. Ward, Jr. Distinguished Volunteer Award is given to an individual above the age of 65 who has faithfully provided significant and valuable service to community theatre for over 25 years. Sherman, a long time TANYS member and TANYS adjudicator, has served on the AACT Board as Region II Representative since 2002. Check out our website for more information and forms (www.tanys. org). Applications are due by September 30, but it’s never too early to start the process. TANYS Contacts President - Cynthia Appleton Librarian - Joan Luther Past President - Robert Frame framer@cayuga-cc-edu ESTA Representative Neilson Jones – Frances Ruoff – Sherman Ward – President Elect - Neilson Jones Secretary/Treasurer - Cynthia Nagle VP-Adjudication Services Frances Ruoff VP of Festival - Rob Sharman Webmaster - David Grayson Festival ’14 Chair - Ann Frame Administrative Secretary Deborah Allison TANYS Office PO Box 428 Naples New York 14512 (585)- 374-2356 Joan PAGE 12 National Theatre Educational Conferences Summer is the best time for theatre people to get away, learn new techniques, meet new people, network and enjoy hands-on workshops. AACT has planned educational and intensive workshops offering a large variety of topics including round table discussions, problem solving, and the chance for you to prioritize and suggest topics through pre-conference questionnaires. Technical Theatre Conference August 8-10, 2014 – Grand Rapids MI, hosted by Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Education Directors Conference August 22-23, 2014 – Tulsa, OK, hosted by Theatre Tulsa Artistic Directors Conference August 22-23, 2014 – Tulsa OK, hosted by Theatre Tulsa Visit for more details and registration information. aactWorldFest 2014 Think warm coastal breezes. Think sunshine and palm trees. Think Theatre! Plan now to see world class theatre at aactWorldFest, June 16-21, 2014 in Venice Florida USA! The American Association of Community Theatre invites you to attend and enjoy Afterglow parties, a multitude of workshops, and over a dozen quality productions. More information is available at Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Take Advantage of the TANYS Member Lending Library Looking for a script? Look no further than the TANYS Website. TANYS has over 1000 scripts and resource books in its lending library that any TANYS member may borrow. It’s easy and it’s FREE. Just email your request to or call 585 245 2341. If you have requests for scripts you would like to see added to our library, please let us know. We are adding to the library monthly and are interested in your ideas. This is one of the valuable services that the Theatre Association of New York State offers to its members. Festival 2014 “Much Ado About TANYS” Last November, Auburn New York hosted the annual TANYS Festival bringing together theatrical groups from around New York State. As we kick off 2014, Auburn is once again welcoming back New York State’s theater groups in order to perform and compete for the chance to advance to The Eastern States Theater Association (ESTA) and potentially move on to the American Association of Community Theater, (AACT). AACT offers the opportunity for local groups to show their talent in a national arena. However, in order to advance to Nationals, groups from New York must first perform and be chosen as the TANYS and then ESTA festival winners. The 2014 TANYS Festival will be held at Cayuga Community College on the weekend of November 21-23, 2014. The theme will be Much Ado About TANYS so be prepared to partake in Shakespearean love, loss and revelry. The Afterglow party held on Friday November 21 and the Saturday evening Banquet will be held at the Holiday Inn in Auburn. The Holiday Inn will also be supplying group rates and rooms for TANYS attendees. So be sure to brush up on your Shakespeare and prepare for TANYS 2014! Ann Frame, TANYS 2014 Festival Chair Corporate Sponsor Members LP Graphics, LeRoy NY - Platinum Level J & G unlimited, llc. - Doylestown PA – Basic Level SPRING CLEANING TIME! Weed out those no longer needed scripts. Pull those already viewed DVDs off the shelf. Gather the theatre resource books you haven’t looked at in years. While you’re cleaning – consider the old novels, mysteries, love stories – time to part with them. You already have them digitally saved. Grab the old recipe books, CDs, coffee table books. Start a box to donate to the Media Sale at TANYS Festival 2014. Bring them with you to the Festival in November or contact TANYS about your donations. Think of the space you’ll have once you’ve finished that part of spring cleaning! PAGE 13 Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • Spotlighting the 2014 Higher Level TANYS Members We extend our appreciation for your generosity and continued support of TANYS. Thank you to: Sherman and Ann Ward, Star Level Paul Nelson, Star Level Susanna Heins, Producer Level Higher Level Organizational Members: Angel Level The Little Theatre of Watertown, Watertown Troy Civic Theatre, Troy Olean Community Theatre, Olean Star Level Wellsville High School Drama Club, Wellsville Sand Lake Center for the Arts, Averill Park Limelight Productions of Rochester, Rochester Harlequin Productions of Cayuga Community College, Auburn Angelica Players, Angelica Acting Out Playhouse, Warwick Producer Level Auburn Players Community Theatre, Auburn TANYS welcome is excited to NEW member s: organization ey Fabius-Pomp ool, ch S Middle-High Syracuse ' Repertory A Roving ctors opake Ensemble, C Individual Membership Levels Current NYSTEA Member... $ 20.00 Student.............................. $ 20.00 Crew (Individual).................. $ 30.00 Cast .................................. $ 75.00 (Household-two adults & two children) Producer............................ $ 125.00 Star................................... $ 250.00 Angel..................... $ 500.00 and up Benefits Student/Crew/Cast • Voting privileges at TANYS Annual Meeting • Access to the TANYS Consultants listed in the Consultants and Worshop Presenters brochure • Access to TANYS Lending Library • Reduced registration fees to Festival, workshops and other TANYS sponsored events • CALLBOARD newsletter and other TANYS mailings • Discounts on admission to productions of participating companies • Opportunity to train as a TANYS adjudicator • Eligibility to serve on Board Committees • Opportunity to volunteer at Festival Producer All Student/Crew/Cast benefits, plus: • Recognition in Festival Program • Two Festival Performance Session Guest Passes Star All Student/Crew/Cast benefits, plus: • Recognition in Festival Program • Four Festival Performance Session Guest Passes • One free Festival Superpass Angel All Student/Crew/Cast benefits, plus: • Recognition in Festival Program • Six Festival Performance Session Guest Passes • Two free Festival Superpasses • One individual membership in the American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) PAGE 14 Organization Membership Levels Basic $ 50.00 pd. by 3/31 $60.00 pd. by 4/1- 6/30 Basic Basic $70.00 pd. after 7/1 Producer$100.00 Star $ 150.00 Angel $ 250.00 and up Basic - Benefits • Voting privileges at TANYS Annual Meeting • Eligibility for year round learning and Festival Adjudications • Eligibility for Roving Adjudication Merit Awards • Discounts on selected vendor products and hotel rates • Access to TANYS Consultants listed in the Consultants and Workshop Presenters brochure • Access to TANYS Lending Library • CALLBOARD newsletter and other TANYS mailings • Season/Event listing in CALLBOARD and on the TANYS website • Display space at Festival • Web page on TANYS website w/link • Access to Regional Representatives and State contacts • Opportunity to host Festival Producer - Benefits All Basic benefits, plus: • Recognition in CALLBOARD • Two Festival Performance Session Guest Passes Star - Benefits All Basic benefits, plus: • One free adjudication • Recognition in CALLBOARD, Festival Program and other TANYS Publications • Four Festival Performance Session Guest Passes Angel - Benefits All Basic benefits, plus: • Two free adjudications • Subscription to Stage Directions magazine • Recognition in CALLBOARD, Festival Programs, all TANYS Publications and Website • One free Festival Superpass • Six Festival Performance Session Guest Passes • Discounts for your Season Ticket holders on Festival Superpass and Performance Session Admissions Callboard - Volume XI • Issue 1 • Spring 2014 • TANYS membership year runs from January thru December. Renew NOW for 2014 & save TANYS the cost of sending you a renewal notice. ✓out the levels of membership and see what fits for you and/or your organization! TANYS MEMBERSHIP FORM Please print clearly INDIVIDUAL – January thru December Year________ For Office Name______________________________________ Phone (___)__________________ Use Mailing address ______________________________ County _____________________ Rcvd ______ City ______________________ St. _____ Zip _________ LEVEL (check one) Check # _____ E-mail __________________________________________ q Current NYSTEA member $20 Theatre Group Affiliation __________________________ q Student $20 ✓ Please consider adding a donation to TANYS’ q Crew (Individual) $30 q Cast (Household- 2 adult/2 children) $75 q Producer $125 q Star $250 q Angel $500 ongoing support of academic and community theatres in New York State. All donations are tax-deductible. Membership Amount ______________ Donation + ______________ TANYS, PO Box 428, Naples NY 14512 Mail to: Total Amount Enclosed _____________ TANYS MEMBERSHIP FORM Please print clearly ORGANIZATIONAL - January thru December Year ______ Organization________________________________________________________________ For Office Use Only Mailing Address _____________________ Contact Person ______________________ Rcvd City _______________ St. ___ Zip _____ Mailing Address ______________________ ______ Org. Phone (___)_____________________ City _______________ St___ Zip ________ Division: q Secondary q Community Email _______________________________ Check # q College q Children’s Contact Phone (___)___________________ Org. E-mail _________________________ LEVEL (check one) ______ Basic (if paid by 3/31) q $50 Website ____________________________ Basic (if paid between 4/1-6/30) q $60 q $100 If your company does not have its own website BasicProducer q $70 (if paid after 7/1) Star q $150 we will build you a web page on our site. q $100 E-mail; Producer q $150 Star q $250 & up Angel Mail to: TANYS, PO Box 428, Naples, NY 14512 Membership Amount ___________________ IMPORTANT -- Please allow 10-14 days for membership processing. PAGE 15