alaska - Crystal Creek Lodge
alaska - Crystal Creek Lodge
king salmon, alaska Alaska - a land of superlatives and grandeur. Bristol Bay- a region of abundance within Alaska. Crystal Creek Lodge - hosts of the Alaskan experience in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. Since 1988, we at Crystal Creek Lodge have set the standard of service and quality for guided fishing, bird hunting and lodging in Alaska. We are an award-winning Orvis Endorsed Lodge on the Naknek River, near King Salmon, Alaska and the center of the Bristol Bay region. We have always striven to give our guests the most comprehensive Alaskan vacation possible. It’s about the service, personal touches and details that create the vision, and complement the many years of experience to bring your dreams to life. Fishing 2-6 Bird Hunting 7-8 Adventures 9-10 Lodge 11-12 Dining 13 Location 14 It’s about the service, personal touches and details that create the vision, and complement the many years of experience to bring your dreams to life. Fishing The Bristol Bay region of Alaska offers undisputedly the greatest freshwater river and stream fishing of anywhere in the world. The rivers and streams of Bristol Bay receive runs of five species of Pacific Salmon that number in the tens of millions. In turn, the runs of salmon, through the sheer weight of biomass they bring inland to their spawning streams, support populations of Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Arctic Grayling and other resident sport fish. Bears, eagles and numerous other animals also benefit from the food chain created by the salmon, and the result is an ecosystem, a wild, balanced ecosystem of unique abundance. 2 Crystal Creek has developed a guided fishing program to share this abundance with you. Wade a stream to fish for wild, trophy Rainbow Trout one day, fish a river for salmon as they enter from the ocean the next. Wade a new stream to catch Dolly Varden and grayling on dry flies the day after that. Insert a day of bird hunting, in season, in between. Take the family animal watching at some point in the trip. Decide to walk and wade-fish for Rainbows every day. It’s your trip. It’s our job to deliver it seamlessly. Most rivers and streams are clear-flowing and gravel-bottomed, and are of a size easily wadeable. 3 The Rainbow Trout of Alaska are fish of legend. The Naknek River and streams of the surrounding Katmai National Park region offer the finest Rainbow Trout fishing in the world. Crystal Creek Lodge is on the Naknek River and very close to other famous rivers and streams of Katmai. Accordingly, Crystal Creek Lodges’ fishing program focuses on the pursuit of Rainbow Trout while walk-wade fly-fishing. Most rivers and streams fished are clear-flowing and gravel-bottomed, and are of a size easily wadeable. Alaska Rainbow Trout are wild, beautiful fish, full of spotting, color and character. Fish over 20 inches are very common to the region and can be expected to be caught daily, and fish over 30 inches will have a look at your fly at some point during your visit. The Alaska Rainbow is an animal that makes its living on the move, and are highly migratory as they travel through river systems and take advantage of available food sources. A life on the move makes the Alaska Rainbow a strong fish, one that leaps with abandon and tears line from reels. Big ones are hard to hold! Alaska Rainbow Trout are wild, beautiful fish, full of spotting, color and character. 4 While at Crystal Creek Lodge we will deliver you to a variety of rivers and streams within an 80-mile radius of the lodge. Flying in our DeHavilland Beaver aircraft makes for an exhilarating adventure as you fly through the hundreds of miles of National Park and Wildlife Refuge wilderness that surround us, on the way to your daily destinations. If, on the rare occasion, inclement weather prevents or delays flying, the world famous Naknek River, 5 a fishery rich in salmon runs and resident Rainbow Trout, and a fleet of boats is just out our front door. As an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Lodge since 1991, we proudly feature Orvis rods, reels and waders for complementary guest use. All flies and tackle are also included at no extra cost. We will deliver you to a variety of rivers and streams within an 80-mile radius of the lodge. 6 Bird Hunting The earliest waterfowl season in the United States opens in Alaska on September 1. The ponds and estuaries of the Alaska Peninsula comprise the first staging area for migratory waterfowl entering the Pacific Flyway. Waterfowl pursued are duck species of American Widgeon, Northern Pintail, Green Wing Teal, Mallard, Greater Scaup (Bluebill), and Gadwall as well as species of geese including Cackling Canada Goose and Pacific Brant. Shooting is done from hunting blinds over decoys, with two shooters and one guide in each blind. Competent guides do the calling and carefully supervise each hunting blind. Most days a retrieving dog is available and watching them work adds to the enjoyment of the hunt. Guns and ammunition are provided. We have 12 gauge pump or over/ under shotguns, steel shot ammunition, waders and camouflage clothing. Guests are welcome to bring their own guns and hunting gear. Birds in Alaska have yet to be hunted in early September and are not decoy shy. 7 We rotate hunters on several shooting areas — some are freshwater ponds, some are saltwater estuaries — resting these areas between hunts. New birds migrate into these ponds each day. Birds in Alaska have yet to be hunted in early September and are not decoy shy. Limits are generous. Crystal Creek Lodge offers the class act of guided Alaskan upland bird hunts. We have been guiding upland hunts since 1993 and have given extraordinary consideration toward the development of the hunting program. Hunters are provided with carefully researched, productive covers, experienced and competent guides, carefully trained pointing dogs of exceptional breeding, quality double guns and all other appropriate hunting equipment. Willow Ptarmigan are the game and they are prolific in Southwest Alaska. They are excellent sport for the wing shooter. Ptarmigan hunting season begins in southwest Alaska on August 10 of each year and goes through the end of the Crystal Creek Lodge season. All birds are wild. Seeing and flushing bird numbers into the hundreds is not unusual on any given day in the field. Alaskan upland hunts are conducted by one guide directing a maximum of two hunters. The country is big and the vistas extraordinary. Pointing dogs steady to wing and shot locate and hold game. We recommend that you bring your favorite double gun; otherwise a 12 or 20 gauge double gun can be provided. Appropriate ammunition is provided as are blaze orange strap vests. Participating hunters should be in good physical condition. Please inquire. Seeing and flushing bird numbers into the hundreds is not unusual on any given day in the field. 8 Adventure, nature and wild things While we are first and foremost a fishing lodge, we learned long ago there are guests who would like to take a break from fishing and see the myriad of natural wonders available in our area, or would like to share such experiences with their families. The Brown Bears of Katmai National Park are very close by, as are the natural wonders of Becharof National Wildlife Refuge. How about a trip down the Alaska Peninsula to see walrus? River rafting or kayaking in Katmai is available, as are trips to beach comb on the nearby Bering Sea coast. 9 The Brown Bears of Katmai National Park are very close by, as are the natural wonders of Becharof National Wildlife Refuge. 10 Lodge Crystal Creek Lodge is the quality standard of Alaskan fishing and hunting lodge accommodations. The experience is about the fishing yet if coming to a lodge, you might as well have the best. The main lodge is a beautiful 7,500 sq. ft. building made of massive scribed logs and river rock and overlooking the Naknek River. It is impeccably built, completely modern, warm, quaint and tastefully decorated. Lodge capacity is 14-16 guests: ten guests within 5 main lodge guest rooms and four guests in two private cabins. Private groups of up to 18 can be accommodated by prior request. It is impeccably built, completely modern, warm, quaint and tastefully decorated. 11 Amenities include a mud room with lockers and wader dryers, laundry service, a bar and game room, and two separate relaxation/ reading areas. There is a massage therapy room and a screened, outdoor hot tub. We do not have television by choice. Five guest rooms are within the main lodge, all have private baths. Four rooms have either two full-size beds or one queen and one full, and one room has a king sized bed. Two private cabins are also available. The cabins are made of massive logs and river rock to match the lodge. Within each cabin are two bedroom suites, each with a queen bed and private bath. Each cabin has a loft with two twin beds and a third bathroom. Each cabin has an indoor sitting area and a covered outdoor porch overlooking the Naknek River. The cabins are 75 feet from the main lodge and are connected by a boardwalk. The riverside hot tub is only 35 feet away. The cabins can be reserved at extra cost by gentlemen desiring private bedrooms or by families. 12 Dining Our food philosophy is simple and generous: we gather the highest quality ingredients available, then prepare and serve delicious meals. We feel the flavors of quality ingredients carry the meal better than heavy sauces. Foods from the land and of the seas surrounding Alaska are featured whenever possible. We buy fresh garden vegetables, herbs and potatoes from Alaska farms, as well as fresh Alaskan salmon, halibut, Black Cod, King and Dungeness Crab, Kachemak Bay oysters, Spot Shrimp and scallops. We also love land meats and feature beef, chicken and pork prepared in a variety of fashions and served alongside the seafood. Being at the apex of the Pacific Rim, we will feature Asian and West Coast culinary influences more often than those of continental Europe. Crystal Creek Lodge has a licensed bar stocked with a wide variety of domestic and imported beers and spirits. We have two delicious varieties of Alaskan microbrew beers on tap. We also appreciate wine and have a wine cellar. Featured is an extensive list of fine wines from around the world to complement the dinner menu. We gather the highest quality ingredients available, then prepare and serve delicious meals. 13 Barrow Point Barrow let ARCTIC OCEAN De as e In Peard Bay Point Franklin Cape Halkett Alaktak Harrison Bay Icy Cape T Camden Bay I C M ea P L A S N I R O NOATAK NATIONAL PRESERVE O Noa ta BAIRD CAPE KRUSENSTERN N.M. Cape Krusenstern Sheshalik C i rc l e Noorvik Imuruk Teller Basin KING IS. Koyukuk Tanana Norton Bay Nulato Poorman Unalakleet ive r n r ive aR tn A I N DENALI NAT. PRES. I L Riv er W K O ko k wim K Tikchik Lakes na Kuskokwim Bay Port Alsworth Nondalton Lake sh a Nu B HAGEMIESTER ISLAND AUL ND Kukaklek Lake Dillingham Togiak Bay Cape Newenham ag y ak Cape Constantine Bristol Bay PRIBILOF ISLANDS R Port Heiden L E Skilak Lake KENAI FJORDS N.P. CHUGACH N.F. Seward Blying Sound WR AN Nabesna WRANGELL- GE LL Mt. Blackburn pp 16523 ft. er Riv 4995 m er Chitina SAINT ELIAS NAT. PRES. MT NS . CANADA WRANGELL-SAINT ELIAS Kennicott M T McCarthy N S Chitina R NAT. PRES. iver Valdez . . Prince William Sound MONTAGUE ISLAND WRANGELL-SAINT ELIAS N.P. & PRES. CHUGACH N.F. Cordova Controller Bay KAYAK ISLAND Icy Cape TONGASS Cape Yukutat South Bay N.F. Ocean Cape GLACIER BAY NAT. PRES. Seldovia Cape Fairweather KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH N.H.P. Dyea Skagway Haines TONGASS N.F. GLACIER BAY N.P. Gustavus JUNEAU Naknek A N G Sh el N ik of St ra GULF OF ALASKA it Kodiak KODIAK ISLAND ANTARNI I ANIAKCHAK Chignik Bay H A C H U G Slana NAT. PRES. TUGIDAK ISLAND SUTWIK ISLAND ADMIRALTY TONGASS ISLAND CHICHAGOF N.F. ISLAND ADMIRALITY Angoon ISLAND Sitka N.M. Kake Cape Edgecumbe BARANOF ISLAND Petersburg KUPREANOF ISLAND KUIU ISLAND Cape Ommaney Ketchikan DE LA GO Pass PE ak CHIRIKOF ISLAND SHUMAGIN ISLANDS HI Un im RC Unalaska Stepovak Bay UNIMAK ISLAND MISTY FIORDS N.M. RA UNALASKA ISLAND AKUTAN ISLAND Hyder TONGASS N.F. PRINCE OF WALES Thorne Bay ISLAND AN Cold Bay Stikine River Wrangell TONGASS N.F. EX A T Palmer Tok AL Cape Rozhnof U A AUGUSTINE ISLAND Lake King SalmonLake Brooks KATMAI N.P. Becharof Lake ST. GEORGE ISLAND Sterling Soldotna Homer KATMAI NAT. PRES. Nonvianuk Lake Naknek Kuichak Bay o Co Tustumena Lake Iliamna Iliamna Lake Tazlina Lake Chugiak C Kenai E Paxson Anchorage let Spenard k In Clark Wood River Lakes Aleknagik Togiak N.P. E Pt. Douglas LAKE Little Lake Clark CLARK Ri ve r Gulkana Glennallen Talkeetna LAKE CLARK NAT. PRES. er Riv l ch at ra St Kipnuk er k Riv ga DENALI NAT. PRES. Tan an G Susitna River Wasilla er N K Mt. McKinley (Denali) 20320 ft. 6194 m Skwentna River A Ku s Riv Akiachak Kwethluk Napakiak Napaskiak Dall Lake it McKinley Park Kantishna Cantwell R A DENALI N.PA Summit S S U K Sto ne y Mu lin Cape Mendenhall Whitefish Lake Nus ha Eto NUNIVAK ISLAND Eagle Delta Junction Healy A Bethel Toksook Bay Central YUKON-CHARLEY RIVERS NAT. PRES. S M Iditarod St. Marys Nunavakpak Lake Tununak Circle . Fairbanks r ive T N U O M McGrath Ophir In Yuk on R oR ok Aniak Mekoryuk MTNS ITE Livengood College St. Michael Pilot Station Chevak r ve Ri Po Co Hooper Bay ATTHEW LAND R iv a Mountain Village Cape Romanzof WH r ive Galena No wi Pt. North Emmonak Alakanuk BERING SEA Chandalar Kaltag Stebbins Pastol Bay u nR ko Ruby Cape Denbigh STUART IS. Southeast Cape . Stevens Village Norton Sound Northeast Cape NS Fort Yukon ive r Council Nome ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND (U.S.) MT Wiseman Bettles GATES OF THE ARCTIC NAT. PRES. SEWARD PENINSULA Cape Darby OTT R Port Clarence Pt. Spencer Mt. Doonerak 7610 ft. 2320 m Inland Lake BERING LAND Taylor BRIDGE NAT. PRES. Cape Prince of Wales Arctic Village Anaktuvuk Pass ENDIC Selawik E G N A R GATES OF THE ARCTIC NAT. PRES. GATES OF THE ARCTIC N.P. Selawik Lake Goodhope Bay S k Ri ver . KOBUK VALLEY Ko Kiana N.P. bu Ambler k River d Shishmaref LITTLE DIOMEDE ISLAND NS K M O U N TA I N S er KotzeKotzebue bue Sou n Cape Espenberg MT ROMANZOF R iv er B Y RUSS IA UNIT ED ST ATES A rc t i c G ON DE L River Colville CANADA TES UNITED STA Point Hope Gordon Sagavan irktok Rive r Cape Lisburne . MTNS Demarcation Pt. Sagwon ee nje k ive r r cu pin e kR Prudhoe Bay Sh C Ut uk o R BEAUFORT SEA Prudhoe Bay Teshekpuk Lake A de Riv er CHUKCHI SEA Cape Chacon SANAK ISLANDS Location Crystal Creek Lodge is located on the Naknek River, 5 miles East of King Salmon and 285 miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. The Lodge is on the western edge of Katmai National Park, which is famous for freshwater fishing, wildlife and incredible scenery. The Naknek River is famed as one of Alaska’s finest trophy Rainbow Trout rivers. When traveling to Crystal Creek Lodge you must secure commercial Airfare from your home to King Salmon, Alaska (AKN), connecting through Anchorage. Getting to Crystal Creek is a relatively uncomplicated and we will assist you with planning the portion of travel between King Salmon and Anchorage. The details of booking flights in and out of King Salmon will be provided when you make a reservation. We will meet you at the King Salmon Airport and provide transportation to the Lodge. We’d like to thank the photographers who contributed to our brochure: Cover, Terry Gunn; Page 1, man on walkway by Brian Grossenbacher, lodge by Fred Hirschmann, man on shore by Jeff Schultz; Pages 2,3,4,5,6, all photos by Brian Grossenbacher; Page 7, dog by Brian Grossenbacher, woman shooter by Jeff Schultz; Page 8, flying ptarmigan and man holding ptarmigan by George Conrad, pointer by Jeff Schultz; Page 9, fox and walrus by Fred Hirschmann, bears and glass balls by Jeff Schultz; Page 10, plane with men and bear by Brian Grossenbacher, caribou by George Conrad; Page 11, lodge with planes by Jeff Schultz, lobby with women by Fred Hirschmann; Page 12, bed room by Fred Hirschmann, all other photos by Jeff Schultz; Page 13, servers at dining room table by Fred Hirschmann, all other photos by Jeff Schultz; Page 14, aircraft at airport by Jeff Schultz. 14 Dan Michels, Pilot/Guide/Owner/ General Manager I began at Crystal Creek Lodge as a guide in 1988, literally helped build the lodge and its field programs from scratch, bought it several years later and have personally managed it since. I have flown several thousand hours across all ends of the Bristol Bay region and across Alaska, constantly observing while guiding guests to fishing, hunting and adventure. This is my life’s work. The staff and I look forward to sharing our love of Alaska and the benefit of our experience with you. We at Crystal Creek Lodge seek to satisfy your dreams and inspire your life. We invite you to join us for an unforgettable experience. king salmon, alaska Reservation Office: P.O. Box 872729 • Wasilla, AK 99687 Phone: (907) 357-3153 Fax: (907) 357-1946