Join the fiesta! - Fiestas Patrias


Join the fiesta! - Fiestas Patrias
2015 Sponsorship opportunities
South Park – Saturday, September 19
Seattle Center – Saturday & Sunday, September 19-20
Coordinated by Sea Mar Community Health Centers for two decades, Fiestas Patrias is a two-day cultural festival
celebrating the richness of Latin American cultures and traditions, highlighting local and well-known artists, crafts,
music, dance and food!
Join the fiesta!
Sponsor Fiestas Patrias:
Each sponsorship level uniquely connects you with diverse communities and like-minded organizations in the
greater Seattle area. Fiestas Patrias is attended by a diverse cross-section of the Puget Sound community.
Two days of events at locations throughout Seattle
Center attract an estimated 18,000 attendees.
The South Park Community parade
draws an estimated 1,000 spectators.
15,000 event programs distributed to
60+ locations throughout the region.
El Rey 1360 AM is Puget Sound’s leading Spanish radio station,
promoting event sponsors and reaching 70,000+ listeners daily.
For more information, visit:
2015 Sponsorship opportunities
September 19-20, 2015
To register as a Fiestas Patrias Sponsor, please fill out the form below.
Deadline to receive full sponsorship benefits: August 20, 2015.
Sponsorship Levels
Fiestas Premiere Sponsor $10,000+
Main Stage Sponsor $5,000
Opening & closing ceremony acknowledgements
10 event recognitions per day
One large main stage banner
45 60-second radio spots on El Rey 1360 AM
One premier booth, 8x10ft at Seattle Center (9/12-13)
Full-page program ad, 10x9.25in (must be received by August 20, 2015)
4 Parking passes for Seattle Center (9/12-13)
8 event recognitions per day
One large main stage banner
35 60-second radio spots on El Rey 1360 AM
One standard booth, 8x10ft at Seattle Center (9/12-13)
½-page program ad, 10x4.625in
2 Parking passes for Seattle Center (9/12-13)
Heritage Sponsor $2,500
Community Sponsor $1,500
6 event recognitions per day
One medium banner
20 60-second radio spots on El Rey 1360 AM
One standard booth, 8x10ft at Seattle Center (9/12-13)
⅓-Page program ad, 3.2x9.25in (must be received by August 20, 2015)
1 Parking pass for Seattle Center (9/12-13)
3 event recognitions per day
One small banner
15 60-second radio spots on El Rey 1360 AM
One standard booth, 8x10ft at Seattle Center (9/12-13)
⅙-Page program ad, 3.2x4.625in (must be received by August 20, 2015)
Parade Sponsor $750
Program Sponsor
• Recognition during parade
• One standard booth at South Park events following parade (9/12)
• ⅙-Page program ad, 3.2x4.625in (must be received by August 20, 2015)
• Place an ad in our colorful printed event program! 15,000
copies distributed to 60+ locations throughout the Puget
Sound region. Includes your logo on event website.
(must be received by August 20, 2015)
Full-page print ad (10x9.25) $950
½-page print ad (10x4.625) $700
⅓-page print ad (3.2x9.25) $500
⅙-page print ad (3.2x4.625) $350
Other Donation: $
Contact Information
Sponsoring Organization (as it should appear in listings)
Company Website URL
Mailing Address
Contact Name
Payment Information
Amount pledged:
Please make checks payable to:
Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Name on Card:
Card Number:
Event Info:
Saturday, September 19, 2015
South Park Neighborhood
Seattle, WA 98108
Billing Zip Code:
Questions? / Submit form to:
Saturday & Sunday, September 19-20, 2015
Seattle Center
305 Harrison St
Seattle, WA 98109
Jess Main -
To send by mail:
Sea Mar Community Health Centers | Attn: Jess Main
1040 S Henderson St | Seattle, WA 98108
P 206-763-5277 | F 206-788-3204 |